March 2014 | Boston | NaturalAwakeningsBoston.com FREE HEALTHY LIVING HEALTHY PLANET feel good • live simply • laugh more EAT ORGANIC 3 Boston Food Delivery Services Make it Easy GLUTEN-FREE ON THE GO Tips & Recipes for Eating On the Run GMO LABELING Movement Heats Up in Massachusetts

Natural Awakenings Boston March 2014

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Natural Awakenings Magazine is Boston's healthy living magazine. We're your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. Our mission is to provide insights and information to improve the quality of life physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. In each issue of Natural Awakenings magazine readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle. You can find Natural Awakenings Magazine in locations including local health food stores, fitness centers, book stores, health care facilities, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally available.

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Page 1: Natural Awakenings Boston March 2014

March 2014 | Boston | NaturalAwakeningsBoston.com



feel good • live simply • laugh more


3 Boston Food Delivery Services Make it Easy


Tips & Recipes for Eating On the Run

GMO LABELING Movement Heats Up

in Massachusetts

Page 2: Natural Awakenings Boston March 2014

“It’s an experience of something new. You either take to

it with ease, jump right in and enjoy the ride, or you’re skeptical about every little nuance.” “That this is a first is open to debate, yet a de-monstrable way has been found to immediately shift personal limitation to a better state.” “The end result is that complex (health) challenges, limitations, blocks and dilemmas resolve with a stunning simplicity, without years of therapy, medication and expense - and it feels quite freeing within sec-onds, an immediate and tangible change says Dr. Neal Smookler.” What Smookler is describing is a fascinating method that resets the pineal gland in the brain back to it’s youth. “It seems as if you are grow-ing younger; that was dumbfounding to me in those early days, still is.” At 52, Smookler has been ‘resetting’ Bosto-nian’s for close to a quar-ter-century now. Smook-ler is serious about his work and others take him seriously, despite his smil-ing hazel eyes and youth-ful looks. After receiving his doctorate from the pres-tigious Los Angeles Col-lege of Chiropractic, he moved back to Boston, but within just a few years was introduced to what would become his life’s work. “After my first pi-

neal gland-brain reset, I was, uh... humming. I was literally resonating in what I can only describe as an insulated cocoon of warmth, openess and peace. It felt like a valium taking effect while in a flotation tank. I felt like my mind, my body, even my cells went through a decompression. It was like nothing I had ever experienced. Life began to take on a bit of a magi-cal view that I hadn’t felt before. I remember wak-ing up one night because I was so happy.” “As much as I loved chiropractic - I couldn’t turn away from my experience. So with a warm, fuzzy feeling I said goodbye to my past incarnation as a D.C. and discontinued all chiropractic activity in the early 90’s.” So just what was this discovery? “In a sense, “water-wings” for dissolv-ing personal limitation.” “Inside your head is a mechanism, the pineal gland (its shape resem-bling a tiny pine cone, hence its name) which is located near the center of the brain, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join.” “This pineal mecha-nism, is in essence, a reset button.” “I want to be very clear; it’s not there by accident. We’re all hard wired by Mother Nature this way. I was person-ally trained twenty-two years ago, by the profes-sions founder, Dr. Virgil Chrane, to know where the mechanism is locat-ed, and exactly how to properly activate it.” One present model suggests that the pineal gland in the brain has the ability to create a piezo-electric charge when it is deformed. In physics, a piezo-

electric charge is a ‘spark’ created as the result of an applied compression (pineal reset) on a crys-talline structure (pineal gland.) With the partici-pant lying face up on a specially designed table, Dr. Smookler performs a very unique “hiccup” movement of the head. The compression (‘hiccup’ ) causes the pi-neal gland to deform and then reshape - resulting in the conceptual spark. In mere nanoseconds, neurons begin to fire spreading the potential throughout both brain hemispheres, triggering the reset. The grip of the fight-or-flight response, which is really a low level state of alarm or shock (i.e. diminished function and limitation) is released. Energy previously mis-appropriated is reclaimed to address any challenge, block or limitation - health or otherwise. “What I believe the pineal-reset is accom-plishing is bringing a person out of shock by enabling the brain to override the daily ‘emer-gency stand-by’ mode, like an ‘all clear’ signal - prompting the brain to begin a series of systems checks.” “As the pineal gland unfreezes, the brain and nervous system reset back to our original blueprint, cellular DNA. Now, in-stead of accessing a cor-rupted copy of a copy of our blueprint, expe-rienced as diminished potential - the original, clean blueprint is read (function is enhanced.”) Movement, in even the most difficult cases is believed to stem from Dr. Smookler’s two tiered approach - increasing function while dissolving limitation. He also notes that a

significant part of his suc-cess is due to something Virgil taught him early on; to infuse every re-set with that something extra, that intangible ... presence, intent and love. Something Neal has nev-er forgotten. When asked what he

enjoys most about that work - Smookler hesitates for a moment, then as if the answer was there all along he replies, “people often come with a sad-ness, an emptiness. After a re-set, the light returns, you can see it in their eyes, that spark.”

Professionals In Focus.Dr. Neal Robert Smookler: Passionate Advocate for his Profession.

Dr. Neal Robert Smookler

Advertisement. Abridged and adapted from ‘A Fish Doesn’t Know He’s Wet’. NEAA Online Press. September 2007. Vol.5, Issue 2. Reprinted with permission. The New England Association-Foundation.

For the last quarter-century, Dr. Neal Smook-ler has maintained a successful family-orient-ed wellness care practice in Massachusetts. He has held certification from Alphabiotics International since 1992. Neal received his Doctorate in Chiropractic from The Los An-geles College of Chiropractic in December 1988. He holds a Chiropractic license from both the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of California. Neal received his Bachelor of Science in Biology from Bos-ton College in June 1985. Neal considers Dr. Virgil Chrane as his primary teacher. He was trained personally by Virgil - logging hun-dreds of hours (and miles) in the two plus de-cades he has studied and refined it. Neal cred-its the original principles and philosophy (as well as a little secret) that Virgil mentored him in, as an intrinsic component of his success. Very few grasp those core teachings of Dr. Chrane, even fewer ever attain Virgil’s mas-tery, his “je ne sais quoi.” Dr. Smookler made a commitment to this great man twenty-two years ago to carry on his work undiluted and without compromise. With a background in orthopedics and neurology and the safety and comfort of the patient being paramount, Dr. Smookler has delivered the pineal-reset safely over 200,000 times in the last twenty two years - an unparalleled accomplish-ment. Neal’s work has been featured in The Newbury Street Guide, The Improper Bos-tonian, City Magazine, Sacred Pathways Magazine, Spirit of Change Magazine as well as on WBZ, WZBC & WATD. He lives and practices in Massachusetts.

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contact usPublisher/Editor

Maisie Raftery

Managing EditorNancy Somera

Editor - Kim Childs

Proofreader - Randy Kambic

Natural Pet Pages CoordinatorCheryl Sullivan - 781-799-6610

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WritersKatelyn Betrovski • Kim Childs

Myrna Greenfield • Kristine Jelstrup

Design & ProductionStephen Blancett

Zina CochranHelene Leininger Suzzanne Siegel

correctionIn our profile of Enhanced Medical Care (January 2014, page 44), we inadvertent-ly printed two addresses and phone numbers. The first contact line is incorrect. The second contact line is accurate: 361 Woodward St., Newton. 617-777-4080. We regret any confusion this may have caused.

I read a lot of different magazines for research purposes in my role as a Natural Awakenings managing editor. While I primarily review them for content, I also pay attention

to elements such as cover blurbs, layout design, graphics and ads. A popular national 140-page conventional health-care magazine landed in my hands the other day, and as I flipped through it I was dumbstruck by the number of pag-es allocated to drug ads; 27 full pages in all! How can it be that nearly 20 percent of a so-called ‘health’ magazine encourages people to become regular users of prescription drugs? And that’s even before considering all the danger-ous side effects. That isn’t health care; it’s disease manage-ment, if that, more like disguising symptoms while leaving root causes unidentified and untreated. Natural health advocates know that good health begins with eating healthful foods, the theme of this month’s Food Trends issue. Thankfully, securing truly nu-tritious food has never been easier, as noted in this month’s EcoTip, “Healthy Food at Boston’s Front Doors,” a snapshot of two local companies that make home deliveries of fresh local and organic fruits and vegetables plus one that delivers freshly prepared meals to busy Boston area residents. We’re equally fortunate to have contributor Myrna Greenfield report on the status of the genetically modified organisms (GMO) labeling movement as it heats up in Massachusetts. Martin Dagoberto, the network facilitator for the Massachu-setts Right to Know GMOs nonprofit, urges that with everyone’s effort, “We’re hitting a critical mass of awareness. It’s only a matter of time before we regain control of our food supply.” Now is the time to take action to help pass legislation that would require GMO labeling in our state; otherwise it will be 2015 before we get another chance at it (see page 31). Just as important as putting good foods in our bodies is removing the toxins we are exposed to every day. Recently, magazine staff members were guests at Raffa Yoga’s Urban Sweat, an innovative spa in Cranston, Rhode Island, where we made the most of several hours of relaxing and detoxifying in rooms such as their Eucalyptus Steam Room, Black Charcoal Sauna and Himalayan Salt Grotto. Urban Sweat’s services include yoga, bodywork, facials and a juice bar with raw meals. We returned recommending a day trip there and to other area spas to glean all of the therapeutic benefits. Of course, regular exercise is also vital to health and wellness. We rejoice that spring’s longer hours of daylight naturally call us outside to breathe in fresh air and get our bodies moving. Eat well, eliminate toxins and exercise—OK, I’m ready to do it. How about you?

Be well,

Nancy Somera, Managing Editor

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19 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Groton Wellness: Holistic Dental Care and More for Total Well-being by Kim Childs

20 FRESH FOOD TRENDS Natural Trailblazers in Sustainable Eating by Melinda Hemmelgarn

23 LOCAL FOOD SUPERSTARS by Katelyn Betrovski

24 SUPERHERBS Four Plants that Fight Off Disease by Kathleen Barnes

26 GLUTEN-FREE ON THE GO Safe Eating Away from Home by Judith Fertig

28 ACTION PLAN FOR PARENTS Seven Signs of Food Sensitivities by Pamela Bond



34 DOG SCOUTS OF AMERICA Dog Troops Also Earn Badges and Go to Camp by Sandra Murphy




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Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.



6 newsbriefs

12 kudos

14 healthbriefs

16 globalbriefs

18 ecotip

19 businessspotlight

24 healingways

26 consciouseating

28 healthykids

32 petbriefs

34 naturalpet

38 calendarof events

43 community resourceguide


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Free workshop on Technique for Determining Optimal Nutrition

Kristine Jelstrup, LMT, CBK, of Central Square Health and Wellness, in Cambridge, is offering a

free workshop on the Morphogentic Field Technique (MFT) from 7 to 9 p.m., March 20, at her office. Jel-strup will demonstrate nutritional energy testing with MFT and teach attendees how to use this method for discovering which foods can enhance their personal well-being and that of their family members. MFT, a form of nutritional energy assessment, uses applied kinesiology, or muscle testing, to deter-mine nutritional needs and toxin levels in the body. “Our bodies are designed for long and vibrant lives, but eating too much of the wrong foods or foods with no nutritional value compromises our health,” says Jelstrup. “MFT is a powerful tool for getting to the

root causes of chemical imbalances and identifying what nourishes our bodies and what harms them. This leads to greater energy and improved health.” The workshop will also cover basic nutrition, environmental concerns, good and bad fats, and facts about organic versus genetically modified food. All attend-ees will receive a coupon for 20 percent off their first one-on-one consultation with Jelstrup.

Location: 126 Prospect St., Ste. 5, Cambridge. For more information, call 617-833-3407 or visit CentralSquareHealthAndWellness.com. See ad on page 16 and Resource Guide on page 43.

Health and Wellness Show Returns to Needham The annual Health and Wellness Show, a health-

focused event presented by coordinator Walter Perlman, returns to Needham from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., April 6, at the Sheraton Needham Hotel. Perlman says that more than 45 health and wellness professionals will be on hand for the event, including chiropractors, health coaches, skin-care specialists, nutritionists, holistic pharmacists, acupuncturists, audiologists and orthopedic specialists. “The Health and Wellness Show is an opportunity for people to learn, share knowledge and get free health screenings from local professionals,” says Perlman. “Visitors can also sample nutritious specialty foods and learn about supplements, local health clubs and personal trainers, health travel companies, air and water purification systems, healthy weight loss, laughter yoga and holistic veterinary care. They’ll leave with information about new and better ways to get healthy and stay that way.”

Cost: $5 at the door; free for those who register at HealthAndWellnessShow.net/register. Location: 100 Cabot St., Needham. For more information, call 508-460-6656 or visit HealthAndWellnessShow.net. See ad on page 9.

Kristine Jelstrup

Contemplative Fellowships for Educators Offered this Summer

The Hemera Foundation is partnering with retreat centers nationwide, in-

cluding Karmê Chöling in Vermont, to provide fully funded residential medi-tation retreats this summer for K-12 educators and current M.Ed. students. Several other centers on the East Coast are also participating in the project. The fellowship supports educators’ growth through contemplative practice in a retreat setting, allowing them the opportunity to cultivate mindfulness, compassion, personal well-being and professional efficacy. The goal is to help these educators embody and ap-ply these qualities in school cultures and mainstream society. “Karmê Chöling is pleased to part-ner with the Hemera Foundation, a philanthropic organization that’s dedi-cated to introducing secular contempla-tive practices into mainstream society,” says Laura Greer, director of commu-nications at Karmê Chöling. “Through Humera’s Contemplative Fellowship for Educators, qualifying K-12 educators and M.Ed. students may receive a full scholarship to our Summer Dathün, a month-long meditation retreat.” Applicants must currently work full time for an accredited educational institution from kindergarten through 12th grade or be enrolled in a Master’s degree program in education. Those qualified may submit applications by March 21 at HemeraFoundation.Fluid Review.com.

For more information, call 802-633-2384 or visit KarmeCholing.org.

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Something GUD Opens Year-Round Indoor Farmers’ Market in SomervilleSomething GUD, a Somerville-based farm-to-fridge grocery

delivery service, is opening its doors to the public for the first time on March 15. Its brand-new facility includes a year-round indoor farmers’ market and shares the space with a new brewery, coffee roaster and other local food startups. Tours, music, talks by local farmers and tastings kick off at noon. Attendees will discover new local products, meet their farmers and taste-test prototype beers from onsite brewer Aeronaut Brewing Company. “Visitors will get to see the next generation of local food companies first hand,” says co-founder Colin Davis. Cost: Free, but RSVP required at [email protected]. Location: 14 Tyler St., Somerville. For more information, call 978-846-1116 or visit SomethingGud.com. See ad on page 25.

Never Glossy. Always Green. Natural Awakenings practices environmental

sustainability by using post-consumer recycled paper and soy-based ink on uncoated stock. This choice avoids the

toxic chemicals and high energy costs of producing shiny, coated paper that is challenging to recycle.

Recycling tip: Shred your Natural Awakenings and add to your compost for a great source of carbon.

Better yet, reuse and share with a friend!

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8 Boston | NaturalAwakeningsBoston.com


Interactive Class Teaches Empowered Health and Wellness

Dr. Kerry Goyette, a chiropractor and founding partner at LiveByNaturesDesign.com, a web-

based business that offers health products and transformational workshops, presents an interactive class to explore health from a new perspective from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., March 22, at Roots and Wings Yoga and Healing Arts, in Natick. The Power To Choose: The Next Generation of Health Care will teach participants about the root causes of disease, resetting genes for optimal health and preventing or reversing the effects of aging. “There has never been a more turbulent time in our healthcare system,” says Goyette. “Now more than ever, it is essential to empower ourselves with knowledge and become proactive about our own

health, which is the foundation of our lives.” Participants will learn which questions to ask regarding their health, identify inconsistencies that hold them back from achieving health goals, and take consistent actions to improve their well-being and quality of life. “Students will leave feeling more confident and in control of their health,” she says.

Location: 317 N. Main St., Natick. For more information, call 877-609-6767 or visit LiveByNaturesDesign.com. See ad on page 41 and Resource Guide on page 46.

Dr. Kerry Goyette

CEU Courses for Massage Therapists at Visions HealthCare

Visions HealthCare is hosting continuing educa-tion courses for massage therapists and bodywork

professionals at their Dedham location. The March and April courses will cover a myofascial approach to neck, shoulder and back pain. The daylong course on March 21 will focus on back pain, while the workshop on April 4 will cover neck and shoulder concerns. Participants receive a discount for attending both workshops, which will al-low them to comprehensively treat common aches and pains. Massage therapists receive seven continuing education credits for each course from the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. “These workshops offer a multidimensional approach to evaluate and treat each client individually using a variety of bodywork techniques,” says instruc-tor Andraly Horn, a Licensed Massage Therapist and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist. “Participants will walk away with a better understanding of how the whole body is connected through the fascial system, and how releasing the fascia resolves neck, shoulder and back pain.”

Location: 910 Washington St., Dedham. To register, call 781-232-5431. More information is available at VisionsHealthCare.com. See ad back cover.

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9natural awakenings March 2014

newsbriefs Have Conventional Therapies Failed You?

LOSE YOUR PAIN Enhance Your Health with Integrative Bodywork• Speed Recovery of Sports Injuries • Relieve Pain • Release Stress

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617-413-7174 PhoenixHealingArts.net

FREE 15-minute phone consultationFREE 30-minute session for first-time clients

Sample and Learn About EVOO From ExpertInternationally known olive expert and

taster Johnny Madge visits Andover from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., April 6, to lead a dis-cussion and tasting of extra virgin olive oils, at the Lanham Club, and from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., April 10, at the Rustic Kitch-en, in Boston. Dr. Rudolph Lantelme, owner of Madge and Louie’s olive oil im-porters, is hosting these events to educate people about the health benefits of using 100 percent Italian extra virgin olive oil. “Pure, extra virgin olive oil is differ-ent in both taste and health benefits,” says Lantelme. “With Johnny’s help, we hope to clear up a lot of confusion regarding the quality and meaning of olive oils labeled ‘extra virgin’ and understand the benefits associated with using this oil as our primary source of fat.” Lantelme reports that a recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine established the significance of extra virgin olive oil in the Mediterranean diet. “In this study, participants who were assigned to a Mediterranean diet that was supple-mented with either nuts or extra virgin ol-ive oil had a 30 percent lower risk of car-diovascular events nearly five years after the study than those assigned to a low-fat control diet,” he says. “I believe that extra virgin olive oil can truly be called one of the healthiest foods on the planet.”

Location: 260 N. Main St., Andover. For more information call 855-386-6546 or visit ExtraVirginOlio.com. See ad on page 27 and Resource Guide on page 46.

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10 Boston | NaturalAwakeningsBoston.com

newsbriefsComing Next Month

To advertise or

participate in our

April edition, call


Green Living

Starts at Home Local natural-

health and sustain-ability

advocates show us how.

Gluten-Free and Traditional Italian Fare at Porcini’s in WatertownPorcini’s Italian Restaurant, in Watertown, now

caters to customers seeking gluten-free choices by offering a variety of gluten-free dishes that are clearly marked on the menu for easy identification and less guesswork. “More people than ever are going on a gluten-free diet or have celiac disease, and they find it challenging to order when eating out,” says Executive Chef Rodney Moreira, a native of Brazil. “Porcini’s makes it easy for customers to live a healthy lifestyle and enjoy a variety of delicious foods that work for specialized diets.” All menu items at Porcini’s are made with fresh produce from Russo’s in Watertown and fresh meat, poultry and seafood from local markets that Moreira personally hand cuts. The open kitchen allows customers to see and smell each dish that is prepared. Porcini’s offers a casual atmosphere with dining by a fireplace in the winter and a garden patio in the spring and summer.

Location: 68 School St., Watertown. For more information, call 617-924-2221 or visit Porcinis.com. See online ad at NaturalAwakeningsBoston.com.

Free Workshops on Ideal Protein Weight Loss MethodJoyce Strong, RN, BSN, of Ideal

Weight-Total Well Coach, presents free workshops on the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol, Tuesdays at 6 p.m., in Nashua, New Hampshire. Strong, a certified well coach and integrative practitioner, will be joined by other coaches in supporting attendees through detox, weight loss and health goals. “Ideal Protein is a medically derived weight-loss method with more than a decade of success,” says Strong. “Our dieters receive one-on-one coaching to both motivate and educate them, ensuring that they receive the knowledge to confidently make smarter lifestyle choices after dieting. We’re dedicated to helping people achieve their weight loss goals and helping to bring forth the inner confidence they need to maintain a stable weight.” Attendees qualify for a substantial savings on Strong’s initial consultation fee while getting started on weight loss and health goals.

Location: One Tara Blvd., Ste. 200, Nashua, NH. For more information, call 617-666-1122 or visit TotalWellCoach.com. See online Resource Guide listing at Submit.NaturalAwakeningsBoston.com/MIDS/Community-Resource-Guide.

Rodney Moreira

Read more Health Briefs and Global Briefs each month at NaturalAwakeningsBoston.com

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11natural awakenings March 2014


Boston Flower & Garden Show Invites Attendees to Flirt with Dirt

The Boston Flower & Garden Show will return to the Seaport World Trade Center, in Boston, from March 12 through 16,

with the theme Romance in the Garden. Set to the backdrop of spectacular garden displays by cut-ting-edge landscape professionals and area nurseries, the 2014 Boston Flower & Garden Show will feature hours of lectures and demonstrations by top garden writers, industry experts and creative local chefs; a diverse and lively marketplace featuring thousands of plants and hundreds of the newest gardening products; and new special events designed to illustrate the chang-ing landscape of gardening. The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts and the Massachusetts Horticul-tural Society will coordinate colorful competitions amongst the region’s top amateur floral arrangers and horticulturists. New this year, the Ecological Landscape Associa-tion and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will team up to offer a once-a-day tour of the show’s gardens, pointing out the ecologically sound practices on display. Master gardeners will also be on hand to help with vexing garden issues from soil typing to insect treatments. A children’s activities center will feature arts and crafts, face-painting and garden fun. Cost: $20 and under. Location: Seaport World Trade Center, 200 Seaport Blvd. For more information and to purchase tickets, call Paragon Group at 781-273-5533 or visit BostonFlowerShow.com. See ad below.

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kudosCarolyn Romano, owner of Bliss Healing Arts, in Maynard, is now a certified

Mind-Body Medicine Practitioner through The Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington, D.C. Romano will be offering a full complement of mind-body skills groups at Bliss Healing Arts throughout the year. The center’s world-renowned and research-based pro-gram teaches self-awareness and mind-body techniques to help people reach their goals, whether they are focused on self-care, weight loss, healing or managing disease or chronic illness or otherwise trying to change their lives. “Research

shows that group support is a medium in which self-care can flourish,” says Romano. “I’ve personally benefitted from the mind-body skills group process, and I’m delighted to share it with others.” Bliss Healing Arts is an integrative healing and spiritual center focused on energy medicine, mind-body skill building, shamanic healing and other mo-dalities that support emotional, spiritual and physical well-being.

For more information, call 508-481-2547 or visit BlissHealingArts.com.

Groton Wellness, a growing and vibrant organization consisting of a holistic dental and medical practice and a wellness spa and café, welcomes Dr. Gerry Dembrowski, DC, and Grace Ramsey Coolidge, a licensed mental health counselor, to its practice. Dembrowski practices specialized kinesiology, a specialty within chiropractic care that features muscle testing to gauge how the nervous system, various organs and glands function. This in turn enables Dem-browski to better target any necessary chiropractic adjustments at the core level for healing.

Dembrowski holds a doctorate degree in chiropractic from Palmer College of Chiropractic West in San Jose, Cali-fornia. He is an Internationally Certified N.O.T. Instructor and holds certifications in Endocranial Therapy, Sacral Occipital Technique 1 and 2 and Applied Kinesiology. Steve Lane, CEO of Groton Wellness, states, “Gerry comes to us with many years of experience helping patients heal and thrive naturally and is a welcomed addition to Groton Wellness.” Dembrowski comments, “This center uses amazing, pioneering technology and employs incredibly knowledgeable

practitioners. I look forward to meeting the community and helping them with their specialized kinesiology, chiropractic care.”

With over 25 years of experience, Ramsey Coolidge has weaved her stylized psychotherapy practice into an art form that is keenly aimed towards finding the root causes of issues using muscle testing and intuition. She works with mental, emotional, physical and spiritual issues that get to the root causes of issues. Jean Nordin-Evans, co-founder of Groton Wellness, states, “Grace brings many years of healing wisdom, as well as a new dimension to our offerings through psychotherapy and emotional healing. It is becoming more and more accepted

within the mainstream world of medicine that emotional health and clarity is the most significant factor in healing any illness.”

Groton Wellness in located at Mill Run Plaza, 493-495 Main St., Groton. For more information regarding Groton Wellness’ services and philosophy, and to view a list of upcoming classes and events, visit GrotonWellness.com.

Gerry Dembrowski, DC

Grace Ramsey Coolidge

Carolyn Romano

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13natural awakenings March 2014

BELLA NATURAL HEALTHDr. Dawna Jones, MD99 Longwater Circle

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See ad on page 39

GROTON WELLNESSDr. Sarika Arora, MD493-495 Main Street


GrotonWellness.comSee ad on page 21

Resource Guide on page 44


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781-431-1333VisionsHealthCare.comSee ad on back page

Resource Guide on page 43

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See ad on page 23 Resource Guide on page 44

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Active Isolated Stretching Can Relieve Aches and Pains

The Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) method of muscle lengthening and fascial release is a type of stretching tech-

nique that provides effective, dynamic, facilitated stretching of major muscle groups, but more importantly, AIS provides functional and physiological restoration of superficial and deep fascial planes. For years, prolonged static stretching, lasting up to 60

seconds, was the gold standard stretching technique. However, prolonged static stretching actually decreases the blood flow within the tissue creating localized restriction in blood supply to tissues and lactic acid buildup. This can potentially cause irritation or injury to muscles, tendons and neural tissues, similar to the ef-fects and consequences of trauma and overuse syndromes. Performing an Active Isolated Stretch of no longer than two seconds allows the target muscles to optimally lengthen without triggering the protective stretch reflex and subsequent reciprocal muscle contraction as the isolated muscle achieves a state of relaxation. These stretches provide maximum benefit and can be accomplished without opposing tension or resulting trauma. Stefan Matte, LMT, CPT, is owner of The A.I.S. Institute, in Watertown. He re-ports AIS is for people that want to improve themselves and feel ready to take on the day as well as for those that have been struggling with persistent pain. “Clients leave with an overall sense of well-being, hope and a program they can start using to take control of their health,” he says.

The A.I.S. Institute is located at 103 Morse St., Watertown. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 617-905-3038 or visit TheAISInstitute.com. See ad on page 15, and Resource Guide on page 44.

Superfoods Defend Against Radiation

Two superfoods show promise for pro-tecting people from radiation damage—

cruciferous vegetables and miso, a food paste made from fermented soybeans. Sci-entists have identified a specific chemical byproduct, 3,3’diindolylmethane (DIM), derived from the digestion of cruciferous

vegetables and especially concentrated in broccoli, that is responsible for the defensive effect. The source of miso’s beneficial properties needs further investiga-tion, but appears to stem from the fermentation process. Research led by Gary Firestone, Ph.D., of the University of California-Berkley, and physician Eliot Rosen, Ph.D., of Georgetown University, in Washington, D.C., concluded that administering supplemental DIM before or immediately following lethal levels of radiation exposure protected rats from immediate death. If clinical trials with humans are successful, the compound could be used to minimize acute radiation sickness. A comprehensive research review published in the Journal of Toxicologic Pathology lends credence to miso’s shielding power. Mice that ate miso a week before irradiation appeared to be protected from radiation injury.

Legumes Improve Blood Sugar, Blood PressureA cup of beans a day may keep the

doctor away. In a randomized trial published in the Archives of Internal Medicine of 121 participants diagnosed with diabetes melli-tus, daily con-sumption of ap-

proximately one cup of legumes (peas and beans) was found to improve glycemic control and reduce systolic blood pressure and heart rate, thereby reducing participants’ calculated risk score for coronary heart disease (CHD). Body weight, waist circumference and fasting blood glucose and triglycer-ide levels also decreased on the legume diet. Legumes appear to make dietary carbohydrates digest more slowly and with a lower glycemic index, which has been associated with reduced hyperten-sion and fewer CHD events in pre-diabetic individuals.


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Coconut Oil Manages Cholesterol, Shrinks WaistlinesReduced physical activity and increased consumption of carbohydrates and

saturated fats fuel increased rates of obesity, cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance, plus abnormal lipid content in the blood. Although coconut oil is a saturated fat, its chemical composition appears to prevent it from generating nega-tive effects on lipid profiles, according to a growing body of research. In an earlier study published in Lipids, women that exhibited abdominal obe-sity consumed supplements of either coconut oil or soybean oil. Throughout the 12-week trial, both groups followed the same weight-loss diet. At the end, the coconut oil group presented a higher level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or protective cholesterol, and smaller waistlines, while the soybean oil group showed lower HDL levels and an increase in total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) plus a less desirable LDL-to-HDL ratio. In a later study published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, consumption of coconut oil was again associated with a beneficial lipid profile in pre-menopausal women. Researchers that conducted a concurrent pilot study with male and female subjects found that men also experienced shrink-ing waistlines when supplementing with coconut oil. They explain that coconut oil contains mainly medium-chain fatty acids, which rapidly convert into energy, thereby circumventing the cycle that makes cholesterol and stores fat (Pharmacology).

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globalbriefsNews and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Homegrown AccessCreative Paths for Local Food SourcingEntrepreneurs are creating novel ways to circumvent the commercial food system that ships food, in or out of season, for hundreds or thousands of miles at the cost of quality and too often, accountability. Re:farm Denver, in Colorado, for example, supplies fami-lies with everything they need for backyard gardens, from irrigation systems to seeds. In 2013, 200 families participated. Cottage food laws allow artisans to sell breads, jams, candy and other foods made in home kitchens. While specific restrictions vary, 42 states have some type of cottage law. Beth-Ann Betz, who bakes sweets in her New Hampshire kitchen, says, “It gives me the option to be independent and self-employed at 66.” At the Community Thanksgiving Potluck, in Laguna Beach, California, dinner is shared, not served. For 25 years, those with homes and without, single people, families, city council members and the jobless have gathered to share food and community for the holiday. “It’s a wonderful chaos,” says Dawn Price, executive director of the nonprofit Friendship Shelter. At Bottles Liquor, in West Oakland, California, a banner reads “Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Available Here.” Bottles is a member of the Healthy Neighbor-hood Store Alliance, an effort of the nonprofit Mandela Marketplace to bring pesticide-free produce to corner stores throughout the neighborhood.

Source: Yes magazine

Farm ReliefFDA Wakens to Local NeedsSmall farms, farmers’ markets, local food processors and community food banks have been given a re-prieve, because on December 19, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided to take a second look at proposed new laws that would have put many of them out of business. The new rules, proposed un-der the Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA), came under fire from consumers, farmers and others with voices that were heard. The FDA said its “thinking has evolved,” and “…significant changes will be needed in key provi-sions of the two proposed rules affecting small and large farmers. These provisions include water quality

standards and testing, standards for using raw manure and compost, certain provi-sions affecting mixed-use facilities and procedures for withdrawing the qualified exemption for certain farms.”

Source: TheDailyGreen.com

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Portland on TapCity Voters Reject Fluoridation AgainPortland, Oregon, residents have rejected a plan to fluori-

date city water for the fourth time since 1956, making it the largest city (pop. 900,000) in the United States without fluoride in its water supply. In the 1950s, cities throughout the U.S. championed water fluori-dation as a way of fighting tooth decay, but the effort backfired when a condition called fluorosis emerged, which ironically is char-acterized by tooth enamel discoloration and erosion. Anti-fluoride forces say that water treatment is not the key to better dental

health for children. Fluoride Action Network Executive Di-rector Paul Connett, Ph.D., has a better idea. “We urge the legalization of dental therapists in Oregon who will treat the low-income children dentists refuse to treat.”


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A growing trend has the ringing of a doorbell heralding the arrival of healthy food. In addition to the

convenience, time and fuel savings of having a grocery delivery van make one combined round trip to multiple customers’ doorsteps instead of individual roundtrips to the market, it also generates far fewer vehicle emissions. Boston home deliveries of local and organic fresh fruits and vegetables have customers clamoring for more. Something GUD (SomethingGUD.com) delivers a full

diet of groceries directly from the local community of family farms, butchers, fishermen, bakers and cheese makers to customers’ doors each week. As more people become interested in eating local, sustainable food, Something GUD provides research into the best local businesses that believe in sustainable

practices and make the highest quality products. Customers can then purchase these products online, saving time and reducing one’s carbon footprint, while investing in local family businesses. Since 2002, Boston Organics (BostonOrganics.com) has been working directly with organic farms and wholesalers to deliver boxes of fresh, certified organic produce directly to homes and offices, year-round. They also offer organic bulk, seasonal and local specialty grocery items, including eggs, cheese and bread that can be purchased as “add-ons” to a weekly or bi-weekly produce box. Additionally, they provide an e-newsletter with storage tips, recipes and notes about the produce. “Boston Organics provides a vital link between

farmers and consumers. When farmers partner with Boston Organics,

they can focus on growing the finest quality organic produce with minimal environmental impact because they know that they will have a reliable market at the end of the season,” says Boston Organics President Jeffrey Barry. “Our emphasis on a transparent exchange with our customers ensures that consumers understand where their food is coming from and what it takes to get it from the field to their kitchen.” Going a step further, other companies are delivering prepared healthy meals. The Foodery (FooderyBoston.com)

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delivers meals prepared from organic, local and sustainable ingredients and delivers them to busy families and professionals. The company posts a new

menu each week, orders are placed online by Thursday nights and meal bundles are delivered by Sunday evenings so customers can have their meals for the busy work week. They recently moved into a new 4,000-sq.-foot kitchen facility, in South Boston, launching a Kickstarter campaign with a fundraising goal of $100,000 to help finance new kitchen equipment and a menu expansion. “Through the industrialization of agriculture, food is more abundant than ever, yet greatly compromised,” says Michael Speights, co-founder. “The Foodery believes real health starts with knowing the origins of our food and how food nourishes our bodies, affects our world and sustains life.”

by Nancy Somera

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GROTON WELLNESS: Holistic Dental Care and More for Total Well-beingby Kim Childs

Jean Nordin-Evans, a holistic dentist and co-owner of Groton Wellness, in Groton, graduated from dental

school in 1999. Shortly afterwards she moved to Boston, where she met Dr. Bob Evans, a seasoned practitioner of holistic dentistry who charmed her both personally and professionally, showing her a new way to treat patients. “The difference was palpable,” says Nordin-Evans. “He seemed to really care about the person and their whole being, not just getting in and fixing teeth, and he factored in everything that was happening with them physiologically.” The couple would eventually marry and open their own practice, Groton Dental Wellness, in 2004. Ten years later, the practice includes a medical practice and therapeutic spa, a farm-to-table café and detoxification and wellness education programs. The staff includes a functional M.D., naturopathic doctor, RN, herbalist, acupuncturist, holistic psychotherapist, wellness coach, nutritionist and practitioners of thermography, EAV, kinesiology and chiropractic. “Our goal is to help people shift into a different reality of looking at what health and wellness and, ultimately, happiness really is for themselves,” says Nordin-Evans, adding that the dental practice is expanding this anniversary year. “If you want to treat the whole person, you need to figure out the nutrition side, the detoxification needs and the personal wellness on all levels.” Detoxification is a primary concern at Groton Wellness, where dentists begin with a comprehensive exam of the teeth, gums and all supporting structures. “If there is toxicity in the mouth, it can affect the rest of the body,” says Nordin-Evans. “Silver fillings, for example, contain 50 percent mercury, the most toxic non-radioactive substance on the planet.” The dentists at Groton look for metals in silver amalgam fillings, dental implants, crowns and bridges. They also check for root canals, which can negatively impact the immune system, according to Nordin-Evans. “The mouth is the starting place for wellness in the body, beginning with the fact that teeth need to work properly for us to eat,” she says. “And because the mouth is a place where many of us have had lots of intervention, we begin by looking for the presence of toxins, letting patients decide whether or not they want to address it.”

If detoxification is desired, it can be done through a variety of means at Groton Wellness. “It doesn’t have to be painful or involve expensive work,” Nordin-Evans reports, “It can mean using the far-infrared sauna at the center, taking clay or magnesium baths or periodically doing colon hydrotherapy, as well as working with practitioners who suggest dietary changes, supplements and other remedies that can help with detoxification.” Once the detoxification is done, it’s important to “feed” the person with massage, facials and nourishing food, says Nordin-Evans. “People tend to think of detoxing as being all about extracting, but it’s really about eliminating some of the toxins we’re all exposed to and then figuring out ways to re-nourish the person physiologically, emotionally and spiritually.” Examining the root causes of tooth decay is another concern among Groton practitioners, where patients of all ages can show up with cavities, even when they are eating healthy diets. “A person who is absorbing nutrients and has good system functioning will not get cavities,” says Nordin-Evans. “When someone is doing all the right things with their diet and still getting cavities or gum inflammation, we dig deeper and figure out what’s not working in the body.” Inflammation in the gums can indicate inflammation in the arteries, which is the root of cardiovascular disease, Nordin-Evans notes. Groton practitioners can run tests to determine the presence of toxins in the body, see what nutrients patients are and are not absorbing and gauge how well someone’s systems are functioning. In the process, problems outside the mouth can be discovered and addressed. “Our healthcare system today is focused on saying, ‘This is your symptom, let’s give you something to cover it up,’” Nordin-Evans notes. “If I simply prescribe more fluoride for tooth decay, I’m not getting at the source of the problem. Teaching someone to care for their teeth holistically can improve their whole life.”

Groton Wellness is located in Mill Run Plaza, 493 Main St. (Rte. 119), Groton. For more information, call 978-449-9919 or visit GrotonWellness.com. See ad on page 21 and Resource Guide on page 44.

Dr. Jean Nordin-Evans

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Fresh Food TrendsNatural Trailblazers in Sustainable Eating

by Melinda Hemmelgarn

There’s even a new term, “hyperlo-cal”, to describe produce harvest-ed fresh from onsite gardens at

restaurants, schools, supermarkets and hospitals—all designed for sourcing tasty, nutrient-rich foods minus the fuel-guzzling transportation costs. Adding emphasis to the need to preserve vital local food sources, the United Nations has designated 2014 as the Internation-al Year of Family Farming. Here are four thriving food trends resulting from shifts in Americans’ thinking and our growing love for all things local.

ForagingWhat could be more entertaining and economical than searching for and gathering wild foods in their natural habitat? From paw paws and persim-mons in Missouri to palmetto berries

in Florida and seaweed in California, Mother Nature provides a feast at her children’s feet. Commonly for-aged foods include nuts, mushrooms, greens, herbs, fruits and even shellfish. To learn how to identify regional na-tive wild foods and cash in on some “free” nutritious meals, foragers need to know where and when to harvest their bounty. Conservation departments and state and national parks often offer helpful field guides and recipes. Jill Nussinow, also known as The Veggie Queen, a registered dietitian and cookbook author in Santa Rosa, California, characterizes foraging as “nature’s treasure hunt.” Nussinow says she forages for the thrill of it and be-cause, “It puts you very much in touch with the seasons.” On her typical foraging excursions through forests and on beaches, Nussi-

now notes, “You never know what you might find: mushrooms, berries, miner’s lettuce, mustard pods or sea vegetables. It’s free food, there for the picking.” However, she warns, “You have to know what you are doing. Some wild foods can be harmful.” For example, Nussinow advises getting to know about mushrooms before venturing forth to pick them. She recommends the book Mushrooms De-mystified, by David Arora, as a learning tool, and checking with local myco-logical associations for safe mushroom identification. She also likes the advice of “Wildman” Steve Brill, of New York City, who publishes educational articles at WildmanSteveBrill.com. “He knows more about wild foods than anyone I know,” she says. Vermont wildcrafter Nova Kim teaches her students not only how to identify wild edibles, but also how to harvest them sustainably. It’s critical to make sure wild foods will be available for future generations.

FermentationKefir, kimchi, kombucha and sauerkraut all owe their unique flavors to fermen-tation. Sandor Katz, author of The Art of Fermentation: An In-Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes From Around the World, is a self-described “fermentation revivalist”. He explains how microorganisms, such as lactic acid bacteria that are universally present on raw vegetables and in milk, transform fresh food into preserved sustenance. Katz recalls how his boyhood love for sour pickles grew to an “obsession with all things fermented.” An abun-dant garden crop of cabbage left him wondering, “What are we going to do with all that cabbage?” The answer came naturally: “Let’s make sauer-kraut.” Subsequently, Katz has become an international expert on the art and science of fermentation from wine to brine and beyond, collecting recipes and wisdom from past generations (WildFermentation.com). He observes, “Every single culture enjoys fermented foods.” Increasing respect and reverence for fermented foods and related com-munities of beneficial microorgan-isms is a new frontier in nutrition and

Food experts have listed local, regional and sustainable foods among the top food trends for 2014. Consumers’ heightened environmental awareness and their love for fresh flavors are responsible.

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medical sciences. For example, several researchers at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics annual meeting last fall in Houston, Texas, described the connec-tions between the trillions of bacteria living in the human gut, known as the “microbiota”, and mental and physi-cal health. Kelly Tappenden, Ph.D., a professor of nutrition and gastrointes-tinal physiology with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, ex-plained that gut bacteria play a variety of roles, including assisting in the digestion and absorption of nutrients; influencing gene expression; support-ing the immune system; and affect-ing body weight and susceptibility to chronic disease.

Feed MattersThe popular adage, “We are what we eat,” applies to animals, as well. New research from Washington State Uni-versity shows that organic whole milk from pasture-fed cows contains 62 percent higher levels of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids compared to con-ventional, or non-organic, whole milk. The striking difference is accounted for by the fact that the U.S. Depart-ment of Agriculture’s national organic program legally requires that organic cows have access to pasture through-out the grazing season. The more time cows spend on high-quality pasture, which includes grass, legumes and hay, the more beneficial the fats will be in their milk. On the other hand, when ruminant animals, designed to graze on pasture, are fed a steady diet of corn and soy, both their milk and meat contain less beneficial fat. According to Captain Joseph Hib-beln, a lipid biochemist and physician at the National Institutes of Health, American diets have become deficient in omega-3 fatty acids over the past 100 years, largely because of indus-trial agriculture. Hibbeln believes that consuming more omega-3s may be one of the most important dietary changes Americans can make to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve mental health and enhance children’s brain and eye development, including boosting their IQs. Coldwater fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines provide excellent sources of omega-3 fatty

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acids. Plus, dairy and meat from animals raised on pasture can improve our intake, as well.

FaithHow might eating with the “creation” in mind influence food and agriculture trends? Barbara Ross, director of social ser-vices for Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri, believes, “People’s common denominator is that we are all part of and integral to the creation.” She considers how “Food, agriculture, environment and economy are bound together in a way that requires we think, plan and act for the dignity of each person and the common good of the human family.” Ross explains that the choices we make in these vital areas affect the richness of our soils, the purity of our air and water and the health of all living things. Marie George, Ph.D., a professor of philosophy at St. John’s University, in Queens, New York, agrees, “The serious ecological crises we see today stem from the way we think,” and “reveal an urgent moral need for a new solidarity” to be better stewards of the Earth and its creatures. For example, George sees it as contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer; that’s why she opposes gestation crates and the push for cheap food that exploits animals and the environment in the process. Kelly Moltzen, a registered dietitian in Bronx, New York, shares a passion for addressing food justice and sustainability from her faith-based perspective of Franciscan spirituality. She believes that, “When we connect our spirituality with the daily act of eating, we can eat in a way that leads to a right relation-ship with our Creator.” By bridging spirituality with nutrition and the food system, Moltzen hopes to raise awareness of how people can care for their body as a temple and live in right relationship with the Earth, which she perceives as “the larger house of God.” Fred Bahnson, director of the Food, Faith and Religious Leadership Initiative at Wake Forest University’s School of Divinity, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, is the author of Soil and Sacrament: A Spiritual Memoir of Food and Faith. His book takes the reader on a journey to four different faith com-munities—Catholic, Protestant, Pentecostal and Jewish—to explore connections between spiritual nourishment and the cultivation of food. Bahnson speaks about sacred soil and the communities of mystical microorganisms that lie within and create the foundation for sustenance. He also describes the special power of communal gardens, which welcome all and provide nourishing food, yet come to satisfy more than physi-cal hunger. Regardless of religious denomination, Amanda Archibald, a registered dietitian in Boulder, Colorado, believes, “We are in a new era of food—one that embraces and honors food producers and food systems that respect soil, environment and humanity itself.”

Melinda Hemmelgarn, aka the “food sleuth”, is a registered di-etitian and award-winning writer and radio host at KOPN.org, in Columbia, MO ([email protected]). She advocates for organic farmers at Enduring-Image.blogspot.com.

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Dr. Iontcheva-Barehmi is an accomplished dentist and specialist in Periodontics

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The Boston local food scene is thriving, and there are many opportunities for involvement and learning to become more conscious of our role in our food sys-

tems. Here is a sampling of some groups and businesses that are making a difference in our community: Boston Local Food (BostonLocalFood.org), a program created by Sustainable Business Network of Massachu-setts, works with nearby farms, restaurants and other food producers and distributors to promote growing a sustain-able and healthy local food system. While still in the early stages of planning some of their 2014 events, Boston Local Food is excited to bring the Local Food Trade Show to the area from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., March 4, at Northeast-ern University, and will feature more than 35 local food producers. Vendor registration is still open. Later, they will host the 3rd Annual Hyper-Local Craft Brewfest (BostonLocalFood.com/our-events/localcraftbrew) on June 13 and 14, at the Center for Arts at the Armory, in Somer-ville, where local beverage producers can showcase brews incorporating local ingredients. Another business inspiring city members is City Grow-ers (CityGrowers.wordpress.com), a company that trans-forms vacant lots into healthy organic gardens in response to the growing need for natural, chemical-free food in the city. They aspire to revitalize the economy in some of the most needed Boston areas, with local neighborhoods play-ing a pivotal role in the development of small-scale agri-cultural production. City Growers works collectively with community groups to acquire land, prepare it for planting and train growers to cultivate it using carbon-free practices.

Ultimately, their farms will be managed and worked by lo-cal community residents. While they regularly seek volun-teers, City Growers’ mission includes creating livable wage employment opportunities for community members. Not to be confused with City Growers, Green City Growers (GreenCityGrowers.com), in Somerville, is a group of experienced and passionate organic farmers specializing in building, maintaining and harvesting raised-bed produce gardens, which can be placed anywhere the sun shines—yards, rooftops, decks or parking spaces. GCG was estab-lished to offer families, schools and businesses throughout New England a professional and experienced “helping hand” to install and maintain chemical-free vegetable gar-dens. They offer full maintenance plans, hands-on growing consultations and educational programs, as well as winter growing products and services. Since 1993, Community Involved in Sustaining Agricul-ture (CISA) has been working to strengthen the connections between farms and the community, by creating and running programs that link farmers, community members and mar-kets. This year they have set a goal to double the amount of local food in our diets, currently at only 12.5 percent in Boston. To assist in that goal, CISA has been hosting a Win-ter Farmer Workshop Series on farm labor to help farmers understand the legal framework and financial implications of farm labor choices, and improve labor management strat-egies to build a stronger and more productive farm crews.

Katelyn Betrovski is a freelance writer living in the Boston area. Connect at [email protected].

Local Food Superstars by Katelyn Betrovski

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SuperherbsFour Plants that Fight Off Disease

by Kathleen Barnes

Herbs, respected for their healing properties for millennia, have been widely used by traditional

healers with great success. Now clinical science supports their medicinal qualities. Pharmaceutical companies routinely extract active ingredients from herbs for common medications, including the po-tent pain reliever codeine, derived from Papaver somniferum; the head-clearing antihistamines ephedrine and pseudo-ephedrine, from Ephedra sinica; and taxol, the chemotherapy drug commonly used to treat several types of cancer, including breast cancer, from Taxus brevifolia. These are among the findings according to Leslie Taylor, a naturopath and herbalist headquartered in Milam County, Texas, and author of The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs. Even among an abundance of heal-ing herbs, some stand out as nature’s “superherbs” that provide an array of

medical properties, according to Rose-mary Gladstar, of Barre, Vermont, the renowned author of Herbal Remedies for Vibrant Health and related works. Two of these, she notes, are widely considered nuisance weeds. Plantain (Plantago major) : Com-monly used externally for poultices, open wounds, blood poisoning and bee stings, it also helps relieve a wider variety of skin irritations. According to a study pub-lished in the Indian Journal of Pharma-cology, this common “weed” fortifies the liver and reduces inflammation, which may reduce the risk for many kinds of chronic diseases. At least one study, published in the journal Planta Medica, suggests that plantain can enhance the immune system to help fight cancer and infectious diseases. “Plantain is considered a sur-vival herb because of its high nutritional value,” advises Gladstar, who founded

the California School of Herbal Studies, in Sonoma County, in 1978. A new study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry confirms it’s an excellent source of alpha-tocopherol, a natural form of vitamin E and beta caro-tene that can be used in salads for those that don’t mind its bitter taste. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): Like plantain, dandelion is one of the most powerful medicinal herbs on the planet. “Dandelion is revered wherever you travel, except in the United States, where it is considered noxious,” ob-serves Gladstar. Americans should reconsider their obsession with eradication. Dandelion root is an effective treatment against several types of cancer, including often-fatal pancreatic and colorectal cancers and melanoma, even those that have proven resistant to chemotherapy and other conventional treatments, according to several studies from the University of Windsor, in England. Traditionally part of a detoxification diet, it’s also used to treat digestive ail-ments, reduce swelling and inflammation and stop internal and external bleeding. Turmeric (Curcuma longa): Turmeric gives curry powder its vibrant yellow col-or. “Curcumin, turmeric’s most important active ingredient, is a wealth of health, backed by substantial scientific evidence that upholds its benefits,” says Jan McBar-ron, a medical and naturopathic doctor in Columbus, Georgia, author of Curcumin: The 21st Century Cure and co-host of the Duke and the Doctor radio show. Several human and animal studies have shown that curcumin can be an ef-fective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, both in prevention and to slow or even stop its progress. One Australian study showed that curcumin helps rid the body of heavy metals that may be an underly-ing cause of the memory-robbing disease. Scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles, found that curcumin helped dissolve the plaques and tangles of brain material characteristic to Alzheimer’s. Curcumin is also known to be effec-tive in lessening depression and prevent-ing heart disease, some types of cancer and diabetes, says McBarron. Ginger (Zingiber officinale): Primari-ly used for its considerable anti-inflamma-tory properties, ginger makes a delicious


Mother Nature’s most potent healing herbs are already on most spice racks or growing nearby, often right outside the door.

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and healing tea and an enticing spice in a variety of dishes. This herbal powerhouse has at least 477 active ingredients, ac-cording to Beyond Aspirin, by Thomas M. Newmark and Paul Schulick. Considerable research confirms ginger’s effectiveness against a variety of digestive problems, including nausea from both morning sickness and chemo-therapy. Research from Florida’s Univer-

Opportunities in herbal education are available in the Boston area for anyone interested in learning more

about how the energies of herbs help heal the body, mind and spirit. Two local herbal schools, The Boston School of Herbs and CommonWealth Center for Herbal Medicine, offer Apprenticeships and Advanced Training Programs. The faculty at The Boston School of Herbs, located in Arlington, is comprised of practicing herbalists passing down the time-honored tradition of herbalism, incorporating scientific knowledge with traditional practice and clinical experience. They utilize home gardens and the many parks and community gardens around Boston for teaching. Students are welcome to join the Apprenticeships with any level of knowledge; the only requirements are enthusiasm and a desire and commitment to learn about plants. The next First Level Apprenticeship begins April 19 and 20, and is a seven-month program, meeting one weekend each month. Students will gain hands-on experience in making tinctures, teas, salves, oils, herbal sprays and flower essences, and will be exposed to various herbal traditions such as Chinese, ayurveda and Western Herbalism. Each month, a different body system and the herbs that support and nourish it are covered in diverse and exciting classes. CommonWealth Center for Herbal Medicine’s nine-

sity of Miami also confirms its usefulness in reducing knee pain. “Ginger is a good-tasting herb to treat any type of bacterial, fungal or viral infection,” says Linda Mix, a retired regis-tered nurse in Rogersville, Tennesse, and author of Herbs for Life! The health benefits of these four vital herbs are easily accessed by grow-ing them in a home garden or pot or via

extracted supplements.

Kathleen Barnes is the author of Rx from the Garden: 101 Food Cures You Can Easily Grow. Connect at KathleenBarnes.com.

Note: For referenced studies, check the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Apprenticeship Programs Teach How Herbs Can Heal month apprenticeship program is a complete course in practical herbal medicine for beginning and intermediate students. Their popular weekend group has filled, but there is still space in the Thursday night group which begins March 6, from 6 to 9 p.m., and continues through November at their clinic location in Brookline. The curriculum covers the major systems of the body and how they function, become injured or imbalanced, and how herbs and natural therapeutics can restore health. Students will learn medicine making and take plant walks to become familiar with local herbs. Complementing the study of medicinal plants, teachers will discuss natural movement and primal nutrition, major components of the vitalist approach to healing which cannot be neglected when long-term, sustainable health is a goal. Access to an online forum for discussion of assigned readings, recordings, exercises and projects is included for all students, as well as kitchen sessions.

For more information on The Boston School of Herbs course offerings, call 781-646-6319 or register online at BostonHerbalStudies.com. See ad on page 15 and Resource Listing on page 45. To learn about CommonWealth Center for Herbal Medicine programs, call 617-750-5274 or visit CommonWealthHerbs.com. See ad on page 14 and Resource Guide on page 45.

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Although following a diet with-out gluten has become easier due to increased availability

and labeling of gluten-free foods, we still need to know how to make sure which foods strictly qualify. We always have more control in our own kitchen, yet we’re not always eating at home. Natural Awakenings asked experts to comment on reasons for the demand and offer practical tips and tactics for healthy eating on the go. According to the Center for Celiac Research & Treatment, 18 million Americans are now gluten sensitive, 3 million more suffer from celiac disease, and the numbers continue to skyrocket, says Dr. David Perlmutter, a neurolo-gist and author of Grain Brain. Gluten, a naturally occurring protein in wheat, barley and rye, is prevalent in the mod-ern American diet. Perlmutter points to new wheat hybrids and increasing amounts of gluten in processed foods as exacerbating the problem. He particu-larly cites today’s overuse of antibiot-ics and anti-inflammatory medications as contributors to “inappropriate and excessive reactions to what might otherwise have represented a non-threatening protein like gluten.”

Solutions at WorkJules Shepard, a mother of two in Washington, D.C., and author of Free for All Cooking: 150 Easy Gluten-Free, Allergy-Friendly Recipes the Whole Family Can Enjoy who also shares reci-pes at Blog.JulesGlutenFree.com, re-members when going out for a gluten-free lunch was difficult. “The friendly

GLUTEN-FREE ON THE GOSafe Eating Away from Home

by Judith Fertig

lunch spots my coworkers and I used to enjoy on a weekly and sometimes even daily basis were no longer friendly for me,” she says. “There was nothing on the menu I could eat, and it seemed better for everyone if I simply stayed in the office. But it isolated me socially from my colleagues and deprived me of a much-needed midday break that had been such an enjoyable part of my routine.” Attending catered breakfasts or lunches for office meetings also pre-sented difficulties. Shepard learned that it’s best to be pre-pared and pack something, even if it’s only a snack. “Some of my favorites include fresh fruit, like apples or bananas with peanut or almond butter, washed berries, apple-sauce, coconut yogurt, hummus and red peppers, trail mix, dry cereals like granola, and nu-trition bars. I keep a variety of these bars in my purse and car year-round, so I’m never bored with my choices.” “Gluten-free instant oatmeal is a staple in my life,” advises

Take It with You

by Wendie Trubow

Wendie M. Trubow, M.D., is the chief operating officer at Visions Healthcare in Needham, Dedham and Wellesley and a Healthy Villi board member. She lives with celiac disease and knows firsthand the chal-lenges of living gluten-free. Follow-ing are a few of her favorite recipes for taking to work or for on the go:

Chicken Salad1 chicken breast, cooked, diced (bones removed)1 cup of grapes, sliced½ cup almonds, slivered and toasted1 cup of celery, diced¼ cup sweet onion, dicedMayonnaiseSalt and pepper to tasteOptional: sliced tomato, avocado slices, cheese slices, corn crackers, rice crackers or gluten free bread

Mix all ingredients together ahead of time. Separate a portion to take along.

Black Bean Dip and Tortillas2 cans organic black beans1 lemonSalt and pepper to tasteCanola, olive or grapeseed oil; start with 2 oz, use enough to make creamy.

Put ingredients into blender, blend until creamy. Serve with tortilla chips.

Steak SaladLeftover steakSalad with your favorite ingredients (almonds, chickpeas, dried cranber- ries, grapes, avocado are some of my favorite salad additions, and the chickpeas, almonds and avocado add protein and fiber)Favorite dressing

Cut your steak up, put it on top of the salad. Dress when ready... enjoy!

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Shepard. She never leaves home with-out it, regardless of the length of the trip. “All you need is a cup or a bowl and some boiling water. Be sure to buy certified gluten-free oats, because regu-lar oats can be contaminated with glu-ten grains.” Shepard also recommends avoiding pre-sweetened varieties. Kate Chan, a teacher and mother of two in suburban Seattle, Washington, who has been following a gluten-free diet since 2000, has solved the problem of eating healthy at work another way: The family cooks extra the night before. “While cleaning up the kitchen, I just pack the leftovers for lunch. I like to vary the side dishes a bit if I pack side dishes at all, and toss in fruit and more vegetables,” she says. Chan likes to use a bento-style lunch box with several compartments, plus thermal containers, so she can enjoy a variety of gluten-free lunch options.

On the RoadIn Los Angeles, California, Kristine Kidd, former food editor at Bon Appé-tit, has recently returned to gluten-free eating. On her menu-planning and recipe blog, KristineKidd.com, and in her cookbook, Weeknight Gluten Free, she recommends whole, fresh foods from farmers’ markets that are naturally gluten-free. When she and her husband hike the Sierra Moun-tains, she carries homemade, high-fiber, gluten-free cookies to eat on the way up and packs gluten-free soups such as butternut squash and black bean, corn tortillas with fresh fillings, and fruit for a delicious lunch upon reaching the peak. Some gluten-free snacks can con-tain as many empty calories as other types of junk food, notes Registered Dietitian Katharine Tallmadge. “Many ‘gluten-free’ products are made with refined, unenriched grains and starches, which contain plenty of calories, but few vitamins or minerals.” She agrees with Kidd and others that choosing whole, natural, fresh foods, which are naturally gluten-free, makes for healthy eating wherever we go.

Judith Fertig blogs at AlfrescoFoodAnd Lifestyle.blogspot.com from Overland Park, KS.

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In recent years, Pediatrician William Sears has seen many more cases of asthma and eczema in his San Clemente, California, office. Dairy and wheat remain the biggest cul-

prits, but experts believe new factors may be contributing to the rise in food sensitivities, including synthetic additives like partially hydrogenated oils, artificial colors and flavors and sweeteners, plus genetically modified ingredients. Often undiagnosed and untreated, food intolerances can cause long-term tissue damage, warns Sears, author of The NDD Book, which addresses what he calls nutrient deficit disorder without resorting to drugs. Increasingly, kids are developing formerly adult-onset diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes, obesity, depression, cardiovascular disease and acid reflux, he says. If it seems that a child is having a dietary reaction, first look for clues. “A lot of parents already suspect the answer,” says Kelly Dorfman, a licensed nutritionist dietitian and author of What’s Eating Your Child? Become a “nutrition detective”, she suggests. Here’s how to assess conditions and find solutions.

Spitting UpSuspects: Intolerance to ca-sein—a protein prevalent in dairy cow milk different from its form in breast milk that can get into mothers’ milk or formula—tends to irritate an infant’s gut lin-ing, causing gastroesopha-geal reflux disease (GERD) and then chronic ear infections or constipation, says Dorf-man.

Action: Remove dairy from the baby’s and nursing mom’s diet for at least a week. For for-

Action Plan for Parents

Seven Signs of Food Sensitivities

by Pamela Bond

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mula feeding, choose a brand made with predigested casein or whey. To heal baby’s damaged intestinal lining, give 10 billion CFU (colony forming units) daily of probiotic bacte-ria, mixed in a bottle or sprinkled on food.

Chronic DiarrheaSuspects: Intolerance to gluten (a protein in wheat and other grains) or lactose (dairy sugar). Diarrhea, the gastrointestinal tract’s way of eliminating problematic substances, plus gas and bloating, often accompany these intolerances. Lactose intolerance is usually a root cause and is present in nearly everyone that’s gluten intolerant, Dorfman says.

Action: Get a blood test to check for celiac disease, then eliminate gluten for at least a month. Although the diarrhea could end within a week, “You need a few weeks to see a trend,” counsels Dorfman. Consume fermented dairy prod-ucts like cheese and yogurt, which have low lactose levels; cream dairy products may also test OK.

Chronic Ear InfectionsSuspects: Dairy intolerance and for many, soy sensitivity. Some research has shown that 90 percent of kids with recur-ring ear infections or ear fluid have food reactions, corrobo-rated by Dorfman’s patients.

Action: Quit dairy and soy for several months to verify a correlation. Dorfman recommends eliminating soy milk, soy yogurt and tofu, adding that ultrasensitive individuals may need to avoid processed foods that contain soy byproducts.

Itchy SkinSuspects: Reaction to gluten, casein (in dairy products) and eggs plus oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, lemons, strawber-ries and pineapple.

Action: Because itchiness can suggest a histamine response, ask an allergist for an IgE radioallergosorbent (RAST) blood test to detect food sensitivities.

HyperactivitySuspects: Sensitivity to artificial colors or sugar. Accord-ing to Sears, children’s underdeveloped blood-brain barrier increases vulnerability to the neurotoxic effects of chemical food additives, including artificial colors and monosodium glutamate (MSG).

Action: When possible, buy organic foods certified to con-tain no artificial colors. Otherwise, scrutinize food labels for the nine petroleum-based synthetic dyes in U.S. foods: Blue 1 and 2, Citrus Red 2, Green 3, Orange B, Red 3 and 40, Yellow 5 and 6. Avoid ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup, sucrose, glucose, fructose, cane sugar and syrup—all added sugars.

CrankinessSuspects: Gluten sensitivity is traditionally associated exclu-sively with digestive disturbances, but some recent studies

have linked it to neurological symptoms, from moodiness and chronic headaches to ADHD and coordination loss.

Action: Eliminate gluten for a month to assess a potential connection between mood and food, possibly signaled by excessive eating of a certain food.

Stunted GrowthSuspects: Gluten sensitivity or zinc deficiency. Because glu-ten intolerance interferes with nutrient absorption, suffering kids often fail to thrive. “Small size—height or weight—is a classic symptom of celiac disease,” Dorfman advises. Zinc could be another factor; it normalizes appetite and through its relationship with growth hormones, helps the body develop. If levels are too low, growth will be abnor-mally stunted. In such cases, a child may rarely be hungry, be a picky eater or complain that food smells or tastes funny, Dorfman says.

Action: Eliminate gluten consumption for a month. A blood test by a pediatrician can determine serum zinc levels, or buy a zinc sulfate taste test online. After sipping a zinc sul-fate solution, the child will report either tasting nothing (in-dicating deficiency) or a bad flavor (no deficiency). Zinc-rich foods include beef, chicken, beans, pumpkin seeds, cashews and chickpeas. To counter a deficiency, ask a family health-care provider for an age-appropriate supplement dose.

Pamela Bond is the managing editor of Natural Foods Merchandiser.

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Muscle Response Testing Helps Kids with Food Allergies by Kristine Jelstrup

Increasingly, parents and healthcare practitioners are seeing children be-

come symptomatic from eating certain foods. Eliminating these foods from a child’s diet can be quite challenging, however, especially with children that eat a limited variety of food in the first place. Since compliance is key to last-ing success, it helps to involve children in the process of determining which foods could be causing harm and no-ticing how much better they feel when those foods are eliminated.

Muscle Response Testing (MRT) is a great technique for determining exactly which foods trigger allergic reactions or sensitivity. To begin the process, MRT practitioners often use small glass vials containing the energies of the substanc-es being tested, starting with the most commonly eaten foods. In a typical treatment session, the practitioner has the client hold the vial with the energy of the suspected food while testing a specific muscle to see if there is a re-sponse. If the muscle that’s being tested

goes weak, it is assumed that the client has an issue with that food. This is a powerful experience for a child, who can feel his or her strong arm become weak in the presence of a particular food energy, and strong again in its absence. The child can then be told that eliminating the particular food could help him or her to feel bet-ter. When the food is removed from the diet and symptoms start to lessen after a week or so, the child will become more invested in avoiding the food. Once the problematic food is iden-tified, parents are advised to keep it away from the child for a certain period of time, allowing the child’s body to begin to heal. Some practitioners would also offer supplements to support the body as it works its way back to better health. For example, a child with gluten intolerance most likely has a weak gut lining that has been leaking proteins to the blood stream, causing an immune response. This child might be put on whole food supplements to support and repair the lining of the gut. Some practitioners also use treat-ments to help strengthen the child’s constitution so that he or she can actu-ally move past the allergy and eat the food again with no ill effects, as with tree nuts or eggs. Three techniques that have shown great results helping individuals to overcome food sensitivi-ties are Koren Specific Technique, Bio-Kinetics Health Restoration System and the Morphogenic Field Technique.

Kristine Jelstrup, LMT, CBK, is a natural health care practitioner and owner of Central Square Health and Wellness, located at 126 Prospect St., #5, in Cambridge. For more information, call 617-833-3407 or visit CentralSquareHealthAndWellness.com. See ad on page 16 and Resource Guide on page 43.

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GMO Labeling Movement Heats Up in

Massachusettsby Myrna Greenfield

Most processed foods contain some genetically engineered ingredi-

ents, such as corn, soy beans and sugar beets, yet U.S. manufacturers are not required to state whether their products contain GMO ingredients. Currently, 64 other countries—including most other industrialized countries such as the 15 European Union nations, Japan, Australia, Russia and China—require GMO labeling. Five bills requiring some form of GMO labeling bills are currently in committee in the Massachusetts legisla-ture. If any of the bills get voted out of committee by March 18, advocates will have until July to help the legislation pass. If either deadline is missed, there won’t be another opportunity for Mas-sachusetts to consider GMO labeling until the 2015 legislative session opens. Massachusetts Right to Know GMOs, a statewide education and ad-vocacy group, is currently engaged in mobilizing Massachusetts citizens to contact their legislators. “We generated 2,000 emails and phone calls to legis-lators in early February,” recently stated Martin Dagoberto, the network facilita-tor for the organization. Massachusetts residents are getting behind the issue. A MoveOn.org peti-tion supporting Massachusetts legisla-tion to label GMOs has gathered nearly 15,000 signatures. Activists are also planning their third worldwide March Against Monsanto corporation on May 24, with local actions in Boston, Chi-copee and New Bedford. Dagoberto is “cautiously optimis-tic” that the Massachusetts legislation will pass. “We’re encouraging legisla-tors to work together on one bill that has the best, most legally defensible

language,” he said. Either way, Dago-berto believes that the U.S. will eventu-ally require some form of labeling for GMO foods. “GMO labeling is inevi-table,” he says. “We’re hitting a critical mass of awareness. It’s only a matter of time before we regain control of our food supply.” Despite a massive industry effort to oppose GMO labeling, most Ameri-cans are in favor of it. According to a 2013 New York Times poll, 93 percent of Americans support labeling GMO foods. A growing number of consumers are going out of their way to purchase non-GMO foods. A 2013 Organic Trade Association consumer survey found that 22 percent of consumers are choosing organic foods specifically because they want to avoid GMOs—up from 17 per-cent in 2011. “Certified organic products aren’t allowed to contain genetically modified

ingredients,” states Jeff Barry, owner of Boston Organics, an independent or-ganic produce and grocery delivery ser-vice. “Many of our customers will buy only organic, because they don’t want to serve GMO foods to their families.” Consumers that wish to avoid non-GMO foods can also look for foods containing the Non-GMO Verified or GMO Guard Verification seals, or avoid eating processed foods, unless they’re organic. GMO Free Massachusetts, a coalition that educates consumers about the issue and informs them how to buy non-GMO products, has a sec-tion on their website listing GMO-free products.

Myrna Greenfield blogs about grow-ing, buying, cooking and eating lo-cal, healthy, sustainable food on The PescoVegetarian Times at PescoVeg Times.com.


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be goodpurr often wag more


Chemicals Harm Pets, Too

The nationwide health epidemic of chronic diseases afflicting the human population is also showing up

among companion animals. According to a report by the Environmental Working Group, pets, like a canary in a coal mine, may be the environmental sentinels that are now sig-naling a clear connection between disease and manmade chemicals. In a study that analyzed blood samples of dogs and cats, 48 of 70 industrial chemicals and pollutants were traced, many recording levels that were substantially higher than previously reported in national studies of humans. Dogs dis-played double the concentration of perfluorochemicals (used in stain-proof and grease-proof coatings); cats evidenced 23 times the concentration of polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) fire retardants and 5.4 times the amount of mercury. PBDE levels in hyperthyroid cats have been linked to eat-ing canned cat food and to the increased use of PBDEs in consumer products during the past 30 years. In humans, high levels of flame-retardant chemicals are implicated in endo-crine disruption, Type 2 diabetes and thyroid disease. Suggestions for minimiz-ing exposure include avoid-ing chemical-laden house-hold cleaners, furnishings and carpet; drinking carbon-filtered water; steering clear of food and beverage containers made from or lined with plastic (including cans); and eating organic pro-duce and free-range meat.

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

~Walt Disney

Pet Health Insurance Company Helps Animals and Their CaregiversHealthy Paws Pet Insurance and Foundation helps

animals and the people that love them by of-fering an easy to use pet health insurance plan and

helping pet adoption groups to assist thousands of homeless pets. The Healthy Paws insurance plan covers injuries, illnesses, genetic conditions and emergency care. Under the plan, cus-tomers may pay as little as

10 percent of their veterinary bills for the treatment of injuries or illness, excepting pre-existing condi-tions. “Protecting your pet with Healthy Paws makes it easy to give them the best medical care while protecting your bank account from unexpected and expensive veterinary bills,” says Cooper Schwartz, partner program manager at Healthy Paws. “There are no caps on claims and Healthy Paws offers unlimited lifetime benefits. And, because we’re a mission-driven company, people who insure with us are not just protecting their pets, they’re also helping homeless animals.” Schwartz notes that Healthy Paws is the number one Customer-Rated Pet Health Insurance provider at PetInsuranceReview.com. “Our commitment to our customers is to provide unparalleled service and support, with the best pet health plan around,” says Schwartz. “Our commitment to the animal welfare community includes investing in local pet adoption groups and motivating people to get involved in this important issue.”

Readers of Natural Awakenings Boston receive a lifetime discount of up to 10 percent when they enroll their pet with Healthy Paws. For more infor-mation, call 800-453-4054 or visit HealthyPawsPet Insurance.com.


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33natural awakenings July 2013

Proudly SupportsAnimal Shelter & Rescue Groups

We applaud you for all you do to help save animals in need.

ANDOVERGreat Dog RescueGDRNE.org

BEVERLYFriends of BeverlyFriendsOfBeverlyAnimals.org

BOSTONAnimal Rescue League of Boston(617) 426-9170ARLBoston.org

MSPCA-Angell(617) 522-7400MSPCA.org

PAWS New EnglandPAWSNewEngland.com

Survivor Tails Animal Rescue 617-383-PETS SurvivorTails.org


BRADFORDOne Tail at a TimeOneTailAtATime.com

BRIGHTONEllen M. Gifford Shelter(617) 787-8872GiffordCatShelter.org

BROOKLINECalliope Rescue, Inc.CalliopeRescue.org

CHESTNUT HILLBoston Dog RescueBostonDogRescue.com

BOSTON/WORCESTERBroken Tail Rescue(508) 625-0332BrokenTailRescue.orgDEDHAMAnimal Rescue League of Boston(781) 326-0729ARLBoston.org

EAST BROOKFIELDSecond Chance Animal Shelter(508) 867-5525SecondChanceAnimals.org

ESSEXSweet Paws RescueSweetPawsRescue.org

FALL RIVERForever Paws Animal Shelter(508) 677-9154ForeverPaws.com

GLOUCESTERCape Ann Animal Aid(978) 283-6055CapeAnnAnimalAid.com

HOPKINTONBaypath Humane Society(508) 435-6938BayPathHumane.org

LOWELLLowell Humane Society(978) 452-7781LowellHumaneSociety.org

MARBLEHEADFriends of Marblehead’sAbandoned Animals(781) 631-8664Marblehead-Animal-Shelter.org

MEDFORDKitty Connection(781) 393-9995KittyConnection.net

MELROSEMelrose Humane SocietyMelroseHumaneSociety.org

MILTONMilton Animal League, Inc.(617) 698-0413MiltonAnimalLeague.org

NATICKAll Dog Rescue(617) 507-9193AllDogRescue.org

NORTH BILLERICABillerica Cat CareCoalitionBillericaCatCareCoalition.org

NORTH ATTLEBORONorth Attleboro AnimalShelterNAShelter.org

QUINCYQuincy Animal Shelter(617) 376-1349QuincyAnimalShelter.org

REVEREAnimal Umbrella(617) 731-7267AnimalUmbrella.org

SALEMNortheast Animal Shelter(978) 745-9888NortheastAnimalShelter.org

SALISBURYMerrimack River FelineRescue Society(978) 462-0760MRFRS.org

SOUTH BOSTONAlliance for Animals(617) 268-7800AFABoston.org

STERLINGSterling Animal ShelterSterlingShelter.org

SUDBURYBuddy Dog HumaneSociety, Inc(978) 443-6990BuddyDogHS.com

Save A Dog, Inc(978) 443-7282SaveADog.org

WALTHAMCat Connection of Waltham(781) 899-4610TheCatConnection.org

WOBURNHouse Rabbit Network(781) 431-1211RabbitNetwork.org

WINTHROPMass PAWS(617) 846-5586MassPAWS.petfinder.org

CitySideSubaru.com • 617-826-5000

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of A



Dogs, their owners and the larger community all benefit when a pet earns the basic Dog Scout

certification badge. Any dog can par-ticipate, as long as he’s well-behaved. To qualify for the initial badge, he must be able to heel without pulling, greet a person calmly, meet another animal without overreacting and to see food and leave it alone. The test criteria are similar to that used for the Canine Good Citizen certificate from the American Kennel Club. Tests can be videotaped if there’s no organization evaluator in the area. Once the dog’s earned the basic Dog Scout badge, the rest of the badges are optional, depending on how involved human-canine pairs wish to get. Instead of pursuing a particular sport or activ-ity, scouting allows the dog to dabble and find what he likes best. Distinctive badges can be earned in separate ability levels including obedience, community service, trail work, nose work, water sports, pulling, herding and lure cours-ing (a performance sport first developed

Dog Scouts of AmericaDog Troops Also Earn Badges and Go to Camp

by Sandra Murphy

for purebred sighthound breeds). Han-dlers can also earn badges in canine care, first-aid and sign language. All training is based on positive behavior and reinforcement on everyone’s part. “We don’t want dogs to be an accessory or a lawn ornament; they are part of the family, and a lot of fun, besides,” explains Dog Scouts presi-dent Chris Puls, of Brookville, Indiana. “As trainers, we have to figure out how to communicate with another species.” Most members engage in scout activities with more than one dog. Requirements for operating a troop are flexible, but holding four meetings a year is recommended. Meetings don’t have to be formal—a group hike in the woods counts. Other activities may include backpacking, biking, camping and treasure hunts like letterboxing and geocaching. If Sparky would like to try flyball, (timed relay races with balls) or treib-ball (urban herding of Pilates balls), but has no opportunity for these pursuits on his home turf, summer camp is a good


Scouts, badges, troops and summer camp—they’re not just for kids anymore. Dog Scouts of America is a new twist on tradition that is fun for all ages.

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“No person is

your friend who

demands your

silence, or denies

your right to grow.”

~ Alice WalkerL to R: Clipper, Adopted April 1, 2005; Cricket, Adopted April 22, 2012;

Allie, Adopted Sept. 8, 2011; Micki, Adopted June 19, 2004

Beth Oram; BethOramPhotography.com


Organic ... forum to investigate lots of options. Weekend camps are held in Maryland in July and Texas in November. Week-long camps are held in Michigan in June and July. “Many people bring more than one dog to camp,” says Allison Holloway, who works in financial account services for the U.S. Department of Defense, in Columbus, Ohio. “I take six dogs with me and each has his or her favorite activity, which I like, because it’s too much for one dog to go from early morning until late at night. New mem-bers often say they come to camp just for the fun and camaraderie, but they usually end up collecting badges like the rest of us. It’s a great reminder of what you and your dog did at camp together.” One of Holloway’s dog scouts has special needs. Lottie Moon is a double merle, all-white, Australian shepherd that doesn’t let being deaf or blind slow her down. Last year she surprised her owner by earning an agility badge at camp. “I think she sees shadows and

movements. I place a dowel rod in front of the jump and she knows that when she touches it, it’s time to go air-borne,” says Holloway. “Lottie inspires and motivates me.” Holloway received the Dog Scout’s 2013 Excellence in Writing Award for her blog at Lottie- SeeingIntoDarkness.blogspot.com. Many Dog Scout troops serve their communities to show how dogs can and should be integrated into daily life. In Wyoming Valley, near Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Phyllis Sinavage, office manager for a wholesale distributor, reports on recent activities conducted


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by Troop 221. “We’ve donated oxygen masks for pets to local fire departments and emergency services. We raise funds to buy them and also have oxygen mask angels that donate the price of a mask in memory of a pet. One third grade class raised enough money to purchase two masks after we visited and did a bite prevention class.” The Dog Scouts of America Hike-a-Thon, in May, is the nonprofit organization’s annual fundraiser, open

to everyone willing to ask friends and family members to pledge funds for distances walked. It’s a good way to partner with the dog for quality out-door time, spread the word about Dog Scouts and enjoy the spring weather.

Learn more and join with others for a troop experience at DogScouts.org.

Connect with Sandra Murphy at [email protected]. ph


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calendarofeventsAll Calendar events for the April issue must be received by March 10th and adhere to our guidelines. Visit NaturalAwakeningsBoston.com for guidelines and to submit entries. For extended event descriptions and additional listings, visit NaturalAwakeningsBoston.com.

SATURDAY, MARCH 1Jungian Dream Therapy – 9am-3pm. An informative day learning how to use a dream journal, and work with dreams to discover their meaning and messages for your life. Please bring typed dreams with you as Mr. Shippee will attempt to use as many of the group’s dreams as possible as examples. $125. I AM Healing Sanctuary, 18 Sherwood Cir, Sharon. 781-784-1955. TheSoleWoman.com.

CCI Puppy Raiser Information Day – 2-5pm. Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) hosts a free informational session for people interested in raising an Assistance Dog. The CCI Puppy Raising Program provides a unique opportunity for volunteers to assist CCI with its very important mission. Free. Especially for Pets, 424 Boston Post Rd, Rte 20, Sudbury. 978-443-7682. EspeciallyForPets.com.

SUNDAY, MARCH 2Reiki Level 1 Training – 9:45am-6:30pm. Learn how to work with Reiki to offer comfort, lower stress, and promote mindfulness in your life and in the lives of those around you. People who care for others in a family or healthcare setting report improved health, wellbeing, and personal growth. $150. Brenner Reiki Healing, 324 Central St, Auburndale. 617-244-8856. BrennerReikiHealing.com.

Reiki Clinic: Free for Practitioners – 1:30-4:30pm. Reiki clinics are an opportunity for clients to receive a Reiki treatment at the introductory rate of $15 for a half-hour treatment by a group of practitioners. Reiki Practitioners participate in giving and receiving Reiki treatments for free at the clinics. $15/clients, free/practitioners. Arlington Reiki Associates, 366 Massachusetts Ave, Ste 304, Arlington. By appt only, Meg: 617-710-3683. ArlingtonReiki.com.

Yoga for Mindful Eating – Sundays Mar 2-Apr 20. 5:30-7:30pm. 7-wk program. Delve into the practice of yoga and “mindful awareness” for a deeper understanding of how to heal not only your relationship with food but with yourself. $229. Watertown Center for the Healing Arts, 22 Mt. Auburn St, Watertown. 617-393-2200. NamasteNutrition.net.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4Vibrant Kitchen: Pantry Make-Over – 6-7:30pm. Chef Karen teams up with professional organizer and wellness coach, Francesca Verri. Learn about the connection between organization and a healthy lifestyle as well as what ingredients to keep on hand in your pantry for quick, easy and healthy meals that taste delicious. $35. Groton Wellness, Mill Run Plaza, 493 Main St, Groton. 978-449-9919. GrotonWellness.com.

FRIDAY, MARCH 6Meditation Retreat for Everyday Life – Mar 6-21. A 2-wk retreat exploring “internal wisdom” through mindfulness-awareness meditation. A powerful way to deepen meditation practice and develop kind and wakeful community. Open to all. Karme Choling, 369 Patneaude Ln, Barnet, VT. 802-633-2384. For details & pricing: KarmeCholing.org.

SATURDAY, MARCH 8Free Introduction to Reiki – 10am-12pm. Learn about the history and theory of this healing method, get questions answered, receive a sample treatment and experience 20 mins of guided imagery and relaxation. Reiki can be used on yourself, others and pets. Free. Arlington Reiki Associates, 366 Massachusetts Ave, Ste 304, Arlington. Pre-registration required: 781-648-9334. ArlingtonReiki.com.

Natural Beauty – 3-4:30pm. Learn to identify and eliminate toxic ingredients from your health and beauty products as well as a simple system to choose healthier, more effective products for you and your family. Sample some safe and beneficial products. Free. Newton Chiropractic & Wellness Centre, 383 Elliot St, Ste 250, Newton. 617-964-3332. WellAdjusted.com.

SUNDAY, MARCH 9Underdog ResQ Adoption Information Day – 10am-1pm. Underdog ResQ is a 501c3 equal opportunity dog rescue that saves good dogs from bad situations regardless of breed and age. They are the recipient of our nail clipping funds for the first quarter of 2014. Come and meet some dogs and their volunteers. Free. Especially for Pets, 424 Boston Post Rd, Sudbury. 978-443-7682. EspeciallyForPets.com.

Natural Baby & Toddler Care – 11am-1pm. Herbal Educator Rachel Hope presents an introduction to natural care for babies and toddlers. We will discuss whole foods nutrition to support immunity and prevent colds, as well as gentle, effective remedies for common ailments. $25. Boston School of Herbal Studies, 12 Pelham Ter, 781-646-63619. BostonHerbalStudies.com.

TUESDAY, MARCH 11Holistic Healing Reiki Clinic – 6:30-8:30pm. Reiki healing is a natural, light-touch therapy that gently balances life energies and brings healing on three levels: emotional, physical and spiritual. 25-min sessions on a donation basis as a means of service to the community. TS Center for Spiritual Studies, 21 Maple St, Arlington. To schedule: 617-849-3198. TSBoston.org.

The Artist’s Way Workshop – Tuesdays, Mar 11-May 27. 7-9pm. A book/course for anyone who wants to be more creative in life. Learn how to reclaim your passions, take inspired action and overcome

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AD SALES REP – Natural Awakenings is accepting resumes for full-commission experienced Ad Sales Reps in Southeastern Middlesex County. Strong organizational and people skills, computer/database experience necessary. Must be a self-starter. We’re positive people looking for positive associates who are focused on healthy living to reach like-minded practitioners and businesses, and help grow their client base. Flexible schedule with great earning potential, only you set the limit on your potential. Email cover letter and resume to: Publisher@NaturalAwakenings Boston.com. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY PLEASE.


OFFICE SPACE – Space available in Arling-ton, Medford & Wakefield. Locations feature affordable rent, off-street parking, 24-hour security surveillance near major highways with high visibility and pedestrian traffic. Different size offices for every budget level. For more information visit PasciutoProperties.com or call, 781-648-9867.

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procrastination and self-sabotage in this 11-wk course. $395. Arlington. Info/register, Kim: 617-640-3813, [email protected]. KimChilds.com.

The Incredible Dr. You Workshop – 7:30-8:30pm. This first class in a series of two breaks down the basics of “Network Spinal Analysis,” which is the method of chiropractic used at Newton Chiropractic & Wellness. Class will help you get more out of your adjustments and enlighten you on just how incredible your body is at healing itself. Free. Newton Chiropractic & Wellness Centre, 383 Elliot St, Ste 250, Newton, MA. 617-964-3332. WellAdjusted.com.

Trigger Point Release Seminar – 7:30-8:30pm. Discover why gentle touch is so effective in reducing pain and tension in the body and learn techniques to effectively do this at home. Bring a partner as it requires another person to do it. You must call to register for this event as space is limited. Free. Newton Chiropractic & Wellness Centre, 383 Elliot St, Ste 250, Newton. 617-964-3332. WellAdjusted.com.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12Boston Flower and Garden Show – Mar 12-16. Gaze at the lush gardens and gorgeous floral displays as you dream about spring. This year’s theme is “Romance in the Garden.” Find inspiration and tips in each of the 25+ display gardens. Also look for special sessions by local chefs. Seaport World Trade Center, Boston. 781-237-5533. For pricing: BostonFlowerShow.com. See page 11 for details.

Moving Forward: Boston Strong in Everyday Life – 7pm. An inspiring evening with meditation master and marathon runner Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche exploring our incredible capacity to meet daily challenges with strength, courage and compassion. $40-$85. Arlington Street Church, 351 Boylston St, Boston. ShambhalaBoston.org.

THURSDAY, MARCH 13Free Kidney Health Screening – 2-6pm. Find out if you are at risk for kidney disease. Risk factors include diabetes and high blood pressure. What to expect: risk survey, body mass index (BMI) measurement, blood pressure check, free educational materials, and the opportunity to speak with a healthcare professional. Free. Camfield Estates, 85 Lenox St, Boston. Registration required: 800-542-4001. KidneyHealth.org.

SATURDAY, MARCH 15Senses of the Soul – 9:30am-5:30pm. A life-changing workshop based on the book, Senses of the Soul, and taught by the author, GuruMeher.

Using kundalini yoga, be guided through this simple, but life-changing approach to emotions. $130 by Mar 12, $140 after. Kundalini Yoga Boston, 186 Hampshire St, Cambridge. 617-868-0055. KundaliniYogaBoston.com.

Chinese Healing Exercises for Health and Longevity – 10am-6pm. Also Mar 16. Learn simple yet highly effective exercises drawn from taiji, qigong and related practices which improve and maintain good health by increasing energy and flexibility, reducing stress and pain, and opening meridians and other energy pathways to promote optimal functioning of internal and sense organs, glands, muscles and joints. Full workshop: $280. TS Center for Spiritual Studies, 21 Maple St, Arlington. Compassionate-Arts.com.

SUNDAY, MARCH 16St. Patrick’s Day 5K Race in Southie – 11am. Head over to cheer on the 1,750 runners who are carrying on a long tradition. Sponsorship money and donations support South Boston youth programs. South Boston Boys and Girls Club, 230 W 6th St, Boston. BGCB.org.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade – 1-4pm. Boston’s famous parade takes place in South Boston and starts near the Broadway T station on the Red Line and finishes at Andrews Square. Plenty of good viewing spots along Broadway. Wear green and bring a camera. Boston-Discovery-Guide.com.

TUESDAY, MARCH 18Moon Meditations: Full Moon – 7-8pm. The full moon is ideal for letting go of those things that are holding us back. A mix of guided and silent meditations influenced by both Native American and Eastern practices. Leave both relaxed and em-powered. Free. TS Center for Spiritual Studies, 21 Maple St, Arlington. 781-648-4548. TSBoston.org.

Just Breathe: Somato-Respiratory Integration Workshop – 7:30-8:30pm. Learn breathing exercises that help you to release tension and calm your mind. Somato-Respiratory Integration (SRI) helps enhance your chiropractic care as well as free up energy in your body. $30. Newton Chiropractic & Wellness Centre, 383 Elliot St, Ste 250, Newton, MA. 617-964-3332. WellAdjusted.com.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19Natural Vision Improvement Workshop – 6:30-9:30pm. Most vision difficulties are the result of how we habitually use your eyes. These habits, like others, can be changed. Use this workshop to get started on the road to healthy vision. If you wear contacts, please come prepared to remove them. Learn to see

Second Annual Celebration of Reiki

Conference Join Reiki practitioners from across the re-gion for an exceptional day centered on the

theme, Reiki: Making the Connection. Give yourself the gift of a day to learn from,

and connect with, your Reiki community. $80 covers the full day of the Conference.

Sunday, April 278:45am-5:30pm

Brookline Holiday Inn, 1200 Beacon StreetBrookline, MA 02446

For registration materials and more information visit:

CelebrationOfReikiConference.org or contact Elise Brenner at Brenner at

[email protected].


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1236 Broadway, West Somerville. For details and registration, visit:

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more clearly in the distance and up close. $45 by Mar 12, $55 after. Cortiva Institute, 103 Morse St, Watertown. 617-612-6905. Cortiva.com.

THURSDAY, MARCH 20Miksang Contemplative Photography: Basic Goodness and Good Eye – Mar 20-22. The Miksang Society presents a form of contemplative photography that brings together the art of photography, the discipline of meditation and the Dharma Art teachings of the meditation master and scholar Chgyam Trungpa. $300-$360. Karme Choling, 369 Patneaude Ln, Barnet, VT. 802-633-2384. KarmeCholing.org.

Natural Approaches to Fertility – 6:30-9:30pm. Krystina Friedlander, Herbal Educator, offers this class as a resource for those seeking natural ways to address their reproductive needs. Includes informa-tion on reproductive functioning, the signs of fertil-ity, tools for tracking these signs, and guidelines for achieving optimal outcomes. $25. Boston School of Herbal Studies, 12 Pelham Ter, Arlington. 781-646-6319. BostonHerbalStudies.com.

Spring Equinox Ritual – 7:30-8:30pm. The Spring Equinox Ritual will honor this significant point in the year, when winter is ending and spring beginning. With day and night about even in length, the equinox symbolizes balance and is a good time to look at how our energy is distributed in our lives. Donation. TS Center for Spiritual Studies, 21 Maple St, Arlington. 617-926-4155. SpiralEnergies.com.

FRIDAY, MARCH 21A Myofascial Approach to Back Pain – 9am-5pm. Course offers a multidimensional approach to evaluate and treat each client individually using a variety of bodywork techniques. Targeted at back pain. $140/1 class; $250 in conjunction with the course offered targeting the neck and shoulders. Visions HealthCare, 910 Washington St, Dedham. 781-431-1333. VisionsHealthCare.com.

Hypnosis for the Creative Spirit – 6:30-8pm. Learn to access the power of the “inner mentor” and gain inspiration from the well-spring of

creativity. Seminar designed for anyone in the creative arts: dance, art, theater, music, etc. All welcome. Facilitated by Kathryn McGlynn, Certified Hypnotist. $10 donation. The Healing Center at Our Weeping Angel Foundation, 190 Old Derby St, Ste 100, Hingham. 781-340-2146. JourneyOfTheMindHypnosis.Yolasite.com.

Simrit: Live in Concert – 7pm. A sacred worship of the Divine. This devotion is a gift, a talent beyond any that will lead thousands into the lightness of being and awareness that is so vital to humanity in this day and age. $30 by Mar 19, $40 after. Kundalini Yoga Boston, 14 Arrow St, Cambridge. 617-868-0055. KundaliniYogaBoston.com.

SATURDAY, MARCH 22Active Isolated Stretching Lower Body Seminar – Mar 22 & 23. 7:30am-6pm. Therapists and trainers learn how to quickly lengthen muscle and fascia, faster recover time and self care. Save your hands and back with skills you can apply that day. $600. The AIS Institute, 103 Morse St, parking lot entrance, Watertown. 617-393-1829. TheAISInstitute.com.

Rise UP! Vedic Yoga for Spring – 9:30-10:45am. A 75-min vinyasa yoga class that is beneficial for both beginners and experienced practitioners. Its flow is performed at a brisk pace, generating heat, lightness, and mobility; releasing the stagnation

which is so typical in Kapha-types. $20/suggested donation. 3rd Life Studio, 33 Union Sq, Somerville. 617-331-6303. PuravidaHealing.org.

The Power to Choose: The Next Generation of Healthcare – 10am-2pm. An interactive class with breakthrough exercises to help explore your health from a different perspective. Discover the truth about what causes all diseases, how to reset your genes for optimal and how to prevent and reverse the effects of aging. $297. Roots & Wings Yoga and Healing Arts, 317 N Main St, Natick. 877-609-6767. Register: LiveByNaturesDesign.Com.

The Incredible Dr. You Workshop – 3-4pm. This first class in a series of two breaks down the basics of “Network Spinal Analysis,” which is the method of chiropractic used at Newton Chiropractic & Wellness. Class will help you get more out of your adjustments and enlighten you on just how incredible your body is at healing itself. Free. Newton Chiropractic & Wellness Centre, 383 Elliot St, Ste 250, Newton, MA. 617-964-3332. WellAdjusted.com.

SUNDAY, MARCH 23Reiki Level 2 Training – 9:45am-6:30pm. Explore how to work with the Reiki symbols; mental-emotional healing; and distant healing. Continue to deepen your own practice with Reiki meditations. Level 2 training is a gateway to a professional Reiki practice. $300. Discounts for returning students. Brenner Reiki Healing, 324 Central St, Auburndale. 617-244-8856. BrennerReikiHealing.com.

TUESDAY, MARCH 25Community HU: Experience the Wisdom and Love of Your Inner World – 7-8pm. Join in singing HU, an ancient name for God. Sung silently or out loud, singing or chanting this sacred word can bring benefits such as peace, calmness, solace in difficult times, expansion of awareness, and an experience of divine love. Free. TS Center for Spiritual Studies, 21 Maple St, Arlington. 508-816-1454. EckInMass.org.

FRIDAY, MARCH 28Shambhala Training Retreat: Levels I-III – Thru Apr 4. A series of contemplative workshops, suited for both beginning and experienced meditators. Offered as one continuous retreat, but each level can be taken separately. See website for details regarding each level as well as pricing. Karme Choling, 369 Patneaude Ln, Barnet, VT. 802-633-2384. KarmeCholing.org.

Atlas Balancing Practitioner Certification Training – 7pm. Elisabeth Westermann teaches Level 1 Certification in two consecutive weekends. Mar 28-31 and April 4-7. Both required. No manipulation or adjustments. Increases effectiveness of all other modalities. $69. Private Home, Stoughton. 310-466-7600. More info: AtlasBalancingUSA.com.

SATURDAY, MARCH 29Addressing Insulin Resistance – 10am-5pm. Also Mar 30, 10am-4pm. A weekend workshop discussing the pathophysiology of insulin resistance and the influence of diet, exercise, nutrition and herbs to help correct imbalances and eliminate symptoms. $250. Boston School of Herbal Studies, 12 Pelham Ter, Arlington. 781-646-6319. BostonHerbalStudies.com.

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All Calendar events for the April issue must be received by March 10th and adhere to our guidelines. Visit NaturalAwakeningsBoston.com for guidelines and to submit entries. For extended event descriptions and additional listings, visit NaturalAwakeningsBoston.com.


dailyFree Basic Yoga, Breathing, Relaxation and Meditation Class – A free basic yoga, breathing, relaxation and meditation session. Learn and experience practical tools for managing stress and energy in everyday life. All ages and levels welcome. Call for times and availability. Dahn Holistic Fitness, 1773 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge. 617-354-9642. DahnYoga.com.

Free Tour of Symphony Hall – Musicians and engineers consider Boston’s Symphony Hall to be the most acoustically perfect concert space in the United States. Join volunteers on a behind-the-scenes tour and hear about the hall and the history and traditions of the famed musicians and conductors. Boston Symphony Hall, 301 Massachusetts Ave, Boston. For available dates & times: 617-638-9390. BSO.org.

Strengthening and Weight Loss Classes – 6am & 7pm. Small group classes tailored to your needs. We help people that were injured and don’t know where to start. Cost varies. The AIS Institute, 103 Morse St, Watertown. 617-393-1829. PrimalTribeFitness.com.

sundayReiki Clinic for Pets – Thru Mar 30. 11am-2pm. Bring your animal in to experience the subtle, yet powerful, healing energy for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. Pre-registration encouraged. $15/15 mins; longer sessions available. Especially For Pets, 44 Main St, Wayland. 508-647-6923. EspeciallyForPets.com.

Watertown Center for Healing Arts, 22 Mt. Auburn St, Watertown. 617-438-4467. YourHealthSense.com.

Nia Body/Mind Fitness Class – 10-11am. A blend of dance martial arts and healing arts set to great soul stirring music. All levels welcome. $15/drop-in. New England Tango Society, 620 Cambridge St, 2nd Fl, East Cambridge. 617-620-7654. AliceHellerDance.com.

Kripalu Yoga – 6pm. Start anytime. Walk-ins welcome. Experience deep relaxation, increased flexibility and renewed energy. Free/1st session, $95/8 sessions, $15/walk-ins. The Well Street Station, 62 Mt. Auburn St, Watertown. 617-923-1440. WellStreetStation.com.

Anxiety and Panic Support Group – 6:30pm. First Mon. Designed to offer a place where people with common interests and experience can meet. Learn that you aren’t alone in your experience, and knowledge is the key to living a symptom-free life. Free. Washington St, Newton. Doreen: 617-849-3198. UCanBFearFree.com.

Open Meditation – 7-8:15pm. Join Rigpa Boston’s open meditation sessions whenever you wish. Open to everyone, from beginners to more experienced meditators. Donations accepted. Rigpa Boston, 24 Crescent St, Ste 308, Waltham. 619-906-4291. RigpaBoston.org.

Community Contra Dance – 7:30-10:30pm. Make new friends while doing easy social dancing to great live music in a historic hall. Alcohol-, smoke- and perfume-free. Instruction provided; no need to bring a partner. $8, $5/22 or under. Concord Scout House, 74 Walden St, Concord. 978-369-1232. MondayContras.com.

Yoga for Cyclists – 7:45-9:15pm. A beginner-friendly class for cyclists and other athletes. Emphasis on releasing chronically tight muscles and gently strengthening the core. Restorative poses used to release stress and cultivate deep relaxation. $18/drop-in. The Arlington Center, 369 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington. 781-316-0282. ArlingtonCenter.org.

The Heart of Healing & Wellness – 11am-3pm. 3rd Sun. Introduction to the healing, skin care and weight-loss program. Free skin care consultation and chakra reading. Spring Rain Day Spa, 1345 Main St, Waltham. Registration required: 781-895-0010. SpringRainSpa.com.

Free Breathing and Meditation Group – 2-3:15pm. Bi-weekly breathing, relaxation and meditation sessions. Learn and experience practical tools for managing stress and energy in everyday life. All ages and levels welcome. Free. Dahn Holistic Fitness, 1773 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge. 617-354-9642. DahnHolisticFitness.com.

Sunday Restorative Yoga – 5-6:15pm. Relax, stretch, de-stress and re-charge your whole system before your work week. Poses supported with blankets and bolsters. Open to everyone. $75/6-wk series, $15/drop-in. The Center at Westwoods, 590 Gay St, Westwood. 617-869-9574. SelfHealingSolutions.com.

Expression Flow Yoga – 6:30-7:45pm. A vinyasa-based flow that incorporates vocal exercises to open the body and voice. Great for creative souls and those looking for more expressiveness in their lives. $10. The Breathing Room, 763 Massachusetts Ave, Ste 7, Cambridge. 570-574-1207. CaitlinGreen.net.

mondayCrossTrain Class – 5-6am. A challenging and fun class. Expect a warm up, combined upper and lower body exercises, endurance, strength and stamina development. All levels benefit. $10. Victory Field, 40 Orchard St, Watertown. Inclement weather at

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tuesdayPractitioners’ Breakfast – 7:30-9am. 3rd Tues. Enjoy breakfast from Farm to Table Café. All health care practitioners are welcome to share breakfast and knowledge. Monthly speakers and presentations. Working together to increase the overall wellness of our great community. Free. Groton Wellness, 493 Main St, Mill Run Plaza, Groton. 978-449-9919. GrotonWellness.com.

Natural Healing with Chi-Lel Qigong – 11:15am-12:30pm. Experience the healing power, learning gentle movement with visualization to build up your own energy. Discuss how effective qigong exercises can be and why they can help many health issues. $20/session. TS Center for Spiritual Studies, 21 Maple St, Arlington. 617-997-9922. ArlingtonQiWellness.com.

Noon Concerts on the Freedom Trail – 12pm. Stop by to hear a 30-40-min concert. Performers vary each week and perform a wide variety of music ranging from jazz to folk, medieval to modern. $3 suggested donation. King’s Chapel, 64 Beacon St, Boston. 617-523-1749. Kings-Chapel.org.

College Nights at Frog Pond – Thru mid-Mar. 6-9pm. Show your current college ID and get half-price admission. It’s the best cheap date in Boston. $2/student. Frog Pond, Boston Common. BostonFrogPond.com.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – 6:15-7:15pm. Beneficial in helping individuals gain more knowledge on how to defend oneself and increase self-discipline. Learn techniques that increase physical fitness and mental training. Call for pricing. Arlington Dojo, 1100 Massachusetts Ave, 3rd Fl, Arlington. 781-641-0262. SarahsSchool.com.

Reiki Clinic – 6:30-8:30pm. Reiki sessions on the 2nd Tues of the month on a donations only basis. TS Center for Spiritual Studies, 21 Maple St, Arlington. 617-849-3198. For appt, Kathleen: [email protected]. TSBoston.org.

Reiki Clinic – 7-9pm. Last Tues. An opportunity to try something new, crack open the door or just take a moment for yourself to de-stress. Appointments for 30-min sessions. $10. Sky Dancer’s, 788F Country Way, Ste 1, Scituate. 339-526-9759. SkyDancersNewAge.com.

wednesdayCommunity Acupuncture – 2:30-5:30pm. Also Thurs, Fri & Sun, 9:30am-12:30pm. Cambridge, Belmont and Watertown residents, take advantage of effective acupuncture at an affordable rate. Sliding scale $20-$40. Initial consultation $30-$50. OM Namo Community Acupuncture, 21 Belmont St, Cambridge. 617-868-0756. OMNamoCenter.com.

Meditation Evenings – 7-8:30pm. Come to meditate and take part in a discussion. Both beginners and experienced meditators welcome. Light refreshments provided. Donation. Advaita Meditation Center, 28 Worcester Ln, Waltham. 781-647-0020. AdvaitaMeditation.org.

Dance Freedom – 7:30-10:30pm. The oldest continually running weekly barefoot dance in the world. Live DJ music, a great workout, lots of fun

and lots of interesting people to meet. Recharge and renew in a joyous, positive, drug- and alcohol-free environment. $10-$20 sliding scale. First Congregational Church, 11 Garden St, Cambridge. 617-312-3039. DanceFreedom.com.

thursdayRising Energy Flow – 7-8am. A morning vinyasa class dedicated to your re-awakening. Come to set an intention and invigorate your energy for the week ahead. $10. The Breathing Room, 763 Massachusetts Ave, Ste 7, Cambridge. 570-574-1207. CaitlinGreen.net.

Awakening the Divine Feminine – 9-10:30am. Chi gong movements balance internal and external energies. Come into greater resonance with the Divine Matrix where healing occurs in the body, mind and spirit. Journeys to the initiation sites of Ancient Egypt and Angelic transmissions are part of each class. $15. I AM Healing Sanctuary, 18 Sherwood Cir, Sharon. 781-784-1955. TheSoleWoman.com.

Reiki Healing Circle for Women on a Healing Journey with Cancer – 4-6pm. Once a month. Women trained in Reiki and at various stages in their healing journey come together to support each other. Uplifting, life affirming and healing. $35. Arlington Reiki Associates, 366 Massachusetts Ave, Ste 304, Arlington. 781-648-9334. ArlingtonReiki.com.

Sacred Circle Dance – 7-8:30pm. 4th Thurs. An ancient international tradition with simple steps to traditional and newly minted dances. Gather in community and dance in a circle to folk music from around the world. No partner or experience necessary. Free. Follen Unitarian Universalist Church, 755 Massachusetts Ave, Anne Smith Room, Lexington. 781-643-1586.

Somerville Road Runners Night 4.13 Miler – 7:15-8:15pm. It may be raining. It may be cold. The SRR Thursday night run will happen every week, no matter what. Free. Casey’s, 171 Broadway, Somerville. SRR.org/Events/Thursday-Night-Race.

African Dance Classes – 7:30-8:30pm. A mixed-level class including a full-body warm up and introduction to West African movements and easy healing techniques to enjoy the rhythms and take care of the body. $17/class or series discount. Yoga Nia for Life Studios, 135 Commonwealth Ave, West Concord. 617-620-7654. AliceHellerDance.com.

Observatory Night – 7:30-9:30pm. 3rd Thurs. A non-technical lecture and telescopic observing from the observatory roof if weather permits. Free. Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St, Cambridge. 617-495-7461. CFA.Harvard.edu.

fridayThe Web We Weave – Thru Apr 4. 9:30-11am. Go two steps back and rewrite your story, taking giant steps forwards. Release old patterns on the physical, mental, emotional, etheric and spiritual levels. $25/class. I AM Healing Sanctuary, 18 Sherwood Cir, Sharon. 781-784-1955. TheSoleWoman.com.

Heron Homeschool Wilderness Survival Program – 9:30am-2pm. Throughout Fall, Winter and Spring.

Children can learn wilderness living skills and nature awareness while fully immersed in nature. $50-$65/class, sliding scale. Amherst. 413-522-0338. EarthWorkPrograms.com.

Health Lecture Series – 10am. 1st Fri. An informative discussion for parents and caregivers on a variety of parent- and child-related topics such as: nutrition, behavior, community resources and more. Held in the Old Country Buffet, Watertown Mall, 550 Arsenal St, Watertown. 617-926-4968. Watertown-Mall.com.

Blood Pressure Screenings – 10am-12pm. Free blood pressure screenings on the 1st Fri each month in front of the Old Country Buffet. Watertown Mall, 550 Arsenal St, Watertown. 617-926-4968. Watertown-Mall.com.

Second Fridays Free – 5-8pm. Free evening at the MIT Museum on the 2nd Fri each month. Mingle with friends in the unique galleries and see some of the latest research coming out of MIT. MIT Museum, 265 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge. 617-253-5927. MIT.edu/Museum.

Glass Beadmaking – 6:30-9:30pm. Last Fri. An evening of glass, friends and wine. Spend 3 hrs in one of our studios to experience an introductory taste of working with hot glass in glassblowing and bead making. $75. Diablo Glass School, 123 Terrace St, Boston. 617-442-7444. DiabloGlassSchool.com.

Maynard Sacred Drum Circle – 7pm. 1st Fri. An ancient practice that builds harmony, restores connection with the Earth, and supports group consciousness. Bring own drum or shaker or borrow one of ours. $10-$20 sliding scale. Bliss Healing Arts, 63 Great Rd, Ste 103, Maynard. 508-481-2547. BlissHealingArts.com.

Reiki Clinic – 7-9pm. 1st Fri. Experience a Reiki session at the Brenner Reiki Healing monthly Reiki Clinic. 30-min time slots available, call to schedule. $10. Brenner Reiki Healing, 324 Central St, Newton. 617-244-8856. BrennerReikiHealing.com.

saturdayNatural Healing with Chi-Lel Qigong – 11:15am-12:30pm. Relieve allergies, headaches and joint stiffness. Lower high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes with ancient Chinese mindful exercise. Experience the healing power of qigong. $20. Park Avenue Congregational Church, 50 Paul Revere Rd, Arlington. 617-997-9922. ArlingtonQiWellness.com.

Glassblowing Sampler – 12-2pm. Every other Sat. Get a taste of the ancient art of glassblowing. Enjoy the excitement of playing with melted glass while making your very own souvenir. Learn how to gather glass from the furnace, and then control and shape it. Our experienced teachers will help you make a colorful paperweight for you to exhibit as your trophy. $75. Diablo Glass School, 123 Terrace St, Boston. 617-442-7444. DiabloGlassSchool.com.

HappySt. Patrick’s


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CENTRAL SQUARE HEALTH AND WELLNESSKristine Jelstrup, LMT, CBK126 Prospect St, Ste 5617-833-3407Kristine@CentralSquareHealthAnd Wellness.comCentralSquareHealthAndWellness.com

Achieve optimal health, physically, emotionally, nutritionally. Kristine works with the innate wisdom of the body to clear nervous system interfer-ence, creating a balanced body. See ad page 16.


CONNIE A. JACKSON, MD55 Pond Ave, Brookline, MA 02445132 Great Rd, Ste 201, Stow, MA 01775617-232-0202 (Brookline) 617-879-0403 (Stow)[email protected] ConnieAJacksonMD.com

Specializing in Hormonal Imbalance and Individualized Natural Bioidentical Hormone Treatment for irregular menstrual cycles, hot flashes, night sweats, low sex drive, irritability, fatigue, poor concentration, poor memory,

depression and sleep disturbances. Accepting most major insurances. See ad page 29.

PATRICIA JAY, MD100 Second Ave, Needham, MA 02494910 Washington St (Rte 1A)Dedham, MA 02026781-431-1333VisionsHealthCare.com

Effectively using Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for 10 years; expert gynecologist passionate about supporting women to ease transition through all life phases. Accepts most major insurances. See ad on the back cover.


NEWTON CHIROPRACTIC & WELLNESS383 Elliot St, Door F, Ste 250617-964-3332WellAdjusted.com

Acupuncture Facelift / Facial Rejuvenation / Cosmetic Acupuncture is a painless, non-surgical method of reducing the signs of the aging process. The aim is to diminish wrinkles, muscle tension, as well as systematically remove issues standing between you and the

glowing young face you deserve. Traditional Acupuncture also available. See ad page 7.


CECILE RAYNORCertified Alexander Technique Teacher; Certified Thai Yoga Therapist33A Harvard St, Brookline, MA 02445 617-359-7841AlexanderTec.com

Learn to relieve and prevent excess tension and manage the stress in your life. Improve your posture without any holding. Learn mind/body tools for personal growth or simply enjoy a relaxing Thai yoga session.


ARBONNE INTERNATIONALStephanie [email protected]

Anti-aging skin care and nutrition with proven clinical results. Swiss botanical products are vegan, gluten-free, non-toxic. Consumer discounts and consultant options available.


BETTER LIFE ACUPUNCTURE & HERBSMidgie Franz, LicAc, Herbalist, MBALexington/CambridgeAcuMidgie.com

Gentle and effective acupuncture treatments, herbal medicine consultations, diet and lifestyle counseling. Specializing in chronic pain, migraines, fertility, autoimmune disorders, digestive upsets and stress management.

SEETAL CHEEMA, MD 2285 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02140617-651-3213SeetalCheema.co

Seetal Cheema is a board- certified physician in anesthesia and pain management, offering holistic medical care, including acupuncture and yoga.

VISIONS HEALTHCARE 100 Second Ave, Needham, MA 02494 910 Washington St (Rte 1A)Dedham, MA 02026170 Worcester St (Rte 9)Wellesley, MA 02481 781-431-1333VisionsHealthCare.com

Acupuncturists at Visions HealthCare are able to provide relief for a variety of concerns including but not limited to insomnia, allergies, digestion, pain, fatigue, etc. See ad on the back cover.

communityresourceguideConnecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide, email [email protected] to request our media kit.

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AIS CLINIC, STEFAN MATTE103 Morse St, Watertown617-905-3038 • [email protected]

Specializing in Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) that works with the body’s natural physiological makeup to bolster flexibility, improve circulation and increase the elasticity of muscle joints and fascia. See ad page 15.

BARBARA GOSSELIN, PT393 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, MA781-507-4226HolisticHealingPT.com

I’m a Physical Therapist with 20+ years experience helping people recover from pain using gentle, effective Bodywork techniques including Craniosacral Therapy and Fascial Mobilization. See ad page 30.


CEDAR CHIROPRACTIC & SPORTSBinh Nguyen 508-435-8182CedarChiroSports.com

A state-of-the-art facility offering highest quality healthcare and commitment to patients. Uniquely, offering a sport chiropractic wellness practice with a family-style focus. See ad page 41.

NEWTON CHIROPRACTIC AND WELLNESSJulie Burke, [email protected]

We are an integrative holistic center, with a caring team of Network Spinal Analysis chiropractors, massage therapists, Shiatsu and Reiki practitioners and a Wellness Coach. See ad page 7.

ERIC ROSEEN, DC910 Washington St (Rte 1A)Dedham, MA 02026100 Second Ave, Needham, MA 02494 781-431-1333VisionsHealthCare.com

Patient-centered, evidence-based spinal care and soft tissue work to decrease pain and improve mobility. Accepts major health insurances. Weekend and evening hours available. See ad on the back cover.


BRIAN REIDLife Coach, Personal/Professional [email protected]

Brian Reid is an internationally acclaimed life coach with Brenda Lee, a Shire horse. Through his discoveries with Brenda Lee, Brian founded Horses Know The Way Home and developed 13 principles that guide his teachings. See ad page 17.

TAKE THE LEAP COACHING Kim [email protected]

Need help clarifying and reaching your goals? Asking “What’s next?” or “What do I really want?” Kim is a Certified Positive Psychology Coach and facilitator of The Artist’s Way, working with individuals and groups to build happier, more meaningful lives.


INTERNAL WELLNESS CENTER Liz Marcano-Pucillo 640 Washington St, Dedham, MA 02026781-329-3800Liz@InternalWellnessCtr.comInternalWellnessCtr.com

Receive professional colon hydrotherapy by a national board certified therapist using the Angel of Water system. The most comfortable and private system in the

industry. See ad page 39.


JOHNSON COMPOUNDING AND WELLNESS CENTERStephen Bernardi577 Main St, Waltham, MA 02452781-893-3870Fax: [email protected]

JCWC is the only sterile and non-sterile PCAB-accredited pharmacy in Massachusetts. In addition to our compounding service, we offer a full range of nutritional supplements, natural

products, homeopathic remedies and home health care equipment. See ads pages 13 and 23.


DR. IVETA IONTCHEVA-BAREHMI DMD, MS, D.SC.1842 Beacon St, Ste 305, Brookline, MA617-868-1516BostonDentalWellness.com

Dr. Iontcheva-Barehmi is an accomplished dentist and specialist in Periodontics and Implants with a holistic approach to medicine and

dentistry. To schedule your comprehensive exam and share the excitement of a healthy smile, call: 617-868-1516. See ad page 22.

GROTON WELLNESS – MEDICAL, DENTAL, SPA, FARM TO TABLE CAFÉ 493-495 Main St Groton, MA 01450978-449-9919GrotonWellness.com

The only holistic center of its kind on the East Coast. Groton Wellness synergistically fuses state-of-the-art Biological Dentistry with Integrative Medicine to meet the health needs of the whole person. We are professionals in preventative

and functional medicine, general and pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, detoxification, spa therapy, nutrition and a host of complementary therapies. We work with you to develop a personal, comprehensive plan that achieves wellness and balance from head to toe. This is our mission. See ad pages 13 and 21.

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RICHARD CHEN, MD 910 Washington St (Rte 1A)Dedham, MA 02026781-431-1333VisionsHealthCare.com

Board-Certified Family Medicine physician trained in Functional Medicine accepting new patients of all ages for Primary Care or consultation. Accepts most major health insurances. See ad on the back cover.

RAJKA MILANOVIC, MD910 Washington St (Rte 1A)Dedham, MA 02026781-431-1333VisionsHealthCare.com

Family Medicine Physician with 19 years of experience practices with the Functional Medicine approach. Accepting new patients for Primary Care or Consultation. Accepts insurance. See ad on the back cover.


BODYMIND RESOURCINGAlison Shaw APRN, LMT, CEH393 Massachusetts AveArlington, MA [email protected]

An innovative blend of body-centered counseling, integrative bodywork and energy medicine to uncover and release body-mind patterns that limit your life and health. See ad page 40.

DAVID DANFORTH, PHD910 Washington St (Rte 1A)Dedham, MA 02026 781-431-1333VisionsHealthCare.com

Clinical Health Psychologist who works collaboratively with you to overcome anxieties, grief, and the difficulties of health conditions including pain. Accepts insurance. See ad on the back cover.


THE BOSTON SCHOOL OF HERBAL STUDIES12 Pelham Terrace, Arlington, MA781-646-6319BostonHerbalStudies.com

We offer two Herbal Apprenticeship Programs, Advanced Training, Aromatherapy Certification and a

series of Thursday evening and Saturday afternoon classes. Please visit our website. See ad page 15.

COMMONWEALTH CENTER FOR HERBAL MEDICINEKatja Swift & Ryn Midura25 Saint Mary’s Court, Brookline, MA617-750-5274CommonWealthHerbs.com

Personalized, comprehensive consultations with experienced herbalists. Whether it’s the flu or a chronic illness, or simply to build greater vitality, herbal medicine can help. See ad page 14.


SUZANNE [email protected]

As your lifestyle advocate, I’ll facilitate your success in building your own health and wellness business so you can take control of your life. See ad page 17.


ENHANCED MEDICAL CAREMark E. Costa, MD361 Woodward St, Newton, MA 02468617-777-4080Info@EnhancedMedicalCare.comEnhancedMedicalCare.com

Concierge Primary Care doctor providing proactive and personalized health- care made convenient to patients with a focus on patient education, prevention, early detection

and effective treatment.

NEWTON DENTAL WELLNESS93 Union St, Ste 408Newton Center, MA617-244-4997NewtonDW.com

We are the healing dentist. We take a holistic approach to general and pediatric dentistry. We make it easy to see a dentist. New patients receive free comprehensive exam and full set of X-rays. Blog at TheHealingDentist.info.


KOKO FITCLUB39 Harvard St, Brookline, MA 0244577 Spring St, Shaw’s Plaza, West Roxbury, MA 02132Brookline: 617-566-5656; West Roxbury: [email protected]@KokoFitClub.comKokoFitClub.com

World’s first automated personal training studio offering highly effective, efficient, customized workouts guided and monitored by the propri-

etary Smartraining technology in a spa-like setting. See ad page 12.


MITCHELL LEVINE, MD100 Second Ave, Needham, MA 02494 910 Washington St (Rte 1A)Dedham, MA 02026781-431-1333VisionsHealthCare.com

In practice for over 32 years, Dr. Levine has been a prominent advocate for holistic and gentler approaches to women’s healthcare. Provides alternatives to hysterectomy. See ad on the back cover.

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DR. MAGDALENA J. FOSSE, LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST678 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA [email protected]

Dr. Magdalena Fosse integrates mind-body, cognitive-behavioral, and existential methods to alleviate symptoms and problems that cause suffering. Working with individuals and couples her aim is to create a life for each client that is meaningful and fulfilling.


MASH MAIN ST ANIMAL SERVICES OF HOPKINTONMargo Roman, DVM72 W Main St, Hopkinton, MA 01748508-435-4077MASHVet.com

A full-service integrative veterinary clinic offering caring and healthful options and modalities like acupuncture, functional nutrition, homeopathy, chiropractic, herbs, ozone therapy, surgery and dentistry. See ad page 35.


COLEMAN NATURAL VISION IMPROVEMENTRee Coleman - Certified Vision TeacherOffices in Boston & Newton617-838-0928EyesOnYoga.com

Achieve vision improvement via exercises, relaxation, science & physiology to create a pathway to sharper, clearer, more balanced vision, reducing dependence on external correction.


KRISTINE BAHR6 Emily Ct Gt, Barrington 617-360-1929Fax: [email protected] • KBahr.co

Individualized plans based on nutrient, metabolic and hormonal and digestive testing. Call Kristine Bahr, Lic Nutritionist. Insurance accepted.

MADGE AND LOUIE’S LLC 855-EVO-OLIO (386-6546)[email protected]

We guarantee you the freshest and

finest 100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oils, non-adulterated or mixed with other oils—strictly the real thing! See ad page 27.


JONATHAN BAXTER, LMHC1620 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA617-306-0264JonathanBaxter.com

Connect to your highest self! Jonathan offers spiritually focused, results-oriented, holistic psychotherapy. Release limitations, build a sense of groundedness, develop creativity, and grow into the person you are meant to be. See ad page 15.


SPRING RAIN FACE & BODY SPA1345 Main St, Waltham, MA 02451781-895-0010SpringRainSpa.com

Our goal is for you to feel beautiful. Our “stop the clock” skincare eliminates wrinkles and heals acne. Also offering Reiki, Cupping, Aromatherapy and Shiatsu to enhance your well-being.


METROWEST THERMAL IMAGINGSusan Shaw Saari, Lic.Ac., CCT, MEd, MAOM, Diplomate in Acupuncture (NCCAOM) [email protected]

A clinical imaging technique that records thermal patterns of the body to help diagnose and monitor pain or pathology in any part of the body. See ad page 18.


THE WISE WOMAN Phyllis [email protected]

Offering website design and business consulting for small businesses and pro-viders in private practice.


ROOM2IMPROVEVicki [email protected]

We partner with clients to identify and overcome bar-riers to living a healthy life-style. Services include well-ness coaching, professional organizing, personal training and stress management.


SKY THERAPYKimberly [email protected]/4WellnessSkyTherapy.org

All-natural body products made from the purest ingredients in the world. Dead Sea minerals, salts and aromatherapy sprays,

lip elixirs, body powders and handmade soaps. See ad page 16.


LIVE BY NATURE’S DESIGN Kerry Goyette [email protected]

Providing a wide variety of transformational workshops to raise “health conscious” awareness. Our goal is to help you take an informed, active role in improving your physical, emotional and spiritual health. See ad page 41.

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ALAINE AMARAL, BFA, RYT910 Washington StDedham, MA 02026781-431-1333VisionsHealthCare.com

Integrative Yoga Therapy is a highly individualized, self-em-powering process that connects healthcare with yoga. Heal from chronic pain or illness. Indi-vidual & group offerings. See ad on the back cover.

GENTLE YOGA WITH GONGMarian [email protected]

Enjoy gentle kundalini yoga and meditation with extended, heal-ing gong relaxation.

The best and most beautiful things in theworld cannot be seen or even touched –

they must be felt with the heart.

~Helen Keller

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