If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? Cause & Effect Name: __________________________ Date: ______________ Landslides Sometimes it rains so much that the earth moves! If it rains a lot in a short amount of time, the ground gets soaked. As a result, the hard ground turns into soft mud. In very hilly areas, this wet ground can result in a landslide. When this happens, mud starts to flow down a hillside. The landslide moves faster and faster as it goes down the steep hill. Picking up more dirt, mud, and rocks as it moves along causes the landslide to grow. It is similar to the way a snowball gets bigger when you roll it in the snow. Landslides can cause a lot of damage. Therefore, People should have an emergency plan ready if they think there might be landslides in their area. © One Stop Teacher Shop

Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

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Page 1: Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Cause & EffectName: __________________________ Date: ______________


Sometimes it rains so much that the earth moves! If it rains a lot in a short amount of time, the ground gets soaked. As a result, the hard ground turns into soft mud. In very hilly areas, this wet ground can result in a landslide. When this happens, mud starts to flow down a hillside. The landslide moves faster and faster as it goes down the steep hill. Picking up more dirt, mud, and rocks as it moves along causes the landslide to grow. It is similar to the way a snowball gets bigger when you roll it in the snow. Landslides can cause a lot of damage. Therefore, People should have an emergency plan ready if they think there might be landslides in their area.

© One Stop Teacher Shop

Page 2: Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

Cause & EffectName: __________________________ Date: ______________

No ImaginationCan the lack of imagination in kids be caused by the overwhelming number of electronic devices? Gone are the days of inventing your own adventure, now toys have buttons with prerecorded messages and prewritten scripted adventures. The use of refrigerator boxes as a fort, and gift wrap paper rolls as swords to defend the fort are gone. In are the days of nearly virtual reality video games of weapons and castles. Can kids have imagination when everything they play with creates everything for them? Is this why kids have short attention spans but can play video games for hours?

Just Too Much!Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and

overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds. They also ruin our beaches. Factories, farms, and towns dump sewage and dangerous chemicals into our waters, poisoning fish and shellfish. As a result, eating these animals can lead to sickness and even death.

Overfishing reduces the fish population further, and some species do not reproduce fast enough to replace those that are caught. As a result, the number of cod, herring, and anchovies in some areas is dangerously low. It isn’t just fish that are threatened. Many species of whales have been hunted to the point that they, too, are endangered.

© One Stop Teacher Shop

Page 3: Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Chronological OrderName: __________________________ Date: ______________

Sojourner Truth- Fighter for Freedom

Like many slaves, Sojourner Truth spent much of her young life unable to read or write. At the age of 30, Sojourner already had 5 children. Although her master promised her freedom, he changed his mind. At this point, she decided to run away to New York. While there, she earned money as a maid and cook. Sojourner was much happier, but she wanted more. As time passed, she felt a calling. Sojourner left New York at age 46 to go on a lifelong trip. She left with a bag of clothes and twenty-five cents. She would go on to give speeches for freedom and

against slavery for more than 30 years. She also went to the country’s first meeting on women’s rights. President Lincoln was so impressed with Sojourner that he invited her to the White House. Whether it was her singing gospels in Dutch, quick wit, her tall appearance, or her deep voice, Sojourner stood apart from the rest. Crowds followed her on her travels through 21 states. She funded her travels by selling her life story.

© One Stop Teacher Shop

Page 4: Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

Chronological OrderName: __________________________ Date: ______________

How to Adopt Deciding to adopt a child is a big decision for any couple. It is also a big decision for those who are currently caring for the child. There are many parts involved in giving a child a happy home. The couple wishing to adopt a child first must apply to an adoption agency. The adoption agency will take steps to find out whether it is a good idea for this couple to adopt a child.

After the couple applies, the adoption agency assigns a caseworker to investigate. The caseworker needs to know the couple’s background. The caseworker also checks the couple’s health and their finances. If the agency feels that the couple will be good parents and the child will be safe with them, the agency has the child live in the couple’s home for 6 to 12 months. This is an important time for deciding whether or not the adoption can become legal. If the child and the couple still want the adoption, a lawyer then prepares an adoption request. The request is given to a court. If the court approves, the adoption becomes legal and the child and parents become a family.

© One Stop Teacher Shop

Page 5: Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Compare & ContrastName: __________________________ Date: ______________

Things Have Changed!

When I was a child, I thought my parents were out of touch, and just did not understand what it was like to be a kid. If they weren’t embarrassing me in front me of my friends, they were lecturing me after breaking some minor rules. However, as a parent, I think it is frustrating that my children think I have no clue as to what they are feeling, or who they are as a kid. I have been through it all before. Although I couldn’t stand it myself, I continue the tradition of giving lectures, and punishments for minor rule breaking. If that wasn’t enough, they are now embarrassing me in public. Some things never change.

As a Child As an Adult

© One Stop Teacher Shop

Page 6: Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

Compare & ContrastName: __________________________ Date: ______________

A New Kind of Basketball! From the electronic scoreboards, television screens, to even the equipment, technology has become a part of sports. But is it possible for technology advancements to be a bad thing for sports?

At the heart of this debate is the new basketball being introduced by the National Basketball Association, or NBA. Since the game began, basketballs have been made of leather. The newest version is covered with a special type of plastic. The maker of NBA basketballs, Spalding, insists that many tests conducted during the development of the new version showed superior performance to the leather ones. However, scientists in Texas have found that the new plastic covered basketball does not bounce quite the same, and as a result will have awkward bounce results.

In addition, they concur that the new basketball will become slippery when in contact with the athlete's sweat. Scientists used a material similar to the palm of our hands called silicon. They rolled the ball along this material to determine how well it created friction. They found that it "stuck" much better than other traditional materials.

The results show that the old leather basketball did not stick as tightly as the plastic one. However, when just a simple drop of moisture was added, the plastic ball could not keep a grip on the silicon.

In addition, the older leather basketball was 8 times more absorbent than the newer plastic one. As a result, if used by professionals, the newest version would have to be constantly changed, cleaned and dried during games.

Scientists and players are urging the NBA to hold off on using the new plastic version until further research and experiments can be done. Players are afraid that the new basketballs will result in more mistakes due to the basketball rather than human error. For now, the NBA has begun using the new plastic basketball. Time will tell if this is a benefit or a detriment to the game.

© One Stop Teacher Shop

Page 7: Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Problem & SolutionName: __________________________ Date: ______________

A Good Night’s Sleep

What natural thing do we do for nearly one third of our lives? The answer is sleep. If we do this every night, why do some people have trouble sleeping?

Sometimes people cannot sleep because they are anticipating something exciting like a special party, or event. Sleeping is also difficult when stressed or nervous.

So what can you do to help you sleep? One thing is to set up a sleep schedule. Try to get to bed at the same time each night. Getting the right number of hours for your body is also important. While some people need more than 10 hours, others feel good with just 6.

© One Stop Teacher Shop

Page 8: Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

Problem & SolutionName: __________________________ Date: ______________

After the Fire!

After the fire, thousands of people were left homeless. Many escaped the fire with nothing except the clothes on their backs. Providing all of these people with food, clean water, and shelter was a huge task. Luckily, the city quickly formed a Relief and Aid Society. This group started giving out the food donations that were pouring in from other cities. The society built places for people to live, gathered the tools that people needed to rebuild their houses, and even vaccinated 64,000 people against smallpox.

Highlight the PROBLEM in yellow, and the SOLUTION in green.

Moving from East to West

At one time, Americans couldn’t get from coast to coast by train. The train tracks did not go all the way across the United States. People had to travel for months just to reach their destination. Then, in the early 1860s, the railroad companies decided to begin building a transcontinental railroad. This railroad would take travelers from the East coast to the West in a matter of days.

© One Stop Teacher Shop

Page 9: Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

Cause & EffectName: __________________________ Date: ______________


Sometimes it rains so much that the earth moves! If it rains a lot in a short amount of time, the ground gets soaked. As a result, the hard ground turns into soft mud. In very hilly areas, this wet ground can result in a landslide. When this happens, mud starts to flow down a hillside. The landslide moves faster and faster as it goes down the steep hill. Picking up more dirt, mud, and rocks as it moves along causes the landslide to grow. It is similar to the way a snowball gets bigger when you roll it in the snow. Landslides can cause a lot of damage. Therefore, People should have an emergency plan ready if they think there might be landslides in their area.

The hard ground turns into soft mud.

A landslide can occur

It begins to move faster, picking up more dirt and rocks.

The landslide grows.

Answer Key

© One Stop Teacher Shop

Page 10: Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

Cause & EffectName: __________________________ Date: ______________

No ImaginationCan the lack of imagination in kids be caused by the overwhelming number of electronic devices? Gone are the days of inventing your own adventure, now toys have buttons with prerecorded messages and prewritten scripted adventures. The use of refrigerator boxes as a fort, and gift wrap paper rolls as swords to defend the fort are gone. In are the days of nearly virtual reality video games of weapons and castles. Can kids have imagination when everything they play with creates everything for them? Is this why kids have short attention spans but can play video games for hours?

Just Too Much!Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and

overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds. They also ruin our beaches. Factories, farms, and towns dump sewage and dangerous chemicals into our waters, poisoning fish and shellfish. As a result, eating these animals can lead to sickness and even death.

Overfishing reduces the fish population further, and some species do not reproduce fast enough to replace those that are caught. As a result, the number of cod, herring, and anchovies in some areas is dangerously low. It isn’t just fish that are threatened. Many species of whales have been hunted to the point that they, too, are endangered.

Answer Key

© One Stop Teacher Shop

Page 11: Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Chronological OrderName: __________________________ Date: ______________

Age 30, she had 5 children

She traveled through 21 states

Age 46, left New York

Ran away to New York

Gave speeches against slavery and women’s rights

Lincoln invited her to the White House

Sojourner Truth- Fighter for Freedom

Like many slaves, Sojourner Truth spent much of her young life unable to read or write. At the age of 30, Sojourner already had 5 children. Although her master promised her freedom, he changed his mind. At this point, she decided to run away to New York. While there, she earned money as a maid and cook. Sojourner was much happier, but she wanted more. As time passed, she felt a calling. Sojourner left New York at age 46 to go on a lifelong trip. She left with a bag of clothes and twenty-five cents. She would go on to give speeches for freedom and

against slavery for more than 30 years. She also went to the country’s first meeting on women’s rights. President Lincoln was so impressed with Sojourner that he invited her to the White House. Whether it was her singing gospels in Dutch, quick wit, her tall appearance, or her deep voice, Sojourner stood apart from the rest. Crowds followed her on her travels through 21 states. She funded her travels by selling her life story.

Answer Key

© One Stop Teacher Shop

Page 12: Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

Chronological OrderName: __________________________ Date: ______________

How to Adopt Deciding to adopt a child is a big decision for any couple. It is also a big decision for those who are currently caring for the child. There are many parts involved in giving a child a happy home. The couple wishing to adopt a child first must apply to an adoption agency. The adoption agency will take steps to find out whether it is a good idea for this couple to adopt a child.

After the couple applies, the adoption agency assigns a caseworker to investigate. The caseworker needs to know the couple’s background. The caseworker also checks the couple’s health and their finances. If the agency feels that the couple will be good parents and the child will be safe with them, the agency has the child live in the couple’s home for 6 to 12 months. This is an important time for deciding whether or not the adoption can become legal. If the child and the couple still want the adoption, a lawyer then prepares an adoption request. The request is given to a court. If the court approves, the adoption becomes legal and the child and parents become a family.

Apply to an adoption agency

Answer Key

© One Stop Teacher Shop

Page 13: Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Compare & ContrastName: __________________________ Date: ______________

Things Have Changed!

When I was a child, I thought my parents were out of touch, and just did not understand what it was like to be a kid. If they weren’t embarrassing me in front me of my friends, they were lecturing me after breaking some minor rules. However, as a parent, I think it is frustrating that my children think I have no clue as to what they are feeling, or who they are as a kid. I have been through it all before. Although I couldn’t stand it myself, I continue the tradition of giving lectures, and punishments for minor rule breaking. If that wasn’t enough, they are now embarrassing me in public. Some things never change.

As a Child As an Adult

• I thought myparents were out oftouch.

• My parents gaveme ridiculouslectures

• My Parentsembarrassed me.

• I wasembarrassed

• My kids think Idon’t understandhow they feel.

• Giving my kidslectures.

• Kids areembarrassing mein public.

Answer Key

© One Stop Teacher Shop

Page 14: Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

Compare & ContrastName: __________________________ Date: ______________

A New Kind of Basketball! From the electronic scoreboards, television screens, to even the equipment, technology has become a part of sports. But is it possible for technology advancements to be a bad thing for sports?

At the heart of this debate is the new basketball being introduced by the National Basketball Association, or NBA. Since the game began, basketballs have been made of leather. The newest version is covered with a special type of plastic. The maker of NBA basketballs, Spalding, insists that many tests conducted during the development of the new version showed superior performance to the leather ones. However, scientists in Texas have found that the new plastic covered basketball does not bounce quite the same, and as a result will have awkward bounce results.

In addition, they concur that the new basketball will become slippery when in contact with the athlete's sweat. Scientists used a material similar to the palm of our hands called silicon. They rolled the ball along this material to determine how well it created friction. They found that it "stuck" much better than other traditional materials.

The results show that the old leather basketball did not stick as tightly as the plastic one. However, when just a simple drop of moisture was added, the plastic ball could not keep a grip on the silicon.

In addition, the older leather basketball was 8 times more absorbent than the newer plastic one. As a result, if used by professionals, the newest version would have to be constantly changed, cleaned and dried during games.

Scientists and players are urging the NBA to hold off on using the new plastic version until further research and experiments can be done. Players are afraid that the new basketballs will result in more mistakes due to the basketball rather than human error. For now, the NBA has begun using the new plastic basketball. Time will tell if this is a benefit or a detriment to the game.

Covered in PlasticLess bouncy.More slippery when hands are wet.Easy to grip when dry.

Covered in LeatherMore slippery when hands are dry.Absorb moisture more quickly.Easy to grip when wet.

© One Stop Teacher Shop

Page 15: Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat?

Problem & SolutionName: __________________________ Date: ______________

A Good Night’s Sleep

What natural thing do we do for nearly one third of our lives? The answer is sleep. If we do this every night, why do some people have trouble sleeping?

Sometimes people cannot sleep because they are anticipating something exciting like a special party, or event. Sleeping is also difficult when stressed or nervous.

So what can you do to help you sleep? One thing is to set up a sleep schedule. Try to get to bed at the same time each night. Getting the right number of hours for your body is also important. While some people need more than 10 hours, others feel good with just 6.

Having trouble sleeping

• Set up a sleepschedule.

• Get the rightnumber of hoursof sleep for you.

Answer Key

© One Stop Teacher Shop

Page 16: Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

Problem & SolutionName: __________________________ Date: ______________

Highlight the PROBLEM in yellow, and the SOLUTION in green.

After the Fire!

After the fire, thousands of people were left homeless. Many escaped the fire with nothing except the clothes on their backs. Providing all of these people with food, clean water, and shelter was a huge task. Luckily, the city quickly formed a Relief and Aid Society. This group started giving out the food donations that were pouring in from other cities. The society built places for people to live, gathered the tools that people needed to rebuild their houses, and even vaccinated 64,000 people against smallpox.

Moving from East to West

At one time, Americans couldn’t get from coast to coast by train. The train tracks did not go all the way across the United States. People had to travel for months just to reach their destination. Then, in the early 1860s, the railroad companies decided to begin building a transcontinental railroad. This railroad would take travelers from the East coast to the West in a matter of days.

Answer Key

© One Stop Teacher Shop

Page 17: Name: Date: Cause & Effect€¦ · Our seas and oceans are threatened by two dangers: pollution and overfishing. Oil spills cause the deaths of countless sea creatures and birds

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