The Hare and The Tortoise The hare teased the tortoise about being so pokey. “I’ll get where I’m going as surely as YOU do!” said the tortoise. “But I get where I’m going FASTER,” said the hare. The fox suggested they run a race to settle the argument. The hare laughed so hard at the idea that it made the tortoise angry. “I’ll race you and I’ll WIN” the tortoise said. The race had hardly begun before the speedy hare was out of sight. The hare was so sure of himself that he lay down by the side of the path to take a short nap. The tortoise kept plodding slowly along. The hare woke up just in time to see the tortoise cross the finish line and win the race. Slow and steady wins the race.

Narative tesk

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The Hare and The Tortoise

The hare teased the tortoise about being so pokey.

“I’ll get where I’m going as surely as YOU do!” said the tortoise.

“But I get where I’m going FASTER,” said the hare.

The fox suggested they run a race to settle the  argument.

The hare laughed so hard at the idea that it made the tortoise angry.

“I’ll race you and I’ll WIN” the tortoise said.

The race had hardly begun before the speedy hare was out of sight.

The hare was so sure of himself that he lay down by the side of the path to take a short nap.

The tortoise kept plodding slowly along.

The hare woke up just in time to see the tortoise cross the finish line and win the race.

Slow and steady wins the race.

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Deer And Slugs RACE RUN

One day the deer met with snail lane times. Seeing with the slow snail crawl, the deer with the arrogant and arrogantly said. Deer: "O snail, dare you race with me?" (Invitation feels very mocking snail, thought a moment, then replied) Slug: "Well, I accept your invitation and do not be ashamed if you later lose your own."

Hare: "I can not run world champion time to be outdone by you, snails, animal perangkak world-class." Sneered deer. Deer: "All right, let's get us set flight!" Said deer. Slug: "What if tomorrow's Sunday, so many are watching." Said the snail. Deer: "Okay, I agree." Answer deer.While waiting for the appointed day, the snail set tactics. Soon he collected as many snails nation. During the meeting, slugs fired up his comrades and furiously they wanted to embarrass the deer into public. In deliberation, the disepakatilah unanimously that in each snail race later assigned standing among the grass at the edge of time. Diaturlah their respective places. When you call a deer slug in front of it so that answers so on. Came the awaited moment. The audience was very full. The audience came from all corners of the forest.

Deer and slugs have underlined start preparing. Race leader raised the flag, a sign the race began. Hare ran very fast. All the energy spent. Applause echoed growing audience, encouraging the deer. After running so many miles, stop deer. While panting he called. Deer: "Snails" cried deer.

Slug: "Yes, I'm here." Since snails have been in front, back kancilpun run very fast until there is no more energy left. Then he was summoned. Deer: "Snail," cried another deer. Slug: "Yes, I'm here." Many times it always does. Until the deer finally limp and can not run again. Give up the deer and admit defeat. Audience gobsmacked. Snail victory was welcomed with a smile alone. No jumping for joy as the winners in general.


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The Legend of Situ Bagendit

Far away in an isolated village there was a young rich woman. The house that she had been living in was very big. Her wealth was plentiful. The young woman lived by herself. She didn’t have any friend at all.“Wouw, I am very rich! Ha…ha…ha, I am the richest woman in this village!” said the young woman while she was looking at her gold and jewelries. It was so pity, that the young woman was very miserly. Her plentiful wealth never been used to help others.“All of the wealth is mine, isn’t it? So what am I give it all to other for?” The young woman thought. However, many of villagers were poor. They lived in less condition. Sometimes some villagers were hunger, and didn’t get any food for days. Because of the young woman miserly, the villagers called her Bagenda Endit. Bagenda Endit meant the miserly rich person. “Bagenda Endit, have mercy on me! My child has not eaten for few days”, said an old woman sadly.

“Hi, you crazy old woman! Get away from me!” yelled Bagenda Endit threw the old woman away. Because the old woman didn’t want to go, Bagenda Endit splashed her with water. Splash!, and all over the old woman body and her baby became wet. Bagenda Endit was a feeling less woman. She didn’t even have a little bit mercy to the old woman and her baby. She even got more angry. After that, she asked the old woman to get out of her house yard. And then, she was dragging her out of the yard.

Although Bagenda Endit was very miserly, the village people kept coming in. The came for the water wheel. “No, I won’t let you to take away the water from my wheel! The water in the wheel is mine!” Bagenda Endit yelled angrily.“Ha…ha…ha…you’re all stupid! You think you just can take the water from my wheel!” Bagenda Endit said while she was watching the thirst villagers outside the fence. Suddenly, a decrepit man was standing in Bagenda Endit house yard. He was walking tottery to the wheel while holding his stick. When the old man was trying to take the water, Bagenda Endit saw it. Then, she hit the old man with a founder. “Have mercy on me Bagenda Endit! I want to take the water just for a drink”, said the old man when he was trying to get up.Bagenda Endit kept beating the old man. And then, an astonishing thing happened. Suddenly the old man got up with a healthy body. He walked closer to Bagenda Endit. He pointed his stick at the cruel rich woman’s nose.

“Hi, Bagenda Endit, take the punishment from me!” said the old man loudly. Then he pointed at the wheel with his stick. Wus…byuur, the wheel was sprinkling the water swiftly. Not long enough, the water was flooding up. Bagenda Endit couldn’t save herself. She drawn with all of her wealth.The village was disappeared. The thing that left was a wide and deep lake. The lake was named Situ Bagendit. Situ means a wide lake. It was named Situ Bagendit, because the wide lake came from a wheel that belongs to Bagenda Endit

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Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple is a Buddhist temple, Borobudur is situated in the village of Magelang regency, Central Java, was built by King Samaratungga, one of the kings of ancient Mataram Kingdom, Dynasty dynasty descendants. The name Borobudur is a combination of words and Budur Bara. Coals from Sanskrit means temple or monastery. While Budur derived from the word meaning beduhur above, thereby Borobudur means monastery on the hill. While according to other sources, means a mountain having terraces (budhara), while other sources said that Borobudur means monastery on the heights.

Borobudur punden staircase-shaped building consists of 10 levels, measuring 123 x 123 meters. Height of 42 meters and 34.5 meters before it was renovated after the renovation because the lowest level was used as a drag. This Buddhist temple has 1460 relief panels and 504 Buddha effigies in its complex. Six lowest level square and the upper three circular form, and the highest level in the form of a Buddhist stupa facing westward. Each level represents the stages of human life. In accordance schools of Mahayana Buddhism, every person who wants to reach the level of the Buddha must through every level of life is.

The name Borobudur

Regarding the name of Borobudur itself many archaeologists who interpret it, among them Prof.. Dr. Poerbotjoroko Borobudur explains that the word comes from two words Bhoro and Budur. Bhoro derived from Sanskrit which means bihara or dormitory, while the word Budur refer to the words that come from Bali beduhur which means above. This opinion is corroborated by prof. Dr. WF. Stutterheim who argue that Borobudur means Bihara on top of a hill.

Prof. JG. De Casparis basing on Middle Reef inscription mentioning the year of this new building, which Sangkala Year: Sagara kstidhara taste, or years Caka 746 (824 AD), or in the House of dynasty which glorifies the god Indra. In the inscription didapatlah Bhumisambharabhudhara name which means a place of worship of the ancestors for the souls of their ancestors. How it happens to be a shift of Borobudur? This happens because the pronunciation of the local community.

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Mouse Deer and Tortoise

Mouse deer and the tortoise has long been friendly. On One day they went fishing lake disebuah.See your them with a deer. Deer want to participate. Then they went to all three. Disebuah hill until they met a a deer. Deer also want to participate. Deer soon joined in the group. On the way, in a valley see your them with a wild pig. Pig Forest asks you whether he should participate. "Of course, it's a good idea, rather than just the four of more either five, "answered the tortoise. Arriving at the next hill, they see your with a bear. Then the six of them continue the journey. Then they met with a rhinoceros. "What if I go," asked rhinoceros. "Why not?", Answered all. Even then join also a bull. The next time the group met with a deer buffalo that finally articipated. Similarly, when they met with an elephant. Thus, ten of them marching hand in hand follow the deer and finally they get to the lake the destination. What a number of fish that successfully was arrested. Fish then with deal with it with a flame until dry.The next day, the bear in charge of keeping the fish when the others were going fishing.Suddenly a tiger came closer. Shortly then the bear and tiger involved in theexciting fights. Bear collapsed and the fish eaten tiger. Respectively they are then assigned an elephant, buffalo, rhino, buffalo, wild boar, deer and antelope, all of them give up. Now living turtles and deer that has not affected the fish wait their turn.

The tortoise is considered unlikely powerless against tiger, it was decided that would keep the deer. Prior to his friends go fishing, asked them to collect rattan as much as possible. Then each cut about one cubit. Soon the deer appear 're busy making anklets, bracelets body, braceletknee and neck bracelets. Intermittently deer looked into the sky as if someone was noticed. Tiger's astonishment, then slowly approached the deer. Mouse Deer pretended do not care about tigers.

Tiger asked, "Why rattan bracelets reams of it? ". Answer deer," Who wear these bracelets will be able to see what is happening in lagit ". Then he looked up with a as if she were enjoying the view above. Sunrise tiger desire to be able to also see what that occurred in the sky. What a clever individual elated to hear the request tiger. Asked the tiger sitting on the ground foldedhands and feet. Then circled both hands, both legs and neck tiger with bracelets rattan as much as possible so that tigers can not be moving again. Once is enough, the group intends deerback home, but they argue on each section. They argue, who will get a big part too large. Mouse Deer did not actually agree with the proposal. Then he was looking reasonable.Sudden jump deer and gave no sign of distress. Everything frightened and scampered to escape. There is a headlong fall, there who plunged into the hole and some are caught the roots. Salaipun they leave behind all. Only deer and turtles that do not run. Together they home and walk chanting, carrying package is loaded.