Roll20 Tekumel Campaign History Session One, Aug 23 rd , 2014 (Tom, Garret and John G): The warrior Ganthor (Tom), a sorcerer-priest of Sarku named Falkyn (Garret), and the Rogue Burdan (John Giotta), along with two NPC'd players (the Rogue Lithgar (Dave) & <Max> the sorcerer-priest of Ksarul) take a boat towards Jakalla. (We will assume any forthcoming PCs were also present, perhaps stored in barrels?) Falkyn and Burdan are particularly interested in trying to set up some trade agreements if they can. They leave on the first intercalary festival day. On the journey they encounter some floating nautical debris in the water, and head against the current hoping to learn what may have happened. They encounter a decomposing body bobbing in the waves. Ganthor prods it with a boathook. When it begins to stir and tries to climb aboard, Falkyn tries to control it. It ignores his efforts, and somehow paralyzes Ganthor. Burdan grabs the tiller and turns the boat away after Falkyn throws the thing off the rail. After he recovers, Ganthor discusses with Falkyn how they should've killed the thing, instead of leaving it in the water to threaten others. However they speak quietly out of Burdan's hearing. Later, they encounter a mass of floating seaweed with some sort of eel-thing in it. The eel hits Lithgar with a thrown shell. Falkyn wants to search the seaweed nest for valuables, but again Burdan steers the boat away. The others merely grumble. They head into a bad storm, but survive, and the next day learn that the storm pushed them closer to their destination. As they arrive at the estuary, they spot three women frolicking in the water near the western shore. They bring their boat in, and without explanation Max and Ganthor dive into the water and swim towards the girls! (But not by choice.) Falkyn shrugs and jumps in with the other two, swimming alongside them towards the women. Lithgar shoots at one of the women, but Burdan just stands at the rail and calls out to his friends to come back to the boat. When Lithgar hits one of the woman she jumps, and it is apparent that she's not human. Falkyn swims in close and attacks another of the women with a dagger. Meanwhile, Max and Ganthor are pulled underwater towards a submerged tunnel. Falkyn bravely continues the fight, and finally the other two women attack him as well. As the women are injured they turn to flee, but are cut down from behind. Falkyn tows Max and Ganthor back to the boat, where they are helped aboard. XP: 100 each.

My Tekumel Roll20 Campaign History

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Page 1: My Tekumel Roll20 Campaign History

Roll20 Tekumel Campaign History

Session One, Aug 23rd, 2014 (Tom, Garret and John G):The warrior Ganthor (Tom), a sorcerer-priest of Sarku named Falkyn (Garret), and the Rogue Burdan (John Giotta), along with two NPC'd players (the Rogue Lithgar (Dave) & <Max> the sorcerer-priest of Ksarul) take a boat towards Jakalla. (We will assume any forthcoming PCs were also present, perhaps stored in barrels?) Falkyn and Burdan are particularly interested in trying to set up some trade agreements if they can. They leave on the first intercalary festival day. On the journey they encounter some floating nautical debris in the water, and head against the current hoping to learn what may have happened. They encounter a decomposing body bobbing in the waves. Ganthor prods it with a boathook. When it begins to stir and tries to climb aboard, Falkyn tries to control it. It ignores his efforts, and somehow paralyzes Ganthor. Burdan grabs the tiller and turns the boat away after Falkyn throws the thing off the rail. After he recovers, Ganthor discusses with Falkyn how they should've killed the thing, instead of leaving it in the water to threaten others. However they speak quietly out of Burdan's hearing.Later, they encounter a mass of floating seaweed with some sort of eel-thing in it. The eel hits Lithgar with a thrown shell. Falkyn wants to search the seaweed nest for valuables, but again Burdan steers the boat away. The others merely grumble.They head into a bad storm, but survive, and the next day learn that the storm pushed them closer to their destination. As they arrive at the estuary, they spot three women frolicking in the water near the western shore. They bring their boat in, and without explanation Max and Ganthor dive into the water and swim towards the girls! (But not by choice.) Falkyn shrugs and jumps in with the other two, swimming alongside them towards the women. Lithgar shoots at one of the women, but Burdan just stands at the rail and calls out to his friends to come back to the boat. When Lithgar hits one of the woman she jumps, and it is apparent that she's not human. Falkyn swims in close and attacks another of the women with a dagger. Meanwhile, Max and Ganthor are pulled underwater towards a submerged tunnel. Falkyn bravely continues the fight, and finally the other two women attack him as well. As the women are injured they turn to flee, but are cut down from behind. Falkyn tows Max and Ganthor back to the boat, where they are helped aboard. XP: 100 each.

Session Two, Sept 6th, 2014 (Tom, Garret and John G):The clan brothers set anchor, as it's getting dark. They tend their brethrens' wounds, and discuss the possibility of looting their foes' lair in the morning. Comparing stories, they determine that their foe were chashkeri. They elect to rope themselves together, and make the rope fast to the mast, in order to keep the foe from charming someone over the rail again. Amazingly, more chashkeri visit them that night, and use their mesmerism to lure Lithgar towards the rail. Fortunately his brethren save him, and put an end to their enemies. When they finally swim into the lair they encounter no one, but a thorough search turns up a purple gem, a polearm with a weakened shaft (a glaive), and what the party guesses might be an “eye,” with the number “68” on it.Sailing on, the group heads up the estuary, noting the depths are quite shallow due to silt. They eye the banks of the river on either side, and note a shen vessel, some fishermen, and dredging vessels. They anchor overnight, noting that the approach to the banks is extremely shallow when the tide is out. On Hasanpor the 4th, they spot the towers of a great city, and realize they are approaching their destination, Jakalla. They see more boat traffic as they approach, and are hailed by officials who carefully make a record of the clan brothers. Directed to the docks, the group is registered as foreigners and pays docking fees for three weeks. They refuse the assistance of a facilitator, and head towards the nearby temple of Hriyahal. Making sacrifices, they speak to a priestess and get some advice.As they head towards the Foreigners Quarter they discuss how they might get involved in marketing

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purple cloth. On their way the newcomers encounter beggars and hawkers, almost upset a wealthy lady in her palanquin, spot some ahoggya, and pay a silver piece each for a day's pass through the gates. There is also a brush with some shen looking through a cart of armor pieces, a helpful vendor of sleeping mats, and the resolution to sell the polearm before checking in at the Red Dome. XP: 300 each.

Session Three, March 21st, 2015 (Tom, Garret, Dan, Frank)(Hasanpor the 4th ) As the party approaches their destination, the Red Dome, they note some young men with tattoos loitering outside (obviously Livyani). Surrounding the party, the men demand money, but the learned Falkyn addresses them in their own language, shaming them for their actions, and they step aside mumbling apologies.The Livyani proprietor offers space in the common dormitory for a copper apiece, or a private room for the group at a silver apiece. The party agrees to pay for a week in advance with a 10% discount, two meals included. Led upstairs by a young slave boy, they are gratified to see that purchasing their own sleeping mats was, in fact, a good choice. They're also pleased to discover that they might possibly use their window as a private exit, if necessary.Discussion leads to the decision to make some money first, and worry about establishing themselves later. Their clan cousin, Keahilani, suggests that they approach the Temple of Vimuhla and look for ways to earn money there. Leaving some of their cousins behind, they set out into a now rainy day.The Quarter's streets flood in the downpour, and the group sees passers-by moving quickly away from a couple of approaching palanquins. Attempting to avoid the upper-class folk, the party inadvertently heads into a cul de sac and are surprised to find themselves pursued by the gentry and their hangers-on. A guard informs them that they have been drafted to assist the Lord of Easy Flowings in unclogging some sewers. As their names are taken and shovels distributed, a third personage approaches and speaks with the two on palanquins.After some give and take, the party is approached by a large Salarvyani, Juggash, who informs them that they may, instead, assist him in removing some squatters. They accept, and follow Juggash and his entourage into a small wine shop to discuss the details. Explaining their payment, and cautioning them to avoid harming the building, Juggash stresses the bonus for capturing squatters. Agreeing to the terms, the party accompanies their new employer and arrives at a run-down tenement building.Finding the door defended and blocked, Egros tries to reason with the squatters, but his eloquence is wasted on such low-lives. Ganthor finally shatters the door to the dismay of Juggash's companion and legal advisor, Yuni. While the party attempts to force their way past a barricade, chamber pots and bricks rain down from above. Nonetheless, the party succeeds in bashing several squatters into submission, rounding them up and leaving them outside with their benefactors.Searching the first floor reveals a tenement in very poor shape. Smoke billows within, since the squatters are curing hides and processing seaweed. There are qigekh everywhere, and the disgusting reek of rotting meat comes up from floor grates. Ganthor is disturbed to hear what sounds like breathing coming from below.Climbing to the second floor while holding a table above their heads, the party discovers sleeping quarters for the squatters. One old lady, who has made a point of dropping bricks on Ganthor, is apprehended, and a strange green statuette of a squid-headed figure is recovered from a niche. XP: 400 each.

Session Four, May 16th, 2015 (Tom, Garret, Dan, Frank)Deep in the Foreigners Quarter of Jakalla, a brave group of adventurers heads up a set of tenement stairs looking for more squatters to evict. They find two blocking the top floor landing – one being the leader they first encountered downstairs. As Egros once again tries to reason with them, the party spots a number of women and children huddled behind the men. The squatters refuse to surrender, and the

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women begin hauling on ropes, threatening to bring the roof crashing down! Women herd the children away as the party subdue the men, fortunately before the ceiling collapses. The squatters have fled through a hole into the building next door, but when the party tries to investigate, a strange monster appears – so they retreat. Yuni admits to himself that the building will be found structurally unsound, seriously undermining his ability to turn a profit. Heading downstairs, the party finds a trap door leading into the cellar. They get Juggash to agree to let them rest and regain their strength; then they head downstairs. They discover undead, an altar to a Salarvyani death god, two mutilated young prisoners, and a secret door. Treasure: Squatters (leader and five warriors, three women), two mutilated prisoners, four flasks of embalming fluid, a box of incense, a pouch with 27 K worth of coin and the medallion key to the secret door, a key to the prisoner cage, a Chlen-hide dagger, a scroll and book in Salarvyani, a scroll in Classical Tsolyani, and The Book of Eternal Gratitude, written in Bednjallan on black pages. XP: 600 each.

Session Five, June 27th 2015 (Tom, Frank) The party rests in a basement underneath a tenement in the Foreigner's Quarter of Jakalla. Bones and a toppled altar flicker in the torchlight, and the moans of the two mutilated young children mix with the drip of water from the ceiling. Falkyn (Garret), the priest of Sarku, has command of four mrur, blackened undead skeletons with an eye inscribed on their foreheads. Keahilani (Dan) remains wounded. Egros (Frank) and Ganthor (Tom) gather around a secret door. Ganthor uses the key and reveals a sewer tunnel beyond, its walls made up of buried buildings from a previous ceremonial leveling and rebuilding of the city ("ditlana"). Sporadic moaning can be heard up the tunnel to the left. Falkyn is persuaded to send one of his mrur through. It crosses the stream of sewage, revealing a depth of about three or four feet. It investigates a bit to the left, then returns. It is coaxed into revealing that it spotted four man-like beings there before returning. (Who knew that zombies could count, let alone sketch?) However, before any additional exploration can take place, there are other matters to be resolved. The two prisoners are seen to, and their Livyani tattoos are revealed beneath the filth. The party returns upstairs, to the doorway of the tenement. One of Juggash's wrestler-guards remains there. Ganthor pays a street urchin to run a message to the party's hostel, the Red Dome, and return with the servant-boy Kelnu. Once he arrives, he recognizes the two mutilated boys as fellow guests, members of the poor Livyani clan "Uyzvaz." In the meantime, a craftsman has arrived and installed a new front door and lock. The party prepares to leave, but the wrestler-guard remarks that those mrur must be properly licensed before they can be marched through the streets. Cloaking them in blankets from the tenement, the party prepares to leave. On the agenda: returning the two young boys to their family at the Red Dome hostel, and meeting Juggash. They will need to collect their pay (142 silver hlash), and discuss any further underground efforts by the party. XP: 150 each

Session Six, August 23rd 2015 (Tom, Frank, Garret)Deciding to leave the undead behind in the cellar with the secret door blockaded, the party heads out into the muddy streets. Once back at the Red Dome hostel, the group is directed to the Uyzvaz clan. However the family refuses to accept the two mutilated children; it seems obvious they are poor and under-fed, and they curtly explain that they had sold the children. Feeling morose, the adventurers decide to return to the temple of Hriyahal, where they have been well-treated, to see about the children. They also hope to discuss one of the books they've recovered. On the way, the travellers purchase week-long passes for the gates at a cost of two silvers. They are immediately accorded preferred treatment when passing.The children are accepted by the temple, and ushered away. A more senior priestess comes to examine the volume, The Book of Everlasting Gratitude. A contract is drawn up, the book is transferred, and Falkyn (Garret) will have free access for study. A feast and temple orgy follow, and our three outlanders stay the night.

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The following day, the group returns to the Quarter and meets their employer, Juggash, at a wine-sellers' establishment. They end up renting the tenement themselves, and head to the marketplace to buy building supplies.While there, Ganthor (Tom) seems to attract unwanted attention from a group of winged “monkeys.” Then he notices that he's being watched by a group of painted street performers. Deciding to confront them, they appear to consider him some sort of leader. They assure him that they are ready, and that everything is in place. Continuing to project confidence, Ganthor tells them to accompany him, and the group returns to the tenement. The “clowns” are set to work doing carpentry, with special emphasis on blocking up access from the building next door.Returning to the cellar, the group collects their undead and begins to explore the tunnels beneath the streets. XP: 500 each