www.gov.uk/defra National Risk Assessment: Coastal Flooding Impact Analysis. Methodology Report January 2017

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National Risk Assessment: Coastal Flooding

Impact Analysis.

Methodology Report

January 2017

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Joint Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management

Research and Development Programme

National Risk Assessment: Coastal Flooding

Impact Analysis. Methodology Report

Defra Ref: FD2676 / FD2697

HSL Ref: MSU/2016/29

Produced: January 2017

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Funded by the joint Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Research and Development Programme (FCERM R&D). The joint FCERM R&D programme comprises Defra, Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales and Welsh Government. The programme conducts, manages and promotes flood and coastal erosion risk management research and development.

This is a report of research carried out by the Health and Safety Laboratory and HR

Wallingford, on behalf of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Research contractor: Health and Safety Laboratory and HR Wallingford Ltd.


Health and Safety Laboratory: Tim Aldridge, Oliver Gunawan, Kirsty Forder, Peter

Rastall, Helen Balmforth (Technical Review), Charles Oakley (Editorial Review)

HR Wallingford: Ben Gouldby, Dominic Hames, David Wyncoll, Mike Panzeri and Gordon


University of Southampton: Ivan Haigh

Publishing organisation

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Flood Risk Management Division, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square London SW1P 3JR

© Crown copyright (Defra); 2017

Copyright in the typographical arrangement and design rests with the Crown. This

publication (excluding the logo) may be reproduced free of charge in any format or

medium provided that it is reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context.

The material must be acknowledged as Crown copyright with the title and source of the

publication specified. The views expressed in this document are not necessarily those of

Defra. Its officers, servants or agents accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or

damage arising from the interpretation or use of the information, or reliance on views

contained herein.

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Executive Summary .............................................................................................................. i

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1

Background ...................................................................................................................... 1

Aim and objectives ........................................................................................................... 2

2. Scenario Generation ........................................................................................................ 4

Method steps .................................................................................................................... 4

Input Data ......................................................................................................................... 4

Implementation/application ............................................................................................... 7

Example outputs .............................................................................................................. 9

3. Hazard Modelling ........................................................................................................... 11

Method steps .................................................................................................................. 11

Input Data ....................................................................................................................... 11

Implementation/application ............................................................................................. 13

Example outputs ............................................................................................................ 16

Flood hazard rating ........................................................................................................ 18

4. Impact Assessment........................................................................................................ 19

Method steps .................................................................................................................. 19

Input Data ....................................................................................................................... 19

Development of Impact Assessment Metrics ................................................................. 25

Implementation/Application ............................................................................................ 35

5. Discussion ..................................................................................................................... 37

5.1. Flood scenario generation and hazard modelling methods ..................................... 37

5.2. Impact Assessment methods .................................................................................. 38

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6. Conclusions and Recommendations.............................................................................. 40

6.1. Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 40

6.2. Recommendations .................................................................................................. 40

7. References .................................................................................................................... 42

Appendix I: Local Resilience Forums and constituent Local Authorities ............................ 46

Appendix II. 2011 Census calculations for population vulnerability .................................... 51

Appendix III. List of impact datasets and sources .............................................................. 53

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Executive Summary


The risk of a large-scale coastal flood impacting the East coast of England is included in the UK’s National Risk Register, and considered as one of the highest priority risks (Cabinet Office, 2013). Preparing for such scenarios requires an understanding of the risk, based on up-to-date impact assessments that apply the latest understanding in scientific methods and techniques. This report details the methodology applied for assessment of the coastal flooding risks for England and Wales. The assessment was completed by HSL, the Health and Safety Executive’s Laboratory, HR Wallingford and the University of Southampton. The results of the analysis are included in a separate report.


The aims of the work were to prepare improved evidence for coastal flooding hazard and impact affecting the English and Welsh coastline to support the entry for coastal flooding (reference H19) in the UK’s National Risk Assessment (NRA). The assessment modelled five extreme but plausible scenarios based on historical floods and related statistical and hydraulic modelling. Impact models were required to assess impacts on population, property, infrastructure, transport and agriculture. This assessment considered potential hazards and impacts within a maximum timeframe of the next 5 years. Changes in risk as a result of potential changes in climate, such as changes in sea levels, are therefore considered negligible within this timeframe, and not considered.

Main Findings

The aims of the assessment were achieved by identifying and setting up hazard and impact methodologies to support the following tasks:

Task 1: Generation of flood scenarios. Statistical modelling based on historical data was used to develop a wide range of possible flood scenarios. The results of this were analysed and, through consensus across project partners, five scenarios selected. The scenarios provide full coverage of the English and Welsh coastline and provide relevant, realistic worst-case scenarios for provision of NRA evidence. The flood scenarios are not predictions of what will occur - they are hypothetical scenarios that could arise. In reality, future coastal floods could be more or less severe and could influence different geographical regions in different ways.

Task 2: Hazard Modelling. HR Wallingford conducted hydraulic modelling of the five reasonable worst case scenarios to simulate the process of flood inundation. These simulations incorporated a series of flood defence breaches.

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The location and number of breaches was based on evidence of historical floods and discussed and agreed with project partners. The hydraulic modelling provided data on flood depths and velocities across the floodplain for the five scenarios.

Task 3: Impact Assessment. This task involved developing an updated, fully national multi-criteria receptor database for England and Wales. Data was sourced and mapped from government departments and infrastructure management organisations. The receptor database includes information required to derive physical and economic impact metrics.

Key metrics were selected to provide a detailed picture of flood impact across receptors. These include physical measurements (counts, percentages, lengths and areas impacted) and economic costs (damage to property and agricultural land). These metrics were produced as impacts in their own right, but also as inputs into more sophisticated metrics that describe wider economic impacts.

Task 4: Interpretation and presentation of results. The outputs of the flood impact assessment were formatted into a spreadsheet-based output template for easy access to the assessment results. The template enables users to access results at a range of spatial scales (from overall scenario results down to Local Authority boundaries) and at varying levels of detail.


The methods described in this report fulfilled the specified aims of the work. In collating the methods, the project team highlighted model sensitivities and issues from which recommendations can be made for future development of the impact assessment:

The NRA requires the estimation of the likelihood of the episode

occurring. It is desirable to adopt a risk based approach to likelihood

specification, whereby likelihood of impact or consequence is the metric

of relevance. This does, however, require the hydraulic simulation and

impact evaluation of many more scenarios, not feasible on this project.

Future work should however, consider the viability of implementing a fully

risk-based approach to scenario likelihood estimation.

The modelling of flood impacts on people remains a challenge and this

research has highlighted this further. The FRTP method uses relevant

information to provide useful indicators that help in the understanding of

the risk but there are still significant uncertainties about the sensitivity of

the fatality and injury estimates, and finding the best way of

communicating these results. Future research could evaluate the

potential to amend FRTP assumptions, equations and parameters as

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well as introducing measures of uncertainty into the analysis.

Comparison of FRTP with other methods that provide smaller scale

population impact estimates may help to understand FRTP limitations

and calibrate the model.

Challenges present in the modelling of transport and infrastructure

impacts have highlighted the possibility for more sophisticated network

resilience analysis. This might include the analysis of diversionary or

evacuation routes and related impacts to commuting or emergency

response. There may also be scope to improve analysis of the impact on

utility services including subsequent impacts on supply to residential and

commercial properties, including further economic or social impacts.

Collection of more detailed property data including features such as age

or construction materials could allow for a more sophisticated analysis of

building damage, allowing a deeper use of the Multi-Coloured Manual

methodologies and potentially more information on likely repair/rebuild

times, which have an impact on evacuation and shelter costs.

The response to Environment Agency flood warnings is integrated into

the FRTP methodology, but further acknowledgement of flood response

may be useful for improving the counts of impacted people or impacted

sites. This may require more detailed knowledge of local flood risk plans

or individual infrastructure site flood plans.

The hydraulic modelling has a temporal aspect but this is not included in

the scenario results or applied to the impact assessment. Temporal

analysis of impacts has the potential to provide added value and another

aspect to response prioritisation but challenges are present in applying

this effectively and in communicating the results.

The methodology outlined in this report and the associated code has

been developed for repeatability across different types of flooding, where

the extent, onset and composition of the flood waters are likely to differ.

The concepts of the impact assessment component are common to

wider non-flooding contexts and the authors would also encourage

adaptation of the methodology for other applications including other

natural hazards or industrial accidents. Further, the receptor database

created collates information for different types of property, key

infrastructure and service categories and a range of different population

types. Much of the information is not flooding-specific.

The impacts methodology could be simplified and applied to statistical

flood scenario generation to produce a novel impact-based risk

assessment. Applied in this way, the model would allow for the

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estimation of risk, based on impact severity and likelihood of occurrence.

This could be a valuable tool for development of evidence for the

National Risk Assessment and for other flood impact applications.

Environmental impacts beyond those to agriculture are not currently

included in the assessment. These may include the impacts of prolonged

salt water inundation or the impacts of the release and diffusion of

pollutants and other dangerous materials by floodwater into the wider


The current model does not yet consider the social or psychological

impacts of flooding. Awareness is steadily growing of these chronic

impacts, which include stress, anxiety and depression. These impacts

are amongst the most challenging features to measure and quantify. It is

anticipated that further research into these areas could build on current

indices based on community characterisation by socio-economic data,

there is also potential to build collaborations with organisations of social

scientists and psychologists to explore alternative approaches.

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1. Introduction


The risk of a large-scale coastal flood impacting the East coast of England is included in

the UK’s National Risk Register, and considered as one of the highest priority risks

(Cabinet Office, 2013). Such flooding has precedence in recent history. The impacts of

the large-scale flooding of the night of 31 January 1953 are well known; 307 people lost

their lives in England, and there was widespread damage to property and disruption to

normal activities (Baxter, 2005). Significant damage and loss of life was also experienced

in the Netherlands where a further 1835 people perished (Jonkman and Vrijling, 2008).

This flood was unusual in its magnitude, but it was the result of tidal and meteorological

conditions that are likely to reoccur.

The storm surge of 5-6 December 2013 on the East coast of England and Scotland

resulted in the largest scale flood of that type since 1953. The forecast and flooding

prompted severe flood warnings to be issued by the Environment Agency (EA). Reports

from the incident outline less severe impacts than were forecast. Impacts included flooded

homes, evacuation of residents, and the collapse of property (Met Office, 2014; BBC,


Organising a response for such a flood requires planning and cooperation at the national

and local level. Since 1953, improvements to understanding and planning for a large scale

flood have been extensive, as have the improvements to flood defences, mitigation and

awareness schemes; this is based on a better understanding of the risk, which has been

informed by research work and impacts analyses. Due to the high risk of coastal flooding

highlighted in the National Risk Register, there is continual demand for up-to-date flood

scenario assessments that apply the latest understanding in scientific methods and


This report details the methodology applied for the development of the flood scenarios and

impact of coastal flooding along the East, South and West coastline of England and

Wales. The assessment was completed by HSL, the Health and Safety Executive’s

Laboratory, HR Wallingford and the University of Southampton. Analysis of the historical

coastal flood record allied to statistical modelling has defined the five extreme but plausible

flood hazard scenarios. Impact information was collected for five groups of receptors:

Population, Property, Infrastructure, Transport and Agriculture. Mathematical algorithms

were applied to convert direct impacts into tangible metrics within the five receptor groups,

which were then translated into wider economic costs. Flood impact assessment results

are presented for each of the scenarios in an accompanying results report.

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Aim and objectives

The latest NRA update required improved evidence for coastal flooding with extended

coverage along the entire English and Welsh coastline. Flood scenario modelling needed

to be improved to increase the relevance of the impact analysis, and to ensure that

subsequent NRA guidance is proportional and grounded in current science. This aim was

achieved through completion of four tasks as demonstrated in Figure 1.1 and outlined in

more detail below.

Task 1: Generation of flood scenarios. Statistical modelling based on historical data

was used to develop a wide range of possible flood scenarios. The results of this were

analysed and, through consensus across project partners, five scenarios selected. The

scenarios provide full coverage of the English and Welsh coastline and provide relevant,

realistic worst-case scenarios for provision of NRA evidence. The flood scenarios are not

predictions of what will occur - they are hypothetical scenarios that could arise. In reality,

future coastal floods could be more or less severe and could influence different

geographical regions in different ways (Chapter 2).

Task 2: Hazard Modelling. HR Wallingford conducted hydraulic modelling of the five

reasonable worst case scenarios to simulate the process of flood inundation. These

simulations incorporated a series of flood defence breaches. The location and number of

breaches was based on evidence of historical floods and discussed and agreed with

project partners (Chapter 3)

Task 3: Impact Assessment. This task involved developing an updated, national multi-

criteria receptor database for England and Wales. Data was sourced and mapped from

government departments and infrastructure management organisations. The receptor

database includes information required to derive physical and economic impact metrics.

Key metrics were selected to provide a detailed picture of flood impact across receptors.

These include physical measurements (counts, percentages, lengths and areas impacted)

and economic costs (damage to property and agricultural land). These metrics were

produced as impacts in their own right, but also as inputs into more sophisticated metrics

that describe wider economic impacts (Chapter 4).

Task 4: Interpretation and presentation of results. The outputs of the flood impact

assessment were formatted into a spreadsheet-based output template for easy access to

the assessment results. The template enables users to access results at a range of spatial

scales (from overall scenario results down to Local Authority boundaries) and at varying

levels of detail.

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Figure 1.1. Description of tasks required for flood impact assessment including key

processes. The Tasks within the red box are covered in this report.

Throughout the project, emphasis was placed on using well-established flood risk

methodologies and information sources. This includes alignment with National Flood Risk

Assessment (NaFRA) methods (EA, 2009a), evaluation of surface water flooding (EA,

2014), impact assessment methods recommended by the Multi-Coloured Manual

(Penning-Rowsell et al. 2013) and The Flood Risk to People methodology (HR

Wallingford, 2006).

Discussions with Defra and EA highlighted significant benefits in aligning H19 coastal flood

risk assessment to EA H21 project, which focuses on widespread inland and coastal

flooding. This alignment applies to the general approach and the Impact Assessment task

undertaken by HSL which uses the same methods and datasets. The EA H21 work is

being documented in a separate report.

Task 1:

Scenario generation

Task 2:

Hazard Modelling

Task 3:

Impact Assessment

Task 4:

Interpretation and

presentation of results

Analysis of historical events

Fitting a multivariate statistical model and simulation of a large sample of events

Scenario selection

Transformation of offshore conditions to nearshore

Assessing and identifying potential breach locations

Transformation of nearshore conditions into wave overtopping/overflow rates

Simulation of water propagation across floodplain

Collation and formatting of receptor datasets

Depth damage curves and agricultural damage

parameters from Multi-Coloured Manual

Flood Risk to People calculations

Intersection of flood hazard and impact datasets

Calculation of flood impacts

Aggregation of results to Local Authority level

Description of multi-scalar results template

Presentation of headline statistics and maps

High level narratives

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Separate results report

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2. Scenario Generation

Method steps

The methodology for the extreme flood scenario generation comprised three main


Analysis of historic coastal floods, including storm tracks and surge levels.

Fitting a multivariate extreme value statistical model and simulation of a large

sample of extreme sea levels from the fitted model.

Selection of the scenarios used for the extreme flood generation.

The relevant data sources and the implementation of these steps are described below.

Input Data

Analysis of historical coastal floods

There is a long history of coastal flooding in the UK and this information can be used to

assess the validity of the scenarios that are used. The intention of the statistical model is

to simulate floods that have the same spatial characteristics as floods that have been

observed in the past but are more extreme. With coastal flooding being driven by large

surges in many areas, this assessment utilised a database of historical coastal floods

collated by The University of Southampton (Haigh et al. 2015). This database has

identified a total of 96 events and comprises information on:

Storm tracks that caused coastal flooding

Surface pressure fields associated with each occurrence of coastal flooding

Surge levels associated with each coastal flood

Qualitative information on flood impacts

This information is illustrated in Figures 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. This information acts to provide a

source of verification of the statistical modelling work that has been undertaken. This is

described further below.

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Figure 2.1 Summary of return period1 of historical surges. Haigh et al (2015):


Figure 2.2 “Footprint” of the 5th/6th of December 2013 East Coast event (return period

(years), surge levels (m)). Haigh et al (2015): http://www.surgewatch.org/

1 Return period is the reciprocal of the annual exceedance probability. Hence a 1 in 100 year return period event has

an annual exceedance probability of 1%.

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Figure 2.3 Example storm track and pressure field for the January 2014 event. Haigh et al

(2015): http://www.surgewatch.org/

Waves, wind and sea level data

The relevant variables used in this analysis include information on waves, winds, surges

and tides. These data have initially been analysed offshore. The data sets containing

these variables have been obtained from the “A Class” National Tide and Sea Level

Facility network of tide gauges managed by EA and an historic hindcast analysis of waves

and winds derived by the Met Office using the WaveWatch III (WW III) model. The

locations of the various data sets used in the analysis are shown in Figure 2.4. The

locations of SWAN wave transformation models used in the analysis are also shown. The

SWAN models were not set up specifically for this project. Rather they were re-used from

existing studies. The SWAN model for Wales was set up by Deltares on behalf of Natural

Resources Wales (NRW). The SWAN models covering England were set up by HR

Wallingford on behalf of EA, under their State of the Nation flood risk project. The choice

of offshore locations differed between England and Wales. For England, the locations

used for EA’s existing State of the Nation project were re-used for this study, since these

already coincided with the boundary of the SWAN wave models. For Wales however, it

was necessary to define a new set of offshore locations to provide appropriate boundary

conditions for the SWAN model. Discussions were held with NRW representatives to

define and agree as appropriate a set of offshore locations at which to undertake the

statistical modelling.

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Figure 2.4 Locations of data sets used within the statistical model.


Statistical model

The objective of the statistical modelling was to extrapolate observations of the variables

that influence coastal flooding to obtain floods that are more extreme than past

observations. The floods should however, contain the same spatial characteristics and

dependencies that are observed within the data. Extrapolation of the data requires the use

of specialist extreme value statistical techniques. As it is a requirement to simulate floods

that cover large parts of the country it is a requirement for the statistical model to capture

dependencies, or spatial correlation between the different variables at different locations.

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The statistical model applied has been developed by Lancaster University (Heffernan and

Tawn, 2004), and is well established for use in flood risk analysis (EA, 2011a; Lamb et al.

2011; Wyncoll and Gouldby, 2013) and specifically for coastal applications (Gouldby et al.

2014). The statistical model was fitted to the data sets and used to generate a large

sample of synthetic extreme floods. Example outputs from the statistical model are shown


Selecting the scenarios

Whilst the statistical model generates many thousands of extreme scenarios, for the

purposes of this study, only five scenarios were to be simulated. Analysis of storm tracks

from the historical database of coastal floods showed clusters of floods that affect different

areas of the coastline (Figure 2.5).

Figure 2.5 Analysis of storm track clusters Haigh et al. (2015): http://www.surgewatch.org/

Based on the analysis of the storm track clusters, scenarios were chosen that were

centred on different locations and affected different geographic regions:

East Coast (North): Humber

East Coast (South): East Anglia and Thames

South Coast: Solent

Severn Estuary

Liverpool Bay

Although they were centred on a particular location, resultant floods can also be extreme

at different places along the coastline because the statistical model captures the spatial

dependence. The scenarios are defined in terms of offshore wave height, period and

direction, wind speed and direction and surge/sea level at an “A” Class gauge. These

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variables are specified at all locations around the coastline (Figure 2.4). The observed

storm track information has been used to help inform the narratives that have been

developed to accompany each scenario.

Example outputs

An example of the synthetic scenarios that have been generated from the fitted statistical

model is shown in Figure 2.6, for one location off the coast of East Anglia. Also shown are

the observed conditions (green points) that occurred on 5-6 December 2013 and the

conditions selected for simulation as part of the NRA (orange point). Whilst this shows the

degree of dependence between the variables at a particular site, it is also important to

capture the degree of dependence between the variables at different spatial locations.

Figure 2.7 only shows wave conditions but demonstrates the dependence between wave

conditions at different locations. As is expected, wave data from nearby points shows a

high degree of dependence (top left panel). Spatially disparate data points on opposite

coastlines (top right panel) show less dependence.

Figure 2.6 Example output from the statistical for a site off East Anglia.

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Figure 2.7 Spatial dependence between wave conditions around the coastline

(axis labels Hs(m)).

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3. Hazard Modelling

Method steps

The scenario generation stage produces estimates of extreme offshore waves, winds and

sea levels at each location around England and Wales identified in Figure 2.4, for each of

the five different scenarios. The objective of the hazard modelling stage is to translate this

extreme boundary condition information into estimates of flood depths and velocities over

the floodplain area. The key stages in this analysis are:

Transformation of the offshore conditions to the nearshore, taking account of

processes such as wave refraction and shoaling.

Assessing the potential for breaches to occur and identifying potential breach


Transformation of the nearshore conditions into wave overtopping or overflow rates

(i.e. rates of water flowing over or through the defences into the floodplain), to form

the boundary conditions to the inundation modelling.

Simulating the propagation of water across the floodplain using a flood inundation


Input Data

Wave transformation modelling

Wave transformation models covering the coastline of England and Wales were already

available from previous studies. The model domains are shown in Figure 2.4.

Breach location identification

The data used to inform the breach location analysis comprised:

Information on location, type and condition of coastal flood defences stored within

EA Asset Information Management System (AIMS) database and NRW’s Asset

Management eXpert (AMX) system.

EA Continuous Defence Line (CDL) data set.

Topography from EA LiDAR data set.

Information on breach occurrences during the 2013/2014 Winter floods (Figure 3.1).

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Figure 3.1 Defence breach locations, Winter 2013/2014 (EA).

Defence data and Wave overtopping rates

Information on location, type and geometry of coastal flood defences stored within EA

AIMS database and NRW’s AMX system was used as input to the wave overtopping and

overflow calculations. There were known deficiencies in relation to the crest level of

defences in some specific locations, particularly within the EA’s AIMS database. In these

areas, crest level information was adjusted, in discussion with EA representatives, to be

more appropriate based on extreme sea levels information and knowledge of historical

flooding and general standards of protection. NRW’s AMX data was supplemented with

additional information from NRW’s ongoing data collection programme to ensure the best

available information was utilised.

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Information on sea conditions output from the wave transformation modelling was used to

provide the boundary conditions for the overtopping model. HR Wallingford’s BAYONET

model (Kingston et al. 2008), was used to undertake the wave overtopping calculations.

Flood Inundation Modelling

The input data relating to flood inundation modelling comprised EA’s and NRW’s 2m

resolution LiDAR data set. The hydraulic boundary conditions were provided by the

aforementioned wave overtopping and flood defence overflow calculations.


Wave Transformation modelling

For flood inundation simulation it was necessary to transform the offshore wave conditions

to the nearshore, taking account of processes like refraction, wave growth and breaking.

Existing SWAN 2D wave models from other projects (eg. Environment Agency’s State of

the Nation project; HR Wallingford 2015) were used for simulating this process. The

boundaries of the wave models used are shown in Figure 3.4. The offshore information

from each scenario was transformed to the nearshore to a series of points on

approximately the -5m Ordnance Datum Newlyn (ODN) contour. This information was

then transformed through the surfzone using the SWAN 1D model. This then formed the

input to the wave overtopping model (Figure 3.2).

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Figure 3.2 Conceptual diagram of the nearshore SWAN 1D modelling, linking with the

BAYONET wave overtopping model.

Breach location Identification

Breaches of flood defences can and do occur during extreme conditions, particular when

defences are tested beyond their design standard. During the East Coast surge event of

5th December 2013, a series of breaches occurred. Further breaches occurred during

subsequent storms that followed over the winter period. It is important to consider

breaches during the development of extreme but plausible flood scenarios.

The approach used to specify the number and location of breaches within the scenarios

was judgement-based supported by available evidence and simplified modelling. It is

important to note that the breach locations specified within the modelling are not

predictions of where breaches will occur but rather possible scenarios.

The first stage in the breach identification analysis was to undertake a screening of

topographic information to identify low lying coastal areas that are potentially susceptible

to large scale coastal flooding. These are shown in Figure 3.4 which simply shows land

levels below 10m ODN.

The second stage was to assume an extreme coastal flood (>1000 year sea level) and

undertake a simplified flood inundation calculation to understand the potential impacts of

breaches to a range of receptors. These receptors included transport infrastructure (rail-

lines and roads) and properties (including hospitals and schools). An example of the

analysis for motorways is shown in Figure 3.5, with the highlighted red areas indicating

motorway stretches that are potentially susceptible using the screening impact analysis.

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Wave overtopping/overflow rate analysis

Even when the sea level is below the crest level of the flood defences, water can still be

discharged into the floodplain due to wave overtopping process. Overtopping rates were

calculated using the BAYONET wave overtopping model (Kingston et al. 2008), which

relates closely to the standard Clash method, described in the EurOTop manual (Pullen et

al. 2010).

The boundary conditions of the flood inundation model were therefore formed by a time

series water level at the coastal defences. When this exceeded the crest level of the

defences, the standard weir equation was used to calculate flow into the floodplain. When

the water level was below the crest level, a time series of wave overtopping rate was

discharged into the cell just landward of the flood defence. These processes are

illustrated in Figure 3.3.

Flood inundation model

The flood inundation model, Caesg, solves the shallow water equations to simulate the

propagation of water over the floodplain. The model was constructed using the best

available information on flood defences, including defence data from the EA’s Asset

Information Management System (AIMS), NRW’s AMX system and topographical

information from EA and NRW’s composite 2m LiDAR dataset. The model used a 50m

regular grid. The model takes as input time series boundary overtopping/overflow

information over each flood defence. Where relevant, breaches were introduced into the

model assuming the initiation occurred at the peak of the hydrograph inflow. The output of

the inundation model is a time series of depth and velocity for each grid cell, over the

flooded area. This information has been used in subsequent impact analysis.

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Figure 3.3 Conceptual diagram showing wave overtopping and breaching calculations

Example outputs

Example outputs from various processes are provided below to facilitate understanding of

the modelling activities. Example outputs from the breach location identification process

are shown in Figures 3.4 and 3.5 respectively. They show screening analysis undertaken

to identify locations where breaches have the most potential impact.

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Figure 3.4 Coastal areas below 10m ODN (in blue).

Figure 3.5 An example of the simplified impact of coastal flooding showing motorway

stretches (in red) that are potentially susceptible to extreme flooding.

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Flood hazard rating

The inundation model outputs were used to provide depth and velocity data for each 50m

cell across the duration of the flood. A flood hazard rating was calculated using the depth and velocity values at the time of the maximum hazard rating over the full flood scenario, with a depth-related debris coefficient. The hazard rating was then classified into categories corresponding to increasing hazard severity (Table 3.1). Hazard scores below 0.575 were removed in alignment with methods used for the updated Flood Map for Surface Water (uFMfSW, EA, 2013).

Table 3.1 Hazard categories (EA and HR Wallingford, 2008).



Degree of

Flood Hazard


0.575 – 0.75 Low Caution

“Flood zone with shallow flowing water or deep standing


0.75 – 1.25 Moderate Dangerous for some (i.e. children)

“Danger: Flood zone with deep or fast flowing water”

1.25 – 2.00 Significant Dangerous for most people

“Danger: flood zone with deep fast flowing water”

>2.00 Extreme Dangerous for all

“Extreme danger: flood zone with deep fast flowing water”

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4. Impact Assessment

Method steps

The methodology for the impact assessment comprised three main components:

Collection and formatting of receptor datasets into a single standardised receptor


Development of impact assessment metrics

Implementation of the impact assessment model including aggregation of results to

Local Authority Boundaries.

The implementation of these steps is described below.

Input Data

Collection of receptor datasets

Receptors are features or elements that are potentially exposed and vulnerable to the

flood hazard. The receptors included in this impact assessment can be categorised into

five groups: Population, Property, Infrastructure, Transport and Agriculture. The best

available information was sourced from government organisations (including the EA,

Department for Transport (DfT), Health and Safety Executive (HSE)), national data

providers (Ordnance Survey (OS), Office of National Statistics (ONS)), and infrastructure

asset owners. Direction was provided by previous flood risk assessment work (EA, 2009a,

Aldridge et al. 2011, Aldridge et al. 2015), as well infrastructure-specific work on climate

change (ITRC, 2013; HR Wallingford, 2014).


The spatial data used for population receptors were largely derived from the National

Population Database (NPD). The NPD is a GIS database providing spatially-referenced

estimates of population numbers for different population types and scenarios. The NPD

was originally created for HSE by Staffordshire University in 2004 and has since been

adapted and improved by HSL, who continue to develop and maintain it (Smith et al.

2005; Smith and Fairburn, 2008). A list of populations included in this assessment is

contained in Table 4.1. Several population layers were created outside of the NPD and are

described below.

The census catchment of vulnerability information in Table 4.1 details the size of census

boundary used to calculate the proportion of people more vulnerable to flooding for a given

population theme. The different sized catchments reflect the fact that the population within

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different types of property (schools, workplaces, caravan parks etc.) are likely to be drawn

from different sized spatial catchments depending on population theme.

Census data is collected into hierarchical administrative boundaries to preserve anonymity

and provide appropriate data for different applications. The smallest spatial unit available

is the Output Area (OA), which represents an average of 100 residents (ONS, 2016).

Lower Super Output Areas (LSOA) represent an aggregation of OAs and contain an

average of 1,500 residents. Middle Super Output Areas (MSOA) represent an aggregation

of LSOAs and contain an average of 7,200 residents. Local Authorities (LA) represent an

aggregation of MSOAs and are the largest spatial units used in this analysis.

Where population analyses are based solely on households, the most local-level census

information (e.g. OA) is an appropriate choice. LSOAs were used to represent wider

spread daytime residential populations. Evidence from the National Travel Survey (DfT,

2014a) suggests that the average commute to an educational establishment in 2013 was 3

miles which is equivalent to a commuter travelling across an average sized Medium Super

Output Area. In the same survey the average commute to work was 8.8km. This roughly

equates to a commuter travelling halfway across an average sized Local Authority (LA).

LAs were also used to represent larger, regional catchments, including stadia populations.

Table 4.1 Impacted populations aggregated from flood impact data into geographical units.

Population Theme

Breakdown Data used Census catchment of vulnerability

Residential Night-time Day time (term time) Day time (non-term time)



Sensitive Schools Colleges Care Homes Childcare facilities Hospitals Prisons


MSOA MSOA 100% vulnerability MSOA 100% vulnerability LAD

Working Population

Weekday Workers Saturday Workers Sunday Workers



Leisure Caravan/Camping Sites (peak / low season) Other tourist accommodation (peak / low season) Stadiums (capacity)

AddressBase Premium / VOA AddressBase Premium / VOA NPD

National Average National Average LAD

The workforce layer was derived from the NPD and the National Receptors Dataset (NRD)

(described in the Property section), including the NPD’s temporal scenarios, which model

day time, night time and weekend employment levels.

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The location and population of camping and caravan sites, and other leisure

accommodation were produced specifically for this project. Locations were derived from

OS AddressBase Premium, Valuation Office Agency (VOA) and Camping and Caravan

Club data. Campsite populations were derived from Camping and Caravan Club data and

online campsite directories. Other leisure accommodation populations were derived from

bed space information contained in VOA data.


The NRD property point data formed the basis of the receptor database for this work

(Table 4.2). The NRD was created by the EA and NRW for flood risk assessment (EA,

2011b). The NRD is based on OS datasets, and aims to locate and attribute all properties

in England and Wales that are addressable or have a floor-level footprint over 25m2.

Attributes include residential type and non-residential usage categories, building footprint

size, indicators for the lowest floor of the property, and unique reference identification

codes such as the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN; Geoplace, 2016). This

provides the basic information required for estimation for property impact analysis. The

NRD property point dataset was filtered to remove points that did not represent buildings

(e.g. advertising hoardings, telephone boxes etc.), and properties recorded as being above

ground floor. Listed buildings are not explicitly included in the NRD, but are considered key

sites in case of a flood. Therefore listed building locations were acquired from Historic

England and Cadw Welsh Assembly Government.

Table 4.2 Impacted property types and source data sets.

Property Type Source

Residential (Detached, Semi-detached, Terraced, Flats)


Vehicle Services

Retail Services





Public Building




NRD Property Points

Listed Buildings Listed Buildings in Wales GIS Point Dataset (Cadw Welsh Assembly Government)

Listed Buildings in England GIS Point Dataset (Historic England)

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Infrastructure types and datasets used are listed in Table 4.3. The majority of the

infrastructure sites are located in properties and were therefore represented as points.

Roads and railways were represented as lines. Individual infrastructure types were

grouped into broad infrastructure categories as detailed in Table 4.3. Infrastructure

categories are listed below:

Emergency services are the emergency response providers. This includes police,

ambulance, fire and coastguards. These features are important as the effectiveness of

their response to the consequences of flooding may be adversely affected by the flood

hazard itself.

Key sites are identified as core public sites that either provide essential services or might

create significant societal problems if disrupted by flooding. As such, there is a priority for

the sites to be open and accessible. Key sites include hospitals, schools, doctor’s

surgeries, care homes and prisons.

Utilities provide important services for water or provision of energy. Major outages of

power or water are already present in the NRA as separate risks in their own right, but

these are still significant features in flood impact assessment. They include water

treatment works, sewage pumping stations, power stations and electrical installations.

Potentially hazardous sites are locations that have the potential to cause further harm if

disrupted by flooding. This may be through diffusion of waste or pollutants into the

environment or through emission of dangerous substances into the atmosphere. Such

instances could have serious consequences for danger to life and the environment. These

sites include major hazard sites and industrial sites that produce radioactive or waste

materials that require specific licenses and management.

Transport infrastructure includes the road and railway network as well as transport hubs

such as bus and rail stations. Disruption of the transport network could have serious short-

term consequences during a flood when evacuation routes or emergency service routes

require diversion. In the longer term, impacts on the transport infrastructure may result in

increased traffic and longer journey times with consequences on services, society, costs

relating to lost working hours and other indirect business costs.

Road networks were populated with estimates of vehicle and passenger numbers.

Average Daily Flow data from the Department for Transport provided information on the

type, number and average speed of different types of vehicle passing along each node-to-

node segment of major road in a 24 hour period. The length of the road segment in km

was multiplied by the number of vehicles / passengers / lorries on that segment to produce

metrics for passenger km, vehicle km and lorry km (ITRC, 2013). Larger values indicate

busier and more important road segments. The vehicle km provides a measure of physical

road busyness, the passenger km populates road segments with people and the lorry km

provides a proxy measure for commercial traffic.

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Table 4.3 Infrastructure types under consideration and data sources.

Infrastructure Category

Infrastructure Type Data Source

Emergency Services

- Fire Stations - Ambulance Stations - Police Stations - Coastguard Facilities

OS Addressbase Premium / VOA

Key Sites - Doctors Surgeries and Health Centres

Care Quality Commission GP practice data

- Hospitals - Care Homes - Schools - Prisons


Transport - Bus Stations NPD

- Train Stations NPD / National Rail station data

- Roads (including Primary/Trunk roads)

NRD Roads

- Railway (km) NRD Railways

- Ports DfT Transport Statistics PORT0101

Utilities - Electrical Substations - Large Electrical Substations (>100m2) - Power Stations

OS AddressBase Premium / National Grid DECC DUKES 5.10 dataset

- Nuclear Sites HSE library

- Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) - Sewage Pumping Stations - Water Treatment Works (Clean water)

EA/NRW Consented Discharge to controlled waters EA/NRW Consented Discharge to controlled waters EA/NRW Consented Discharge to controlled waters

- Petrol Stations OS AddressBase Premium / VOA

Potentially Hazardous

- Major Hazard Sites HSE library

- Waste and Recycling facilities EA (Environmental Permitting Regulations – Waste sites)

- IPPC - RAS Authorities - RAS Registrations

EA (Environmental Permitting Regulations – Industrial sites) EA (Radioactive Substances Register 2011) EA (Radioactive Substances Register 2011)

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Core infrastructure components

In the previous coastal flooding assessment (Aldridge et al. 2015), HSL was asked by

stakeholders to incorporate the influence that core infrastructure components may have on

the entire infrastructure network. To highlight the importance of these core sites, agreed

infrastructure types were filtered by site size or capacity to identify more significant sites in

the infrastructure networks:

Railway stations. The NPD railway stations layer was enriched with station category data

from National Rail. Categories A and B represent National Hubs and National

Interchanges and were selected to represent major railway stations.

Electrical Substations. The base substation layer derived from OS AddressBase

Premium was joined to National Grid data, which provides data on the largest substations

in the national network (Supergrid and Bulk substations). These substations transfer

energy cross-country to smaller, local substations. The largest Supergrid substations (400

kV) were chosen to represent significant substations in the network.

Power Stations. Although all energy generation sites are important, this project

considered sites that generate above 1000 MW to be large sites. This followed work

conducted by the Climate Change Committee (CCC) (HR Wallingford, 2014) and was

completed using the DECC Digest of UK Energy Statistics (DUKES) database.

Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW). The EA / NRW controlled discharge to

consented waters dataset was used to subset large WWTW following the CCC report (HR

Wallingford, 2014), using sites that process more than 30,000 cumecs (cubic metres per

second as a unit of flow of water) dry weather flow as a threshold.

Major Hazard Sites. UK major hazard sites are regulated by HSE, EA, SEPA, and NRW

under the European Seveso Directives. The UK implements these directives through the

Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) regulations, which includes categorisation of

sites by the type and volume of hazardous substances stored, and the methods of storage.

Major hazard sites identified as ‘Top Tier’ under COMAH were selected to represent large-

scale sites.

Roads. Trunk roads and motorways are routes of strategic importance in the road

transport network. For this research, classification data in the NRD roads layer were used

to identify trunk roads and motorways as important routes.


Flooding of agricultural land can cause damages with severe consequences for both

arable and pasture farming (Penning-Rowsell et al. 2013). Agricultural land data was taken

from the Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) included in the 2010 version of the NRD.

The layer itself was created in 1988, and remains the most recent version available. The

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ALC covers England and Wales and separates the entire landscape into 5 grades of

agricultural land (1 highest value – 5 lowest value), urban, and non-agricultural land. For

this research, only the graded agricultural land was used. To highlight damage to the

highest quality land, grades 1 and 2 were also included separately as an additional impact


Reporting areas

Stakeholder discussion identified that reporting flood hazard impacts at administrative

boundaries will provide summary information that is easier to disseminate and more

relevant to local planners and decision makers. The East Coast update (Aldridge et al.

2015) made use of Local Resilience Forum Areas (LRFs) and their composite Local

Authority (LA) boundaries. As a requirement of the Civil Contingencies Act (2004), LRFs

are multi-agency partnerships created to plan and prepare for localised incidents and

catastrophic emergencies (Cabinet Office, 2013). LRFs are composed of front line

Category 1 responders who include local emergency services, local authorities, the NHS,

EA and others. LRF boundaries align with local police force areas for easier management

of local emergencies. Use of LRFs can potentially promote co-operation between

neighbouring LRFs when flood impacts cross boundaries. A list of LRF areas and their

component LAs is provided in Appendix I.

Development of Impact Assessment Metrics


Following previous studies (Aldridge et al. 2011; Aldridge et al. 2015), the population

impacts of the flood scenarios were based on the Flood Risks to People (FRTP)

methodology, implemented as outlined in FRTP Phase II guidance document (HR

Wallingford, 2006) and supplementary note (EA and HR Wallingford, 2008). As well as

information on flood hazard intensity (depth, velocity, debris), FRTP was created in a UK

context and takes into account receptor-specific factors including personal and physical

vulnerability to flooding, and vulnerability associated with local influences. An additional

requirement for estimating evacuation was also addressed.

In this analysis, population impacts were presented as counts of:

1) People within the flood area;

2) People who are more vulnerable to the flood hazard (calculated as a proportion of the

total impacted population);

3) People who are injured;

4) People who lose their lives2, and;

2 The injuries and fatalities metrics presented in this research are better considered as the extent to which

contributing physical factors combine to present a danger to life or of injury (See below)

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5) People requiring evacuation, including those requiring assistance, or identified as

needing a priority evacuation response (within 24 hours).

Table 4.4Table 4. presents the impact metrics selected for each of the population impact

calculations. These metrics were calculated for each of the populations in Table 4.1. In all

cases, people are considered to be impacted by flooding if they are located inside the

flood extent, at locations where flood hazard reached 0.575 or higher. This is in line with

outcomes of Defra capacity building workshops for the uFMfSW and based on agreement

with project partners.

Table 4.4 Population impact metrics.

Impact name Impact Metric

Impacted population Count of all population that are located within flood extent (minimum flood hazard rating = 0.575, minimum depth = 0.005m)

Impacted Vulnerable population

Count of impacted population identified as more vulnerable to flooding

Injuries Count of injuries sustained. This is based on FRTP, and applied using Equation 4.3

Fatalities Count of fatalities sustained. This is based on FRTP and applied using Equation 4.4.

Evacuation and priority evacuation

Count of people requiring priority evacuation. This is based on statistics from the Winter 2013/2014 flood review (EA, 2016) and a count of vulnerable people impacted.

The number of people that might be more vulnerable to flooding is a key statistic, which

can help assist with prioritisation of flood management action. Vulnerability is defined as

the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset that make it

susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard (UN/ISDR, 2009). This research followed

the approach for vulnerability described in the Flood Risks to People (FRTP) methodology

(HR Wallingford, 2006; EA and HR Wallingford, 2008). Application of the FRTP

methodology requires measurements for two types of vulnerability:

People vulnerability

Area vulnerability

People Vulnerability

The FRTP methodology defines people vulnerability as the ability of those affected to

respond effectively to flooding. Two population groups are considered to be vulnerable to

flooding, based on physical attributes:

People suffering from limiting long term illness,

People aged 75 or over.

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The two populations above were calculated using 2011 Census tables listed in Table 4.5.

The variables considered were: age, long-term limiting illness and economic activity.

These variables provide information on whether an individual should be deemed

vulnerable and whether they are likely to be at home or at another location during the day,

for assessment of day time population scenarios. The geographical units reflect the size of

the catchment that the population is drawn from (discussed above). Populations in

hospitals and care homes were attributed 100% vulnerability based on the assumption that

all patients/residents would be elderly or ill and therefore less mobile and more vulnerable

to the physical effects of flooding. The full breakdown of the specific vulnerability and the

calculations for each population type are detailed in Appendix II.

Table 4.5 Census data used for People vulnerability calculation.

Census table code Census table name Geographical Units

KS102EW Age Structure OA, LSOA, LA

QS601EW Economic Activity OA, LSOA

L3302EW Long-term health problem or disability

by general health by sex by age


LC3101EWLS Long term health problem or disability

by sex by age


LC6302EW Economic activity by hours worked by

long-term health problem or disability


Area Vulnerability

The FRTP describes area vulnerability as the characteristics of an area that affect the

chance of people in the floodplain being exposed to the hazard. The area vulnerability is

composed of three elements:

Scope and effectiveness of EA flood warnings,

Speed of flood onset,

Nature of area with regard to the physical characteristics of individual receptor


In FRTP, these three elements are each assigned scores between 1 and 3, which are

summed together using Equation 4.1, to provide a score (AV), between 3 - 9, where 3

indicates the areas least vulnerable to flooding, and 9 represents areas most vulnerable to

flood impacts:

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Equation 4.1. 𝐴𝑉 = 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 + 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑡 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒

+ 𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒

The flood warning score uses three EA flood warning measures, which are based on three

key targets in relation to flood warning:

P1. The percentage of Warning Coverage Target met (Percent of at risk properties

covered by flood warning system). (Target 80%)

P2. The percentage of Warning Time Target met (Target 100%)

P3. The Percentage of Effective Action Target Met (Percent of people taking effective

action). Target 66%. Based on the Public Flood Survey 2013/14 Flood warnings (795 post

flood interviews) - 66% of people who received a warning took action.

The flood warning score is calculated using equation 4.2:

Equation 4.2. 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 = 3 − (𝑃1 𝑥 (𝑃2 + 𝑃3))

Equation 4.2 produces scores from 1 to 3, where a value of 3 indicates a weak / no flood

warning while 1 indicates a good flood warning and action system.

The second component is the speed of onset score. A value of 1 indicates onset of several

hours, 3 indicates flash flooding occurring in minutes. This report follows the previous East

coast report by using a value of 2, indicating a flood onset of approximately one hour

(Aldridge et al. 2015).

The final component is the nature of area score. This component describes the

vulnerability of a receptor in terms of the physical attributes of its location. For example,

multi-storey buildings are considered less vulnerable because residents are more likely to

live in higher storeys, while bungalows and campsites are considered more vulnerable.

This report follows the previous East coast report (Aldridge et al. 2015) and the FRTP

methodology as detailed in Table 4.6. All other populations were given a nature of area

score of 2.

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Table 4.6 Nature of Area vulnerability modelling descriptions.



How modelled Nature of

Area score


near busy


Primary routes and trunk roads were extracted from the

NRD roads layer (based upon OS ITN data). Population

locations within 40m of these were allocated as high risk.




Residential buildings within the area of interest with more

than 10 households present were looked at with OS

MasterMap data to gauge whether they might be described

as multi-storey. Those that fit were classified as low risk.


Campsites Population locations within campsites were determined as

high risk.


Single Storey


Schools for young children or for those requiring special

care were considered to have a high likelihood of being

single storey, and so were classified as more vulnerable.

Classifications taken from the NPD and NRD for infant,

junior, primary and special schools were used to set the

nature of area risk for schools meeting this description.

Although this is not always the case, it is a reasonable





Those in cars classified as high risk. 3

Injuries and fatalities

Following the FTRP methodology, the number of injuries and fatalities sustained in a flood

are calculated as functions of the vulnerable population. The number of injuries is

calculated using the number of vulnerable people at a location, the area vulnerability and

the flood hazard rating at that location (Equation 4.3).

Equation 4.3. 𝑁𝑖𝑛𝑗 = 2 ∗ 𝑁𝑧 ∗ 𝐻𝑅 (𝐴𝑉

100) ∗ 𝑃𝑉

Where Ninj is the number of injuries, Nz is the number of people at risk, HR is the hazard

rating, AV is the area vulnerability and PV is the people vulnerability (proportion of

vulnerable people).

The number of fatalities (Nf) is calculated as detailed in Equation 4.4.

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Equation 4.4. 𝑁𝑓 = 2 ∗ 𝑁𝑖𝑛𝑗 (𝐻𝑅


Population impact metrics were calculated at the level of individual receptor point, and

then aggregated to reporting level.

Injury and fatality estimates should be treated with caution. The multi-dimensional nature

of the impacts of flooding on people presents a high level of uncertainty. Complicating

factors relate to the nature of the hazard and the behaviour of the receptor. For example,

the nature of the flooding within the cell and the effect of features in urban areas could

alter localised flood depths and velocities, while the assumed location and behaviour of

people within and around a flooded property could change how they are impacted.

Consequently, the metrics used here are better considered as the extent to which

contributing physical factors combine to present a danger to life or of injury until these

factors can be better understood and accounted for.


The number of impacted residents (including those residing in hospitals, prisons and care

homes) provided a baseline of the population who may require evacuation. Those

requiring assistance with evacuation can be estimated based on the vulnerable population.

Priority evacuees represent a further subset of the vulnerable population, who may not be

easily identified using the NPD or census tables. These are people who require the most

urgent evacuation assistance. Priority evacuees were identified under the assumption that

they would have an immediate health requirement that presents a risk to wellbeing if care

is not available at short notice. People in care homes and hospitals would be in this group.

In addition, the UK Homecare Association Ltd (2016) estimate that approximately 512,000

people received state funded domiciliary care (care in the home) in England and Wales in

2013/14, with a further 228,000 people receiving care that is privately funded in the UK.

Adjusting the UK private estimate based on the state-funded figure produces a total of

690,000 receiving some form of domiciliary care in England and Wales. This represents

1.2% of the total population according to ONS mid-year population estimates. This

percentage was used in addition to the numbers of residents in care homes and hospitals

to estimate priority evacuees.

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The property point datasets were overlaid with the flood hazard extent dataset. A property

was considered flooded if the property point was located within the flood hazard extent

using a base flood depth threshold of 0.00m3. This aligns with the NaFRA approach.

Property damage was estimated by considering depth-related impacts for individual

properties and aggregating to reporting areas. Damage calculations for different property

uses and types (Table 4.2) were based on flood depth information and damage curve

calculations published in the Multi-Coloured Manual (MCM) (Penning-Rowsell et al. 2013).

The MCM is an established and comprehensive framework for assessing the economic

impacts of flooding. The MCM offers flood damage information for a range of different

flood types (salt / fresh water, short, medium, long durations) and includes a break-down

of cost components including domestic clean-up, household inventory damage and

building fabric damage. These values are provided in the MCM in the form of depth-

damage curves for different types of property at a range of flood depths, with the

component costs summarised to produce total damage and total damage per square

metre for a given depth.

MCM damage calculations require information on building use and footprint, which can be

found in the NRD, speed of flood onset and nature of the flood water (‘fresh’ and salt).

Different curves were applied for different property uses and types. For each impacted

property, a value of damage per m2 was calculated from the depth-damage curves based

on the flood depth and property type, which was then multiplied by the footprint of the

building (m2) to provide an estimate of the damage in pounds. An example is shown in

Figure 4.1Figure 4.1, which demonstrates the damage calculation for a 300m2 retail

property flooded to 1.5m depth.

Flood warnings have been shown to reduce damage to property due to the opportunity

presented to take action, primarily by protecting or moving personal possessions, stock, or

moveable equipment (Penning-Rowsell et al. 2013). The MCM estimates the reduction in

costs as a proportion of the total damages. For residential properties, the cost in damages

can be calculated for a warning of less than 8 hours and a warning of over 8 hours. For

non-residential, the damages can be calculated for a warning time of 4 hours. This can

provide useful best and worst-case scenarios.

Where specific building type information was not recorded, the curves for the ‘average’

category were used for residential properties and the ‘unclassified’ category for non-

residential properties. To accurately model the damage to properties below entrance

thresholds (doorsteps), the modelled flood depth was reduced by 0.25m when calculating

property damage following the NaFRA approach.

3 This was implemented as a depth threshold of 0.005 m to eliminate artefacts in the flood hazard data that modelled

very low depths over large areas.

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Figure 4.1 Property damage calculation example for a 300m2 retail

property flooded to 1.5m.


Disrupted infrastructure metrics were based on the potential exposure to different levels of

flood hazard ratings (Table 3.1). As for population, flood hazard ratings less than 0.575

were ignored. Metrics were produced as counts of flooded sites and the percentage of that

infrastructure type flooded in the Local Authority. These metrics provide information on the

absolute magnitude of impact and indicate the pressure on local resilience and

contingency. This was completed for all infrastructure assets listed in Table 4.3.

Additionally, to evaluate the disruption of key sites (which are typically buildings requiring

access by the public), additional metrics were calculated to count the number of key sites

inundated to a depth greater than 0.2m. This depth corresponds to EA advice on sandbag

usage (EA, 2009b), assumed here as a minimum level of protection that might be

expected at these sites.

Road and Rail networks are considered to be impacted if they are inundated to a depth of

0.15 m or greater, based on typical vehicle ground clearance4 as an indicator for roads

becoming impassable. Disrupted journeys are evaluated based on impacts on the mean

average total kilometres travelled each day by vehicles, passengers, and lorries (as

4 http://www.autoevolution.com











0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3



(£ p

er m


Flood Depth (m)

Example: Retail Property Floor area = 300m2

Flood depth = 1.5m Damage per m2 = £1,153 Property damage = 1153 * 300 Property damage = £345,900

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indicators of domestic and commercial traffic). Additional metrics for Trunk roads

(including motorways) are reported as a subset of the full transport network.


The MCM provides a damage cost per hectare for each of the five agricultural land grades.

Grade 3 land is given two values dependent on the proportion of livestock / arable crops

grown on the land. Consequently an average of the two values was taken (Table 4.7) for

this analysis. The method of measuring short-term and long-term impact to agriculture

follows the NaFRA methods by calculating:

1. The area impacted (above 0.00m of flooding) and;

2. The cost in damages where flood depths exceed 0.5m.

Impact and damage to Grade 1 and 2 agricultural land was included as a separate impact

metric. Estimates do not specifically account for damage costs associated with salinity.

Table 4.7 Cost of agricultural land by grade (£/ha) (1 highest quality, 5 lowest quality)

adapted from Penning-Rowsell et al. (2013).

ALC class Indicative land use Flood costs £/ha

1 Intensive arable (100%) 1320


Intensive arable (60%)

Extensive arable (35%)

Horticulture (5%)


3a Extensive arable (70%)

Intensive arable (30%)


Mean = 470

3b Extensive arable (50%)

Intensive grass (50%)


4 Intensive grass (100%) 180

5 Extensive grass (100%) 100

Wider economic impacts

The wider economic costs use a selection of the impact metrics described above as inputs

to economic calculations. Economic costs to tourism and the environment have not been

included. Table 4.8 presents the calculation for each of the economic metrics, which

ultimately are summed together for the entire hazard.

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Table 4.8 Calculations for wider economic cost impacts.

Wider economic


Calculation Notes

Fatalities and


(Worst case of night time or day

time fatalities * £1,836,054) +

(Worst case of night time or day

time injuries * £80,690)

Values relate to the cost of a

fatality and the cost of an

average injury is based on

DfT estimates using a

‘willingness-to-pay’ approach

(DfT, 2014b; HSE, 2011).

Lost Assets Total of property damage

(with warning)

Using MCM approach as

described above.

Lost Working hours –

employment impacts

Day time working population *

£11.61 * flood duration (hours)

£11.61 is the median hourly

pay (ONS, 2014).

Flood duration is assumed to

be 15 hours (2 days) based

on discussion within project


Lost Working hours –

transport impacts

(Commuting and

business trips

(Total journey time (hrs) per LA /

percent of flooded transport

network) * £11.61

Total journey time is

calculated using DfT statistics

on average journey times and

multiplying up to the LA


Shelter – Short term Night time impacted population *

flood duration * £35

Flood duration is assumed to

be 15 hours (2 days). £35 is

average cost of short term

accommodation per person

per night (DCLG, judgement-

based figure based on expert


Shelter – Long term Impacted residential properties *

0.46 * £10,345

0.46 is the proportion of

impacted properties likely to

require extensive repair work.

£10,345 is the average per

property cost for this

relocation (From EA review of

2013/2014 flood impacts (EA,


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The assessment of flood impacts was separated into five steps as demonstrated in Figure

4.2Figure 4.. Step 1 intersects flood hazard data supplied by HR Wallingford with the

receptor database and identifies the receptors potentially at risk from the flood and assigns

flood attributes (depth, velocity and hazard rating). Step 2 uses the attributed receptor

information along with auxiliary lookup tables to calculate specific impact information for

each receptor using the methods described above, as summaries of danger to life,

economic damage to property, disruption of infrastructure and agriculture impacts. Step 3

aggregates individual impacted receptors into regional summaries by Local Authority and

Local resilience. Step 4 collects appropriate aggregate impact metrics to calculate wider

economic costs. Finally, Step 5 integrates impacts into a single spreadsheet-based results

template, which optimises presentation of results, focussing on 3 spatial scales:

1. National overview

2. LRF headline statistics

3. LA detailed statistics

Figure 4.2 Impact Assessment Implementation.

The process was largely automated using the statistical software package R. R is open

source statistical software capable of efficiently managing and manipulating multiple large

datasets. Processes were written as code, which can be rerun multiple times, increasing

efficiency of operation as well as providing a transparent methodology for future replication

Step 2

Step 1

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5



Receptors exposed to


Calculation of impacts

Aggregation of impacts


Calculation of wider

economic impacts

Integration into a single

results template



Flood hazard

inundation data

MCM curves

FTRP calculations…

Economic Valuation


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and research development. R also provides access to libraries with the capacity to handle

spatial queries, making it an appropriate tool for this research.

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance was completed throughout the impact assessment task:

1. Each receptor dataset was quality checked against established secondary sources

or OS base mapping. This involved manual verification of a random sample of

points to check that the coverage, location, function and other attributes of the data

were correct.

2. Automated Impact Assessment metrics, including MCM methods were checked

against manual methods to confirm that the processes were correct.

3. Visual checks and spot checks were performed on the final outputs

a. to capture extreme values and assess their sensitivity,

b. to ensure that calculations had been processed correctly,

c. to ensure that aggregation of results into Local Authority boundaries was

completed correctly

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5. Discussion

Throughout this project, there has been a requirement to apply established methodologies

and information sources where possible. This has ensured that the approaches for both

hazard and impact modelling were robust, comparable to previous analysis and

reproducible in required timescales. The project has assessed a wide variety of impact

metrics, although some received more focus than others. This is largely related to the

output requirements, but also related to the availability and quality of established


5.1. Flood scenario generation and hazard modelling methods

The National Risk Assessment requires the definition of a likelihood (or probability)

associated with each of the flood scenarios. However, a single coastal scenario is

comprised of data on waves, sea levels and winds at multiple locations around the

country. It is complex to define the likelihood of the scenario in terms of these forcing

variables (i.e. winds, waves and sea levels) and there is no current agreed or established

method for doing this. The parallel H21 analysis sought to define the likelihood of a

scenario using a measure akin to taking the average of the Annual Exceedance Probability

(AEP) of all the forcing variables. There are a number of issues associated with this. In

particular the average AEP of a scenario defined in terms of the forcing variables does not

relate to the impact of the flood. For example, two separate scenarios can be defined that

have the same average AEP and one scenario can cause extensive flooding and high

impact and the other scenario can cause no flooding at all. In summary, there is no

agreed definition for defining likelihood for floods in terms of the multiple forcing variables,

and attempts to do so can lead to erroneous and anomalous interpretations and are best


It is for this reason that the preferred approach for assigning likelihood to the scenarios is

risk-based. That is to say it is preferable for the likelihood to be determined in terms of

consequence or impact. Whilst this is certainly possible, it would have involved a

significant amount of further effort and resource than was available for the current project.

A risk-based analysis would involve translating the many thousands of floods output from

the statistical model into an impact metric. These impacts can then be ranked and a risk-

based likelihood of impact defined. Application of the models used in this study can be

computationally challenging and often, in practice, simplified or reduced complexity models

are used in their place (Gouldby et al. 2008). This is the case with NaFRA.

It is recommended that future analyses are risk-based and define likelihood in terms of

impact or consequence. These could use screening or simplified hydraulic models, if

computational resources associated with the simulations were constrained.

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5.2. Impact Assessment methods


The breadth of impact metrics measured in this project has required collection and

collation of a wide variety of receptor data from a number of different sources. In some

cases, the raw source data was directly appropriate for use. In other cases, the raw data

required pre-processing to either filter or clean-up the data to produce desired formats and

specifications. Source dataset quality differs offering varying levels of confidence and

requirements for development before inclusion in the analysis. The spatial information in

the source datasets used was generally excellent, with references to spatial locations or

OS coordinate data for most datasets. As examples, OS AddressBase Premium and the

NRD (which is derived from OS AddressBase Premium) were key datasets for analysis of

property and infrastructure. They are well suited for this purpose and provide property

level locations, but the distributed local authority approach of the data capture suffers from

inconsistencies due to differing interpretations of property descriptions and classifications

(ONS, 2013).

Flood Risk to People

The estimation of life-loss and injuries arising from flood scenario modelling is complex.

Challenges arise as data relating to the number of deaths and injuries is sparse and

incomplete and the actual causes of injuries are not well-documented. There has

however, been a significant amount of research into methods that seek to provide

estimates. The outputs from all estimates are subject to substantial uncertainties

(Lumbroso et al. 2015). Estimation of injuries and fatalities in this research is based on

the FRTP Methodology which is implemented as outlined in the phase II guidance

document (HR Wallingford, 2006), and Supplementary Note (EA and HRW, 2008). The

FRTP method is implemented to calculate estimates at the level of individual property, and

then aggregated up to reporting areas (LAs, LRFs). Since the development of the FRTP,

more advanced approaches have been introduced and these include agent-based

modelling methods (Lumbruso et al, 2011). Site specific analysis has been conducted on

historic floods that do yield significant improvements. However, these have not to date

been applied and approved by the Environment Agency for use in wide-spread flood risk

assessments like NaFRA and national surface water flood risk estimates. It is therefore

possible that modelling methods of these types could be used in the future to providing

supporting evidence and aid calibration and verification of more simplistic models like


The FRTP model was developed to provide overall estimates of population impact based

on empirical data, and implements a standard risk modelling approach combining

indicators for flood hazard, vulnerability and exposure. It is not designed as a physical

model of floodwater inundation presenting a risk per individual property, nor to provide an

accurate estimate of the risk on a property-by-property basis. Although the FRTP method

is usually applied to zones of flooding (assuming single values for flood hazard,

vulnerability, population etc. to all properties within an area), additional benefits can be

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gained from using locally-specific property level information (for example on vulnerability,

land use, flood intensity, population numbers, and building type) to refine the results, and

without compromising the integrity or structure of the model. Further, the results when

calculating using averages across areas are likely to be of a similar scale.

The report has emphasised that the injuries and fatalities metrics provided by the FRTP

model are better considered as the extent to which contributing physical factors combine

to present a danger to life or of injury. The method assumes that certain groups of people

are more vulnerable to flooding than others, and this is reinforced by evidence of higher

proportions of elderly fatalities in the 1953 Netherlands storm surge flooding and the 2005

New Orleans flooding (Jonkman and Vrijling, 2008). This definition of this vulnerable group

includes care home and hospital populations based on the residents physical

circumstances. It is likely that these locations have specific flood preparation plans in case

of an emergency, however it has not been possible to nationally model for these

circumstances due to the unique characteristics of each site location, each flood plan and

each responsible authority.

Key sites and Infrastructure

The methods used to measure the impact on infrastructure sites are relatively simple and

could be improved to more accurately reflect resilience in wider networks. The approach

does acknowledge some on-site flood defences in the flood hazard modelling, but, in a

similar way to public service sites, resilience actions as a result of individually site-specific

plans are not accounted for.

The research has measured the percentage of impacted infrastructure sites in an area to

provide a measure of local resilience. This approach is appropriate for some infrastructure

types where individual sites can be reasonably modelled to have a catchment of influence,

but it is less appropriate for infrastructure networks, such as water and energy supplies. In

these cases, asset managers have stated high levels of national resilience to flooding.

These statements are difficult to test due to the complexity of the gridded infrastructure

and the sensitivity of information relating to large-scale infrastructure; the approach taken

was chosen to fit within the bounds of the project and provide a simple and straightforward

set of results. The infrastructure measures provided do not take into account sites in

adjacent reporting areas, which may increase resilience and may more accurately reflect

the emergency response or post-event situation.

Communication of results is a critical feature of this project and there was a requirement to

ensure that results could be easily accessible by a range of different audiences. The

innovative multi-scale results template used provides a suitable format for presentation of

results that enable readers to review overall headlines or detailed local boundary data

depending on their needs. It should be noted that where the results provide absolute

counts or percentages which are relatively easy to interpret for wider audiences, they

suggest a certainty in measurement that may not be reflected by the methods used. This

may be a particular issue for population and infrastructure impacts, which may be

alleviated through individual and organisational response activities.

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6. Conclusions and Recommendations

6.1. Conclusions

The data and methods applied in this research are suitable for the level of detail and the

spatial scale of the analysis. The methods are based on established flood risk science,

which means that results can be compared with previous UK assessments as well as

similar current projects. The research includes a broad range of physical and economic

impact metrics, which build on previous impact assessments by modelling the impact on

key infrastructure assets, increasing the recognition of resilience metrics and by

introducing more sophisticated economic cost measurements. Results are produced by

Local Authority and by Local Resilience Forum boundaries. These provide meaningful

aggregations of data, which can be more easily digested by the relevant audience. The

creation of a novel results template has enabled over 300 metrics across over 200

different boundaries to be represented in a clear fashion at different spatial scales and at

different levels of detail. This ensures that the results can be just as effectively

communicated to national decision makers and local emergency managers.

6.2. Recommendations

The following recommendations are suggested for future development of the impact


The NRA requires the estimation of the likelihood of the flood occurring. It is

desirable to adopt a risk based approach to likelihood specification, whereby

likelihood of impact or consequence is the metric of relevance. This does, however,

require the hydraulic simulation and impact evaluation of many more scenarios, not

feasible on this project. Future work should however, consider the viability of

implementing a fully risk-based approach to scenario likelihood estimation.

Challenges present in the modelling of transport and infrastructure impacts have

highlighted the possibility for more sophisticated network resilience analysis. This

might include the analysis of diversionary or evacuation routes and related impacts

to commuting or emergency response. There may also be scope to improve

analysis of the impact on utility services including subsequent impacts on supply to

residential and commercial properties, including further economic or social impacts.

Collection of more detailed property data including features such as age or

construction materials could allow for a more sophisticated analysis of building

damage, allowing a deeper use of the Multi-Coloured Manual methodologies and

potentially more information on likely repair/rebuild times, which have an impact on

evacuation and shelter costs.

Modelling flood impacts on people remains a challenge and this research has

highlighted this further. The FRTP method uses relevant information to provide

useful indicators that help in the understanding of the risk but there are still

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questions about the sensitivity of the fatality and injury estimates (particularly when

applied to a large scale analysis), and finding the best way of communicating the

results to highlight these sensitivities. Future research could evaluate the potential

to amend FRTP assumptions, equations and parameters as well as introducing

measures of uncertainty into the analysis. Comparison of FRTP with other methods

that provide smaller scale population impact estimates may help to understand

FRTP limitations and calibrate the model.

The response to Environment Agency flood warnings is integrated into the FRTP

methodology, but further acknowledgement of flood response may be useful for

improving the counts of impacted people or impacted sites. This may require more

detailed knowledge of local flood risk plans or individual infrastructure site flood


The hydraulic modelling has a temporal aspect but this is not included in the

scenario results or applied to the impact assessment. Temporal analysis of impacts

has the potential to provide added value and another aspect to response

prioritisation but challenges are present in applying this effectively and in

communicating the results.

The methodology outlined in this report and the associated code has been

developed for repeatability across different types of flooding, where the extent,

onset and composition of the flood waters are likely to differ. The concepts of the

impact assessment component are common to wider non-flooding contexts and the

authors would also encourage adaptation of the methodology for other applications

including other natural or man-made hazards. Further, the receptor database

created in Chapter 4 collates information for different types of property, key

infrastructure and service categories and a range of different population types.

Much of the information is not flooding-specific and it could be applied for use in

other impact assessments.

The impacts methodology could also be simplified and applied to statistical flood

scenario generation to produce a novel impact-based risk assessment. Applied in

this way, the model would allow for the estimation of risk, based on impact severity

and likelihood of occurrence. This could be a valuable tool for development of

evidence for the National Risk Assessment and for other flood impact applications.

Environmental impacts beyond those to agriculture are not currently included in the

assessment. These may include the impacts of prolonged salt water inundation or

the impacts of the release and diffusion of pollutants and other dangerous materials

by floodwater into the wider environment. Future work could aim to estimate

environmental impacts and costs based on the concept of natural capital.

The current model does not yet consider the social or psychological impacts of

flooding. Awareness is steadily growing of these chronic impacts (PHE, 2015),

which include stress, anxiety and depression. These impacts are amongst the most

challenging features to measure and quantify. It is anticipated that further research

into these areas could build on current indices based on community

characterisation by socio-economic data, there is also potential to build

collaborations with organisations of social scientists and psychologists to explore

alternative approaches.

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w2015.pdf, Last accessed 2nd June 2016.

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University of Southampton. (2014). SurgeWatch, available from

http://www.surgewatch.org/events, accessed 15th December 2015.

UN/ISDR. (2009). United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction

Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction. http://www.unisdr.org/eng/library/UNISDR-

terminology-2009-eng.pdf. Accessed 28/2/11. http://www.unisdr.org/eng/library/lib-


Wyncoll and Gouldby. (2014) Application of a multivariate extreme value method to flood

risk analysis, J. Flood Risk Man. DOI: 10.1111/jfr3.12069.

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Appendix I: Local Resilience Forums and constituent Local Authorities

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Local Resilience Forum

Local Authority

Avon and Somerset Bath and North East Somerset Bristol, City of North Somerset South Gloucestershire Mendip Sedgemoor South Somerset Taunton Deane West Somerset

Bedfordshire Luton Bedford Central Bedfordshire

Cambridgeshire Peterborough Cambridge East Cambridgeshire Fenland Huntingdonshire South Cambridgeshire

Cheshire Halton Warrington Cheshire East Cheshire West and Chester

Cleveland Hartlepool Middlesbrough Redcar and Cleveland Stockton-on-Tees

Cumbria Allerdale Barrow-in-Furness Carlisle Copeland Eden South Lakeland

Derbyshire Derby Amber Valley Bolsover Chesterfield Derbyshire Dales Erewash High Peak North East Derbyshire South Derbyshire

Devon and Cornwall Plymouth Torbay Cornwall Isles of Scilly East Devon Exeter Mid Devon North Devon South Hams Teignbridge Torridge West Devon

Local Resilience Forum

Local Authority

Dorset Bournemouth Poole Christchurch East Dorset North Dorset Purbeck West Dorset Weymouth and Portland

Durham Darlington County Durham

Dyfed-Powys Carmarthenshire Ceredigion Pembrokeshire Powys

Essex Basildon Braintree Brentwood Castle Point Chelmsford Colchester Epping Forest Harlow Maldon Rochford Southend-on-Sea Tendring Thurrock Uttlesford

Gloucestershire Cheltenham Cotswold Forest of Dean Gloucester Stroud Tewkesbury

Greater Manchester Bolton Bury Manchester Oldham Rochdale Salford Stockport Tameside Trafford Wigan

Gwent Blaenau Gwent Caerphilly Monmouthshire Newport Torfaen

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Local Resilience Forum

Local Authority

Hampshire Basingstoke and Deane East Hampshire Eastleigh Fareham Gosport Hart Havant Isle of Wight New Forest Portsmouth Rushmoor Southampton Test Valley Winchester

Hertfordshire Broxbourne Dacorum East Hertfordshire Hertsmere North Hertfordshire St Albans Stevenage Three Rivers Watford Welwyn Hatfield

Humberside East Riding of Yorkshire Kingston upon Hull, City of North East Lincolnshire North Lincolnshire

Kent Medway Ashford Canterbury Dartford Dover Gravesham Maidstone Sevenoaks Shepway Swale Thanet Tonbridge and Malling Tunbridge Wells

Lancashire Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Burnley Chorley Fylde Hyndburn Lancaster Pendle Preston Ribble Valley Rossendale South Ribble West Lancashire Wyre

Local Resilience Forum

Local Authority

Leicester Leicester Rutland Blaby Charnwood Harborough Hinckley and Bosworth Melton North West Leicestershire Oadby and Wigston

Lincolnshire Boston East Lindsey Lincoln North Kesteven South Holland South Kesteven West Lindsey

Merseyside Knowsley Liverpool St. Helens Sefton Wirral

Metropolitan City of London

City of London Barking and Dagenham Barnet Bexley Brent Bromley Camden Croydon Ealing Enfield Greenwich Hackney Hammersmith and Fulham Haringey Harrow Havering Hillingdon Hounslow Islington Kensington and Chelsea Kingston upon Thames Lambeth Lewisham Merton Newham Redbridge Richmond upon Thames Southwark Sutton Tower Hamlets Waltham Forest Wandsworth Westminster

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Local Resilience Forum

Local Authority

Norfolk Breckland Broadland Great Yarmouth King's Lynn and West Norfolk North Norfolk Norwich South Norfolk

North Wales Isle of Anglesey Gwynedd Conwy Denbighshire Flintshire Wrexham

North Yorkshire York Craven Hambleton Harrogate Richmondshire Ryedale Scarborough Selby

Northamptonshire Corby Daventry East Northamptonshire Kettering Northampton South Northamptonshire Wellingborough

Northumbria North Tyneside South Tyneside Sunderland Northumberland Gateshead Newcastle upon Tyne

Nottinghamshire Nottingham Ashfield Bassetlaw Broxtowe Gedling Mansfield Newark and Sherwood Rushcliffe

South Wales Swansea Neath Port Talbot Bridgend Vale of Glamorgan Cardiff Rhondda Cynon Taf Merthyr Tydfil

South Yorkshire Barnsley Doncaster Rotherham

Local Resilience Forum

Local Authority


Staffordshire Stoke-on-Trent Cannock Chase East Staffordshire Lichfield Newcastle-under-Lyme South Staffordshire Stafford Staffordshire Moorlands

Suffolk Babergh Forest Heath Ipswich Mid Suffolk St Edmundsbury Suffolk Coastal Waveney

Surrey Elmbridge Epsom and Ewell Guildford Mole Valley Reigate and Banstead Runnymede Spelthorne Surrey Heath Tandridge Waverley Woking

Sussex Brighton and Hove Eastbourne Hastings Lewes Rother Wealden Adur Arun Chichester Crawley Horsham Mid Sussex Worthing

Thames Valley Bracknell Forest West Berkshire Reading Slough Windsor and Maidenhead Wokingham Milton Keynes Aylesbury Vale Chiltern South Bucks Wycombe Cherwell Oxford

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Local Resilience Forum

Local Authority

Thames Valley South Oxfordshire Vale of White Horse West Oxfordshire

Warwickshire Tamworth North Warwickshire Nuneaton and Bedworth Rugby Stratford-on-Avon Warwick

West Mercia Herefordshire, County of Telford and Wrekin Shropshire Bromsgrove Malvern Hills Redditch Worcester Wychavon Wyre Forest

West Midlands Birmingham Coventry Dudley Sandwell Solihull Walsall Wolverhampton

West Yorkshire Bradford Calderdale Kirklees Leeds Wakefield

Wiltshire Swindon Wiltshire

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Appendix II. 2011 Census calculations for population vulnerability

1. Residential Night time (OAs)

Total population (KS102EW)

Total population suffering from a limiting long term illness aged 0-74 (LC3302EW)

Population aged 75+ (KS102EW)


2. Residential

Day time

term time


Total population suffering from a limiting

long term illness aged 0-4 (LC1301EWLS)

Total population aged 16-74 not at work

due to limiting long term illness (QS601EW)

Population aged 75+ (KS102EW)


Total population aged 0-4 (KS102EW)

Total population aged 16-74 at home


Population aged 75+ (KS102EW)

3. Residential

Day time




Total population suffering from a limiting

long term illness aged 0-15 (LC3302EW)

Total population aged 16-74 not at work

due to limiting long term illness (QS601EW)

Population aged 75+ (KS102EW)


Total population aged 0-15 (KS102EW)

Total population aged 16-74 at home


Population aged 75+ (KS102EW) * Total population aged 16-74 at home is calculated from the following categories in QS601EW: - Economically Active - Unemployed; - Economically Active - Full-Time Student; - Economically Inactive - Retired; - Economically Inactive - Student; - Economically Inactive - Looking After Home/Family; - Economically Inactive - Permanently Sick/Disabled; - Economically Inactive - Other.

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4. Sensitive Schools and Childcare (MSOAs) Total population aged 0-15 (LC3302EW)

Total population suffering from a limiting long term illness aged 0-15 (LC3302EW)


5. Sensitive Hospitals and

Care Homes = All people in these populations are considered

to be vulnerable.

6. Places of



Total population suffering from a limiting

long term but at work (LC6302EW)


Total population at work (QS601EW)*

* Total population aged 16-74 at work is calculated from the following categories in QS601EW: - Economically Active - Employee

- Economically Active – Self-employed with employees

- Economically Active – Self-employed without employees

**Calculated from 2011 Census statistics as the overall proportion of the total England and

Welsh population aged over 75 or long term ill.


7. Roads,







Total population suffering from a limiting

long term illness aged 0-74 (LC3302EW)

Population aged 75+ (KS102EW)


Total population (KS102EW)*

8. Leisure

Caravans and camping, Other Accom.

(National average: England and Wales)

National proportion of

vulnerable people = 0.20** =

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Appendix III. List of impact datasets and sources Dataset Date of

creation/ version


National Receptors Dataset (NRD) Property Points

2014 Environment Agency (EA)

Listed Buildings in England 2015 Historic England https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/data-downloads/

Listed Buildings in Wales 2015 Cadw Welsh Assembly Government https://data.gov.uk/dataset/listed-buildings-in-wales-gis-point-dataset

National Population Database (NPD) - residential

2015 Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL)

NPD - workplaces 2015 HSL

NPD - prisons 2015 HSL

NPD - hospitals 2015 HSL

NPD - schools 2015 HSL

NPD - colleges 2015 HSL

NPD - care homes 2015 HSL

NPD - Child care 2015 HSL

NPD - roads 2015 HSL

NPD - bus stations 2015 HSL

NPD - train stations 2015 HSL

Labour Force Survey 2014 Office of National Statistics (ONS) https://discover.ukdataservice.ac.uk/series/?sn=2000026

Camping and caravan club sites data

2014 Camping and Caravan Club

Valuation Office Agency summary valuation dataset

2015 Valuation Office Agency

OS AddressBase Premium 2015 Ordnance Survey

Care Quality Commission GP practice membership

2015 Care Quality Commission http://systems.hscic.gov.uk/data/ods/datadownloads/ gppractice

NRD roads 2005 EA

NRD rail 2005 EA

Transport Statistics PORT0101 2014 Department for Transport https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/ port01-uk-ports-and-traffic

Electrical substation sites 2015 National Grid http://www2.nationalgrid.com/uk/services/ land-and-development/planning-authority/shape-files/

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Dataset Date of creation/ version


Digest of UK Energy Statistics (DUKES) database 5.10

2015 Department for Energy and Climate Change https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/ digest-of-uk-energy-statistics-dukes

Nuclear site locations 2015 Health and Safety Executive

Consented Discharge to controlled waters

2015 EA / Natural resources Wales (NRW) https://ea.sharefile.com/share?cmd=d&id=s36af9f1b6494efa8#/view/s36af9f1b6494efa8?_k=8eeypn

Major Hazard Sites database 2015 HSE

Environmental Permitting Regulations - Waste National Dataset

2011 EA

Environmental Permitting Regulations – Industry National Dataset

2011 EA

Radioactive Substances Register 2015 EA

Agricultural Land Classification 1988 Natural England (Supplied with NRD 2005)

LRF geographies 2013 ONS

LA geographies 2013 ONS


Output Areas 2011 ONS

Lower Super Output Areas 2011 ONS

Medium Super Output Areas 2011 ONS

Census 2011 tables: KS102EW QS601EW L3302EW LC3101EWLS LC6302EW

2011 ONS

Multi-Coloured Handbook 2015 Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex university http://www.mcm-online.co.uk/handbook/

Check Wider Economic Costs