My Presentation Gonna Be

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  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be




  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be



    Born: September 26, 1849Ryazan, Ru !a"!e#: $ebruary 2%, 19&6Len!n'ra# (no) St*Peter bur'+, Ru !a•p y !o-o'! t, p y. o-o'! t,an# p y !.!an•a)ar#e# t e Nobe- Pr!ze !nP y !o-o'y or /e#!.!ne !n1904 or re ear. on t e#!'e t! e y tem())*notab-eb!o'rap !e *.om+

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    Pavlov’s Experiment

    1* 3 e !mu-at!on o Pa -o e5per!ment ( !#eo+"o)n-oa#e# rom )))*youtube*.om

    2* Some term !ntro#u.e# !n Pa -oe5per!ment:

    S7 S (un.on#!t!one# St!mu-u +R7 R ( n.on#!t!one# Re -e5 +

    S ( on#!t!one# St!mu-u +R ( on#!t!one# Re -e5 +

    I!! $% $' )*****

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be



    there is nocorrelation

    between thebell and food.

    P!.ture are rom)))*e#p y.!ntera.t! e*or'

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    During the conditioning, bell is related to food

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    After conditioning, the bell becomes theC

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    ! , !", C and C"

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    Pavlov’s #heories of Behaviour

    #he repeated following of the conditionedstimulus b$ the unconditioned stimulusand response at appropriate time interval.

    (Bo)er ;!-'ar#, 1981:

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be



    #he process when the C" graduall$reduces and dissapears because thereinforcement is discontinued and C ispresented alone without ! .

    (Bo)er ;!-'ar#, 1981:

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be



    #he process when the C" apears againafter some ellapsed time because the C isfollowed b$ ! .

    (Bo)er ;!-'ar#, 1981:

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be



    #he process when C" appears because ofthe neighboring stimulus stimulusgenerali3ation4 generali3e C / and C 5

    6. 7E'E"A8&9A#&)':; &""AD&A#&)'<

    =. D&((E"E'#&A#&)':;C)'CE'#"A#&)'<

    Contrasting two stimuli.Discriminate between C / and C 5

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    (avourable #ime Between Cand !%. ! 5 C +bac>ward pairing ? 'o conditioning

    -. C 5 ! +with interval ? Delayed Conditioning which results in poorer learning

    0. C 5 ! +appropriate time ? Conditioning that will result in success learning

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    "efers to almost an$ decrement or lossin a conditioned re@ex

    . &' &B&)'

    +E $-%) ! ').'/'$'()

    A temporar$ loss of a C" due to anextraneous distracting stimulus.e.g4 a loud sound distracts the dog and

    reduces the salivation to a light C .b. &nternal inhibition4 #he loss because the stimulus paired withnonreinforcement when ! is otherwiseexpected. +the presentation of too much

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    ohn Broadusatson• Born an , %FGF• Died ept -=, % =F• Born in 7reenville,

    outh Carolina• American ps$chologist• established the

    ps$chological school ofbehaviourism

    • ;8ittle Albert<experiment

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    H8ittle AlbertH experiment

    • )ccurred in % -I• )ne of the most

    controversialexperiments in thehistor$ of ps$cholog$

    • &t was an experiment

    showing empiricalevidence of classicalconditioning in humans

    Rosalie Rayner

    Albert B. John B. Watson

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    H8ittle AlbertH experiment

    atson and "a$ner selectedan infant named Albert, atapproximatel$ months ofage, he was tested and was

    Judged to show no fear whensuccessivel$ observing anumber of live animals +e.g.,a rat, a rabbit, a dog, and a

    mon>e$ , and variousinanimate obJects +e.g.,cotton, human mas>s, aburning newspaper .

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    H8ittle AlbertH experiment

    e was, however, Judged to show fear whenever along steel bar was unexpectedl$ struc> with a clawhammer Just behind his bac>.

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    H8ittle AlbertH experiment

    #wo months after testing AlbertKs apparentl$unconditioned reactions to various stimuli,

    atson and "a$ner attempted to condition him to

    fear a white rat. #his was done b$ presenting awhite rat to Albert, followed b$ a loud clangingsound +of the hammer and steel bar wheneverAlbert touched the animal. After seven pairings of

    the rat and noise +in two sessions, one wee>apart , Albert reacted with cr$ing and avoidancewhen the rat was presented without the loudnoise.

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be



    Ben arris in; WhateverHappened to Little

    Albert L< % G sa$sthat ; critical readingof Watson andRayner's (1 !"#report reveals littleevidence that Albertdeveloped a rat

    phobia <

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    8ittle Albert 1ideo

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    Edward 8ee #horndi>e• Born Au!u"t #$% $&'(• )*e+ Au!u"t 9% $9(9• Born *n ,* *am"bur!%


    • tu+*e+ an*ma behav*our an+the earn*n! proce""• e+ to the theory o


    • 1ay*n! the oun+at*on ormo+ern e+ucat*onap"ycho o!y.

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    #horndi>e’s Experiment

    #he simulation of the experiment done b$ #horndi>e in lab +video downloaded fromwww.$

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    #horndi>e’s #heories

    8earners are faced to a problem situationin which the$ have to reach a goal b$tr$ing to select a response from a numberof possible responses, perform the respondand receive some conceMuences.

    %. #rial and Error

    S R

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    -. 8A of E((EC#

    when a connection between a stimulus andresponse is positivel$ rewarded it will bestrengthened and when it is negativel$

    rewarded it will be wea>ened #horndi>e later revised this HlawH when he foundthat negative reward +punishment did notnecessaril$ wea>en bonds, and that someseemingl$ pleasurable conseMuences do notnecessaril$ motivate performance.



  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    #wo forms4a.#he use of a connection increases its strength.b.#he disuse of a connection +not practicing it leads to its wea>ening:

    forgettingP"AC#&CE *ANE PE"(EC#

    0. 8A of E E"C& E

    #he updated 8aw4 #horndi>e found that practice $itho%t

    feedbac& does not necessarily enhance

    perfor ance

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    a. A strong desire for an action seMuence isarroused, then the smooth carr$ing out ofthat seMuence is A#& (2&'7

    6. 8A of "EAD&'E

    b. #hat action seMuence is prevented orbloc>ed from completion, then suchbloc>ing is A'')2&'7

    (orcing a further repetition when thelearners are tired is annoying

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    8earners have variet$ of responses to a certain stimulus. A learner would >eep tr$ing multiple responses to

    solve a problem before it is actuall$ solved. #he Oxed response will result in reward.

    6. "esponse 1ariation

    8earning is possible when theappropriate behaviour exists.

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    8earners can react selectivel$ to salient: importantelements in the problem or stimulus situation.

    #he$ can pic> out the essential item from a complexpattern and based their response upon it.

    =. Di erenet alience oftimulus "esponse

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    8et stimulus be paired with response ".'ow, if stimulus Q is presentedsimultaneousl$ with stimulus repeatedl$,

    then stimulus Q is li>el$ to get paired withresponse ".

    . Associative hifting

    S R S R4

    4 R

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    'ew problems are solved b$ using solutiontechniMues emplo$ed to solve analogousproblems.

    G. "esponse b$ Analog$

    F. Belongingness

    &f there is a natural relationship between the

    need state of an organism and the e ectcaused b$ a response, learning is moree ective than if the relationship is unnatural.

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    &mplication of Behaviourism #heor$ in 8anguage 8earning

    1* Re!n or.ement an# 3r!a- an# =rror

    1earn*n! *" an hab*t ormat*on23epet*t*on *" the mother o earn*n!4

    e.g Drilling in teaching a certain grammar Drilling in Pronunciation +"epeat after me..

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    oolfol> R 'icolich +% F64%

    2* A o.!ate po !t! e, p-ea ant e ent )!t -earn!n'e*': 5"e !roup compet*t*on 6!ame"7 *n "peak*n!

    c a"" than the *n+*v*+ua compet*t*on

    8*v*n! comment"/ ee+back to " per ormance

    &* =n.oura'e S to part!.!pate !n eare# !tuat!on !3 .erta!n-y ure t ere ! no ne'at! e re u-t *

    e*': a"" per ormance/ pre"entat*on w*thoutpre""ure

    Invo v*n! "hy " *n !roup work


  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    oolfol> R 'icolich +contd..

    4* I a tu#ent ear are too tron', #e ! e ma--tep to)ar# t e 'oa-*

    e*': ;ra pre"entat*on be!*nn*n! w*th !roup work.

    )a* y% then week y% then ma

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be



    6* 3 e e5! ten.e o R=?AR"8*v*n! rewar+ to "tu+ent" who an"wer the>ue"t*on" correct/ a mo"t correct .

    e.g4 7iving stars: smile card +childrenPraising students b$ sa$ing ;7ood or7reat: excellent< and the thumb up.

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be



    %* 3 e -a) o =5er.! ePract*ce make" Per ectIt *" *n *ne w*th the Pr*nc*p e" o ommun*cat*ve 1

    6 ohn"on@ orrow 6$9&$77T( !- %) #( -$.') #8- ') :;()ePer e.t t e pra.t!.e ou-# be .onte5tua- an#!t pro !#e ee#ba.>*

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    8* 3 e La) o Rea#!neto make the earn*n! *" "at*" y*n!% the "" mu"t berea+y be ore "tart*n! the c a"".

    e*': In open!n' t e .-a , 3 '! e ba.>'roun#>no)-e#'e o t e !e-# (BCO$+ to #!re.t

    tu#ent attent!on to t e -e onIn Rea#!n' an# L! ten!n', t ere ! a p a e.a--e# Pre rea#!n' an# Pre L! ten!n', et.


  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    9* Re pon e by Ana-o'y (Dre#-er, 1986: &

  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    10* Be-on'!n'neProv*+e the e amp e o te t w*th a conte tbe on!" to the "tu+ent".

    e*': Rea#!n' #e.r!pt! e o a.tre 7ootba--er ) o are !#o- *


  • 8/18/2019 My Presentation Gonna Be


    Prov*+*n! authent*c mater*a " to teach "tu+ent"the an!ua!e.e*': /a>e u e o oo# )rap (!n tant noo#-e+

    to tea. pro.e#ure te5t*ho"e authent*c mater*a " can re*n orce the"tu+ent" to the +*rect re at*on between thec a""room an+ the out"*+e rea wor + an+ *t a "oo er" a va uab e "ource o an!ua!e *nput68ebhar+% C000:$00-$0C7.

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    T. ) Y("