My Hero Defenderman Chapter1: One Dull Night “There they go again.” Enderman and Slime stood on the grassy hill watching their zombie friends chase the players across the field. It was just another moonlit night. Slime turned to Enderman. “Should we join them?” “You can if you want to,” replied Enderman. “Ok. I’ll meet up with you later then.” Slime bounced off to join the chase. Enderman sighed. He just didn’t feel like chasing the players around. It’s the same thing every night. As soon as the sun goes down, all the monsters emerge and hunt down the players unfortunate enough to be caught outside at such a late hour. Enderman knew this was their job as enemies in the game, but he couldn’t help but have this feeling. “Now what was the word for it?” Enderman asked himself, tapping his chin. His violet eyes lit up. “Boring! That’s it! I’m bored,” he paused, “Now what can I do about it? Nothing.”

My Hero Defenderman - Amazon S3€¦ · My Hero Defenderman Chapter1: One Dull Night “There they go again.” Enderman and Slime stood on the grassy hill watching their zombie friends

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Page 1: My Hero Defenderman - Amazon S3€¦ · My Hero Defenderman Chapter1: One Dull Night “There they go again.” Enderman and Slime stood on the grassy hill watching their zombie friends

My Hero Defenderman

Chapter1: One Dull Night

“There they go again.”

Enderman and Slime stood on the grassy hill watching their zombie friends chase the

players across the field. It was just another moonlit night. Slime turned to Enderman.

“Should we join them?”

“You can if you want to,” replied Enderman.

“Ok. I’ll meet up with you later then.” Slime bounced off to join the chase.

Enderman sighed. He just didn’t feel like chasing the players around. It’s the same thing

every night. As soon as the sun goes down, all the monsters emerge and hunt down the players

unfortunate enough to be caught outside at such a late hour. Enderman knew this was their job

as enemies in the game, but he couldn’t help but have this feeling.

“Now what was the word for it?” Enderman asked himself, tapping his chin. His violet

eyes lit up.

“Boring! That’s it! I’m bored,” he paused, “Now what can I do about it? Nothing.”

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Enderman’s shoulders slumped. He didn’t like feeling bored. He watched his friends

endlessly pursue the players and wondered how they can do the same thing every night.

Weren’t they bored too? Apparently not. Enderman continued to observe his comrades. The

zombies had one player surrounded. It was obvious he was a newbie, since he was trying to

defend himself with a block of wood. Right when the zombies began to close in, another player

stepped. This player was clad in diamond armor and made short work of the zombies with a

few swings of an enchanted sword. The newbie thanked the player immensely as they both

retreated to the safety of their home.

Enderman’s eyes sparkled with admiration. That player was a real knight in shining

armor. A true hero. Then, the realization hit him.

“That’s what I want to be! A hero! No wonder I’m so bored of being the bad guy. It just

isn’t for me!”

Enderman stood up with renewed energy. “Ok! From now on, I’m one of the good guys.

I’ll fight for justice and save people. But first, I need a new identity. Hmm. Heroes usually have

costumes right? I should start with that first.”

Enderman teleported beside the players’ house. He peered in through the glass window.

The armored player was showing the newbie how to craft. Boy that looks a little complicated,

Enderman thought, I doubt I can make an entire outfit. That newbie has more experience than I

do at this sort of thing. Maybe I can just make one part of a costume. The cape seems simple

enough. I’ll just make that.

Enderman waited until the players retired to their beds, and quietly teleported himself

inside. He crept over to their wooden chest that opened with a loud creak. Enderman cringed at

the sound and spun around to see if it had woken up the two players. He let out a sigh of relief

when he saw the players still sleeping soundly. Inside the chest were a few blocks of wool and

red dye. Enderman snatched them and made his way to the crafting table. He placed the

materials on the board. Nothing seemed to happen.

“Are they supposed to be placed a certain way?” Enderman whispered to himself.

“Maybe like this?” He switched the blocks around. “No? Then how about this?” He rearranged

the blocks again. “Still nothing? Sheesh, how do the players always remember exactly what

goes where? This is confusing. Ugh let me try again.” Enderman organized the blocks into one

big rectangle, and suddenly a small cape appeared on the right side of the board.

“That’s it! Yes!” Enderman exclaimed but hastily covered his mouth. Luckily the players

were still fast asleep. Through the window, Enderman could see the sun creeping over the

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horizon. He knew it was time to leave this place and go home. He grabbed his brand new cape

and teleported back to The End.

Enderman began to model the cape inside the cave of end stone that was his home. It

was a very simple red cape, but Enderman didn’t mind. He felt it suited him since it was made

by his hands.

“All right. The next thing I need is a new name,” said Enderman.

“Why would you need a new name?”

Enderman turned towards the entrance of his cave. Another enderman was eyeing him


“Oh hey Frienderman. Come on in.”

Frienderman entered the cave cautiously. “What’s with the cape?” he asked.

“Do you like it?” Enderman beamed. “I’m going to become a hero and everyone knows

you need a costume to be a hero.”

“A hero? Seriously? I don’t know if you’ve noticed but we aren’t exactly the good guys


“I know that!” Enderman pouted. “And I don’t like it. I want to be a good guy who fights

for justice and saves the lives of the innocent.”

Frienderman raised an eyebrow. “And just who are these innocents?”

“The players, of course! Every night they get attacked by all of us when they haven’t

done anything to deserve it.”

“I don’t know about that. I don’t think they’re that innocent, but whatever.”

Frienderman folded his arms. “How’d you make that cape anyway?”

“Oh I um, borrowed some player’s stuff and used their crafting table,” Enderman said


“So you basically stole their stuff? That’s not very hero like.”

“I know, I know. But it was a one-time thing, ok?”

Frienderman sighed. “Listen, I’m going to be honest with you. I just don’t think you’re

meant to be a hero. I mean, I’m not going to stop you, but this doesn’t feel right to me.”

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“I know you mean well, Frienderman, but I’m just so tired of being the bad guy. It’s a

thankless job and I don’t want to do it anymore,” said Enderman.

“I hear you. Like I said, I’m not going to stop you. Just be careful ok?”

Enderman nodded.

“I guess I’ll take my leave then,” Frienderman walked towards the door. “Oh one more

thing. For a name, I was thinking something like Defenderman. That seems pretty heroic

doesn’t it?”

“You know, it really does,” replied Enderman startled by his friend’s suggestion.

Frienderman nodded and left the cave.

“The great hero, Defenderman,” Enderman mused. “That’s so me.”

Chapter2: Deadly Dancing

Enderman teleported himself back to the main world. He stood upon the usual hill as

the sun was setting. He had to admit he was nervous. This would be his very first heroic deed

and he did not want to mess it up. He scanned the area, looking for any sign of distressed

players. Enderman could just make out the newbie and the armored player from the night

before. They were doing a much better job at defeating the incoming zombies this time around.

“I guess they don’t need any help,” Enderman muttered. He continued to survey his

surroundings. Seeing that there was no other players he could assist, enderman thought about

checking another area, when a familiar noise caught his attention. Click click click click pop. Click

click click click pop.

“Is that somebody mining?” Enderman wondered. He quickly checked all around him,

but couldn’t see any signs of the miner. Enderman composed himself and listened carefully to

determine the location of the sound. He knew the player had to be somewhere around the

mountain whose base held his favorite watching hill. Enderman focused. The clicking seemed to

be coming from above him. Enderman looked up and could just barely make out the outline of

a player mining dangerously close to the mountain’s edge.

“That looks like trouble waiting to happen. I better go make sure he’s ok!”

Enderman hastily put on his cape and teleported to the mountain’s edge. He

approached the player and posed with his hands on his hips.

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“Excuse me, citizen? You seem to be in a dangerous situation. Do you acquire

assistance?” asked Enderman in his best super hero voice.

The player continued mining without even so much as a glance at Enderman.

Did he not hear me? thought Enderman. I’ll try again.

“Um, sir?” Enderman called out.

The miner collected all his blocks and turned towards Enderman. He immediately froze

when he saw the tall black creature.

“I am the great hero, Defenderman! If you’re ever in trouble, I will be there to help

you!” said Enderman, proudly.

Enderman waited for the player’s reaction, but he said nothing. He wouldn’t even look

Enderman in the eye. Staring at his feet, the player began to back away slowly. Enderman

noticed he was getting closer and closer to the mountain’s edge.

“Hey, um, you’re about to fall off there,” said Enderman.

He began to reach out to the player. The player jumped away from his hand and

proceeded to fall off the mountain. Enderman’s eyes widened in horror.

“Oh no, I have to save him!”

Enderman jumped off the cliff after the falling player. He pressed his arms and legs

together so that he would fall faster to catch up. Enderman put all of his strength into reaching

the player. As soon as he was able to touch the player’s foot, Enderman teleported himself and

the player to safety just as they were about to hit the dirt below. Enderman opened his eyes to

see that he had teleported to a cave entrance. He noticed the player, now unconscious from

the shock of falling, in his arms and knew what he had done.

“Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh! I did it! I actually saved him! Aw yeah. Who’s the

hero? I am! Defenderman!”

Enderman was so thrilled with his first heroic deed that he began to do the official

Enderman victory dance. He flailed his arms and legs while teleporting around in short

distances. Unfortunately he forgot he was still holding the player and while teleporting around

the cave, Enderman’s grip slipped and the player fell into a nearby lava pool. Enderman

stopped his dance to see the player sinking in the hot magma.

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“What’s he doing? Is he trying to swim in that? He’s pretty good at it. Look at him diving

down in it. What a champ!” Enderman admired. “I gotta get back home and tell Frienderman

about my first day as a hero.”

Enderman made his way back to The End. He immediately picked out Frienderman from

the crowd. He was sitting on a little outcrop watching the ever-present dragon overhead.

“Hey! Frienderman,” Enderman waved emphatically.

Frienderman peered over his shoulder. “Hey. How’s it going?”

“Guess what? I saved my first player today!” said Enderman while running over to

Frienderman’s outcrop.

Frienderman raised his eyebrows. “Oh really? How’d that turn out?”

“It was great. This player was mining on the edge of the mountain, completely oblivious

to how dangerous that was. So I went up there to warn him and he ended up falling off the

mountain anyway. I swooped down after him and teleported him to safety,” Enderman

explained proudly.

“That’s actually kind of impressive. What happened then?” asked Frienderman.

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“Oh, well, naturally I had to do the Enderman dance of victory. But listen to this! As I

was doing that, the player dove into the lava and was swimming around in it. I’ve never seen

anyone do that before. It was so cool! I might have to try lava swimming for myself.”

Frienderman’s face immediately fell into a frown. Enderman cocked his head. “What’s


“You do know lava is dangerous, right? Like, it’s really hot? And hurts people?”

Enderman furrowed his brow. “I don’t follow you.”

Frienderman face palmed. “That player wasn’t swimming, dude. He was drowning in a

1000 degree liquid.”

Enderman stared slack jawed at Frienderman, trying to piece together what he had just

said. “So I didn’t save the player?”

Frienderman shook his head no.

“Oh come on! I was so close!” Enderman kicked a nearby block in frustration.

“Like I said, you might not be cut out for the hero thing,” said Frienderman.

“I’m not giving up! It was my first time! Nobody gets things right on the first time. I’ll

just try something else. Maybe a little smaller scope,” replied Enderman with confidence.

Frienderman sighed. “Just don’t hurt yourself ok?”

“Yeah, yeah. I won’t,” said Enderman as he hastily teleported back to the main world.

Chapter3: Housing Situation

Enderman made his way up to his usual hill and began to scan the area. This time he

focused on the nearby player community. There were six wooden houses connected by a

cobblestone path.

“Not very creative, I see,” mumbled Enderman.

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As Enderman observed the community, he could see players bustling about around the

far edge of their village. Upon closer inspection, it seemed that the players were in the process

of building another house. Seems simple enough, thought Enderman, maybe I can help with

that. Enderman threw on his cape and proceeded towards the community. He approached the

building site and stood before the players. He puffed out his chest and greeted them

dramatically as any hero would do.

“Good day citizens! I see you are building a new house. As a defender of all that is good,

I Defenderman, will oversee the construction and make sure none are hurt during its course. Is

this acceptable?”

The players glanced at each other briefly. Keeping their eyes to the ground the turned

away from Enderman and continued to work on their house.

“I will take your collective silence as a yes,” said Enderman.

Enderman walked over to the building site. The players had already started building the

frame of the house with oak wood blocks. Enderman eyed the four supporting pillars of wood.

He counted that each pillar was five blocks high. He watched a player who was standing on one

of the pillars, place a sixth block and jump off. He watched the players retreat into the woods

leaving Enderman alone with the frame. Enderman turned his gaze back to the sixth block.

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“If this is going to be the framework, then that sixth block is going to mess it up. If they

tried to put a roof on it, it would be all crooked. Didn’t they think of this? Or are they that

dumb? Seriously, for all the building these players do, you think they would understand basic

structures. Well, it’s my job as a hero to make things right.”

Enderman teleported to the top of the frame and picked up the sixth block. He hopped

off the unfinished house just as the players were returning from the woods. They noticed the

block in Enderman’s hands and froze. Enderman looked at the players, then at the block, and

back to the players.

“Fear not my good people. This block was a hindrance to the construction of your home.

Your house is now structurally sound. No need to thank me,” Enderman beamed.

The player who placed the sixth block began to speak. Enderman could not tell what he

was saying but he knew that the player was angry. The player unsheathed his iron sword and

the rest of the players followed suit. They all approached Enderman in a circle. What are they

doing with those swords? Enderman thought. Isn’t this what they do when they knight

someone? Oh my gosh, are they acknowledging me as their knight? That’s like, the same thing

as a hero! Oh this is so cool! Enderman knelt to the ground and awaited his praise.

A sharp whack snapped Enderman out of his fantasy. It took a few more whacks from

the iron sword for Enderman to realize that he was not in fact, being knighted, but instead was

being attacked.

“Ow! Hey! W-wait a minute! I was just trying to- Ow-help out!” Enderman tried to

explain, but the players kept smacking them with their swords. Enderman dropped the block

and fell to the ground. The players’ ceased their attack. One player grabbed the block and they

all returned to their building site. Enderman watched them walk away as his vision grew blurry.

After a few seconds he lost consciousness.

When Enderman woke up he realized he was back in The End. He was laying on a set of

end stone slabs. He could make out an Enderman hovering over him.

“Tenderman? What are you doing here?” Enderman asked.

“Tending to your wounds of course,” replied Tenderman. “Those players sure gave you a

rough time. Good thing Frienderman followed you and was able to bring you home before

anything serious happened.”

Enderman tried to sit up, but Tenderman gently pushed him back down. “You should

rest a little bit longer. You did take quite a few blows to the head,” Tenderman said with a


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Enderman sighed. “Oh all right. Thank you Tenderman.”

Tenderman nodded and walked to the entrance of his large, hospital-like cave. “He’s

agreed to stay down for a while! You can come in now!” he called out.

Enderman turned his head toward the entrance to see who Tenderman had called to.

He saw Frienderman walk in sheepishly. Enderman folded his arms and turned away from him

in a huff. Frienderman grabbed a seat near Enderman’s bed slabs.

“So you followed me, huh? You didn’t think I could do it, didn’t you? I thought you said

you wouldn’t stop me.”

“I didn’t stop you,” Frenderman replied calmly. “I just had a feeling you wouldn’t listen

to me when I said to be careful.”

Enderman kept his arms folded while he tried to think of a good comeback. He thought

that by going after something smaller scope, he was being careful. He didn’t think the people

he was trying to help would beat him up.

“It’s the players’ fault! I tried to help them and they attacked me. Rude,” Enderman


“Well they don’t really like it when you take their blocks,” Frienderman explained.

“But that block was making the house unstable,” Enderman began to whine.

“Try to think about it for a second. To them, it probably looked like you were stealing.”

“I would never do that.”

“Remember the cape?”

“Oh be quiet Frienderman!”

Frienderman chuckled softly. As much as Enderman hated to admit it, Frienderman did

have a point. What seemed like a good deed could very well be considered a bad one

depending on your perspective. Enderman wondered how he could make the players see that

he’s only trying to help.

“I know what you’re thinking,” said Frienderman, “And you need to think about it long

and hard. It is very difficult to change another’s point of view. Sometimes, it’s impossible. Keep

that in mind, ok?” He stood up. “Well, Tenderman ordered you to rest. So at least you have

some time to mull this over. I’ll catch up with you later.”

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“Yeah, whatever,” Enderman mumbled. He knew Frienderman meant well, but he was

still a little angry about this whole incident. How can I get them to see that I’m a good guy? He

thought. I guess Frienderman was right. I need to try and see things from their eyes. A hero

defends the innocent from the bad guys, right? The bad guys, from the player’s eyes, are the

zombies, skeletons, creepers and the rest of the enemy crew. So if I can defend them from those

guys, then they’ll have to see me as a hero!

Enderman eagerly rose from his bed, only to be brought down again from the pain of his

wounds. He let out a frustrated sigh. Apparently heroes needed to rest too. It was still daytime

in the main world. He would have to wait anyways to begin his next great deed. He used the

time he had to come up with a plan for when the night comes. As impatient as he was,

Enderman knew he had to take things slow this time around. He already failed twice. He didn’t

want it to happen again.

Chapter4: Friends or Foes?

As the moon rose into the dark sky, Enderman made his way to his watching mound

once again. He was still a little sore from his previous injuries, but he couldn’t let that stop him

from a hero’s duties. He gazed over the player community. The house they were building was

successfully finished and he could see some players had already moved inside. Enderman

returned his gaze back to the field. Right on cue, there were some players struggling to make it

back to the community. There were zombies, skeletons, creepers and a lone spider right on

their tail.

“This is it,” said Enderman as he dawned his red cape once more.

Enderman teleported right in between the players and the mob. Both parties stopped

right in their tracks. Enderman swung his arms out, trying to shield the players.

“Fear not citizens! I’ll save you!” he yelled.

One of the zombies approached Enderman. “Hey ‘Man, what’re you doin’? The players

are BEHIND you, man. Why dontcha help us out?”

“I am Defenderman! A being of justice! I will never aid the forces of evil!” Enderman


“Evil? That’s harsh, man. We’re just doing our job. Ain’t you an Enderman, man? Either

help us or get outta the way,” replied Zombie.

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“Never! These players are under my protection now!” Enderman kept his arms firmly in

the air hoping they would serve as some protection to the players.

“What’s wrong with this guy?” whispered Spider to Skeleton.

“I don’t know,” said Skeleton calmly. “But I think we should leave.”

“Tch, I thought those guys would’ve been easy pickings. Thanks a lot, man,” scoffed

Zombie. He and the rest of the mob departed.

Enderman breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn’t want to fight his fellow enemies. But

both parties were unharmed and Enderman was thrilled by the success. He spun around to face

the players who must have some sort of praise for him. However, when he turned around, his

face was met with the edge of a diamond sword. The players Enderman had just saved were

now cowering behind the armored player.

“W-wait! Please! I’m not the bad-“ Enderman had no time to finish his plea. The

armored player swung his sword right towards Enderman’s head. Enderman quickly teleported

behind the player.

“Please! Just hold on a sec- Whoa!” Enderman quickly dodged another swing of the

diamond sword. He kept teleporting around the player, trying immensely to communicate with

the armored player, but to no avail. His words just were not getting through. What else could

he do? It was as though the player was beyond reasoning.

“Please! Please listen,” Enderman begged. “I just wanted to be a hero like you!”

His words fell on deaf ears. The player charged toward Enderman without any

hesitation. Just before his sword could pierce through, Enderman closed his eyes and instantly

teleported himself as far away as he could. When he opened his eyes, he was back at The End.

Enderman sighed deeply. He didn’t know what else he could do. For the first time in a while he

felt truly tired. His failures had finally worn him out. Returning home for a real rest was the only

thing he could think of.

As Enderman approached his cave he heard a small commotion coming from inside. He

curiously peeked his head inside. Assembled in his cave was Frienderman and Slime along with

the zombie, spider, skeleton, and creeper he had chased off moments ago. Frienderman

noticed him immediately.

“Hey. Won’t you come in?” he asked, motioning Enderman towards a stone slab seat

next to him. Frienderman catiously entered his home and took a seat between Frienderman

and Slime.

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“What is all this?” Enderman asked.

“An intervention,” replied Frienderman. “This hero thing has to stop.”

Enderman quickly grew enraged. “You said you wouldn’t stop me, Frienderman!”

“I didn’t think you’d take it this far,” Frienderman replied calmly. “I also didn’t think you

would inconvenience everyone by it.” He pointed to the group of enemies who nodded


“That’s right!” said Spider. “What you’re doing is stupid! You’re stupid! And your cape’s


“Spider, be nice,” Skeleton scolded.

“My cape is so not tacky!” yelled Enderman.

“But you’re still stupid!” Spider countered.

“Enough!” Frienderman shouted. “We’re not here to fight. We’re here to talk, so let’s


Enderman and Spider sat down, silently fuming. The other mobs glanced at each other

waiting for someone to speak up. Slime bounced forward.

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“So, why do you want to be a hero anyway, Enderman?” he questioned. “Frienderman

told us the gist of it, but I’d like to hear it from you.”

“W-well, I was bored. All we ever do is attack the players night after night and there’s no

merit in it at all. Don’t you guys ever get tired of it?” Enderman asked the group.

“Sometimes,” said Skeleton. “But most of the time it’s pretty fun. I for one look forward

to good battles between us and players. There’s a thrill in it for me.”

“Yeah, me too, man,” chimed in Zombie. “Oh man, this one time, I was chasing a player

and he was so scared he fell right off a cliff. Ha ha. Man, even the other players found that


“So, none of you have ever wondered what it would be like to be the good guys for

once? Have any of you ever wanted to change things up?” Enderman asked.

“I haaaaave,” said Creeper who had remained slient for the duration of the meeting.

“Really, Creeper? This is the first I’ve heard of it,” said Skeleton, astonished.

“Yessss. I wanted to be the goooooood guy once. But all I do is explooooode. I am not

made for saaaaaaaaving people. Sssssso I do what I am able to do besssst. Explooooode.”

“See, Enderman? Creeper understands,” said Slime.

“That’s right,” agreed Frienderman. “It’s important to be true to yourself. It’s as Creeper

said, we just aren’t made to be heroes.”

“So you want me to just give up? To just abandon those innocent players and have them

fall into the clutches of evil!?” Enderman questioned his voice shaking with despair.

“Oh please.” Spider rolled his eyes. “Those players aren’t innocent. If you really think

that, then you’re dumber than I thought. They know exactly what they’re doing, good or bad.

And didn’t they try to attack you after you supposedly saved their lives?”

“Spider does have a point albeit a crude one,” said Skeleton. “I’d like to make another. If

you decide to side with the players, you must understand that that will make us enemies. And

I’ll have you know I don’t back down from a challenge.”

“I don’t want to fight you, Enderman. You’re my friend!” exclaimed Slime.

“So, what’s it going to be?” questioned Frienderman.

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Everyone turned to look at Enderman. He could feel the intense pressure in their gazes.

He had no idea what to say. He didn’t want to give up on being a hero, but he didn’t want to

fight with his friends either. He couldn’t handle it anymore.

“I have to go think!” he shouted and teleported out of the cave as quickly as he could.

Chapter5: A True Hero

Enderman walked quietly across the field as the moon illuminated the starry sky. He

thought about what the others had said. Maybe he wasn’t meant to be a hero after all. But

after all he went through, he didn’t want to just abandon it. Indecision hit Enderman almost as

hard as a blow from a diamond sword. He stood in the field completely lost in his thoughts.


The cry pierced through Enderman’s ears with astounding clarity. Was his mind playing

tricks on him? Did someone seriously call for help?

“Help me!”

It was real! Enderman scrambled to find out where it was coming from. His instincts told

him to head towards the nearby forest. He sprinted wildly, in search of the distressed being.

Weaving through the trees, Enderman came upon a small clearing. There was the armored

player from before. With his sword and hand, he was pursuing a frantic sheep tirelessly. That’s

weird, Enderman thought. He wouldn’t have seriously called out for help against a sheep, would

he? He watched the scene in front of him, puzzled. The sheep turned to see Enderman.

“Hey, yes, you help Sheep please!?” it called out to him.

So it was the sheep who called out for help. Without even thinking, Enderman stood

between the player and the sheep.

“Hey, leave the sheep alone. It didn’t hurt anyone. Why would you attack it?” Enderman


The armored player looked between Enderman and the sheep. He raised his sword and

lunged towards Enderman. Enderman hastily teleported behind the player. He was very

confused. Why would this hero among the players attack a completely defenseless sheep? It

just wasn’t right. What the other mobs had said before finally started to make sense. Not all the

players were innocent bystanders in good versus evil. Enderman focused. This player had to be


Page 16: My Hero Defenderman - Amazon S3€¦ · My Hero Defenderman Chapter1: One Dull Night “There they go again.” Enderman and Slime stood on the grassy hill watching their zombie friends

Enderman leapt forward and struck the armored player’s helmet right off his head. For

the very first time, Enderman was able to look this player in the eyes. All of a sudden, Enderman

felt very strange. The player’s gaze made him feel this jolt of rage. He shook violently and his

mouth hung open. Every fiber of his being told him to attack the player. Enderman ran towards

the player at top speed. The player had no time to block his flurry of attacks. Pure fear had

overcame the once heroic player, and he retreated into the woods as fast as he could go.

Enderman thought about giving chase. His instincts told him he should, but he fought them.

That was enough fighting. He closed his mouth and tried to calm down.

“Wow! That was close. Sheep was almost wool carpet!” exclaimed the sheep, hopping

excitedly towards Enderman.

“Are you ok?” said Enderman breathing heavily.

“Yes. Sheep is fine thanks to you. You’re Sheep’s hero!”

“I am?”

“Yes! You even have a cape!”

Enderman glanced over his shoulder. He was still in fact wearing his handmade red

cape. He immediately scrambled to strike a heroic pose.

“Er- yes! I am the hero Defenderman! No sheep shall be harmed under my watch!”

Page 17: My Hero Defenderman - Amazon S3€¦ · My Hero Defenderman Chapter1: One Dull Night “There they go again.” Enderman and Slime stood on the grassy hill watching their zombie friends

Sheep’s eyes sparkled with admiration. “Yes, yes! Defenderman is Sheep’s hero! Sheep

must go tell Pig and Cow about this! Bye bye, Defenderman!”

Enderman waved as Sheep trotted off happily. He couldn’t help but have a silly grin on

his face. He had truly saved someone.

“I guess I was looking at this hero thing all wrong. And I did it all by being myself. Now I

don’t have to worry about fighting with my friends. I may be an enemy to players, but I can be a

hero to somebody else. Ha ha! My job just got a whole lot interesting! The peaceful mobs will

have nothing to fear on my watch! Here comes Defenderman!”