Lisbona 2013 PROSTATITI Do.. Vi.orio Magri Ambulatorio di Urologia ed Ecografia Urologica Ambulatorio per le Infezioni Genitourinarie e ProstaEE Azienda Ospedaliera IsEtuE Clinici di Perfezionamento Milano Do.. Gianpaolo PerleI Sci., M. Clin. Pharmacol. Adjunct Professor (05/G1) – Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy) University of Insubria Varese Biomedical Reserch Division Departement of TheoreEcal and Applied Sciences Gastprofessor Univeristy of Ghent Faculty of Medicine and Medical Sciences Ghent, Belgium 20-23 novembre 2013

PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

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Page 1: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Lisbona  2013  


Do..  Vi.orio  Magri  Ambulatorio  di  Urologia  ed  Ecografia  Urologica  Ambulatorio  per  le  Infezioni  Genitourinarie  e  ProstaEE  Azienda  Ospedaliera  -­‐  IsEtuE  Clinici  di  Perfezionamento  -­‐  Milano  

Do..  Gianpaolo  PerleI  Sci.,  M.  Clin.  Pharmacol.  Adjunct  Professor  (05/G1)  –  Pharmacology,  Clinical  Pharmacology,  Pharmacognosy)  University  of  Insubria  -­‐  Varese  Biomedical  Reserch  Division  Departement  of  TheoreEcal  and  Applied  Sciences    Gastprofessor  Univeristy  of  Ghent  Faculty  of  Medicine  and  Medical  Sciences  Ghent,  Belgium  

20-23 novembre 2013

Page 2: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

La prostatite cronica è un “enigma in continua




Read before the Laboratory Section, American Public Health Association, Washington, D. C.,

September, 1912.

1912-2013: pubblicati (dati PubMed) 2712 lavori sulle prostatiti

Nickel afferma che…

Page 3: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Urology 1998;51:362

!  La prostatite non è un problema sanitario di grande importanza

!  Il nostro sistema di classificazione è adeguato

!  E’ facile diagnosticare una prostatite

!  La valutazione dei sintomi è facile

!  La prostatite è facile da trattare

Le prostatiti: i 5 (falsi) miti secondo JC Nickel

Page 4: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

I termini CBP e CP/CPPS descrivono un gruppo di patologie caratterizzate da sintomi di fastidio-dolore a livello pelvico, genitale e sovrapubico, spesso associati a LUTS e a disfunzioni sessuali " DaE  di  le.eratura  indicano  che  l’incidenza  delle  prostaEE  nella  popolazione  varia  tra  il  4  e  il  14%        " In  seguito  ad  un  primo  episodio  di  prostaEte,  la  probabilità  di  ulteriori  recidive  è  elevata  (oscilla  tra  il  20%,  38%  e  50%,  al  crescere  dell’età  dei  pazienE:  40-­‐60-­‐80  anni)      " In  Europa,  la  prevalenza  sEmata  delle  CP/CPPS  è  pari  al’11%;  in  Italia  raggiunge  il  13,8%    

-­‐  frequente  riscontro  e  in  costante  aumento  

-­‐influisce  negaEvamente  sulla  qualità  di  vita  

-­‐può  essere  responsabile  di  inferElità  maschile  

-­‐presenta  un  elevato  impa.o    socio-­‐economico  

Collins J Urol 1998; RizzoBJU Int 2003; Nickle J Urol2011; Mehik BJU Int 2000

Schaeffer Eur Urol Supp. 2003

Bartoletti J Urol 2007

E’ sorprendente lo scarso interesse della classe medica verso i pazienti con prostatite

Page 5: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Il paziente affetto da prostatite cronica è spesso ritenuto un paziente “difficile”, “sottovalutato” e in molti casi definito un “malato immaginario”. Tuttavia, tale paziente è una persona afflitta da un notevole carico di sofferenza, ed è fortemente compromesso nelle proprie attività di relazione, quotidiane e lavorative

Qualità di vita analoga a quella di pazienti con infarto miocardico recente, angina instabile o morbo di Crohn in fase attiva.

• Tipologia dei sintomi (dolore, disturbi urinari, disturbi sessuali)

• Tendenza esasperata alla recidiva

• Scarsi risultati della terapia

Page 6: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic


“Una delle caratteristiche più insidiose della malattia è che spesso i pazienti sono troppo malati per andare a lavorare, e

troppo poco malati per stare a casa” Costi diretti:

!  visita medica

!  diagnostica strumentale

!  diagnostica di laboratorio

!  spesa farmaceutica

Costi indiretti: (stima difficile)

!  impatto sulla produttività

!  qualità di vita del paziente (e dei suoi familiari)

!  danno biologico

Page 7: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic



Page 8: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic
Page 9: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Il presente studio ha delle severe limitazioni……

62 pazienti con CP/CPPS costi annuali per persona

COSTI DIRETTI -Costi medici $ 3.017 -Costi non medici $ 3.517 _____________________________

$ 6.534 -Costi indiretti $ 3.248

$ 10.051: spesa totale annuale/ costo a persona Costi confermati Costi non confermati

Costi diretti annuali per altre patologie con dolore cronico -Neuropatia periferica: $1.087 -Dolore lombare $4.256 -Fibromialgia $3.784 -Artrite reumatoide $6.710

Page 10: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

L’impatto economico della malattia richiede un aumento dell’attenzione della classe medica e maggiori risorse per identificare e sperimentare

efficaci strategie diagnostiche e terapeutiche In Italia………..non abbiamo valutazioni economiche!!!!

Page 11: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

A Ottobre 2013: "  2865 pazienti sottoposti ad accertamenti microbiologici "  1501 pazienti affetti da Prostatite Cronica inseriti in un database

Ambulatorio di Urologia ed Ecografia Urologica; Ambulatorio per le Infezioni Genito-urinarie

Page 12: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Ambulatorio  Territoriale  di  Urologia  ed  Ecografia  Urologica    


 Ambulatorio  Territoriale  per  le  Infezioni  Genito-­‐Urinarie  e  ProstaEE    


" 253  


2012  2011  

" 305  


" 2149  " 1584  

Page 13: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Ambulatorio  Territoriale  di  Urologia  ed  Ecografia  Urologica    


 Ambulatorio  Territoriale  per  le  Infezioni  Genito-­‐Urinarie  e  ProstaEE    




Page 14: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

1978:  Classificazione  di  Drach  

-­‐prosta;te  acuta  ba>erica  

-­‐ prosta;te  cronica  ba>erica    

-­‐ Prosta;te  cronica  aba>erica  -­‐  prostatodinia  

           I)    PROSTATITE  BATTERICA  ACUTA    (ABP)  

 Infezione  acuta  ba.erica  


 Infezione  ricorrente  


               IIIa)    Forma  infiammatoria  

 Presenza  di  WBC  in  EPS/VB3/eiaculato  totale  

               IIIb)    Forma  non  infiammatoria      

 Assenza  di  WBC  in  EPS/VB3/eiaculato  totale  


 Assenza  di  sintomi  e  presenza  di  WBC  in  EPS/VB3/eiaculato  totale  

1995: Classificazione del National Institute of Healt (NIH)  Raccomandata  EAU  (European  AssociaEon  of  Urology);  FDA  (Food  and  Drug  AdministraEon)  

Classificazione Clinica

Classificazione Microbiologica

Page 15: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

ESAMI  MICROBIOLOGICI  # Test  di  Stamey  e  Meares  

# Esame  colturale  dell’eiaculato  totale  

La  dimostrazione  della  presenza  di  infiammazione  e/o  infezione  è  tu.ora  problemaEca.  

L’indagine  di  riferimento  è  ancora  il  test  di  Stamey.  

 Tu>avia  ulteriori  informazioni  possono  essere  o>enute  a>raverso  l’esame  colturale  dell’eiaculato  totale  (  e  del  Tampone  uretrale)  

*daE  epidemiologici  discordanE  

*eEologia  incerta  

*inadeguata  diagnosEca  microbiologica  

*tra.amento  farmacologico  non  standardizzato  

Giessen  2002  -­‐Giudelines  EAU  2011    



IPSS IIEF(15 domande)

Disfunzioni Eiaculatorie (5 domande) # ESAME OBIETTIVO


# ECOTOMOGRAFIA PELVICA (per via sovrapubica e transrettale)





1  “Iniziare”  a  parlare  un  linguaggio  comune  

2  “Standardizzare”  le  metodiche  cliniche-­‐microbiologiche  

Page 16: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

AspeQ  clinici  

Accertamen;  microbiologici  

Terapia  medica  


750  mg/die  ciprofloxacina  Per  4  seImane  

500  mg/die  azitromicina  Per  4  seImane;  i  primi  tre  giorni    Di  ciascuna  seImana  

640  mg/die  (320+320)  S.repens    SR+selenio+licopene)  Per  4  seImane  +  e  primi  6  mesi    di  follow-­‐up  

10  mg/die  alfuzosina  r.p.  Per  4  seImane  +  e  primi  6  mesi    di  follow-­‐up  

Page 17: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

AspeQ  clinici  



SINTOMI    MINZIONALI  (Ques;onario  IPSS)  

DISFUNZIONI    SESSUALI  (Ques;onario  IIEF  -­‐  PEDT)  

Page 18: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Contemporaneamente alla nuova

classificazione l’NIH propone da

anni un “nuovo” questionario:

-valutazione oggettiva della

sintomatologia iniziale

-valutazione qualità di vita

-monitoraggio nel tempo

Il Questionario permette:

1.  la realizzazione di studi epidemiologici

2. il confronto tra pazienti affetti da prostatite cronica e pazienti sani

3. una valutazione della terapia medica

AspeQ  clinici  

Page 19: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic


QuesEonario    NIH-­‐CPSI  


QuesEonario    IPSS  


QuesEonario    IIEF  


QuesEonario    PEDT  





Page 20: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Questo questionario è stato sviluppato per analizzare l’eventuale presenza di una eiaculazione precoce durante il rapporto sessuale. L’eiaculazione precoce rappresenta la disfunzione sessuale maschile più comune. Il questionario non sostituisce in alcun modo la visita medica che rimane lo strumento fondamentale per la valutazione del paziente affetto da eiaculazione precoce. Si noti che il questionario è stato sviluppato in lingua inglese, e che attualmente non esiste una versione ufficiale validata in lingua italiana. Viene comunque utilizzata una versione italiana per permettere una caratterizzazione indicativa del disturbo. Il questionario è composto da 5 domande a risposta multipla. Per ogni domanda il paziente indica una sola risposta. (Per questo questionario si considera la eiaculazione avvenuta dopo la penetrazione vaginale.)

Development and validation of a premature ejaculation diagnostic tool. Symonds T, Perelman MA, Althof S, Giuliano F, Martin M, May K, Abraham L, Crossland A, Morris M Eur Urol. 2007 Aug;52(2):565-73

<=8:  assenza  eiaculazione  precoce  

9-­‐10:  probabile  eiaculazione  precoce  

>=11:eiaculazione  precoce

QuesEonario    per  l’eiaculazione  precoce    PEDT  

1. Quanto è difficile per lei controllare l’eiaculazione ? -Non è per niente difficile -lievemente difficile -moderatamente difficile -molto difficile -estremamente difficile

0 1 2 3 4

2. Le capita di eiaculare prima di quando lo vuole ? -mai o quasi mai (0%) -meno della metà delle volte (25%) -circa la metà delle volte (50%) -più della metà delle volte (75%) -quasi sempre o sempre (100%)

0 1 2 3 4

3. Le capita di eiaculare anche dopo una minima stimolazione sessuale ? -mai o quasi mai (0%) -meno della metà delle volte (25%) -circa la metà delle volte (50%) -più della metà delle volte (75%) -quasi sempre o sempre (100%)

0 1 2 3 4

4. Si sente dispiaciuto per il fatto di eiaculare prima di quando voglia ? -no, per niente -lievemente -moderatamente - molto -estremamente

0 1 2 3 4

5. E’ preoccupato che il tempo tipicamente necessario a raggiungere l’eiaculazione lasci la sua partner sessualmente insoddisfatta ? -no, per niente -lievemente -moderatamente - molto

0 1 2 3 4

Page 21: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Nazionalità N (%) Totale CPSI Dominio dolore Dominio

minzionale Dominio

Qualità di Vita

Canadese 136 (8.7) 19.5 (8.3) 9.0 (4.6) 4.1 (2.8) 6.5 (2.7)

Canadese/Americano 243 (15.5) 16.8 (9.2) 7.9 (4.7) 3.7 (2.6) 5.2 (3.2)

Tedesco 249 (15.9) 23.7 (7.3) 11.2 (4.1) 3.7 (2.8) 8.7 (2.5)

Italiano 935 (59.8) 20.7 (7.0) 9.4 (3.6) 4.0 (2.6) 7.3 (2.7)

Author's personal copy

Pelvic Pain

National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index(NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts ofPatients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

Florian M.E. Wagenlehner a,*,y, J.W. Olivier van Till b,y, Vittorio Magri c,Gianpaolo Perletti d, Jos G.A. Houbiers b, Wolfgang Weidner a, J. Curtis Nickel e

a Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany; b Global Medical Science, Astellas Pharma Europe,

Leiderdorp, The Netherlands; c Urology and Sonography Outpatient Clinic, Azienda Ospedaliera Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, Milan, Italy; d Biomedical

Research Division, Department of Theoretical and Applied Sciences, Universita degli Studi dell’Insubria, Busto A./Varese, Italy; e Department of Urology,

Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

E U R O P E A N U R O L O G Y 6 3 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 9 5 3 – 9 5 9

ava i lable at www.sciencedirect .com

journal homepage: www.europeanurology.com

Article info

Article history:Accepted October 24, 2012Published online ahead ofprint on November 2, 2012

Keywords:Chronic prostatitis/chronicpelvic pain syndromeProstatitis syndromeChronic Prostatitis SymptomIndexNIH-CPSIPain interferenceQuality of life


Background: The assessment of patients with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic painsyndrome (CP/CPPS) in everyday practice and clinical studies relies on National Insti-tutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) scores for symptomappraisal, inclusion criteria for clinical trials, follow-up, and response evaluation.Objective: We investigated multiple databases of CP/CPPS patients to determine theprevalence and impact of pain locations and types to improve our strategy of individu-alized phenotypically guided treatment.Design, setting, and participants: Four major databases with CPSI scores for nonselectedCP/CPPS clinic patients from Canada, Germany, Italy, and the United States.Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: Individual question scores and subto-tal and total scores of CPSI were described and correlated with each other. Ordinalregression analysis was performed to define pain severity categories.Results and limitations: A total of 1563 CP/CPPS patients were included. Perineal pain/discomfort was the most prevalent pain symptom (63%) followed by testicular pain(58%), pain in the pubic area (42%) and penis (32%); reports of pain during ejaculationand voiding were 45% and 43%, respectively. European patients had a significantly highernumber of pain localizations and symptoms compared with North American patients( p < 0.001). Severity of pain correlated well with frequency of pain (r = 0.645). Nospecific pain localization/type was associated with more severe pain. Correlation of paindomain with quality of life (QoL) (r = 0.678) was higher than the urinary domain(r = 0.320). Individually, pain severity (r = 0.627) and pain frequency (r = 0.594) corre-lated better with QoL than pain localization (r = 0.354). Pain severity categories resultsfor NIH-CPSI item 4 (0–10 numerical rating scale for average pain) were mild, 0–3;moderate, 4–6; severe, 7–10; CPSI pain domain (0–21): mild, 0–7; moderate, 8–13; andsevere, 14–21.Conclusions: Pain has more impact on QoL than urinary symptoms. Pain severity andfrequency are more important than pain localization/type. Cut-off levels for diseaseseverity categories have been identified that will prove valuable in symptom assessmentand the development of therapeutic strategies.# 2012 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

y These authors contributed equally to the study.* Corresponding author. Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Rudolf-Buchheim-Str. 7, 35385 Giessen, Germany. Tel. +49 641 98544516;Fax: +49 641 98544509.E-mail address: [email protected] (F.M.E. Wagenlehner).

0302-2838/$ – see back matter # 2012 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eururo.2012.10.042

Page 22: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

" BACKGROUND: The assessment of CP/CPPS patients in everyday practice and clinical studies rely on the CPSI scores for symptom appraisal, inclusion criteria for clinical trials, follow up and response evaluation. We investigated multiple data bases of CP/CPPS patients to determine the prevalence and impact of pain locations and types to improve our strategy of individualized phenotypically guided treatment. " METHODS: Four major databases with CPSI scores for non-selected CP/CPPS clinic patients from Canada, Germany, Italy and USA were included. The individual question scores, sub-total and total scores of the CPSI are described and correlated with each other. " RESULTS: In this data base analysis, 1,563 CP/CPPS patients were included. Perineal pain/discomfort was the most prevalent pain symptom (63%) followed by testicular pain/discomfort (58%). Pain/discomfort was reported less often in the pubic area (42%) and penis (32%) while reports during ejaculation and voiding were 45% and 43% respectively. Severity of pain correlated well with frequency of pain (r=0.650). No specific pain localization/type was associated with more severe pain. Correlation of the pain subdomain with QoL (r=0.682) was higher than the urinary subdomain (r=0.336). QoL is considered the gold standard in a patient’s general condition and wellbeing. Individually, pain frequency (r=0.589) and pain severity (r=0.633) correlated better with QoL than pain localization (r=0.420). In order to define disease severity categories ANOVA of different pain domain and total CPSI cut-off levels and their impact on QoL was calculated resulting in optimal cut-off levels: pain severity (0-10) – mild, 0 to 3; moderate, 4 to 6; severe, 7 to 10; total CPSI (0-43) – mild, 0 to 14; moderate, 15 to 26; severe 27 to 43. European patients had a significantly higher number of pain localizations and symptoms compared to North-American patients (p<0.0001). " CONCLUSIONS: Pain has more impact on QoL than urinary symptoms. Pain severity and frequency are more important than pain localization/type. Cut-off levels for disease severity categories have been identified which will prove valuable in symptom assessment and development of therapeutic strategies.

Assessment of CP/CPPS patients rely on scoring of the NIH-CPSI, which is a formally developed and psychometrically validated instrument for evaluation of CP/CPPS symptoms and is commonly used in clinical trials. However, patients included in clinical trials are often highly selected population and do not reflect the clinical situation. Aim of this study is 1. to assess characteristics of a multinational, unbiased/non-selected, non-study population of CP/CPPS patients by NIH-CPSI. 2. to investigate prevalence and impact of symptoms on QoL in a cross sectional clinical population of CP/CPPS patients 3. to establish cut-off values for symptom severity categories


Na;onal  Ins;tute  of  Health  Chronic  Prosta;;s  Symptom  Index  (CPSI)  symptom  evalua;on  in  pa;ents  with  chronic  prosta;;s  /  chronic  pelvic  pain  syndrome  –  A  mul;na;onal  database  of  1,563  pa;ents.

F.M.E.  Wagenlehner1,  J.W.O.  van  Till2,  V.  Magri3,  G.  PerleQ4,  J.G.A.  Houbiers2,  W.  Weidner1,  J.C.  Nickel5 1Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany, 2Global Medical Science, Astellas Pharma Europe, Leiderdorp, Netherlands, 3Urology and Sonography Outpatient Clinic, Azienda Ospedaliera Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, Milano, Italy, 4Laboratory of Toxicology and Pharmacology, Department of Structural and Functional

Biology, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Busto A./Varese, Italy, 5Department of Urology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.



Introduction & Aim

Discussion and Conclusion

• Four major databases comprising 1,563 patients, with NIH-CPSI scores for non-selected CP/CPPS patients from Canada, Germany, Italy and USA (Fig. 1; Table 1). • The individual question scores, sub-domain and total scores of the CPSI are described and correlated. • Disease severity categories are defined using ANOVA.

References:  Litwin  MS,  McNaughton-­‐Collins  M,  Fowler  FJ  Jr,  Nickel  JC,  Calhoun  EA,  Pontari  MA,  Alexander  RB,  Farrar  JT,  O'Leary  MP  The  Na;onal  Ins;tutes  of  Health  chronic  prosta;;s  symptom  index:  development  and  valida;on  of  a  new  outcome  measure.  Chronic  Prosta;;s  Collabora;ve  Research  Network.  J  Urol;  1999.  162:  369-­‐75.  

Significant differences between North-American and European groups (except urinary items) (Table 1)

Most common localization of pain is perineum (Table 2); no significant differences in scores between localizations

Pain localization N (%) Total CPSI Pain

domain Urinary domain

QoL domain

Perineal 990 (63.3) 22.3 (7.2) 10.5 (3.6) 4.2 (2.6) 7.6 (2.7)

Testicular 900 (57.6) 22.6 (7.2) 10.7 (3.6) 4.2 (2.7) 7.7 (2.7)

Tip of penis 506 (32.4) 23.8 (7.5) 11.4 (3.8) 4.4 (2.7) 8.0 (2.7)

Pubic area 661 (42.3) 23.5 (7.3) 11.0 (3.7) 4.6 (2.7) 7.8 (2.8)

Dysuria 676 (43.3) 23.8 (7.2) 11.3 (3.6) 4.5 (2.7) 8.0 (2.7)

Ejaculatory pain 699 (44.7) 23.7 (7.1) 11.4 (3.6) 4.4 (2.6) 7.9 (2.7)

Nationality N (%) Total CPSI Pain

domain Urinary domain

QoL domain

Canadian 136 (8.7) 19.5 (8.3) 9.0 (4.6) 4.1 (2.8) 6.5 (2.7)

Canadian/USA 243 (15.5) 16.8 (9.2) 7.9 (4.7) 3.7 (2.6) 5.2 (3.2)

German 249 (15.9) 23.7 (7.3) 11.2 (4.1) 3.7 (2.8) 8.7 (2.5)

Italian 935 (59.8) 20.7 (7.0) 9.4 (3.6) 4.0 (2.6) 7.3 (2.7)

Table  1.  Databases  of  pa;ents  (Mean,  SD)  

Table  2.  Distribu;on  of  pain  localiza;ons  and  symptoms  (Mean,  SD)  

Fig  1.  Total  NIH-­‐CPSI  distribu;on  of  all  pa;ents  (N=1563,  mean  20.4  [SD  7.8])  

Table  4;  Fig.  2.  Number  of  pain  localiza;ons  and  pain  quali;es  and  QoL  (Mean,  SD)  

•  Pain has more impact on QoL than urinary symptoms. •  Pain severity and frequency are more important than pain localization/type, but patients with more pain localizations have worse QoL. •  Cut-off levels for pain and disease severity categories have been identified. •  Clinical trial patients can be compared to this unbiased patient population.

Patients with pain in tip of the penis most often have complaints during urination (OR 2.77 [95%CI 2.23-3.45]) and/or ejaculation (OR 2.29 [1.84-2.84]) Frequency and intensity of pain have a bigger impact on QoL than localization of pain; Urinary subdomain does not correlate with QoL (see abstract)

Higher numbers of pain localizations and symptoms have higher QoL scores (Table 4; Fig. 2)

Severity categories (mild/moderate/severe) were identified based on QoL subdomain scores: - Pain NRS (item 4 of the CPSI): mild 0-3, moderate 4-6, severe 7-10 - Pain subdomain score: mild 0-7, moderate 8-13, severe 14-21 - NIH-CPSI total score: mild: 0-14, moderate: 15-26, severe 27-43

No. pain localizations   N (%)   Pain

frequency  Pain

intensity  QoL  

domain  0   148 (9.5)   1.3 (1.3)   2.0 (2.1)   4.6 (2.9)  1   404 (25.8)   2.4 (1.1)   3.8 (2.1)   6.4 (2.9)  2   530 (33.9)   2.6 (1.0)   4.0 (2.1)   7.3 (2.6)  3   331 (21.2)   3.0 (1.1)   4.7 (2.1)   8.2 (2.6)  4   150 (9.6)   3.1 (1.1)   5.2 (2.2)   8.8 (2.5)  

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Page 23: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Na;onal  Ins;tute  of  Health  Chronic  Prosta;;s  Symptom  Index  (CPSI)  symptom  evalua;on  in  pa;ents  with  chronic  prosta;;s  /  chronic  pelvic  pain  syndrome  –  A  mul;na;onal  database  

of  1,563  pa;ents. F.M.E.  Wagenlehner1,  J.W.O.  van  Till2,  V.  Magri3,  G.  PerleQ4,  J.G.A.  Houbiers2,  W.  Weidner1,  J.C.  Nickel5

1Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany, 2Global Medical Science, Astellas Pharma Europe, Leiderdorp, Netherlands, 3Urology and Sonography Outpatient Clinic, Azienda Ospedaliera Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, Milano, Italy, 4Laboratory of Toxicology and

Pharmacology, Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Busto A./Varese, Italy, 5Department of Urology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.

Significative differenze tra i gruppi Nord Americani ed Europei

Nazionalità N (%) Totale CPSI Dominio dolore Dominio

minzionale Dominio

Qualità di Vita Canadese 136 (8.7) 19.5 (8.3) 9.0 (4.6) 4.1 (2.8) 6.5 (2.7)

Canadese/Americano 243 (15.5) 16.8 (9.2) 7.9 (4.7) 3.7 (2.6) 5.2 (3.2) Tedesco 249 (15.9) 23.7 (7.3) 11.2 (4.1) 3.7 (2.8) 8.7 (2.5) Italiano 935 (59.8) 20.7 (7.0) 9.4 (3.6) 4.0 (2.6) 7.3 (2.7)

 Databases  of  pa;ents  (Mean,  SD)  

Distribuzione totale NIH-CPSI in tutti i pazienti dello studio (N=1563, media 20,4 [SD 7.8]

Page 24: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Obiettivi dello studio

3)  Quali  cut-­‐off  possono  essere  stabiliE  per  quanEficare  il  sintomo  dolore  e  il  punteggio  totale  del  quesEonario  NIH-­‐CPSI  

 1) Quale  dominio  del  QuesEonario  NIH-­‐CPSI  ha  maggiore  impa.o  sulla  QoL?   2)  Quale  componente  del  dominio  dolore  ha  maggiore  impa.o  sulla  QoL?  

Page 25: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Na;onal  Ins;tute  of  Health  Chronic  Prosta;;s  Symptom  Index  (CPSI)  symptom  evalua;on  in  pa;ents  with  chronic  prosta;;s  /  chronic  pelvic  pain  syndrome  –  A  mul;na;onal  database  

of  1,563  pa;ents. F.M.E.  Wagenlehner1,  J.W.O.  van  Till2,  V.  Magri3,  G.  PerleQ4,  J.G.A.  Houbiers2,  W.  Weidner1,  J.C.  Nickel5

1Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany, 2Global Medical Science, Astellas Pharma Europe, Leiderdorp, Netherlands, 3Urology and Sonography Outpatient Clinic, Azienda Ospedaliera Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, Milano, Italy, 4Laboratory of Toxicology and

Pharmacology, Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Busto A./Varese, Italy, 5Department of Urology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.

Localizzazione del dolore N (%) Totale CPSI Dominio dolore Dominio

minzionale Dominio

Qualità di Vita Perineale 990 (63.3) 22.3 (7.2) 10.5 (3.6) 4.2 (2.6) 7.6 (2.7)

Testicolare 900 (57.6) 22.6 (7.2) 10.7 (3.6) 4.2 (2.7) 7.7 (2.7) Punta del pene 506 (32.4) 23.8 (7.5) 11.4 (3.8) * 4.4 (2.7) 8.0 (2.7)

Area pubica 661 (42.3) 23.5 (7.3) 11.0 (3.7) 4.6 (2.7) 7.8 (2.8) Dolore o bruciore

durante la minzione 676 (43.3) 23.8 (7.2) 11.3 (3.6) 4.5 (2.7) 8.0 (2.7)

Dolore all’eiaculazione 699 (44.7) 23.7 (7.1) 11.4 (3.6)* 4.4 (2.6) 7.9 (2.7)

Obiettivo 1: Quale dominio del Questionario NHI-CPSI ha maggiore impatto sulla QoL?


Distribuzione e localizzazione del dolore (Means, SD)

Page 26: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Na;onal  Ins;tute  of  Health  Chronic  Prosta;;s  Symptom  Index  (CPSI)  symptom  evalua;on  in  pa;ents  with  chronic  prosta;;s  /  chronic  pelvic  pain  syndrome  –  A  mul;na;onal  database  

of  1,563  pa;ents. F.M.E.  Wagenlehner1,  J.W.O.  van  Till2,  V.  Magri3,  G.  PerleQ4,  J.G.A.  Houbiers2,  W.  Weidner1,  J.C.  Nickel5

1Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany, 2Global Medical Science, Astellas Pharma Europe, Leiderdorp, Netherlands, 3Urology and Sonography Outpatient Clinic, Azienda Ospedaliera Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, Milano, Italy, 4Laboratory of Toxicology and

Pharmacology, Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Busto A./Varese, Italy, 5Department of Urology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.

Domanda 2: Quale componente del dominio dolore ha maggiore impatto sulla QoL?

N° sedi del dolore N (%) Frequenza

del dolore Intensità del

dolore Dominio QoL

0 148 (9.5) 1.3 (1.3) 2.0 (2.1) 4.6 (2.9) 1 404 (25.8) 2.4 (1.1) 3.8 (2.1) 6.4 (2.9) 2 530 (33.9) 2.6 (1.0) 4.0 (2.1) 7.3 (2.6) 3 331 (21.2) 3.0 (1.1) 4.7 (2.1) 8.2 (2.6) 4 150 (9.6) 3.1 (1.1) 5.2 (2.2) 8.8 (2.5)

Localizzazioni  mul;ple  >  impa>o  QoL  

Frequenza del dolore

Intensità del dolore

(Means, SD)

> Impatto QoL

Page 27: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Na;onal  Ins;tute  of  Health  Chronic  Prosta;;s  Symptom  Index  (CPSI)  symptom  evalua;on  in  pa;ents  with  chronic  prosta;;s  /  chronic  pelvic  pain  syndrome  –  A  mul;na;onal  database  

of  1,563  pa;ents. F.M.E.  Wagenlehner1,  J.W.O.  van  Till2,  V.  Magri3,  G.  PerleQ4,  J.G.A.  Houbiers2,  W.  Weidner1,  J.C.  Nickel5

1Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany, 2Global Medical Science, Astellas Pharma Europe, Leiderdorp, Netherlands, 3Urology and Sonography Outpatient Clinic, Azienda Ospedaliera Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, Milano, Italy, 4Laboratory of Toxicology and

Pharmacology, Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Busto A./Varese, Italy, 5Department of Urology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.

Domanda  3:  Quali  cutoff  possono  essere  stabiliE  per  quanEficare  il  sintomo  dolore  e  il  

punteggio  totale  del  quesEonario  NIH-­‐CPSI  

Attraverso calcoli statistici sono stati per la prima volta determinati 3 cut-off

dei punteggi del Questionario NIH-CPSI

Page 28: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

1.,Durante l’ultima settimana ha provato dolore o disagio in alcune delle seguenti sedi?

SI   NO  

a.  Area  tra  re.o  ed  i  tesEcoli   1   0  

b.  TesEcolo   1   0  

c.  La  punta  del  pene  (non  legato  alla  minzione)   1   0  

d.  So.o  la  cintura,  sulla  zona  pubica  o  vescicale   1   0  

2. Durante l’ultima settimana ha provato: SI   NO  

A  Dolore  o  disagio  durante  la  minzione   1   0  

b.  Dolore  o  disagio  durante  o  dopo  l’orgasmo  (eiaculazione)   1   0  

3. Durante l’ultima settimana, quante volte ha provato dolore o disagio in una di queste zona sopradescritte

0                Mai  

1  Raramente  

2            Qualche  volta  

3  Spesso  

4            Di  solito  

5            Sempre  

4.Quale numero descrive meglio il grado del dolore o del disagio nei giorni in cui esso si manifesta, durante l’ultima settimana?

0          1          2          3          4          5              6      7          8            9          10  nessun  dolore                                                                                                  il  dolore  peggiore  che  può  immaginare  

LOCALIZZAZIONE anatomica del dolore

FUNZIONE FISIOLOGICA durante la quale cui si percepisce dolore

FREQUENZA del dolore

INTENSITA’ del dolore

Na;onal  Ins;tute  of  Health  Chronic  Prosta;;s  Symptom  Index  (CPSI)  symptom  evalua;on  in  pa;ents  with  chronic  prosta;;s  /  chronic  pelvic  pain  syndrome  –  A  mul;na;onal  database  

of  1,563  pa;ents. F.M.E.  Wagenlehner1,  J.W.O.  van  Till2,  V.  Magri3,  G.  PerleQ4,  J.G.A.  Houbiers2,  W.  Weidner1,  J.C.  Nickel5

1Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany, 2Global Medical Science, Astellas Pharma Europe, Leiderdorp, Netherlands, 3Urology and Sonography Outpatient Clinic, Azienda Ospedaliera Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, Milano, Italy, 4Laboratory of Toxicology and

Pharmacology, Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Busto A./Varese, Italy, 5Department of Urology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.

DOLORE    (Domande n° 1-2-3-4 Questionario NIH-CPSI)

Page 29: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Na;onal  Ins;tute  of  Health  Chronic  Prosta;;s  Symptom  Index  (CPSI)  symptom  evalua;on  in  pa;ents  with  chronic  prosta;;s  /  chronic  pelvic  pain  syndrome  –  A  mul;na;onal  database  

of  1,563  pa;ents. F.M.E.  Wagenlehner1,  J.W.O.  van  Till2,  V.  Magri3,  G.  PerleQ4,  J.G.A.  Houbiers2,  W.  Weidner1,  J.C.  Nickel5

1Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany, 2Global Medical Science, Astellas Pharma Europe, Leiderdorp, Netherlands, 3Urology and Sonography Outpatient Clinic, Azienda Ospedaliera Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, Milano, Italy, 4Laboratory of Toxicology and

Pharmacology, Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Busto A./Varese, Italy, 5Department of Urology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.

DOLORE  O  DISAGIO  (domanda  n°  4  Ques;onario  NiH-­‐CPSI)   Quale numero descrive meglio il grado del dolore o del disagio nei giorni in cui esso si manifesta, durante l’ultima settimana? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 nessun dolore il dolore peggiore che può immaginare

LIEVE=  punteggio  0-­‐3  

MODERATO=  punteggio  4-­‐6  

SEVERO=  punteggio  7-­‐10  


Nuovi cutoff intensità del dolore (domanda 4 questionario NIH-CPSI)

Page 30: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic


1.,Durante l’ultima settimana ha provato dolore o disagio in alcune delle seguenti sedi?

SI   NO  

a.  Area  tra  re.o  ed  i  tesEcoli   1   0  

b.  TesEcolo   1   0  

c.  La  punta  del  pene  (non  legato  alla  minzione)   1   0  

d.  So.o  la  cintura,  sulla  zona  pubica  o  vescicale   1   0  

2. Durante l’ultima settimana ha provato: SI   NO  

A  Dolore  o  disagio    durante  la  minzione   1   0  

b.  Dolore  o  disagio  durante  o  dopo  l’orgasmo  (eiaculazione)   1   0  

3. Durante l’ultima settimana, quante volte ha provato dolore o disagio in una di queste zona sopradescritte

0                Mai  

1  Raramente  

2            Qualche  volta  

3  Spesso  

4            Di  solito  

5            Sempre  

4.Quale numero descrive meglio il grado del dolore o del disagio nei giorni in cui esso si manifesta, durante l’ultima settimana?

0          1          2          3          4          5              6      7          8            9          10  nessun  dolore                                                                                                  il  dolore  peggiore  che  può  immaginare  

LIEVE=  punteggio  0-­‐7  

MODERATO=  punteggio  8-­‐13  

SEVERO=  punteggio  14-­‐21  

Na;onal  Ins;tute  of  Health  Chronic  Prosta;;s  Symptom  Index  (CPSI)  symptom  evalua;on  in  pa;ents  with  chronic  prosta;;s  /  chronic  pelvic  pain  syndrome  –  A  mul;na;onal  database  

of  1,563  pa;ents. F.M.E.  Wagenlehner1,  J.W.O.  van  Till2,  V.  Magri3,  G.  PerleQ4,  J.G.A.  Houbiers2,  W.  Weidner1,  J.C.  Nickel5

1Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany, 2Global Medical Science, Astellas Pharma Europe, Leiderdorp, Netherlands, 3Urology and Sonography Outpatient Clinic, Azienda Ospedaliera Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, Milano, Italy, 4Laboratory of Toxicology and

Pharmacology, Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Busto A./Varese, Italy, 5Department of Urology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.

Nuovi cutoff del dominio complessivo dolore (domande 1-4 del questionario NIH-CPSI)

Page 31: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

SINTOMI  LIEVI  =  punteggio  0-­‐14  

SINTOMI  MODERATI=  punteggio  15-­‐26  

SINTOMI  SEVERI=  punteggio  27-­‐43  

Na;onal  Ins;tute  of  Health  Chronic  Prosta;;s  Symptom  Index  (CPSI)  symptom  evalua;on  in  pa;ents  with  chronic  prosta;;s  /  chronic  pelvic  pain  syndrome  –  A  mul;na;onal  database  

of  1,563  pa;ents. F.M.E.  Wagenlehner1,  J.W.O.  van  Till2,  V.  Magri3,  G.  PerleQ4,  J.G.A.  Houbiers2,  W.  Weidner1,  J.C.  Nickel5

1Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany, 2Global Medical Science, Astellas Pharma Europe, Leiderdorp, Netherlands, 3Urology and Sonography Outpatient Clinic, Azienda Ospedaliera Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, Milano, Italy, 4Laboratory of Toxicology and

Pharmacology, Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Busto A./Varese, Italy, 5Department of Urology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.

Nuovi cutoff dell’intero questionario sintomatologico NIH-CPSI

Page 32: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Na;onal  Ins;tute  of  Health  Chronic  Prosta;;s  Symptom  Index  (CPSI)  symptom  evalua;on  in  pa;ents  with  chronic  prosta;;s  /  chronic  pelvic  pain  syndrome  –  A  mul;na;onal  database  

of  1,563  pa;ents. F.M.E.  Wagenlehner1,  J.W.O.  van  Till2,  V.  Magri3,  G.  PerleQ4,  J.G.A.  Houbiers2,  W.  Weidner1,  J.C.  Nickel5

1Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany, 2Global Medical Science, Astellas Pharma Europe, Leiderdorp, Netherlands, 3Urology and Sonography Outpatient Clinic, Azienda Ospedaliera Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, Milano, Italy, 4Laboratory of Toxicology and

Pharmacology, Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Busto A./Varese, Italy, 5Department of Urology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.

Distribuzione totale NIH-CPSI di tutti i pazienti (N=1563, media 20,4 [SD 7.8]

" NON UNA SOLA CURVA GAUSSIANA espressione di una popolazione che si distribuisce attorno ad un unico valore di picco

" BENSI’ DUE CURVE ADIACENTI cheforse rivelano la PRESENZA di DUE popolazioni diverse

" Abbiamo investigato le caratteristiche fenotipiche di queste popolazioni

Page 33: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic




of expressed prostatic secretions and/or urine specimens IROORZLQJ�SURVWDWLF�PDVVDJH�������2YHU�WLPH��WKLV�RULJLQDO�GHÀ-QLWLRQ�KDV�HYROYHG��DQG�H[SHUWV�KDYH�SURSRVHG�D�PRGHO�ZKHUHE\�the prostate of patients with CP/&336�PD\�EH�FRORQL]HG�E\�D�variety of organisms, including either traditional uropathogens (such as E.coli, Klebsiella spp���RWKHU�Enterobacteriaceae and Enterococci), viz the etiological agents of acute and


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� &OXVWHU�FODVVLÀFDWLRQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NIH-CPSI score 1 1* 2 3 4 5 6

1 - pain domain 12 (5) 9a (4) 9a (5) 9a (5) 10a (4) 10a (4) 9a (5)����YRLGLQJ�V\PSWRP�GRPDLQ� ��������� �a�������� �a�������� �a�������� �E�������� �a�������� �a�������3 - QoL impact domain 9 (4) 8a (3) 8a (3) 8a (3) 9E (4) 8a (4) 8a (3)7RWDO�VFRUH��������� ���������� ��a�������� ��a��������� ��a�������� ��a�������� ��a��������� ��a�������

&OXVWHU�FODVVLÀFDWLRQ��DFFRUGLQJ�WR�'DYLV�et al (10): 1, prostate infection-related sexual dysfunction; 1*��VDPH�DV�¶�·��EXW�ZLWK�WKH�ZLWKGUDZDO�RI�patients showing evidence of infection; 2, widespread symptoms; 3, psychosocially complex lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) with sexual G\VIXQFWLRQ�����SV\FKRVRFLDOO\�FRPSOH[�/876�ZLWKRXW�VH[XDO�G\VIXQFWLRQ�����PXVFOH�WHQGHUQHVV�ÀEURP\DOJLD�OLNH�V\PSWRPV�����XQFRPSOL-FDWHG�/876��a3������YV��FOXVWHU����0DQQ�:KLWQH\�:LOFR[RQ�WHVW��E3������YV��FOXVWHU����0DQQ�:KLWQH\�:LOFR[RQ�WHVW��1,+�&36,��1DWLRQDO�,QVWLWXWHV�RI�+HDOWK�&KURQLF�3URVWDWLWLV�6\PSWRP�,QGH[��&3�&336��FKURQLF�SURVWDWLWLV�FKURQLF�SHOYLF�SDLQ�V\QGURPH��4R/��TXDOLW\�RI�OLIH�

I pazienti con dominio “infezione” positivo, mostrano punteggi NIH-CPSI totale significativamente più elevati (curva distribuzione spostata vesro destra vs. pazienti senza infezione) Infezione positivo: valore mediano: 24 Infezione negativo: valore mediano: 20

■ Pathogen in EPS-VB3 □ No pathogen iin EPS-VB3



)LJ����VKRZV�WKH�GLVWULEXWLRQ�SDWWHUQV�RI�1,+�&36,�VFRUHV�in patients with a positive or negative infection domain of the 832,176�SKHQRW\SLQJ� V\VWHP�� ,Q� WKH�JUDSK� VKRZLQJ� WKH�SDLQ�GRPDLQ��)LJ���$��� WKH�GLVWULEXWLRQ�SDWWHUQ�RI�SDWLHQWV�ZLWK�D�SRVLWLYH�LQIHFWLRQ�GRPDLQ�LV�VKLIWHG�WR�WKH�ULJKW��L�H��WRZDUG�PRUH�VHYHUH�SDLQ�V\PSWRP�VFRUHV��6LJQLÀFDQWO\�KLJKHU�proportions of patients with infection showed symptom scores as high as 13-17, compared with patients showing no evidence RI�EDFWHULDO�LQIHFWLRQ�LQ�WKH�SURVWDWH�

Since the pain domain is the component of greater weight LQ� WKH�1,+�&36,�VFRULQJ�V\VWHP�� WKH�SUHYLRXVO\�GHVFULEHG�GLIIHUHQFH�EHWZHHQ�‘infected’ versus ‘non-infected’ patients LV�UHÁHFWHG�LQ�WKH�GLVWULEXWLRQ�RI�WKH�1,+�&36,�WRWDO�VFRUHV��DV�VKRZQ�LQ�)LJ���'��$W�V\PSWRP�VFRUHV�!����SDWLHQWV�ZLWK�a positive infection domain were predominantly present in VLJQLILFDQWO\� KLJKHU� SURSRUWLRQV�� FRPSDUHG�ZLWK� VXEMHFWV�ZLWKRXW�HYLGHQFH�RI� LQIHFWLRQ��7KHVH�GLIIHUHQFHV�ZHUH� OHVV�


Impact of infection on NIH-CPSI scores in phenotypic clusters of CP/CPPS patient. 6LQFH�WKH�GLVWULEXWLRQ�RI�GDWD�VKRZQ�LQ�)LJ����LQGLFDWHG�WKH�H[LVWHQFH�RI�WZR�GLVWLQFW�SRSXODWLRQV�ZLWK�differing symptom scores, and due to the fact that infection was the discriminant element in this respect, we investigated ZKHWKHU�LW�ZDV�DOVR�SRVVLEOH�WR�REVHUYH�WKHVH�GLIIHUHQFHV�LQ�WKH�CP/&336�SKHQRW\SH�FOXVWHUV�UHSRUWHG�E\�'DYLV�et al in their UHFHQW�832,17�6��FOXVWHU�DQDO\VLV�������,Q�WKLV�SUHYLRXV�VWXG\��it was shown that patients with CP/CPPS tended to segregate into six different clusters, each containing patients showing KLJK�IUHTXHQFLHV�RI�VSHFLÀF�832,176�GRPDLQV�������7KHVH�clusters were denominated: i) prostate infection-related sexual dysfunction (high frequencies of O, I and S domains); ii) wide-spread symptoms (high frequencies of U, O and N domains); iii) psychosocially complex lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) with sexual dysfunction (high frequencies of P and S domains); iv) psychosocially complex LUTS without sexual dysfunction (high frequencies of U and P domains); v) muscle tenderness/ÀEURP\DOJLD�OLNH�V\PSWRPV��KLJK�IUHTXHQF\�RI�7�domain) and vi) uncomplicated LUTS (increased frequencies RI�8�DQG�2�GRPDLQV���7KH�LQIHFWLRQ�GRPDLQ�RI�WKH�832,17�system was present at very high frequency (80% of patients) RQO\�LQ�WKH�ÀUVW�FOXVWHU�

1,+�&36,�VFRUHV�ZHUH�FDOFXODWHG�VXEVHTXHQW�WR�WKH�FODVVLÀ-cation of the present patient population according to the clusters GHVFULEHG�E\�'DYLV et al�������$V�VKRZQ�LQ�7DEOH�,,��SDWLHQWV�EHORQJLQJ�WR�WKH�‘prostate infection-related sexual dysfunction’ cluster showed significantly higher pain, voiding symptom, QoL and total scores of the NIH-CPSI, compared with all other FOXVWHUV��7DEOH�,,�DOVR�VKRZV�WKDW�WKH�VFRUHV�RI�D�PRGLÀHG�JURXS��L�H��WKH�‘prostate infection-related sexual dysfunction’ cluster ODFNLQJ�DOO�SDWLHQWV�ZLWK�HYLGHQFH�RI�LQIHFWLRQ��ZHUH�VLJQLÀ-FDQWO\�ORZHU�WKDQ�WKH�RQHV�VKRZQ�E\�WKH�RULJLQDO�FOXVWHU��DQG�ZHUH�YLUWXDOO\�HTXLYDOHQW�WR�WKRVH�VKRZQ�E\�WKH�RWKHU�FOXVWHUV��ZKLFK�ZHUH�DOVR�ODFNLQJ�KLJK�SURSRUWLRQV�RI�LQIHFWHG�SDWLHQWV�


Total patient Patients with Patients without population evidence of infection evidence of infection ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------- Upper and Upper and Upper andNIH-CPSI score Median lower quartiles Median lower quartiles Median lower quartiles

1 - pain domain 9 7-12 11 8-14 9a 7-112 - voiding symptom domain 4 2-6 4 2-7 4E 2-63 - QoL impact domain 8 5-9 8 6-10 7a 5-9Total score (1+2+3) 21 16-26 24 18-29 20c 15-24



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of expressed prostatic secretions and/or urine specimens IROORZLQJ�SURVWDWLF�PDVVDJH�������2YHU�WLPH��WKLV�RULJLQDO�GHÀ-QLWLRQ�KDV�HYROYHG��DQG�H[SHUWV�KDYH�SURSRVHG�D�PRGHO�ZKHUHE\�the prostate of patients with CP/&336�PD\�EH�FRORQL]HG�E\�D�variety of organisms, including either traditional uropathogens (such as E.coli, Klebsiella spp���RWKHU�Enterobacteriaceae and Enterococci), viz the etiological agents of acute and


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��& ��'


� &OXVWHU�FODVVLÀFDWLRQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NIH-CPSI score 1 1* 2 3 4 5 6

1 - pain domain 12 (5) 9a (4) 9a (5) 9a (5) 10a (4) 10a (4) 9a (5)����YRLGLQJ�V\PSWRP�GRPDLQ� ��������� �a�������� �a�������� �a�������� �E�������� �a�������� �a�������3 - QoL impact domain 9 (4) 8a (3) 8a (3) 8a (3) 9E (4) 8a (4) 8a (3)7RWDO�VFRUH��������� ���������� ��a�������� ��a��������� ��a�������� ��a�������� ��a��������� ��a�������

&OXVWHU�FODVVLÀFDWLRQ��DFFRUGLQJ�WR�'DYLV�et al (10): 1, prostate infection-related sexual dysfunction; 1*��VDPH�DV�¶�·��EXW�ZLWK�WKH�ZLWKGUDZDO�RI�patients showing evidence of infection; 2, widespread symptoms; 3, psychosocially complex lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) with sexual G\VIXQFWLRQ�����SV\FKRVRFLDOO\�FRPSOH[�/876�ZLWKRXW�VH[XDO�G\VIXQFWLRQ�����PXVFOH�WHQGHUQHVV�ÀEURP\DOJLD�OLNH�V\PSWRPV�����XQFRPSOL-FDWHG�/876��a3������YV��FOXVWHU����0DQQ�:KLWQH\�:LOFR[RQ�WHVW��E3������YV��FOXVWHU����0DQQ�:KLWQH\�:LOFR[RQ�WHVW��1,+�&36,��1DWLRQDO�,QVWLWXWHV�RI�+HDOWK�&KURQLF�3URVWDWLWLV�6\PSWRP�,QGH[��&3�&336��FKURQLF�SURVWDWLWLV�FKURQLF�SHOYLF�SDLQ�V\QGURPH��4R/��TXDOLW\�RI�OLIH�Punteggi dolore elevati: prevalgono pazienti

con evidenza di infezione

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Mi chiedo e chiedo a voi, dobbiamo rivalutare la vecchia classificazione di Drach ?

 1978:  Classificazione  di  Drach  

 -­‐prosta;te  acuta  ba>erica  

-­‐ prostaEte  cronica  ba.erica      -­‐ ProstaEte  cronica  aba.erica  

 -­‐  prostatodinia  

Criticità I gruppi USA-Canada hanno introdotto nel 2010 la categoria

“CP/CPPS con infezione”.

Cosa sono le CP/CPPS infettive? In che differiscono dalle CBP di tipo II?

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La funzione sessuale incide in modo determinante su QoL

AspeQ  clinici  

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Prostatiti e disfunzioni sessuali 43% DE 24% riduzione della libido • Smith e coll.Arch sex Behav 2007

31% DE

56% dolore eiaculazione 66% riduzione della libido • Anderson e coll. J Urol. 2006

25% DE 33,4% Difficoltà eiaculatorie • Lee e coll. Urology 2008

69% DE 21% eiaculazione precoce 10% DE+eiaculazione precoce • Bartoletti e coll. J Urol. 2007

35,1 % DE DE (IIE-5) • Hao ZY J. Androl 2011

34%DE 55% disturbi eiaculazione

• Prevalence of sexual dysfunction in men with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome Trinchieri A, Magri V, Cariani L, Bonamore R, Restelli A, Garlaschi MC, Perletti G Arch Ital Urol. Androl. 2007 Jun;79(2):67-70

50,1%DE DE di varia entità

• Chronic prostatitis and erectile dysfunction: results from a cross-sectional study Magri V, Perletti G, Montanari E, Marras E, Chiaffarino F, Parazzini F. Arch Ital Urol. Androl. 2008 Dec;80(4):172-5

I pazienti con DE e disfunzioni eiaculatorie presentavano un aumento significativo dei punteggi relativi al dolore e all’impatto sulla qualità della vita, determinati attraverso la compilazione del questionario validato NIH-CPSI

-Elevata associazione tra Eiaculazione precoce , emospermia e rischio di DE (4,9 e 4,2 volte) -Non esiste una correlazione tra una frequenza di DE e categoria di prostatite (CBP e CP/CPPS)

Alcuni dati dalla letteratura……..

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Su una coorte di 1009 pazienti con CP/CPPS o CBP: =>499 pazienti (49%) presentavano disfunzione erettile; =>628 pazienti (62%) presentavano disfunzione eiaculatoria =>333 pazienti (33%) presentavano entrambe le disfunzioni Ruolo della flogosi cronica nelle disfunzioni sessuali?

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Considerando che la DE influisce negativamente sulla qualità della vita del paziente, abbiamo modificato il questionario UPOINT proponendo l’UPOINTS

1-­‐confermato  la  validità  dell’impianto  diagnosEco-­‐terapeuEco  UPOINT  proposto;  

2-­‐migliorato  l’algoritmo  con  l’aggiunta  di  un  NUOVO  DOMINIO  SESSUALE  “S”,  che  comprende  la  disfunzione  ereQle,  quella  eiaculatoria  e  altri  disturbi  della  sfera  sessuale.  Abbiamo  scoperto  che  l’aggiunta  di  questo  dominio  migliora  l’algoritmo,  non  tanto  in  pazien;  con  una  sintomatologia  lieve  o  moderata,  quanto  sopra>u>o  in  pazien;  con  un  quadro  clinico  più  complesso,  che  comprende  anche  sintomi  di  natura  sessuale.  

3-­‐Il  gruppo  di  Shoskes  et  al.,  che  non  aveva  ritenuto  inizialmente  necessaria  l’aggiunta  di  un  dominio  “S”  all’algoritmo  ,  ha  successivamente  riconosciuto  come  u;le  e  doveroso    il  tra>amento  dei  sintomi  lega;  alla  sfera  sessuale  dei  pazien;    (anche  a  causa  della  pubblicazione,  nel  2012,  di  uno  studio  canadese  e  di  uno  studio  cinese    che  sostenevano    e  confermavano  le  evidenze  del  gruppo  italo-­‐tedesco)  

Samplaski MK, LI J, Shoskes DA. Inclusion of erectile domain to UPOINT phenotype does not improve correlation with symptom severity in men with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Urology. 2011;78(3):653-8 Magri V, Wagenlehner FM, Perletti G. Re: Sampleski et al.: Inclusion of erectile domain to UPOINT phenotype does not improve correlation with symptom severity in men with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Urology. 2012 Feb;79(“):487-8 author reply 488-9 Shoskes DA. The Challenge of Erectile Dysfynction in the Man with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome. CurrUrol Rep. 2012 May 13. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:22580952

J Urol. 2010 Dec;184(6):2339-45

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Is a Sexual Dysfunction Domain Important for Quality of Life inMen with Urological Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome? Signs“UPOINT” to Yes

Seth N. P. Davis,* Yitzchak M. Binik, Rhonda Amsel and Serge Carrier†From the Department of Psychology, McGill University (SNPD, YMB, RA) and Sex and Couple Therapy Service (YMB) and Department ofUrology (SC), McGill University Health Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Abbreviationsand AcronymsCPSI ! Chronic ProstatitisSymptom IndexLUTS ! lower urinary tractsymptomsMSHQ ! Male Sexual HealthQuestionnaireUCPPS ! urological chronic pelvicpain syndrome

Accepted for publication June 14, 2012.Study received McGill University research

ethics board approval.* Correspondence: Department of Psychology,

McGill University, 1205 Rue Dr. Penfield, Mon-treal, Quebec, Canada H3A 181 (e-mail: [email protected]).

† Financial interest and/or other relationshipwith Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Bayer and Abbott.

Purpose: Clinical phenotyping to guide treatment for urological chronic pelvicpain syndrome is a promising strategy. The UPOINT (urinary, psychosocial,organ specific, infection, neurological/systemic and tenderness of the pelvic floor)phenotyping system evaluates men and women on 6 domains. However, thisstudy focused on men only. Due to the high prevalence of sexual dysfunction inmen with urological chronic pelvic pain syndrome, debate exists about the use-fulness of adding an (S) (sexual dysfunction) domain to UPOINT. We examinedthe usefulness in terms of quality of life and delineated urological chronic pelvicpain syndrome subcategories using UPOINT(S) domains.Materials and Methods: We assessed 162 men using UPOINT criteria and afteradding the sexual dysfunction domain. Using multiple regression analysisUPOINT(S) criteria were then compared to quality of life, as measured by theSF-36® health outcome survey and Chronic Prostatitis Symptoms Index. Samplesubgroups were assessed using k-means cluster analysis.Results: The total number of UPOINT(S) domains correlated with SF-36 andChronic Prostatitis Symptoms Index scores. Using regression analysis the 2significant predictors of SF-36 scores were the psychosocial and sexual domains.Men with sexual dysfunction had significantly worse quality of life than menwithout the condition. In addition, 6 potentially clinically meaningful subgroupswere identified using cluster analysis. Sexual dysfunction was differentiallypresent in these groups.Conclusions: Adding a sexual dysfunction domain to UPOINT may help improvequality of life in men treated for urological chronic pelvic pain syndrome.

Key Words: prostate, prostatitis, pain, questionnaires, erectile dysfunction

CATEGORY III prostatitis, also known asUCPPS, is a prevalent male urogenitalproblem1 with a significant impact onquality of life.2 The primary symptomis genital pain, which is often associ-ated with ejaculation. However, pain isnot the only symptom. The presence ofurinary symptoms has been well estab-lished and they are included in themain UCPPS symptom measure, theCPSI.3 In addition to pain and urinary

symptoms, sexual dysfunction, suchas erectile dysfunction and prematureejaculation, are also prevalent in menwith UCPPS,4 although they are notincluded in the CPSI or the recentlyproposed UPOINT phenotyping system.We examined the usefulness of addingsexual dysfunction to the UPOINT sys-tem.

Symptom heterogeneity in men withUCPPS and the failure of monotherapy

146 www.jurology.com0022-5347/13/1891-0146/0 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.juro.2012.08.083THE JOURNAL OF UROLOGY® Vol. 189, 146-151, January 2013© 2013 by AMERICAN UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION EDUCATION AND RESEARCH, INC. Printed in U.S.A.

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AccertamenE  microbiologici  

Dove  cercare?  Uretra,  vescica,  prostata,  vescicole  seminali  

Cosa  cercare?  (conce>o  di  posi;vità  microbiologica)  


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Programmare tutte le ricerche microbiologiche alla prima visita:

Procedere per steps successivi:

"  Tempi brevi di risposta

"  Il paziente si sottopone una sola volta ai prelievi

"  Costi notevoli in lavoro/denaro

"  Tempi lunghi di risposta

"  Il paziente si sottopone due volte ai prelievi

"  Costi mirati in lavoro/denaro

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Programmare tutte le ricerche microbiologiche alla prima visita:

Gram + e -, miceti, Ureaplasma U., Mycoplasma H./G.,

Chlamydia T. (PCR), anaerobi

Procedere per steps successivi: indagini di 1° livello:

Gram + e -, miceti indagini 2° livello

Ureaplasma U., Mycoplasma H./G., Chlamydia T., anaerobi


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Nostra esperienza: Tutte le ricerche microbiologiche sono pianificate alla prima visita:

Le infezioni da Chlamydia T, Ureaplasma U. e Mycoplsma H. possono essere responsabili di:

1. Dolore pelvico cronico

2. Malattie sessualmente trasmesse di 2 generazione (la ricerca di questi microrganismi intracellulari su pazienti selezionati contribuisce alla individuazione e prevenzione delle malattie sessualmente trasmesse come suggerito dalle Linee Guida della European Society of Urology 2008)

3. Infertilità maschile (15-20 % delle coppie fertili)


Ambulatorio di Urologia ed Ecografia Urologica Ambulatorio per lo studio delle Infezioni Genito-Urinarie e Prostatiti

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Micoplasmi  (UU,  MH)  CT  (PCR)  

LS  esame  microscopico  GB  LS  coltura  (+  lievi;  e  mice;)  LS  micoplasmi  (UU,  MH)  LS  CT(PCR)    

VB1 sedimento urinario GB VB1 coltura (+ lieviti e miceti)

VB2 sedimento urinario GB VB2 coltura (+ lieviti e miceti) VB2 micoplasmi (UU, MH)

EPS esame microscopico GB EPS coltura (+ lieviti e miceti) EPS micoplasmi (UU, MH) EPS CT (PCR)

VB3 esame microscopico GB VB3 coltura (+ lieviti e miceti) VB3 micoplasmi (UU, MH) VB3 CT(PCR)

DOVE  E  COSA  CERCARE?  -­‐uretra  -­‐vescica  e  prostata  -­‐vescicole  seminali            

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$ Il massaggio prostatico viene utilizzato per il Test di Stamey e Meares $ Ma …può pulire i dotti congesti riempiti da detriti infiammatori e consentire la penetrazione degli antibiotici all’interno di aree prima chiuse. $ Quindi …perché non associare alla terapia antibatterica un ciclo di massaggi prostatici ?

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Una  revisione  della  le>eratura  evidenzia  come  i  test  tradizionali  (Test  di  Stamey-­‐Meares;  Test  di  Nickel)  SOTTOSTIMINO  la  prevalenza  della  prosta;te  cronica  

La  proposta:  test  dei  5  bicchieri  



EPS  e/o  VB3  


Studio  retrospeIvo:    696  pazienE  sintomaEci    

1.   L’associazione  Stamey+LS  aumenta  la  sensibilità  della  metodica  microbiologica.  2.   Il  LS  è  un  campione  a.endibile  di  infezione  prostaEca.  3.   I  pazienE  con  diagnosi  di  CPB  o.enuta  mediante  test  di  Stamey  +  Liquido  Seminale  

hanno  risposto  alla  terapia  anEba.erica  in  modo  favorevole,  senza  differenze  significaEve  rispe.o  ai  pE  con  diagnosi  o.enuta  con  Test  di  Stamey    e/o  Nickel  

DOVE  CERCARE?            -­‐uretra  (Tampone  Uretrale)  -­‐vescica  e  prostata  (Test  di  Stamey  e  Meares)  -­‐prostata  e  vescicole  seminali  (Eiaculato  totale)  

Semen analysis in chronic bacterial prostatitis: diagnostic and therapeutic implication. Magri V, Wagenlehner FM, Montanari E, Marras E, Orlandi V, Restelli A, Torresani E, Naber KG, Perletti G. Asian J Androl. 2009 Jul;11(4):461-77.

Re: how does the pre-massage and post-massage 2-glass test compare to the meares-stamey 4-glass test in men with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome?. J.C. Nickel, D. Shoskes, Y Wang, R.B. Alexander, J.E. Fowler, jr., S. Zeitlin, M P. O’Leary, M.A. Pontari, A. J. Schaeffer, J.R. Landis, L. Nyberg, j. W. Kusek and K.J. Propert J Urol. 2006;176:119-124 Magri V, Perletti G J Urol 2008 Oct;180(4):1571-2 author reply1572

Microscopic and microbiological findings for evaluation of chronic prostatitis. Magri V, Cariani L, Bonamore R, Restelli A, Garlaschi MC, Trinchieri A. Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2005 Jun;77(2):135-8

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Microrganismi eziologicamente riconosciuti Escherichia Coli Klebsiella spp. Proteus mirabilis Pseudomonas aeruginosa Altri batteri Gram negativi (Enterobacteriaceae) Enterococcus faecalis Staphylococcus aureus

Microrganismi eziologicamente dibattuti Staphylococcus coagulasi negativo Staphylococcus aureus Chlamydia trachomatis Mycoplasma hominis Ureaplasma urealyticum Corynebacteriun spp. Mycoplasma genitalis Batteri anaerobi Gardnerella vaginalis Herpes simplex 1 e 2 Trichomonas vaginalis

EAU 2011

! Uropatogeni tradizionali

Il loro significato clinico nel determinismo della prostatite cronica tradizionali è indiscusso.  

! Uropatogeni non tradizionali

Il loro significato clinico nel determinismo della prostatite cronica è stato investigato:

Clinical Significance of Nontraditional Bacterial Uropathogens in the Managment of Chronic Prostatitis J. C. Nickel J of Urology vol. 179, 1391-1395 Aprile 2008

Eradication of unusual pathogens by combination pharmacological therapy is paralleled by improvement of signs and symptoms of chronic prostatitis syndrome Magri V., Trinchieri A., Ceriani I, Marras E., Perletti G.

Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2007 Jun;79(2)93-8


Page 50: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Microrganismi eziologicamente riconosciuti Escherichia Coli Klebsiella spp. Proteus mirabilis Pseudomonas aeruginosa Altri batteri Gram negativi (Enterobacteriaceae) Enterococcus faecalis Staphylococcus aureus

Microrganismi eziologicamente dibattuti Staphylococcus coagulasi negativo Staphylococcus aureus Chlamydia trachomatis Mycoplasma hominis Ureaplasma urealyticum Corynebacteriun spp. Mycoplasma genitalis Batteri anaerobi Gardnerella vaginalis Herpes simplex 1 e 2 Trichomonas vaginalis

EAU 2011

I  microrganismi  più  frequentemente  considera;  come  agen;  eziologici  sono  i  Gram-­‐nega;vi  (in  par;colare  i  coliformi).  Essi  sono  normalmente  presen;  nel  tra>o  intes;nale  come  saprofi;  e  rappresentano  anche  i  più  frequen;  agen;  responsabili  delle  infezioni  urinarie  

Meno  frequentemente  sono  ritenu;  responsabili  dell’eziologia  i  ba>eri  Gram-­‐posi;vi  

" GRAM-­‐NEGATIVI  Nell’80%  il  patogeno  isolato  è  Escherichia  coli,  mentre  nel  10-­‐15  %  si  ritrovano  Proteus,  Klebsiella,  Enterobacter,  Pseudomonas,  ecc.  

" GRAM-­‐POSITIVI  5-­‐10  %  di  tu>e  le  prosta;;.  Enterococcus  faecalis  è  ritenuto  un  importante  patogeno  per  la  prostata  e  la  sua  persistenza  nella  ghiandola  può  essere  causa  di  infezioni  recidivan;  delle  vie  urinarie  



Chronic bacterial prostatitis: enterococcal disease? Magri V., Marras E, Perletti G.

Clin Infect Dis. 2011 Dec;53(12):1306-7


Page 51: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Microrganismi eziologicamente riconosciuti Escherichia Coli Klebsiella spp. Proteus mirabilis Pseudomonas aeruginosa Altri batteri Gram negativi (Enterobacteriaceae) Enterococcus faecalis Staphylococcus aureus Microrganismi eziologicamente

dibattuti Staphylococcus coagulasi negativo Staphylococcus aureus Chlamydia trachomatis Mycoplasma hominis Ureaplasma urealyticum Corynebacteriun spp. Mycoplasma genitalis Batteri anaerobi Gardnerella vaginalis Herpes simplex 1 e 2 Trichomonas vaginalis

EAU 2011

Eradication of Chlamydia trachomatis parallels symptom regression in chronic bacterial prostatitis patients treated with a fluorquinolone-macrolide combination. Magri V., Marras E.,Skerk V, Markotic A, Restelli A, Garlaschi MA, Perletti G.

Andrologia. 2010 Dec;42(6):366-75.

A severely symptomatic case of anaerobic chronic bacterial prostatitis successfully resolved with moxifloxacin therapy Magri V., Restelli A, Marras E, Perletti G.

Anarobe. 2010 Jun;16(3):206-9


Page 52: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Terapia  medica  750 mg/die ciprofloxacina Per 4 settimane

500 mg/die azitromicina Per 4 settimane; i primi tre giorni Di ciascuna settimana

640 mg/die (320+320) S.repens SR+selenio+licopene) Per 4 settimane + e primi 6 mesi di follow-up

10 mg/die alfuzosina r.p. Per 4 settimane + e primi 6 mesi di follow-up

Monoterapia?  Terapia  mul;modale?  


Quale  an;bio;co  ?  (resistenze  ba>eriche)  


Page 53: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Malgrado la frequenza con la quale viene posta una diagnosi di prostatite cronica ( Prostatite Cronica Batterica, Prostatite Cronica/Sindrome Dolorosa Pelvica Cronica) non esistono a tutt’oggi regimi terapeutici di provata efficacia

# Difficoltà di inquadramento ezio-patogenetico

# Presenza a livello prostatico di una membrana basale/strato epiteliale basale difficilmente permeabile ai farmaci

# Difficoltà a eradicare la componente psicosomatica

Terapia  medica  750 mg/die ciprofloxacina Per 4 settimane

500 mg/die azitromicina Per 4 settimane; i primi tre giorni Di ciascuna settimana

640 mg/die (320+320) S.repens SR+selenio+licopene) Per 4 settimane + e primi 6 mesi di follow-up

10 mg/die alfuzosina r.p. Per 4 settimane + e primi 6 mesi di follow-up

Page 54: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

# criterio clinico J. Curtis Nickel Treatment of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome Int Jour of Antimicrobial Agents 31S0 (2008)S112-S116

# criterio microbiologico Kurt G. Naber, The European Lomefloxacin Prostatitis Study Group Lomefloxacin versus ciprofloxacin in the treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis Int Jour of Antimicrobial Agents 20 (2002)18-27

Criteri di valutazione della terapia medica

Risposta positiva: riduzione del punteggio totale • almeno 4-6 punti del totale • almeno 25% del totale

Questionario di 9 domande

*Sintomo dolore e/o fastidio (1-4)

*Disturbi minzionali (5-6)

*Impatto sui sintomi e qualità di vita (7-9)

Punteggio totale: 43


# ERADICAZIONE: negativizzazione del quadro microbiologico, con presenza stesso microrganismo con carica< 10³ CFU/ml # PERSISTENZA: presenza stesso microrganismo con carica ≥ 10³ CFU/ml # REINFEZIONE: comparsa di un microrganismo diverso da quello iniziale con carica ≥ 10³ CFU/ml

Page 55: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Expert Opinion. Pharmacother 2007 8(11):1667-1674

Page 56: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Terapia  medica  750 mg/die ciprofloxacina Per 4 settimane

500 mg/die azitromicina Per 4 settimane; i primi tre giorni Di ciascuna settimana

640 mg/die (320+320) S.repens SR+selenio+licopene) Per 4 settimane + e primi 6 mesi di follow-up

10 mg/die alfuzosina r.p. Per 4 settimane + e primi 6 mesi di follow-up

Monoterapia?  Terapia  mul;modale?  



Page 57: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic





2009 ALGORITMO DIAGNOSTICO-TERAPEUTICO basato sulla classificazione descrittiva dello specifico fenotipo di ciascun paziente (UPOINT)

Page 58: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Negli  anni  2009-­‐2010  il  gruppo  di  ricerca  di  Daniel  Skoskes,  del  “Glickman  Urological  and  Kidney  Ins;tute”  di  Cleveland  (Ohio,  USA),  ha  proposto  alla  comunità  scien;fica  un  nuovo  algoritmo  diagnos;co-­‐terapeu;co  per  le  prosta;;  croniche  (CP/CPPS).  

Tale  algoritmo  è  un  sistema  logico,  basato  su  una  rete  complessa  di  regole  da  seguire  per  la  diagnosi  e  la  terapia  della  malaQa.  

L’algoritmo  proposto  si  chiama  UPOINT.  Questo  acronimo,  elaborato  dai  colleghi  americani,  richiama  i  sei  “domini”  diagnos;ci  e  terapeu;ci  originali  del  nuovo  algoritmo,  sulla  base  della  sintomatologia  e  dei  segni  clinici  del  paziente.  


1-Skoskes DA, Nickel JC, Rackley RR, Pontari MA. Clinical phenotyping in chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome and interstitial cystitis: a management strategy for urologic chronic pelvic pain syndromes. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2009;12(2):177-83 2-Skoskes DA, Nickel JCDolinga R, Prots D.. Clinical phenotyping of patient with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome and correlation with symptom severity. Urology. 2009 mar;73(3):538-42

Page 59: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

UPOINT è un acronimo

che si riferisce a 6 domini …




Approccio multimodale terapia di associazione farmacologica in base ai domini interessati


Terapia consigliata


$  Anti-muscarinici $ α -litici


$ Assistenza psicologica, terapia cognitiva comportamentale $ anti-depressivi $ ansiolitici


$ 5ARI $  fitoterapia (quercitina, estratti pollinici, Serenoa Repens) $ massaggio prostatico $ α- litici


$ Antibiotici


$ Neuromodulatori: antidepressivi triciclici, $ Gabapeptinoidi $ trattamenti sintomatici specifici

Dolorabilità-tensione muscolare

$ Miorilassanti apparato muscolo-scheletrico, fisioterapia del pavimento pelvico, fisioterapia generale, attività fisica







Page 60: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic


CID 2010:50 (15 June)

Page 61: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

# La sfida microbica, causata dalla sempre maggiore resistenza ai farmaci antibiotici, costituisce una delle principali minacce emergenti per la salute umana nel XXI secolo # In alcuni Paesi europei il tasso di resistenza a un unico antibiotico supera il 40-50% e la resistenza ad antibiotici multipli rappresenta un problema diffuso e in crescita # Il problema della resistenza agli antibiotici è una conseguenza naturale e inevitabile del trattamento delle malattie infettive con farmaci antibiotici # Nel contempo lo sviluppo di nuovi antibiotici è in netto declino

Utilizzo non empirico ma selezionato dell’antibiotico in funzione della Sensibilità e della MIC

" Ricordiamo il problema delle resistenze batteriche (Raccomandazioni della Commissione Europea del 27 ottobre 2011 sull’iniziativa di programmazione congiunta della ricerca “La sfida microbica – una minaccia emergente per la salute umana”- 2011/C 315/01)

Page 62: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic







CBP  CP/CPPS  (  UPOINT:  dominio  I  posiEvo  e/o  PSA  =4  ng/ml  

CP/CPPS  ????????  

Page 63: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

ANTIBIOTICO Ciprofloxacina 500/750 + Azitromicina 500





Fluorquinolone-macrolide combination therapy for chronic bacterial prostatitis: retrospective analysis of pathogen eradication rates, inflammatory findings and sexualndysfunction. Magri V., Montanari E., Skerk V.; Markotic A., Marras E., Restelli A., Naber KG; Perletti G Asian J Androl. 2011 Jul 18

Reduction of PSAvalues by combination pharmacological therapy in patients with chronic prostatitis:implications for prostate cancer detection Magri V., Trinchieri A., Montanari E., Del Nero A., Mangiarotti B., Zirpoli P., de Eguileor M., Marras E., Ceriani I., Vral A., Perletti G. Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2007 Jun;79(2):84-92

Eradication of unusual pathogens by combination pharmacological therapy is paralleled by improvement of signs and symptoms of chronic prostatitis syndrome Magri V., Trinchieri A, Ceriani I., Marras E., Perletti G. Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2007 Jun;79(2):93-8

Efficacy of repeated cycles of combination therapy for the eradication of infecting organisms in chronic bacterial prostatitis Magri V., Trinchieri A, Pozzi G., RestelliA., Garlaschi MC, Torresani E., Zirpoli P, Marras E., Perletti G. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2007 May;29(5):549-56

A Swich therapy protocol with intravenous azithromycin and ciprofloxacin combination for severe, relapsing chronic bacterial prostatitis: a prospective non-comparative pilot studyu Kolumbic Lakos A, Skerk V, Malekovic G, Dujnic Spoljarevic T; Kovacic D, Pasini M, Markotic A, Magri V, Perletti G. J Chemother. 2011 Dec;23(6):350-3

• CBP • CP/CPPS (UPOINT: dominio I positivo e/o PSA > 4 ng/ml)


Page 64: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic


Eradication of unusual pathogens by combination pharmacological therapy is paralled by improvement of signs and symptoms of chronic prostatitis syndrome Magri V, Trinchieri A, Ceriani I, Marras E, Perletti G. Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2007 Jun;79(2):93-8

Efficacy of repeated cycles of combination therapy for the eradication of infecting organisms in chronic bacterial prostatitis. Magri V, Trinchieri A, Pozzi G, Restelli A, Garlaschi MC, Torresani E Zirpoli PCeriani I, Marras E, Perletti G. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2007 May;29(5):549-56

Follow-up di 130 settimane

Page 65: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Ambulatorio Territoriale per le Infezioni Genito-Urinarie e Prostatiti

Disfunzioni sessuali (UPOINT: dominio I positivo e/o PSA > 4 ng/ml)

ANTIBIOTICO CHINOLONICO + MACROLIDE (Ciprofloxacina +Azitromicina)





Perché un’associazione Chinolonico + Macrolide ? ! Inibizione della formazione di biofilm e dissoluzione di biofilm già formati; ! inibizione della sintesi di fattori di virulenza; ! inibizione dell’attività di cellule infiammatorie (macrofagi) ! aumento della secrezione di citochine anti-infiammatorie (interleukina-10); ! azione anti-infiammatoria generale.

L’azitromicina mostra un’ottimale distribuzione al tessuto prostatico, e un’elevato rapporto di concentrazione EPS/siero

• CBP • CP/CPPS (UPOINT: dominio I positivo e/o PSA > 4 ng/ml)


Page 66: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Ambulatorio Territoriale per le Infezioni Genito-Urinarie e Prostatiti

Disfunzioni sessuali ANTIBIOTICO


ANTIINFIAMMATORIO Serenoa Repens + Licopene

+Selenio +


• CBP • CP/CPPS (UPOINT: dominio I positivo e/o PSA > 4 ng/ml)

TERAPIA MULTIMODALE (Terapia di associazione)


Page 67: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

INTRODUCTIONIn the last decades, a new interest has been focusing onthe use of herbal remedies and medications, as well as dif-ferent dietary supplements, for the treatment (or adjuvanttreatment) of diverse prostatic conditions, includingbenign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis. Whereas inthe past the use of these remedies was driven by tradi-tional beliefs or anecdotage, focused research efforts haveresulted in the production of extensive literature describ-ing preclinical or clinical evidences on the activity of anumber of compounds at the prostatic level. Amongthese, Serenoa repens-based extracts are very popularnowadays, and are used in the form of traditional herbalpreparations and tinctures, or in the form of standardizedpharmaceutical preparations. Other compounds and sup-plements have been suggested to correlate with prostatehealth and have been proposed to be efficacious in activechemoprevention of a variety of conditions, includingprostate cancer. Among these, carotenoids like lycopeneand metals (selenium, zync, etc.) are increasingly indicat-ed to be the basis of a diet advantageous for the prostate,and are proposed as commercial supplements, alone or incombination, to enrich the daily intake of protective com-pounds that may be beneficial for men's health. In thisarticle we review the preclinical and clinical evidence

supporting a therapeutic/chemopreventive role of select-ed herbal extracts and supplements on the prostate gland.

SERENOA REPENSThe American dwarf palm Serenoa repens (SR, alsodenominated Sabal serrulata) is found growing inswampy areas along the south-eastern coast of the UnitedStates and in other American countries. The plant has alarge underground trunk producing palmate, green,white coated leaves. The fruit is a dark purple to blackberry, which grows in clusters and ripens from October toDecember. The ripe, partially dried berries/drupes are thesource of the extract. American Indians used saw palmet-to berries for genitourinary disturbances. They werebelieved to increase testicular function and relievemucous membrane irritation (1). In the 1870s the berrieswere investigated for their medicinal properties. Multipleeffects were reported; namely on the digestive system tostimulate appetite and provide nutrition, on the repro-ductive system to decrease ovarian and uterine irritability,relieve dysmenorrhea, ameliorate ovarian dysfunctionand relieve various diseases of the reproductive appara-tus, including symptoms of inflammation, blockage and

65Archivio Italiano di Urologia e Andrologia 2008; 80, 2


Activity of Serenoa repens, Lycopene and Seleniumon Prostatic Disease: Evidences and Hypotheses.

Vittorio Magri1, Alberto Trinchieri2, Gianpaolo Perletti3, Emanuela Marras3

1Urology and Sonography Outpatient Clinic, Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, Milano, Italy;2Urology Unit, Ospedale A. Manzoni, Lecco, Italy;3Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Laboratory of Toxicology and Pharmacology, University of Insubria, Busto A., Varese, Italy

An increasing number of preclinical data, epidemiological evidences and clinical trialspoint to a potential role of natural compounds like herbal extracts, carotenoids and spe-cific metals in the prevention and/or treatment of different prostate conditions, likehyperplasia, inflammation, cancer.The present article reviews some of the major and most recent findings on the thera-

peutic properties of three of the most widely used compounds, i.e. Serenoa repens, lycopene andseleniumAlthough the mechanism of action of these compounds ought to be further characterized byfocused investigation, it appears that a common feature of these agents may be a dual activityon proliferative disorders as well as on inflammatory conditions at the level of the prostate gland.

KEY WORDS: Prostate cancer; Benign prostatic hyperplasia; Prostatitis; Serenoa repens; Lycopene; Selenium.

Submitted 8 April 2008; Revised 27 April 2008; Accepted 5 May 2008


INTRODUCTIONIn the last decades, a new interest has been focusing onthe use of herbal remedies and medications, as well as dif-ferent dietary supplements, for the treatment (or adjuvanttreatment) of diverse prostatic conditions, includingbenign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis. Whereas inthe past the use of these remedies was driven by tradi-tional beliefs or anecdotage, focused research efforts haveresulted in the production of extensive literature describ-ing preclinical or clinical evidences on the activity of anumber of compounds at the prostatic level. Amongthese, Serenoa repens-based extracts are very popularnowadays, and are used in the form of traditional herbalpreparations and tinctures, or in the form of standardizedpharmaceutical preparations. Other compounds and sup-plements have been suggested to correlate with prostatehealth and have been proposed to be efficacious in activechemoprevention of a variety of conditions, includingprostate cancer. Among these, carotenoids like lycopeneand metals (selenium, zync, etc.) are increasingly indicat-ed to be the basis of a diet advantageous for the prostate,and are proposed as commercial supplements, alone or incombination, to enrich the daily intake of protective com-pounds that may be beneficial for men's health. In thisarticle we review the preclinical and clinical evidence

supporting a therapeutic/chemopreventive role of select-ed herbal extracts and supplements on the prostate gland.

SERENOA REPENSThe American dwarf palm Serenoa repens (SR, alsodenominated Sabal serrulata) is found growing inswampy areas along the south-eastern coast of the UnitedStates and in other American countries. The plant has alarge underground trunk producing palmate, green,white coated leaves. The fruit is a dark purple to blackberry, which grows in clusters and ripens from October toDecember. The ripe, partially dried berries/drupes are thesource of the extract. American Indians used saw palmet-to berries for genitourinary disturbances. They werebelieved to increase testicular function and relievemucous membrane irritation (1). In the 1870s the berrieswere investigated for their medicinal properties. Multipleeffects were reported; namely on the digestive system tostimulate appetite and provide nutrition, on the repro-ductive system to decrease ovarian and uterine irritability,relieve dysmenorrhea, ameliorate ovarian dysfunctionand relieve various diseases of the reproductive appara-tus, including symptoms of inflammation, blockage and

65Archivio Italiano di Urologia e Andrologia 2008; 80, 2


Activity of Serenoa repens, Lycopene and Seleniumon Prostatic Disease: Evidences and Hypotheses.

Vittorio Magri1, Alberto Trinchieri2, Gianpaolo Perletti3, Emanuela Marras3

1Urology and Sonography Outpatient Clinic, Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, Milano, Italy;2Urology Unit, Ospedale A. Manzoni, Lecco, Italy;3Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Laboratory of Toxicology and Pharmacology, University of Insubria, Busto A., Varese, Italy

An increasing number of preclinical data, epidemiological evidences and clinical trialspoint to a potential role of natural compounds like herbal extracts, carotenoids and spe-cific metals in the prevention and/or treatment of different prostate conditions, likehyperplasia, inflammation, cancer.The present article reviews some of the major and most recent findings on the thera-

peutic properties of three of the most widely used compounds, i.e. Serenoa repens, lycopene andseleniumAlthough the mechanism of action of these compounds ought to be further characterized byfocused investigation, it appears that a common feature of these agents may be a dual activityon proliferative disorders as well as on inflammatory conditions at the level of the prostate gland.

KEY WORDS: Prostate cancer; Benign prostatic hyperplasia; Prostatitis; Serenoa repens; Lycopene; Selenium.

Submitted 8 April 2008; Revised 27 April 2008; Accepted 5 May 2008


Voci bibliografiche: 133

Queste sostanze esercitano un’azione complessa, basata sull’ elevato profilo anti-infiammatorio (inibizione di COX-2), anti-ossidante e chemopreventivo, con particolare tropismo prostatico. In particolare, il processo chimico-estrattivo dei principi contenuti in S. repens (Sabal serrulata) è un elemento fondamentale, che incide in modo determinante sull’efficacia degli stessi principi a livello della ghiandola prostatica.

Page 68: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Studi clinici hanno documentato l’azione antiflogistica di S. repens, licopene e selenio (Profluss) nei processi infiammatori cronici associati ad IPB Morgia G, Cimino S, Favilla V, Russo GI, Squadrito F, Mucciardi G, Masieri L, Minutoli L, Grosso G, Castelli T. Effects of Serenoa repens, selenium and lycopene (Profluss®) on chronic inflammation associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia: results of "FLOG" (Flogosis and Profluss in Prostatic and Genital Disease), a multicentre Italian study. Int Braz J Urol. 2013; 39:214-21 Department of Urology and Department of Hygiene and Public Health, University of Catania, Catania, Italy.

Page 69: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Ambulatorio Territoriale per le Infezioni Genito-Urinarie e Prostatiti

Disfunzioni sessuali ANTIBIOTICO





α-blockers and antibiotics, alone or in combination, improve symptoms in men with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome Perletti G., Magri V., Evid Based Med. 2011 Oct; 16(5):143-4

• CBP • CP/CPPS (UPOINT: dominio I positivo e/o PSA > 4 ng/ml)


Page 70: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

Antimicrobial therapy for chronic bacterial prostatitis(Review)

Perletti G, Marras E, Wagenlehner FME, Magri V

This is a reprint of a Cochrane review, prepared and maintained by The Cochrane Collaboration and published in The Cochrane Library2013, Issue 8


Antimicrobial therapy for chronic bacterial prostatitis (Review)

Copyright © 2013 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

•  Levofloxacina  e  ciprofloxacina  mostrano  equivalente  efficacia  e  equivalente  profilo  di  sicurezza  nel  tra>amento  delle  CBP  (meta-­‐analisi).  

Page 71: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

•  Levofloxacina  e  ciprofloxacina  mostrano  equivalente  efficacia  (Gram  +/-­‐)  e  equivalente  profilo  di  sicurezza  nel  tra>amento  delle  CBP  (meta-­‐analisi)  

•  La  levofloxacina  presenta  uno  spe>ro  an;ba>erico  esteso  agli  anaerobi  e  a  Chlamydia  

•  La  levofloxacina  è  me;lata,  e  quindi  “prote>a”  dall’azione  delle  nuove  ace;l-­‐transferasi  aac,  responsabili  della  resistenza  alla  ciprofloxacina  

•  La  Levofloxacina  presenta  una  distribuzione  prosta;ca  migliore  rispe>o  alla  ciprofloxacina  (concentrazioni  più  elevate  nei  doQ  prosta;ci)  

•  I  cos;  sono  analoghi  (Levofloxacina  è  oggi  un  farmaco  equivalente)  

Levo  o  Cipro?  

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Per la terapia della CP/CPPS sono stati utilizzati diversi farmaci, ma a tutt’oggi non esiste un trattamento che abbia dimostrato un’efficacia a lungo termine

Nickel e coll. BJU Int 2010


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Critical issue in chronic prostatitis. V. Magri , Perletti G, Scheider S, Marras E, Naber KG, Weidner W. Arch Ital Urol Androl 2010 Jun ;82(2):75-82

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Negli ultimi anni si sono accumulate evidenze a supporto del ruolo critico svolto

dalla infiammazione prostatica nella patogenesi del cancro della prostata


Page 76: PROSTATITINational Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) Symptom Evaluation in Multinational Cohorts of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic

-Studio retrospettivo eseguito su 68.675 pazienti

-Aumento significativo del rischio relativo pari al 30% di cancro prostatico nei pazienti affetti da prostatite

Inflammation, prostatitis, prooliferative inflammatory atrophy: “Fertile ground” for prostate cancer developement? Perletti G, Montanari E, Vral A, Gazzano G, Mione S, Magri V. Mol Med Report. 2010 Jan-Feb;3(1):3-12.

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HG PIN (High-Grade

Prostatic Inthraepithelial


Atrophy Carcinoma


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Nelson, De Marzo and Isaacs, NEJM 2003; 349:366

PIA (atrofia proliferativa infiammatoria)

$ Alterazione istologica legata al processo infiammatorio e con caratteristiche proliferative. $ Correlata al processo infiammatorio cronico “sembra” rappresentare una lesione precoce nella carcinogenesi prostatica. $ Secondo il modello proposto dalla scuola di Philadelphia (De Marzo-Epstein) nei pazienti con predisposizione genetica ed inattivazione dell’enzima protettivo GST, la PIA può evolvere prima in PIN e poi nel carcinoma prostatico.

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1-Atrofia semplice 2-Atrofia parziale 3-Atrofia cistica 4-Atrofia iperplastica post-atrofica

4 tipi di atrofia:

Simple Atrophy

Post-Atrophic Hyperplasia

PIA Proliferative Inflammatory


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Perletti G

Marras E University of Insubria, Varese, Italy

Magri V Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, Milan, Italy

Montanari E, Gazzano G S. Paolo Hospital, University of Milan, Italy

Vral A Gent University, Belgium

Proliferative Inflammatory Atrophy

(PIA) and Prostate Cancer


Inflammation, prostatitis, prooliferative inflammatory atrophy: “Fertile ground” for prostate cancer developement? Perletti G, Montanari E, Vral A, Gazzano G, Mione S, Magri V. Mol Med Report. 2010 Jan-Feb;3(1):3-12.

Topographic and qualitative relationship between prostate inflammation, proliferative inflammatory atrphy and low-grade prostate intraepithelial neoplasia: A biopsy study in chronic prostatitis patients. Vral A, Magri V, Montanari E, Gazzano G, Gourvas V, Marras E, Perletti G Int j Oncol 2012 Dec;41(6):1950-8

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18 biopsie Ogni singolo frustolo è stato esaminato microscopicamente

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Perletti G

Marras E University of Insubria, Varese, Italy

Magri V Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, Milan, Italy

Montanari E, Gazzano G S. Paolo Hospital, University of Milan, Italy

Vral A Gent University, Belgium

Proliferative Inflammatory Atrophy (PIA) and Prostate Cancer development

Topographic and qualitative relationship between prostate inflammation, proliferative inflammatory atrphy and low-grade prostate intraepithelial neoplasia: A biopsy study in chronic prostatitis patients. Vral A, Magri V, Montanari E, Gazzano G, Gourvas V, Marras E, Perletti G Int j Oncol 2012 Dec;41(6):1950-8

1.  I nostri risultati suggeriscono l’esistenza di un legame tra l’infiammazione prostatica e la lesione PIA (ipotizzata essere una lesione a rischio di neoplasia)

2.  Tuttavia, i nostri dati non supportano un modello in base al quale le lesioni PIN di basso grado deriverebbero da lesioni PIA

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Questa osservazione è in contrasto con il modello di De Marzo che ipotizza la sequenza

De Marzo et al., Nature Rev. Cancer 2007, 7:256

De Marzo et al., Nature Rev. Cancer 2007, 7:256 ?

Se questa sequenza fosse vera,il PIN di basso grado comparirebbe sempre nelle ghiandole atrofiche.

La nostra (modesta esperienza) ci dice il contrario


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Lisbona  2013  


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