My Portfolio B.2

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  • 8/6/2019 My Portfolio B.2


    My Portfolio B

    My Portfolio B

    y First Name: Kellyy Last Name: Wilsony Student ID: U1018742y Town: Romay City/Region: Toowoomba

    Semester in Review

    This semester has been interesting; I found that people on campus are very nice, helpful and polite,

    especially when you ask random individuals for directions. The lecturers and tutors at the university

    seem very nice people and are active in helping you to succeed. Interviewing a nursing student as an

    assignment had given me great insight in what to expect from the course and what is expected of me asa nursing student. I found my strengths and weakness throughout the semester and discovered that I

    have very little trouble with anything practicable in my units, as I seem to do very well when putting

    what I had learnt into action such as taking blood pressure, pulse, oxygen stats and the temperature of apatient; somehow I grasp the concept of this very quickly where as some of my other units I found that

    I need to spend more time in understanding what is needed to be done of the task or assignment. By

    allocating set hours of study time for each week, which Id arranged and slotted into my current weekly

    plan; this had enable me to make better use of my time as Id chosen times where I can create an

    environment that helps me focus on study. Id also kept track of the forums for any helpful posts and

    suggestions on assignments.

    Professional Boundaries

    The importance of professional boundaries between the nurse and the patient is very crucial, the nurse

    should no when they are about to over step their professional boundary in their therapeutic relationship

    with their patient in their care. The code of practice has a role in which how the nurse is conducting

    their professional relationship with the patient, this has a big role when working in the profession of a


    In the nurses code of conduct from the Australian and Midwifery Council (ANMC) under section 7 of

    the document it states "nurses has a responsibility to maintain a professional boundary between the

    patient and nurse" ANMC (2008). Professional boundaries help separate the therapeutic behaviour ofthe nurse from any other behaviour, boundaries give a person control in a relationship and it serves as a

    tool for nurses to limit the relationship between the nurse and the patient in the nurses care thus

    allowing a safe and therapeutic connection. With the knowledge of professional boundaries the nurse

    can make an informed decision on where the boundary between the patient and her/him-self is drawn.


    Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council, Nursing Council of New Zealand (2010) 'A nurses guide to

    professional boundaries' Dickson: available at


    Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses in

    Australia, Canberra. Available at:

    USQGraduate Skill: oral communication

  • 8/6/2019 My Portfolio B.2


    Oral communication is a form of communication, which is achieved via the mouth and can include

    individuals conversing with each other, speeches, presentations, and discussions. Oral communication

    is an important tool in building a rapport and trust between individuals in the professional

    environment. Many professions there is a requirement where you will need to formally present your

    ideas and communicate to others whether it is making a presentation or conversing to another

    individual oral communication is a key skill in professional life as well as everyday life. "The abilityto communicate effectively through speaking as well as in writing is highly valued, and demanded"

    "Knowing the content of the functional areas is important, but to give life to those ideasinmeetings or in solo presentationsdemands an effective oral presentation." Murphy, H.A & Herbert,

    WH. Effective Business Communications (1991). Qualities of good oral communication are clarity,

    structure and purpose for the intended receiver; a good communication skill includes preparation of

    materials needed and strong delivery to the receiver and audience.


    Kaye, Steve. "Make an Impact with Style: Presentation Tips for Leaders." IIESolutions. March 1999.

    Murphy, Herta A., and Herbert W. Hildebrandt. Effective Business Communications. McGraw-Hill,
