Aneurin Bevan Community Health Council Public Feedback about NHS services during the Coronavirus National Survey As your independent NHS watchdog, CHCs across Wales want to continue to play a vital part in reflecting people’s views and representing your interests in the NHS at this critical time. Your feedback will help make a difference. We will share with the NHS what people and local communities are telling us. This is so the NHS can see what people think is working well and take action to make care better where this is needed - as quickly as it is possible to do so. Please give us you NHS feedback by taking survey here: http://ow.ly/ezsy50ER6ZG What you told us about in June 2021 Issue 14 June 2021 One hundred and thirty people contacted us via our survey in June to share their views and recent experiences with NHS Services. This month we heard responses relating to a number of areas of NHS service provision. Useful links about the Coronavirus: Aneurin Bevan University Health Board - guidance on service changes: https://abuhb.nhs.wales/coronavirus Welsh Government – guidance: https://gov.wales/coronavirus

National Survey

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Page 1: National Survey

Aneurin Bevan Community Health Council

Public Feedback about

NHS services during the Coronavirus

National Survey As your independent NHS watchdog, CHCs across Wales

want to continue to play a vital part in reflecting people’s views and representing your interests in the NHS at this critical time.

Your feedback will help make a difference. We will share with the NHS what people and local communities are telling us. This is so the NHS can see what people think is working well and take action to make care better where this is needed - as quickly as it is possible to do so. Please give us you NHS feedback by taking survey here:


What you told us about in June 2021

Issue 14

June 2021

One hundred and thirty people contacted us via our survey in June to share their views and recent experiences with NHS Services. This month we heard responses relating to a

number of areas of NHS service provision.

Useful links about the Coronavirus: Aneurin Bevan University Health Board - guidance on service changes: https://abuhb.nhs.wales/coronavirus Welsh Government – guidance: https://gov.wales/coronavirus

Page 2: National Survey

We heard from a family who felt their father had

been discharged home without an appropriate support package in place.

We heard from a family who have experienced a long wait for orthodontic care for their son.

We heard from a lady whose mum passed away after a nine day stay in

hospital. We heard that the lack of communication from the hospital has caused upset and distress for the family.

We heard from people who have been unable to make appointments for their B12 injections since the pandemic began.

We continue to hear from people who are frustrated with their GP Surgeries. We have heard the E-consult system is not user friendly, and people are struggling to access face to face appointments.

We heard from people who have experienced difficulties accessing diabetic and COPD support services and clinics, particularly around on-going communication.

We continue to hear about people experiencing long waiting times when attending the Grange University Hospital’s Emergency Department.





01633 838516

Email: enquiries.aneurinbevan

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Things that could have been better

We heard from a lady whose husband needed treatment in the

Emergency Department. The gentleman was deaf and due to Covid-19 restrictions, his wife was unable to remain with him and support him. This information was passed to the Healthcare staff but the family feel no consideration was made for his communication needs.

Page 3: National Survey

The positives

We heard from people who had been referred for an ultrasound scan and received their appointments very quickly.

We received excellent feedback from someone who had accessed

treatment and care at the Minor Injuries Unit in Ysbyty Aneurin

Bevan, they told us the nursing staff were “exemplary”.

We heard from someone who had been receiving treatment from the physiotherapy department prior to the pandemic. They told us only a few sessions were missed at the start of the restrictions but support was reinstated quickly and information was sent via email and post.

We heard from someone who has a chronic condition who continues

to receive excellent treatment & care from their healthcare team.





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Email: enquiries.aneurinbevan

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Page 4: National Survey

The comments

“Our doctor’s surgery has gone awful. It used to be such a good one.

They never answer the phone. You phone to see a doctor and you can only get a call back in a week’s time then the doc will decide if you can be seen. My husband had to wait

nearly a month for his prescription sent by his consultant he was in agony.

People have to line up outside no matter the

weather 1 receptionist so you’re waiting ages. You finally go to get your tabs from chemist

and the pharmacist is on dinner terrible service“– GP Access - Caerphilly





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“Excellent, speedy service” – Children’s A&E the Grange -


“Has been really good no problems at all. Easy process and much quicker and easier

over the phone” – GP - Caerphilly

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“I suffer from B12 deficiency due to having my bowel removed. I rely on B12 injections as I cannot absorb it from food. I usually have

injections every 4 weeks (I am allergic to the 12 week form). These injections were stopped for 3 months during the pandemic, and the

only help I was offered was to be told "take oral supplements". I explained that these are not an option for me but was ignored. I did

ask if I could be trained to do the injections myself as I usually inject myself with other medications and was told it wasn't possible. I was told I didn't qualify for district nurses either. I appreciate that health boards had to make tough decisions, but as B12 deficiency can cause life changing damage I feel it was very irresponsible for this care to be

stopped, I also feel it was badly handled by my GP practice who did not try to work with me to find a solution that worked for me. I think next time the NHS could train patients who are willing to administer

their own treatments, I know that this already happens in some areas. I also think there should be an open dialogue about alternatives. I

also think patients like me should have had calls from a GP or nurse to check if we were having symptoms as a result of not receiving

routine treatments” – B12 injections – Caerphilly

“Our son has a brace on to move teeth to create gap for horizontally growing tooth to come through. This was fitted in 2019 a year before

covid. He was expecting an operation in early 2020 but is still waiting and has had a brace fitted for over 2.5 years now and operation still not done”

- Maxillofacial - Monmouthshire

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“Getting a consultation with the doctor has been frustrating. It seems the receptionists are trying to triage and give advice when trying to make an appointment. This is not their responsibility and also I'm uncomfortable talking to an unqualified

receptionist about my issues. Also, actually getting to see a doctor is now still a video

consultation even though I am hypertensive and I

haven't had a proper review in over a year. As for dental appointments, this is absolutely

disgusting. I was told that I have severe gum disease but not offered any treatment and when

asked when I was likely to be able to receive treatment, I was told they don't know. I'm

currently writing this review with a cracked tooth and gum pain and can't get treatment as they are only doing checkups. It seems NHS patients are

being played second fiddle to private dental patients. There isn't any clear advice via the

health board websites and when you contact the available numbers we are repeatedly told nothing

can be done due to long waiting lists due to COVID” – GP and Dental - Torfaen

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“I have not seen a Diabetic consultant since 2019.

Two appointments were arranged only to be cancelled. Hospital eye clinic appointments were delayed and

cancelled although I have seen a consultant in the last month and now awaiting treatment” – Regular Hospital

Appointments – Blaenau Gwent

“Despite Covid I have been made to feel safe and secure throughout my pregnancy with no compromise to mine or my baby’s health. I understand why partners aren’t

allowed to certain appointments due to Covid but I think if it’s an important appointment they should be allowed

to attend” - Maternity - Newport

“Mental Health, dental for my children and access to GP in general. With the limited resources I feel that they have

done a good job dealing with the situation. There was a lack of access to good quality mental health support already and

this has been exacerbated by Covid. The last thing you need when you are feeling alone and unable to cope with

day to day is to be told that it is your responsibility to make

things better and that no-one can help you” – Mental Health, Dental and GP Access - Caerphilly




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Page 8: National Survey

“E-consult – I cannot get appointment with doctor face to face have been trying for 2 weeks, only phone calls. Will agree to x-ray but nearest hospital Ysbyty Ystrad

Fawr not taking referrals, I do not have transport so cannot get to Pontypool or Nevill Hall, definitely can't

get to the Grange hospital. I don't have access to a car or get a lift and my problem is my knee, I can't walk far

so I am left with no choice about what to do only continue with pain knee giving way and only walking

very slow with knee bent. There is no help available for people without transport, especially if you have

problems with mobility. If I could get an appointment with my GP, who knows my medical history, personal

history, that would be a start. I work in food retail and I

am expected to serve people putting myself at risk with covid and with a lot of people in Wales having had 2

vaccines they should scrap this e-consult and go back to normal. Provide treatment centers for patients like

schools within a 3 mile radius making it more accessible for everyone” – GP and Hospital Access - Caerphilly





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Page 9: National Survey

“Recent 10 hour wait in A&E. Resulting in bowel infection becoming a perforation for which I had to be

admitted. Better and quicker triage would have prevented this. Too many folk with minor injuries clogging the system. GP access has been woefully

poor - will they ever return to ‘normal’? If we don’t get this right - the whole system breaks down. Rota

weekend opening perhaps? Improve access to Primary Care. Imaginative ideas needed to do this.

Not everyone is computer literate” A&E and Primary Care - Monmouthshire

“The E-consult is very restrictive. I am on tablets that renew weekly and so many times the prescription is wrong. I try to ask for help with E-consult and I get stern answers that E-consult is not for prescriptions. So I can’t phone, it’s constantly engaged, I

can’t visit, appointments are on a need basis and I can’t use the internet. Print off 4 to 6 week’s prescriptions and send to

chemist” – E-Consult - Caerphilly

“The counselling sessions I was referred to were attempted on attend anywhere. However, this really did not work well as there was a long delay between audio and video (approx

10s), and the audio was patchy too, so the appointment

was very difficult and unproductive. However the Counsellor has since been able to arrange face to face

appointments instead, which has made a huge difference” Primary Care Mental Health Service - Newport

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Page 10: National Survey

“My husband has cancer which has compromised his immune system. He would usually have a blood test at the Royal Gwent

Hospital on a Monday, speak to or see his consultant on the Friday, pick up his chemo and start the new 28 day cycle the following

Monday morning. For 11 years. We asked that the District Nurses

take his bloods during the pandemic as we have been shielding. The GP's receptionist has argued every time. The District Nurses themselves have been brilliant but the argument is exhausting. I

have had to go to Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr to collect the chemo, onto the ward with patients. The pharmacist has argued every time about

supplying some of the medication. It was never ready until Monday or Tuesday but they didn't really want to give it until Wednesday. It

has moved back to RGH and he goes in, but the pharmacist and nurses refuse to have it ready on the Friday and will not give it to him until Monday afternoon. We feel like parasites scrounging for

something we do not deserve” – Chemotherapy - Newport

“The problem is removing Primary Care that was working okay with GP's. One of your Managers told me that I would have to seek Private Care and also said that GP's would not be seeing patients face to face in

the future because too many patients waste their time. I discussed this with my GP and was told that he was

totally incorrect and to put that conversation out of my head”

GP Access - Caerphilly

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Page 11: National Survey

“I have chronic illnesses (intestinal failure and chronic magnesium deficiency to name two). I have been shielding. The service I have received from my

GP / District Nurses / local Pharmacy / Physiotherapist and the IF Team at UHW has been excellent. The Welsh Ambulance Service has also been great when recently needed (999 emergency

plus non urgent stretcher case visits to Out-Patients)” - Monmouthshire

“I care for my husband who has been shielding due to COPD and various other conditions. I am concerned he has had no face to face appointments to measure his lung capacity, he has had one review, which was over

the phone I really do not see how effective this can be”

– COPD clinic - Caerphilly

“Support has been excellent from all the clinicians, doctors and nurses involved. They have done a fantastic job as always” – Cystic Fibrosis Team &

GP - Newport

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Page 12: National Survey

“My 89 year old father in law caught COVID in the Royal Gwent after being admitted for a fractured femur. He was sent home COVID

positive without assessments being made as they were unable to do home visits, he was unable climb stairs and he lived on his own. No downstairs bed etc., no aids, no social

services arranged, no carers. He also had a cannula left in his hand that the Doctor from his ward had to come to take out. He was

readmitted 2 weeks later. Fell out of bed and fractured his shoulder and later passed away.

To send him home without the proper procedure being followed was a gross breach in the duty of care.” - Royal Gwent Hospital -


“After having surgery on my hand just prior to the pandemic, I started having physio appointments which stopped after a few

sessions due to lockdown. The physio kept in touch by telephone and sent me exercise sheets by email. I was very pleased with the

service” – Physio Department - Torfaen




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Page 13: National Survey

“Upon arriving my husband’s hearing aid batteries run out and also had ear infection, I went to reception to explain this and they said they would put that he was deaf on his form but I would have to

leave, I waited outside and watched, nobody took the time to check he could hear his name being called. Very distressing for him, as for doctors etc. their job was done they then sent me home saying they

were keeping my husband in for the night, this was about 11pm, my husband is 72 and I am 66 years of age. I was then phoned about 1:30 in the morning to come get him, not the best time to be going

out at night a woman on her own. The seating distance for covid signs were being moved all the time and people sitting together was

nerve racking thinking who was sitting by him without being challenged in a hospital was very disturbing” – Emergency

Department The Grange University Hospital- Caerphilly

“I found the help and care given by the nurses at the unit was exemplary. They were very quick

dealing with a lot of people, on the three occasions that I visited. They diagnosed my problems and

referred me to Nevill Hall Hospital twice. I was really impressed and pleased with this service” - Minor Injuries Ysbyty Aneurin Bevan – Blaenau Gwent

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Page 14: National Survey

“I lost my Mum in December 2020 due to covid, she was in hospital for 9 days in which time I had not been made aware of her worsening

condition, the fact that a DNR had been put in place and that she was not a candidate for intensive care. The only contact I had with a Doctor

was on the morning of 9th to say that my mum was going to die. I was my mum’s only next of kin and only child, and feel I should have been

made aware of these things that would have better prepared me for the worst as I thought my mum would be ok, and not being able to visit I

could not see for myself or have any say in the matter. My mum went in hospital on 1st with suspected pneumonia and did not have full capacity due to her SATS being low and on oxygen, she was also suffering with a UTI at the time and on antibiotics. I feel failed, myself and for my mum. I have requested my mum’s hospital notes and am not happy with the

info in there and that the DNR was not signed by her. Also that she developed sepsis which again I was never advised of. Better

communication with families of people in hospital as it is a very distressing time for us all. This experience has destroyed my life” –

Hospital - Caerphilly

“I had to attend baby scans alone which

meant they were much more stressful, as if there was bad news I had no support and would then have to go and then tell my partner myself. They did not allow me to videotape (or even FaceTime my partner

during) the scan so that he could be involved. I realise the importance of minimising traffic to the hospital but allowing partners to be “present” over the phone (especially video call) would reduce a lot of the anxiety for

pregnant ladies” - Maternity - Newport

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Page 15: National Survey

A round up of your feedback

The comments in this bulletin offer a snap shot of people’s feedback about NHS services. We’d like to thank everyone who wrote to us to share their experiences, this will be used to help the NHS learn from your comments. To sum up we heard about the following:

We heard about concerns regarding discharge arrangements from hospital in respect of health and social care needs.

We heard how people continue to be frustrated with the difficulty they

experience when trying to access face to face appointments with their GP surgery.

We heard about a lack of access to communication support for a person who is deaf at the Grange University Hospital.

We heard from people who felt the E-consult system was not fit for purpose and was not user friendly.

We received mixed feedback for maternity services, we heard how some people felt safe and secure during their maternity journey whilst another person accessing maternity appointments felt anxious and stressed as they were unable to have their partner present.

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Email: enquiries.aneurinbevan

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Page 16: National Survey

Accessible formats

If you would like this publication in an alternative format and/or

language, please contact us. Our publications are also available to download and order from our website.

We heard about encouraging support offered by the physiotherapy

service, District Nursing service, Cystic Fibrosis team and some GP services.

We heard the ultrasound department was quick and efficient.

We heard from people who were concerned with the difficulties they experienced when trying to access appointments for long term conditions such as COPD, Diabetes and B12 deficiency.

We received mixed feedback regarding Mental Health services, some

people were happy with discussing their issues via reinstated face to face appointments, while others felt that being sign posted to help-lines wasn’t helpful.

We heard about people’s concern regarding the level of information

received from wards, and not being involved in care discussions regarding end of life prognosis.

We heard about the difficulties a family experienced when accessing chemotherapy medication.

We heard about very positive experiences at the Minor Injuries Unit at Ysbyty Aneurin Bevan and Children’s emergency department at the Grange University Hospital.

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01633 838516

Email: enquiries.aneurinbevan

[email protected]