Nasir Ud Din Mahmood

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Nasir ud din mahmood of slave dynasty, mamluk dynasty.

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outline2Presentation topicNASIR UD DIN MAHMOOD (1246-1266) 3Birth: Capital of DelhiName: given due to intense love of his father Iltutmish to his eldest son: Malik Nasir-ud-din Mahmood ShahIntroduction4 Education: government and politics His age at coronation: 17 8th sultan of sayyed dynasty

Introduction5 Calligraphist Earned his living Very pious Endowed with patience. Wives no: Monogamy4 wives No concubines

His Personal life6He had no ambitions to become a king. His coronation was the result of conspiracy by the corpse of forty.He was under the tutelage of his deputy Ulugh Khane-Azam (Balban). Barani mentions about him

His Rule7During the twenty years of his reign Balban was Deputy of the State, and bore the title of Ulugh Khan. He, keeping Nasir-ud-din as a puppet (namuna), carried on the government, and even while he was only a Khan used many of the insignia of royaltyDr. S.M. Ikram, History Of Muslim Civilization In India And Pakistan, p. 76.

HIS RULE8 End of conflict between monarchy and nobles. Precautions against Mongols footholdMongols strong at the areas of todays PakistaThey had pillaged Multan, Lahore (1241) and Sind extorted a lot of booty in gold, silk and other valuables from the citizens. captivesKishlu Khan and governers of Uch and Multan persuaded Hulagu Khan to sanction a full scale invasion on the sultanante.Thanks to the preacautions made by the Balban all this did not materialize.Achievements9 According to the Tarikh-e-Mubarak shahi, his reign was full of successful expeditions and victorious battles.Sultan positively showed great energy and skill in waging holy wars against the infidelsHe led seven campaigns into the neighbouring territoriesExpedition to Bunyan: sucees at state of Koh-e-Jowd and Nandna Expeditions10MUGHALS DEFEAT: End of 655H, Mughals army coming from Khurasan was joined by Kishlu khan at the Multan. But they returned back, when they came to know about the magnitude of sultans army.Tarikh-e-Mubarak ShahiSuccessful expeditions towards Gawalior, Chanderi and Malwa.Victorious attack On Lahore, Multan and Uch:Successful expeditons to the valley of Bardar and baijnour.Victorious battle with Qatlugh Khan.

Other expeditions11Isami tells us that sultan expressed no opinion without their (Shamsi nobles) permission. He did not move his hands or feet except at their orders. Prof. K.A. Nizami writes, The surrender was absolute the Sultan did nothing which could provoke the displeasure of forty.

Opinions of Historians12I would agree to the wiew of Dr. P. Sarans view. He says, the Sultan was very much afraid of the Turkish nobles and, therefore, kept himself aloof from active politics. It is accepted that he possessed the virtues of continence, frugality and practical piety and simplicity but more than that the circumstances had forced him to behave like that. He knew the power of the Turkish nobility.

Opinions of historians13According to Tarikh-e-Mubarak Shahi, he died on 11 Jammadi-ul-awal 658H with some disease on his body. It is not known with certainly how the reign of Mahmud ended. The reason is that Minhaj died before the event and the account of Barani opens with the accession of Balban. The accounts of Ibn Batuta and Isami hold Balban guilty of poisoning his master.DEATH14Sultan Nasiruddin knew the power of the Turkish nobles and was aware of the fact that his two predecessors who had dared to challenge the authority of the nobles were murdered. Balban was the Naib or the Deputy to the Sultan and enjoyed vast powers. He married his daughter to the Sultan.In 1266, Balban was ascended to the throne.

Conclusion15yahya bin ahmad sirhindi, Tarikh-e-Mubarak Shahi (urdu), (Lahore: Urdu science board, 1986).Dr. Muhammad Aziz Ahmad, Political History and institutions of the early Turkish empire of Delhi (1206-1290 A.D), (Lahore: Research society of Pakistan, 1987) p.231Dr. S.M. Ikram, History Of Muslim Civilization In India And Pakistan (Lahore: Institute of Islamic Culture, 1982), p.75.Stanley Lane-poole, Medieval India, (Lahore: Sang-e-meel publishers, 1997)
