NATIONAL OPTICAL ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY Quarterly Report (1) FY 2005 October 1 – December 31, 2004 The 12 teachers from the TLRBSE program in NOAO educational outreach who are preparing to make observations with the Spitzer Space Telescope in 2005 kicked off their preparation with a three-day workshop at NOAO Tucson in mid-November 2004 Submitted to the National Science Foundation Pursuant to Scientific Program Order No. 1, Article 5-C Cooperative Agreement No. AST-0132798, Article VI Also published on the NOAO Web site: http://www.noao.edu NOAO is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation

NATIONAL OPTICAL ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY · • The Arizona Daily Star published a story on the new generation of extremely large telescopes, including the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT),

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Page 1: NATIONAL OPTICAL ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY · • The Arizona Daily Star published a story on the new generation of extremely large telescopes, including the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT),


Quarterly Report (1) FY 2005 October 1 – December 31, 2004

The 12 teachers from the TLRBSE program in NOAO educational outreach who are preparing to make observations with the Spitzer Space Telescope in 2005 kicked off their preparation with a three-day workshop at NOAO Tucson in mid-November 2004

Submitted to the National Science Foundation Pursuant to Scientific Program Order No. 1, Article 5-C Cooperative Agreement No. AST-0132798, Article VI

Also published on the NOAO Web site: http://www.noao.edu

NOAO is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy under cooperative agreement with the

National Science Foundation

Page 2: NATIONAL OPTICAL ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY · • The Arizona Daily Star published a story on the new generation of extremely large telescopes, including the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT),
Page 3: NATIONAL OPTICAL ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY · • The Arizona Daily Star published a story on the new generation of extremely large telescopes, including the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT),


Submitted to the National Science Foundation

Pursuant to Cooperative Agreement No. AST-0132798 February 1, 2005


1 PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH (PAEO) Media and Public Information ......................................................................................................... 2 Public Outreach................................................................................................................................ 3 Educational Outreach....................................................................................................................... 4 Other Education Outreach ............................................................................................................... 6

2 TUCSON AND KITT PEAK SITE SAFETY REPORT OSHA Recordable Occupational Injuries and Illnesses................................................................... 7 Safety and Health............................................................................................................................. 7 Fire Protection and Prevention......................................................................................................... 8 Environmental.................................................................................................................................. 9 Insurance.......................................................................................................................................... 9 Security ............................................................................................................................................ 9

3 OBSERVING PROGRAMS (SEMESTER 2004-B) NOAO Gemini Science Center...................................................................................................... 10 Kitt Peak National Observatory ..................................................................................................... 18 Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory .................................................................................... 19 Hobby-Eberly Telescope ............................................................................................................... 23 Multiple Mirror Telescope Observatory ........................................................................................ 23 Magellan Telescope ....................................................................................................................... 24 Keck Telescopes ............................................................................................................................ 24

Quarterly updates on scientific, operational, and programmatic activities, including telescope subscription rates, are published separately in the quarterly NOAO Newsletter (See: http://www.noao.edu/news_rep.html )


(October 1 – December 31, 2004)

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• NOAO hosted a combined media and public event on Kitt Peak for the October 27 lunar eclipse. An image of the moon from the Visitor Center 20-inch telescope was fed live to Tucson’s KOLD CBS-TV news, which also conducted live TV interviews with comet hunter David Levy, C. Walker from the NOAO Educational Outreach group, and NOAO PAEO Manager D. Isbell throughout the evening. Fifty guests from the public attended a special program in parallel, with talks by Levy and other activities; Levy’s presentation was also webcast back to Adler Planetarium in Chicago. The guests enjoyed a barbeque dinner and despite clouds early in the evening, an incredible view of the reddish eclipse.

• PAEO Manager D. Isbell led the “institutional PIOs” working group at an NSF meeting of NSF-funded public information officers in Socorro, NM, from October 21-22. The meeting produced a number of action items for the NSF Office of Legislative and Public Affairs in order to improve its impact.

• Discover magazine featured the WIYN 3.5-m telescope in a photo story in its December 2004 issue; the photographer was able to spend an entire afternoon at the telescope, thanks to excellent cooperation by WIYN staff. A visit by magazine reporter Corey Powell to Kitt Peak in early November, including an extensive telescope tour and an observing session with the OPTIC camera at WIYN with S. Howell, is expected to produce future stories.

• The Arizona Daily Star published a story on the new generation of extremely large telescopes, including the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), on page one of its December 19 “Tucson” section, based on interviews with J. Mould and S. Strom.

• A Gemini press release featuring the research of S. Howell (WIYN) and largely written by D. Isbell was covered by Reuters, CNN.com, numerous Hawaiian newspapers, the Sky & Telescope January 2005 issue, and several science news Web sites.

Press Releases Issued Last Quarter

• “Mystery Object Neither Star Nor Brown Dwarf (Gemini)”

• “A New Twist On an Old Nebula (STScI)”

Public Affairs & Educational Outreach Information Requests & Inquiries

October - December 2004

Type of Request N

Information requests and inquiries re astronomy (phone calls, e-mails, walk-ins; requests for posters, bookmarks, brochures, etc.)


Requests & inquiries for use of NOAO images


Total 1,319

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• NOAO Public Outreach Manager R. Fedele was an invited keynote speaker at two Arizona Office of Tourism regional workshops on astronomy tourism in Arizona. More than 100 people attended the workshops.

• For the second year in a row, the Tucson International Airport asked the Kitt Peak Visitor Center to design and install a 17-foot by 5-foot display on Kitt Peak. The colorful, freshly revised exhibit is located in the baggage claim area and will be displayed for over a year free of charge.

• A crew from the Discovery Channel spent October 30 at the 2.1-meter telescope to film a portion of a documentary about NASA’s Deep Impact mission. They interviewed Dr. Mike Belton at the telescope and took numerous shots of Kitt Peak.

• Carolyn Shoemaker and David and Wendee Levy toured Kitt Peak on November 9. It was the first time that Carolyn (co-discoverer of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9) had visited the national observatory. The trio toured the McMath-Pierce, 2.1-m, and Mayall 4-m telescopes.

• A group of four VIPs from Raytheon, including Eleanor Aldrich, toured Kitt Peak to assess what the observatory might offer attendees of the AIAA joint propulsion conference in Tucson in July 2005. As a result of this successful scouting trip, a large group of conference participants will visit Kitt Peak and participate in our public programs.

• A group of 14 staff and volunteers from Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument came to Kitt Peak Visitor Center on December 17, 2004 for assistance with a night-sky program they intend to implement. The group received instruction in the use of planispheres, a list of general astronomy references, suggestions about how to structure their program, and a look at some deep-sky objects through the Visitor Center telescope.

• R. Wilson of the NOAO Public Outreach staff made a presentation about Kitt Peak and the night sky at Sabino Canyon Visitor Center in Coronado National Forest on November 6, 2004. The presentation was in conjunction with one made by Gail Aschenbrenner of the Park Service. Ms. Aschenbreener recently published a book about Kitt Peak National Observatory titled “A Visitor’s Guide to the Kitt Peak Observatories.” Approximately 20 people attended. The book was also the subject of a feature story on Tucson’s KGUN-9 ABC-TV reported by anchorman Guy Atchley.

• On December 13, 2004, the Geminid meteor shower was the focus of a special program

Kitt Peak Visitor Center October – December 2004

Group/Program Visitors

General Public Tours 2,835

School Groups K-12 374

Special Tours 23

Nightly Obs. Program 1,806

Advance Obs. Program 68

Other visitors – est. 14,000

Total Visitors 19,106

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that brought 33 guests to the observatory at midnight to watch a spectacular meteor shower. Along with the watching the meteor shower, guests learned how to use planispheres to identify constella-tions and used the 16-inch telescope for a bit of deep-sky observing. At 5:00 a.m. a continental breakfast was served in the Visitor Center before the guests were shuttled back to their cars.


Teacher Leaders in Research Based Science Education (TLRBSE)

In October we completed the recruitment drive for the 2005 TLRBSE cadre. TLRBSE staff members reviewed nearly 140 applications and chose 22 applicants for the 2005-6 program year. The new cadre members are outstanding middle and high school science teachers hailing from across the country, from Hawaii to Maine and from Minnesota to Florida. The new cadre set right off to work preparing for the TLRBSE distance learning class beginning in January 2005.

Another observing opportunity for TLRBSE project graduates has been created with the NASA Spitzer Space Telescope. Thirty-seven past TLRBSE teachers applied for the 12 positions available in the program. The 12 successful applicants attended a three-day workshop in Tucson in mid-November, where they learned about the Spitzer telescope and making observations in the IR, saw IR instruments in action on Kitt Peak, listened to several presentations about Spitzer projects from NOAO scientists, and began work on their own observational project plans. Observations for the teachers’ projects will be taken during 2005.

In October, NOAO EO staff (C. Walker, S. Pompea and S. Croft) chaired three sessions for teachers at the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) conference in Austin, TX, including one titled “Recent Developments of Spanish Language Educational Materials for Astronomy and Related Sciences.” Representatives of various science education outreach programs presented Spanish language materials resources developed for their programs. An intense discussion with the teachers followed the seven presentations. Teachers and presenters agreed to propose a sequel to the session at next year’s SACNAS meeting. The participants (about 30 K-12 teachers) also worked through two TLRBSE activities: “Nova Search” and “Blazing Sunspots.” Participants received paper copies of the activities as well as a CD containing the activities and other NOAO/PAEO materials. The activities and materials were well-received.

Teachers who have completed the TLRBSE program in past years have been invited to submit proposals with their students for observing time on the KPNO Coudé Feed, the 0.9-meter, and the NSO McMath-Pierce telescopes. In this second year of the advanced Teacher Observing Program (known as TOP), the proposals received were of much higher quality than last year, reflecting a better understanding by the teachers of what was expected. Teachers first submitted a short summary of what they hoped to do; the best were chosen and a longer submission was requested from the student group. These groups had phone interviews with S. Croft and the observing scientist for the run requested. Teams were selected for a total of three runs on the 0.9-m (K. Garmany), two runs on the solar telescope (C. Walker) and two runs on the Coudé Feed (S. Howell). All reports from the teacher-student groups were very positive, even when a run was almost completely lost to snow and fog. The

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NOAO astronomers are working with their respective groups to help with data reduction, and encouraging the submission of science fair projects. A total of seven teachers and 14 high school students participated in the TOP program.

Project ASTRO

Seventeen event leaders were trained at four Family ASTRO workshops over the last three months of 2004. The training workshops included “Night Sky Adventure,” “Moon Mission,” “Race to the Planets” and the newest addition on color filters and alien messages called “Cosmic Decoders” (see picture below). The participants came from a variety of community-based organizations: the U.S. Park Service at Sabino Canyon, the Discovery Park in Safford, the Arizona Virtual Academy, the Flandrau Planetarium, Pima County Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation, three elementary schools in TUSD, and the MESA program. Participants rated the workshops with the highest scores in their evaluations.

Participants in the Family ASTRO and Project ASTRO training workshops were so enthusiastic that they organized several successful formal and informal outreach events directly after training sessions. The largest public Family ASTRO event was attended by 59 families at Robison Elementary. The children asked insightful questions, were extremely engaged in the activities, and were excited about what they were learning. In October, “Moon Ball” activities were done in many Project ASTRO classrooms in preparation for the lunar eclipse at the end of the month. Project ASTRO astronomers remarked how they saw “light bulbs going off above students’ heads” and how in some instances they were helping to develop future astronomers.

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The ASTRO-Chile Program with staff from NOAO North and South held its most interesting ASTRO-Chile event to date: a student-to-student international videoconference. The topic was on the lunar eclipse at the end of October. Prior to the videoconference and depending on the age of the child, 400 students in La Serena, Chile, and Tucson, Arizona, were given the task of either observing the changes in the moon as it went through the eclipse, or measuring the size of and distance to the moon. Presentations on their findings were made in English and Spanish. Language barrier or not, lively discussions ensued between both sites, with about 30 teachers and students total in attendance.


NOAO’s commitment to the Hands-On Optics (HOO) program has reached a major milestone. The NOAO EO group has successfully completed the first cluster of three HOO modules on optics geared for middle school science classes, namely “Laser Challenges,” “Kaleidoscope Adventures,” and “Magnificent Magnifications.” To date, the first two modules have been incorporated in MESA (Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement) classrooms in California. Positive feedback as to the effectiveness of the modules has been received. To this end, S. Pompea of NOAO EO and his collaborators, A. Johnson, E. Arthurs, M. Tomasello, and J. Briggs, were part of an invited talk titled “Hands-On Optics (HOO): Making an Impact with Light - The Year in Review, given at the Optical Society of America in Rochester, NY on October 12, 2004. Also in October, a general article by J. Briggs, “Hands-On Optics Tackles Science Illiteracy,” was also published in the education section of Optics and Photonics News.

EO staff (Pompea, Croft, and Walker) represented NOAO at the 2004 AGU meeting in San Francisco. For the second consecutive year, they proposed a session on teacher professional development programs promoting authentic research in the classroom. The response of potential presenters in the session was so overwhelming that AGU awarded three sessions on the topic. Eight talks were in each of two oral sessions and seven posters in one poster session. The diverse topic areas included astronomy, seismology, oceanography, geology, polar research, physics, digital science libraries, and distance learning courses. The NOAO EO staff chaired three sessions as well, with each giving a presentation in the oral sessions on various aspects of the TLRBSE program. The presentations in all three sessions were well presented and well received. The diversity of topics and methodologies presented sparked lively discussion and new ideas, including some from an individual associated with the AGU educational board.

K. Garmany completed teaching a four-credit class in introductory astronomy at Tohono O’odham Community College in Sells. Four students completed the class, which met twice a week. They receive credit through Pima Community College if they decide to transfer. The class made two trips to Kitt Peak, participating in the Nightly Observing Program and getting a special telescope tour.

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• There were no injuries reported this quarter. For the calendar year of 2004, NOAO/NSO Kitt Peak experienced three industrial injuries including a broken rib from a fall on ice, right rotator cuff injury from an automobile accident, and knee strain due to overexertion. The 2004 Kitt Peak injury rate is 6.2 (OSHA 2003 national average for private industry is 4.7). NOAO/NSO Tucson has had four injuries including a hand sprain due to lifting, knee injury due to climbing stairs, insect bite, and a strained back. Tucson injury rate is 1.7.

• An employee vehicle was hit in the main parking lot on November 14. There were no witnesses or suspects. The employee decided not to report the event to the police.

• An NOAO employee was involved in a single car accident near Cerro Pachón, Chile. The employee did not suffer any injuries. The vehicle was seriously damaged. Local insurance covered most of the damage costs and AURA insurance carriers have been notified. Safety and Environment Engineer Mario Gonzales conducted an accident investigation; this department contributed to the report.


• Work continues with revisions to the NOAO/NSO safety/risk management manual. Preparations are being made to add the draft to the NOAO Intranet Risk Management Documents section in January 2004. Additional topics include safety glasses, eye and foot protection, home safety, confined space entry permit and travel safety.

• “Risk Management Considerations for Projects” has been added to the NOAO Intranet Risk Management Documents section. The intent of this document is help project teams address risks during the design and construction of a project. The document was developed because of a need expressed by designers and engineers, and should provide risk management assistance during the construction of future telescopes and buildings. This document discusses risk management strategies and includes lists (“thought-starters”) with the intent to prompt the project team into addressing risks that might have consequences if not considered.

• A “Risk Management Overview” was presented to the Management Committee on November 24, 2004. Topics included a review of this year’s injuries, risk management resources on the Intranet, completed projects, and objectives for 2005.

• Risk management considerations were discussed during several of the Friday afternoon NSO ATST design sessions and the October 27 Enclosure Workshop. Research and information was provided to the project team related to the environmental considerations of the use of ethylene glycol and an alterative chemical, propylene glycol.

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• Third party elevator inspections were conducted by Roger Chartand CESI at Kitt Peak on December 15 and NOAO headquarters on December 21. Certificates were issued for the public elevators at Kitt Peak. Modifications were recommended and the elevator maintenance contractors were asked to provide cost estimates.

• An overview of Kitt Peak safety and emergency procedures and other risk management information was presented to new Kitt Peak docents on November 4 as part of their induction. Thanks to Dave Bell, docents now have access to the NOAO Intranet Risk Management Documents section by way of a special password.

• A notification from the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) informed us that some fall protection products manufactured by MSA were recalled. With the help of Mike Hawes, we inventoried our equipment to ensure that our fall protection equipment was not included in the recall. No recalled products were found.

• Risk management advice was provided to PAEO for a visit by the Discovery Channel at Kitt Peak. Risk Management considerations were discussed during the November 8 planning meeting for the installation of IRMOS on the 4-m telescope.

• The Kitt Peak EMT’s have been working on updating emergency supplies at the Kitt Peak Emergency Center including the replacement of the automatic external deliberator (AED) battery for Kitt Peak. Two additional AED’s will be delivered to the Visitor Center and MDM in the near future.

• Several planning meetings were conducted with CFO to determine safe cleaning products and proper personal protective equipment during the cleaning and modifications to the Tucson computer room HVAC system.

• Four employees passed their medical evaluations for certified drivers licenses as required by the Department of Transportation.

• Overhead cranes were inspected at Kitt Peak and Tucson. Action items were reviewed and the vendor was requested to prepare cost estimates for repairs or modifications.

• A new control pendent was installed on the Polishing Lab 40-ton crane.


• Fire extinguishers, fire suppression, and alarm systems for Tucson and Kitt Peak were inspected this quarter, with no recommendations.

• R. Green and C. Gessner authored a letter to Guy Acuna, Tohono O’odham Nation Fire Management Officer Division Chief thanking him for allowing us the opportunity to review the September 2004 Tohono O’odham Nation Wildland Fire Management Plan Environmental Assessment (EA). The EA detailed the plan to use only mechanical fire control methods, which is our organization’s preferred method at Kitt Peak.

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• The Tucson service yard chemical storage area was organized and inventoried. Properly disposed of 133 pounds of hazardous waste.

• Comments were provided to Gemini’s Steve Hardash related to the environmental requirements for the proper disposal of silver, which is listed as an EPA’s RCRA regulated waste.


• An NOAO employee reported minor damage to a rental vehicle in November. Since the damage was less than our deductible, the claim was paid by NOAO. A rental firm claimed minor damage to their vehicle while an NOAO employee was working in Hawaii. The employee was unaware of the damage. After investigation, we formally disputed the claim and later were informed by the rental company that all Hawaii claims are pending.

• Insurance certificates for the spring picnic and NOAO vehicles were issued.


• The card key system was expanded to the exterior doors of the GONG/DMAC building. Preparations are being made to install card key system at the Kitt Peak Visitor Center. An automatic gate was installed at the Tucson overnight parking area.

• The east service yard gate was repaired and improved.

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A total of 67 U.S. scientific programs were awarded time on the Gemini telescopes in Semester 2004-B (August 1, 2004 – January 31, 2005), including 16 graduate thesis programs. The names of successful proposers, proposal titles, telescope(s) scheduled, and number of nights awarded to each program are specified below. (* = Program allocated time in Band 4 of the observing queue, i.e., overfill time. GEM-NQ = Gemini North Queue. GEM-SQ = Gemini S. Queue. GEM-N = Gemini North classical)

Gemini Telescopes: U.S. Programs – Non-Thesis (51) Tel Nights

1. G. Aldering, S. Perlmutter, P. Nugent, L. Wang, R. Thomas, B. Lee, R. Scalzo (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), M. Wood-Vasey (UC Berkeley): "IR Observations of Hubble Flow Type Ia Supernovae"


2. S. Arribas, R. Gilliland (STScI), J. Allington-Smith (University of Durham): "The potential of Integral Field Spectroscopy detecting extrasolar planetary features: GMOS observations of HD209458b"


3. S. Balachandran (U. of Maryland), J. Carr (Naval Research Laboratory), K. Venn (Macalester College): "Mixing in M Supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds" GEM-SQ *

4. J. Bloom (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), H. Chen (MIT), J. Prochaska (UC Santa Cruz): "Probing the ISM of High Redshift Galaxies with Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows"


1 1

5. T. Boroson (NOAO), G. Richards (Princeton U.), J. Shields (Ohio U.), P. Hall (Princeton U.): "Broad- and Narrow-line Outflows in QSOs" GEM-SQ 2.7

6. A. Burgasser (UCLA), J. Kirkpatrick (IPAC), J. Liebert (Steward Observatory), I. Reid (STScI), J. Gizis (U. of Delaware), K. Cruz (G) (U. of Pennsylvania): "Classification and Analysis of New Late-type M and L Subdwarfs Serendipitously Identified in 2MASS"

GEM-NQ 1.15

7. G. Cecil (U. of North Carolina), F. Hamann (U. of Florida), B. Groves (Australian National U.): "Dynamics of the Nuclear Outflow in NGC 1068" GEM-NQ 0.35

8. J. Chiar (NASA Ames Research Center), E. Bergin (U. of Michigan), R. Mason (NOAO), Y. Pendleton, J. Keane, K. Ennico (NASA Ames Research Center): "Chemical Evolution in the Pre-protostellar Bok Globule B68"

GEM-SQ 1.6

9. G. Clayton (Louisiana State U.), D. Welch (McMaster U.): "The Evolving Role of Type II Supernovae Dust Formation over Cosmological Timescales" GEM-N 2

Program Type N % Total

U.S. Programs (non-Thesis) 51 76%

U.S. Programs (Theses) 16 24%

Total 67 100%

NGSC Observing ProgramsSemester 2004-B

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Gemini Telescopes: U.S. Programs – Non-Thesis (51) Tel Nights

10. D. Cruikshank (NASA Ames Research Center), R. Mason (NOAO), T. Owen (U. of Hawaii): "The near-infrared spectrum of Pluto" GEM-SQ 0.95

11. X. Fan (Steward Observatory), M. Strauss (Princeton U.), L. Pentericci, H. Rix (Max Planck Institut fur Astronomie), L. Jiang (G) (Steward Observatory): "Near-IR Observations of a z=6.24 Quasar: Constraining the Chemical Enrichment History"


12. E. Feigelson (Pennsylvania State U.), J. Bouwman (Max Planck Institut fur Astronomie), W. Lawson (U. of New South Wales), E. Pantin (CEA): "From proto-planetary to debris disks: The eta Cha cluster"

GEM-SQ 2.4

13. R. Fesen (Dartmouth College), C. Gerardy, P. Hoeflich, C. Wheeler (U. of Texas, Austin), T. Geballe (Gemini Observatory), P. Meikle, R. Kotak, L. Lucy, M. Pozzo (Imperial College of Science, Techonology and Medicine), C. Fransson, C. Kozma, P. Lundqvist (Stockholm University): "Investigation of Core-collapse Supernovae in the Nebular Phase"


14. R. Fesen (Dartmouth College), C. Gerardy, P. Hoeflich, C. Wheeler (U. of Texas, Austin), T. Geballe (Gemini Observatory), P. Meikle, R. Kotak, L. Lucy, M. Pozzo (Imperial College of Science, Techonology and Medicine), C. Fransson, C. Kozma, P. Lundqvist (Stockholm University): "Investigation of Supernovae in the Nebular Phase."


15. D. Fox, A. Gal-Yam (California Institute of Technology), P. Price (U. of Hawaii), E. Berger (G), S. Kulkarni, D. Moon, A. Soderberg (G) (California Institute of Technology): "The Spectroscopic Diversity of Gamma-Ray Burst Supernovae"





16. A. Fruchter (STScI), N. Tanvir (University of Hertfordshire), C. Kouveliotou (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), R. Wijers (University of Amsterdam), E. Pian (Instituto di Astrofisica Spaziale CNR), S. Thorsett (UC Santa Cruz), D. Bersier (STScI), S. Wachter (CTIO), K. Sahu, J. Gorosabel, J. Castro Ceron (STScI), S. Pak (University of Hertfordshire), A. Levan, M. Ward (University of Leicester), J. Rhoads (STScI): "The Supernovae of Gamma-Ray Bursts"

GEM-SQ 0.8

17. A. Fruchter (STScI), N. Tanvir (University of Hertfordshire), C. Kouveliotou (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), R. Wijers (University of Amsterdam), E. Pian (Instituto di Astrofisica Spaziale CNR), S. Thorsett (UC Santa Cruz), D. Bersier (STScI), S. Wachter (CTIO), K. Sahu, J. Gorosabel, J. Castro Ceron (STScI), S. Pak (University of Hertfordshire), A. Levan, M. Ward (University of Leicester), J. Rhoads (STScI): "The Supernovae of Gamma-Ray Bursts"

GEM-NQ 0.8

18. C. Ftaclas, M. Chun, M. Liu, K. Chambers, B. Stalder (G) (U. of Hawaii): "Hokupa'a 85 - Galactic" GEM-S 5

19. K. Gebhardt (U. of Texas, Austin), T. Bridges (Queens U. Belfast), R. Sharples (University of Durham), D. Forbes, M. Beasley (Swinburne U.), S. Zepf (Michigan State U.), J. Forte (U. Nacional de la Plata), D. Hanes (Queens U. Belfast), F. Faifer (U. Nacional de la Plata): "Globular Cluster Systems as Probes of Galaxy Evolution"

GEM-SQ 2.95

20. M. Geha (Carnegie Observatories), R. Van Der Marel (STScI), K. Cook (NOAO), P. Battinelli (Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma), S. Demers (University of Montreal): "The Dark Matter Content of NGC 147 and NGC 185"

GEM-NQ 0.55

21. C. Gerardy (U. of Texas, Austin), J. Elias (NOAO), R. Fesen (Dartmouth College), A. Filippenko (UC Berkeley), P. Garnavich (U. of Notre Dame), P. Hoflich (U. of Texas, Austin), R. Kirshner (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), R. Kotak (Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine), T. Matheson (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), P. Meikle (Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine), K. Nomoto (University of Tokyo), M. Pozzo (Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine), L. Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), C. Wheeler (U. of Texas, Austin): "Gemini Near-IR Spectroscopic Survey of Supernovae"

GEM-SQ 3.4

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Gemini Telescopes: U.S. Programs – Non-Thesis (51) Tel Nights

22. K. Glazebrook (Johns Hopkins U.), R. Abaraham (University of Toronto), P. McCarthy (G) (Carnegie Observatories), S. Savaglio (Johns Hopkins U.), D. Crampton (Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics), I. Hook (University of Oxford), A. Bunker, E. Stanway (University of Cambridge), W. Couch (U. of New South Wales), K. Roth (Gemini Observatory), R. Murowinski (Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics), I. Jorgensen (Gemini Observatory), J. Rhoads, S. Malhotra (STScI), M. Colless (Australian National U.): "The First Galaxies"


23. D. Golimowski (Johns Hopkins U.), S. Leggett (UKIRT), X. Fan (Steward Observatory), T. Geballe (Gemini Observatory): "M' Photometry of late-L and T dwarfs" GEM-NQ 1.18

24. T. Hillwig, D. Gies, W. Huang (G), V. McSwain (G), P. Wiita (Georgia State U.), L. Kaper, A. Van Der Meer (University of Amsterdam): "Refining the Component Masses in the Microquasar SS 433"

GEM-NQ 2.1

25. J. Holtzman (New Mexico State U.), D. Zucker (Max Planck Institut fur Astronomie), R. Walterbos (New Mexico State U.), A. Kniazev, E. Bell (Max Planck Institut fur Astronomie): "The Nature of Andromeda NE and Implications for the M31 Halo"

GEM-NQ 1.61

26. R. Hynes, E. Robinson (U. of Texas, Austin), C. Haswell (Open U.), P. Charles (University of Southampton), T. Shahbaz, J. Casares (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias), C. Zurita (University of Lisbon): "Probing the Inner Accretion Flow of a Quiescent Black Hole with Reprocessed Optical Emission Lines"


27. C. Kemper (UCLA), J. Bouwman (Max Planck Institut fur Astronomie), W. De Wit (Osservatorio Astrofisico Arcetri), G. Meeus (Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam): "Gomez' Hamburger: a niche in Proto-Planetary Nebulae evolution"


28. J. Kirkpatrick (California Institute of Technology), A. Burgasser (UCLA), R. Cutri (IPAC), J. Gizis (U. of Delaware), B. Nelson (IPAC): "Classifying Discoveries from an Infrared Proper Motion Survey"


0.9 1.1

29. A. Kong, R. Di Stefano (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics): "Optical Counterparts to Exotic Soft X-ray Sources in M31" GEM-NQ *

30. P. Maloney (U. of Colorado), C. Dudley (Naval Research Laboratory), M. Imanishi (National Astronomical Observatory), G. Risaliti (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics): "Buried AGN in Non-Seyfert Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies"


31. P. Massey (Lowell Observatory), S. Holmes (G) (U. of Texas, Austin): "Wolf-Rayet Stars in IC10: Probing the Massive Star Content of the Nearest Starburst" GEM-NQ 0.6

32. M. Meixner (STScI), T. Ueta (OMA), B. Sugerman (STScI), R. Szczerba (Nicholas Copernicus Astronomical Center), H. Van Winckel (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), G. Van De Steene (OMA), P. Van Hoof (Queens U. Belfast): "High-Resolution Mid-IR Imaging of Proto-Planetary Nebula Candidates"


33. J. Melendez (California Institute of Technology), S. Seager (Carnegie Institution of Washington): "Helium in the exosphere of HD 209458b" GEM-SQ *

34. W. Merline (Southwest Research Institute), L. Close (Steward Observatory), P. Tamblyn (Southwest Research Institute), C. Dumas (ESO), F. Menard (LAOG), C. Chapman (Southwest Research Institute): "Search for Asteroidal Satellites using Adaptive Optics"


0.2 3

35. P. Palunas (U. of Texas, Austin), P. Francis (Australian National U.), G. Williger (Johns Hopkins U.), B. Woodgate (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), H. Teplitz (California Institute of Technology), M. Dopita, B. Groves (G), R. Sutherland (Australian National U.): "Lyman-Alpha Halos around Luminous High-Redshift QSOs"


36. D. Paulson, R. Jayawardhana (U. of Michigan): "Sub-stellar companions to the nearest young stars" GEM-NQ 2

Page 15: NATIONAL OPTICAL ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY · • The Arizona Daily Star published a story on the new generation of extremely large telescopes, including the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT),


Gemini Telescopes: U.S. Programs – Non-Thesis (51) Tel Nights

37. E. Peeters (NASA Ames Research Center), G. Meeus (Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam): "10 micron spectroscopy of multiple T Tauri stars: The influence of close companions on dust processing in T Tauri disks"

GEM-NQ 0.85

38. S. Perlmutter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), R. Knop (Vanderbilt U.), I. Hook (University of Oxford), R. Pain (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), J. Rich (CEA), C. Pritchet (University of Victoria), R. Carlberg (University of Toronto), A. Spadafora, V. Fadeyev (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), E. Smith (Vanderbilt U.), D. Howell, M. Sullivan, T. Merrall (University of Toronto), D. Neill (University of Victoria), K. Perrett (University of Toronto), R. McMahon, N. Walton (G) (University of Cambridge), J. Bronder (University of Oxford), D. Balam (University of Victoria): "SNLS and the Nature of Dark Energy from Type Ia Supernovae"


39. M. Rauch (Carnegie Observatories), A. Bunker (University of Exeter), M. Haehnelt (University of Cambridge), J. Graham (UC Berkeley), F. Marleau (Spitzer Science Center): "Fluorescent re-emission of the ionizing UV background from Lyman-limit systems"


40. M. Rauch (Carnegie Observatories), A. Bunker (University of Exeter), M. Haehnelt (University of Cambridge), J. Graham (UC Berkeley), F. Marleau (Spitzer Science Center): "Fluorescent re-emission of the ionizing UV background from Lyman-limit systems"


41. I. Reid (STScI), K. Cruz (G) (U. of Pennsylvania): "The nearest, coolest L dwarfs - how near and how cool?"


2 3

42. B. Reipurth (U. of Hawaii), C. Aspin (Gemini Observatory): "McNeil's Nebula & Young Star: characterizing the outburst and subsequent decline" GEM-SQ 0.515

43. G. Schaefer (G) (SUNY, Stony Brook), T. Beck (Gemini Observatory), L. Prato (UCLA), M. Simon (SUNY, Stony Brook): "Dynamical Masses of Pre-Main Sequence Stars" GEM-NQ 0.25

44. J. Scott, G. Kriss, H. Ferguson (STScI), J. Hutchings (Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics), L. Wisotzki, G. Worseck (G) (Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam): "Star Forming Galaxies in the Field of the UV Bright QSO HE2347-4342"

GEM-SQ 2.8

45. V. Smith, K. Cunha (U. of Texas El Paso), D. Geisler (Universidad de Concepcion): "Chemical Abundances in the Metal-Poor Dwarf Irregular Galaxy IC1613" GEM-SQ *

46. N. Smith (U. of Colorado): "IR Variability During a Shell Ejection of Eta Carinae" GEM-SQ *

47. N. Smith, P. Conti (U. of Colorado), C. DePree (Agnes Scott College), J. Jackson (Boston U.), J. Bally (U. of Colorado): "High-resolution infrared imaging of the most powerful water maser source in our Galaxy: W49A/G"

GEM-NQ 0.4

48. S. Strom, S. Wolff (NOAO), K. Olsen (CTIO), D. Gies, W. Huang (G) (Georgia State U.): "Probing the Initial Conditions for Star Formation in R136" GEM-SQ 1.665

49. C. Trujillo (Gemini Observatory), M. Brown (California Institute of Technology), D. Rabinowitz (Yale U.): "Surface Characterization of Planetoids with Gemini NIRI and GNIRS"

GEM-NQ 1.2

50. C. Trujillo (Gemini Observatory), M. Brown (California Institute of Technology), D. Rabinowitz (Yale U.): "Surface Characterization of 2003 VB12" GEM-NQ 2.15

51. H. Yan (California Institute of Technology), R. Windhorst (Arizona State U.): "Spectral Identification of Two z850-band Dropouts in the UDF: seeing the onset of galaxy formation"


Page 16: NATIONAL OPTICAL ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY · • The Arizona Daily Star published a story on the new generation of extremely large telescopes, including the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT),


Gemini Telescopes: U.S. Programs: Theses (16) Tel. Nights

52. P. Allen (T) (U. of Pennsylvania), I. Reid (STScI): "A search for wide T dwarf binaries - or high redshift QSOs?" GEM-NQ 1.25

53. A. Bolton (T), S. Burles (MIT): "IFU Observation of SDSS Spectroscopic Strong Lens Candidates" GEM-NQ 2.6

54. A. Bonanos (T) (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), L. Macri (NOAO), K. Stanek, D. Sasselov (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics): "The DIRECT Distance to M33"

GEM-NQ 1.7

55. K. Gebhardt, J. Silge (T), S. Kannappan (U. of Texas, Austin), D. Richstone (U. of Michigan), J. Kormendy, D. Fisher (U) (U. of Texas, Austin), T. Lauer (NOAO): "A Near-Infrared Kinematic Survey of Nearby Galaxies: Black Holes, Bulges, and the Fundamental Plane"


56. E. Gerken (T), R. Walterbos (New Mexico State U.): "The Diffuse Ionized Gas in Galaxy Disks and Halos" GEM-NQ 2

57. J. Hennawi (T), M. Strauss (Princeton U.), S. Burles (MIT), X. Fan (Steward Observatory), P. McDonald, U. Seljak, G. Richards (Princeton U.): "Cosmological Constraints from Ly(alpha) Forest Absorption Spectra of Close Quasar Pairs"


58. N. Marinas (T), C. Telesco (U. of Florida), R. Fisher (Gemini Observatory): "Mid-Infrared Imaging of Disks of Transitional Herbig Ae/Be Stars" GEM-NQ *

59. S. Mathur (Ohio State U.), C. Winge (Gemini Observatory), A. Quillen (U. of Rochester), D. DePoy, D. Grupe, D. Fields (T) (Ohio State U.): "Black Hole Growth and the M- relation."


60. J. Moustakas (T), D. Zaritsky (Steward Observatory), R. Finn (U. Mass): "The Mass-Metallicity Relation in Five z~0.8 Galaxy Clusters" GEM-NQ *

61. G. Prochter (T), J. Prochaska (UC Santa Cruz), S. Burles (MIT): "A Survey for High Redshift Strong Mg II Absorption Systems" GEM-SQ *

62. I. Ribas, E. Guinan (Villanova U.), R. Hilditch (U. of St. Andrews), C. Jordi, F. Vilardell (T) (Universitat de Barcelona), E. Fitzpatrick (Villanova U.): "Eclipsing Binaries in M31: Calibration of the Cosmic Distance Scale and Fundamental Stellar Properties"

GEM-NQ 1.4

63. P. Roming, M. Ivanushkina (T) (Pennsylvania State U.), J. Jensen (Gemini Observatory), I. Smith (Rice U.), P. Meszaros, J. Nousek (Pennsylvania State U.): "Gemini JHKLM observations of dark bursts localized with Swift UVOT"


64. N. Suntzeff, R. Smith, A. Rest (NOAO), G. Miknaitis (T) (U. of Washington), C. Stubbs (Harvard U.), B. Schmidt (Australian National U.), T. Matheson (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), P. Garnavich (U. of Notre Dame), R. Kirshner (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), A. Filippenko (UC Berkeley), P. Challis (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), A. Riess (STScI), J. Tonry (U. of Hawaii), K. Krisciunas (CTIO), A. Clocchiatti (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), B. Leibundgut, J. Spyromilio (ESO), B. Barris (G) (U. of Hawaii), A. Becker (U. of Washington), W. Li (UC Berkeley), S. Holland (U. of Notre Dame), S. Jha (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), J. Sollerman (ESO), S. Pompea (NOAO): "ESSENCE: Measuring the Equation-of-State Parameter of Dark Energy"


2.5 1.5

65. P. Van Dokkum, E. Gawiser (Yale U.), M. Franx (Leiden University), J. Maza (Universidad de Chile), S. Toft, R. Quadri (T) (Yale U.), M. Maris (T) (Leiden University): "Stellar Populations and Kinematics of Near-Infrared Selected Galaxies at z>2"

GEM-SQ 3.9

66. M. Vuckovic (T), R. Riddle, S. Kawaler (Iowa State U.), M. Reed, A. Zhou (SW Missouri State U.): "Whole Earth Telescope observations of PG 0014+067 - A key pulsating subdwarf B star"


67. P. Yoachim (T), J. Dalcanton (U. of Washington), R. Bernstein (U. of Michigan): "The Dynamics of Thick Disks: Constraining the Early Evolution of Galaxies"





Page 17: NATIONAL OPTICAL ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY · • The Arizona Daily Star published a story on the new generation of extremely large telescopes, including the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT),



For the six months ending January 31, 2005, a total of 78 scientific programs were scheduled on KPNO telescopes. Of the 71 observing programs conducted by U.S. scientists, 16 (23%) were graduate thesis programs. Telescope(s) scheduled and number of nights awarded are specified in the following tables (WIYN-SYN = Synoptic/Queue. TOO = Target of Opportunity scheduling)

KPNO – U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis): (55) Tel Nights

1. M. A'Hearn, T. Farnham, E. Warner (O), C. Lisse (U. of Maryland), B. Mueller, N. Samarasinha (NOAO): "Narrowband Observations of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 in Support of the Deep Impact Mission"





2. M. A'Hearn, M. Knight (G), R. Swaters (U. of Maryland): "2.1-m SQIID Observations of the Deep Impact Event" KP-2.1m 7.5

3. G. Aldering, P. Nugent (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), S. Perlmutter (UC Berkeley), L. Wang, R. Thomas, B. Lee, R. Scalzo (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory): "IR Observations of Hubble Flow Type Ia Supernovae"

KP-4m 4

4. D. Bersier, J. Rhoads (STScI), A. Rest, R. Smith (CTIO), M. Merrill (NOAO), A. Levan (G), A. Fruchter (STScI), J. Urkia (AEFF), J. Hjorth (Copenhagen U.), C. Kouveliotou (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), J. Castro Ceron (G) (STScI), S. Patel (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), L. Strolger (STScI), N. Tanvir (University of Hertfordshire): "Gamma-Ray Bursts, their Hosts, and their Supernovae"




5. H. Bond (STScI), O. De Marco (American Museum of Natural History), D. Harmer (O) (NOAO): "Are All Planetary Nebulae Ejected from Binary Stars?" KP-4m 5

6. M. Brotherton (U. of Wyoming), D. Vanden Berk (Pennsylvania State U.), S. Croom (Anglo-Australian Observatory), A. Diamond-Stanic (G) (Steward Observatory), C. Paul (G) (U. of Wyoming), G. Canalizo (UC Riverside): "Characterizing the Post-Starburst Quasar Population and their Companion Galaxies"

KP-4m 2

7. R. Ciardullo, M. Decesar (U) (Pennsylvania State U.), P. Durrell (Youngstown State University), J. Feldmeier (NOAO): "Candidate Tidal Dwarfs of the M81 Group" WIYN 3

8. M. Dickinson, C. Papovich (G) (STScI), P. Eisenhardt (U), D. Stern (California Institute of Technology), M. Giavalisco, B. Mobasher, K. Lee (G), C. Kretchmer (G), H. Ferguson (STScI), R. Idzi (G) (Johns Hopkins U.), T. Dahlen, N. Grogin (STScI), H. Yan (California Institute of Technology): "Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS)"

KP-4m 9

9. M. Donahue (Michigan State U.), M. Dickinson (NOAO), P. Rosati (ESO), M. Postman (STScI), G. Voit (Michigan State U.): "Harvesting the High Redshift Cluster Candidates from the ROX Survey"

KP-4m 6

10. X. Fan (Steward Observatory), M. Strauss (Princeton U.), J. Hennawi (UC Berkeley), L. Jiang (G) (Steward Observatory): "A Survey of z~ 6 Quasars from the SDSS" KP-4m 4

11. J. Feldmeier (NOAO), C. Mihos, H. Morrison, P. Harding (Case Western Reserve U.): "Testing dwarf galaxy formation models using compact groups" KP-2.1m 6.5

Program N % TotalU.S. Programs (non-Thesis) 55 77%

U.S. Programs (Theses) 16 23%

Total U.S. Programs 71 100%

KPNO Observing ProgramsSemester 2004-B

(Total U.S. + Non-U.S. = 78)

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KPNO – U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis): (55) Tel Nights

12. J. Feldmeier (NOAO), R. Ciardullo (Pennsylvania State U.), G. Jacoby (WIYN), P. Durrell (Youngstown State University): "Searching for Planetary Nebulae in Ursa Major" KP-4m 4

13. P. Goudfrooij, R. Chandar, T. Puzia, T. Brown (STScI): "How accurately can we determine Ages and Metallicities of Stellar Systems using Integrated-Light Spectroscopy ?" KP-2.1m 4

14. R. Green (NOAO), S. Croom (Anglo-Australian Observatory), A. Dey, D. Norman, K. Brand, S. Warren (Imperial College of Science, Techonology and Medicine), P. Hall (York University), M. Brown, B. Jannuzi, P. Smith, M. Smith, G. Tiede (Bowling Green State U.): "A Deep Wide-Field Infrared Survey for QSOs"

KP-4m 4

15. M. Gregg (UC Davis), M. Drinkwater (University of Queensland), A. Karick (UC Davis), S. Phillipps (University of Bristol), B. Jones (Queen Mary College), M. West, P. Cote (Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics), E. Evstigneeva (G) (University of Queensland), M. Takamiya, M. Hasegan (G) (Rutgers U.), J. Blakeslee (Johns Hopkins U.), A. Jordan (ESO), E. Peng (Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics): "Ultra Compact Dwarfs and the Evolution of the Virgo Cluster"


16. F. Hamann, C. Warner (U. of Florida), M. Dietrich (Ohio State U.), L. Watson (U) (U. of Florida): "Quasars and Their Host Galaxies at High Redshifts" KP-4m 4

17. T. Harrison (New Mexico State U.), G. Benedict (U. of Texas, Austin), H. Harris (US Naval Observatory), B. McArthur (U. of Texas, Austin), R. Ciardullo (Pennsylvania State U.), E. Nelan, H. Bond (STScI), R. Patterson (U. of Virginia): "Precise Distances to Nearby Planetary Nebula from HST/FGS Parallaxes"

KP-4m 6.5

18. J. Hennawi (UC Berkeley), N. Dalal (Institute for Advanced Study), M. Gladders (Carnegie Institution of Washington), X. Fan, M. Oguri (Princeton U.), J. Annis, H. Lin, H. Lampeitl (FNAL), M. Strauss (Princeton U.), P. Natarajan (Yale U.): "A Systematic Search for Giant Arcs Behind the Richest Clusters in the Universe"


19. L. Hillenbrand (California Institute of Technology), M. Robberto (STScI): "Completing the Optical Spectroscopic Survey of the Orion Nebula Cluster" WIYN-2hr 1

20. B. Holden (UC Santa Cruz), D. Kelson (Carnegie Observatories), G. Illingworth (UC Santa Cruz), M. Franx (Leiden Obs.): "Galaxy Populations from Cluster Infall Regions to the Core at z~1"

KP-4m 4

21. A. Hopkins, A. Connolly (U. of Pittsburgh): "A Statistical Measure of Galaxy Evolution" KP-4m 2

22. J. Huang, M. Ashby, P. Barmby, S. Willner, G. Fazio (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), D. Rigapoulou (University of Oxford), M. Pahre (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics): "An Unbiased Study of Galaxies at z=3: IR Photometry of Lyman-Break Galaxies with Spitzer"

KP-4m 4

23. C. Johns-Krull (Rice U.), C. Hamilton (Mt. Holyoke College): "Disk-Locking in the Young Cluster NGC 2264" KP-4m 4

24. S. Kannappan (U. of Texas, Austin), M. Bershady (U. of Wisconsin Madison), E. Barton (Steward Obs.): "Kinematic Tully-Fisher Offsets at z=0 and Beyond" WIYN 2

25. W. Keel (U. of Alabama), F. Owen (NRAO), N. Miller (Johns Hopkins U.), D. Wang (U. Mass): "Signatures of stellar and gas stripping in the core of Abell 2125" WIYN 3

26. J. Kennefick (U. of Arkansas): "Study of the Evolution of the Quasar Luminosity Function using IR Imaging" KP-2.1m 2

27. S. Lepine, M. Shara (American Museum of Natural History), R. Rich (UCLA): "A search for nearby, very low-mass, ultra-cool halo subdwarfs" KP-4m 4.5

28. M. Lopez-Morales (Carnegie Institution of Washington), J. Shaw (U. of Georgia), I. Ribas (IEEC): "First RV-curve of the new low-mass, double-lined, detached eclipsing binary ASAS164755-0844.5"

KP-4m 4

29. S. Majewski, R. Patterson (U. of Virginia), W. Kunkel (Las Campanas Obs.), J. Rhee (Yonsei University), T. Beers (Michigan State U.), V. Smith (U. of Texas El Paso), D. Geisler (Universidad de Concepcion), K. Johnston (Wesleyan U.), J. Crane (G), A. Polak (G), P. Frinchaboy (G) (U. of Virginia), A. Kundu (Michigan State U.), W. Gieren (Universidad de Concepcion), I. Reid (STScI), R. Munoz (G) (U. of Virginia): "Mapping the Structure, Dynamics and Chemistry of the Galactic Halo"

WIYN 4.5

Page 19: NATIONAL OPTICAL ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY · • The Arizona Daily Star published a story on the new generation of extremely large telescopes, including the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT),


KPNO – U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis): (55) Tel Nights

30. M. Meyer, N. Woolf (Steward Obs.), M. Giampapa (NOAO), L. Ziurys (Steward Obs.), W. Sullivan (U. of Washington), A. Apponi, A. Spitz (Steward Obs.): "Creating a Community of Scholars: Interdisciplinary Graduate Training in Astrobiology"

KP-2.1m 3

31. D. Meyer, J. Lauroesch (Northwestern U.), K. Roth (Gemini Obs.): "Compact High-Velocity Na I Clouds around M81" KP-4m 4

32. R. Millis, M. Buie (Lowell Obs.), E. Chiang (Institute for Advanced Study), J. Elliot, S. Kern (G) (MIT), D. Trilling (U. of Pennsylvania), R. Wagner, L. Wasserman, A. Jordan (G) (Lowell Obs.), J. Lovering (U) (UC Berkeley), R. Crudo (U) (Steward Obs.), J. Kane (G) (MIT): "Deep Ecliptic Survey"

KP-4m 8

33. B. Mobasher (STScI), N. Scoville (California Institute of Technology), D. Thompson (Max Planck Institut fur Astronomie), J. Mould (NOAO), P. Capak (California Institute of Technology), L. Yan (SIRTF): "Near-IR Survey of the HST-ACS COSMOS 2-Degree Field"

KP-4m 4

34. B. Mueller (NOAO), F. Vilas (NASA Johnson Space Flight Center), K. Meech (U. of Hawaii), A. Cochran (U. of Texas, Austin), N. Samarasinha (NOAO), Y. Fernandez, A. Delsanti, B. Yang (G) (U. of Hawaii): "Spectroscopic Observations of the Deep Impact Target Comet 9P/Tempel 1"


35. K. Nandra (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center): "The Special Energy Distributions of AGN: A Shallow Survey of the Elais-N1 Field" WIYN 3

36. K. Nandra (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center): "Bringing in the Last Sheep" KP-4m 2

37. D. Nestor (U. of Florida), S. Rao, D. Turnshek (U. of Pittsburgh), F. Hamann (U. of Florida): "Imaging Ultra-Strong Low Redshift Mg2 Absorbers" WIYN 2

38. E. O'Sullivan (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), H. Khosroshahi, L. Jones, T. Ponman, S. Raychaudhury (University of Birmingham): "Multi-wavelength study of local fossil groups"

KP-0.9m 5

39. F. Owen (NRAO Headquarters), G. Morrison, M. Poletta, G. Smith (UC San Diego), C. Lonsdale (California Institute of Technology), B. Siana (G) (UC San Diego): "Optical/NIR SED\'s for the Deepest Radio Survey: Determining the Nature of the Ultra-Faint Radio Population"





40. J. Prochaska (UC Santa Cruz), T. Tripp (U. Mass), R. Dave (Steward Obs.), J. Mulchaey (Carnegie Observatories), H. Chen (MIT): "Surveying the Origin of O VI Gas at Low Redshift"

KP-0.9m 4

41. M. Reed (SW Missouri State U.), S. O\\\'Toole (Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg), A. Ulla (Universidad de Vigo), U. Heber (Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg): "Time series spectroscopy of the pulsating subdwarf B star PG1219+534"

KP-4m 4

42. J. Rhee, I. Ivans (California Institute of Technology), A. McWilliam (Carnegie Observatories): "Chemical Compositions of Newly Discovered Very Metal-Poor Red Giants"

KP-4m 4.5

43. J. Rhee (California Institute of Technology), T. Beers (Michigan State U.): "A New Search for Very Metal-Poor Giant Stars with [Fe/H] -2.0 in the HK- II Survey" KP-2.1m 7

44. J. Rhoads, S. Malhotra (STScI): "The Nature of High Equivalent Width Lyman Alpha Galaxies" KP-4m 5

45. S. Robinson (G) (UC Santa Cruz), D. Fischer (San Francisco State U.), M. Ammons (G), G. Laughlin, J. Strader (G) (UC Santa Cruz): "N2K: The Next Two Thousand Metal-Rich Stars"

KP-2.1m 20.5

46. J. Salzer, A. Jangren, K. Caperton (G) (Wesleyan U.), C. Gronwall (Pennsylvania State U.): "Spectroscopy of KISS Emission-Line Galaxies in and around the Bootes Void" KP-2.1m 3.5

47. M. Shara, D. Zurek (O) (American Museum of Natural History): "Ejecta of Z Cam - Linking Novae and Dwarf Novae" KP-4m 2

48. P. Tamblyn, W. Merline, C. Chapman, D. Nesvorny (Southwest Research Institute): "Visible Light Curves of Exceptionally Young Asteroids"

KP-2.1m KP-0.9m

8.5 6

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KPNO – U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis): (55) Tel Nights

49. D. Trilling (Steward Obs.), A. Rivkin (MIT), T. Spahr (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), C. Hergenrother (O) (Steward Obs.), S. Kortenkamp (PSI): "A search for L5 Trojan asteroids of Mars"

KP-0.9m 6

50. S. Veilleux (U. of Maryland): "Maryland Summer School 2005" KP-2.1m 3

51. S. Veilleux, R. Swaters (U. of Maryland), D. Andersen (Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics), M. Bershady (U. of Wisconsin Eau Claire), M. Verheijen (University of Groningen), K. Westfall (G) (U. of Wisconsin Madison): "Near-Infrared Imaging of Disk Galaxies with Stellar Velocity Fields"

KP-2.1m 3.5

52. S. Veilleux, D. Rupke (U. of Maryland): "AGN-driven Superwinds in a Sample of Seyferts that is NOT Infrared- Biased" KP-4m 3

53. G. Williger (Johns Hopkins U.), R. Dave (Steward Obs.), R. Clowes (University of Central Lancashire), M. Graham (Imperial College of Science, Techonology and Medicine), C. Haines (University of Central Lancashire), J. Liske (University of Edinburgh), L. Campusano (Universidad de Chile), O. Kuhn (UKIRT): "A test of the foreground proximity effect at z=1.2"

KP-4m 2

54. B. Willman, M. Blanton (NYU), D. Martinez-Delgado (Max Planck Institut fur Astronomie), D. Hogg (NYU), C. Rockosi : "Two New Ultra-Faint Milky Way Companions: Not Your Average \"Building Blocks\""

KP-4m 3.5

55. S. Wolff (NOAO), S. Strom : "Probing High Mass Star Formation via Observations of Stellar Rotation" WIYN 4

KPNO – U.S. Programs (Theses): (16) Tel Nights

56. L. Allen, J. Hora, L. Chavarria (T), S. Megeath (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics): "Deep Near-IR Imaging of massive star forming regions imaged with Spitzer" KP-2.1m 9

57. J. Baldwin (Michigan State U.), R. Williams (STScI), E. Jenkins (Princeton U.), E. Pellegrini (T) (Michigan State U.), M. Phillips (Las Campanas Obs.): "Chemical Abundance Discrepancies in Nebulae: A high dispersion UV/optical spectroscopic study."

KP-4m 4

58. D. Clark (T), S. Eikenberry (U. of Florida), B. Brandl (Sterrewacht Leiden): "Search for Infrared Counterparts to X-Ray Point Sources in M 51, NGC 4559 and NGC 5253" KP-4m 4

59. R. De Naray (T), S. McGaugh (U. of Maryland), E. De Blok (University of Wales, Cardiff), A. Bosma (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille): "A Comprehensive Study of the Dark Matter Halos of Low Surface Brightness and Dwarf Galaxies"





60. P. Green, W. Barkhouse, D. Kim (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), J. Silverman, M. Kim (T) (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), P. Smith (Steward Obs.), Z. Ivezic (U. of Washington), B. Jannuzi, B. Wilkes (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), E. Romero-Colmenero (South African Astronomical Obs.), A. Vikhlinin (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics): "The Fraction of Galaxies with AGN from ChaMP"


61. S. Langan (T), E. Schmidt (U. of Nebraska): "Emission Line Profiles in Short Period Type II Cepheids" KP-4m 4

62. Y. Lin (T), J. Mohr (U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign): "Evolution of the Halo Occupation Distribution" KP-2.1m 3.5

63. L. Mundy, N. Chapman (T), S. Lai (U. of Maryland), N. Evans, II (U. of Texas, Austin): "Extending the wavelength coverage of Spitzer in the Serpens and Ophiuchus Clouds" KP-4m 4

64. T. Oswalt, M. Rudkin (T) (Florida Institute of Technology), N. Hambly (University of Edinburgh), N. Silvestri, S. Hawley (U. of Washington): "Calibrating the Chromospheric Activity - Age Relation for Low-Mass Main Sequence Stars"

KP-4m 5

65. D. Rafferty (T), B. McNamara (Ohio U.), P. Nulsen, M. Wise : "Supergiant X-ray Cavities and AGN Feedback in a Distant Galaxy Cluster" WIYN 2

66. S. Rao, M. Belfort-Mihalyi (T), D. Turnshek (U. of Pittsburgh), E. Monier (SUNY, Stony Brook), D. Nestor (U. of Florida): "Deep Imaging of Galaxies in SDSS QSO Fields with High N(HI) Intervening Absorbers"





Page 21: NATIONAL OPTICAL ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY · • The Arizona Daily Star published a story on the new generation of extremely large telescopes, including the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT),


KPNO – U.S. Programs (Theses): (16) Tel Nights

67. J. Robinson (T), B. Wilking (U. of Missouri St. Louis), M. Meyer (Steward Obs.): "Unveiling the Low Mass IMF in the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud" WIYN 2

68. C. Schwartz (T), C. Martin (UC Santa Barbara): "Quantifying Stellar Feedback on the Interstellar Medium in Nearby Galaxies: H(alpha) Kinematics in Normal Galaxies" KP-4m 5.5

69. S. Vogel, R. Shetty (T), M. Lavigne (G), E. Ostriker (U. of Maryland): "Spiral Arm Streaming in Spiral Galaxies" KP-4m 3.5

70. K. Walsh (T), D. Richardson (U. of Maryland): "Lightcurve study of Small Main Belt Asteroids" KP-2.1m 8

71. S. Wang (T), L. Looney (U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), R. Klein (Max-Planck Institute fur extraterrestrische Physik): "Understanding the Cluster Environment Around Forming Massive Stars"

KP-2.1m 5.5


For the six months ending January 31, 2005, 58 U.S. scientific programs have been awarded time on CTIO telescopes; of these 13 (22%) are thesis programs. Telescope(s) scheduled and number of nights awarded are specified in the following tables. (CT = Curtis-Schmidt; ToO = Target of Opportunity program)

CTIO: U.S. Programs: (45) - Non-Thesis Tel. Nights

1. K. Adelberger (Carnegie Institution of Washington), C. Steidel (California Institute of Technology): "He II Reionization and the Large-Scale Distribution of Galaxies" CT-4m 1

2. G. Aldering, S. Perlmutter, P. Nugent, L. Wang, R. Thomas, B. Lee, R. Scalzo (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), M. Wood-Vasey (UC Berkeley): "IR Observations of Hubble Flow Type Ia Supernovae"

CT-4m 3

3. J. Bauer, B. Burati (Jet Propulsion Lab): “The Opposition Surges of the Faint Saturnian Satellites” CT-4m 2

4. P. Bouchet (CTIO), J. Danziger (Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste), N. Suntzeff (CTIO), E. Dwek (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), O. Hernandez (O) (Talca University): "Dust in Types I & II Supernovae"

CT-4m 2

5. A. Brooks (G), G. Wallerstein (U. of Washington): "Calibration of the CaT Index in M Supergiants" CT-1.5m 4

Program Type N % Total

U.S. Programs (non-Thesis) 45 78%

U.S. Theses 13 22%

Total U.S. Programs 58 100%

U.S. Observing Programs at CTIOSemester 2004-B

(Total U.S. + non-U.S. Programs = 73)

Page 22: NATIONAL OPTICAL ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY · • The Arizona Daily Star published a story on the new generation of extremely large telescopes, including the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT),


CTIO: U.S. Programs: (45) - Non-Thesis Tel. Nights

6. J. Cohen (California Institute of Technology), N. Christlieb (Hamberger Sternwarte), A. McWilliam, S. Shectman, I. Thompson (Carnegie Observatories): "Photometry of Extremely Metal Poor Stars from the Hamburg/ESO Stellar Survey"

CT-1.3m 1.7

7. A. Cool (San Francisco State U.), I. King (U. of Washington), J. Anderson (Rice U.): "Monitoring a Probable Dwarf Nova in the Core of M22" CT-1.3m 2

8. A. Crotts (Columbia U.), S. Heathcote (SOAR), S. Lawrence (Hofstra University), B. Sugerman (Columbia U.), N. Suntzeff, P. Bouchet (CTIO): "Evolution of SN 1987A into a Supernova Remnant"

CT-4m 1

9. R. De Jong, H. Ferguson (STScI), E. Bell, D. Zucker (Max Planck Institut fur Astronomie), J. Bullock (CFA, Palermo, ESTEC, MPE), S. Courteau (Queens U. Belfast): "Determining the halo shape, metallicity, and substructure of five nearby disk galaxies"

CT-4m 5

10. O. De Marco, D. Zurek, J. Ouellette (American Museum of Natural History), J. Hurley (Monash University), T. Lanz (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), M. Shara (American Museum of Natural History): "Binarity and the second-parameter problem in globular clusters"

CT-4m 3

11. J. Eisner (G), J. Carpenter, L. Hillenbrand (California Institute of Technology): "Variability of Young Stars in Orion" CT-1.3m 5.7

12. E. Gawiser, C. Urry, P. Van Dokkum (Yale U.), L. Infante (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), E. Treister (G) (Yale U.), J. Maza (Universidad de Chile), C. Liu (American Museum of Natural History), P. Coppi (Yale U.): "Deep Narrow-band Lyman (alpha) Imaging at z=3.1: Testing the Peaks-Bias Paradigm of Galaxy Formation"

CT-4m 1

13. P. Gomez (Gemini Obs.), K. Romer (University of Sussex), M. Runyan (U. of Chicago), W. Holzapfel (UC Berkeley), J. Peterson (Carnegie Mellon U.), J. Ruhl (Case Western Reserve U.), A. Lange (California Institute of Technology), J. Goldstein (G) (Case Western Reserve U.), A. Lange, C. Reichardt (G) (California Institute of Technology), M. Daub (G), M. Leuker (G) (UC Berkeley): "The ACBAR Blind Cluster Survey: Photometric Redshifts for Massive Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Clusters"

CT-4m 4

14. P. Goudfrooij, R. Chandar, T. Puzia, T. Brown (STScI): "How accurately can we determine Ages and Metallicities of Stellar Systems using Integrated-Light Spectroscopy ?"

CT-1.5m CT-4m

2 3

15. E. Hardy (NRAO), R. Carrera (G), C. Gallart (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias), R. Zinn (Yale U.): "The LMC Chemical Enrichment History and Its Gradients Via CaII-Triplet Spectroscopy"

CT-4m 3

16. A. Hopkins (U. of Pittsburgh), M. Sullivan (University of Toronto), J. Afonso (University of Lisbon), A. Georgakakis (National Obs. of Athens), B. Mobasher (STScI), L. Cram (Australian National U.): "Panoramic NIR imaging of the Phoenix Deep Survey"

CT-4m 1

17. K. Krisciunas (U. of Notre Dame), N. Suntzeff (CTIO), M. Hamuy, M. Phillips (Las Campanas Obs.), P. Candia (O) (CTIO), D. DePoy (Ohio State U.): "Optical and Infrared Observations of Bright Supernovae"

CT-0.9m CT-1.3m

6 5

18. A. Kundu, S. Zepf (Michigan State U.), D. Geisler (Universidad de Concepcion), E. Vesperini (Michigan State U.), T. Maccarone (University of Amsterdam), T. Richtler (Universidad de Concepcion): "Constraining the Formation History of NGC 1399 with K-band Imaging of its Globular Cluster System"

CT-4m 2

19. W. Kunkel (Las Campanas Obs.), P. Frinchaboy (G), M. Skrutskie, S. Majewski (University of Virginia): “Mapping the Dynamics of the Milky Way from 2MASS Carbon Stars in the Galactic Bar”

CT-1.5m 5

20. A. Landolt (Louisiana State U.), G. Preston (Carnegie Observatories): "A Study of Variability Among the Blue Metal Poor Stars" CT-0.9m 17

21. A. Layden, G. Tiede (Bowling Green State U.), B. Chaboyer (Dartmouth College): "Population II Ages via SIM: O/IR Light Curves of Field RR Lyrae Stars" CT-1.3m 2.5

Page 23: NATIONAL OPTICAL ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY · • The Arizona Daily Star published a story on the new generation of extremely large telescopes, including the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT),


CTIO: U.S. Programs: (45) - Non-Thesis Tel. Nights

22. S. Majewski (U. of Virginia), Z. Ivezic (U. of Washington), K. Johnston (Wesleyan U.), D. Law (California Institute of Technology), S. Pakzad (G), R. Patterson (U. of Virginia), F. Prada (Inst. Astrofisica de Andalucia (IAA)), M. Skrutskie, P. Frinchaboy (G) (U. of Virginia): "The Sagittarius Tidal Tails: 700º Long and Growing?"

CT-1.5m CT-4m

6 5

23. S. Majewski, R. Patterson (U. of Virginia), W. Kunkel (Las Campanas Obs.), J. Rhee (Yonsei University), T. Beers (Michigan State U.), V. Smith (U. of Texas El Paso), D. Geisler (Universidad de Concepcion), K. Johnston (Wesleyan U.), J. Crane (G), A. Polak (G), P. Frinchaboy (G) (U. of Virginia), A. Kundu (Michigan State U.), W. Gieren (Universidad de Concepcion), I. Reid (STScI), R. Munoz (G) (U. of Virginia): "Mapping the Structure, Dynamics and Chemistry of the Galactic Halo"

CT-4m 5

24. P. Massey (Lowell Obs.), K. Olsen (CTIO), B. Plez, J. Bland-Hawthorn (Universite de Montpellier II), A. Maeder, G. Meynet (Geneva Obs.): "The Physical Parameters of Red Supergiants: When Massive Stars Are as Cool as They Get"

CT-4m 5

25. J. Milingo, K. Barnes (U) (Franklin & Marshall College), K. Kwitter, S. Souza (Williams College), R. Henry (University of Oklahoma): “Testing the ON Cycle via Sulfur in Galactic Type I PNe”

CT-1.5m 4

26. R. Millis, M. Buie (Lowell Obs.), E. Chiang (Institute for Advanced Study), J. Elliot, S. Kern (G) (MIT), D. Trilling (U. of Pennsylvania), R. Wagner (LBT Obs.), L. Wasserman, A. Jordan (G) (Lowell Obs.), J. Lovering (U) (UC Berkeley), R. Crudo (U) (Steward Obs.), J. Kane (G) (MIT): "Deep Ecliptic Survey"

CT-4m 4

27. B. Nelson (California Institute of Technology), M. Malkan (UCLA): "Refining the Details of Thermal Dust Reverberation in AGN" CT-1.3m 0.3

28. P. Nugent (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), M. Sullivan, R. Carlberg, D. Howell (University of Toronto): "Going Beyond Cosmological Parameters: Measuring the SFR from Type II Supernovae in the CFHT Legacy Survey"

CT-4m 2

29. C. O'Dell (Vanderbilt U.): "Unraveling the Helix Nebula and Its Cometary Knots by Velocity Mapping" CT-4m 4

30. K. Olsen (NOAO), A. Becker (U. of Washington), A. Clocchiatti (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), K. Cook (NOAO), A. Garg (G) (Harvard U.), A. Miceli (G), G. Miknaitis (G) (U. of Washington), D. Minniti (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), S. Nikolaev (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), A. Rest, R. Smith (NOAO), C. Stubbs (Harvard U.), N. Suntzeff (NOAO), D. Welch (McMaster U.): "Surveying the LMC's Structure and Populations through SuperMACHO"

CT-1.0m CT-4m

7 3

31. K. Olsen (NOAO), A. Grocholski (G) (U. of Florida), S. Nikolaev (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), R. Probst (NOAO), A. Sarajedini (U. of Florida): "Is the LMC Warped, or is it Just Us?"

CT-4m 1

32. B. Pritzl (Macalester College), M. Catelan (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), H. Smith (Michigan State U.): "RR Lyrae in Young Globular Clusters: NGC 121 of the Small Magellanic Cloud"

CT-1.0m-SVC 3.83

33. I. Reid (STScI), K. Cruz (G) (U. of Pennsylvania): "The nearest, coolest L dwarfs - how near and how cool?" CT-4m 3

34. J. Rhee, I. Ivans (California Institute of Technology): "Chemical Compositions of Newly Discovered Extremely Metal-Poor Red Giants" CT-4m 4

35. J. Rhoads, S. Malhotra (STScI), J. Wang (Johns Hopkins U.): "Lyman-alpha galaxies at the reionization epoch: a deep-wide survey for z=6.6 galaxies" CT-4m 1

36. J. Rhoads, A. Fruchter (STScI), M. Merrill (NOAO), D. Bersier (STScI), J. Urkia (AEFF), J. Hjorth (Copenhagen U.), C. Kouveliotou (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), A. Levan (G) (University of Leicester), J. Castro Ceron (G) (STScI), S. Patel (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), L. Strolger (STScI), N. Tanvir (University of Hertfordshire): "Gamma-Ray Bursts and their Host Environments"


Page 24: NATIONAL OPTICAL ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY · • The Arizona Daily Star published a story on the new generation of extremely large telescopes, including the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT),


CTIO: U.S. Programs: (45) - Non-Thesis Tel. Nights

37. M. Robberto (STScI): "The HST Survey of the Orion Nebula Cluster" CT-4m 2

38. M. Smith, D. Norman (NOAO), P. Green, J. Silverman, W. Barkhouse, R. Cameron, B. Wilkes (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), D. Weedman (Cornell U.), B. Jannuzi (NOAO), P. Smith (Steward Obs.): "Th Nature of Optically Faint, X-Ray Selected AGN"

CT-4m 3

39. J. Sokoloski, S. Kenyon (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics): "The Outbursts of Symbiotic Binary Stars" CT-1.3m 1.5

40. K. Stassun (Vanderbilt U.), C. Johns-Krull (Rice U.), R. Mathieu (U. of Wisconsin Madison): "A Critical Test of Angular Momentum Evolution Theory in Pre-Main- Sequence Stars"

CT-4m 2

41. C. Stubbs (Harvard U.), K. Cook, K. Mighell (NOAO), S. Hawley, A. Becker, G. Miknaitis (U. of Washington), D. Welch (McMaster U.), C. Alcock (U. of Pennsylvania), C. Nelson (U. of California, Berkeley), A. Drake, S. Keller (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), A. Rest (CTIO): “SuperMacho: A Next Generation Microlensing Survey of the LMC”

CT-4m 15

42. N. Suntzeff (NOAO), B. Schmidt (Australia Telescope National Facility), C. Stubbs (U. of Washington), R. Kirshner (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), A. Filippenko (UC Berkeley), P. Garnavich (U. of Notre Dame), A. Riess (STScI), J. Tonry (U. of Hawaii), R. Smith (NOAO), K. Krisciunas (CTIO), M. Phillips (Carnegie Institution of Washington), A. Clocchiatti (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), B. Leibundgut, J. Spyromilio (ESO), B. Barris (U. of Hawaii), W. Li (UC Berkeley), C. Hogan, G. Miknaitis (U. of Washington), S. Holland (U. of Notre Dame), S. Jha, T. Matheson (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), J. Sollerman (ESO), P. Challis (O) (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), S. Pompea (NOAO), A. Becker (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), A. Rest (U. of Washington), J. Quinn (G) (U. of Notre Dame), J. Gallagher (G), A. Noriega-Crespo (SIRTF): "The w Project: Measuring the Equation of State of the Universe"





43. N. Suntzeff (CTIO), B. Schmidt (Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics), J. Aufdenberg, S. Ridgway (NOAO), M. Stritzinger (G) (Max Planck Institut fur Astrophysik), M. Hamuy, M. Phillips (Las Campanas Obs.): "Optical Spectrophotometry of Really Bright Stars"

CT-1.5m 6

44. P. Tamblyn, W. Merline, C. Chapman, D. Nesvorny (Southwest Research Institute): "Visible Light Curves of Exceptionally Young Asteroids" CT-0.9m 14

45. A. Whiting, N. Suntzeff (CTIO), L. Schmidtobreick (ESO), A. Layden (Bowling Green State U.), N. Van Der Bliek, R. Smith (CTIO), R. Students (U) : "Undergraduates and Exploding Stars"

CT-0.9m 7

CTIO U.S. Programs – Theses (13) Tel Nights

46. W. Barkhouse, P. Green, J. Silverman (G), R. Cameron, B. Wilkes, M. Kim (T) (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), B. Jannuzi (NOAO), P. Smith (Steward Obs.): "The Cosmological Evolution of X-ray Selected AGN"

CT-4m 2

47. T. Beaulieu (T), T. Henry, D. Gies (Georgia State U.): "Radial Velocity Survey of IC 2391" CT-4m 4

48. K. Bjorkman, J. Wisniewski (T), J. Bjorkman (U. of Toledo): "Effects of Age and Metallicity on Circumstellar Disk Formation" CT-4m 5

49. K. Bjorkman, J. Wisniewski (T), J. Bjorkman (U. of Toledo): "Investigating the Nature of Intermediate-Mass Star Formation in Low- Metallicity Extragalactic Environments" CT-4m 4

50. D. Clark (T), S. Eikenberry (U. of Florida), B. Brandl (Sterrewacht Leiden): "Search for Infrared Counterparts to X-Ray Point Sources in NGC 1313" CT-4m 1

Page 25: NATIONAL OPTICAL ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY · • The Arizona Daily Star published a story on the new generation of extremely large telescopes, including the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT),


51. L. Dundon (T), K. Meech (U. of Hawaii): "Colors of Dormant Comets and Cometary Asteroids" CT-1.0m 10

52. M. Edwards (T), S. Eikenberry (U. of Florida): "Emission Line Search to Probe for Massive Stars Associated with SGRs" CT-4m 2

53. A. Garg (T), C. Stubbs (Harvard U.), R. Smith, N. Suntzeff, K. Olsen (NOAO), A. Becker (U. of Washington), A. Rest (NOAO), K. Cook (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory): "Followup for Microlensing from SuperMacho, an NOAO survey program"

CT-0.9m-SVC 1.6

54. M. Osterman (T), H. Miller (Georgia State U.), S. Wagner (Heidelberg-Konigstuhl Landessternwarte): "A Multiwavelength Campaign on PKS 2155-304" CT-0.9m 11

55. C. Papovich (Steward Obs.), J. Huang (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), P. Perez-Gonzalez, E. Le Floc'h, L. Bai (T), G. Rieke (Steward Obs.), P. Barmby (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), E. Egami, J. Rigby (G), M. Rieke (Steward Obs.): "Imaging of Distant IR-Luminous Spitzer Galaxies"

CT-4m 6

56. H. Smith, N. De Lee (T) (Michigan State U.), A. Rest (CTIO), G. Clementini (Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna), M. Catelan (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), E. Poretti (Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera), E. Held (Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova), B. Pritzl (Macalester College): "Variable stars of the clusters and field of the Fornax dwarf galaxy"

CT-4m 2

57. A. Walker (NOAO), G. Bono (Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma), H. Smith (Michigan State U.), M. Monelli (T) (Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma), P. Stetson (Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics): "The Spatial Extent of the Carina Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy"

CT-4m 2

58. A. Walker (NOAO), J. Garcia (T), G. Pietrzynski, W. Gieren (Universidad de Concepcion), F. Bresolin (U. of Hawaii): "Completing the search for Cepheid variables in the distant Sculptor galaxies NGC 247 and NGC 7793"

CT-4m 2


HET: U.S. Programs – Non-Thesis) (2) Nights

1. E. Friel (NSF), H. Jacobson (G), C. Pilachowski (Indiana U.): "Stellar Abundances in Old Disk Clusters" 2

2. D. Turnshek, S. Rao (U. of Pittsburgh): "The Kinematics of the Neutral Gas in Low-Redshift Damped Lyman-Alpha Galaxies" 2

HET: U.S. Programs – Theses (1) Nights 3. S. Schuler (T), J. King (Clemson U.): "HET/HRS Spectroscopic Abundances of NGC 752

Open Cluster Dwarfs" 1.5


MMT: U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis) (5) Nights

1. D. Bowen (Princeton U.), T. Tripp (U. Mass), T. Heckman (Johns Hopkins U.), D. York (U. of Chicago): "Mg II QSO absorption systems: galaxy halos or metal enriched IGM?" 3

2. R. De Jong, H. Ferguson (STScI), E. Bell, D. Zucker (Max Planck Institut fur Astronomie), J. Dalcanton, A. Seth (G) (U. of Washington), S. Courteau (Queens U. Belfast), J. Bullock (CFA, Palermo, ESTEC, MPE): "Determining the halo shape, metallicity, and substructure of four nearby disk galaxies"


3. J. Gizis, T. Madura (G) (U. of Delaware): "A Search for Hyades Brown Dwarfs" 1

4. P. Massey (Lowell Obs.), K. Degioia-Eastwood (Northern Arizona U.): "The Evolution and Physical Parameters of Massive Stars at High Metallicity: O Stars in the Andromeda Galaxy"


Page 26: NATIONAL OPTICAL ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY · • The Arizona Daily Star published a story on the new generation of extremely large telescopes, including the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT),


MMT: U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis) (5) Nights

5. D. Turnshek, D. Vanden Berk, S. Rao (U. of Pittsburgh), D. Thilker (Johns Hopkins U.), R. Walterbos (New Mexico State U.): "Probing the Outer Regions of M31 with Quasar Absorption Lines"


MMT: U.S. Programs – Theses (1) Nights

6. N. Zakamska (T), M. Strauss (Princeton U.), G. Schmidt (Steward Obs.), J. Krolik (Johns Hopkins U.), P. Hall (Princeton U.): "Spectropolarimetry of Type II Quasar Candidates from the SDSS"



Magellan: U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis) (2) Nights

1. J. Rhee, I. Ivans (California Institute of Technology), F. Comeron (ESO), J. Mendez (Isaac Newton Group): "Chemical Compositions of Newly Discovered Extremely Metal-Poor Red Giants"


2. J. Rhoads, S. Malhotra (STScI), J. Wang (Johns Hopkins U.): "Lyman-alpha galaxies at the reionization epoch: a deep-wide survey for z=6.6 galaxies" 3


Keck: U.S. Programs – Non-Thesis (8) Tel Nights

1. J. Bechtold (Steward Observatory), B. Jannuzi (NOAO), S. Morris (University of Durham): "The IGM and the Distribution of Galaxies at z~1" Keck-II 2

2. A. Burgasser (UCLA), J. Kirkpatrick (IPAC), J. Liebert, A. Burrows (Steward Observatory): "Gravity and Metallicity Signatures in the Coldest Known Brown Dwarfs" Keck-I 0.5

3. J. Carr (Naval Research Laboratory), R. Mathieu (U. of Wisconsin Madison), J. Najita (NOAO): "Measuring the Inner Radii of Protoplanetary Disks" Keck-II 2

4. D. Fischer (San Francisco State U.), G. Laughlin (UC Santa Cruz): "Mapping the Realm of Hot Jupiters" Keck-I 1.5

5. T. Harrison (New Mexico State U.), S. Howell (NOAO), P. Szkody (U. of Washington), R. Campbell (G), H. Osborne (G) (New Mexico State U.): "The Brown Dwarf Secondary and Molecular Emission in the Proto-type TOAD WZ Sge"

Keck-II 1

6. J. Monnier (U. of Michigan), P. Tuthill (U. of Sydney), D. Ciardi (CalTech-JPL): "Mid-IR sizes of YSO disks: Precision calibration using interferometry" Keck-I 1

7. L. Prato (UCLA): "Pre-Main-Sequence Double-Lined Spectroscopic Binaries" Keck-II 1

8. D. Steeghs (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), G. Nelemans (University of Cambridge), T. Marsh (University of Warwick), P. Groot, G. Roelofs (G) (University of Nijmegen): "Resolving the shortest period binary with Keck"

Keck-I 1

Keck: U.S. Programs – Theses (1) Tel Nights

9. J. Hennawi (T), M. Strauss (Princeton U.), S. Burles (MIT), X. Fan (Steward Observatory), P. McDonald, U. Seljak, G. Richards (Princeton U.): "Cosmological Constraints from Ly(alpha) Forest Absorption Spectra of Close Quasar Pairs"

Keck-I 2