National Farmers May June 12

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A commodity marketing magazine for farmers and ranchers

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Paul Riniker















Minnesota Members Focus On Production and Marketing Details

On April 19, National Farmers Organization joined more than 20 other dairy cooperatives and associations to support the Dairy

Security Act (DSA). In a letter to the Senate Ag Committee, the groups encouraged the committee to include DSA in the 2012 Farm Bill.

The Dairy Security Act zeros in on low milk margins, because in the past few years we’ve seen severe volatility in the difference between milk prices and feed costs.

DSA updates the safety net policies for America’s dairy farmers. The legislation would offer optional risk management and supply stabilization strategies on the federal level. DSA includes provisions similar to National Farmers’ Cooperative Marketing

Initiative (CMI) and its two-tier pricing proposal introduced in 2009.

But, we are disappointed that the legislation, in its present form does not include reforms in the

makeup of the Federal Milk Marketing Orders. We favor eliminating manufacturer make allowances, and support the use of a competitive price as a base price, rather than end-product pricing, used in recent years.

One aspect of DSA is designed to prevent sharp price downturns. The standby stabilization program is intended to manage supply, encouraging produc-ers to reduce milk production for short timeframes. Producers who participate in the margin protection program would be the ones required to reduce milk output.

Under DSA, when margins fall below $4 per cwt., a margin protection program will bridge the differ-ence between the farm price of milk and average feed costs on most of a farmer’s production. Produc-ers also have the option to buy additional margin protection at levels higher than $4.

The Dairy Security Act • Lowers government spending on dairy• Protects dairy farmers better than today’s dairy

programs• Helps neediest Americans by providing dairy

products to food banks and low-income nutrition programs

• Offers voluntary participation for margin protection

We encourage dairy cooperatives to join together and request a federal order hearing to deal with end- product pricing and make allowances. And, we urge USDA to expedite the process.

The Dairy Security Act zeros in on low milk margins... ������


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