L~ayauaoostha *JA. N. * Stht~ L Ilwstret Hf l b . Rt sss tiN ie Ne~w Qu ths u th*Wf& i~~r~iai ck Pw a I ~ auguse SHERMAN'S 0'4JUT rummm, ?IOMINAL ~i~O.RTER TTUS EdL . thu eust ces with umvanl- U led - The effct produced ui the usea. jA-76 iebgt s iswuderful: it care. the Fawn dew Womb; the in b.an U bI- the Whh pnewut. MluuurtimPs, uusaragthes esraton ta tob buh isthe Ead rsem. fld Omw. aM U6c1 Aacm OP EVERY GRADE TREATED BY DR. GILBERT. DB. (ALBERT. iarrrr dGilbarts Ia. =w eopf~is. Tea., bs.Actd Newr Oihma his futu sad ai a esidaema, cud Arm his pusrisinserwicas to much as do- air his aid. H. tret tho bwiag chkaic diseaso. with gmt moom& without uss.( sho h Cae:amoos Caibaubmi., Fzik ia Aus, WNF sse.Dtrws. SaufslaW hoa Swon ias io rsow hassmaa.ia (thou- suds .( hulab i mapeatsd thot .Md be cm4.d) Mtrurial Rmih, mad YsVsI Dissam.(eowary gzads,hb cuans islaitsahor- rid Mas whoa Ipstho isasa .sm tho tu roa ,samufmsa~dsamdw a.ri is mwoyas hominm fre taLa is, wbich abas b.. massn.... Ba ()mhad Iihs, cats Lesrw, ss wb as, ma a. rrf U~lauamios~ Sss'r g adaettadMa" m lilt #tis.'batat sYt' -d 1is t .fir e'lwikmt eatvt. the aitaasisa.( sh1 tr al M ebsmy issa a hoLumd ha Pape i sprt.: s . bra Ihg inwsrii thZa. s I.t is brr h It wh to..rsqad hpb) birr dt~tiwtsd awssrtd rs bumapsaath ma -rtri Shq% laues Ia. a ease. w lssrepawaw ?li~citb n ita domet; BamI IJ~lmdoa um Ias :'r~af bas- Ia. bisd last' ' iib cswq td ws MI a .y ewe is tb sms.eti is bs ~ ttt . . + ,..12+-..v .tr.3.j E.v- r ,E'f ,l a ; .':, Py,.'l"-.;i j i AWL z X. ,e" a' MEDICAL N1YICFS D serm to tM mso o Fmzkb tsa Q Ojeat Gocdy's HoleL its ieaiiy,and hopes, fre tea years'experienee in th. deass ofthe oath.and West, and a strict a~tin Ls his dtis, to merit patronage. - He may be ahnd at Dr. Cissha's drug stees, Psrseaeille. Nov. 15. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. A LARGE and well selected assortment of _ Drags, Medicines and Chemicals, just re- caived at the "Franklin Drug Store," under the Odd-FeBws' Hll, coasistia im rtd .50 pack- ages, Haskell &t Mrick's select Powders; 30 em. Iodide of Potash; lodine, Tanin, Quinine, Morphine, Essential Oils, Blue Mass, Calmnel, Ether, Aqua Ammomia, c., which will be sod, wholesale and retail, at a small advance. Plant- ers sad others wishisq a supply, will fad it for their interest to msnma my assortment before purchaing elsewhere. x28 GEO. W. SEAGRAVE g DR. CHAItLE RAB, 4mtAy CA...g a" Druggoot, Fm% y Chnniealu, Ding., lmice mnu, -,- At tha Mia phyema.eauelyo having guidaae ea" elMflY aeci.d u wdl be wau- rQtd7- Ph.. tai amiia Ahoama fer the prisat pui, gwaa.Ja. 31. FRANKLIN DRUG STORE. REMOVED TO THE UNION HALL S- The a beerier bas Mauled the Faak- thDUgSI to ba ,ha me Bn em lower Seer ~li Dbuiliag. freatiag gar Mai iret, mad baa reently added to hi anedmt d.aiehbh sad seelel arties, reeaastig o 16madeim mad Cbiesiab la;~r, Paper Qeih3 Vrihin ., Seed soaa mad HIdera, Sao- d Boaaa, an hpr, Nat Papu. Water Calera, DmwhL~ PaaaiL &tc. AL I -i eu wedea oemlina.- P. lka Pah-. tsd toavcme li ehme d Tar, Bait's PHrpod3 lvies, Tqtbrw ramava Aatrr ridmr eaa Jemu. w GIM N ES hLAE. Freebie, J .31, MU. eabt, Pr (~Cea,~Sabdine., Zi- 'if.a a ueqetatd a. et . aiW. -3 r N r CbA o ;adrrPI ( r Doom 8U'M80% S? JAEG WLAND GARDEN SKED, C"i TI*TBDflYG. sGARRB! O#Jl CO aiotia near Nw rk or Qd y'hTAPERS of tb '.s both ofera the Fi.J14 Q&.w'HaiL eiu o iuJrq Q1 L. rll Lwkmm rem. Cr - "_tbrrsm ."b a. Sit r;. - ab, or do ,.y myw f~Tgmf% trh. iwy Sam M.wek an +im.sds nidliwi~y~n ba Im.Winina at'ir tip~h brrilb l wCiunuw IurILb.w -- S -n VH3 *3E __ h 'CtA36; USA&at at de .C- B w s7~ oe v ~f4&~1 DRY GOOD, 8tc. SPLENDID NEW GOODS! rWE udersigned has just returned from New 1 Orleas with a t a p s ddid auaortmet of FANCY GOODS and CLOTHING, suitable for ladies and gentlemen, which heoffers for cash at New Orleans prices, or for credit on the mat reasonable terms. SThe ladies will do well to call, as the styles and prices cannot fail t suit them. MEYER MEYER. FrankMi, May 16, 180. NEW GOODS. Just reeeived, a fresh assortment se Dry Gooda, Clothing, Hardware. Tis- ware, Crockery, Cutlery, Saddlery, Tobacco, Cigars and Provisions-all of which we oafr cheap for cash. PARKEBSON & RANDLETT. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. _R. IL SALLES begs leave to infon all Sher old customers and friends that sle has removed her store from her residence when she formerly kept, to Franklin. in R. M. Sawyer's bilding, opposite Mde. Rdquerand's store, where she hopes to receive a liberal patronage frT her old customers ad as many new one as mayfv her with their kind attention. No pais has beespaed in uleilag a ine assort m t of fe Orgudi, Mlsins, Lawnsa, Jacoet-Bob- bimets and Bobbnnet Capes, Collars and hOmi- settes, Bobbinet Laces, Edgin, Cambic and Linen Pockethandkerchief, &c. Atso-A fancy lot of Baraes, Prints, Thread and Cotton Laces, black silk Net am Kid Gloves, linen and cotton Checks; Irish •isens and linen Drilling, white and colored, for pants: Ticking, Bar-netting, bleached and uabbached Domestics, bleached and unbleached Lowdls, &e. Also-A fine assortment of Ladies' Sines of the latest style, ad a choice selection a Perfu- mery, Feather Fans, &c.; together wit a great many other articles too tedious to mentin. 7 Please call and examine our stck. Franklin, April 2.1, 1850. Im CHEAPER THAN EVEI. The mlies and gentlemen Fraklia and its viienity, hereby informed, that the eb- criber hs just returned rama New Orleans, where he Ihas p selected ie richest stock new ~ad bshioal Spring pad Sum- mer Goods o be fond i the mart and on tens that i enable him to ofer tlam cheaper thn ever. Hi. stock in repltte wil ewrythng aitable for lad and gadms .di the 4 -heap Dryl cG mprnua.. CLOTHING, DRY GO(DS e &c. fwOMAS EVINS has just reivd, by late 1 amriWlj a aned varied asortlmet of a6sione LOTHING, and do newest pat. ters of DRY GOODS. Axao--A It d GROCERIIS, ka 77 NEW GOOID. IOMAS A. DOW paptfda have May th.t he s aut sps••d had now affers for -asat is r tsMs hmss, k Pattssmvl•ile, a wey szswm aid wrel assrd stock of essfl, PASHIONABLE AND IANCY GOODS, ap"ie to the w•tsb tohif ,•"" y. Q Puebasses will led it to their interest to cal and ea.das the aot, as the Iprice will Passesnvisdre, 18,184. JWST RECE IVED-A new itock CYI Ossetic Goads~ Hats Baats, 8bss,.7anat Elag Ttla, Lir sad oet Cuih Ttim. -A1L sO - 100 eN. Cree Cmnoade. 1w prid; Ani- ass. hem, asrtd Codislr Ppt' Botts Cass ffmudrea FiEwu } e npw B T. E7IN8. NEW GOOD8.% rHAXL3S a BATLIES We jot opaeed 'Ji its Ysw stave as ich ad dairae a stook 1 pelt dhee firs New York mad losta., - hin hur terraedm tM. mih at tdwnich he wouM mub the *semom of his minnmfa o. Irru ni zmsu adAb dm Jl.ta tr hmhdB .gm mmd e hi amap, '. o- PhpaI-c' `-,Po f u sisoIdhh&.. Y If- R ' Llr. ,Thrl Earduu.rCougsd ! 4 BiOLD W HB of W UP PS.' .tqb *IdmW abs 'rr~ I-des ,~~~ 1'7-~; w1Ei k-w TI d- .1 be. A:ai -AL. w.itc, [ t urn 331 STEAM3OAS, &c. - --------- W CIICVVCI ATTAKAPAS PACKET. steabna"t METEOR, Cep the h g-waer es o'bew 1Q Orlers Attakapas by way o Bayor Plaquemine, ad during the low stage of water by the Atheh• lays. On her way to the city she will not extend her run lower down then Patterseville. Pawseagers will ad that this boat has nsur- passed accommodationm; and the captain and clerk hope, by politeess and attention, to merit and recee a ibalsat of patronage. For freight or psangs, having splendid accoom- modations, apply on board. aM2 ATTAKAPAS PACKET. Summer Arrangement. c Par &. Martiuwavile, New Japia, FrankLin, Ccunvrifi; PattwerSlniUi-The REht draught and regu.r bpaseenger eam o GRANDE, J. . tur tar, will run as a regular packet during the season, taking freight and passegers for all the landings on the mute. Capt. J. J. Laborthe hopes from his long expe. rience in it to merit a share of plio patrage. For easss aly on bard, or to CHAS. DEBLANC, or New Orleans.. J. B. BELLOCQ, Si user and Wister PactL. The substantial and fst-run- •L aig packet, "BANNER OF ATTAKAPAS,' D. R. Mug- gab, master, will raun as regular peket during the entire seaon. D.. Mugga hu ehate the Banner expressly for thi trade, and hopes, from his long experience a it, to merit a sham of pubbe patroag. 09' All business entrusted to his care wil be carefully and punctually at- tended to. x14 NOTICE. The subscriber continues to con- tract for, and furnish as agent for the manufactures- Irao and Wood Axzktree Cane Carts, Wagons, Light e-horse Carts, Bagasse Carts, Drays, Light one-horse Pleasure Wagons, Calashes and Buggies, Plantation Bells and other kinds, Pl atuimn Fire Engise, double action, Metalie Juice Pump, &c, &e. JAMES S. SIMMONS, Agent. CABINET MAKING. The unlersigned have recently opened a shop as Willow street, in this place, for the urps of f s all descriptionsa of shbianet Work.- They lwin be prepared at nay time to execute orders at short notice and at reasseble prices.- Persen• wishing Cabinet Work dame on their plantation may be accommodated by applying at LOUIS KIHNEL & CO. Franklin. Jan. 10, 1850.-ly GRAVE STONE, TOMBS, &c. FIIE UNDERSIGNED biq opeed a s a Franklin for the m nct aria of TO•BS, GRAVE STONES and MARBLE WORE almost all descritis, leave to inform the ciism of St. Mary and i that they are pered to farish work i theirh besiases a sap ad of asgood quality as that obtained ho New Oreas. Mr. Guy has had saogaz eneamo as a sculptor in Italy anl other parts ellsuope, and has been emplhyed am the -irara CoLeg, Philadelphia, and he is preparedl to esxese any work in his line of basitea in a style not to be excelled in the State. Any persos wishi marbe work fr the pr. EQC oe coed,.or or Centre Tables Mantel Pm o, r Pia Mab e Sl of any shape or sine, are invited to call at our sop opposite, the Court Hose, and examine our work,ad inquire pesoaly in regard aac. GFIT N GRAOcILLA. Panklia, NovA.2S, 1849. CI8TERNS. E UNDERSIGNED is now prepard to put up Cyprns Water Cisterns, as the best Seorder, at sheort notice and on the most reason- ab- terms. He s pepad to build FLAT BOATS, of an sin, will farish materials,if regaird He is aie ready o nmake ontrtsfer bhiaEn HOUSES r ever tdssripis, a, I peelem C-ptes' Waerk aay d. Anyju whie he myaeny e to do will be plb w ied h the utmost di4t and do- iveed ia t e&ted erder. er pau•ties .P y at the "Baner" 6ide. S AMUEL CAREY. Cnstmr•vil May 31,1191.-Iy _ FRANKLIN SAW MILL. FUWE aunsciURRnS e r06 to is- euiU .. 0 Sbo fr &'wioa rPhL. Prlmmtub~bLinb-url t JYai tii.O.t pri a jlrrt;: F:~Bpzb?:shdb Le , r - Is k W b ! 10 00 Fir JIwtaSS work~ ruamag xene, dwsd a Fer Plimg Teemedg e3 Gmia Fk~ImeeCPe i jdr1ehmumnh 10 M Trs i ' liio ri kblt I~ q-,Np7 do a~G~~ 1 pthmea~ ~ .- -731 Labor aid e9 s tha e. uhayoi, efihk*1 Luber ~L ~ b~~H fimeeeC~l~ tkwek*LI UO edmmkheUb dwhow ; Lr hq h repuebb ,U teedesiertIome6ak.o~ &LFI i r DAr .t ~rwau-D7t .mbeuikrw Wd ~&thebesL qulsa, hebisk-d lin lbbI: h s. d .Jam J4uI S.UWMOXPhwmm s ziii :fir ti #. 'Ig . c4 be1 . - Fro"1n hOgsmbu8.1810. J.WtbL XT"I? ~a EDUCATION, &C. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. 1 IC tineth wll be .roped Mo 4 y, theR 7th of Jaamg 7 . Evart edort wilt be am the teachm to adwuac. their pupils m and Chlsical studio. Fraahlia, Dec. 18,1849. _ YOUNG LADIES' ACADEMY. M•SS. P. DELAHOUSSAYE bes ave 11 to inform er friends ad the pubic that the Young Lans' Academy under her superin- tendence will be re-pend on Monday, the 14th of January, ad that she has mde euch arrange- ments as will enable her to do the most ample justice to all childre sad young ladies wath whose instruction she may be entrusted. The improvement which her pupils have made during the last term of her school, and the improved ar. rangements which she has made for the comfor. and progress ofa her scholars she trusts will re- commead her school to the high coteideration of parets, and she hopes to be favoed with a lib- oral share of pircene. She begs av to inform those at adistance that she has made arrangements sinee the lat term ofher school by which she will hereafter he enabled to board and lodge forty scholars in the most comfortable maner, and she freely ofers the tr ass urances that those children that bod wiher sha bhe mangl with the amost scrupulous care and tenderness, and that no pains shall be spared to promote thei* general welfare to the beat astinfactim o their parests and ga- disas. LsUAs o0 BOARD, TUITION, ETC.: B•ard ..-... -------- per month, $I0 Dinners; only, , .-... " 4 Instruction in English and Freeh " 6 Instruction in English or French 4 Lessons in Msic - - - - - - " 6 WasinkSturmhedy. funi ythe parents. Regulr Boarders will pay three months ins ad vance. Others will pay every month: Regular Boarders will be isstracted is edle work gratis. Franklin, Jan. 10, 1850. -6 PROPERTY FOR SALE. For oae, om favorable tera., the'-• lowing deacribed prpea, in the town Franklin and rihd oSt. Mazy : Je Lot of Gr••nd, 9 fe6 t o the east side dof Main street, and rsinsg back with said width 70 feet, and them wideg out to the street 20 feet, making a width of 44 feet, running back to the street or lae w h diid the lot owned by Isaac T row Sera., and boonded nouth by the Jot em y owned Dan't P. Sparks, and above by the street that di- vides the same from the Public Squae ;tgethr with the boildings and improwoments th m, with the rights and ppurtennea threuato A tw.to building, suitable far a stre a- dwellil. 90 by 42 Ifet. The saq r ir s - w- 1 Sniahed, having ear rom. Mo--A building 12 by 1 ft, with a room attached, 10 by 12 feat, d nan kitchen,& ao-A blding 15 by GO feet, e story and a half high, and intended for a stors has, o--A fram e table, 1 by 18 feet, -mitale In three hcree Also-A building 28 by 44 feet, occupied as a work shop, dwelling and store house. The he is well fenced in, and furnihed with a ael of water good for washing, to which isat- tahed an excellent metalic pump. Possessioa given ea the t of Janary, 181. For further rticn appy to the abcriber, JAMES 8. SIMMONS. Fraklin, May 2, 1850. ICE '-ICE! !-ICE !!! The subseribers are happy to inform their frienod, and the public generl, of Sthe arrval f a .earg of IC E,pr achr. -,.emiah Lemming," which they for m ald chap at whleale d retail. uo We will have a ooam t auppl throegh- out the Wumer. W. S. C .•l CO. Cetreville, Aprii 18, 180. SAWMILL. O UR SAW MILL at C.aawvW. is mw is Sftal =p&m=3.in Lhsrrd ay d- scriptirrwilwt mLareils. .. ratC~s.. Farr Sta.. m lid, . Pickt. -K dt.. rmain Hand web as `Live Oak, Ask, &c., eiee or4&&1 pwb be~ma~r awma & i,&&mhadt haailn3d fir eats em Any Had d Linbt, bert .w ask, cawed to .v/ Sb maln abartuem.. We Lawa aih, LATH ~CHtINl fiopsnio mrad an ready is L4mi IIY Fb. 7. pi OWeOAN CA CARPENTERIN4G 1rHE UNDEIIStIOEDb.*uspmdaaIp iC at twmdPnak iorths ,u fnm twai'hiag i rai Work Ywy auI bviqg asmd ahsgu. w sity lbar, aud t.azAa mmd R i. uuiin, Abju thmirtb dbkmuinyata, mmm.indu b. my d &Mwh .asaaaM e aiioasad~aJ.W Mwur, mmd wIlb. ,a.U~~h FI% a, Nov. 21M, 181i' - t. ar d to C.IrAdinsbar4 dad fll rrrw "r ud aat-aa a"rr' tat i wn Ihm sinrat~ bia'w'iichi a~sams &rws Aelmsdmy Asi mtsmad.r mmd thin umam wE iii mimmmd setnd-, Is h m.3.wY.s pwo hr maoihg, mad 4 pr cna ft .ror .m.- adsaa bR t t b W I a i 9sa M R U ailed tD y, "h4 ,. E IE3SON. F mm . 18S: W-' INSURANCE, &C. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE COMP. Permanent F d by Atof Incorporation Parent O6ee, 3e. 94 Graver st. Between Camp and St. Charles, New Orleans. John Hagan, Samuel Stewart, Peter Core, Jr., O. Smrawbedge, Robert J. Ward, Joh S. Allison, Isaac Johnson, Wa. .Lverich, Joseph Walker, Edward prrow. Maunsel Whits, Har S8. B . PrTm Coxatr, Ja, Pre Bs tlhrnr DIRECTORS: Joseph W.Stanon, Joseph Lellande, John L. Lewis, M. Cohen, W. M. Goodrich, Gorge W. Smith, J. L safaras, .H. Thorn, Calvin Tate, I Nicholas C.Hall Cornelius Fellowes, Preston W. Farrar, Edw Jenser Cae, Win. H. White, Joshua Baldwin, Wi. C. Tompkins, J. Morgu Hall, John B. Leek. Sidney Johnson, Theo. H. McCaleb. WIS COMPANY is prepared to entertain I application for Life lasurance, and issue Policies, on all sound and healthy White s and N aro t the Table of Rates established by the Board, which are leass than the rates charged by New York and Lodsn oares and without their restrictio as to residence in the South. By the charter, divide•ds f prdits are declared a•Ually, and the profis draw interest, and ea be available at oeec to the eitent d tw- thirds of their amoat, where the party has paid his pereium in fell John H a, President d the Compny ; Prest W.arrar, Vice Pesidm; A. J. Wed- derbur, M. D., and TIhoms Hat, a a. , Medical Board of Consultation Harmon Doaes, Se.re- yj. W. Lyman, Medical Eamine, Frank- California Permits are lamed to Life lasu- rance Members at New York and Ledonm nt Prospacus, table of rates, and all infeCrratis as to Life mInsurance, and all paper necessary to effect Insuranee, can be had at the ide o the agent of the Compay at Franklins IaiLsisn., In order toucesmmedateall classes of our i.- ses, young me and mechanics having fmsm dependent upon them, the Company will ar all peresm inuriag for Afe, whele te premim amountas to o er5 per anem, to pay oeehalf in ash ad .ha in satiest esadeard ote at twelve morths, bearing inemat at 8 per ct ur anum. N. .- The busiaes of this Compaay is cca- Baedto LIFE INSL'RANCE ONLY. B•a resolution of the Bord, no Fire, River or Marine Risks are takes R. N. McMILLAN, Agent. Aug. 10--ly Custom Hunse, Frualin, Li. ATiOt t I P =-o d tsmee. Sa a"1w SH ERMAN'S TR U $. S WC.L ENWCT A 8IVRE rm bo--. . LAd IE fllowie is deemed ncient evidence of -- the mprenrity f the TRIJSS: Rawing had amrua me itiof aeing Mr.Brma s Trum a a" dwern ieasesa f great ditilty, I bae id a very high opinem o its value, ad beliee it to be the bet itruent with which I am red. ALEX.H. S. 8•N, U.a abemr b d ser iel a Yh. d Physi- iama ad Se,e . w ar a•dsr od . tet Sue.rg em the. N.w ale •.pitaL etieeeder to the pmap ptam C.C C auWr ,na Sre.an, Sgo of New : I.R. r en Surgery St th Beeryakl Sr a sehMedis. Bssra .,p Leuas.a A .. m and Phy.geo t Yediem. N ib. Netiher, CeeeNow wt. OsAaon, a. 6 sa`et .L C. e lrr, W.Cnohrarr s,.a..P ePereSarg dA mnet miorfseus Celge. N. &-Iwmmi vs u& dauM ad at th aoye mad lava a Mum laud t aekw t*he ow. Let aD rummier that ti eem aiie diager ma- aemat~ers. m~. ainm tiss abiu lotm a- ! A 7 stubleet, 111I~Cii,* like - - t 'Ihwthwuuh:rugJYa heiilta Im 106im' MLiw', L ' - - rri) Q ,aaal L W 1[ 9 ifO MWALKU & 00. -k

N1YICFS INSURANCE, &C. · sine, are invited to call at our sop opposite, the Court Hose, and examine our work,ad inquire pesoaly in regard aac. GFIT N GRAOcILLA. Panklia, NovA.2S,

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Page 1: N1YICFS INSURANCE, &C. · sine, are invited to call at our sop opposite, the Court Hose, and examine our work,ad inquire pesoaly in regard aac. GFIT N GRAOcILLA. Panklia, NovA.2S,

L~ayauaoostha *JA.N. * Stht~ L Ilwstret

Hf l b .Rt sss tiN ie

Ne~w Qu ths u th*Wf&i~~r~iai ck Pw a I ~ auguse

SHERMAN'S0'4JUT rummm,


TTUS EdL . thu eust ces with umvanl-U led - The effct produced ui the

usea. jA-76 iebgt s iswuderful: it care. theFawn dew Womb; the in b.an U bI-

the Whh pnewut. MluuurtimPs, uusaragthes

esraton ta tob buh isthe Ead rsem. fld



DB. (ALBERT. iarrrr dGilbarts Ia.=w eopf~is. Tea., bs.Actd Newr

Oihma his futu sad ai a esidaema,cud Arm his pusrisinserwicas to much as do-air his aid. H. tret tho bwiag chkaicdiseaso. with gmt moom& without uss.(sho h Cae:amoos Caibaubmi., Fzik ia Aus,WNF sse.Dtrws. SaufslaW hoa Swon

ias io rsow hassmaa.ia (thou-suds .( hulab i mapeatsd thot .Md becm4.d) Mtrurial Rmih, mad YsVsIDissam.(eowary gzads,hb cuans islaitsahor-rid Mas whoa Ipstho isasa .sm tho tu roa

,samufmsa~dsamdw a.ri is mwoyas

hominm fre taLa is, wbich abas b..massn.... Ba ()mhad Iihs,

cats Lesrw, ss wb as, maa. rrf U~lauamios~ Sss'r g

adaettadMa" m

lilt #tis.'batat sYt' -d 1is t.fir e'lwikmt eatvt.

the aitaasisa.( sh1 tr al M ebsmy

issa a hoLumd ha Pape i

sprt.: s . bra Ihg inwsrii

thZ a. s I.tis brr h It w h to..rsqad hpb)birr dt~tiwtsd awssrtd rsbumapsaath ma

-rtri Shq% laues Ia. a ease.w lssrepawaw ?li~citb n itadomet; BamI IJ~lmdoa um Ias

:'r~af bas- Ia.bisd last' ' iib

cswq td ws MI a .y ewe is tb

sms.eti is bs ~ ttt .

. +

,..12+-..v .tr.3.j E.v- r ,E'f ,l a

; .':, Py,.'l"-.;i

j iAWLz X.

,e" a'

MEDICAL N1YICFSD serm to tM mso o Fmzkb

tsa Q Ojeat Gocdy's HoleL

its ieaiiy,and hopes, fre tea years'experieneein th. deass of the oath.and West, and astrict a~tin Ls his dtis, to merit patronage.

- He may be ahnd at Dr. Cissha's drugstees, Psrseaeille. Nov. 15.

DRUGS AND MEDICINES.A LARGE and well selected assortment of_ Drags, Medicines and Chemicals, just re-

caived at the "Franklin Drug Store," under theOdd-FeBws' Hll, coasistia im rtd .50 pack-ages, Haskell &t Mrick's select Powders; 30em. Iodide of Potash; lodine, Tanin, Quinine,Morphine, Essential Oils, Blue Mass, Calmnel,Ether, Aqua Ammomia, • c., which will be sod,wholesale and retail, at a small advance. Plant-ers sad others wishisq a supply, will fad it fortheir interest to msnma my assortment beforepurchaing elsewhere.


g DR. CHAItLE RAB, 4mtAyCA...g a" Druggoot, Fm% y

Chnniealu, Ding., lmice mnu, -,-

At tha Mia phyema.eauelyo having

guidaae ea" elMflY aeci.d u wdl be wau-rQtd7- Ph.. tai amiia Ahoama fer the

prisat pui, gwaa.Ja. 31.


thDUgSI to ba ,ha me Bn em lower Seer~li Dbuiliag. freatiag gar Maiiret, mad baa reently added to hi anedmt

d.aiehbh sad seelel arties, reeaastig o16madeim mad Cbiesiabla;~r, Paper Qeih3

Vrihin ., Seed soaa mad HIdera,Sao- d Boaaa, an hpr,

Nat Papu. Water Calera,DmwhL~ PaaaiL &tc.

AL I -i eu wedea oemlina.-P. lka Pah-.tsd toavcme li ehme d Tar,

Bait's PHrpod3 lvies,

Tqtbrw ramava Aatrr ridmr eaaJemu. w GIM N ES hLAE.

Freebie, J .31, MU.

eabt, Pr (~Cea,~Sabdine., Zi-'if.a a ueqetatd a. et . aiW.-3 r N r CbA o

;adrrPI ( r Doom 8U'M80% S?


CO aiotia near Nw rk orQd y'hTAPERS of tb

'.s both ofera the

Fi.J14 Q&.w'HaiL

eiu o iuJrq Q1 L. rll Lw kmmrem. Cr -"_tbrrsm ."b a.

Sit r;. - ab, or do ,.y mywf~Tgmf% trh. iwy SamM.wek an +im.sdsnidliwi~y~n ba Im.Winina

at'ir tip~h brrilb

l wCiunuw IurILb.w--S -n VH3 *3E

__ h 'CtA36;

USA&at at de .C- B





rWE udersigned has just returned from New1 Orleas with a t a p s ddid auaortmet of

FANCY GOODS and CLOTHING, suitablefor ladies and gentlemen, which heoffers for cashat New Orleans prices, or for credit on the matreasonable terms.

SThe ladies will do well to call, as thestyles and prices cannot fail t suit them.

MEYER MEYER.FrankMi, May 16, 180.

NEW GOODS.Just reeeived, a fresh assortment se

Dry Gooda, Clothing, Hardware. Tis-ware, Crockery, Cutlery, Saddlery, Tobacco,Cigars and Provisions-all of which we oafrcheap for cash.



_R. IL SALLES begs leave to infon allSher old customers and friends that sle has

removed her store from her residence when sheformerly kept, to Franklin. in R. M. Sawyer'sbilding, opposite Mde. Rdquerand's store, whereshe hopes to receive a liberal patronage frT herold customers ad as many new one as mayfvher with their kind attention. No pais hasbeespaed in uleilag a ine assort

m t of

fe Orgudi, Mlsins, Lawnsa, Jacoet-Bob-bimets and Bobbnnet Capes, Collars and hOmi-settes, Bobbinet Laces, Edgin, Cambic andLinen Pockethandkerchief, &c.

Atso-A fancy lot of Baraes, Prints, Threadand Cotton Laces, black silk Net am KidGloves, linen and cotton Checks; Irish •isensand linen Drilling, white and colored, for pants:Ticking, Bar-netting, bleached and uabbachedDomestics, bleached and unbleached Lowdls, &e.

Also-A fine assortment of Ladies' Sines ofthe latest style, ad a choice selection a Perfu-mery, Feather Fans, &c.; together wit a greatmany other articles too tedious to mentin.

7 Please call and examine our stck.Franklin, April 2.1, 1850. Im

CHEAPER THAN EVEI.The mlies and gentlemen

Fraklia and its viienity,hereby informed, that the eb-

criber hs just returned rama New Orleans,where he Ihas p selected ie richeststock new ~ad bshioal Spring pad Sum-mer Goods o be fond i the mart and ontens that i enable him to ofer tlam cheaperthn ever. Hi. stock in repltte wil ewrythngaitable for lad and gadms .di the

4 -heap Dryl cG mprnua..

CLOTHING, DRY GO(DS e &c.fwOMAS EVINS has just reivd, by late1 amriWlj a aned varied asortlmet ofa6sione LOTHING, and do newest pat.

ters of DRY GOODS.Axao--A It d GROCERIIS, ka 77

NEW GOOID.IOMAS A. DOW paptfda have

May th.t he s aut sps••d had now affers for-asat is r tsMs hmss, k Pattssmvl•ile, a

wey szswm aid wrel assrd stock of essfl,PASHIONABLE AND IANCY GOODS,ap"ie to the w•tsb tohif ,•"" y.

Q Puebasses will led it to their interestto cal and ea.das the aot, as the Iprice will

Passesnvisdre, 18,184.

JWST RECE IVED-A new itock CYIOssetic Goads~ Hats Baats, 8bss,.7anat

Elag Ttla, Lir sad oet Cuih Ttim.

-A1L sO -100 eN. Cree Cmnoade. 1w prid; Ani-

ass. hem, asrtd Codislr Ppt' BottsCass ffmudrea FiEwu } e npw B

T. E7IN8.

NEW GOOD8.%rHAXL3S a BATLIES We jot opaeed

'Ji its Ysw stave as ich ad dairae a stook1 pelt dhee firs New York mad losta., -hin hur terraedm tM. mih at tdwnich hewouM mub the *semom of his minnmfa o.

Irru ni zmsu adAb dm Jl.tatr hmhdB .gm mmd e hi amap,'. o- PhpaI-c' `-,Po

f u sisoIdhh&.. YIf-

R ' Llr.

,Thrl Earduu.rCougsd

! 4 BiOLD W HBof W UP

PS.'.tqb *IdmW abs

'rr~ I-des,~~~ 1'7-~;

w1Ei k-w

TI d-



-AL.w.itc, [ t

urn 331


steabna"t METEOR, Cep

the h g-waer es o'bew 1Q OrlersAttakapas by way o Bayor Plaquemine, adduring the low stage of water by the Atheh•lays. On her way to the city she will not extendher run lower down then Patterseville.

Pawseagers will ad that this boat has nsur-passed accommodationm; and the captain andclerk hope, by politeess and attention, to meritand recee a ibalsat of patronage.

For freight or psangs, having splendid accoom-modations, apply on board. aM2

ATTAKAPAS PACKET.Summer Arrangement.

c Par &. Martiuwavile, NewJapia, FrankLin, Ccunvrifi;

PattwerSlniUi-The REht

draught and regu.r bpaseenger eam oGRANDE, J. . tur tar, will run asa regular packet during the season, taking freightand passegers for all the landings on the mute.Capt. J. J. Laborthe hopes from his long expe.rience in it to merit a share of plio patrage.For easss aly on bard, or to

CHAS. DEBLANC, or New Orleans..J. B. BELLOCQ,

Si user and Wister PactL.The substantial and fst-run-

•L aig packet, "BANNER OFATTAKAPAS,' D. R. Mug-

gab, master, will raun as regular peket duringthe entire seaon. D.. Mugga hu ehatethe Banner expressly for thi trade, and hopes,from his long experience a it, to merit a sham ofpubbe patroag. 09' All business entrustedto his care wil be carefully and punctually at-tended to. x14

NOTICE.The subscriber continues to con-

tract for, and furnish as agent forthe manufactures-

Irao and Wood Axzktree Cane Carts,Wagons, Light e-horse Carts,Bagasse Carts, Drays,Light one-horse Pleasure Wagons,Calashes and Buggies,Plantation Bells and other kinds,Pl atuimn Fire Engise, double action,Metalie Juice Pump, &c, &e.


CABINET MAKING.The unlersigned have recently

opened a shop as Willow street,in this place, for the urps of

f s all descriptionsa of shbianet Work.-They lwin be prepared at nay time to executeorders at short notice and at reasseble prices.-Persen• wishing Cabinet Work dame on theirplantation may be accommodated by applying at

LOUIS KIHNEL & CO.Franklin. Jan. 10, 1850.-ly


s a Franklin for the m nct aria ofTO•BS, GRAVE STONES and MARBLEWORE almost all descritis, leave toinform the ciism of St. Mary and i thatthey are pered to farish work i theirhbesiases a sap ad of asgood quality as thatobtained ho New Oreas. Mr. Guy has hadsaogaz eneamo as a sculptor in Italy anl other

parts ellsuope, and has been emplhyed am the-irara CoLeg, Philadelphia, and he is preparedl

to esxese any work in his line of basitea in astyle not to be excelled in the State.

Any persos wishi marbe work fr the pr.EQC oe coed,.or or Centre Tables Mantel

Pm o, r Pia Mab e Sl of any shape orsine, are invited to call at our sop opposite, theCourt Hose, and examine our work,ad inquirepesoaly in regard aac.

GFIT N GRAOcILLA.Panklia, NovA.2S, 1849.

CI8TERNS.E UNDERSIGNED is now prepard toput up Cyprns Water Cisterns, as the best

Seorder, at sheort notice and on the most reason-ab- terms.He s pepad to build FLAT BOATS, of

an sin, will farish materials,if regairdHe is aie ready o nmake ontrtsfer bhiaEn

HOUSES r ever tdssripis, a, I peelemC-ptes' Waerk aay d.

Anyju whie he myaeny e to do willbe plb w ied h the utmost di4t and do-iveed ia t e&ted erder.

er pau•ties .P y at the "Baner" 6ide.S AMUEL CAREY.

Cnstmr•vil May 31,1191.-Iy _

FRANKLIN SAW MILL.FUWE aunsciURRnS e r06 to is-euiU .. 0 Sbo fr &'wioa rPhL.

Prlmmtub~bLinb-url tJYai tii.O.t pri a jlrrt;:F:~Bpzb?:shdb Le , r -Isk W b ! 10 00

Fir JIwtaSS work~ ruamag xene, dwsd aFer Plimg Teemedg e3 Gmia

Fk~Ime eCPeijdr1ehmumnh 10 M

Trs i ' liio ri kblt I~ q-,Np7 doa~G~~1pthmea~ ~ .- -731

Labor aid e9 s tha e. uhayoi, efihk*1Luber ~L ~ b~~H fimeeeC~l~ tkwek*LI

UO edmmkheUb dwhow ;

Lr hq h repuebb,U teedesiertIome6ak.o~

&LFI i r DAr .t

~rwau-D7t .mbeuikrw Wd

~&thebesL qulsa, hebisk-dlin lbbI: h s. d

.Jam J4uI S.UWMOXPhwmm



:fir ti #.

'Ig .


be1 .-

Fro"1n hOgsmbu8.1810. J.WtbL XT"I? ~a


1 IC tineth wll be .roped Mo 4 y, theR7th of Jaamg7 . Evart edort wilt be amthe teachm to adwuac. their pupils mand Chlsical studio.

Fraahlia, Dec. 18,1849. _

YOUNG LADIES' ACADEMY.M•SS. P. DELAHOUSSAYE bes ave11 to inform er friends ad the pubic thatthe Young Lans' Academy under her superin-tendence will be re-pend on Monday, the 14thof January, ad that she has mde euch arrange-ments as will enable her to do the most amplejustice to all childre sad young ladies wathwhose instruction she may be entrusted. Theimprovement which her pupils have made duringthe last term of her school, and the improved ar.rangements which she has made for the comfor.and progress ofa her scholars she trusts will re-commead her school to the high coteideration ofparets, and she hopes to be favoed with a lib-oral share of pircene.

She begs av to inform those at adistancethat she has made arrangements sinee the latterm ofher school by which she will hereafter heenabled to board and lodge forty scholars in themost comfortable maner, and she freely ofersthe tr ass urances that those children thatbod wiher sha bhe mangl with the amostscrupulous care and tenderness, and that no painsshall be spared to promote thei* general welfareto the beat astinfactim o their parests and ga-disas.

LsUAs o0 BOARD, TUITION, ETC.:B•ard ..-... -------- per month, $I0Dinners; only, , .-... " 4Instruction in English and Freeh " 6Instruction in English or French 4Lessons in Msic - - - - - - " 6

WasinkSturmhedy. funi ythe parents.Regulr Boarders will pay three months ins advance. Others will pay every month:

Regular Boarders will be isstracted is edlework gratis.

Franklin, Jan. 10, 1850. -6

PROPERTY FOR SALE.For oae, om favorable tera., the'-•

lowing deacribed prpea, in the townFranklin and rihd oSt. Mazy :

Je Lot of Gr••nd, 9 fe6 t o theeast side dof Main street, and rsinsg back withsaid width 70 feet, and them wideg out to thestreet 20 feet, making a width of 44 feet,running back to the street or lae w h diidthe lot owned by Isaac T row Sera., andboonded nouth by the Jot em y ownedDan't P. Sparks, and above by the street that di-vides the same from the Public Squae ;tgethrwith the boildings and improwoments th m,with the rights and ppurtennea threuato

A tw.to building, suitable far a stre a-dwellil. 90 by 42 Ifet. The saq r ir s -w- 1 Sniahed, having ear rom.Mo--A building 12 by 1 ft, with a room

attached, 10 by 12 feat, d nan kitchen,&ao-A blding 15 by GO feet, e story and

a half high, and intended for a stors has,o--A fram e table, 1 by 18 feet, -mitale

In three hcreeAlso-A building 28 by 44 feet, occupied as a

work shop, dwelling and store house.The he is well fenced in, and furnihed with a

ael of water good for washing, to which isat-tahed an excellent metalic pump.

Possessioa given ea the t of Janary, 181.For further rticn appy to the abcriber,

JAMES 8. SIMMONS.Fraklin, May 2, 1850.

ICE '-ICE! !-ICE !!!The subseribers are happy to inform

their frienod, and the public generl, ofSthe arrval f a .earg of IC E,pr achr.

-,.emiah Lemming," which they for m aldchap at whleale d retail.

uo We will have a ooam t auppl throegh-out the Wumer. W. S. C .•l CO.

Cetreville, Aprii 18, 180.

SAWMILL.O UR SAW MILL at C.aawvW. is mw isSftal =p&m=3.in Lhsrrd ay d-

scriptirrwilwt mLareils... ratC~s..

Farr Sta.. m lid, .

Pickt. -K dt.. rmainHand web as `Live Oak, Ask, &c.,

eiee or4&&1 pwb be~ma~r awma& i,&&mhadt haailn3d fir eats em

Any Had d Linbt, bert .w ask, cawed to.v/ Sb maln abartuem..

We Lawa aih, LATH ~CHtINlfiopsnio mrad an ready is L4mi IIY


1rHE UNDEIIStIOEDb.*uspmdaaIpiC at twmdPnak iorths ,u fnm

twai'hiag i rai Work YwyauI bviqg asmd ahsgu. w sitylbar, aud t.azAa mmd R i. uuiin,Abju thmirtb dbkmuinyata,mmm.indu b. my d &Mwh

.asaaaM e aiioasad~aJ.WMwur, mmd wIlb. ,a.U~~h

FI% a, Nov. 21M, 181i' -

t. ar d to C.IrAdinsbar4dad fll rrrw "r ud aat-aa a"rr' tat iwn Ihm sinrat~ bia'w'iichi a~sams&rws Aelmsdmy Asimtsmad.r mmd thin umam wE iiimimmmd setnd-, Ish m.3.wY.s pwohr maoihg, mad 4 pr cna ft .ror .m.-adsaa bR t t b W I a i 9sa M R U ailed tD

y, "h4 ,. E IE3SON.F mm . 18S: W-'



Permanent F d by Atof Incorporation

Parent O6ee, 3e. 94 Graver st.Between Camp and St. Charles, New Orleans.

John Hagan, Samuel Stewart,Peter Core, Jr., O. Smrawbedge,Robert J. Ward, Joh S. Allison,Isaac Johnson, Wa. .Lverich,Joseph Walker, Edward prrow.Maunsel Whits, Har S8. B .

PrTm Coxatr, Ja, Pre Bs tlhrnrDIRECTORS:

Joseph W.Stanon, Joseph Lellande,John L. Lewis, M. Cohen,W. M. Goodrich, Gorge W. Smith,J. L safaras, .H. Thorn,Calvin Tate, I Nicholas C.HallCornelius Fellowes, Preston W. Farrar,Edw Jenser Cae, Win. H. White,Joshua Baldwin, Wi. C. Tompkins,J. Morgu Hall, John B. Leek.Sidney Johnson, Theo. H. McCaleb.

WIS COMPANY is prepared to entertainI application for Life lasurance, and issuePolicies, on all sound and healthy White sand N aro t the Table of Rates establishedby the Board, which are leass than the ratescharged by New York and Lodsn oares andwithout their restrictio as to residence in theSouth. By the charter, divide•ds f prdits aredeclared a•Ually, and the profis draw interest,and ea be available at oeec to the eitent d tw-thirds of their amoat, where the party has paidhis pereium in fell

John H a, President d the Compny ;Prest W.arrar, Vice Pesidm; A. J. Wed-derbur, M. D., and TIhoms Hat, a a. , MedicalBoard of Consultation Harmon Doaes, Se.re-

yj. W. Lyman, Medical Eamine, Frank-

California Permits are lamed to Life lasu-rance Members at New York and Ledonm ntProspacus, table of rates, and all infeCrratis asto Life mInsurance, and all paper necessary toeffect Insuranee, can be had at the ide o theagent of the Compay at Franklins IaiLsisn.,

In order toucesmmedateall classes of our i.-ses, young me and mechanics having fmsmdependent upon them, the Company will arall peresm inuriag for Afe, whele te premimamountas to o er5 per anem, to pay oeehalfin ash ad .ha in satiest esadeard

ote at twelve morths, bearing inemat at 8 perct ur anum.

N. .- The busiaes of this Compaay is cca-Baedto LIFE INSL'RANCE ONLY. B•aresolution of the Bord, no Fire, River or MarineRisks are takes

R. N. McMILLAN, Agent.Aug. 10--ly Custom Hunse, Frualin, Li.

ATiOt t I P =-o d tsmee. Sa a"1w



rm bo--. . LAd

IE fllowie is deemed ncient evidence of-- the mprenrity f the TRIJSS:

Rawing had amrua me itiof aeingMr.Brma s Trum a a" dwern ieasesaf great ditilty, I bae id a very highopinem o its value, ad beliee it to be the betitruent with which I am red.

ALEX.H. S. 8•N, U.aabemr b d ser iel a Yh. d Physi-iama ad Se,e . w ar a•dsr od

. tet Sue.rg em the. N.w ale •.pitaLetieeeder to the pmap

ptam C.C C auWr ,na Sre.an, Sgo of New

: I.R. r en SurgerySt th Beeryakl Sr a sehMedis.

Bssra .,p Leuas.a A .. m andPhy.geo t Yediem.

N ib. Netiher, CeeeNow

wt. OsAaon, a. 6 sa`et . L C. e lrr,

W.Cnohrarr s,.a..P ePereSarg dA mnet

miorfseus Celge.

N. &-Iwmmi vs u& dauM ad at thaoye mad lava a Mum laud t aekw t*he ow.Let aD rummier that ti eem aiie diager ma-aemat~ers. m~. ainm tiss abiu lotm a-! A 7 stubleet,

111I~Cii,* like

- -

t 'Ihwthwuuh:rugJYa heiilta Im106im' MLiw', L ' - - rri) Q



1[ 9 ifO MWALKU & 00.-k