NASHVILLE UNION. CHURCH & MAR LIN! Proprietors. OITICE-N- O. G9, UNION BUILDINGS, CHERRY ST. ME "WEEKLY UNION Is furnished to subscribers at the following rates: Single copies, one year in advance. $2 50; within the rear $3 00; at the end of the year $4 00. Clubs Of five and upwards $2 00 per copy fof one year. Clubs of subscribers will be received for six months at the foregoing rates. The Y is published every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at $3 per annum in advance; if not paid in advance, ?C. The DAILY is published at Eight Dollars. jcgTTHE MONEY IN ALL CASES TO ACCOMPANY 5UBSCRIPTIONS.i3 Remittances of subscriptions may be made by mail at our risk. No paper will be fent out of the State unless the order is with the cash. . STEAMBOATS. NEW ORLEANS AND NASHVILLE PACKET. nmjuuu zcw t'assenger Steamer. II. . ifZMxrrj ! r? w xr:n n... t it v ........ . er, now being completed sit New Albany, will takcher in ine above trade as soon as navigation opens. The Hill is entirely new, of the largest class, and is, iu ev- ery respect; equal to any Steamboat on the "Western waters. She has been built under the superintendence of her expe- rienced Captain, and has all improvements required by the late law. A plan of her Cabin " can be scan and State-room- s engaged by application to A. HAMILTON, Agent,, oewo Mai kct Street IJtT Mr. TnOMAS HAMILTON will act as Agent for the Ilill in New Orleans, and give his best attention to the purchase of Merchandise ordered by her. A. II. EEGULAE FASSENGEE STEAKEE BETWEEN NASH VILLE AND NEW ORLEANS. swift and superior Steamer Nash- - PSMh THE Titos. DcLtxTbER, Commander, y J will resume her place in the above trade on Sssszsrsys I me ursuise 01 water, leaving iasuvnic every mree v.eens throughout the season. The Nashville is unsurpassed by any Boat in the trade for saiety, cointort and convenience A plan ot ucr Uaummavbssoen and bv application to JAS. A. MCALLISTER & CO., Ajpts. octV Corner of Broad and College Streets. 33F"Mr. THOMAS HAMILTON will act as Agent for the 'Nashville iii New Orleans, mid give his best attention to the purchase or Merchandise ordered bvher. J. A. McA & CO. FOE BUEKSVILLE AND WAITSE0E0'. EIGHT DAY PACKET. I)EOULAR draught fist running pas.-cn- - ger racket Ufc.ruiJl.iir, .U.G. MeCAtLtSTEit, swpc Master, will make regular eight day trips in the above trade during the season. Shippers and passengers may rely upon punctuality of this boat for freight or passage. Apply ou board or to JAMES CLAIBORNE, Agu dec20 b w a. o ex Front st. CINCINNATI, XOUIS VILLE and NASHVILLE PACKET. fJ'UlE unsurpassed fast running passenger - (w X steamer ENVOY, Titos. RouGcus, Mas- - Jhzti2& ter, has taken the place of the steamer rSfea MattieWaync and will make regular trips in the above trade during the season. Leaving Cincinnati every other Wednesday, at t o'clock, P. M. Nashville c'very other Tuesday, at 4 o'clock, P. M. The above boat is entirolr new and for speed -- and accom- modation is unsurpassed. I will be thankful for all orders, and respectfully solicit for her a share of public patronage. JAMES CLAIBORNE, jiinl A ts, Agent, Front St. SOUTHLAND, PADUCAH AND NASHVILLE WED NESDAY AND SATURDAY J?ACimr. aMIE new and splendid passenger steamer pw tv Fellow, CAPT. .10. O. LEAKIi, wil. leave Na.-hvill- e" on her lirot trip, on Sat- - "av urday the 27th instant, at 10 A. M., and will continue in the above trade, leaving Nashville on Wednasdays and Sat- urdays, at 10 A. M. andjeaving Paducah on Thursdays and Mondays at 4 P, M. The ODD FELLOW has been purchased by Capt. Leake, for the above trade. Her accommodations for passengers arc not suqiassed by any packet .on Cumberland liver. I ask for her a share of public patronage. nov-- T Cm A. HAMILTON, Agent MEMPHIS AND NASHVILLE U. S. MAIL PACKETS. ,F1fr-- i CITY OF 11UXTSVILLE , (P&K AND S3 EMBASSY. CITY OF nUNTS VILLE will leave Nashville for THE every Friday; at C o'clock, p. m., and leaves Memphis fiir Nashville Monday, at 11 o'clock, a. m. EMBASSY will leave Nashville for Memphis every Monday nt (5 o'clock, p. m., leaves Memphis for Nashville every Thursday at 11 o'clock, a. m., delivering the mail at tho sev- eral post offices between the above jxirts. Tliey will also touch at all points between the post offices. Persons traveling southward will find it to their advantage to take this line, as it is frc nit wo to three days quicker and equally as cheap to New Orleans; meeting it Memphis with Mempliis and Xew Orleans Packets which leave on the arri- val, of our packets, fiir Xc.v Orleans. Our packets also con- necting with the Arkansas and White River Mail Line. Eve- ry pains will be taken to render those who call on us com fortahle- - For freightor passage, apply at the U. S. Mail Of- fice, Nashville, or A. B. SHAW & CO., Memphis. janl 3 A. L. DAVIS, Nashville. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. THROUGH IN FIFTY TO FlFTY-FIV- E HOURS. New York and Charleston Stsam Packets. T EAVES Adgers Wharves even' Saturday -- JSZr X.J allcrnoon and each allrnatc Wednesday, un r"auiriav, jas. Auucr, i.-u- toils, Tfci J. Dickinson, Commander 3I:irion, l,2w) tons, M. Bcny Coiumander. The Southerner, W. Foster, Commander, will leave each alternate Wednesday. Having been newly copptred and guards raised, is now in compleio order. For freight or passage, having elegant Stato Room Accom- modation, apply atlhe office of the Agent, . HENRY MISSR00N, CornerEaslTJayand Adgcr'sSou. Wharves. Cabbin passage $2;. Steetagc-- . N. B. A new .ship will be placed on the Line to connect with the Soiilhcriior on Wednesdays. febl" trw IRON FENCniG" At the Sign of the Spread Eagle, College Street. riHL undersignod is now prepared to execute all JL kinds of Wrought and Cost Iron' Fencing. Also, even' variety ot uates, vancv-fctep- , Balcony in and crandah Railing. My work will he executed as well as any of that brought from the Eastern Cities, and at prices as low as the same article can be procured elsewhere. cd All kinds of Blacksmith Work at the shortest notice. The public are requested to give rac a call and examine my pat- terns the and prices. I will endeavor to give the utmost satis- faction. WILLIAM STEWART, College Street, opposite tho Firemen's Hull, Nashville. may! tf DESfjcTKr & J. D. WDiSTON; their services io of Nashville and vi OFFER in practice of Mcdicineand Surgery. Office on Cherry street, near f lie Rank of Tennessee. . l)r. J, D. Winston's residence, the house lately occupied by Mr, Arnistead, on Vino street, between Church'aud Broad. ECEIVE!). A few ofthnsc fine BhuTkSatui Xl JUST-- It Stocks. Apply soon. T. J. HOUGH' feb 12 Agent EXCHANGE & BANKING OFFICE OF D. PEAEL & CO he "VTORTlI-WES- T corner of the Public Square, near Plant XS crs' Bank, Nashville, Tenn. We are drawing Sight Checks on all the principal cities of the East, South atid West at the lowest rates, "in sums to suit purchasers." KgT" Wo biry all kiuds of current and uncurrcnt Bank Notes at moderate rates. We buy South Ciirolina, Georgia and North Carolina Batik Notes, at a very small discount gr" "We will purchase New Orleans and Kentucky mon- ies at a fair prcniiuni.- - We have Gold and Silver for sale will attend to collections -- remitting on any point requested at Bank rates, ' charge but J percent commissions. - &f We arc taking Bank of East Tennessee the same aa other Tennessee Bank Notes. jau!7 " BEADY, GORMAN & CO Cotton. Factors and General Commission Merchants, NEW ORLEANS. fThey keep an Office in Tuscumbia, Ala. aug23 12m Lt7IL.S. FRENCH, Agent, ashvillc, is authorized fo ake CASH advances upon shipments of Produce to th and ove finiK rtAKRYALL FOR SALE. A first rate newcus- - and I j lom made carryall.for sale cheap for cash, .by - . jan21 W. -- MEREDITH. Foot &c Extra fine Leather Trunks,, Velvet TRUNKS, Carpet Bags, Leather and Drugget Carpet Bags, just received and for sale bv jHn21 W. MEREDITH. JL CLOTHS. Rich and splendid Crumb CRUMB with borders, just to hand and for sale by jau21 W. MEREDITH. is OOL IIA.TS. Wool Hats just received and for hotel w sale by jau21 W. MEREDITH. TTHD BLANKETS. Extra line Bed Blankets, iust The I) received and for sale by a jSD21 W.MEREDITH. city. EW CARPETING. Just received this day and for sale by jan21 W. MEREDITH. TENNESSEE HOUSE IN GEORGIA. ,W. F. HARRIS. SKIDJIORE HARRIS. HARRIS & CO. Fonrarding aud Commission Merchants, SA VANNAII, GA., Forward with care and dispatch to and from tho Eastern cities, or to any point desired, GOODS, PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE, of all descriptions, and sell ou commis- sion PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE. They also pur- chase to order GROCERIES, which can be bought on most Civorab e terms, in the Savannah market They solicit patronage, and pledge their utmost exertions to gire 4tifsction. dc30-- 6m THE YOL. XYIIL J. M. ZIMERMAN. J. H. Z1KEEHAN, Wholesale Druggist and Pharmaceutist, Sigx or the Lion axo Moktak. 4 dooes from the Squake, Market Sr., Nashville, HAS just received, by the late rise of water, a large and fine stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, sciwjical, mldwifekt axd axatomical ixstkukexts ; Paixts, Oils, AVixdow Glass, Vakxisiies, Spices, Glasswaue, axd Stoxewaiie; Paint, Varxish, Coach axd Artist Bhcshes; Dre-Srurr- s, PciiroMEnv, Faxct axd Plain SoArs; Fixe Tooth axd Hair Buushes; Lettek axd Cap Paper; Steel Pexs, Ixks, 5cc; Tobacco, Sxcffs, axd uoaes; Powder, Shot, Lead axd Safett Fuse; Pure Wixes, Braxdies, Spirits, kc; Laxdreth's Gar-de- x Seeds; Taxxkes' Oil, Brushes, Lampblack, kc Purchasers, needing any of the above articles, will do well to examine the above stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they will find it as extensive, of prime quality, (if not lower) as low as any other House iu.Tennessee. Also, Sole- - Wholesale Agcnt,for Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Williams' Pulmonic Balsam, Mexican Mustang Liniment, Canton Tea Company's Teas, Dr. J. S. Houghton's. Pepsin. J. il. j. would also iniorm Ins friends, ic., that he will hereafter be assisted in his business by Mr. MORTIMER MAMILTOX, late of the firm of McNairy k Hamilton; who has been for a number of years past extensively and favorably known in the Drug line. - O UPERIOR ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET. O Jockey Club Pomade, Jow'd Celebrated do, Jules Hauel's do. Kchada do, for the Hair. Balm of Columb'a, Genuine Bear's Oil, Hanoi's Eau Lustrale. Liquid and Solid Bouse: French and Fancy Soaps: ix)w s celebrated tinner Soap Roussel's and Hauel's Fancy Soap; ' ' Fine and Dressing Combs ; - - ""'-Plain and Fancy Hair Brushes;-Lubin'- s " Genuine Extracts; '"'." Mcen Fun ; ' '.. " American and French Toilet Powdurs;- - '.-Fanc- y Chalks; , Assorted Dentiftices; Pomade Divines, for chapped skins ; Tooth Brushes, Fancy and Plain. Just received by 'lec2uj J. M. ZIMERMAN, ! DOW (.'LASS. Window Glass of all sizes ml superior quality received and for sale low by novlO J. M. ZIMERMAN. pOD LIVER OIL. Trask's Magnetic Ointment.-- J. . Just received by dec2o 5l. ZIMERMAN. 1NIATUKE IVORIES. Artists' Canvass, Art ists' Brushes, Artists Colors, in Tubes, embracing ev ery Shade. Just received by dec20 J. M. ZIMERMAN. 7 RUSHES. White WaMi, Dusting, Cruuib, Cloth, X ) Black, Pope's Head, Horse, Tanners', Printers', Var- nish, j Blue, Paint, &.c, of assorled sizes. Just received by j dec20 J. M. ZIMERMAN. I 03K O aoo Rolls very old and rich; , j 10odoz,Cut, in pajiers; l M do. Scafarlatti Turkish; Just received and for sale low by I apriUO J. M. ZIMERMAN. "AGNOLIA COTTON We are agents for the iU. sale ofthc celebrated MAGNOLIA COTTON SEED, i an article which several years experience .with some of our bet planters has proven'to be batter adapted to Middle Ten- nessee than any that was overgrown. Call soon or ther will all be gone. JOHNSON &. SMITH, jan2'J Broadway. O YCA3IORE COTTON YARNS A full supply O of Sycamore YcriH, kept constantly on hand- - at Fac tory prices for Cash. RAMAGE &. CHURCH. January 1, 1 8.1,3. J. T. NATHUEST ROOFER AKD MANUFACTURER Of WarrerC Fire and W'uUr Proof Compaulfon.. I DEEM it unnecessary for me to say anything in favor of this mode of Roofing' : the constant increase of its popu- larity for the last seven years that it has been tested in near- ly all parts of the Union, is tile best evidence of its utility and value. The roof shows for itself J "Office on Spruce Street, second door from Cedar st., in Moore's block. febi ly LIFE INSURANCE. HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, HART- FORD, CONNECTICUT. James Dixox, Pres. IIkxrv L. Miller, Sec'y. Capital and Surplus 3300,000. Ixcuraxce on lives of white persons on tho joint stock and mutual phn. Also. Insurance on tho livc3 ofNcgroe, on reasonable terms. S. II. L00MIS, jan 15 Om Agent. THE STATE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF PA. a. j. GiLLirr, see'v. J. n. rutherford, pres. Capital $230,000 ! OjVceon, Cedar street, over Hie Mutual Prokdldn Ins Co.) LL take fire risks in limited amounts on city or Wl country property. Policies Issued and Losses ad- justed and met nt the otiice in Nashville. Refekexces I J. Levy, -- ) B. Comegevs, Caahicrof hil. Bank, ( . W.L. Shaffer, " Girard" fPhiladel. W. Demise k Sons ) ' Rev. Alexander Campbell, Bethany, Va. Patrick fc Brand, Bankers, Pittsburg. . . W. II. Durrough, Irving House, New York. G. W. Copelen, Cincinnati, . JOHN G. FERGUSON-Nashvill- e, February 2, 1853 Cm EMPV7VLT-Dl- t. removed, to the office and residence on Cherry street, opposite Judge Catron's, near Cornelius k McCombs' Cabinet Warerooms. JanS. f T.nntr to vntrR twtettest ! TnE subscribers have associated the together for purpose of carrying on a general agency business buying and selling negroes. We can at all times bofontid at our office, No. 33, Cedar street between Cherry and Summer, where we have erect- - . a ife and comfortable quarters for .kecpingany number of negroes, and those wishing to sell may be assured of getting highest market price, us we will either buy on our own account or sell on commission for others. We pledge our- selves of to obey instructions, and especially promise to be par- ticular in selecting good homes for favorite servant, to families. DAUBS k PORTER. Rees W. PoirrEit, Gilescounty. Jos. W. Daubs, Nashville. jan20 ANDREW J. DUNCAN, TnTAS now in store afulls'ock of BRITISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, aiul AMERICAN r y Goods, it, too adapted to the present and approaching season, and to which will continue to receive additions by ererysteamcr consisting ot Black and colored Silks; French Muslins; Uicss do; Painteil Lawns; Embf'd and plain Swiss; Printed Peputns" Muslins and Lawns; Chelic Royals;' Embroideries and Laces; Black Dress Goods; White Goods; French Printed Lawns; Hosiery; Bareges; Gloves; Crapes; Cravats; Crape Lesses: . We Linen and Silk ndkfi; Tarltans; oiu Satin and S.Ik Vestings; Ure.-- s lnmmmgs; bilk: andbatm Ribbons; Cloths and Oassimeres. tottonades, rvankeens, Jueuilins, Chainbrv, Camlets, Fancy Prints, Black Prints, English and French 4-- 4 Chintz, Bleached and Brown Muslins, Ttlcaclicd and "Brown. Drill- ings, Cambrics, Silk and Linen Threads, Spool Cottons, 4c A L S O New Style Bonnets, Ribbons, Artificial Flowers and X- - Wreaths, Bonnet Trimmings, Ac. ' JJ Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoe , and a general stock of Goods, which ho is .prepared to offer at the lowest prices upon libe- ral lerms, aniltesiectfitlly invites the attention of merchants the trade generally. rdL A.J. D.. is agent for several large factories, will soon be largely supplied AVith their in oods. Nashville. Feb. 25. 195-- . CUMBERLAND "HOTEL, aa of Broad Street, Directly opposite the SteamSoai Landing, Aathcwc, Tenn-- J. L. GRACE, Proprietor. riillE-undniifrniHl- . tlinrikfiil Tnr Ilia ron. liKn.l t patronage bestowed on this House since he .:! opened it to the public in March.last, and most re-- spectfully r elicits a continuance of public favor. To tho boarding and traveling community, he would say, that he now prepared to give them accommodations equal to any in the city, having procured theserviecs of polite and attentive clerks, experienced waiters, and first rate cooks. rooms are large and pleasantly situated, commanding , beautiful view ofthe river and business operations of the Persons wishing to travel by the river this house af- fords superior adf antages, being located 2lls, Immediately at the Landing. low The trareller who slops here need never loose his chance of the first boat. Baggage will always be conveyed to and fr jm Steamboats bv the servants of the house, free of charge Bills always mc derate. jan22 J. L GRACE. D. S. & W. H. "WOODWARD. Forwarding and y Commission Merchants, and Texas Lund Agents. .Particular atfenf ion paid tojillinf orders rOEec, orer the store of W. T. Smith & Co.. No. 6"S Magazine street Oct 8, 18.V2 tim New Orleans. IL CLOTHS All widths, just received and forsale by jaa21 W. MEREDITH j NASHVILLE NASHVILLE. THDBSDAY, APRIL R 1853. INSURANCE. THE UNITED FIREMEN'S INSUEANCE C0MPANT 01 NASHVILLE. CAPITAL 100,000 DOLLARS!! " Chartered by the State. THIS Company having fully organized, is ready to take risks on all descrip-tiou- s of property, against loss or damages by fire, also against penis of the sea or inland nav igation. Proposition for insurance wjll be received at the otlice of tnii iSasurille Insurance and Trust uo., college at. A. W. .IOHNSO.N, President. J. S. Dashiell, Sec'y. Nashville, Oct 8, 1352, COMLLEECIAL INSUEANCE COMPANY. CHARLESTOXj south carolixa. Capital $250,000: All Paid In. ' T HATE been appointed Agent of the above Companr at 1 JL rasnville, and am tulir preparca io uikc jimiue, xirc, ' Uiver Risks, on the most favorable terms. i A full statement of the solrencr of the Company, can be ', seen at the office of the Nashville Insurance and TrustCom- - i pahr, on College street. sep-l- j JOHN S. DASniELL, Agent THE KUTUAL PEOTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY ' OF NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. on Cedar Sreet, adiotning the Post Office, and OFFICE the Verandah, will insure on the mutual prin- -' ciple, Houses, Merchandize, Ac, against Loss or Damage by Fire; Steamboats on any-o- f the- - estern waters against the Hazards of Inland Navigation and the Cargoes of Vessels of acscnpiion againsi ine i ems in mc I Also, the Lives of persons in good health, for a single year, I; for a term of years, or during life; Also, Bank Notes trans- - mittftil nermail. AH jiersons having thefr lives or property insured in this Institution, are entitled to a full participation in nil the prof- its, without any liability to loss beyond the amount of Pre- miums which ther jaay pay. M. S. 1'ILCHER, President, . J. B. JOHNSON, Vice President. C. J. F. Wharton', Secretary. r janl TENNESSEE MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE C0M- - r PAN Y CAPITAL S160 000. on the North side of the Public Square, midway OFFICE the Nashville Inn and the Planters' Bailk. They will make insurance on Houses and Goods of, every de-- f scription against fire; on Steamboats und Cargo a'gainst fire I and the risk of the river; on the Cargo of Keel Boats and .' other river crafts, and on sea vessels and other cargoes, on the usual'tcrms. JOHN M. HILL, President Joseph Vaulx, Secretary. Directors. Alex. All-son- . John M. 11:11, F. B. Fogg, G. M. Fogg, ,Iainc Correv, Jno. M, Bx?s, Joseph Woods, Sam uel fceaj-- , jlattuew atson, J. J. uite, Jacoo JicuavocK. janl . STNA INSUEANCE COMPANY: OF HAETF0ED, CT. Chartered in 1S10. Capital '$30, 000: all pall iif.--As- sets invested in January last $4ay,000. S. L. L00MI3, Sec'y. THO. K. BRACE, Pres. nPHE unders:rned has been nnnotnled Airent of this Com- - JL pany one ot tiie oldest ami most able m ttie United States, having nearly or qui chalf a mill on of Dollars siifely invested at this time for the safety of pol.cy-holde- rs and is prepared to issue Policies' on as favorable terms as any other responsible office,- - oir Dwellings, Stores, Manufacturing Es-- tabhshiiients,andall other kinds of Buildings; on Household tuniituroana .Mercnanuise m general, eitner m ine city or country, against Loss or Damage by Fire. Also, against the hazards of Inland Transportation by all the usual routes and modes ot conveyance. JUftlil'ii ASU, Agent, Office N. . Comer Public Square, opp. Planters JJauk. mav5 INSURANCE ON NEGROES. HOUSE Servants, Farm Hands, Steamboat Firemen, Bovs, &c, at customary rates of Premium. Policies issued and losses promptlvadjusted at the Nashville Agency. JOSEPH NASH, Agent. d'tna Insurance Company of Ilarltbrd Office N. W. Cor ner Public Square, opposite Planters' Bank. NASHVILLE STEAM MARBLE W0EKS.-JAJIE- S SLOAN, Froprietor. MARKET ST., OPPOSITE J0HXS0X & II0RXE STODACCO WAREHOUSE, NASHVJLLE. TiiNN Marble Warerooms at Uie old stand Corner of Summer and spring Street. HAVING made extensive enlargements in my Marble my facilities ate such that I can, execute all kinds of wprkin the most tasieful manner and the latest style, as cheap as it can be doi$ in any of the Eastern Cities. By calling at my Watc-room- on "the corner of Spring aud Summer Greets specimens may be seen wh;ch 'will enable persons t6juJge for themselves, which is thj best method. Having on hand all kiuds of Marble from Eeast Tennessee. Also, a hue assortment of Lgvntian, Italian and Amer.can Marble, which I will sell low to the trade, wholesale andie-tai- l, finished or in the rough state. A large assortment of Moxumexts, Tomds, Baptismal Fouxts, Uuxs, Vases, Gardex Figures. Grave Stoxks, Ac, carved and lettered to order. Furxiture Marble executed to Order aud sent to any part of the South-.We- st as cheap as it can be proem ed trom the hast. Also, .Marble Mantels, of every descr ption, plain or carved. Boiluixg Stoxe, sold Wholesale ami Retail. All orders left' at in AVare-Roo- on the corner of Spring anu bummer streets, will meet with prompt attention, juy friends generally will find it to their inieicst to call and ex amine my stock befoie put chasing elsewhere. Thankful to my old friends and customers fiir their liberal patronage, I hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of their favors. J V.M ES S LOAN, Corner of Spring and Summer streets, Nashville. febl'J ly PATENT CHOPPING MILL, For Chopping Corn or other-Grai- An artute which ecer Farmer etould hace. IT will grind, with one or two horse power, from four to a bushels an hour either fine fbr bread or coarse for stock and is so simple in its construction, that arv boy twclve years old can keep itin order and run it. It is adap led to either Steam, Water or Horse Power. Having sold the entire right of manufacturing and selling thc-abov- c Mill, iu Tennessee, to Messrs. J. R. Cowan and A. C. Howard, of Nashville, persons wishing to purchase can find them at J. M. Seabury's, on College street, where they will be happy to take orders. BOSS k .JJDAMS. aug-2?- . COOKING STOVES TTTE hare just received from the best fc t cmnati, a large supply of the following COOKING STOVES : The Hoosier State Cookixg Stovis ; three different sizes. T TnE Iroxtox Premium Cookixo Stows; with (5 holes, one the best and cheapest stoves.befoie the public. " " M The Cement Cook Stove, a new air tight stove, warranted work well. 20 TnE Kextgckiax Cook Stoves; Nos. 2 and S. 5 he Double Oven Cooking Stoves. ' Premium Stoves of various patterns,' and at prices so low ; that no one can undersell us. We have also received a specimen of a new stove, - HE oa 50 PNNSVLVANLN, which conies highly recommende 1 20 and is believed to bo one of the best .and most improved 25 stoves lately; manufactured, well worthy theattentiou of any family wantinga large and firstrate stove. 10 yur stock ot lllvVilMiASD PARLOUR STOVES, is 10 large for this advance J stage of the season. To reduce 5 we will sell large Church and Hall Stoves for cash at a smau auvancc above cost. SNOW, MACKENZIE k CO. Nashville, Feb. 1 1853, NOTICE. Iu consequence of theFirc on Friday morn compelled to suspend business for ionic time, out win commence agu:n as soon as we can procure a 30J suitable house, of which due notice will be given. la (he 300 meantime wchopeourfriends whoarcindcblcd to us, and to Ewin, Brown & Co., will ccmo forward and settle up "without 500 300 ueiay, mai we may mcjK our own engagements promptly. can be found at' No. IS, on tho square John Nichbl's 500 siaiut. 300 We would also take this occasion to exnrpss our rrmifiil 100 thanks to those who hare kindly favored us and our prede- cessors with their patronage; to the. Fire Companies and 80Q, citizens, to whose exertions we are mainly Indebted for 1U0 what ofoiu-.gootj- s were sared, aud to those kind friends who 25 srmpatiuse with us in our loss. 30 ic.b 2 EWIN BROTHERS. 50 300 IiiSEED OIL AND WHITE LEAD. 10 bbls Linseed Oil; 2n0kcg3 Falmcstock's White Lead, Just receired and forsale low for cash by -- ueczu J. M. ZIMERMAN. T?A3I1LY GROCERYFaniilies living TOffii near oron Broadway can always get the fol- - 'isAr3 lowing articles at my store. No. 52. on Broadway. rx..u.-- . small oHarge quantities from dav-l'g'.- it to I0 at night: Butter, Egg?, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Candles, Bacon, Lard and oiiicr articles usually Kept in a ramily Grocery. febl 6 D. TRIGG, No. 52, Broadway. GOLDEN SYRUP qr. bbls Golden Svrup, 10 Jit " Sugar House Molasses, irap 16 bbls Loaf Sug-.ir- , 5 " Cr'd do, Just receired trow St Louis, and for sale br fcb'28 SAMUEL SEAY. TEUNKS, 7ALtSE3, and .CARPET BAGS, tiou lois. WE have just received a large and fine as- - rs , snrhnntilnfTnml-- o i T) , ". ,v wiiiti "s3 anu. oe ahses, consisting of Bole, flag and Kin prices, Wilton and common Carpet Bags, which we wi'llsellat prices. k.vj. 110LLIN8 & CO., janl'J Corner of College and Union sts., Nashville.. SUNDRIES. Now lauding from steamer America hmi'0 Soapr 10 eeroons Indigo; . phcit 20 bags Pepper; o csiSKS jiatider; 25 do Ginger; 82 half barrels Soda; 10 do Spice; 15 barrels Alum 15 do Almonds; 10 tierces Rice ; 100 dozen Buckets ; 10 boxes Granges ; and forsale by feb!4 MORRIS k STRATTON. racture Staes. RAMAGE & CHURCH, article 42. COLLEGE STRKKT JitU i Wholesale and Eetail Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Trunks mMva, vugt AJlB, bala, CJC CAUDS, &0. JOHNSON & SMITH, Dealers in Cotton and Tobacco, E3ceivins and Tor- - warding Merchants, Steamboat Agents, &c, 3 BROADWAY, NASHVILLE. MAD. STRATTO.V. G. P. SMITH. A. W. JOHXSOX. STEATT0N, SMITJI & Co., "Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, Corner of Broad and Market Streets, SHVILLE, TENN., Hi-OTv- disposed of an interest in the Grocery depart mun. Sn? i Uf, Pusjncsi t0 X Madisos Strattox, the lat be ed ""der the style of ruFf',?nTF Contour old stand, on the coiner streets. Our stock, now ample, will be so by large accessitns every few days, to which we invit'e the licit ' nuiii uiereuams in ui mnr dealers, , beimr detentiinpH tn n i uT. a w o tuu as any house ik Uie city. O ur terms cash and p:sh nn It- - apr 1, 1852. JOHNSON & SMITU EAMAGE & CHURCH. Wholesale and Estail Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises and Carpet Eags, College street, Nashville, Texx. A. HAMILTON, Cotton and Tobacco Dealer, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, octS' - NASHYTLLE, TENN; K. J. MORRIS. THOS. E. STRATTOX. M0EEIS & STEATT0N, (Slxcessors to Laxier, Morris k Co.,) Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Wholesale Grocers, Corner of Market and Clark Street. XaihrilU. WE have now in store a large stock of Groceries, Li- quors, Wines, etc.. which will b snh! .it, tho market price3, for cash or barter. fsenir GEO. W. SKAT. THOS. C. BAITS. S. DECHERn. SEAY, BATES ft CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SOUTH ATLANTIC WHARF CHARLESTON". S. C. aug2'J trwtf A' CAED HAVE this day associated w'tii me in the Saddling Bu- siness my soif. A. C. MARCH. Tlio hiw;,,nc ;.. e.. will be conducied iu the name of J. D. March &'Son Ali persons indeb ed to me, by uole .or account, will pleasc'come up and make payment. j. MARCH. Thankful for the liberal share of patronage hereto- fore, a continuance of the same is respectfully solicited. Ja J., U. MARCH k SON. OLIVER P. il'RdnSRTS. ALEX. E.VkEE. M'El)BEETS & M'KEE, Wholesale Grocers and Commission ill E R C II A NTS. MAIikb'l ST., 4 Boon frtm BROAD ST., NASHVILLE,' TENN. April 29 1852 ly NEW ORLEANS A CAED. BENJAMIN F. SHIELDS & CO.. having per. themselves at New Orleans offer their services as Commission and Fonvarding3lereIiaiits and General Agents, and solieit miK,m(J r i. kinds of "Western I 'roducO. fct'linnr nfirln.,t 1. .1 and will mr. Rirrnrt!n -- iiV;.P- ' rau p nuu mat cnirusi tiicir mter- - est to their care. Proceeds of sales will be invariably held sacred anil imunnllp mm lio,l i. a. JMBens.ro arrangements made for the rcceiving and forwarding of even- - 8wc:i of .Merchandise, at induced rates from charges at this wmt. Ordera for fim, .,.i j... . ' ancc Risks, with I he collection nf ll;il n,.,r, ......j. to without delay. BENJ F si i emu? S ? aug!2 ly ' .....iju JJ. MYERS & McGILL DEALERS IX EVERY UESflflrTfnv n Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furnishing and Fancy, Goods, uvurye ircrt, unc aoor wan oj the Square. WJimay liitli be found at all times a large assort- ment of Winches- ter's, Davis fc June's, k Myers' Patent Shoulder Seam Shirts, of Lineu, Mislin tt'ltli r.tnfn MmtT soms, G ingham, Jr H Pnnnli I 'Itin t Standing and Byron Collars, Underwear, Merino, Shaked Silk, Cashmere, Vigonia, Cotton and Canton Flannel, fs, ladies and gentlemen, Gents Cloth Gutters. Gloves. Kin Silk, Buck. Cashmere, Cloth, Chamois, Wash Norma.- - and Ladies and Gentlemen's Gauntlets, Linen ndkerchiefs. Stocks. Ties. Waterfowls. Albert. De Joinville's. nlain. Emb'd and splFifliiwtmn- - Scaifs, Black and White Satin Tics, Shoulder Braces, Sus- penders, Silk, Woolen and Cotton Night Caps, Oil Silk Bath- ing Caps for Ladies and Gentlemen. Mousy, Rid uo- - and Strengthening lieits, Kooe de Uliambre, Umbrellas, Walk- ing Canes, Riding Whips, Trunks, Sole Leather, Valises, Carpet Bags, Satchels, Dre.-s'n-g Cases, Work Boxs,, Toi- lets, Opera Glasses, Porte Monies. Fans, Writing Desks Cigar Cases, Flasks, Travelling Comnaiiions. Ruzbis and Razor Strops, Combs, Brushes, Good-jcar'- s Gum Gotds. Perfumery. Toilet Bottles, Pocket Cutlery. Ac. and large assortment of other articles, usually kept by Fur- nishing 'Stores. We have made arrangements with our friends at tho North to forward us Goods as soon as received bv them. a therefore wo shall have goods here in lessthan ten dav from the New York Custom House. MYERS k McGILL'S. Furnishing Store, College street. 1 door South of the Square, Nashville. foctll BEN. M. NOEL & BE0., Grocery and Commission, Receiving and Forwarding Merchants, And Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquora. COLLEGE STREET. IQUORS AND TOBACCO. JU 400 buls Sam Hale s Whisky: Juobbls Drans Whiskr- - bbls Old Monongahela do 50: Brown's DD do-5- ' S. " American Brandy: 40 " " S M Winp Old Port Wine: NE Ru H Pipes Old Urand, best brands; 1 Pipe Irish Whisky; 50 Baskets Cliampaigne:-- . 0 boxes of l.ieucrs Ginger and Raspberry Brandies: ripes nouanu um; l-- u oois American Urn; bxs Gus Jones' Tobacco; 0 " "Walker's Ale: " Young k Birdewell's do 20 brs Allison s Tobacco; " P M Boerz No 1 do; 30 rcnnel's do 20-- " " " Gold Leaf do 10 Fcnix's . : do " B. Daily's do 20 " Missouri do " Ender's' do 10 "Sam Wools 5's do " S E White's do 5 " Rend k Nash's- - do In store and for sale by febl'J BEN. M. NOEL k BRO. JUST RECEIVED Prime Rio Coffee; 50 " ,c Laguayrado: 25,0.00 Jmporfed Cigars: bbls Reboiled Molasses; 50,0(0 Melee do; ' halves do do; 10 frails SS Almonds; 50 hhds choice Sugar; -- 1 0 tierces Rice; bags fine Silt; 5 eeroons Indigo;. kegs Oysters; 2 casks Dutch laddcr;-20- " cans do; bbls Copperas; bbls St Louis Mills. Flour; ,,20 bags Pepper; .Cincinnati do Tf " Spice; 300-keg- s Nails assorted; 800 reams Wrap. Paper; boxes Glassware, ass; 500 lb Kahawha'Salt ; ftoz. ljrooms; 20 kegs Shot and Lead; bbls Golden Syrup; bois JtacKerel;- - bbls and half bbls Crackers bbls Loaf, Crushed and Powdered Sugari boxes and half boxes Raisins; ' J ust received and for sale by BEN. M. NOEL &BRO. feblO. , WANTED. A few thousand bushels Pea Nuts, for wilf give the highest market price. ? 'feblS BEN. M.-- NOEL & BRO. JOSEPH F. DUNT0N, Fancy and Staple, Dry Goods Hdnse,. No.. 51. Public Siftare. NitshciUe. Tenn. HAS now in store a large-an- d well assorted Stcckof thn desirable goods of the season, embracing ererr description and quality, French Matitillas, Ribbons, Silk viooas, one uooas oi an Kmas,L,aces and Embroide- - Tmnli Jninnnfla T.ntmo ami f .U-- : . i .w.. a.l uj iuu uuiiiui lua, xareges uuivuaiHuuu!. iiiiaui.iuco, a vaneiy ot otner JJress Goods, Hosiery of all kinds, Hats of all descriptions Hard- ware, etc. Looking Glasses, a large varietr of Guns ahdPis- - besides a great ran Ctr OrTrimiilinrrs nn of Goods, to which he now submhs the inspection of ........ .Merchants ol thocitvand . . rnnntrv in. .i.:i. ? - y w ii iiiwii aiucK. win aaaea daily, desirable fmm ihn pOCf m .1 generally, are invited to examine my stock and comnaro with that of other houses in the trade. feb 23 J. F. DUNTON - for manvfac- - turina. arawinn anAlmOJAnn . r.r th i., j . 1 " . j . in w. .liiu . lliua.iiir- - . ... tr 1 n . . . Mfuou iill nil. iirmni. riTiiivtr i i i n printed directions for its use. br Pepper, JOHN JJIATHEWS, In 1C?i!:R 07 nEST AVEXUE AJtW 26TH STKEET, Upposite Belle vue, NewYoejc The Only eslahlishmont of SODA WATER MACHINERY, kc., in the United and where mav 1m fmind a lanreapscwtment of every connected with the business, rncluding-Materials- , ic; Q m i ....... nn V., . O .1 om :u 2S0 hhds Sugar, now landing from sfeamea SUGAR. and for sale by MORRIS & STRATTON, UNION. NO. 297. CURREY & jMARTIN. CHEMICAL HALL. NEW AND FRRSH ARRIVALS, BY CURREY & HIARTIX. C ITEM IS TS A ND DR UG G IS TS, No. 3- - CXIO STREET, XASHTILLE, TEXX. dozen bottles of this 0' celebrated water just received. The analysis of this mineral water proves it to contain Bicarbonate of Magne sia and Soda, ( hloride of Iodium, Iobide of Iiodium and Caibonate ofLiir.e. feb23 CURREY A MARTIN. BOGLE'S HYPERION FLUID. This Hair has acquired a wonderful reputation. It is recommended for Baldness, Dandruff, Humors on the Scalp, aud for rendering the Hair beautiful and glossy. 14 Doz. just received by CURRE ' k M ARTIN. TS. A large assortment of Paints of all colors, ind in oil in half pound aud one pouud cans, ready Justreceived by CURREY & MARTIN. TEAS. We are supplied with a large and fresh of both Greeaand Black Teas, of fine and ex- tra fine flavor consistingof Imperial, Superior Colony. Sea liueen, Old Hyson, Fiue' Mjcv- - Fong, Powchong. These are Canton Teas. Justreceived br feb'JS" C URREV k MARTfN, No. S5, Union street. DE, BLEDSOE'S ALTERATIVE COMPOUND Hit JSemedtf over all Remedies for the Diseased . the L.xxer Byspeptia, Enlargement and Injtamation of the SpUtn Ifcartbarm, Gjlic Flatulence, piks, CbmsiirputioH, alt dUea-ie- s of the Bowel, ami such dluases m arite from a disorderd state of the Stomach, Licer or Boxcel, as Scrofula and Sorer of ant kind. For GetzeralBebUlttj, - from which Ladies, frequently mifer, there U not its equal in the whole Materia Medicj." TnE inventor of this prepara'ijn was for three rears s prostrated from Dvspepsia and inactivity of the Liver that he was frequently for weeks at a time unable to raise himself from his bed. He sought aid from physician at home and in Europe, but in vain; his case was pronounced hopeless by thousands, and it w.is bv accident that he suc- ceeded in curing himself. Since he has been nracticimr me- - lcme, Ins success in such coses has been unriralled. Ii! has been aware of the incredulity of the public, und cons--quen- tly said nothing through the press of his own case until the character of thj medicine wan fully established by its success, as shown 1 the certificates which have deen advertised. I subjo n the certifier te of Prof. M. Gabbert, of Memphis, Tenn., with whom Iaften advised during the lime ot my suffering. - Memphis, Tenn., AprillT, 1 JoL. 1 1 hereby certify that I have been acquainted with -- r. J N. Bledsoe and ome years ago lie was reduced I -- el evc lowcrthanl have ever 'seen'any one that afterwards recover- ed, with what 1 supposed to bo liyspepsiaand Liver ufiiC ioi, and after trying the prescriptions ot many Physicians in this as well as other countries', without relief, 'he finally sucecded with .a preparation of his own in being restored to good health. - M. GABBERT, M. I). Physicians arc requested to try this preparation. We feel satisfied it will sustain the character we give to it in this publicitiou. IIUXTSriLLE- - JanuarvIO Dr. Bledsoe: I take the liberty and fell it to be my duty to recommend to all persons suffering from disease of the stomach and bowels, Alterative your Compound, as a vcrr DnnnmI..inniK.:n If.. ...... I , - . . . . - - oul-iki- i "itnn-uic- . .w mjii, agcu io years, iiau been under medical treatment about fire years fbr dyspepsia and diar- rhea- ivheu having almost despaired of h'is recovery I con- cluded fo try your Alterative, two bottles of which, 1 believe .entirely cured him. MICA J AH CAYCE. ' HcxTsriLLE. Oct 17,1352. Ub. Bledsoe: Some tima has eiapsed since I gare a cei tificafo that my wife had been greatly benefited by vour Alterative Compound. I now take pleasute in savin-- - to the public, that my wife- - had for throe or four years Seen subject to the worst kind of spells of cramp in the stomach from dyspepsia. I had fried of several whom 1 thought fobe the best physicians in the place and a great many liifl'ercn medicines, with momentary relief. Being persuaded to try your alterative compound, I did so at-- d I ufn happy to say that it has entirely cuied Iter; and I would conscientiously recommend it' to all persons suffering from dise ises of the hvcrand dyspepsia. " J. UuBHRTSON. IIUNTSVILLR. Spnf OO ICSI Dr. Bledsoe naring seen the publication of vo'ur Alter-- atiyeCompound, 1 thitik it my duty tes;iv to the public I had beeu for years subject to spells of "Cramp Colic 'i uiai lynn j uiaii nun ineu almost every thing that is by physicians, and never found anv thing that would cer- tainly lelieve me, until I tried theabove medicine, which uas relieved me in every attack in less than an hour. WM. B. LLOYD. Giles Couxti-- , Tenn., Dec. 23, 1351. Dn. Bledsoe: I feel that I should fall short of my duty to you and to those who are atllicted, were I not to further recommend your Alterative Compound. It has entirely re- lieved me, so that I have not had caus.e to take anything in two.months. I can eat anything I want with impunity, und believe my health is as good as it ever is, at mvadvauce'dage Should 1 ever suffer from dyspepsia again I shall be sure to call on you. I am very respectfully you- - friend. ELIZABETH J. IIARW00D. ncXTSVILLE. Ala.. Aiimisl o.t ico This is to certify, that I had suffered for inany years with Dyspepsia and Diseases ofthc Liver. Physician after Phv-- jm.iji.iiui.-- iui um niniuiu my receiving anv ben-eli- f, when 1 commenced the use of Dr. Bledsoe's Alterative Compound, which cured me soundly, and I recommend it because of the same happy effect upon others of in v acquaint ancc. JOSEPH CAROTHLRS. ' Huxtsville, Ala., March 3rlS52. Dr. Bledsoe Sir : Judgintr from the certifirotnq have already advertised, it will be almost . unnecessary forme .1 .1 i. io auu uiriiier eviuence in regard to t he hea hut virini-- i f 1 your Compound; but I amst say, that foryears I suffered a great deal from Dyspepsia and enlargement of the spleen, and thought that I never would recover. I commenced tak- ing your compound about nine weeks since, and have gained 2j or 30 pounds, and feel about as well as 1 ever did, HENRY J. G0FF. JSTThe above medicine is forsalc in crery Drug Store in tlrr. ni1" fin! mrwt nf flu. tnitinj ,1... fcz...... r inK- - ', General Agent, for wtiolesaleing- - the med-sg-pri- ce lcine. $1 per pint Bottle. novlt lvd tr PERKINS. CLACK & CO., GROCERS, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND be Forwarding Merchants. E. Corner of College and Church tU., Nanhville, Tenn. I WHOLESALE DEALERS IX Sugar, CofTec,SaIt, Flour, Iron, &c, &c, &c. COFFEE 100 bags Rio Coffee; 25 bugs Havana Coffee; 25 " Laguvra do; 25 " Java do: SUGAR 100 hhds Louisiana Sugar; by 50 bbls Philadelphia crushed Sugarr 35 " " Clarified do; .25 " ' Loaf, silvering's;) 25. " St Loins Crush 'd and Pulverized; TEAS 20 cases Superior Tea-- ; MOLASSES-l- ud bbls Reboiled and S. House Molasses; 50 K bbls do; NAILS 100 kegs assorted sizes; IRON Tenneesoe and Pittsburg assorted sizes; FLOUR 20u bbls Gallego's Mills; 50 " St Louis, (Harrison's;) 50 " Cincinnati; LIQUORS 15 cases London Porter quarts and pints; 10 " Scotch Ale " ' 50 " American Brandy; 2K pipes Frcr "i do; 25 bbls Bourbon Whisky; his 55 " Monongahala do; 20Qbbl3-Rectifie- d do various brands; 50 " Old Rye do; CIGARS 20,000 Imported Harana Cigars; 13,000 American do: ' 100 boxes Cuba Sixes and Melee TOBACCO 50 -- ni.n...:'pu uP i.. 5 " Jennv Lmd siuvcriomriiplo. , SALT 100 bbls Kanawha Salt; ' 100 sacks Fine do: 125 " Coarse do; 100 Dairy do; 7.t hnrs Tufiin An. FISH 30 bbls Mackerel; ou " do; 75 kits do; liw 10 casc3 Sardines: POTATOES 150 bbls Irish pnfv.fn. BUCKETS-1- 00 doz. Painted Buckets; "GLASbWAEE fee. 50 boxes'SxlO Window 'GJais; and 50 " 10x12 full 100 " Pint .inrf Quart and hf nt Flasks: '' CLOVER SEED 25 hhls Ppnnsvlvania-Clove- r Seed: iSmealv CANDLES 50 boxes.Star o'andles; - -- 50 stock. " " -- " 40 For " " " . - 100 " Tallow " SOAP 100 boxs Brown bar Soap; 50 - Fancy; PICKLES 10 cases choice Pickles;- - . CATSUP 10 cases Tommato Catsup; FRUITS-- 50 boxes.3IR. Raisins- - 50 H '.' "do; u ' 50 " do; 200 drums Figs; - This - .' 10 frails S S AlmondS; ' .. 10 bbls Pecans. SUNDRIES Cotton Yarns Indigo, Madder,- - Spice, Lead, Shot, Axes, Chains, &c, kc store and for sale by PERKINS, CLACK & CO' Liberal advances on consignments. B marchl6 and CHARLES W. SMITH, ' BOOKSELLEE AND STATIOIT'EE, - 'Stores, CnGOL, Law, Modical Religious and MiscellBnniL jan Books, Also, Blank Books and Stationery, at lowest f prices. XX jTCountry Merchants, and School Teachers supplied a Vta most farerabla Unas. Nashville, Tmul, b. 8. or, MISCELLANEOUS. . HASDWAEE AND CUTLEEY. FALL & CUAAlxGIIA32, No. &7, Colllgs Street, Nashville, Texx. ARE now in recept of their entire stock of HARDWARE CUTLER l for the Spring Trade, and iu calling lho attention if lhemerehaiits. if jiidd.euiid East lennis-c- e, Kentucky, and Nortii Al.ib.iina, to she r large and vuiied assortment, tney feet con .dent that it will cou.pare f.vtua-bl- y with.that ot nuy House in ntir ccuiitr-- , and when the Hem of Transportation i coi.sideTed, u will ce fouud that prompt ail dea.era in this section of lh coitutn- - toencuur.gea home mar, et. i her also innte the atter.riouonUicksmitluL Carpenters, andi-armer- visiting Nashville to the;r assortment ot Tt-ol- harming Intplemeula, Jlc, a large stock of wkch they always Keep on naau. leather, Ginang and Stan ax, taken at the highest mar ket pi ices m exchange Tor goods, or in pannent of debts. Feb. 5iti, N0TJCE VALUABLE LAND FOE SALE. AT'?;hCTofnd'TOn:aiu"nii'lS acres, situated in between William sdu and Davidson; being lo miles distant from Nashville, 8 from I rankhn, and i from the Franklin and Nashrdle Turn- pike: situa.ed on a public road leadiugto the former place. One mile west of the u wen and Winstead Pike, one and a half mdo. east of the Harper Pike, one and three quarter miles east ofthe Nashville and Cohmbia Railroad, adjoin- ing an excellent Church, courem'eut to Mills, conlenieatto feveral excellent Physic.aus, and in half a mile of a good School House. The Dwelling on yaid place is a large brick, two and a half stor.es high, "with an ell attached; a high and healthy situation, with a bold-runni- spring of excellent water witli Smoke hou?e, Kitchen, Stables, and Cribs, with aa Oi chard of excellent Fruit Trees, and six acres of Cdar Timber, five miles of the place- - GLOVER k BOYD, Genl Agt'a rtOYF?ST tCW-- NO. 23. 20 Nest Clothes Baskets; 50 Kits Nos. 1 and i Mackerel, for sale by R. F. BELL, marchll opposite Sewauee HouJe, College st NEW MEDICAL BOOKS. "j ,rACLISE'S Surgical Anatomvr JLtX Gross ou Urinary Organs; " j. ilarris' Deutd Surgery; . . United States Dispeusltdry; Uoblyn's Medic.il Dictiuuary; , , DunglL?on's New Remedies;" Meigs on Discajes of Children; ' Churcliill on Women; -- Bartlett on Fereri; . . Carpenter's Prmcples of Physiology; ' , Coloinbat on Fomaicsr . ' Ojudir on Childrt-- Ashuell on Females; - - J Miiler'sPrine pies ofSuigerr; Chapman on K-ver- - Mitchell's Tiie.'uj eutres; '". Laaen.cou ille t'lie-t- ; Snub's Anatomical Atlas; Iaiwietice on the Eye; Biakis.on on .he Chest; New editions, just nceiVed and fiir sale br mailt; CHARLES W.SMITH, 51 Col.'e-e- st. Q 1 000 "E D. I will pay theabove reward w . rLrso" or peions, as - "ilium nhnv.'tli.. inMrtoi V- - "... I" V v.l...i.i,i.H.:uc IIIIMU4IIHI uuid Uarrants of the dcnommatioi.s of in,., so and 4... acres. I will t,r-ch- as single warrants of either denomination. R. H. BUOCKWAY S""" Room over Oak Hid, east side Public Square. ;d ihwr -- Nashville. octl-- i in27. O WEET HAVANA ORANCES.-j- Ht rtceved KJ two barrels Sweet Oraugt-s- . l. Jt J. N l.ON. FTJENiTiJEE, CARPETING, OIL CLOTH, & i iic. uo?cnoor has just returned from the i hast, and is constant I r receiring all of FURNITURE, CvRPElING. ic. ilis S at SsQfca present consists of almost every iu tide in his line ot busi ness, anu as extensive as any m the c.tw Purchasers would (Io well to calf, as he is determined to sell low tor cash or on time for approved paper. A. PATi'EItSO.V, "'""" College near Church s:rcet SPUING GOODS FOll 1S5-J- . IJIPORTERS and JOIJBERS, Aw. IS, Public Sauare. X,i,r;ll HAVE now in store their SPRINCi' STOCK," com every variety of Pancyani r Plain . Ribbons, . Printed JLawus juconeis, tJinghams, Eerngc DeLaiues, WHITE GOODS Cloths, Cassimercs, White and Blay Linens, Jeans aud Cottonades, 1'rcnch and Euglish J)rap DcEte, BONNETS, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac, which they oiler for sale on their usual liberal terms to prompt time or cash dealers. Feathers, Ginseng, Beeswax and Wool, always taken at the highest market prices. feb2 H. & B. DOUGLAS & GO. IlirOltTERS AXD WHOLESALE HEALERS IX STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, SHOES, BOOTS, BONNETS, HATS, UMBRELLAS, PAR- ASOLS, tC, AC, Aoj-- side of the Put.Uc Sjuare, Nashville, Tenn. fh have m siote a coiiplete stock and general assort- - , i imiuu. xivw opnng anu Mimnier (.'oods. In asking theattentiou (' dealers to this exceediii-d- b"iu-tif- ul and eminently desirable collection of Goods, we would say we are now prepared to supply our patrons on better terms and at lower prices, lhan the same goods can be pro- cured, in like quantities, from either Philadelphia or N. York, the selections have been made with great care, and are m every particular adapted to the requirements or the trade. he stock is not only tlie latgot. but the most varied and elegant m its assortment ever offered by any one in Nash- ville. We want Feathers, Beeswax, Ginseng, Wool, White Linsey, and Woolen Socks, to anv extent, at full riaiket alue. feb!4 2ni. H. k" B. DOUGLAS k CO. ADMINISTEAIOE'S NOTICE. NOTICE-i- s hereby given to all those indebted to deceased.intestate, to come forward and make payment, and to ah having in povession any oftlie goods and chattels ofsaid deceased, to deliver them; and all those having claims against said deceased to present them proper- ly authenticated, by the loth day of June next, or tliev will forever ban ed. D. R CLAIBOR.N'E, match 1 1 ymtrw Administrator. 1)11. WJI. IHcLANF, INDIAN AND GERMAN E00T DOCTOR, EESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens of NashvilV he has returned again after a resi dence of fourteen years in the South, and permanentlvhj. cated himself in South Nashville, at the corner of Was, tngfonatid Pearl streets, where he may at all times be fount those who may wish to consnlt him. lie basin his possession. many certificates from men I eminent standing certifying to the permanent cure of the mostdisticssingcaesot the following disea.-e- s, viz: Ner- vous Affections, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsias, Chills and Fevers, Pleurisies, Asthmas, Colds, Coughs, Incipient Con- sumptions, Rheumatisms, Weak Lungs, Fits, Dropsies. Cancers, Ulcers, Scroffiilous, Hemoptasis of the Lungs, and other Hemorages; Diarrhoea, Diseases of the Kidnevs, Mer- curial and Venereal Taints ofthe Blood; Diseases "of Chil-die- n, Worms aud various other Diseases incident to the hu- man system.. During his residence in the South, he attended fo over ten thousand different cases, all of which he treated with more than ordinary success. Dr. McLane hopes from his much experience in the Medi- cal Profession and the degree of success that has attended efforts heretofore, to obtain the confidence and patronage ofthe sick and afllicted. Nashville, Feb 9 1 y. DR. WM. McLANE. jTAlI Letters addressed, post-pai- d, to South Nashville. SEEDS 160o papers of rare and select ?, Flower Seeds, just leceived per exjiress from Philadel-plu- a. Many of these seeds have iust been imcorted from Europe, and are enti ely new to our western gardens. Also in store, a largo and tresh (wairantcaj.suppry oi . Garden Seeds. CUR KEY k MARTLN, march21 No. 35 Union street MAELNGO MAMMOTH. thorough bred Jack. MARINGO MAM THE direct from Kentucky, will make find c..inn in TVnnfisstfe at Caner Spring in Marshall count', five miles ielow the fishing ford in. Duck River, at thirty-fir- e dollars insurance and fifty cents groom Jennets sent from a distance will be pastured gratis, grain fed, if requireu. at fitly cents ptr week. He is fifteen hands two and. a halt Indies higu, pood honest measure, unusually large none, anu neaw: niacr. wiih nose. He has the form, size, color and blood ti re-- "r : i t.t i.:t,i.. tn. K.. ; cuuiuicuu miti iiiKtuj " ""'-- t , titsti iu improve ineir We consider him the master Jack of Tennessee. further particulars see handbills'. marchll 3m KNIGHT & WILSON: UST RECEIVED AT 42. COLLEGE STREET; Ladies elegant Gaiters (with heels;) " Super. French Lasting Gaiters; " " Kid ftrimmed) SJippcrs;-- " Elegant Embroidered' PatcntLcather Slippers; ' " best fine Morocco Kid and Goat Boots; Misses and Childrens Patent Leather do. day received by mar23 RAMAGE k CHURCH G. W. jaUBEE Piaao Tuner and ep.ai r e r-,- -: . ;i . NASHVILLE, i EXX.,... JtErEn to; : Ja?. Diggons, J. B. Wesi,, Dealers in Piano Music ....II. S. Saroni. G: M- - Taylor, J. K. OplW. waterma n. J. Gomcz ProFs. Music - ' Leave Orders at JtrAesUs,riJiggons or Morton s Muaio Union Street. - j , Orders frwn w. country win be promptly attended to 20 dfcfiwSm. lvS5 WAJtE. 100 boxes Jenny Lind quart Fiaska SQ0 boxes Fancy pint Flasks: . 100 $pint a0; tola by fcb25 Y. H. GORDON A CCX

NASHVILLE UNION. THE NASHVILLE - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071264/1853-04-14/ed-1/seq-1.pdfNASHVILLE UNION. CHURCH & MAR LIN! Proprietors. OITICE-N-O

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Page 1: NASHVILLE UNION. THE NASHVILLE - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86071264/1853-04-14/ed-1/seq-1.pdfNASHVILLE UNION. CHURCH & MAR LIN! Proprietors. OITICE-N-O



ME "WEEKLY UNION Is furnished to subscribers atthe following rates: Single copies, one year in advance.$2 50; within the rear $3 00; at the end of the year $4 00.

Clubs Of five and upwards $2 00 per copy fof oneyear. Clubs of subscribers will be received for six monthsat the foregoing rates.

The Y is published every Tuesday, Thursdayand Saturday, at $3 per annum in advance; if not paid inadvance, ?C.

The DAILY is published at Eight Dollars.jcgTTHE MONEY IN ALL CASES TO ACCOMPANY

5UBSCRIPTIONS.i3Remittances of subscriptions may be made by mail at our

risk.No paper will be fent out of the State unless the order is

with the cash. .

STEAMBOATS.NEW ORLEANS AND NASHVILLE PACKET.nmjuuu zcw t'assenger Steamer. II. . ifZMxrrj !

r? w xr:n n... t it v ........ .

er, now being completed sit New Albany, will takcherin ine above trade as soon as navigation opens.

The Hill is entirely new, of the largest class, and is, iu ev-

ery respect; equal to any Steamboat on the "Western waters.She has been built under the superintendence of her expe-rienced Captain, and has all improvements required by thelate law. A plan of her Cabin

"can be scan and State-room- s

engaged by application to A. HAMILTON, Agent,,oewo Mai kct StreetIJtT Mr. TnOMAS HAMILTON will act as Agent for

the Ilill in New Orleans, and give his best attention to thepurchase of Merchandise ordered by her. A. II.


swift and superior Steamer Nash- - PSMhTHE Titos. DcLtxTbER, Commander, y J

will resume her place in the above trade on Sssszsrsys I

me ursuise 01 water, leaving iasuvnic every mree v.eensthroughout the season.

The Nashville is unsurpassed by any Boat in the trade forsaiety, cointort and convenience

A plan ot ucr Uaummavbssoen andbv application to JAS. A. MCALLISTER & CO., Ajpts.

octV Corner of Broad and College Streets.33F"Mr. THOMAS HAMILTON will act as Agent for

the 'Nashville iii New Orleans, mid give his best attention tothe purchase or Merchandise ordered bvher.

J. A. McA & CO.


ger racket Ufc.ruiJl.iir, .U.G. MeCAtLtSTEit, swpcMaster, will make regular eight day trips in the above tradeduring the season. Shippers and passengers may rely uponpunctuality of this boat for freight or passage. Apply ouboard or to JAMES CLAIBORNE, Agu

dec20 b w a. o ex Front st.

CINCINNATI, XOUIS VILLE and NASHVILLE PACKET.fJ'UlE unsurpassed fast running passenger - (wX steamer ENVOY, Titos. RouGcus, Mas-- Jhzti2&

ter, has taken the place of the steamer rSfeaMattieWaync and will make regular trips in the abovetrade during the season.

Leaving Cincinnati every other Wednesday, at t o'clock,P. M. Nashville c'very other Tuesday, at 4 o'clock, P. M.

The above boat is entirolr new and for speed --and accom-modation is unsurpassed. I will be thankful for all orders,and respectfully solicit for her a share of public patronage.

JAMES CLAIBORNE,jiinl A ts, Agent, Front St.


aMIE new and splendid passenger steamer pw tvFellow, CAPT. .10. O. LEAKIi,

wil. leave Na.-hvill-e" on her lirot trip, on Sat- - "av

urday the 27th instant, at 10 A. M., and will continue inthe above trade, leaving Nashville on Wednasdays and Sat-

urdays, at 10 A. M. andjeaving Paducah on Thursdays andMondays at 4 P, M.

The ODD FELLOW has been purchased by Capt. Leake,for the above trade. Her accommodations for passengersarc not suqiassed by any packet .on Cumberland liver. Iask for her a share of public patronage.

nov--T Cm A. HAMILTON, Agent



S3 EMBASSY.CITY OF nUNTS VILLE will leave Nashville forTHE every Friday; at C o'clock, p. m., and leaves

Memphis fiir Nashville Monday, at 11 o'clock, a. m.

EMBASSY will leave Nashville for Memphis every Mondaynt (5 o'clock, p. m., leaves Memphis for Nashville everyThursday at 11 o'clock, a. m., delivering the mail at tho sev-eral post offices between the above jxirts. Tliey will alsotouch at all points between the post offices.

Persons traveling southward will find it to their advantageto take this line, as it is frc nit wo to three days quicker andequally as cheap to New Orleans; meeting it Memphis withMempliis and Xew Orleans Packets which leave on the arri-val, of our packets, fiir Xc.v Orleans. Our packets also con-necting with the Arkansas and White River Mail Line. Eve-

ry pains will be taken to render those who call on us comfortahle- - For freightor passage, apply at the U. S. Mail Of-

fice, Nashville, or A. B. SHAW & CO., Memphis.janl 3 A. L. DAVIS, Nashville.


New York and Charleston Stsam Packets.T EAVES Adgers Wharves even' Saturday --JSZrX.J allcrnoon and each allrnatc Wednesday,

un r"auiriav, jas. Auucr, i.-u- toils, TfciJ. Dickinson, Commander 3I:irion, l,2w) tons, M. BcnyCoiumander.

The Southerner, W. Foster, Commander, will leaveeach alternate Wednesday. Having been newly copptredand guards raised, is now in compleio order.

For freight or passage, having elegant Stato Room Accom-modation, apply atlhe office of the Agent,


CornerEaslTJayand Adgcr'sSou. Wharves.Cabbin passage $2;. Steetagc-- .

N. B. A new .ship will be placed on the Line to connectwith the Soiilhcriior on Wednesdays. febl" trw

IRON FENCniG"At the Sign of the Spread Eagle, College Street.

riHL undersignod is now prepared to execute allJL kinds of Wrought and Cost Iron' Fencing.

Also, even' variety ot uates, vancv-fctep- , Balcony inand crandah Railing. My work will he executed as wellas any of that brought from the Eastern Cities, and at pricesas low as the same article can be procured elsewhere. cd

All kinds of Blacksmith Work at the shortest notice. Thepublic are requested to give rac a call and examine my pat-terns

theand prices. I will endeavor to give the utmost satis-

faction. WILLIAM STEWART,College Street, opposite tho Firemen's Hull, Nashville.

may! tfDESfjcTKr & J. D. WDiSTON;

their services io of Nashville and viOFFER in practice of Mcdicineand Surgery.Office on Cherry street, near f lie Rank of Tennessee. .l)r. J, D. Winston's residence, the house lately occupied

by Mr, Arnistead, on Vino street, between Church'audBroad.

ECEIVE!). A few ofthnsc fine BhuTkSatui XlJUST--

ItStocks. Apply soon. T. J. HOUGH'

feb 12 Agent

EXCHANGE & BANKING OFFICE OF D. PEAEL & CO he"VTORTlI-WES- T corner of the Public Square, near PlantXS crs' Bank, Nashville, Tenn.

We are drawing Sight Checks on all the principalcities of the East, South atid West at the lowest rates, "insums to suit purchasers."

KgT" Wo biry all kiuds of current and uncurrcnt BankNotes at moderate rates.

We buy South Ciirolina, Georgia and North CarolinaBatik Notes, at a very small discount

gr" "We will purchase New Orleans and Kentucky mon-

ies at a fair prcniiuni.- -

We have Gold and Silver for sale will attend tocollections --remitting on any point requested at Bank rates, '

charge but J percent commissions. -

&f We arc taking Bank of East Tennessee the same aaother Tennessee Bank Notes. jau!7


Cotton. Factors and General Commission Merchants,NEW ORLEANS.

fThey keep an Office in Tuscumbia, Ala.aug23 12m

Lt7IL.S. FRENCH, Agent, ashvillc, is authorized foake CASH advances upon shipments of Produce to th andove finiK

rtAKRYALL FOR SALE. A first rate newcus-- andI j lom made carryall.for sale cheap for cash, .by - .

jan21 W. --MEREDITH.Foot&c Extra fine Leather Trunks,, VelvetTRUNKS, Carpet Bags, Leather and Drugget Carpet

Bags, just received and for sale bvjHn21 W. MEREDITH. JL

CLOTHS. Rich and splendid CrumbCRUMBwith borders, just to hand and for sale byjau21 W. MEREDITH.

isOOL IIA.TS. Wool Hats just received and for hotelw sale by jau21 W. MEREDITH.

TTHD BLANKETS. Extra line Bed Blankets, iust TheI) received and for sale by ajSD21 W.MEREDITH. city.

EW CARPETING. Just received this day andfor sale by jan21 W. MEREDITH.


HARRIS & CO.Fonrarding aud Commission Merchants,

SA VANNAII, GA.,Forward with care and dispatch to and from tho Eastern

cities, or to any point desired, GOODS, PRODUCE ANDMERCHANDISE, of all descriptions, and sell ou commis-

sion PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE. They also pur-

chase to order GROCERIES, which can be bought onmost Civorab e terms, in the Savannah market They solicit

patronage, and pledge their utmost exertions to gire4tifsction. dc30-- 6m



Wholesale Druggist and Pharmaceutist,Sigx or the Lion axo Moktak. 4 dooes from

the Squake, Market Sr., Nashville,HAS just received, by the late rise of water, a large and

fine stock ofDrugs, Medicines and Chemicals,

sciwjical, mldwifekt axd axatomical ixstkukexts ;Paixts, Oils, AVixdow Glass, Vakxisiies, Spices,

Glasswaue, axd Stoxewaiie; Paint, Varxish,Coach axd Artist Bhcshes; Dre-Srurr- s,

PciiroMEnv, Faxct axd Plain SoArs;Fixe Tooth axd Hair Buushes;

Lettek axd Cap Paper; Steel Pexs,Ixks, 5cc; Tobacco, Sxcffs, axd uoaes;

Powder, Shot, Lead axd Safett Fuse; PureWixes, Braxdies, Spirits, kc; Laxdreth's Gar-de- x

Seeds; Taxxkes' Oil, Brushes, Lampblack, kcPurchasers, needing any of the above articles, will do well

to examine the above stock before purchasing elsewhere, asthey will find it as extensive, of prime quality, (if not lower)as low as any other House iu.Tennessee.

Also, Sole- - Wholesale Agcnt,for Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,Williams' Pulmonic Balsam, Mexican Mustang Liniment,Canton Tea Company's Teas, Dr. J. S. Houghton's. Pepsin.

J. il. j. would also iniorm Ins friends, ic.,that he will hereafter be assisted in his businessby Mr. MORTIMER MAMILTOX, late of thefirm of McNairy k Hamilton; who has been for

a number of years past extensively and favorably known inthe Drug line. -


Jow'd Celebrated do,Jules Hauel's do.Kchada do, for the Hair.Balm of Columb'a,Genuine Bear's Oil,Hanoi's Eau Lustrale.Liquid and Solid Bouse:French and Fancy Soaps:ix)w s celebrated tinner SoapRoussel's and Hauel's Fancy Soap; ' 'Fine and Dressing Combs ; - -


and Fancy Hair Brushes;-Lubin'- s"

Genuine Extracts; '"'."Mcen Fun ; ' '.. "

American and French Toilet Powdurs;- - '.-Fanc- y

Chalks; ,

Assorted Dentiftices;Pomade Divines, for chapped skins ;Tooth Brushes, Fancy and Plain.

Just received by 'lec2uj J. M. ZIMERMAN, !

DOW (.'LASS. Window Glass of all sizes mlsuperior quality received and for sale low by


pOD LIVER OIL. Trask's Magnetic Ointment.-- J.

. Just received by dec2o 5l. ZIMERMAN.

1NIATUKE IVORIES. Artists' Canvass, Artists' Brushes, Artists Colors, in Tubes, embracing ev

ery Shade. Just received bydec20 J. M. ZIMERMAN.

7 RUSHES. White WaMi, Dusting, Cruuib, Cloth,X ) Black, Pope's Head, Horse, Tanners', Printers', Var-nish,


Blue, Paint, &.c, of assorled sizes. Just received byj

dec20 J. M. ZIMERMAN. I

03KO aoo Rolls very old and rich; , j

10odoz,Cut, in pajiers; l

M do. Scafarlatti Turkish;Just received and for sale low by I


"AGNOLIA COTTON We are agents for theiU. sale ofthc celebrated MAGNOLIA COTTON SEED, ian article which several years experience .with some of ourbet planters has proven'to be batter adapted to Middle Ten-

nessee than any that was overgrown. Call soon or ther willall be gone. JOHNSON &. SMITH,

jan2'J Broadway.

O YCA3IORE COTTON YARNS A full supplyO of Sycamore YcriH, kept constantly on hand- - at Factory prices for Cash. RAMAGE &. CHURCH.

January 1, 1 8.1,3.


Of WarrerC Fire and W'uUr Proof Compaulfon..

I DEEM it unnecessary for me to say anything in favor ofthis mode of Roofing' : the constant increase of its popu-

larity for the last seven years that it has been tested in near-ly all parts of the Union, is tile best evidence of its utilityand value. The roof shows for itself

J "Office on Spruce Street, second door from Cedar st.,in Moore's block. febi ly


FORD, CONNECTICUT.James Dixox, Pres. IIkxrv L. Miller, Sec'y.

Capital and Surplus 3300,000.Ixcuraxce on lives of white persons on tho joint stock

and mutual phn.Also. Insurance on tho livc3 ofNcgroe, on reasonable

terms. S. II. L00MIS,jan 15 Om Agent.

THE STATE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF PA.a. j. GiLLirr, see'v. J. n. rutherford, pres.

Capital $230,000 !OjVceon, Cedar street, over Hie Mutual Prokdldn Ins Co.)

LL take fire risks in limited amounts on city orWl country property. Policies Issued and Losses ad-

justed and met nt the otiice in Nashville.Refekexces I J. Levy, -- )

B. Comegevs, Caahicrof hil. Bank, ( .W.L. Shaffer, " Girard" fPhiladel.W. Demise k Sons ) 'Rev. Alexander Campbell, Bethany, Va.Patrick fc Brand, Bankers, Pittsburg. . .

W. II. Durrough, Irving House, New York.G. W. Copelen, Cincinnati,

. JOHN G. FERGUSON-Nashvill- e,

February 2, 1853 Cm

EMPV7VLT-Dl- t. removed, to theoffice and residence on Cherry street, opposite Judge

Catron's, near Cornelius k McCombs' Cabinet Warerooms.JanS. f

T.nntr to vntrR twtettest !

TnE subscribers have associated the together forpurpose of carrying on a general agency business

buying and selling negroes.We can at all times bofontid at our office, No. 33, Cedar

street between Cherry and Summer, where we have erect- - .

a ife and comfortable quarters for .kecpingany number ofnegroes, and those wishing to sell may be assured of getting

highest market price, us we will either buy on our ownaccount or sell on commission for others. We pledge our-selves

ofto obey instructions, and especially promise to be par-

ticular in selecting good homes for favorite servant, to

families. DAUBS k PORTER.Rees W. PoirrEit, Gilescounty.Jos. W. Daubs, Nashville. jan20

ANDREW J. DUNCAN,TnTAS now in store afulls'ock of BRITISH, FRENCH,


r y Goods, it,too

adapted to the present and approaching season, and to whichwill continue to receive additions by ererysteamcr

consisting otBlack and colored Silks; French Muslins;

Uicss do; Painteil Lawns;Embf'd and plain Swiss; Printed Peputns"Muslins and Lawns; Chelic Royals;'Embroideries and Laces; Black Dress Goods;White Goods; French Printed Lawns;Hosiery; Bareges;Gloves; Crapes;Cravats; Crape Lesses: . WeLinen and Silk ndkfi; Tarltans; oiuSatin and S.Ik Vestings; Ure.-- s lnmmmgs;bilk: andbatm Ribbons; Cloths and Oassimeres.tottonades, rvankeens, Jueuilins, Chainbrv, Camlets,

Fancy Prints, Black Prints, English and French 4-- 4 Chintz,Bleached and Brown Muslins, Ttlcaclicd and "Brown. Drill-ings, Cambrics, Silk and Linen Threads, Spool Cottons, 4c

A L S ONew Style Bonnets, Ribbons, Artificial Flowers and X--

Wreaths, Bonnet Trimmings, Ac. ' JJHats, Caps, Boots, Shoe , and a general stock of Goods,which ho is .prepared to offer at the lowest prices upon libe-

ral lerms, aniltesiectfitlly invites the attention ofmerchantsthe trade generally.

rdLA.J. D.. is agent for several large factories,will soon be largely supplied AVith their inoods. Nashville. Feb. 25. 195-- .

CUMBERLAND "HOTEL, aaof Broad Street, Directly opposite the SteamSoai

Landing, Aathcwc, Tenn-- J.

L. GRACE, Proprietor.riillE-undniifrniHl- . tlinrikfiil Tnr Ilia ron. liKn.l t

patronage bestowed on this House since he .:!opened it to the public in March.last, and most re--spectfully r elicits a continuance of public favor. To thoboarding and traveling community, he would say, that he

now prepared to give them accommodations equal to anyin the city, having procured theserviecs of polite and

attentive clerks, experienced waiters, and first rate cooks.rooms are large and pleasantly situated, commanding ,

beautiful view ofthe river and business operations of thePersons wishing to travel by the river this house af-

fords superior adfantages, being located 2lls,

Immediately at the Landing. low

The trareller who slops here need never loose his chanceof the first boat. Baggage will always be conveyed to andfr jm Steamboats bv the servants of the house, free of chargeBills always mc derate. jan22 J. L GRACE.

D. S. & W. H. "WOODWARD.

Forwarding and y Commission Merchants, andTexas Lund Agents.

.Particular atfenf ion paid tojillinf orders rOEec, orer thestore of W. T. Smith & Co.. No. 6"S Magazine street

Oct 8, 18.V2 tim New Orleans.

IL CLOTHS All widths, just received and forsaleby jaa21 W. MEREDITH




NASHVILLE.CAPITAL 100,000 DOLLARS!!" Chartered by the State.

THIS Company having fully organized, isready to take risks on all descrip-tiou- s

of property, against loss or damages byfire, also against penis of the sea or inland navigation. Proposition for insurance wjll be received at theotlice of tnii iSasurille Insurance and Trust uo., college at.

A. W. .IOHNSO.N, President.J. S. Dashiell, Sec'y. Nashville, Oct 8, 1352,


Capital $250,000: All Paid In.' T HATE been appointed Agent of the above Companr at1 JL rasnville, and am tulir preparca io uikc jimiue, xirc,' Uiver Risks, on the most favorable terms.i A full statement of the solrencr of the Company, can be', seen at the office of the Nashville Insurance and TrustCom- -

i pahr, on College street.sep-l- j JOHN S. DASniELL, Agent


' OF NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE.on Cedar Sreet, adiotning the Post Office, and

OFFICE the Verandah, will insure on the mutual prin- -'

ciple, Houses, Merchandize, Ac, against Loss or Damage byFire; Steamboats on any-o- f the- - estern waters against theHazards of Inland Navigation and the Cargoes of Vessels of

acscnpiion againsi ine i ems in mcI Also, the Lives of persons in good health, for a single year,I; for a term of years, or during life; Also, Bank Notes trans- -

mittftil nermail.AH jiersons having thefr lives or property insured in this

Institution, are entitled to a full participation in nil the prof-its, without any liability to loss beyond the amount of Pre-

miums which ther jaay pay.M. S. 1'ILCHER, President,

. J. B. JOHNSON, Vice President.C. J. F. Wharton', Secretary. r janl


r PAN Y CAPITAL S160 000.on the North side of the Public Square, midway

OFFICE the Nashville Inn and the Planters' Bailk.They will make insurance on Houses and Goods of, every de-- fscription against fire; on Steamboats und Cargo a'gainst fire

I and the risk of the river; on the Cargo of Keel Boats and.' other river crafts, and on sea vessels and other cargoes, on

the usual'tcrms. JOHN M. HILL, PresidentJoseph Vaulx, Secretary.Directors. Alex. All-son- . John M. 11:11, F. B. Fogg, G.

M. Fogg, ,Iainc Correv, Jno. M, Bx?s, Joseph Woods, Samuel fceaj--

, jlattuew atson, J. J. uite, Jacoo JicuavocK.janl .


Chartered in 1S10. Capital '$30, 000: all pall iif.--As- sets

invested in January last $4ay,000.S. L. L00MI3, Sec'y. THO. K. BRACE, Pres.nPHE unders:rned has been nnnotnled Airent of this Com- -JL pany one ot tiie oldest ami most able m ttie United

States, having nearly or qui chalf a mill on of Dollars siifelyinvested at this time for the safety of pol.cy-holde- rs and isprepared to issue Policies' on as favorable terms as any otherresponsible office,- - oir Dwellings, Stores, Manufacturing Es--

tabhshiiients,andall other kinds of Buildings; on Householdtuniituroana .Mercnanuise m general, eitner m ine city orcountry, against Loss or Damage by Fire. Also, against thehazards of Inland Transportation by all the usual routes andmodes ot conveyance. JUftlil'ii ASU, Agent,

Office N. . Comer Public Square, opp. Planters JJauk.mav5


HOUSE Servants, Farm Hands, Steamboat Firemen,Bovs, &c, at customary rates of Premium.

Policies issued and losses promptlvadjusted at the NashvilleAgency. JOSEPH NASH, Agent.

d'tna Insurance Company of Ilarltbrd Office N. W. Corner Public Square, opposite Planters' Bank.



NASHVJLLE. TiiNNMarble Warerooms at Uie old stand Corner of Summer and

spring Street.HAVING made extensive enlargements in my Marble

my facilities ate such that I can, execute allkinds of wprkin the most tasieful manner and the latest style,as cheap as it can be doi$ in any of the Eastern Cities.By calling at my Watc-room- on "the corner of Spring audSummer Greets specimens may be seen wh;ch 'will enablepersons t6juJge for themselves, which is thj best method.Having on hand all kiuds of Marble from Eeast Tennessee.Also, a hue assortment of Lgvntian, Italian and Amer.canMarble, which I will sell low to the trade, wholesale andie-tai- l,

finished or in the rough state.A large assortment of Moxumexts, Tomds, Baptismal

Fouxts, Uuxs, Vases, Gardex Figures. Grave Stoxks, Ac,carved and lettered to order. Furxiture Marble executedto Order aud sent to any part of the South-.We- st as cheap asit can be proem ed trom the hast. Also, .Marble Mantels,of every descr ption, plain or carved. Boiluixg Stoxe, soldWholesale ami Retail.

All orders left' at in AVare-Roo- on the corner of Springanu bummer streets, will meet with prompt attention, juyfriends generally will find it to their inieicst to call and examine my stock befoie put chasing elsewhere. Thankful tomy old friends and customers fiir their liberal patronage, Ihope by strict attention to business to merit a continuanceof their favors. J V.M ES S LOAN,

Corner ofSpring and Summer streets, Nashville.febl'J ly

PATENT CHOPPING MILL,For Chopping Corn or other-Grai-

An artute which ecer Farmer etould hace.

IT will grind, with one or two horse power, from four to abushels an hour either fine fbr bread or coarse for

stock and is so simple in its construction, that arv boytwclve years old can keep itin order and run it. It is adapled to either Steam, Water or Horse Power.

Having sold the entire right of manufacturing and sellingthc-abov-

c Mill, iu Tennessee, to Messrs. J. R. Cowan and A.C. Howard, of Nashville, persons wishing to purchase canfind them at J. M. Seabury's, on College street, where theywill be happy to take orders. BOSS k .JJDAMS.


COOKING STOVESTTTE hare just received from the best fc

t cmnati, a large supply of the following COOKINGSTOVES :

The Hoosier State Cookixg Stovis ; three different sizes. TTnE Iroxtox Premium Cookixo Stows; with (5 holes, onethe best and cheapest stoves.befoie the public.

" "

MThe Cement Cook Stove, a new air tight stove, warrantedwork well.

20TnE Kextgckiax Cook Stoves; Nos. 2 and S. 5he Double Oven Cooking Stoves. 'Premium Stoves of various patterns,' and at prices so low ;

that no one can undersell us.We have also received a specimen of a new stove, - HE oa

50PNNSVLVANLN, which conies highly recommende 120and is believed to bo one of the best .and most improved 25stoves lately; manufactured, well worthy theattentiou of any

family wantinga large and firstrate stove. 10yur stock ot lllvVilMiASD PARLOUR STOVES, is 10large for this advance J stage of the season. To reduce 5we will sell large Church and Hall Stoves for cash at asmau auvancc above cost.

SNOW, MACKENZIE k CO.Nashville, Feb. 1 1853,

NOTICE. Iu consequence of theFirc on Friday morncompelled to suspend business for ionic

time, out win commence agu:n as soon as we can procure a 30Jsuitable house, of which due notice will be given. la (he 300meantime wchopeourfriends whoarcindcblcd to us, and toEwin, Brown & Co., will ccmo forward and settle up "without 500

300ueiay, mai we may mcjK our own engagements promptly.can be found at' No. IS, on tho square John Nichbl's 500

siaiut. 300We would also take this occasion to exnrpss our rrmifiil 100

thanks to those who hare kindly favored us and our prede-cessors with their patronage; to the. Fire Companies and 80Q,

citizens, to whose exertions we are mainly Indebted for 1U0

what ofoiu-.gootj- s were sared, aud to those kind friends who 25

srmpatiuse with us in our loss. 30ic.b 2 EWIN BROTHERS. 50

300IiiSEED OIL AND WHITE LEAD. 10 bblsLinseed Oil; 2n0kcg3 Falmcstock's White Lead, Just

receired and forsale low for cash by-- ueczu J. M. ZIMERMAN.

T?A3I1LY GROCERYFaniilies living TOffiinear oron Broadway can always get the fol- - 'isAr3

lowing articles at my store. No. 52. on Broadway. rx..u.-- .

small oHarge quantities from dav-l'g'.- it to I0 at night:Butter, Egg?, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Candles, Bacon, Lard and

oiiicr articles usually Kept in a ramily Grocery.febl 6 D. TRIGG, No. 52, Broadway.

GOLDEN SYRUPqr. bbls Golden Svrup,

10 Jit " Sugar House Molasses, irap16 bbls Loaf Sug-.ir- ,

5 " Cr'd do,Just receired trow St Louis, and for sale brfcb'28 SAMUEL SEAY.

TEUNKS, 7ALtSE3, and .CARPET BAGS, tioulois.

WE have just received a large and fine as- - rs, snrhnntilnfTnml-- o i T) , ".,v wiiiti "s3 anu. oe

ahses, consisting of Bole, flag and Kinprices,Wilton and common Carpet Bags, which we wi'llsellat

prices. k.vj. 110LLIN8 & CO.,janl'J Corner of College and Union sts., Nashville..

SUNDRIES. Now lauding from steamer America hmi'0Soapr 10 eeroons Indigo; . phcit

20 bags Pepper; o csiSKS jiatider;25 do Ginger; 82 half barrels Soda;10 do Spice; 15 barrels Alum15 do Almonds; 10 tierces Rice ;

100 dozen Buckets ; 10 boxes Granges ;and forsale by feb!4 MORRIS k STRATTON. racture

Staes.RAMAGE & CHURCH, article


Wholesale and Eetail Dealers in Boots, Shoes, TrunksmMva, vugt AJlB, bala, CJC


Dealers in Cotton and Tobacco, E3ceivins and Tor--warding Merchants, Steamboat Agents, &c,


STEATT0N, SMITJI & Co.,"Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants,

Corner of Broad and Market Streets,SHVILLE, TENN.,

Hi-OTv- disposed of an interest in the Grocery departmun. Sn? i Uf, Pusjncsi t0 X Madisos Strattox, the

lat be ed ""der the style ofruFf',?nTF Contour old stand, on the coinerstreets.Our stock, now ample, will be so by large accessitnsevery few days, to which we invit'e thelicit ' nuiii uiereuams in ui mnr


beimr detentiinpH tn n i uT.a w o tuu as any house ik Uiecity. O ur terms cash and p:sh nn It- -

apr 1, 1852. JOHNSON & SMITU

EAMAGE & CHURCH.Wholesale and Estail Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Hats,

Caps, Trunks, Valises and Carpet Eags,College street, Nashville, Texx.

A. HAMILTON,Cotton and Tobacco Dealer, Forwarding and Commission

Merchant,octS' -


M0EEIS & STEATT0N,(Slxcessors to Laxier, Morris k Co.,)

Commission and Forwarding Merchants and WholesaleGrocers,

Corner ofMarket and Clark Street. XaihrilU.

WE have now in store a large stock of Groceries, Li-quors, Wines, etc.. which will b snh! .it, tho

market price3, for cash or barter. fsenirGEO. W. SKAT. THOS. C. BAITS. S. DECHERn.



A' CAEDHAVE this day associated w'tii me in the Saddling Bu-siness my soif. A. C. MARCH. Tlio hiw;,,nc ;.. e..

will be conducied iu the name of J. D. March &'Son Alipersons indeb ed to me, by uole .or account, will pleasc'comeup and make payment. j. MARCH.

Thankful for the liberal share of patronage hereto-fore, a continuance of the same is respectfully solicited.


M'El)BEETS & M'KEE,Wholesale Grocers and Commission

ill E R C II A NTS.MAIikb'l ST., 4 Boon frtm BROAD ST.,

NASHVILLE,' TENN.April 29 1852 ly


BENJAMIN F. SHIELDS & CO.. having per.themselves at New Orleans offer theirservices as Commission and Fonvarding3lereIiaiitsand General Agents, and solieit miK,m(J r i.

kinds of "Western I 'roducO. fct'linnr nfirln.,t 1. .1and will mr. Rirrnrt!n -- iiV;.P- ' rau

p nuu mat cnirusi tiicir mter- -est to their care. Proceeds of sales will be invariably heldsacred anil imunnllp mm lio,li . a. JMBens.ro arrangements made for the rcceiving andforwarding of even- - 8wc:i of .Merchandise, at induced ratesfrom charges at this wmt. Ordera for fim, .,.i j... . '

ancc Risks, with I he collection nf ll;il n,.,r, ......j.to without delay. BENJ F si i emu? S ?

aug!2 ly ' .....iju JJ.


Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furnishing and Fancy, Goods,uvurye ircrt, unc aoor wan oj the Square.


found at all timesa large assort-ment of Winches-ter's, Davis fc

June's, k Myers'Patent ShoulderSeam Shirts, ofLineu, Mislintt'ltli r.tnfn MmtT

soms, G ingham,Jr H Pnnnli I 'Itin t

Standing and Byron Collars, Underwear, Merino, ShakedSilk, Cashmere, Vigonia, Cotton and Canton Flannel, fs,ladies and gentlemen, Gents Cloth Gutters. Gloves. KinSilk, Buck. Cashmere, Cloth, Chamois, Wash Norma.- -

and Ladies and Gentlemen's Gauntlets, Linenndkerchiefs. Stocks. Ties. Waterfowls. Albert.

De Joinville's. nlain. Emb'd and splFifliiwtmn- -

Scaifs, Black and White Satin Tics, Shoulder Braces, Sus-penders, Silk, Woolen and Cotton Night Caps, Oil Silk Bath-ing Caps for Ladies and Gentlemen. Mousy, Rid uo- - andStrengthening lieits, Kooe de Uliambre, Umbrellas, Walk-ing Canes, Riding Whips, Trunks, Sole Leather, Valises,Carpet Bags, Satchels, Dre.-s'n-g Cases, Work Boxs,, Toi-lets, Opera Glasses, Porte Monies. Fans, Writing DesksCigar Cases, Flasks, Travelling Comnaiiions. Ruzbis andRazor Strops, Combs, Brushes, Good-jcar'- s Gum Gotds.

Perfumery. Toilet Bottles, Pocket Cutlery. Ac. andlarge assortment of other articles, usually kept by Fur-

nishing 'Stores.We have made arrangements with our friends at tho

North to forward us Goods as soon as received bv them.a

therefore wo shall have goods here in lessthan ten davfrom the New York Custom House.

MYERS k McGILL'S.Furnishing Store, College street. 1 door South of the

Square, Nashville. foctllBEN. M. NOEL & BE0.,

Grocery and Commission, Receiving andForwarding Merchants,

And Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquora.COLLEGE STREET.

IQUORS AND TOBACCO.JU 400 buls Sam Hale s Whisky: Juobbls Drans Whiskr- -

bbls Old Monongahela do 50: Brown's D D do-5-' S." American Brandy: 40 " " S M Winp

Old Port Wine: N E RuH Pipes Old Urand, best brands;

1 Pipe Irish Whisky; 50 Baskets Cliampaigne:-- .

0 boxes of l.ieucrs Ginger and Raspberry Brandies:ripes nouanu um; l--u oois American Urn;bxs Gus Jones' Tobacco; 0 " "Walker's Ale:" Young k Birdewell's do 20 brs Allison s Tobacco;" P M Boerz No 1 do; 30 rcnnel's do

20-- " " " Gold Leaf do 10 Fcnix's . : do" B. Daily's do 20 " Missouri do" Ender's' do 10 "Sam Wools 5's do" S E White's do 5 " Rend k Nash's- - do

In store and for sale byfebl'J BEN. M. NOEL k BRO.

JUST RECEIVEDPrime Rio Coffee;

50 " ,c Laguayrado: 25,0.00 Jmporfed Cigars:bbls Reboiled Molasses; 50,0(0 Melee do; '

halves do do; 10 frails SS Almonds;50 hhds choice Sugar; -- 1 0 tierces Rice;

bags fine Silt; 5 eeroons Indigo;.kegs Oysters; 2 casks Dutch laddcr;-20- "cans do; bbls Copperas;bbls St Louis Mills. Flour; ,,20 bags Pepper;

.Cincinnati do Tf " Spice;300-keg- s Nails assorted; 800 reams Wrap. Paper;

boxes Glassware, ass; 500 lb Kahawha'Salt ;ftoz. ljrooms; 20 kegs Shot and Lead;bbls Golden Syrup; bois JtacKerel;- -bbls and half bbls Crackersbbls Loaf, Crushed and Powdered Sugariboxes and half boxes Raisins; '

Just received and for sale by BEN. M. NOEL &BRO.feblO. ,

WANTED. A few thousand bushels Pea Nuts, forwilf give the highest market price. ?

'feblS BEN. M.-- NOEL & BRO.

JOSEPH F. DUNT0N,Fancy and Staple, Dry Goods Hdnse,.

No.. 51. Public Siftare. NitshciUe. Tenn.

HAS now in store a large-an- d well assorted Stcckof thndesirable goods of the season, embracing ererr

description and quality, French Matitillas, Ribbons, Silkviooas, one uooas oi an Kmas,L,aces and Embroide- -

Tmnli Jninnnfla T.ntmo ami f .U-- : . i.w.. a.l uj iuu uuiiiui lua, xaregesuuivuaiHuuu!. iiiiaui.iuco, a vaneiy ot otner JJressGoods, Hosiery of all kinds, Hats of all descriptions Hard-ware, etc. Looking Glasses, a large varietr of Guns ahdPis- -

besides a great ranCtr OrTrimiilinrrs nnof Goods, to which he now submhs the inspection of.........Merchants ol thocitvand. . rnnntrv in. .i.:i. ?- y w ii iiiwii aiucK. winaaaea daily, desirable fmm ihn pOCf m .1

generally, are invited to examine my stock and comnarowith that of other houses in the trade.feb 23 J. F. DUNTON

- for manvfac--turina. arawinn anAlmOJAnn. r.r th i., j .

1 ". j .in w. .liiu. lliua.iiir- -

. ... tr1 n . . .Mfuou iill nil. iirmni. riTiiivtr i i i nprinted directions for its use. br Pepper,


Upposite Belle vue, NewYoejcThe Only eslahlishmont

of SODA WATER MACHINERY, kc., in the Unitedand where mav 1m fmind a lanreapscwtment of everyconnected with the business, rncluding-Materials- , ic; Q

m i ....... nn V., . O.1 om :u

2S0 hhds Sugar, now landing from sfeameaSUGAR. and for sale by MORRIS & STRATTON,

UNION.NO. 297.




dozen bottles of this0' celebrated water just received. The analysis of thismineral water proves it to contain Bicarbonate of Magnesia and Soda, ( hloride of Iodium, Iobide of Iiodium andCaibonate ofLiir.e. feb23 CURREY A MARTIN.

BOGLE'S HYPERION FLUID. This Hairhas acquired a wonderful reputation. It is

recommended for Baldness, Dandruff, Humors on the Scalp,aud for rendering the Hair beautiful and glossy.

14 Doz. just received by CURRE ' k M ARTIN.

TS. A large assortment of Paints of all colors,ind in oil in half pound aud one pouud cans, readyJustreceived by CURREY & MARTIN.

TEAS. We are supplied with a large and freshof both Greeaand Black Teas, of fine and ex-

tra fine flavor consistingof Imperial, Superior Colony. Sealiueen, Old Hyson, Fiue' Mjcv- - Fong, Powchong. Theseare Canton Teas. Justreceived br

feb'JS" C URREV k MARTfN, No. S5, Union street.

DE, BLEDSOE'S ALTERATIVE COMPOUNDHit JSemedtf over all Remedies for the Diseased . the L.xxer

Byspeptia, Enlargement and Injtamation of the SpUtnIfcartbarm, Gjlic Flatulence, piks, CbmsiirputioH, altdUea-ie- s of the Bowel, ami such dluases m arite from adisorderd state of the Stomach, Licer or Boxcel, asScrofula and Sorer of ant kind. For GetzeralBebUlttj,

- from which Ladies, frequently mifer, there U not itsequal in the whole Materia Medicj."

TnE inventor of this prepara'ijn was for three rears sprostrated from Dvspepsia and inactivity ofthe Liver that he was frequently for weeks at a time unable to

raise himself from his bed. He sought aid from physicianat home and in Europe, but in vain; his case was pronouncedhopeless by thousands, and it w.is bv accident that he suc-ceeded in curing himself. Since he has been nracticimr me- -lcme, Ins success in such coses has been unriralled. Ii!has been aware of the incredulity of the public, und cons--quen- tly

said nothing through the press of his own caseuntil the character of thj medicine wan fully establishedby its success, as shown 1 the certificates which have deenadvertised.

I subjo n the certifier te of Prof. M. Gabbert, of Memphis,Tenn., with whom Iaften advised during the lime ot mysuffering. -

Memphis, Tenn., AprillT, 1 JoL.1

1 hereby certify that I have been acquainted with -- r. JN. Bledsoe and ome years ago lie was reduced I -- el evclowcrthanl have ever 'seen'any one that afterwards recover-ed, with what 1 supposed to bo liyspepsiaand Liver ufiiC ioi,and after trying the prescriptions ot many Physicians in thisas well as other countries', without relief, 'he finally sucecdedwith .a preparation of his own in being restored to goodhealth. - M. GABBERT, M. I).

Physicians arc requested to try this preparation. Wefeel satisfied it will sustain the character we give to it in thispublicitiou.

IIUXTSriLLE- - JanuarvIODr. Bledsoe: I take the liberty and fell it to be my duty

to recommend to all persons suffering from disease of thestomach and bowels, Alterativeyour Compound, as a vcrrDnnnmI..inniK.:n If.. ...... I , - . . . . - -oul-iki- i "itnn-uic- . .w mjii, agcu io years, iiau been undermedical treatment about fire years fbr dyspepsia and diar-rhea- ivheu having almost despaired of h'is recovery I con-cluded fo try your Alterative, two bottles of which, 1 believe.entirely cured him. MICAJAH CAYCE. '

HcxTsriLLE. Oct 17,1352.Ub. Bledsoe: Some tima has eiapsed since I gare a ceitificafo that my wife had been greatly benefited by vour

Alterative Compound. I now take pleasute in savin-- - tothe public, that my wife- - had for throe or four years Seensubject to the worst kind of spells of cramp in the stomachfrom dyspepsia. I had fried of several whom 1 thought fobethe best physicians in the place and a great many liifl'ercnmedicines, with momentary relief. Being persuaded to tryyour alterative compound, I did so at-- d I ufn happy to saythat it has entirely cuied Iter; and I would conscientiouslyrecommend it' to all persons suffering from dise ises of thehvcrand dyspepsia. " J. UuBHRTSON.

IIUNTSVILLR. Spnf OO ICSIDr. Bledsoe naring seen the publication of vo'ur Alter--

atiyeCompound, 1 thitik it my duty tes;iv to the publicI had beeu for years subject to spells of "Cramp Colic 'i

uiai lynn j uiaii nun ineu almost every thing that isbyphysicians, and never found anv thing that would cer-

tainly lelieve me, until I tried theabove medicine, which uasrelieved me in every attack in less than an hour.


Giles Couxti--, Tenn., Dec. 23, 1351.Dn. Bledsoe: I feel that I should fall short of my duty

to you and to those who are atllicted, were I not to furtherrecommend your Alterative Compound. It has entirely re-lieved me, so that I have not had caus.e to take anything intwo.months. I can eat anything I want with impunity, undbelieve my health is as good as it ever is, at mvadvauce'dageShould 1 ever suffer from dyspepsia again I shall be sure tocall on you. I am very respectfully you-- friend.


ncXTSVILLE. Ala.. Aiimisl o.t icoThis is to certify, that I had suffered for inany years with

Dyspepsia and Diseases ofthc Liver. Physician after Phv--jm.iji.iiui.-- iui um niniuiu my receiving anv ben-eli- f,

when 1 commenced the use of Dr. Bledsoe's AlterativeCompound, which cured me soundly, and I recommend itbecause of the same happy effect upon others of inv acquaintancc. JOSEPH CAROTHLRS.

' Huxtsville, Ala., March 3rlS52.Dr. Bledsoe Sir : Judgintr from the certifirotnq

have already advertised, it will be almost.unnecessary forme

.1 .1 i.io auu uiriiier eviuence in regard to t he hea hut virini-- i f 1your Compound; but I amst say, that foryears I suffered agreat deal from Dyspepsia and enlargement of the spleen,and thought that I never would recover. I commenced tak-ing your compound about nine weeks since, and have gained2j or 30 pounds, and feel about as well as 1 ever did,

HENRY J. G0FF.JSTThe above medicine is forsalc in crery Drug Store in

tlrr. ni1" fin! mrwt nf flu. tnitinj ,1... fcz...... r inK- -

', General Agent, for wtiolesaleing- - the med-sg-pri- ce

lcine. $1 per pint Bottle. novlt lvd trPERKINS. CLACK & CO.,


E. Corner of College and Church tU., Nanhville, Tenn. I

WHOLESALE DEALERS IXSugar, CofTec,SaIt, Flour, Iron, &c, &c, &c.COFFEE 100 bags Rio Coffee;

25 bugs Havana Coffee;25 " Laguvra do;25 " Java do:

SUGAR 100 hhds Louisiana Sugar; by50 bbls Philadelphia crushed Sugarr35 " " Clarified do;

.25 " ' Loaf, silvering's;)25. " St Loins Crush 'd and Pulverized;

TEAS 20 cases Superior Tea--;MOLASSES-l- ud bbls Reboiled and S. House Molasses;

50 K bbls do;NAILS 100 kegs assorted sizes;IRON Tenneesoe and Pittsburg assorted sizes;FLOUR 20u bbls Gallego's Mills;

50 " St Louis, (Harrison's;)50 " Cincinnati;

LIQUORS 15 cases London Porter quarts and pints;10 " Scotch Ale " '50 " American Brandy;

2K pipes Frcr "i do;25 bbls Bourbon Whisky; his55 " Monongahala do;

20Qbbl3-Rectifie-d do various brands;

50 " Old Rye do;CIGARS 20,000 Imported Harana Cigars;

13,000 American do: '

100 boxes Cuba Sixes and MeleeTOBACCO 50 -- ni.n...:'pu uP i..

5 " Jennv Lmd siuvcriomriiplo. ,SALT 100 bbls Kanawha Salt; '

100 sacks Fine do:125 " Coarse do;100 Dairy do;

7.t hnrs Tufiin An.

FISH 30 bbls Mackerel;ou " do;75 kits do; liw10 casc3 Sardines:

POTATOES 150 bbls Irish pnfv.fn.BUCKETS-1- 00 doz. Painted Buckets;


50 boxes'SxlO Window 'GJais; and50 " 10x12 full

100 " Pint .inrf Quart and hf nt Flasks:''CLOVER SEED 25 hhls Ppnnsvlvania-Clove- r Seed: iSmealvCANDLES 50 boxes.Star o'andles; - --


" " -- "40

For" " " .

- 100 " Tallow "SOAP 100 boxs Brown bar Soap;

50 - Fancy;PICKLES 10 cases choice Pickles;- - .CATSUP 10 cases Tommato Catsup;FRUITS-- 50 boxes.3IR. Raisins- -

50 H '.' "do; u '

50 " do;200 drums Figs; - This

- .' 10 frails S S AlmondS; ' ..

10 bbls Pecans.SUNDRIES Cotton Yarns Indigo, Madder,- - Spice, Lead,

Shot, Axes, Chains, &c, kcstore and for sale by PERKINS, CLACK & CO'

Liberal advances on consignments. B marchl6 and



CnGOL, Law, Modical Religious and MiscellBnniL janBooks, Also, Blank Books and Stationery, at lowest fprices. XXjTCountry Merchants, and School Teachers supplied a

Vta most farerabla Unas. Nashville, Tmul, b. 8. or,



FALL & CUAAlxGIIA32,No. &7, Colllgs Street, Nashville, Texx.

ARE now in recept of their entire stock ofHARDWARECUTLER l for the Spring Trade, and iu calling

lho attention if lhemerehaiits. if jiidd.euiid East lennis-c- e,

Kentucky, and Nortii Al.ib.iina, to she r large and vuiiedassortment, tney feet con .dent that it will cou.pare f.vtua-bl- y

with.that ot nuy House in ntir ccuiitr-- , and when theHem of Transportation i coi.sideTed, u will ce fouud that

prompt ail dea.era in this section of lhcoitutn- - toencuur.gea home mar, et.i her also innte the atter.riouonUicksmitluL Carpenters,andi-armer- visiting Nashville to the;r assortment ot Tt-ol-

harming Intplemeula, Jlc, a large stock ofwkch they alwaysKeep on naau.

leather, Ginang and Stan ax, taken at the highest market pi ices m exchange Tor goods, or in pannent of debts.Feb. 5iti,

N0TJCE VALUABLE LAND FOE SALE.AT'?;hCTofnd'TOn:aiu"nii'lS acres, situated in

between Williamsdu and Davidson; being lo miles distant from Nashville, 8from I rankhn, and i from the Franklin and Nashrdle Turn-pike: situa.ed on a public road leadiugto the former place.One mile west of the uwen and Winstead Pike, one and ahalf mdo. east of the Harper Pike, one and three quartermiles east ofthe Nashville and Cohmbia Railroad, adjoin-ing an excellent Church, courem'eut to Mills, conlenieattofeveral excellent Physic.aus, and in half a mile of a goodSchool House.

The Dwelling on yaid place is a large brick, two and ahalf stor.es high, "with an ell attached; a high and healthysituation, with a bold-runni- spring of excellent waterwitli Smoke hou?e, Kitchen, Stables, and Cribs, with aaOi chard of excellent Fruit Trees, and six acres of CdarTimber, five miles of the place--

GLOVER k BOYD, Genl Agt'a

rtOYF?ST tCW-- NO. 23.

20 Nest Clothes Baskets;50 Kits Nos. 1 and i Mackerel, for sale by

R. F. BELL,marchll opposite Sewauee HouJe, College st

NEW MEDICAL BOOKS."j ,rACLISE'S Surgical AnatomvrJLtX Gross ou Urinary Organs; "

j.ilarris' Deutd Surgery; . .

United States Dispeusltdry;Uoblyn's Medic.il Dictiuuary; , ,

DunglL?on's New Remedies;"Meigs on Discajes of Children; 'Churcliill on Women; --

Bartlett on Fereri; . .Carpenter's Prmcples of Physiology; ' ,

Coloinbat on Fomaicsr . 'Ojudir on Childrt--Ashuell on Females; - - JMiiler'sPrine pies ofSuigerr;Chapman on K-ver-

- Mitchell's Tiie.'uj eutres; '".Laaen.cou ille t'lie-t- ;

Snub's Anatomical Atlas;Iaiwietice on the Eye;Biakis.on on .he Chest;

New editions, just nceiVed and fiir sale brmailt; CHARLES W.SMITH, 51 Col.'e-e- st.

Q 1 000 "E D. I will pay theabove rewardw. rLrso" or peions, as - "iliumnhnv.'tli.. inMrtoi V- - "... I"

V v.l...i.i,i.H.:uc IIIIMU4IIHI uuid Uarrantsof the dcnommatioi.s of in,., so and 4... acres. I will t,r-ch- as

single warrants of either denomination.R. H. BUOCKWAY

S"""Room over Oak Hid, east side Public Square. ;d ihwr

--Nashville. octl-- i in27.O WEET HAVANA ORANCES.-j- Ht rtcevedKJ two barrels Sweet Oraugt-s-. l. Jt J. N l.ON.

FTJENiTiJEE, CARPETING, OIL CLOTH, &i iic. uo?cnoor has just returned from thei hast, and is constant I r receiring all of

FURNITURE, CvRPElING. ic. ilis S at SsQfcapresent consists of almost every iu tide in his line ot business, anu as extensive as any m the c.tw Purchasers would(Io well to calf, as he is determined to sell low tor cash or ontime for approved paper. A. PATi'EItSO.V,

"'""" College near Church s:rcet


IJIPORTERS and JOIJBERS,Aw. IS, Public Sauare. X,i,r;ll

HAVE now in store their SPRINCi' STOCK," comevery variety of



Ribbons,. Printed JLawus

juconeis, tJinghams,Eerngc DeLaiues,

WHITE GOODSCloths, Cassimercs, White and Blay Linens,

Jeans aud Cottonades, 1'rcnch andEuglish J)rap DcEte,

BONNETS, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac,which they oiler for sale on their usual liberal terms toprompt time or cash dealers.

Feathers, Ginseng, Beeswax and Wool, always taken atthe highest market prices. feb2



ASOLS, tC, AC,Aoj-- side of the Put.Uc Sjuare, Nashville, Tenn.fh have m siote a coiiplete stock and general assort- -, i imiuu. xivw opnng anu Mimnier (.'oods.

In asking theattentiou (' dealers to this exceediii-d- b"iu-tif- ul

and eminently desirable collection of Goods, we wouldsay we are now prepared to supply our patrons on betterterms and at lower prices, lhan the same goods can be pro-cured, in like quantities, from either Philadelphia or N. York,the selections have been made with great care, and arem every particular adapted to the requirements or the trade.

he stock is not only tlie latgot. but the most varied andelegant m its assortment ever offered by any one in Nash-ville.

We want Feathers, Beeswax, Ginseng, Wool, WhiteLinsey, and Woolen Socks, to anv extent, at full riaiketalue. feb!4 2ni. H. k" B. DOUGLAS k CO.


NOTICE-i-s hereby given to all those indebted to

deceased.intestate, to come forward and makepayment, and to ah having in povession any oftlie goodsand chattels ofsaid deceased, to deliver them; and all thosehaving claims against said deceased to present them proper-ly authenticated, by the loth day of June next, or tliev will

forever ban ed. D. R CLAIBOR.N'E,match 1 1 ymtrw Administrator.


EESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens of NashvilVhe has returned again after a resi

dence of fourteen years in the South, and permanentlvhj.cated himself in South Nashville, at the corner of Was,tngfonatid Pearl streets, where he may at all times be fount

those who may wish to consnlt him.lie basin his possession. many certificates from men I

eminent standing certifying to the permanent cure of themostdisticssingcaesot the following disea.-e-s, viz: Ner-vous Affections, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsias, Chills andFevers, Pleurisies, Asthmas, Colds, Coughs, Incipient Con-sumptions, Rheumatisms, Weak Lungs, Fits, Dropsies.Cancers, Ulcers, Scroffiilous, Hemoptasis of the Lungs, andother Hemorages; Diarrhoea, Diseases of the Kidnevs, Mer-curial and Venereal Taints ofthe Blood; Diseases "of Chil-die- n,

Worms aud various other Diseases incident to the hu-man system..

During his residence in the South, he attended fo over tenthousand different cases, all of which he treated with morethan ordinary success.

Dr. McLane hopes from his much experience in the Medi-cal Profession and the degree of success that has attended

efforts heretofore, to obtain the confidence and patronageofthe sick and afllicted.

Nashville, Feb 9 1 y. DR. WM. McLANE.jTAlI Letters addressed, post-pai- d, to South Nashville.

SEEDS 160o papers of rare and select?, Flower Seeds, just leceived per exjiress from Philadel-plu- a.

Many of these seeds have iust been imcorted fromEurope, and are enti ely new to our western gardens.

Also in store, a largo and tresh (wairantcaj.suppry oi .

Garden Seeds. CUR KEY k MARTLN,march21 No. 35 Union street


THE direct from Kentucky, will makefind c..inn in TVnnfisstfe at Caner Spring in

Marshall count', five miles ielow the fishing ford in. DuckRiver, at thirty-fir- e dollars insurance and fifty cents groom

Jennets sent from a distance will be pastured gratis,grain fed, if requireu. at fitly cents ptr week. He isfifteen hands two and. a halt Indies higu, pood honest

measure, unusually large none, anu neaw: niacr. wiihnose. He has the form, size, color and blood ti re-- "r

: i t.t i.:t,i.. tn. K.. ;cuuiuicuu miti iiiKtuj " ""'-- t , titsti iu improve ineir

We consider him the master Jack of Tennessee.further particulars see handbills'.

marchll 3m KNIGHT & WILSON:UST RECEIVED AT 42. COLLEGE STREET;Ladies elegant Gaiters (with heels;)

" Super. French Lasting Gaiters;" " Kid ftrimmed) SJippcrs;--"

Elegant Embroidered' PatcntLcather Slippers; '" best fine Morocco Kid and Goat Boots;

Misses and Childrens Patent Leather do.day received by mar23 RAMAGE k CHURCH

G. W. jaUBEEPiaao Tuner and ep.ai r e r-,--: . ;i


JtErEn to; : Ja?. Diggons, J. B. Wesi,, Dealers in PianoMusic ....II. S. Saroni. G: M- - Taylor, J. K. OplW.

waterma n. J. Gomcz ProFs. Music - 'Leave Orders at JtrAesUs,riJiggons or Morton s Muaio

Union Street. - j ,

Orders frwn w. country win be promptly attended to20 dfcfiwSm.

lvS5 WAJtE. 100 boxes Jenny Lind quart FiaskaSQ0 boxes Fancy pint Flasks: .

100 $pint a0;tola by fcb25 Y. H. GORDON A CCX