NACS Newsletter VOLUME XLVII, ISSUE 1 WWW.NACATSOC.ORG 23 rd NAM Brochure Club News Club Officers Burwell Lectureship Deadline 30 April 2013 Proposed Amendments to the By-laws Elections for Director-at-Large Candidates for Director-at-Large C. W. Jones is the recipient of the Emmett Award Giuseppe Bellussi is the recipient of the Houdry Award Jens Norskov is the recipient of the Boudart Award Letter from the President Johannes Lercher receives the Tanabe Prize

NACS Newsletter giuseppe Bellussi isnacatsoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/NACS_2013_01.pdf · 2013-03-07 · NACS Newsletter Back to Index I am pleased to announce that Pro - fessor

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Page 1: NACS Newsletter giuseppe Bellussi isnacatsoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/NACS_2013_01.pdf · 2013-03-07 · NACS Newsletter Back to Index I am pleased to announce that Pro - fessor

NACSNewsletterV O L U M E X L V I I , I S S U E 1w w w . n a c a t S O c . O r g

23rd naM Brochure

club news

club Officers

Bur well Lec ture ship Deadline

30 april 2013

Proposedamendments to the


Elections forDirector-at-Large

candidates forDirector-at-Large

c. w. Jones is the recipient of the Emmett award

giuseppe Bellussi is the recipient of the

Houdry award

Jens norskov is the recipient of the

Boudart award

Letter from the President

2012 Eni awardsJohannes Lercher receives the tanabe


Page 2: NACS Newsletter giuseppe Bellussi isnacatsoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/NACS_2013_01.pdf · 2013-03-07 · NACS Newsletter Back to Index I am pleased to announce that Pro - fessor

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Approval of Modifications of By-Laws and Director-at-Large Elections North American Catalysis Society

National Officers: President - Enrique Iglesia, University of California-Berkeley; VICE-PRESIDENT - Bruce R. Cook,BP Products NA, Inc.; Secretary - Hong-Xin Li, Zeolyst International; Treasurer - C. Y. Chen, Chevron Energy Technology Co.; Lead Trustee - John W. Byrne, BASF Catalysts LLC; Communications Director - Edrick Morales.

Club Representatives: Canada - Ajay K. Dalai, University of Saskatch-ewan; Chicago - Christopher L. Marshall, Argonne National Laboratory; Mexico - Jose Antonio de los Reyes, Universi-dad Autonoma Metropolitana, Campus Iztapalapa; Michigan - Galen B Fisher, University of Michigan; New England - William C. (Curt) Conner, University of Massachusetts; New York - Israel E. Wachs, Lehigh University; Pacific Coast - Alex Katz, University of California-Berke-ley; Philadelphia - Anne M. Gaffney, IN-VISTA; Pittsburgh–Cleveland - Gotz Veser, University of Pittsburgh; Organic Reac-tions Catalysis Society - Christopher W. Jones, Georgia Institute of Technology; Tri-State (Kentucky/Ohio/West Virginia) - Uschi Graham, Topasol LLC; Southeast - Steven H. Overbury, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Southwest - Kerry Dooley, Louisiana State University; Western States -Will Medlin, University of Colorado at Boulder.

Directors–at–Large: Bruce Gates, Univer-sity of California at Davis; Jingguang G. Chen, University of Delaware; Robert Da-vis, University of Virginia; Stuart Soled, Exxon Mobil Research and Engineering Co.

Copyright © 2012 The North American Catalysis Society

In the next few weeks, all mem-bers of the North Amer i can Catal y sis Soci ety (NACS) will re-

ceive a bal lot via elec tronic means. This bal lot will request your vote for six of the eleven can di dates for the posi tion of Director-at-Large and also your vote regard ing mod-i fi ca tions of the by-laws of the Soci ety. I encour age you to exer cise your vot ing rights within the spec i-fied vot ing period.

Directors-at-large (DAL) serve four-year terms and are elected by the entire mem ber ship. Their new term will start dur ing the NAM23 in Louisville. Elected DAL rep re sent the entire mem ber ship by attend-ing annual NACS Board meet ings. The Board con sists of the NACS offi-cers, one rep re sen ta tive from each local or affil i ated soci ety, and the DAL. The bal lot will con cur rently ask for your approval of mod i fi ca-tions of the by-laws, includ ing one to increase the num ber of DAL from four to six; if the mod i fied by-laws are not approved, the four DAL can di dates with the largest vote count will serve.

The mod i fi ca tions of the by-laws that are sub mit ted for your approval con sist of a series of motions already approved by the Board in the inter ven ing years since the 2003 ver sion. The elec-tronic bal lot will include a detailed descrip tion of such changes as well as a ratio nale for each one of them. These mate ri als were included in the newsletter and posted into a sin gle doc u ment that shows an overview of the pro posed changes fol lowed by the full text of the by-laws at http://wp2.nacatsoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/NACS_By-laws_2013-02.pdf.

NACS con sists of 14 affil i ate lo-cal clubs and soci eties in Canada, Mex ico, and the United States and

well over 1,500 mem bers. It was founded in 1956 and its mis sion includes the stew ard ship and sup-port of NAM and logis ti cal sup port and seed finan cial fund ing to the local orga niz ing com mit tees. NACS also pro vides joint fund ing for Kokes awards, pre sented to stu-dents to attend NAM, and finan cial sup port for stu dents to attend the reg u lar meet ings of the local clubs and societies.

On behalf of the NACS lead-er ship and its gov ern ing board, I encour age you to vote and I look for ward to see ing you at NAM23 in Louisville (June 2–7, 2013; www.nam23.org/). With regards,

Enrique Igle siaPres i dent, North Amer i can Catal y-sis Soci ety

Page 3: NACS Newsletter giuseppe Bellussi isnacatsoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/NACS_2013_01.pdf · 2013-03-07 · NACS Newsletter Back to Index I am pleased to announce that Pro - fessor

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Jens Norskov named the recipient of the 2013 Michel Boudart Award for the Advancement of Catalysis

We are pleased to announce that Prof.

Jens K. Norskov of the Depart ment of Chem i-cal Engi neer ing and the SLAC National Accel er a tor Lab o ra tory at Stan ford Uni ver sity is the recip i ent of the 2013 Michel Boudart Award for the Advance-ment catal y sis. The Award is spon sored by the Hal dor Top søe Com pany and is admin is tered jointly by the NACS and the EFCATS.

More infor ma tion on this award and the award process can be found in the Awards folder of the NACS home page www.nacatsoc.org.

The Michel Boudart Award for the Advance ment catal y sis is given in recog ni tion of indi vid ual con tri bu-tions to the elu ci da tion of the mech a nism and active sites involved in cat alytic phe nom ena and to the devel-op ment of new meth ods or con cepts that advance the under stand ing and/or prac tice of het ero ge neous catal y-sis. The Award selec tion process will empha size accom-plish ments and con tri bu tions pub lished within the five pre ced ing years.

The award rec og nizes Pro fes sor Jens K. Nork skov for his pio neer ing work on under stand ing trends in cat a lyst activ ity and devel op ing cat a lyst design prin ci ples based on reac tiv ity descrip tors. He and his cowork ers have con tributed exten sively to the devel op ment of com pu ta-tional meth ods and mod els of sur face reac tiv ity. Pro-fes sor Norskov has intro duced what is today a stan dard

Professor Johannes Lercher receives the 2013 Tanabe Prize in Acid-Base Catalysis

The 2013 Tan abe Prize for Acid-Base Catal y sis will be awarded to Johannes A. Lercher, who receives the

prize in recog ni tion of his sub stan tial con tri bu tions to the field of acid-base catal y sis.

The award cer e mony will take place at the 7th Inter-na tional Sym po sium on Acid-Base Catal y sis in Tokyo, Japan May 12–15, 2013.

Johannes A. Lercher stud ied Chem istry and received his PhD at TU Wien. After a vis it ing lec ture ship at Yale, he joined TU Wien as lec turer and later Assoc. Pro fes-sor. 1993 he was appointed Pro fes sor at the Uni ver sity Twente, Depart ment of Chem i cal Tech nol ogy, and moved in 1998 to his cur rent posi tion as Pro fes sor of Chem i cal Tech nol ogy at TU Munchen. Since 2011 he is also Direc-tor of the Insti tute for Inte grated Catal y sis at the Pacific North west National Laboratory.

He is exter nal mem ber of the Aus trian Acad emy of Sci ences and Mem ber of the Acad e mia Europaea, and holds sev eral Hon orary Pro fes sor ships. He serves cur-rently as Editor-in-Chief of the Jour nal of Catalysis.

Research is focussed on fun da men tal aspects of oxide and mol e c u lar sieve based sorp tion and catal y sis, new routes to acti vate and func tion al ize hydro car bons, decon struc tion and defunc tion al iza tion of bio mass, the mech a nis tic under stand ing of hydrotreat ing cat a lysts, and the in situ char ac ter i za tion of cat alytic processes.

Source: www.shokubai.org/abc/tanabe.html

model of tran si tion metal reac tiv ity and has used it to explain trends in adsorp tion ener gies and in the acti-va tion ener gies of ele men tary processes on tran si tion metal cat a lysts in terms of vari a tions in the d-band cen ter and other para me ters char ac ter iz ing the prop er ties of sur face elec trons. Norskov has quan ti fied Brønsted-Evans-Polanyi (BEP) rela tions and showed how they lead to pre dic tive mod els that relate cat alytic reac tiv ity to adsorp tion ener gies of key rel e vant species. The meth ods devel oped for use in het ero ge neous catal y sis have been suc cess fully trans ferred into the area of elec tro catal y sis. Most recently, his research group has intro duced the first data base of sur face chem i cal prop er ties and devel oped pub licly avail able soft ware to access and mine ther mo dy-namic and cat alytic data on active sur faces, thus open ing novel oppor tu ni ties for dis cov er ing trends and for design-ing new cat a lysts and cat alytic processes.

Pro fes sor Norskov will present ple nary lec tures at the 2013 meet ings of the North Amer i can Catal y sis Soci-ety in Louisville and at the 2013 Europacat Meet ing in Lyon.

Avelino CormaPres i dent, Euro pean Fed er a tion of Catal y sis Soci eties

Enrique Igle siaPres i dent, North Amer i can Catal y sis Society

Page 4: NACS Newsletter giuseppe Bellussi isnacatsoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/NACS_2013_01.pdf · 2013-03-07 · NACS Newsletter Back to Index I am pleased to announce that Pro - fessor

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I am pleased to announce that Pro-fes sor Christo pher W. Jones of the

School of Chem i cal and Bio mol e c u lar Engi neer ing at the Geor gia Insti tute of Tech nol ogy is the recip i ent of the 2013 Paul H. Emmett Award in Fun da men tal Catal y sis, spon sored by the Grace Cat a-lyst Tech nolo gies oper at ing seg ment of W.R. Grace & Co. and admin is tered by The North Amer i can Catal y sis Soci ety. The Award con sists of a plaque and an hon o rar ium of $5,000. The plaque will be pre sented dur ing the clos ing ban quet cer e monies at the 2013 North Amer i can Meet ing of the Catal y sis Soci-ety. Pro fes sor Jones will also present a

ple nary lec ture dur ing this conference.The Paul H. Emmett Award in Fun da men tal Catal y sis is given in

recog ni tion of sub stan tial indi vid ual con tri bu tions in the field of catal y-sis with empha sis on dis cov ery and under stand ing of cat alytic phe nom-ena, pro posal of cat alytic reac tion mech a nisms and iden ti fi ca tion of and descrip tion of cat alytic sites and species.

The award rec og nizes the con tri bu tions of Pro fes sor Christo pher W. Jones to fun da men tal advances in catal y sis at the inter face between het ero ge neous and homo ge neous catal y sis. Specif i cally, his stud ies of sil ica and polymer-supported Pd(II) pin cer com plexes unrav eled their behav ior in Heck and Suzuki cou pling reac tions, where the com plexes were demon strated to form sol u ble ligand-free species that cat alyzed tra di tional Pd(0)-Pd(II) path ways. His group has also devel oped a fam ily of sup ported metal-salen com plex cat a lysts for enan tios e lec tive reac-tions, includ ing coop er a tive epox ide ring-opening reac tions and olefin cyclo propa na tion. This work has focused on the sta bil ity and deac ti va-tion of these cat a lysts and clar i fied degra da tion path ways, allow ing the imple men ta tion of sta bi liza tion strate gies to enhance cat a lyst turnovers.

C. W. Jones is the recipient of the 2013 Paul H. Emmett Award

Giuseppe Bellussi is the recipient of the 2013 Eugene J. Houdry Award of the North American Catalysis Society

Giuseppe Bel lussi, Senior Vice Pres-

i dent, Research and Devel op ment, for ENI Refin ing & Mar ket ing is the recip i ent of the 2013 Eugene J. Houdry Award of the North Amer i can Catal y sis Soci ety. The Eugene J. Houdry Award in Applied Catal y sis is spon sored by Clari ant. It is admin is tered by The Catal y sis Soci ety and awarded bien ni-

ally in odd-numbered years. This award rec og nizes and encour ages indi vid ual con tri bu tions in the field of catal-y sis with empha sis on the devel op ment of new and im-proved cat a lysts and processes rep re sent ing out stand ing advances in their use ful appli ca tion. The award con sists of a plaque and a prize of $5,000, which will be pre sented at the 23rd North Amer i can Meet ing of the Catal y sis Soci-ety to be held in Louisville, Ken tucky on June 2–7, 2013. The Award Ple nary lec ture will also be pre sented dur ing this meeting.

The 2013 Eugene J. Houdry Award rec og nizes Giuseppe Bel lussi for his impor tant con tri bu tions to the devel op ment of sev eral key processes in petro chem i cals and refin ing through research in new cat alytic mate ri als, in fun da men tal under stand ing of under ly ing cat alytic phe nom ena, and in enabling engi neer ing con cepts for cat alytic processes.

Dr. Bel lussi joined the Eni Com pany in 1981. Since then, he has been engaged in research and devel op-ment of new tech nolo gies with broad impact in refin ing, petro chem i cals, and exploration-production. His spe cific con tri bu tions have focused on het ero ge neous catal y sis,

with spe cific empha sis on the sci ence and tech nol ogy of zeo lite cat a lysts. These con tri bu tions have ranged from selec tive oxi da tion reac tions to acid catal y sis with broad appli ca tions to nat ural gas con ver-sion, the upgrad ing of heavy residues, and the syn the sis of new struc tured mate ri als. Many of these achieve ments have con-tributed to indus trial appli ca tions, such as in oxi da tions with hydro gen per ox ide on titanium-silicalite (TS-1) cat a lysts for the pro duc tion of di-phenols, cyclo hexa none oxime and propy lene oxide and the alky la-tion of ben zene by light olefins to eth yl-ben zene or cumene on Beta-zeolites. Most recently, Dr. Bel lussi has been involved in the devel op ment of a gas-to-liquids tech-nol ogy based on Fischer-Tropsch syn the-sis in slurry phase reac tor and of the EST (Eni Slurry Tech nol ogy) for upgrad ing of heavy oils to clean high-quality dis til lates with out con cur rent for ma tion of coke and other by-products.

He has been rec og nized for these con-tri bu tions with the 1994 Don Breck Award of the Inter na tional Zeo lite Asso ci a tion, which he shared with Eni col leagues for the devel op ment of TS-1-based cat a lysts, the 2003 John son Matthey Award for inno-va tion in catal y sis, the 2007 Inter na tional Zeo lite Asso ci a tion Award for sem i nal con-tri bu tions to the sci ence and appli ca tions of zeo lites, and the 2008 “Prof. P. Pino” Gold Medal from the Indus trial Chem istry Divi sion of Ital ian Chem i cal Soci ety. Since 2010, Dr. Bel lussi has been the Pres i dent of the Inter na tional Zeo lite Association.

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Elections for Director-at-Large

This year, for the second time, the NACS will be using on-line balloting as the only way

to vote for Directors-at-Large. We have contracted with a firm that is experienced in on-line voting to ensure the accu racy and con fi den-tial ity of the process. The elections are scheduled for the second half of March. You will be receiving an email message on March 17th containing your username, unique password and a link to a restricted voting webpage. The subject headline is “NACS ELECTIONS FOR DIRECTORS-at-LARGE”. Please don’t delete this email until you cast your vote. If you have a prob-lem receiving this email, then you need to contact Edrick Morales at [email protected].

The logging web page will have instructions on how to cast your electronic ballot with links to technical assistance in case you have difficulty with the logging and PDF documents with the pro posed amend ments and revised version of the by-laws.

You can cast your vote start-ing on March 18th. The voting

webpage will be held open for two weeks to those members of NACS (including students) who reside within North America. Background information for each candidate will be available on the ballot site with a hyperlink associated to each candidate’s name. On the bal-lot website, you will be selecting only six (6) or less members from the 11 candidates for the office of Director-at-Large and one vote to approve or not approve the amendments to the by-laws: a total of seven (7) votes. The top six candidates will be elected to office if the amendments to the by-laws are approved; otherwise, the top four candidates will be elected.

Voters will need to log back in and complete the ballot from scratch if they log out or close the browser window without submit-ting their ballot. Your password will be deactivated after you record your vote.

Page 6: NACS Newsletter giuseppe Bellussi isnacatsoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/NACS_2013_01.pdf · 2013-03-07 · NACS Newsletter Back to Index I am pleased to announce that Pro - fessor

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Jingguang Chen Thayer Lindsley Professor of Chemical EngineeringColumbia University

Jingguang Chen started his career at the Exxon Corpo-rate Research Laboratories before joining the faculty at the University of Delaware, serving as the Claire LeClaire

Professor of chemical engineering and Director of the Center for Catalytic Science and Technology. In the past two decades he has been actively serving the catalysis community, including the Catalysis Secretariat of ACS, Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Catalysis, Kokes Chair for the Philadelphia NAM, and co-founder and team leader of the Synchrotron Catalysis Consor-tium. He has served as the Director-at-Large of NACS since 2005. His recent contributions as DAL included the application and distribution of travel grants to graduate students and young faculty to the ICC meeting.

If re-elected he would like to help establish a more formal process in NACS in applying and granting travel assis-tance to catalysis conferences.

John N. ArmorSemi-retired consultant

Founder of a personal, global consulting business, Global-Catalysis.com. My dedicated interests in catalysis continue through occasional technical publications (such as Catalysis Today 178 (2011) 8), invited lectures, and attendance at ma-jor national and international

catalysis focused meetings. I bring over 40 years of experience in catalysis beginning with my undergraduate research at Penn State University and my PhD work at Stanford University. After receiving my doctorate degree, I spent 4 years as an assistant professor at Boston University, then joined Allied Chemical Corporation’s central research center for 11 years, and moved to Air Products & Chemicals to lead a catalysis research center before retirement.

My past role with the NACS (8 years as President and 7 years as Treasurer) focused on bringing visibility to the catalysis commu-nity at large, establishing our popular website, returning excess proceeds from our NAM meetings to the membership, strength-ening the financial position of the NACS as well as the individual clubs, building up the corpus to the Keith Hall Educational Fund, establishing new ways to provide educational assistance to the membership, and enhancing the number and identity of our professional Awards program.

Having stepped aside from a leadership role in the NACS for the last 4 years, I would like to rejoin the Board of Directors and again work for the membership at large. I would like to continue to serve as a resource to the Society by participation in Board activities while mentoring new generations of our leaders, be-cause I believe there is more that I can still contribute.

Abhaya DatyeDistinguished Regents Profes-sorDepartment of Chemical & Nuclear EngineeringUniversity of New Mexico

Abhaya Datye has been on the faculty at the University of New Mexico since 1984 and present-ly serves as the undergraduate advisor for chemical engineer-

ing and formerly served as Associate Chair. He serves as Director of the Center for Microengineered Materials, a strategic research center at UNM that reports to the Vice President for Research.

Abhaya received his Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the Uni-versity of Michigan in 1984. He has authored over 240 publica-tions, 3 patents and has presented 120 invited lectures around the world. He was the Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Catalysis in 2010. He served as the program co-chair for the North American Catalysis Society meeting at Snowbird, UT. He has been actively involved in the Western States Catalysis Club, where he has served as president and as the Club representa-tive to the NAM board. As a Director at large for the Society, he plans to enhance the visibility of catalysis and to get new students, especially graduate and undergraduate students into the field.

His research group has pioneered the development of elec-tron microscopy tools for the study of catalysts. Using model catalysts, his group has shown metal/support interfaces can be studied at near atomic resolution. His current work involves the synthesis of biorenewable chemicals, fundamental studies of catalyst sintering, alcohol reforming into H2 and synthesis of novel nanostructured heterogeneous catalysts, especially the stabilization of isolated single atoms on supports. He leads the NSF Partnership for International Research and Education (PIRE) on Conversion of Biomass derived reactants into Fuels, Chemicals and Materials (a collaboration between faculty and researchers in the US, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands and Finland).

Page 7: NACS Newsletter giuseppe Bellussi isnacatsoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/NACS_2013_01.pdf · 2013-03-07 · NACS Newsletter Back to Index I am pleased to announce that Pro - fessor

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Robert J. Davis Current Professional RoleEarnest Jackson Oglesby Pro-fessor, Department of Chemical EngineeringUniversity of Virginia, 102 Engi-neers WayCharlottesville, VA 22904

Catalysis Club MembershipSoutheastern Catalysis Society

Davis has served as Director-at-Large of the NACS, President of the Southeastern Catalysis Society, Chair of the 2006 Gordon Research Conference on Catalysis, Chair of Catalysis Program-ming of the AIChE, Chair of a US government panel charged with worldwide assessment of Catalysis by Nanostructured Materi-als, Director of the Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division of the AIChE, Co-Chair of an International Catalysis Workshop in China, member of the Advisory Board of the International Conferences on Solid Acid and Base Catalysis, member of the Supervisory Board of the Dutch National Research School Combination on Catalysis, and member of the editorial boards of Journal of Catalysis, ACS Catalysis, ChemCatChem, Applied Catalysis A and B and Journal of Molecular Catalysis A.

I have been involved in catalysis research for more than 25 years and have actively participated in the community through a variety of service and leadership roles. If elected, I would be pleased to serve as Director-at-Large. The growing needs for inexpensive energy, green chemical processes and sustainable manufacturing practices ensure that catalysis will continue to play a prominent role in scientific and engineering research in the coming decades. Indeed, the resurgence of catalysis research and development in North America over the last 4 years has been quite exciting and I will work to keep the North American Catalysis Society and its sponsored meetings at the forefront of the field.

Maria Flytzani-Stephanopou-losRobert and Marcy Haber Endowed Professor in Energy SustainabilityTufts University Dr. Flytzani-Stephanopoulos re-search focuses on atomic-scale metal catalyst designs which may lead to practical catalyst development using only trace

amounts of expensive precious metals. Presently, the cost of catalysts severely hinders the deployment of several sustain-able energy production systems. Prof. Stephanopoulos has used creative ways in heterogeneous catalysis to demonstrate that atomically dispersed supported metal species catalyze the water-gas shift (WGS) and methanol steam reforming (SRM) reactions, both important in fuel processing and hydrogen pro-duction. Her research group was first to report on the remark-able WGS activity of gold on ceria, and to show that adsorbed Au-Ox and Pt-Ox species are the active sites for this reaction, while the corresponding metal nanoparticles are spectator spe-cies on ceria. She has recently generalized these findings on any support, even on inert silica, a highly unanticipated finding. In another first, she used single crystals of ceria and zinc oxide at the nanoscale to identify which surfaces best bind atomic Au-Ox species for the WGS reactions. In the area of desulfurization of hot fuel gases, work in her lab has identified lanthanide oxysul-fides as regenerable adsorbents of H2S to fully purify fuel gases at temperatures exceeding 650 °C for high-temperature fuel cell applications. The lanthanide oxysulfides are also unique sulfur-tolerant catalysts for the high-temperature WGS reaction. In other work, her group is investigating “single atom alloys” comprising a base metal (Cu) with isolated atoms of a precious metal (Pd) as new very active and selective low-temperature hydrogenation catalysts for green chemicals production. Prof. Flytzani-Stephanopoulos serves the catalysis community as Editor of Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (since 2002), and is the 2nd Vice Chair of the Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division of the AIChE.

The catalysis field is presently enjoying a renaissance, as it is looked upon as a primary enabling force for the attainment of a sustainable global economy. Young people are attracted to the field and long to share in the excitement of paving the way to a sustainable future. Harnessing this potential will be a main focus of my activities as a Director-at-Large of the North

American Catalysis Society. Among several potential mechanisms to bring in “new blood” to NACS as it strives to advance catalysis and provide a rich forum for the education of young scientists in the discipline, I can list (i) the formation of student chapters of NACS within the areas of the present catalysis clubs, with similar organization to the AIChE student chapters; (ii) including student-run sessions at the NACS meetings with student speakers selected through national competition, and supported by the Society. This would have the desired effect of strengthening and enlarging the catalysis community with future leaders; (iii) the creation of NACS Junior Fellows as another initiative to nurture these leaders and keep them engaged and committed to the society’s goals.

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Michael A. ReynoldsSenior Research ChemistProjects and TechnologyShell

Michael Reynolds conducts re-search in catalysis development for oil conversion and hydro-processing. He has worked on heavy oil conversion, catalyst synthesis, and pilot plant design. Mike is a graduate

of Michigan State University (B.S.) and Iowa State University (Ph.D.). Prior to joining Shell he was a post-doctoral associate at the University of Illinois – Champaign. Mike is an active member of the catalysis community. He has held regional office in the Southwest Catalysis Society (SWCS) as a Director (2003-2009), Chair (2011), and Past-Chair (2012). His other activities have in-cluded: Poster session co-Chair for the 20th NAM in Houston, TX; Organizer and Chair for the 2011 SWCS meeting honoring Jack Lunsford; Editorial Review Board for ACS Energy & Fuels; Past Area II Representative for the ACS Petroleum division; Current Area II Representative for ACS Energy and Fuels division (execu-tive member). In addition, Mike has co-authored 8 publications and over 20 patents in catalysis or related areas of research. He has also organized, chaired and presented in several symposia at SWCS and ACS meetings over the past several years.

Why I would like to campaign for Director-at-Large.Over the past several decades the NACS has done a great deal in its campaign to further the global development and outreach in catalysis for the industrial and academic communities. I would like to utilize the Director-at-Large position to develop programs aimed at mentoring students and furthering their development as future scientists and leaders. Students rarely are exposed to the industrial side of chemistry and engineering and they would benefit from programs that bridge that gap. One example would be to work with the Board of Directors to increase educational opportunities that provide undergraduate and graduate students with a stipend or award to work in the chemical or petrochemical industries. This could be established through summer internships and fellowships. A similar project could be created for high school students interested in the science and engineering fields. These are some of the goals that I would like to accomplish as an NACS Director-at-Large.

Bruce GatesDistinguished ProfessorDepartment of Chemical Engi-neering and Materials ScienceUniversity of California, Davis

Bruce Gates has served the catalysis community as editor of Advances in Catalysis (since 1995); co-chair of the DOE workshop leading to the 2008 report Basic Research Needs:

Catalysis for Energy; co-chair of the 2009 San Francisco North American Catalysis Society meeting; chair of the Technical Advisory Council of the National Advanced Biofuels Consortium (since 2010); and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource. He is on the editorial/advisory boards of Catalysis Science and Technology, Catalysis Letters, Topics in Catalysis, and Journal of Catalysis. He contributed the textbooks Chemistry of Catalytic Processes and Catalytic Chemistry. He teaches Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at UC Davis, and his former students are well represented in catalysis R&D positions and academic positions in North America.

The needs for new energy technology and environmental pro-tection make catalysis research and catalytic technology more important than ever. I would appreciate the opportunity to help advance the field by continuing as a member of the NACS Board. My goals would be to help strengthen the community and broaden NACS membership by better integrating the cataly-sis subfields and encouraging wider participation by young people and industry colleagues. I believe NACS can amplify our message about the importance of catalysis by reaching beyond our immediate community.

Umit S. OzkanDistinguished Professor of Chemical EngineeringThe Ohio State University

Umit Ozkan received her Ph.D from Iowa State University in 1984 and joined the OSU faculty in 1985.

She has edited five books, writ-ten over 200 refereed publica-

tions and book chapters, and has five patents, all in catalysis area. She has held many leadership positions in professional organizations. She served as the Co-chair of the Continuing Symposia in Catalysis for the ACS Colloids and Surface Chem-istry Division (1994-2000), member of the Board of Directors of the Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division of AICHE (1996-1999, 2008-2011), President of the ACS, Petroleum Chemistry Division (2002-2003). She was the Secretary for NACS (2000-2009). She is on the Editorial Boards of Catalysis Today, Journal of Molecular Catalysis, Catalysis Letters, Topics in Catalysis, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Catalysis Book Series, Applied Catal-ysis B, and Catalysis Reviews. She is one of the Meeting Chairs for the 23rd NAM to be held in Louisville in June 2013. She is a fellow of the AAAS, AICHE, and ACS.

Professor Ozkan is the recipient of many national and inter-national recognitions among which are the ACS Energy and Fuels Distinguished Researcher Award (2012), John van Geuns Lectureship Award at the Van’t Hoff Institute at the Univer-sity of Amsterdam (2010), Iowa State University, Professional Achievement Citation in Engineering (2010), AICHE Mentorship Excellence Award (2009), Fulbright Senior Scholar Award (2007), the Society of Women Engineers Achievement Award (2002), Pittsburgh-Cleveland Catalysis Society Outstanding Research Award (1998), French C.N.R.S. Fellowship (1994-95), and Keck Foundation Excellence in Engineering Education Award (1994). If elected, Dr. Ozkan will focus her efforts on increasing the involvement of young researchers and graduate students in North American Catalysis Society and bringing other related communities such as those of biocatalysis and electrocatalysis into the NACS fold.

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Eric E. StanglandSenior Research ScientistCharacterization Group LeaderInorganic Materials & Heteroge-neous Catalysis, Core Research & Development, The Dow Chemical Company,

Eric Stangland received his B.S. Ch.E. from The University of Wisconsin-Madison (1994) and his Ph.D. in Chemical

Engineering from Purdue University (2000) studying under Nick Delgass in the field of gold-based heterogeneous catalysis. Eric began his career at The Dow Chemical Company in 2000 on the Research Assignments Program, gaining initial experience in industrial catalysis, kinetic modeling, polymer processing, and pilot plant design. In 2001, Eric joined the Core R&D catalysis laboratories where over the last 12 years, both in internal research and through University collaborations, he has been a technical leader to a variety of catalytic chemistries including alkane (methane) activation, ethylbenzene dehydrogenation, alkane oxychlorination, olefin epoxidation, and MeX-to-olefins. As Characterization Group Leader, Eric is responsible for a team involved in appliying various adsorption and spectroscopy-based tools to characterize various catalysts and inorganic ma-terials fpor multiple applications. In 2004 he was awarded both the Dow Chemical Individual Technical Award for Outstanding Development of Chemical Technology and the Mid-Michigan Section of the AIChE Young Chemical Engineers Award, In 2008, he became a certified Green Belt Project Leader.

Eric is active in AIChE and the NACS, and has served the cataly-sis community as both President and Director of the Michigan Catalysis Society and as Technical Program Co-chair for the 22nd NACS Meeting in Detroit. If elected as DAL, he will seek means within the NACS to enhance catalyst student-industrial scientist interaction and education, providing increased oppor-tunity for the future flag-bearers of the science to learn the skills needed to succeed industrially and thereby advance the world through catalysis and its application.

Fabio H. RibeiroProfessor of Chemical Engineer-ingPurdue University.

Fabio Ribeiro is a member of the Michigan Catalysis Soci-ety and the Catalysis Club of Chicago. He served as President of the New England Catalysis Society (NECS) 1997 – 1999 and was the host of the semiannual

meetings of the NECS in Worcester, Massachusetts, from 1996 to 2002. He served as Chair for AIChE’s Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division (2010) He was co-Chair of the Kokes Award Committee for the 22nd North American Meeting of the Cataly-sis Society. He organized 15 symposia for NACS, ACS and AIChE. He is Editor for Journal of Catalysis. For the past 24 years I have worked in catalysis in industry and mostly in academia. My research interests are in the kinetics of heterogeneous catalytic reactions and catalyst characteriza-tion under reaction conditions. From past service to NACS, ACS and AIChE, I am familiar with our catalysis community. Our field has recently enjoyed a resurgence in interest from the realiza-tion that it will be a major enabler in the transformation of the vast reserves of natural gas to chemicals and fuels. I believe we can grow our membership and attract the best young people to work in catalysis. If elected, I will help NACS to continue to promote our field.

Stuart (Stu) L. SoledDistinguished Research Associ-ate ExxonMobil Research & Engi-neering Co.1545 Rt. 22 EastAnnandale, NJ 08801

Research Interests: Novel cata-lytic materials (and reactions).

2008 Chair of Gordon Research Conference, NACS current director-at-large, 2012 Herman Pines Award Chicago Catalysis Society, Heroes in Chemistry Award American Chemical Society (2008), NACS Ciapetta Lectureship (2006-7), New York Cataly-sis Society Excellence in Catalysis Award (2003), New Jersey Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award (2002).

Ph.D., Brown University, Chemistry, 1973B.S., City College of New York, 1969.

Member of New York Catalysis Society.

I have two issues that I feel strongly about. One involves a closer working relationship between academia and industrial researchers- something I have personally tried to foster for many years. The other is to help our students and young sci-entists see what an exciting career and interesting life they can have in catalysis research if they can catch the “fever”.

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The Robert Bur-well Lec ture ship in

Catal y sis is spon sored by John son Matthey Cat a lysts Divi sion and admin is tered by The North Amer i can Catal-y sis Soci ety. It is to be awarded bien ni ally in odd-numbered years. The award con sists of a plaque and an hon o-rar ium of $5,000. An addi tional $4,500 is avail able to cover trav el-

ling expenses in North Amer ica. The awardee is expected to lec ture at many of the local catal y sis clubs.

The award is given in recog ni tion of sub stan tial con tri bu tions to one or more areas in the field of catal-y sis with empha sis on dis cov ery and under stand ing of cat alytic phe nom ena, cat alytic reac tion mech a nisms and iden ti fi ca tion and descrip tion of cat alytic sites and spe-cies. The Awardee will be selected on the basis of his/her con tri bu tions to the cat alytic lit er a ture and the cur rent time li ness of these research con tri bu tions. The recip i-ent may be invited to (1) visit and lec ture to each of the affil i ated Clubs/Societies with which mutu ally sat is fac-tory arrange ments can be made and (2) pre pare a review paper(s) for pub li ca tion cov er ing these lec tures. Pub li ca-tion will be in an appro pri ate periodical.

Selec tion of the Award win ner will be made by a com mit tee of renowned sci en tists and engi neers ap-pointed by the Pres i dent of The North Amer i can Catal y sis

Soci ety. Selec tion shall be made with out regard for age, sex, nation al ity or affil i a-tion. Posthu mous awards will be made only when knowl edge of the awardee’s death is received after announce ment of the Award Committee’s deci sion. Nom i na-tion pack ages should indi cate the nomi-nee’s qual i fi ca tions, accom plish ments with CV, a nom i nat ing let ter, no more than two sec ond ing let ters and a biog ra phy of the nom i nee. A crit i cal eval u a tion of the sig nif i cance of candidate’s qual i fi ca tions should be made as well as a state ment of the par tic u lar contribution(s) on which the nom i na tion is based. Nom i na tion pack-ages for the Award must be received by 30 April 2013 in one com plete package.

All nom i na tion pack ages (one ELEC-TRONIC COPY) for the Bur well Award should be sent to Enrique Igle sia, Pres i-dent, North Amer i can Catal y sis Soci ety at [email protected]. Receipt of any nom i na tion, will be con firmed by an email mes sage sent to any nom i na tor.

The Robert Bur well Lec ture ship In Catalysis

Nominations are open, deadline is 30 April 2013 23rd NAM Timeline

March 15, 2013 - notification of accepted

abstracts (oral and posters) and awarded

Kokes grants

April 19, 2013 - Deadline for early registra-


April 20 - May 30, 2013 - Open registration

June 2, 2013 - Opening ceremony at

churchill Downs

June 2-7, 2013 - On-Site registration and

technical Program

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Proposed Amendments to the By-laws

Below is an overview of the pro posed amend ments, as well as a ratio nale for each one of them, fol lowed by the full text of the by-laws. The ratio nal to amend the by-laws was coded using a blue-italic font, dele tions were strike-through and amend ments were coded using an italic font high lighted in yel low. View the Let ter form the Pres i dent for more infor ma tion. A PDF ver sion of this doc u ment is avail able at Pro posed By-laws — Feb ru ary 2013. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS

ARTICLE VSec tion 2. No one per son shall be enti tled to hold two office posi tions at any one

time.Pro­posal: Extend the exclu sion from hold ing two office posi tions to all such posi tionsRatio­nale: Apply this con sis tently to all offi cers, not just to the Pres i dent and Sec re tary, as cur rently stated.

ARTICLE VIIISec tion 1. The Board of Direc tors shall con sist of mem bers elected by the affil i ated

catal y sis society(ies), one from each, six (6) mem bers elected from the mem bers elected at large by the mem ber ship of the NACS, and any offi cers (elected by the Board) who are not already mem bers of the Board.

ARTICLE XIIISec tion 1. The at-large mem bers of the Board of Direc tors to be elected by the

mem ber ship at large shall be elected from a slate of not fewer than ten (10) nom i nees selected by the Nom i na tions Com mit tee, appointed by the Pres i dent. Elec tion shall be by elec tronic bal lot of the mem ber ship of the NACS. Any mem ber of the NACS shall be added to the slate upon receipt by the Pres i dent of the NACS, no more than one-half of whom shall be mem bers of any one affil i ated catal y sis society(ies), pro vided that the peti tion shall be received by the Pres i dent prior to the first of Jan u ary of the year in which new mem bers of the Board of Direc tors are to be elected. Elec tion shall be by plu ral ity vote. The elected at-large mem bers of the Board of Direc tors will be seated at the next meet ing of the Board of Direc tors and will be the at-large mem bers who vote for the elec tion of new offi cers.Pro­posal: Increase num ber of Directors-at-Large from 4 to 6 and the required num ber of can di dates from 7 to 10.

Ratio­nale:1. The cur rent num ber of DAL date to a time when mem ber ship and local clubs were

fewer than today and they rep re sent a smaller frac tion of the Board than in ear lier times.2. The “at-large” mem bers rep re sent the com mu nity at the national level and they are

the only mem bers of the Board elected by the entire mem ber ship of NACS.3. DAL are more per ma nent mem bers of the Board than the local rep re sen ta tives,

which often change between meet ings due to rota tions and local elec tions; DAL also tend to attend these meet ings with fewer instances of sub sti tu tions. In doing so, DAL rep re sent a cadre of expe ri enced board mem bers and pro vide meeting-to-meeting con ti nu ity, as well as a pool from which to draw in case of unex pected or planned rota tions of officers.

ARTICLE XVSec tion 2. The act of the major ity of the mem bers of the Board of Direc tors present

at a meet ing of the direc tors at which a quo rum is present shall be the act of the Board. Mem bers of the Board of Direc tors may par tic i pate in a meet ing of the Board by means of con fer ence tele phone or sim i lar com mu ni ca tions equip ment whereby all per sons par tic i pat ing in the meet ing can hear each other, and par tic i pa tion in a meet ing in this man ner shall con sti tute pres ence in per son at the meet ing. In the absence of a meet ing by a major ity of the mem bers of the Board, res o lu tions can be enacted by a major ity writ ten con sent of all the mem bers of the Board.Pro­posal: Change from “unan i mous” to “a major ity”Ratio­nale: “Unan i mous writ ten con sent” as in cur rent bylaws is not con sis tent with our oper at ing rules, by which all motions are approved by a major ity of the votes cast.

ARTICLE XVIISec tion 3. The Exec u tive Com mit tee shall com prise of elected offi cers and key func-

tional posi tions within the NACS. Mem bers of the Exec u tive Com mit tee shall be des ig-nated by the Pres i dent, but should include: the Pres i dent, Vice-President, Sec re tary, Trea surer, Lead Trustee of the Keith Hall Edu ca tional Fund, Com mu ni ca tions Direc tor, Archivist, and the most recent liv ing past Pres i dent.Pro­posal: Update the by-laws to reflect pre vi ous votes of the Board in which Com mu ni ca-tions Direc tor and Lead Trustee were made Offi cer posi tions and the posi tion of Archivist was cre ated. Note that the Exec u tive Com mit tee diff ers from Offi cers and the mem bers of the for mer are appointed by the Pres i dent; the Exec u tive Com mit tee is advi sory and non-voting (although some mem bers may hold vot ing rights as Offi cers). The pro posed changes also clar ify as “most recent liv ing” the spe cific iden tity of the “past Pres i dent”Ratio­nale: The mod i fi ca tion of Exec u tive Com mit tee mem bers reflect the changes of Offi-cers approved by the Board in the past meet ings. The orig i nal bylaws were unclear about which past-President was meant.

ARTICLE XIXSec tion 1. These Bylaws may be amended by a major ity vote of the mem bers vot-

ing either (a) in per son, by proxy or by bal lot receive at a duly con vened mem ber ship meet ing of the NACS, or (b) by elec tronic bal lot cir cu lated at the instance of the Board

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of Direc tors, pro vided that notice of the pro posed amend ment shall be con tained in the notice of such duly con vened meet ing or in such elec tronic bal lot so cir cu lated.Pro­posal: Replace mail bal lots with elec tronic vot ing man aged by inde pen dent con trac-tor to ensure accu racy and con fi den tial ityRatio­nale: Pre vi ous NACS postal mail bal lots have led to <20% vote yields and included many returned bal lots because of out dated postal addresses. A shift to elec tronic vot ing has led to nearly 50% responses, while ensur ing the con fi den tial ity, integrity, and accu racy of the process. Elec tronic bal lots have become the norm for all learned soci eties, as well as for cor po rate share holder votes more generally.

ARTICLE XXSec tion 1. These Bylaws shall be adopted by a major ity of votes cast of the gen eral

mem ber ship as herein pro vided, and shall become effec tive imme di ately there after.Pro­posal: Clar ify the word ing by adding “of votes cast”Ratio­nale: The cur rent word ing is unclear and the inter pre ta tion could be equiv o cal. A major ity of votes of the gen eral mem ber ship, as in any elec tion, is not cer tain to be achieved because not all mem bers may choose to par tic i pate in the voting.

We, the mem bers hereof, asso ciate our selves for these pur poses: to pro mote and encour age the growth and devel op ment of the sci ence of catal y sis and those sci en tific dis ci plines ancil lary thereto; to orga nize and par tic i pate in pro fes sional meet ings of sci-en tists; to report, dis cuss and exchange infor ma tion and view points in the field of catal-y sis; to serve as a cen tral exchange for the sev eral catal y sis club(s)/society(ies) (here-after referred to as soci eties) con cern ing infor ma tion on their activ i ties; and to pro vide liai son with for eign catal y sis soci eties, with the Inter na tional Asso ci a tion of Catal y sis Soci eties, and with other sci en tific orga ni za tions and individuals


Sec tion 1. The name of this cor po ra tion shall be: The North Amer i can Catal y sis Society,(NACS).

ARTICLE IIMem ber ship

Sec tion 1. Any per son from North Amer ica asso ci ated, directly or indi rectly, with the fields of endeavor referred to in the pur pose clause of these Bylaws, shall be eli gi ble for full membership.

Sec tion 2. All mem bers of any affil i ated North Amer i can catal y sis society(ies) shall become indi vid ual mem bers of the NACS in the event of an appro pri ate res o lu tion of affil i a tion enacted by the Exec u tive Board of sim i lar gov ern ing body of such catal y sis society(ies), as here inafter provided.

Sec tion 3. Any North Amer i can catal y sis society(ies) in exis tence at the time of the adop tion of these Bylaws may there after affil i ate with the NACS by res o lu tion of its Exec u tive board or sim i lar gov ern ing body.

Sec tion 4. Any North Amer i can catal y sis society(ies) founded after the adop tion of these Bylaws may affil i ate with the NACS by res o lu tion of its Exec u tive Board or sim i lar gov ern ing body, but only after being invited to do so by the Board of Direc tors of the NACS.

Sec tion 5. Noth ing herein shall pre clude mem bers of any catal y sis society(ies) from becom ing indi vid ual mem bers of the NACS, notwith stand ing that such catal y sis society(ies) may not have been invited to affil i ate with the NACS.

Proposed Amendments to the By-laws By-laws of the North American Catalysis SocietyRevision - February 2013

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Sec tion 6. Per sons from out side North Amer ica may indi cate their inter ests in join ing NACS as Asso ciate Mem bers. As Asso ciate Mem bers they do not have to pay dues, and they are not eli gi ble to vote on elec tions and other mat ters per tain ing to the NACS.

Sec tion 7. The local clubs shall be enti ties that are sep a rate from the NACS.

ARTICLE IIIDues, Finances and Compensation

Sec tion 1. Mem ber ship fees shall be paid in such amounts and for such peri ods as shall be deter mined by the Board of Directors.

Sec tion 2. The fis cal year of the NACS shall end on Decem ber 31.Sec tion 3. No com pen sa tion shall be paid to any offi cers or direc tors for their ser-

vices ren dered to the NACS in such capac i ties; pro vided, how ever, that this shall not pre clude such offi cers and direc tors from being reim bursed for expenses incurred by them in the con duct of their activ i ties in such capac i ties, at the dis cre tion of the Board of Directors.


Sec tion 1. The reg is tered office of the NACS shall be located within the Com mon-wealth of Penn syl va nia, at such place as shall be deter mined by the Board of Direc tors. The prin ci pal office of the NACS shall be located at such place as shall be deter mined by the Board of Direc tors with out restric tion as to jurisdiction.

ARTICLE VOffi cers

Sec tion 1. The offi cers of the NACS shall con sist of a Pres i dent, Vice-President, Sec-re tary, Trea surer, Lead Trustee and For eign Sec re tary Com mu ni ca tions Direc tor.

Sec tion 2. No one per son shall be enti tled to hold the office of Pres i dent and Sec re-tary two office posi tions at any one time.

Sec tion 3. Only mem bers of the NACS shall be eli gi ble for elec tion to office.

ARTICLE VIDuties of Officers

Sec tion 1. The Pres i dent shall be the chief exec u tive offi cer of the NACS and shall pre side at all meet ings of the mem ber ship and/or the direc tors; he/she shall call all meet ings of the direc tors; he/she shall have gen eral and active man age ment of the

busi ness of the NACS and shall, either directly or by del e ga tion, see that all orders and res o lu tions of the Board of Direc tors and that all duties of the offi cers are prop-erly per formed; he/she shall sub mit interim reports of the oper a tion of the NACS to the mem ber ship as and when meet ings of the mem ber ship shall be held and to the Board of Direc tors at their var i ous meet ings as here inafter pro vided; he/she shall appoint all com mit tees except as herein oth er wise pro vided, and he/she shall be an ex-officio mem ber of all com mit tees so appointed; he/she may del e gate the per for mance of any of the fore go ing; he/she shall exe cute any and all con tracts and other doc u ments in behalf of the NACS pur suant to author ity del e gated to him/her for such pur poses by res o lu tion duly adopted by the Board of Direc tors, and he/she shall per form such other duties as may be pre scribed by the Board of Direc tors from time to time.

Sec tion 2. The Vice-President shall per form all duties of the office of Pres i dent in the latter’s absence, inca pac ity or arbi trary refusal to act, and, when so act ing, shall have all pow ers of and be sub ject to all restric tions upon the office of Pres i dent. Fur ther, he/she shall per form such other duties as may be pre scribed by the Board of Direc tors or by the Pres i dent, from time to time.

Sec tion 3. The Sec re tary shall attend all meet ings of the Board of Direc tors and of the mem ber ship and shall per form the fol low ing var i ous duties: he/she shall main tain a list of the mem ber ship and their addresses; he/she shall record min utes of all meet ings in a book to be main tained for that pur pose and, when required, shall per form a sim i lar ser vice for all stand ing com mit tees; he/she shall send to the Board of Direc tors and/or to the mem ber ship all notices as to the busi ness of the NACS and as to the time, date and place of all meet ings to be held of the Board of Direc tors and/or of the mem ber-ship, respec tively; he/she shall engage in, and main tain records of, all cor re spon dence as required by the busi ness of the NACS; he/she shall be the cus to dian of the cor po rate seal and of all books and records of the NACS, except as herein oth er wise pro vided; he/she shall attest any and all con tracts and other doc u ments, and shall affix the cor po rate seal as nec es sary, in behalf of the NACS pur suant to author ity del e gated to him/her for such pur poses by res o lu tion duly adopted by the Board of Direc tors or by the Pres i dent, from time to time. In the event of the Secretary’s absence, inca pac ity of arbi trary refusal to act, his/her duties shall be per formed by a Sec re tary Pro Tem appointed by the Board of Direc tors or by the President.

Sec tion 4. The Trea surer shall be the cus to dian of all funds as well as finan cial books and records of the NACS and shall deposit all such funds in the name of the NACS in such depos i tory or depos i to ries as shall be des ig nated by the Board of Direc tors; he/she shall col lect and receive all fees, con tri bu tions and grants paid to the NACS; he/she shall pay all vouch ers and oblig a tions pur suant to author ity duly granted to him/her by the Pres i dent and Sec re tary or be res o lu tion of the Board of Direc tors; he/she shall pre pare and sub mit com plete an accu rate interim finan cial reports of the finances of the NACS as and when meet ings may be held, as well as to the Board of Direc tors at any time upon request there from, and he/she shall per form such other duties as may be pre scribed by the Board of Direc tors or by the Pres i dent, from time to time.

Sec tion 5. The For eign Sec re tary shall attend all meet ings of the Board of Direc-tors and per form the fol low ing duties: main tain con tact with other catal y sis soci eties

By-laws of the North American Catalysis SocietyArticles III to VI

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out side North Amer ica and main tain records of cor re spon dence with these soci eties, dis trib ute the NACS Newslet ter to other catal y sis soci eties and serve those func tions of the Sec re tary with for eign mem bers, serve as one of the two NACS rep re sen ta tives to the Coun cil of the Inter na tional Asso ci a tion of Catal y sis Soci eties, and per form such other duties as may be pre scribed by the Board of Direc tors or by the Pres i dent, from time to time. The Lead Trustee shall mon i tor and assign vari ety of invest ment vehi cles with input from trustees; lead sub-committee (of trustees, Pres i dent and Trea surer) that reviews invest ment deci sions; review invest ment strat egy (bian nual); gen er ate annual finan cial report by March 15 for IRS report ing; and with accoun tant pre pare 990 tax form and sub mit to IRS by May 15 of each year.

Sec tion 6. The Com mu ni ca tions Direc tion shall main tain and add new con tent in the NACS web site; renew web site domain name as sched uled by pay ments in register.com; pub lish a Newslet ters with a tar get of four issues per year; main tain a list of cur rent mem-bers from local Clubs; main tain an email dis tri b u tion list of mem bers; update dis tri b u tion list in mail server as needed; pro vide mail ing list for rental on a fee per use basis to cus-tomers; admin is ter elec tronic elec tions for Director-at-Large every 4 years or other events as needed; and arrange con tract for elec tronic web site for vot ing and gen er ate user names and pass words for elec tronic bal lots.


Sec tion 1. The Board of Direc tors may require any of the offi cers to be bonded at such times and for such amounts as it shall deem necessary.

Sec tion 2. The Board of Direc tors may require the administrators(trustees) of the Keith Hall Edu ca tional Fund and any out side pro fes sional who assumes an active role in admin is ter ing the pro ceeds of the Fund to be bonded.

ARTICLE VIIIBoard of Directors

Sec tion 1. The Board of Direc tors shall con sist of mem bers elected by the affil i ated catal y sis society(ies), one from each, four (4) six (6) mem bers elected from the mem bers elected at large by the mem ber ship of the NACS, and any offi cers (elected by the Board) who are not already mem bers of the Board.

Sec tion 2. Only mem bers of the NACS shall be eli gi ble for elec tion to the Board of Directors.


Duties and Pow ers of the Board of DirectorsSec tion 1. The prop erty and busi ness of the NACS shall be man aged by the Board of

Directors.Sec tion 2. In addi tion to the gen eral pow ers of the Board of Direc tors exist ing by

virtue of their office, the pow ers and author ity expressly given by law, by the terms of the Arti cles of Incor po ra tion of the NACS, and else where in these Bylaws, the fol low ing spe cific pow ers are expressly con ferred on the Board of Directors.

To appoint and/or remove any and all agents, ser vants or employ ees of the NACS, other than the mem bers of the Board of Direc tors and the offi cers, and to deter mine their duties and salaries, as well as to del e gate such pow ers to an offi cer of the NACS; to autho rize the nego ti at ing and exe cut ing of all con tracts, doc u ments and instru ments appro pri ate for the proper oper a tion of the NACS; to del e gate any pow ers of the Board of Direc tors to any com mit tee of Board mem bers, not less than two (2) in num ber, for so long and under such terms as the Board may deter mine; to estab lish poli cies of the NACS and to direct the exe cu tion of the same, pur suant to the pur poses of the NACS, and gen er ally to do all law ful acts and things as are not herein oth er wise del e gated or directed to be done by the mem ber ship or offi cers of the NACS.

ARTICLE XMeet ings of the Board of Directors

Sec tion 1. The Board of Direc tors shall meet at least annu ally at the call of the Pres i dent. In addi tion, the Board of Direc tors shall meet inter mit tently at such times and places as may be set by res o lu tion duly adopted at duly con vened meet ings of the Board of Directors.

Sec tion 2. Spe cial meet ings of the Board of Direc tors shall be called by the Pres i-dent and/or Sec re tary as and when they or either of them shall deem it nec es sary, or upon the signed writ ten request of any three (3) mem bers of the Board of Direc tors, the times and places of such spe cial meet ings to be deter mined by the offi cer call ing the same.

Sec tion 3. The Sec re tary shall send to each mem ber of the Board of Direc tors, at least one (1) week’s prior writ ten notice of any spe cial meet ing and at least ten (10) days prior writ ten notice of any annual or inter mit tent meeting.

Sec tion 4. Not with stand ing Arti cle 20, the Pro vi sions of the ARTICLE may be amended at any reg u lar duly con vened meet ing by a major ity vote of the mem bers of the Board of Direc tors present and vot ing at such meeting.

ARTICLE XIMeet ings of the Membership

Sec tion 1. Meet ings of the mem ber ship in gen eral shall be held at such times and places as shall be deter mined by the Board of Directors.

Sec tion 2. Notices of the meet ings of the mem ber ship in gen eral shall be given to each mem ber at least thirty (30) days in advance of the date of such meet ing, pro vided that the pay ment of such member’s mem ber ship fee is not then in default.

By-laws of the North American Catalysis SocietyArticles VII to XI

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Sec tion 3. Loca tion of national bien nial tech ni cal meet ings of the NACS shall rotate around the mem ber ship clubs. For this pur pose these meet ings shall be oper ated by the local soci ety. For these meet ings the NACS shall be respon si ble for the selec tion of the meet ing orga niz ers. For this meet ing, the oper at ing local soci ety has an “agency” (as defined by the US IRS in 2000) rela tion ship with the NACS for the orga ni za tion and oper a tion of the meeting.


Sec tion 1. Notices of all meet ings of the mem ber ship and of the Board of Direc tors shall be mailed to each mem ber of the NACS or of the Board of Direc tors, addressed to such mem bers or direc tors lat est addresses, as recorded in the books of the NACS.

Sec tion 2. Atten dance by a mem ber or by a Direc tor at any meet ing shall con sti tute a waiver of notice of such meet ing, except where atten dance at such meet ing is for the express pur pose of object ing to the trans ac tion of busi ness because said meet ing was allegedly not law fully or duly called or con vened, and where such objec tion is made imme di ately fol low ing the con ven ing of such meeting.

Sec tion 3. Any notice may be waived in writ ing, signed by the per son or per sons enti tled thereto, either before or after the time and date stated therein, and such waiver shall be entered into the min utes of the meet ing held pur suant to such waiver of notice.

Sec tion 4. Nei ther the busi ness to be trans acted at, nor the pur pose of any mem-ber ship meet ing, or any annual or inter mit tent meet ing of the Board of Direc tors, need be stated in any notice or waiver of notice of such meet ing unless oth er wise specif i cally required by law or by these Bylaws. Notice of any spe cial meet ing of the Board of Direc-tors shall con tain the pur pose of, and a brief descrip tion of the busi ness to be trans-acted by such meeting.

ARTICLE XIIINom i na tions, Elec tions and Terms of Office

Section 1. The mem bers of the Board of Direc tors to be elected by the mem ber-ship at large shall be elected from a slate of not fewer than seven (7) ten (10) nom i nees selected by the Nom i na tions Com mit tee, appointed by the Pres i dent. Elec tion shall be by mail elec tronic bal lot of the mem ber ship of the NACS. Any mem ber of the NACS shall be added to the slate upon receipt by the Pres i dent of the NACS, no more than one-half

of whom shall be mem bers of any one affil i ated catal y sis society(ies), pro vided that the peti tion shall be received by the Pres i dent prior to the first of Jan u ary of the year in which new mem bers of the Board of Direc tors are to be elected. Elec tion shall be by plu ral ity vote. The elected at-large mem bers of the Board of Direc tors will be seated at the next meet ing of the Board of Direc tors and will be the at-large mem bers who vote for the elec tion of new officers.

Section 2. The one (1) mem ber of the Board of Direc tors from each affil i ated catal-y sis society(ies) shall be elected by the respec tive catal y sis society(ies) in accor dance with its inter nal procedures.

Section 3. Nom i na tions for the offi cers shall be made at a Board meet ing and elected by the Board of Direc tors at a meet ing of such Board con vened with rea son able dis patch after the elec tion of such Board. The offi cers shall take office on July 1, 2001, and every four years thereafter.

Section 4. The term of office for all offi cers and mem bers of the Board of Direc tors shall be four (4) years. All offi cers and mem bers of the Board of Direc tors shall con tinue in their respec tive capac i ties until their suc ces sors are elected.

Section 5. Any vacan cies in the Board of Direc tors or among the offi cers aris ing by rea son of death or res ig na tion, shall be filled for the unex pired term by a major ity vote of the remain ing mem bers of the Board of Direc tors present and vot ing at the first meet-ing held after such death or res ig na tion. In the event that the Pres i dent is no longer able to serve (for rea sons of death or res ig na tion), the Vice-President shall assume his/her duties until a meet ing of the Board of Direc tors within 2 months of the loss of the elected Pres i dent. In the event that nei ther the Pres i dent nor the Vice Pres i dent is able to serve, the Exec u tive Com mit tee shall elect one of its mem bers to serve as the oper at-ing offi cer (by major ity vot ing) until an emer gency meet ing of the Board of Direc tors can be con vened (within 2 months of the vacancies).

Section 6. Elec tion of offi cers and of mem bers of the Board of Direc tors shall be by closed, writ ten bal lot, whether sub mit ted at a meet ing or by mail.Section 7. Any mem ber who shall have paid his/her dues shall be eli gi ble to hold office in the NACS, whether as an offi cer or as a mem ber of the Board of Directors.


Section 1. A quo rum for the pur pose of hold ing a meet ing of the mem ber ship gen-er ally shall con sist of such mem bers as shall be in atten dance at the time and place when such meet ing is to convene.

Section 2. A quo rum for the pur pose of hold ing any meet ing of the Board of Direc-tors shall con sist of a major ity of all of the mem bers of the Board, exclu sive of any mem-ber who may have resigned or died. If a quo rum is unavail able for any meet ing of the Board of Direc tors, that meet ing shall be adjourned to a new time and place, due notice of which shall be given to the mem bers of the Board of Direc tors, in which event a quo-rum, for pur poses of the said adjourned meet ing, shall con sist of such mem bers of the Board of Direc tors as shall be in atten dance at the time and place when such adjourned meet ing is to convene.

By-laws of the North American Catalysis SocietyArticles XII to XIV

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Section 1. All mat ters to be voted upon by the gen eral mem ber ship, other than elec tion to the Board of Direc tors, shall be deter mined by major ity vote of the mem bers voting.

Section 2. The act of the major ity of the mem bers of the Board of Direc tors present at a meet ing of the direc tors at which a quo rum is present shall be the act of the Board. Mem bers of the Board of Direc tors may par tic i pate in a meet ing of the Board by means of con fer ence tele phone or sim i lar communica tions equip ment whereby all per sons par tic i pat ing in the meet ing can hear each other, and par tic i pa tion in a meet ing in this man ner shall con sti tute pres ence in per son at the meet ing. In the absence of a meet ing by a major ity of the mem bers of the Board, res o lu tions can be enacted by unan i mous a major ity writ ten con sent of all the mem bers of the Board.

Section 3. Each mem ber of the Board of Direc tors shall be enti tled to one (1) vote in such capac ity at the meet ing of the Board, and each mem ber of the NACS shall be enti-tled to one (1) vote in such capacity.

Section 4. Proxy vot ing at mem ber ship shall be per mit ted, pro vided that such proxy is exe cuted in writ ing by the indi vid ual enti tled to cast such vote and pro vided such proxy spec i fies the meet ing at, or the dura tion for which, such proxy shall be effec-tive.

Section 5. Mail bal lot ing at mem ber ship meet ings shall be per mit ted, pro vided that such mail bal lot is signed by the mem ber enti tled to cast such vote. If the mat ter being voted upon is to be the sub ject of a mem ber ship meet ing, such mail bal lot shall be valid only if received no later than the con ven ing of such meet ing. If the mat ter being voted upon is the sub ject of a gen eral mail bal lot only, such mail bal lot shall be valid only if received no later than the date spec i fied for such pur pose in the mate r ial pro-mul gat ing to the mem ber ship the sub ject to be voted upon.

ARTICLE XVIInspec tion of Books, Accounts and Records

Section 1. The books, accounts and records of the NACS shall be open for inspec-tion at any time by any offi cer or mem ber of the Board of Directors.

Section 2. The books, accounts and records of the NACS shall be open for inspec-tion by any mem ber of the NACS at such rea son able times and places as may be des ig-nated by res o lu tion duly adopted by the Board of Direc tors; pro vided, how ever, that the Board of Direc tors shall des ig nate a time and place for the exam i na tion of such books,

accounts and records by the mem ber ship imme di ately prior to, dur ing, or imme di ately fol low ing any mem ber ship meet ing which may be held.

ARTICLE XVIICom mit tees

Section 1. The Pres i dent shall appoint the Nom i na tions Com mit tee to sug gest can-di dates for offi cers of the NACS; at the time of elec tions of the offi cers, addi tional nom i-na tions may be received from those attend ing the Board meeting.

Section 2. In addi tion to such com mit tees as the Pres i dent may appoint pur suant to these Bylaws, the Board of Direc tors may estab lish and appoint, from time to time, such addi tional stand ing and/or spe cial com mit tees as it may deem appropriate.

Section 3. The Exec u tive Com mit tee shall be com prised of elected offi cers and key func tional posi tions within the NACS. Mem bers of the Exec u tive Com mit tee shall be des ig nated by the Pres i dent, but should include: the Pres i dent, Vice-President, Sec re-tary, Trea surer, For eign Sec re tary, Lead Trustee of the Keith Hall Edu ca tional Fund, Com-mu ni ca tions Direc tor, Archivist and the most recent liv ing past President.

Section 4. The Pres i dent may call a meet ing of the Exec u tive Com mit tee to seek its advice.

Section 5. An Awards Com mit tee shall be appointed by the Pres i dent and led by the Vice Pres i dent, for the pur pose of solic it ing sug ges tions for nom i na tions for the pro fes-sional award. This com mit tee should be selected in a man ner to avoid con flict of inter-ests in the award process.

ARTICLE XVIIICor po rate Seal

Section 1. The Sec re tary shall hold the Cor po rate Seal.

ARTICLE XIXAmend ments to Bylaws

Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended by a major ity vote of the mem bers vot ing either (a) in per son, by proxy or by mail bal lot receive at a duly con vened mem ber ship meet ing of the NACS, or (b) by mail elec tronic bal lot cir cu lated at the instance of the Board of Direc tors, pro vided that notice of the pro posed amend ment shall be con tained in the notice of such duly con vened meet ing or in such mail elec tronic bal lot so circu-lated.

ARTICLE XXAdop tion of Bylaws

Section 1. These Bylaws shall be adopted by a major ity vote of votes cast the gen-eral mem ber ship as herein pro vided, and shall become effec tive imme di ately thereaf-ter.

By-laws of the North American Catalysis SocietyArticles XV to XX

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ARTICLE XXIPro ce dural Requirements

Section 1. All meet ings of the Board of Direc tors and all meet ings of the mem ber-ship of the NACS shall be con ducted pur suant to Roberts’ Rules of Order, these Bylaws, and to any addi tional rules adopted by such meet ings not incon sis tent with either of the foregoing.

ARTICLE XXIIPro fes sional Awards

Section 1. The NACS has estab lished a series of pro fes sional awards for dis tinc-tion in catal y sis. The Pres i dent is respon si ble for the selec tion of a jury for each award, which shall be made up of estab lished tech nol o gists in catal y sis with out hav ing any con flicts of inter est in the nom i na tions or award process. Each jury shall be made up of at least 3 per sons appointed by the Pres i dent. Their deci sions shall be con fi den tial and reported only to the Pres i dent, who then tal lies the vot ing, and noti fies the winner.

ARTICLE XXIIIKeith Hall Edu ca tional Fund

Section 1. Within NACS shall be the Keith Hall Edu ca tional Fund (Fund), dis burse-ments from only the net income of which shall be made for the sup port and main-te nance of the tax-exempt activ i ties of NACS, includ ing but not lim ited to national lec ture ships, sem i nars and sym posia, assis tance for atten dance at national meet ings of NACS for grad u ate stu dents or post-doctoral fel lows, and award rec og niz ing con tri bu-tions to the fur ther ance of the field of catal y sis. Although the Fund shall be sub ject to the ulti mate admin is tra tion of the Board of Direc tors of NACS, it may be admin is tered on a day-to-day basis by “trustees,” who shall be appointed by the Pres i dent of NACS for stag gered 6 year terms, with the con cur rence of the Exec u tive Com mit tee of NACS. One of these trustees shall be des ig nated by the Pres i dent as the Lead Trustee, who shall be respon si ble for report ing the sta tus of the Fund on a quar terly basis to the Pres i dent and to the Board on an annual basis. These trustees shall receive, hold, invest, and rein-vest the assets of the Fund.

Section 2. The Pres i dent is empow ered to replace an appointed trustee for due cause sub ject to the approval of a major ity of the Exec u tive com mit tee and con fir ma tion by the Board of Direc tors.

ARTICLE XXIVRestric tions and Interpretation

Section 1. No part of the net earn ings of NACS shall inure to the ben e fit of, or be dis-trib utable to, its mem bers, direc tors, offi cers, or other pri vate per sons, except that NACS shall be autho rized and empow ered to pay out of pocket expenses for ser vices ren-dered and to make pay ments and dis tri b u tions in fur ther ance of the pur poses of NACS. Approval of the Pres i dent is required for such expenses, which are to be reported to the Board at its annual meeting.

Section 2. No sub stan tial part of the activ i ties of NACS shall be the car ry ing on of pro pa ganda, or oth er wise attempt ing to influ ence leg is la tion. NACS shall be empow-ered to make the elec tion pro vided by IRC § 501(h). NACS shall not par tic i pate in, or inter vene in (includ ing the pub lish ing or dis tri b u tion of state ments) any polit i cal cam-paign on behalf of or in oppo si tion to any can di date for pub lic office.

Section 3. Notwith stand ing any other pro vi sions of these Bylaws or the Arti cles of Incor po ra tion, NACS shall not carry on any activ i ties not per mit ted to be car ried on (i) by a cor po ra tion exempt from fed eral income tax under IRC § 501(a) by rea son of descrip tion in IRC §501(c)(3), or (ii) by a cor po ra tion, con tri bu tions to which are deduct-ible under IRC § 17(c)(2).

ARTICLE XXVDis so lu tion

Section 1. Upon the dis so lu tion of NACS, the Board of Direc tors shall, after pay ing or mak ing pro vi sions for the pay ment of all of the lia bil i ties of NACS, dis pose of all of the assets of NACS exclu sively for one or more of the pur poses of NACS which may include dis tri b u tion to an orga ni za tion or orga ni za tions orga nized and oper ated exclu sively for one or more of such pur poses, or shall dis trib ute all of the assets of NACS to the fed eral gov ern ment, or to a state or local gov ern ment, for a pub lic pur pose. Any assets not so dis posed of shall be dis posed of by the Cir cuit Court of the county in which the prin ci pal office of NACS is then located, exclu sively for such pur poses or to such orga ni za tion or orga ni za tions, as said court shall deter mine, which are orga nized and oper ated exclu-sively for one or more of the pur poses of NACS.

By-laws of the North American Catalysis SocietyArticles XXI to XXV

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Call for Nominations of The 2013 Cataly-sis Club of Philadelphia Award

Each year the Catal y sis Club of Philadel-phia rec og nizes an out stand ing

mem ber of the catal y sis com mu nity, who has made sig nif i cant con tri bu tions to the advance ment of Catal y sis. Such advance-ment can be sci en tific, tech no log i cal, or in orga ni za tion lead er ship. The Award con-sists of a plaque and a $1000 cash prize.

We appre ci ate your help in sub mit-ting nom i na tions. The entire nom i na tion pack age, includ ing a resume and rec om-men da tion let ters, should not be more than 10 pages and should include a ½ page ten ta tive award announce ment. The dead line for the receipt of nom i na tions is April 19, 2013. Prior nom i na tion pack ages sent in 2011 or later will auto mat i cally be con sid ered for the 2013 Award.

Nom i na tion let ter along with sup-port ing mate ri als should be emailed to [email protected].

Joseph FedeykoJohn son Matthey ECT436 Devon Park DriveWayne, PA 19087Tel. 610–341-8218Fax 610–341-3495

Catalysis Club of Philadelphia

Past Recip i ents of the Award1968 Adal bert Farkas1969 Charles J. Plank1970 Paul H. Emmett1971 G. Alex Mills1972 Alfred E. Hirschler1973 Paul B. Weisz1974 Roland C. Hans ford1975 Paul Venuto1976 Heinz Heine mann1977 G.C.A. Schuit1978 George W. Par shall1979 Alvin B. Stiles1980 Abra ham Schnei der1981 James F. Roth1982 Robert Eis chens1983 Edward Rosin ski1984 James R. Katzer1985 N.Y. Chen1986 Bruce C. Gates1987 James E. Lyons1988 George Koko tailo1989 Mau rice Mitchell, Jr.1990 Werner O. Haag1991 John A. Sofranko1992 Fran Waller1993 George Kerr1994 Theodore A. Koch1995 John N. Armor1996 Mae Rubin1997 Leo E. Manzer1998 Ray Gorte1999 Anne M. Gaffney2000 Henry C. Foley2001 Mark Barteau2002 Steven D. Ittel

2003 Frank E. Herkes2004 Jing guang Chen2005 Israel Wachs2006 James Dumesic2007 John Vohs2008 David Olson2009 Ted Oyama2010 Chuck Coe2011 Chun shan Song2012 Ros tam Madon

2013 Spring SymposiumThurs day May 9th, 2013Dou ble tree Hotel Wilm ing-ton, DE Invited Speak ers:Thomas Deg nan, Exxon-Mo bilAndrew Rappe, Uni ver sity of PennsylvaniaMichael Smith, Vil lanova UniversityCharles Peden, Pacific North west National LabMichael Klein, Uni ver sity of DelawareJef rey Gree ley, Argonne National LabDongxia Liu, Uni ver sity of MarylandThomas R. Gor don, Uni-ver sity of Penn syl va nia — Win ner of the CCP Stu dent Poster Competition

Michigan Catalysis Society

The Michigan Catalysis Society has had 5 excellent pre-sentations from our invited speakers during the 2012-

2013 season. On September 18, 2012 Dr. Mark Barteau of the University of Michigan spoke on “Energy Challenges from the Global to the Nano Scale”. On October 23, 2012 Professor Cynthia Friend of Harvard University spoke on “Heterogeneous catalysis for energy efficient synthesis: Lessons from Surface Chemistry”. On November 29 Pro-fessor Raymond Gorte of the University of Pennsylvania spoke on “Catalytic properties of materials prepared from dispersible Pd@ceria building blocks”.

On January 24, 2013 the Michigan Catalysis Society (MCS) hosted Professor John Kitchen of Carnegie Mellon University, who spoke on “In situ spectroscopic studies of metal oxide electrodes during water oxidation”. Then on February 6, 2013 MCS hosted Professor Bert Weckhuysen of Utrecht University, who spoke on “Heterogeneities of individual catalyst particles in space and time as moni-tored by spectroscopy”. MCS will host Professor Dion Vlachos of the University of Delaware on April 17, who will speak on “Modern catalytic technologies for converting biomass to renewable fuels and chemicals”.

The Michigan Catalysis Society will host the 34th MCS Spring Symposium at the University of Michigan in Dear-born on Tuesday, May 7, 2013. Registration will begin at 8:00 AM. Invited speakers include Dr. Charles Peden of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and Professor Maria Flytzani-Stephanopoulos of Tufts Univer-sity.

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Michigan Catalysis Society

Giuseppe Parravano Award

The Michigan Catalysis Society is pleased to announce that Maria

Flytzani-Stephanopoulos of Tufts Univer-sity has been awarded the 2013 Michigan Catalysis Society Parravano Memorial Award for Excellence in Catalysis Research and Development. This award is based on Professor Stephanopoulos’ illustrious career in catalysis and the closely related field of adsorption processes – both aimed largely at energy utilization and pollution control.

The Michigan Catalysis Society Par-ravano Memorial Award for Excellence in Catalysis Research and Development is given biennially in odd-numbered years to a researcher from North America to formally recognize outstanding contribu-tions to catalysis research and technology development. The Parravano Awards are sponsored by the Memorial Trust Fund for Professor Giuseppe Parravano, which has been established by the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Michigan and administered by the Michi-gan Catalysis Society.

Southwest Catalyis Society

The Southwest Catalysis Society will hold its annual Spring symposium

on Friday April 26 on the Rice University Campus in Houston. Registration will begin at 8:30. There is plenty of parking available, and further details on the exact location and parking will be forthcoming. Confirmed speakers to date:

• Jerry Spivey, LSU

• Tushar Choudhary, Phillips 66

• Li Liu, Texas A&M

• Doron Levin, ExxonMobil

• Lars Grabow, University of Houston

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2012-13 Club OfficersBack to Index

Canadian Catalysis DivisionChairGarry RempelUniversity of [email protected] EplingUniversity of [email protected]/TreasurerTom BakerUniversity of [email protected] ChairFlora NgUniversity of [email protected] BrownNova [email protected] NelsonThe Dow Chemical [email protected] PatiencePolytechnique [email protected] SemaginaUniversity of [email protected] ZhengUniversity of New [email protected] EditorJosephine HillAssociate EditorSerge KaliaguineRepresentative to NACSAjay K. DalaiUniversity of [email protected]

Catalysis Club of ChicagoWeb site: catalysisclubchicago.orgPresidentDr. Rafael AlcalaBP [email protected] President and Program ChairDr. Neng GuoBP [email protected]. Yu LeiArgonne National [email protected]. Wolfgang A. SpiekerUOP [email protected] (Through September 2013):Dr. Feng XuUOP [email protected] (Through September 2014):Dr. Alak BhattacharyyaUOP [email protected] (Through September 2013):Professor Peter C. StairNorthwestern [email protected] to NACSDr. Christopher L. MarshallArgonne National [email protected]

Catalysis Club of PhiladelphiaWeb site: catalysisclubphilly.orgChairBjorn ModenZeolyst [email protected] [email protected]

Past ChairJoe FedeykoJohnson [email protected] ChenJohnson [email protected] PetushkovZeolyst [email protected] ChairYaritza LopezJohnson [email protected] ChairJacob WeinerUniversity of [email protected] (Sponsorship)Charles CoeVillanova [email protected] (Membership)Parag ShahPQ [email protected] (Poster Session)Vladimiris NikolakisUniversity of [email protected] [email protected] to NACSAnne [email protected]

Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New YorkWeb site: nycsweb.orgChairSimon PodkolzinStevens Institute of [email protected] ChairMarco CastaldiColumbia [email protected] ElectLucas DorazioBASF [email protected] WangBASF [email protected] [email protected] McGuireBASF [email protected] ByrneBASF [email protected] HarrisBASF [email protected] [email protected] RepresentativeIsrael WachsLehigh [email protected]

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2012-13 Club OfficersBack to Index

Mexican Academy of CatalysisWeb site: acat.org.mx/PresidentNancy Coromoto Martin GuareguaUniversidad Autonoma [email protected] Cedeño CaeroUniversidad Nacional Autonoma de [email protected] Ramos RamírezUniversidad de [email protected] Aguilar PliegoUniversidad Autonoma [email protected] Gómez CortésUniversidad Nacional Autonoma de [email protected] Leticia Hernández PichardoInstituto Politecnico [email protected] MoctezumaUniversidad Autonoma de San Luis [email protected] to NACSJosé Antonio de los ReyesUniversidad Autonoma [email protected]

Michigan Catalysis SocietyPresidentJoseph R. TheisFord Research [email protected] PresidentChang H. KimGM Global R&[email protected] NikollaWayne State [email protected] A. KilosThe Dow Chemical [email protected] W. McCabeFord Research [email protected] G. BartonThe Dow Chemical [email protected] to NACSGalen B. FisherUniversity of [email protected]

New England Catalysis SocietyPresidentTherese CampbellUnited Technologies Research [email protected] DattaWorcester Polytechnic [email protected] AltmanYale [email protected] HuberUniversity of [email protected]

Representative to NACSWilliam Curtis ConnerUniversity of [email protected]

Organic Reactions Catalysis SocietyWeb site: www.orcs.orgChairSusannah ScottUniversity of California Santa [email protected] ChairJohn HolladayPacific Northwest National [email protected] NgUniversity of [email protected]/TreasurerKarl AlbrechtPacific Northwest National [email protected] Arunajatesan Evonik Degussa [email protected] ConwayPfizer [email protected] SubramanianUniversity of [email protected] ChandlerTrinity [email protected] [email protected] American DirectorDan OstgardEvonik Industries [email protected]

Representative to NACSChristopher W. Jones Georgia Institute of Technology [email protected] Pacific Coast Catalysis SocietyChairChuck Peden Pacific Northwest National [email protected] ScottUniversity of California, Santa [email protected] ChenChevron Technology and [email protected] BrutcheyUniversity of Southern [email protected] to NACSAlex KatzUniversity of California, [email protected]

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2012-13 Club OfficersBack to Index

Pittsburgh–Cleveland Catalysis SocietyWeb site: pitt.edu/~gveser/pccsPresidentMichael JanikPennsylvania State [email protected] [email protected] KuglerWest Virginia [email protected] RiouxPennsylvania State [email protected]/ Representative toGötz VeserUniversity of [email protected]

Southeastern Catalysis SocietyPast President/ChairmanChristopher T. WilliamsUniversity of South [email protected]/ChairmanDavid MullinsOak Ridge National [email protected]/President-ElectCarsten SieversGeorgia Institute of [email protected] N. KuhnUniversity of South [email protected] J. ToopsOak Ridge National [email protected]/ Representative to NACSDr. Steven H. OverburyOak Ridge National [email protected]

Southwest Catalysis SocietyChairAndy MorelandValero Energy [email protected] ChandlerTrinity [email protected] G. StanleyLouisiana State [email protected] W. Novak, [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] RimerUniversity of [email protected] [email protected] RepresentativeKerry DooleyLouisiana State [email protected]

Tri-State Catalysis SocietyPresidentUschi GrahamTopasol [email protected] [email protected] to NACSUschi GrahamUniversity of [email protected]

Western States ClubPresidentRyan M. Richards,Colorado School of [email protected] ArgyleUniversity of [email protected] to NACSWill Medlin University of Colorado at [email protected]

Page 24: NACS Newsletter giuseppe Bellussi isnacatsoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/NACS_2013_01.pdf · 2013-03-07 · NACS Newsletter Back to Index I am pleased to announce that Pro - fessor

Timeline Scope of the Meeting

March 15, 2013 Notification of accepted abstracts (oral and posters) and awarded Kokes Grants April 19, 2013 Deadline of early Registration

June 2-7, 2013 On-Site Registration June 2, 2013 Opening Ceremony at Churchill Downs: 6 pm - 10 pm June 2-7, 2013 Technical Program

On-line registration: www.NAM23.org

Richard J. Kokes Student Travel Awards: ~ 100 awards will be made available.

Kokes Travel Awards

Catalyst Design and Synthesis • Novel catalytic materials and synthesis techniques • Catalyst design guided by theory • Bio-mimetic catalysis Novel Catalyst Characterization Techniques • Exsitu, insitu and operando techniques Advances in Catalytic Reaction Engineering • Novel contacting methods; catalysis and mass transfer • Reactions in non-conventional media Catalysis for Energy Applications • Hydrogen production; catalytic production of clean fuels • Fuel cells, batteries and electrocatalysis • Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and gas to liquids • Photo-catalysis Catalysis for Sustainability • Emission control; CO2 capture and conversion • Catalytic combustion • Catalytic conversion of biomass • Green catalytic processes Catalysis for Fine and Industrial Chemicals • Acid-base catalysis; chiral catalysis; polymerization • Partial oxidation, oxidative dehydrogenation Catalyst Deactivation and Regeneration • Deactivation mechanisms and regeneration schemes Computational Catalysis • First-principles-based catalyst screening • Multi-scale modeling; reactive force fields Fundamentals of Catalysis Emerging and Cross-cutting Areas

Inquiries should be sent to: Meeting Solutions [email protected]

Plenary Lectures PAUL EMMETT Award Lecture • Christopher Jones EUGENE HOUDRY Award Lecture • Giuseppe Bellussi MICHEL BOUDART Award Lecture • Jens Nørskov

Exhibition An exhibition of the latest instruments, products, and services in the field of catalysis research and development will be held during the 23rd NAM. Interested participants can obtain the EXHIBITOR BROCHURE by visiting our website.

23rd NAM will bring together more than 1,000 participants to share technical progress and challenges in all areas related to catalysis. It will include three plenary lectures, presented by the recipients of the Boudart, Houdry, and Emmett awards, ~20 keynote addresses by leaders in the field, more than 400 oral presentations, and about 600 posters.

Select Keynote presentations by: • C.J. Li -- Canada

• David Jackson -- UK • Jeff Miller -- USA • Fabio Ribeiro -- USA • Joachim Sauer -- Germany • Philippe Sautet -- France • Stuart Soled -- USA • Gabor Somorjai -- USA • Eric van Steen -- South Africa • Peter Strasser -- USA

Catalysis on the Fast Track

Sponsors We thank all of the meeting sponsors for their generous support. For frequent updates and sponsor information please visit the meeting website for details: www.NAM23.org

April 20 – May 30, 2013 Open Registration

• John Armor -- USA • Alex Bell – USA • Jeffery Bricker -- USA • Linda Broadbelt -- USA • Charles Campbell -- USA • Atsushi Fukuoka -- Japan • Bruce Gates -- USA • Andy Gellman -- USA • Ive Hermans -- Switzerland • Graham Hutchings -- UK

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Louisville, Kentucky June 2-7, 2013

23rd North American Catalysis Society Meeting

Organizing Committee

Honorary Chair BURTRON H. DAVIS, University of Kentucky Meeting Chairs MADAN M. BHASIN, Mid-Atlantic Techn. Res. & Innov. Ctr. USCHI M. GRAHAM, University of Kentucky; Topasol UMIT S. OZKAN, The Ohio State University Secretary VADIM GULIANTS, University of Cincinnati

Publications Chairs BURCU BAYRAM, BASF PAUL MATTER, pH Matter, LLC Web Site Chair and Co-Chair JEFFREY ELKS, BP JOHN SELEGUE, University of Kentucky Kokes Awards Chair and Co-Chairs GARY JACOBS, University of Kentucky RODNEY ANDREWS, University of Kentucky PANAGIOTIS SMIRNIOTIS, University of Cincinnati Poster Program Chairs JOHN KUHN, University of South Florida JAN LEROU, Jan Lerou Consulting, LLC ALEXEY YEZERETS, Cummins, Inc. Exhibits Chairs PAUL KESTER, Micromeritics Instrument Corp. DON CHALLMAN, University of Kentucky


We invite you to join us at the 23rd North American Catalysis Society Meeting to be held from June 2-7, 2013 in Louisville, Kentucky at the historic Galt House Hotel. This biennial meeting is widely recognized as the premier topical conference for matters related to heterogeneous catalysis, while also including broad coverage of homogeneous catalysis, electrocatalysis, and photocatalysis. Technological challenges, breakthrough discoveries and state-of-the art academic and industrial research will be featured. The opening reception of the 23rd NAM will take place at Churchill Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby.

Treasurer HELGE TOUFAR, Clariant Technical Program Chairs MARTIN ABRAHAM, Youngstown State University ARAVIND ASTHAGIRI, The Ohio State University DADY DADYBURJOR, West Virginia University

Fund-Raising Chairs THORSTEN BAUER, Clariant FRANCES LOCKWOOD, Ashland Chemicals Company Local Arrangements Chairs JILL PARMAN, Clariant MAHENDRA SUNKARA, University of Louisville
