' . . ' .. - ....... L. ... J"i .,.'14 &$g&&&3&8 n&, . -x- -- 1 V m's& u3S: Bfti '& 4- -wt ' i mw jvtiss ,)'' : Bull ?! Jv J''J' J r... 4 I , If :: T .n "ft " iu . ." 1)6 v. IM . if o. I- - XS&' Vol. XlT. No. ZM1. XRE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed and publlshod at the office, Queoa Street, Honolulu, II. every afternoon (Sundays excepted). . r Subscription, 50 cents por Month. Addrbss all Communications Daily Bdllktik. Advertisements, tc ensuro insertion, th'ould bo handed ln before one o'clock P. M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor Bulletin Stoam Printing Office. Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of bll kinds done on the most favorablo terms. JJoll Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 33 columns, of leading matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. ' It is the best paper Dubllshcd in the Kingdom to send to friends abroad. ' - Hnbscriptlon: Island : : : f 4 00 year Foreign : : : 5 00 ' Coforxussion Merchants. idUVOlirJL0L,iL Sz. Co., General Commission Agents. Honolulu Q. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Queen street, Honolulu. H. I. 1048 GONSALVES & CO., Wholesalo Grocers 6V Wine Merchants Beaver Block, Honolulu. o. BREWER (Limited) & COMPANY, General Mercantile and Commission Agents. LIST OF OFPI OEMS : P. C. Jones, Jr;.. .President & Manager J. O. Uautku Treasurer Secretary DIUECTOBB: Hon. O. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen, H. Watkruousb. ' 33d ly JOHN T. WATBBHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1 A. N. Castie.-- j. B. Athof ton-- G. P. Castle i 1A8TLK & OOOKBJV J Shipping and Commission .Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General MerchaaoWe, No. 60 King St., Honolulu. 1 iCUui Spreekels. Wm. O, Irwin. WQ. IRWIN fc COMPANY, Sugar Factors and Commission cnts, Honolulu. 1 WILDER St CO., Dealers ia Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, SP, and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. , '" 1 Lewors, F.-J- , Ijowrey iO.M. Cooke. I, BWBB8 a. COOKE, t . -- J . (successors to'Lowers'& Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all Kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu . r- - I H. G. GBABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN, 81 King Street, opposite the Old Station House. Slutual Tolepliouo No. l. ;; . 87 tf VETERINARY. Alt. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon, aud phurmauy at Hawaiian Hotel rltables, corner Hotel and Richard streets, Scientltlc treatment iu all di-ca- of domestic auimals. Owera for plantation and ranch stock promptly uttended to. Mutual Telephone 854, 1. O. Box 320. ml!.18-- 8 O LUSO HAWAIIANO. "A LL persons who want to coramuni J3. ,cato with the Poituguese, either for business, or for procuriug workmen, servants or. any othor helps, wll )lud It the most proiltablo way to advertise in the Luso IlawaiiaHo, the new organ of iho' Portuguese colony, which is pub. lisKcd on Hotel street, and only charge" rtmannahle, r.atwi for HilvnrlUniiiint THE BEST PAPER to subscribe it the "Dally Bullutln." BO I cnts per month. Professionals. T M.MONSARKAT, ' ' tf Attorney nt Lavr & Notary'Publlc 149 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf J ALFRED MAGOOH, Attorney at Law "JS Notary irubllc ' 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu iy David Dayton Will practice in the Jower courts of the Kingdom as attorney, attend tot collect 'lug in all its branches, renting of houses and any other business entrusted tohlra Otllcc 01 King Street Upstairs. Feb 5.89 FioivisinR, STBAI CAM FAGTOII F. HORN, Practical ConfecUoner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. "aSr Telephone 74. Rfflrs. L. C. Pray, Genuine Massage Roman Baths 1B0 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard. dec7.88 HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 09 To-- t Street, : William's Block, 216 Honolulu, H. I. a. M. llENSOr). a. vr. smith. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 118 & 11C Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot for Bocricke & Sceohlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Ricktecker's Perfumes and Tollot Requisites, i2y WENNER & G0 JUoiHifaetnrliiB Jewellers, NO. 03 FORT STllJEJET. Constantly on hand large assortmen of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukui Jewelry a Specialty. King Street, Honolulu, II. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram, way Company's Office. tSF" Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. Hustace& Robertson, 15 R A. Y 1 JS 3M . A LL orders for Cartage promptly at-- tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand' in quantities to suit at lowest prlcou. Offlco, noxt door to Jaa. F. Morgan's auction room. 982 ly Mutual Telephono No. 10. Ricliardjayford, VETERINARY Shoeing JPoYgG, 71) &. HI Itluc Mtreot. Horses and Cattle Treated foi all Diseases. Residence No. 31 Alakca Street. V. O, BOX d.OH. i,oii r.i ....... i Hhop, 881 ""' '"" 7 ne. WW. Manufacturer of Ladles' & Gentlemen's Boots & Shoes, No. XO Xuunuu Wt., All work guaranteed. Lowest prices. The very best leather kept on hand. 238 3m A. H. RASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. Merchant street. Up stairs. oct-l.8-- ly HONOLULU, H. - gHfS Tho Bost Lunch in Town, Tea. and Coffee, at HlHouxs - ;...;. ,,,., : ,r--..:- . llt- - Tho Flnoat Brand of on Ilnmt. II. J. XOLTIi. rroprictor. True Metropolitan eat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Retail Eutchors AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly Choicest Mutton I Beef, Pork, XTIsli, Vojjotiitles, &,c., Sec. Always on hand at the HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to Wm. McCatidlcrs), No. C queen St., : : Fish JInrket, Honolulu, II. I. CdETFamily and Shipping Oiders care- fully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice. ' my 17-8- 8 JOS. TINKER, BUTCHEU. Nuuanu Street. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Pork. -- ALSO- Cambridge Pork Sausages ! Fresh Every Day. CSyHis noted Sausages aro made by the every bfst machinery, and all orders entrusted to his care will bo delivered with promptness and dispatch, and his prices arc as low as anywhere in tho city. .,, EST Try his Bologna SausagesTtSB oct.5-8- Anderson &Lundy, Ieutistg. Artificial Teeth from ono to an entiro set inserted on gold, silver, alluminum and rubber bases. Crown and Bridge Work a specialty. To persona wearing rubber plntes which arc a constant onurce of irritation to the mouth and throat, we would recommend our Pro- phylactic Metal Plate. All operations performed in accordance wlih the latest improvements in dental science. Teeth Extracted without pain by tho use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. at Old Trcgloan Residence Hotel Btfcct. Fod-20.8- 0 WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, Fort Street, nexl Lucas' Mill, -'- - W. W. WRIGHT, Nos. 79 and 01 King Street. Carriage Builders, Ship's Blacksmhhlng, Drays, Carls & Wagon Building as specially. Every description of work In tho above lines performed in hi ArM-cla- manner and exicutcd at short notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. C3T Orders from tho other iaands solicited, Will be pleaned to seo all our old customers hs well as new ones. Mutual Telephone No 575. apr.19.8U Pioneer Shin Factory Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St. The undersigned bops to inform the public of these Islands that he is making SIiirtM ly MoaHiiremout I Directions for pelf.mcaBtireroont will bo given on application. WhiteShirts, Oversblrts & Night Gowns A fit guarantee by making a sample Bhlrt to every order. Island order solicited Bell Telephono 410 581y A. SI. HELLIH. "I . L, MONDA EVENING, .'! 2, 1S89. ! EMBROIDERIES LAGES '' LARGB IMPORTATION DIBEGT EUROPE ' JSS. 2TOW OPEN. AT THEr . . ," POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE, 104 Fort Street. Houolulii. IV. S. - - IPiroprietor. I Call and exuminc. Swiss Nainsook & Hamburg Edgings, In every width and all qualities; Embroidery Skirt Flounces, Exquisite pattorns, at vary, low figures; All-ov- er 3Emlioidleiies, Latest pattorns, in Swiss A, Nninlook; ' Children's Embroidery Flounces, In Swiss & Nainsook ; Laces & Lace An immense assortment; Oriental Lace Flounces Skirt Length, In White & Deep Ecru, at exceptionally low .priced ; Valencienne Lace Full Skirt Length it Edgings to mutch. fl3SP The above Goods aro direct from Europe and direct from tho manufacturers, and will therefore bo offered at prices lower than hither-tofor- c. OFFER AT RED ROCK PRICES o California Hay, Oats, Bran, ten i Oil Cake Meal, Linseed Meal, Barley, Rolled Barley, Middling Ground Barley, Wheat and Corn Flour. FLOUR 6?-Al- la, Golden Gato & Salinas-- R FLOUR Telephones, No. 175. Bell Telephone, CO -- a t&" HAWAIIAN SEPTEMBER and FROM SAOHiS, Length Flounces, Flounces, Ho. 24 Merchant Street, Hear Fort Street. -- Have on hand and For Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts. Mutual rJCeloplioue, 1 WINE CO., a Assortment of- - AT LOWEST RATES by FRANK BROWN, Manager. All Brands of American Whiskies, BOURBON, RYE ana MONONGAHELA, In Bulk or Case; SCOTCH and IRJSS HL WHISETST, In Glasa and Stono Jara; Very Fino &, Very Cheap Qualities, as are wanted; GINS; in Large & Small Bottles; (White or Black), also, STONE JUG3 ; Old Tom Giu, Boat Jlirund In tlio Murlcot; TJR'OPEAN SHERRIES and PORT ! In Bulk and Case. All Brands of American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc, In Pints and Quarts; Finest Brands of Champagnes, In Tints and Quarts, Bitters, Liquors Absinthe, - Apollimiri Water, Kummels, Very Superior CALIFORNIA WINES, A8 FOLLOWS: Zinfandcl, Malaga, Tokay, Madeira, Port, Sherry, Riesling, nooks, Etc., Eta, tffT All ol wnloh will bo sold 2170 37 Sale Full NTEBPRiS piakio mill. I Alnkea.iear Cbccb St. ;. Tolrphoao S&. ., . . WALKER. & REDWARD, Contractors fc llulldora. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; given. .Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 King street. Hell Tele- phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap y GF-ORG- E Contractor LTJUAB, -- esraK and Builder, Honolulu 8team Planlng'Mills, Jispla uauu, iiunoiuiu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work'dnis- Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. ' Orders promptly attwnded to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other Is- lands solicited HONOL.UL.tI Innti OCrnuij-- a iStnnnn nnnlnrn ud.-Mll- l. i.n ere, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. i J. E. BROWN & CO.. BH Merchant 8t Honolulu, II. I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ACCOUXTAKTS, Conveyancers & General Agents REAL ESTATE FACTORS & COLLECTORS. Sole Agents for the Burlington RouU Across America, and to tho Azores. Hole Agents for Pitt & Scott's Foreign Parcels Express & General Shippinc Agency. Sole Agents for Sunny South Aerated Waters. -- Sole Agents for Masefleld Bros.' New Zealand Mullet and Canned Goods. Special Agents for Leading New Zea land and Ausinilian Mercantile Finns Special Agents for the California Land Association. Special Agents for the Honolulu Bus! noas Directory. AIho, Other Special Agendo. IS? Customs' Entries Passed. Pro pcities Managed. Assignees and Audi, tors Work done promptly. Houses Leased and Rents Collected. New Business Solicited Bell Tole. No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 360. Dec-- 5 Post Office Box 4GD. 88-l- y P. O. Box 351. -- EST Mcll Tele. 7. Hawaiiau Business Agency Corner Fort&Merchant Streets, Honolulu, II. I. GENERAL AGENTS, Acconntau t & Collectors FOK THE Hawaiian Bell Telephone So. Manager of Advertising Department ron THE "Mupepa Kuokoa," DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will receive special atten-tlo- n and returns promptly madr. Real Estate bought, told and leased. Taxes Paid and properly safely injured Houses, Cotlagos, Rooms and Offices, leased and rented, aud rents collected. Fire and Life Insurance effected in first class Insurance Companies. Conveyancing a Specialty licrouls seaiclied and correct Abstracts of Title furnished. Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and hand, somely engrossed. Copying and Translating in all languages in ueueral use in tills Kingdom. Cutlom, House Business transacted with nccuracy and dispatch. Loans uuuotiuicd nt favorable rates. Gold, Silver and Certificates bougl.t and soil. Advorllscmonts and Subscriptions roll cited for publishers. Skilled and Unskilled Labor fnrnUhed. Any Article purchased or sold. Inter-Jslan- d Orders will lartl, cuhtr attention, To Let, Furnished and Unlumlthed Cot. tanei In desirable localities nt reasonable rentals. Several Valuable Properties in and around tho city now for sale and leate on easy terms. eSPAll business entrusted to our onro will recelvo prompt anil faithful alien, lion at moderate charge FeM 8 3mmk ,.."'. Ut&fessfeiu'A .''Jraf:'-- - aiin80RIPTION BO OENT8 PER MONTH NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, 609,00,00 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At every age, on every premium table, aud in every year, the AC- TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies of the New York Life Insurance CrJ. have been LARGER than those. OF ANY OTHER COMPANY issuing similar policies. , For particulars apply. ib o. o. miauisit. Oon'l Agent Hawaiian Islands. 283 tf , . LIFE, MARINE INSURANCE Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Asset;, $5,288,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Firo and Marino) Assets, $450,000 "Corporaiion , (Fire an'ii Murine) . CapitaL.paid up, $2,000,000 BauthBritliHFir aad:iBlaeins.-.C- Capita),'$lo,000,000 New York Jife. Insurance Co. . Asset,' $05,000,000 C.O.BEBGER f HONOLULU. ; General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1053 ly The Best Company THE JMLUXtJAX. Life Insurance Co. ojt 3smyv IvpiajK.- - Rlchard A. HcCnrdy, President. The Largest Company in the World The Oldest Company, jn trie U.S. It Gives the Most Liberal Policies Pays the Largest Dividends. t' '' Claims paid to policy holders In the Hawalianjttlandsi during the past .ten yearr,, Over : 8100.000 OO. Sjr For rates, apply, to General Agent, Honolulu. Hawaiiaii '"'anils. ' net.UB8.ly CASTLE & 0OOKE, Life, Fire i Marino Irtstir'oe Agents. aoemts ron The Sew EoEload MUTUAI LIFE INS. C0MP Y of Boston. The JEtna Fire Insurance Co of Hartford, Conn The Union Vr and Marine Insurance Co., of. Ban Francisco, Cara, 11 ly ' Prussian National Insurance Comn'v KflTinusuKD 1845. Capital, 9,000,00(1 Retchsmarki '" Urt.uergDed, hattpgjb)nfcp. 4, pointed agent of .the above Conipairr lor tue Mawallau.lBjttnds.larpfen accept risiw, igalnstFife,' onRi'l W. ; v,jiivuunuiao, I lOauee.BUI rar juttis eto on the most PaVorableJ I'trrf. Louts Promptly Adjusted a'nd'Payable Honolulu. ,,S'J- - U. HIBMENBOHNEIDKlt, JIy-8- ly at Wilder & CoV i 'i M ' ? A - 3&S .& "S .1 Jt. Ji ' ' - wm m ' x

n&, Bull · bll kinds done on the most favorablo terms. JJoll Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication,

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Page 1: n&, Bull · bll kinds done on the most favorablo terms. JJoll Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication,


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Vol. XlT. No. ZM1.


Is printed and publlshod at the office,Queoa Street, Honolulu, II. every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).. r

Subscription, 50 cents por Month.

Addrbss all Communications DailyBdllktik.

Advertisements, tc ensuro insertion,th'ould bo handed ln before one o'clockP. M.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

Bulletin Stoam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing ofbll kinds done on the most favorabloterms.JJoll Telephone No. 250Mutual Telephone No. 250


Weekly Summary.

An interesting and comprehensivepublication, contains 33 columns, ofleading matter on local topics, and acomplete resume of Honolulu and IslandNews. ' It is the best paper Dubllshcdin the Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

' - Hnbscriptlon:Island : : : f4 00 yearForeign : : : 5 00 '

Coforxussion Merchants.

idUVOlirJL0L,iL Sz. Co.,

General Commission Agents.




Queen street, Honolulu. H. I.1048


Wholesalo Grocers 6V Wine Merchants

Beaver Block, Honolulu.

o. BREWER(Limited)


General Mercantile andCommission Agents.


P. C. Jones, Jr;.. .President & ManagerJ. O. Uautku Treasurer Secretary


Hon. O. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen,H. Watkruousb.

' 33d ly

JOHN T. WATBBHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1

A. N. Castie.--j. B. Athof ton--G. P. Castlei 1A8TLK & OOOKBJVJ Shipping and Commission

.Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral MerchaaoWe, No. 60 King St.,Honolulu. 1

iCUui Spreekels. Wm. O, Irwin.

WQ. IRWIN fc COMPANY,Sugar Factors and Commission

cnts, Honolulu. 1

WILDER St CO.,Dealers ia Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, SP, and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. ,



Lewors, F.-J- , Ijowrey iO.M. Cooke.

I, BWBB8 a. COOKE, t . --

J . (successors to'Lowers'& Dickson.)Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allKinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu . r- - I



81 King Street, opposite the Old StationHouse.

Slutual Tolepliouo No. l.;; . 87 tf


Alt. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon,aud phurmauy at Hawaiian

Hotel rltables, corner Hotel and Richardstreets, Scientltlc treatment iu all di-ca-

of domestic auimals. Owera forplantation and ranch stock promptlyuttended to. Mutual Telephone 854,1. O. Box 320. ml!.18-- 8

O LUSO HAWAIIANO."A LL persons who want to coramuniJ3. ,cato with the Poituguese, eitherfor business, or for procuriug workmen,servants or. any othor helps, wll )lud Itthe most proiltablo way to advertise inthe Luso IlawaiiaHo, the new organ ofiho' Portuguese colony, which is pub.lisKcd on Hotel street, and only charge"rtmannahle, r.atwi for HilvnrlUniiiint

THE BEST PAPER to subscribeit the "Dally Bullutln." BO I

cnts per month.



tf Attorney nt Lavr & Notary'Publlc149 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf

J ALFRED MAGOOH,Attorney at Law "JS Notary irubllc '

173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu iy

David DaytonWill practice in the Jower courts of theKingdom as attorney, attend tot collect'lug in all its branches, renting of housesand any other business entrusted tohlra

Otllcc 01 King Street Upstairs.Feb 5.89


F. HORN, Practical ConfecUoner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. "aSr Telephone 74.

Rfflrs. L. C. Pray,

Genuine Massage Roman Baths

1B0 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard.dec7.88


Druggists & TobacconistsWHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

1 09 To-- t Street, : William's Block,216 Honolulu, H. I.

a. M. llENSOr). a. vr. smith.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,118 & 11C Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for Bocricke & Sceohlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Ricktecker's Perfumes and Tollot

Requisites, i2y

WENNER & G0JUoiHifaetnrliiB Jewellers,

NO. 03 FORT STllJEJET.Constantly on hand large assortmen

of every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukui Jewelry a Specialty.

King Street, Honolulu, II. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram,

way Company's Office.

tSF" Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs.

Hustace& Robertson,

15 R A. Y 1 JS 3M .A LL orders for Cartage promptly at--

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand'in quantities to suit at lowest prlcou.

Offlco, noxt door to Jaa. F. Morgan'sauction room.982 ly Mutual Telephono No. 10.


Shoeing JPoYgG,71) &. HI Itluc Mtreot.

Horses and Cattle Treated foiall Diseases.

Residence No. 31 Alakca Street.V. O, BOX d.OH.

i,oii r.i ....... i Hhop, 881""' '"" 7 ne. WW.

Manufacturer of

Ladles' & Gentlemen's Boots & Shoes,

No. XO Xuunuu Wt.,

All work guaranteed. Lowest prices.The very best leather kept on hand.

238 3m

A. H. RASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo-k


No. Merchant street. Up stairs.oct-l.8-- ly


gHfSTho Bost Lunch in Town,

Tea. and Coffee, at HlHouxs- ;...;. ,,,., : ,r--..:- . llt- -

Tho Flnoat Brand of

on Ilnmt.II. J. XOLTIi. rroprictor.


eat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale & Retail Eutchors



Choicest Mutton I

Beef, Pork,XTIsli, Vojjotiitles, &,c., Sec.

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCatidlcrs),

No. C queen St., : : Fish JInrket,Honolulu, II. I.

CdETFamily and Shipping Oiders care-fully attended to. Live Stock furnishedto vessels at short notice. ' my 17-8- 8


Nuuanu Street.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Pork.

-- ALSO-

Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Fresh Every Day.

CSyHis noted Sausages aro made bythe every bfst machinery, and all ordersentrusted to his care will bo deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, and hisprices arc as low as anywhere in thocity. .,,

EST Try his Bologna SausagesTtSBoct.5-8-

Anderson &Lundy,Ieutistg.

Artificial Teeth from ono to an entiroset inserted on gold, silver, alluminumand rubber bases. Crown and BridgeWork a specialty. To persona wearingrubber plntes which arc a constantonurce of irritation to the mouth andthroat, we would recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plate. All operationsperformed in accordance wlih the latestimprovements in dental science. TeethExtracted without pain by tho use ofNitrous Oxide Gas.

at Old Trcgloan ResidenceHotel Btfcct. Fod-20.8- 0

WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fort Street, nexl Lucas' Mill, -'-


W. W. WRIGHT,Nos. 79 and 01 King Street.

Carriage Builders,Ship's Blacksmhhlng, Drays, Carls &

Wagon Building as specially.

Every description of work In thoabove lines performed in hi ArM-cla-

manner and exicutcd at short notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.C3T Orders from tho other iaands

solicited, Will be pleaned to seo allour old customers hs well as new ones.Mutual Telephone No 575.


Pioneer Shin FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St.

The undersigned bops to inform thepublic of these Islands that he is makingSIiirtM ly MoaHiiremout I

Directions for pelf.mcaBtireroont willbo given on application.

WhiteShirts, Oversblrts & Night Gowns

A fit guarantee by making a sampleBhlrt to every order.

Island order solicited Bell Telephono 410

581y A. SI. HELLIH.

"I .

L, MONDA EVENING,.'! 2, 1S89.!



POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE,104 Fort Street. Houolulii.

IV. S. - - IPiroprietor.


Call and exuminc.

Swiss Nainsook & Hamburg Edgings,In every width and all qualities;

Embroidery Skirt Flounces,Exquisite pattorns, at vary, low figures;

All-ov- er 3Emlioidleiies,Latest pattorns, in Swiss A, Nninlook; '

Children's Embroidery Flounces,In Swiss & Nainsook ;

Laces & LaceAn immense assortment;

Oriental Lace Flounces Skirt Length,In White & Deep Ecru, at exceptionally low .priced ;

Valencienne LaceFull Skirt Length it Edgings to mutch.

fl3SP The above Goods aro direct from Europe and direct from thomanufacturers, and will therefore bo offered at prices lower than hither-tofor- c.


California Hay, Oats, Bran,ten i

Oil Cake Meal, Linseed Meal,Barley, Rolled Barley,

Middling Ground Barley,Wheat and Corn Flour.

FLOUR 6?-Al- la, Golden Gato & Salinas-- R FLOUR

Telephones, No. 175.

Bell Telephone, CO -- a t&"









Ho. 24 Merchant Street, Hear Fort Street.

-- Have on hand and For

Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.

Mutual rJCeloplioue, 1


a Assortment of--



All Brands of American Whiskies,BOURBON, RYE ana MONONGAHELA,

In Bulk or Case;

SCOTCH and IRJSS HL WHISETST,In Glasa and Stono Jara;

Very Fino &, Very Cheap Qualities, as are wanted;

GINS; in Large & Small Bottles;(White or Black), also, STONE JUG3 ;

Old Tom Giu, Boat Jlirund In tlio Murlcot;TJR'OPEAN SHERRIES and PORT !

In Bulk and Case. All Brands of

American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc,

In Pints and Quarts;

Finest Brands of Champagnes,In Tints and Quarts,

Bitters, Liquors Absinthe,- Apollimiri Water, Kummels,


Zinfandcl, Malaga, Tokay, Madeira,Port, Sherry, Riesling, nooks, Etc., Eta,

tffT All ol wnloh will bo sold



Sale Full

NTEBPRiSpiakio mill. IAlnkea.iear Cbccb St.

;. Tolrphoao S&. .,


Contractors fc llulldora.Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings;

given. .Jobbing promptly at-tended to. 70 King street. Hell Tele-phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap y



-- esraKand Builder,Honolulu 8team Planlng'Mills, Jispla

uauu, iiunoiuiu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, BlindsSashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work'dnis-

Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.' Orders promptly attwnded to and workguaranteed. Orders from the other Is-lands solicited

HONOL.UL.tI Innti OCrnuij-- a

iStnnnn nnnlnrn ud.-Mll- l. i.nere, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. i

J. E. BROWN & CO..

BH Merchant 8t Honolulu, II. I.


Conveyancers & General Agents


Sole Agents for the Burlington RouUAcross America, and to tho Azores.

Hole Agents for Pitt & Scott's ForeignParcels Express & General ShippincAgency.

Sole Agents for Sunny South AeratedWaters.

-- Sole Agents for Masefleld Bros.' NewZealand Mullet and Canned Goods.

Special Agents for Leading New Zealand and Ausinilian Mercantile FinnsSpecial Agents for the California LandAssociation.

Special Agents for the Honolulu Bus!noas Directory.

AIho, Other Special Agendo.

IS? Customs' Entries Passed. Propcities Managed. Assignees and Audi,tors Work done promptly. HousesLeased and Rents Collected.

New Business SolicitedBell Tole. No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 360.Dec-- 5 Post Office Box 4GD. 88-l-y

P. O. Box 351. --EST Mcll Tele. 7.

Hawaiiau Business Agency

Corner Fort&Merchant Streets,Honolulu, II. I.

GENERAL AGENTS,Acconntau t & Collectors


Hawaiian Bell Telephone So.

Manager of Advertising Departmentron THE


Collections will receive special atten-tlo- n

and returns promptly madr.Real Estate bought, told and leased.Taxes Paid and properly safely injuredHouses, Cotlagos, Rooms and Offices,

leased and rented, aud rents collected.Fire and Life Insurance effected in first

class Insurance Companies.Conveyancing a Specialty licrouls

seaiclied and correct Abstracts of Titlefurnished.

Legal Documents and Papers of everydescription carefully drawn and hand,somely engrossed.

Copying and Translating in all languagesin ueueral use in tills Kingdom.

Cutlom, House Business transacted withnccuracy and dispatch.

Loans uuuotiuicd nt favorable rates.Gold, Silver and Certificates bougl.t and

soil.Advorllscmonts and Subscriptions roll

cited for publishers.Skilled and Unskilled Labor fnrnUhed.Any Article purchased or sold.Inter-Jslan- d Orders will lartl,

cuhtr attention,To Let, Furnished and Unlumlthed Cot.

tanei In desirable localities nt reasonablerentals.

Several Valuable Properties in andaround tho city now for sale and leateon easy terms.

eSPAll business entrusted to our onrowill recelvo prompt anil faithful alien,lion at moderate charge FeM 8

3mmk,.."'. Ut&fessfeiu'A .''Jraf:'---



Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, 609,00,00

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At every age, on every premiumtable, aud in every year, the AC-TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policiesof the New York Life Insurance CrJ.

have been LARGER than those. OFANY OTHER COMPANY issuingsimilar policies. ,

For particulars apply. ib

o. o. miauisit.Oon'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.

283 tf , .


INSURANCEHartford Fire Insurance Co.

Asset;, $5,288,000Commercial Insurance Co.

(Firo and Marino)

Assets, $450,000

"Corporaiion, (Fire an'ii Murine) .

CapitaL.paid up, $2,000,000BauthBritliHFir aad:iBlaeins.-.C-

Capita),'$lo,000,000New York Jife. Insurance Co. .

Asset,' $05,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1053 ly

The Best Company


Life Insurance Co.ojt 3smyv IvpiajK.- -

Rlchard A. HcCnrdy, President.

The Largest Company in the WorldThe Oldest Company, jn trie U.S.

It Gives the Most Liberal Policies

Pays the Largest Dividends.

t' ''

Claims paid to policy holders In theHawalianjttlandsi during the

past .ten yearr,,Over : 8100.000 OO.Sjr For rates, apply, to

General Agent, Honolulu. Hawaiiaii'"'anils. ' net.UB8.ly

CASTLE & 0OOKE,Life, Fire i Marino Irtstir'oe Agents.

aoemts ronThe Sew EoEload


The JEtna Fire Insurance Coof Hartford, Conn

The Union Vr andMarine Insurance Co.,

of. Ban Francisco, Cara,11 ly '

Prussian NationalInsurance Comn'v

KflTinusuKD 1845.

Capital, 9,000,00(1 Retchsmarki

'" Urt.uergDed, hattpgjb)nfcp.4, pointed agent of .the above Conipairrlor tue Mawallau.lBjttnds.larpfenaccept risiw, igalnstFife,' onRi'lW.; v,jiivuunuiao, I lOauee.BUI rarjuttis eto on the most PaVorableJ I'trrf.Louts Promptly Adjusted a'nd'Payable

Honolulu. ,,S'J- -U. HIBMENBOHNEIDKlt,

JIy-8- ly at Wilder & CoV





A -




Jt. Ji '


Page 2: n&, Bull · bll kinds done on the most favorablo terms. JJoll Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication,





jatIK gutTitfittPltdtrtd to ntithtr Sect nor PartyBut cttabliahtd for Ike ientfit of all.

MONDAY, SKI'. 2, 1889.


Editou BriAKTls: I have readHr. Horner's letter in your lust issuewith interest and respect, no one canwell afford to do by the opinions ofan honest and straightforward num.

In reply I wish to say, tlrst, that if111-- , lloruer will read my letter againhe will find a distinct leeognition ofttvo classes among planters, i. e.,those who are willing to do somethingon the Chinese question and thosewho are not. With the llrst. thereneed be no conflict, with the latterthere is no other choice. My letterstates "it is unfortunate that theview of Col. Spalding and manyother planters, which aie practicallyin sympathy with those of their fel-

low whites in the towns, huvc appar-ently been overridden by anotherwing in the cheap labor party, etc."Elsewhere in the letter I expiesssimilar views. Mr. Horner thereforehas no occasion to bay, "Mr. Kinneyis a little too hard on the planterswhen he intimates that they havedone or are doing wrong," unless in-

deed he thus intends to refer to thatclass of planters who propose to donothing on the Chinese question.If so, 1 have only to say that theanimadversions of my letter aro buta. small part it seems to me of whatthey jtiBtly deserve.

Coming nearer to the subject ofM-- . Horner's letter, 1 shall have tosuggest again that lie look at my let-

ter once more, for he will Mud thatthe issue raised by it had nothing todo with common laboiing occupa-tions but was confined solely to "thatlimited number of better paid occu-pations upon which our own peoplemust depend for a living if they aieto remain here," and to clinch mymeaning 1 stated further on in theletter, "there are say from 2000 to4000 places now filled by Chinesewhich are orcould be made remuner-ative enough to support that numberof white and native families." Thesestatements coupled with repeatedallusions to the right and necessityof plantations to cheap labor should,it seems to me, have made the issueso clear as to have prevented theusual dissertation on the utility ofplantations in reply, which no oneever denies but which is invariablyserved up at once whenever anyphase whatsoever of the cheap laborquestion is touched upon.

The issue wc raise, the question weput, therefore, is whether or not, Mr.Horner, you believo the Chineseshould continue to have unrestrictedright'to take up the higher and hot-

ter paid oe'eupations. A carefulreading of your letter will prove, Ithink that it is utterly irresponsive tothat issue. To bo sure, you say themore 'common laborers a countrycan take in and em pipy, the moreskilled labor there will be to bo per-formed. No one denies it, but thisdoes not dispose of the question westill put, namely : Who is to performthat skilled labor whether there bemore or less of it than formerly, Chi-

nese or our own people? You seemoblivious to the fact staling one inthe face on every street in this citythat after Chinese as common labor-ers have created a demand for moreskilled labor they can turn roundand fill the- bill there as well and atrates that defy competition.

You ask what are these occupa-tions that we speak of and suggestthat a committee of fivo should in-

vestigate, report, etc. The fact is thewhole matter was gone into publiclyand thoroughly lnst Legislature.Night after night the Legislativecommittee took evidence of mechan-ics and ethers on this question untilthe members themselvescried quits, but when we thought thecontest was ever and rested on ouroars, they rose at the last moment,n number of them, with an unretracted promise to support us still ontheir lips, and killed the constitu-tional amendment that was the out-

growth of all that work. The occu-

pations in question and in whicJiChinese are now engaged includecarpentering; sign, carriage andcoimnen painting ; blacksmithing,horse-shoein- g, photogiaphing in allbranches including artist work, calri-ji- et

making, wood" carving, saddlery,tinsniithing, boot and shoe makingand repairing, retail store keeping ofall kindB, clerking, tailoring, butch-ering, ranching, fishing and manu-facturing and selline poi (the lasttwo aflecting the native populationmostly), watch and clock making,jewelling, keeping restaurants, etc.,rtc. Some say the Chinese will onlymaster and appiopriato a small paitof the skilled labor required to bedone, but the facts heio and else-wlie-

piove otherwise. Theie is lit-

tle consistency t those taking thisposition who in the same breath willt'lilogize the sobriety, pei sever anco,

ersistence, industry, kecniicsH andgeneral intelligence of the Chinaman,lor such a person is likely to mastermy trade in time.

Enough has been said to indicatethat in my opinion Mr. Horner's

on the past, present and fu- -

turc condition of the native planta-tiu- u

laborer is not pertinent to theissue raised, but seeing that ho hasgone jnto that matter, I have justthis to say: One might think fromreading Mr. Horner's letter that thecane fields at Kukaiau were full ofnativos who receive $20 a month andfound, but referenco to the latestrecords of the inspector of immi-grants, C. N. Sponcerj thefact that there are just eleven na-

tives in the employ of tho Kukaiauplantation. Besides these they em-

ploy eighty-tw-o Japs at $9 a monthund found, 50 Chines and six Tortu


In view, therefore, of tho fact thntcheap Asiatic labor keeps coining in,in one way and another ('1220 Japshaving been imported during thepast M months, another ship loadbeing on the way), and in view of thefact that there seems to be no dofi-nit- o

policy as to how, when or whorothis shall stop, it certainly looks asif the prospects of the nativo oven asa plantation laborer aro not as rosy-colo- rr

d as one might suppose from acasual reading of Mr. Homer's let-ter, and that the $20 kanaka standsthe chance at no very distnut day offinding the $'J man in his boots. Wcadmit, however, that this is asidefrom the issue and if the natives seekemployment on plantations as com-mon laborers, they must root hog ordie, unaided in competition with thecheap labor that this industry re-quites.

Mr. Homer says tho natives-ar- idleand won't work, This is true of toomany of them and wo propose to saynothing for them except to apply thescriptural injunction that if a manwill not work neither shall he ent.But this charge is only half the truth.Every race has its gifts and failingsand should be judged accordingly.There is a place in our industrialsystem for the native. In fact itwould bo haul to got along withouthim. For instance he shoulders100,000 tons of sugar n year, to saynothing of other freight, at tho plan-tation landings throughout the coun-try aud brings them safely into theports of entry ready for foieign ex-

port, and this when there is but oneharbor where vessels can dock in thekingdom. Often have we seen themat all hours of tho night wet throughto tho skin in blinding wind andspray receiving Height and passcn-- 'gcrs from a heaving, plunging vesseland foicing their way safely throughsurf nnd daikncss to a still more in-

hospitable landing where Chinese,Japs and the average white wouldhave been as helpless as so manysheep. They also do very well attrades and y are anxious andleady to put their children into themn they can get a show. The poi andfishing industries are naturally theirsand they should he piotccted inthem.

Mr. Hornet's position that thequestion of European or Irish immi-gration to America nnd Chinese im-

migration here are identical needs noanswer. The verdict of the timesbucked up by such commonwealths asAmerica and Australia not to men-tion others is that the difference between the European immigrant andhis American cousin is cue of degreebrought about by oppression, ciowd-c- d

populations and hard times. Thedifference between a Chinaman andu white man is one of kind and meansa collision of incompatible civiliza-tions, and this verdict is not likely tobe disturbed for thepiesont. Judgingfrom Mr. Horner's contention thatEuropean immigration is like Chi-

nese immigration and that Europeanimmigration has been a bless-ing, and that the more cheap laboryou have the more skilled labor youwill need, one would be led to believethat Mr. Horner would not only floodthis country but his own fair Undwith coolies if he had his say aposition as quixotic as his well-know- n

scheme to provide us all with an un-

limited amount of piper money.Mr. Horner proposes that wo wait

till next November to consider theadvisability of calling the Legisla-tui- e

together to submit a constitu-tional amendment, forgetting thatthe first Wednesday in November isthe last day in which the legislaturecould possibly pass an amendment,as such an amendment has to be ad-

vertised three months before the en-suing election which takes place thefiist Wednesday in February. Thetruth is unless an amendment is sub-

mitted within the next 00 days itcannot become law until 1892 and ananti-Chine- legislature in 1890, ifthe people get one, can do nothingexcept vote to submit an amendmentto bo passed upon in tho succeedinglegislature. The constitution nowstands in the way of any practicallegislation on tho subject.

The attention of tho Ministry hasbeen called to this and the duty ofcalling the legislature together hasbeen urged upon them. It is to behoped that the Ministers will seetheir way clear to do so, and thatthe legislature by that time will havegrace enough to recognize the rightof the people to have the amendment Jsubmitted to mem lor accepianco orrejection.

There are diflicullies in the way ofcalling the legislature together, butgreater difficulties in not doing so.With a band of sore-heade- d and de-

termined native leaders in the nextlegislature, which they did not havein the last, and a king who evidentlyis bent on slashing right and leftwith his veto power, the session pro-mises to be a stormy ono. Ndthingbut steady lfhysical foice back of theMinistry will be of much avail, andtheie is but ono source of supply forsuch enterprise, and that is amongthe men in this town, who, if theirlequest to the legislature for submis-sion of an amendment is now d,

havo the right to concludethat it is tho seciet purpose of thePio-Chinc- party to sacrifice theirfellpw whites to the Chinese.

The postponement of tho Chinesequestion to 1892, which tho Pro-Chine-

paily will secure by holdingout this next sixty days, amounts totho indefinite postponement of thewholo ifsue and they know it. Whatthey do not see is the train of conse-quences that will follow after. Menwho feel betrayed cannot booxpectedto defend their betrayers.

That members of the Cabinet arosiuccro on the Chinese question therecan be no doubt. I can bear per-sonal witners to tho untiring fidelityof Mr. Thurston to tho question nightand day in its incoption.whcn he couldeasily have thrown cold water on it,and if the Cabinet can oncu feel ittheir duty to tako this step there isno doubt that they will do it. Someexpress tho (ear that such a coursemight oust tho Ministry and throw

tho government on tho cvo of elec-tions into the hands of the King, butsuch n result is wholly improbablewhiebovor way tho legislature votes,for both sides would bao sonsoenough to unite in asking tho Ministers to hold oor during the olection.c.1 admit, however, that whenever the

o party, gets a fair chancewithout consequences to themselvesthey will punish this Ministry fortaking such a course, but there areBOino defeats better than victories,and, in such an event, tho Cabinetcould not meet a moro honorabledeath.

In this connection I am remindedof the romarks of Sir Kobett Peelwhen retired as Prime Minister ofEngland by his Tory supporters forhaving supported against their willthonntbcorn-lawswhenhewn- s finallyconvinced of their justice. On thatoccasion he closed his remarks andhis public lue witli tlieso words:"Many will censuro me, my namewill perhaps be execiated by thosewho would maintain protection fortheir own individual benefit, but itmay be that I shall leave a namesometimes lemembered with expres-- 'sions of good will in places whichaie the abode of men whoso lot it isto labor and to earn their dailybread by the sweat of their brow aname remembeicd with expressionsof good will when they shall recreatetheir exhausted strength with abund-ant and untaxed food, the sweeterbecause it is no longer leavened witha sense of injustice."

W. A. Kinney.


The Company Formed In London---T- o

Incorporate In Honolulu.Messrs. G. W. Macfarlane & Co.

have advices by the Mariposa to theeffect that the company lor workingthe proposed plantation at Makawcli,Kauai, is practically formed. Theprincipal subscribers are The Mirr-lee- s

Watson and Yaryan Co., Messrs.John Fowler & Co., Cel. North the"Nitrate King," Mr. II. P.Baldwinand Mr, S. T. Alexander,

The company is to be incorporatedhere, and Mr. II.l Baldwin and Mr.G.W.Macfarlaueare expected on thenext through steamer from San Fran-cisco, when the full prospectus willprobably be published.


V. S.Dr. Brodie has received the sad in-

telligence of the death of his brother,Mr. James Brodie, V. S., which oc-

curred at Canon City, Colorado, onAugust 17. The lamented gentle-man was well-know- n in thesejisl-ands- ,

having come here under ap-pointment as Government veterinarysurgeon in 1881. In that capacityhe stamped out an epidemic of glan-ders that had got a bad start amongtho lioiscs. Mr. Brodie was veryskilled in his profession, a graduateof the Montreal Veterinary College,who had practised some time atBloomington, 111., before cominghere. His health was poor when heleft the Kingdom about two yearsago. A widow and three young chil-dren mourn his loss. Of companion-able but unobtrusive qualities hemade many friends here who willdeeply regret his premature death.

Supreme Court of the HawaiianIslands In Bankruptcy.

IN re. ANTONE F. VIERRA, a Bank-ni- lt. Order on pjtilion of Bank-rut- it

for discharge from debts.Upon reading and tiling the petition

of ANTONE F. V1ERRA, of Hono.lulu, Oahu, alleging that more than sixmonths have elapsed since he was adju-dicated a bankrupt and praying for adischarge from all his debts.

It is ordered that TUESDAY, the 17thday of September, A. D. IBS'), at 10 a. m.of that dny, at the Court Boom in Allio.Inni Hale, Honolulu, he and is herebynppointed the time and place forbearingof said petition when nnd where all ere.dilors who have proved their claimsagainst said Bankrupt may appear andshow cause if any they have why theprayer nf said Bankrupt should not hegranted.

EDWARD PRESTON,Tustico Supicmo Court.

Attest: Ai.riiED W. Caiitkb,Second Deputy Clcik.

Dated Honolulu. Aug. 31, 1P80. 341 Ot


COACnMAN in privato family by aand industrious young

man just from America; thoroughly un-derstands tho care horse;, ci.rringo andharness. Address E. W., this office.

3U 31


BY a Lady of middle nge, a situationas seamstress, or to assist In hou?c.

kot'ping, or In tho cure of on invalid.Address "B," ut this olllcc. 339 2t


FIRST . CLASSPhaeton in per.

order. Apply atthis oftictf. 341 tf


tomt. ii. Wright,

At Oustlo & Cooke. 'e,341 lw

WANTEDQTUDENT3 to TeleKraphy, male(O or female For particulars applyat tho Hawaiian News Company's fitore.

840 lw

Hawaiian Quintette Club.qnilK above club will furnish VocalX and Institimentnl Jiliiblo for par.

ties, limus, dances, etc at short notice.Orders left with Mrs, Ailuu. at J. .1,

Williams1 store, Fort street, will be at.tended to. 810 lw

Auction Salos by James F, Morgan,

Old Lumber !


On Tuesday, Sept. 3rd,A.T 111 O'CLOCK NOOX.

At the Punshou Preparatory School Pre.nilscs, of Hercinnia nnd

Richard I will fell atPublic Auction,



... IiUuts to suit.

Ti:tl.llN )AII.

JAS. P. MOHGAN,o net Aitci'o iccr.

Auction Sales by Lewis' J. Lovoy.

Assignee's Sale I

BY order nf JOILt II. PATY,"In .

Bankruptcy cf Menzits Dicksa?,

I Will soil nt Publln Auction, at mySalesrooms, corner Fort and Queenstreets, on


For Gubli,2t5G SH.AlXHESS

Of "the Capital Spck of the

Kawailoa Ranch Co,

LEWIS J. LEVEY,340 Ot Auciiotifor.


SHOOTING or tiesp sun? on theus the Ahupuaa of

Waipio aud the Land of tVaikukahiua(above thp road to' Wainlua), In Ewa,Island of Oahu, is hereby forbidden.341 lw O. A. BROWN.

(l.IJUTK!) )

Contkactou's Orrion,Honolulu, Aug. '.'", 188!).

The accounts of Messks. SKINNER& CO. for the construction, eiiipinuitand maintenance of the liamway lineand works connected therewith will beclosed on the, 1st day of Octohci, 183'J.

Ail peisiiiis having claim ajrainsl tbosuid Aim or tin ir agent under the aforesaid contr. cl arc hereby notillcrt to pre-re-

them at the above addrc-- on orbefore the wild date. Anv clniins d

after the 8:h day of '.October willhave to he fot warded to London.

338 lOt

Owners of Billiard Tables I

had practical experience,the undersigned ofTeis his sct.

vices to owners of Billiard Tables toRo cushion. Kcclo'h and otherwise Repair and Itcnnvatc.

Tables Set Up, Itrmovcd and Stored.Lfilliarti Cms Weighted, Polished and

Rctippcd.Billiard Ralls Cleaned, Turned and

to order.Billiard Cloths on hand.

--Address W. HOWE,337 I w At O. J. McCarthy's

own i'J


Sheet Mosic, New Song Folios,

New Instrumental Folios,


New Novels,A Largo Assortment.

120 Stats. Me Pap!For HO Cents,

ill '

The chcapcst'ibing in' the market.

t. a. thrum,j:io iw Proprietor.



Change of Type In 5 Seconds !

Writing in Plain Sight!

Simple aud Durable !

OT Call and see sample machine at

HAWAIIAN NEWS CO.,General Agonls for Hawaiian Iblande.

331 tf


Is tin OUist Actif 8 Life InsoricB Coijut in tki UiM Stales ui lie Larpst

la tiii vorll !


Its nBScts Jan. 1st, 1889, amounted to 8125,404,719. Its insurance in force was $182,125,184 and the com-

muted Reserve Fund which with future premiums nnd interest is required for paying the Ba.inc, at the maturityof the policies or the death of the assured, was 117,007,078, thus leaving a clear surplus for future dividends topolicy holders of S7,887,G3i.

This Company has no capital stock. It is purely Mutual. All the accumulations belong to its members,and all tho profits go to Its poliev holders who have received since 1800, the sum of $78,878,476.82 in dividendsearned by their policies. In the same period it has nlso paid $88,480,903.57 in death claims; $24,G69,G04..4D'inmatured endowments nnd $594,548.27 In annuities to living members,; and besides $08,599, 139.GG uavenieeri ed

for the valuo of discontinued policies, purchased by the Company. In all since 1803, $G1,22,, t'S.Tihave been returned to policy holders.

This amount is Twice US Largo as the returns made by any other life insurance company in the worlddurinjr the period named.

An Investment Returning 6 Per Cent. Interest.To illustrate the point pertaining to the investment of funds and the return to the policy holder, the follow-

ing illustration is given:This is a statement of a single premium life policy issued by this company in 1803 :


Face of PolicyAdditions CreditedAdditions Surrendered

Dalancc of Additions.

Piescnt Value of Policy asPremiumCash Dividends Withdrawn

Amount Paid by Insured

Valuo as a Claim in Excess of Amount Paid

The existing additions amount to nearly per cent, tho net amountsured has realized 6 per cent, compound interest on Ids investment.

With conditions quite as favorablethis result.828 tf



These Schools open for the New Year

September 9, 1889.

The faculty of O.ihu College will bethe same as last year. The Friendsays : ''We think that there has neverbeen an abler faculty at O.ihu College,or one better adapted to impart a highclassical and seicntillc education."

The Boarding Department can ac-commodate but few more than were Inattendance last year, and all who desireto enter should make an early applica-tion

The Preparatory School continuesunder the Principalshipof MIssMnlonc;Mis3 Carrie A. Gilnian takes MissChamberlain's position, the hitter hav-ing resigned to remove to the UnitedStates.

The Trustees arc happy to announcetl at, through the generous interest of aMend, they arc erecting a rlne newbuilding and remodeling the presentone, so that this school will occupy newand commodious quarters in Septem-ber. When thus equipped we believethe Preparatoiy School will offeioppor-tnnltie- s

second to none in the vingdmn.Egy-Addr- all letters of inquiry or

application to"" KKV. W. C. MERRITT.

317 lm President.

Carriage For Sale Cheap.NEW Cutunder Car-riac- e

lust finishedand handsomely trimmed

in first class style; must be immediatelysold to close an assignment. Apply to


Furnished Cottage To Let.

A NEAT Cottage of fourrooms, nloelv nanercd

and painted, thoroughly mosquito proof and partially furuithed, inperfect order, with kilclion. Conveni-ently located, to rent at $20 per monthto a dfaira bin tenant.


Cottage To Let.ono story Cottage

on upper part of Llllhastreet, containing 5 rooms

nicely papered and painted, bath room,kitchen, idee dawn, shade trees, etc.Will he rented reasonable to a good tea-an- t.


Spelterino.nPHE best remedy forJL wounds, ulcers,

jmmr-- galls, proud ilesh andsores oi every descrip-tion to persons or ani

mals. Adopted by leading horse rail-road, club and livery sublcsetc.. Inthe United'States and elsewhere. Weare prepaied to provu this statement bytestimonials aud references to plantcisand liverymen In this Kingdom.Apply to


Island Views.

A LARGE assortment ot Photographsand Stereoscopic Views of the

most attractive scenery, buildings, etc ,In these islands, for sale at reasonableprices.

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.Corner Fort and Merchant streets.

2:!08 tf

Burmese Gberoots & Indian Tea

CONSIGNS! ENT nf Hurmee Clio,A roots, direct from Rangoon, also afew boxes Indian Tea, for sale at

J. E. BROWN & CO.,885 lw 28 Merchant street.





Policy No. 28,342.Single Premium Life.

$10,000. Age 38. 1803.Premiunj. $4,077.00.


it Claim,

: .;

to them as to the Mutual, no one of

Executive Special



200 of


New York Stiff & Opera Hats !







jSLEBEar&jRTJS KOTETLCopjilgaijea



This the only CASH REGISTER



of atone can to




fTUlE annual ofJL of MutualCo. hold on

at U o'olrckthe

O.td Mutual Co.




a. u.


00$7,716 57

1,548 57

6,168 00

00$4,077 00

939 34

3,137 60


paid by the nnd thc'Mn- -

its would-b- e rivals hasa. D.

Agent the Mutual Life Co.





Agent for the Islands.

that has a Snlf-mlrHn- fr Aif.mt

C. O.Sole Agent the Hawaiian Islands.

AN- D-

S. S.



under the of MISS


which shows the total amount sales any moment.needs and nobody afford be without one. rj- -

-- o-

i ! ;





Dressmaking DepartmentCLARK.


meeting tho strcK.holders tho Tulunlioi.cwill be WEDNESDAY,

the lllh,at Company's bultdlntr- -

O. BERGER,3S0 Secretary Tele.





ever equaledTHOMAS,








The Chicago Cash Register








Automatic Adding Attachment




Laces Embroideries,

A QUARTERLY meeting of the Board

l.ltal will lip held on SATURDAY, the7th Scnti-inher- , 180, at 10 o'clock a. u..at tho Rooms of tho Chamber of Coin!merce. Business of importance Amend,ment of the s. Per order

F. A, SCHAEFER,820 lm Secretary.

., t"i. f&:&LiikM.& . il.'.AUii JBA-fc-J Jfe. WnStfa gfi&A-'-

- p







Page 3: n&, Bull · bll kinds done on the most favorablo terms. JJoll Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication,


--x t h is

ailu, HuTIfinMONDAY SEP. 2, 1889.


Stmr Llkellke from MaulHtmr Mlkahnla from KauntStmr Iwiilntil from lliimukiiaSchr Mllle Morris from KuuulStmr Mokolll from Molokm


It M iJ Murlposa for the ColoniesSept 2

Stmr Mokolll for MolnV.nl at 0 p mStmr Llkellke for Maul at fi r wSchr O 11 Tupper for Victoria B OStmr Knala tor Walalua and Watnnae

at 9 a inStmr Jas Maltce for Knpan at 4 p m


Stmr Klnan for HUo and way ports at2 p in

Stmr MlkaUnla for Kaunl at S p m


From San Krancteeo, peril M SAugust 31 Mrs J Brewer and

son, Miss Emma Brewer, W A IUiick,Geo It Carter, Miss 11 E Uiishmau, T IIGibson, Clias 11 a court, E Lungworthy,O McDonald and wife, S Nowleln, MissNowleln, W II Tain, Miss Llllle Sclioen,G Waller and wife. A S Wall, W Way-lan- d,

Jlrs Win S Webster, J N S Wl- l-

Hams and wife, K It Woolscy, Hon A

Young, Miss S Young, and twenty intbn steerage.

From Knual per stmr Mikabala, Sept1 Itev A Mucklutosb, Rev W D West-ervel- t,

W Grotc and wife, Mrs M.THowell, Miss Kowell, J)r J M Whitneyand wife. Willie Whitney, Ada Whit-ney, Uiram Bingham, Mrs Maule, MissHattlc Maule, Andrew Cox, Capt Itoss,2 t. hinese, 2 Japs and 74 aeck.

" From Hawaii per stmr Iwalaul, Sept 1

W onradt, It A Lyman, Mrs Hall and20 deck.

From Maui per 8tnirLikcliko,Sept 1

A Enog,Mw Saunden, Mrs Sheldon and2 children, Mrs J Cummlugsand 3 chil-dren, Mrs Pa and 4 children, Bros Al-

bert, nnry, Thomas, Clnules, FatherLeonor, A E H Swift, W S Maule, .MisDesha, Miss A Lewis, Mrs Waguer and2 children, Mrs I'lnney, Y Young and

y7" deck.For the Colonics peril M S Mariposa.

Sept 1Sidney Clemen'son and wife, OScmiscli and G in the stci;rage,includingfour shipwrecked sailors of the barkGaiston.


The brig W G Irwin docked at theOceanic whaif this morning to discharge

" her cargo which eonsijts of 547 bblsijour, 1CW6 lbs ham and bacon, 21B' ciilsand 10 cs wine, 10 ct brandy, 25 bblsand 25 cs whhskv. 1404 sks bran, 177 lbsbeans, 9297 lbs hud, 5C3 bs butter, 14plntform cars, CO I ctis barley, C7i lbscoffee, 408 lbs tea, 44 cs 30 bbls and 6half-bbl- s salmon, etc, rallied at 924,-CG- 9.

The steamer Iwalani brought SundayC30 bags sugar and 47 hides from 11a- -wnii.

The Mikabala brought from KauaiSunday 8 bags rice iiuu 71 green hides.

TheJt l fc Alameda arrived at Auck-land Aug lGtb and Sydney 'on the2ist.

The bktnc S G Wilder saile I from Sanfor llonoiulu Aug 14di and tins bVtnePlanter on the 20th. The sihnr Annasailed on the 20th for Kahului and thebrig Lurllne for II Ho on the 23id.

The schr W S Uowtie ariiv.dat SanFrancisco August 24th, 2G days from

' Honolulu.The bark R K nain sailed from Port

Townseud August 5th for Honolulu.The Likedke brought Sept 1st 49 head

cattle, 1G sks sugar. 30 sks corn, 1003 ftkoa lumber, 03 hides and 51 pkgs ands.

died!IIALL-- Iu Minneapolis, Minn , on the

20th of August, at the home of hisgrandparents, Horace Van Cleve,

"eldest sou of "W W. and E. VanCleve Hall, of this city, aged 18 yrs.

FOSTER At the Occidental Hotel.SauFrancisco, August 20th, of heartdisease, 1 homas B. Foster, a nativeof Fisher's Grant, Plotou ounty.Nova Scotia, aged 54 yrs 3 mos and1 day. A resident of the Islandssince 1857 and President of the Inter-Isla- rtcatu Navigation Com-pany the past six and a half ycais.

BRODIE--At Canon Clty,J Colorado,Aug 17, James Brodle, V. S., a na-

tive of Montreal, aged 33 years.


Band concert at Emma- - Square,at 7:30.

Harmony Lodge No. 3 I. O. of O.F. at 7:30.

Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 F. and A.M. t7;30.

Y. M. C. A. bookkeeping class,at 7.


The Royal Hawaiian Band willgive a moonlight concert this even-

ing, commencing t jj 7:80 o'clock.Following is the programme:

l'Anx i.March Aloha Oe...: BergerOverture La Hunan o ke Alll....BeigerGavotte Domino .,1 .Oclschlegertiolcetlon Patience.... ., Sullivan

Mlkiol. Malaina. Main 1 ke Ao.

I'AltT if.

Medley Pleasant Memories BeyerWalU Marltuna . . . . DelllngerFautasla Mill In the Forest. .EllenbergSlarch Governor Domluls Berger

Hawaii I'ouul.


Capt. Uwderwood.tonuerly masterof the steamer Wainianalo, goes

v mate of the bark J. A. King, fromSan Francisco to l'ugct Sound andthence to Honolulu.

Capt. Jack Lee, formerly of thebark C. D. Bryant, will take com-

mand of the bark Sonoma when shearrives at San Francisco from thenorth.

It is reported in tho latter namedcity that Capt. McNeil, formerly ofthe Discovery, will be master of thoBryant.


MOSQUITO PovMici Urnslnfanryl lie tuuiioniical hunt-

ing of the Gtuuluc Buhuch lui-ec- t

Powder, have been received by Iluiison,Bmllu & Co. 337 lw


LETTF.fi for Q. 0. K. at this office.

A first class phaeton is for sale.

A sADni.n horse ia offered for wilo.

A BitooTiKti and trespass notice ap-pears elsewhere.

Mn. Jnstieo MeCully picsidcs atChambers this week.

II. B. M. S. Gakomnk loft Coqiiim-b- o

Aug. 3d, and is due 1icro

The Nipsics have challenged thoKnitilanis for a game of baseball onWednesday.

A notici: to tho creditors of Antono F. Vicrra will be found inanother column.

Tug Hawaiian band gives its firstconcert after vacation at EmmaSquare, this evening.

TitnnE has been a drop of a quarterof a cent in the price of sugar. Itstands at G :75 for 06 test.

The S. F. Alia says G. P. Wilder,a railroad and steamship niagnato ofHonolulu, is at the Grand.

A nooK-KEKi'E- K is reported missingfrom his desk since the steamerAustralia sailed on Friday.

Mn. and Mrs. J. N. S. Williams re-

turned from their bridal tour on theMariposa, both looking well.

Mn, and Mrs. Gilbert Waller arcboth looking the better for a stay ofsovcral months on the Coast.

Purser TIiob. Smith of the R. M.S. Mariposa lias our thanks for filesof late Sun FrancUco papers.

Notwithstanding- - the abundantrain in town yesterday morning,Waikiki received but a megre sprink-ling.

Securing a piece of tho Palacewall a s amcmcnlo of tho late rebellion,is becoming the rago among curiohunters.

Theue will bo a baseball mutch onthe 21st between the nines of thePacific Hardware Company and T.H. Davies & Co.

There wcie several "jolting"parties around Diamond Head yester-day, and the path was strewed withfragments of lunch.

The Macmillans are issuing a lifeof Father Damien by Mr. EdwardClifford, who visited the late priestwhile here lust year.

Mebsrs. Parker N. Mnkec, J. N.Robinson and Capt. T. H. Hobronwere all seriously ill when the Mari-posa left San Francisco.

Mn. Fred. Harrison has beenawarded the contract to erect thoterminal depot at Honolulu for theOahu Railway Company.

! .

Mn. George R. Carter, "son of HisEx. II. A. P. C.irter, returned totheislands after an absence of seVe'ralyears. George looks well.

Young men intending to join Mr.P. C. Jones' new bookkeeping classshould bo present at tho parlors ofthe Y. M. C. A. this evening, at 7o'clock.

Mn. Hcnry'Berger.the bandhiaBtcr,does not return from San Francibcountil Supteinber 20th. SergeantDavid Naone will direct tho banduntil then.

Mechanic Fngine Co. No. 2 helda special meeting Saturday evening,when seven new members were elect-ed to bring the roll up to full votingstrength of fifty.

hi i

The officers and crew of II. B. M.S. Espieglc attended the 11 :15 serviceof the second congregation of St.Andrew's Cathedral Sunday morning.Itev. Alex. Mackintosli preached.

To-da- y is the fifty-fir- st anniversaryof the birth of 11. B. H. PrincessLiliuokaluni. The Royal Hawaiianband serenaded the Princess at herresidence Washington Place thismorning.

Hon. Alex. Young returned on thoZeulandia looking as well as ever. Hehas been absent two months and ismuch pleased with his trip in a busi-ness way. His daughter, Miss StisioYoung, accompanied him.

Mn. Chas. J. Deerinjr, formerly inBishop & Co.'s bank, will bo marriedto Miss Maude Estce, at the residenceof tho bride's parents, Hcdgeside,Napa, Cul., Thursday morning, Sept.12th, at half-pa- st eleven o'clock.

Heii Majesty tho Queen called onMrs. H. A. P. Carter, Mrs. Geo. W.Merrill and Mrs. J. II. Wodehouseon Saturday. The Queen was attend-ed by II. II. Prince Kawunanukoaand Mrs. J. W. Robertson, wife of theActing Chamberlain.

. m .

II. B. M. S. Cormorant was a littleshort of funds on leaving this port,receiving an extension of time foraccounts from some local traders.Remittances from tho vessel havebeen received by the Mariposa's mailunder date of Tahiti, June 28,

The driver of No, 7 car on Fortstreet denies the statement in theAdvertiser that he was thrown to theground by the cur going off the trackSaturduy evening. Two stones onthe rails threw tho car off, but it washauled on again in a second, nobodyhaving boon displaced by tho shock-Nea- r

the mnno spot on Sunday morn-ing a eimilar mean trick wus at-

tempted on that car, but the driversaw the stonos on tho tuck in timeto stop.



A. Good (Same Ilctwern the Hono-lulu and Ilnwnlls.

The game on Saturday betweenthe IIoiiolulus and Hawaiis waslargely attended and a very interest-ing one. It was not decided untilthe last half of the ninth inning,when the IIoiiolulus scored the win-

ning run with one man out. Thefeature of the game was the fineplaying of the Ilnwaiis. Mnguire, anew hand, played a really goodgame at first and he knew it too.Little Thompson did good work atshort and so did Meek in the pitch-er's box. For the Iloualulus Patkerand Whitney played well and W.Lucas held the Hawaiis down to sixsafe hits. Fisher played at leftfield in place of Oat. Lowe, aftermaking two muffs, distinguishedhimself by catching two flies in finestyle, nnd lie had to raise his cap.His Excellency the Minister of In-

terior caught a foul fly in goodsliapo and was applauded, but for-

got to acknowledge the compliment.The excitement throughout thegame was intense. The sympathyof the audience seemed to be withthe Hawaiis. They commenced theninth innings one run ahead. Fishertook the bat and as ho had struckout twice pi eviously he was expect-ed to do it again, blithe actuallyrapped out a twa-bagg- W. Lu-

cas got his fit st on a missed thirdstrike, and Wodehouso hit safely toright field. This tilled the bases.After G. Lucas had retired on afoul tip, Harry Whitney stepped tothe plate with blood in his eye. Hohit safely to left field sending inFisher and W. Lucas, thus winningthe game. Following is the score:



Wodchouse, e..... 5Lucas G.,ss 5Whitney, 2b...... . 5I'redenberg, 3b. . . 3Parker, lb 4Lucas A., r.f 3Lowe, c.f 4Fisher, l.f 4

Lucas, W, p 4




G.'ltosi,r.i 5Kala,2b 6Dan, c 5Desha. If.' 4Duke.c f 4

Lane, 3b 4Mcek,p 4Maanire, lb 4Thompson, ss.. .. 4


T. it. H II. O. A.E.

7 27 17 7

t. it. n.ii. o. a. e.

0 0 1 102 2 10 01 0 10 121110 00 1 1 0 02 10 2 1

0 1 0 11 00 1 11 1 1

0 0 0 4 1

89 G G 25 20 u

Winning run made with one out.By Innings 1 234 5G7 89Honolulu 202 1 0000 27Hawaii 2 00 1 1 1 1 0 0-- "- 6

Earned rnns Honolulu 3, HawaiisTwo base hit Fisher.Basesou balls By Lucas l.by Meekl.Hit by Pitcher By Lucas 1.Parsed balls By Wodehonse 2; by

Dan 2Wild pitches By Lucas 2.Struck OutBy Lucas, 7, by Meek 9.Utnpires--Ge- o. E. Boarduun and W.

E. Wall.


Friday, Aug. 30th, was the fif-

tieth anniversary of the birth ofRev. Father Gulstan, Superior ofthe Catholic Mission of Maui. At1 p. in. a bountiful dinner was servedon the large veranda of the Missionschool, whicli was tastefully decor-ated for the occasion, and at which22 white gentlemen were seated, andassisted in lightening the overbur-dened table.

Among those present were themost prominent citizens of WailukuDistrict, Messrs. Thos. V. Everett,11. D. Walbridge, Aug. F. Hopke,Dr. Geo. Herbert, W". C. Creok, M.J. McLane, E. J. Adams, EugeneBal, Aug. Enos, Very Rev. Leonor,Rev. Fathers Xavier and JamesBeisscl.

The numerous and valuable pres-ents, presented U Rev. F. Gulstanon this occasion, arc tokens of thehigh esteem and love which fill thehearts of all his acquaintances. MayGod grant that all the wishes ex-

pressed in the toasts for a long andhappy life for such an esteemedfriend, come to pass. A. M. A.


About 11:30 o'clock Saturdaymorning the elactrician at the Elec-tric Light Station notified Mr. O. B,Wilson, Superintendent of WaterWorks, that tho dam of tho new re-

servoir in Nuuunu Valley was leak-ing. Mr. Wilson arrived at the spotat 12 :30 and upon examination foundthat such was tho caso and that

five and six hundred feet ofthe fillings had been washed awayanil tho water had rushed into thostream near by and out to sea. Thowater in the reservoir was withinseven feet of tho top, before the wash-out, nnd it was found . have gonedown about six feet. The accident issupposed to have, been caused by thonew work settlinc. Lots of duckswere washed away to eea. No dam-age has been dnno to tho dam. Agang of men were put on this morn-ing to effect repairs.




At 12 o'clock noon, at the Puna-ho- u

Preparatory School, a quantityof old lumber in lots to suit.

Also at noon, mortgagee's sale ofland on Bcretania street, adjoiningthe Rifles' Armory.

TF YOU WANT A SITUATION,JL adverthe in tho "Daily Hulletlu."


Dnutli orMr.T. It. KikIpi ami llorncnHall.

Soon after the arrival of the Mari-posa the community was startledwith the information of the death ofMr. Thos. R. Foster, President ofthe Inter-islan- d Steam NavigationCompany, and of Master HoraceHall, eldest son of Mi. W. Y Hall.

Mr. Thomas It. Foster died at thoOccidental Hotel, San Fiancisco, onthe mornit,g of August 20th, ofheart disease. His death was notunexpected, as he had been ailingfor some time past with hcaittroubles. Mis. Foster and , hisbrother, Mr. Daniel Foster, werewith him in his last moments. Thedeceased gentleman was born atFisher's Grant, Pictou County,.Nova Scotia, May 19, 1835, conse-quently was aged M years, amonths, 1 day at the time of hisdeath. He was first in the ship-building business at Warren, 11. I,,witli ins brother. In 157 theycame to the islands together, andhad a shipbuilding yard near thofish market. After coudu.cUng-.-i-tfor some time they wcro burnt out.In lh77 Mr. Foster was ruuning-'-a

number of schooners. Two ycarslator the steamer James Mnkec wasbuilt, Capt. W. B. Godfrey, thepresent Vice-Preside- nt of the I.I.SN. Co., bringing her to the islandsfrom San Francisco. She was followed a year later by the C. It. Bishop,then the Iwalani, Planter, W. aGt.Hall, Mikabala and Wnialealc. TheInter-islan- d Steam Navigation Com-

pany was incorporated Februaryia, 1883, with Mr. Foster as Presi-dent, which position he occupied upto tho time of his death. lie mar-ried a sisttr of the Hon. M. P.Robinson who survives him. Thedeceased was uncle to Hon. W. E.Foster. He was a charter memberof Engine Co. No. 2, Honolulu, FiroDepartment, being on tho honoraryroll at the time of his death, and the

'department flags aud loose of theInter-islan- d Company's vessels wereat half mast yesterday ou' of re-

spect to his memory. The body hnjbeen embalmed and will be broughtto Honolulu on the next trip of theAustralia. Mr. Foster was an ablebusiness man, to which his recordsufficiently attests. He was veryappioachabldin business affairs andwell liked in all the relations of life.His deatli removes from this com-munity a prominent figure deeplyidentified with its growth and pros-perity.

It is with much regret that thedeath of Horace Hall is announced.He was eighteen years and sevenmonths old at the time of his deatli.He was a member of Company B ofthe Honolulu It i lies for about a year.Mra. W. W. Hall, his mother, lefton the Zealundia Aug. 24th, and thesad news would be told heron ariivnlin San Francisco Some particularsof the lamented young man's schoolcareer prepared for this account arelaid aside, on account of being in-

cluded in the following sketch kind-ly furnished by Rev. PrincipalMerritt :

HOKACE V. HALL.' Horace V., eldest son of Mr. and

Mrs. Wm. W. Hall, died at Minne-apolis, Minn., Aug. 20th. By the"Australia" his parents had learnedof his sickness, but it was hoped thecrisis of the disease had been hap-

pily passtd and that he was improving daily, lie had been spendingthe summer vacation with his grand-parents, Gen. and Mrs. Van Cleve,where he had been suddenly pros-trated. His disoasu seems to havebeen pleuro-pneumoul- and wasvery acute from the first. The mostskillful medical attendance and care;ful nursing were bestowed uponhim, but human power could notsave his life. All who knew himwill mourn his unexpected death,aud extend to his family their ten-derc- st

sympathy.Horace graduated from Oahu Col

lege in the class of 1888, the young-est of the eight who composed theclass. As a student he possessed amind of more than ordinary pro-mise ; as a Christian boy he was re-

spected and loved by schoolmatesand teacher3 alike. His growth asa student and Christian had beenvery marked during the last j'ear ofhis course at Puliation, and his gra-duating oration upon the '"Careerand Character of Kamehameha I,"showed keen insight nnd clear think-ing in a marked degree. Aftcrgra-duatin- g

he changed his plans for tak-ing a full collegiate course, anddecided to prepare for business.With that purpose he went to Oberlin to carry on Boroo supplementarystudios for a year. But iis mindand conscience were not'at rcbt inthis place, and during his first termhe found himself moved to reconsider his lust decision, and aftercareful thought and earnest prayerhe wrote his parents that he desjredto prepare himself for missionarywork in Japan. When this propo-sition received the endorsement ofhis parents he was very happy in it,and at once shaped his studies toenter the next class in Oberlin Col-

lege, to which he had already beenadmitted. And now he is gone."My thoughts are notyour thoughts,neither are your ways my ways,saith the Lord. For as the heuvonsare higher than the earth, so are my.ways higher than your ways, and raythoughts than your thoughts." Weaccept the "higher way" and the"higher thought" for Horace. Werejoice in Ills high, consecrated pur-poses and life, and we do not believothe influence of that life will be loHupon his mates who loved and ad-

mired him. Yf. C. Mkuuitt.


e- - IT STANDS -- a

-- AND-

Assurance Society;OF UNITED STATES.




Doo. for


York Goes Equitable by a Large Majority.No better example of the estimation in which this great Company is held, can ho given, than by a com-

parative statement of the business done by itself and its chief competitors in their common home, the city ofNew York. In New York a man can get his information direct from tho Home Olllce of the largest companies,and has more accurate opportunities of judging their respective merits tiian anywhere else. As a result in thoCity Of NOW York during the year 1888 the wrote a larger amount of new business than waswritten by its Two Largest Competitors Combined- - In the Stato of Now York the Equitablewrote $1,808,131 more Insurance than the aggregate of its Two Largest GompotitorB Taken Togothor.It did the Largest Business in the United StatcSi as well as in the World at a time when all Companieswere straining every nerve to pass it.

The reason why this universal verdict goes with the Equitable is on of the Popularity of itsPlans and the Promptness and Fairness of its Business Methods. As the Pioneer in reforms itsPolicies have been and are being extensively imitated by others, most giaccful tribute to their merit.

The primary object of Life Insnrnnco is to provide ready money death. No Company can approachthe Equitable record for promptness in this regard. The New Policy of the Equitable jst out is(like a bank draft) a simple promise to pay and is without conditions on its back. ,

JJSyFor full particulars call on j

ALEX. J. CARTWRSGHT,330 lm General Agent Equitable Life Assurance Society for the Islands,

Wm. TAYLOR, President.

KIMJIlN &IliiJiBl r Ebiyf



Manufacturers of allkinds of

Engines fc Boilers,

Sheet IronAND--

Steel Water






JuiceCooler Wngoijs it Tanks,


Presses !

Railroad CarsAND

Railroad Material

Heine Patent Safety Boiler,

Diffusion Machinery,B Capacity ami mutts gua-


2 Roll & 3 Boll Hill,

Davidson Steam Pumps.

S. E. Cor. &








Steam Breeching, Smokestack,Plato for front, set Grato Back Bearer, Door

Hack Arch Plate, set Braces Bolts for backSyphon, Gauge, Feed

Check Valve.

to 150 pounds pressure, and intended

Boilers of tho sizes in Sheets keep on hand ready




x feetx feet long.

0F" particulars, apply4t-d-1- 03 tf--w

NOTICE.persons nre forlhldcn

Bhooting trespassing onthe lands nf and HoacaoBunches, En, and Waltiavn.

A. J. CAMPBELL,340 lw Munngcr.


the rice nlantntiop atKwu, Onlm, notice

given Ho On mid Ming Wa haveout their rciniiininc

partner n Yee, puy all ilclifsof the the two retiringpartners being rcdronalhle for llHr owndebts. HO YBK.

339 lw


BURNISH ED to lot.southwest corner of

Punchbowl and Berctanluktrcuis, would be convenient forsmall --'G5 Gm



AN Al Vessel ho despatched forHonolulu leave New York in

all November For further informatloijapply to the

W. H. OnOSSMAN BRO77 it 70 Broau St., New York Oily.

Or CASTLE COOKK,337 lm Honolulu, II. I,

g LifeTHE






rrty riJi'wu uil



Year 1888,

Funds Hand








BEALE Sts., S. F.Steim Users, Attention

Boiler Fixtures:


gr (or






Theour standard

are inside of andthe as intwo pieces, tho ofthis he loadily"

by luurs.

are no seams in thefire to nor Ioom--

to contend bythe continual

of the ouof the unequal

of the heatthe the

a smooth, evencan be cleaned.

a manhole at theback theand tine in the front end


The front manholefree access to the sheet overthe fire the vital part ofevery This isoften by

and are boughtwith a hand andthe filledwitli

no nceesri forin a short tubes

sediment are one solid-mass- ;

of inby a few feet of tube

surface, the is a posi-tive Ioch. "

I 1 Boiler, 1 Drum, 1 1 300 feet for 1 C. I. -

1 1 for coal or 1 Bar 1 Ash andrame, I 1 for 1 of Boiler, 1

Gaugo for 1 Glass with Column and .'? Gauge Cocks; 1 l1 Blow-of- l' Valve, 1 '


Those aro tested hydrostatic aro for a ?, 1








sold to llioII who will




very nfamily.







working pressure pounds.constantly







and and


and end


54 inches x 1G feet long:.42 x 1G

jromv joyeo,,













engraving represents

advantageappio-oisite- d





overlooked purcha-sers,


lutely cleaning,


Galvanized completeFoundation Clemiing




inches long:.

Itoom n. MprcrkrlHHonolulu. II. 1.





Westermayer's. Celebrated Uprights !



Other PIANOS of Well-know- n American Factories on Way.


Ed. HOFFSCHLAEGER & Co..!i2.rt lm nnd Bethel Streets.

kb- - FISCHER PIANOS --saenowned for Tone and Durability L

80,000 In Use "''T?'K","" Establfsbed 184jPBY THE FOLLOWING ARTISTS:


El'oi:nk Tiiaykh,Claua

gjST-- Qnl), wiitn PiUulnguc,



Boiler.-"- . TheseBoilers steel,

bhell, hhown. buiii(;

Theieleak, rivets

with, i'iiucd


underboiler, bottom

surfacewhich e.isily

placeabove tubes,

under tubes.


boiler. point

boilerssmall hole,

tubes, whicli allows



Strand Guys, Front,Bars, wood;

Binder Stand SteamWater Safelv Valvn, Valve,














Ivan E. Mohowahki,Aua. Huffman,

Auolf. Gloa,An Many OtHKltS.

music xHSPArcraixxsT -

HAWAIIAN NEWS CO.,Role Agents for tho Hawaiian Island.


321 lm

'. '.O


' , ,

AJ'i . J fel4 .. Jt ci'-Yija- ,t . ''oE. Jr.W&te& wj&jLJr; ', , mtoe lu. to . & tyfeis.

Page 4: n&, Bull · bll kinds done on the most favorablo terms. JJoll Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication,



j V



Wj ', . -rasL?






?ft- -w







iu u itih tftevtito . ..j ...... . a i uLhiiii.i4njM u iv el liALiJi Jii ijijcri'ia kmjxlmji IjI n in nn auafti jmbji, . ixicui - --t.,..S JpftfWif5j 'ssssss&sN. E, MelNTYRB & mok

mpoiVrxno and dealers in

Groceries, Provisions and foed,EAST CONNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

Now Goods received by ovcry 1'nckct from the Eiwiorn States and EuropeFresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faith fully attended toand Goods delivered to any of tho city free of charge Island orders poll,cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. I'ostpfllro Box U?, Tolcphono No. WJ novSI

1 eloijlione 24C- -


--p. o.



t&" ON I OK" -- jBy each steamer of tho O. S. S. Co. fiora California

Fresh Cala, Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Cala, Fruits,ITisli, Gmiie, VcKotnbloK, 12tcM ISt.e.

A complete line of Crosse & Blactaell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, jus received a fresh line of

ierman Fates & lUed Meats & liuttlcd Preserved Frntfa,Lewis fc Co.'s Maltese" Brand Sugir Cured Hams & Bhcod,

New Breakfast Cereal, Crtam Flakes & Creim Wheat Flakes,Blcily Lemons & Cala. Rivcrsldo Oranges,

Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

ap-1- 6 Satisiaetion 87



HAS JUST RECEIVEDKit Salmon Bellies, Block Codfish, Smoked Beef, Buffalo Ham &Bacon, Boxes Smoked Herring, Tins Norewgian Salt Herring,Mild Cal. Cheese, Atmores Mince Meat, Green Turtle Soup,Terrapin Soup, Sugar Raisins, Curiants, Walnuts, Almonds,Dridd Peaches, Prunes, Dates, Honey, Cercolinc Flakes,

CAPE COD CKANBEKKIKS,Tomato Ketchup, Cases Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peat, JerseyBlue Potatoes, Kuta Bagas Turnips, Calafornia Onions, Crackers,nil kinds ; Choice Teas, Fresh Apples, Saloon Pilot and MediumBread, Wheat, Flour, Butter, Plum Pudding, etc., etc.,

And a General Assortment of Canned

roh9J tSf Leave your orders,

JOHN" Dlmoud JBloclt,-- ' IVos.


r ,11 ii.igffi'HT" J j n

Granite, Iron and Tin WareChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,House Keeping Goods,


n Him mi ii iii

The "Dail Bulletin

Will be Issued on

32 Columns of Interesting Nows

le Tlioroiiglred Stallion

II MARIN"Will BtaDd at seivlre ul.

-- AT-

$50 and $75 Insurance.

Rbcoiid 2:22J, Sscraracnto, Sept. 15,1887.

1'euioiiee: Marin was siredQuiun's Patchen, he by Geo. M. I'at-uiic-

Jr.; Marln'u'daHi by Emigrant, hoby Ullly Mct-'racKe- limy McuracKi-- n

bv McCr'ken's Bluck Hawk, 707, (ihosire of Lady Dooley, and of the dnm ofOverman, 2(tM), MrGrueken's UlxokHawk, 707, hv Virmont BU.clc Hawk, 5;2nd dam by Marshall's Dlack linwlt, hoby EuBton'a DlacU Hawk. The dim of(iulnn'a Patchen by Biockbrldgu Chief,he by Vermont Hlack Huw k, 5

It. T. Carroll of Ban Kranrlrco, tho ,

former ownor of Marin, vouches, that '

out of thlrty-sl- x miuos bcrved by thishorse during his last season in Cull. 'ornla, thlrty.flve proved villi foal.


Box a7

HI Fort






Meats, Fruits and Other Groceries.

or ring up 119. -- J 86

NOTT,OS .to 07 Kiiifr Sireelk


i iii -ti

Weekly Summary, J)

September 3id.

The Best Paper to Send Abroad.

FOIt SALEO COTTAGES and PremisesO on Fin nm street, at u reu- -sonabln lipnro. Apply to

.J. M. MOMBAItKAT,CartwrigutV Block, Merchant St.

21)4 tf

FOR SALE or LEASETTOUSli and Premised at

lwilt'l, Honolulu HouseconuiliH thriH- - luruo and two

diiiull roi.nis and liall una a liuge attic.Cottage null three rooms on the pro-mist'-s;

cook and hath Ijoueo. Stablewith tlirio elillrt and carriage hoiiEedhadu and fruit treiw on tho prcmUcs.Apply to J. M. MONSARRAT,

(Jartrlght'ii Rlonk, Merchant St.24 tf


T ATE Residence ofMr. Reimentchneidor,

Kmma street.Itcsidrnce ofLATE Mr. Frank Drown,

Kapiolanl Park.QESIDENCE ofX Kit. James Loye,

King streetResidence ofLATE Mr. M. Groen,

ai! Kort street.OTORE. Etc. nn occimled livO Mr. Wolfo, One r,

King streetcSlr Applj to

A. J. OAKTWB1GUT,00 tf Merchant street.

p" r.


X 32X1- -

' Forest Queen '

-- iSII-

'Jas. Ij. Ilarway





WHEAT,"Golden Gate"

"Crown" FLOUR"Drifted"Bonanza"










Theo. H. Davies & Co.

Hi? SI w




Notioe to sportamen i..ijr.JM.tMH.iV. ()- -. AWV

ltt STOCK AND TO AttlliVti


Porpoiwo Ijace Bootees Sc Shoes,Guaranteed Wntei proof. Now uddiliuns cwistnntly lioing made

to otu l.nri'0 Stock of

Ladies and Gents Fine Goods.

The Manufacturers1 Shoe J3o 86 Hole! Si.

Fi ' ?

Hi ipk





rdware Co., Id,




COLGATE &rrwvw irm


HkMBH Caslmiere


fliMA Violet


1 )


E KcwVoPt

I P"' ih"Tm "





many kinds of catharticdo not mnke you

feci worse before you feel better.Their operation is gentle, but thor-

ough, and unattended with disagree-able effects, such as nausea, gripingpains, &c.

Seigel's Operating Pillsaic the best family physic that hasever been discovered. They cleansethe bowels from all irritating sub-

stances, and leave them in healthycondition.

The best remedy extant for the

bane of our lives constipation andsluggish liver.

These Pills prevent fevers and all

kinds of sickness, by removing all

poisonous matter from the bowels.They operate briskly, yet mildlywithout pain.

If you take severe cold, and. arethieatcned with fever, with painsin the head, back and limbs, one ortwo doses of Seigrul'fi

Pilifl will break up the coldmid prevent the fever.

A cout'od tonguo, with brackishtaste, is caused by foul matterin the stomach. A few doses ofSoigel'a Operating Pills willcleanse the stomach, remove the bad I

taste, and restore the appetite, andwith it bring good health.

Oftentimes diseased, or partiallydecayed food, causes sickness,nausea and diarrhoea. If the bowelsare cleansed from this impurity will)

dose of Seigel'sPills, these effectswill vanish, and good health will

result.Seiglo's Operating Pills

prevent from excess in

eating or drinking. A good dose atbodtimo renders person lit forbusiness in the morning.

These Pills, being Sugar-coate- d,

are pleasant to lake. The disngice-abl- e

tasto common to most pills isobviated.



TurponUuo, Etc, Etc.


Revere Rubber Co, Boston,


Roller & Win Boifl Hose.

Call and examine dm NowGood"? Aup-- S 88


COMPANY'S. 1a TtrtnTtrHT t?ci t



Bouquet Toilet Soap H

Bouquet Perfume,

Toilet Water.



Bouclie, (Dentirrice.)

General Depot. Wholesale Eetail.








a Operatingdisagreeable




Steam Works, Sunny South,

Tcto.: Bell 186

Depot, 28 Merchant Street.

Tele.: Bell 172, Mutual 360


STodcru Machinery.

Patent Claim Valve Dottles


Tho only oppnratus using Purified Car-bonic Acid Oas, making

high class

Tnhlll Lemonade,

Apolllnaris Water,

Cream Soda,

Ginger Alo,

Hop Ale,

Grenadine, Eto ,

riffBEjpwfffiiffiBf III

And Pure, Strong EdorvoBcing



Note. Empty Bottles to be returnedprior to now orders being executed,

tfiyOrders delivered to atiy part oftho city. Island order solicited. 88 tf


oiiiiifi stsaiiii oiuf.


Arrlvo at Honolulu:

Australia September 20Zcalandiu.... .. . . Soptembor 28Australia October 18Alameda. Ootober 20Australia November 15

Loavo Honolulu:

AuetraTia August 30Alameda. r , Scptembor 21Australia September 27Mariposa . October lfAuBtralia October 26"Zcalandia November 10Australia November 22Alameda December 14

218 tf


MR. ANTON VOQEL Is not in ouremploy nnv more nfter this date.

U. HOPKSOHLAEGER & CO.Honolulu, Aug. 24, 18S9. 835 ltn


GAPANA, of Piinalun, Kooliu, into have for Chiu.i on

iho htoamr of Beplcmher 15th desirethat all bills aualnct him 1cpreccntidon or lieore September 10th. Sue TinWing will collect all accounts i'uo thesaid 0. Apann. 3:10 lu

New Zealand Jams 1

JUST received a conclgnment of NewJam?, assorted cases. Foi

salo at low prices byJ. E. BROAVN & CO.,

227 tf 28 Merchant street.


NEW Wilcox & White ParlorA Orjran with olcht slop Suitablefor rcliool or church. A flno intern-ment. Apply at 57 Punchbowl street,opposite M. 1'. Miffeion Institute. 273 ti

LADIES' KURSE.TVTRS. MONROE, ladies' nurse, hasi.T.1. rumoved to No. 3, Kukui lane

Kcb.14-8- 9


AT Ualukou, Kaneohe, Koolaupoko.b53 acres of g(od pasture land, all

enclosed plenty or water. App'y toCharles I. Hiram, at tho King's Btaolcfc,Honolulu, or at HalekOu. fob 28 89 ly


HAS the best and cheapest BlackRock, Coral, Sand and Boll for

sale in any quantity. Apply at tho lawoffice of William O. Achi, No. HO Merchant street, Honolulu, II. I. 301 Sun

European Billiard Parlors.Handsomest Billiard Parlors inTHE cityj and fitted up In the most

approved style Four tables with all thelatest improvements.

J. P. BOWEN & CO.,270 tf Proprietors.


New Busings-:-- -:- - Agency

Bell Tele 450 P. O. Box 70.


No. 15 Kaahumanu Street,

Tor the Transnofion of GeneralBusinetB, embracint;:

Adjusling and Exporting Books.Keeping Accounts and Making Out

BillsGeneral Colectioni.Houses Let and Rents Collected.Real Estato Bought and Bold,Searching Records.Abstracts of Title Furnished.Drawing of Deeds, Leasee, Contracts,

Agreements, Etc.Copying and Engrossing of all

Custom House Entries made andGoods Cleared, Etc., Eto.

Tho varied business experience of thomembers of the flim is u sufficient gua.ranty of capability on their part for thedischargo of all matters entrusted tothem. By faithful, and prompt atten.tion to the same and by reasonablecharges for all setvicos, they hope tomerit general patronage.827 tf IdKAVIS & WniTK.


Paaoiiau Piantation, )

Hawaii, March 0,1968.

ItUdon Iron A I.ocomotlvo IVorUM,Man FranciMeo.

Gentlemen: Wc have used two ofyour Filter Preites Uds(euRo'ii. Thej' aio Convenient, caMlybandied and uro working entirely to oursatisfaction. I can recummend no

on, them.Veiy lespec fully yours,

(hlgnqd) A. MOORE,Manager Paaulmii Plantation.

Thcsoriesscs are made extra hoavyfor high pressures, occupy a floorspice 11 feet by 4 fret, and present nflltorlng surface of '240 iquare leet.

A limited number In stock In Hono-lulu and are sold at very low prices.

Risdon Iron & Loco. "Works,Ban FraucUeo.

jisfir For particulars enquire ofJOHN DYER, Honolulu,

Room No. 8 Block.

28B0 tf W. 0. Irwin & Co., Awnt.

f- - W( -

--ifoyv tJSm

'Auimiii nu swrars.

VUVi SAN FltAKOISCOTho now and fine Al steol steamship

"Alameda,"Of tho Oceanic Hlcamphln Company, will

bo duo at Honolulu from Bjilncyand Auckland on or' about

September21, 1889.Vnd will leave for the above port withmills and passengers on or about thati Mo.

ror f i eight or passage, having BU.PER10R ACCOMMODATIONS, apnlyto

WK Q. IltWDI & CO, Agentf.

For Sydney and Auckland

VTho nov and lino Al utecl Btcircslilp -

" Zealandia."Of the Oceanic Stcnnif hip Company, will

be duo at Honolulu fiom BanFrancisco on or about

September 28, 1889.And will luvu ptompl db patch withmails and pascngurs for tiioahovo portm tfFor freight or passage, Imvinir SUPERIOK ACCOMMOUATIONR, applyto37 WE Q. IRWIN & CO., Acento

THEO. P. SEVERIN,Photographer ,


rrlntli.arUonolor Amntccra,Cabinets $6 a Doz. Work Guarantee

Sfiy Entrance on Fort Street, -- a122 tf

JJopp&Oo74 King st. 74 King st

Importers of

Rattan &. Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with dare'.

Matting and Carpets Laid,T

CORinCE POLES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


TO LEASE!The Beautiful Seaside Resort at WaU

kiki (formerly tho residence of Col.G. W. Macfarlanc), known as


Park, Beach Hotel

The Premises consist of

A plain Building,"Containing a

Lanal 40x40, Dining Room, Pantry,

Kitchen & 5 Bedrooms,

All partially furnished.

One Building-- ,


Boiling Alley, Billiard Boom and

l-ar-aro Bedrooms.

One Cottage,With

2 Large Bedrooms & Dressing Rooms.

One Building on beach,Containing

Bath Houses, Wash Rooms, Elor

Largo and Commodious

Stables with Carriage House.

Upper Floor fitted with Large AiryRopms, suitable for servants,

etc., etc. Therq aro

Large & WelMaidont Grounds,

Connected with the Premises on whichcould bo erected cottages for visitorsfhould tho placo bo converted into a'hotel, for which it is admirably adapted,.The Bathing faellltioH equal the best i

along the line of beach. '

B"Theso Premises will be leased foru term of years to responsible parties.For further particulars apply to


m.?" Sprtofffleld Gas Machine 1

Promises and the plpos lead intoII llio nbnnn Tl.mll. 11..-- .. uu W0 umimugH, apr.aojj:

