Nadia Touihri Statisticien Engineer

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Evaluation of Population and Housing Census of 2004 in Tunisia. Nadia Touihri Statisticien Engineer Workshop on the 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses; Census Evaluation and Post Enumeration Amman – Jordan 21- 24 November 2010. Plan. Introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nadia Touihri

Statisticien Engineer

Workshop on the 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing

Censuses; Census Evaluation and Post Enumeration

Amman – Jordan 21- 24 November 2010

Evaluation of Population and Housing Census of 2004 in Tunisia



Exhaustivity and Pre Enumeration step

Exhaustivity and Enumeration step

Exhaustivity and Post Enumeration step

Learned lessons


Tunisian Census History

1921: First Census

1926, 1931, 1936 1946, 1956, 1966, 1975, 1984, 1994

2004: Last Census

2014: Next Census


Legal base of Census

Tunisian NIS is the first administrative and technical responsble of Census.

Governemental authority fixed the date of reference (28 april 2004) and made a decret to create national and regional commissions in order to follow different census operations.


The System of 2004 Census: three steps;

Pre Enumeration ( 6 months before census with supervisors ; duration :about 4 months and a half)

Enumeration ( data collection )

Post Enumeration including data exploitation and results diffusion.

Exhaustivity and Pre Enumeration step( oct 2003 – janv 2004 )

Supervisors divided Tunisian Territory in geographicAreas well limited on field ( 31734 districts ), eachdistrict contain about 70 household. This repartition helped to :

Prepare and facilitate enumerators work ( district document prepared by supervisors is considered as a guideline for enumerator )

Prepare means of control for enumeration step

Enumerators deal with recapitulation statistics:

Number of localities

Number of housing

Number of household

Present resident population by gender.

Absent resident population by gender

Visitors by gender

Exhaustivity and Enumeration Step ( Avril 2004 ) (CNTD)

Exhaustivity and Enumeration Step ( Avril 2004 ) (CNTD)

• Manual Data Control of district documents with data of reference documents ( documents of pre enumeration).

• Return on the field to verify omissions and complete housing and household missed

Exhaustivity and Post Enumeration Step ( Avril 2004 ) (CNTD)

• Supervision and verification of control operation after computing data of reference and districts documents we returned on field when it was necessary

• Besides of the comparaison with statistics of:

Previous census Labor force survey Administrative statistics ( education, housing,….)

Learned Lessons

Rare cases of omissions was in urbain places and

was corrected by control agents .

Another small differences existed between the two steps

was a result of pre - interview methodology : supervisor

made a rapid pre – interview by asking light questions

(Number of housing, Number of household in the housing)

without insisting on technical concepts fixed by NIS.