>- NAVAL PERSONNEL Department of the Navy Washington, D.C. 20370 Official Business r-- Postmaster: Do not forward. If undeliverable, return to sender, indicating forwarding address if available. Poscl.ge and F ees Paid Navy Department

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~n ~~ z~ ~CIJ l:~ ~~


BUR~JF NAVAL PERSONNEL Department of the Navy Washington, D.C. 20370

Official Business


Postmaster: Do not forward. If undeliverable, return to sender, indicating forwarding address if available.


Poscl.ge and Fees Paid Navy Department

Page 2: ~n ~~ z~ 197009.pdf · month su~isrence allowance duro ing the lour yeall'! he is allendins colkge. After wmpleti~ his bac calaureate sludie9 and all military requirements, he is


11" ....... , ............ "'hI.,. '" .""'In"on, D.C., by .... ....... of N....... ho_.. fSpKi .. 1 S. ... I." 01.-1", .. ). Opinion ... ,. .. ..., ..... 110' .... . .... ril.,. , ..... ef , ... Novy o.parl_ .. ""t. 1 ...... 1' ................ Ko .... 1 ....... . , ,, .. ,,lei be .. ,rdr.ned Ie II>. ( .. "' ..... ndanl .. I \'OUr Nawal Dj.'rkl. Th .... ",loInlnll 10 ,h. Ho .... Air .... rn .h .... ld be ocld ... H<I t. It.. " ...... , No ..... 1 AI ..... . we T .... inlnll UIIU o r Air Station. ""Id .. ...... ,'"', ..... , ....... ' .f , . .... ..." 11I1e,", ..or be 10 .... ... _ to r... 101 .. " .. , ... _ .. hlI, ......

G-UI. 1 .. 11 ....... Ann • • , No..., Otopoot­_I, WOI"-',_, D.C. 20310 " .... "" .... , A_ ( .... 20 2, Dial "2-0"", .. viet AUTOVON-22, 1.1. 209541. 10_ ..... f Ihl, publkCIII.n ....... vMl In • •• reI"",. wit" OopCI""'e nl 01 the Nov.,. ""bll,,,~,,,,, and Prlntln, .. ,,,I,,'iall', NAV'XOS 1'-3~.


S .. mm." TrainiA« AtbU St>II To C .. mp~ Lile

NROTC ColleKe Sch .. b",lIip'


,h'!lilable 5

p . "idenli<J Certificate TMllk. VietnaM r .,lera"" 7

Stflw. 8uiUJ II I'u,""",,,,, , Good lhed 8

If RUM_I< 0.. En/iuN C9rrupq"denu C"ur$C'

corER: CDR Norman Coonl. CEC. USfIIR, P rojul OfJiur 101 Seab~a Ra· len'~ con.truClion a l Camp Mo8ifca, N.Y., pr~.e"t.J a ,,-mlH:>lic IOl<Iell ke,- 10 a (>/Iir 01 Rro",nw" rcpIC$cnli,.. Ihe tn<)tC tM" 14,000 8irl, ........ ",ill .... e .n., <:<>mp.

(5« _<NY 0 " pa.e 8.)

~~ ~ =::::::=::-- ::. TOT~ ]

'--_ ._ . .

How to Prorate YOII' hints Sir : Con you It II me the mini mum num· ber of ,d;""m.,n\ poin18 I ", ill neW for my 20th uli&faelory ,'car of fetle .~ 1 ""'n '· ie<l?

"I)' ' nnjycn.ary year ~nd. on 2S July. On th~ 1 d~\e in 1971, I will have 19 year" 7 monlh . and S days of N lilflll'_ Lory tervice in the Nav;rl Reterv~. Thil """'" I would netoJ onl)' abo ut $ m~n1h. IOOre 1<) compldc 20 ~an.

Will h be n<:c~ry for me to Utfl at least 50 point. durin, the an ni.e ... r~ year thaI heeln. Z6 Jul 1971? Or, can I prorate the points and CeI."" drillinj ooon a. I cumplete the 20 y"a,.,,? _ W. A. p .. USNR . • y.". You can prorate, but k/,,' ., you d~, your ~'" 'up ,Multi be 10 ,ubmil a ,cqueJ./ UJ OIC, Naval Olia, Reco,ds SUpporl Ac.iuiT (NORSAI. O_Jut, I\'eb~ 68111. lor a sf4lemml OJltfWte

10 "",he ,ute )'I>U' fi.urC$ jibe .. i,n Ihe ~f!idal onu (f!.nli.ud Reu,.d"'lhorJd .ubmil ,uch a ,eque.' 10 the CMel 01 NalJO./l'trlOnne/. )

Unitl Allielt ,'kj('OS20.4 of the RuPers Manual, 0 Rcs~roi.rl ",ho i.o in a" acti~ """11 lar teu 1Nu. a lulJ OAA/' 'C'W',­TN' C/'" Jut~e lhe partu.i ,-Mr Uti/lei, prtn>idtd hI ear,... a :w//icit .. , '".mbtr 0/ tditemtltl pointl on a pro rala ba",.

The required SO rtlirtme" , poi"l& ptr "nnivnsary year art prorated a l 0./.17 (SO divided by 365) poi'ff~ p., .") Gratuu,,,,, poin,. 10' parlu,1 ,-Mr. ercdiu(/. Oil a pro rota b«.i.o of 01)4/09 (lS dividtd by 365) paiRu lor MC" (/.ay

I Umtill .. td (JIJ pap IS)

Summer Training Adds Sa JdQ{e than 7000 midshipmen got

)tte of full·time Navy life t~s summer- 5ooo of tlJem at sea With

the Fleet and the rest at shore in­stallations throughout the United States.

The midshipmen ",ere from the Naval Academy at Annapolis and from Naval Reserve Officer Tra in­ing Corps (NROTC) unita at col­leges and univensities throughout the nation.

The summer training program gives first and third claM midship­men (seniors II1ld sophomores. re­speelively) an opportunity to gain first·hand naval experience while serving aboard aircraft carriers,


FIRST,HAND tJ.~N1OCC in _ _ lIShip II rr<

a .... t on /xi4rd Al/antic F,

Page 3: ~n ~~ z~ 197009.pdf · month su~isrence allowance duro ing the lour yeall'! he is allendins colkge. After wmpleti~ his bac calaureate sludie9 and all military requirements, he is

cruisers, frigates, destroyers, sub· marines, auxiliary ~hips, mine. ~weepers and amphibious ships. The training period is usually six to eight weeks in lengtb. On board ship the midshipmen are rotated between the engineering, weapons and operations departments so they can get a feel for all aspects of shipboard operations. Third class midshipmen often learn enlisted skills; their lirst·class shipmates understudy for officer billets aboard ship.

This summer, midshipmen reo ported aboard ships all over the world, from the Aegean Sea to the Sea of Japan. In the Pacilic, there were 1600 aboard First Fleet ships and another 400 with the Seventh Fleet.

First to begin training on the West COMt were the almost 700

Naval Academy midshipmen who rcport"d aboard the two amphib. ious transport dock ships USS Cl<!l!l!:lanti (LPD 7) and USS V., COllver (LPD 2) on 7 June. Off. from the Naval Academy and 74 selected first clMsmen acted as in· structors for the third class mid· shipmen making the cruise. A simi· lar pilot program set up lllllt year proved very effective.

The midshipmen's cruise in. cluded a five·day visit to Yokosuka, where pretty Japanese girls greeted them with flowers upon their ar· rival. The port call gave the mid· shipmen a chance to visit Japanese installations and tour U.S. war· ships berthed at the naval station. In their spare time they went sight. seeing and sou\'enir hunting.

The largest training squadro the Pacillc-ll ships with aln.

TOURfNG MfDSHIPMEN ar~ welcomtd /0 Y~ko,,/(ka, Jap<Jn, by flower Kirl. ami local diKni/ari~~. ,


GUIDED MISSILE DESTROYER VSS Soma, (DDG .14). ri&II/, and amphibwU5 tra,..pMt dock USS Cl~ve1and (LPD 7), left. wert 11,;0 oj tht ,hip, p<lflicipatin&

in Pacific craun

100 midshipmen aboafd--got un· derway from San Diego and Long Bear.h during the l1lllt week in Jun'!!. Ships participating included the

'\lear.powered frigate USS Trux· ..l (DLGN 35), the guided mis·

sile destroyers USS Hoel (DOG 13) and USS SOmeTJ (DOG 34), and eight general purpose destroy. ell!. The training squadron visited San Francisco during the Fourth of July holiday and also made poft call!! at Puget Sound and Pearl Harbor before returning to South· efn California in August.

In the Atlantic, about 1400 NROTC midshipmen participated in at·sea training aboard Second Fleet units operating out of East Coast ports, including Kewport, R.I.; Korfolk, Va.; Charleston,

; and Mayport, Fla. There were port \·isiti; for some to Bermuda, The Virgin Islands, Halifax, Ja. maica and Puerto Rico. Some went

through refresher training exer· cises at Guantanamo Bay.

Another 450 midshipmen were embarked in USS Wasp (CVS 18) and other units of an antisub· marine warfare task force conduct· ing exerci~ in the eastern At· lantic. Several European port visits were scheduled.

Filially, 1140 first class midship. men trained with units of the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean. They visited Naplll$, Athens, Barcelona, Cannes and other paris.

Second dass midshipmen (jun. iors) usually get thl'ir summer !faining at ~hore installation~. This summer 4W of them reported to the Amphibious Base at Coronado in July and more than 850 others attended three weeks of tmining with units of the Atlantic Fleet Amphibious Force at Little Creek, y,.

Most of the Navy and Marine


Page 4: ~n ~~ z~ 197009.pdf · month su~isrence allowance duro ing the lour yeall'! he is allendins colkge. After wmpleti~ his bac calaureate sludie9 and all military requirements, he is

Corps inSlructOI'l! who supervised 1M amphibious training programs were veterans of operations in Southeast Asia. From them, the midehipmcn learned new tactics in riverine warfare and es()ape alffl eva!!ion, as ,,'e ll a9 the more trll' ditionallechnique5 for amphibious lISMuh and small craft handling.

A riverine wllrfare exercise (In the Chowan River in North Cal"O> lina wu pallemed alter similar op­erations in the Repuhlic of Viet· nam.. The midshipmen emhltrked in river M!IlIu lt and patrol craft and conducted starch lind clear opera· tions agailU!lt an agStessor force on Dowry Jsland, N.C. Relllism was added to the exercl!lt.l by the use of

Rares, blank ammunition and small expl(t$ive charges.

The midBhipmen took time out for a ball on 2 July, with more t1> 800 young ladie!! from the 3.

invited to attend. The three weeb of training con·

cluded "' ith amphihious landings al Camp Pendleton, Va., on 21 and 22 July. The landinga opened " 'ith d~ air support from Navy air­c raft, making bombin~ and straf­ing runs on the target: area, and ,,·ith gunfi re support from ships offshore_ After frogmen had cleared the water of mines and omtroctions, the midshipmen Jlormed the landing zone in am· phibiQUS tractot5 and helicopten;.

( [ ~ROTC~~OI~~ge)cholarships Available ) R l!mpetitlon t!s begJior the 25th NROTC midshipmen have II wide IInnual NROTC College Scholar. t:hoice in their major field of study ~hip Program. hut must complete prescribed

The scholarship' prepare young naval ~knce courses and partid­men for Navy or Marine Corps pate in tbru at-~a training period~ eornrnis!ion~ while tile)' study lit lO"ith the Fleet. the many colleges and universitiC!; w"here Naval Reu.rve Officers Training Corp!! unils are es till>­Ihhed.

Elig ible "iSh school een ion and recent gradullte.! should submit their application, before 1 Dee 1970 for the 1'.171 College Scholar. ship Program.

This prOgtftrn prepares a young man for II Navy or Marine COrp!! career while he is studying at II

civilian college or university.


All tuir iQn, feelS, uniforms lind books are furnished by the Nllvy, and the midshipman .receives S50 a month su~isrence allowance duro ing the lour yeall'! he is allendins colkge. After wmpleti~ his bac­calaureate sludie9 and all milita ry requirements, he is commi!l3iooed lin ellllign in the Regular Navy O.T) iIeCOnd lieutenant in the Man. Cor"". and sen'es on active duty for a period of four years.

I f you nre n high echool senior or recent gfllt{ua1e, a mal", c;itizen of the l1nited Statel! and will be at

g 17 but not yet 21 years of age i.. June 1971, you may be eli· gib to compd.e. Ikfore 31 .i}e(:

1970, you must take either the Scholas tic Aptitude Test (SAT) of the College [nlra.llt"e Examination Board. Princeton, NJ ., or the American Colkge Te.t (ACf) 01 the American College Testing Pro· grllm, 10"'a Cily, lo ... a.


! Both are .standard college en- FUTURE FLYERS-.V(JrVl ~ 2'" L"~ .

trance uaminations which are ad· t~..,mt ,"liioy ROI~m"nd. 1~/f. ,,,'" N"~r EouigR Ronald lIan, rig~'. POI<' ","it h

miniJ\lered at thousands of loca· S .. cr~rary .. 1 t1r~ NllV," / o/ln H. eMf •• al tions throughoul the United Staia; c<!mmiu",ninll ""r~nwn)' for th e r,.'<1 n_ linn oversellS. You will most likely "fjiarJ . Both ~r"du/%t.s of 1M Na~y',

M"'Cn NROTe pmgrUm-<l1 I'mirie tllke one of them for your rollege Vi."" Taa, 1<'.'" <In 1<1 u/c. flliI/t1 application, Bnyway. train'''II.

You !hould make arrange· lid' .. h . co eges an Ulllvet!ltles w ere ' J~ with the testing service to NROTC units are established. They l. your scores submitted h) the receive the ~ame naval science in· NROTC College Scholarship Pro- struction as the scholarship !tu. gram and be sure you get your dents, but participate in only one I\ROTC application In by 1 IIt.seli training period. They are December. I paid ~50 a month $ubsistence a·

Appliclltion forms lite IIvaiiahle lowli during their junior and from high !&Chool cou~loJ!l , the senio~~eat!l , but receive rio other nearest Navy or Ma rine Corp!! reo com t" n from the sovern. cruiting stationc .. .Jlia!ed~ iIU~lnenr~I: . 7/ phone book ) o r !~n/aval ~· ';;ite'f;' ~ "'P.eiM'!tiIfilF,rve61H ~ , I?"part. dents Ii:;~ese:t~ ;v~~ th;'rsb; ment of the Navy, Washmgton. .. " ' " ffi f DC 203-0 rur commIlIK""S 0 ,ctl"b or .. ( . traD!lrer to the Scholarship Pro·

NROTC Colk!. Progra ..

The NROTC College Progmm is alao available lor students inler·

i ~ in becoming Reserve officell'! 'qr~e Navy or Marine Corps.

Collelle Pro.llram students are se· IClCted from !lui freshman c1a3SCS of


Upon s raduation, NROTC Col. lege Program students a re commis. sioned as elUl igns in the Naval Re· !lerve or sa:ond lieutena nts in the ~farine Corps Reserve. They &erve on active duty for three years. ,

Page 5: ~n ~~ z~ 197009.pdf · month su~isrence allowance duro ing the lour yeall'! he is allendins colkge. After wmpleti~ his bac calaureate sludie9 and all military requirements, he is

RELIEF SVPPL1ES for pcr~.·ian cartll­(j~lJke t'ictims are loaded aboard (1 C-118 Uftmaoler from NARTU /ac/Qondlle, Fill., jo, jim 1(£ oj fI~hllo Lima. The c/o,h[IIS lUld merliCal IIIpplja ..,ere col· I«J,.t/. by lonJ. /1>1I1Dt OUlmbe,s 0/ (;ommut:e mod j/Du'" It, Millmi Iry ,h" N.v.J Air R~"""" lar commudaJ. flight

ro P~".

Presidential Certificate Thanks Vietnam Veterans

The Pret!ident hOll! approved a Cer­tificate of Apprec:illlion for Viet­ntun·era veterans.

The document is to be given 10 ofli':en amI enliste,] men (li6l:hargeci or released from honorahle active &efvice aflu 19 Jan 1969. It is pre­!lellted to the <kpartiut( l\'svyman at the same time he receives the acknol<l·ledgement of sen-ice from his commandinp; officer pro\' ided fo r in .4. rtide 3810'240 of the RuPers Manual.

Navymen who are hei ng tran~­ferred to the Fleet Reserve Q1 the Retired List with pay will not re­ce;"e the new certif,cates, since they receive other ~ial certificate!! in reoognition of thei ... &er\' ice. Ndthe.r


will th~ lO·ho are being re'e~ [roOl active duty IOf training or frol1\ active duty of Ie!:!. than 90 days. Other situatioru; in whic~,,",1 certificate will not be pr~ ft include:

• Dischar!!e for conscientious objection, ulllluitability, ser.urity reallon&, unfi tne611 or mi!4'ondu('1.

• Separation due to an un$ll ti~· factory findi ng by 11 &election board,

• Individual case;<! exempted by the Chief of Naval Personnel.

The certificate contain~ the fol· lowing Itatement of appreciation, ", hk h a rpears oves the PrC!i. jential Sell l an.1 "resident Nixon'l signa· ture as Commander In Chief :

"1 e"tc"d to you fIIY l'e .. "",,1 1"1 and tke ~inCf,e app,eciad"" of u lui fIrlti.l)n jQr )'01" oonlribmion 0/ . omMe uNJice 10 our oounlry. You. M!~'e hdpt d fIIa/ruai" Ihe ",curily oj Ihe "". I;"" durinG /I 1;,lli<:6/ /;",e in ill h~IO'7 .. it!, " """f>rio" fO dUly a"d " Jp",it ,,/ atlcri~u, i" /t.(tlWts ... it" Ihc proud muli· lion 01 IAe milirllryl.O'Viu.

"1 /'"'" /Ml in. tM colRi"1l )'Mr, yo" will ,,,,,Imllin ~n activt inl.rC$/ i" tJ,~ Armed Fo,r.,.. alt,l the pu'po$e fo r which you Jen'ed.

"M,. b~~t wuh~. to loa for happ/ltc." u"a ' uce .... ' ilt the I .. /ure,"

The cert ificate, DO Fon n 1725, ill available in the su"ply sy51em, and initiol 5tocks have been dis· tribute<! to tyJW' commanrlers ond separoting al'tivities.

Reservists on inactive duty, ) were separatei! after 19 Jan 1

ani! have not received their certifi· eate5 may reqllftt them from the

Naval Reso::rve Manpo..-er Cenle r, Hainbridge, Md. 21905. Veteran. .,.;ho ha\'e a lrea.ly been dischall;e<l r~ . reque9tthem from the Chief of

Naval Penollnel, Navy Depart. merIt, Washin/-tloll , 11.C. 20370.

Official ",ord on the subject mlly be found in HI/Pen l'iotice 1900.

I Seabees Build a Permanent Good Deed

VOLUNTEERS I, om RMCB 19 (,J- H) I<!Mk on ,,,,,J 01 a ,roop hollH. Thel are (lefl to ri,hn EA2 E,lwartl M~eh,,,,, eEl G~orge SCh ........ Blll lim NOfllo,,~ altd

RAJ Tom Morw,ha".

Every weekend for the past two buildings and 50 tent platforms. years. "oh,mteers from Reserve Mo· According to a local ne""~paper, bile Construction Batblion! l3 the work dontlted by the Seabees and 19 have been going tn camp in the Callki J1 Mount.:J.illll- lo work, not to hunt and fish.

This June, they finished the job !lTlll handed ov"r Camp Mo!!iacll to J l\f orris Area Cound l, Girl

S;outs of America, Morristown, ::'<1.1.

They had huilt 10 major l!Ie rvice

"'ould have C<lSt the Girl Scoub '900,000 if it had been done by commercial huiltlens.

Through summer heat and H ,· below·~ero cold, up to 70 volun ' tlX'r!! worked 011 the l'on~truction of the camp weekend after week, end.

located on s lightly more than a

Page 6: ~n ~~ z~ 197009.pdf · month su~isrence allowance duro ing the lour yeall'! he is allendins colkge. After wmpleti~ his bac calaureate sludie9 and all military requirements, he is

TEA.'WTNG UP 10 pilch a U nl are (/et' to right) CPO lames Fischer, LCDR !'f1Ul Cavot" and CDR Paul II. lo"e •.

thousand acres overlooking the Delaware River, .... here the 5tate.~

of New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey meet, Camp Mogisca will provide year-round facilities for more than 1·1,000 Girl Scou\J! in the council.

The Seahtes huilt an arched dining hall, an infinnary, an ad·


ministration building, a cook's cabin. a director~ cabin and five troop houses. Tbey abo erected 50 tent platforms, eacb designeo;l~ ~uJ>port a six.girl tent. -'

Everyone---from commanders to constructionmen-tumed to when

it came time to lend a hand. A ,I' typical work party might indude a lieutenant commander. tbree CPOs and a 2d class petty officer.

In dedication ceremonies for the camp, Mrs. Earl T. Helsel, First Vice President of the ?'Iorrie Area Council, said, "Two years ago when the Seabees joined Ollr ef­fort , it WRl5 beyond our duams that todaY"the camp would he dedi· cated.

She read the inscription on a granite monumtnt set up at :) camp: .

"With deep appreciation to R~.serve Seabees within the Thirll Naval District, Commander N. J. Coons, Proj ect Officer for an build-ing construction, Captain Joseph Fabian, Commander Paul H. Jones, officers and men from Re­serve Mobile Construction Bat· talion 13, Reserve Mobile Con­struction Hattalion 19. Tbeir con­stant and untiring efforts have brought to reality Camp Mogisca at Ambame5t, June 14, 1970."

The volunteer Seabees came from Reserve Training Centers at

ADMIN BUlLf)fNG was OM Of.} m"jor sndce buildillg3 erecud by bees. SUlIIdi"8 on front steM, CDR J-II. Jones, CEC, USNR, left alld CDR Normall Coons, CEC, USNR, dis~u,. th~

",ork a. it n~ars comp/nion.

'I I

SEABEE RESERVISTS built SO tent platform. lih thi3 one lor th~ Girl Scouu.

'Vi Schuyler, Yonker~ and .Jughkeepsie, N.Y.; Stamford and Hartford, Conn.; and Clifton and Elizabetb, N.]. Some drove as

much as ISO miles one-way every weekend to work on the camp.

-StOry and Photos by JOC lelTY J. Reilly, USN

I A Rundown On Enlisted Correspondence Courses I Each year The Naval Reservist pub­lishes a comprehen~ive list of cor­respondence COUl1!es wbich may be taken for retirement point credit. In tbis issue we are covering the en­listed COUl"!Iee. The roundup of offi­cer COUI1!e8 will appear in a later issue.

Retirement credit for corre­"""ndence course study is calcu­

: .. j,d on the basis of one point for ~ach e~timated 3 hours of corre­spondence course work. To prevent duplication, cudit is not given for

courses completed as part of an authorized drill, [or courses com· pleted while the Reservist is on ac­tive duty, or for retaking a course-­unless it is a major revision of an earlier one.

A major revision of an enlisted course is indicated by a numerical suffix to the course number. Thus, the number 91436--4 indicates a maj or revision of course number 91436--3C, while the number 91436--3D would mean· a minor revision. The NavPers numbers for


Page 7: ~n ~~ z~ 197009.pdf · month su~isrence allowance duro ing the lour yeall'! he is allendins colkge. After wmpleti~ his bac calaureate sludie9 and all military requirements, he is

officer courses or officer-enlisted courses are just the opposite, with alphabetical suffixes being used for major reVISIOns and numerical suffixes for minor ones. For ex­ample, NavPers Number 10903-A2 would indicate a minor revision of number 10903-Al, while number 10903-B would be a major revision.

For retirement point purposes, courses evaluated at more than 12 points are divided into units. In the list on these pages, the figures under the heading "Unit Complet­ing Assignments" indicate the as­signment numbers which mark the completion of each unit.

Since the units are based on 12 points, the first unit is always eval­uated at 12 points. As an example, take a course which consists of 15 assignments and is evaluated at 30 retirement points (2 points for each assignment). Upon completing your sixth assignment you would receive 12 retirement points. As­signment number 12 would com­plete the second 12-point unit, and the remaining 6 points (12 + 12 + 6 = 30) would be credited to you when you complete the 15th assign­ment.

To apply for a course your ap­plication should be forwarded, as specified below, to: the Naval Cor­respondence Course Center, Scotia, New York 12303.

• Inactive duty Reservists at· tached to a drilling unit should re­quest their correspondence courses


from the command to which they are attached.

• Inactive duty Reservists not attached to a drilling unit shoul~ use the Correspondence Course Ar ))' plication NavPers 1550/4, for­warded to the Correspondence Course Center via the Naval Re­serve Manpower Center, Bain­bridge, Md. 21905.

• Reservists serving on full-time active duty apply for courses in the same way as Regular Navy per­sonnel. Therefore, enlisted courses for Reservists on active duty are administered and graded locally in most instances.

In such cases, Officer/Enlisted Courses should be applied for on NavPers Form 1550/4 and Enlist­ed Courses should be applied f ~ on NavPers 1510/3 (Enlisted Co }jJ respondence Course Application­Local Administration). The s e forms should be forwarded to the Correspondence Course Center via your commanding officer.

Where it is not practical to ad­minister a course locally, the AcDu Reservist should use NavPers 1550/4 for his application, regard­less of the type of course. In this instance, your CO will forward the application to the Correspond­ence Course Center, requesting that the center administer and grade the course.

The list which follows is basr ~~\ .

on the . latest information availaL J} at the time this issue of The Naval Reservist went to press. A new list

of current courses administered by the Correspondence Course Center is published each month by the cen-

1L r to be used in conjunction with e current edition of NavPers

10061 (List of Training Manuals and Correspondence Courses) . Changes are usually announced in The Naval Reservist as well.

When applying for courses they

should be referred to by their cor­respondence course number-not by the NavPers number of the text used for the course.

Before applying, you should also check with your information and education officer as to details on application procedures and recent changes in course numbers or re­tirement point credit, etc.

Current Enlisted Correspondence Courses An asterisk (*) following the title of a course indicates an Officer/Enlisted Course. The abbreviation CONF indicates a Confidential classification, and RD stands for Restricted Data.


NavPers Retire- Unit Course Assign- ment Completing Number Course Title ments Points Assignments



E Basic Electricity, Part I 6 IS 4 26 Basic Electricity, Part II 5 15 4 2S-lE Basic Hand Tools 5 10 30-F Basic Machines 4 S

91223-3A Blueprint Reading & Sketching 5 12 10041-A Digital Computer Basics * 11 16 9 10440-1 Disaster Control * 11 16 S 91229 Electronic Test Methods & Practices (Note: 12 24 6

This course is to be administered only by the Correspondence Course Center.)

91423-1A Enlisted Transfer Manual 5 10 10439 Fluid Power * 6 12 10444-1 Introduction to Naval Electronics • 5 10

(Note: Textbooks for this course are in short supply and not all requests can be filled.)

9125S-C Introduction to Sonar 7 IS 5 10448 Mathematics, Part I • 11 22 6 10449 Mathematics, Part n" S 21 5 10450-1 Mathematics, Part III * 14 42 4-S-12 10445-A Naval Electronics, Part IA * 12 IS S 10437 Naval Electronics, Part IB • 7 II 10429 Principles of Navy Diving * ! (Note: Textbooks 12 IS

for this course are in short supply, and no t all requests can be filled.)

91217-H Standard First Aid Training Course 5 10 9146S-1F U .S. Navy Shore Patrol 3 6

BASIC COURSES 91600-D Airman 11 22 6 91202-1D Basic Military Requirements 5 10

lr-2 Constructionman 13 26 6-12 0-2D Fireman 5 10

. 06-G Military Requirements for Petty Officer 3 & 2 6 IS 4 91207-F Military Requirements for Petty Officer I & C 5 10 91240-1G Seaman 10 20 6 91691-IG Stewardsman 3 6


Page 8: ~n ~~ z~ 197009.pdf · month su~isrence allowance duro ing the lour yeall'! he is allendins colkge. After wmpleti~ his bac calaureate sludie9 and all military requirements, he is

NavPers Retire- Unit NavPen Retire- Unit Coune A"ign_ ment Completing Coufle A .. ign- ment Completin~ Number Coune Title ment. Poinl1 A •• ignmenh Number Cou"" Title mm" Points A .. ignm"nt.

RATING COURSES -, J -" c....-..ctica ~toctriei.o I a C • U • ~ -Ill Con_ M""ha.u. 3 a z • " • 91581-211 c-.'ro<tioo M",b.o;" I a C • " •

91664--2.'0 A"""' .. p .... ' . M.,. 3 II< 2 U U •• 91544-2D D ...... o C-,roI.-.. 3 a 2 • '" • 91603--IA A...,y.p .... •• Moto 1 II< C " U 7-\.\ 91.w\-IE D.m ••• Control,..,. I a C ,

" • 91676--111 Air Control", .. I a 2 U " .. 91275-A D." P __ ;"I T",hnici.o. I &. C , , 91677-(; A;r Coo,roI"", .. 1 a C ,

'" 912,1.4 D.,. Sy.""" T.dt.u.io.n 1 a C (CON~') • " •

91639--IC Air=w Sur.i • • 1 Equ;p .... tm. n 3 a % • " , 91631_18 D"" .. I T""OO;";. n, (;<0 .. 01, a 2 • '" • 91577-B A.i. ,,,,,, ASIV Tocbnkia. 3 '" % (CONI') u • 4_~12 9l632-1B 1) ..... 1 T",bn;d.n. G.M .. I 1 a C ., " •

916'n-A Aoi.' ..... ASIV '1' •• hn;";.o I '" C (CO.'1F) '" " ., 91636--IC Den,.1 T",b,,;.i,,,,. P"",h<1k 3 a 2 , " • 9167l1-11 A ... ,,,,,, D"", . ...... •• -"lat. E 1 a: • " H 916117-ID lkn'" TocluUcio.n, P_,bctlo 1 &. C , U • 916T.!_fi A .... "", D"""woio·. Mat. E I & C ,

" • , 91<11I9-IC D. n'o! '1'"".";";.0. K_ir , " • 91~79-(; A.lalloo 110." ..... '. M.t< F,l '" 2 • "

, 91436--t Diob~."'" C1 .. l 3 & 2 U " • 91680--A A.i.,\od 11",,,,, •• 0'. M". F I & C • " • 91433-3A Dlob",olnl a«l 1 a C • • 916M--ID A ... ,;..., Boo" ... ;.,'. -"I". IT 3 & 2 • '"

91524-1D EI""'rlol ... •• M ot< J & 2 " U ~ 91r.J8-IA A.i.,,,,,, 110."",';.', -"Ia •• IT 1 & C ,

'" 915.26--1D D=,.rc'-.n·. M.,. 1 & C ,

" 91610-1F. A ••• d"" EI",,,i""''''' Mot. 3/1<2 U • 4-11-12 91375-3 l!:I=,"""'" T"""o;"". 3 '" 2 " " ,.

91611-2B A.;',;.,. Eloc,riciu'. 1.1.,. I & C " " ,. 9137&-0 FJoctnnUco TocbWdOA I '" C (CONF) co " H 91613--2 hu,;.", E1oct,..u.:. T .. hn;"i ... I '" 2 (CONF) " M 4--3--12-16- 20 91564-3 F ..... n_. A'J J '" % " " 4"'_12 9161;'-1> A.iot"'" F.k<:troooko T~.n 1 '" C U " ;~ 91566-2B E,,~,,""';ftl ~." I &: C , • 91631_3 A ••• ,.on F"" Con'rol T""bo"". J &: 2 '" " 6-12-16 91.H9-2A l!:"I"'''''''' 3 & 2 U " • 9163.',-2A A ••• ,;." .. Fir< Co.ttrol Tocbn'd. n I & C " " 4--8_12 915.21 _11 F .... m""' .. 1 & C n " •

(CO:'in 91S7t-2D l!: .... ip"""" 0,..,,'''' 3 & 2 , '" 91.>82_A A.iot"'" M.chi ... ,,·. Mote J 3 '" 2 " " • 91576-21) J;qu'pm ... , fl"'''''' I '" C • "

, 915117_11 ~.;',ion }h.h;"io,·. M.t.< J I & C ,

" • 9U39-1A Y ... Con,,01 ocIt .. iei.n 3 • " H 9U6ll_~ ....... ion }h"ltini"'. M,,~ R 3 '" 2 • "

, 91346-1 F"" Cootrol Toclt"lci .... 1 a C • " ~

91603-2 A.i •• 100 M.d",,;,,·. "'". KIa C • " , 91341 }"'" (;0,0.,,01 Tocb.u.;'d (;.3 &: 2. P . .. I " U ~w

914-9OJ.--1I A.io,1oo M.;.,' .... "". AJ.,.;nio' .. , ........... , " • 913013 F'r< Con,"" Tocboirio. I;. 3 & 2. Put II • " • J&2 (COXF)

,,~ A.iot;"" -"h",te •• _ AcImWo".u.,..m. ft " • 91JU 1'''' C""troI Tocboid .. M. 3 '" 2 (CO;XF) u • 6-12 .. , ) ''1'' (;uun",'. Mar. G. 3 '" 2 • U

91665--2 A.i.don Or<I ... ..,. .... ,l &! n " 6-12 .. -iA GUft""", M.,. G. I '" C CO '" .4 91662- 2 Aoi.""" (lrdo.t>«mOn 1 & C W '" • G~n ..... •• M.,. M, 3 & 2 (CON!') CO " H 91674-(; Av'''ion S'ord.«p« J '" 2 • " ~ A Gu ...... •• Mot. M. I & C ~CO'lF) n " • 9161;'-IC Av"tiou S''''''''_ I & C " "

, ~. 7_11 Gu ... ,·, Mot. T, 1 & 2 ( ONF_KD) • " ,

9162.2_111 A ......... ~" ... 'u •• 1 Moth. ft'" E 3 & 2 " " • 9B7~_11 (;.......,,', M ... T. I &: C (CONF- RI)) , " •

91166--A A.i.tion S"".,,,,.I "'",bo,,;" I> 1 & C • " • 916<1'-3 lloopitol ~. J & 2 , "

, 91.165_1 A .... ;"', 5 ..... 10 •• 1 M~olu.o" III &: 2 W '" .. 91671-2 lI~ul Coopom. n I & C • U 91367_A A.u,,,,,, St",,,,,,,,.] M""b ... i. IT I & C • " • 91661-1[) T1"""'ulm.n ; CO 91364-A A •• """, 5,,,,,",,.,.1 Mocha.,., S 3 & 2 '" " ~

914311-1 Ill"",, .... D .. I' ....... 3 '" 2 , " •

91364-11 A,i .. ioo, S.,,,,,,,,..I Medu. ... S 3 '" 2 • " • ~1489-IA 11I",'n_ Dno!,..,.." 1 a C , • (Suvp ) ~133J-n b."" ..... ' .... n J & 2 , •

91650-1B A.iot"'" S""",,,,.I 11odl.nic S 1 & C '" " ~ 91335-U I ... 'n"' .... ' ..... I Ii C , "

, 9UOS Av" tioo Supporl Equip"""" '1'''''h .... ion M U " • 91529-1 In'''';''' Co""""" ... ,.,.,. Eloc'.irio. 3 '" 2 • " • ,., , 91531-IA 1.<0<;"" Com",,,,,.,.riono l'J<etricio.n I & C • " • 91401> A';':r Suvporl Eqttip"""" T""b ...... n H " " ~"

91m_2 J""" •• r;o< 3 & t " ,. 6_12

91~3 J""""'~" 1 & C , • 91411) A.i •• "", SuPP"'" F.qu'pm ... , '1'..,hn;";.n E " " • 9a71_1B Liu..:,... pt.o< 3 & 2 " " • .. , 9H75-IE I.i~.p""laC • " 9UlI A.i.,'''' Su~ Equi"", .... '1'.duuei.n I & C " "

, 91274-IA Moe""'" A""""",. o' 3 & 2 , " •

912-l3_2B Bo,"w.in·, ... ~ '" 2 • " • 91501_2A M .. bi"'JT ll.p.i"". o 3 & 2 • " • 9U~2C Bo."w."" Mo<, I & C • "

91509-28 M .. h • .....,. !l.p.''''''' I & C , • 9151.'>-lA BuiI ....... k .. 1 & C " " • 9Utl!_211 M •• bini,,·. Mot. 3 & 2 n M 6_12

91511-2 lIo~"""'.o 3 " " ~U ~150t_F M",b;'~,,'. M .. ~ I & C " ~ 6_12

915124 Boil""" •• 2 • • 9IM5-2J1 M'nd",n 3 '" 2 (CO.'lF \ • " 91514-JB Roil",,,,.,, 1 & C " " • 91331-2.4- M'ft_. n I & C (CO:'i}' , " •

91531-211 8~'ld .. 3 & 2 • ~ • 91360-~ M'..it< TocOOld .. J & 2 (CONF) • " \ 915116-3 1I0ild ... I & C , "

91361-1 M;."it. '1'rcIuUci.o 1 & C (CO,,}') " .. 91~41 _1F. Com.m...,y""" 3 &: 2 • "

915S4--IC Mold ... 3"'% • " • 914-1J_2D en"' ........ y ..... I & C ,

" 91556-111 MoIJ. .. laC W '" •

915S3-C C",nmuo'''''''''' T ",1m ...... A 3 &: Z , W 91336 Optie.I.,. .. l & 2 W ~ ~

91560-~ Com .... """. ".,... Tochnieion A 1 & C • '" 9131:19-IA (Jp,ieoJ..oo.o I & C ,

" • 91SS1-C C.".m""i.,.rio., T""bnieiu M 3 & 2 • " • 91606-IC I'.,.",bu •• Ri,u .. 1 II< C • " 91561-11 C.,."",..., ...... T",boici,u M 1 &C (CONI') • " ,

,) '1l

J-U 1',u<nUDOker" & 2 • " •

91S47-11 COnDO"" .. """,' T",,1H>ici.oo 0 3 & 2 , " • . -. P.".,.,.,.,.k", I & C • .. •

91567_IA C"", ... uuic.'iono T..,luUriou Til & 1. 3 & 2 " " H P ...... ntJ ..... 3&: " U (COXF) ..... -2A r ... """,tI .... " I '" C

, '" 91407_A Coon..aun;".ri<mo Y """,, 0 3 W '" • 9U9~-U P"""",. p""'·' M ••• 3 & 2 '" ~ $-10-15-

9156'1-2C Cu. .. ,""',;"" EI",tricion l a 2 , n • ,,~ !'bolO"' • ..., ... •• M.', 1 & C u " ,

915'12--£1 Pltoto 1".016~""'.n ~ & 2 (CON.') U '" 4-11-12

" "

Page 9: ~n ~~ z~ 197009.pdf · month su~isrence allowance duro ing the lour yeall'! he is allendins colkge. After wmpleti~ his bac calaureate sludie9 and all military requirements, he is

No,Ptro Retire. Unit (ClU"t A .. i9n- ment (Clmple! in9 N" .. ~. (ClU'K Titl' mtnl. Point. A"ignmenl. ------ ---916&l_1 I_~ In,<ill\,, •• ,c . .. ,, I & C (C .... NFI " " • -, QI ..... 1-IC 1' .. ,,[ C.I>.k. &: • u 91<l6OJ-IA Poo.I...! c .... ~ I & \; • " 91ZGlr-X; e, .......... S.1 " "

, ~1Z5.l_J: ' ' '''''''''''''' I .Ii C 0 " 9 [ __ U

"".~ .''': (1;0"'1 I " " ~ 91_U K..w .... ~ I lit e (Ol!\ t -) ,

" ,

<)HIl.l_2 ",""""'M ,Ie S .. " ~" ,,~ 1I._. I& C , .. , '11535--11) Shi~~"" ~ & 2 ,

" • 'JISU-tl SLow"'" I & t ; ., " '1l1n_IU :;hi,,', s.r.I<f ... ~ l 4- 2 • • '1 1450-{; , " 9 1~1II

SlUp·.s....;" .... n '''C Sltlp', s... ... _.~ 110 ...... Ib..u....... • ,

91\64." SIolr', s... .... , .... G c..t.bI .. f:I.,,~_ , • Shlp'.s..vIo<1ao. "'.""'f! f:I'G~_ ,,~ ,

" 'J14<.3-H' 51 .... •• Set.s... ... 'r.l_ hnd ........ , • '112'J1-l' !iipol ....... 8 &I l • " ,

<>12\10-1 SI;G.h, .. ~ I 4- C • " ,

"UI_Ie s-.. T.><t", ... " I; , ' 6- 2 10 '1_' n " " ":51>-1 s.,..... T ... ~oMi'G So l .. J (I:ONF ) • " • '11Z ....... .Il s... .... T .. ~,.y"n , " e (f',.uN') , "

, 'J15Wl_ID ~.""'~ ... , ott "

, 915111_ID ~,,,,,,,",,,,, ... I "C • "

, 91tm-2f s,_ .. ~,,, z ,

'" '11c.%-f ~' ..... d I • C. , • ,- ~ ..... ~ .. ,.....1" Z " " "H.]]_~C , • ~l""'l..",...) &: c. 'J1ZOfl_1: ·r9tv:<IoJot. ,,', M". 3'" ~ (CU N") ,

" • 91299- 1 T::r,:~o ...... " ~I.L' I .. C (Co:S I J , " 91"~_11l 'J",. ... ,., ...... lIllZ 1_, " ~" 916W-C. 'J"<.d .. ", .n 1 "C , " ~

9j~~2n Ulil,I\ ..... ,n 8".2 " ~ 6-12

) 915%-] ULil'<1 .. ~,,,, 1 • e " ,. "-10

9141""-11; Y.." • • Q S It I • " 91416_1C y"" ..... n 1111 C • " ~----- ... -.


. .. -.-----.~--~

~' ~ -~ - ':::::: ::::::= ~ ~ --:;::; ~

(C~njj"",J /""" po,~ J) in ar, ru;I;!J<! mrttu ""r;", f~~ poffiol ~"Ir invol~d. (8VPERS.v A N 3860520. I.'; ro"",i""" &~ri~8 I>/14b1a wAi.cA prl>.ide • h .. pol'u r"'luir~"'~IIU 10' illlly Bi~II

II,.",inr "I day, 1>, strcke It'i,hin "" It'"

""'..".,, , '"",r.)

iPi,h J"'Il' 19 7$rs. 7 "'I>III~' ""d 5 ""YS of s~n!ic~ ""d IIIl llIIlIittrUlf)" 4111e oj 26 J~ly> , .... And "" "dJilit,,,.>/ "­"",IIlh_. ""d 25 Jay. 1>1 qUIII/;"'''B .<tr .. iu 10 complete ,ou., 20 )tlUJ. AII4. you.

would ,n.c}, IIo.M poiM by 19 Ikc /971. To lw".. flo.~ lJ7'4"y Iltriod /''''" U

JuI 71 IIo.,o"6h 19 /)e(' /97/. ill clu.,i.·t,


--------,-----, endlleC " " .. prO' "'lIZ b<uis yo" lIJ<Juld h.a~ w """ " millim«m 01 15 rttiu, mtll' pO'AU------tUJI co~ 8r«l."Ul>tl. /M',·"u. YOtl _ttli abo reoon 6 IJrtlI.,,;· lOW poiAu, 1M II ,oud ,,/21. TA t llllUi· ","m lU1.min, 01 reliT .. m .. ", /M""l$ ./oa, co." bt <:redut d "" tht "''''II' Inriod d 25 ineludi,,1!, (; I!,mltlil""5 poinls..

II "OU tW ,,'" imoul. '" ptUlicip'"'' bQo"d 19lkc 1971, alld ha"" "ill '''I~''_ IU". "I rdurnill« '" "",i~t SIal ... \IJ,~,"R-R or USNR-SJ). 7"" 810.( ....... \

,u.bmil " r .. q ..... t Jo, traru/er 1<, I"~--I' actitH: Stat ... LUt (USNR-S2), tfJutiv~

20 Du 1971 ,.,II}, IUflhtr Iru.II$je, 10 Ihe


Rcti,~d Rn~Mie to b~ .. D~ctive 1 Jail 1972,

(T'a""/e'3 10 lIIe R eti,ed Rtse",., mll.ll, b~' I",." k e8tc~d on the fim

-- "' ,,1 " mOil lA, So, il yo" , .. qac.led .. . .Ju/(r 10 IAe Rewed R"'e""~ .. 8ecti9~ 1 }"" 12, ~iJM," '''Urlm. Irtm$/~' to Ih" 11101:1."", SlallU LUI, , -"" ICOalJ. relfUlill ill all 4lIc1I~ "u.I""A,06B" 31 D~ber, 11114 I«1u.U 1Ie&1 I mOt" ,..ci, .. m .. M poi,,1 to cow, ,~e period I'''''' 20 '" ,'I Deum­b .. d

1/ Ih."e jJ .om" c/uutc .. }'o"" mi.lf,lot .... 1\1 I" ,eIW" 10 "e,;"" ~tat .... WI .. r ,)It. ,000r kll bet iJ III ", ... sj .. r 10 lite I,... _

\ - , IIINi"" $16111.1 UJJ, "HeCli"" 2f) D .. c 7J "",MU.I Ille lu.b.eq"efll trallSj .. , "' the Rttlrt.d RutfT)(, Tlu Idn. hu .. i. that _ ifJ ",,,ch cit40iu ID Ifllro.Jju ba"1< '0 a.r.IW~

nallU /rolf' Iht ("""lit><' Sl<lIU.. Lin than il iJ /rom the Retired Ren", • .

Eilh", way. }"<l1U" rtqu.".t .hou.ld he ."bmiud a, leau a mQath It_Iofe Ihe '-Y;ec 71 date (and ~v .. n M,lier, if Jibl~) I" allow pi_nty 01 tim' lor pro~e$JI~"

And. aIlOIIl", Icmi .. d .. " y,,,, I<)ou.ld p,obabl, be w~e 10 .am Ihe ",a",im"m oj POilllJ_M 1101 j ... 1 Ihe bare m'ni. "u"'I-__ i" Cll.lt 80m" 01 I},~ poinu Y""

IiIo",1I1 you had .... /110(11 h~ crer1i~d, fo, """ ,NSOII or allotltu. (See, "Be""H' ,,/ Mini m"" , Partk;plI1i<.>n ... ·" 1M July /969 i&1,,~ "I 'fhe Nu. 1 R.-ni,t )

Tltat lild., marBi" oj Ml/ely C<HlU &a~~ rOIl 41 fOl 1>, hHd.leh.,.,-Ed .

Medal Question Si r ' I would :oppreci~te 11 d • • iji",,'i"D un CR titlement 10 Ihe NeLion. 1 Ddense s.,rvice tol""bl.

A.tld~ 431.151. "f Ih" U.s. N"", "nJ """",''''' (.'orp, AwnrJ, l'd"lUUJI (s""Nav ~ 1650.lD) ..... Ie' thai, 101 p ul"J'OM'6 ~f entidemenl, acti.~ oluly- -perform.,d by "Guud and ReloCl"I'~ falces ""noDn,,1

FIR ST IF' AYE--Nellll, promoted CDR Dorothy Y. Holliday, USNR, ",110 /1.1, ~ .. m .. d command 0/ NRSD 6-70(.1,{j. Gulfp<!'1, Mi ... , ill July. IJ ,ht fim 1T11.~·e ~Ve' to eomma"d " NfJ.vQI R~.e,.,,~ SU.I.

face Divl.rion.

OD shore lours of active duty 10 fulfill Ira)Ding ohl;gation. UDder an ;n..cliye duty traiDing progr~m"· . ie uQI induJcJ, Thi. sec"", to imply thl two .. ~k. of Ira in)"!,: duLy aHo~t would qualify . man tor t he. ~ward. I. Ihi" truc?

AI ... ~ the aw.rd» ,,,,,",,,,1 ~I.ll .... tha i "midsJ,ip""''' alundin!,: ,h., roi .. ".J "~.a d ·

emy d"rinK the ~b .. v" pr.riocis are " lilib l", for til", "",,1,,1." Oo;s Ihi$ . 1", " Pf)ly 10 Regular NROTC whq I..... ..ummer CruM duriq Ih.,.." periode? - I'(;OR J_ H. H., US·~ R..

• Tht u Jerem:e '0 ~OIt , ..... 's oj ""Ii,.~

Ju.1y .. " /'fpol!",phual u"". II "' ..... fJ ret>J, "sl",n ,,,,,,. 0/ "",in du./,.~ all4 Iht COI,«ri(Jn i. bftn,l mod~ I" lit e "Mt do~ 10 ,10. .. """"",/.

A~ fl1.' Iht .• ~c""d pa" 0/ YI1.u.. qlU,' lion. Nom"dly, NROTC m.idJrnpmfll "'~ ~Ol ~li8ihlt lor th t National fh/tflJt


Page 10: ~n ~~ z~ 197009.pdf · month su~isrence allowance duro ing the lour yeall'! he is allendins colkge. After wmpleti~ his bac calaureate sludie9 and all military requirements, he is

HELPING HANDS---Cr~wm"n 0/ VSS Guam (LPIl9) carry alt injured Mrlhqaak~ victim lk;ross th~ f/illht du k durin/! ,"favy r .... CU~ /J1Id uli~1 n:pdilwn 10 Puu aJur

di,a,ta struck dlllt country.

S"liiu Medal, ,inu they are not ,erving .. n Jull-tim~ active duty. How"va. an NROTC midshipman on aClive duly JOT lraini"l!. eilhe, afioal M /J5hor~. with a • hip or unit which meel. the criterW lOT the Vietllam Sert'ice Medal. rna] be au, thoriz.d W w~r hath that award and the Natiollal Delense Service M.dal.­Ed.

Bronze Star In Lieu of A Second Medal Question

Sir: I ha~e ,..,ad and re·read Article 431.31. of the Navy ami Marine Corp. Award. Manual (SecNav In.t.1650.1D), and under",and Ihat there i. no ""cond award of Ihe .Kava] R""ene Mcdd for """,ice compleled after the cutoff datc of 12 Scp 1958. What happens, Ihen, when a man completeo another 10 yean of Re$/)rve .enice '/

Doc. he recMve Ihe Armed Forces Re· ""ne ~eda1"! 1£ not, what i' the award


for the .econd 10 yca~lhe hourgla." insillnia ? A .Iar?

Another que.lion. Are . lars awal ) 1 in li eu of second, third, etc. award • the I\aval Reserve Meritorious Scnice Mcd.t.I ? II "", who autoorizes Ihem ?­C:'oICI\I J. C. J., USNR

• lJ ]ou received Ihe Naval, ReuNie M edal lor a W,year p eriod 0/ uNlice be/ore 12 Sell J958, and have now com, pleted another 10 yea" a/ 3tJ./~/aclOry honorable .. nic~ wilhin a puwd of 12 COOS"wtive years, you have lwo alterlla' rilie,. You mar elect 10 wMr both the l\'m;a/. ReullJe Medal and the Arm~d Forc~s R~'~NI~ M edal, ar you may relinqu~h the Na~."J. ReullJe Medal and wear jU&/ the Arm,d Forcel Reurve M edal with Ihe haurl!/a.JS d..,u;e.

Award. oj 1M Naval ReseNie Meri­torio", Service Medal are a"lhori<ed "'-. the approprinre commanding o/fiCOI J ) diJtricr commandant. After the (Irsllim e, brome ,ta,. are u.ed to denot~ addi· tiona/. award •. -Ed.



)m'm Medical- l'ormer Lion Six ",cijie"l personnel and Ba.e HospilaI18, Guam, ,,·ho .erved durin, the perioo 1914-45, wi!! ho ld a reunion in New York City next October. For information con· tact Emanuel RaIner, 839 Lyd ia w e, We.tbury, N.Y. 11590.

• VSS Raymor,d ( DE 341}_Former creW members who ..,ned during World War II are invitc<i to contact Tony Castelli, 10 Mantle Drive, Whileehoro, N.Y. 1.34.92, for iuformation on a reunion in October.

• lfSS Sarat08a (CV J)-Th~ 19th an· nual reunion will he held in S~n Die,;o 9-10 October. Those inlereoted may con·

tact Dou, An~y, 651 Balboa Ave", Coro· nado, Calif. 92118,

• VRF..,1- former I, iloto and office" of .KHal Air Ferry Squadron .1 He imiled to contact A. G. Willauer, P. O.llox 161, R~da, Calif. 91335, for informat ion on a propo.ed reunion.

• Bo,,/de' Navr-A Silver Anniversary R~union of the active duly NROTC, V-5, V-6 and V·I2 classcs of 194.34(, lit Ihe L' niveroity of C..olorado will be held 16-17 OctoJ...,r at Boulder. for de· tail$, write to ~Langouro Aw~y," Koenig Alumni Cenler, University of Colorado, lloulder. Colo. 80.'\02.

• VSS Los Anllele. (CA 1J5)_Thosc who ..,rvcd on board dudng the period 1951-52 may "ontad Amoo J. Andre., 642 W. 51h St., Dici<in50n, N.D. 58601, for informalion regarding a reunion.

Has Your Address Changed?

~";;;;~~~,;c~'S-"-~~-~$~~ <?

rC"" '- UStwL _ ,,~f-~['~-=-- ~.~'~.~''2-<'=~~i FrODD: ________________________________________________ _

(fall ~ .... ) (,oak/",. ) (filo/ .. nioo ~.)

To: C.O" Naval Reserve Manpower Center, Bainbridge, Md.

(or command maintaining your service record)~

1. My mailing addl'eM has been changed as follows: From: __________________________________________ _

(old maW.., .u._)

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