CONSOLATA SHRINE THE SOLEMNITY OF OUR LADY CONSOLATA 25 th JUNE 2017 My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord ENTRANCE HYMN 1) Njooni tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu ( Njooni tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu) Inukeni wote tuimbe pamoja ( Njooni tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu) TENOR: Kwa miondoko ya raha na madaha (Njooni tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu) BASS: Kwa ngoma safi, tamu na za midundiko (Njooni tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu) TENOR: Tumpigie makofi, makofi… … … 2) Ona ametenda wema wa ajabu (Njooni tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu) Machozi ameyageuza vicheko (Njooni tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu) TENOR: Tumwimbie leo tumsifu yeye (Njooni tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu) BASS: Tukipigapiga vifua kwa maringo (Njooni tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu) TENOR: Tumpigie makofi, makofi… … … 3) Tumpungieni mikono kwa madaha (Njooni tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu) Ajue kwamba leo tumefurahi (Njooni tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu) TENOR: Na shingo zinesenese kwa midundo (Njooni tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu) BASS: Mwili uyumbeyumbe kushoto kulia (Njooni tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu) TENOR: Tumpigie makofi, makofi… … … 4) Watoto nao wabebwe juu juu (Njooni tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu) Wajue kwamba Mungu anawapenda (Njooni tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu) TENOR: Umati wote turukeruke juu (Njooni tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu)

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lordconsolatashrine.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/... · U Mungu kweli na mwanadamu, katika sakramenti. (nakwabudu) nakwabudu fudifudi Ee mfalme

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Page 1: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lordconsolatashrine.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/... · U Mungu kweli na mwanadamu, katika sakramenti. (nakwabudu) nakwabudu fudifudi Ee mfalme



25th JUNE 2017

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord


1) Njooni tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu (Njooni tumfanyie

shangwe Mungu wetu)

Inukeni wote tuimbe pamoja (Njooni tumfanyie shangwe

Mungu wetu)

TENOR: Kwa miondoko ya raha na madaha (Njooni

tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu)

BASS: Kwa ngoma safi, tamu na za midundiko (Njooni tumfanyie

shangwe Mungu wetu)

TENOR: Tumpigie makofi, makofi… … …

2) Ona ametenda wema wa ajabu (Njooni

tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu)

Machozi ameyageuza vicheko (Njooni tumfanyie

shangwe Mungu wetu)

TENOR: Tumwimbie leo tumsifu yeye (Njooni

tumfanyie shangwe Mungu wetu)

BASS: Tukipigapiga vifua kwa maringo (Njooni tumfanyie

shangwe Mungu wetu)

TENOR: Tumpigie makofi, makofi… … …

3) Tumpungieni mikono kwa madaha (Njooni tumfanyie

shangwe Mungu wetu)

Ajue kwamba leo tumefurahi (Njooni tumfanyie

shangwe Mungu wetu)

TENOR: Na shingo zinesenese kwa midundo (Njooni tumfanyie

shangwe Mungu wetu)

BASS: Mwili uyumbeyumbe kushoto kulia (Njooni tumfanyie

shangwe Mungu wetu)

TENOR: Tumpigie makofi, makofi… … …

4) Watoto nao wabebwe juu juu (Njooni tumfanyie

shangwe Mungu wetu)

Wajue kwamba Mungu anawapenda (Njooni tumfanyie

shangwe Mungu wetu)

TENOR: Umati wote turukeruke juu (Njooni tumfanyie

shangwe Mungu wetu)

Page 2: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lordconsolatashrine.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/... · U Mungu kweli na mwanadamu, katika sakramenti. (nakwabudu) nakwabudu fudifudi Ee mfalme

BASS: TusisiteMungu yu katikati yetu (Njooni tumfanyie

shangwe Mungu wetu)

TENOR: Tumpigie makofi, makofi… … …



V: Utuhurumie ee Bwana, ee,

W: Ee Bwana, ee Bwana,

V: Utuhurumie ee Bwana, ee,

W: Ee Bwana, 'tuhurumie.

V: Utuhurumie ee Bwana, ee,

W: Ee Bwana, ee Bwana,

V: Utuhurumie ee Bwana, ee,

W: Ee Bwana, 'tuhurumie

Ee Kristu 'tuhurumie, 'tuhurumie ………

Utuhurumie ee Bwana ee ……………


V: Utukufu kwa Mungu juu mbinguni,

W: Na amani iwe kwa watu wenye

Mapenzi mema duniani kote.

V: Tunakusifu,

W: Tunakusifu, tunakuheshimu, tunakuabudu, tunakutukuza.

V: Tunakushukuru, Mungu, kwa ajili,

W: Ya 'tukufu wako mkuu, ee Bwana, ni

Mungu ndiwe Mfalme wa mbinguni

V: Ee Baba Mwenyezi, Bwana Yesu Kristu,

W: Ee Mwana wa pekee, ee Mungu Mwana

Kondoo wa Mungu, Mwana wake Baba.

V: Mwenye kuondoa dhambi za dunia,

V: Utuhurumie, tuhurumie,

Maombi yetu, Bwana, uyapokee.

V: Mwenye kuketi kuume kwa Baba,

W: Utuhurumie, kwa kuwa ndiwe

Pekee yako ni Mtakatifu.

V: Pekee yako, Bwana, pekee yako mkuu,

W: Ewe Yesu Kristu, pamoja naye

Roho Mtakatifu milele yote.


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NITATANGAZA NENO LAKE BWANA Nitatangaza neno lake Bwana

Kwa mataifa mbalimbali oo x2

Na Wakenya - Waimbe na Kumsifu Bwana

Na Uganda - Waimbe na kumsifu Bwana

Nitatangaza neno lake Bwana

Kwa makabila mbalimbali oo x2

Na Waluhya - Waimbe ….

Na Wakamba - Waimbe …

Nitatangaza neno lake Bwana

Katika miji mbalimbali oo x2

Nairobi - Waimbe …

Na Mombasa - Waimbe ..

First Reading Zp 3: 14-18 “Be glad and exult with all your heart, daughter of Jerusalem” A reading from the prophet Zephaniah Thus says the Lord: Shout for joy O daughter of Zion, Israel, shout aloud! Rejoice; exult with all your heart, daughter of Jerusalem! The Lord has repealed your sentence; he has driven your enemies away. The Lord, the king of Israel, is in your midst; you have no more evil to fear. When that day comes, word will come to Jerusalem; Zion, have no fear, do not let your hands fall limp. The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult with joy over you, he will renew you by his love; he will dance with shouts of joy for you as on a day of festival.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM LK 1:46-55 R. The Lord has consoled his people. 1. My soul glorifies the Lord,

My spirit rejoices in God, my savior. He looks on his servant in her lowliness; Henceforth all ages will call me blessed. R

2. The Almighty works marvels for me Holy his name! His mercy is from age to age, On those who fear him. R

3. He puts forth his arm in strength And scatters the proud-hearted. He casts the mighty from their thrones And raises the lowly. He fills the starving with good things,


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Sends the rich away empty. R

4. He protects Israel, his servant, Remembering his mercy, The mercy promised to our fathers, To Abraham and his sons forever. R

SECOND READING 2 Cor 1:3-7 “God consoles us in all our tribulations” A reading from the second letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, a gentle Father and the God of all consolation, who comforts us in all our sorrows so that we can offer others, in their sorrows, the consolation that we have received from God ourselves. Indeed, as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so, through Christ, does our consolation overflow. When we are made to suffer, it is for your consolation and salvation. When, instead, we are comforted, this should be a consolation to you, supporting you in bearing the same suffering as we bear. And our hope for you is confident, since we know that sharing our sufferings you will also share our consolations.

Alleluia Rejoice O highly favoured! The Lord is with you;

Blessed are you among women.

Alleluia GOSPEL LK 1:26-38 “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you” The angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. He went in and said to her, ‘Rejoice, so highly favoured! The Lord is with you’. She was deeply disturbed by these words and asked herself what this greeting could mean, but the angel said to her ‘Mary, do not be afraid; you have won God’s favour. Listen! You are to conceive and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David; he will rule over the House of Jacob for ever and his reign will have no end.’ Mary said to the angel, ‘But how can this come about, since I am a Virgin?’ ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you,’ the angel answered, ‘and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow. And so the child will be holy and will be


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called Son of God. Know this too: your kinswoman Elizabeth has, in her old age, conceived a son, and she whom people call barren is now in her sixth month, for nothing is impossible to God.’ ‘I am the handmaid of the Lord,’ said Mary, ‘let what you have said be done to me.’ And the angel left her.


1. Nasadiki

Kwa Mungu moja, muumba mbingu, pia dunia

Na kwa Mwana

Ee wa pekee, Yesu Kristu, ni Bwana wetu


Ninasadiki, ninasadiki, ninasadiki

2. Aliteswa

Kasulubiwa, alikufa, na akazikwa


Na kuzimu, kafufuka, siku ya tatu

3. Akapaa

Juu mbinguni, ameketi, kuume kwa Baba


Kuwahukumu, watu wote, wazima na wafu

4. Nasadiki

Pia kwa Roho, na kanisa, la katoliki


Wa watakatifu, ondoleo, la dhambi zetu

5. Ufufuko

Hata wa miili, na uzima, ee wa milele


Hata wa miili, na uzima wa milele



1 Tusimame ndugu twende kwake Bwana

Usisite ndugu amka twende hima x2

Beba mikononi (Mwako) uliyojaliwa (leo)

Peleka kwa Bwana upate Baraka x2

2 Peleka kwa moyo, moyo wa mapendo

Peleka kwa Bwana uliyojaliwa x2

3 Sadaka ya fedha, fedha za mifuko

Amka upeleke mezani mwa Bwana x2


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4 Mavuno, mifugo, ni mali ya Bwana

Tupeleke kwake atazipokea x2

5 Mkate divai tupeleke kwake

Tupate Baraka mbele zake Bwana x2


V: Mtakatifu, mtakatifu

W: Mtakatifu, Bwana Mungu.

V: Mtakatifu, Mtakatifu

W: Mtakatifu Bwana Mungu, wa Majeshi (x2)

Mbingu na dunia zimejaa utukufu

Mbingu na dunia, mbingu na dunia,

Mbingu na dunia zimejaa utukufu wako,

Zimejaa utukufu wako

Hosana juu, hosana juu,

Hosana juu, hosana juu mbinguni. x2

Mbarikiwa yeye ajaye kwa jina Mbarikiwa yeye, Mbarikiwa yeye,

Mbarikiwa yeye ajaye kwa jina la Bwana,

Ajaye kwa jina la Bwana.

Hosanna ………..


V: Yesu Kristu alikufa

W: Yesu Kristu alikufa,

V: Yesu Kristu alifufuka

W: Yesu Kristu atakuja kwetu tena. x2


Amani ya Bwana isambae

Amani ya Bwana isambae

Amani ya Bwana, isambae

Amani ya Bwana isambae

Upendo wa Bwana...

Faraja ya Bwana...

Neema ya Bwana...

Fadhili ya Bwana...

Furaha ya Bwana...


Ee Mwana kondoo wa Mungu Uondoaye dhambi za dunia, ee,

Ee Mwana, 'tuhurumie.

Mwana kondoo wa Mungu ee, Ee Mwana, 'tuhurumie. x2

Mwana kondoo wa Mungu, ee

Amani utujalie. Mwenye kuondoa dhambi zetu, ee

Amani utujalie, utujalie amani, ee,

Amani utujalie, utujalie amani, ee, Amani utujalie.


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NAKWABUDU YESU Nakuabudu Yesu katika Hostiya,

U Mungu kweli na


katika sakramenti.

(nakwabudu) nakwabudu


Ee mfalme mtukufu wa


1. Ee Yesu, kwa mapendo

unakaa kwetu,

U mgeni wetu toka


twakuja kuabudu.

2. Baraka yako, Yesu utupatie,

tukinge na maovu ya leo,

tuishi kwa amani.

3. Uwabariki pia wapenzi wetu,

uwajalie neema yako,

watoe shukrani kuu.



Moyo wangu wamtukuza Bwana

Roho yangu inafurahi x2

1. Kwa kuwa ameniangalia

Kwa huruma mtumishi wake

Hivyo sasa tangu watu wote

Wataniita mwenye heri

2. Kwa sababu mwenyezi Mungu

Amenifanyia makuu

Jina lake ni takatifu

3. Huruma yake ni kwa wote

Wote wale wanaomcha

Kizazi hata na kizazi

4. Huyatenda mambo makuu

Kwa nguvu za mkono wake

Wenye kiburi hutawanya

5. Hushusha wote wenye vyeo

Kutoka vitini vya enzi

Nao wote wanyenyekevu

Wote hao huwainua

6. Huwashibisha wenye njaa

Na matajiri huwaacha

Waende mikononi mitupu

7. Hulilinda taifa lake

Teule na mtumishi wake

Kikumbuka huruma yake

8. Kama alivyo waahidia

Baba zetu kuwasaidia

Ibrahim na uzao wake

9. Atukuzwe Baba na Mwana

Naye Roho Mtakatifu

Leo kesho hata milele

Kwa shangwe milele amina.



1. As I kneel before you,

As I bow my head in prayer,

Take this day, make it yours

And fill me with your love.

Ave Maria, gratia plena,

Dominus tecum, benedicta tu.

2. All I have I give you,

Every dream and wish are


Mother of Christ, Mother of


Present them to my Lord.



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3. As I kneel before you,

And I see your smiling face,

Every thought, every word,

Is lost in your embrace.


1. Holy Virgin, by God's decree,

You were called eternally,

That he would give his Son to

our race;

Mary, we praise you, hail full of


Ave, ave, ave, Maria.

Ave, ave, ave, Maria.

2. By your faith and loving accord,

As the handmaid of the Lord,

You undertook God's plan to


Mary, we thank you, hail full of


3. Refuge for your children so


Sure protection all can seek;

Problems of life you help us to


Mary, we trust you, hail full of


4. To our needy world of today

Love and beauty you portray,

Showing the path of Christ we

must trace

Mary, our Mother, hail full of



1. Salve Regina, Mater misericordiae,

Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve.

Ad te clamamus, exsules, filii Hevae.

Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes

In hac lacrimarum valle.

Eia ergo Advocata nostra,

Illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte.

Et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui,

Nobis post hoc exsilium ostende.

O clemens, O pia

O dulcis Virgo Maria.


1.Mama Maria mama wake Yesu - Mama utuombee

Mama Maria mama wa neema - Mama utuombee

Mama Maria mama mtkatifu - Mama utuombee

Ee – e Mama

Mama Maria Mama, ee mama( x2)

Mama utuombee

2. Mama Maria, mwenye mwoyo safi

Mama mwenye ubikikira

Mama Maria, usiye na dhambi





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3. Mama Maria, mama


Mama Maria, mama


Mama Maria, wa shauri njema

4. Mama Maria, Mama wa


Mama Maria, mama wa


Mama Maria, bikira mtaratibu

5. Mama Maria Bikira mwenye


Mama Maria, Bikira mwenye sifa

Mama Maria, Bikira mwenye


6.Mama Maria, Bikira mwaaminifu

Mama Maria, kilio cha haki

Mama Maria, kikao cha hekima

7. Mama Maria, sababu ya furaha

Mama Maria, chombo cha


Mama Maria, chombo cha


8. Mama Maria, chombo cha


Mama Maria, waridi lenye


Mama Maria, mnara wa Daudi

9.Mama Maria, mnara wa pembe

Mama Maria, nyumba ya


Mama Maria, sanduku la agano


Tunakushukuru Mama Maria

Kwa neema unazotujalia,

Ahsante Mama wa Yesu uliye na huruma

Uzidi kutuombea mpaka saa ya kufa.

1. Mama wa Yesu, Mama mfariji


asante sana kwa kutusimamia

2. Neema zako zinatutia nguvu,

asante Mama Maria mtakatifu

3. Tuna furaha, tuna matumaini

kwa kuwa tunawe Mama wa


4. Mama wa Yesu, wee Mama


tusaidie kushinda vishawishi

5. Katika nguvu ndiwe mbarikiwa,

katika maisha ndiwe kinga



Mama Maria (Maria)

Bikira mwema (Mama yetu salamu)

Twakusalimu Maira mama wa Mungu

Umejaa neema Bwana yu nawe x2

1 Ulikubali mapenzi ya Mungu

Ukawa Mama wa Kristu,


2 Ulikubali zawadi ya mbingu

Ukawa Mama wa wote, tuombee

3 Ulizaliwa pasipo na doa

Ukawa Mama wa Mungu,





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Niseme nini basi, juu ya mama yetu Maria(Mama Bikira Maria)

Mama mpendelevu; mama mwenye Neema.

1 Wakati wa majaribu mwombezi wetu ni Maria (Mama yetu)

Wakati wa mashaka kimbilio letu ni mama; Maria

2 Mama uliyeumbwa pasipo dhambi ya asili (Mama yetu)

Ukamzaa mwanao mkombozi wa ulimwengu; Maria

3 Moyo wako wa heri moyo safi moyo mweupe (Mama yetu)

Nijalie neema nishinde majaribu yote; Maria

4 Mama wa Mkombozi mnara wetu wa mbinguni (Mama yetu)

Mwanga wetu sisi tunaosafiri gizani; Maria

5 Shika mkono wangu nionyeshe njia ya kweli (Mama yetu)

Nifike kwa mwanao anakoketi uwinguni; Maria


Ee mama yetu Maria

Twaomba sana ee mama

Usituache gizani

Kwa mwanao tuombee (x2)

1 Mama yetu Maria, utusikilize;

Sisi wana wako, tunaosumbuka

Maisha yetu mama, hayana furaha

Tujaze neema, tupate faraja.

2 Utuombee kwake, mwanao mpendwa;

Ututie nguvu, tushinde maovu.

Dunia ina giza, dunia ni ngumu

Bila nguvu zako, hatuwezi kitu.

3 Tuombee Maria, tuombee mama;

Ili wanawako, tufike mbinguni

Dunia ina giza, dunia ni ngumu

Bila nguvu zako, hatuwezi kitu.




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Reflection By Blessed Joseph Allamano

1. Is not Our Lady Consolata our Mother and are we not her sons and daughters? She is our very tender mother who loves us like the apple of her eye. She has supported us both materially and spiritually and she is always quick to respond to our needs.

2. Undoubtedly everything we accomplish is the work of Our Lady, the Consolata. She performs daily miracles…. In times of trial Mary has always intervened miraculously… I believe Our Lady is responsible for this too –our daily bread. I have never lost sleep or appetite worrying about the enormous expenses. My prayer to Mary, the Consolata, is: “You worry about these things! We know you will do what is necessary”.

3. We are a living manifestation of the miracles Our Lady performs. We must look on the fact that we bear Our Lady’s name as a blessing. We must be piously proud to belong to Our Lady Consolata. Your name should be an incentive to become all that you ought to be

4. Filial love is of its very nature tender. Just as children are always turning to their mother we must have constant recourse to her all day long.

Prayer Here we are, O Mary Consolata

in this Solemn day consecrated to you in this Shrine. We are gathered around your Altar to console you and to receive your consolation. Dear Mother, bless us from your throne of glory with your Divine Son and grant us all those

graces which we ask for. We pray to you for our lost brothers, console all and save all. Amen


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Announcements 1. Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lady Consolata, flowers are being sold for

Christians to take home or to place at the foot of Our Lady, either in the Church or at the Grotto.

2. We welcome you to come and honor Our Lady this evening with the candle lit procession after the 5.30pm mass.

3. Today the bookshop will offer special discount on selected titles. Kindly visit the desk outside the church and at the bookshop.

4. The Construction of the Allamano Centre to build a new block of pastoral offices, hall and parking is on-going. We kindly request you to stop by the tables at the entrances of the church and get detailed information about the project. We also invite you to give your contribution or make a pledge towards the project.

5. Last week, 4 parishioners got the 4 prizes. Two smartphones and two brand new Renault Kwid. New prizes are won every week! DONATE and WIN is still ongoing Consolata Shrine Raffle. Every Monday we announce the winners and tomorrow might be you. The more you participate the more chances of winning! Remember the code is *369*2# or M-pesa Pay Bill 804877 and Account WIN.

6. Next Sunday is the first Sunday of the month. There is a second collection of St Vincent de Paul to assist the needy of the parish.

7. Next Sunday also, we will have the Rosary being prayed in front of the Eucharist after the twelve o’clock Mass.

8. The Charismatic group has organized Life in the Spirit Seminar that will start from 9th July to 17th September 2017. The seminar will be conducted every Sunday from 2pm to 5pm in the tent behind the nursery School. The Seminar is open for everyone. All are welcome.

Weekly meeting

Perpetual Eucharist Adorers on Tuesday 27th at 6.30pm

Community Committee on Friday 30th at 6.15pm

Prayer for Expectant Mothers & Father

Lord God, Creator of the human race, your Son, through the working of the Holy Spirit, was born of a woman, so that he might pay the age-old debt of sin and save us by his redemption. Receive with kindness the prayer of your servants as they ask for the birth of a healthy children. Grant that they may safely deliver sons and daughters to be numbered among your family, to serve you in all things, & to gain eternal life. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Happy Feast to all!!! PARISH WEBSITE: www.consolatashrine.org; PARISH E-MAIL: [email protected];

PARISH PRIEST’S E-MAIL: [email protected];

PARISH MPESA BUSINESS NUMBER: 508702; P.O. Box 14930 - Nairobi; TEL.: 0722-615105