National Finals 2014 1 – 2 August Charles Luney Auditorium St Margaret’s College Christchurch

National Finals 2014 1 – 2 August - Chamber Music New …€¦ ·  · 2014-07-30National Finals 2014 1 – 2 August Charles Luney Auditorium St Margaret’s College ... did a wonderful

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National Finals 2014 1 – 2 AugustCharles Luney Auditorium

St Margaret’s CollegeChristchurch

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Mike KnellChief Executive, NZCT

The New Zealand Community Trust Chamber Music Contest has come a long way since it was founded in 1965 and will celebrate its Golden Jubilee next year. The number of young ensembles participating throughout the country over these 50 years has increased tenfold and the quality of their music-making is inspiring. It continues to be one of the signifi cant events in the national musical calendar.

As Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, I am heartened to see this level of expertise and enthusiasm for instrumental performance and composition. Chamber music is in good heart, as evidenced by the large number of talented students who continue to enter this Contest and the international success of our professional ensembles, notably NZTrio, New Zealand Chamber Soloists and the New Zealand String Quartet.

Whether the contestants choose a career in music, or follow another vocation, participating in the National Finals of the NZCT Chamber Music Contest will remain a memorable event in their lives.

Congratulations to all the fi nalists tonight, and to all the music teachers and families whose support has contributed to their success.

Euan MurdochChief Executive, CMNZ

Message from the MinisterHon Chris FinlaysonMinister for Arts, Culture and Heritage


New Zealand Community Trust (NZCT) is delighted to once again be involved in this prestigious event which supports talented young secondary school students.

Young musicians in around 500 ensembles have competed in 15 diff erent centres from Whangarei to Invercargill for a place in the fi nals – and this year the standard of competition and the participants’ musical ability has been both exciting and inspiring.

The very format of this competition, with its strong regional focus to increase participation, is an excellent example of how gaming machine proceeds go back to the communities where they were raised, enhancing the lives and aspirations of local people. I was especially pleased to see the Regional Showcase in Wanganui getting such positive coverage.

I’d also like to acknowledge everyone involved in organising the Chamber Music Contest. You do a fantastic job raising the event’s profi le and keeping New Zealand chamber music alive and relevant in today’s increasingly busy world.

NZCT is delighted to have played a part in supporting New Zealand’s top young musicians. Thank you for the opportunity and we wish all those participating in the National Finals weekend the very best of luck.

Welcome to the National Final of the 2014 New Zealand Community Trust Chamber Music Contest!

Many of our fi nest professional musicians such as Michael Houstoun, Wilma Smith, John Chen, NZTrio and composer John Psathas have journeyed through the Contest. All of them will be featured in our special celebrations next year as proud Contest Alumni. If you, like me, participated in the Contest, I encourage you to sign-up to our Alumni list and keep in touch.

Chamber music is a team game and relies on everyone working together in the moment to achieve something they could not do on their own.

We are grateful to the National Finals adjudicators – members of the Doric String Quartet (UK) – and all the participants, coaches, teachers, District Contest Organisers, local volunteers and supporters for their involvement and support. The District Contest adjudicators did a wonderful job in selecting our 12 fi nalists from such a varied and strong fi eld nationwide. The quality and commitment of these adjudicators is one of the keys to the overall success of this event.

A special thank you to New Zealand Community Trust, Wallace Arts Trust, ABRSM, KBB Music, SOUNZ and CANZ for their ongoing generous support of this fl agship event. We also acknowledge Creative New Zealand as our valued funding partner.

We are delighted you are here with us tonight. Now, sit back and enjoy this celebration of young musical talent.

Shona ThomsonRecipient of the Marie Vandewart Memorial Award

Marie Vandewart Memorial Award

In recognition of outstanding service and commitment to fostering the love of chamber music

Marie Vandewart arrived in Wellington, New Zealand as a refugee in 1939. She was a gifted cellist and studied at the Berlin Hochschule before leaving Germany. She was a foundation member of the Alex Lindsay Orchestra and the Francis Rosner Quartet. In 1961, Marie moved to Auckland to teach cello at Auckland University.

Generations of music students benefi ted from her expert tuition and enthusiasm for chamber music. Marie and her husband Alfons Blaschke were made Life Members of CMNZ in 1993. She passed away in 2006, aged 94. Her family has established this memorial award in her honour.

Shona Thomson has been involved with Chamber Music New Zealand Southland Branch for 37 years. She is a Life Member and is our current Branch Chair. In 2007 she was awarded the QSM for 30 years of service to Chamber Music, a recognition she treasures.

Our Concert Manager Jennifer Sinclair says, “I have never met anyone with so much passion, drive and enthusiasm for Chamber Music. Shona’s pride in Chamber Music and the pleasure it brings so many with our Concert Seasons, as well as the wonderful chances the Contest off ers young musicians could not be more evident, and those of us who work with her know just how lucky we are to have someone like her at the helm.”

Her organisational skills and knowledge of the Contest are second to none and she coordinated this event as a volunteer in Invercargill for many years. Shona also has an ability to make everyone feel welcome and to include people as part of a larger event. These qualities have made her one of the most outstanding District Contest Organisers in the country and an excellent ambassador for Chamber Music in the Deep South.

She reluctantly stepped down from the role last year in the interests of succession planning. As always, thinking of others and being mindful of the bigger picture.

Join the alumni

for our chamber music contest family

The 50th anniversary of the NZCT Chamber Music Contest is approaching.The event reaches the milestone in 2015 and Chamber Music New Zealand will be celebrating with wonderful events, concerts and festivities!

Have you ever been involved in the contest in any way? Sign up at: chambermusic.co.nz/contest-alumni

Donate and secure the Contest for the futureGive a gift to our Foundation today and support aspiring young musicians.

For more information, visit chambermusic.co.nz/support-us


National Final Adjudicators

Doric String QuartetAlex Redington violinJonathan Stone violinHélène Clément violaJohn Myerscough cello

Following a ten centre tour throughout New Zealand the Doric String Quartet will adjudicate the National Finals in Christchurch on the 1st and 2nd August.

The Doric String Quartet has established itself as one of Britain’s fi nest young ensembles, combining technical precision with deep musical insight. Formed in 1998 at The National School for Young Chamber Music Players, the Quartet joined the Paris-based ProQuartet Professional Training Program in 2002, then studied at the Music Academy in Basel. It was selected for representation by the Young Concert Artists Trust in 2006, and made its Edinburgh Festival debut that year. Two years later the Quartet won the Osaka International Chamber Music Competition in Japan, and was awarded second prize in the Premio Paolo Borciani in Italy.

Philip Norman has the distinction of being the fi rst competitor in the New Zealand Secondary Schools Chamber Music Competition to have also become an adjudicator. This was in 1982, when fi rst invited to adjudicate the original composition section. He has maintained regular contact with the competition since in a variety of capacities – composition contest adjudicator, tutor of groups, tutor of composers, composer of works especially for performance in the competition and parent of contestants.

In his 36-year career as a freelance composer, writer and musician based in Christchurch, Dr Norman has composed a range of music: for ballets (Peter Pan) operas (A Christmas Carol), stage musicals (Footrot Flats, Love Off The Shelf, Dirty Weekends) orchestras, choirs (secular and sacred) as well as chamber groups. He holds a PhD in musicology and is the author of an award-winning biography on Douglas Lilburn. He is currently writing a general history of New Zealand composition and continuing to compose for a variety of orchestral, choral and theatrical groups.

Composition Adjudicator

Now a regular visitor to major festivals and venues in Europe, the Doric String Quartet made its fi rst visit to Australia and New Zealand in 2010, and later that year made their debut in America, where they are now a regular visitor. Before this tour, the group has been performing at the West Cork Music Festival, and will return to Britain to record the string quartets of Janáček.

The Quartet’s fi rst CD, featuring works by Haydn, was released on the Wigmore Live label, and was Editor’s Choice in Gramophone Magazine in 2010. Since then, the group has issued recordings of Walton and Schumann (both of which were nominated for Gramophone Awards), as well as two featuring Korngold, and most recently Schubert.

National Semi-Final One, 11.30am–1.30pm

The 2014 Chamber Music Contest was made possible with generous funding from:

Compère: Kate Mead (from Radio New Zealand Concert)


Lichnowsky (Hamilton)Trio No 3 in C minor Opus 1, Mvt 1 BeethovenSophie Zheng violin Hillcrest High SchoolDaniel Ng cello Hamilton Boys’ High SchoolJohn Penyas piano St Paul’s Collegiate

Eklamoré (Christchurch)Trio in E flat major Opus 40 for Horn, Violin and Piano, Mvt 2 BrahmsGeeny Moon french horn Rangi Ruru Girls’ SchoolGrace Leehan violin Rangi Ruru Girls’ SchoolAmy Ga Hee Lee piano Rangi Ruru Girls’ School

Suk Trio (Auckland)Piano Trio in C minor Opus 2, Mvts 1 & 3 Josef SukTina Zhang violin Kristin SchoolHyein Kim cello Rangitoto CollegeSean Yang piano Westlake Boys High School

Vaha (Christchurch)Out of Gravitation, Mvts 1, 2, 4 & 5 Julia GomelskayaHattie Hopkins voice Burnside High SchoolJames Kim fl ute/alto fl ute Burnside High SchoolGabriel Khor piano Burnside High School

The Elegiac Trio (Wellington)Piano Trio No 1 in G minor, ‘Elegiac’ RachmaninovAndrew Kelly violin Scots CollegeJosiah Pinkney cello Home SchooledClaudia Tarrant-Matthews piano The Correspondence School

L’arc en ciel (Auckland)Piano Trio in A minor, Mvts 1 & 2 RavelApril Ju violin Burnside High SchoolFrancis Yoon cello Macleans CollegeDelvan Lin piano King’s College


National Semi-Final Two, 4.30–6.30pm


Kalim (Christchurch)Crossroads Songs Evan ChambersRyan Hall alto saxophone Burnside High SchoolRobert Petch percussion Burnside High SchoolMuse Ye piano Burnside High School

Womendelssohn Trio (Whangarei)Piano Trio No 2 in C minor, Mvt 1 & 3 MendelssohnMaia-Dean Martin violin Home schooledXena Martin cello Home schooledMichelle Yao piano ACG Parnell College

Katalyze Quintet (Auckland)Piano Quintet in C minor, Opus 1 Mvt 1 DohnányiCindy (Yun-Chen) Lin violin St. Cuthbert’s CollegeNeha Kasture violin St. Cuthbert’s CollegeAnna Elisara viola St. Cuthbert’s CollegeHayon Lee cello St. Cuthbert’s CollegeSerena Li piano St. Cuthbert’s College

Schmitten (Auckland)Pour presque tous les temps Florent SchmittJessica (Jisu) Yun fl ute Rangitoto CollegeSeoyoung Lee violin Rangitoto College Hyein Kim cello Rangitoto CollegeRebecca Wan piano Rangitoto College

Exaudio (Auckland)Piano Trio No 1 in B flat major, Mvt 1 SchubertRobert Moon violin Rosehill CollegeSeri Ahn cello Epsom Girls Grammar SchoolHannah Kang piano Diocesan School for Girls

Trio Emporté (Christchurch)Piano Trio No 2 in E minor, Opus 92, Mvt 1 Saint-SaënsGrace Leehan violin Rangi Ruru Girls’ SchoolJenny Park cello Rangi Ruru Girls’ SchoolSiyu Sun piano Rangi Ruru Girls’ School

The six finalists will be announced at 7pm

Compère: Kate Mead (from Radio New Zealand Concert)

Radio New Zealand Concert will record the Semi-Finals for broadcast on Sunday 10 and 17 August at 3pm

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All’ApertoNational Winner of the 2012 KBB Music Award


New Zealand Music Awards – in association with SOUNZ (the Centre for New Zealand Music) and CANZ (the Composers’ Association of New Zealand). SOUNZ is a music information centre that provides, fosters and promotes the music of New Zealand composers. CANZ is the association for all amateur and professional composers in New Zealand, as well as individuals and institutions supportive of New Zealand music.

Composer AwardBoth sections of the Composer Award are open to all secondary school students. Entrants in the senior section are required to write works of between four and fi fteen minutes for three to eight instruments, while junior section entrants must write between one and four minutes for two to four instruments.

Senior Section winner

Isaac Shatford

(Christchurch)Frost and Fire for string quartet

Isaac Shatford is an 18-year-old violinist, pianist, and year 13 student at St Andrew’s College, Christchurch.

Isaac says about his piece: “Based on an episode from the hit television show ‘Adventure Time’, Frost and Fire is a String Quartet telling the heart-breaking story of two lovers destined to remain apart. The work journeys through a range of emotional highs and lows as it harmonically progresses, before ending in an unrelated key and fading to nothing, as if everything has changed and cannot be reversed.”

Composition adjudicator, Philip Norman, comments on the work saying, “Your writing is beautifully paced, each section exerting its presence for an impeccably judged duration. There is an unusually clear sense of direction in the writing for a young composer. This is a creatively interesting and performable composition and thoroughly deserving of the winner’s ribbon.”

This is Isaac’s fi rst piece of chamber music and he is delighted at its success.

Junior Section winner

Lyndon Alford (Auckland) Small Furry Creatures for two flutes and violin

Composition Adjudicator, Philip Norman, sums this piece up perfectly with the opening comment of his report: “Congratulations on a delightful composition, full of sparkling runs, wit and rhythmic vitality. Having been custodian of a number of small furry creatures over the years (mainly rats and mice but also guinea pigs and rabbits) I can say with confi dence that your writing admirably evokes the energy and motion of small furry creatures.”

Lyndon Alford is a 16-year-old, year 13 student at Henderson High School, Auckland, who submitted not one, but two composition pieces in this year’s contest (Junior and Senior Composition sections).

Lyndon says of his piece: “Small Furry Creatures is the third part of a suite I wrote for NZQA scholarship music last year, called Scenes from Above the Mountain, which depicts a range of experiences an adventurer might fi nd were they to poke around a fi ctional mountain. This movement depicts exactly what the title says: little creatures gambolling around on the sides of the mountain.”

A fl ute player himself, Lyndon wrote the piece so that it would show off the three instruments, without requiring a virtuoso trio to be able to play the piece.

“The piece started as an experiment into counterpoint and structure, but evolved into a kind of poem – the name ‘Small Furry Creatures’ just seemed to suit it so well,” he says.

Lyndon is still busy working on several pieces for concert bands and orchestras, amongst completing his school work.

National Award for the Best Performance of a New Zealand WorkThe 2014 Award for the Best Performance of a New Zealand work will be presented to the Appalachian Octet from Diocesan School for Girls in Auckland. They are performing Kiwi in Appalachia by Ryan Youens (inspired by Aaron Copland), which was commissioned especially for the NZCT Chamber Music Contest.

Shelagh Thomson, Performing Arts Director at Diocesan School, writes, “It is very exciting for our students to be the recipient of this award for a second consecutive year and the judges commented on the energy and excitement captured in this new work.”

The composer of this piece, Ryan Youens, teaches composition at the school and so he was able to discuss ideas for the composition with the students as part of the on-going process. From these discussions the idea of creating a Part 1 and Part 2 was formulated: Part 1 being the original 30 minute chamber version condensed into 6 minutes, and Part 2 being Ryan’s original work which became Kiwi in Appalachia.

“What we ended up with was an entire through-composed work linked by both theme and composer,” says Shelagh. “A great piece and a fantastic opportunity for our students to perform parts of the original iconic work followed by NZ composer Ryan Youens very quirky and delightful composition Kiwi in Appalachia.”

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Winners of the 2014 Chamber Music New Zealand Award

Wallace Arts Trust PrizeThis is awarded to each member of the winning group at the National Final. Each winning group member receives a minimum of $1,000 cash prize.

NZ Music Awards (in association with SOUNZ and CANZ)

National Award for the Best Performance of a New Zealand WorkPresented at the National Finals. As part of the award the group will be invited to

perform at the National Finals either as a demonstration or if selected, as a fi nalist. It is presented with the assistance of the estate of the Auckland composer Keith Statham.

Composer AwardAwarded to the winners of the Original Composition Senior and Junior sections of the contest.

KBB Music AwardsThese awards are presented to groups at the National Final. Groups eligible for these

National Semi-Finals and Final Awards

WhangareiWinning Group – Womendelssohn TrioMaia-Dean Martin, violinXena Martin, celloMichelle Yao, piano

AucklandWinning Group – L’arc en cielApril Ju, violinFrancis Yoon, celloDelvan Lin, piano

TaurangaWinning Group – Dumkey TrioAnna Lee, violinMichael Pillar, celloPhoebe Cho, piano

HamiltonWinning Group – LichnowskySophie Zheng, violinDaniel Ng, celloJohn Penyas, piano

GisborneWinning Group – JAC TrioJinal Mehta, fl uteAnnia James, fl uteCecilia Kok, piano

Hawkes BayWinning Group – Courtin’ NortonRachael Mannering, violinEllen Murfi tt, violinElla Sparrow, piano

New PlymouthWinning Group – High VoltageDominic Jacquemard, marimbaRachel Dohig, fl uteJiawei Huang, piano

Palmerston NorthWinning Group – Sisters of MercyEden Vaatstra, voice Sylvia Neild, violinIda Vaatstra, violinJoanna Dann, cello

WanganuiWinning Group – Trio ExotiqueJamie Gillespie, saxophone Fumiko Koshikawa, violinMax Munneke, piano

WellingtonWinning Group – The Elegiac TrioAndrew Kelly, violinJosiah Pinkney, celloClaudia Tarrant-Matthews, piano

NelsonWinning GroupWaimea College Brass EnsembleOliver Armstrong, trumpetJamie McCliskie, trumpetAlex Paxton, trumpetJess Rogers, fl ugel hornBen Wotherspoon, tenor hornPhoebe King, tromboneAlex Fanning, tubaLiam Golding, percussion

ChristchurchWinning Group – KalimRyan Hall, alto saxophoneRobert Petch, percussionMuse Ye, piano

TimaruWinning Group – Montagna Vista TrioKatherine Vincent, fl uteElijah Denman, violinDallin McLaughlin, piano

DunedinWinning Group – Zero to HeroElliot Tay, clarinetJacinda Kumar, violinPaddy Ou, piano

InvercargillWinning Group – RetrogradeRebekah Elder, fl uteWilliam Swan, clarinetMichael Zhang, piano

Special mention to Dunedin’s Our Teacher Chose Our Name for winning the Facebook “favourite ensemble name” poll.


awards must contain wind and/or brass and/or percussion instrument(s). The awards are in the form of KBB Music vouchers which are awarded to each member of the group.

Certifi cates and Concert TicketsAll participants at the National Semi-fi nals and Final will receive a certifi cate of participation and a Flexi Pass subscription to Chamber Music New Zealand’s 2015 Concert Season in the centre of their choice.

Left to right: Ilana Goosens, Lucy Matehaere and Carina Donegan (absent: Jenny Kim)

www.abrsm.org facebook.com/abrsm @abrsm


Proud sponsors of the NZCT Chamber Music Contest regional coaching programme.The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Coaching Programme is celebrated by all those who receive it and it has become an integral part of this Contest. By 2015, with the continued support of ABRSM, the regional coaching programme will have reached over 500 youth chamber ensembles around New Zealand and worked with music teachers in more than 20 centres from Whangarei in the north to Invercargill in the south.

This year also saw a very successful Central Regional Showcase held in Wanganui. This was run as a non-competitive pilot to what will be a competitive extra tier to the Contest in 2015. As part of the day, 34 students from 11 ensembles were treated to a mentoring session with

Contest Alumni Bryony Gibson-Cornish and Natalie Lin, as well as being given the opportunity to perform again in a well-received public concert.

2015 is an exciting year for the Contest – it will turn 50! ABRSM’s investment in our musical future will continue to pay dividends for many years to come.

“A thousand thank yous! It was such an exciting session and I am amazed at what we achieved in just one session. Our coach was such a fabulous mix of utterly positive and encouraging but with a whole new level of excellence expected of them. Truly a highlight of the year!”

Natalie Lin and Bryony Gibson-Cornish fi elding questions from eager participants and performing together during the mentoring session at the Regional Showcase, Wanganui