emily giegerich [email protected] emilygiegerich.com // [email protected] // 914.3295979

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emily giegerich

[email protected]  

emilygiegerich.com // [email protected] // 914.3295979






“A copywriter should have ‘an understanding of people, an insight into them, a sympathy toward them.” - George Gribbin

emilygiegerich.com // [email protected] // 914.3295979




I currently maintain the social media and marketing for www.ihadcancer.com, an onl ine support community for survivors, supporters and f ighters. I also conceptual ize creative copy for the material that we share with the community.



These are the f i rst in a campaign to “redefine cancer.” I have taken common “buzz words” and redefined them, with the goal of encouraging people to share the images with someone who has redefined the word for them.

 Received over 1,000 Likes and  over 1,000 shares  on Facebook  










I also maintain the blog portion of the site, which includes conceptualizing any images to include in the post. See below for a

few examples, or visit http://www.ihadcancer.com/h3-blog



Client’s Task: Create copy that fits within the “YOU+” construct and is targeted at recent college graduates looking to start their career with Nationwide Financial. Write headline copy and body copy that works well with the “table” image.

My Pitch: Recent graduates are usually eager for independence but also nervous about being alone in the “real world.” They are drawn to companies that encourage a team-like work environment but still offer the opportunity to individually succeed. I wanted the copy to represent both of these concepts.  

Nationwide Financial Recruiting AD


  emilygiegerich.com // [email protected] // 914.3295979




“Do what you can with what you have“

Client’s Task: Encourage athletes, first- year students and students involved with Greek life to volunteer through The Kernodle Center, Elon’s center for service learning.

My Pitch: Convey the message that volunteering through the Kernodle Center is easy, flexible and works no matter what you schedule looks like by coining a catchy phrase to promote around campus – “DO WHAT YOU CAN WITH WHAT YOU HAVE.” Create various creative elements with the common theme of a “to-do” list, implying that the Kernodle Center makes it easy for students to add volunteering on their list of things to do.

emilygiegerich.com // [email protected] // 914.3295979






A flyer to be distributed around campus.






- A series of 3 flyers that mimic the typical “to-do” list of a first-year student, a Greek student and an athlete. - To be distributed at events specific to each demographic. Ex: Freshman orientation class, Greek chapter meeting, athletics banquet



Double-sided, laminated 11 x 17 poster distributed to the client. Describes the role of each team member, and a quick overview of our campaign plan.





The United Consumers  Of Facebook  

Hypothetical Task (class project): Get even more people to use Facebook.

My Pitch: There were already 500 million people using Faceook at the time that I was assigned this project, so I tried to target a demographic that wasn’t heavily represented – businesses. In order to appeal to businesses, I created the concept “The United consumers of Facebook,” to convey just how large and powerful Facebook really is.

emilygiegerich.com // [email protected] // 914.3295979








Facebook Inc., + World Wildlife Foundation 

Hypothetical Task (class project): Find a way to combine the efforts of two unlikely partners: The WWF and Facebook, Inc.

My Pitch: Show young adults that Facebook is not just a place to waste time, but rather, it has the power to change the world we live in. My partner and I designed a series of flyers that gave each endangered animal a voice and sense of identity, and clearly connected the page to an environmental cause that affected the animal. Whichever page had the most likes on a specific date would be the winner, meaning that Facebook would donate double the amount of money equivalent to the number of likes.

emilygiegerich.com // [email protected] // 914.3295979














Help McKinney, Help a Friend, Help Yourself. 

 Client’s Task: Help McKinney’s HR team encourage employees to refer their friends for a reward of $1,000.

My Pitch: Sticking with simple copy and a simple design layout is the most effective method because McKinney is very fast-paced; people will read these posters at a glance. I worked with the art-director intern and other copywriter intern to develop the “Help McKinney, Help a Friend, Help Yourself,” campaign. After experimenting with a lot of different variations, we decided to go with 3 separate posters that are McKinney-specific and play on many “inside jokes” that only people within McKinney could relate to. *** We provided 2 dif ferent typeface options (one sans seri f and one seri f ) and 10+ copy options for each poster. This project is st i l l in production so the f inal copy and typeface has not yet been chosen. Check back soon for f inal product. ***

emilygiegerich.com // [email protected] // 914.3295979





The World’s Greatest Spokesperson in the World 

Client’s Task: Write Facebook status updates for Nationwide’s spokesperson, “The World’s Greatest Spokesperson in the World,” for the months of March and April 2012. Keep the posts consistent with the character “voice” that has been previously used.

emilygiegerich.com // [email protected] // 914.3295979






Six Brands. Three Months. One Place.   

Hypothetical Task (class project): While studying abroad, I was enrolled in a class called “International Advertising in a European Context.” Our final project was to create an event for Magasin, a popular Danish department store, and design a campaign focused around the event.

Event Pitch: On the first Sunday of every month, promote two brands from different product areas. Create events for those two brands on a specific spot the main floor. (Ex: makeovers, fashion advice, cooking class).

Campaign Pitch: I wanted people to know exactly when these events were, because otherwise busy shoppers would probably just forget. After noticing that the first 3 Sunday’s were March 6, April 3, and May 1, I chose SIX popular Danish brands to promote during those


emilygiegerich.com // [email protected] // 914.3295979







Contact Me

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free to contact me at [email protected] or

914 329 5979.

Find me online:

www.emilygiegerich.com linkedin.com/in/emilygiegerich

behance.net/emilygiegerich youtube.com/emilygiegerich