The Magus and the Magic Square We are the Gods inspired writing, Totems, Tarot, Artwork, herbs, Enlightened Living & eating and more... Beltaine - Samhain Our journey beyond the Vortex in Sedona Tarot - e Tree of Life Spread Balance - Extend - Expand your crown chakra

Mystik way magazine 35

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The Mystik Way Magazine is a monthly read, produced by an open spiritual group centered in, but not limited to Portsmouth England/Avalon and focuses on the development of the human spirit towards enlightened living experience. The path of the Mystik Masters.

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The Magus and the Magic Square

We are the Gods

inspired writing, Totems, Tarot, Artwork, herbs, Enlightened Living & eating and more...

Beltaine - Samhain

Our journey beyond the Vortex

in Sedona

Tarot - The Tree of Life Spread

Balance - Extend - Expand your crown chakra

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Contents3 Welcome to issue thirtyfive

4 Project Avalon

5 Samhain - Southern Hemisphere

6 Beltaine

8 Muse Meanderings & Wanderings

10 We are the Gods

12 Balance, Extend, Expand your crown chakra

15 Mystik Way Healing Link

16 The Magus and the Magic Square

19 Poem -Mother of Light

20 Sign of the month - Aries

21 Inspired writing - Flowers

22 Tarot - The Tree of Life Spread Part2

26 Card of the Month - Victory

28 Our journey beyond the Vortex in Sedona

32 Animal and Plant of the month

34 Witchy Wonderings

36 Magical Herbs - Ginger

37 Artwork by Fae Duyette

38 Enlightened Living and Eating

EDITOR Ed Mystikmaster | [email protected] DESIGN Simone Schreck

ADVERTISING Ed Mystikmaster WEBSITE Simone Schreck www.mystikway.com

CONTRIBUTIONS: Ed Mystikmaster, James Middleditch, Richard Hayes, Sue Hayes, Charlie Garland, Peta Panos, Jennifer Adele, Rachel Patterson, Wil Snider, Fae Duyette, Amaritday,

The Magus and the Magic Square | 16

Our journey beyond the Vortex in Sedona | 28

If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way Magazine, please consider a small donation of $1 or £1 to help us with our running costs.

Cover artwork: Fae Duyettehttps://www.facebook.com/jerri.fae?fref=ts

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Welcome to Issue 35

April 2014Yet another step along this mystikal pathway we call life as we here in the northern hemisphere head towards our spring/summer & those in the southern head into autumn/winter. Here we are busy planning various trips & visits to the sacred sites, rituals and yes many parties & get togethers so the next few months are well & truly busy. We are indeed greatly blessed living so near to many of the sacred sites & always make sure we do indeed make the most of that fact.

I hope you have enjoyed our last two cover pic-tures both by separate & brilliant artists, with yet more to grace the cover of the magazine on future issue’s.

What is pleasing is the fact that despite the tur-moil & troubles that beset the present day world is that more & more people are gradually becom-ing spiritually aware as I see by the amount of new members joining the MystikWay & they are a cross section of the general public not just those you would normally expect. So now more than ever we all need to be there for them, to help them with advice & articles that are both easy to comprehend and enlighten. Here we do have that situation with our writers who are also able to be contacted for further advice on their respective web sites and on facebook. I will be introducing a reader’s page with questions & answers soon with various experts on individual subjects there to answer them…..watch this space.

Whichever hemisphere you dwell in, enjoy the change of season to the full, work with mother earth’s energies & go with the flow relishing each & every moment.



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Project AvalonTo refresh everyone’s memory, project Avalon is about turning my courtyard into a Herb, Fruit &Vegetable Mystikal haven, not only organic but planted & tended by the Moon phase’s as well as the Sun’s. Complemented by Rituals, Meditations, Music & Mantra…to be true to the ways of the Old Path.

Spring is arriving in odd bursts as we have a few days of really lovely warmth, then she plunges back to wintery ways for a few days…..but then again March can be a very odd month.

We celebrated Ostara in great style with a powerful ritual & a wonderful Altar constructed by James from the mystik way group, a lovely evening with fine food & wine.

The grapevines are showing signs of life with green buds just starting to open, the new Sage is flourishing as is the Rosemary & Golden Oregano….the Catnip also is growing rapidly & hidden well from the cat, even though he keeps sniffing it he cannot find it yet as it’s hanging in a pot high on the wall out of reach.

I have had some powerful night time rituals with a fire in the courtyard using the old dead wood from last year’s plants & under a full moon which benefits both me and the plants. Indoors the Aloe Vera plants are gradually taking over with largest one yet again flowering. Last year I intended to paint a mural of the Glastonbury Tor on one of the long walls but didn’t quite get around to it for various reasons, this year I fully intend to get it under way.

I hope this will inspire many of you to try similar projects as it is of great importance in many ways, for example….healing….pure food, organic….and brings a great deal of beauty & pleasure too your home however large or small.




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Samhain (all Hallows)

Southern hemisphere May 30thHalloween as it is now known across the World is an Ancient Celtic Festival….it marked the end of the year, when the Darkness took over from the Light. The name Samhain means “summers end” and the onset of the dark winter months, all the crops & vegetables were harvested to be stored along with the vital Herbs, fruit, nuts & berries so as to keep the villagers from starvation/illness. The Herds were returned to the village & sheltered against the harsh winter. Most importantly, Meade & Ale were brewed in great abundance (beer was also known as bread)

Now the Veil between the two Worlds was at its thinnest, ceremonies & rituals were conducted by humans to make contact with those who had departed to the Other World. To the Ancients it was New Year & celebrated with Great Festivities, offerings were made to the Gods….rituals & purification rites took place to invoke their help for the year to come….Great feasts & merry making throughout the eve of Samhain echoed across the countryside. During the eve of all hallows all departed spirits (good & evil) would once again walk the earth for an evening.

Celebrate by holding a party with loved ones and friends, create a lavish feast with good food and drink…decorate your house & altar with seasonal plants, fruits, berries….invite the departed to come warm themselves by your fire…..share your abundance with the knowledge there will be more next year.

Samhain Blessings.

MystikMaster 2012

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Beltane Fire Festival

Celebrated The 1st of Ma

It is time for the fire cleansing Pagan festival of Beltane, the warmth of the Sun returns…Gardens are blooming & the trees in the countryside are now appearing a vibrant leafy green. The long dark nights are getting lighter.

It is a time of clearing & burning away the old dead branches/foliage, cutting away the old so the new can grow and flourish which we can apply to our own lives…A huge Wicker effigy of a man is built out of that dead wood & foliage, people gather together to feast and make merry. As the day light fades into the night & the Moon rises the Wicker man is set ablaze, everyone gathers around eager to place their wishes for the coming year into the fire, there is drumming, singing, dancing, fire jugglers performing as the great feast gets under way & this will continue long into the early hours of the morning as they await the return of the sun.

Beware as it is a time of Fertility also, many new lives are created this night, a night of passion. In Pagan times it was a time to choose & make love to your new found partner…a time of Lust as many would sneak off into the woods for a while.

To celebrate & bring those new vibrant energies to you, Light a fire invite friends for a feast/party & make a ceremony out it by writing your wishes on paper & burning them in the fire, you can also write your prob-lems & fears down and see them vanish forever in the fire. Make it a vibrant ritual by having many bright coloured flowers around the house, yellow, red &purple, ladies wear a ring of flowers in your hair.

A truly wonderful ritual &ceremony, very energising & cleansing as well as being great fun. Enjoy to the



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Through & beyond the

Mists of Avalon.

The realm long forgotten that dwells between time & space hidden from the modern day world but in plain sight of those that seek it.

A dimension only visible to those that can hear the soft gentle voice & the distant melodic mu-sic calling on the wisps of the breeze that sings through the tree tops, the slow flowing water that kiss the pebbles on the river bed. The call of Avalon will come from listening to the grass grow, the unfolding of a flower bud or watching the moon hide behind the passing clouds. ‘Tis not another separate land, it resides all around us vibrating at a far finer level invisible so to speak to the rest of the physical world.

What was once a quiet gentle whisper is now becoming louder, the music more melodic as the rise of the dragon returns to herald the re-turn of the old path…..so listen out for the call, walk in the forest, stroll along the river, climb the hill, lay on the grass listening to it grow whilst watching the clouds pass by the moon, at first a whisper that becomes louder to become a call, then beautiful music will grace your ears & being, so be prepared to enter another di-mension….AVALON.


Muses, meandering & wandering

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Conversations with Mother Earth regarding the call of Avalon….

Do you not hear your name being called? Whispered gently on the breeze that kisses the tree tops, just beneath the level of awaking consciousness. Do you not hear a haunting melody as it drifts by with the passing clouds playing hide & seek with the moon…

Between the realms of the living & the dead, before birth & after death beyond time & space, deep within the very heart of everyone dwells Avalon, a land that eternally exists where life is lived as was fully intended, here there resides no death or disease or fear or pain, these have long since been banished.

What was once merely a whisper is becoming a loud call….

Listen closely do you not here your name being called?


Muses, meandering & wandering

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Clearing the past & paving the way. As I stated in the previous issue, our

biggest problem is lack of acceptance & that being due to the fact of indoctrination by society to control us into doing it’s will & not our own. That said then there is a way out, that being starting to question everything you see & hear plus looking very deeply into your past, your parents and upbringing, their core beliefs, where you studied etc because there lay your own core beliefs….a learned process since birth.

An example would be let’s say, that as a child you always wanted to be a musician but school & parents informed you that this was merely dreaming & we all had to study hard get a job as no one got money or success any other way than working at a paid ordinary job, then you saved hard got married bought a house and spent the rest of your life struggling to survive then die….I am sure we have all heard that one before & therein lays the first lie.

Your dreams are your inner self wishing to realise your birth vision, the very reason you are here, the things you came to the earth realm to learn to achieve…these visions or should I say quests are planned before you are born into the physical & as a child those memories are still very vivid & alive up until the indoctrination begins from society..

Meditation & a new way of thinking is needed, to still the mind from the incessant chatter & to start to think for yourself, to realise

there is far more than just merely existing…less reading of the news, turn off the T.V. more often & pursue other things such as art/crafts or other interests, spending more time in the countryside close to nature & above all slow down you pace…make a point of doing everything slower, making sure to be more observant…spend time taking note of colours, aromas, feelings. Do not be afraid of your thoughts as some will surely be of a negative nature to begin with, look at them & do not just dismiss them as they need to be released….and the more you release the clearer your mind & thinking will become paving the way for the true you to reveal itself. Make a daily practise of the above points, just a short while each day will start to produce results. The word Ritual stands for Discipline of the self.

We came here to the earth plane to evolve, to reveal the divinity & god like powers within us…to experience overcoming the burden of the heavy physical body….to overcome the trials & tribulations of the material realm then moving forward.

Next month I will explain more of the secrets that have been hidden from you for over two thousand years & have been closely guarded by the select few.

“There is no part of us that is not of the Gods even though we be clothed with a body of flesh”


We are The Gods

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In a busy and chaotic world, we can be tempted simply to use meditation to cope and ‘fight fire’; this series is more about forging forward into new realms, so that we are not just healing our chakras but building them up, helping them to evolve, and thus bringing about our own evolution.

Each article will begin with a brief reminder of the basics; meditations that can be used in regular, brief meditations to restore and re-balance. It will develop, however, into more developed meditations, perhaps that take place on special occasions dedicated to personal development and spiritual exploration. These could be used in your most sacred spaces, with all of the magical objects, sounds and scents that focus and protect you.

Balance - Extend - ExpandYour crown chakra

by James Middleditch

“The Lily white shall in love delight,

Nor a thorn nor a threat stain her beauty bright.”

(William Blake, The Lily)


This is the first in a new, occasional series that looks into each of our seven major chakras, and how we can move on from simple balancing meditations to more advanced and challenging ones. Understanding your chakras and spending time balancing them is always valuable, but I am interested in the potential they hold to connect us to further discoveries, not just about ourselves but other souls from the history of the human race and our spiritual companions.

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Step 1 : Balancing your Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra, the energy centre that rests on the top of your head, is famously symbolised by a Lily. To re-balance and connect with your Crown Chakra, you can visualise this Lily as resting on a beautiful lake; it is huge, large enough for a person to stand in, is made of pure white light, and has an impossible number of petals. During your meditation, you can reach your Crown Chakra by walking across ten stepping stones, counting upwards as you go, and it opens to receive you. You can sit comfortably inside the Lily, feeling its warmth and softness as it closes around you.

This is a place to visit to connect with higher wisdom. Sometimes amid the chaos of everyday life, this Chakra can become closed off, as we focus too much on earthly matters rather than spiritual ones. Equally, if we are not careful, it can become stuck open, and we can lose our protection and be inundated with complex thoughts. Spending time calmly inside the Lily, we can re-balance the Chakra, so that information we receive from our Higher Consciousness and the Universal energies that feed it is filtered, and we can receive it at a speed we can cope with, through images we can understand.

Step 2 : Extending your Crown Chakra

Once balanced, the Crown Chakra can be extended, so that it connects more fully with the Universe itself. The idea is that you are then more able to receive information, guidance and instincts that will do you the greatest good; when put into practice in the ‘ordinary world’, this information will help things to fall into place for the best outcomes. It is connecting your life to a higher plan, one which has an ultimate goal of making you happier and healthier, easing you into the best place to contribute to the collective evolution of humanity.

To encourage this greater connection to the

Universe, your visualisation of the Lily should begin to change. It should start to become ethereal, as the vibration changes beyond the bright white light and into pure energy. As you are within the Lily, your spirit body will vibrate at the same frequency and become ethereal too. You can still make out your form, and the million-petals of the flower, but they should now be translucent rather than solid white. Once this has happened, the Lily is of a frequency that allows it to begin to float above the lake, gently rising upwards as if it is a dandelion seed on a soft updraft of warm air. You should once again count as you travel upwards, one to ten, as the pale daylight turns darker and you find yourself amid the stars of a night sky. At ten, the Lily comes to rest, still connected to the lake by a translucent strand. It floats there in space, your spirit body still sitting inside, ready to receive the wisdom of spirits and energies whose spiritual perspective is wide enough to encompass the whole world and our collective evolution upon it.

Step 3 : Expanding your Crown Chakra

The vision can now evolve once more, in order to truly connect to the wisdom of the Universe and strengthen the connection between the wider spiritual realms and the Earth itself, including your role within it.

Now that the Lily is translucent, you can see through it to the outside. You have already seen that you are floating amid the stars, with the Earth below you. You should now begin to see a remarkable sight; amid the darkness, lights begin to appear - other Lillies, floating alongside you, translucent but glowing as well. They are all around you, stretching off into the infinity of space.

These are the collected Crown Chakras of the enlightened souls of humanity. Inside each one is a thinker or a mystic, a poet or a painter, a composer or a singer, a worker or a hermit; this is the best of humanity, and their collected wisdom. Some of them may have found fame and their names and faces may

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be known to you. Many may not, for their time or circumstance means that the history of the ‘ordinary world’ has forgotten them, while the Universe has not. They are people who lived with a connection to the Universe and made a difference, whether big or small, which helped the collective spiritual evolution of the world.

They are all around you, and you can speak to any of them, whether known to you or not. Let your unconscious mind decide who should impart their wisdom. Let the conversation unfold, if there is a conversation at all; much wisdom of this level is so subtle it cannot be articulated in wordform, but rather passes in image and sensation. Trust that you are receiving the information that you need, and that it will be stored inside your soul for the right moment – when this moment arrives, you will know what to say and do, for the best outcome for you and others, and for the world around you.


You will feel when the time is right to start to return. Time means nothing in this place, and you may find that you have had hours of exchange in just a few moments.

It is very important to close this experience fully, so that the wisdom is preserved and not dissipated, and so that your Crown Chakra is closed to a normal level of operation for the ‘ordinary world’, and not too open. This can be achieved by a simple but conscious reversal of the process you took to get to this point. Gradually, the other Lillies should disappear, leaving the quiet darkness of space. Then, you become conscious of the Lily beginning to descend back down to its place on the lake. Count downwards from ten, seeing the Lily and your spirit form becoming more solid and earthly as you do so. Once you are resting on the lake, the Lily opens, and your vibrational frequency is returning to normal. You can step out, back onto the stepping stones, counting downwards from ten as you walk across them back to the shore. When you are ready, open your eyes, re-orientate yourself, then close your sacred space in your own time.

Just one experience of this advanced meditation will have changed you, even if that change remains hidden like a seed until its moment to bloom. It can be repeated when wisdom is needed, or when you wish to connect to any of the mystics of the past, or perhaps even the future. The Crown Chakra connects us to the mystery of the Universe; the journey of discovery will never end, as each answer will produce a new question. But it is all part of the journey, and it is comforting to know that we are never alone on this pathway; we have as much support as there are petals on the Lily – infinite.

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MYSTIK WAY HEALING LINKEvery evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. We are joined by several other groups and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Join us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS”

The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing, it is manipulated by thought….the vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing.

Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth.

We must give healing to the sick…. comfort to the weary…. solace to the bereaved….knowledge to the ignorant……illumination to all those that engulfed in the darkness….and break the chains that bind their minds…their bodies….and their souls.

This is our mission….our work.



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by Richard Hayes (Warlockway)

A few editions of the magazines ago, I wrote an article on the use of Spiritual Man-dalas for meditation, reflection and spiritual growth. I have now painted a new Mandala to explore the Ancient Wisdom Teaching of Squaring the Circle. The Square or Cube rep-resents the physical world, which is both the universe, planet earth and our physical selves. It is the role of the Magus (Magician) to in-voke spiritual consciousness into the world and into human beings. This spiritual con-sciousness has traditionally been represented by the perfect form of a Circle or Sphere, and the Magus endeavors to bring this awareness into human consciousness.

The Square or Cube of Matter is tra-ditionally coloured black, but I have in my Mandala coloured it dark brown, the colour of physical earth, and placed it in the centre of the Mandala. This Square of Earth contains the four elements of air (yellow), fire (red), water (blue) and earth (green), with the Circle of Spirit (the fifth element) at its centre. These four elements provide the four-fold nature of the Seasons of the Year - Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Standing in front of the square is the Magus, arms outstretched with his cloak forming a five-pointed star – the Pentagram, which is the symbol of mankind. In the inner circle of spirit is a twelve-pointed star, repre-senting the Signs of the Zodiac as a symbol

of the cosmos and the macrocosm of creation. The five-pointed pentagram represents the mi-crocosm of humanity. The ancient teachings, based on the Hermetic Tradition, claims that the microcosm of man is of the same essence as the macrocosm of the Divine in Creation.(As above, so below!) The Magician channels divine inspiration to earth, grounding it for the use of humanity, and in so doing symbolically squares the circle.

In the Mandala, above and below the Square of Matter are shown the Sun, Moon and Planets of our solar system, to represent the spiritual forces in creation. These forc-es represent positive and negative, male and female, expansion and contraction, and their resolution by a neutral balancing force. The planets of the zodiac can be grouped to repre-sent this pattern at different levels of spiritual resolution.

At the top of the Mandala are shown the Sun and Moon, which in Astrology rep-resent our true self and our emotions, and are the male and female symbols for the powers of God and the Goddess. Associated with the Sun and shown next to it, is the planet Mars, which represents our essential, assertive ener-gy and the will to survive. Next to the Moon is Venus, the receptive planet of love and the basis of compassion in our lives. This duality of the Sun and Moon, and Mars and Venus, is resolved by the neutral energy of the plan-

Tree of Life

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et Mercury, which is shown in the centre of the top line. This planet, the symbol of which joins together the Sun, Moon and Earth (rep-resented by a cross) represents human con-sciousness. It links us to the divine conscious-ness, represented by the heavens above the earth. Mercury is traditionally the Messenger of the Gods, and represents the enlightenment of humanity by divine illumination.

At the bottom of the Mandala are shown the other five planets which form the rest of the planets of modern Astrology, in-cluding the outer planets of Neptune, Uranus and Pluto. The planets in the bottom corners are Jupiter – the male planet of expansion and good fortune, and Saturn the female planet of restriction and adversity. In the centre are the three outer planets – Uranus the male planet of upheaval, invention and communication, and Neptune the female planet of sensitivity and artistic expression, with Pluto the planet of upheaval and disruption shown in the cen-tre. The symbol of Pluto – like Mercury, is made up of the Sun, the Moon and the Earth, and it relates to our subconscious, and rep-resents enlightenment through contact with our subconscious and the dark aspects of life. Whereas Mercury represents the duality of the personal planets in the heavenly zone, Pluto resolves the duality of the outer, non-personal planets in the subterranean zone.

This pattern of Five can be seen in the elements referred to earlier, where the duality of the male elements of fire and air and the fe-male elements of water and earth, are resolved by the fifth element of ether (spirit). The same pattern can be seen in the Tarot, where the numbered cards are grouped Ace-five and six –ten, and in the Major Arcana where in each Suite the male and female energies of King (male fire), Queen (female water), Prince (male air) and Princess (female earth) are all resolved by the pure spiritual force of the Suite represented by the Ace.

In the Mandala, the elements are repre-sented by the Magical Symbols – Wand (fire), Cup (water), Sword (air) and Pentacle (earth), with the central circle representing the Grail – the Cauldron of Spirituality.

In Magic Ritual, the Magician forms the protective circle of spirit, and around it places the four protective watchtowers, by invoking the elements or archangels in the each quarter, to form a protective square - thus squaring the circle. The Four Quarters represent the ele-ments, seasons and time of day, and the Circle represents the spiritual centre within which the magical work takes place.

The meaning of the symbols and their associations is a fundamental part of the Prac-tice of Magic, and the powers of the elements and the planets are invoked in Magical Ritu-al. Each has its own colour, symbol , crystal, metal and angel, and these are used to focus the energy of the ritual to invoke the power of whichever planet or element the Magician is working with.

These ideas form the basis of Magical Practice, and are used by both Witches and Magicians in their daily magical practice. The process of Higher Magic - either Wiccan or Ceremonial, concentrates on the spiritu-al development of the consciousness of the Magician. The spiritual enlightenment that is obtained by the Magus (Magician) has to be integrated into their physical lives, and in so doing they symbolically Square the Circle (spirit made manifest on earth). In that sense, the Magus is the Magic Square, the enlight-ened Adept on earth.

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Mother of Light

Calling you, oh lady of the stars and source

The Queen of the sky velveteen

Calling upon you Astarte of celestial force

Dwell inside the veil of in between

I usher to you, Mother of light

Gentle watcher of the land and sea

Ushering in your unhindered sight

See the children you once set free

Hail to you, oh white moon of mirror-wise

Show us how to return to the sky

Hail ancient song of the beauty in our eyes

Reveal the origin of our first birthing cry xxx

By Charlie Garland

See more of Charlie’s fantastic verse


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Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and is associated with the Newborn Baby crying for attention. It is a Cardinal Fire Sign, able to initiate action and generate enthusiasm, and is connected to our natural instinct to survive in the world. Aries is the true ‘action man’ of the Zodiac.

The symbol of Aries is the Ram (with its horns), an animal that is determined and goes in head first, and Aries rules by that part of the body. Aries people are the first to jump into action, sometimes literally head first, often without thinking through the situation first. Their first instinct is to act immediately, and they must develop the ability to think before they act. They are the Warriors of the Zodiac and will fight for any cause they believe in, and in a team situation they will provide the energy and enthusiasm to get any project started. Arians are enthusiastic, impulsive, independent, courageous and energetic, but they can also be insensitive, aggressive, rebellious and self-centered. They have a ‘can do’ attitude and are born leaders.

The planet that rules Aries is Mars, named after the God of War, which represents pure, assertive male energy. They can also be quick-witted and become over enthusiastic in an argument. Their natural energy needs to be focused if they are to achieve success.

Aries rules the First House, which is the house of our personal selves and our immediate contact with the physic al world. It is the way we are seen by society, and Aries encourages us to project our personality and use our energy to further the course of our life. Aries will take pride in their appearance and the way they are seen and perceived in society.

Aries will find it easy to relate to the other Fire Signs, Leo and Sagittarius, who also have enthusiasm and determination and can take the lead in any situation. They will however feel challenged by the balanced energy and considered thinking of Libra, their opposite sign, which uses its mind to resolve situations and disputes rather than by physical action.

In the family of the zodiac, they are the Babies who are at the beginning of their physical life and have to use their natural energy to make their way in life. They are head-strong and may sometimes overpower others who are less assertive, insisting that they take the lead in any situation. They love new experiences and are easily bored, and are at their best when they can become a leader and use their natural energy to initiate action and gain control over the physical world.

The Key Word of Aries is Action.



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Look around you at the beauty of nature radiating through the huge variety of flowers in your gardens and countryside. There are so many varieties with different habits and habitat. The colours vary greatly, and even the colour of flowers on a single plant varies too! However, each has a radiant beauty of its own, as part of the great creation of life on earth. They blend with each other, share their space to grow and be themselves and shine out their presence.

This should be how human beings live – blending in harmony with each other, giving space for each to grow and blossom, appreciating their similarities and their differences. Each person is a separate entity, with an individual personality and ability, with different physical, emotional and mental needs. Each houses a spark of the divine light, just as the flowers do, to be expressed and nurtured in an individual way. Each has their own challenges in life, individual to them, but everyone has something to learn through those challenges.

Try to live in harmony with each other – just as the flowers of the fields do. Appreciate your differences and recognize the gifts that others have to offer. You all form part of the whole picture of life, and each part is needed to fulfill their purpose to create that beautiful whole. Help and support each other, make space for others to find their true selves, then you can all express and radiate the divine light within each of you and live in harmony and beauty on the earth. You are as much a part of creation as the flowers are, so find your own beauty and spark of the divine within, and share it with others, thus bringing love and light to your world.

I am a Spiritualist Medium who tunes into the world of spirit asking for communication and guidance, which I receive and write down. I hope you find this useful too.

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In the last issue of the magazine I drew eleven cards relating to the positions of the

Spheres of the Tree of Life (See articles in the last two issues of Mystik Way Magazine for more details), and explained the positions of the first five cards and their meaning. These cards related to the Lower Tree of Life, and dealt with the Queriant’s everyday way of life. This month I will explain the position of the remaining six cards, which form the Upper Part of the Tree of Life, and relate to the Queriant’s spirituality. I will then interpret them as part of the reading which was started in the last issue.

PART TWO – The Upper Tree of Spirituality

The cards are laid out to form the pattern of the Upper Part of the Tree of Life as follows –

Meaning of the Positions of the Cards in this spread.

CARD 6 (Geburar) – This card is placed above and to the left of Card 5, and represents the energy and determination we have, to pursue our spiritual path.

CARD 7 (Hesed) – This card is placed on the right side of the tree, in line with Card 6, and represents our spiritual values and how we relate spiritually to others.

CARD 8 (Dart) – This card is placed on the

centre line of the spread above Cards 6 & 7, and represents how we will acquire spiritual knowledge.

CARD 9 (Binar) – This card is placed on the left side of the tree above Card 8, and represents female spirituality at its highest level (Our connection to the Goddess).

CARD 10 (Hokmar) This card is placed on the right side of the tree in line with Card 9, and represents male spirituality at its highest level (Our connection to God).

CARD 11 – (Keter) – This card is placed at the top of the Tree of Life above Cards 9 & 10. This card represents our spiritual potential, and the outcome at this stage of our spiritual journey.

The cards of the Upper Tree from 6 -11 relate to our spiritual potential, and we require spiritual insight and knowledge to progress up the tree from Tifaret Card 5 to Keter Card 11, and these cards are read second to give a picture of our spirituality and future development.

From the previous article, you will recall that as an example I have chosen to draw a spread for a young woman who has been studying various traditions for a number of years, and who wishes to find out how she has progressed with her spiritual development and her future potential.

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Example Reading Part 2 (Spiritual Consciousness)CARD 6 (HIGH PRIESTESS) – This card informs us that you have already been studying spiritual development, and have developed a relationship with the Goddess. You probably already help others with their spiritual development, and are accomplished in ritual when you can link with the Goddess, and as High Priestess bring her power through to encourage and inform humanity.

CARD 7 (HIGH PRIEST) – Whereas in Card 6 your energy was directed to making a stronger link to the Goddess, this card draws attention to the need for that knowledge and wisdom to be used to help others on the spiritual path. In the sphere of compassion, you will use your magical powers to assist others, and may be involved in healing or spiritual counselling.

CARD 8 (HERMIT) – You have a keen intellect and are prepared to study to enhance your spiritual development. You are also aware of your inner powers and link to your innate wisdom as a source of spiritual growth. Regular meditation will form a basis of your development, and this will enhance your spiritual powers and bring many new ideas for spiritual growth.

CARD 9 (JUSTICE) – You have high spiritual ideals and are able to look at things objectively. The Goddess is an important aspect of your life and your feel protective to others who are less fortunate, and have a concern for the future of the planet. Your relationship to the Goddess strengthens your personality and resolve, and through experience you have developed strong willpower.

CARD 10 (SUN) – You have spiritual confidence, and are prepared to share your

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spiritual knowledge with others. Although you are by nature related to the Goddess, you have a strong relationship to nature, the Gods and male spirituality. You are a natural spiritual leader, able to disseminate spiritual wisdom and knowledge, and in so doing help others on the spiritual path.

CARD 11 (EMPRESS) - You are a true daughter of the Goddess and you live your life as a reflection of her teaching and her wisdom which you have acquired on your spiritual path. You are creative, caring and have a concern for both humanity and the planet. Your highest aspiration is to become the Goddess on earth (The True Mother of Humanity), expressing your female nature in a divine way to help others on their search for spiritual enlightenment. You could become a successful leader of a spiritual group, and will

in the future be able to lead others through their path of spiritual development.


You have great potential for spiritual growth, and your practical spirituality represented by the Empress linked to your many psychic skills, makes you an ideal person to lead others on the path of spiritual development. Your own spiritual path will continue to grow and develop in the years ahead, both for your benefit and for the benefit of others.

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If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way magazine, please give consideration to making a small donation towards the running costs. Although Ed and Simi give their time freely, it is only right that they should be reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses. If you can help, please donate to ‘Mystik Way’ by using the Donate Button.

Many thanks to those who have contributed in the past, we appreciate your generostiy.

Warlockway – Treasurer to Mystik Way.

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Card of the MonthThe three of Wands….Mars in Aries, also sometimes known as Virtue. A door of opportunity is opening & when this card appears it is time to walk through that door as the fire energy of Mars & Aries are there to support you. Stay true to your dreams & follow your passions as you have the knowledge/experience, the powerful god Mars is there to assist you.

Wands are the power of fire, the spirit within that drives us….the passion of our dreams. The power of fire in magikal tradition is invoked from the south & is associated with the mighty archangel Michael. Open that door and walk through.


Card is from the Thoth Tarot Deck by A.Crowley

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Our Journey beyond the Vortex in Sedona

by Peta Panos

Undoubtedly one of the most powerful Sacred Sites on our planet, Sedona

delights, inspires and shifts all those who visit her. The natural beauty of the red and orange sandstone formations is breathtaking and our incredible Feb journey there, was a perfect balance of the inner and outer journey - adventure, synchronicity, intense activations, personal development, bonding with like-minded people and a deep connection with the Earth, ourselves and each other.

Canadian born, Charlotte Szivak was our Journey Leader. Charlotte is a deeply gifted psychic, dedicated light worker and loads of fun to travel with. This was her 7th visit to Sedona so she guided us to all of the hidden gems with ease. Her activations were incredibly powerful and all of us went through processes, shifts

and shadow integration throughout the journey.

Charlotte and I arrived on the night before the group and immediately went to the Airport Mesa, one of the major vortexes to greet and connect to Sedona’s energy, which you can feel as soon as you enter the greater Sedona area. Vortexes are funnel shaped created by the motion of spiraling energy and are similar to the energy found in our bodies so when we come into contact with them, it amplifies all that we are. Couple this natural energy with deep, profound energy processes and activations and the result is complete transformation producing significant and lasting positive changes in your life and the ability to master challenges with greater ease, grace and equanimity. An easy method of identifying where the vortexes

by Peta Panos

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by Peta Panos

are at their strongest is to look at the tree trucks, which are twisted by the vortex energy.

It is understandable that the ancients did not live in Sedona itself but rather in the surrounding areas and then traveled to the sacred sites for ceremony and pilgrimage. The energy is palpable in the centre of town, which can be overwhelming and not conducive to a good nights sleep - one of the many reasons we chose the Hilton Hotel, which is located in Oak Creek. The hotel has magnificent views of the majestic Bell Rock, a powerful yet nurturing vortex, all about physical healing and it was a blessing to rest in its energy at night.

Rising out of the mesa close to the Village of Oak Creek, Bell Rock stands tall as one of the more formidable vortexes in the Sedona area. Because of its topography, Bell Rock is considered an up flow vortex, spiraling energy up through its center radiating empowerment to all who visit and where we did our opening and closing ceremonies.

Besides offering 360 degree views and being the most sought after sunrise and sunset photo spot, The Airport Mesa Vortex (an inflow vortex) was the perfect vortex to release all that no longer served us. The activation here was done as the full moon was rising and we saw a blue unidentified flying object dancing around the moon. Two of us were taking photo after photo of the moon and in every shot, just seconds apart, the blue UFO was in a completely different location!?!

Designed by Marguerite Brunswig Staude, the Chapel of the Holy Cross is beautiful and non‐denominational. It was completed in 1956 after nearly 2 years of construction and ranks as a favorite tourist attraction in the area. It is a masterpiece of simplicity: nestled beautifully into the red rocks and offering breathtaking views of the majestic Cathedral Rock, Bell Rock, Courthouse Butte and the eastern rim of Sedona. The energy of this location is one of the strongest and most easily felt in all of Sedona. The feeling at this site is one of inspiration, joy and gratitude including love, harmony, unity and ONEness with All that is. I loved the figures we could see in the

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rocks. Most prominent for me was an Eagles head and various faces, including a distinctly alien one.

After a spectacular Sunday brunch at the Enchantment Resort, we ventured into Boynton Canyon where the open topography creates an inflow vortex, cleansing the negative energies of the earth and its people.

After a few days, we realised that we had encountered a Blue Jay every time we were looking for our meditation site and it became great confirmation for us as this continued throughout the journey. In addition to the vortex sites, we enjoyed a sunrise at the Buddhist Stupa, visited the ruins of Palanaki, walked a labyrinth to balance male and female energies and tried to hold ourselves back when shopping in the many crystal and new age shops (not always successfully)

I really love that there is always something unexpected on the journeys and this is why I always say that we will cover every-thing on the itinerary although it may not be in the planned order as we allow room for guidance and synchronicity.

In addition to our planned activities, we were guided to attend an afternoon workshop with Bryan De Flores updating us on the latest Angel information and we were invited to a closed meditation group at the home of Jaap Van Etten, who has been researching Crystal Skulls for over 15 years and has written 2 books on the subject. We meditated with over 300 crystal skulls, which set us up nicely for what was to come...an afternoon with one of the ancient skulls called Einstein.. Carolyn Ford is the caretaker of Einstein and graciously joined us for an afternoon, we shared a Hoóponopono ceremony before a few of us chose to spent some private time with Carolyn and Einstein.

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Whist I had heard of the legend of the ancient skulls and have picked up many crystal skulls in various crystal shops around the world, I had not yet been drawn to buy one. That changed in Sedona and I am now the proud owner of 2 beautiful small crystal skulls. What I find interesting is that in my private session with Einstein, Carolyn placed him behind my head so our crown chakras were lined up and I received, what I can only describe as, a download. I have felt a deep connection with him since then and he has been appearing in my soul reading sessions. Please let me know if you have had any cool experiences with crystal skulls as I feel my interest growing daily.

We shared our time with wonderful people: we laughed, we cried and most of all celebrated in gratitude that we were gifted with an incredible experience that will enhance all of our lives in so many ways. I always marvel at the profound inner journey that happens for each individual in the group, including my own.

Charlotte and I have decided to offer the Sedona journey again next Feb so if you are interested, please let me know as we have limited the journey to a maximum of 16 people and we have already had a few sign-ups. Details will be on the site by May 2014 – we will offer a similar itinerary and include an afternoon with Carolyn Ford and Einstein plus a few optional extra opportunities.

Check out the Photo Album here

Wishing you all a glorious month and if you live in the Northern hemisphere, enjoy the early signs of Spring. Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words and your faith stronger than your feelings.

Where will you be going in 2014? We have an exciting range of Spiritual Quest Journeys to Sacred Sites and magical places all around the world. For more information and an overview of the journeys on offer, please click here

Written by: Peta Panos – Spiritual Quest Journeys

Email: [email protected]

Website: Spiritual Quest Journeys

Facebook: Spiritual Quest Journeys

Twitter: questjourneys

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Animal and plant of the month with Jennifer Adele


There are about 5,000 different species of lady-bugs (Coccinellidae) in the world. These much-loved critters are also known as ‘lady beetles’ or ‘ladybird beetles.’ They come in many different colors and patterns, but the most familiar in North America and Europe is the seven-spotted ladybug, with its shiny, red-and-black body.

Perhaps best known as an emblem of luck, when a ladybug lands on you, it is said your wish will come true! Asian traditions often hold to the be-lief that if caught and then released, the ladybug will faithfully fly to your true love and whisper your name in his or her ear. Upon hearing the ladybug’s message, it is said that your true love will hurry their way to your side. In Ireland, the ladybug is said to be a symbol of protection, and ancient farmers of the land have considered the ladybug a good omen, too, as she controls aphid populations. As a love symbol, this insect totem has been the subject of many wives’ tales, in which the number of spots on a bug’s back is said to indicate the number of months to pass before the wish for love comes true.

All I can personally say of my memories of the ladybug while growing up are that I felt it was definitely a friendly sort of insect. Instinctively, I never held any fear or trepidation about ap-proaching or holding one, and I have noticed as an adult that most children don’t. The ladybug has a very congenial energy about it.

Symbolism: luck, love, wishes granted, protec-tion of our endeavors, and happy dreams.

Elm Tree

When it comes to stateliness and grandeur, the Elm tree is second to none. The magnificent topiary, known for its all-encompassing cano-py and massive maze of interwoven dropping branches, is one of the most popular trees on earth. Whether it’s shade or beauty you are after, the Elm tree has you covered this month.

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The Elm is a deciduous tree that’s hard to miss. Some species can grow as high as 115 feet tall, with leaf canopies that stretch out as far as 80 feet wide. In addition to its impressive size, the Elm has a number of other noteworthy charac-teristics, including: bluish-gray to ash gray bark colorations, dense clusters of tiny green blos-soms which emerge from reddish brown buds in the spring, and oval leaves with asymmetrical bases and serrated edges that turn a beautiful deep yellow or chartreuse in autumn.

As for cultural interpretations, the elm tree has often held meaning that includes strength of will and intuition. During the 18th and 19th centu-ries, elms were popular as ornamentals by virtue of their rapid growth and variety of foliage and forms. This popularity lasted until World War I, when the consequences of hostilities, notably in Germany, and the outbreak of Dutch Elm dis-ease saw the elm slide into horticultural decline. Elm wood is valued for its interlocking grain, and consequent resistance to splitting. This has brought about its significant uses in wheels, chairs, and even coffins. The wood is also resistant to decay when permanently wet, and hollowed trunks were widely used as water pipes during the medieval period in Europe.

Symbolism: strength, stability, willfulness, strength of will, determination, vast effects, intu-ition, family, traditions, devotion, loyalty.

By Jennifer Adele. Think of the Paws-Abilities!!!

Author of “Spellbound” and “The Haunting of Willow Tree Court” ... Novels of magic and mystery. www.jenniferadele.com

See Jennifer’s Animal and Plant Totems every day on facebook


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April from a Witch’s point

of view…

Drip drop drip little April showers…April can be a bit hit and miss with the weather but it is (usually and hopefully) most definitely spring. Plants are starting to really come alive, the seeds planted at Ostara are making good headway and the weather is (she says again hopefully) a bit warmer.

We are working off the back of the spring equinox and heading towards Beltane, everything is alive and buzzing with energy.

Magical workings for this month are; creativity, producing, return to balance, change, self confidence, self reliance, opportunities, emotions and selfishness. I think the equinox always brings about changes of one kind or another (in my experience anyway), it is a time to clear out the old and that which has not worked and to bring in new projects, new ventures and new ways of thinking, make changes that bring in the positive. It is so easy to get caught in a cycle of destructive or unhealthy actions, now is the time to break free (yep I am singing now…). Sometimes we end up taking on too much and finding our entire life

is out of balance and it has a ripple effect, like dropping a pebble into a still pool, the ripples from one tiny stone can have a huge affect on everything else. The equinox gives us an opportunity to re-balance and use all the energy that Beltane brings with it to put those changes into action.

Take a step back…take a really good look at your life and see where you can make changes to bring it back into alignment, to give a good balance between work, friends, family, play and ‘you’ time. Even little changes are a start and can lead onto bigger ones.

To help you find the unbalance or the underlying problem issues I like to light a white and a black candle (go with whatever colours work for you but you need a darker and a lighter candle, pale blue and dark blue or pale pink and burgundy for instance). I put them in holders and place a tarot card between the two candles something like Temperance or the Two of Pentacles, a card that says ‘balance’ to you. Light both candles with the intent of seeking out the areas of your life that need adjusting, watch the flames and look deep into the cards…open yourself up to totally honesty and the answers will come to you.

Witchy Wonderingsby Rachel Patterson

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If you want to work with deities that are associated with the month of April some suggestions would be Venus, Aphrodite, Eostre, Aprilis, Flora, Pales, Terra Mata, Ceres, Jupiter, Furrina, Cybele, Kali, Hathor, Fortuna, Ishtar and Bast. Make a small altar to a specific deity, add an image to your existing altar or meditate to specifically connect with one of them, they will all have guidance and advice for you, all you have to do is ask.

Totem animal energies that are particularly associated with this month are falcon, beaver, elk, snake, ram, bull, bear and wolf. Each of these totems have their own particular energies and characteristics that you can drawn on and help you understand, gain insight and strength from. Invite them into your meditation and see where they lead you.

Veggies that are in season during April: Aparagus, broccoli, purple sprouting, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, chicory, chard, endive, spring & winter greens, kale, leeks, lettuce, onions, potatoes, radish, rocket, sea kale, sorrel, spinach and watercress. One of my personal favourite fruits is also in season now and that is rhubarb.

If you fancy a bit of foraging (please make sure you have identified the plants correctly before eating!) Alexanders, broom buds, chickweed, dandelion (the leaves make a delicious salad), fat hen, hop shoots, nettles, sea kale, sea spinach, sorrel, watercress, wild rocket, cow parsley, meadowsweet, wild fennel, wild garlic, primroses (please pick these sparingly as they are becoming quite endangered in the wild) and wild mushrooms. If you like working with the energy of crystals then a few suggestions to work with that correspond to the month of April are quartz, amber, aquamarine, azurite, carnelian, emerald, kunzite, kyanite, lapis lazuli, rhodonite, rose quartz, seleninte, tiger’s eye and variscite. You could use the positive energies of April to make a

crystal grid. Start with a crystal in the centre and add your intent, if it is for business success you could put a business card under the centre crystal then add crystals going around in a spiral or a mandala pattern fanning out from the centre. I like to add herbs and oracle or tarot cards to my crystal grids too. Once your intuition has told you what crystals to use and where to put them visualise all the crystals, herbs and cards linking up with a ‘web’ of white light to bring your intent to reality.

Making a loose incense or an essential oil blend to help you connect with the flavour of April might include some of these; daisy, sweet pea, pine, bay, bergamot, patchouli, basil, dragon’s blood, geranium, sandalwood, cinnamon or thistle. But be guided by your own intuition and what ingredients you have access to.

Try creating an incense with the intention of bringing about balance to your life, I would work with sandalwood, cinnamon and patchouli – it makes a lovely earthy scent.

Spring has sprung and the powerful energy of Beltane is on its way…

Rachel Patterson


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GingerIn traditional and non-traditional medicines ginger has many uses. It is used to: reduce fatigue, stomach ache, as a blood thinner, to lower cholesterol, to improve blood circulation, as a throat lozenge, to relieve heat cramps and reduce inflammation. Ginger and ginger tea can be used to help with morning sickness. The American Cancer society has recommended it as a cancer treatment in reducing nausea due to chemotherapy. It also goes after free radicals in the blood system.

Caution should be used by pregnant women when using ginger.

Wil Snider


Ginger: Spirit-Spunk-&TemperGinger is a root herb. I can be used dried or fresh. Other family members of ginger include: turmeric, cardamonn, galangal. It has it origins in south Asia. It was documented in recipes in Europe and the United States as early as 1740 for a flavoring in wine. The Romans imported it from China.

The culinary uses of ginger obviously are used in many Asian and Indian recipes. Traditionally it is considered a “hot fragrant” kitchen spice. Used in China, Korea, Japan for use in seafood and goat meat. It is used in pickling with vinegar or sherry, steeped for tea, and used in candy. We have ginger ale, 1822, and ginger snaps, 1855.

by Wil Snider


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37Artwork by Fae Duyette https://www.facebook.com/jerri.fae?fref=ts

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Enlightened Eating & Livingby Amaritday


Hello You Lovely, Perfectly Imperfect Being, Divine as you are and Sacred beyond


Ama’ritday – The Sacred Health Doula here and wishing you light, love and bright blessings.

I am so glad to be here with you as we take another turn of the wheel and it is yet again time to get some Enlightened Living and Eating pearls!

Nothing in life comes easy, like the pearl we are created by irritation. So let’s think in terms of brilliance being created than being surrounded by negativity. All the challenges we face are creating our brilliance not our defeat. The Divine doesn’t bring us to the ocean to drown us but to cleanse us.

We have just finished the celebration of Ostara and soon will be celebrating Easter. We can still carry that vibration of gratitude, of seeds being planted, new beginnings, great and abundant intentions with us, as we are thawing out from the long winter’s rest.

She is here again as always. I say Thank You Green Lady.

Hail and Welcome, Divine Beautiful Goddess!

Deciding that we are responsible and accountable for our success or failure is the key.

We all deserve the best but sometimes we can get in our own way and sabotage our own best efforts, leaving one to feel deflated disappointed and adrift in a challenging and quickly changing world.

So I say start from the beginning ask yourself what can I do? We can take good care of ourselves on a budget or with no budget. We have to decide what we will invest in ourselves. Ask yourself what is that you need to move forward feeling confident, empowered and on fire for your life?

You only have one life. How do you choose to you live it? As a victim or a victor?

April is the fourth month and we moving through the year quite expeditiously. What intentions are we going to plant and what will we do to insure that they grow to fruition? Every day that we procrastinate is a day we won’t get back. So start where you are!

What will you do this month to move toward the life of your dreams?

Remember to take time to re-connect with mother Gaia and all her wondrous offerings. If you have a yard get to know it, watch the dawn, or plant some seeds once the last frost has gone. Pick up any trash you see, Pretty Please and Thank you! Mama G needs our help. Get outside connect with the plants and trees. Visualize yourself as one with them getting to know them like you would yourself or a lover.

You can include a ritual to enhance the connection.

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by AmaritdayYou may also want to think about your sacred relationship with yourself and your sexuality. Find those things about your sensuality that need more love mercy and compassion. Your best most sacred relationship is with yourself. If you don’t honor yourself who will? Do you need some support around this? Sign up for a Discovery Session Today to help you connect with your sacred self and discern your innermost desires.

Devotion to yourself, your environment, and your nourishment is essential to optimum health and wellness. A monthly cleansing ritual using essential oils, incenses, smudge sticks and natural cleaning products as well as mother nature’s accents are great foundational practices to set the stage for sacred space to heal, renew and re-charge, as well as, added support in living a healthy, whole and holy life. Set your altar with all you good intentions -Light candles, use fresh flowers, eggs, hare and rabbit statues.

April brings with it Easter. The date of Easter is still determined by the moon cycle. It is always the first Sunday on or after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. Remember to - Ask yourself what sweetness am I missing in my life? Life meant to be lived and savored. So savor all the joys, sorrows, surprises, curveballs and everything in between. Be devoted but enjoy life’s sweet moments and if you stumble, get back up and begin again You are perfectly where you are meant to be! Everything can change in the blink of an eye. Make sure to check out the recipe below. Let me know how it turns out ;)

So live life fully amazingly totally abundantly with all your heart! Let your days be full of lots of wonder, delight, love, positive energy and divine guidance - until next month.

Yours in service, Ama’ritday

Here is a lovely little sweet traditional recipe known as Pashka.

Pashka 1 lb. cream cheese at room temperature 1/2 lb. butter at room temperature 1-3/4 cup powdered sugar 2 tsp vanilla extract 1 cup currants 1 cup toasted almonds

Toast almonds on a parchment lined pan in a pre-heated oven at 350 degrees(F) for about 10 to 12 minutes or until slightly brown. Set aside to cool.

Place the cream cheese in food processor and process until there are no lumps. No food processor, run it through a fine strainer into a bowl using a plastic spoon or rubber spatula. Add the butter and fold in until creamy. Add sugar and vanilla to mixture and mix. Add the currants and almonds. Scrape down bowl well and mix a few more minutes. Refrigerate until hard, 2 to 4 hours minimum. Serve with a scoop of premium ice cream topped with Melba Sauce.

To make the Melba Sauce: 1 lb. raspberries (or 3 frozen 5-oz containers) 1/2-1 cup granulated sugar 2 tsp fresh lemon juice

Puree fruit and sugar in blender. Add lemon juice and mix well. Strain through fine sieve into small bowl. Makes about 1-1/2 cups. Chill.

Ama’ritday Rodriguez Montero Ordained Minister, Holistic Health Coach & Doula Come visit me online at~ My website: www.amaritday.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Amaritday

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hi simi, can you add to the credits page at the We are able to offer advertising space in our magazine. For more information please email [email protected]

better still a


The third in a series, by the author of the Divine Mother Speaks. Essential reading for those on the awakening spiritual pathway, communications with the higher conscious by Rashmi leads us to understand who, why and what we are, how to deal with situations that may occur along our quest for enlightenment.


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Spiritual inspired Shop selling various spiritual stock at rear of our coffee shop - chi coffee. Tarot readings and healing also available; Workshops and events planned. Large room available for hire.

We are the twist that you will find at the back of our shop - Chi Coffee. Selling drums, crystals, wood art work, spiritual inspired paintings, tarot /psychic cards, and more... Tarot readings and healing also available. We will be arranging various events and workshops, please keep posted for updates on these. We have use of a large space for anyone interest in hosting events, please see management for enquires. We hope you enjoy our shop as much as we do and look forward to meeting you soon.

After a great magical mystery tour before our Autumn Equinox ritual & party, myself James, Kirsty & Mark….alias the motley crew dropped into the Spiritual Chi coffee

shop….where we found some great relaxed energies & a warm welcome….we also noted there is always something going on such as workshops, readings and healing most days of the week…there are items for sale such as incense, books, tarot cards & crystals at reason-able prices….so do look in as you will love it and pick up some wonderful calm energies…


Mystik Way visits the CHI COFFEE VENUE

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...Issue 36 will be out in May 2015

Thank you for reading the Mystik Way Magazine!

If you have enjoyed the journey, please consider a donation to help us with our running costs. A donation of only $1 or 1 Pound will be greatly appreciated and will enable us to provide and grow this platform for spiritual growth.