Natural variation in south-eastern South Australian small mammal communities through the Late Quaternary Amy C. Macken BSc (Honours) Botany and Ecology School of Biological Sciences Faculty of Science and Engineering Flinders University of South Australia 9 August 2013 Supervisors: Dr Elizabeth Reed (principal) Dr Gavin Prideaux (associate) Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Natural variation in south-eastern South Australian small

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Natural variation in south-eastern South Australian small mammal communities through the Late Quaternary

Amy C. Macken BSc (Honours) Botany and Ecology

School of Biological Sciences Faculty of Science and Engineering

Flinders University of South Australia

9 August 2013

Supervisors: Dr Elizabeth Reed (principal) Dr Gavin Prideaux (associate)

Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy


For my grandma, Jean Le Cornu, who inspires me to persist against all odds, and the memory of my late grandpa, Deane Le Cornu,

from whom I draw the strength to do so.


© Copyright by Amy C. Macken 2013 All Rights Reserved


Declaration I certify that this thesis does not incorporate without acknowledgment any material

previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any university; and that to the best

of my knowledge and belief it does not contain any material previously published or

written by another person except where due reference is made in the text.

I give consent to this copy of my thesis when deposited in the University Library,

being made available for loan and photocopying, subject to the provisions of the

Copyright Act 1968.

I acknowledge that copyright of published works contained within this thesis (as

listed below) resides with the copyright holder(s) of those works.

List of publications: Macken, A.C., McDowell, M.C., Bartholomeusz, D.H. & Reed, E.H. (2013)

Chronology and stratigraphy of the Wet Cave vertebrate fossil deposit, Naracoorte,

and relationship to paleoclimatic conditions of the Last Glacial Cycle in south-

eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 60, 271–281.

Macken, A.C., Staff, R.A. & Reed, E.H. (2013) Bayesian age-depth modelling of

Late Quaternary deposits from Wet and Blanche Caves, Naracoorte, South

Australia: a framework for comparative faunal analyses. Quaternary

Geochronology 17, 26–43

Macken, A.C & Reed, E.H. (2013) Late Quaternary small mammal faunas of the

Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area. Transactions of the Royal Society of South

Australia 137, 53–67.

Signed ............................................

Amy Macken

Date ................................................


Abstract Natural variation is characterised as the normal types of change that occurs within

ecosystems in response to disturbances at different spatial and temporal scales. Such

changes may be expressed across a range of ecological attributes including

community structure and composition. Changes in these attributes are often argued

to provide the basis of ecosystem resilience to disturbance; that is, the ability of

communities to adapt and reorganise whilst retaining their functional and structural

traits. Consequently, the maintenance of natural variation within ecological systems

has emerged as a primary biodiversity conservation strategy. However, our

understanding of what normal patterns of variation may be expected in different

ecosystems and the constraints on resilience within them, remains limited.

Palaeoecological deposits have increasingly been used to fill knowledge gaps about

the range, type and extent of natural variation and resilience expressed by

ecosystems over long time scales in response to disturbances such as climate

change. Using two owl-pellet derived fossil assemblages of the Naracoorte Caves in

south-eastern South Australia, this thesis examined patterns of natural variation and

resilience of a small mammal palaeocommunity in terms of richness, composition,

structure and relative abundances through the last glacial cycle (c. 51.4 to 10.2 kyr

BP). More specifically, this thesis addressed the following questions:

(a) Did the small mammal palaeocommunity reorganise in response to climate

change associated with the last glacial cycle?

(b) How did variation in different ecological variables contribute to the

persistence or reorganisation of the palaeocommunity, and

(c) How did sampling variation within and between sites, and temporal

resolution, impact patterns detected in the fossil assemblages?

To address these questions, the stratigraphic and chronological contexts of the fossil

assemblages were defined using sedimentary principles and age-depth modelling of

radiocarbon data. Both deposits were found to be composed of five un-reworked

sedimentary units which were statistically correlated between the two sites based on

modelled ages. These units provided a coarse temporal scale corresponding to the

major climatic phases of the last glacial cycle. Sedimentary layers were identified


within the stratigraphic units, providing a finer temporal scale for evaluating the

faunal assemblage.

Faunal analyses showed that the two small mammal assemblages were statistically

similar and exhibited very little compositional or structural change through the early

glacial period and last glacial maximum (LGM). However, two episodes of

significant palaeocommunity reorganisation were revealed at the finer temporal

scale through the deglaciation/late glacial period. These changes were associated

with (a) sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) warming past 16°C, post-dating the onset

of warming following the LGM by c. 1 to 3 kyrs and (b) continued warming of

mean SSTs past 18°C.

The relative abundances of individual species were sensitive to sampling effects and

were variable through time at both temporal scales. The whole-palaeocommunity

metrics were more robust and showed that a palaeocommunity can be stable for

thousands of years, despite variable climatic conditions. Palaeocommunity change

during the deglaciation shows that it is not disturbance per se that led to shifts

between community states, but disturbance beyond palaeoclimatic thresholds within

which particular states were able to persist. Further study of environmental

thresholds for the palaeocommunity and individual species will be valuable for

assessing the variability of species-environmental associations through time and the

potential for their adaptation into the future.


Acknowledgements First and foremost I acknowledge the support, guidance and insight of my principal

supervisor, Dr Liz Reed. I thank her for providing access to resources, support with

funding and for the opportunity to study the small mammal fossils that she

methodically excavated from Blanche Cave. Most importantly, I acknowledge Liz’s

contribution to the project through the sharing of ideas and critique of my work. I

am grateful to Liz for her unwavering confidence in the project and in me, which

gave me the space and freedom to grow personally and professionally. I am also

grateful for the support of my associate supervisor, Dr Gavin Prideaux. Gavin

provided advice and feedback throughout my candidature and was always available

at short notice to help with small, day-to-day problems and more complex questions

associated with my research.

The majority of the work completed for this thesis benefited from the contributions

and advice of collaborators and I extend my gratitude to those who worked with me

on different aspects of the project: Dr Richard Staff who worked with me to

produce the age-depth models for Wet and Blanche caves. Without his help, my

ideas would not have made it to reality. Richard was generous with his time and

knowledge and I am incredibly grateful for his commitment to teaching and guiding

me through each step of the modelling, and for making me laugh along the way. Dr

Matthew McDowell of Flinders University was a collaborator, friend and support

through my candidature. I am grateful to Matt for his good-will as I revisited a site

and fossil collection that he had previously studied. This project was only possible

because of the previous work that had been completed on Late Quaternary aged

sites of the Naracoorte Caves in which Matt was instrumental. I also thank him for

allowing me to use unpublished data from his Masters thesis to complete the review

of the Wet Cave stratigraphy. David Bartholomeusz led the excavation of the Wet

Cave assemblage in 1997/1998. His field note books were vital for reconstructing

the Wet Cave stratigraphy and I am grateful for his involvement in the Wet Cave

review. For collaborating and taking the risk with me on a conference review paper,

I thank Dr Patrick Moss, Dr Graeme Armstrong, Phuong Doan, Dr Beth Gott, Rosie

Grundell, Dr Chris Johnson, Dr Matthew McDowell, Dr Jamie Wood and Dr Craig



I am privileged to have been mentored and supported by highly experienced

palaeontologists throughout my candidature. For their ongoing encouragement and

advice I thank Emeritus Professor Rod Wells, Dr Trevor Worthy, Dr Alex Baynes

and Steve Bourne. I am also grateful to have been surrounded by a diverse group of

colleagues who provided encouragement, feedback on drafts and ideas, help with

sorting and many laughs along the way. This wonderful ‘team’ included members

of the Flinders University Palaeontology Lab and the broader Adelaide

palaeontology community: Grant Gully, Dr Matt McDowell, Rachel Correll, Carey

Burke, Dr Aaron Camens, Sam Arman, James Moore, Aidan Couzens, Elen Shute,

Qam Nasrullah, Sean Adams, Dale Nelson, Celine Caris, Dr Graham Medlin, Dr

Erick Bestland, Dr Nic Rawlence and Dr Maria Zammit; present and former staff of

the Naracoorte Caves National Park: Deborah Craven-Carden, Decima McTernan,

Jen McClean, Alison Rowe, Frank Bromley, Gavin Kluske, Barb Lobban, Julie

Stone, Yarrow Lee, Jinhwa Lee, Ros Jones, Matt Crewe and Andrew Hansford and

Friends of the Naracoorte Caves, Ann and Alan Attwood.

I also extend warm thanks to present and former staff of Flinders University who

patiently answered my questions, helped me with access to resources, guided me

through the paperwork, solved my IT problems and made Flinders warm and

welcoming. This includes Maya Roberts, Kimberley Clift, Elke Eckhard, Sandra

Marshall, Annie Flynn, Diane Colombelli-Négrel, Lyn Spencer, Mike Bull, Pam

Stainer, John Marshall, Russell Stainer, Jenny Brand, Sonia Kleindorfer, Brett

Norsworthy, Raphael Russell-Livingstone, Andrew Daddow and the staff of the

Document Delivery services unit of the Flinders University Library. I also thank

Pawel Skuza for his advice on a range of statistical approaches and for pointing me

towards resources that proved invaluable to my research.

I am also grateful to have had the support of palaeoecologist, Dr Jessica Blois over

my candidature. Jessica generously gave me a crash course in using the program R

and provided me with a copy of an R script that she constructed for her own PhD.

These resources were vital for the faunal analyses completed in this thesis. I also

thank her for sharing her own experiences in research, publishing and coordinating

collaborative projects. Our discussions have stuck with me and will be a source of

advice and guidance for years to come.


Collection managers and curators of mammal collections from museums across

Australia were also generous in sharing their data for use in constructing species

distribution maps (Appendix F) and for allowing access to specimens for

comparison. I especially thank David Stemmer of the South Australian Museum and

Sandy Ingleby of the Australian Museum.

I also acknowledge financial support that has come from a wide range of sources.

This includes an Australian Government Post-graduate Award and a top-up

scholarship from the Playford Memorial Trust. The Linnean Society of New South

Wales provided me with funding for radiocarbon dating. I have also been privileged

to attend conferences of the Ecological Society of Australia with financial support

from the Society, Flinders University of South Australia, the Australian Federation

of Graduate Women and the research funds of Dr Liz Reed. I also attended

workshops in palaeoecology/phylogenetics at the expense of the Australian Institute

of Nuclear Science and Engineering and The National Postgraduate Workshop in

Systematics. The research presented in the thesis was also supported through the

Australian Government Caring for Our Country funding scheme (project: OC11-

00487) and a grant from the Nature Foundation SA Inc. awarded to Dr Liz Reed.

Finally, I extend warm thanks to my family and friends. They were and remain a

source of strength, confidence, motivation and inspiration. To Indigo and Joey,

thank you for always being ready with an open ear, warm tea and thoughtful words.

Julie, Sue and Grandma, thank you for being model to me of strong, successful

women. To my dad, Michael, thank you for wanting only the best for me, and to my

mum, Cathy, for your confidence and endless support. It gives me more strength

than you could imagine. Thank you too for sharing in my successes and for

consoling me when things didn’t go as planned. And to my partner, James, thank

you for being my ally, for believing in me and being ready with open arms and ears

every day of the last three and a half years. This thesis is better for my having been

able to share it with you.



Declaration ................................................................................................................ iv Abstract ...................................................................................................................... v Acknowledgements ................................................................................................... vii

1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1 Fossil deposits of the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area .............................. 2

Faunal responses to Pleistocene climate change ................................................ 4 Application to biodiversity conservation ........................................................... 5

Study Assemblages ................................................................................................. 7

Aims ....................................................................................................................... 9 Supporting objectives ......................................................................................... 9

Thesis Structure .................................................................................................... 13 Introduction to the literature review ................................................................. 13 Introduction to the research chapters, style and progression ............................ 13

2. Literature Review ............................................................................................... 17 Natural variation in (palaeo)ecological assemblages: scale, measurement and interpretation. ......................................................................................................... 17

Introduction .......................................................................................................... 17 Climate change: biodiversity adaptation and resilience ................................... 17 Palaeoecology and biodiversity conservation .................................................. 19

Fossil deposits of the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area ............................ 21 Scientific and natural history values ................................................................ 21 Geological Context ........................................................................................... 22 Palaeontological Research ................................................................................ 24

Palaeoecology of the NCWHA ............................................................................ 39 Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions ............................................................... 39 Climate change effects on local faunas ............................................................ 44

Defining natural variation and resilience in palaeoecological systems ................ 52 Resilience of Naracoorte mammal faunas to past climate change ................... 52 Natural variation/resilience framework ............................................................ 53 Numeric and ecological hierarchy of natural variation .................................... 55

Forward projection of trends: challenges and potential ....................................... 59

3. Chronology and stratigraphy of the Wet Cave vertebrate fossil deposit, Naracoorte, and relationship to paleoclimatic conditions of the Last Glacial Cycle in south-eastern Australia ........................................................................... 61

Abstract ................................................................................................................ 63

Introduction .......................................................................................................... 64

Site Description, Excavation and Original Sedimentary Analysis ....................... 65 Geological Setting ............................................................................................ 65 Excavation ........................................................................................................ 65 Sedimentary Analysis ....................................................................................... 67

Methods ................................................................................................................ 67


Stratigraphic sequence ...................................................................................... 67 Radiocarbon Dating .......................................................................................... 69

Results .................................................................................................................. 71 Sedimentary Sequence and Chronology........................................................... 71

Discussion ............................................................................................................ 75 Relationship to other Upper Pleistocene sequences of the NCWHA ............... 75 Paleoclimatic Context....................................................................................... 76

Conclusions .......................................................................................................... 84

Acknowledgements .............................................................................................. 85

4. Bayesian age-depth modelling of Late Quaternary deposits from Wet and Blanche Caves, Naracoorte, South Australia: a framework for comparative faunal analyses ........................................................................................................ 86

Abstract ................................................................................................................ 88

Introduction .......................................................................................................... 88

Regional Setting and Study Sites ......................................................................... 91 Geological setting of the Naracoorte Caves ..................................................... 91 Wet Cave (5U10, 11)........................................................................................ 93 Blanche Cave (5U4, 5, 6) ................................................................................. 95

Materials and Methods ......................................................................................... 99 Bayesian age-depth models .............................................................................. 99 Correlation of Wet and Blanche Cave Phases ................................................ 104

Results ................................................................................................................ 104 Wet and Blanche Cave Bayesian Models....................................................... 104 Phase Durations and Potential Hiatuses ......................................................... 105 Correlation of Wet and Blanche Cave Phases ................................................ 117

Discussion .......................................................................................................... 119 Wet and Blanche Cave Bayesian age-depth model priors ............................. 119 Outliers ........................................................................................................... 121 Phase durations, hiatuses and chronological interpretation............................ 125 Correlation of Wet and Blanche Cave Phases ................................................ 128

Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 130

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................ 131

5. Late Quaternary small mammal faunas of the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area ........................................................................................................ 132

Abstract .............................................................................................................. 133

Introduction ........................................................................................................ 133

Methods .............................................................................................................. 135 Study site ........................................................................................................ 135 Fossil assemblages ......................................................................................... 137 Accumulation mode ....................................................................................... 139 Species identification ..................................................................................... 140

Results ................................................................................................................ 141 Diversity ......................................................................................................... 141


Discussion .......................................................................................................... 145 Late Quaternary small mammal diversity ...................................................... 145 Faunal turnover and biogeographic implications ........................................... 146 Fossil records as biodiversity baselines for conservation .............................. 148

Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 149

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................ 150

6. Late glacial reorganisation of a small mammal palaeocommunity in southern Australia reveals thresholds of change ............................................... 151

Abstract .............................................................................................................. 152 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 153

Study region ................................................................................................... 158 Geological setting of the Naracoorte Caves ................................................... 161 Chronology and stratigraphy of Wet and Blanche caves ............................... 161

Methods .............................................................................................................. 163 Sample collection and fossil identification .................................................... 163 Faunal analysis: data standardisation ............................................................. 165 Faunal analysis: whole-palaeocommunity and individual species variables . 166 Faunal analysis: site- and time-effects ........................................................... 167 Palaeoclimatic and environmental context ..................................................... 169

Results ................................................................................................................ 170 Data summary................................................................................................. 170 Sampling variation of the local palaeocommunity: site-effects ..................... 170 Macroscale time-effects on palaeocommunity metrics .................................. 177 Mesoscale time effects on palaeocommunity metrics .................................... 178 Time-effects on individual species relative abundances ................................ 182

Discussion .......................................................................................................... 187 Similarity of Wet and Blanche Cave fossil assemblages: palaeocommunity variables.......................................................................................................... 187 Similarity of Wet and Blanche Cave fossil assemblages: relative abundance of individual species ........................................................................................... 188 Macro- versus mesoscale patterns of natural variation, persistence and intrinsic thresholds of change ....................................................................................... 190 Palaeoclimatic and environmental thresholds ................................................ 193

Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 200

Acknowledgments .............................................................................................. 201

7. Concluding Discussion ..................................................................................... 203 Stratigraphic and temporal analyses (chapters three and four) .......................... 204

Late Quaternary small mammal faunas of the Naracoorte Caves (chapters five and six) ............................................................................................................... 208

Final Synthesis ................................................................................................... 217

Appendix A ............................................................................................................ 223 Appendix B ............................................................................................................. 247 Appendix C ............................................................................................................. 251 Appendix D ............................................................................................................ 257


Appendix E ............................................................................................................. 277 Appendix F ............................................................................................................. 296 References .............................................................................................................. 299


1. Introduction Palaeoecology is concerned with the reconstruction and interpretation of past

environments and ecological communities across space and time. ‘Natural archives’

preserved within palaeoecological sites are critical to these reconstructions and

include biotic (e.g., bones, pollen, diatoms, charcoal) and abiotic (e.g., speleothem

cave formations, stable isotopes) records of past life and climatic conditions (Smol,

2010). When natural archives are chronologically and stratigraphically constrained,

they can be used to gain insight into patterns of species diversity, the timing and

role of disturbances in ecosystem development and patterns of extinction and

diversification over timescales spanning decades to millennia (Brenchly and Harper,

1998; Barnosky et al., 2003; Willis et al., 2005; MacDonald et al., 2008).

In exposing links between ecological diversity and drivers of assemblage patterns in

space and time, natural archives may also be used to address questions associated

with biodiversity conservation. The contribution of palaeoecology to biodiversity

conservation has been extensively reviewed, firmly establishing the benefits of

palaeoecology to contemporary biodiversity crises (e.g., Willis et al., 2005; Lyman,

2006; Willis et al., 2007; Rull, 2010; Willis et al., 2010; Vegas-Vilarrbuia et al.,

2011; Appendix A). For example, palaeoecological archives have been used to (a)

set conservation baselines (e.g., Foster et al., 1996; Davis et al., 2007; Burbidge et

al., 2008; Saunders and Taffs, 2009; Bellingham et al., 2010), (b) establish past

rates and direction of ecosystem change to inform predictions and models about

future effects (Barnosky et al., 2003; Carrasco et al., 2009; Davies et al., 2009;

Finney et al., 2010; Willis et al., 2010); (c) determine the extent and rates of

contemporary extinctions against historical baselines (Graham and Grimm, 1990;

Braithwaite and Muller, 1997; McKinney, 1997; Williams, 1997; Bilney et al.,

2010) and (d) isolate climatic from human drivers of change (Barnosky et al.,

2004a; Renberg et al., 2009). Appendix A presents a conference review manuscript

prepared during the course of the research presented in this thesis, highlighting

examples of palaeoecological research applied to biodiversity conservation

problems within Australia and New Zealand.


As shown in the examples described in Appendix A, palaeoecological archives

commonly used for specific conservation and management problems are those

derived from lake and peat cores containing pollen, diatoms, phytoliths and other

fine-scale records of past environments. However, vertebrate fossil assemblages,

particularly those preserved in caves and rock shelters, have made significant

contributions to understanding the nature of faunal responses to Quaternary climate

change at the species and community level in Australia (e.g., Prideaux et al., 2007;

Price and Sobbe, 2005; Price and Webb, 2006; Baynes and McDowell, 2010;

McDowell et al., 2013; Price, 2012). In some cases, these records have been used to

address contemporary biodiversity problems, both directly and indirectly, through

the examination of Pleistocene extinctions and long-term community dynamics.

Fossil deposits of the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area The palaeoecological archives of interest to this thesis derive from the vertebrate

fossil deposits of the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area (NCWHA). The

NCWHA in south-eastern South Australia provides extensive records of faunal

diversity over the Quaternary period (Fig. 1.1). The World Heritage Area contains

26 known caves with over 100 fossil sites among them (Reed and Bourne, 2000).

The oldest vertebrate assemblage from this locality is dated to the Middle

Pleistocene (528±41 ka; Prideaux et al., 2007), while the youngest known in situ

fossil remains have recently been dated to the late Holocene (<1000 yr BP; Macken

and Reed, 2013).

Research into fossil assemblages of the Naracoorte Caves has contributed to

knowledge of (a) late Quaternary faunal communities of southern Australia (e.g.,

Reed and Bourne, 2000; 2009), (b) the taxonomy and systematics of extinct and

living faunas (e.g., Prideaux and Wells, 1998; Williams, 1999; Prideaux, 2004), (c)

vertebrate taphonomy of cave deposits (e.g., Reed, 2006; 2009) and (d)

environmental change over the Quaternary (e.g., Forbes and Bestland, 2007,

Darrénougué et al., 2009).The scientific and natural history values of the cave

deposits are reflected in not only the publications associated with this research but

their World Heritage Listing and extensive on-site interpretation materials.


Figure 1.1 Location of the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area in south-eastern South Australia,



Faunal responses to Pleistocene climate change Despite a general bias in palaeoecological studies in Australia towards the causes of

‘megafauna’ extinction, research into the faunas of the Naracoorte Caves has

included smaller body-sized taxa, particularly in faunal based reconstructions of

palaeoenvironmental conditions. For example, the first palaeoenvironmental

reconstructions for the NCWHA were based on the habitat characteristics of small

vertebrates (Smith, 1971; 1972). More recent studies of last glacial aged deposits (c.

50 to 1 kyr BP) used a similar approach, but in a quantified framework based on the

ecological characteristics of the faunas preserved in the assemblages (McDowell,

2001; Laslett, 2006).

A significant focus of research at Naracoorte has also been on the effects of

Pleistocene climate change on local mammal faunas (e.g., Prideaux et al., 2007;

Macken et al., 2012). The first appraisal of faunal responses to Pleistocene climate

change was reported by Moriarty et al. (2000) and represented an important shift in

the type of research question being addressed through analysis of the Naracoorte

Caves fossil faunas; that is, rather than reconstructing climatic and environmental

conditions based on the fossil assemblages, Moriarty et al. (2000) were the first to

consider the effects of changing conditions on the fauna themselves.

In their assessment of the composition of six Middle Pleistocene aged assemblages

of the NCWHA, Moriarty et al. (2000) concluded that there had been “little

apparent change in faunal diversity over a period of 300 ka in the Middle

Pleistocene, a period spanning at least three glacial-interglacial cycles” (p. 141).

The implications of this assessment have been significant in the broader view of not

only the Naracoorte Cave deposits, but discussions of faunal dynamics through the

Pleistocene. For example, the apparent lack of faunal change recorded in the

Naracoorte Caves has been cited as evidence that climate change did not contribute

to megafaunal extinction in Australia (Barnosky et al., 2004b), nor that Pleistocene

climate changes affected mammalian faunas to the same extent as the Pleistocene–

Holocene transition (Koch and Barnosky, 2006).

Sampling limitations in the work by Moriarty et al. (2000) are expected to have

contributed to the lack of faunal change observed in their study and are explored in


the thesis literature review. By comparison, the more rigorous sampling protocol of

a Middle Pleistocene aged deposit by Prideaux et al. (2007) showed that species

relative abundances fluctuated through past glacial-interglacial cycles. Similar, and

in some cases divergent patterns in species abundances in response to a later

climatic transition were revealed in a Late Pleistocene aged assemblage by Macken

et al. (2012), suggesting complex, individualistic species responses to climate

change at this locality through time. Additionally, changes in species

presence/absence revealed in these studies suggest that the ranges of some taxa

expanded and contracted from the Naracoorte region through the Pleistocene.

These observations challenge the inference of no faunal change forwarded by

Moriarty et al. (2000). However, based on the lack of evidence for local faunal

extinctions, Prideaux et al. (2007) suggested that the mammal faunas of south-

eastern South Australia were resilient to Pleistocene climate change. This finding

supported arguments for a role of humans in the extinction of the megafauna

(Roberts et al., 2001; Prideaux et al., 2007). However, it is also significant from a

biodiversity conservation perspective as concepts of resilience are increasingly

integrated into conservation management plans (e.g., National Biodiversity Strategy

Review Task Group (NBSRTG), 2009).

Application to biodiversity conservation Research into Pleistocene fossil sites from the Naracoorte Caves has clearly made a

significant contribution to understanding local faunas and how they have changed

over time. However, as noted by Erwin (2009), understanding the processes that

control diversity, rather than simply documenting patterns of change over time is a

major challenge for palaeoecologists. He argued that it is only by revealing the

processes and drivers that underlie diversity that we can truly understand patterns of

change in diversity over time. Erwin (2009) also advocated for greater development

and testing of models describing the processes that drive diversity patterns using

empirical data derived from natural archives. This argument was supported by Rull

(2012) who showed that palaeoecological records can be used to test ecological

principles and theories such as equilibrium dynamics, successional processes and

community assembly rules. In doing so, the potential reach and impact of

palaeoecological studies to biodiversity conservation is deepened by testing those


models that directly inform conservation strategies, but which are rarely considered

over extended time-frames (Willis et al., 2010; Rull, 2012).

Of interest for this thesis is the observation of faunal resilience and variation across

different metric scales (abundance, presence/absence) in the Naracoorte Pleistocene

faunal record. More specifically, this thesis is concerned with determining the

magnitude and extent of variation exhibited in the composition and structure of a

mammal community with time and how such variation reflects processes operating

to control local diversity. For example, the resilience of local faunas to extinction

through past glacial cycles suggests that the observed variation in occupancy and

relative abundances of individual species in the palaeocommunity was constrained

within intrinsic (e.g., population size and density, body size, niche breadth,

interspecific interactions) and/or extrinsic (e.g., temperature, moisture availability,

habitat) limits or thresholds. Had those limits been exceeded, local extinction of

some taxa may have occurred through an inability to maintain or recover

populations to the Naracoorte region. Further, change in the composition of the

palaeocommunity evidenced by variation in species presence/absence suggests that

the palaeocommunity itself may not have been resilient to Pleistocene climate

change, despite the apparent resilience of the constituent faunas (Prideaux et al.,

2007; Macken et al., 2012). These ideas and concepts have not previously been

explored in studies of Naracoorte Cave faunas or other Pleistocene aged vertebrate

assemblages in Australia, but draw upon the broader conservation-related

applications demonstrated for a wide range of palaeoecological sites on other

continents (e.g., Bennington and Bambach, 1996; Gorham et al., 2001).

While it is recognised that mammal responses to environmental and climate change

are not limited to changes in community composition and structure, but include

phenotypic changes such as variation in body-size (Barnosky et al., 2003;

MacDonald et al., 2008; Blois and Hadly, 2009), particular attention is paid to

community metrics in this study to (a) develop a greater understanding of the

relationship between changes in individual species abundances and community

turnover, (b) examine sampling effects on commonly applied measures of climate

change response and (c) create a link between community level processes of the

past with future climate change responses. Faunal responses across community


metrics are also poorly understood for late Pleistocene south-eastern South


Study Assemblages The focal assemblages for this thesis were collected from the Late Quaternary aged

deposits of Wet and Blanche caves (Figs. 1.2 and 1.3). These caves contain large

samples of small mammal fossils, the result of owl pellet accumulation. Previous

analysis of the deposits from Wet and Blanche caves provide a foundation for the

present study and highlight their value for exploring natural variation and resilience.

Of particular significance is that c. 55% of the faunas preserved in the two deposits

occur in the region today (refer Table 2.1). This means that insights into long-term

dynamics of the faunas are directly relevant to the conservation and management of

extant species and communities. Further, the deposits span similar temporal periods

(Table 1.1), are located with 500 m of each other and have similar accumulation

biases (McDowell, 2001; Laslett, 2006). These factors facilitate a statistical test of

the similarity of the assemblages to assess sampling effects that may influence

observed patterns of community and species level variability and resilience through

time. This approach is endorsed by Bennington and Bambach (1996), but is rarely

available in the study of vertebrate fossil assemblages where typically, there is only

one deposit available for a given time period at a single locality. McDowell (2001)

and Laslett (2006) recognised the value of this comparative approach and provided

the first comparison of Late Quaternary aged deposits from the Naracoorte Caves.

The research presented here aims to develop the qualitative approaches applied in

these studies by applying a quantitative analysis based on the example of

Bennington and Bambach (1996) and using Bayesian age-depth modelling to

statistically correlate the stratigraphic sequences of Wet and Blanche caves. Such an

approach has not been previously tested on any Australian vertebrate fossil locality.

Few well dated and stratigraphically constrained analyses of fossil sites of Late

Quaternary age are available in Australia. As a consequence, the effects of climate

change associated with the last glacial cycle are poorly understood. Former study of

the Wet and Blanche cave assemblages revealed a general trend where grassland

inhabiting species were more abundant during the last glacial maximum, contrasting

with an increase in abundance in woodland species during the Holocene


(McDowell, 2001; Laslett, 2006). However, the limited chronological data and

taxonomic uncertainties (M. McDowell pers. comm.) of these studies limits the

extent to which the assemblage data, as presently available, may be used to assess

patterns of natural variation and resilience of the palaeocommunity and individual


Following the studies of McDowell (2001) and Laslett (2006), additional grid-

squares were excavated from Blanche Cave by E. Reed. The new excavations

followed the stratigraphy exposed by Laslett (2006) and were excavated by

sedimentary layer, rather than as arbitrary 5 or 10 cm ‘spits’ (E. Reed, pers. comm.).

Given the new sampling procedure for Blanche Cave, there was the potential to

examine the faunas from both individual sedimentary layers and stratigraphic units,

the latter composed of aggregated layers. This approach enabled an analysis of the

fossil faunas at two temporal scales and is significant as it allowed for the effects of

time-averaging on the observed patterns of faunal change to be quantified. A similar

approach was used by Bobe et al. (2002) to examine temporal trends in mammal

faunas at two time scales from a Southern Ethiopian hominin site, revealing

significant variation at the finer temporal scale not detected from the longer time-

averaged units.

Table 1.1 Maximum and minimum ages of the late Quaternary aged deposits of Wet and Blanche

caves. Radiocarbon ages calibrated using IntCal09 (Reimer et al., 2009) in OxCal4.1 (Bronk

Ramsey, 2009a). Site 14C age yr BP (1σ) cal yr BP (2σ)

Blanche Cave, 3rd Chamber 43,260±18401 to 12,470±602 49,986–44,696 to 15,032–14,168

Wet Cave, Entrance Chamber 45,200±1800 to 740±403 45,984–43,334 to 735–569

1 St Pierre et al. (2012) 2 Darrénougué et al. (2009) 3 Pate et al. (2002; 2006)


Aims The aim of research presented in this thesis was to determine the magnitude and

ecological extent of variation (or stability) expressed by the small mammal

palaeocommunity of south-eastern South Australia through the last glacial cycle and

to examine if such variation occurred within extrinsic and intrinsic thresholds. More

specifically, it aimed to:

1. Determine the magnitude of natural variation of the small mammal

palaeocommunity and individual species through the last glacial cycle

across the following attributes: species richness, evenness, composition,

rank-order abundance and the relative abundance of individual species.

2. Identify thresholds of resilience of the small mammal palaeocommunity

through the last glacial cycle relating to the following factors:

a. Intrinsic: palaeocommunity composition, rank-order abundance and

species abundances, and

b. Extrinsic: sea-surface temperature, effective moisture availability

and local vegetation types.

3. Examine how sampling variation within and between sites and temporal

resolution influenced the patterns of variation and/or stability observed in

the small mammal fossil assemblages.

Supporting objectives A series of supporting aims and objectives associated with establishing the

chronological and depositional contexts of the study deposits were critical to

achieving the overall aims of the thesis.

The greater chronological control, finer temporal resolution and more adequate and

quantitative faunal sampling in the studies of Prideaux et al. (2007) and Macken et

al. (2012) were fundamental in revealing the faunal changes that were previously

obscured by poor sampling in studies of the Naracoorte Cave faunas (Moriarty et


al., 2000). The additional objectives listed below reflect the importance of these

factors to the aims of this thesis and included:

1. Interpret the stratigraphy of Wet and Blanche caves using sedimentary data.

2. Construct an age-depth model for each of the Wet and Blanche Cave

stratigraphic profiles using radiocarbon and sedimentary data.

3. Temporally correlate stratigraphic units and layers between Wet and Blanche


4. Identify new and previously examined fossil assemblages from Wet and

Blanche caves.

Research associated with these supporting objectives is presented in chapter three,

four and five and provides the background to chapter six in which the primary aims

of the thesis were explored.


Figure 1.2 View towards the roof window entrance of Wet Cave (5U10) within the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area. The fossil excavation was located on the edge of the sediment cone, located behind the camera in this photograph.


Figure 1.3 View towards the roof window entrance to the Third chamber of Blanche Cave (5U6) within the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area. The fossil excavation was located behind the camera. Photograph by Steve Bourne.


Thesis Structure

Introduction to the literature review In the literature review, I examine the significance of managing for natural variation

in biodiversity conservation, particularly in light of climate change effects on

species and communities. Given the strong argument presented in ecological and

palaeoecological literature for long-term studies of ecosystems, I also explore the

methods used to measure and describe faunal change (variability) in long-term data.

Of particular relevance to my study of the Naracoorte small mammal faunas was

how the techniques used to measure faunal responses and community variability in

fossil assemblages, and the biological and metric scale of study, can affect the

statistical and inferred ecological significance of observed patterns (e.g., Rahel,

1990; Schopf and Ivany, 1998; Hadly and Barnosky, 2009). Examination of these

issues in the review informed the approach I used to measure, define and interpret

variability, and hence, resilience of the Late Quaternary small mammal faunas of

the NCWHA.

Introduction to the research chapters, style and progression Research conducted for this thesis is presented in manuscript format, with chapters

composed of published papers and submitted manuscripts. As a result, some

information is repeated through the thesis, such as descriptions of the study locality,

a required element for each individual manuscript.

Where a research chapter has been published, a citation to the paper is provided but

the manuscript itself is presented in a format and style consistent with the thesis in

order to facilitate ease of reading the thesis as a whole. However, there are some

inconsistencies with the use and style of some terminology between chapters. For

example, ‘Late Pleistocene’ is interchangeable with both ‘late Pleistocene’ and

‘Upper Pleistocene.’ ‘Middle Pleistocene’ is also referred to as ‘middle

Pleistocene’, while ‘Early Pleistocene’ is interchangeable with ‘early Pleistocene’

and ‘Lower Pleistocene’. These terms were used in accordance with directions from

the Journal editors associated with each of the published manuscripts. Additionally,

the prefix ‘palaeo’ is spelt using American English (‘paleo’) in chapter three, in

accordance with the style requested by the editor of The Australian Journal of Earth


Science. All chronological data are presented as calibrated calendar years before

present (yr BP), unless otherwise stated.

References for each chapter and appendix are compiled at the end of the thesis to

reduce repetition and the size of the thesis. Referencing style varies amongst the

sections of the thesis as they were published by, or prepared for, different journals;

however, all references are formatted to the same style in the bibliography at the

end of the thesis.

As all manuscripts have multiple authors, a summary of the contribution of each

author to the work has been provided. All co-authors have given permission for the

relevant manuscripts to be included in the thesis as indicated by their signatures on

the coversheet for each research chapter. In some cases, co-authors could not

provide a signature (due to field work or other travel commitments). In those cases,

their names have been typed and a copy of their authorisation by email has been

kept for reference.

In Chapter three, I present a review of the stratigraphy and chronology of the Wet

Cave deposit. Despite previous sedimentary and faunal analysis of the site, there

had been no assessment of the stratigraphic divisions of the excavated section using

all the available sedimentary data. In this chapter, sedimentary and chronological

data for the site were compiled to identify sedimentary units that could be used to

(a) examine the relationship of the sedimentary section of Wet Cave to the

contemporaneous deposits of the inner chamber of Robertson Cave and 3rd chamber

of Blanche Cave, both located within the NCWHA and, (b) facilitate assessment of

the fauna at a coarser temporal resolution than previously available from Wet Cave.

The coarser resolution was more consistent with the major climatic phases of the

last glacial cycle (e.g., Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3, MIS-2 LGM and MIS-2

deglaciation). Chapter three also presents additional radiocarbon ages for the Wet

Cave deposit and an extensive review of palaeoclimatic conditions associated with

the last glacial cycle in south-eastern South Australia, providing a palaeoclimatic

context for the faunal analyses presented in chapter six.


Chapter four presents a Bayesian age-depth model-based analysis of the

stratigraphic and chronological contexts of Wet and Blanche Caves. The age models

developed for Wet and Blanche caves provided not only a robust assessment of the

ages of all stratigraphic layers/units within the sites, but enabled them to be

statistically correlated. Using the age-models, we were able to define two temporal

scales for analysis of the fossil assemblages (a macroscale and a mesoscale). The

coarser macroscale was associated with major climatic phases of the last glacial

cycle (e.g., MIS-3, MIS-2 glacial maximum and MIS-2 deglaciation). The

mesoscale provided finer time-slices within each of these climatic phases. Without

the age models, the temporal correlation of the two sites would have been inferred

from the sediments and individually calibrated radiocarbon ages, without estimates

of statistical uncertainty which may have biased the comparative faunal analyses

and/or been inaccurate.

Chapter five introduces the small mammal taxa identified from the study sites and

the methodology used to sample the fossil assemblages. The biogeographic

implications of the fossil records of the Naracoorte Caves are also discussed in this

chapter, highlighting the need for greater communication of fossil occurrences to

enhance knowledge of the past distribution of mammal faunas prior to European

arrival in Australia. As 47 species were identified in this project, systematic

palaeontology is presented in Appendix D only for species of Dasyuridae

previously unrecorded from the NCWHA and/or the Late Pleistocene–Holocene

from this locality. Limiting the systematic palaeontology to this selection of the

fauna aims to demonstrate how I identified the fauna without eclipsing the thesis

with a lengthy descriptive chapter or providing descriptions for taxa that are well

described elsewhere. Appendix D also contains a list of references used to aid in the

identification of species from other families. In the published manuscript systematic

palaeontology was provided for the two unidentified taxa, Dasyuridae sp. 1 and

Sminthopsis sp. 1 to alert other researchers to the potential of new taxa, or

specimens that present morphologically variants of known taxa within the fossil

assemblages of the Naracoorte Caves.

In chapter six, a quantitative analysis of the fossil assemblages of Wet and Blanche

Cave is presented, directly addressing the aims of the thesis. The analyses in chapter


six were used to determine the extent and magnitude of sampling variation within

and between the two sites compared against variation that may be considered as

temporal change. By combining the numeric and statistical frameworks of Rahel

(1990) and Bennington and Bambach (1996), I defined a hierarchy and terminology

from which the ecological significance of natural variation in the palaeocommunity

could be assessed.

The final chapter presents an overview of the main findings and limitations of the

research presented in the thesis and outlines future research questions arising from

the current work. The thesis concludes with a synthesis of the research findings

within the broader context of the questions which informed the focus for the thesis:

(a) how do ecosystems respond in the short and long-term to disturbance,

(b) what is the natural range of variability expressed by an ecosystem at different

spatial, temporal and ecological scales, and

(c) what are the limits of resilience, or thresholds beyond which an ecosystem

changes state?


2. Literature Review

Natural variation in (palaeo)ecological assemblages: scale,

measurement and interpretation.

“We get closer to understanding the whole by considering its parts at more than one

scale.” Schopf and Ivany, 1998, p. 187.


Climate change: biodiversity adaptation and resilience The effects of climate change on organisms, communities and ecosystems are of

concern to biodiversity managers and are expected to include shifts in the

distribution and abundance of species and changes to population, life history and

reproductive dynamics (e.g., Williams et al., 2003; Meyeneck, 2004; Preston et al.,

2008; Marini et al., 2009). As a result, climate change is expected to increase the

extinction risk of vulnerable taxa, facilitate the spread of invasive species and alter

the dynamics of ecological processes and interactions (e.g., Green et al., 2008;

Brennan et al., 2009; Kannan and James, 2009). Confounding climate change

effects are the consequences of human activities on biodiversity. Of concern in

Australia is the loss, fragmentation and degradation of habitat, depletion of natural

resources, inappropriate fire regimes and changes to aquatic environments and

water flows (NBSRTG, 2009).

In order to mediate the combined risks of climate change and anthropogenic

landscape disturbance, an emergent goal of biodiversity conservation is to develop

the adaptive capacity of ecological communities and populations. In the Australian

Biodiversity Conservation Strategy, this goal is defined within the context of

building ecosystem resilience (NBSRTG, 2009). At face value, these goals appear

to be contradictory; adaptation suggests change while resilience may be equated

with stability. However, as defined by Walker et al. (2004), ecosystem resilience

refers to the “capacity of a system to absorb disturbance and reorganise while

undergoing change so as to retain essentially the same function, structure, identity

and feedbacks” (p.1). The latter aspect is at the heart of most ecological definitions


of resilience, that is, how much pressure or change an ecological system can

withstand before it shifts to a new, alternative steady-state (Holling, 1996; Walker

et al., 2009). It is perhaps through the recognition that variation in ecosystem

components can contribute to overall ecosystem stability that concepts of adaptation

and resilience may be integrated (Cumming et al., 2005). However, from a

biodiversity conservation perspective, it may not be most critical to quantify

resilience per se, but instead to develop a greater understanding of the type, drivers

and consequences of variation in ecological systems and communities. For example,

it may be more useful to have information about thresholds that operate within

systems that when crossed, lead to new ecosystem states, as well as baselines

against which such changes may be compared (Hadly and Barnosky, 2009; Dietl

and Flessa, 2011).

Although there is an urgency for appropriate biodiversity conservation strategies,

addressing questions about variability and resilience is limited by a lack of

knowledge about (a) how ecosystems respond in the short and long-term to

disturbance (including climate change) (Lepetz et al., 2009), (b) the natural range of

variability expressed by an ecosystem at different spatial, temporal and ecological

scales (Landres et al., 1999) and (c) the limits of resilience, or thresholds beyond

which an ecosystem changes state (Willis et al., 2005; 2007; 2010; NBSRTG,


To address these questions, long-term studies of ecosystems, in particular, those

covering temporal scales sufficient to detect the full extent of ecosystem

reorganisation following climatic change and other disturbances, are required. Yet

few studies cover temporal scales that are sufficient to detect the full extent of

ecosystem reorganisation following disturbance (Van Valkenburgh, 1995; Lepetz et

al., 2009). In the absence of long-term data, bioclimatic models have become an

important tool in biodiversity management planning. These have been used

extensively for predicting the effects of future climate change on species

distributions and abundance (e.g., Williams et al., 2003; Shoo et al., 2005);

although, there are limitations to the scope, detail and accuracy of modelled

responses (Pearson and Dawson, 2003; Willis and Bhagwat, 2009). Extensive

habitat fragmentation, species loss and subsequent ecosystem disruption also limits


our ability to understand patterns of natural variation and the interaction of

ecosystem changes with the long-term persistence or loss of different ecosystem

attributes over time (Magurran and Henderson, 2010).

Palaeoecology and biodiversity conservation Palaeoecological studies are increasingly recognised as a valuable source of

empirical data on past ecosystems (e.g., Willis et al., 2005; MacDonald et al., 2008;

Hadly and Barnosky, 2009; Willis et al., 2010), with many examples of the use of

“natural archives” (Smol, 2010) to contextualise current and future landscape

changes (e.g., Barnosky and Shabel, 2005; Saunders and Taffs, 2009; Bellingham et

al., 2010; Bilney et al., 2010; Carassco et al., 2010; Finney et al., 2010; Renberg et

al., 2010). These natural archives include biotic (e.g., bones, pollen, diatoms) and

abiotic (e.g., speleothem cave formations, stable isotopes) records that can be used

to reconstruct past environments and empirically test the history of life and models

of global change (e.g., Barnosky et al., 2003; Willis et al., 2005; MacDonald et al.,


As shown by Willis et al. (2010), the application of palaeoecological archives to

modern conservation and management problems are broad in type, scale and value

and can include (a) informing predictions about climate change responses and

thresholds based on past ecological and climatic variability, (b) identifying the

combinations of biotic and abiotic processes that most contributed to past ecological

resilience and where these are likely to occur under future climate change scenarios,

and (c) providing insights on novel, or non-analogous communities and their

management. These applications go some way to addressing the three deficiencies

in knowledge identified above: that is, understanding how ecosystems respond to

disturbance at different time-scales, the range of variation and types of states that

may normally be expressed by different systems under different environmental and

climatic scenarios and finally, the thresholds operating within systems that define

the limits or boundaries of these states and ultimately, ecosystem resilience.

Of particular interest for this review is not necessarily what palaeoecological

records reveal about natural variation and resilience in past ecological systems, but

rather how natural variation and resilience are measured and defined. More


specifically, the literature review examines how temporal, spatial and taxonomic

scales and sampling effects can influence patterns detected in palaeoecological

deposits. Ultimately, such issues affect how palaeoecological trends are compared

against changes observed in modern systems and the inferred ecological

significance of such changes (Bennington et al., 2009).

The literature review is divided into three sections, with the first providing an

overview of the geological setting, chronology, faunas, climate and environmental

context the vertebrate fossil assemblages of the NCWHA, the study locality. In the

second section, particular attention is given to the techniques, results and

implications of faunal change observed in the Naracoorte Cave record through time

to (a) show how the aims of the thesis have been informed by the findings of past

research from this locality, and (b) highlight key sampling issues that can influence

patterns of faunal change observed in fossil records and which were considered in

the design of the research presented in the thesis.

The final section re-focusses on natural variation and resilience in ecological

systems. This section explores how natural variation and resilience have been

inferred from faunal changes observed in palaeoecological assemblages, including

those of the NCWHA. It also focusses on hierarchical relationships across common

metrics used to examine change in fossil assemblages (species richness,

composition and abundance) and the biodiversity conservation implications of

variation across these metrics. This section of the review aims to complement Hadly

and Barnosky (2009) who explored key mechanisms by which vertebrate fossil

records contribute knowledge about natural variation in ecosystems.


Fossil deposits of the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area

Scientific and natural history values The fossil deposits of the Naracoorte Caves contain the first dated Middle

Pleistocene bone assemblages in Australia (Ayliffe et al., 1998; Prideaux, 2006).

They also provide records of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene, a period not well

represented in other Australian vertebrate fossil deposits (Prideaux, 2006). In

recognition of their natural and scientific value, the Naracoorte Cave fossil deposits

were inscribed to the World Heritage List in 1994. Together with Riversleigh in

Queensland, they are listed as the Australian Fossil Mammal Sites. There are 26

known caves within the NCWHA, containing nearly 100 fossil sites, each

representing a snapshot of past environments and faunas of the region (Reed and

Bourne, 2000, 2009). Over their c. 500,000 year accumulation history, the caves

have acted as pitfall traps and predator dens, preserving a record of faunal diversity

and abundance over time.

The potential of the Naracoorte Caves to provide a long-term record of faunal

response to climate change was recognised from the earliest scientific exploration

of the caves (Wells, 1975; Wells et al., 1984). As research has expanded knowledge

of the temporal distribution, diversity and richness of the fossil deposits, three key

advantages for researching fauna and climate from the caves have emerged: (a) the

ability to track mammal diversity change over multiple climatic cycles at one

geographic location (e.g., Prideaux et al., 2007; Macken et al., 2012) (b) the ability

to test models of mammal response to climate change across multiple sites of the

same age (e.g., McDowell, 2001) and (c) enable the influence of taphonomic and

accumulation biases on the fidelity of the palaeontological record to the sampled

community to be determined (e.g., Reed, 2003; Fraser and Wells, 2006).

In their recent review of the effects of climate change on biological systems over

the Cainozoic, Blois and Hadly (2009) identified that palaeoecological studies

integrating climatic, environmental and community patterns are required if such

data is to be used to model and predict habitat and species changes in the future.

The Naracoorte Caves facilitate such integrated studies as they contain deep

sediment deposits, abundant speleothems and other natural archives in addition to

bones such as fossil pollen (Darrénougué et al., 2009).


Geological Context The NCWHA is located in south-eastern South Australia, c. 12 km from the

township of Naracoorte (37°0’S, 149°48’E; Fig.1.1). The caves lie within an

uplifted portion of the Oligocene to Miocene aged Gambier Limestone, a deep

fossiliferous limestone of marine sediment origins (Ludbrook, 1961; Li et al.,

2000). Overlying this sequence is a series of sub-parallel, stranded Pleistocene

beach dune facies that extend from Naracoorte to the coast at Robe (Sprigg, 1952,

Murray-Wallace et al., 2001; Fig. 2.1). The oldest and easternmost of these dunes,

the Naracoorte East Ridge, was deposited greater than 780 kyr BP and may be as

old as 935 kyr BP (Murray-Wallace et al., 2001). These ridges are composed of

bioclastic, calcareous carbonates of the Bridgewater formation, intermittently

overlain by dune sands and calcrete (Belperio, 1995).

The prevailing model of cave formation that informed the first palaeontological

studies of the caves was based on phreatic dissolution of fallen roof blocks of the

Gambier Limestone over the late Miocene/early Pliocene (Wells et al., 1984). More

recent investigation suggests that movement of the Kanawinka fault uplifted the

Gambier Limestone underneath the East Naracoorte Ridge, facilitating cave

formation by controlling the development and distribution of joints within the

limestone (Lewis et al., 2006).

The development of entrances from the surface into the caves was determined by

Reed (2003) based on an extensive survey of caves in the NCWHA and the South

East region. Narrow ‘solution pipe’ openings, up to a maximum of 1.8 m diameter,

formed as a result of secondary dissolution of limestone via vadose flow along

vertical joints and subsequent lateral enlargement. These entrances contrast with

much larger roof ‘windows,’ which reach up to 13.7 m diameter. Such roof window

entrances formed following collapse of thin limestone above domed chambers

(Reed, 2003).

Accumulation of vertebrate bone material and clastic sediments in the caves has

been constrained by the opening, and in the case of solution pipes, closing of these

cave entrances over time (Reed, 2003). Dating of clastic sediments, bone material

and speleothem cave formations indicates that the Naracoorte caves first opened to


the surface in the Early to Middle Pleistocene (Ayliffe and Veeh, 1988; Ayliffe et

al., 1998; Grün et al., 2001; Prideaux et al., 2007). The oldest known sedimentary

and bone deposits date to the Middle Pleistocene, 530 kyr BP (Prideaux et al.,

2007), while some sites actively accumulate animals and clastic materials today

(Reed, 2003).

Figure 2.1 Geological map of south-eastern South Australia, indicating position of sub-parallel

Pleistocene stranded beach dune facies and location of the Naracoorte Caves in the Upper South East

region of South Australia, Australia. Reproduced from Forbes and Bestland (2007) with permission

from Dr Matthew Forbes.


Palaeontological Research

Early exploration and study of the fossil deposits within the NCWHA has been

reviewed previously (McDowell, 2001; Reed, 2003). Therefore, this section

presents an overview of more recent palaeontological research at the caves since the

1969 discovery of Main Fossil Chamber in Victoria Fossil Cave.


Cave deposits such as those of the NCWHA provide the richest source of

Pleistocene faunal remains in Australia (Wells, 1978). However, as a result of their

complex accumulation histories, cave deposits are considered to be less than ideal

for palaeontological studies (Lowe and Walker, 1997; Forbes et al., 2007).

Attempts to date the Main Fossil Chamber deposit in Victoria Fossil Cave (VFC)

reflect the challenges of dating cave deposits (Wells et al., 1984; Ayliffe and Veeh,

1988; Grün et al., 2001); however, research into other deposits of the NCWHA has

yielded valuable palaeontological information within more tightly resolved

temporal contexts (Fig. 2.2 and references therein). This has been facilitated by

advances in dating techniques and the presence of multiple datable materials in the

deposits such as cave speleothems (flowstones, stalagmites, stalactites and straws),

quartz-bearing sediments, charcoal, bones and teeth.

The accumulation ages for the deposits listed in Fig. 2.2 indicate that at least three

sites accumulated material over the same time intervals of the Middle (Group 1

deposits) and Late Pleistocene (Group 2 deposits) within the NCWHA. Only the

Grant Hall deposit represents a time not captured by any other known deposit

(Ayliffe and Veeh, 1988; Macken et al., 2011). The age distribution of the NCWHA

deposits provides the opportunity to examine faunal change over multiple climatic

cycles at one geographic location, test models of mammal response to climate

change across multiple sites of the same age and understand how taphonomic and

accumulation biases influence the fidelity of the palaeontological record with the

sampled community.


Holocene Late Pleistocene Middle Pleistocene

<10 kyr BP

10 kyr BP

20 kyr BP

30 kyr BP

40 kyr BP

50 kyr BP

60 kyr BP

70 kyr BP

80 kyr BP

90 kyr BP

100 kyr BP

200 kyr BP

300 kyr BP

400 kyr BP 500 kyr BP


Wet Cave1,2 780 >45 kyr BP AMS Radiocarbon


Robertson Cave1

8 kyr BP >32

kyr BP

AMS Radiocarbon (charcoal)

Blanche Cave3,4 12.5 kyr BP

>40 kyr BP

SSAMS Radiocarbon (charcoal), TIMS U/Th (speleothem straws)

VFC Grant Hall5 70 kyr

BP 93 kyr BP

OSL (quartz)

VFC Starburst6,7,8 210 kyr

BP 280 kyr

BP U-series (flowstone)

VFC Main Fossil Chamber6,7,8

213 kyr BP > 400 kyr BP U-series (flowstone)

CC Fossil Chamber6,7,9 160

kyr BP 528 kyr BP

U-series (flowstone), OSL (quartz).

Figure 2.2 Accumulation ages for dated deposits of the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area with details of dating technique(s) applied and datable material. VFC = Victoria

Fossil Cave; AMS = Accelerator Mass Spectrometer; SSAMS = single stage accelerator mass spectrometer; OSL = optically stimulated luminescence. AMS radiocarbon ages

presented as 14C dates. 1McDowell (2001); 2Pate et al. (2002; 2006); 3Darrénogué et al. (2009); 4St Pierre et al. (2012); 5Macken et al. (2011); 6Ayliffe et al. (1998); 7Moriarty et

al. (2000); 8Grün et al. (2001); 9Prideaux et al. (2007).

Group 2 ]

[ Group 1


Sediments and Stratigraphy

Defining the stratigraphic and sedimentological context of fossil deposits is an

important prerequisite to their excavation and interpretation. The first sediment

analyses from the NCWHA were of the clastic infills of Main Fossil Chamber,

Victoria Fossil Cave (Wells et al., 1984) and analyses have now been conducted on

other bone-bearing deposits (e.g., Moriarty et al., 2000; McDowell, 2001; Laslett,

2006; Forbes and Bestland, 2007; Forbes et al., 2007; Prideaux et al., 2007;

Darrénougué et al., 2009; Macken et al., 2011). Typical sediment types found in the

caves range from homogenous yellow sands (e.g., middle unit of Robertson Cave;

Forbes et al., 2007) to organic rich, brown silty sands (e.g., Unit 2 of Blanche Cave;

Darrénougué et al., 2009) and reddish silts (e.g., Grant Hall; Macken, 2009; Macken et

al., 2011) as originally described by Forbes and Bestland (2007).

Transport and deposition of clastic sediments into the caves has occurred largely via

wind and water action, producing sedimentary cones and fans with unique stratigraphic

and physical characteristics. The mode and rate of sediment transport and resulting

sediment profiles within the caves is influenced by a wide range of factors. These


(a) Surface conditions such as vegetation and soil cover which control the rate of

water flow and therefore rates of accumulation (Wells et al., 1984).

(b) The presence and size of dolines (shallow depressions) in the limestone

bedrock above the cave entrance which may concentrate sediments and

organic matter via run-off flows prior to deposition into the chambers below.

Moriarty et al. (2000) suggested this as the primary mode of accumulation of

sediments into the caves at Naracoorte, implying discrete, bulk depositional

episodes in the past resulting in aggraded stratigraphic layers in the deposit.

(c) Cave entrance type and size, which influences the nature of the sedimentary

cone and rates of accumulation over time. In caves with large roof windows,

the sediment cone is typically composed of limestone debris and is built up

over time by clastic and organic material inputs (Reed, 2003). In many of

these caves, plants, fungi and algae grow within the light zone over the

sedimentary cone (Reed, 2003). In contrast, smaller solution pipe entrances

may block up over time as the sediment cone fills the pipe. Large water inputs


may cause mass slumping events and distal transport of sediments, re-opening

the solution pipe.

(d) Within-cave processes such as water transport, slumping, saturated mud flows

and animal movements, which can lead to secondary deposition and erosion

across sedimentary cones and fans. These processes produce unique

stratigraphic features including deep scours, cut and fill structures and flames

(e.g., McDowell, 2001).


Taphonomy and accumulation

The first extensive taphonomic investigation of fossil deposits of the NCWHA was

conducted by Reed (2003). This work focused on the large mammal bone material of

the Main Fossil Chamber, Victoria Fossil Cave and included neo-taphonomic

observations in caves acting as contemporary pitfall traps. Reed (2003) documented

the range of physical and biological factors influencing pitfall entrapment in the

Naracoorte Caves, including cave entrance dynamics, animal locomotion and


Reed (2003) showed that pitfall entrapment, or ‘pitfall mortality’ produces a near

random sample of the mammal community through cumulative accretion over time. By

comparison, roof window deposits record a more diverse species assemblage, resulting

in higher fidelity to the actual composition of the palaeocommunity that was sampled

in the deposit. This occurs largely as a result of taphonomic biases associated with the

cave entrance type. Solution pipes bias entrapment of saltatorial species while roof

windows captured a more equal representation of faunas with different movement

habits (i.e., saltatorial, scansorial and arboreal). This occurs as roof windows facilitate

a combination of pitfall entrapment, predator accumulation and within-cave habitation

(Reed, 2003).

In the Naracoorte fossil sites, Barn and Masked Owl (Tyto alba and Tyto

novaehollandiae) are the main predatory accumulating agents; although, mammalian

carnivores may be responsible for some deposits (Reed and Bourne, 2000). The Late

Pleistocene fossil assemblages of the Group 2 deposits are predominantly owl pellet

derived (McDowell, 2001; Laslett, 2006). These assemblages are dominated by small


mammals with high concentrations of bones. In grid square B2 from Blanche Cave,

mammals with a maximum body mass of <100 g composed between 74 and 86%

(average 79.6%) of the sample through the depositional sequence, and those of body

mass 101–500 g only 3 to 14% (average 6.6%; Laslett 2006). A similar bias is

reflected in assemblage from the inner chamber of Robertson Cave and the assemblage

from Wet Cave where c. 80% of the two assemblages are composed of small mammals

of body mass <300 g (NB. No small mammals of body mass 301–500g were identified

in the study; McDowell 2001). There is also a bias towards juvenile animals for

species in the body mass range 500–3000 g. This is attributed to selective predation of

smaller body-sized individuals (usually juveniles) with a higher susceptibility to

predation (Andrews, 1990; Laslett, 2006). Poor representation of large mammals in the

Group 2 deposits may be due to enhanced visual detection of the larger cave openings

(Reed, 2003; Laslett, 2006). By comparison, solution pipe entrances are less likely to

be used as roosting sites by owls. All known Late Pleistocene sites of the NCWHA

(Group 2) are in caves with large roof windows dominated by owl pellet derived

faunas while Middle Pleistocene sites (Group 1) are largely pitfall accumulations.


The occurrence of mammal faunas across the most extensively sampled and dated

fossil deposits of the NCWHA are presented in Table 2.1. Mammal faunas represented

in the fossil deposits of the Naracoorte Caves include extant species such as: Echidna

(Tachyglossus aculeatus); Dasyuridae (Antechinus flavipes and Sminthopsis

crassicaudata); Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus); Common Wombat (Vombatus

ursinus); possums and gliders (Trichosurus vulpecula, Pseudocheirus peregrinus and

Petaurus breviceps); kangaroos and wallabies (Macropus fuliginosus/giganteus,

Macropus rufogriseus and Wallabia bicolor); bats (Miniopterus schreibersii); and

native rats and mice (Hydromys chrysogaster, Notomys mitchelli, Pseudomys

apodemoides and Rattus fuscipes) (Reed and Bourne, 2000, 2009; Foulkes et al.,


There are also extensive records of amphibians, reptiles and birds within the

Naracoorte Cave assemblages. However, these faunas have received less attention than

the mammal faunas. Species in the fossil record that are still observed in the region

today include Australian magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen), Emu (Dromaius


novaehollandiae), Malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata) and Noisy Miner (Manorina

melanocephala; Hopton et al., 2003). The amphibian record includes Brown Tree frog

(Littoria ewingi), Common froglet (Crinia signifera), Eastern Banjo frog

(Limnodynastes dumerilii) and Smooth frog (Geocrinia laevis). Bougainville’s skink

(Lerista bougainville), Sleepy lizard (Tiliqua rugosa), Common Long-necked tortoise

(Chelodina longicollis), Eastern Bearded dragon (Pogona barbata), Eastern Tiger

snake (Notechis scutatus) and Eastern Brown snake (Pseudonaja textilis) are

represented in the fossil record (Reed and Bourne, 2000) and are still found in the

region today (Foulkes et al., 2003b).

The Naracoorte Caves also preserve a record of Australian ‘megafauna’, a collective

term to describe animals of body mass >30 kg that became extinct in the Late

Pleistocene, such as Thylacoleo carnifex, Zygomaturus trilobus, Diprotodon optatum,

Palorchestes azael and many sthenurine kangaroos including Procoptodon goliah,

‘Procoptodon’ gilli, Simosthenurus occidentalis and Sthenurus andersoni. The large

madtsoiid snake Wonambi naracoortensis and the giant Pleistocene dromornithid

Genyornis newtoni are also represented as fossils from the Naracoorte Caves.

The last recorded occurrence for a number of megafaunal species occurs in the

Naracoorte record. For example, the presence of Simosthenurus maddocki in the Grant

Hall deposit represents the youngest known record for this species, c. 74 kyr BP

(Macken, 2009). Wet Cave provides the most recent occurrence for Protemnodon

brehus, ‘Procoptodon’ browneorum, Thylacoleo carnifex and Zygomaturus trilobus, c.

46 kyr BP (Pate et al., 2002).

Late Pleistocene vertebrate deposits indicate that despite loss of the megafauna as

indicated by their absence in sediments dating < c. 45 kyr BP (Pate et al., 2006), faunal

diversity remained high well into the Holocene with an estimated 47 mammal species

identified from the Group 2 assemblages (McDowell, 2001; Laslett, 2006; Table 2.1).

Unfortunately, this diversity has drastically declined in the region, at least since

European settlement (Foulkes et al., 2003a). Many species are now extinct (e.g.,

Macropus greyi, Potorous platyops and Thylacinus cynocephalus), or no longer occur

in the region (e.g., Macropus eugenii, Mastacomys fuscus, Bettongia penicillata and

Perameles bougainville). Extensive habitat clearance, predation and competition from


introduced species have contributed to the loss of these species. According to the 2001

Naracoorte Caves National Park Management Plan (SERNPWSA, 2001), 26 native

mammal species, 90 native birds and 27 species of reptiles persist in the Naracoorte

Caves National Park at the present time. Many of these extant species are considered

rare or endangered as a result of human modification to the landscape.


Table 2.1 Mammal species (excluding bats) identified in six well-studied fossil assemblages of the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area. 1 indicates present, 0 absent.

Species occurrences marked with cf. indicate tentative identification of species. Differentiation of Group 1 (Main Fossil Chamber, Victoria Fossil Cave (VFC); Fossil

Chamber, Cathedral Cave and Grant Hall, VFC) and Group 2 sites (Inner Chamber, Robertson Cave; 5U10 Entrance Chamber, Wet Cave and 3rd Chamber, Blanche Cave) on

basis of age of fossil accumulations (Group 1: Middle to Late Pleistocene, c. minimum of 74 kyr BP; Group 2: Late Pleistocene, age maximum c. 45 kyr BP) and primary

accumulation mode (Group 1: pitfall entrapment; Group 2: owl pellet aggradation). Grant Hall represents a temporal period not captured by any other known Naracoorte Cave

deposit. Sourced from Reed and Bourne (2000; 2009); McDowell (2001); Laslett (2006); Prideaux et al. (2007a) and Macken et al. (2012). Note that species occurrences are

plotted for an assemblage as a whole, rather than for individual stratigraphic layers within each deposit. Authorities from Strahan and Conder (2007) and Reed and Bourne


Group 1 Group 2

Family Species Authority


Main Fossil







Grant Hall





Wet Cave





TACHYGLOSSIDAE Tachyglossus aculeatus Shaw, 1792 1 1 1 1 0 0

Megalibgwilia ramsayi‡ Owen, 1884 1 0 0 0 0 0

THYLACINIDAE Thylacinus cynocephalus† Harris, 1808 1 1 1 0 1 1

DASYURIDAE Antechinus agilis* Dickman, Parnaby, Crowther and King, 1998 0 1 cf. 0 0 0

Antechinus flavipes Waterhouse, 1837 1 1 1 1 1 1

Antechinus minimus Geoffroy, 1803 0 1 cf. 0 0 0

Antechinus stuartii* Macleay, 1841 1 0 cf. 0 0 0

Antechinus swainsonii* Waterhouse, 1840 1 1 1 0 0 0

Dasyurus maculatus* Kerr, 1792 1 1 0 0 0 0

Dasyurus viverrinus* Shaw, 1800 1 1 1 1 1 1

Ningaui yvonneae* Kitchener, Stoddart and Henry, 1983 cf. 1 0 1 1 1


Group 1 Group 2

Family Species Authority


Main Fossil







Grant Hall





Wet Cave





Phascogale calura* Gould, 1844 1 1 1 0 0 0

Phascogale tapoatafa Meyer, 1893 1 1 1 1 1 1

Sarcophilus laniarius† Owen, 1838 1 1 0 0 1 0

Sminthopsis crassicaudata Gould, 1844 1 1 1 1 1 1

Sminthopsis murina Waterhouse, 1837 1 1 1 1 1 1

PERAMELIDAE Isoodon obesulus Shaw, 1787 1 1 1 1 0 1

Perameles bougainville* Quoy and Gaimard, 1824 1 1 1 0 0 1

Perameles gunnii* Gray, 1838 1 1 1 1 1 1

PHASCOLARCTIDAE Phascolarctos cinereus Goldfuss, 1817. 1 0 1 1 1 1

Phascolarctos stirtoni‡ Bartholomai, 1968 0 1 0 0 0 0

DIPROTODONTIDAE Zygomaturus trilobus‡ Macleay, 1858 1 1 1 0 1 0

PALORCHESTIDAE Palorchestes azael‡ Owen, 1874 1 0 0 0 0 0

VOMBATIDAE Lasiorhinus krefftii* Owen, 1872 1 1 0 0 0 0

Lasiorhinus latifrons* Owen, 1845 1 1 0 0 0 0

Vombatus ursinus Shaw, 1800 1 1 1 1 1 0

THYLACOLEONIDAE Thylacoleo carnifex‡ Owen, 1858 1 1 1 1 1 1

PHALANGERIDAE Trichosurus vulpecula Kerr, 1792 1 1 0 1 1 1

HYPSIPRYMNODONTIDAE Propleopus oscillans De Vis, 1888 cf. 0 0 0 0 0

POTOROIDAE Aepyprymnus rufescens Gray, 1837 cf. 0 0 0 0 0

Bettongia gaimardi Desmarest, 1822 1 1 0 0 0 1

Bettongia lesueur† Quoy and Gaimard, 1824 cf. 0 0 1 1 1


Group 1 Group 2

Family Species Authority


Main Fossil







Grant Hall





Wet Cave





Bettongia penicillata Gray, 1837 1 1 0 0 0 0

Potorous platyops† Gould, 1844 1 1 1 1 1 1

Potorous tridactylus* Kerr, 1792 1 1 1 0 0 0

MACROPODIDAE Lagorchestes leporides** Gould, 1840 1 1 0 1 1 1

Lagostrophus fasciatus** Péron and Lesueur, 1807 1 0 0 0 0 0

Macropus eugenii Desmarest, 1817 1 0 0 0 0 0

Macropus fuliginosus/giganteus Desmarest, 1817 / Shaw, 1789 1 1 1 1 1 1

Macropus greyi† Waterhouse, 1846 1 1 1 0 0 0

Macropus rufogriseus Desmarest, 1817 1 1 1 1 1 1

Onychogalea lunata† Gould, 1840 0 1 0 0 0 1

Protemnodon brehus‡ Owen, 1874 0 cf. cf. 1 1 1

Protemnodon roechus† Owen, 1874 1 0 0 0 0 0

Wallabia bicolor Desmarest, 1803 1 1 1 1 0 0

Sthenurus andersoni‡ Marcus, 1962 1 1 1 0 0 cf.

Metasthenurus newtonae‡ Prideaux, 2000 1 1 0 0 1 0

Procoptodon goliah Owen, 1846 1 1 0 0 0 0

‘Procoptodon' browneorum‡ Merrilees, 1968 1 1 1 0 1 1

‘Procoptodon' gilli‡ Merrilees, 1965 1 1 1 1 1 1

Simosthenurus baileyi Prideaux and Wells, 1998 1 0 0 0 0 0

Simosthenurus maddocki‡ Wells and Murray, 1979 1 1 1 0 0 0

Simosthenurus occidentalis‡ Glauert, 1910 1 1 1 1 1 1


Group 1 Group 2

Family Species Authority


Main Fossil







Grant Hall





Wet Cave





‘Simosthenurus’ pales‡ De Vis, 1895 1 1 0 0 0 0

BURRAMYIDAE Cercartetus concinnus Gould, 1845 0 0 0 0 1 0

Cercartetus lepidus Thomas, 1888 1 1 0 1 1 1

Cercartetus nanus Desmarest, 1818 1 1 1 1 1 1

PSEUDOCHEIRIDAE Petauroides volans Kerr, 1792 0 0 0 1 0 0

Pseudocheirus peregrinus Boddaert, 1785 1 1 1 1 1 1

PETAURIDAE Petaurus breviceps Waterhouse, 1838 1 1 1 1 1 1

Petaurus norfolcensis Kerr, 1792 0 0 0 1 0 0

ACROBATIDAE Acrobates pygmaeus* Shaw, 1793 cf. 1 0 0 0 1

MURIDAE Conilurus albipes† Lichtenstein, 1829 1 1 0 1 1 1

Hydromys chrysogaster Geoffroy, 1804 1 1 1 1 0 0

Mastacomys fuscus* Thomas, 1882 1 1 1 1 1 1

Notomys mitchellii* Ogilby, 1841 cf. 1 0 1 1 1

Pseudomys apodemoides Finlayson, 1932 1 1 1 1 1 1

Pseudomys auritus† Thomas, 1910 0 1 1 1 1 1

Pseudomys australis* Gray, 1832 1 1 1 1 1 1

Pseudomys fumeus* Brazenor, 1936 cf. 1 1 1 1 0

Pseudomys gouldii† Waterhouse, 1839 cf. 1 1 1 cf. cf.

Pseudomys shortridgei Thomas, 1906 1 1 1 1 1 1

Rattus fuscipes * Waterhouse, 1839 1 1 1 1 1 1

Rattus lutreolus Gray, 1841 0 1 1 1 1 1


Group 1 Group 2

Family Species Authority


Main Fossil







Grant Hall





Wet Cave





Rattus tunneyi* Thomas, 1904 1 1 1 1 1 0

Total No. Species 64 61 45 41 41 40

* species regionally extinct; † species extinct in late Holocene; ‡ species extinct during Pleistocene.



An advantage of the Naracoorte Caves for palaeontological study is that they contain

abundant speleothem material which can provide information about local climate

conditions using carbon and oxygen stable isotopes. These can be linked to a high

resolution chronology (U-series dating) and related to regional and global climatic data

(Ayliffe et al., 1998). Speleothems are common secondary calcium carbonate

structures of limestone caves and include stalagmites, stalactites, flowstones and

calcite straws. They form from the precipitation of calcium carbonate from seepage

water that has flowed through the overlying limestone and surface soil horizons into

the cave. Growth and formation of speleothems is controlled by the interaction of a

range of factors including regional temperatures, the amount of water infiltrating from

the surface and the partial pressure of Ca and CO2 in seepage water (Ayliffe et al.,


It was originally assumed that speleothem growth coincided with interglacial periods

in the past due to higher rainfall when compared with more arid, glacial times (Ayliffe

and Veeh, 1988). However, this was not supported by analysis of a number of

speleothems of differing age from a range of cave sites within the NCWHA (Ayliffe et

al., 1998). In contrast to expectations, speleothem growth coincided with stadial and

cool interstadials (periods of lesser glacial and interglacial extremes) of the Middle to

Late Pleistocene (Ayliffe et al., 1998; Demarshelier et al., 2000; Bestland and Rennie,

2006; Fig. 2.3).

Ayliffe et al. (1998) hypothesised that the lack of speleothem growth in the Naracoorte

Caves over the penultimate interglacial, Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e, reflected

conditions of high evaporation and reduced effective moisture availability as a result of

elevated temperatures. Conversely, temperature declines during glacials and cool

interstadials may have ‘depressed’ evapotranspiration, increasing effective moisture

availability and infiltration through the surface soil horizons and limestone bedrock.

Further, speleothem growth appears to have coincided with average ocean

temperatures at least 3°C lower than present (Ayliffe et al., 1998). This is supported by

pollen deposits in western Tasmania which indicate temperature reductions of greater

than 3.5°C when compared with modern times (Colhoun, 2000), coincident with


speleothem growth in south-eastern South Australia during the cool interstadial phase,

c. 85 kyr BP, at the end of MIS-5.

Fig. 2.3 Composite Naracoorte Cave speleothem and global climate record modified from Prideaux et

al. (2007). (A) δ18O record of deep sea core MD97–2120, southwest Pacific (Pahnke et al., 2003), (B)

Histogram of 230Th/234U ages of Naracoorte Cave speleothems with composite Gaussian probability

curves for each date, normalised to unit area. Height of peaks indicates probability of accuracy (Ayliffe

et al., 1998). Horizontal lines indicate depositional ages of Naracoorte Cave speleothems determined by 230Th/234U dating (SC-10: Bestland and Rennie, 2006; SC-S11: Demarshelier et al., 2000). Megafaunal

extinction interval from Roberts et al. (2001).


Interpretation of vegetation communities surrounding the Naracoorte Caves at the time

of faunal accumulation has traditionally relied upon palaeoenvironmental

reconstructions based on faunal diversity, as well as extrapolation from regional

palynological records. This is due to a long held perception that the caves do not

contain micro or macro plant fossils (E. Reed, pers. comm.). However, pollen records

reported by Darrénougué et al. (2009) provide the first challenge to this assumption.

The record retrieved from Blanche Cave shows fluctuations in the abundance of

woody and herbaceous vegetation groupings through the last glacial cycle at this

locality (Darrénougué et al., 2009). A more detailed and extensive evaluation of the

pollen record from this site is in preparation by E. Reed and S. van der Kaars (pers.


Regional vegetation records reveal changes to the composition of vegetation

communities over the Late Pleistocene. These records include Lake Leake and Wyrie


Swamp near Millicent in South Australia (Dodson, 1975, 1977) and Lakes Wangoom

(Harle et al., 2002), Bolac and Turangmoroke (Cook, 2009) in south-western Victoria.

Palynological records from marine core E55-6, collected offshore from the southern tip

of south-eastern South Australia, shows that during the cool phase of MIS-2, heath and

grass communities characterised the region (Harle, 1997). In contrast, the records from

Wyrie Swamp and Lake Leake indicate that a mosaic of vegetation types was

maintained on the landscape through the last glacial cycle. This mosaic was

characterised by Eucalyptus woodland with heath understorey and more open

woodlands and grasslands dominated by Asteraceae and Poaceae (Dodson, 1975,


From the start of the Holocene, regional records document the appearance of more

seasonally adapted species in the vegetation communities (Dodson, 1975; Cook, 2009).

The influence of seasonal water availability across the landscape was a feature

recognised in early historical records from the region (Croft, 2003). As a result of this

seasonality and the variation in landscape features, the pre-European South East

vegetation comprised a “complex mosaic of plant communities” (Croft, 2003, p. 43),

reflecting the early Holocene pollen records from the lower South East and Blanche

Cave (Dodson, 1975, 1977; Darrénougué et al., 2009). The composition of these

communities has been extensively interpreted and described elsewhere from historical

records (Croft, 2003).

The present composition and distribution of vegetation within the Naracoorte Coastal

Plains bioregion reflects the extensive modification and clearance that has occurred in

historical times. Land uses including irrigated agriculture and pasture, forestry and the

expansion of human settlement have reduced native vegetation in the region to only

13% of original coverage (Foulkes and Heard, 2003). Within the NCWHA, very little

remnant vegetation remains, reflecting the impact of historical clearance and the

introduction of non-indigenous native plants and introduced species, including herbs,

annual grasses, broadleaved trees and palms (South East Region National Parks and

Wildlife South Australia (SENPWSA), 2001).


Palaeoecology of the NCWHA Against the backdrop of research into the geological setting, diversity and

palaeoenvironmental context of the Naracoorte Caves has been research into the

palaeoecology of the assemblages themselves. Palaeoecological analyses of the fossil

assemblages have focussed on two general aims: (1) to reconstruct past environmental

and climatic conditions from fossil faunas to understand the timing and nature of local

and regional climate change (e.g., McDowell, 2001; Laslett, 2006), and/or (2) to

understand how past climate change affected local faunas (e.g., Moriarty et al., 2000).

Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions are a common technique in palaeoecological

analyses and use a wide range of natural archives including pollen, diatoms, ostracods

and vertebrate faunas to interpret the past environmental and climatic conditions of

different localities. Reconstructions are typically based on the known phenotypic (e.g.,

body size, locomotion, taxonomy) and adaptive (e.g., geographic distribution, habitat

and diet) responses that define the contemporary environmental tolerance ranges of a

species or assemblage (Lundelius, 1964; Andrews and Lord, 1979; Reed, 1998).

Variation in the composition of a fossil assemblage is then assumed to indicate when

and how environmental and/or climatic conditions have changed through time. This is

based on the concept of ‘ecological replacement’ where faunal succession reflects

environmental change (Brenchly and Harper, 1998).

Increasingly, palaeoenvironmental reconstructions have adopted a bioclimatic

modelling approach. Similar to those used in the projection of species distributions

under future climate change scenarios, these models have been developed to

reconstruct past climates using the modern distributions of mammal faunas (e.g.,

Hernández Fernández and Peláez-Campomanes, 2005). However, as recognised by

Shabel et al. (2004), climatic tolerance limits are only one part of an organisms niche;

other factors such as food and habitat availability and interspecific interactions also

control a species geographic distribution and, hence, tolerance limits.

The earliest temporal analyses of fossil faunas of the NCWHA involved

palaeoenvironmental reconstructions based on the small vertebrate remains from Main

Fossil Chamber, VFC. In these reconstructions, the modern distribution and habitat


preferences of extant taxa identified in the deposit were used to infer the dominant

vegetation types surrounding the cave at the time of accumulation (Smith, 1971; 1972;

Wells et al., 1984). Later, more sophisticated palaeoenvironmental reconstructions

were conducted using the Late Quaternary aged fossil faunas of Wet, Robertson and

Blanche Cave (McDowell, 2001; Laslett, 2006). In these studies, ecological

characteristics such as habitat preferences, diet, activity and body size were weighted

by the relative abundance of species within each excavation layer to reconstruct Late

Quaternary climate and habitats around the caves, as well as to examine change in

these conditions through the last glacial cycle. In defining the broad ecological niches

of the faunas, McDowell (2001) and Laslett (2006) also considered the functional

diversity of the palaeocommunities.

Smith (1972) suggested that the local vegetation at the time of accumulation of the

assemblage from Main Fossil Chamber, VFC was dry sclerophyllous forest; however,

later reconstructions based on the faunas of other sites have been more specific and

consistently found that a “mosaic” of vegetation types was likely present at various

times throughout the Pleistocene (e.g., McDowell, 2001; Laslett, 2006; Fraser and

Wells, 2008), consistent with the immediately pre-European vegetation communities

of the region as described by Croft (2003). Descriptions of this mosaic have typically

included grasslands and woodlands. Swamps and forests appear to have been persistent

habitat types, but are not as well-represented due to either their rarity in the

palaeoenvironment (e.g., covered smaller areas when compared with grasslands and

woodlands) or poor representation by associated faunas as a result of biases in the

fossil record.

Climate change is presumed to have driven variation in the relative proportion of these

vegetation types through the Pleistocene (Laslett, 2006). For example, the assemblages

from Wet, Robertson and Blanche caves revealed a relatively higher percentage of

grassland-inhabiting faunas in the sand-rich layers associated with MIS-2 (last glacial)

when compared with the younger, organic-rich Holocene aged sediments which

contained a higher percentage of woodland species (McDowell, 2001; Laslett, 2006).


Assumptions and inference in palaeoenvironmental reconstructions

While palaeoenvironmental reconstructions are used extensively in palaeoecological

studies, they are also criticised for their reliance on a number of assumptions (e.g.,

Belyea, 2007) and on higher-order extrapolations that may not be accurate (Caran,

1998). Examples of the former include the following assumptions: (a) the

environmental and climatic tolerances of species have not changed over time, (b) the

present-day distribution and ecological preferences (ecological niches) of a species

represent the full limits for that species and (c) present-day habitat types existed in the

past. An example of a higher-order extrapolation, as described by Caran (1998) may

include inferring reduced effective moisture at a given locality based on the last

appearance of a wetland inhabiting species (e.g., lemmings) through the following

sequence of inference: last appearance of remains of lemmings in a fossil sequence =

local extirpation of lemmings = loss of lemming habitat (wetlands) = reduced stream

flow = increased aridity (reduced effective moisture). Clearly, a range of alternative

explanations may account for the absence of lemming remains in a fossil assemblage

from a particular stratigraphic level and need to be considered as alternative

explanations. These include taphonomic or sampling bias, post-depositional loss of

bone bearing sediments, community-level processes such as competition, as well as

factors other than aridity that may reduce the extent of wetland habitats such as

increased rates of water flow and storm events.

Niche preservation through time

It is generally assumed that ecological niches function at the generic level in mammals

and are also conserved at this taxonomic level over time (Hadly et al., 2009).

However, the generality of this assumption has been challenged (e.g., DeSantis et al.,

2009) and may not be valid for all species. For example, using a comparative based

analysis of the pre-European and contemporary small mammal diet of sooty owls (Tyto

tenebricosa tenebricosa), Bilney et al. (2010) demonstrated that the ecological niches

of small mammals in south-eastern Australian forests have been severely

underestimated; niche contraction and denial as a result of restricted distribution and

abundance suggests that the difference between a species’ fundamental and realised

niche is significant (Bilney et al., 2010).


Geographic range contraction as a result of historic and contemporary landscape

change is also likely to result in under- or misrepresentation of the climatic range of

many species. An example stemming from the Naracoorte Caves is the Pleistocene

occurrence of Plains Mouse (Pseudomys australis), showing that the species was

formerly present within the vicinity of the caves. However, the species is today

restricted to cracking clays in central Australia and is considered an arid-land species

(Van Dyck and Strahan, 2008). The extent to which the presence of P. australis at

Naracoorte represents more arid climatic conditions in the past, the presence of

cracking clays (or similar substrate), or niche contraction is unknown. It is also

possible that the specimens identified as P. australis represent a cryptic, new species as

suggested for fossil specimens from a fossil locality on Yorke Peninsula (McDowell et

al., 2012), limiting the usefulness of reconstructions based on the observed ecology of

the species today.

There are also problems associated with the definition of the ecological traits of

different species, especially generalist taxa that may use a wide range of habitat types

or dietary items. For example, in the palaeoenvironmental reconstructions based on the

assemblages from Wet and Robertson caves, individual species were, in some cases,

allocated to more than one habitat category (McDowell, 2001). For example, Rattus

fuscipes was counted as a forest, scrub and woodland species. In addition, where the

ecological characteristics of a species were unknown (e.g., for extinct taxa) or where

specimens were identified to genus or family level only, the data were not adjusted to

account for the absence of these taxa in the cumulative per cent data. The effect of

these methods was that the total abundance of faunas in any layer of the assemblage

was either greater than or less than 100%. These challenges make it difficult to assess

the overall robustness of the palaeoenvironmental reconstructions and functional

diversity of Late Pleistocene Naracoorte based on the fossil faunas of Wet and

Robertson Caves.

As a result of these challenges it is generally accepted that reconstructions based on

whole assemblages provide a more accurate reflection of palaeoenvironmental

conditions than those based on a single species (Lowe and Walker, 1997). Further,

Lundelius (1964) argued that multi-taxon based interpretations are required to reduce

the effect of species’ evolutionary adaptation over time. Despite these


recommendations, divergence in the abundance trends of taxa that are considered to

have similar ecological niches observed in Naracoorte fossil records shows that

species’ responses to climatic change may not necessary reflect (a) linear relationships

between niches and climate change responses, nor (b) that species with overlapping

niches today had so in the past (Macken et al., 2012). As a consequence,

palaeoecological techniques that focus on functional diversity should attempt, where

possible, to measure functional traits from the fossils rather than through inference

based on modern niches. Functional traits are not considered in this thesis where

attention is given to measures of diversity (e.g., species richness, relative abundance)

but could include body size and diet. Palaeoecological techniques that may be used to

study diet from fossil specimens include microwear (e.g., Rivals and Deniaux, 2003)

and stable carbon isotopes (DeSantis et al., 2009).

No-analogue assemblages

An outcome of historic contraction in the geographic, and hence climatic and habitat

ranges of many species, is the occurrence of no-analogue assemblages in Quaternary

fossil deposits. ‘No-analogue assemblage’ is used to describe the co-occurrence of

species in fossil deposits that have allopatric distributions today (Lundelius, 1989). No-

analogue assemblages are common in Pleistocene fossil deposits and typically result in

greater estimates of species diversity in Pleistocene communities than those of the

Holocene and present. This is commonly attributed to more equable climates with less

seasonal extremes and greater habitat diversity during the Pleistocene when compared

with today (e.g., Graham, 1985; Lundelius, 1989; Carrasco et al., 2009; Ceballos et al.,

2010). Evidence that is commonly used to support this assumption is the severity of

global climate change at the Pleistocene–Holocene transition (Graham, 1985);

however, this perspective contrasts with the more general view of Swetnam et al.

(1999) who suggested that no-analogue assemblages represent changed physical and

biological recording processes and their interaction with the environment through time.

In order to avoid the issues associated with no-analogous assemblages, Carrasco et al.

(2009) assessed change through time in North America faunas from 30 million to 500

years ago. In reconstructing the pre-European baseline of biodiversity, they were able

to maintain the same sampling and analytical techniques for all temporal periods,

rather than comparing the fossil samples against the highly modified faunal diversity


of modern times. McDowell (2001) used a similar approach in his analysis of the Late

Quaternary aged deposits from Wet Cave where he aimed to reconstruct the

immediately pre-European mammal community of the Naracoorte region. The purpose

was to provide a pre-impact baseline from which to compare Pleistocene

palaeocommunity diversity. Unfortunately, the immediately pre-European fossil

assemblage from Wet Cave contained older, re-worked Pleistocene aged fossil

material, limiting its usefulness for such a comparison (McDowell, 2001).

Climate change effects on local faunas In comparison to these examples of palaeoenvironmental reconstructions, Moriarty et

al. (2000) presented the first appraisal of faunal responses to climate change from the

Naracoorte Caves. Their study represented an important shift in the focus or type of

research question being addressed through analysis of the Naracoorte Caves fossil

faunas; that is, rather than reconstructing conditions based on the fossil assemblages,

Moriarty et al. (2000) were the first to explicitly consider what effect climate change

had on the fauna themselves.

As argued by Moriarty et al. (2000), changes in faunal diversity are expected to have

occurred during periods of “climate stress” (p. 140). However, in their assessment of

the composition of six Middle Pleistocene aged assemblages of the NCWHA, Moriarty

et al. (2000) concluded that there had been “little apparent change in faunal diversity

over a period of 300 kyr BP in the Middle Pleistocene, a period spanning at least three

glacial-interglacial cycles” (p. 141).

Subsequent analyses of faunal responses to climate change from assemblages of the

Naracoorte Caves have shown that this model of limited faunal change is simplistic

and, in light of more rigorous sampling in other deposits, unsupported. For example, in

their study of the mammal assemblage of Main Fossil Chamber, Cathedral Cave (one

of the sites examined by Moriarty et al., 2000), Prideaux et al. (2007) found evidence

for change in the relative abundance of individual species between sedimentary units

associated with wetter and drier climatic phases of the Middle Pleistocene (Fig. 2.4a).

The site also showed that there was a local decline in the density of larger mammals,

including megafauna, as the climate became more arid over the transition from MIS-9


to MIS-8, likely reflecting a reduction in the number of individuals within populations

living around the caves (Prideaux et al., 2007; Fig. 2.4b).

Another site examined by Moriarty et al. (2000), the Late Pleistocene aged deposit of

Grant Hall, VFC also revealed community-level change in the local mammal fauna

between MIS-5 and -4, c. 95 to 70 kyr BP. (Fraser and Wells, 2008; Macken et al.,

2012). A stand out feature of this deposit is the rarity of Macropus

fuliginosus/giganteus, which is represented by only three individuals. In older deposits

this species it is the most abundant of the larger-body sized grazing macropodines

(Reed, 2003; Prideaux et al., 2007; Macken et al., 2012). This pattern suggests that

there was a significant change in species abundances within the palaeocommunity

associated either directly with climate change, or indirectly through climate change

effects on community-level processes. Macken et al. (2012) also found evidence for a

decline in small mammal species richness and variation in the relative abundances of

smaller body sized taxa through the Grant Hall deposit (Fig. 2.4c and d).


Figure 2.4 Faunal responses to Pleistocene climate change recorded in the Cathedral Cave and Grant Hall fossil

assemblages. (a) Relative abundance trends of small mammal species (<5 kg) and (b) fluctuation in the density of large

mammals (>5 kg) through the Cathedral Cave sequence (Prideaux et al., 2007). (c) Relative abundance trends of small

mammal species and (d) rarefied small (<2 kg) and large (>2 kg) mammal richness through the Grant Hall sequence (Macken

et al., 2012).


Species-area effects on the detection of faunal responses to climate change

The contrast between Moriarty et al.’s (2000) observation of limited faunal change

against the evidence for variation in species richness, density and abundances from

other studies raises questions about how and why such different conclusions may be

drawn from the same fossil sites. While the reasons are more obvious when

comparing the sampling designs of these studies, different observations from the

same sites suggests that sampling and analytical methods exert a strong influence on

observed ecological patterns and can influence the inferred significance of those

patterns (Rahel, 1990; DiMichele et al., 2004).

The particular sampling concerns of the study by Moriarty et al. (2000) relate to

time-averaging (temporal scale) and inadequate and highly variable sample sizes

between samples (sampling effects). These are commonly cited issues associated

with the analysis of palaeoecological assemblages, including those designed as

palaeoenvironmental reconstructions and are related to the mathematical

relationship between sampling area and species richness (the species-area curve;

Lomolino, 2000). That is, the greater the geographic area sampled by a deposit (and

hence range of environments and climatic zones) the higher its species diversity

(e.g., Barnosky et al., 2005).

Time-averaging and sampling-effort demonstrate a similar relationship with species

richness as geographic sampling area and are related to sampling issues associated

with the fidelity of a fossil assemblage to the living palaeocommunity from which it

was sampled. This is an important consideration in palaeoecology as it affects the

accuracy of data derived from natural archives to the true ecological patterns

exhibited in the past. Sampling biases associated with this relationship typically

concern taphonomic factors (e.g., accumulation mode, agent and depositional

history) in addition to temporal and spatial scale, and sampling biases. As these

issues have been extensively examined for a wide range of sites and types of

palaeoecological archives (e.g., Kidwell and Flessa, 1996, Terry 2010a; b),

particular attention is given here to the influence of sampling effects on observed

patterns, not necessarily the relationship between the observed patterns and the

sampled palaeocommunity.



Time averaging is defined by Hadly and Barnosky (2009) as the number of years

over which a community sample accumulated, with examples of time-averaging

scales for different palaeoecological settings provided in Roy et al. (1996). Greater

time averaging, either through post-depositional or analytical mixing of faunas of

different ages, or through slow accumulation and burial, is expected to inflate

species richness by (a) increasing the likelihood of sampling rare fauna and (b)

sampling successive faunal communities from a single locality. These processes can

result in the consolidation of fauna from different environmental ‘regimes’ into one

assemblage (Graham, 1985). The effect of time-averaging across multiple climatic

phases has been termed ‘climate-mixing’ by Hopely and Maslin (2010) and results

in a weakened signal of climate effects on faunas (Stenseth and Mysterus, 2005).

From a more general perspective, it also means that the term ‘palaeocommunity’ is

not comparable to ‘community’ as used in neontolgoical studies. ‘Community’ is

used to describe an interacting assemblage of species at a particular time and place.

The term ‘palaeocommunity’ is used throughout the thesis, following the definition

of Bennington and Bambach (1996; Table 2.3) and with acknowledgement of its

limitations given time-averaging within fossil assemblages.

In the analysis by Moriarty et al. (2000), faunal change was assessed through a

comparison of the richness and composition of mammal faunas among six

assemblages of Middle Pleistocene age (Table 2.2). However, there were no

stratigraphic and chronological controls assigned to the faunas within those sites

and as acknowledged by Moriarty et al. (2000), this sampling effect introduced

gross time-averaging to the fossil data presented.

As shown in the analysis of the Cathedral Cave and Grant Hall deposits by Prideaux

et al. (2007) and Macken et al. (2012), time-averaging by Moriarty et al. (2000)

mixed faunas of at least two climatic phases in both sites (MIS-9 to MIS-8 and

MIS-5a to MIS-4, respectively). Although the poor chronological resolution and

few data for Main Fossil Chamber of VFC makes it difficult to assess the extent of

time-averaging of the faunas in this deposit when it is considered as a whole, the

presence of sedimentary layers and structures clearly reflects separate stages of

deposition (Wells et al., 1984; Reed, 2003). As a consequence, any differences in


faunal composition associated with separate climatic regimes preserved by the

Naracoorte Cave deposits studied by Moriarty et al. (2000) were obscured by

considering the assemblages as single depositional units.

Table 2.2 Total species richness (number of species), fossil sample size, volume of sediment

excavated to obtain fossil sample and age of fossil faunas of six Middle to Late Pleistocene deposits

of the NCWHA as reported by Moriarty et al. (2000). NISP = number of identified specimens. NB.

The ages of Grant Hall and Cathedral Cave Fossil Chamber were refined by Macken et al. (2011)

and Prideaux et al. (2007), respectively.

Victoria Fossil Cave Cathedral Cave

Main Fossil


Starburst Chamber

Pit A (Lower fan)

Starburst Chamber

Pit A (Upper fan)

Starburst Chamber

Pit B (Cone)

Grant Hall Fossil Chamber

Total Species Richness

108 1 8 5 24 24

NISP 5200 Unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown

Volume (approx.)

138m3 2m3 0.40m3 0.6m3 unknown 0.75m3

Age (approx.)

>213 kyr BP 350–327 and 280–190 kyr BP 130–120

kyr BP 279–159 kyr BP

In a recent review, Bennington et al. (2009) noted that a critical issue of concern for

palaeoecologists is how multi-scaled ecological data provided by natural archives

can be integrated to improve knowledge of past ecological change and better

contribute to the prediction of future ecosystem changes. The review posed a range

of questions and issues for palaeoecologists to consider when designing and

undertaking research, including the following: (1) how are ecological patterns

dependent upon the temporal scales of palaeoecological assemblages, and (2) at

what temporal scales can individual fossils be considered to have been members of

the same palaeocommunity and to have inhabited the same habitats?

To address these questions, Bennington et al. (2009) recommended that

palaeoecologists report the stratigraphy of deposits to clearly show how temporally

independent samples were identified. They also recommended that chronological

data be collected and presented to show the age and temporal resolution of the


individual samples, the position of potential gaps in the record and the overall

temporal range of the sequence.

As noted earlier, cave deposits are considered to be less than ideal for

palaeoecological studies. This is because of the general difficulties associated with

dating depositional sequences and the long-time averaging of these deposits when

compared with other palaeoecological sites such as lake beds or marine sediments

(Lowe and Walker, 1997; Forbes et al., 2007). Cave deposits and other vertebrate

fossil assemblages also generally provide unevenly sampled faunas through time,

such that time-averaging varies between units or layers within an assemblage, as

well as between sites (Roy et al., 1996). Despite these limitations, the majority of

research into the fossil deposits of the NCWHA has involved extensive

sedimentary, stratigraphic and chronological analyses. While the scale of time-

averaging cannot be standardised across or within a deposit, the use of these

techniques fulfils many of the recommendations by Bennington et al. (2009) and

have been critical in enabling more robust analysis of faunal change with time (e.g.,

Forbes and Bestland, 2007; Prideaux et al., 2007; Darrénougué et al., 2009; Macken

et al., 2011).


Differences in sampling effort also strongly influenced the comparative data

presented by Moriarty et al. (2000), challenging both the technique used to assess

faunal change with time and the robustness of their conclusions based on the

available data. Of particular concern are the different species richness values

presented by Moriarty et al. (2000) which ranged from 108 species for Main Fossil

Chamber, VFC, to only one for the lower fan of Spring Chamber, VFC (Table 2.2).

The second highest species richness value was 24, reported for Fossil Chamber,

Cathedral Cave and Grant Hall, VFC (Moriarty et al., 2000). The magnitude of

difference between these species richness values questions the validity of their

conclusion that faunal composition did not differ significantly between these

deposits, for how can composition be judged to be the same when comparing 108

species against 24 or one?


The difference in species richness values of these assemblages clearly reflects

variation in sampling effort at the time of the original study (Table 2.2). Moriarty et

al. (2000) acknowledged this limitation, stating that the small sample sizes from

each site except Main Fossil Chamber, VFC “preclude any statistical analysis of

faunas” (p. 140). Although sample size was only reported for one assemblage, the

difference in excavation volume for each deposit suggests that the fossil samples

were of vastly different sizes (Table 2.2). A similar issue was identified in the

analysis of Graham et al. (1996), where sampling variation was suggested to have

biased the raw presence/absence data used to assess change in the geographic

distribution of North American vertebrates over the Quaternary (Alroy, 1999).

Analytical standardisation techniques are commonly applied to fossil occurrence

data to account for variation in sample size between deposits and depositional units

within single sites. Techniques include analytic rarefaction, where the richness of

different depositional units is estimated based on a standard sample size, usually the

smallest sample size of the units within a deposit (e.g., Prideaux et al., 2007).

Hammer and Harper (2006) provide a brief discussion of other mathematical

richness estimation techniques including first and second order jack-knife and


Bootstrapping has been used on small mammal assemblages for comparing species

richness through time and between different types of samples (e.g., Blois et al.,

2010; Terry, 2010a; b). The technique involves re-sampling with replacement from

an assemblage until a pre-determined number of sub-samples have been generated,

often 1000 (Chernick, 2008). Using bootstrapping, confidence limits on statistics

(e.g., species richness) measured from an assemblage may be generated (e.g., Blois

et al., 2010). Bootstrapping may re-sample an assemblage to either the original

sample size or a predetermined sample size, often corresponding to the smallest

sample size measured from each layer within a stratigraphic sequence.

Sample size can also influence the representativeness of a fossil sample in relation

to the full range of species preserved in a depositional setting. The

representativeness of a fossil sample is also commonly assessed using analytic

rarefaction. In this procedure, it is assumed that as the slope of the cumulative


species curve approaches zero, the probability of additional specimens representing

new species declines to a point where further excavation effort is unlikely to

dramatically increase species richness. For example, Laslett (2006) reported

specimen counts ranging from a minimum of 58 to a maximum of 1777 from the

five units analysed from Blanche Cave. A rarefaction curve constructed by Laslett

(2006) for the whole deposit suggested that a minimum sample of 1200 specimens

adequately sampled the true richness of species preserved in the deposit. When this

figure was applied to the individual units, only two were expected to have adequate

specimens to accurately represent species richness (Laslett, 2006).

Defining natural variation and resilience in palaeoecological


Resilience of Naracoorte mammal faunas to past climate change As shown in the faunal analyses of Prideaux et al. (2007) and Macken et al. (2012),

the Moriarty et al. (2000) model of ‘no faunal change’ for the Naracoorte Cave

faunas was strongly influenced by sampling effects. However, based on the lack of

evidence for local faunal extinctions, Prideaux et al. (2007) argued that the Middle

Pleistocene mammal faunas of south-eastern South Australia were resilient to

Pleistocene climate change. While this conclusion has implications for

understanding the drivers of megafaunal extinction in Australia, it is also significant

from a broader ecological perspective.

Of particular interest is the observation that the abundances and/or presence/absence

of individual mammal species did in fact fluctuate in response to Pleistocene

climate change, but that this did not result in their extinction. This suggests that,

despite climatic and environmental disturbances, faunal changes occurred within

thresholds relating to the survival, reproduction, interspecific interactions and

dispersal of populations.

As defined by Groffman et al. (2006), an ecological threshold represents either a

point of abrupt change in an ecosystem “quality, property or phenomenon”, or

where small environmental changes cumulatively lead to large ecosystem responses

(p. 1). In the case of the Naracoorte mammal faunas, the ecosystem property

considered by Prideaux et al. (2007) was individual species persistence and/or


survival through the Pleistocene. However, despite the long-term survival of

individual species evident in the Naracoorte Cave assemblages, there is also

evidence for palaeocommunity change. Of note is the decline in richness of small

mammals in the palaeocommunity over the accumulation of Grant Hall and the

lower overall richness of small mammals in this deposit when compared with both

older and younger assemblages (Macken et al., 2012; Table 2.1; Fig. 2.4c). These

patterns suggest that the composition of the small mammal palaeocommunity was

not stable throughout the Pleistocene and that the palaeocommunity as a whole may

not have been resilient to climate change.

Natural variation/resilience framework Increasingly, theoretical concepts of natural variation have been identified as a

useful framework for evaluating change in palaeoecological assemblages (Hadly

and Barnosky, 2009). Natural variation is defined as the normal range of

fluctuations and trends in ecosystem attributes, condition and/or processes within an

ecological system across space and time (Landres et al., 1999). Biodiversity

conservation and management strategies increasingly aim to manage for natural

variation in ecosystems given the advantages of this approach when compared with

more traditional management strategies that focus on a single steady-state. These

advantages include greater cost-effectiveness and lack of reliance on a single pre-

impact state that may or may not be well defined or relevant in the context of

modern and future societal, ecological and climatic parameters (Landres et al.,

1999; Swetnam et al., 1999).

Even more significant than these factors in explaining the increased attention on

natural variation in ecological management is the relationship between natural

variation and resilience. Natural variation provides an ecological ‘buffer,’ allowing

ecosystems to undergo turnover and reorganise in response to external pressures,

whilst maintaining ecological functions, structure, ecological connections and

general character or type (Holling and Meffe, 1996; Folke et al., 2004; Walker et

al., 2004).

As noted in the introduction, ‘resilience’ generally describes how much pressure or

change an ecological system can withstand before it shifts to a new, alternative


steady-state (Holling, 1996; Walker et al., 2009). This definition contrasts with the

concept of ‘engineering resilience’ which describes how quickly a system recovers

following a disturbance event (Holling, 1996). This latter definition is based on an

assumption that ecosystem equilibrium occurs through the persistence of a single

steady-state; that is, a system returns to its pre-disturbance condition following a

period of change.

While the former definition is generally considered most suitable for describing

resilience in ecological systems, resilience is very difficult to quantify (North and

Stein, 2012). This difficulty arises in part because more complex definitions of

resilience incorporate aspects of both ecological and engineering resilience; that is,

change and reorganisation coupled with maintenance of “essentially the same

ecosystem function, structure, identity and feedbacks” (Walker et al., 2004; p1).

Inherent within any concept of resilience are thresholds which represent the limits

of change that an ecological system can undergo before its fundamental properties

are shifted to a new state or regime. Thus, critical questions that emerge for

quantifying the resilience of a system include: (a) how much change can an

ecological system absorb or experience before ecosystem functions, structure,

identity and feedbacks are no longer maintained? (b) If these properties do change,

how are they judged to be either “essentially the same” (Walker et al., 2004, p.1), or

significantly different, and (c) can a system be considered resilient if only its

identity changes, but function and structure are maintained?

While these questions are generally posed in relation to the management of

contemporary ecosystems, they are relevant to the study of faunal and other

ecological and environmental changes observed in palaeoecological assemblages.

DiMichele et al. (2004) noted there are no clear guidelines from which to assess if

changes observed in palaeoecological assemblages represent significant

palaeocommunity change. In other words, how is significant palaeocommunity

change or reorganisation defined and when do such changes represent a breach of

resilience thresholds?


Numeric and ecological hierarchy of natural variation The ecological and numeric hierarchies of Rahel (1990) and Bennington and

Bambach (1996) may provide a useful framework for the assessment of natural

variation and resilience across different scales in palaeoecological archives. They

are based on common metrics used to define the character and condition of

ecological and palaeoecological systems (e.g., species richness, composition and

relative abundance).

As noted by Hadly and Barnosky (2009), species richness is correlated with the

productivity, disturbance regime and heterogeneity of an ecological community,

with fluctuations in the number of species within an assemblage reflecting change

in ecological niches and their connections. The composition of a community reflects

the character of those niches, while species abundances are a function of life history

traits, interspecific interactions and the relationship of individual species and

individuals to local abiotic conditions (Hadly and Barnosky, 2009).

Variation in these metrics operates across an ecological hierarchy and can be used

to contextualise changes in the relative abundances of individual species against

whole community level variation (Rahel, 1990; Fig. 2.5). For example,

presence/absence data (species composition) provides the lowest resolution of long-

term community persistence: communities are least stable (highly variable) when

the presence/absence of species is unpredictable over time (Fig. 2.5d). By

comparison, a community may be considered more stable if only the abundances of

species vary with time but the overall composition remains the same (Fig. 2.5c),

with the greatest stability occurring when species abundances do not change at all

(Fig. 2.5a). Interestingly, Magurran and Henderson (2010) suggested that variation

in the abundances of individual species may in fact contribute to the overall stability

of the palaeocommunity, highlighting a complex interplay between variation and

persistence across scales.

The use of species abundance data in palaeoecological analyses is advocated by

Vermeji and Herbert (2004) for their ability to provide information about the

ecological ‘success’ of a species and as a means of linking species traits to

environmental and evolutional processes. They also argue that abundance data can

reveal palaeocommunity change that may not be revealed at other numeric scales


(such as composition), as is evident in the fossil assemblages of the NCWHA.

Species level changes in palaeoecological records also indicate those species that

have been most sensitive to past climate change (Dietl and Flessa, 2010).

Figure 2.5 Numeric hierarchy of stability demonstrated in a hypothetical assemblage of five species

(A–E). (a) Species’ abundances are highly stable (no variation). (b) There is variation in species

abundances, but their rank-order stays the same. (c) Variation in species’ abundances leads to

variation in the rank-order of the species. (d) Species’ abundances are so variable that even the

presence/absence of species’ is unpredictable. Modified from Rahel (1990).


Based on their review of vertebrate responses to climate change from a range of

fossil localities, Hadly and Barnosky (2009) suggested that changes in the relative

abundances of species are the “early warning signal” of environmental effects on

species (p. 47). However, they also argued that changes in species relative

abundance alone do not constitute significant change from a normal baseline of

variation operating at the species level within a palaeocommunity (Hadly and

Barnosky, 2009). Rather, based on evidence from fossil and modern assemblages,

they suggested that variation in the relative abundances of species is the normal

type of response to climate change and other disturbances across different temporal


When then, if ever, are changes in species abundances in fossil assemblages

ecologically significant in terms of assessing faunal change through time? The first

step to addressing this question may be to assess the statistical significance of

change in these ecological variables, as according to Bennington and Bambach

(1996), after site-effects are accounted for, if two samples have statistically

different species abundance distributions then they may be assumed to have come

from different palaeocommunity types (Table 2.3). In this context,

palaeocommunity types are separated on the basis of having similar, but not

statistically identical species abundance distributions (Bennington and Bambach,

1996). Within these definitions, it is acknowledged that given the extent of time-

averaging, biasing and information loss through taphonomic processes in fossil

assemblages, a local palaeocommunity is not equivalent to a local community

observed in neontolgoical studies where contemporaneity can be established.

However, the numeric hierarchy of Rahel (1990) and discussions of Hadly and

Barnosky (2009) caution that the relative abundances of species can be highly

variable with time and may not necessary reflect ecologically significant change

between local palaeocommunities. An intermediate level within Rahel’s (1990)

numeric hierarchy is rank-order abundance. A commonly used measure of

abundance ranks is Spearman’s Rho. This metric has been used in the analysis of

fossil assemblages, particularly to assess the fidelity of live-dead assemblages (e.g.,

Kidwell 2001; Terry 2010a; b). It is also used in a wide range of ecological studies

(e.g., Rabonsky et al., 2011) and has been suggested as a useful measure for


detecting early signs of change in ecological assemblages (Magurran and

Henderson 2010).

Of particular interest then for the fossil assemblages of the Naracoorte Caves is

whether the relative abundance of species varied sufficiently to lead to a new rank-

order abundance structure. An ecological driver of stability in abundance ranks may

be synchrony of changes in the relative abundance of species within a community in

response to disturbance, reflecting similar responses of individual species to

environmental or climatic changes (Rahel, 1990). However, based on the observed

fluctuations in the relative abundances of species in assemblages of the Naracoorte

Caves (e.g., Macken et al., 2012), synchronous responses are very rare. For

example, while some species demonstrated similar patterns of change in response to

transitions from relatively dry to relatively wet conditions and visa-versa between

the Cathedral Cave and Grant Hall assemblages (Macken et al., 2012), not all

species with similar ecological characteristics (e.g., dietary and habitat preferences)

had the same pattern of response within the two sites. Further, some species

demonstrated different responses to the climate changes between the two sites

(Prideaux et al., 2007; Macken et al., 2012). These divergent patterns in species

abundance are consistent with evidence elsewhere for individualistic species

responses to climate change (Stewart, 2008). They also likely reflect the influence

of other factors on species responses, including a combination of environmental and

climatic thresholds and community and population dynamics associated with

intrinsic responses described by Williams et al. (2011).

Intrinsic responses are those changes associated with non-linear ecological

processes, thresholds and tipping points and are characterised by variable timings

and rates of change among species and localities. Extrinsic ecological changes are

driven by external, abrupt climate changes and are characterised by synchronous

biotic responses within and between localities (Williams et al., 2011). While

extrinsic responses are clearly important in revealing the drivers and general

responses to change operating at large temporal and spatial scales, intrinsic

responses are expected to reveal more about the past resilience of ecosystems and

the range of variation exhibited by different ecosystem components in response to

disturbances operating across spatial and temporal scales.


Intrinsic responses are expected to vary amongst sites not only in timing and rate

but also in the extent and magnitude of change across ecosystem components

(Williams et al., 2011). Within the resilience framework established by Cumming et

al. (2005), ecosystem components are defined as the functional traits or identity of

species within an ecosystem or community and the relationships between them

(e.g., predator-prey interactions). Thus, patterns of change, and the inferred

ecological significance of such change is highly dependent upon what components

of an ecosystem are measured in palaeoecological analyses. As noted earlier, the

focus for this thesis is the identity of the palaeocommunity defined by a hierarchy of

taxonomy based diversity measures, rather than functional diversity.

Table 2.3 Palaeocommunity definitions described by Bennington and Bambach (1996).

Term Definition Local palaeocommunity Fossil assemblage associated with samples from a single stratigraphic

unit or phase.

Palaeocommunity Statistically indistinguishable local palaeocommunities.

Palaeocommunity type Similar but not statistically identical local palaeocommunities.

Forward projection of trends: challenges and potential Palaeoecological study of faunal changes in assemblages from the Naracoorte

Caves shows that not only does temporal scale and sample size strongly influence

observed trends, but that numerical scales influence the extent and inferred

ecological significance of variation detected with time. These sampling effects in

turn influence our ability to predict (and test) the mechanisms underlying such


Fluctuation in the relative abundances of individual species indicates that variation

in individual survival, range contraction/expansion and local

extinction/recolonisation patterns affected local populations and species, without

broad scale community turnover (Prideaux et al., 2007; Macken 2009). These

patterns reinforce the recommendation of Rahel (1990) that community patterns be

analysed at more than one scale to enable the detection of different factors that

structure communities.


Insights into the range, scale and types of ecological responses to past climate

change gained from fossil assemblages may be used to address the questions

identified at the start of this review. These were (a) how do ecosystems respond in

the short and long-term to disturbance (including climate change), (b) what is the

natural range of variability expressed by an ecosystem at different spatial, temporal

and ecological scales and (c) what are the limits of resilience, or thresholds beyond

which an ecosystem changes state? Biodiversity conservation strategies that

develop the adaptive and resilience capacity of communities and species to future

climate change may be enhanced by knowledge that addresses these questions.

As recognised by Lyman (2006), collaborations between ecology, palaeontology

and conservation biology are imperative for biodiversity conservation in light of the

threats posed by future climate change on species, communities and ecosystems. By

focussing on the data needs of resource managers and using relatively simple, easily

interpreted metrics, palaeontological studies may overcome some of the challenges

associated with the application of past histories to biodiversity conservation today.

However, Swetnam et al. (1999) warn that past trends cannot be directly

extrapolated to present or future conditions. Rather, they argue that long-term

perspectives can guide the development and testing of predictive models and

generate hypotheses that can be tested. Further, they can inform biodiversity

managers about the limits or thresholds inherent in an ecological and environmental

setting, and may provide a context for current landscape conditions. According to

Swetnam et al. (1999), we must “decide if past mechanisms of change and the

dynamical processes involved are desirable for today’s landscapes” (p. 1202). This

requires an acknowledgement of the limitations of ecosystems; we can’t exceed

these without causing system collapse (Swetnam et al., 1999). Patterns of natural

variation in small mammal palaeocommunity composition and structure through the

last glacial cycle provide a unique opportunity to examine and identify these limits

or constraints across time scales far exceeding those available to traditional

ecological studies.


3. Chronology and stratigraphy of the Wet Cave vertebrate

fossil deposit, Naracoorte, and relationship to paleoclimatic

conditions of the Last Glacial Cycle in south-eastern


Citation Macken, A.C., McDowell, M.C., Bartholomeusz, D.H. and Reed, E.H. (2013)

Chronology and stratigraphy of the Wet Cave vertebrate fossil deposit, Naracoorte,

and relationship to paleoclimatic conditions of the Last Glacial Cycle in south-

eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 60, 271–281.

Contribution of Authors Amy Macken:

• Devised and planned the project.

• Compiled and assessed the data on the Wet Cave stratigraphy and

sediments presented in the paper and identified stratigraphic units for the

deposit based on these data.

• Sourced grant of $1000.00 from the Linnean Society of New South Wales

to support costs associated with additional radiocarbon dating for the site.

• Selected and prepared additional charcoal samples for radiocarbon dating.

• Reviewed the palaeoclimatic literature presented in the manuscript.

• Prepared the manuscript for publication.

Matthew McDowell:

• Provided the original descriptions of the Wet Cave sediments and the

stratigraphic diagram of sedimentary layers in his Masters thesis.

• Provided comments on the manuscript.


David Bartholomeusz:

• Led the excavation of the Wet Cave site in 1997 and 1998 and provided

sedimentary descriptions and photographs of the exposed profile in his

field note books.

• Provided comments on the manuscript.

Elizabeth Reed:

• Provided funding for the additional radiocarbon dating.

• Provided comments on the manuscript.

Signed .................................................................................. Date ............................

Amy Macken

School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University

Signed .................................................................................. Date ............................

Matthew McDowell

School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University

Signed .................................................................................. Date ............................

David Bartholomeusz

School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University

Signed .................................................................................. Date ............................

Elizabeth Reed

School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University


Abstract The Wet Cave vertebrate fossil deposit of the Naracoorte Caves in south-eastern

South Australia contains a rich and diverse assemblage of small mammal fauna

known to span the Upper Pleistocene–Holocene. Here, we describe five previously

unidentified in situ units (A, B, C, E and F) and one likely reworked unit (D) in the

Wet Cave sedimentary profile, which are correlated with paleoclimatic conditions

associated with the Last Glacial Cycle. Additional radiocarbon dates presented here

provide a finer temporal resolution for the upper sections of the sequence than

previously available and reveal rapid deposition of polished quartz sands laminated

with brown silts during the last glacial maximum (LGM). Change in sediment type

and depositional processes are dated from 16.8–16.4 k cal y BP and are associated

with the onset of deglaciation. The characteristics of the five in situ depositional

units are similar to those identified from the contemporaneous fossil and

sedimentary sequence of Blanche Cave 3rd Chamber, located approximately 400 m

away, reflecting interactions between paleoclimate, sediment mobility and

deposition at this locality. Greater variation is evident between the Wet Cave

sedimentary profile and the inner chamber of Robertson Cave, located

approximately 6 km away and shows that local processes and cave structure exerted

some control on sediment accumulation. Paleoclimatic inferences from the

depositional sequence of Wet Cave are broadly consistent with those inferred from

regional landforms for south-eastern Australia but provide a local signal more

suitable for cross-correlation of the fossil faunas. In particular, the Wet Cave

sequence suggests that local conditions were relatively stable in the lead up to the

LGM despite fluctuation in both local and regional effective precipitation.

Sedimentary units associated with the post LGM deglaciation are characterised by

alternating sand and sandy-silt layers, assumed to reflect the impact of enhanced

seasonality and/or climatic fluctuation leading towards the Holocene.

Keywords cave sediments, Last Glacial Cycle, Naracoorte Caves, paleoclimate,

radiocarbon dating, stratigraphy


Introduction The Upper Pleistocene–Holocene sedimentary and fossil sequences of Wet Cave

(5U10, 11) were first studied by McDowell (2001), following excavation of the site

in 1997 and 1998. Re-evaluation of the Wet Cave small mammal fauna (body mass

≤2 kg) and comparison with more recently excavated, contemporaneous deposits of

the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area (NCWHA), aims to elucidate patterns of

natural variability in small mammal communities through the Upper Pleistocene–

Holocene. However, the capacity for such comparison is limited by the lack of

identified and described stratigraphic division of the Wet Cave sequence and by

temporal gaps in the current chronology, which restricts the resolution at which the

fossil faunas may be evaluated.

Following severe storms and high rainfalls in December, 2010, the excavated

section of the Wet Cave deposit was completely buried by flood sediments. As a

result, no further sedimentary sampling from the section has been possible. Analysis

of sediments from the Wet Cave excavation site by McDowell (2001) and Forbes

and Bestland (2006, 2007) provides the only available data on the sedimentary

sequence for the site. By collating these data, we provide a refined stratigraphic

framework for the Wet Cave fossil assemblage. Backup charcoal samples collected

at the time of original sampling were available for radiocarbon dating, enabling the

chronology of the sequence to be more finely resolved.

Here, we review the stratigraphy and chronology of the Wet Cave deposit to

identify depositional units, which may be used in future examination of the faunal

assemblage at a resolution that is consistent with major depositional episodes and

for comparison of the paleoenvironmental history represented in Wet Cave with

other Naracoorte Cave deposits of similar age. Presentation of additional

radiocarbon ages for the Wet Cave sequence provides a finer chronology than

previously available and improves the resolution at which (a) the depositional

history of the site can be assessed and (b) other caves deposits of similar age may be

compared. Detailed evaluation of Upper Pleistocene–Holocene climates and the

paleoenvironmental signals interpreted from Wet Cave also enhances our

understanding of the Last Glacial Cycle by identifying local variation in the timing,


character and environmental impacts of changes in available moisture, temperature

and vegetation across south-eastern Australia.

Site Description, Excavation and Original Sedimentary Analysis

Geological Setting Wet Cave, also referred to as Tomato-Stick Cave, is one of 26 known caves in the

NCWHA, located 12 km southeast of Naracoorte in south-eastern South Australia

(Figure 3.1a). These caves are located in an uplifted section of the Naracoorte

member of the Gambier Limestone, a fossiliferous marine carbonate formation of

Oligocene–Miocene age (Ludbrook, 1961). Uplift of this plateau is associated with

movement of the Kanawinka Fault, which controlled the direction and distribution

of joints in the caves (Sprigg, 1952). The caves were formed largely by phreatic

dissolution of the Gambier Limestone and structural processes (Wells et al., 1984;

White, 2005). Overlying the Gambier Limestone is a sequence of Pleistocene-aged

dune facies known as the Bridgewater Formation. The oldest of these facies, the

East Naracoorte Ridge, overlies the phreatic caves system of the NCWHA and is

dated to 935 ± 178 ka (Murray-Wallace et al., 2001). Dating of clastic sediments,

bone material and speleothems indicates that the Naracoorte caves first opened to

the surface during the Middle Pleistocene, ca 528 ka (Ayliffe and Veeh, 1988;

Ayliffe et al., 1998; Grün et al., 2001; Prideaux et al., 2007).

Excavation Two roof collapse window entrances (5U10 and 5U11) of approximately 8 m

diameter provide access to Wet Cave from the surface. The fossil excavation was

located on the south-eastern edge of the sediment cone in the chamber associated

with entrance 5U10 (140°47’50.59”E, –37°02’11.634”S; Figure 3.1b).

The sedimentary sequence was excavated across two separate pits, measuring 1 m2,

identified as Pit 1 (lower) and Pit 2 (upper) (McDowell, 2001). A steel peg

positioned in a corner of Pit 2 at the top of the section was allocated as the primary

datum. Each 1 m2 pit was divided into four quadrants (A–D) measuring 0.25 m2.

Pit 2 was excavated from 0 to –110 cm and Pit 1 from –110 to –350 cm relative to

the primary datum (Figure 3.2). The sequence was excavated as quadrants within


individual sedimentary layers identified by visual observations of the sediments.

These were labelled with the cave number (5U10), pit number (1 or 2), quadrant

(A–D), layer number (Pit 2: 1–6; Pit 1: 5–7) and excavation interval (minimum 1 to

maximum 12), e.g., U10 1A:6/8 = Wet cave, pit 1, quadrant A, layer 6, interval 8

(Figure 3.2; McDowell, 2001). The depth of each interval was measured during

excavation using a steel rule aligned to a line level and plumb bob running from the

datum down the centre of each pit.

Excavation was largely conducted using trowels and brushes, with all material

removed from the site in labelled bags and subsequently wet screened. Larger fossil

specimens were excavated in situ. Some sections were excavated as blocks of 2.5

cm3 due to high clay content. During excavation, a 2 kg bulk sample of sediment

from each excavated interval was collected. Unfortunately, these bags cannot be

located for further sedimentary analysis. However, McDowell (2001) and notes

recorded on data sheets during excavation provide detailed descriptions of the

sediments, which are compiled here.

Figure 3.1 (a) Location of Naracoorte in south-eastern South Australia. The Naracoorte Caves

World Heritage Area is situated 12 km south east of Naracoorte. (b) Map of Wet Cave (5U10

entrance chamber), modified from Cave Exploration Group of South Australia map CEG 394 and

McDowell (2001).


Sedimentary Analysis Sedimentary characteristics measured by McDowell (2001) included grain size,

sorting and shape using a standard sand gauge. Sediment colour was determined

from undried sediment samples using a Munsell soil colour chart (McDowell,

2001). These characteristics were measured from each excavation layer of the

exposed section and from 50 mm diameter sediment cores taken at 1 m intervals

along the sediment cone and fan. The samples were used to construct a generalised

diagram of the sub-surface stratigraphy of the entrance chamber, presented in

McDowell (2001). Forbes and Bestland (2006, 2007) measured grain size

distribution, strontium and stable nitrogen isotopes, sediment mineralogy and major

and trace elemental geochemistry for seven sedimentary samples collected from the

Wet Cave profile (Table B.1 Appendix B).

The Wet Cave sediments were described as brown organic-rich silty sands and

reddish silts by Forbes and Bestland (2007); although, homogenous sand horizons

were present (McDowell, 2001; Forbes and Bestland, 2007). The Wet Cave

sequence was characterised by well layered bands of these sediment types, which

ranged from a few centimetres to greater than 40 cm thick (Figure 3.2; McDowell,

2001). The presence of herringbone-like bedding planes, channel-fill and slump

structures indicates that some layers of sediment were transported by water into the

deposit from the sediment cone (McDowell, 2001).


Stratigraphic sequence The sedimentary profile and sediment descriptions for Wet Cave from McDowell

(2001) and Forbes and Bestland (2006, 2007) were evaluated to identify sections of

the profile that represented discrete depositional units. This was based on the

general principles of sedimentary geology such that, (1) changes in sediment colour

through the sequence may correspond to different sediment types, and thus,

sedimentary input sources, accumulation mode, depositional processes and/or

fluctuation of the water table, and (2) the location of bedding planes in the

stratigraphic profile likely represent breaks in deposition or boundaries between



Figure 3.2 Stratigraphic section for Wet Cave, indicating sedimentary and excavation layers

identified by author DNB and described by McDowell (2001). Calibrated radiocarbon dates based on

the INTCAL09 database (Reimer et al., 2009). Ages marked with an asterisk are new dates acquired

in the current study; other ages are calibrated radiocarbon dates from Pate et al., (2002, 2006).

Sedimentary units defined in text. Profile modified from stratigraphic section produced by

McDowell (2001).


Radiocarbon Dating In addition to the 14 radiocarbon ages obtained and reported by Pate et al., (2002,

2006; Table 3.1), six additional charcoal samples were selected for further dating of

the site. The additional samples were picked from backup samples sorted from bulk

material excavated during the original work on the deposit. These samples had been

stored since their collection in labelled vials in the Flinders University

Palaeontology Laboratory at the Naracoorte Caves National Park. Samples for

analysis in the current study were selected from excavation intervals for which there

were no existing dates and which would enable greater refinement of the

depositional chronology.

Samples were analysed using AMS radiocarbon dating by Beta Analytic, Florida,

USA, using standard acid/alkali/acid pre-treatment. The conventional radiocarbon

ages of these samples, and the original AMS radiocarbon dates measured for the

site, were calibrated to calendar years BP in OxCal 4.1 (Bronk Ramsey, 2009a)

using the INTCAL09 database (Reimer et al., 2009).


Table 3.1 Radiocarbon chronology for the Wet Cave stratigraphic sequence. Calibrated ages represent calendar years BP,

based on the INTCAL09 database (Reimer et al. 2009) and calibrated in OxCal4.1 (Bronk Ramsey 2009a). 5U10- sample

codes correspond to dates acquired in the current study. WeC samples are from Pate et al. (2002, 2006).

Sample ID

AMS laboratory ID

Depth (cm) Unit C mass

(µg) 14C age 1σ Cal y BP (95.4%)

5U10-6 BETA-298177 -21.5 to -24 cm F

4600 11,260 60 13,308 – 12,958 WeC36 OZE 539 -41 2570 740 40 735 – 569 5U10-5 BETA-298176 -52 to -60


2000 9,180 40 10,486 – 10,242 WeC1 OZD 284 -64 1770 9,590 100 11,204 – 10,662

5U10-4 BETA-298175 -87 to -94 4000 12,310 50 14,882 – 13,990 5U10-3 BETA-298174 -100 to -110 2200 13,470 50 16,881 – 16,352 WeC4 OZD 504 -134 D 1320 13,920 130 17,421 – 16,759

WeC33* OZE 541 -170 C 12 14,150 350 18,465 – 16,610 5U10-2 BETA-298173 -187 to -192

B 2000 20,750 90 25,031 – 24,442

WeC32 OZE 536 -199 120 19,400 300 23,890 – 22,390 WeC10 OZD 292 -223


100 23,850 1020 30,944 – 26,339 WeC25 OZD 714 -234 1380 30,500 400 36,280 – 34,546 WeC21 OZD 715 -249 350 33,400 650 39,939 – 36,654 WeC23* OZD 721 -252 20 23,400 1600 23,005 – 24,446 WeC27 OZD 717 -269 1950 40,900 850 45,984 – 43,334 WeC12* OZD 291^ -275 70 >29,000 WeC35 OZE 538 -276 1360 45,200 1800 ... – 45,693 5U10-1 BETA-298172 -305 to -350 2200 9,140 40 10,415 – 10,225 WeC30 OZD 724 -320 200 32,600 900 39,648 – 35,157 WeC16 OZD 506 -358 1640 >45,000!

*low extracted carbon values based on <100 µg threshold. ^AMS laboratory code reported by Pate et al. (2006) as OZE. ANSTO reports indicate that code was OZD (Q. Hua, pers. comm.) !not distinguishable from background.



Sedimentary Sequence and Chronology Sedimentary characteristics through the Wet Cave sequence indicate that it was

composed of a minimum of six sedimentary units (A to F) that are expected to

represent separate episodes of sediment and bone input to the cave (Figure 3.2).

Table B.1 (Appendix B) presents the collated data associated with the sediments

and chronology of the sequence and are summarised in the descriptions below. In

these following descriptions, the depths of each unit within the stratigraphic profile

are reported as depths below the primary datum. The individual layers, which

together compose each sedimentary unit, are also provided. Radiocarbon and

calibrated ages for the Wet Cave sequence are presented in Table 3.1.

Unit A (–350 to –220 cm; Layers 1: 7/9 to 1: 6/12; >45 ka to 30.9–26.3 k Cal y


Unit A is characterised by dark red, well sorted, sandy clays. The bottom 60 cm of

the unit has a lower sand content than the upper section (McDowell, 2001);

although, SiO2 content is similar for the two sedimentary samples positioned at the

top and bottom of the Unit (sediment samples W10 = 86 wt% and W15 = 91 wt%;

Forbes and Bestland, 2007). By comparison, sample W10 has the highest Al2O3 and

Fe2O3 contents of all samples (6.6 and 2.5 wt%), contrasting with W15, which

contains only 2.6 and 1.3 wt% Al2O3 and Fe2O3, respectively. W15 is distinguished

by a P2O5 content of 0.8 wt%, more than four times higher than any other sample. A

CaO content for W15 of 1.4 wt% contrasts with W10 of only 0.1 wt% (Forbes and

Bestland, 2007) and supports the observations of McDowell (2001) who noted that

limestone fragments were common in the silt and clay layers at the bottom of the

Wet Cave sequence, likely the result of roof-fall and fretting from the cave walls.

This suggests that deposition of the lower unit was relatively slow and is supported

by the radiocarbon chronology for this unit, which spans at least 15,000 years

(Table 3.1).

Despite the geochemical differences between the samples from Unit A, the grain

size distributions are similar (Forbes and Bestland, 2007) and reflect a higher coarse

to fine silt fraction when compared with samples from higher in the sequence, with

the exception of Wp1d (depth –40 cm). However, this sample has a higher medium


to fine sand fraction than the samples from Unit A, differentiating it from the lower


The mineralogical composition of sedimentary sample W15 (depth –335 cm) shows

that sediments at the bottom of Unit A are composed of 65 vol% clay minerals and

27 vol% quartz, contrasting with samples W2 and Wp1d from Units C and F which

contain 99 and 75 vol% quartz, respectively (Forbes and Bestland, 2007).

One of the additional radiocarbon ages obtained in this study suggests that Layer

1:7/9 (depth –305 to –350 cm) may be of Holocene age (Table 3.1). However, eight

ages reported in Pate et al., (2002, 2006) show that Unit A accumulated in the

Upper Pleistocene. The anomalous age is probably the result of young charcoal

being transported down slope during the paleontological excavation and is not

considered to represent a significant reworking of younger material to the bottom

layer of the sequence. The lack of physical structures in the profile such as cut and

fills, and the consistency of the sedimentary character through Unit A, supports this


Unit B (–187 to –220 cm; Layers 1: 6/7 to 1: 6/11; ca 26.3 to 25.0–24.4 k Cal y


Unit B is characterised by yellow, moderately sorted, polished quartz sands

(McDowell, 2001), bounded by bands of brown clayey sands. Samples W4 and W8

have similar grain size distributions, which vary from other samples being

composed of ~ 56 and 53 vol% very fine sand to coarse silts, respectively (Forbes

and Bestland, 2007). SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 contents are similar in these samples,

while the concentrations of Zr and Y are identical (Forbes and Bestland, 2007),

supporting the interpretation that they are associated with a single depositional unit.

Unit C (–150 to –187 cm; Layers 1: 6/1 to 1: 6/6; ca 24.4 to ca 18.5–16.6 K Cal y


Overlying Unit B, from depth –150 cm, is a thick layer of yellow, well sorted,

rounded quartz sand, interspersed with dark brown silty lamina. The grain size

distribution of sample W2 is unique from all other samples, containing ~ 53 vol%

coarse to medium sands with a very low % of silt-sized fractions (Forbes and


Bestland, 2007). This sample is composed of 99 vol% quartz (Forbes and Bestland,

2007) and has the lowest Al2O3 and Fe2O3 contents of all samples (1.2 and 0.2 wt%,

respectively). Strontium concentration is also lower in sample W2 than measured in

samples from Units A and B, consistent with the positive correlation between Sr

concentration and silt content observed through the Wet Cave profile (Forbes and

Bestland, 2007).

Unit D (–110 to –150 cm; Layers 1: 5/1 to 1: 5/6)

Overlying Unit C are brown, poorly sorted and sub-rounded clayey sands. Due to

the presence of megafauna fossil remains and similarity in sediment characteristics

with the uppermost and lowermost sections of the profile, McDowell (2001)

suggested that this section of the Wet Cave profile may have been be reworked. The

calibrated age of 17.4–16.8 k cal y BP for charcoal from within this unit (at depth –

134 cm) is broadly consistent with the chronology across the entire sequence but

overlaps the age from Unit C, suggesting a more complex depositional history at

this section of the profile.

Forbes and Bestland (2006) did not investigate the poorly sorted and sub-rounded

clayey sands at the top of Pit 1 and instead described only the homogeneous sands

identified here as Unit C as the “top 60 cm of the Lower Pit” (p. 136). However, the

sedimentary descriptions and profile for Wet Cave provided by McDowell (2001;

Figure 3.2; Table B.1 Appendix B) show that the homogeneous sands extended for

a maximum of 45 cm through the sedimentary profile and clearly indicate the

presence of sediments that are here labelled as Unit D.

Although the discrepancy between the two available descriptions of the Wet Cave

sequence further challenges interpretation of the depositional history of Pit 1, a

photograph of the sequence reported in McDowell (2001) clearly shows the dark

sediments on top of the sands of Unit C. Descriptions of the profile prior to

excavation also note the presence of this layer. It is possible that Forbes and

Bestland (2006) ignored these sediments in their description of the Wet Cave

sequence as they considered it to be a reworked layer as a result of slumping down

the edge of the sedimentary cone. While this interpretation is considered here to be

the most likely explanation for the presence and character of the sediments in Unit


D, we have classified and labelled them as a unit to enable a more comprehensive

assessment of the depositional history of the site.

Unit E (–52 to –110 cm; layers 2: 5/1 to 2: 6/4; 16.9–16.3 to 10.5–10.2 k Cal y


Unit E is characterised by alternating bands of light yellow brown and dark grey,

moderately sorted, sub-rounded clayey and silty sands. The grain size distribution

of sample Wp1h (depth –85 cm) indicates that the dark grey bands are composed of

~ 66 vol% very fine sands to coarse silts, contrasting with all other samples. The

uppermost band of Unit E contains limestone gravel suggesting a depositional

hiatus occurred from ca 10.5–10.2 k cal y BP.

Unit F (0 to –52 cm; Layers 2: 1/1 to 2: 4/1; Holocene age; containing some

reworked material from Unit E)

The uppermost unit of the deposit was characterised by very dark grey to very dark

brown, moderately sorted, sub-rounded silty sands, interposed with clean sandy

lamina (McDowell, 2001). The boundary between Units E and F was indicated by

the presence of flowstone at depth –39 to –52 cm (McDowell, 2001); although it is

unknown if the flowstone was attached to the cave wall or free floating. The grain

size distribution and geochemistry of sample Wp1d (depth –40 cm) contrasts with

all other samples, indicating the unique composition of sediments at this part of the


As noted by Forbes and Bestland (2006), the sample incorporated a milky white

non-clastic material not observed elsewhere in the profile. Wp1d is characterised by

very low SiO2 content; although, this does not correlate with high Al2O3 and Fe2O3

contents as would be expected based on the strong linear correlation of these oxides

with SiO2 in the other samples. As noted by Forbes and Bestland (2006), high LOI

(5.8 wt%) and CaO (11.9 wt%) contents in combination with a SO3 content of 15.3

wt% suggests bat guano contributions to these sediments. The presence of bat

guano at this section of the profile in addition to the flowstone indicates minimal

allogenic inputs for a period of time prior to the deposition of the largely Holocene-

aged dark brown silts and sub-rounded quartz laminations.


The calibrated radiocarbon age of a charcoal sample from layer 2:2/3 (depth –21.5

to –24 cm; 13.3–13.0 k cal y BP) suggests possible reworking of Pleistocene

material from Unit E, likely via natural post-depositional processes and

anthropogenic disturbance as evidenced by the presence of European artifacts (e.g.,

ceramic and glass shards) recovered from sediments in Pit 2.


Relationship to other Upper Pleistocene sequences of the NCWHA The Wet Cave sedimentary and fossil sequence spans ca 45,000 years, providing a

record of the latter part of Last Glacial Cycle and Holocene for the NCWHA. While

the deposit is broadly contemporaneous with the inner chamber deposit of

Robertson Cave 5U17 (RCIC), located approximately 6 km south of Wet Cave, the

Wet Cave sequence is more continuous and contains sediments dated to the last

glacial maximum (LGM; ca, 20–17 ka; Barrows et al., 2002) which are absent from

RCIC (Forbes et al., 2007). Radiocarbon ages for the 3rd chamber deposit in

Blanche Cave 5U6 (BC3C), located within 400 m of Wet Cave, show that it also

contains an LGM sequence, but does not contain in situ Holocene aged material (St

Pierre et al., 2012). Hence, Wet Cave is an important sequence for the NCWHA,

providing a record of temporal periods not represented elsewhere and a sequence

against which environmental and paleoclimatic signals interpreted from other Upper

Pleistocene deposits may be compared.

The identification of six sedimentary units, including the reworked Unit D, within

the Wet Cave sequence compares well with BC3C where five units, plus a reworked

layer, were identified from a stratigraphic core (Darrénougué et al., 2009).

Available chronological data (Darrénougué et al., 2009; St Pierre et al., 2012)

suggest that the analogous units identified in the two caves are broadly

contemporaneous and may be used to assess local paleoenvironmental

interpretations for the Upper Pleistocene based on the sediments from a single

deposit (e.g., Darrénougué et al., 2009).

Despite similarities in the character of the sedimentary units between the Wet Cave

and BC3C deposits, the depth profiles of the sequences are quite different. This

variation is expected to reflect local accumulation and post-depositional processes


associated with the shape and structure of the cave chambers, entrances and surface

topography. Such processes are expected to also account for the differences in the

composition and temporal span of the sedimentary sequences of Wet Cave and

RCIC, which is composed of only three units; Lower, Middle and Upper (Forbes et

al., 2007). These units share similar characteristics respectively with Units A, B and

E of the Wet Cave sequence and their analogues in BC3C.

The sources of sediments that fill Wet Cave were first inferred by McDowell (2001)

and later expanded by Forbes and Bestland (2007) using geochemical assessment of

surficial and NCWHA sediments. Correlations identified by Forbes and Bestland

(2007) generally supported the interpretations of McDowell (2001) and previous

researchers (e.g., Wells et al., 1984; Moriarty et al., 2000). The proximal sources of

clays and silts to the NCWHA deposits were found to be the medium–silt sized

fractions of local Terra Rossa Soils, while sands were largely derived from the

sandy A horizon of Coonawarra Terra Rossa Soils, and the medium-grained sands

of the coastal barrier dunes, the Bridgewater Formation (Forbes and Bestland,

2007). It is interesting to note that there was poor geochemical correlation with the

coarser-grained, calcite-rich component of the Bridgewater Formation. This

suggests that carbonate grains and cement of the Bridgewater Formation had been

dissolved leaving the medium-grained quartz component free to be transported

around the landscape. Finally, the organic-rich sediments from Wet Cave Unit F

were correlated with local Holocene podsols and/or anthropogenically disturbed

soils (McDowell, 2001; Forbes and Bestland, 2007).

Paleoclimatic Context McDowell (2001) summarised a depositional and environmental history for the

NCWHA from the Wet and RCIC sequences. In light of the refined chronology and

sedimentary sequence for Wet Cave, the paleoclimatic context of the deposit is re-

examined here. This assessment also utilises more recent literature and proxy data

for Upper Pleistocene climates in south-eastern Australia. The chronology for

marine isotope stages follows Martinson et al., (1987) with age refinements for

MIS-2 and MIS-3 sub-stages from Thompson and Goldstein (2006).


Unit A: MIS-3

The calibrated radiocarbon chronology for Wet Cave indicates that the red-brown

sandy clays of Unit A accumulated during MIS-3. On the basis of apparent full lake

levels in the Willandra region of the south-eastern Australian Mallee, Darrénougué

et al., (2009) suggested that the MIS-3 aged unit of BC3C accumulated during a

very wet climatic phase. However, a broader review of paleoclimatic data for this

period suggests more temporally and spatially variable climatic conditions during

the deposition of the red-brown clays in BC3C, and hence Wet Cave at this time.

Cool conditions relative to today during MIS-3 are evident in the global oxygen

isotope SPECMAP curve which indicates a gradual decline in global temperatures

prior to the LGM depression (Martinson et al., 1987). Regional sea surface

temperatures reconstructed using alketones in Murray Canyons core MD03-2607

also show cooler temperatures than today, and reveal frequent fluctuations within

the range of ca. 12–17°C during MIS-3 (Lopes dos Santos et al., 2012). Episodic

high fluvial activity through the rivers of the Riverine Plain suggests pluvial

conditions during MIS-3 in south-eastern Australia is consistent with this

fluctuation, with two primary phases identified at ca 55–35 ka (Kerabury Phase)

and ca 35–25 ka (Gum Creek Phase) (Page et al., 1996, 2001). These phases of high

episodic flows have been linked with periods of glaciation and periglacial

conditions in the Snowy Mountains that feed the Riverine Plain; a lower snowline is

expected to have increased the volume of winter snowpack and hence, snowmelt

during spring (Barrows et al., 2001). The episodic/seasonal nature of large flows of

the Riverine Plain is evidenced by the near synchronous ages of source-bordering

dunes, indicating deflation from the paleochannels during periods of low flow and

higher evaporation (Page et al., 2001; Kemp and Spooner, 2007).

A fine scale review of the water level record for the Willandra system shows that

MIS-3 was characterised by fluctuation between phases of higher and lower

lacustral activity (lake levels), correlated with lesser and greater pelletal clay dune

building indicative of drier periods (Bowler, 1998; Bowler et al., 2007, 2012). The

early phase of sedimentation of Unit A into Wet Cave coincides with a pre-LGM

glacial advance in Tasmania at ca 45–40 ka (Barrows et al., 2002; Mackintosh et

al., 2006), coincident with transition from a phase of high water level at ca 44–42


ka to a dune building phase at 42–41 ka at Willandra (Bowler et al., 2012).

Fluctuation between lacustral and dune phases at Willandra is expected to have

been controlled by a range of factors including regional hydrology (e.g., runoff and

fluvial inputs; Page et al., 2009; Bowler et al., 2012) and local water budget

(precipitation and evaporation; e.g., Kemp and Spooner, 2007). The Naracoorte

Caves speleothem growth record, which provides a proxy for local effective

precipitation, shows a hiatus in deposition at ca 40–35 ka, reflecting conditions of

low effective moisture (Ayliffe et al., 1998). These combined paleoclimatic

indicators suggest that the early phase of deposition of Unit A into Wet Cave was

coincident with regionally cool conditions and a relative decline in effective

moisture at least when compared with the preceding pluvial phases of south-eastern

Australia at ca 45–55 ka (Page et al., 1996, 2001; Bowler et al., 2012) and the

relatively wet local conditions during MIS-5b–a (Ayliffe et al., 1998).

Deposition of the upper sections of Unit A coincide with a phase of speleothem

growth in the Naracoorte Caves from ca 35–20 ka (Ayliffe et al., 1998), indicating

increased effective moisture availability, consistent with both the pollen record

from BC3C, which is composed of predominantly woody taxa for the period from

ca 35–32 ka, and the continued pluvial conditions noted for south-eastern Australia

(Page et al., 1996, 2001; Darrénougué et al., 2009). Despite glacial advance in the

Snowy Mountains at ca 32 ka (Barrows et al., 2001) and expansion of Antarctic sea

ice at 32–25 ka (Williams et al., 2009), more humid conditions in the later stages of

MIS-3 are indicated for subtropical eastern Australia (Petherick et al., 2008). In

contrast, aeolian dune building in the Strzelecki and Tirari deserts at ca 35–32 ka

and in the western Murray Basin at ca 38–18 ka suggests drier surface conditions

further inland at this time (Fitzimmons et al., 2007; Lomax et al., 2011). Although

the Willandra Lakes record remains highly variable through the later stages of MIS-

3, a significant and sustained period of high lake level from ca 30–25 ka and 23–19

ka suggests high effective moisture towards the end of MIS-3 and early MIS-2 in

south-eastern Australia. Synchronous thermo-luminescence ages for the Lachlan

paleochannel (Ulgutherie system) and an adjacent source-bordering dune of 32 ka

suggest that seasonal or episodic snowmelts and deflation from the paleochannels

remained a feature of the Riverine fluvial system through the later stages of MIS-3

(Kemp and Spooner, 2007). However, Nanson et al., (2003) suggested that peak


flows in the Riverine were reduced in MIS-3 from MIS-5 levels. This suggests that

lower evaporation, as a result of lower temperatures approaching the LGM, was the

primary driver of sustained high lake levels at Willandra, although Chappell (1991)

suggests increased runoff and precipitation remained important paleoclimatic

features of this time.

Despite the apparent fluctuations in relative moisture availability and temperature

during MIS-3 across south-eastern Australia, the sedimentary character of Unit A

suggests relative stability in prevailing climatic conditions of the Naracoorte region

from ca 45–25 ka. Local changes in hydrology reflected in the speleothem record

do not appear to have significantly impacted the primary mode and source of the

red-brown sandy clays into Wet Cave. Sandy laminations described by McDowell

(2001) suggest short-term changes in the source and likely accumulation mode of

sediments into Wet Cave during the accumulation of Unit A, although it is not

expected that this reflects significant and sustained changes in the local climate.

Darrénougué et al., (2009) suggested that the lower unit of red-brown sandy clays

in BC3C were a mixture of aeolian and water transported material. In contrast,

accumulation of the RCIC Lower Unit, which shares similar sedimentary

characteristics with Unit A and BC3C Unit 1, has been attributed to airborne dust

fluxes through the cave and from animal inhabitants (Forbes et al., 2007). Water is

not expected to have played a significant role in the deposition of the Lower Unit in

RCIC, as indicated by the high concentration of water soluble minerals (Forbes et

al., 2007). In comparison to the thin laminations present in the BC3C profile, the

thicker layers in Wet Cave Unit A suggests water was not a significant agent of

sediment transport from the depositional cone to the excavation site during MIS-3.

However, no confident assessment of the relative contribution of water vs. aeolian

or dust deposition to Unit A can be made as the site is no longer available for

further sedimentary analysis.

Unit B: MIS-2 and LGM

The well sorted and polished quartz sands of Unit B are temporally associated with

the end of MIS-3 and at least the early stages of MIS-2. Dates for the LGM in

Australia typically range from 22–17 ka, inferred from glacial advance in Tasmania


at ca, 20–17 ka (Barrows et al., 2002), minimum sea surface temperatures dated to,

20.5 ka (Barrows and Juggins, 2005) and a phase of dune building in the Tirari and

Strzelecki deserts from ca 22–18 ka (Fitzimmons et al., 2007). In contrast,

Petherick et al., (2008) suggest that the LGM in eastern Australia spanned ca

10,000 years, temporally constrained by cold events at 31 and 21 ka. The calibrated

radiocarbon age for Unit B at depth -199 cm of 23.9–22.4 k cal y BP suggests that

Wet Cave contains sedimentary material associated with the second cold stage at ca

21 ka, more traditionally associated as the LGM; however the extent of glacial

maximum representation in the deposit is more difficult to ascertain from the

current chronology. An age of 18.5–16.6 k cal y BP at depth -170cm suggests that

the mottled sands and clay laminations of Unit C accumulated over the first phase

of rapid deglaciation following the LGM and provide an estimate for the temporal

representation of the LGM in Wet Cave, assuming constant deposition through this

phase. As the dated sample (WeC33) had a low extracted carbon value of 12 µg,

well below the threshold identified by Pate et al., (2006) of 100 µg, it may not

provide a reliable estimate for the accumulation of Unit C; however, the calibrated

age for sample WeC33 is consistent with the calibrated ages for the underlying Unit

B and overlying Unit E.

The sedimentary character of Unit B is similar to the homogeneous sands of the

Middle Unit in RCIC, thought to be aeolian-derived sands which accumulated

rapidly into Robertson Cave (Forbes and Bestland, 2007). The age inversion evident

in the radiocarbon ages for Unit B may be the result of rapid accumulation of this

unit and slumping through the cave as noted for Robertson Cave (Forbes and

Bestland, 2007). Rounded, polished quartz grains in Unit 3 of BC3C are also

aeolian derived and are expected to have undergone a high degree of transportation

and reworking through their geological history (Darrénougué et al., 2009). As

already noted, sandy deposits in the caves have been associated with the A horizon

of local Terra Rossa Soils and the medium grained sands of the Bridgewater

Formation (Forbes et al., 2007). Strong winds, dry conditions and minimal

vegetation cover are expected to have facilitated movement of these materials in the

landscape, contributing to their accumulation in the caves during MIS-2 and the

LGM (Forbes and Bestland, 2007; Darrénougué et al., 2009).


Climatic cooling through MIS-3 and into MIS-2 is correlated with sea level decline

to -107 m at ca 24 ka and a minimum of -120m at ca 21 ka (Cutler et al., 2003;

Williams et al., 2009). Consequently, over the accumulation of the sandy Unit B in

Wet Cave and similar units in RCIC and BC3C, the Naracoorte Caves were more

continental than both the present day and during MIS-3. This is expected to have

resulted in more arid and variable local climatic conditions. As discussed by

Petherick et al., (2011), pollen records from temperate south-eastern Australia

reflect cool, dry conditions through the LGM, consistent with paleoclimatic

inferences from the deposits of the Naracoorte Caves and McEachern’s Deathtrap

cave in south west Victoria (Kos, 2001). Speleothem growth in the Naracoorte

Caves is dated to 20 ka (Ayliffe et al., 1998) and dune development at Willandra

from ca 19 ka (Bowler et al., 2012), providing further evidence of locally dry

conditions during the LGM and accumulation of Units B and C in Wet Cave.

Regional aridity is also indicated by the lack of fluvial activity in the Riverine Plain

at ca 25–20 ka (Page et al., 1996).

Units C and E: Deglaciation

Unit C shares similar sedimentary characteristics to those observed in the Upper

Unit of RCIC which are attributed to cyclic rainwash deposition into Robertson

Cave following the LGM (Forbes et al., 2007). It is expected that the silty

laminations of Unit C represent similar rainwash events; although, the sandy

horizons of Units C and E suggest that cool, dry conditions favouring aeolian

sedimentation continued through MIS-2 following the LGM, despite increased

seasonal runoff. A calibrated age of 16.9–16.4 k yr at depth -100 to -110 cm, the

bottom of Unit E, provides a minimum age for Unit C and, in combination with the

slump structure evident in the stratigraphic profile, indicates rapid accumulation of

sediments at the edge of the sediment cone at this time. This is also evidenced by

the position of a likely re-worked layer of sediment, Unit D, at the top of Pit 1. It is

expected that Unit D represents older material re-transported and slumped onto the

edge of the sediment cone following initial deposition into the cave at an earlier

time, likely during MIS-3 (McDowell, 2001). We also consider that the older

sediments may have been reworked onto the cone by cavers when they investigated

the site to find cave extensions.


The thicker and more defined alternating sand-clay laminations of Unit E may

correspond to greater fluctuation in paleoenvironmental or climatic conditions

locally and more regionally during the LGM deglaciation. Initial assessment of the

ages of the yellow-brown sandy clays suggests ca 2,000 year intervals between

deposition of these layers. These laminations are similar to the sequence described

in Unit 4 of BC3C; however, the internal chronology for Unit 4 reflects post

depositional disturbance and mixing of the sedimentary layers in this section of the

BC3C deposit (St Pierre et al., 2012), whereas there is no evidence for disturbance

in Unit E of Wet Cave.

Warming following the cold-dry glacial conditions of the LGM across south-eastern

Australia is variable: an initial phase of deglaciation is evidenced in rapid sea level

rise over a few hundred years from 19 ka (Yokoyama et al., 2000) and warming of

oceans off the South Australian coast at ca 19–15.5 ka (Calvo et al., 2007).

However, regional variation in prevailing conditions is apparent with short term

glacial advances in the Snowy Mountains at ca 19 ka and 17 ka (Barrows et al.,

2002). In south-eastern South Australia, dry conditions prevailed to the Holocene as

indicated in the pollen and sedimentation records of Lake Leake and Wyrie Swamp

(Dodson, 1975, 1977), the persistence of steppe-grasslands with low tree cover from

ca 18 ka to the Holocene (ca 11.5 ka) in western Victoria (Kershaw et al., 2004)

and erosional deflation of Lakes Bolac and Turangmoroke, also in western Victoria

between 18 and 11 ka (Cook, 2009). Pollen sequences from the Basalt Plains of

western Victoria also suggests that lowest rainfall in the region was experienced at

ca 14–12 ka rather than at the LGM (D’Costa et al., 1989; Kershaw et al., 2004),

but is expected to be a function of increased evaporation with rising temperatures.

This phase of maximum aridity is coincident with a post LGM phase of dune

building in the Strzelecki and Tirari deserts from 14–10 ka (Fitzimmons et al.,

2007) and the Antarctic cold reversal at ca 14.5–13 ka (Jouzel et al., 1995). The

evolution of modern flow regimes associated with reduced flows and greater

suspended loads on the Riverine Plain is dated from ca 12 ka, coinciding with

reduction in the periglacial zone and elevation of the treeline which reduced the

amount of debris and melt flows from the Snowy Mountains (Page et al., 2009) and

a second phase of post LGM warming dated from ca 13.3–11 ka (Calvo et al.,



Relatively dry conditions at the Naracoorte Caves during the LGM deglaciation are

indicated by lack of speleothem growth from 20 ka (Ayliffe et al., 1998). A Local

increase in effective moisture is not indicated until ca 10 ka, as reflected in the

pollen records of Lake Leake and Wyrie Swamp (Dodson, 1975, 1977). In contrast,

high fluvial activity on the Riverine Plain from 20–13 ka suggests the maintenance

of a seasonal positive water budget through the LGM deglaciation, likely associated

with increased effective moisture and runoff from snowpack and glaciers associated

with the late glacial advances at ca 19 and 17 ka in the Snowy Mountains (Page et

al., 2009).

Unit F: Holocene

Unit F contains Holocene aged material (dated to 0.7–0.6 k cal y BP) that is

expected to have accumulated following a depositional hiatus of unknown duration,

evidenced by the presence of a flowstone and layer of bat guano at depth -52 cm

(McDowell, 2001; Forbes and Bestland, 2007). The high concentration of SO3 in

sediment sample Wp1d (Forbes and Bestland, 2006) suggests that the top of the

profile remained relatively dry through the last ca 750 years, consistent with

observed dry conditions in the late Holocene as reflected in regional pollen records

(e.g., D’Costa et al., 1989; Kershaw et al., 2004; Cook, 2009). However, Dodson

and Mooney’s (2002) review of changes in Holocene temperatures and effective

moisture, and a recent study of the Willandra Lakes (Kemp et al., 2012), suggest

greater temporal and spatial variation in these parameters than noted here. It is not

possible to temporally constrain the growth period associated with the flowstone

noted from the Wet Cave sequence; however, it is expected that it is older than the

Holocene aged sediments of Unit F and represents climatic conditions or a phase of

higher effective moisture than represented by sediment sample Wp1d.

Human disturbance to the upper layers of the BC3C deposit is evident in the poor

chronological consistency noted by Darrénougué et al., (2009) and St Pierre et al.,

(2012). McDowell (2001) suggested that Wet Cave contains a pre-European record

of the local fauna but identified the very top layer of sediment as reworked based on

the presence of orange clays and European artifacts. Further radiocarbon dating

suggests that the sediments of Unit F may contain material of a mixture of


Pleistocene and Holocene ages, cautioning paleoecological interpretation of the

faunas from Unit F (Table 3.1).

Environmental changes associated with European arrival, measured in sedimentary

and pollen deposits of eastern Australia, commonly show increased sedimentation

and vegetation change at rates higher than recorded from pre-European sequences

(Dodson and Mooney, 2002). Darrénougué et al., (2009) found no correlation

between the thin layer of dark, organic matter-rich sediment at the top of the BC3C

sediment core (Unit 5) and regional/local surface deposits and suggested that it

represents a unique depositional episode, likely associated with human activity. In

contrast, McDowell (2001) and Forbes and Bestland (2007) suggested that the dark,

organic matter-rich Holocene aged silty sands within the Naracoorte Caves were

derived from local podsols. Forbes et al., (2007) suggested that the high organic

matter and charcoal content of the early Holocene aged material in RCIC reflects

climatic warming and wetting following the LGM, an inference supported by δ13C

isotopic data from charcoal and soil organic matter measured from RCIC. As the

upper unit in Wet Cave is younger than the Upper Unit of RCIC, it is expected that

Wet Cave provides a record of changed conditions from the early, warm and wet

phase of the Holocene to drier conditions associated with higher temperatures and

increased impacts of human activity on the surrounding landscape.

Conclusions Collation of stratigraphic and sedimentary data collected during past studies of Wet

Cave has enabled a review of the stratigraphy and paleoclimatic and environmental

signals for the Upper Pleistocene–Holocene from this deposit. Five in situ and one

reworked sedimentary unit have been identified in the Wet Cave sequence, each

representing depositional episodes correlated with changes in paleoclimatic

conditions of the Last Glacial Cycle in south-eastern Australia, spanning from mid

MIS-3 to the Holocene. Additional radiocarbon ages have provided further

constraints on the age of some units and have revealed possible re-worked areas in

the sequence. This review of the Wet Cave sequence and its paleoclimatic context

provides a basis for future investigation of the Wet Cave fossil assemblage and

environmental record. It was also critical for enabling the Wet Cave assemblage to


be correlated with contemporaneous records from other caves within the NCWHA

in order to test the paleoecological signals interpreted from a single deposit.

Acknowledgements This review of the Wet Cave sedimentary sequence and additional radiocarbon

dating would not have been possible without the extensive work of Matt Forbes,

Erick Bestland, Donald Pate, Simone Dalgairns and students of the 1997 and 1998

Vertebrate Paleontology course of Flinders University. Their contributions to the

systematic collection of fossils, charcoal and sedimentary and chronological data

from the site have proved invaluable as the site is now longer available for further

analysis. Radiocarbon dating was funded by EHR and a Betty Mayne Scientific

Research Grant from the Linnean Society of New South Wales awarded to ACM.

We extend warm thanks to Drs Quan Hua and Donald Pate for providing additional 14C data associated with the original dating samples and to Drs Erick Bestland,

Patrick DeDeckker and Anita Andrew for comments which improved the



4. Bayesian age-depth modelling of Late Quaternary

deposits from Wet and Blanche Caves, Naracoorte, South

Australia: a framework for comparative faunal analyses

Citation Macken, A.C., Staff, R.A. and Reed, E.H. (2013) Bayesian age-depth modelling of

Late Quaternary deposits from Wet and Blanche Caves, Naracoorte, South

Australia: a framework for comparative faunal analyses. Quaternary

Geochronology 17, 26–43.

Contribution of Authors Amy Macken:

• Devised and planned the project.

• Compiled stratigraphic and chronological data that were integrated into the


• Worked closely with RS to develop the models.

• Prepared the manuscript for publication with the support of RS.

Richard Staff:

• Developed the models in OxCal.

• Supported AM with preparation of the manuscript.

Elizabeth Reed:

• Provided stratigraphic data for Blanche Cave.

• Assisted with the stratigraphic interpretation of the Blanche Cave sequence

for the purpose of age modelling.

• Provided comments on the manuscript.


Signed .................................................................................. Date ............................

Amy Macken

School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University

Signed .................................................................................. Date ............................

Richard Staff

Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit, Research Laboratory for Archaeology and

the History of Art, University of Oxford

Signed .................................................................................. Date ............................

Elizabeth Reed

School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University


Abstract Bayesian age-depth models were constructed for two Late Quaternary aged fossil-

bearing sedimentary sequences from caves in south eastern South Australia. The

deposits in Wet and Blanche Caves contain dense assemblages of vertebrate fossils,

largely the result of owl pellet accumulation. While individually calibrated

radiocarbon determinations from the fossil sequences have provided a chronology

for their accumulation, there was limited capacity available with such data to (a)

temporally constrain assemblages associated with different depositional units and

layers within the two sites, (b) interpret the chronological relationships among

successive units and layers and (c) correlate sedimentary units and layers of similar

age between the two deposits. Here, Bayesian age-depth models were constructed in

OxCal for the Wet and Blanche Cave sequences, incorporating the available

radiocarbon data and stratigraphic information collected during their excavation.

Despite the low precision of the age-depth models for Wet and Blanche Caves

which results in part from there being only single radiocarbon determinations

available for a number of units and layers, the models enabled the relationships

within and between the two sites to be established. Of particular utility for future

faunal analyses is quantification of the temporal relationship between strata from

the two sites, where groups of individual layers from Blanche Cave were found to

be temporally equivalent with the longer-duration units in Wet Cave. We suggest

that the use of Phase modelling, as performed here, is useful for cave deposits that

have complex depositional histories and even in such instances where, as is

common for palaeontological sites, few radiocarbon data are collected relative to

the time-spans of tens of millennia that are often represented by them.

Keywords 14C dating, age-depth modelling, Bayesian statistics, cave sequence, last

glacial cycle, Naracoorte Caves

Introduction The utility of radiocarbon (14C) dating to provide chronologies for late Quaternary

aged archaeological and palaeontological sites is well demonstrated (e.g., Gillespie,

2002; Vasil’ev et al., 2002; Crowley, 2010). However, sparse radiocarbon data and

statistical uncertainty often restrict the resolution and accuracy of site chronologies

based on individually calibrated 14C determinations (Parnell et al., 2011). Bayesian


chronological methods can overcome these limitations and have increasingly been

used to develop chronologies for palaeontological and archaeological sites where a

high level of dating precision is required (e.g., Petrie and Torrence, 2008;

Beramendi-Orosco et al., 2009; Calcagnile et al., 2010; Higham et al., 2010; Zhu et

al., 2010). By integrating 14C data (likelihoods) and stratigraphic information

(priors), Bayesian age-depth models produce posterior (modelled) site chronologies

that not only refine the chronological information available for a given sequence,

but also provide quantified uncertainties for such profiles, given the model prior

applied (Bronk Ramsey, 2008; Parnell et al., 2011). As demonstrated by Blaauw et

al. (2007), Bayesian age-depth models can also be used to temporally correlate the

proxy records from contemporaneous sequences. While correlation of depositional

sequences commonly utilises stratigraphic, sedimentary and chronological data

(e.g., Birkland et al., 1971; Magee et al., 1995; Frumkin et al., 2001), these past

approaches have rarely taken account of the underlying chronological uncertainties

both within and between records.

Cave sites are particularly important in Quaternary palaeontological studies as they

contain deep, well stratified sedimentary sequences often spanning multiple

millennia (e.g., Cuenca-Bescos et al., 2009). Caves also provide stable conditions

for the long term preservation of skeletal remains of a diverse range of vertebrates,

which may have been collected through pitfall entrapment, cave inhabitant death

and/or carnivore accumulation (Nielsen-Marsh, 2000). In some cases, vertebrate

deposits in caves are associated with a range of other palaeoecological materials

such as charcoal, calcium carbonate cave formations (speleothems) and pollen,

which may be correlated with fossil faunal assemblages to provide a more accurate

interpretation of past environmental conditions (e.g., Burney et al., 2001; Carrión et

al., 2003; Auler et al., 2006). The application of Bayesian age-depth models to cave

sequences has been valuable where the complex and sometimes random nature of

accumulation processes in caves can limit the resolution and accuracy of

chronologies for these sites (e.g., Jacobi and Higham, 2009; Blockey and Pinhasi,

2011; Pinhasi et al., 2011).

In south eastern South Australia, 26 caves within the Naracoorte Caves complex

contain 100 known vertebrate fossil deposits ranging from early Pleistocene to


Holocene age (Reed and Bourne, 2000; Prideaux et al., 2007; Macken et al., 2013a;

Fig. 4.1). Within this cave complex, deposits in two of these caves, Wet and

Blanche, are broadly contemporaneous, spanning the late Pleistocene from ca. 45

ka, to the Holocene period (Darrénougué et al., 2009; St. Pierre et al., 2012;

Macken et al., 2013a). Fine stratigraphic laminations contained within broader

sedimentary units in these cave sequences, in combination with the high density of

bone material identified from these deposits (McDowell, 2001; Laslett, 2006;

Macken and Reed, 2013) makes them suitable for the analysis of faunal patterns

through the last glacial cycle at a range of temporal scales, incorporating both long

and short term phases of accumulation. As these sites are of similar age, they also

provide an opportunity to quantify inter-site variability within the palaeocommunity

through similarity tests of contemporaneous, replicate fossil samples from the one

locality, an approach endorsed by Bennington and Bambach (1996).

Data on the calibrated age, duration and temporal continuity of depositional units

and layers of the fossil bearing sedimentary profiles of Wet and Blanche Caves are

required to temporally constrain the faunal assemblages and to enable an evaluation

of faunal change through time, both within and between the two sites. To facilitate

such analyses, greater chronological resolution is required than has been previously

published. In the case of Wet Cave, only a small number of 14C determinations are

available (Macken et al., 2013a; Table 4.1). In Blanche Cave, although more 14C

determinations are available for the sequence (St Pierre et al., 2012; Table 4.2),

overlap in the calibrated radiocarbon ages of successive layers limits the resolution

at which faunal analyses may be conducted.

Here, we use Bayesian age-depth models to assess the chronological histories of

Wet and Blanche Cave and the temporal relationships between strata from the two

sites. As fossil-bearing deposits, understanding these relationships is critical for

robust and informed comparative faunal analyses. More specifically we use

Bayesian age-depth modelling to (a) construct probabilistic site chronologies that

provide modelled ages for the lower and upper boundaries (reflecting the start and

end) of depositional episodes (stratigraphic units and finer sedimentary layers)

within the two sequences, (b) determine the temporal duration (resolution) of these

depositional episodes and potential hiatuses between them, and (c) identify


contemporaneous depositional episodes between the two sites. We discuss the

challenges and opportunities presented by such models for the study of complex

cave sequences and explore the implications of these models for future study of the

fossil assemblages specifically associated with Wet and Blanche Caves.

Regional Setting and Study Sites

Geological setting of the Naracoorte Caves Wet and Blanche Caves are located within the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage

Area, 12 km south-east of Naracoorte in south eastern South Australia (Fig. 4.1).

The caves lie in an uplifted portion of the Oligocene to Miocene aged Gambier

Limestone, which originated from fossiliferous marine sediments. Phreatic

dissolution of this limestone and structural processes along joints contributed to

cave formation (Wells et al., 1984; White, 2005). The oldest sedimentary deposits

in the Naracoorte Caves have been dated to 528±41 ka using optically stimulated

luminescence dating (Prideaux et al. 2007), suggesting that the caves first opened to

the surface during the early to middle Pleistocene. Overlying the Gambier

Limestone is a series of stranded Pleistocene beach dune facies known as the

Bridgewater Formation. The oldest of these is the East Naracoorte Ridge, dated by

whole-rock amino acid racemisation to 935±178 ka (Murray-Wallace et al. 2001)

and overlies the Naracoorte Caves. All known caves in the region are registered

with the Australian Karst Index (Matthews, 1985) and are identified by unique cave

numbers (e.g., 5U10, 11). Here, the ‘5’ refers to the state of South Australia, ‘U’ to

the Upper south east, and ‘10’ and ‘11’ are the numbers allocated to the entrances

associated with Wet Cave.


Figure 4.1 Location of the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area in south eastern South Australia,



Wet Cave (5U10, 11) Wet Cave is composed of three chambers. An upper and lower chamber are

accessed via entrance 5U10, located on the southern edge of the main road into the

Naracoorte Caves National Park. A third chamber is open to the surface through

entrance 5U11, approximately 130 m south of entrance 5U10. The excavated

sedimentary sequence was located on the south eastern edge of the sediment cone in

the upper chamber associated with entrance 5U10. The sequence was excavated

across two 1 m2 pits (1, lower and 2, upper) in 1998 and 1999 to a total depth of 350

cm. Sedimentary layers through the sequence were excavated separately and their

depths measured from a datum established at the top of Pit 2 (Macken et al., 2013a;

NB. The Wet Cave stratigraphy is represented in Fig. 4.5 with the results).

Following severe storms in December 2010, the excavated section of Wet Cave was

filled with flood sediments, limiting further assessment of the site. Prior to this

event, the excavated section of Wet Cave was composed of six depositional units;

Units A (lower) to F (upper; Macken et al., 2013a). While stratigraphic and

sedimentary observation of the units suggests that the majority were deposited in

chronological order, Unit D appears to have incorporated reworked sediments from

an older depositional episode (Macken et al., 2013a). These stratigraphic

relationships were formalised into the Bayesian model framework for Wet Cave, as

detailed in the methods.

Dating of charcoal samples from Wet Cave occurred in two stages. Initial AMS 14C

determinations were made on charcoal collected from the exposed stratigraphic

profile in the late 1990s with 14 ages published by Pate et al. (2002; 2006). An

additional six AMS 14C determinations have since been reported by Macken et al.

(2013a), measured from charcoal samples sorted from wet-screened material during

the original excavation and stored in vials in the fossil laboratory since 1998. The

specific depths of these samples are unknown as they were labelled only with the

source layer code (Table 4.1).


Table 4.1 14C determinations for the Wet Cave stratigraphic sequence. ‘WeC’ samples are from Pate et

al. (2002, 2006); ‘5U10’ samples are from Macken et al. (2013a). Reporting of 14C data follows

standard protocol outlined in Stuiver and Polach (1977). All samples were charred material.




laboratory ID




C yield




Conventional 14C

age BP

1σ Unit Unit depth


5U10-6 BETA-298177 4600 66 -24.9 11,260 60 F 0 to -52

WeC36 OZE 539 2570 62.7 -24.2 740 40

5U10-5 BETA-298176 2000 51 -24.6 9,180 40

E -52 to -110 WeC1 OZD 284 1770 63.2 -23.7 9,590 100

5U10-4 BETA-298175 4000 59 -25.3 12,310 50

5U10-3 BETA-298174 2200 67 -25.6 13,470 50

WeC4 OZD 504 1320 47.1 -28.7 13,920 130 D -110 to -150

WeC331,2 OZE 541 12 1.8 -25 14,150 350 C -150 to -187

5U10-2 BETA-298173 2000 70 -24.6 20,750 90 B -187 to -220

WeC322 OZE 536 122 0.2 -26.4 19,400 300

WeC101 OZD 292 100 50 -25 23,850 1020

A -220 to -350

WeC25 OZD 714 1380 43.1 -24.2 30,500 400

WeC211 OZD 715 350 58.3 -25 33,400 650

WeC231,2 OZD 721 290 1.8 -25 23,400 1600

WeC27 OZD 717 1950 54.2 -25.9 40,900 850

WeC121,3,4 OZD 291 70 17.5 -25 >29,000

WeC35 OZE 538 1360 35.8 -24.8 45,200 1800

5U10-1 BETA-298172 2200 76 -24.2 9,140 40

WeC301,2 OZD 724 200 0.7 -25 32,600 900

WeC165 OZD 506 1640 54.7 -26.4 >45,000 1Assumed δ13C value of -25o was used as no measured δ13C was available due to small sample size. 2Pretreated sample contained some sand/sediment. Estimated C yield may not be reliable. 3AMS laboratory code reported by Pate et al. (2006) as OZE. ANSTO reports indicate that code was

OZD (Q. Hua, pers. comm.) 4F14C measurement 0.0098±0.0099 (D. Pate, pers. comm.) 5F14C measurement 0.0031±0.001 (D. Pate, pers. comm.)


Blanche Cave (5U4, 5, 6) The structure of Blanche Cave and the sedimentary character, stratigraphic division

and chronology of a sediment core from the excavation site has been described by

Darrénougué et al. (2009). The Blanche Cave fossil excavation is located in the 3rd

chamber associated with entrance 5U6, approximately 400 m north west of Wet

Cave entrance 5U10. Fossil excavation in the 3rd chamber occurred between 2006

and 2007. The first excavation was conducted by Laslett (2006) who excavated four

1 m2 grid squares (A1, B1, A2 and B2) in 5 cm layers to a maximum depth of 1.1

m; however, three of the grid squares were obstructed by the presence of a large

limestone boulder. A second excavation was conducted by EHR in 2006/2007 from

two grid squares (A3 and B3), both excavated to a depth of 1 m. Excavation of

these grid squares followed the stratigraphy such that 27 individual sedimentary

layers were excavated as discrete bands, ranging from 1 to 6 cm thick (the Blanche

Cave stratigraphy is represented in Fig. 4.5, Results). The Bayesian model

developed here integrates the stratigraphic information associated with the 27

sedimentary layers described from grid squares A3 and B3, rather than the earlier,

depth-standardised spit data from Laslett (2006).

Five units (1, lower to 5, upper) have been described from the top 100 cm of the

Blanche Cave stratigraphic sequence (Darrénougué et al., 2009), corresponding to

the 27 individual sedimentary layers; however, precise depth information relating to

the units is not integrated into the Blanche age-depth model. This is because the 14C

determinations are stratigraphically constrained at a finer resolution by the 27 layers

noted from grid squares A3 and B3. A total of 40 AMS 14C determinations are

available from across the 27 layers (Darrénougué et al., 2009; St Pierre et al., 2012;

Table 4.2).


Table 4.2 14C determinations for Blanche Cave 3rd chamber stratigraphic sequence, from Darrénougué et al. (2009) and St Pierre et al. (2012), the former marked with an asterisk.

A3 and B3 in the sample code refer to the grid square from which the sample was sourced and ‘L’ refers to the depositional layer. Samples with BW in the code were exposed to

bore water to isolate charcoal from sediment matrix. Layer depths measured as depth from sediment surface at boundary of grid squares A3 and B3 (refer Figure 4.4). NB. No

samples for radiocarbon analysis were collected from Layers 9 and 12. Reporting of 14C data follows standard protocol outlined in Stuiver and Polach (1977). All samples were

charred material.

Sample ID





ANU #)








(%o) ±1σ

Conventional 14C

age BP

1σ Layer Layer depth


5U6A3-L1* 2805 1230 59 -20.8 1.9 12470 60 1 -5.5 to -11.5

5U6A3-L2BW* 3137 860 54 -30.2 5.8 12700 80 2 -11.5 to -14.5

5U6B3-L3* 2806 1110 61 -24.9 4.8 13200 80 3 -14.5 to -18.5

5U6B3-L4* 2807 950 56 -30.8 3.5 13230 70

4 -18.5 to -23 5U6B3-L4 repeat* 3323 920 59 -10.2 2.1 13410 100

5U6B3-L4BW 2809 1040 59 -22.1 4.5 1310 45

5U6B3-L4BW repeat 3324 900 55 -23.4 3.4 1370 50

5U6B3-L5BW* 2810 1060 63 -29.4 1.3 13300 70 5 -23 to -25

5U6B3-L6* 2811 900 61 -33.2 3.9 13420 80 6 -25 to -29


Sample ID





ANU #)








(%o) ±1σ

Conventional 14C

age BP

1σ Layer Layer depth


5U6A3-L7BW 2812 1080 62 -28.2 3.5 9550 60 7 -29 to -31.5

5U6A3-L7BW repeat 3325 970 58 -23.6 2.6 9420 60

5U6B3-L8 2813 900 60 -28.8 1.7 14160 70

8 -31.5 to -34 5U6B3-L8 repeat 3326 1110 53 -11.7 3.8 14270 90

5U6B3-L8BW 2814 1360 63 -26.0 2.1 3895 35

5U6B3-L8BW repeat 3327 930 54 -13.6 5.9 4060 70

5U6A3-L10* 2816 1050 68 -33.0 3.8 13890 80 10 -35.5 to -40

5U6A3-L10BW 3135 860 59 -22.7 9.0 14630 110

5U6A3-L11 2817 1030 59 -29.3 2.8 13840 70 11 -40 to -42.5

5U6B3-L13BW* 2818 1080 59 -35.3 5.3 14180 90 13 -42.5 to -46.5

5U6A3-L14* 3136 750 48 -31.0 2.2 20010 110 14 -46.5 to -49

5U6A3-L15* 2819 960 51 -34.6 6.9 15860 100 15 -49 to -51

5U6A3-L15BW 2820 1000 63 -25.8 3.5 16760 100

5U6A3-L16* 2821 1030 48 -32.7 2.5 16430 90 16 -51 to -54

5U6B3-L16BW 2823 1050 56 -25.5 2.7 17160 100

5U6B3-L17* 3328 930 52 -21.5 1.7 15390 90 17 -54 to -58.5

5U6B3-L18BW* 2825 990 58 -23.8 5.5 15200 90 18 -58.5 to -63

5U6B3-L18BW repeat* 3329 990 56 -14.2 5.8 14330 100


Sample ID





ANU #)








(%o) ±1σ

Conventional 14C

age BP

1σ Layer Layer depth


5U6B3-L19* 2826 950 57 -32.9 4.1 18550 110 19

-63 to -69

5U6B3-L19BW* 2827 810 57 -24.3 2.6 20000 120

5U6A3-L20BW* 2829 1100 53 -23.3 2.1 20590 130 20 -69 to -70

5U6A3-L21BW* 2830 790 61 -25.2 3.5 20710 130 21 -70 to -73.5

5U6B3-L22* 2831 830 57 -31.7 2.9 20670 130

22 -73.5 to -77 5U6B3-L22BW 2832 980 59 -21.7 1.5 27680 280

5U6B3-L22BW repeat 3330 900 58 -28.5 7.8 27570 300

5U6B3-L23BW* 2833 900 60 -14.8 5.3 25120 220 23 -77 to -80

5U6B3-L24BW* 3138 940 52 -29.3 2.2 28070 230 24 -80 to -84.5

5U6B3-L24BW repeat* 3139 910 51 -32.0 3.6 27820 240

5U6A3-L25BW 2835 840 57 -27.6 1.6 30060 380 25 -84.5 to -89

5U6B3-L26BW* 2836 950 58 -21.2 3.6 36290 790 26 -89 to -95

5U6A3-L27BW 2837 880 58 -21.2 1.2 43260 1840 27 -95 to -99.5


Materials and Methods

Bayesian age-depth models Bayesian age-depth models were developed in OxCal ver. 4.1 (Bronk Ramsey,

2008; 2009a), applying the IntCal09 calibration curve (Reimer et al., 2009), but

allowing for an offset from this for calibration in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) of

56±24 years. This offset is the same as that applied to the earliest 500 years of the

SHCal04 calibration curve (McCormac et al., 2004). Although the SH calibration

curve is only recommended back to 11,000 cal yr BP, we applied the average offset

value for the earliest 500 years of the modelled SH dataset across the entire time

period sampled in Wet and Blanche Caves. We acknowledge that the accuracy of

this offset may decline through the pre-Holocene period (ca. 11,000 to 50,000 cal yr

BP) due to a potentially more variable inter-hemispheric offset resulting from

changes in ocean circulation and carbon cycling processes under full Glacial

conditions. However, no current calibration curve is available for the SH into the

Pleistocene, necessitating the compromise approach adopted here. Leaving the

oldest ages uncalibrated, as was the approach used by Crowly (2010) would limit

the reliability with which the two sites could be correlated. Alternatively,

calibrating the pre-Holocene ages to IntCal09 (without an allowance for an inter-

hemispheric offset) would affect the reliability of any future comparison of the Wet

and Blanche Cave sequences with Northern Hemisphere data. As we apply the same

calibration offset to both sites here, the choice of calibration curve (or offset) does

not affect the correlation of the two cave sequences. Furthermore, given the

resolution of the chronological data, the offset applied does not strongly alter the

modelled chronologies for the sequences when compared with models calibrated

without an offset.

Both sites were constructed as Phases within a Sequence deposition model

(Bronk Ramsey, 2008), incorporating prior information about the order of events, as

determined from the stratigraphy. Sequence and Phase models are suitable for

sites such as caves where the rate or continuity of deposition is unknown,

contrasting with lacustrine or marine sediment profiles that might exhibit more

regular depositional phases (Bronk Ramsey, 1995; 2008). In both the Wet and

Blanche Cave sequences, few assumptions about deposition could be made from the

available stratigraphic data. For example, a possible depositional hiatus during


accumulation of the Wet Cave sequence is indicated by the presence of bat guano

derived materials at depth below datum (D/D) -39 to -52 cm, representing the

bottom 13 cm of Unit F; however, the duration of this event is unknown (Macken et

al., 2013a).

Boundaries were applied to the top and bottom of each sequence constraining

the maximum age of the models to 60,000 cal yr BP (conservatively earlier than the

50,000 cal yr BP limit of the IntCal09 calibration curve; Reimer et al., 2009) and

the minimum age to -50 cal yr BP (i.e., AD 2000). All modelled data are reported at

the 68.2 and 95.4% highest probability density (hpd) ranges (approximately

equivalent to 1 and 2σ uncertainty, respectively).

Wet Cave

A schematic of the OxCal model for the Wet Cave sequence is presented in Fig.

4.2a. Separate Phases were assigned to each depositional unit identified in the

Wet Cave sequence (Macken et al., 2013a). These were constrained to be in

chronological order (from Unit A, oldest, to Unit F, youngest), except for the

potentially re-worked Unit D. In order to utilise the extra chronological data

nevertheless available from Unit D (i.e., adding extra potential terminus post quem

data for the commencement of the overlying Unit E), this Phase was constrained

to lie anywhere between the start of the deposition sequence (i.e., the ‘Wet Cave

bottom’ Boundary) and the bottom of Unit E (Fig. 4.2a). In OxCal, this was

achieved by nesting the Sequence of Units A, B and C, and the independent

Phase of Unit D, within a broader Phase for Units A, B, C and D.

From stratigraphic observation it was deemed that each of the depositional units

(except Unit E) were internally heterogeneous such that no assumption of relative

chronological ordering could be made of the sediment within each of these units.

Unit E, however, demonstrated reliable sub-structure, and therefore additional sub-

Phases, themselves constrained to lie in stratigraphic order, were nested within

Unit E, representing six lenses (2:6/4, oldest, 2:6/3, 2:6/2, 2:6/1, 2:5/2, and 2:5/1,



All of the 14C data for the Wet Cave samples were inserted within this model

framework as R_Dates, except WeC12 and WeC16, which were inserted with the

R_F14C function. R_F14C uses the raw F14C measurement, rather than the

calculated conventional radiocarbon age, to account for the fact that these samples

provided ‘infinite’ (‘greater than’) radiocarbon dates (Table 4.1). Outlier analysis

was applied using the ‘general’ Outlier_Model described by Bronk Ramsey

(2009b). An equal prior Outlier probability of 5% was applied to the majority of 14C determinations (R_Dates and R_F14C). However, based on the threshold

identified by Pate et al. (2006), 14C determinations from samples with extracted

carbon values of ≤100 μg C were deemed more likely to be questionable and were

given an increased prior Outlier probability of 10% (i.e., samples WeC33,

WeC23, WeC12). While Pate et al. (2006) argued that sample WeC30 had a low

extracted carbon value when compared with the other samples, its mass of 200 μg

exceeds the threshold criterion originally identified by the same authors and was

assigned a prior probability of 5% here.

Blanche Cave

A schematic of the Blanche Cave OxCal model is presented in Fig. 4.2b. The model

was constructed in a similar manner to that for Wet Cave, with separate Phases

assigned to each sedimentary layer. However, stratigraphic observations and

sedimentary data could not reliably differentiate whether Layers 23–21, 18–15, 13–

10 and 9–4 represented single, sequential depositional phases, or sediments of

mixed age within broader depositional episodes. For these sections, overlapping

sub-Phases (representing each individual layer) were nested within broader

Phases for the combined layer sections (Layers 23, 22 and 21; Layers 18, 17, 16

and 15; Layers 13, 12, 11 and 10; and Layers 09, 08, 07, 06, 05 and 04) such that no

relative ordering of the sub-Phases was presumed, a priori, within these four

broader Phases (Fig. 4.2b). The remaining layers, as well as the four broad

Phases, were then constrained to be in stratigraphic order in the overall model

Sequence (from Layer 27, oldest, to Layer 1, youngest), except for the potentially

re-worked Layer 14 (‘special event layer’ identified by Darrénougué et al., 2009).

As with Unit D in Wet Cave, the Phase for Layer 14 was constrained to lie

anywhere between the start of the deposition sequence (i.e., the ‘Blanche Cave


bottom’ Boundary) and the bottom of the overlying Phase (Layer 13), thus

providing additional potential terminus post quem data for the overlying strata.

The 14C data were inserted within this model framework. Outlier analysis was

again applied using the ‘general’ Outlier_Model (Bronk Ramsey, 2009b), with

a prior Outlier probability of 5% applied to all of the 14C determinations. For

this site, there was no a priori reason to believe that any of the samples were more

likely to be erroneous than others. However, six samples, 5U6B3-L8BW, 5U6B3-

L8BW repeat, 5U6A3-L7BW, 5U6A3-L7BW repeat, 5U6B3-L4BW and 5U6B3-

L4BW repeat, were so outlying that their inclusion prevented the model from

running. The prior Outlier probabilities of these samples were necessarily

increased to 100% to allow the model to run.

Temporal Duration of Phases and Potential Hiatuses between Phases

The modelled duration of Phases representing depositional units in Wet Cave and

layers or groups of layers in Blanche Cave were obtained using the Difference

query function in OxCal. Assessment of the presence and duration of potential

temporal hiatuses between successive Phases within each sequence were also

modelled using the Difference function. Difference provides the range in

calendar years between two events and can be used to test a null hypothesis (H0)

that the two events are contiguous (i.e., that, given the dating evidence available,

there is no temporal hiatus/missing sediment between the end of the first event and

the start of the next). If the calculated hpd range (for the Difference query) does

not contain 0 at a given confidence level (typically the 95.4% confidence), H0 is

rejected and there is some evidence to suggest that, at the dating resolution

available, there is missing material or a temporal gap detected between the two

events. If the null is not rejected, it is possible that the ages of the two events could

overlap. Specific cases where sedimentary observations suggest that such overlap is

possible (as a result of depositional or post-depositional mixing of materials of

different age) have been incorporated into the model priors (Wet Cave Unit D;

Blanche Cave Layer 14). All other Phases have been assumed, based on

sedimentary observations, to be successive and in stratigraphic superposition based

on age (with the exception of the individual layers within Blanche Cave Layers 9–4,

10–13, 15–18 and 23–21), and the model priors constructed accordingly.


Figure 4.2 Bayesian model frameworks run in OxCal for (a) Wet Cave and (b) Blanche Cave.

Phases and nested sub-Phases were constructed within Sequence models, based upon

stratigraphic and sedimentary observations of the two sites.


Correlation of Wet and Blanche Cave Phases The OxCal queries Order and Difference were used to examine the temporal

relationship between the Wet Cave depositional units and Blanche Cave layers.

These functions were queried for all pairwise comparisons of the posterior

probability distributions for the Wet and Blanche Cave Boundaries, which had

been saved as Priors from the output data from the two individual site models.

Order finds the probability that one event (i.e., t1) is older than another (t2).

Therefore, the function simply provides the ‘most likely’ relative ordering of events

between the two Sequences (i.e., providing a probability threshold of 50%).

Application of the Difference function provides a more rigorous, quantified

probability distribution of these relationships. As with the intra-site queries

described above, a Difference function with a 95.4% hpd range including 0

prevents rejection of the null hypothesis and implies that, given the available data,

synchrony of the two events cannot be excluded.


Wet and Blanche Cave Bayesian Models Modelled ages for the upper and lower Boundaries of Wet Cave Phases are

presented in Table 4.3 and Fig. 4.3. Modelled ages for the R_Dates/R_F14Cs

and associated posterior outlier probabilities for these data are also presented in

Table 4.3. Samples 5U6-6 and 5U6-1 were both found to be 100% outliers by the

model; all other R_Dates/R_F14Cs had posterior outlier probabilities of ≤11%.

The modelled ages for the lower and upper Boundaries of Units A and F,

respectively, constrain the age of the Wet Cave sequence from 56,032–46,523 to

680– -43 cal yr BP (95.4% hpd range), ostensibly influenced by the prior maximum

and minimum age constraints applied to the model.

Modelled ages for the upper and lower Boundaries of Phases, R_Dates and

associated posterior outlier probabilities for the Blanche Cave sequence are

presented in Table 4.4. Hpd ranges of the modelled Boundaries are presented in

Fig. 4.4. While the majority of R_Dates fitted the applied model construction

well (i.e., posterior outlier probability ≤ the prior of 5%), R_Dates 5U6B3-22 and

5U6A3-L21BW returned posterior outlier probabilities of 95 and 92%, respectively.


Nine samples, representing R_Dates from Layers 23, 19, 18, 16, 10, 8 and 1, had

posterior outlier probability values >5%, ranging between 8 and 38%.

The modelled ages for the upper and lower-most Boundaries of the Blanche

Cave sequence (Layer 27 bottom and Layer 1 top) place the modelled Sequence

between a maximum of 59,997–46,259 cal yr BP and 14814– -50 cal yr BP, again

heavily constrained by the maximum and minimum prior ages assigned to the


Phase Durations and Potential Hiatuses 68.2% and 95.4% hpd confidence ranges for the Phase durations of units and

potential hiatuses between Wet Cave units and Unit E lenses are presented in Table

4.5. Table 4.6 presents these data for the Blanche Cave layers. The duration ranges

for Wet Cave Units C, D and F and all Unit E lenses contain 0. In contrast, the

duration of Unit A ranges from 18,343 to 30,429 years. The 95.4% hpd ranges for

Units B and E also point to rejection of the null hypothesis, with upper values of

7,492, and 7,712 years respectively. All Difference functions between

successive units and Unit E lenses contain 0 at the 95.4% confidence level. As a

result, there is insufficient evidence to reject H0 (for contiguous deposition) given

the radiocarbon data available. The model prior for Unit D was such that it could

overlap in age with units A, B or C. The single 14C measurement from Unit D is

insufficient to provide refined information (compared to the unmodelled data) to

constrain this unit more precisely. For the same reason, there is insufficient

information to reject the null hypothesis that Units C and D are contiguous.

Only the duration of the Phase for Layers 18–15 of Blanche Cave does not contain

0 at the 95.4% confidence level, suggesting that, at the dating resolution available,

instantaneous deposition of each of the remaining Phases cannot be excluded.

Similarly, the null hypothesis of contiguous deposition of successive layers was not

rejected at the 95.4% confidence level for all successive layer Boundaries.


Table 4.3 Modelled ages of unit Boundaries and radiocarbon determinations (R_Dates and

R_F14C functions) for the Wet Cave stratigraphic sequence. All data are given as both the 68.2 and

95.4% highest probability density ranges. Modelled ages calibrated using the IntCal09 calibration

curve (Reimer et al., 2009) with a Southern Hemisphere offset of 56±24 years applied (McCormac et

al., 2004).

Boundary R_Date



Modelled calibrated age

(cal yr BP)


posterior Outlier


68.2% 95.4%

from to from to

Wet Cave top -49 -50 -49 -50

Unit F top 677 190 680 -43

5U10-6 9,519 294 9,729 227 100

WeC36 722 662 744 565 2

Unit F bottom 10,287 664 10,313 662

Unit E top 10,403 10,016 10,491 9,204

5U10-5 10,390 10,253 10,488 10,240 2

Lens 2:5/1

bottom 10,583 10,291 10,870 10,252

Lens 2:5/2 top 11,004 10,594 11,151 10,410

WeC1 11,142 10,824 11,217 10,677 2

Lens 2:5/2

bottom 11,471 10,806 12,416 10,671

Lens 2:6/1 top 12,697 11,210 13,604 10,948

Lens 2:6/1

bottom 13,974 12,441 14,291 11,536

Lens 2:6/2 top 14,441 13,629 14,810 12,646

5U10-4 14,473 14,041 14,879 13,966 3

Lens 2:6/2

bottom 14,779 14,113 15,520 14,019

Lens 2:6/3 top 15,586 14,489 16,183 14,202

Lens 2:6/3

bottom 16,381 15,271 16,611 14,624

Lens 2:6/4 top 16,720 16,096 16,816 15,213

5U10-3 16,757 16,420 16,879 15,516 8

Unit E bottom 16,868 16,469 17,130 15,601

Unit D top 17,132 16,632 18,659 15,680

WeC4 17,386 16,846 19,751 16,690 11

Unit D bottom 31,921 16,785 59,998 16,775

Unit C top 17,502 16,698 18,406 16,197

WeC33 17,851 17,049 18,601 16,712 9


Boundary R_Date



Modelled calibrated age

(cal yr BP)


posterior Outlier


68.2% 95.4%

from to from to

Unit C bottom 19,360 17,078 21,928 16,885

Unit B top 23,577 21,111 24,138 18,599

5U10-2 24,884 24,521 25,170 23,293 6

WeC32 23,727 22,706 24,294 22,371 5

Unit B bottom 26,091 24,591 28,383 24,348

Unit A top 28,596 25,952 29,889 24,954

WeC10 30,237 28,092 31,506 26,671 10

WeC25 36,124 34,640 36,413 34,476 5

WeC21 38,874 37,126 40,157 36,593 5

WeC23 30,833 27,719 33,549 26,074 10

WeC27 45,367 44,047 46,172 43,193 5

WeC12 47,259 37,550 50,002 34,457 10

WeC35 48,919 46,311 50,002 45,669 5

5U10-1 37,060 26,716 47,698 25,982 100

WeC30 38,586 36,441 39,946 35,137 5

WeC16 49,243 46,498 50,003 45,659 5

Unit A bottom 51,815 47,780 56,032 46,523

Wet Cave bottom 60,001 60,000 60,001 60,000


Figure 4.3 Modelled ages for unit Boundaries of the Wet Cave stratigraphic sequence.

Boundaries for lenses of Unit E also indicated. Horizontal bars underneath each function

represent the posterior 68.2% and 95.4% highest probability density ranges. Model generated using

OxCal 4.1 (Bronk Ramsey et al., 2010), calibrated with IntCal09 and Southern Hemisphere offset of

56±24 years (McCormac et al., 2004; Reimer et al., 2009).


Table 4.4 Modelled ages of layer Boundaries and R_Dates for the Blanche Cave stratigraphic

sequence. All data are given as both 68.2% and 95.4% highest probability density ranges. Modelled

ages calibrated using the IntCal09 calibration curve (Reimer et al., 2009) with a Southern

Hemisphere offset of 56±24 years applied (McCormac et al., 2004). Samples 5U6B3-L8BW,

5U6B3-L8BW repeat, 5U6A3-L7BW, 5U6A3-L7BW repeat, 5U6B3-L4BW and 5U6B3-L4BW

repeat were excluded from the model as they were so outlying that their inclusion prevented the

model from running.

Boundary R_Date

Modelled calibrated age

(cal yr BP) R_Date

Posterior Outlier

probability 68.2% 95.4%

from to from to

Blanche Cave top -49 -50 -49 -50

Layer 01 top 14,791 -51 14,814 -51

5U6A3-L1 14,701 14,156 15,076 7,481 21

Layer 01 bottom 14,978 14,308 15,450 9,858

Layer 02 top 15,172 14,647 15,594 13,401

5U6A3-L2BW 15,227 14,887 15,530 14,639 1

Layer 02 bottom 15,526 14,986 15,919 14,736

Layer 03 top 16,066 15,405 16,318 15,118

5U6B3-L3 16,204 15,648 16,421 15,391 1

Layer 03 bottom 16,405 15,872 16,540 15,544

Layers 04 to 09 top 16,576 16,246 16,667 15,926

Layer 04 top 16,628 16,379 16,732 16,148

5U6B3-L4 16,660 16,436 16,781 16,264 1

5U6B3-L4 repeat 16,681 16,452 16,804 16,300 1

Layer 04 bottom 16,765 16,466 17,018 16,331

Layer 05 top 16,645 16,374 16,769 16,134

5U6B3-L5BW 16,684 16,441 16,817 16,273 1

Layer 05 bottom 16,811 16,461 17,080 16,320

Layer 06 top 16,675 16,403 16,803 16,188

5U6B3-L6 16,735 16,487 16,848 16,352 1

Layer 06 bottom 16,859 16,498 17,091 16,370

Layer 07 top 16,721 16,351 16,980 16,112

Layer 07 bottom 16,978 16,486 17,174 16,332

Layer 08 top 17,068 16,445 17,165 16,311

5U6B3-L8 17,111 16,492 17,226 16,341 35

5U6B3-L8 repeat 17,112 16,488 17,238 16,339 38

Layer 08 bottom 17,148 16,503 17,284 16,372

Layer 09 top 16,721 16,351 16,978 16,112

Layer 09 bottom 16,979 16,487 17,175 16,332

Layers 04 to 09 17,186 16,535 17,342 16,439


Boundary R_Date

Modelled calibrated age

(cal yr BP) R_Date

Posterior Outlier

probability 68.2% 95.4%

from to from to


Layers 10 to 13 top 17,336 16,865 17,419 16,657

Layer 10 top 17,353 16,919 17,447 16,811

5U6A3-L10 17,227 16,948 17,449 16,885 3

5U6A3-L10BW 17,375 16,975 17,533 16,846 33

Layer 10 bottom 17,399 16,995 17,617 16,868

Layer 11 top 17,209 16,898 17,441 16,787

5U6A3-L11 17,211 16,933 17,449 16,851 5

Layer 11 bottom 17,387 16,965 17,491 16,881

Layer 12 top 17,362 16,932 17,467 16,790

Layer 12 bottom 17,398 16,991 17,586 16,862

Layer 13 top 17,352 16,942 17,451 16,849

5U6B3-L13BW 17,375 16,982 17,465 16,915 1

Layer 13 bottom 17,396 17,003 17,539 16,905

Layers 10 to 13

bottom 17,426 17,036 17,802 16,908

Layer 14 top 23,963 19,917 24,036 17,576

5U6A3-L14 24,151 23,726 24,338 23,470 2

Layer 14 bottom 37,098 23,623 55,164 23,528

Layers 15 to 18 top, 17,751 17,147 18,381 17,075

Layer 15 top 19,249 18,394 19,369 17,588

5U6A3-L15 19,375 18,911 19,413 18,806 3

5U6A3-L15BW 20,015 19,570 20,241 19,477 4

Layer 15 bottom 20,386 19,662 21,156 19,543

Layer 16 top 19,800 18,842 19,994 17,734

5U6A3-L16 19,815 19,440 20,036 19,404 2

5U6B3-L16BW 20,455 20,127 20,814 19,382 9

Layer 16 bottom 20,772 20,160 21,165 19,520

Layer 17 top 18,696 18,077 18,781 17,491

5U6B3-L17 18,716 18,559 18,863 18,496 1

Layer 17 bottom 19,560 18,572 20,767 18,526

Layer 18 top 18,554 17,312 18,595 17,235

5U6B3-L18BW 18,618 18,114 18,681 18,014 2

5U6B3-L18BW repeat 18,645 17,440 19,151 17,289 37

Layer 18 bottom 19,252 18,149 20,535 18,053

Layers 15 to 18

bottom 21,237 20,337 21,894 19,935


Boundary R_Date

Modelled calibrated age

(cal yr BP) R_Date

Posterior Outlier

probability 68.2% 95.4%

from to from to

Layer 19 top 22,252 21,299 23,855 20,405

5U6B3-L19 22,388 22,051 24,001 21,533 8

5U6B3-L19BW 24,046 23,473 24,303 21,664 18

Layer 19 bottom 24,431 23,676 24,768 22,052

Layer 20 top 24,753 24,113 25,016 23,009

5U6A3-L20BW 24,878 24,441 25,094 24,098 4

Layer 20 bottom 26,105 24,326 28,838 24,114

Layers 21 to 23 top 30,168 24,440 31,742 24,249

Layer 21 top 31,617 24,696 31,925 24,406

5U6A3-L21BW 31,706 24,838 32,042 24,538 92

Layer 21 bottom 31,954 30,063 32,348 24,744

Layer 22 top 31,771 31,013 32,059 24,345

5U6B3-L22 31,840 31,275 32,191 24,537 95

5U6B3-L22BW 31,727 31,401 32,020 31,262 3

5U6B3-L22BW repeat 31,716 31,381 32,000 31,236 3

Layer 22 bottom 31,889 31,485 32,231 31,356

Layer 23 top 30,309 29,090 31,913 27,098

5U6B3-L23BW 30,305 29,705 31,803 29,449 10

Layer 23 bottom 31,644 29,868 31,931 29,663

Layers 21 to 23

bottom 32,151 31,624 32,502 31,456

Layer 24 top 32,488 31,900 32,751 31,660

5U6B3-L24BW 32,703 32,108 32,941 31,824 1

5U6B3-L24BW repeat 32,675 32,085 32,899 31,801 2

Layer 24 bottom 32,982 32,187 33,656 31,843

Layer 25 top 34,797 33,354 35,130 32,402

5U6A3-L25BW 35,087 34,491 36,167 33,625 3

Layer 25 bottom 37,165 34,511 40,131 33,988

Layer 26 top 41,741 38,632 42,244 35,836

5U6B3-L26BW 42,021 40,661 42,700 39,507 3

Layer 26 bottom 43,696 40,898 46,473 39,896

Layer 27 top 47,523 43,331 49,295 41,700

5U6A3-L27BW 49,089 45,832 50,003 44,803 4

Layer 27 bottom 59,997 46,406 59,997 46,259

Blanche Cave bottom 60,001 60,000 60,001 60,000


Figure 4.4 Modelled ages for layer Boundaries of the Blanche Cave stratigraphic sequence.

Horizontal bars underneath each function represent the posterior 68.2% and 95.4% highest

probability density ranges. Model generated using OxCal 4.1 (Bronk Ramsey, 2010), calibrated with

IntCal09 and Southern Hemisphere offset of 56±24 years (McCormac et al., 2004; Reimer et al.,



Table 4.5 Modelled, posterior duration of Phases (sedimentary units and lenses from Unit E) and suggested hiatuses between them for

the Wet Cave stratigraphic sequence. All data are given as both the 68.2% and 95.4% highest probability density ranges. Modelled ages

calibrated using the IntCal09 calibration curve (Reimer et al., 2009) with a Southern Hemisphere offset of 56±24 years applied

(McCormac et al., 2004).

Unit /Lens Phase

Modelled posterior Phase


(cal yr)

Modelled posterior hiatus

(cal yr)

Modelled posterior hiatus

(cal yr)

68.2% 95.4% 68.2% 95.4% 68.2% 95.4%

from to from to from to from to from to from to

F 0 9,916 0 9,956 Units C–E

0 9,644 -1 9,655

E 6,046 6,871 4,896 7,712

0 446 -4 2,213

1 17, 681 0 17,743 D -4 15,470 -4 42,829

-16,424 1,001 -42,428 1,083

C 0 1,859 -2 4,456

1,485 5,269 2 5,775

B 1,434 4,944 365 7,492

1 2,127 -1 4,042

A 20,448 25,781 18,343 30,429

2:5/1 -4 4 -4 188

-4 4 -4 187


Unit /Lens Phase

Modelled posterior Phase


(cal yr)

Modelled posterior hiatus

(cal yr)

Modelled posterior hiatus

(cal yr)

68.2% 95.4% 68.2% 95.4% 68.2% 95.4%

from to from to from to from to from to from to

2:5/2 -4 4 -4 219

-4 4 -4 289

2:6/1 -4 4 -4 369

-4 4 -4 453

2:6/2 -4 4 -4 263

-4 5 -4 184

2:6/3 -4 5 -4 236

-4 5 -4 291

2:6/4 -4 6 -4 180


Table 4.6 Modelled, posterior duration of Phases (sedimentary layers) and suggested hiatuses between them

for the Blanche Cave stratigraphic sequence. All data are given as both the 68.2% and 95.4% highest probability

density ranges. Modelled ages calibrated using the IntCal09 calibration curve (Reimer et al., 2009) with a

Southern Hemisphere offset of 56±24 years applied (McCormac et al., 2004). The duration of Layer 14 and

potential hiatuses between Layer 15 and 14, and Layer 14 and 13 were not modelled as Layer 14 is reworked

(see Section 3.1.2 for details).

Layer / Phase Modelled posterior Phase duration

(cal yr)

Modelled posterior hiatus duration

(cal yr)

68.2% 95.4% 68.2% 95.4%

from to from to from to from to

1 -2 14,720 -2 14,776

-1 488 -4 3,808

2 0 526 -4 1,726

1 565 -1 1,076

3 0 442 -2 931

0 381 -2 797

4–9 1 956 -1 1,220

-1 207 -4 461

10–13 -1 196 -4 699

0 389 -4 988

15–18 2,759 3,954 2,064 4,589

3 1,150 -1 1,899 19 3 3,108 0 3,425


Layer / Phase Modelled posterior Phase duration

(cal yr)

Modelled posterior hiatus duration

(cal yr)

68.2% 95.4% 68.2% 95.4%

from to from to from to from to

0 559 -4 1,746

20 -1 1,535 -4 4,425

-4 1,463 -4 4,703

21–23 1,689 7,670 0 8,080

-4 341 -4 7,289

24 0 536 -4 1,401

379 2,013 0 2,571

25 1 2,899 -2 6,006

3 5,352 1 6,426

26 1 4,014 -2 7,820

1 3,529 -1 6,431

27 1 8,745 -1 14,800


Correlation of Wet and Blanche Cave Phases Table C.1 (Appendix C) presents the likely chronological order of Wet and Blanche

Cave Boundaries based on a 50% probability threshold. Ranges for the difference

in ages between Wet and Blanche Cave Boundaries for which the null hypothesis is

not rejected are presented in Table C.2 (Appendix C). Figure 4.5 presents the most

likely relationships between the Wet and Blanche Cave units and layers.

Wet Cave Units A, B and C demonstrate a statistically significant relationship with

groups of layers from Blanche Cave: Layers 27–21 together are temporally equivalent

to Unit A; Layers 19 and 20 with Unit B; Layers 18–15 and 13–10 with Unit C (Fig.

4.5; Tables B.1 and B.2). The relationship of Layers 9 to 4 with Wet Cave units/lenses

is less clear. The bottom Boundary of Layer 8 has a similar modelled age range (at

95.4% probability) to the bottom Boundary of Unit C while the lowest Boundary

that Layers 9, 7, 6, 5 and 4 overlap with is the top of Unit C. Layers 1, 2 and 3

correspond to Unit E, but cannot be constrained to specific lenses from Unit E because

there are only single 14C determinations available for each Phase, limiting the model



Figure 4.5 Correlation of Wet Cave units and Blanche Cave layers based on 50% probability threshold

for relative order of Boundaries and null Difference distributions (i.e., where there is no

difference in the modelled age of Boundaries between the two sites). Black dotted lines indicate

relationship between Wet Cave units with groups of Blanche Cave layers. * represents an inferred

correlation between Layers 1, 2 and 3 with Wet Cave lenses, based on the balance of probabilities,

stratigraphic information and un-modelled 14C determinations. Gaps in the stratigraphic sequences

indicate position of Unit D (Wet Cave) and Layer 14 (Blanche Cave), both of which contain material of

mixed age and origin. Groups of layers in Blanche Cave that were modelled as single Phases are

indicated by the grey lines between stratigraphic layers.



Wet and Blanche Cave Bayesian age-depth model priors The aggraded sedimentary sequences in Wet and Blanche Caves reflect multiple

modes of accumulation and source materials through the late Pleistocene to Holocene

period, incorporating the last glacial cycle. Sedimentary characteristics range from

aeolian and water transported red-brown sandy clays in Units A and Layers 27 to 21,

to aeolian derived pale brown to yellow sands, intersected by likely water transported

narrow lenses of darker, silty sands through Units B to E and Layers 20 to 2 (Macken

et al., 2013a). While the sequence of sediment types in Wet and Blanche Caves is

similar, the depth profiles of analogous layers between the sites vary. The thicker

depositional strata of Wet Cave contrast with the narrower and more discrete layers of

Blanche Cave. As discussed in Macken et al. (2013a) these differences in the depth

profiles of the two deposits likely result from local accumulation and post-depositional

processes associated with each cave and depositional site, despite their geographic

proximity (ca. 400 m).

As discussed by Bronk Ramsey (2008), depositional processes that should be

considered when developing priors for Bayesian age models include (i) the

mechanisms underlying deposition, (ii) random events and (iii) abrupt changes in

deposition mode. Deposition of sediments into caves is controlled by a range of

interacting factors including cave entrance type, prevailing climatic conditions,

proximal vegetation cover and local sediments and their transport (e.g., Farrand, 2001;

Hearty et al., 2004; White, 2007). These factors are expected to have affected the

mechanisms of sediment deposition into Wet and Blanche Caves, primarily aeolian

(dust) and water transportation (Darrénougué et al. 2009; Macken et al., 2013a).

Random events such as sedimentary slumping and transport of flood-sediments also

shape stratigraphic sequences in caves (e.g., Kos, 2001) and have been observed in the

Naracoorte Caves in modern times (e.g., filling of Wet Cave with flood sediments and

surficial sediment washes and pooling water in Blanche Cave, following severe storms

in December 2010). Stratigraphic features such as cut and fills, lenses and flame

structures indicate that these random processes have influenced the two cave sequences

during their accumulation through the last ca. 60,000 cal yrs. Abrupt changes in

deposition are reflected by well-defined sedimentary transitions in both cave sequences

(e.g., Unit A to B in Wet Cave), contrasting with other interfaces that are less clear and


may reflect more gradual changes in sediment source and/or depositional mode (e.g.,

Layers 9 to 4 in Blanche Cave).

We suggest that the Sequence depositional model in OxCal, incorporating Phases

of uniform prior duration is of particular utility when working with complex

depositional environments, such as caves, as they are based on fewer assumptions

about the rate and process of deposition when compared with other OxCal deposition

models (e.g., P_Sequence) and that they are also suitable when modelling sequences

for which there are few radiocarbon determinations relative to the timespan covered by

the study site. By constructing the Wet and Blanche Cave Bayesian age-depth models

within a Sequence framework, the order of the 14C data within depositional

units/layers could be integrated a priori based on an inference of stratigraphic

superposition, such that deeper sediments were deposited earlier than those higher in

the profile. The finest stratigraphic resolution that could be applied to the Wet Cave

model was the depositional units, with the exception of Unit E for which the six lenses

were well defined (Fig. 4.5). In contrast, the potential temporal resolution available in

Blanche Cave was much finer, with 27 individual sedimentary layers that could be

integrated as prior stratigraphic divisions within the model.

In two cases (Wet Cave Unit D and Blanche Cave Layer 14) the assumption of

stratigraphic superposition was challenged by sedimentary data and/or observations,

resulting in more complex model constructions but, nonetheless, could be accounted

for using a series of nested Phases. The OxCal Phase function also allowed us to

differentiate prior information for which we had varying levels of certainty, as was the

case for the depositional and temporal relationships of groups of individual layers in

Blanche Cave (e.g., Layers 9 to 4), particularly where sedimentary transitions were

less clear. We note that these layer groupings in the Blanche Cave model contrast with

the depositional units defined for Blanche Cave by Darrénougué et al. (2009). These

differences arise because the priors for the Blanche Cave model were informed by

observations directly from the exposed, excavated section from which the radiocarbon

samples were collected. In addition, not all layers were evident in the stratigraphic core

from which the units were defined (St Pierre et al., 2012).


Outliers Wet Cave R_Dates 5U10-1 and 5U10-6 were identified as 100% outliers and were

thus excluded by OxCal in the model output. As noted by Bronk Ramsey et al. (2010),

there are four main circumstances under which 14C data may conflict with each other

or with model priors. These are: (i) uncertainty in the reservoir 14C concentration, (ii)

sample contamination, (iii) incorrect 14C measurement and (iv) uncertainties in the

chronological models applied. In applying an offset to the calibration for the SH, we

have tried to account for systematic uncertainties associated with scenario (i). While

the offset we have applied might not be wholly accurate for the entire calibration

range, at the chronological resolution available for Wet and Blanche Caves, the impact

of this is expected to be negligible. Scenarios (ii) and (iii) may be sample-specific and

result in individual or consistent offsets and biases among the 14C measurements.

These scenarios would be indistinguishable from each other based on the 14C data

alone. Scenario (iv) accounts for circumstances where sample(s) may be residual

(older than context) or intrusive (younger than context) (Bronk Ramsey et al., 2010).

Uncertainties may also arise when parameters of a deposition model are not clearly

defined (e.g., k, the number of accumulation events per unit depth for use in

P_Sequence models). Such a scenario is not expected to apply to the less rigid

Sequence models applied to Wet and Blanche Caves, unless the assignment of

sequential Phases or overlapping sub-Phases is incorrect.

Sample 5U10-1 may be an outlier because of measurement issues (scenario iii);

however, it is not possible to confirm which of the circumstances identified above

most likely accounts for its far outlying 14C determination in comparison to the other

samples from Unit A. Sample 5U10-1 was previously noted as being wrongly

associated with Unit A (Macken et al., 2013a), consistent with scenario (iv) above.

However, rather than representing re-worked material as a result of post-depositional

mixing of younger sediments with the Pleistocene sediments of Unit A, it was

hypothesised that the charcoal sample was disturbed by human activity, most likely

during excavation when the deeper sections of the profile were exposed. The consistent

character of the sediments from Unit A and Pleistocene ages for all other samples

supports this hypothesis and argues against contamination of this section of the

sequence with younger material, an important consideration for subsequence analysis

of the fauna preserved in Unit A.


The rejection of sample 5U10-6 points to OxCal accepting the young Holocene age for

Unit F given the model prior. The age constraint for the Wet Cave upper Boundary

of AD 2000 strongly influences the modelled age for the upper Boundary of Unit F

and likely contributes to the rejection of 5U10-6 which does not conform to this

Boundary and is older than some samples from Unit E. In contrast to Unit A, for

which little contamination is evident, it is more difficult to determine the extent of

potential mixing of Pleistocene aged material into Unit F. The presence of European

artifacts (glass and ceramic shards) in Unit F informed the assumption that materials,

including charcoal, may have been deposited into Wet Cave in more modern times and

also suggests that anthropogenic disturbance of the upper sections of the Wet Cave

profile may have occurred (Macken et al., 2013a). Based on these assumptions, sample

5U10-6 is expected to reflect contamination of Unit F with Pleistocene aged sediments,

possibly by transport and mixing of sediments of different ages at the top of the

sequence by human activity. In this case, rejection of sample 5U10-6 by OxCal is

assumed to be consistent with scenario (iv) and points to post-depositional mixing of

material of different ages in Unit F.

Blanche Cave samples 5U6A3-L21BW and 5U6B3-L22 were identified as outliers by

OxCal and were heavily down-weighted in the model. The identification of these

samples as outliers seemed somewhat unexpected compared to our prior expectation of

the data (based upon casual ‘eyeballing’). As a sensitivity test of the whole model, an

alternative Blanche Cave model was run with R_Dates from Layers 23 to 21

grouped together into a single Phase but without allocating them to individual sub-

Phases. In this latter case, samples 5U6A3-L21BW and 5U6B3-L22 were no longer

identified as outliers.

Unless otherwise specified in the model prior, a uniform Phase prior is assumed in

OxCal. Within this prior, there is no bias towards longer or shorter Phases and it is

assumed that all of the events within the group are equally likely to occur anywhere

between the start and end of the Phase; that is, there is no internal sorting (Bronk

Ramsey, 2009a). Of the three R_Dates from Layer 22, the unmodelled, calibrated

age of sample 5U6B3-L22 is ca. 7,000 cal yr younger than the other two samples.

Under the uniform Phase prior, if the true duration of the Layer 22 sub-Phase was

represented by the R_Dates, then the 14C determinations would be expected to be


more evenly spread out (i.e., it would be extremely unlikely, though not impossible, to

have two closely temporally spaced dates, with a third dating so much younger). On

this basis the model found 5U6B3-L22 to be an outlier. Of the scenarios previously

discussed, the reason for such an outlier could be because of either (ii), (iii) or (iv). As

noted, in the alternative model in which all of the 14C determinations from Layers 23 to

21 are assessed together under a uniform Phase prior (rather than constrained within

individual sub-Phases), sample 5U6B3-L22 is not found to be an outlier because it is

supported by the similarity in age with sample 5U6A3-L21. Despite this, we did not

use the alternative model as it provided no capacity to gain additional precision or

resolution available from the individual layers within the broader Phases, if they

were found to be chronologically independent within the model. However, as samples

5U6A3-L21BW and 5U6B3-L22 were found to be outliers within the more complex

final model adopted, no greater resolution was gained by assessing these layers

individually. We suggest that the most likely reason for this is that the samples are

intrusive (i.e., younger than the context), limiting the resolution at which the layers

within the broader Phase of Layer 23–21 can be evaluated.

Posterior outlier probabilities of 18 to 38% for samples from Layers 8, 10, 18 and 19

suggests that the likelihoods do not fit the model prior particularly well. That said,

despite the elevated outlier probabilities of these samples compared to the initial 5%

prior probabilities applied, there is still a greater probability of the samples not being,

rather than of their being, outliers as all posterior probabilities are < 50%. Using the

Outlier_Model, OxCal downweights the impact of these samples on the model


In contrast, 14C determinations for samples 5U6B3-L17 and 5U6B3-L18BW were

discarded by Darrénougué et al. (2009) who considered that they had infiltrated the

stratigraphic section, presumably during sample collection. However, the posterior

outlier probabilities for these samples in the model do not support this assertion. If the

model prior for Blanche Cave had been set such that Layer 19 is older than (>) Layer

18 > Layer 17 > Layer 16, then it is highly likely that samples 5U6B3-L17 and

5U6B3-L18BW would have been identified as outliers. However, the model prior

grouped Layers 18 to 15 within a single Phase highlighting that whether or not


samples are identified as outliers clearly depends on the specifics of the model prior


Holocene 14C determinations from Blanche Cave Layers 4, 7 and 8 were excluded

from the model as, even with the Outlier_Model applied, the model would not run

with these samples included. Despite their exclusion from the model, the Holocene

aged samples are expected to represent post-depositional reworking of younger

material through the sedimentary section (St Pierre et al., 2012). This inference is

supported by a U-series age of 4.72±0.21 ka from a soda straw stalactite collected from

nearby grid square A1 at a depth of 20–25 cm, corresponding to Layers 3 and 4 in grid

squares A3 and B3 (St Pierre et al., 2012; Fig. 4.5). Further, it is less likely that the

Holocene 14C determinations are incorrect due to measurement error or disturbance

during collection as in each of Layers 4, 7 and 8, two samples provide very similar

ages that are younger than the 14C determinations of adjacent samples.

Additional Holocene aged soda straw stalactites were measured from depths 0–5 cm,

5–10 cm and 55–60 cm from grid squares A1 and B2, corresponding to Layers 1, and

17 and 18 in grid squares A3 and B3 respectively (St Pierre et al., 2012). As noted by

St Pierre et al. (2012), reworking may have occurred during or following deposition as

a result of material worked down through cracks in the sediment during dry Phases

or worked down as a result of trampling by animals or humans. However, it is more

difficult to explain why many of the 14C and soda straw U-series ages are relatively

well ordered such that age increases with depth (St Pierre et al., 2012). The

sedimentary layers described from grid squares A3 and B3 are moderately intact;

flame structures present in Layers 4 and 8 and a laterally constrained channel fill from

Layer 1 through to Layer 7 in grid square B3 provide some evidence of physical

disturbance (Fig. 4.5). However, given the limited lateral extent of these structures, it

is unlikely that these features represent significant, broad scale turnover or reworking

of sedimentary material through the profile. Despite this, as multiple and varied

chronological samples returned Holocene ages for the upper section of the deposit

through Layer 8, we caution interpretations of the vertebrate fossil material from these

sections which, being small, may have moved through the sedimentary layers in a

similar way to the charcoal and soda straws. In contrast, we suggest that the Holocene-

aged straw measured from grid square A1 at 55–60 cm depth may not reflect


contamination of Layers 17 and 18 in grid squares A3 and B3; the 14C data from these

layers accord well with the adjacent samples within the combined Phase of Layers

18–15 with none rejected as outliers.

Phase durations, hiatuses and chronological interpretation As a result of the relatively small number of 14C data available relative to the long

temporal coverage of the two sites, the precision of the unit and layer Boundaries is

on the order of 100s to 1000s of years. If there were more radiocarbon data, the

modelled Boundaries would be expected to be more precise and, in turn, allow for

more precise estimates of the durations of individual units and layers and potential

hiatuses between them. This would also allow for a more robust comparison of the

temporal correlation of the two sites. However, despite the overall low precision of the

modelled Boundary ages, statistical estimates of the minimum and maximum age of

individual depositional Phases would otherwise have been unavailable from the

unmodelled 14C determinations.

The modelled Phase durations for Wet Cave reveal slow and rapid phases of

accumulation through the depositional sequence. Unit A represents the longest phase

between both Wet and Blanche Caves, followed by Units E and B. In the case of Units

C, D and F, the null hypothesis of instantaneous accumulation (or, at least, deposition

from <1 calendar year) cannot be rejected on the basis of the dating evidence available.

For Unit C, this results from having only a single radiocarbon measurement from this

Unit. The same is true for Unit F, where the identification of sample 5U10-6 as an

outlier (100% posterior Outlier probability) gave only a single ‘reliable’

radiocarbon determination. It is expected that, were additional radiocarbon (or other

chronological) data available, these units would not, in reality, represent instantaneous

deposition. The presence of silty laminations through the sands of Unit C supports this

assumption, as such banding or horizonation is rarely associated with sediments that

have slumped or been deposited during a single event, as observed in the homogenous

sands of nearby Robertson Cave (Forbes et al., 2007). Sandy laminations observed in

Unit F also argue against instantaneous deposition for the upper-most section of Wet



Having only a single radiocarbon measurement for Unit D accounts for the inability of

the model to discount the null hypothesis of instantaneous deposition for this Phase,

as noted for Units C and F. However, the mottled orange and brown, poorly sorted

sandy clays of Unit D do not contain internal structuring as observed in the former two

units. The sedimentary character of Unit D and presence of megafaunal bone material

suggests that it contains sediments of similar type, origin and age as Unit A (Macken et

al., 2013a). An hypothesis for the presence of Unit D at the top of Pit 1,

stratigraphically above Unit C, is that it represents late Pleistocene aged materials from

another part of the cave, transported and slumped down the sedimentary cone during

accumulation of the Wet Cave sequence. If this were the case, then it may represent an

anomalous, single ‘instantaneous’ event that re-worked sedimentary and fossil material

of mixed origin and age.

In Blanche Cave, only a single Phase (Layers 18–15) returned a modelled duration

statistically indistinguishable from 0 years at the 95.4% confidence level. Limited

rejection of the null hypothesis for the majority of Blanche Cave Phases again

results from the small number of radiocarbon measurements for many layers.

However, the sedimentary and stratigraphic character of some layers suggests that they

may represent single, ‘instantaneous’ depositional episodes associated with surficial

water movement of sediments during single flood events (e.g., Layers 7, 9 and 20). For

these layers, rejection of the null is in accord with the inference of rapid deposition

based on sedimentary observations.

The coarse resolution of the modelled Boundaries for both the Wet and Blanche

Cave sequences similarly limits the capacity of the model to detect temporal gaps in

accumulation between successive Phases and/or where there may be missing

material between the end of one Phase and the start of the next. In all cases, the null

hypothesis for contiguous deposition was not able to be rejected at the 95.4%

confidence level. A hiatus of 1,485 to 5,269 cal yrs between Units B and C and of 379

to 2,013 cal years between layers 25 and 24 was measured at the 68.2% confidence

level. As these hiatuses are not supported at the higher confidence level, there is little

that can be concluded from these values; however, as both Wet and Blanche Caves

have large open-roof window entrances, it is unlikely that prolonged hiatuses in

deposition into the caves occurred due to the constant movement and flux of dust


across the landscape. The potential for post-depositional erosion of sediments from

these sites is more difficult to ascertain.

In contrast, breaks in deposition have been argued for two late Pleistocene cave

sequences from south eastern Australia; the inner chamber of Robertson Cave located

ca. 6 km south of Wet Cave and McEachern’s Deathtrap Cave, ca. 100 km south of the

Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area. The sedimentary sequences from both of these

caves reflect hiatuses in deposition over the peak of the last glacial cycle, the Last

Glacial Maximum (LGM; Kos, 2001; Forbes et al., 2007). McEachern’s Deathtrap

Cave has a narrow-pipe entrance that became blocked with sands during the LGM,

contrasting with the larger roof-window entrances of Wet and Blanche Caves that are

not expected to become blocked in this way. Although Robertson Cave has a roof-

window style entrance, the inner chamber is expected to have blocked as a result of

high sediment loads in the entrance chamber, which restricted movement through

narrower caverns in the cave system connecting the two chambers. In McEachern’s

Deathtrap Cave there is also evidence for the post-depositional erosion of sediments as

a result of groundwater fluctuations, resulting in a gap in the record.

A potential hiatus in deposition between Units E and F of Wet Cave was indicated by

the presence of bat guano derived materials at the transition between these units,

reflecting minimal sediment input prior to the deposition of the dark brown silty sands

of Unit F (Forbes and Bestland, 2006; Macken et al., 2013a). The presence of a

flowstone at the transitional boundary of Units E and F was also noted in the original

excavation notes for Wet Cave; however, it is unknown if the flowstone was attached

to the cave wall or free floating, limiting the extent to which it confirms a hiatus in

sediment deposition at the end of the Pleistocene in Wet Cave. There is no other

sedimentary or stratigraphic evidence to indicate temporal breaks and/or the loss of

sediments through erosion in Wet Cave, nor in Blanche Cave. However, we suggest

that the lack of statistically significant evidence for depositional breaks detected

through the sequences is more likely a consequence of the dating resolution, rather

than implicit evidence for continuous deposition into Wet and Blanche Caves during

the last glacial cycle. Ultimately, more 14C determinations or other dating evidence is

required to improve the resolution of the modelled Boundaries and hence, detection


of potential hiatuses that may be of shorter duration than the resolution of the current


Correlation of Wet and Blanche Cave Phases As discussed by Blaauw et al. (2007), demonstrating synchronicity of events is

dependent upon the assumed duration of the events of interest. In the case of Wet and

Blanche Caves, the events are depositional episodes that are expected to represent,

through sedimentary and stratigraphic characteristics, prevailing climatic conditions.

Thus, transitions between events represented by stratigraphic boundaries are assumed

to ultimately reflect changes in a range of interacting and complex climatic and

depositional parameters operating at both a local and regional scale (Forbes and

Bestland, 2007; Forbes et al., 2007; Macken et al., 2013a). In most cases, the Blanche

Cave layers were expected to be of shorter duration than the Wet Cave units as the

latter represent individual phases that together may be consolidated into longer

depositional periods (units) characterised by (a) similar sediment type and depositional

mode and (2) relatively constant prevailing climatic conditions during their deposition.

Relationships between the Wet and Blanche Cave Phases support this assumption as

each Wet Cave unit is temporally equivalent to multiple Blanche Cave layers (Fig.


On the balance of probabilities, Blanche Cave Layers 27 to 21 together overlap in age

with Wet Cave Unit A as reflected in the order of the associated Boundaries and

the statistically indistinguishable posterior calibrated hpd ranges of Unit A top and

Layer 21 bottom. Layers 27 to 21 in Blanche Cave therefore represent sub-divisions of

the pre-LGM period which may be used to assess the fossil assemblage at a finer

resolution, contrasting with the longer time-averaged fauna (i.e., the number of years

an assemblage took to accumulate; Hadly, 1999) represented in Unit A as a whole and

combined Layers 27 to 21.

Blanche Cave Layers 19 and 20, 18–15 and 13–10 similarly provide a reliable, finer

resolution for the LGM period represented in Wet Cave Units B and C, respectively.

Modelled ages for the start and end of deposition of Layers 19 and 20 are both

statistically indistinguishable from the start and end of the deposition of Unit B;

however, given the relative stratigraphic positions of Layers 19 and 20, they are


expected to provide successive sub-divisions of the first LGM period. A similar pattern

is noted for the modelled ages of the start and end of the deposition of combined

Layers 18–15 and 13–10 with Unit C but nonetheless, provide two sub-divisions of the

second LGM period represented in the deposits. The statistical correlation of multiple

Boundaries between Wet and Blanche Cave arises as a result of the resolution of

the model, limiting its ability to temporally differentiate the upper and lower

Boundaries of Phases, similar to the impacts noted for the durations and hiatuses.

For Layers 9–4, there is insufficient information to reject the possibility that they

temporally overlap both Units B and/or C of Wet Cave. As these layers contain

Holocene aged material, the temporal relationship of Layers 9–4 with Wet Cave is not

meaningful. In addition, these layers are considered to be unsuitable for inclusion in

the analyses of the small mammal faunas unless it can be shown that no fossil material

has intruded into this section of the Blanche Cave stratigraphy.

The relationships between Blanche Cave Layers 1 to 3 with Wet Cave are not well

differentiated at the available resolution of the modelled Sequences. Order

suggests that Layer 3 is temporally constrained between the bottom Boundary of

Unit E and the bottom Boundary of Lens 2:5/2. The upper Boundary of Layer 1 is

statistically indistinguishable from all Wet Cave Boundaries from 2:6/3 top to Unit

F top, a consequence of the insufficient resolution of the modelled data to identify a

more precise relationship. As noted in the results, the modelled age for the upper

Boundary of Layer 1 is strongly influenced by the prior applied for the top of the

Blanche Cave sequence of AD 2000. While this model prior was appropriate for

constraining the minimum age of the sequence (based on disturbance through human

access to the site in modern times and the presence of Pinus pollen indicating

European settlement; Darrénougué et al., 2009), it is unlikely to be the true minimum

age for fossil material contained within Layer 1. As there was only one radiocarbon

determination available for Layer 1, the true age of this Phase is not well represented

by the model. While the correlation is consistent with the output of the model,

knowledge of the two sites suggests that Layer 1 is more likely to be temporally

equivalent to Lenses 2:6/4 to 2:6/2 and cautions inferences that may be drawn from the

fossil material of Layer 1 when compared with Wet Cave.


Conclusion Bayesian age-depth models were developed for the fossil-bearing sedimentary

sequences of Wet and Blanche Caves in south eastern South Australia, utilising

available 14C determinations and stratigraphic information. At the dating resolution

available from these data, the modelled ages for the start and end of successive units

and layers within the two sites show that deposition was contiguous and characterised

by phases of slower and more rapid accumulation, as is common for many cave

deposits. Statistically supported temporal correlation of depositional phases between

Wet and Blanche Caves provides a robust basis for comparative analysis of the fossil

assemblages contained within them, and builds upon previous stratigraphic

correlations that were based only on sparse, individually calibrated radiocarbon data

and sedimentary descriptions.

In contrast to other age-depth models available in OxCal, Sequence was applied for

modelling Wet and Blanche Caves where only the relative order of events within the

two sites could be incorporated as a model prior. By incorporating the depositional

events as Phases within the model, we were also able to incorporate uncertainties

associated with the internal continuity of individual layers and units. Phases also

offered flexibility in the model where there was more uncertainty associated with both

(a) the stratigraphic relationships of individual layers in Blanche Cave and (b) known

reworked layers which nevertheless provided extra terminus post quem data for

overlying layers.

Despite the rigour applied to the chronologies of Wet and Blanche Caves, the

resolution of the models is limited by the few 14C determinations relative to the late

Pleistocene to Holocene time-span covered by the sites. However, while we

acknowledge that the resolution of the model would be improved if more 14C

determination were available, we also recognise the practical limitations in obtaining

large numbers of radiocarbon data in palaeontological studies. These include the

availability of research funds and samples suitable for dating, as well as limitations

presented by the time resolution captured in study sites. In light of these challenges, we

recommend that, where possible more than one sample is obtained from each

stratigraphic layer. Nonetheless, analysis of radiocarbon data within a Bayesian

framework provides a means of critically evaluating site chronologies, regardless of


the number of 14C determinations available, and provides a means of quantifying the

uncertainties associated with the start and end of different accumulation phases.

Acknowledgements We thank Drs Quan Hua, Donald Pate and Stewart Fallon for providing additional 14C

data associated with Wet and Blanche Caves. EHR acknowledges major funding for

the current Naracoorte research via the Federal Government Caring for Our Country

grant OC11-00487.


5. Late Quaternary small mammal faunas of the

Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area

Citation Macken, A.C. and Reed, E.H. (2013) Late Quaternary small mammal faunas of the

Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area. Transactions of the Royal Society of South

Australia 137, 53–67.

Contribution of Authors Amy Macken:

• Devised and planned the project.

• Identified and registered the specimens from Wet, Robertson and Blanche

Cave used for the research presented in the manuscript.

• Prepared manuscript for publication.

Elizabeth Reed:

• Excavated fossil material from Robertson Cave Entrance Chamber and

Blanche Cave used in the research.

• Provided funding for the project.

• Provided comments on the manuscript and advice on revisions.

Signed .................................................................................. Date ............................

Amy Macken

School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University

Signed ................................................................................. Date ............................

Elizabeth Reed

School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University


Abstract The vertebrate fossil deposits of the Naracoorte Caves in south eastern South

Australia preserve a long-term record of local faunas. We provide here an updated

list of small mammal faunas of late Quaternary (c. <50 ka) aged fossil assemblages

from Wet, Robertson and Blanche Caves as a basis for understanding past and

future patterns in species occurrence. The updated list includes seven species

previously unrecorded from the <50 ka period from this region. Of these, two

species (Dasycercus sp. indet. and Pseudomys novaehollandiae) are new to the

Naracoorte fossil record and have no known regional historical (European

colonisation to 1950) or contemporary (post 1950) distribution. Review of fossil

collections such as these is crucial for providing up-to-date species occurrence data

which can be used to establish baselines of past species diversity and information

about the past geographic ranges of individual taxa through time.

Introduction The vertebrate fossil deposits of the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area

(NCWHA) contain a record of faunal diversity for the south east region of South

Australia spanning the Middle Pleistocene to Holocene (Reed and Bourne, 2000,

2009). Research into the Naracoorte Cave fossil assemblages has made significant

contributions to knowledge of (i) Middle to Late Pleistocene faunal communities of

southern Australia (e.g., Prideaux et al., 2007; Macken et al., 2012), (ii) taxonomy

and systematics of extinct and living faunas (e.g., Prideaux and Wells, 1998;

Williams, 1999; Prideaux, 2004), (iii) vertebrate taphonomy of cave deposits (e.g.,

Reed, 2006, 2009) and (iv) environmental change over the Pleistocene (e.g., Forbes

and Bestland, 2007, Darrénougué et al., 2009, Macken et al. 2013a). As the

Naracoorte Caves contain ‘megafauna’ species such as Thylacoleo carnifex,

Zygomaturus trilobus, ‘Procoptodon’ gilli and Wonambi naracoortensis, research

into the cave assemblages has provided insights into the diversity, distribution and

extinction dynamics of this group of large body-sized faunas at the end of the

Pleistocene (e.g., Pate et al., 2006; Prideaux et al., 2007).

The Naracoorte Caves also contain extensive assemblages of smaller body-sized

taxa, providing a reference for the diversity, distribution and historical extinction

dynamics of these often understudied faunas through the late Quaternary (e.g.,


Macken et al., 2012). Three caves (Wet, Robertson and Blanche Cave) within the

NCWHA contain well dated small mammal-dominated assemblages which together

span the late Quaternary from c. 50 ka to 1 ka (Forbes et al., 2007; Darrénougué et

al., 2009; St Pierre et al., 2009; St Pierre et al., 2012; Macken et al. 2013). As

largely owl pellet derived faunas, the fossil collections from these caves are bone

rich and have yielded valuable information about the composition and structure of

the local small mammal community through the last glacial cycle and pre-European

times (McDowell, 2001; Laslett, 2006).

In this study, collections of small mammal fossils from previously studied and new

assemblages were examined with the aim of providing an up-to-date list of small

mammal faunas for the late Quaternary period. Of particular interest were observed

patterns in species occurrence in the late Quaternary period when compared with

older Naracoorte Cave deposits as revealed by previous faunal lists for the

NCWHA. Six species of small body-sized Dasyuridae (Antechinus agilis,

Antechinus minimus, Antechinus stuartii, Antechinus swainsonii, Dasyurus

maculatus and Phascogale calura) and two Potoroidae (Bettongia penicillata and

Potorous tridactylus) are not known from the <50 ka aged assemblages of Wet,

Robertson and Blanche Caves, but are identified from one or more older

assemblages within nearby Victoria Fossil and Cathedral Caves (c. 530 ka to 70 ka;

Prideaux et al., 2007; Reed and Bourne, 2000, 2009; Macken et al., 2012). By

comparison, three species of small possum, Cercartetus concinnus, Petauroides

volans and Petaurus norfolcensis are listed from the late Quaternary (<50 ka)

assemblages but have no known older fossil distribution (Reed and Bourne, 2000,


The updated species list for the late Quaternary aged assemblages presented here

provides a basis for exploring the accuracy and significance of these observed

patterns in species occurrence, as well as patterns in species local and regional

biogeography from historical to present times. As continued research into late

Quaternary aged fossil assemblages of the NCWHA aims to increase our

knowledge of local faunas (Reed, 2012), ongoing review of small mammal

assemblages provides a valuable foundation by ensuring that species occurrence

data is widely available and up-to-date.



Study site The NCWHA is located in south eastern South Australia, 12 km from the township

of Naracoorte (Fig. 5.1). The geological and palaeontological setting of the

Naracoorte Caves has been well documented (Wells et al., 1984; Reed and Bourne,

2000; Forbes and Bestland, 2007; Macken et al., 2011). Three caves contain late

Quaternary aged fossil assemblages dating from c. 50 ka to the Holocene (Wet,

Robertson and Blanche Cave). As the stratigraphic and geochronological context of

assemblages from these caves have been described elsewhere (Pate et al., 2002;

Pate et al., 2006; Forbes and Bestland, 2007; Forbes et al., 2007; Darrénougué et

al., 2009; St Pierre et al., 2009; St Pierre et al., 2012; Macken et al. 2013), only the

minimum and maximum ages of the deposits are summarised here (Table 5.1).

Table 5.1 Maximum and minimum ages of the late Quaternary aged deposits of the Naracoorte

Caves World Heritage Area. Radiocarbon ages calibrated using INTCAL09 (Reimer et al. 2009) in

OxCal4.1 (Bronk Ramsey 2009).

Site 14C age yr BP (1σ) cal yr BP (2σ)

Blanche Cave, 3rd Chamber 43,260±18401 to 12,470±602 49,986–44,696 to 15,032–14,168

Robertson Cave, Inner


31,450±250 to 8,080±1003 36,584–35,092 to 9,290.5–


Robertson Cave, Entrance


20,070±70 to 1,085±304 24,343–23,681 to 1,056–9353

Wet Cave, Entrance Chamber 45,200±1800 to 740±405 45,984–43,334 to 735–569

4 St Pierre et al. (2012)

5 Darrénougué et al. (2009)

6 Forbes et al. (2007)

7 Radiocarbon determinations for RCEC performed at ANU Radiocarbon Dating Centre, Canberra

by Dr. S. Fallon. ANU sample numbers S-ANU27630 and S-ANU27618 (see Fallon et al. 2010

for technical details of technique).

8 Pate et al. (2002; 2006)


Figure 5.1 Location of the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area in south east South Australia.

Relative locations of Wet, Blanche and Robertson Caves indicated in map of the Naracoorte Caves

World Heritage Area.


Fossil assemblages Wet Cave (5U10, 11)

A late Quaternary aged sedimentary and fossil sequence within the entrance

chamber (5U10) of Wet Cave was first studied by McDowell (2001), following

excavation of the site in 1997 and 1998. The sequence was excavated according to

sedimentary layers across two separate 1 m2 pits, identified as Pit 1 (lower) and Pit

2 (upper) to a combined depth of 3.5 m. Each pit was divided into four 0.5 m2

quadrants (A–D), which were excavated separately (McDowell, 2001). A review of

the stratigraphy and chronology for the Wet Cave deposit is compiled in Macken et

al. (2013a).

McDowell (2001) analysed a total of 17,214 cranial specimens from Wet Cave, the

largest single fossil sample identified and analysed from the NCWHA. Marsupial

specimens from all four quadrants were re-examined in the current study. Muridae

specimens composed 81% of the assemblage analysed by McDowell (2001). Due to

this volume of material, only a sub-sample of Muridae specimens from the

assemblage was re-examined in the present study. In layers where the total murid

number of identified specimens (NISP) was <300 as documented in McDowell

(2001), material from all quadrants (A–D) was re-examined. For layers where the

total NISP was >300, only specimens from a single quadrant were assessed. In most

cases, sub-samples were examined from quadrant A with the exception of layer

1:7/3 where the sub-sample was derived from quadrant C. Previously unsorted and

unidentified specimens from this collection were also identified.

Only those specimens re-examined from the Wet Cave assemblage are discussed

here. The studied specimens were registered to the Flinders University

Palaeontology Register (FU20000–20997) and are stored in the Palaeontology

Laboratory on site in the NCWHA.

Robertson Cave (5U17, 18, 19) Two sites within Robertson Cave contain late Quaternary aged faunal assemblages.

The Robertson Cave Inner Chamber (RCIC) fossil assemblage was excavated and

analysed by McDowell (2001). Due to the similar taxonomic composition of the


RCIC to other late Quaternary aged assemblages of the NCWHA, only specimens

of species unique to this deposit were re-examined.

Fossil material was excavated by EHR from the entrance chamber of Robertson

Cave (RCEC) in a pilot study of the site consisting of a 0.5 m3 pit excavated across

five layers of varying depth. The main excavation, also conducted by EHR, was

composed of two 1 m2 grid squares (1 and 2) which were excavated by strata in

layers of approximately 5 cm to a total depth of 1 m. Sedimentary analysis and

further dating of this deposit is currently under investigation by one of us (EHR).

Small mammal specimens from the RCEC excavations (pilot and grid-square 1)

were examined and identified in the current study. Specimens from the pilot

excavation were registered to the Flinders University Palaeontology Register

(FU9000–9062 and 9142–9151) and are stored in the Palaeontology Laboratory on

site in the NCWHA. Specimens from grid square 1 were registered to the

Palaeontology collection of the South Australia Museum (SAM P47215–47682).

Blanche Cave (5U4, 5, 6) Small mammal specimens from Blanche Cave were identified from collections

excavated by EHR from a 1 m3 grid square (A3) in the 3rd Chamber deposit (see

Laslett (2006) and Darrénougué et al. (2009) for site details and chronology).

Specimens from two layers (4 and 14) were identified from samples excavated from

the neighbouring grid square B3. Grid squares A3 and B3 were excavated according

to 27 discrete sedimentary layers ranging from 1 cm to 6 cm thick to a total depth of

1 m.

As observed in the Wet Cave assemblage, murids were the most abundant

taxonomic group within the Blanche Cave A3 and B3 fossil collections. Of a total

NISP of 22,678 from grid square A3, 80% of the assemblage were murids. As a

result of the large volume of specimens, murids were sub-sampled from the deposit

as completed for Wet Cave. For excavation layers where the murid NISP was <300,

all specimens were identified. In cases where the layer NISP was >300, a quarter of

the layer sample was examined. Sub-samples were determined using a random

sample of one quarter of the volume of material excavated from each layer of the


grid square. During excavation, the volume of each bag of sediment and bone was

controlled to 24 litres. As the number of bags per layer was recorded, a quarter of

the sample by volume could be calculated by dividing the number of bags

excavated for a given layer by four. Bags were randomly assigned numbers during

the original processing of the material and for the sub-sampling, bags were selected

in order from bag 1 to bag 2 etc. In order to randomly select a fraction of the

specimens from a bag where necessary (e.g., when half the volume of material from

a bag was required), all craniodental specimens from the bag were laid out on a

numbered grid square. A random number generator in Excel was then used to select

the required fraction of specimens for the sub-sample.

All Blanche Cave specimens were registered to the Flinders University

Palaeontology Register (FU14100–14685) and are stored in the Palaeontology

Laboratory on site in the NCWHA.

Accumulation mode The density and quantity of specimens from Wet Cave, Robertson Cave Inner

Chamber and Blanche Cave 3rd Chamber is primarily the result of accumulation of

bone in pellets regurgitated by owls. These caves have large, roof collapse window

entrances, facilitating owl habitation. Evidence for owl collection is reflected in the

proportion of small mammal remains when compared with larger animals in these

deposits. In grid square B2 from Blanche Cave, mammals with a maximum body

mass of <100 g composed between 74 and 86% (average 79.6%) of the sample

through the depositional sequence, and those of body mass 101–500g only 3 to 14%

(average 6.6%; Laslett, 2006). A similar bias is reflected in RCIC and Wet Cave

where c. 80% of the two assemblages are composed of small mammals of body

mass <300 g (NB. No small mammals of body mass 301–500g were identified in

the study; McDowell, 2001). Age class analysis showed that specimens from

species of intermediate body mass in all three sites were overrepresented by

juveniles, a common feature of owl pellet derived assemblages (Andrews, 1990;

McDowell, 2001; Laslett, 2006). The presence of digestive corrosion on small

mammal bones further supports this mode of accumulation (Laslett, 2006; Reed,

2012). Tyto alba (Barn Owl) has been identified as the primary collecting agent of

the RCIC and Wet Cave assemblages (McDowell, 2001); although, Tyto


novaehollandiae (Masked Owl) is expected to have contributed some small

mammal material to Blanche Cave as well (EHR, pers. obs.)

The taphonomic history of the RCEC is currently being investigated by EHR.

Preliminary analysis suggests that a range of collecting modes may have resulted in

the bone assemblage. Owl pellet deposition is expected to be the primary

accumulating mode with some input via pitfall entrapment, death of within cave

inhabitants and carnivore accumulation (EHR, pers. obs.).

Species identification Here, small mammals are defined as those species of body mass ≤2.5 kg. Although

of greater body mass, Trichosurus vulpecula and Dasyurus maculatus were

included in the list as they are commonly represented by juvenile animals that are

within the size range for owl predation. T. vulpecula is also expected to have been a

cave inhabitant over the late Quaternary as observed with this species in the

NCWHA today.

For all assemblages, bulk sediment and bone removed from the caves during

excavation were wet-screened in sieves of 1 to 2 mm2. Once dry, all sieved material

was sorted for diagnostic elements (maxillae, dentaries and teeth). For

identification, cranio-dental specimens were compared with modern specimens

from the South Australian Museum (SAM) and the Australian Museum (AM).

Comparative material was also sourced from the SAM sub-fossil and the

Naracoorte Caves fossil collections. Published descriptions of species maxillary,

mandibular and dental morphology were also used to aid species identification

where available.

As taxonomic descriptions for the majority of the taxa identified from the

Naracoorte Caves are published elsewhere, we provide descriptions and diagnoses

only for two unknown species of Dasyuridae identified from the studied

assemblages (refer Appendix D).



Diversity A total of 41 species were identified from the fossil assemblages of Wet, Robertson

and Blanche Caves (Table 5.2), representing an addition of seven species to the

known diversity of the late Quaternary period from c. <50 ka for the Naracoorte

Caves. Of these, five are known from older Naracoorte Cave deposits (Antechinus

sp. cf. A. agilis, Dasyurus maculatus, Phascogale calura, Bettongia penicillata and

Potorous tridactylus), accounting for just over half of the taxa previously thought to

have been absent from the late Quaternary period (six Dasyuridae and two

Potoroidae as listed in the Introduction).

By comparison, two of the seven newly identified species for this time period

(Dasycercus sp. indet. and Pseudomys novaehollandiae) have no previous record

from the NCWHA (Reed and Bourne, 2000, 2009; Macken et al., 2012). An

additional two unknown taxa (Dasyuridae sp. 1 and Sminthopsis sp. 1; Appendix D)

were common in the late Quaternary aged assemblages examined here but have not

been noted in older fossil assemblages (Reed and Bourne, 2000; Prideaux et al.,

2007; Macken et al., 2012).

Two species previously listed for Wet Cave and RCIC respectively, Cercartetus

concinnus and Petauroides volans, were not identified in the current re-examination

of these fossil collections. P. volans had been recorded from a single specimen from

RCIC but this specimen was re-identified here as Pseudocheirus peregrinus.

Cercartetus concinnus was previously only known from Wet Cave, but of the 108

specimens originally assigned to this taxon (McDowell, 2001), none were found to

be comparable with C. concinnus and were commonly found to be C. lepidus, C.

nanus and Acrobates pygmaeus.

Some revisions to the occurrences of small mammals within the individual cave

sites were also made and have increased the known diversity across the late

Quaternary aged deposits for this locality. For example, Isoodon obesulus was

previously only known from Robertson and Blanche Caves but has now been

identified in the Wet Cave assemblage. Perameles bougainville, only known from

Blanche Cave, has been identified from fossil material in both Wet Cave and RCEC


while Petaurus norfolcensis, known from only two specimens in RCIC was

identified in all three of the assemblages examined. Acrobates pygmaeus,

previously known only from Blanche Cave has now been identified in Wet and

Robertson Caves and finally, Hydromys chrysogaster was identified from Blanche

Cave, previously only recorded in Wet Cave and RCIC.


Table 5.2 Occurrence of small mammals within (a) pooled Middle–Late Pleistocene (M–LP) fossil assemblages of Main Fossil

Chamber and Grant Hall, Victoria Fossil Cave and Fossil Chamber, Cathedral Cave (Reed and Bourne 2000; Prideaux et al.

2007; Reed and Bourne 2009; Macken et al. 2012) and (b) three Late Pleistocene–Holocene (<50 ka) deposits of the

Naracoorte Caves (Wet Cave, Robertson Cave Entrance Chamber and Blanche Cave 3rd Chamber). Current species distribution

in south east region of South Australia (SE SA) from Van Dyck and Strahan (2008).

Family Species M–LP Wet Cave

Robertson Cave

Entrance Chamber

Blanche Cave 3rd Chamber

Present Day Distribution


Dasyuridae Dasyuridae sp. 1 X X X Antechinus (sp. cf.)! A. agilis X X X X Coastal Lower SE Antechinus flavipes X X X X Widespread Antechinus minimus X Coastal-inland fringe Antechinus stuartii^ X Antechinus swainsonii^ X Dasycercus sp. indet.^ X Dasyurus maculatus* X X X Dasyurus viverrinus* X X X X Ningaui yvonneae^ X X X X

(Gen. et sp. cf.)! Phascogale calura^ X X X

Phascogale tapoatafa X X X X Inland Lower SE Sminthopsis crassicaudata X X X X Widespread Sminthopsis murina X X X X Widespread Sminthopsis sp. 1 X X X Peramelidae Isoodon obesulus X X X X Lower SE Perameles bougainville^ X X X X Perameles gunnii* X X X X Phalangeridae Trichosurus vulpecula X X X X Widespread

Potoroidae Bettongia (sp. cf.)! B. gaimardi* X X X

Bettongia (sp. cf.)!! B. lesueur^ X X X X


Family Species M–LP Wet Cave

Robertson Cave

Entrance Chamber

Blanche Cave 3rd Chamber

Present Day Distribution


Bettongia penicillata^ X X Potorous platyops†† X X X X Potorous tridactylus^ X X X X Burramyidae Cercartetus lepidus X X X X Upper SE Cercartetus nanus X X X X Coastal Lower SE Pseudocheiridae Pseudocheirus peregrinus X X X X Widespread

Petauridae Petaurus breviceps X X X X Widespread

Petaurus norfolcensis X X X Inland patch of Upper SE

Acrobatidae Acrobates pygmaeus X X X X Widespread but rare Muridae Conilurus albipes† X X X X Hydromys chrysogaster X X X Widespread Mastacomys fuscus^ X X X X Notomys mitchellii^ X X X X Pseudomys apodemoides X X X X Widespread Pseudomys auritus† X X X X Pseudomys australis^ X X X X Pseudomys fumeus^ X X X X Pseudomys gouldii†† X X X X Pseudomys novaehollandiae^ X X

Pseudomys shortridgei X X X X Inland, formerly coastal

Rattus fuscipes X X X Widespread Rattus lutreolus X X X X Widespread Rattus tunneyi^ X X X X

* species regionally extinct. † species extinct since European settlement. †† species extinct since European settlement and no former SE distribution recorded in Van Dyck and Strahan. ^species extant but no present or former SE distribution recorded in Van Dyck and Strahan (2008). ! uncertainty in identification in post-50 ka assemblages assessed here. !! uncertainty in M–LP identification.



Late Quaternary small mammal diversity Despite the limitations presented by examining small mammal diversity across the

entire temporal span of the fossil assemblages, examination of existing and new fossil

assemblages from Wet, Roberson and Blanche Caves has resulted in significant

revision of the diversity of small mammals within the NCWHA for the late Quaternary

period from c. 50 ka. This revision provides a more accurate baseline from which long-

term patterns of species occurrence from the Middle Pleistocene to the present can be

examined. Of the eight species previously un-recorded from the assemblages of Wet,

Robertson and Blanche Caves, five were identified in this study (Antechinus sp. cf. A.

agilis, Dasyurus maculatus, Phascogale calura, Bettongia penicillata and Potorous

tridactylus), confirming their persistence, albeit rarity in some cases, into the Late

Pleistocene period to at least c. 50 ka.

Three species (Antechinus minimus, A. stuartii and A. swainsonii) were not identified

in the studied assemblages but are present in assemblages of the NCWHA dated older

than c. 70 ka (Smith, 1972; Reed and Bourne, 2000; Prideaux et al., 2007; Macken et

al., 2012). Reed and Bourne (, 2000) suggested that identification of Antechinus

species from NCWHA deposits may require revision, particularly as A. minimus, A.

stuartii and A. swainsonii were only known from single deposits at the time of their

publication. Subsequent analysis of additional NCWHA deposits has resulted in

identification of these taxa from other assemblages (Prideaux et al., 2007; Macken et

al., 2012). However, as a result of the challenges associated with differentiating A.

stuartii and A. agilis in fossil material (Reed and Bourne, 2000; Macken, 2009), the

true diversity of this genus in the NCWHA fossil record remains uncertain and

warrants further investigation. The isolation of two unknown dasyurid taxa,

Dasyuridae sp. 1 and Sminthopsis sp. 1 highlights challenges associated with

differentiating fossil material at both a generic and species level. Specimens assigned

to these categories may represent new, undescribed taxa or morphological variants of

known taxa.

If the identification of A. minimus, A. stuartii and A. swainsonii in the older Middle to

Late Pleistocene assemblages of Victoria Fossil and Cathedral Caves is correct, their

absence in Wet, Robertson and Blanche Caves suggests local decline in Dasyuridae


diversity from at least c. 50 ka. However, it is not expected that their absence

represents severe or unusual palaeocommunity change when examined within the

context of both present and past patterns of occurrence. For example, all three of these

species occur intermittently through the Middle to Late Pleistocene aged deposits of

Cathedral Cave and Grant Hall, suggesting range contraction and dispersal from the

Naracoorte region was common throughout the Pleistocene (Prideaux et al., 2007;

Macken et al., 2012). These species are also rare when compared with the number of

specimens of other small Dasyuridae in these older deposits, likely reflecting their

rarity in the palaeocommunities sampled rather than taphonomic/accumulation biases

(Prideaux et al., 2007; Macken et al., 2012). The present distribution of A. minimus

does not include the Naracoorte region and instead extends along the coastal-inland

fringe of south eastern South Australia (Van Dyck and Strahan, 2008) while A. stuartii

and A. swainsonii do not occur in the region at all. In light of the fossil occurrence of

these species, their present distribution suggests that range contraction at least in

historic times, has occurred.

Faunal turnover and biogeographic implications The first occurrence of five species (Dasyuridae sp. 1, Dasycercus sp. indet.,

Sminthopsis sp. 1, Petaurus norfolcensis and Pseudomys novaehollandiae) in deposits

of the NCWHA is recorded in the late Quaternary aged assemblages c. <50 ka

examined here; however, only one of these may be truly representative of range

expansion from at least the end of the Late Pleistocene into the Naracoorte region (P.

norfolcensis). P. norfolcensis, although rare in the studied assemblages, was identified

from all three examined deposits and persists today in the upper south east region (Van

Dyck and Strahan, 2008; Department for Environment and Heritage and South East

Natural Resources Management Board, no date). While the absence of P. norfolcensis

from Middle to Late Pleistocene aged assemblages may be a false absence such that

the species is present but has not yet been detected, it is also possible that range

expansion through population dispersal did occur into the Naracoorte region at a

similar time as northward expansion from Victorian and New South Wales populations

in the Late Pleistocene, as reflected in the species’ phylogeography (Pavlova et al.,

2010). Genetic analysis of P. norfolcensis across its distribution from south eastern

South Australia, along the east coast of Australia to the Wet Tropics bioregion in

Queensland, showed that populations south and inland of the Great Dividing Range


have been undergoing decline since the northward expansion of the species in the

Middle to Late Pleistocene, prior to the LGM (Pavlova et al., 2010). Unfortunately,

there were only two samples from South Australia used in the genetic analyses which

makes it unclear the extent to which patterns of historical population dynamics and

occupancy apply in this region; however, it appears unusual that the species is

apparently absent from >70 ka aged deposits of the NCWHA when divergence of the

most recent common ancestor of the species has been dated from the Early to Middle

Pleistocene (Pavlova et al., 2010).

Of the other four species that are new records for the NCWHA, it is more difficult to

ascertain the extent to which they represent range expansions and hence, community

turnover in the Naracoorte region. Dasycercus sp. indet. is rare in the examined

assemblages, identified from only two specimens in Wet Cave. The contemporary

range of Dasycercus spp. extends across the north and central-west arid regions of

South Australia and eastern Western Australia, representing different environmental,

ecological and climatic conditions than are expected to have characterised the south

east region of South Australia during the Pleistocene (e.g., Prideaux et al., 2007;

Macken et al., 2012, Macken et al. 2013). Consequently, it is expected that the

occurrence of Dasycercus in Wet Cave represents an usual or stochastic ‘event’ in the

distribution or dispersal of individuals of the species during the late Quaternary.

Greater temporal resolution for the Wet Cave assemblage may enable its occurrence to

be correlated with palaeoclimatic and environmental conditions and is under current

investigation by ACM. Interestingly, Dasycercus cristicauda was previously included

in the taxonomic list for Main Fossil Chamber, Victoria Fossil Cave (Moriarty et al.,

2000); however, this identification has not been verified as the original specimen could

not be located (Reed and Bourne, 2000). If the original identification was correct, the

re-occurrence of the species in the late Quaternary may be significant in signalling

conditions under which the species expanded or shifted its range more than once in the


The two unique Dasyuridae taxa described here (Dasyuridae sp. 1 and Sminthopsis sp.

1) are not reported from Middle to Late Pleistocene assemblages of c. >70 ka.

However, as a result of the limited taxonomic resolution for these specimens, no

examination of their temporal occurrence is possible. While further research is


recommended to verify the taxonomic identity of the two unnamed taxa, re-

examination of older assemblages may also be required to determine their presence or

absence through the Pleistocene. A similar recommendation is made to verify the

temporal pattern of occurrence through the NCWHA deposits of Pseudomys

novaehollandiae. In the current re-examination, P. novaehollandiae was distinguished

from P. apodemoides only where whole dentaries were preserved. No dental or

maxillary characters were recognised to distinguish modern specimens of these

species; however, the shape of the ascending ramus, condyle and angular process was

found to be unique for each of the taxa. As a result of the difficulty in distinguishing P.

novaehollandiae and P. apodemoides from fragmentary fossil material it is expected

that P. novaehollandiae may be underrepresented in the <50 ka aged assemblages

studied here, as well as in older deposits. Although the contemporary distribution of P.

novaehollandiae is restricted to eastern Australia (Tasmania, Victoria and New South

Wales), allopatric with P. apodemoides which is found south eastern South Australia

and the mallee heathlands of Western Victoria (Van Dyck and Strahan, 2008), these

species may have been sympatric in south eastern South Australia during at least some

stages of the Pleistocene.

In comparison to these ‘first occurrences’, the previous taxonomic list for Wet Cave

suggested that Cercartetus concinnus also first occurred in the NCWHA in the late

Quaternary (Reed and Bourne, 2000). However, the presence of this species was not

confirmed in the current study. The absence of C. concinnus from the NCWHA record

is striking as this species is the most widespread and common of the small possum

species in the region today (Foulkes et al., 2003). The occurrence of C. concinnus in

south east South Australia may represent recent dispersal, at least since the middle

Holocene into this region. A parallel pattern has been noted for the Eyre Peninsula

where the species is widespread today, but has only one known occurrence in the

Holocene subfossil record (McDowell and Medlin, 2010).

Fossil records as biodiversity baselines for conservation Assessment of late Quaternary aged small mammal fossil assemblages of the NCWHA

indicates richer long-term regional species diversity in the past than is generally

recognised for the south east of South Australia. For example, fifteen species identified


in the current study are not recognised as having past distributions in this region (Van

Dyck and Strahan, 2008; Table 5.2).

Factors expected to contribute to the lack of knowledge about species past distributions

include (a) poor preservation of species remains across their Pleistocene, historical and

present ranges and (b) limited communication of palaeontological data between

palaeoecologists and other researchers. This latter issue is often perpetuated by a lack

of understanding by palaeoecologists of the data needs of resource managers,

publication in palaeoecology specific journals and use of confusing terminology and

data presentation (Lockley, 1977; Swetnam et al., 1999; Willis et al., 2005; Jackson

and Sax, 2010). Despite these challenges, there is increasing recognition of the

importance of fossil data for providing information about species and communities that

can be used to enhance, inform and direct conservation and management programs

(e.g., Hadly and Barnosky, 2009; McDowell and Medlin, 2010; Willis et al., 2010).

In a review of biodiversity conservation strategies for climate change adaptation,

Heller et al. (2009) identify (a) greater coordination of institutions at a regional scale

and (b) broader spatial and temporal perspectives, as two of four commonly cited

recommendations for conservation action. These strategies share a commonality with

the challenges associated with communicating the fossil record, stressing the need for

continued updating and publishing of fossil data for the conservation research

community and in turn, greater integration of long-term perspectives of species

occurrences and community dynamics in conservation planning.

Conclusion The temporal range, diversity and high degree of preservation of fossil material in the

caves of the NCWHA provide a reference to past species distributions in the south east

region of South Australia. Small mammal composition of assemblages from Wet,

Robertson and Blanche Caves show that diversity in this group was broadly

maintained into the late Quaternary period. When these records are compared with the

known historical and current species distributions, severe decline in regional small

mammal diversity is apparent through range contraction or historical extinction. Geo-

chronological analysis of the fossil assemblages is required to enable patterns of

species extinction, dispersal and turnover at a scale more consistent with


palaeoclimatic and environmental change to be examined. However, the species

identification and registration data reported here provides a valuable basis for these

future analyses and a reference for ecologists, conservation managers and others on the

past distribution of small mammal taxa in south eastern South Australia.

Acknowledgements We acknowledge colleagues and other workers who have contributed to the wealth of

fossil material and knowledge on Pleistocene faunas and deposits of the Naracoorte

Caves, including but not limited to Drs Gavin Prideaux and Rod Wells; Steve Bourne,

Matt McDowell, Tegan Laslett and students, volunteers and staff of the Naracoorte

Caves of the last 40 years. ACM thanks Graham Medlin, Matt McDowell and Alex

Baynes for invaluable advice and guidance in small mammal identification and David

Stemmer and Sandy Ingleby for providing access to mammal collections of the South

Australia Museum and Australia Museum respectively. Grant Gully provided

assistance with specimen imaging while Dr Gavin Prideaux kindly provided the

equipment. EHR would like to acknowledge Steve Bourne for his part in the RCEC

project and Dr Stewart Fallon, ANU Radiocarbon Dating Centre for RCEC AMS

radiocarbon determinations. Thanks are also due to Gavin Prideaux, Aaron Camens,

Maria Zammit, Nic Rawlence, Matt McDowell and James Moore for helpful

discussions. ACM wishes to thank Alex Baynes, Rod Wells, Gilbert Price, Graham

Medlin and an anonymous reviewer for constructive comments on a previous version

of the manuscript. EHR acknowledges the following funding sources for the RCEC

excavation: major funding via the Federal Government Caring for Our Country grant

OC11-00487 and part funding for the project, “Biodiversity and vegetation change at

Naracoorte SA during the last 10,000 years” provided by the Nature Foundation SA



6. Late glacial reorganisation of a small mammal

palaeocommunity in southern Australia reveals thresholds

of change

Citation Macken, A.C. & Reed, E.H. (2013) Late glacial reorganisation of a small mammal

palaeocommunity in southern Australia reveals thresholds of change. Submitted

manuscript (In Review, Ecological Monographs).

Contribution of Authors Amy Macken:

• Devised and planned the project.

• Identified and registered the specimens from Wet and Blanche Caves used

in the research presented in the manuscript.

• Conducted all faunal analyses.

• Prepared the manuscript for publication.

Elizabeth Reed:

• Discussed research with AM and assisted with planning.

• Provided comments on the manuscript.

• Supplied pollen data from Blanche Cave as published in Darrénougué et al.

(2009), for presentation in Fig. 6.12.

Signed .................................................................................. Date ............................

Amy Macken

School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University

Signed .................................................................................. Date ............................

Elizabeth Reed

School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University


Abstract Natural variation in ecological systems is often argued as the mechanism by which

ecosystems adapt and reorganise in response to disturbance, whilst maintaining

overall identity and functional capacity. Here, we studied the statistical and

ecological significance of natural variation in species richness, composition,

structure and relative abundance of species in two contemporaneous small mammal

fossil assemblages of late Quaternary age (c. 51.4 to 10.2 kyr BP) in south-eastern

South Australia. We asked: Did the palaeocommunity reorganise in response to

climate change associated with the last glacial cycle? How did variation in different

ecological variables contribute to the persistence or reorganisation of the

palaeocommunity, and, how did sampling variation within and between sites, and

temporal resolution, impact patterns detected in the fossil assemblages? Our results

show that the characteristics of the small mammal palaeocommunity were similar

between the two sites and that they were generally stable through the early glacial

period and last glacial maximum at the temporal scales at which the assemblages

were preserved. Thereafter, the assemblages showed evidence of change in the

rank-order abundance of constituent taxa from c. 17.1 to 10.2 kyr BP (95% CI: 17.4

to 9.2 kyr BP). At a finer temporal scale, palaeocommunity reorganisation was

revealed for the first time through the late glacial period based on significant change

in species richness. A nearby marine-core record suggests that this shift (dated from

c. 17.1 to 16.7 kyr BP; 95% CI: 17.4 to 16.2 kyr BP) was associated with sea-

surface temperatures (SSTs) warming past 16°C, post-dating the onset of warming

following the LGM by c. 1 to 3 kyrs. A second likely palaeocommunity shift is

reflected in the low rank-order abundance correlation of local palaeocommunity

samples from c. 10.8 to 10.5 kyr BP (95% CI: 11.2 to 10.9 kyr BP). This shift was

associated with continued warming of mean SSTs past 18°C. While the onset of

rapid warming was not directly correlated with palaeocommunity change, the fauna

appear to have been sensitive to specific temperature thresholds and prolonged

relative aridity. These extrinsic factors were important in initiating structural

changes that scaled through from individual species to the whole palaeocommunity.

Keywords climate change, mammals, palaeocommunity, persistence, Quaternary,

resilience, scale, similarity, variability


Introduction Concern about the impacts of climate change on biodiversity has led to an increased

need for long-term perspectives of ecosystems and their variability through time

(Froyd and Willis 2008). Natural variation in ecological systems is characterised by

fluctuations and/or trends in community and system attributes, condition and/or

processes (Landres et al. 1999). Such change is argued to provide an ecological

‘buffer’ that allows ecosystems to undergo turnover and reorganise in response to

external pressures, whilst maintaining ecological functions, structure, connections

and identity (Holling and Meffe 1996; Folke et al. 2004; Walker et al. 2004). The

latter aspect is at the heart of most ecological definitions of resilience, that is, how

much pressure or change an ecological system can withstand before it shifts to a

new, alternative steady-state (Holling 1996; Walker et al. 2009). Consequently,

understanding and managing natural variation in ecological systems at different

scales is increasingly being integrated into biodiversity conservation strategies.

However, despite an increased focus on natural variation in biodiversity

management and ecological literature (Landres et al. 1999; Micheli et al. 1999;

Lundberg et al. 2000; Roche et al. 2011; Walker et al. 2004), our ability to

understand patterns of natural variation is limited by the short duration of many

ecological studies, extensive habitat fragmentation, species loss and subsequent

ecosystem disruption (Swetnam et al. 1999). These factors also restrict our

knowledge of the interaction of ecosystem changes with the long-term persistence

or loss of different ecosystem attributes over time (Magurran and Henderson 2010).

The challenges associated with measuring natural variation in ecosystems can be

addressed using empirical data on environmental, climatic and ecological change

preserved in palaeoecological assemblages. Such sources are commonly used as a

reference to the normal, pre-human extent of natural variation expressed in marine,

aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems (e.g., Di Michelle et al. 2004; Hadly and

Barnosky 2009; Willis et al. 2010; Rull 2012). Baseline data from past ecosystems

provided by palaeoecological records have been used to (a) inform predictions

about climate change responses and thresholds based on ecological and climatic

variability, (b) identify the combinations of biotic and abiotic processes that most

contributed to ecological resilience in the past and where these are likely to occur


under future climate change scenarios, and (c) provide insights on novel, or non-

analogous communities and their management (Willis et al. 2010).

Fossil assemblages in the World Heritage listed Naracoorte Caves in south-eastern

South Australia are widely recognised for their scientific and natural history values,

preserving a diverse vertebrate fauna and palaeoclimatic history spanning the last c.

500 kyrs (Wells et al. 1984; Ayliffe et al. 1998; Reed and Bourne 2000; Prideaux et

al. 2007; Macken et al. 2012; Fig. 6.1). Recent study of deposits of Late Pleistocene

(<50 kyrs) age show that some sites also preserve a record of local vegetation

(Darrénougué et al. 2009), which combined with the faunal record, presents an

opportunity to examine the responses, thresholds and persistence of different

ecosystem variables with time for this locality.

A striking feature of the described Naracoorte mammal faunas is the general

consistency of community composition through the Pleistocene, particularly when

compared with mammal faunas from other localities such as Middle Pleistocene

north-eastern Queensland (Hocknull et al. 2007). The limited evidence presented

for faunal change in the Naracoorte fossil record has been significant in discussions

of faunal dynamics through the Pleistocene. For example, the apparent lack of

faunal change recorded in the Naracoorte Caves reported by Moriarty et al. (2000)

has been used as evidence that interglacial-glacial transitions did not contribute to

megafaunal extinction in Australia (Barnosky et al. 2004) and that Pleistocene

climate changes did not impact mammalian faunas to the same extent as the Late

Pleistocene–Holocene transition (Koch and Barnosky 2006).

The assumption of long-term stability of the mammal community through the

Pleistocene was first challenged by Prideaux et al. (2007) and later Macken et al.

(2012) who showed that the relative abundance of species within assemblages of the

Naracoorte Caves varied through glacial-interglacial cycles of the Middle and Late

Pleistocene. Additionally, changes in specimen density and species

presence/absence demonstrated in these studies showed that the ranges of some

species alternately expanded and contracted from the Naracoorte region through the



Figure 6.1 Locality, stratigraphy and chronology of the Wet and Blanche Cave fossil assemblages.

(A) South Australia, (B) location of the Naracoorte Caves World Heritage Area (NCWHA) in south-

eastern South Australia and (C) proximity of Wet and Blanche caves, and Robertson Cave within the

NCWHA. (D) Stratigraphic sections of the Wet and Blanche Cave sequences showing the temporal

correlation of phases A1 to C2 to units A, B and C of Wet and Blanche caves. Phases E1 to E6 in

Wet Cave provide a finer resolution for unit E. The correlation of the upper layers of the Blanche

Cave excavation to unit E is uncertain. All temporal relationships follow Macken et al. (2013b).

Gaps in the sequences correspond to re-worked unit D in Wet Cave and layer 14 in Blanche Cave

(Macken et al. 2013a, b). Unit F in Wet Cave was not included in the current faunal analysis as it

contains Pleistocene and Holocene aged materials (Macken et al. 2013a). (E) Modelled 95% highest

probability density ranges in calibrated years BP of the top and bottom boundaries of phases A1 to

E6 in Wet and Blanche caves (Macken et al. 2013b). Modelled ages calibrated using the IntCal09

calibration curve (Reimer et al. 2009) with a Southern Hemisphere offset of 56±24 years applied

(McCormac et al. 2004).


The greater chronological control, finer temporal resolution and more adequate and

quantitative faunal sampling in these studies facilitated rigorous analysis of faunal

trends with time and were fundamental in revealing the faunal changes that were

previously obscured. Further, the patterns of change observed in the Naracoorte

mammal record were consistent with observations elsewhere that natural variability,

and hence, our perception of stability in ecological systems, is dependent upon not

only the scales (temporal, spatial and ecological) at which they are observed (Rahel

1990; Di Michele et al. 2004; Devictor and Robert 2009), but also sampling

variance which can obscure or enhance temporal signals of variability or persistence

(Bennington and Bambach 1996).

Scale and sampling variance are critical to not only the nature of the relationship

between natural variation and persistence of faunal communities with time, but how

they may be detected and interpreted from long-term ecological records. For

example, as demonstrated by Rahel (1990), community composition and structure

(rank-order abundance) may be highly persistent, but the abundances of constituent

taxa may vary significantly with space and time. Further, Magurran and Henderson

(2010) suggested that variation in the abundances of individual species may

contribute to the overall stability of the community, highlighting a complex

interplay between variation and persistence across scales. Changes in the relative

abundance of species may also be considered “early warning signs” of

environmental impacts on ecosystems (Hadly and Barnosky 2009; p. 47),

highlighting the significance of such responses when monitoring climate change

impacts on biodiversity.

From a conservation perspective, these observations raise important questions about

the relationship between natural variation and persistence of faunal communities:

when does variability at different ecological scales represent, or lead to, a shift to a

new community type, and hence the crossing of resilience thresholds? What has

been the capacity of faunal communities and populations to resist, recover, adapt or

transform in response to past climate changes or other disturbances? Despite the

urgent need for appropriate biodiversity conservation strategies, our capacity to

address these questions is limited by a lack of knowledge about (a) how faunal

communities change over different time scales in response to disturbance (including


climate change), (b) the natural range of variability expressed by an ecosystem at

different spatial, temporal and ecological scales, (c) the ecological, environmental

and climatic thresholds beyond which ecosystems change state and (d) how

sampling variance (‘noise’) is differentiated from true variation (‘signal’) in

community dynamics from long-term ecological records (Willis et al. 2005; 2007;

NBSRTG 2009).

Here, we examine natural variation in a small mammal palaeocommunity preserved

in two proximal, contemporaneous small mammal fossil assemblages of the

Naracoorte Caves (Fig. 6.1; Table 6.1). These sites preserve bone-rich, well

stratified and chronologically constrained fossil assemblages of late Quaternary age,

providing an opportunity to examine natural variation of many extant taxa which

today persist in communities non-analogous to those of Pleistocene Naracoorte

(Macken et al. 2012; Macken and Reed 2013).

The aims of this research were to (a) examine how sampling variation within and

between sites, and temporal resolution affect perceived patterns of variation and/or

stability in the fossil assemblages, (b) determine if and how the palaeocommunity

reorganised in response to climate change associated with the last glacial cycle, and

(c) identify how variation in different ecological variables contributed to the

persistence or reorganisation of the palaeocommunity at different scales (temporal

and ecological). Using local and regional palaeoclimatic and environmental

indicators (e.g., estimated sea-surface temperatures from offshore south-eastern

South Australia and a vegetation record preserved in Blanche Cave), we also

identify climatic and environmental changes associated with significant episodes of

faunal turnover recorded in the fossil assemblages.

We use the terminology of Bennington and Bambach (1996) in describing the

assemblages sampled from single stratigraphic units or layers as a ‘local

palaeocommunity’. We also use the terms ‘palaeocommunity’ and

‘palaeocommunity type’ to describe groups of samples that are statistically

indistinguishable and groups of samples that are similar but are statistically

distinguishable, respectively (Bennington and Bambach 1996). These and other

palaeoecology-specific and numeric terms used throughout the text are described in


Table 6.2. We recognise that given the extent of time-averaging, biasing and

information loss through taphonomic processes in fossil assemblages, a local

palaeocommunity is not equivalent to a local community observed in neontolgoical

studies where contemporaneity can be established. However, this terminology

provides a useful basis for describing the different types of samples examined from

the fossil assemblages and an ecological hierarchy from which to describe the

biological significance of natural variation observed with time.

Study region The South East region of South Australia is today characterised climatically by

cool, wet winters and long, mild, dry summers, placing it in the temperate climate

zone (Hopton 2003). Annual rainfall and mean maximum temperatures range from

c. 775 mm and 19oC in Mount Gambier to c. 470 mm and c. 22oC in Keith, located

in the southern and northern ends of the region respectably. Naracoorte is located in

the centre of south-eastern South Australia and has an annual rainfall of c. 580 mm

and mean maximum temperature of c. 21oC (Hopton 2003). Mean sea-surface

temperature along the western coastal edge of the region is in the range of 16 to

18oC (Bureau of Meteorology, 2013). Across the region, effective precipitation

(rainfall > evaporation rate) occurs only during the winter.

The region is geomorphically complex, with a range of landforms that historically

(immediately pre-European colonisation) supported a diverse range of vegetation

communities (Croft 2003). The variety of landforms and vegetation communities

supported a diverse mammal fauna through the Pleistocene and into historical times.

Forty-one small mammal species (excluding bats) have been identified from

Naracoorte fossil sites dated from c. 50 to 1 kyr BP (Macken and Reed 2013).

Biological surveys in 1997 and museum records indicate that 26 small mammal taxa

were known from the region at the time of European arrival and through to more

recent times (Robinson et al. 2000; Foulkes et al. 2003). South-eastern South

Australia represents the western-limit of the mainland distribution of many extant

south-eastern Australian small mammal species, while others are more widespread

across the continent (Van Dyck and Strahan 2008).


Table 6.1 Upper and lower 95% highest probability density ranges and median modelled ages for

the top and bottom boundaries of the Wet and Blanche Cave units and phases, from Macken et al.

(2013b). Modelled ages calibrated using the IntCal09 calibration curve (Reimer et al. 2009) with a

Southern Hemisphere offset of 56±24 years applied (McCormac et al. 2004).

Wet Cave Blanche Cave

Modelled calibrated age

(cal yr BP)

Modelled calibrated age

(cal yr BP)

95% 95%

Unit/ Phase

Boundaries from to median

Unit/ Phase

Boundaries from to median

Unit F top 680 -43 364

Unit F bottom 10,313 662 6,374

Unit E top 10,491 9,204 10,194

E6 bottom 10,870 10,252 10,470

E5 top 11,151 10,410 10,789

E5 bottom 12,416 10,671 11,206

E4 top 13,604 10,948 12,099

E4 bottom 14,291 11,536 13,085

E3 top 14,810 12,646 13,986

E3 bottom 15,520 14,019 14,512

E2 top 16,183 14,202 15,094

E2 bottom 16,611 14,624 15,729

E1 top 16,816 15,213 16,358 E* top 15,450 9,858 14,589

Unit E bottom 17,130 15,601 16,649 E* bottom 16,540 15,544 16,098

Unit C top 18,406 16,197 17,120 C2 top 17,419 16,657 17,065

C2 bottom 17,802 16,908 17,227

C1 top 18,381 17,075 17,510

Unit C bottom 21,928 16,885 18,425 C1 bottom 21,894 19,935 20,804

Unit B top 24,138 18,599 22,205 B1 top 23,855 20,405 21,756

Unit B bottom 28,383 24,348 25,423 B1 bottom 28,838 24,114 25,251

Unit A top 29,889 24,954 27,361 A4 top 31,742 24,249 28,906

A4 bottom 32,502 31,456 31,911

A3 top 32,751 31,660 32,199

A3 bottom 33,656 31,843 32,632

A2 top 35,130 32,402 34,009

A2 bottom 40,131 33,988 35,845

A1 top 42,244 35,836 39,971

Unit A bottom 56,032 46,523 50,114 A1 bottom 59,997 46,259 51,360


Table 6.2 Palaeoecological and numeric terms used throughout the text.

Term Definition

Local palaeocommunity Fossil assemblage associated with samples from a single stratigraphic

unit or phase (sensu Bennington and Bambach 1996). Defined by

values for ecological variables, as described below.

Palaeocommunity Statistically indistinguishable local palaeocommunities based on

ecological variables (sensu Bennington and Bambach 1996).

Palaeocommunity type Similar but not statistically identical local palaeocommunities based on

ecological variables (sensu Bennington and Bambach 1996).

Time-averaging The amount of time represented in a single stratigraphic unit or phase.

Chronological resolution The precision of median modelled calibrated ages for the upper and

lower boundaries of units and phases, as measured by 95% highest

probability density ranges (equivalent to 95% confidence interval;

Table 6.1 and Fig. 6.1).

Macroscale Temporal scale of stratigraphic units A, B, C and E(*) in Wet and

Blanche caves (Table 6.1).

Mesoscale Temporal scale of stratigraphic phases A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, C1, C2

(Blanche Cave) and E1, E2, E3, E4, E5 and E6 (Wet Cave; Table 6.1).

Ecological variables • Whole-palaeocommunity attributes: species richness, composition,

rank-order abundance (structure), relative abundance of species.

• Relative abundance of individual species.

Site-effects Difference in mean values of an ecological variable between replicate

samples of the local palaeocommunity from Wet and Blanche Cave.

Significant when 95% CI does not include the value 0.

Time-effects Difference in mean values of an ecological variable between

consecutive local palaeocommunity samples at either the macro- or

mesoscale. Significant when 95% CI does not include the value 0.

Natural variation Statistically significant variation (time-effects) in ecological variables

at either the macro- or mesoscale.

Temporal stability in

ecological variable

Period of time over which an ecological variable does not demonstrate

statistically significant variation.


Geological setting of the Naracoorte Caves The Naracoorte Caves are a complex of 26 caves distributed within an uplifted

portion of the Oligocene to Miocene aged Gambier Limestone and are located

south-east of Naracoorte (Fig. 6.1). The uplifted section of the Gambier Limestone

is overlain by the East Naracoorte Ridge, the oldest of the Pleistocene beach dune

facies which transect the South East region (Murray-Wallace et al. 2001). The caves

formed through phreatic dissolution and structural processes along joints in the

Gambier Limestone (Wells et al. 1984; Lewis et al. 2006), first opening to the

surface from at least the Middle Pleistocene (c. 530 ka) as indicated by optically

stimulated luminescence dating of bone-bearing clastic sediments from an

assemblage in Cathedral Cave (5U12 13; Prideaux et al. 2007).

There are 100 known fossil vertebrate fossil deposits ranging in age from the

Middle Pleistocene to the Holocene within the Naracoorte Caves (Macken et al.

2013a; Macken and Reed 2013). The two deposits examined here (Wet Cave

Entrance Chamber: 5U10 and Blanche Cave 3rd Chamber: 5U6) are largely

contemporaneous, together spanning the last glacial cycle from c. 51.4 to 10.2 kyr

BP (Darrénougué et al. 2009; St. Pierre et al. 2012; Macken et al. 2013a, b).

The Naracoorte Caves are registered with the Australian Karst Index (Matthews

1985) and are identified by unique cave numbers (e.g., 5U10 11), referred to in text.

‘5’ identifies the state of South Australia, ‘U’ the Upper South East and the

numbers (e.g. 10 11) indicate entrances associated with each registered cave.

Chronology and stratigraphy of Wet and Blanche caves The stratigraphic and geochronological contexts of the fossil deposits of Wet and

Blanche caves are described in Darrénougué et al. (2009), St Pierre et al. (2009), St

Pierre et al. (2012) and Macken et al. (2013a). Bayesian age-depth models for the

two deposits were developed by Macken et al. (2013b) and were used as the

chronological and stratigraphic framework for the faunal analyses presented here

(Fig. 6.1; Table 6.1). The Bayesian age-depth models integrated stratigraphic

information for the two sites and 14C determinations from charcoal collected across

the sequences. A total of 20 14C determinations were used to build the Wet Cave

model and 40 for the Blanche Cave model (Macken et al. 2013b). We discuss U/Th


dates from speleothem straws (St Pierre et al. 2009, 2012) in conjunction with the

age-models and 14C determinations in terms of potential reworking of sediments

and bone material in the later sections of the paper. Here we provide a general

description of the depositional sequences and the age-models as a context for the

temporal division and relationships of the fossil assemblages within and between

the two sites.

The Wet Cave fossil deposit is composed of four un-reworked depositional units

(A, B, C and E; Fig. 6.1; Table 6.1). Unit D and the uppermost unit F contain

reworked sedimentary and bone material older than the depositional context and

were consequently excluded from the faunal analysis. Units A, B and C lack

internal laminations and provide macroscale, time-averaged samples of the fossil

assemblage through the period from c. 50.1 to 17.1 kyr BP, with maximum

modelled durations for the units ranging from c. 30.5 to 4.5 kyrs at the 95% highest

probability density (hpd) range (Macken et al. 2013b; Table 6.1). These

depositional units correspond to broad climatic phases of the last glacial cycle

(marine isotope stage 3 (MIS-3) and last glacial maximum (LGM) in MIS-2;

Macken et al. 2013a, b). Unit E is dated to the MIS-2 deglaciation and is composed

of six layers (phases E1, oldest to E6, youngest), identified by sedimentary

characteristics and representing discrete phases of sediment and bone accumulation

(Macken et al. 2013a, b). The maximum modelled temporal durations of these

phases range from 180 to 370 years at the 95% hpd, providing a finer, mesoscale

resolution for the MIS-2 deglaciation period of c. 16.7 to 10.2 kyr BP represented

by Wet Cave unit E (Macken et al. 2013a; Fig. 6.1; Table 6.1).

The deposit in Blanche Cave closely resembles that of Wet Cave in terms of the

general sequence of sediment types through the sequence and depositional age, but

differs in the depth profile and by the number of sedimentary layers present

(Macken et al. 2013a, b). Twenty-seven sedimentary layers were originally

identified in the Blanche Cave section based on visual observation during

excavation. Following analysis of the sediments and further examination of the

stratigraphy, these layers were subsequently aggregated into seven separate phases

(A1 to C2; Table E.1 Appendix E).


Statistical correlation of the Wet and Blanche Cave sequences showed that phases

A1 to C2 from Blanche Cave grouped into units temporally equivalent with those of

Wet Cave units A, B and C (Macken et al. 2013b; Table 6.1; Fig. 6.1). Together,

phases A1 to A4 were temporally correlated with unit A in Wet Cave, phase B1

with unit B, and phases C1 to C2 with unit C (Table E.1 Appendix E). These

multiple phases provide a finer, mesoscale resolution for units A, B and C. The use

of units and phases as coarse and fine samples of the palaeocommunity,

respectively, mirrors the approach used by Bobe et al. (2002), who examined

temporal trends in mammal faunas at two time scales from a Southern Ethiopian

hominin site. Unfortunately, there were no phases in Blanche Cave which were

temporally equivalent to Wet Cave unit E. Consequently, the upper section of the

Blanche Cave sequence is referred to in text as unit E* (Table 6.1; Macken et al.



Sample collection and fossil identification The fossil assemblage from Wet Cave was collected in 1998 and 1999 by David

Bartholomeusz from two 1x1 m pits established down the edge of the sediment

cone filling the 5U10 entrance chamber. Excavation of the pits followed natural

stratigraphic layers ranging from 1.5 to 10 cm thick, to a total depth of 3.5 m (Fig.

6.1). Each layer was divided into four 0.5 m2 quadrants (A to D) which were

excavated separately (Macken et al. 2013a).

The fossil assemblage from Blanche Cave came from a single 1x1 m grid square

(A3) excavated in the 3rd chamber of the cave (5U6) in 2006/7 by EHR. The pit was

excavated to a depth of 1 m, following the 27 laminations and layers observed in the

stratigraphy which had been exposed by a previous excavation adjacent to the grid

square used for this study (Laslett 2006).

Cranio-dental specimens of all small mammals (body mass ≤2.5 kg; excluding

bats), including the larger Trichosurus vulpecula and Dasyurus maculatus, were

sorted from bulk material excavated from the two sites following wet-screening

through sieves of 1 to 2 mm2. The assemblages are biased towards small mammals

as they are largely owl-pellet derived. Barn owl (Tyto alba) and Masked owl (Tyto


novaehollandiae) are the most likely predatory agents responsible for the deposits

as evidenced by the presence of these species within the fossil assemblages, the

prevalence of complete skeletal elements and presence of digestive corrosion

consistent with tytonid owls (McDowell 2001; Laslett 2006). Although of greater

body mass, T. vulpecula and D. maculatus were included in the faunal analysis as

they are represented by juvenile specimens and hence, may be a component of the

largely owl-pellet derived assemblages.

For identification, cranio-dental specimens were compared with modern and sub-

fossil specimens in the South Australian Museum and modern specimens held by

the Australian Museum as described in Macken and Reed (2013). Published

descriptions of species cranio-dental morphology were also used to aid species

identification where available. Two un-diagnosed taxa were identified in the fossil

assemblages (Dasyuridae sp. 1 and Sminthopsis sp. 1) and are discussed by Macken

and Reed (2013).

Previous analysis of the Wet Cave assemblage by McDowell (2001) showed that

murids composed 81% of the fauna (c. 14,000 cranio-dental specimens). Due to this

abundance of material, murids were sub-sampled from the Wet Cave collection. For

layers where the total Number of Identified Specimens (NISP) of murids was >300

(as indicated in the data tables presented in McDowell 2001), only specimens from

quadrant A were examined, approximating 25% of the bulk material for the layer

(Macken and Reed 2013). For layers where the NISP of murids was <300,

specimens from all quadrants were identified. Marsupial NISP was determined from

the sum of specimens identified from all quadrants.

As in Wet Cave, murid cranio-dental specimens from Blanche Cave composed 80%

of the fauna (c. 18,000 cranio-dental specimens, counted during analysis) and were

sub-sampled. For layers where the number of murid specimens counted was >300,

only specimens from a random sample of 25% of the volume of bulk material for

the layer were identified (see Macken and Reed, 2013), approximating the quadrant

method used in Wet Cave. All marsupial specimens from grid square A3 were



All specimens identified from Wet and Blanche caves were registered to the

Flinders University fossil collection (Wet Cave: FU20000 to 20997; Blanche Cave:

FU14100 to 14685).

Faunal analysis: data standardisation The total NISP for each murid taxon in the sub-sampled layers was estimated by

multiplying the proportion of each taxon by the total murid NISP for the layer (e.g.,

Blanche Cave Layer 3 had a total counted murid NISP = 782. The sub-sampled

murid NISP for Layer 3 = 147. The proportion of Pseudomys apodemoides in the

sub-sample for Layer 3 = 0.17, based on 25 specimens identified to this taxon.

Therefore, the estimated total NISP for P. apodemoides in Layer 3 was 0.17 x 782 =


We recognise that our sub-sampling strategy may have resulted in some murid taxa

not being identified from the sub-sampled layers, particularly if they were very rare

in the assemblage. We tested for such an effect by constructing rarefaction curves

for the sub-sampled layers and those where all specimens were identified.

Rarefaction curves show that for most samples, the number of species in both the

sub-sampled and completely sampled layers approaches asymptote, suggesting

negligible sampling effects (Figs. E.1 and E.2 Appendix E). We also note that the

minimum sub-sampled murid NISP from a single layer from Wet and Blanche

caves was 65, greater than the minimum NISP of any marsupial species (Wet Cave

phase E1=36). Rarefaction analysis was conducted in the palaeontological software

package PAST (Hammer et al. 2001).

NISP values of the small mammal faunas were used to calculate the local

palaeocommunity metrics detailed below and were quantified at the two time scales

(macro- and meso-) available in the deposits. For analysis, the NISP of Pseudomys

novaehollandiae was incorporated into the NISP of P. apodemoides due to the

difficulties in separating these taxa from cranio-dental specimens (Macken and

Reed 2013).

To allow for comparison of the local palaeocommunity sampled between and within

the two sites at both the macro- and meso- time scales, all samples were


standardised to the lowest NISP from a unit or phase (Wet Cave phase E1 = 303)

using bootstrapping, following the methods of Blois et al. (2010) and Chernick

(2008). One-thousand bootstrap samples for each unit and phase were generated by

resampling with replacement, using the proportion of each species in the original

samples as weights. Resampling was conducted in R version 2.15.1 (R Core Team,


Faunal analysis: whole-palaeocommunity and individual species variables Species richness (number of species) and evenness (probability of interspecific

encounter; PIE) were calculated using the bootstrapped, sample-size standardised

data. Richness and evenness together reflect diversity and are commonly calculated

for fossil assemblages (e.g., Blois et al. 2010; Terry 2010a, b) and modern

ecological communities (e.g., Kelly et al. 2010). Richness is generally considered to

reflect ecosystem productivity and habitat heterogeneity (Hadly and Barnosky

2009; Bateman et al. 2010) while evenness reflects the distribution of relative

abundance of species within faunal assemblages.

We also calculated the following beta diversity measures:

• Composition (species presence/absence; Jaccard similarity index),

• Species rank-order abundance (abundance rankings; Spearman’s

Rho, ρ) and

• Relative abundance of species (Bray-Curtis similarity index),

following Rahel (1990).

These metrics are commonly calculated for fossil assemblages (e.g., Terry 2010b)

and provide a nested hierarchy for evaluating the ecological extent of variation and

stability within the palaeocommunity (Belmaker and Hovers, 2011). The Jaccard

and Bray-Curtis similarity indices were calculated from the bootstrapped sample-

size standardised data using R, and Spearman’s rank-order abundance correlations

from the original, un-bootstrapped data in SPSS version 19 (IBM Corp 2010). The

95% confidence intervals of the bootstrapped sample means were calculated using

the upper and lower 2.5% percentiles of the bootstrapped distributions following

Chernick (2008) and Dalby et al. (2013). Confidence intervals for Spearman’s


correlation coefficients were calculated using the Fisher transformation as outlined

in Zar (1996).

The significance of mean Jaccard similarity was assessed using the upper and lower

critical values published by Real (1999). The critical values provide the probability

that an observed Jaccard index value is different from what would be expected at

random, given the number of taxa within the two samples.

The significance of Spearman’s Rho was tested against the null hypothesis that

species abundance ranks were not associated between samples (ρ=0). For all tests,

significance was assessed at α=0.01 to reduce the chance of Type 1 error associated

with multiple comparisons. We used this more conservative significance level as an

alternative to the strict adjustments enforced by more commonly used procedures

such as Bonferroni correction which can inflate the likelihood of Type 2 errors

(Verhoeven et al. 2005).

Finally, the relative abundances of individual species and associated 95%

confidence intervals were calculated using the “plus-four” method as outlined in

Agresti and Caffo (2000) and Moore and McCabe (2007). This method is preferred

to the standard confidence interval for proportions as it is less likely to produce

confidence intervals that are smaller than 95%.

Faunal analysis: site- and time-effects As the fossil assemblages are located within 500 m of each other, we tested the

similarity of the palaeocommunity preserved in each site as a basis for assessing the

reliability of observed temporal variation at the species and whole-assemblage

levels. This approach was endorsed by Bennington and Bambach (1996), but is

rarely applied to vertebrate fossil localities where typically, there is only one

assemblage available for a given time period.

Site based sampling effects were calculated for species richness and evenness as the

difference in means of the 1000 bootstrap samples for comparisons between units

A, B, C and E(*) sampled from the two sites, following Nakagawa and Cuthill

(2007) and Dalby et al. (2013). We adopted this method as it provides information


about the magnitude and precision of effects and is useful when multiple

comparisons are being considered (Di Stefano 2004; Nakagawa 2004; Nakagawa

and Cuthill 2007). Site-effects on the relative abundances of individual species were

quantified using the mean difference in species proportions. Site-based similarity of

the beta diversity measures were examined by calculating these measures for all

unit comparisons between the two sites (e.g., Wet Cave unit A v. Blanche Cave unit


The effects of time-averaging on patterns of variability (time-effects) were

examined by studying the assemblages at the two temporal scales available in the

deposit: (a) the coarse, macroscale corresponding to broad climatic phases of the

last glacial cycle (e.g., marine isotope stage (MIS)-3, the Last Glacial Maximum

(LGM) and MIS-2 deglaciation), and (b) the finer, mesoscale of millennia or

centuries, enabling variation within these broader climatic phases to be examined.

Time-effects on species richness and evenness were quantified as the difference in

means of the 1000 bootstrap samples between consecutive units and phases within

each site. Time-effects on the relative abundances of individual species were

examined using the mean difference in proportions of consecutive units and phases.

The beta diversity measures were also calculated for consecutive units and phases.

To examine similarity amongst all units and phases and to assess overall temporal

trends at the macro- and mesoscales, we additionally used the unweighted paired-

group method of hierarchical cluster analysis based on arithmetic means, using

Jaccard and Bray-Curtis similarity (using the bootstrapped sample-size standardised

NISP values), and Spearman’s Rho (original NISP values), similar to the approach

of Belmaker and Hovers (2011). As a multivariate technique, cluster analysis

facilitated a comparison of all units and phases, rather than between consecutive

units and phases only. Although cluster analysis does not provide a test of

significance of the similarities among samples, we used bootstrapping to test the

consistency of nodes in the cluster dendrogram (1000 resamples). Nodes of ≥ 95%

support were considered to be different from random (Jackson et al. 2010). Cluster

analysis was performed in PAST version 2.02.

Given the range of depositional and post-depositional processes that can contribute

to the heterogeneity of species relative abundances between samples within a single


sedimentary horizon (Bennington and Bambach 1996), we additionally examined

the significance of temporal trends in species proportions using the Cochran-

Armitage test (Chi-square test for linear trend), following Zar (1996) and Cannon

(2000). The test was applied at the macroscale on those species that recorded

presences in at least three units, and at the mesoscale, on those species that occurred

in at least four phases. Cochran-Armitage tests for the effect of sample size on

observed trends in proportion data by dividing the total chi-square value into two

parts: one that is due to a linear trend in abundance and another due to departure

from linearity, such as curvilinear trends (Cannon 2001). The test was performed

with the ‘Chi-square and Cochran’s Calculator’ Microsoft Excel macro created by

Cannon. We used the Type I error rate of α=0.01 for Cochran’s test.

The statistical significance of site and time-effects was established on the a basis

that the 95% confidence interval of the effect size did not contain 0. Significant

time-effects were additionally judged on the basis that time-effect size was greater

than site-effect size (based on overlap of 95% confidence intervals of site and time-

effects), following Cumming (2009) and noting the cautions of Schenker and

Gentleman (2001). Non-statistically significant changes in community attributes

with time were considered as ‘noise,’ cautioning against over-interpretation of

ecological meaning. In contrast, given the extent of sampling variation inherent in

fossil assemblages, statistically significant variation was considered to also be

ecologically significant (‘signal’). We acknowledge that this does not mean that

non-statistically significant variation is not ecologically meaningful, only that our

confidence in the observed trends is limited by sampling variation.

Palaeoclimatic and environmental context The faunal data were compared against late Quaternary sea-surface temperatures

(SST) reconstructed from marine core MD03-2607 collected from offshore south-

eastern South Australia (Lopes dos Santos et al. 2012). SSTs were plotted at the

temporal resolution of the original core data and as mean values time-averaged over

the temporal durations of the units and phases of Wet and Blanche caves (based on

the maximum median ages of the upper and lower unit and phase boundaries; Table

6.1). Mean SST time-averaged over the upper and lower 95% hpd ranges of the top


and bottom boundaries of the units and phases, respectively, resulted in almost

identical values as those time-averaged within the median ages.

Pollen data from a sediment core collected from the 3rd chamber of Blanche Cave

were used as a proxy for the broad types of vegetation local to the Naracoorte Caves

over the last glacial cycle (Darrénougué et al. 2009). Mean percentages of woody,

herbaceous and woody-herbaceous taxa were calculated from samples

corresponding to each of units A, B, C and E*. The Naracoorte Cave speleothem

growth record was used as an indicator of effective moisture availability over the

late Quaternary for this locality (Ayliffe et al. 1999).


Data summary Thirty-nine small mammal taxa were identified from 6,749 specimens from Wet

Cave and 7,161 from Blanche Cave units A, B, C and E* and their associated

phases (Table E.1 Appendix E). The total, murid sub-sample adjusted NISP for the

assemblages were 11,075 (Wet) and 18,216 (Blanche).

Sampling variation of the local palaeocommunity: site-effects No significant site-effects on species richness were detected between units A, B, C

and E(*) of Wet and Blanche caves (Fig. 6.2; Table 6.3). By comparison, significant

site-based sampling variation was evident in the evenness of the assemblages of

units A, B and C between the two sites (Fig. 6.2; Table 6.3).


Figure 6.2 Macroscale trends in species richness and evenness (probability of interspecific

encounter, PIE) of the small mammal assemblages of Wet and Blanche caves. Values shown are the

mean ± upper and lower 2.5% percentiles (equiv. to 95% confidence intervals) of 1000 bootstrap re-

samples standardised to a sample size of 303 specimens for all units. Vertical dotted lines indicate

the median upper and lower modelled ages of units A, B, C and E(*) from the two sites. Upper and

lower 95% highest probability density ranges for these median ages are presented in Table 6.1 and

Fig. 6.1.


Table 6.3 Mean site- and time-effect sizes (difference between means) for species richness and

evenness (Probability of Interspecific encounter, PIE) of 1000 bootstrap re-samples standardised to a

sample size of 303 specimens for all units and phases. 95% confidence intervals are the 2.5% upper

and lower percentiles of the bootstrapped mean. Asterisks indicate statistically significant effects

where the 95% confidence interval does not include the value zero.

Species richness PIE



(2.5% percentiles)


(2.5% percentiles)

Site-effects Wet E – Blanche E* 2.747 (-2, 7) 0.008 (-0.023, 0.036)

Wet C – Blanche C -0.073 (-4, 4) -0.040 (-0.082, -0.002)*

Wet B – Blanche B -2.937 (-6, 0) -0.044 (-0.081, -0.006)*

Wet A – Blanche A -3.643 (-8, 1) -0.064 (-0.108, -0.017)*

Time-effects (macroscale)

Wet E – C 3.174 (-1, 8) 0.054 (0.015, 0.094)*

Wet C – B 3.429 (-1, 7) 0.015 (-0.028, 0.061)

Wet B – A -0.611 (-5, 3) 0.043 (-0.001, 0.086)

Blanche E* – C 0.354 (-4, 5) 0.006 (-0.025, 0.036)

Blanche C – B 0.565 (-3, 4) 0.011 (-0.023, 0.046)

Blanche B – A -1.317 (-6, 3) 0.023 (-0.015, 0.062)

Time-effects (mesoscale)

E6 - E5 4.030 (0, 8) -0.039 (-0.081, 0.001)

E5 - E4 1.123 (-2, 4) 0.014 (-0.021, 0.046)

E4 - E3 1.476 (-1, 4) -0.002 (-0.037, 0.032)

E3 - E2 0.141 (-2 2) 0.023 (-0.011, 0.057)

E2 - E1 1.362 (-1, 4) 0.014 (-0.027, 0.057)

E1 - C2 -4.494 (-8, -1)* -0.046 (-0.085, -0.009)*

C2 - C1 -1.129 (-5, 3) -0.022 (-0.055, 0.010)

C1 - B1 0.501 (-3, 4) 0.022 (-0.014, 0.057)

B1 - A4 -1.950 (-6, 2) -0.017 (-0.052, 0.015)

A4 - A3 0.800 (-4, 6) 0.015 (0.016, 0.046)

A3 - A2 -0.145 (-5, 5) 0.046 (0.007, 0.087)*

A2 - A1 1.311 (-4, 6) -0.002 (-0.046, 0.044)


Jaccard similarity and rank-order abundance correlations for the units compared

between Wet and Blanche caves were higher than expected at random, reflecting

highly similar assemblage composition and structure between the two sites (Table

6.4). Mean Bray-Curtis similarities between Wet and Blanche caves were greater

than 0.75 (Table 6.4). The similarity of the assemblages from Wet and Blanche

caves for each of these beta-diversity measures was reflected in the dendrograms of

the cluster analysis; however in all cases, units E and E* were separated on the first

or second node with 100% bootstrap support (Fig. 6.3).

Site-effect sizes on the relative abundances of individual species were variable as

shown in Figure 6.4 and Table E.2 (Appendix E). Species proportions in Blanche

Cave fell within a maximum range of 15% of those recorded in Wet Cave for all



Table 6.4 Similarity index values (Jaccard and Bray-Curtis) and Spearman’s rank-order correlations between contemporaneous units of Wet and Blanche caves. For Jaccard and

Bray-Curtis similarity, the data presented are the mean of 1000 bootstrap re-samples standardised to a sample size of 303 specimens for all and 95% confidence intervals are the

2.5% upper and lower percentiles of the bootstrapped mean. 95% confidence intervals for Spearman’s Rho were calculated using the Fisher transformation. All Jaccard similarity

index values and Spearman’s ranks are significantly higher than expected at random (α=0.01). No significance test is available for Bray-Curtis similarity.


mean (2.5% percentiles)

# species in


Spearman’s Rho

mean (95% CI)


mean (2.5% percentiles)

Wet E-Blanche E* 0.581 (0.458, 0.708) 33 0.702 (0.493, 0.835) 0.758 (0.721, 0.797)

Wet C-Blanche C 0.621 (0.478, 0.765) 29 0.831 (0.696, 0.909) 0.841 (0.795, 0.889)

Wet B-Blanche B 0.707 (0.550, 0.833) 22 0.853 (0.733, 0.922) 0.801 (0.763, 0.839)

Wet A-Blanche A 0.635 (0.478, 0.790) 36 0.585 (0.326, 0.762) 0.824 (0.781, 0.871)


Figure 6.3 Unweighted paired-group mean dendrograms of units A, B, C and E(*) of Wet and

Blanche caves, clustered based on (A) Jaccard similarity, (B) Spearman’s Rho and (C) Bray-Curtis

similarity. Jaccard and Bray-Curtis similarity measured from mean number of specimens of each

taxon in a sample based on 1000 bootstrap re-samples standardised to a total sample size of 303

specimens. Spearman’s Rho calculated from total sample for each unit. The bootstrap probability of

each node is based on 1000 re-samples.


Figure 6.4 Mean ± 95% confidence interval of site-effect size (difference between means) of species

proportions in Blanche Cave compared with Wet Cave. Confidence intervals were calculated using

the “plus four” method as outlined in Agresti and Caffo (2000) and Moore and McCabe (2007).

Species codes are presented in Table E.1 (Appendix E).


Macroscale time-effects on palaeocommunity metrics Species richness and Jaccard similarity showed no significant macroscale variation

through either Wet or Blanche caves (Figs. 6.2 and 6.5; Tables 6.3 and 6.5).

Significant macroscale time-effects on evenness, rank-order abundance and Bray-

Curtis similarity were detected only between Wet Cave units C and E (Table 6.5;

Fig. 6.5). These time-effects were reflected in the cluster analysis which showed

that Wet Cave unit E was more different in terms of species abundances and

structure to Wet and Blanche cave units A, B and C than the latter were to each

other, with 100% bootstrap support (Fig. 6.3).

Figure 6.5 Jaccard and Bray-Curtis similarity indices and Spearman rank-order abundance

correlations (Spearman’s Rho) between adjacent units of Wet and Blanche caves. All metrics except

Spearman’s Rho are presented as the mean ± upper and lower 2.5% percentiles (equiv. to 95%

confidence intervals) of 1000 bootstrap re-samples standardised to a sample size of 303 specimens

for all units. Spearman’s Rho calculated from total sample for each unit and 95% confidence

intervals calculated using the Fisher transformation (Zar 1996).


Mesoscale time effects on palaeocommunity metrics At the mesoscale, species richness declined from phase C2 to E1 and ranged at the

95% confidence level from -8 to -1 taxa (Fig. 6.6; Table 6.3). Evenness was more

variable than species richness at this finer temporal scale and there were two

significant time-effects on community evenness: an increase in evenness from phase

A2 to A3 and a decrease from phase C2 to E1. Although these values were

statistically significant, they were comparable to site-effect sizes on evenness

(Table 6.3).

Figure 6.6 Mesoscale trends in species richness and evenness (probability of interspecific encounter,

PIE) of the small mammal assemblages of Wet and Blanche caves. Values shown are the mean ±

upper and lower 2.5% percentiles (equiv. to 95% confidence intervals) of 1000 bootstrap re-samples

standardised to a sample size of 303 specimens for all phases. Vertical dotted lines indicate median

upper and lower modelled ages of the phases from Wet and Blanche caves. Upper and lower 95%

highest probability density ranges for these median ages are presented in Table 6.1 and Fig. 6.1.


Jaccard similarity was higher than expected at random between phases A1 to C2

(Table 6.5; Fig. 6.7). The lowest compositional similarity (Jaccard index) occurred

between phases E1 and C2 but was not significantly different from random and fell

within the range of site-effects measured from unit C in Wet and Blanche caves.

The Jaccard similarity values of E4-E3, E5-E4 and E6-E5 were also non-significant

(Table 6.5). In the cluster analysis based on Jaccard similarity, phases A1 to A4

were separated from B1 to E5 with 100% bootstrap support (Fig. 6.8). Phase E6

was separated from phases E1 to E5 (100% support) while the separation of phases

E1 to E4 from B1 to C2 was poorly supported (9%).

Table 6.5 Similarity index values and Spearman Rank correlations of adjacent units and phases at

the macro- and mesoscales, respectively, through Wet and Blanche caves. All mean Jaccard

similarity index values and Spearman’s ranks are significantly higher than expected at random

(p<0.01) with the exception of Jaccard similarity of Wet Cave unit E-C and phases E6-E5, E5-E4,

E4-E3 and E1-C2 (indicated by ‘NS’).

Jaccard mean (2.5% percentiles)

Spearman’s Rho mean (95% CI)

Bray-Curtis mean (2.5% percentiles)

Wet Cave E-C 0.530 (0.407, 0.666) NS 0.590 (0.320, 0.771) 0.684 (0.654, 0.711)

Wet Cave C-B 0.659 (0.524, 0.813) 0.867 (0.751, 0.931) 0.875 (0.828, 0.915)

Wet Cave B-A 0.702 (0.545, 0.875) 0.811 (0.655, 0.901) 0.826 (0.781, 0.876)

Blanche Cave E*-C 0.609 (0.478, 0.750) 0.795 (0.628, 0.892) 0.847 (0.802, 0.891)

Blanche Cave C-B 0.685 (0.542, 0.842) 0.845 (0.713, 0.919) 0.834 (0.787, 0.873)

Blanche Cave B-A 0.611 (0.478, 0.762) 0.771 (0.589, 0.878) 0.751 (0.713, 0.793)

E6-E5 0.544 (0.423, 0.682) NS 0.664 (0.425, 0.816) 0.680 (0.653, 0.710)

E5-E4 0.581 (0.476, 0.706) NS 0.717 (0.505, 0.848) 0.804 (0.759, 0.856)

E4-E3 0.610 (0.500, 0.734) NS 0.762 (0.575, 0.873) 0.812 (0.767, 0.861)

E3-E2 0.850 (0.688 1.000) 0.950 (0.903, 0.975) 0.851 (0.806, 0.896)

E2-E1 0.722 (0.600, 0.857) 0.859 (0.737, 0.927) 0.882 (0.830, 0.927)

E1-C2 0.540 (0.421, 0.666) NS 0.685 (0.467, 0.824) 0.778 (0.734, 0.826)

C2-C1 0.687 (0.550, 0.850) 0.871 (0.758, 0.933) 0.840 (0.881, 0.797)

C1-B1 0.718 (0.591, 0.850) 0.866 (0.749, 0.931) 0.816 (0.779, 0.854)

B1-A4 0.602 (0.478, 0.750) 0.763 (0.577, 0.874) 0.808 (0.763, 0.858)

A4-A3 0.634 (0.480, 0.810) 0.844 (0.711, 0.919) 0.887 (0.846, 0.942)

A3-A2 0.680 (0.524, 0.850) 0.909 (0.826, 0.953) 0.821 (0.781, 0.868)

A2-A1 0.662 (0.500, 0.824) 0.964 (0.929, 0.982) 0.879 (0.832, 0.921)


Figure 6.7 Jaccard and Bray-Curtis similarity and Spearman rank-order abundance correlations

(Spearman’s Rho) of adjacent phases of Wet and Blanche caves. All metrics except Spearman’s Rho

are presented as the mean ± upper and lower 2.5% percentiles (equiv. to 95% confidence intervals)

of 1000 bootstrap re-samples standardised to a sample size of 303 specimens for all phases.

Spearman’s Rho calculated from total sample for each phases and 95% confidence intervals

calculated using the Fisher transformation (Zar 1996).


Figure 6.8 Unweighted paired-group mean dendrograms of phases from Wet and Blanche caves,

clustered based on (A) Jaccard similarity, (B) Spearman’s Rho and (C) Bray-Curtis similarity.

Jaccard and Bray-Curtis similarity measured from mean number of specimens of each taxon in a

sample based on 1000 bootstrap re-samples standardised to a total sample size of 303 specimens.

Spearman’s Rho calculated from total sample for each unit. Bootstrap probability of each node based

on 1000 re-samples are presented.


The rank-order abundance correlations of phases A1 to C2 were high and ranged

between 0.763 and 0.964 (Fig. 6.7). A decline in correlation of 0.186 occurred from

phases C2-C1 to E1-C2 (Table 6.5), reflecting a similar temporal trend as the

Jaccard similarity index (Fig. 6.7). In the cluster analysis there was only 16%

bootstrap support for the separation of phases C2 and E1 based on rank-order

abundance, contrasting with phases E5 and E6 which together were separated from

all other phases with 100% bootstrap support. The rank-order abundance correlation

of units E1 and C2 also fell within the range of the site-effect associated with unit C

for this metric (Table 6.4).

Bray-Curtis similarity was more variable at the mesoscale than Jaccard similarity

and Spearman’s Rho as reflected in the cluster analysis which identified three

separate groups (phase E6; phases A3 to C2; phases A1 to A2 and E1 to E5) with

bootstrap support of 100% and 96%, respectively (Fig. 6.8). The separation of phase

E6 from all other phases in the cluster analysis is consistent with the low Bray-

Curtis similarity measured between phases E5 and E6 (Table 6.5) and shows that

relative abundance of species in phase E6 were more different to all other phases

than would be expected at random.

Time-effects on individual species relative abundances For nearly all taxa, the magnitude of site-effects on the relative abundance of

individual species exceeded any macroscale time-effect, severely limiting the extent

to which temporal variation in relative species abundances within individual sites

could be examined (Tables E.2–E.5 Appendix E). In addition, significant

macroscale linear trends in relative abundance were detected for only c. 35% of the

Blanche Cave taxa which occurred in three or more units (Table E.6 Appendix E).

Wet Cave provided more reliable estimates of macroscale trends in species

proportions, with 57% of taxa demonstrating significant linear trends in this site

(Table E.6 Appendix E). Only five species had significant linear trends in both

assemblages (Sminthopsis murina, Perameles gunnii, Notomys mitchellii,

Pseudomys auritus and Pseudomys australis), and in all cases, the patterns of

variation with time were similar, despite significant differences in relative

abundance values between the two sites for some units (Fig. 6.9; Table E.6).


In addition to the five species which demonstrated significant and similar trends in

abundance through the Wet and Blanche Cave sequences at the macroscale,

significant linear trends at this temporal resolution were detected for a further 10

species which occurred in at least three units of one of the two sites (Fig. 6.10).

Significant linear trends at the mesoscale were demonstrated by 15 of 32 species

identified from four or more phases (Table E.7 Appendix E; Fig. 6.11).


Figure 6.9 Mean ± 95% confidence interval of species

proportions demonstrating significant linear trends

(α=0.01) at the macroscale according to Cochran’s test

in both Wet and Blanche caves. Confidence intervals

were calculated using the “plus four” method as

outlined in Agresti and Caffo (2000) and Moore and

McCabe (2007). Vertical dotted lines indicate median

upper and lower modelled ages of the phases from Wet

and Blanche caves. Upper and lower 95% highest

probability density ranges for these median ages are

presented in Table 6.1 and Fig. 6.1.


Figure 6.10 Mean ± 95% confidence interval of species

proportions demonstrating significant linear trends

(α=0.01) at the macroscale in either Wet or Blanche

Cave. Confidence intervals were calculated using the

“plus four” method as outlined in Agresti and Caffo

(2000) and Moore and McCabe (2007). Vertical dotted

lines indicate median upper and lower modelled ages of

the phases from Wet and Blanche caves. Upper and

lower 95% highest probability density ranges for these

median ages are presented in Table 6.1 and Fig. 6.1.


Figure 6.11 Mean ± 95% confidence interval of species proportions

demonstrating significant linear trends (α=0.01) at the mesoscale (phases

A4–A1, B, C2–C1 of Blanche Cave, and phases E6–E1 of Wet Cave).

Confidence intervals were calculated using the “plus four” method as

outlined in Agresti and Caffo (2000) and Moore and McCabe (2007).

Vertical dotted lines indicate median upper and lower modelled ages of

the phases from Wet and Blanche caves. Upper and lower 95% highest

probability density ranges for these median ages are presented in Table

6.1 and Fig. 6.1.



Similarity of Wet and Blanche Cave fossil assemblages: palaeocommunity

variables The lack of statistically significant site-effects on species richness, composition and

abundance ranks, and high Bray-Curtis index values of the assemblages from Wet

and Blanche caves shows that overall, the two sites provided similar

palaeocommunity samples for each time period represented by units A, B, C and

E(*). This demonstrated similarity is consistent with expectations based on their

spatial proximity, similar temporal span and accumulation-mode (tytonid owls;

Macken and Reed 2013; Macken et al. 2013b). By comparison, significant

differences in assemblage evenness and the relative abundances of individual

species between the sites revealed sampling effects not evident in the metrics based

on species presence/absence and rank-order data.

Quantifying variability in local palaeocommunities is critical for testing patterns of

stasis and/or change in palaeocommunities across space and time (Bennington and

Bambach 1996). Thus, the similarity of palaeocommunity variables measured from

the assemblages of units A, B and C of Wet and Blanche caves suggests that any

temporal variability and/or stability observed in these metrics reflects real patterns

with time at the macroscale.

We note that the similarity of whole-assemblage variables measured directly

between Wet Cave unit E and Blanche Cave unit E* is surprising given that they are

not temporally equivalent (unit E* overlaps, but does not cover the entire temporal

period represented in Wet Cave unit E; Table 6.1; Macken et al. 2013b). One reason

for the similarity between these units may be the mixing of bone material of

Pleistocene and Holocene ages in unit E*. As shown by St Pierre et al. (2012),

Holocene aged speleothem (calcium carbonate) straws and charcoal are present in

Blanche Cave layers 1 and 3 which correspond to unit E* (Table E.1 Appendix E).

However, Pleistocene aged charcoal samples are also present in layers 1 to 3. The

mixed age of materials in these layers suggests that reworking occurred during or

following deposition. Site disturbance by human activity is the likely cause of such

mixing in the upper layers of the Blanche Cave deposit as the site has a long history

of visitation by European settlers in the region. In particular, guano collection in


Blanche Cave may have stripped the younger Holocene aged sediments from the

study site, resulting in disturbance to the Pleistocene aged layers that are today

represented by the top layers of the deposit (Darrénougué et al. 2009).

Alternatively, layers 1 to 3 may be Holocene aged and contaminated with

Pleistocene aged material as a result of the site disturbance. Further dating of

materials from the upper layers in Blanche Cave is required to understand the full

extent and nature of reworking that may have occurred over the history of the site.

However, regardless of the specific processes involved, the mixed age of sediments,

and potentially of fossil material in unit E*, may have increased the time-averaging

of fossil faunas in this section of Blanche Cave. Such mixing of faunas of different

ages can inflate species richness by increasing the likelihood of sampling rare fauna

(Hadly 1999), and/or by the consolidation of faunas from separate environmental

and climatic periods (Graham 1985). This greater time-averaging of the unit E*

faunas may account for the apparent similarity in whole-assemblage attributes

between this assemblage and that from Wet Cave unit E.

We also note that there are differences in the magnitude and significance of time-

effects between units E and C of Wet Cave and units E* and C of Blanche Cave.

This variation reveals sampling effects not captured by the alpha or beta diversity

metrics measured as site-effects alone. For example, divergence in the temporal

trends associated with units E and E* is evident in the cluster analyses, where units

E and E* are relatively more different to each other than units A, B and C. Of

particular note is Bray-Curtis similarity which shows that the relative abundances of

species from Wet Cave units C to E are more different than from Blanche Cave unit

C and E*, consistent with expectations based on the known temporal-inequality of

units E and E* (Table 6.5). Given the sampling limitations of Blanche Cave unit E*,

we do not provide any further evaluation of temporal trends between units C and E*

from this site.

Similarity of Wet and Blanche Cave fossil assemblages: relative abundance

of individual species While the palaeocommunity variables are similar between Wet and Blanche caves,

the relative abundances of individual species varied between contemporaneous

units. This is not surprising given the diverse range of processes involved in fossil


accumulation and which can contribute to spatial heterogeneity in fossil occurrences

within and among sites. Differences in the relative abundances of species between

contemporaneous units in Wet and Blanche caves are consistent with other studies

that have found that fossil specimens are not evenly distributed across a single

sedimentary horizon or across suitable habitat patches in living communities (e.g.,

Brown et al. 1995). For example, Bennington and Bambach (1996) found that

replicate samples of fossil molluscs and brachiopods from marine shales had

different underlying species abundance distributions, suggesting that time-averaging

in the shales was not long enough to reduce spatial variability in the relative

abundances of species within an assemblage. This heterogeneity may result from

patchiness in the living community, taphonomic processes and/or sampling error.

In the case of Wet and Blanche caves, taphonomic processes and sampling error are

expected to account for the site-based differences observed, rather than patchiness

in the living community. While it is expected that individuals of populations would

have been patchily distributed in the Pleistocene landscape around the caves, such

patchiness would have had a limited effect on the distribution of the relative

abundances of species in the assemblages given the sampling mode (transport of

animal remains to the caves by owls).

The influences of other biases such as variation in bone and/or teeth preservation

are commonly observed in fossil assemblages (e.g., Fernandez-Jalvo and Andrews

1992). To address these taphonomic concerns, Bobe et al. (2002) compared the

percentage occurrence of different skeletal-elements against taxonomic variability

through time to establish the extent to which changes in the abundances of species

may have been caused by taphonomic and/or ecological processes. Such an

approach was not suitable for the assemblages from Wet and Blanche caves where,

given the density of bone material, only cranio-dental specimens were identified.

Additionally, the bias towards small mammals throughout both sequences shows

that the primary taphonomic filter (tytonid owls) remained similar through the last

glacial cycle, when both the whole assemblage, including mammals with body mass

>2.5 kg (McDowell 2001; Laslett 2006) and only the small mammal component

(Fig E.3 Appendix E) are considered.


The Cochran-Armitage tests and relative magnitude of site- and time-effects show

that, for the majority of species, temporal trends in the relative abundances of

individual species could not be used to establish the stability or otherwise of species

populations through time. This lack of confidence in the relative abundance trends

arises both as a result of the sampling variance between the two sites and inadequate

sample sizes between consecutive units within single sites. However, of particular

note is that for those species where significant temporal trends were detected in

both sites, the trends were the same or very similar (Fig. 6.3). These results suggest

that where sampling was adequate, trends in species proportions were preserved in

the same way in the two deposits, regardless of the sampling variation between

them. This suggests that such trends are biologically significant.

Macro- versus mesoscale patterns of natural variation, persistence and

intrinsic thresholds of change To assess the ecological significance of temporal change observed in ecological

variables measured from the assemblages of Wet and Blanche caves, we integrated

the numeric hierarchy of Rahel (1990) and terminology of Bennington and

Bambach (1996; Table 6.2). According to Bennington and Bambach (1996), after

site-effects are accounted for, if two samples have statistically different species

abundance distributions, they may be assumed to have come from different

palaeocommunity types (Table 6.2). However, as noted by Rahel (1990), the

relative abundances of species within a community may be highly variable with

time while other variables such as rank-order abundance and composition remain

unchanged. Further, Hadly and Barnosky (2009) suggested that while changes in

the relative abundances of species are the “early warning signal” of environmental

impacts on species (p. 47), they also argued that changes in relative abundance

alone do not constitute significant change from a normal baseline of variation

operating at the species level within a palaeocommunity. Rather, based on evidence

from fossil and modern assemblages, they suggested that variation in the relative

abundances of species is the normal type of response to climate change and other

disturbances across different temporal scales.

Given these perspectives and the observation that relative abundances were poorly

sampled in the Wet and Blanche caves, we used the more conservative ecological


variable of rank-order abundance to assess the stability of the palaeocommunity

through last glacial cycle. This metric lies in the middle of Rahel’s (1990)

hierarchy. An ecological driver of stability in abundance ranks may be synchrony of

changes in the relative abundance of species within a community in response to

disturbance. This may reflect similar responses of individual species to

environmental or climatic changes (Rahel, 1990). However, individualistic

responses of populations (species) to climate change are more common and lead to

composite effects on communities (Stewart 2008). Of particular interest then was

whether the relative abundance of species through the last glacial cycle varied

individually and beyond thresholds operating within the palaeocommunity to lead to

a new rank-order abundance structure, and hence, a new palaeocommunity type?

In taking this approach, we acknowledge that Bennington and Bambach (1996)

cautioned against the use of non-parametric analysis of rank-order abundances.

They argued that even small differences in the NISP values of species between

samples makes them susceptible to accepting the null hypothesis (ρ=0, no

association between samples) when there is, in fact, an association or correlation of

species ranks between them. However, Spearman’s Rho is commonly used in the

analysis of fossil assemblages, particularly to assess the fidelity of live-dead

assemblages (e.g., Kidwell 2001; Terry 2010a, b). It has also been used in

ecological studies (e.g., Rabonsky et al. 2011) and has been suggested as a useful

measure for detecting early signs of change in ecological assemblages (Magurran

and Henderson 2010). Further, the alternative parametric ANOVA suggested by

Bennington and Bambach (1996) was not suitable for the present study as only a

limited number of replicates was available for the macroscale analysis (n=2), while

only single samples were available for each phase at the mesoscale.

This lack of sample replication is common in the study of vertebrate fossil

assemblages, where sample(s) are collected from quadrats or grids non-randomly

positioned within a depositional environment (e.g., river channel or cave floor), as

was the case for Wet and Blanche caves. Despite the collection of samples from

multiple quadrats in some vertebrate studies, they are rarely treated as independent

replicates as (a) specimens from different quadrats may have come from the same

individual, (b) samples from nearby quadrats are commonly pooled to increase


sample size until additional sampling effort is unlikely to recover new taxa

(“sampling to redundancy”; Lyman 2008, p. 143), and (3) there is often a limited

capacity to temporally correlate specimens between sites due to varying

depositional histories, temporal coverage and time-averaging. These and other

sampling issues and strategies associated with vertebrate fossil assemblages are

discussed in more detail elsewhere (e.g., Lyman 2008; Terry 2009).

Palaeocommunity reorganisation

Within the range of sampling variation observed between Wet and Blanche caves,

the macro- and mesoscale analyses suggest that a single palaeocommunity type

persisted from 51.4 to 17.1 kyr BP (95% CI: 60.0 to 16.7 kyr BP). This stability is

observed despite evidence for significant temporal variation (based on 95% CI and

time-effect > site-effect) in the relative abundances of some taxa over this time. By

comparison, the low rank-order abundance correlation of units C and E in Wet Cave

and separation of these units in the cluster analysis based on this variable with

100% bootstrap support suggests that the palaeocommunities from these two time

periods may be significantly different.

Palaeocommunity reorganisation between these units is reflected at the mesoscale in

the significant decline in species richness from phase C2 to E1. Species richness

does not appear in Rahel’s (1990) hierarchy but reflects community-level variation

at a scale consistent with composition as both of these metrics are based on species

presence/absence data. The variation in the presence of individual species within the

palaeocommunity likely reflects the dispersal of species from the region proximal to

the caves during phase E1, rather than local extinction: species absent from phase

E1 return to the Wet Cave record in one of phases E2 to E6 or the Holocene

samples of Robertson Cave entrance chamber (pers. obs.). Only one species may

have gone locally extinct over the transition of phase C2 to E1 (Bettongia gaimardi)

as this species is not known from younger fossil assemblages of the Naracoorte

Caves. Thus, despite our lack of confidence in the trends observed in the relative

abundances of individual species, the significant decline in species richness from

phase C2 to E1 reflects re-organisation of the palaeocommunity and the emergence,

at least during phase E1, of a new palaeocommunity type from that of the previous

c. 33 kyrs. We also note that the mean decline in species richness of five (based on


the sample-size standardised data; 95% CI: 1 to 8) from phase C2 to E1 is the same

as the decline in species richness of a small mammal assemblage over the

Pleistocene–Holocene transition in Samwell Cave, northern California (Blois et al.

2010). The loss of species observed in the Samwell Cave sequence at the end of the

Pleistocene was coincident with a decline of c. 0.15 in Jaccard similarity and c. 0.06

in Bray-Curtis similarity. These changes were interpreted as reflecting a

reorganisation of the palaeocommunity at the end of the Pleistocene (Blois et al.

2010). As the values measured from Samwell Cave are almost identical to the

differences between these metrics observed in the assemblages from Wet and

Blanche caves from phase C2 to E1, we interpret a similar degree of

palaeocommunity reorganisation in the Naracoorte small mammal faunas following

the last glacial maximum.

Interestingly, the high and statistically significant compositional similarity and

rank-order abundance correlation of phases E1 and E2, and phases E2 and E3

suggest a period of relative stability in the palaeocommunity from c. 16.7 to 14.0

kyr BP (95% CI: 17.1 to 12.7). This is followed by a possible second reorganisation

of the palaeocommunity from phase E5 to E6, 10.8 and 10.5 kyr BP (95% CI: 11.2

to 10.9 kyr BP). The evidence for this second reorganisation is the low mean rank-

order abundance correlation of these phases when compared with the other phases;

although unlike the first significant episode of palaeocommunity change, the second

is not associated with a significant change in species richness.

Palaeoclimatic and environmental thresholds It is common for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions to be based on the

contemporary distribution and niche space of the species identified in a fossil

assemblage. Such properties are then used to infer the local extrinsic and intrinsic

factors associated with a palaeocommunity at the time of accumulation. However,

geographic range and niche contraction as a result of human mediated landscape

change is expected to severely limit the accuracy of palaeoenvironmental

reconstructions using this technique (e.g., Belyea 2007; Bilney et al. 2010).

Consequently, we are cautious in inferring the environmental, climatic and

biological correlates of the small mammal palaeocommunities from the fauna


themselves and instead contrast them against independent records of palaeoclimatic

and environmental conditions (Fig. 6.12).

As we have only used a narrow range of palaeoclimatic and environmental records,

we acknowledge that they may not best explain the palaeocommunity changes

observed in the Naracoorte record. The palaeoclimatic and environmental data

presented and discussed here were selected on the basis of their proximity to the

Naracoorte Caves, temporal coverage and chronological resolution. As such, while

they provide a reference to local and regional temperature, effective precipitation

and vegetation using a range of proxies, they do not cover all the extrinsic factors

that are expected to interact together to drive palaeocommunity variability through

time. For example, as examined by Broughton et al. (2008), increased seasonality

may be more closely related to changes in vertebrate palaeocommunities through

species competitive processes, preceding impacts related to temperature thresholds.

However, at the present time there are no proxy data for seasonality available for

late Quaternary south-eastern South Australia, limiting us to the palaeoclimatic and

environmental data presented in Figure 6.12.

Macroscale trends in SST, vegetation types and speleothem growth phases show

that palaeoclimatic and environmental conditions were variable through MIS-3 and

MIS-2 (c. 51.4 to 17.1 kyr BP). The early glacial periods of MIS-3 and MIS-2 are

characterised by two periods of high effective moisture availability (Ayliffe et al.

1998) and a trend towards lower mean SSTs (although, fine resolution SST data

show high variability through units A, B and C; Fig. 6.12; Lopes dos Santos et al.

2012). The temporal variability in effective precipitation demonstrated in these

records is also reflected in the sedimentary records of lakes in south-eastern South

Australia and south-western Victoria (Dodson 1975; Dodson 1977; Cook 2009).

During the early glacial period, lacustral phases in the Murray Darling Basin and

palaeochannels that fed the Willandra lakes systems in south-eastern Australia were

characterised by periods of large, high energy flows and high lake levels, driven by

winter snowmelts from the Snowy Mountains (Bowler et al. 2007; Bowler et al.

2012). Palaeoclimate records reflect the influence of seasonal processes on

deposition in these environments (Kemp and Spooner 2007; Macken et al. 2013a;


Petherick et al. 2013). By comparison, if there were changes in local or regional

effective precipitation and/or seasonality, they had minimal impact on the sediment

type and deposition of sediments forming unit A in Wet and Blanche caves over the

later stages of MIS-3 (Macken et al. 2013a).

The pollen data from Blanche Cave reveal a trend towards increasing relative

abundance of woody taxa (e.g., Eucalyptus, Casuarina, Acacia and Banksia) at the

expense of herbaceous (e.g., Poaceae) and woody-herbaceous taxa (e.g.,

Asteraceae) from units A to B. A more dramatic change in vegetation-types is

evident from unit B to C, with a decline in the relative abundance of woody taxa by

c. 25%, while herbaceous taxa increased by c. 10% and woody-herbaceous by c.

15% (N.B., The genera listed for each of the vegetation groupings was sourced from

D’Costa and Kershaw (1997)). Pollen records examined from lakes Bolac and

Turungmoroke in south-western Victoria reflect a similar trend of vegetation

community change, where open-grassland steppe encroached upon woodlands

towards the end of MIS-3 and into MIS-2 (Cook 2009). Shifts towards open

grasslands over the LGM are exhibited in a number of pollen cores across Australia

(Turney et al. 2006; Petherick et al. 2013); although, Petherick et al. (2013) noted

sites in south-east Queensland and northern NSW that exhibit higher percentages of

Casuarinaceae than those from southern Australia at the time of the LGM. They

also noted the Lake Surprise record of south-western Victoria which recorded a

peak in Eucalyptus over the LGM (Builth et al. 2008).

Given the variation in pollen signals from across these sites and the limited

resolution of pollen data currently published from Blanche Cave, the timing of

vegetation changes associated with the last glacial cycle from the Naracoorte region

is difficult to interpret. The shift from a positive to negative moisture budget at c. 20

kyr BP reflected in the speleothem record (Ayliffe et al. 1998) and/or the rapid

increase in SST over the accumulation of unit C from c. 18.7 kyr BP (Lopes dos

Santos et al. 2012) may have contributed to the apparent changes in the dominant

vegetation types in the Blanche Cave pollen record observed from unit B to unit C.

Finer temporal scale pollen analysis using the distinct pollen groupings (rather than

broad vegetation types) is required to temporally constrain the vegetation changes


and allow a more meaningful comparison with the fossil faunas and other

palaeoclimatic data.

Interestingly, there is no evidence for a change in small mammal palaeocommunity

type from units B to C (or phases B1 to C2) despite the noted vegetation changes

and shift towards relative aridity during the accumulation of unit C. Community

composition and structure are influenced by a combination of intrinsic (e.g., body

size, physiology, niche breadth, dispersal) and extrinsic factors (e.g., climate

conditions, habitat availability, food supply) along with biotic interactions (e.g.,

competition, predation; Munguía et al. 2008; Benton 2009). Given the

palaeoclimatic and environmental variability observed through units A to C, the

maintenance of a single palaeocommunity type through MIS-3 and the LGM is

expected to reflect intrinsic processes of compensation by variation in the survival,

reproduction, interspecific interactions and dispersal of populations within the

palaeocommunity (Brown and Lomolino 1998; Magurran and Henderson 2010).

We note that the extent of time-averaging in the fossil data at both the macro- and

mesoscales is far greater than the palaeoclimatic record of SSTs available in the

nearby marine core. As discussed by Stenseth and Mysterus (2005) and Blois and

Hadly (2009), time-averaging of fossil faunas, when compared with climatic and

other environmental records, often weakens the ‘signal’ of climate effects on faunas

and limits the detectability of the impacts of short term climate fluctuations in fossil

or ecological records. Hopley and Maslin (2010) refer to this as ‘climate-

averaging’, where more than one climatic regime or episode is averaged across a

single phase of bone-accumulation. Thus, we stress here that the persistence of the

palaeocommunity through units A to C is evident only at the temporal scales

available in the deposits and does not preclude ecologically significant changes that

may have occurred at finer temporal scales.


Figure 6.12 Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic data for the last glacial cycle. Pollen record

was sampled from a core collected from Blanche Cave 3rd Chamber (Darrénougué et al. 2009).

Values represent mean abundance of samples corresponding to each of units A, B, C and E* (unit A,

n=6; unit B, n=1; unit C, n=3; unit E*, n=3). Sea-surface temperatures (°C) from Lopes dos Santos et

al. (2012) were reconstructed from 𝑈37𝑘 of the alketones of core MD03-2607, collected from offshore

south-eastern South Australia on the Murray Canyons. Mean values were calculated for temperature

estimates within the median upper and lower modelled ages of units A, B, C and E(*) and phases

A1–E6 (Table 6.1) and were very similar to mean ages calculated within the upper and lower 95%

hpd ranges (unit A, n=31; unit B, n=10; unit C, n=12; unit E*, n=13). Speleothem growth record

reproduced from Ayliffe et al. (1998) and indicates phases of effective precipitation (rainfall >

evapotranspiration). Vertical dotted lines indicate median upper and lower modelled ages of the

phases from Wet and Blanche caves. Upper and lower 95% highest probability density ranges for

these median ages are presented in Table 6.1 and Fig. 6.1.


These limitations are evident in attempts to understand the palaeoclimatic and

environmental correlates of the occurrence of rare taxa within the assemblages. Of

interest is the single occurrence of the Mulgara (Dasycercus sp. indet.) in Wet Cave

unit C (Macken and Reed 2013). The species is represented by a single left maxilla

(FU20934) and a left dentary in the re-worked unit D of Wet Cave, which was

excluded from the analysis (FU20933; Macken and Reed 2013). Dasycercus spp.

(D. blythi and D. cristicauda) are today found in the arid central-western and central

portions of Australia, respectively (Van Dyck and Strahan 2008). However, given

the resolution of the fossil data and speleothem growth record, it is not possible to

associate the occurrence of Dasycercus sp. indet. with specific palaeoclimatic

conditions. Unfortunately, no finer temporal resolution for Wet Cave unit C is

currently available given the homogeneous nature of the sediments and the

resolution and precision of the chronological model (Macken et al. 2013a, b).

However, the presence of a Dasycercus specimen suggests that landscape features

facilitated the dispersal of the species from its core range to south-eastern South

Australia over the LGM or in the immediately post-LGM deglaciation period.

The macroscale pattern of palaeocommunity reorganisation between units C and E

is coincident with an a return of woody vegetation to a similar proportion as

observed in unit A, while the % of herbaceous vegetation declined and woody-

herbaceous remained constant. These environmental and ecological changes are

also correlated with higher SSTs than observed through MIS-3 and the LGM, and

local drying as evidenced by the lack of speleothem growth from c. 20 kyr BP (Fig.

6.12). In the Samwell assemblage, changes in species richness and evenness were

strongly correlated with climate change over the glacial-interglacial transition at the

end of the Pleistocene, reflecting both direct and indirect climatic drivers of faunal

change at this locality (Blois et al. 2010). However, in the Naracoorte Cave faunas

examined here, the significant decline in species richness from 17.1 to 16.7 kyr BP

(95% CI: 17.4 to 15.6 kyr BP) is not directly temporally correlated with the rapid

increase in SST beginning 18.4 kyr BP observed in marine core MD03-2607 (Fig.

6.12; Lopes dos Santos et al. 2012), or the shift from a positive to negative moisture

budget from c. 20 kyr BP (Ayliffe et al. 1998). It instead lags the onset of warming

and drying by c. 1 to 3 kyrs, based on the 95% CI of the median ages associated

with transition from phase C2 to E1 and appears to have been associated with sea-


surface temperatures warming beyond 16°C, rather than warming per se. The

second likely palaeocommunity shift evident in the low rank-order abundance

structure of phases E5 and E6, c. 10.8 to 10.5 kyr BP (95% CI: 11.2 to 10.9 kyr

BP), is associated with mean SSTs becoming warmer than 18°C.

Given the current groupings of the pollen data, it is not possible to assess if the

species that composed the vegetation communities varied throughout the last glacial

cycle (e.g., Casuarinaceae versus Eucalyptus). Such changes may have been more

directly associated with the observed small mammal palaeocommunity changes

than can be inferred from the current vegetation groupings. Further, based on the

current pollen data, the small mammal palaeocommunity appears to have been more

directly influenced by palaeoclimatic conditions than by change in the %

dominance of vegetation groupings.

Previous palaeoenvironmental reconstructions for the Naracoorte region were based

on the habitat preferences of the faunas preserved in the fossil assemblages. These

reconstructions have commonly reflected a wide range of vegetation communities

that are assumed to have persisted as a “mosaic” through glacial-interglacial cycles

of the Quaternary (e.g., Fraser and Wells 2006; Laslett 2008). However, in a review

of palaeovegetation of temperate Australia, Dodson and Ono (1997) noted that for

areas of diverse topography, it can be difficult to reconstruct the diversity of habitat

types formerly present at different times in the past. Despite this limitation, they

note that such patches may be significant as refugia for plant species during periods

of climate stress. The persistence of different vegetation communities in

topographic refugia is also likely to have been important for the long-term

persistence of faunas as well, such as the small mammal palaeocommunity of the

early glacial period and LGM and as noted for faunas from southern Australia by

Byrne (2008). Further research into the local vegetation of the Naracoorte area over

this period will be valuable for more deeply exploring the relationship between the

mammal faunas and habitat types at this locality, and hence, vegetation thresholds

of the small mammal palaeocommunities and individual species through the



Conclusions The detection of ecologically significant variation in the assemblages from Wet and

Blanche caves was dependent upon both the temporal and ecological scale of

observation. When contrasted against other palaeocommunity records where whole-

scale faunal turnover resulted in compositionally dissimilar assemblages (e.g.,

Hocknull et al. 2007), the small mammal palaeocommunity of late Quaternary

Naracoorte appears to have been highly stable and persistent. However, using a

nested numeric hierarchy revealed temporal variation across ecological variables of

the fossil assemblages, with at least one episode of significant palaeocommunity

reorganisation over the post-LGM deglaciation.

Palaeocommunity reorganisation occurred at 17.1 to 16.7 kyr BP, 1–3 kyr after the

commencement of post-glacial warming from 18.4 kyr BP and local drying from c.

20 kyr BP. This palaeocommunity shift was correlated with SSTs warming beyond

16°C and dry conditions when compared with the previous c. 33 kyr BP. A likely

second palaeocommunity reorganisation event was recorded at 10.8 to 10.5 kyr BP,

correlated with SSTs warming past 18°C and continued relative aridity. These

patterns provide some insight into the likely extrinsic thresholds for the successive

palaeocommunities of the Naracoorte region through the last glacial cycle.

However, further research is required to reveal the relationships between the small

mammal fauna, local vegetation and habitat characteristics that are expected to have

exerted strong controls on the survival, reproduction, interspecific interactions and

dispersal of populations across the region.

Whole community-level variables measured from the assemblages of Wet and

Blanche caves were highly consistent between the two sites for temporally

equivalent units. This limited site-based sampling variation provided a robust and

reliable record of whole-palaeocommunity change with time. By comparison, our

analysis showed that the relative abundances of individual species in the deposits

were affected by sampling variation and the patchy distribution of specimens across

bedding plains or stratigraphic horizons. These observations cautioned against using

changes in the relative abundance of individual species to infer individual species

responses to climate change. However, where the relative abundances of individual

species were adequately and consistently sampled in the two sites, there was


evidence for large magnitude changes in the abundances of some species, while

others persisted at low abundance for the majority of the record.

Ecological thresholds operating within the palaeocommunity maintained the rank-

order abundance distribution of species within the palaeocommunity, despite

evidence for variation in the relative abundances of some species and

palaeoclimatic and vegetation change through the early glacial period and LGM

from 51.7 to 17.1 kyr BP. We suggest that change in the abundances of species

reflects intrinsic and community level processes in response to climatic and

environmental change and were within thresholds that maintained the

palaeocommunity type through this time.

The Wet and Blanche cave records also reflect the ability of the palaeocommunity

to recover species following a severe disruption. This may be related to an inherent

ability of the broader ecosystem to resist or recover from disturbance. For example,

connectivity of habitats and suitable patches, which are today observed to be critical

factors in species dispersal and migration, was likely a feature of the south-eastern

South Australia ecosystem through the last glacial cycle.

From a biodiversity conservation perspective, the long-term records from Wet and

Blanche caves strengthen arguments for a focus on the interaction of intrinsic and

extrinsic thresholds operating on communities and individual species across

multiple scales (du Toit 2010). Unfortunately, the majority of the small mammals

that formed the successive palaeocommunity types through the last glacial cycle are

no longer present in south-eastern South Australia today (Robinson et al. 2000).

However, the Naracoorte record reveals a remarkable capacity for some species to

persist either at very low abundance, or to maintain populations despite severe

increases and decreases in population size and/or density, in response to

opportunities within the community and/or environment across different time


Acknowledgments We thank Dr Jessica Blois who generously provided a copy of a bootstrap

resampling R script and Mr Pawel Skuza for advice on the statistical analyses. We


also thank Drs Raquel Lopes dos Santos and Patrick De Deckker who kindly

provided raw SST data from marine core MD03-2607 for reproduction. We are also

grateful for the feedback from Dr Trevor Worthy on an earlier version of the

manuscript. Funding for the Naracoorte Cave research was provided via the

Australian Government’s Caring for our Country initiative (Grant OC11-00487).


7. Concluding Discussion The motivating questions for this thesis were drawn from a wide range of ecological

literature and relate to knowledge gaps that hamper conservation efforts,

particularly those associated with climate change. These questions were:

(a) How do ecosystems respond in the short and long-term to disturbance,

(b) What is the natural range of variation exhibited by ecosystems at

different temporal and spatial scales, and

(c) What are the limits of resilience, or thresholds beyond which ecosystems

change state?

As argued throughout this thesis, palaeoecological assemblages such as those of the

Naracoorte Caves are particularly useful for addressing these questions given their

long-temporal span and the preservation of large samples of natural archives

representing ecosystem composition, condition and character through time.

However, before these questions can be assessed from any palaeoecological

assemblage, firm temporal and stratigraphic constraints are required, as well as a

thorough understanding of the diversity represented within a deposit, its taphonomic

biases and representativeness of the living ecosystem from which it was sampled.

This thesis was structured around aims and objectives to establish the ecological,

temporal, analytical and sampling frameworks of Late Quaternary aged small

mammal assemblages of the Naracoorte Caves, to allow the questions identified

above to be explored. While the questions themselves were not identified as specific

aims of the thesis, the success of the thesis may be judged by the ability of the

research as a whole to address them in relation to the small mammal faunas of Wet

and Blanche caves.

Here, the main findings associated with the research presented in the thesis are

summarised, with limitations and directions for future work identified. The

significance of the work is also explored. These discussions are then followed by a

synthesis of the findings of the thesis in relation to the three, overarching questions

identified above.


Stratigraphic and temporal analyses (chapters three and four) Assessment of the stratigraphic profile of Wet Cave provided the basis for the age-

depth models presented in chapter four and the macroscale faunal analyses

presented in chapter six. Through a review of all available sedimentary,

stratigraphic and chronological data, six units (A, oldest to F, youngest) were

identified within the Wet Cave profile. In describing these units, a more thorough

and accurate comparison to the stratigraphic profiles of Blanche Cave 3rd Chamber

and RCIC could be made than had previously been available. Further, the

sedimentary descriptions for Wet Cave were used to identify local palaeoclimatic

conditions in comparison to the broader palaeoclimate context of the last glacial

cycle across south-eastern Australia. This comparison provided not only the

palaeoclimatic context for the faunal assemblages of Wet and Blanche caves

examined in the thesis, but allowed for divergences between localities at both a

regional and local scale in terms of climate conditions and processes to be

identified. The additional radiocarbon determinations for Wet Cave presented in

chapter three were also useful as they provided information about the extent of re-

working in the Wet Cave sequence and extra data for the age-depth models.

The greatest limitation to the research presented in chapter three was the loss of the

excavated section of Wet Cave to floods at the end of 2010, following

commencement of the thesis project. As a result, no additional sedimentary or

chronological sampling could be completed as had been planned. This limited the

review of the Wet Cave sequence to data that had been collected by a range of

researchers over a period of 5 years from 1997 to 2001. However, despite this

limitation, the breadth, quality and quantity of data previously collected from the

Wet Cave sequence were sufficient for the identification of the sedimentary units

completed here. Further sedimentary analyses, had they been possible, would have

focussed on geochemical analyses to refine the palaeoclimatic interpretation of the

sediments and to test the stratigraphic divisions based primarily on the physical

characteristics of the sediments (texture, composition and colour).

Future research in Wet Cave could involve the extraction of a sediment core from

the entrance chamber to obtain samples for geochemical analysis, as was completed

for Blanche Cave 3rd Chamber (Darrénougué et al., 2009). The core samples could


also be used to test for the presence of pollen grains in the Wet Cave sediments. As

the entrance chamber of Wet Cave has a large open roof entrance, it may have

accumulated pollen grains in a similar way as Blanche Cave 3rd Chamber. If pollen

were preserved in Wet Cave, it would provide a valuable comparison against the

Blanche Cave record to test for the influence of sampling and taphonomic biases on

pollen preservation and observed temporal variation in local vegetation patterns.

Additional charcoal for dating may also be collected from a sedimentary core

sampled in the entrance chamber of Wet Cave. As discussed in chapter four, the

resolution of the age-depth model for Wet Cave would be greatly improved if more

radiocarbon determinations were available. Of particular use would be additional

samples from units B, C and F as these units currently have only one or two

radiocarbon determinations. Additional samples may improve the precision of the

modelled boundaries for these units and the 95% confidence ranges for the duration

and hiatus estimates associated with these layers. Additional samples from unit F

are also required to assess the degree of reworking of Holocene and Pleistocene

aged materials in the upper layers of the Wet Cave sequence.

While extensive radiocarbon dating of bone material from Blanche Cave was

unsuccessful due to the poor preservation of collagen (E. Reed, pers. comm.), the

potentially younger age of bones in unit F of Wet Cave (<1000 years) may mean

that they could be dated and be used to test for the extent of reworking at the top of

the sequence. No faunal analyses were completed on the faunas from unit F given

the evidence for reworking indicated by the available 14C ages and sedimentary

data. However, if the faunas were found to be only minimally reworked by dating

the bones directly, they would be valuable as a late Holocene aged sample of local

small mammals. The faunas identified from the entrance chamber of Robertson

Cave (chapter five) provide the only reliable Holocene aged fauna for the

Naracoorte Caves at the present time (although the Holocene component was not

differentiated from the Pleistocene component in the current research). Additional

assemblages would be of value for comparative analyses and improving our

estimates of faunal diversity given the likely differences in accumulation mode

between the Wet Cave and RCEC assemblages.


The age-depth models for Wet and Blanche caves presented in chapter four are the

first Bayesian models developed for vertebrate fossil assemblages in Australia.

They were critical for the faunal analyses presented in chapter six as they facilitated

a robust and statistically-based correlation of the Wet and Blanche cave sequences

using estimates of the ages of the upper and lower boundaries of the sedimentary

units and layers of the two sites.

Through the integration of prior information into the models, a thorough appraisal

of the stratigraphy of Blanche Cave was also completed. This assessment of the

Blanche Cave stratigraphy was new and contrasted with earlier analyses of the

sequence as the age-depth models were constructed using layer data compiled

during excavation by E. Reed (pers. comm.), rather than the sedimentary core

sampled by Darrénougué et al. (2009) or the 5 cm spits excavated by Laslett (2006).

Assessment of the stratigraphic information associated with the 27 layers

individually sampled from Blanche Cave grid squares A3 and B3 identified seven

‘phases.’ These phases were interpreted as independent samples of bone and

sediment accumulation that could be differentiated from each other on the basis of

their sedimentary characteristics. The modelled ages of the upper and lower

boundaries of these phases, along with the lenses identified in unit E of Wet Cave,

provided the basis for the finer, mesoscale analysis of the fossil assemblages

presented in chapter six. Correlation of these phases to units A, B, C and E in Wet

Cave provided the basis for defining the stratigraphic extent of these units in

Blanche Cave, and hence, the comparative faunal analyses.

The primary limitation of the age-depth models is the poor resolution (low

precision) of the modelled ages for the boundaries within the sequences. As

discussed in chapter four, the resolution could only be improved by further dating of

the Wet and Blanche cave sequences. Ironically, Blanche Cave may be one of the

best dated Late Pleistocene fossil sequences in Australia, with 40 radiocarbon

determinations spread across the one metre depth profile of the studied section. Of

these, six were excluded from the model prior to its construction as they were so

outlying (of Holocene age) that they prevented the model from running. A further

two were identified as outliers in the model with 92 and 95% probability. However,


the primary constraint on the precision of the modelled ages is that there are few 14C

ages relative to the temporal span of the deposit (c. 36,000 years).

Future work to develop the age-depth model for Blanche caves could incorporate

other dating information that is available for this site, including U/Th dating of

speleothem straws (St Pierre et al., 2009, 2012) and OSL dating of sand grains

(Darrénougué et al., 2009). The Bayesian age-depth models developed in the

current work excluded these additional data given the uncertainties associated with

speleothem straw deposition into the sedimentary deposit and the systematic off-set

of the OSL ages with the radiocarbon determinations (Darrénougué et al., 2009).

However, if these issues were resolved, the additional data may help to refine the

modelled ages for the Blanche Cave boundaries. As these additional materials are

not available for the Wet Cave sequence, additional radiocarbon samples would be

of most use in this site and, as previously noted, should focus on units B, C and F.

Another limitation to the age-depth models is the uncertainty regarding the

modelled upper boundary for layer one in Blanche Cave and its correlation to Wet

Cave. The model prior applied to the top of the Blanche Cave sequence strongly

affected the modelled age for the top of layer one. The chosen prior was used on the

basis of the presence of Pinus pollen in the sediments, suggesting recent

contamination with allochthonous materials, including dusts and sands. However,

the model prior and the limited number of 14C determinations available for layer

one resulted in the age of the layer being poorly represented by the model, as judged

in light of evidence that the Holocene aged layers of the deposit had been stripped

by human activity (Darrénougué et al., 2009). Additional radiocarbon samples for

this layer and an alternative model with a different prior for the top boundary of

Blanche Cave may resolve this problem.

A final limitation of the age-depth model and stratigraphic analyses associated with

the Blanche Cave sequence is the uncertainty regarding the extent and process of

reworking in layers four to nine. A total of 1779 small mammal specimens were

identified from these layers in grid square A3 of the Blanche Cave deposit;

however, given the mixed age of charcoal and straws in these layers, they were

excluded from the faunal analyses. It is currently unclear if these layers are


Pleistocene aged with contamination by Holocene straws and charcoal or if they are

Holocene aged with Pleistocene contamination. Given the Pleistocene age for layers

one and three, the latter is considered more likely. However, further investigation is

required to resolve which of these scenarios best explains the processes of

deposition and disturbance at the top of the Blanche Cave sequence. Regardless of

which scenario is correct, there is a high chance that the faunas are also of mixed

age, limiting their usefulness to the faunal analyses completed in the thesis.

Late Quaternary small mammal faunas of the Naracoorte Caves

(chapters five and six) The small mammal faunas preserved in the Late Quaternary aged assemblages of

Wet, Blanche and RCIC were first examined by McDowell (2001) and Laslett

(2006) and published in composite lists compiled by Reed and Bourne (2000,

2009). The significance of the faunas in these sites is demonstrated by their use in

establishing the former, pre-European distribution of the following extant mammal

faunas: Conilurus albipes (McDowell and Medlin, 2009), Pseudomys shortridgei

(Kemper et al., 2010), Cercartetus spp. (Harris and Goldingay, 2005; Harris, 2006,

2009a, b; Harris and Garvey, 2009) and Petauroides volans (Harris and Maloney,


Despite these applications, the long-term patterns of occurrence of small mammal

faunas in the fossil assemblages of the Naracoorte Caves had not previously been

explored. As highlighted in chapter five, a critique of the former species lists for

Naracoorte Cave deposits showed that eight small mammal species (six Dasyuridae

and two Potoroidae) were absent from the Late Pleistocene–Holocene aged deposits

but present in older assemblages. A further three species (all small possums) were

absent from deposits of >50 kyr BP, but present in those <50 kyr BP. If real, these

observed patterns suggested that there was a turnover of small mammal species in

the region in the Late Pleistocene prior to the last glacial cycle that had hitherto

been either ignored or unnoticed by previous investigators.

The updated species list for the Late Quaternary presented in chapter five represents

the results of a systematic re-assessment of the fossil assemblages from these caves

using both previously examined samples (Wet Cave), new samples (Blanche Cave,


Wet Cave) and new sites (RCEC). The identification of the faunas from these

deposits was completed as part of the research for this thesis to: (a) assess the

accuracy of previous faunal lists and (b) ensure that data collection and species

identifications were standardised across the sites in preparation for the analyses

presented in chapter six.

The implications of the revised taxonomic lists for the Late Pleistocene–Holocene

aged deposits of the Naracoorte Caves are significant. As discussed in chapter five,

the new faunal lists show that seven species had been previously unrecognised in

the deposits. Of these, five accounted for the eight absences apparent in the earlier

species lists. The two additional taxa identified in the current study represent new

records for the Naracoorte Caves and the south-east region of South Australia

(Dasycercus sp. indet and Pseudomys novaehollandiae).

The absence of Cercartetus concinnus from the Naracoorte fossil record as shown

in chapter five is of particular interest as the species is the most common of the

pygmy possums found in the region today. Unlike other pygmy possums and

species with east-west distributions across Southern Australia (e.g., Phascogale

tapoatafa: Spencer et al., 2001; Pseudomys shortridgei: Salinas et al., 2009), C.

concinnus populations are genetically similar across their range, suggesting recent

connectivity and/or range expansion (Osborne and Christidis, 2002; Pestell et al.,

2008). The previous published fossil data for the Naracoorte Caves (Reed and

Bourne, 2000) suggested that C. concinnus populations were present in south-

eastern Australia during the Pleistocene, conflicting with the phylogeographic data.

As a consequence, the described biogeographic history for the species was

ambiguous and has remained unresolved (Pestell et al., 2008).

The revision of the fossil occurrence data from the Naracoorte Caves presented in

chapter five suggests that C. concinnus was not present in the region during the

Quaternary up to c. 1,000 years before present. This finding, in combination with a

review of the contemporary and Quaternary distribution of C. concinnus (Fig. 7.1;

Appendix F), is more consistent with the model of recent range expansion indicated

in the phylogenetic data. From a biogeographic perspective, the combined

phylogeographic and revised fossil data suggest that C. concinnus was confined to


southern Western Australia and Kangaroo Island (M. McDowell, pers. comm.) from

at least the Late Pleistocene. Populations on mainland South Australia, Victoria and

New South Wales are therefore hypothesised to have been established during the

Holocene from either Western Australia and/or Kangaroo Island. However, targeted

phylogenetic and phylogeographic sampling of individuals from populations across

the species range is required to confirm this hypothesis. Biogeographic processes,

especially the role and location of habitat refugia and barriers/facilitators to

dispersal have consequences for the management and conservation of C. concinnus

into the future. A comparative analysis to compare the phylogeographic patterns in

C. concinnus with other pygmy possums and species with east-west distributions

warrants future investigation.

New faunal data for the Naracoorte Caves was also presented in chapter five in the

species list for the entrance chamber of Robertson Cave. As the site is under

ongoing investigation by E. Reed (pers. comm.), no further analysis of the RCEC

faunas were completed in the current thesis. However, the small mammals from this

site will be useful in future studies as a comparison against the inner chamber of

Robertson Cave to assess local variation in accumulation, taphonomy and diversity.

Further, initial dating of the RCEC deposit shows that it contains Holocene aged

material, with an immediately pre-European component. As noted earlier, this is

significant as the Holocene-aged samples from Wet Cave may have been

contaminated with Pleistocene sediments and bone, limiting their usefulness as

indicators of the faunas for this period. Thus, the Holocene aged RCEC faunas

provide a temporal extension from the deposits studied here from Wet and Blanche



Figure 7.1 (a) Contemporary (post-European arrival to present) distribution of C. concinnus,

compiled from museum collection data and observation records available from the Atlas of Living

Australia and (b) fossil distribution (Pleistocene to Holocene) of C. concinnus. Sites where C.

concinnus has been identified are indicated by stars. Sites where other small faunas have been

identified, but C. concinnus is not recorded are indicated by the small circles. For details of data

compilation, refer to Appendix F.


The research presented in chapter five deliberately ignored temporal patterns within

the examined assemblages. While this may be considered a limitation of the work,

temporal patterns were thoroughly examined in chapter six. The primary aim of

chapter five was to provide an up-to-date list of the small mammal faunas of Late

Pleistocene–Holocene Naracoorte for the research community and to detail the

sampling protocols used to generate the faunal databases for the studied

assemblages. Given the significance of the fossil assemblages in providing pre-

European and Pleistocene distributions for extant and extinct faunas, it is imperative

that the underlying data (that is, taxonomic lists) are continually revised and

checked for accuracy.

Additionally, the fossil specimens for Wet Cave were formally assigned field

numbers only and the original database was no longer available (M. McDowell,

pers. comm.). All specimens identified in the current study were registered to either

the Flinders University Fossil Register or the SAM Palaeontology Collection, under

the direction of E. Reed. Electronic databases of the specimens and their

registrations have been produced as part of this thesis and have been integrated into

the collection management systems of the SAM (M. Binnie) and Flinders

University (E. Reed and A. Macken). These processes are critical for the

accountability of the research presented in the thesis and to facilitate access and

interpretation by others.

As c. 23,500 specimens were identified from the assemblages of Wet, Blanche and

Robertson Cave entrance chamber, there is no doubt that there are some errors in

the identification of some specimens examined for this thesis. However, all attempts

were made to ensure that identifications were accurate through the use of

comparative specimens from a wide range of collections (including both modern

and fossil), reference to descriptions in the literature and discussions with other

researchers experienced in small mammal identification. As some taxonomic groups

are more difficult to identify to species level than others, it is suggested that future

work target the following groups to more clearly define diagnostic characters and

intraspecific variation: Pseudomys auritus versus Pseudomys australis, and

Pseudomys novaehollandiae versus Pseudomys apodemoides. The two undiagnosed


Dasyuridae taxa (Dasyuridae sp. 1 and Sminthopsis sp. 1) also clearly require

further examination to assess if they are known or new taxa.

In chapter six, the sedimentary, stratigraphic, chronological and species diversity

data were integrated for the faunal analyses. Chapter six addressed the primary aims

of the thesis relating to the detection and assessment of natural variation in the small

mammal assemblages of Wet and Blanche caves, and the relationship between

variation and resilience.

The faunal analyses were structured around a comparison of site versus temporal

variation of different palaeocommunity metrics through time. This approach

enabled an assessment of the statistical significance of temporal variation across all

metrics. The use of an a priori defined ecological hierarchy combining the metric

scale of Rahel (1990) and terminology of Bennington and Bambach (1996)

provided a novel basis for assessing the ecological significance of observed


There were a number of key findings from the faunal analyses, summarised below:

1. The small mammal palaeocommunity was stable through the early

glacial period and LGM, c. 51.4 to 17.1 kyr BP. This stability was

observed despite changes in palaeoclimatic and environmental conditions at

different temporal scales and suggests that such changes were within limits

that could be tolerated by the palaeocommunity either through adaptation,

resilience and/or intrinsic population processes. The resilience of the

palaeocommunity to the LGM contrasts with a general assumption that this

period was associated with local declines in biodiversity in Australia

(McDowell et al., 2013). The lack of significant palaeocommunity change at

the LGM observed in the Wet and Blanche caves faunas may reflect the

influence of either local refugial dynamics or that a resilient faunal

community was already established by the start of the early glacial period.

Alternatively, climatic and environmental conditions at the LGM may not

have differed greatly from those of the preceding 10,000 years, for which


there is evidence of fluctuating but sustained cool mean temperatures (Lopes

dos Santos et al., 2012).

2. At least one significant palaeocommunity reorganisation was detected

over the post-LGM deglaciation. This palaeocommunity reorganisation

was evidenced by a statistically significant decline in species richness from

c. 17.1 to 16.7 kyr BP and was correlated with SSTs warming beyond 16°C.

A second possible change in palaeocommunity type was indicated by a

decline in rank-order abundance of the palaeocommunity from c. 10.8 to

10.5 kyr BP and was associated with a continued warming of mean SSTs

past 18°C. These observations reflect palaeoclimatic thresholds of

successive palaeocommunity types for small mammals of south-eastern

South Australia. The first palaeocommunity reorganisation lagged behind

the onset of post-glacial warming, suggesting that temperature thresholds

may be more important in structuring faunal communities than shifts

towards warming or cooling per se.

3. For some variables, site-based sampling variation was similar to, or

greater than, temporal variation. This limited the significance that could

be drawn from observed changes through the depositional sequences and

was particularly the case for individual species proportions. For the majority

of species, random sampling effects obscured temporal effects, cautioning

against the use of species proportions to assess species responses to past

palaeoclimatic and environmental changes. It also cautions against the use

of species abundances as a basis for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.

However, in some cases, individual species relative abundances were

adequately sampled. The similarity observed between the relative abundance

trends of species between Wet and Blanche caves also suggests that in some

cases, changes in relative abundances are accurately represented in fossil

assemblages. These findings advocate the use of a range of statistical tests to

discern those trends that may be considered ecologically significant and

those that represent ‘noise’. If palaeoecological trends are to be used to

inform biodiversity conservation strategies, it is imperative that the observed

data are robust and critically evaluated.


4. Mesoscale analyses revealed significant change that was obscured or

‘time-averaged’ at the macroscale. While the macroscale analyses

revealed palaeocommunity reorganisation between units C and E in Wet

Cave, the mesoscale analyses showed that significant palaeocommunity

changes occurred at discrete times over the deglacial period. The two

timescales available in the deposits provided the first opportunity to

compare longer term trends (e.g., early glacial versus LGM versus

deglaciation) against shorter-term climate and environmental fluctuations

both for the Naracoorte Caves and other vertebrate fossil sites in Australia.

Each of these findings leads to new research questions that may be explored in

future analysis of the Wet and Blanche caves faunas, and those of other deposits of

the Naracoorte Caves. Of interest is the relationship between palaeocommunity

restructuring and local vegetation dynamics. The published pollen record for

Blanche Cave provides only a coarse reference to local vegetation; however, a more

detailed and finely resolved pollen record is available and is in preparation by E.

Reed (pers. comm.). Cross-correlation of the palaeocommunity types with the

detailed pollen record will enable a test for environmental thresholds in terms of a

range of new variables including dominant canopy species (e.g., Eucalyptus versus

Banksia) dominant understorey composition (e.g., shrubby heath versus grassland)

and relative vegetation density (e.g., open versus closed woodland) at a finer

palynological and temporal scale.

Despite the caution applied to interpretation of the relative abundances of individual

species in the thesis, a suite of new questions may be examined for those taxa where

the data are more reliable. Of particular interest is the relative role of intrinsic (such

as metapopulation dynamics, local adaptation) versus extrinsic processes (e.g.,

habitat heterogeneity) to the long-term persistence of individual species through the

Quaternary in south-eastern South Australia. As noted in the thesis, the faunas

preserved in the Naracoorte Caves are commonly used to argue for the preservation

of a mosaic of vegetation types proximal to the caves through the Quaternary. This

observation is significant to discussions of biogeographic refugia in southern

Australia, which are considered to be places that have maintained a range of habitat

types through periods of climate stress (Byrne, 2008). The diverse and complex


topography of south-eastern South Australia is expected to have played an

important role in maintaining habitat heterogeneity and hence, the long-term

persistence of individual taxa. However, no specific tests of this hypothesis have

been made nor have other factors such as evolutionary adaptation (e.g., change in

body size or dietary breadth) been examined.

Future research will test the relative role of extrinsic and intrinsic processes in the

long-term persistence of individual small mammal species through the Late

Quaternary. This will also involve identifying potential environmental and intrinsic

correlates of the observed increases in abundance of Sminthopsis murina,

Pseudomys apodemoides and Cercartetus nanus over the deglacial period. Each of

these taxa maintained a presence within the region during MIS-3 and the LGM, but

at low relative abundance when compared with other species and their later

expansions (Fig. 6.11). The drivers of concurrent declines in relative abundance of

Perameles bougainville and Pseudomys australis are also of interest.

The relative abundance data for these species and others adequately sampled in Wet

and Blanche Caves could also be used to examine habitat-faunal associations of the

past. Cross-correlation of individual species with the high-resolution pollen record

will enable a test of the stability of plant-faunal associations through time and a

comparison against species contemporary habitat preferences to examine how much

niche contraction or change has occurred as a result of European landscape

disturbance. A fire history for the Late Quaternary from charcoal sequences in the

deposits could also be used as a basis for identifying temporal patterns in species-

fire interactions.

Another area of future research for the Naracoorte Caves is to define the

composition and structure of the Holocene palaeocommunity and determine how

local faunas responded to increased regional seasonality and continuing warming

through this period (Kemp et al., 2012; Lopes dos Santos et al., 2012). Of particular

interest is to identify the timing and environmental correlates of local extinction of

small mammal species that persisted through Pleistocene climate changes but which

are now absent from south-eastern South Australia (e.g., Pseudomys auritus and

Pseudomys australis).


Future research directions will also involve more comparative faunal analyses to

assess longer-term patterns of palaeocommunity variability and the structure of

successive faunal communities through the Pleistocene by comparing the faunas of

Wet and Blanche caves with those of Cathedral Cave and Grant Hall. Spatial-

temporal patterns of palaeocommunity structure could also be examined through a

comparison of the Wet and Blanche Cave faunas with those from the two deposits

in Robertson Cave. The excavation of other Late Quaternary aged fossil sites within

the Naracoorte Caves by E. Reed (pers. comm.) presents further opportunities to

explore palaeocommunity variability and responses to climatic and environmental

change at different time scales, likely to enhance our understanding of the patterns

and drivers observed in the current thesis.

An important future research direction is to link palaeocommunity patterns

observed in the Naracoorte Caves to other localities to assess spatial-temporal

patterns of species occurrence and palaeocommunity structure. Target locations

include south-western Victoria and the Lower South East of South Australia, and

the Murray Mallee region, forming a latitudinal gradient south and north of the

Naracoorte Caves, respectively. The aim of this research will be to determine

patterns of latitudinal range contraction and expansion of individual taxa to better

understand the spatial dynamics associated with the responses of individual species

and palaeocommunity types to climate change.

Final Synthesis The theoretical relationship between natural variation and resilience provided a

framework for the research presented in this thesis. These concepts are increasing

being applied to biodiversity conservation strategies, but rarely are baseline data on

the constraints, processes and patterns of changes in diversity in response to

disturbances across different temporal, spatial and ecological scales available.

Palaeoecological assemblages are increasingly recognised as a source of

information on the types of changes and responses that occur across scales within

ecological communities through time. However, rarely are theoretical and statistical

frameworks used in the assessment of temporal patterns of change in

palaeoecology, despite the arguments forwarded by Erwin (2009) and Rull (2012).


In the analysis of the Late Quaternary fossil assemblages of Wet and Blanche caves

presented here, concepts relating to natural variation and resilience provided a way

of linking observations in the fossil record to current and future biodiversity

conservation strategies. This was achieved primarily by addressing key knowledge

gaps about the normal types of response to different patterns of environmental and

climatic change, and the time scales over which they are expressed. Of particular

focus for this thesis were the responses of the small mammal palaeocommunity to

both short and long-term patterns of climate change, the natural range of variation

exhibited by the small mammal palaeocommunity at different ecological and

temporal scales and the limits of resilience, or thresholds beyond which the

palaeocommunity shifted to a new state.

The main finding of the thesis in relation to these questions is that patterns of

variation observed in fossil records are highly dependent upon the scales at which

they are measured. This was not unexpected in light of the discussions presented in

the literature review. However, the research presented here provides the first

quantification of these differences in the study of vertebrate fossil assemblages of

the Naracoorte Caves and Australia more broadly.

The assemblages of Wet and Blanche caves show that palaeocommunity types

(defined by a given rank-order abundance structure) can be persistent for thousands

of years during periods of highly variable climatic conditions, even at different

scales of time-averaging. The persistent palaeocommunity type of the early glacial

and LGM periods reflects the resilience of the palaeocommunity in terms of

structure, richness and composition to frequent temperature fluctuations within the

range of c. 10 to 16°C (SSTs; Lopes dos Santos et al., 2012) combined with broad

scale restructuring of vegetation communities. This suggests that it is not

disturbance per se that leads to shifts between community/ecosystem states, but

disturbance beyond thresholds within which particular states can persist. A similar

conclusion was drawn by Rodriguez (2004) based on observed ecological stability

of mammal communities in the Mediterranean during the Early to Middle

Pleistocene. A key priority of research on contemporary ecosystems should then be

to model and predict thresholds within which community structures can be



At the finer temporal scale available in the deposits, the small mammal assemblages

showed that state shifts may or may not be preceded by gradual palaeocommunity

changes. For example, beta diversity measures at the mesoscale indicated a gradual

decline in similarity between the successive palaeocommunity samples through

phases E1 to E5, culminating in a shift to a new palaeocommunity type at phase E6.

This is not surprising given the nature of the climate thresholds detected for the

palaeocommunities. In both cases of palaeocommunity change, the thresholds were

associated with continued warming, rather than short-term fluctuations in

temperatures as was observed over the early glacial period and LGM. However, in

comparison to the second palaeocommunity reorganisation, the first significant

change in palaeocommunity type was not the result of a gradual trend. It instead

occurred as an abrupt decline in species richness, without prior indication of

changes operating within the palaeocommunity. These contrasting patterns reflect

the influence of both intrinsic and extrinsic responses of the small mammal faunas

to climate change.

Intrinsic responses are associated with non-linear ecological processes, thresholds

and tipping points (Williams et al., 2011). Such responses are characterised by

variable timings and rates of change among species and localities in response to

progressive climate change. Intrinsic responses are expected to best explain the

palaeocommunity shift observed between phases E5 and E6 at the end of the

Pleistocene. Evidence for non-synchronous rates and timing of changes among

species through the deglaciation is reflected in Fig 6.11. For example, both

Pseudomys apodemoides and Cercartetus nanus increased in relative abundance

over the deglacial period. However, the increase in relative abundance in P.

apodemoides began from phase C2. By comparison, the abundance of C. nanus

remained at very low levels until it rapidly increased between phase E5 and E6.

While asynchronous fluctuations in species relative abundances are evident through

the early glacial period and LGM, they were insufficient to lead to a new rank-order

abundance structure within the palaeocommunity as a whole.

In contrast to intrinsic responses, extrinsic ecological changes are driven by

external, abrupt climate changes and are characterised by synchronous responses of

species within and between localities (Williams et al., 2011). While not all species


demonstrated a significant change in relative abundance between phases C2 and E1,

the significant decline in species richness observed shows that the ranges of a

number of species contracted away from the Naracoorte Caves region at the same


These contrasting intrinsic and extrinsic responses to climate change show that

there may or may not be early warnings for community level shifts. In comparison

to Hadly and Barnosky (2009) who argued that changes in species abundance signal

environmental and climatic impacts on communities, species relative abundances in

the assemblages of Wet and Blanche caves were not always associated with the

palaeoclimatic and environmental variables. They were also not always statistically

significant or ecologically significant in terms of impacts at higher levels of

community-structure. This suggests that changes in the relative abundances of

individual species may not best reflect the nature of palaeoenvironmental changes

of the past or be a reliable indicator for future climate change or other

environmental effects. Instead, measures that take account of species abundances

within a community as a whole may be more reliable indicators of community


However, where the relative abundances of individual species were more reliably

sampled, they provide evidence for individualistic species responses to past

disturbances. These asynchronous changes in species abundances observed in the

Wet and Blanche cave assemblages suggest that future climate change will impact

on species within communities in different ways, even if they are considered to

have similar ecological niches and tolerance ranges. A similar finding has been

found in studies from other continents (e.g., Stewart, 2008; Stewart et al., 2009).

From a biodiversity conservation perspective, this suggests that species responses to

disturbances may be unpredictable, arguing for regional evaluation of population

distributions, size and connectivity. Maintaining the capacity of individuals to

disperse to new habitats and/or sustain populations across a range of localities is

expected to be critical strategies for building not only the resilience of individual

species, but communities. The latter emerges as a result of the asynchrony of

changes in individual species. Clearly then, synchronous changes in the relative


abundances of individual species may be used to identify communities at risk of

structural change.

These observations advocate for biodiversity conservation approaches that monitor

the abundances of individual species across their range and the structure of local

communities. In combining these two strategies, multiple ecological and spatial

scales are considered. At the present time, many longer-term programs monitor

species presence/absence only. This is because it is time consuming and more

difficult to measure species abundances. However, the fossil assemblages of Wet

and Blanche caves show that the composition of a community may be stable for

very long periods of time, even with the sporadic occurrence of vagrants (e.g.,

Dasycercus sp.) or rare taxa. Further, some species may persist at very low

abundance over multiple sampling periods (e.g., Cercartetus nanus) before

dramatically increasing or decreasing in abundance. Presence/absence data cannot

provide insight into these types of changes.

In contrast to the approach adopted in this thesis, other palaeoecological studies

have focussed on the ecological traits and functions represented in a fossil

assemblage to define palaeocommunity types and hence, examine variability

through time (e.g., Rodriguez, 2004). These approaches stem from a prevailing

trend that, regardless of the species that fill ecological niches within a given

ecosystem through time, ecosystems generally demonstrate long term structural and

functional persistence (Rodriguez, 2004; Hadly and Barnosky, 2009). As such,

ecosystems may be best defined by their ecological traits, rather than on a

taxonomic basis.

Palaeocommunities were defined in this thesis based on taxonomic rather than

ecological traits because taxonomic based diversity and composition of the study

assemblages were poorly understood. Further, any approach that used ecological

traits would be severely limited by the bias in the fossil assemblages towards small

mammals. As a consequence of this bias, the diversity and richness of functional

groups is restricted by the poor representation of large mammals (body mass .2.5

kg) in the assemblages and the exclusion of non-mammalian faunas from this study.

Nonetheless, there is an important question that arises from these contrasting


approaches and that is, how do we recognise or define ‘normal’ or ‘problematic’

patterns of variation in species composition and richness if the trophic and size

structure of the community remains constant through time, and visa-versa?

Ultimately, the answer to this question is best informed by the values of society

regarding goals. In particular, the relative importance of preserving ecosystem

functions versus communities and species. For example, Walker (1992) argues that

it is more effective to manage for ecosystem function than individual species. In

contrast, the Australian Draft Biodiversity Conservation Strategy identifies the

retention of biodiversity values and critical ecosystem functions as the first of six

priorities to build ecological resilience. This presents a challenging conflict between

the conservation of individual species and maintaining ecosystem structure and

function. Palaeoecological information about the relationship between taxonomic

and ecological variability and resilience are imperative to addressing this conflict.

Finally, it is important to acknowledge that the temporal scales of the fossil

assemblages clearly exceed the time-scales over which ecosystems can be

monitored by researchers today and the rate at which anthropogenic climate change

is expected to impact on local communities. However, the macro- and mesoscale

trends documented in Wet and Blanche caves provide a backdrop against which

decadal trends may be compared. Seasonal fluctuations in species abundances and

the boom-bust cycles common in many Australian small mammals reflect natural

variation within yearly and decadal time periods. Research programs that can nest

these shorter term patterns within broader temporal scales will be critical for

identifying and mediating climate-change impacts into the future.


Appendix A

The following manuscript was prepared as a conference review following the 2011

annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Australia. It draws upon research

presented within the conference that used palaeoecological techniques and archives

to address ecological and conservation problems. The aim of the review was to

highlight the shared research goals and themes of palaeoecological and ecological

studies as observed by myself and the co-authors during the conference. The

manuscript is awaiting revisions following initial peer review.

Contribution of Authors Amy Macken:

• Initiated and lead the collaborative review.

• Liaised with co-authors regarding structure and content of the review.

• Facilitated co-author contributions through the development of a question


• Prepared the manuscript for publication.

Patrick Moss

• Mentored Amy Macken in leading the collaborative project.

• Provided advice and ideas on the structure of the review.

• Contributed content and ideas to the manuscript.

• Provided comment on the final manuscript.

Graeme Armstrong

• Provided advice and ideas on the structure of the review.

• Contributed content and ideas to the manuscript.

• Provided comment on the final manuscript.

Phuong Doan

• Provided advice and ideas on the structure of the review.

• Contributed content and ideas to the manuscript.

• Provided comment on the final manuscript.


Beth Gott

• Provided advice and ideas on the structure of the review.

• Contributed content and ideas to the manuscript.

• Provided comment on the final manuscript.

Rosie Grundell

• Provided advice and ideas on the structure of the review.

• Contributed content and ideas to the manuscript.

• Provided comment on the final manuscript.

Chris Johnson

• Provided advice and ideas on the structure of the review.

• Contributed content and ideas to the manuscript.

• Provided comment on the final manuscript.

Matthew McDowell:

• Provided advice and ideas on the structure of the review.

• Contributed content and ideas to the manuscript.

• Provided comment on the final manuscript.

Jamie Wood

• Provided advice and ideas on the structure of the review.

• Contributed content and ideas to the manuscript.

• Provided comment on the final manuscript.

Craig Woodward

• Provided advice and ideas on the structure of the review.

• Contributed content and ideas to the manuscript.

• Provided comment on the final manuscript.


Signed .................................................................................. Date ............................

Amy Macken

School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University

Signed .................................................................................. Date ............................

Patrick Moss

School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, The University of


Signed .................................................................................. Date ............................

Graeme Armstrong

Griffith School of Environment

Signed ................................................................................. Date ............................

Phuong Doan

School of Science, Information Technology and Engineering, University of Ballarat

Signed .................................................................................. Date ............................

Beth Gott

School of Biological Sciences, Monash University

Signed .................................................................................. Date

Rosie Grundell

School of Science, Information Technology and Engineering, University of Ballarat

Signed .................................................................................. Date ............................

Chris Johnson

School of Zoology, University of Tasmania

Signed .................................................................................. Date ............................

Matthew McDowell

School of Biological Science, Flinders University


Signed ................................................................................. Date ............................

Jamie Wood

Landcare Research

Signed .................................................................................. Date ............................

Craig Woodward

School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, The University of



The importance of the past: the palaeoecological context of modern


Amy Macken1*, Patrick Moss2, Graeme Armstrong3, Phuong Doan4, Beth Gott5,

Rosie Grundell4, Chris Johnson6, Matthew McDowell1, Jamie Wood7, Craig


1 School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University, GPO Box 2100, Adelaide SA,

5001, AUS (Email: [email protected]) 2 School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, The University

of Queensland, St Lucia QLD, 4072, AUS 3 Fitzroy Basin Association, Rockhampton QLD, 4700, AUS 4 School of Science, Information Technology and Engineering, University of

Ballarat, Ballarat VIC, 3353, AUS 5 School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Clayton VIC, 3800, AUS 6 School of Zoology, University of Tasmania, Sandy Bay TAS, 7005, AUS 7 Landcare Research, Lincoln CANTERBURY, 7640, NZ

* Corresponding author

Abstract There has long been disconnect between ecological and palaeoecological

researchers, with relatively limited attempts to integrate datasets to address key

research and/or management issues associated with the Australasian landscape.

However, the 2011 conference of the Ecological Society of Australia observed

interchange between ecologists and palaeoecologists, particularly through the

shared research themes of landscape change and the impacts of past climates and

human activities in shaping modern systems. In this review, we explore these

common themes using examples of palaeoecological research presented at the

conference. We aim to highlight the contribution that palaeoecological research has

made to both (a) our understanding of how populations, species and landscapes are

shaped across different spatial and temporal scales, and (b) to informed decision

making for the conservation and restoration of ecosystems. Existing collaborations

between palaeoecology and ecology show that there is increasing recognition in


Australasia of the contribution of long-term data from palaeoecological records.

The critical component of these integrative projects is that they bring together

people from different research disciplines, organisations and management roles,

rather than simply relying on published data or literature to provide complementary

perspectives. We suggest that such collaborations are most successful when they

involve a broad range of people to overcome the challenges associated with

integrating data across different time-scales and interpreting findings in terms

relevant to both past, present and future ecological systems.

Keywords conservation, ecology, long-term, palaeoecology, Quaternary

Introduction Palaeoecology is concerned with the study of “natural archives” of past

environments preserved in sedimentary and geological settings such as wetlands,

marine sediments, archaeological sites and caves (Smol, 2010). While

palaeoecological records are commonly used as proxies to reconstruct past climates

(e.g., Hesse et al., 2004) they also provide a means of examining ecological and

evolutionary change over time (e.g., Hocknull et al., 2007; Keith et al., 2009).

Despite the broad range of applications argued for long-term palaeoecological data,

such perspectives are relatively under-utilised in ecological and/or conservation

research in Australasia.

Poor integration of palaeoecological, ecological and conservation research is

commonly attributed to factors such as (a) limited understanding by

palaeoecologists of the data needs of resource managers, (b) publication in

palaeoecology specific journals and (c) the use of discipline-specific terminology

and data presentation (Willis et al., 2005; Jackson and Sax, 2010). It is also

suggested that the management implications of palaeoecological data may not

always be appreciated by palaeoecologists or the wider ecological-research

community (Willis et al., 2005; Lyman, 2006).

The 2011 Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia (ESA) included

a palaeoecological symposium entitled, “The importance of the past: the

palaeoecological context of modern landscapes.” The aim of the symposium was to


examine the role of past environmental processes in shaping modern landscapes and

the contribution that this information can make to landscape management and

conservation. Palaeoecological research was also presented in other symposia

during the conference, highlighting an increased recognition within the ecological

research community of the value of long-term data provided by palaeoecology and

the desire of palaeoecologists to communicate their research directly with


In contrast to Manning et al. (2009) who suggest that the research themes of

palaeoecology, ecology, biogeography and conservation biology are commonly

treated independently of one another, the 2011 ESA conference highlighted

significant overlap in the research aims of palaeoecologists and ecologists in

Australasia more generally. We suggest that this represents greater coherence

between our disciplines than commonly recognised. In their review of the

contribution of palaeoecology to nature conservation, Vegas-Vilarrúbia et al. (2011)

argued that “ecology and palaeoecology are simply different approaches with a

common objective” (p. 2362). While this objective is more broadly described as

increasing our “ecological understanding of the biosphere” (Vegas-Vilarrúbia et al.,

2011, p. 2362), we suggest that palaeoecology and ecology share research goals that

may be defined more specifically. Our focus here is on common research goals and

themes that emerged within the 2011 ESA conference: (1) characterising the drivers

and ecological impacts of landscape change, (2) defining benchmarks and baselines

in ecological systems to understand natural variability, and (3) increasing our

knowledge of the evolutionary and ecological history of communities, species and

local populations. Common to these themes is the goal of improving decision

making for ecosystem management and restoration.

In this review we discuss palaeoecological research presented at the 2011 ESA

conference relating to these themes. We provide a synthesis of the types of

ecological questions common to a range of symposia at the conference and provide

a summary of recent palaeoecological insights into natural systems that have the

potential to inform decision making for the management of ecosystems. In the final

section, we describe current collaborations between palaeoecologists and ecologists

relevant to Australasia. We acknowledge the importance of high-resolution,


accurate and precise temporal constraints on palaeoecological data but give only

minor attention to the chronological methods associated with each study, instead

focussing on the types of research questions that can be addressed using

palaeoecological records. We direct readers to the associated publications which

discuss chronological methods for each study and other reviews which examine

temporal scaling issues more explicitly (e.g., Bennington et al., 2009).

We acknowledge that this review provides only a limited snapshot of both

palaeoecological research presented at the conference and across Australasia more

generally; however, our intention is to promote continued engagement between

palaeoecologists and ecologists through research collaborations, increase support

for palaeoecological research aimed at generating information for management and

conservation and to promote the role of palaeoecology within ecological forums

such as the ESA.

Changing Landscapes The 2011 ESA organising committee set a guiding theme for the conference of

“ecology in changing landscapes.” This theme highlights the value of integrating

knowledge of natural systems across biological and spatial scales and the need to

build the capacity of ecosystems, and ecologists, to respond to increasingly rapid

change in the future.

Research presented in symposia as diverse as “Restoring Australia’s top-order

predator communities”, “Poised between population irruption and collapse – what

does the ecology of Callitris teach us about Australian environmental history?”,

“Carbon and soil ecology”, “Restoration – a structural and functional approach”,

“Threatened marine species”, “Fire” and “Changing ecology at the top – Australian

alpine biodiversity” addressed questions associated with (1) the ecological role of

taxa within landscapes, (2) the impact of disturbances on ecological interactions,

processes and functions at a landscape scale, (3) landscape-scale drivers of species

and habitat distributions, and (4) fire–landscape dynamics.

These questions were also addressed in the palaeoecology symposium. In many

cases, the palaeoecological research was driven by specific management problems


suggesting that palaeoecological studies in Australasia, while valuable for

contextualising modern landscapes, also play a role in targeting specific landscape-

scale problems confronting land managers, ecologists and conservation agencies.

For example, JW’s paper characterised the ecosystem functions performed by

extinct taxa and the long-term effects of their absence from the landscape, providing

a baseline against which the impacts of introduced herbivores in New Zealand could

be assessed.

New Zealand has many introduced large herbivores which are regarded as pests as

they severely alter vegetation community structure and composition. However,

prior to human settlement (13th C), New Zealand’s terrestrial ecosystems were

occupied by large avian herbivores, including nine species of Moa. Their rapid

extinction soon after human arrival left vegetation communities in an unnatural

state, with severely reduced levels of herbivory. Consequently, vegetation

communities at the time of European arrival may not be an appropriate baseline

from which to evaluate present day vegetation changes caused by introduced


The diets of Moa and other extinct avian herbivores and the vegetation communities

in which they foraged were studied to provide a more suitable baseline to assess the

impacts of introduced herbivores. The primary technique involved in this research

was palaeodietary analysis of coprolites (fossil faeces). Ancient DNA extracted

from coprolites was used to identify the herbivore species associated with given

samples and the plant species that made up the herbivore’s diet. Plant species

consumed by the extinct herbivores were also identified from leaf fragments

contained within the coprolites, while pollen provided further dietary details and

general information about feeding habitats (Wood et al., 2008; 2012a; 2012b). In

addition to the palaeodiet reconstructions, insights were gained about the role of the

extinct herbivores as pollinators and seed dispersers. For example, the presence of

intact seeds within coprolites provided evidence of seed dispersal and the high

abundance of pollen from taxa that are bird or insect pollinated was used to infer

possible pollination (particularly in fauna known to consume nectar).


Key findings included the identification of seed dispersal syndromes in rare plant

species. Palaeoecological data also showed that some rare plants (e.g., spring annual

herbs) were once relatively common and were dispersed by Moa (Rogers and

Overton, 2007; Wood et al., 2008). The rarity of the palaeodiet plant species in

contemporary New Zealand landscapes is mainly attributed to the extinction of

avian herbivores and the introduction of competitive grasses (Rogers and Overton,

2007). Interestingly, the rare plant species today appear to benefit from disturbance

by rabbits and sheep, which are perhaps replacing some of the functions once

provided by birds (e.g., seed dispersal, grazing competing plants, deposition of

nutrients in dung; Rogers and Overton, 2007).

Research in the palaeoecology symposium was also concerned with reconstructing

pre-human fire regimes to examine how fire has shaped particular landscapes and to

assist in the development of appropriate fire management programs. The role of

anthropogenic fire in the Australian landscape is both significant and highly

controversial. Scientific views range from the ‘fire-stick farming’ hypothesis of

Jones (1969), which suggests that human burning practices are fundamental to the

modern Australian environment, i.e., shift to more fire-adapted ecosystems and

increased soil erosion (e.g., Gammage, 2011), through to those who suggest that

long-term natural climatic factors control the fire regimes (e.g., Mooney et al.,

2011). Intermediate views are also widely endorsed (e.g., Kershaw et al., 2003;

Moss et al., 2007), with alterations in late Quaternary fire regimes being attributed a

combination of natural climatic and anthropogenic forces, with regional factors

playing a key role.

Notions of pre-European fire regimes continue to shape debates over natural

resource management in Australia. For example, it has been suggested that a shift

towards Aboriginal ‘fire-stick farming’ methods (i.e., low intensity and frequent

fires) would reduce conflagrations that significantly impact contemporary

Australian environments (Select Committee into the Recent Australian Bushfires,

2003). However, as reflected in the abstract of GA, there is little doubt that fire

management strategies associated with European settlement of Australia over the

last 200+ years have had a significant impact at a local and continental scale

(Mooney et al., 2011).


Through an analysis of the population genetics of three sympatric Spinifex

(Triodia) species, GA examined how fire has shaped the Kimberley region of north-

western Australia, providing a fire-frequency baseline against which the current fire

management could be compared. Chloroplast microsatellites and coalescent

analysis was used to infer the historical demography of three Triodia species and

ultimately, their historical sympatry in the Kimberley. Coalescent analysis uses the

haplotype diversity among sampled individuals to determine the time to most recent

common ancestor (Tmrca) of the sampled populations. Multiplying the Tmrca by

the generation time, in this case a fire event, revealed that the three species had been

present in the landscape for millennia. To assess if the species had also been in

sympatry during this time, consensus tree topologies were examined for evidence

for serial founder effects at the edge of the species range (Excoffier and Ray 2008;

Kuhner, 2009), taking account the potential dispersal rate given particular life


The results suggested that the three Triodia species, from different functional

groups, had coexisted under the same fire regime since the late Pleistocene

(Armstrong, 2011). The three species, each with a different life history strategy

(obligate seeder, facultative resprouter and obligate resprouter) were then used to

populate a spatial model and allowed to compete under a range of different fire

frequencies and scales. The model gave a clear result that these species could persist

in sympatry only when the mean fire interval was centred around 5 years and over a

range of spatial scales (Armstrong and Phillips, 2012).

While they used different palaeoecological techniques, the studies of JW and GA

point to the shared objectives of landscape-scale ecological and palaeoecological

research in Australasia. The capacity of palaeoecological research to address

specific management issues stems from the provision of temporal information

regarding a particular problem often beyond the time scales available in traditional

ecological studies. Within the theme of changing landscapes, the key findings of

palaeoecological research presented across the conference suggest that a

combination of natural and human factors is needed to fully explain alterations in

landscapes over the Late Quaternary period, and hence pre-European landscapes.

Such interplay of natural and human factors in shaping modern landscapes over


many millennia is reflected not only in the palaeoecological record, but as noted by

BG, is evident in the life-histories of living taxa which reflect evolutionary

adaptations towards Aboriginal land-use, such as fire, plant trading and collection

techniques (Gott, 2005). It also suggests it is unlikely there is a single explanation

for continental variations in Late Quaternary environments, emphasising the need

for regional and site-specific studies. Integration of palaeoecological and ecological

research which provide data on landscape dynamics at varying spatial and temporal

scales presents perhaps the best means of contextualising modern landscapes and

elucidating the factors that shape their character, processes and functions through


Such insights may also provide a framework from which to identify and assess

landscape-scale management strategies. In comparison to the extent of change that

has occurred to landscapes since European settlement, the impacts of current

management actions are often negligible. Palaeoecological records may provide

alternative and new strategies and should stiffen our resolve to at least consider

broad-scale and sometimes dramatic responses. For example, as argued by Peter

Latz in the “Talks on the Wildside” session of the conference, management of wild

populations of introduced herbivores such as camels could be designed to achieve

ecological benefits such as the regulation of vegetation and fire. Such a perspective

provides an alternative to the management of feral and pest animals separate from

the goal of landscape-scale ecosystem-process management.

Benchmarks and Baselines Palaeoecological research into landscape-scale processes described in the former

section is closely related to the theme of “benchmarks and baselines.” The examples

discussed were concerned with establishing baseline ecological conditions for

current management. In this section, we explore palaeoecological research that has

enabled critical parameters and constraints within ecological systems to be

discerned. In particular, we focus on palaeoecological research concerned with

documenting natural variability within ecological systems.

Natural variability is a key trait of many ecosystems, contributing to their long-term

resilience to disturbance, including climate change (e.g., Walker et al., 2004).


Integration of concepts of natural variability into management plans is becoming

more common, particularly as it is increasingly recognised that a ‘single state’ is an

unrealistic goal in natural systems which fluctuate over time, and where even small

scale environmental perturbations may lead to ecological shifts (Landres et al.,

1999; Parmesan and Yohe, 2003; Folke et al., 2004). By providing long-term

perspectives of ecological systems spanning multiple decades to several millennia,

palaeoecological data can make a significant contribution to management programs

by determining the full range of conditions exhibited by a natural system (e.g.,

Froyd and Willis, 2008; Hadly and Barnosky, 2009).

Ecosystem variables which may be elucidated by long-term palaeoecological

studies include (a) the environmental, climatic and anthropogenic drivers of change,

(b) the frequency of extreme events, (c) initial points of change in a given system,

(d) ecological thresholds, and (e) patterns of response, particularly when a given

threshold is breached. Baseline information that incorporates these variables is

critical for revealing conditions prior to impact (e.g., pre-European condition or

impacts following a disturbance or implementation of a given management

strategy), trajectories of change and signs of recovery.

Research issues relating to the theme of “benchmarks and baselines” were explored

in symposia on ecological restoration and management under climate change (e.g.,

“Modelling, pattern and prediction,” “New approaches to conservation in a

changing climate – species translocations as an adaptive strategy,” “Ecological

Monitoring,” and “Restoration – a structural and functional approach”),

highlighting the widespread need for information on the nature, variability and

structure of baseline conditions in natural systems. We summarise here two

palaeoecological studies presented within the palaeoecology symposium which

contribute this type of information for two freshwater systems in south eastern


Research presented by RG aimed to understand long-term changes across decades

that have occurred in the Murray-Darling Basin as a result of combined

anthropogenic and climatic pressures. However, it also provided an opportunity to

gain an understanding of how the system has responded to change at a centennial


scale. Over the past 200 years since European settlement of Australia, the Murray-

Darling Basin has undergone significant changes in land use and water management

(Davis et al., 2001). There is little doubt the system is still responding to these

changes, in concert with a highly variable climate which makes the determination of

a baseline condition extremely difficult. Many wetlands are now so far removed

from their ‘natural condition’ that restoration attempts are largely futile (Gell,


While state switches in the wetlands of the river have been well documented (e.g.,

Ogden, 2000; Reid et al., 2007; Reid, 2008), little attention has been given to the

water-quality history of wetlands on the river and how the sediments from these

environments may be best studied to reveal pre- and post- European condition.

RG’s research was particularly concerned with the following questions: How has

water quality in the Sinclair Flat wetland of the lower River Murray changed

following European settlement and how does the present ecological condition of the

wetland compare to its historical range of variability?

The palaeoecological archives utilised in this research were diatoms sampled within

sedimentary cores from the study locality. Diatoms are unicellular micro algae

found in fresh water and marine systems. Many diatom species have narrow

tolerance limits which make them useful bioindictors and, as a result, they are

commonly used to monitor present day environmental conditions (e.g., Cook et al.,

2010; Ziemann and Schulz, 2011). Preservation of the silica cell walls of diatoms in

sedimentary sequences makes them useful palaeoecological proxies to reconstruct

the biological, physical and chemical variables of water bodies through time. By

providing information on a wide range of variables, diatoms are particularly

valuable as they enable the interaction of different abiotic and biotic factors to be


Historical changes to Sinclair Flat from the diatom record show a gradual transition

from a clear-water system favouring benthic species in the 1920s when river

regulation was introduced, to a plankton dominated system in the 1950s. By the

1960s, the Sinclair Flat was characterised by higher concentrations of epiphytic

diatoms suggesting increased macrophytic cover. Today, the wetland is a turbid,


nutrient enriched and mesosaline lagoon, attesting to the degraded state of the lower

River Murray (Grundell et al., 2012). Importantly, the long-term record from

Sinclair Flat revealed a gradual change in river conditions following river

regulation, rather than a single, short-term impact (Grundell et al., 2012).

Consequently, intermittent sampling is unlikely to have revealed the ecological

response of the system, enforcing the need for long-term studies of natural systems

for detecting trends and natural variability in complex ecological systems.

The second example is the current research of PD into the ecological function of

lakes of the Western Plains, Victoria through the last 5000 years. Many studies have

reconstructed Pleistocene climate variability in this region through the use of

bioindicators such as pollen, diatoms and ostracods (e.g., Gell et al., 1994; Jones et

al., 2001; Kershaw et al., 2004). These studies have revealed the close relationship

between changes in salinity and lake water levels to climate and climate variability

in this system; however, the impact of catchment and climatic changes on primary

productivity and producers remains largely unknown. The research of PD aims to

address this knowledge gap by examining primary productivity and phototrophic

community structure, measured from fossil pigments preserved in the lake


At a local scale, drivers of change in primary producers in the lake systems are

expected to include local nutrient enrichment from diffuse and point sources of

sewage, agriculture and industrial wastes within the catchment. At a regional scale,

the pervasive nature of atmospheric nitrogen pollution is increasingly recognised as

a mechanism of change in lake systems while global climatic change is likely to

impact the nature and function of lakes via altered inputs of energy and other


Pigments produced by aquatic plants, algae and photosynthetic bacteria are useful

bioindicators as they represent the entire phototrophic community with a high

degree of taxon specificity (Wright and Jeffrey, 1997; Leavitt and Hodgson, 2001).

In PD’s current research, fossil pigments from the sediment cores will be detected

using High-performance Liquid Chromatography, an advanced technique that can

separate, qualify and quantify individual pigments in a sample (e.g., Chen et al.,


2001; Leavitt and Hodgson, 2001). Additional palaeoecological proxies (diatoms

and pollen) will also be correlated with the pigment data.

As these examples demonstrate, tracking environmental and ecological changes in

sediment records through time can reveal the impacts of human activity and natural

processes on ecological and environmental systems. They are also critical in

providing benchmarks and baselines against which managers can evaluate the

degree to which their restoration efforts are successful. Such baselines give insight

into the key constraints operating on natural systems at decadal to millennial time

scales, depending on the preservation and nature of the depositional environment.

In a recent review Batterbee et al. (2011) noted that palaeoecological records,

particularly those of freshwater systems, can provide an extension of long-term

monitoring data-sets. In some cases, palaeoecological records from sedimentary

deposits overlap in age with long-term monitoring programs, enabling cross-

validation between them (Batterbee et al., 2011). This is particularly relevant to the

palaeolimnological studies discussed here, where high resolution records of

seasonal to decadal conditions are commonly preserved in the finely laminated

sediments of freshwater systems. These records are particularly useful for the

investigation of human driven effects on natural systems that commonly operate

over short time frames.

Evolution and Ecology of Diversity As discussed for “benchmarks and baselines”, many research questions associated

with the theme of “evolution and ecology of diversity,” are common to the first

section which was concerned with “changing landscapes.” This overlap arises

because of the inherent links between ecosystem processes, landscape dynamics,

species geographic ranges and the distribution of diversity. In this section, we

examine the relationships between diversity at a given locality, the geographic

ranges of individual taxa and the evolutionary, ecological and historical factors that

shape them through time.

David Bowman’s opening plenary session set a vibrant tone for the conference,

encouraging continued curiosity of the natural world to drive ecological research.


He also challenged delegates to continue to develop and further their research into

the processes that structure ecosystems, rather than focussing solely on

documenting diversity. He argued that describing diversity is relatively easy in

comparison to the increasingly vital need to understand the interactions and

constraints which control diversity.

Palaeoecological research presented at the conference shows that palaeoecological

techniques have the potential to inform on ecological processes and, contrary to

general perceptions, commonly addresses complex ecological questions relating to

species interactions and their relationship with abiotic factors that shape the

distribution of diversity in the long-term. However, the examples also show that

information about past diversity is valuable as a baseline against which the extent

and rates of change in diversity of a given locality can be determined. Such

descriptions may be the only source of information from which we can identify at-

risk species and habitats and to provide a context when considering assertive

conservation actions such as translocations.

The presentation of MM in the palaeoecology symposium provides an example of

palaeoecological research concerned with reconstructing the past temporal and

spatial distribution of vertebrate faunas and the diversity of mammal communities

through time. Vertebrate fossil assemblages are preserved in a wide range of

environments and geological settings such as lake and riparian deposits, rock

shelters and caves, dune blowouts and human structures such as buildings and eaves

(e.g., Price and Sobbe, 2005; Hocknull et al., 2007; McDowell and Medlin, 2009).

The remains of vertebrates accumulate in these settings through natural attrition

such as pitfall entrapment into caves, death of inhabiting animals, mass-death

events, post-death transport of bone material and predatory accumulation by owls

and other raptors, humans or carnivorous mammals and reptiles (e.g., Reed and

Bourne, 2000; McDowell and Medlin, 2009).

MM highlighted the specific utility of late Holocene aged vertebrate fossil

assemblages, those that span the last few thousand years, as indicators of pre-

European faunas for specific localities. These ‘young’ fossil assemblages often fill

knowledge gaps about the occurrence and distribution of vertebrates immediately


prior to European arrival. These gaps occur due to the incomplete and poor

historical documentation of faunal biogeography and biased museum collections

which often do not include rare or cryptic species. Specific applications of

vertebrate fossil data discussed by MM included detecting new species (e.g., Start et

al., 2012) and tracking the contraction and expansion of species ranges in response

to European landscape modification (e.g., Baynes and McDowell, 2010; McDowell

and Medlin, 2010). Drawing on his own research, MM noted in his presentation that

present populations rarely reflect the pre-European biogeography of most species

and warns of the dangers of baseline slip (McDowell et al., 2013).

While these studies are primarily concerned with documenting past diversity as a

means of assessing the extent of change in species occurrences, distribution and

communities through time, they also provide an important basis for elucidating the

drivers of species and community level changes through time. For example, the

relative abundances of taxa within fossil assemblages are commonly assessed

through a stratigraphic sequence to identify ecological change. Correlation of fossil

sequences with climatic data can provide clues to the potential drivers of such

changes (e.g., Prideaux et al., 2007; Macken et al., 2012). Studies which track the

occurrence of species through the fossil record may also reveal not only those

species that have been most impacted by past climatic and/or environmental

changes, but also those species most resilient (e.g., Macken et al., 2012). Through

the integration of a range of natural archives such as vertebrate fossils, pollen and

diatoms, relationships between these parameters may be elucidated. Greater

synthesis of phylogenetic data from living populations and extinct taxa with fossil

occurrences also presents an opportunity to improve our understanding of the

biogeography of modern taxa and the evolutionary and ecological factors that have

shaped their distributions through time. Such collaborations may present the only

means of improving our knowledge of the biogeography of key taxa and

populations as there remain significant gaps in the Quaternary fossil record and

because of the severe underestimation of species niches and geographic ranges in

modern landscapes (e.g., Bilney et al., 2010).


Linkages between Palaeoecology and Ecology The central theme of the 2011 conference (“ecology in changing landscapes”)

recognised a need to (a) increase our knowledge of how natural systems respond to

rapid change particularly associated with human landscape modification and

climate change, and (b) empower ecologists, conservation practitioners and land

managers in their decision making in the management of landscapes undergoing

rapid change. As shown here, many of the palaeoecological studies presented at the

conference were directly driven by, or could be applied to, management and/or

ecological restoration problems.

In many cases, the connection between palaeoecological research and conservation

management arose directly from collaborations involving a wide range of research

and management organisations. For example, within New Zealand’s Landcare

Research institute, a small number of palaeoecologists work within a large team of

ecologists on various collaborative projects. Examples of recent projects include

vegetation and fire history reconstructions and diet and habitat analyses for the

endangered South Island Takahe (e.g., Wilmshurst, 2003). Landcare Research is

also currently involved in collaborations with Maori iwi in the Northland region,

using pollen archives to guide restoration planting. Another New Zealand example

is the Arawai Käkäriki (Green Waterway) programme of the Department of

Conservation (DOC), aimed at understanding and restoring three of New Zealand’s

most significant wetland/freshwater sites with the collaboration of the scientific and

wider community. A major focus of the programme is research to guide vegetation

restoration and the development of best-practice management and monitoring tools.

DOC are working with a paleoecologist (CW) to determine pre-human impact fire

variability, natural vegetation cover and baseline conditions in the lakes and

wetlands prior to Maori and European impacts.

The Collaborative Research Network of the University of Ballarat, through the

Regional Landscape Change program, provides an example of a research

collaboration between palaeoecologists and ecologists with a specific focus on (a)

understanding climate variations over the last 2000 years, (b) identifying sites that

are sensitive to climatic change and to discern the relative impact of climate and

human-driven catchment changes on their conditions, and (c) examine the


management implications of climate change on habitat and biodiversity restoration

and freshwater system health. We also note the successful ARC funded

Environmental Futures Network (2005–2010) which brought scientists from a broad

range of environmental disciplines together with land managers to (a) describe the

current status of biodiversity in Australia, (b) identify the evolutionary, ecological

and climatic factors that have shaped current ecosystems through time and (c)

collate information for management planning.

Other collaborations or partnerships have been driven more directly by land

management organisations or stakeholders who have engaged the skills and

knowledge of palaeoecologists to support the development of management plans.

For example, land managers and government and private companies responsible for

appropriate management of grassland ecosystems of south east Queensland and

north west Tasmania have enlisted a palaeoecologist (PM) to examine fire history

and human and natural impacts as drivers of change in these environments. The aim

of this research is to develop management plans to better conserve grassland

ecosystems, particularly through fire management. Partnerships have also arisen

where the work of palaeoecologists has reached a wide audience and generated

interest in its potential to enhance management planning. For example, work of MM

on the pre-European mammal faunas of Yorke Peninsula in South Australia has

generated interest from managers who are developing a Conservation Action Plan

for the region.

These examples demonstrate the wide range of partnerships that may emerge

between palaeoecologists, ecologists and land managers. Common to all is the

facilitation of active engagement and partnership of people from a wide range of

backgrounds and we suggest that this remains a critical factor in the development

and success of collaborations. Yet despite these examples, the need to continually

promote cross-disciplinary engagement remains, particularly in the face of limited

funding opportunities and the complexity of management problems faced by

governments, conservation organisations and ecosystems. This need is reflected in

data on the number of palaeoecological talks presented at ESA conferences over the

last 11 years (Fig. 1). These data show that palaeoecology has been only a minor

feature of past ESA conferences, signalling the potential for increased participation


by palaeoecologists in the future. Palaeoecology-based talks are also commonly

linked to palaeoecology symposia, suggesting that palaeoecologists may not always

directly associate their research within the context of broader ecological research

themes of the conferences and/or a disconnection between ecological and

palaeoecological research networks. Given these trends, we make the following

suggestions to stimulate new dialogue about cross-disciplinary collaborations and

engagement between ecologists and palaeoecologists:

• Increased support for cross-disciplinary research projects

Palaeoecological research presented at the conference and existing research

programs that engage palaeoecologists and ecologists provide evidence for

the contribution that collaborative projects can make when addressing

complex ecological problems. Cross-disciplinary collaborations are critical

for addressing large scale management issues such as climate change, fire

management and water security but can also be valuable for local or regional

scale conservation actions. Through direct engagement of palaeoecologists

with land managers, ecologists and other organisations involved in

conservation, palaeoecological data may be more easily interpreted and

applied to ecological problems. However, a significant need for financial

support for such collaborations exists. Wider acceptance of the contribution

that palaeoecological data makes to management decision making may assist

in securing research funding. Such funding is often limited for

palaeoecological research as it is often considered a descriptive, rather than

applied science. The examples discussed here challenge this perception.

• Continued promotion and integration of palaeoecological research in

ecological organisations such as the Ecological Society of Australia.

A positive aspect of the 2011 conference was that palaeoecological research

was not restricted to the palaeoecology symposium, but was integrated

within a range of symposia (e.g., “Poised between population irruption and

collapse – what does the ecology of Callitris teach us about Australian

environmental history?”, “Plant ecology”, and in an open session). The

confidence of palaeoecologists to attend ecological forums and to present

palaeoecological data to a wide audience is imperative for continued


engagement and promotion of the contribution of palaeoecology to broader

ecological issues. Through involvement in ecological forums,

palaeoecologists also have the opportunity to stay in touch with current

management concerns and to consider and discuss the applications of

palaeoecological data in these contexts.

We also recognise that there are challenges in establishing collaborations across

disciplines, particularly those associated with integrating data across different time-

scales. The temporal resolution of data from some palaeoecological studies is too

coarse for some questions. It is incumbent on palaeoecologists to be realistic about

what a given natural archive can reveal. Engagement with ecologists on these issues

is crucial to help identify what contributions can be made, and the scale at which the

information is useful. Another challenge is the often urgent need for conservation

action or the development of a management plan which are often generated much

more quickly than palaeoecological (or other ecological) data. We suggest that it is

important to identify the objectives and timelines of all stakeholders early in a

collaborative project. Greater publishing of palaeoecological research for access by

a wider audience is required, but more importantly, active engagement of people is

most crucial for the successful integration, interpretation and application of research

across the shared themes of ecology and palaeoecology.


Figure A.1 Proportion of palaeoecology based abstracts presented at annual

conferences of the Ecological Society of Australia (ESA) from 2000 to 2011. The

proportions of palaeoecology based talks during conferences with and without (w/o)

palaeoecology themed symposia are also presented. Error bars for the symposium

data show standard errors (with n=3, w/o n=6). Asterisks indicate years during

which the conference included a palaeoecology symposium. An abstract was

considered to be palaeoecology based if it included analysis or discussion of

sediment-based natural archives (e.g., pollen, diatoms) and/or phylogeographic

techniques. As the 2009 ESA conference was combined with the 10th International

Congress of Ecology, it was excluded from the analysis.


Conclusion The common research themes between palaeoecological and ecological research

presented at the 2011 ESA conference reflect a high degree of cross-over between

these often separated disciplines. Palaeoecological research presented at the

conference provides examples of the contribution that long-term records can make

to our understanding of natural systems and to our management decision making.

The shared research themes also reflect the importance of current ecological

research and problems faced by land managers in directing palaeoecological


As palaeoecologists, there is inherent value for us in engaging with the ecological

research community and the ESA; in many cases we share the goal of providing

information that can be used to make appropriate and effective decisions for the

conservation of species, landscapes and ecological processes. Continued

engagement of palaeoecology and ecology through the ESA annual conference,

both within and outside of palaeoecology specific symposia, and the development

of research collaborations will strengthen the linkages between our disciplines. As

demonstrated in the examples discussed here, increased participation and

collaboration can also make significant contributions to informed and appropriate

ecosystem management and restoration.

Acknowledgements We extend our thanks to the Ecological Society of Australia and the 2011

conference organising committee for facilitating engagement between

palaeoecologists and ecologists at the 2011 annual meeting. We also acknowledge

palaeoecologists who attended the 2011 conference, but who were not able to

contribute directly to the manuscript.


Appendix B

Table B.1 Excavation intervals of the Wet Cave stratigraphic sequence. Depth below datum (D/D) from excavation data sheets (D. Bartholomeusz and students of Flinders

University 1997 to 1998) and sedimentary profile (McDowell, 2001). Sediment colour and description modified from McDowell (2001). Grain size distributions from Forbes &

Bestland (2007); Radiocarbon ages from Pate et al. (2002, 2006) are indicated in italics and were determined from charcoal sampled in situ. Radiocarbon ages in the current study

were determined from charcoal samples sorted from bulk material of individual excavation layers. Calendar ages before present (cal y BP) were calibrated in OxCal4.1 (Bronk

Ramsey 2009) using the INTCAL09 calibration curve (Reimer et al. 2009).

Pit Lay-er

Inter-val D/D cm Unit

Forbes & Bestland

(2007) sample code*

Sediment colour Description**

Grain Size Distribution (%)

> Coarse

sand (>0.5 mm)

Med-ium to

fine sand (0.5–0.3


Very fine

sand to very

coarse silt



< Coarse

silt (<0.1 mm)

cal y BP

2 1 1 0 to -7 7.5YR3/1 Very dark grey silts with moderately sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded quartz grains and orange clay clasts.

2 2 1 -7 to -20 7.5YR3/2 Dark brown silt with moderately sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded quartz forming clean sandy laminations.

2 2 2 -20 to -21.5 7.5YR3/2 Dark brown silt with moderately sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded quartz forming clean sandy laminations.

2 2 3 -21.5 to -24 7.5YR3/2 Dark brown silt with moderately sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded quartz forming clean sandy laminations. 13,308 – 12,958

2 3 1 -24 to -30 F 7.5YR2.5/2 Very dark brown silt with moderately sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded quartz forming clean sandy laminations.

2 3 2 -30 to-34 7.5YR2.5/2 Very dark brown silt with moderately sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded quartz forming clean sandy laminations.

2 3 3 -34 to -39 7.5YR2.5/2 Very dark brown silt with moderately sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded quartz forming clean sandy laminations.

2 4 1 -39 to -52

Wp1d 7.5YR3/3 Dark brown silt with moderately sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded quartz forming clean sandy laminations overlying a degraded flowstone. Sediment sample Wp1d also contained

12.1 43.3 21.5 23.1 735 – 569 (D/D -41cm)


Pit Lay-er

Inter-val D/D cm Unit

Forbes & Bestland

(2007) sample code*

Sediment colour Description**

Grain Size Distribution (%)

> Coarse

sand (>0.5 mm)

Med-ium to

fine sand (0.5–0.3


Very fine

sand to very

coarse silt



< Coarse

silt (<0.1 mm)

cal y BP

milky white non-clastic material.

2 5 1 -52 to -60 7.5YR2.5/3 Very dark brown clayey, silty sand with moderately sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded quartz grains and limestone gravel. 10,486 – 10,242

2 5 2 -60 to -83 10YR6/4 Light yellow brown clayey sand with moderately sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded polished quartz grains. 11,204 – 10,662 (D/D


2 6 1 -83 to -87 E Wp1h 7.5YR4/1 Dark grey silty sand with moderately sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded polished quartz grains. 1.6 27.6 65.9 4.9

2 6 2 -87 to -94 10YR6/4 Light yellow moderately sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded polished quartz clayey sand. 14,882 – 13,990

2 6 3 -94 to -100 7.5YR4/1 Dark grey silty sand with moderately sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded polished quartz grains.

2 6 4 -100 to -110 10YR6/4 Light yellow, moderately sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded polished quartz clayey sand. 16,881 – 16,352

1 5 1 -110 to -132 7.5YR5/6 Mottled orange and brown, poorly sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded sandy clay.

1 5 2 -132 to -134 7.5YR5/6 Mottled orange and brown, poorly sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded sandy clay. 17,421 – 16,759 (D/D


1 5 3 -134 to -135 7.5YR5/6 Mottled orange and brown, poorly sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded sandy clay.

1 5 4 -135 to -140 D 7.5YR5/6 Mottled orange and brown, poorly sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded sandy clay.

1 5 5 -140 to -142 7.5YR5/6 Mottled orange and brown, poorly sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded sandy clay.

1 5 6 -142 to -150 7.5YR5/6 Mottled orange and brown, poorly sorted, medium sized, sub-rounded sandy clay.

1 6 1 -150 to -159 10YR8/6 Yellow, well sorted, medium sized, rounded quartz sand with polished grains and dark brown silty laminations.

1 6 2 -159 to -162 10YR8/6 Yellow, well sorted, medium sized, rounded quartz sand with polished grains and dark brown silty laminations.

1 6 3 -162 to -164 10YR8/6 Yellow, well sorted, medium sized, rounded quartz sand with polished grains and dark brown silty laminations.


Pit Lay-er

Inter-val D/D cm Unit

Forbes & Bestland

(2007) sample code*

Sediment colour Description**

Grain Size Distribution (%)

> Coarse

sand (>0.5 mm)

Med-ium to

fine sand (0.5–0.3


Very fine

sand to very

coarse silt



< Coarse

silt (<0.1 mm)

cal y BP

1 6 4 -164 to -167 C 10YR8/6 Yellow, well sorted, medium sized, rounded quartz sand with polished grains and dark brown silty laminations.

1 6 5 -167 to -170 W 2 10YR8/6 Yellow, well sorted, medium sized, rounded quartz sand with polished grains and dark brown silty laminations. 0.5 52.5 45.7 1.3 18,465 – 16,610 (D/D


1 6 6 -170 to -187 10YR8/6 Yellow, well sorted, medium sized, rounded quartz sand with polished grains and dark brown silty laminations.

1 6 7 -187 to -192 W 4 7.5YR4/6 Brown clayey sand with moderately sorted, medium sized, rounded, polished quartz grains. 2.9 33.6 56.3 7.2 25,031 – 24,442

1 6 8 -192 to -198 10YR8/6 Yellow, well sorted, medium sized, rounded clayey quartz sand with polished grains.

1 6 9 -198 to -205 B 10YR7/6 Yellow, well sorted, medium sized, rounded clayey quartz sand with polished grains. 23,890 – 22,390 (D/D


1 6 10 -205 to -212 W 8 10YR5/6 Yellow-brown clayey sand with well sorted, medium sized, rounded, polished quartz grains. 3.0 33.5 53.2 10.2

1 6 11 -212 to -220 7.5YR5/8 Brown clayey sand with moderately sorted, medium sized, rounded polished quartz grains.

1 6 12 -220 to -229 W 10 2.5YR4/6 Dark red, well sorted, medium sized, rounded sandy clay with sandy laminations. 13.6 23.9 41.8 20.7 30,944 – 26,339 (D/D


1 7 1 -229 to -231 2.5YR4/6 Dark red, well sorted, medium sized, rounded sandy clay with sandy laminations.

1 7 2 -231 to -233 2.5YR4/6 Dark red, well sorted, medium sized, rounded sandy clay with sandy laminations.

1 7 3 -233 to -246 2.5YR4/6 Dark red, well sorted, medium sized, rounded sandy clay with sandy laminations. 36,280 – 34,546 (D/D


1 7 4 -246 to -257 2.5YR4/6

Dark red, well sorted, medium sized, rounded sandy clay with sandy laminations.

39,939 – 36,654 (D/D -249cm)/

23,005 – 24,446 (D/D -252cm)

1 7 5 -257 to -267 A 2.5YR4/6 Dark red, well sorted, medium sized, rounded sandy clay with sandy laminations.

1 7 6 -267 to -276 2.5YR4/6 Dark red, well sorted, medium sized, rounded sandy clay with 45,984 – 43,334 (D/D


Pit Lay-er

Inter-val D/D cm Unit

Forbes & Bestland

(2007) sample code*

Sediment colour Description**

Grain Size Distribution (%)

> Coarse

sand (>0.5 mm)

Med-ium to

fine sand (0.5–0.3


Very fine

sand to very

coarse silt



< Coarse

silt (<0.1 mm)

cal y BP

sandy laminations. -269cm)

1 7 7 -276 to -290 2.5YR4/6 Dark red, well sorted, medium sized, rounded sandy clay with sandy laminations. ... – 45,693 (D/D -


1 7 8 -290 to -305 2.5YR2.5/4 Dark red, well sorted, medium sized, rounded sandy clay with sandy laminations.

1 7 9 -305 to -350 W 15 (-335

cm) 2.5YR2.5/4 Dark red, well sorted, medium sized, rounded sandy clay with sandy laminations.

4.3 26.2 45.3 24.3 39,648 – 35,157 (D/D

-320cm)/ 10,415 – 10,225

* Forbes & Bestland (2007) incorrectly labelled the samples from Pit 2 as Pit 1 and visa-versa. ** Medium grain size in description = 0.25–0.5 mm.


Appendix C

Table C.1 Chronological order (oldest to youngest) of Wet and Blanche Cave

Phase Boundaries based on 50% probability threshold.

Boundary Boundary

1. Blanche Layer 27 bottom 39. Blanche Layer 11 bottom 2. Wet Unit A bottom 40. Blanche Layer 12 bottom 3. Blanche Layer 27 top 41. Blanche Layer 12 top 4. Blanche Layer 26 bottom 42. Blanche Layer 13 top 5. Blanche Layer 14 bottom 43. Blanche Layer 11 top 6. Blanche Layer 26 top 44. Blanche Layer 10 top 7. Blanche Layer 25 bottom 45. Blanche Layer 8 bottom 8. Wet Unit D bottom 46. Blanche Layer 9 bottom 9. Blanche Layer 25 top 47. Blanche Layer 9 top

10. Blanche Layer 24 bottom 48. Blanche Layer 6 bottom 11. Blanche Layer 24 top 49. Blanche Layer 5 bottom 12. Blanche Layer 23 bottom 50. Blanche Layer 4 bottom 13. Blanche Layer 22 bottom 51. Blanche Layer 7 bottom 14. Wet Unit D top 52. Blanche Layer 7 top 15. Blanche Layer 21 bottom 53. Blanche Layer 8 top 16. Wet Unit A top 54. Blanche Layer 5 top 17. Wet Unit B bottom 55. Blanche Layer 6 top 18. Blanche Layer 23 top 56. Blanche Layer 4 top 19. Blanche Layer 21 top 57. Wet Unit E bottom 20. Blanche Layer 22 top 58. Blanche Layer 3 bottom 21. Blanche Layer 20 bottom 59. Wet Lens 2: 6/4 top 22. Blanche Layer 20 top 60. Wet Lens 2: 6/3 bottom 23. Blanche Layer 19 bottom 61. Wet Lens 2: 6/3 top 24. Blanche Layer 19 top 62. Wet Lens 2: 6/2 bottom 25. Blanche Layer 14 top 63. Wet Lens 2: 6/2 top 26. Blanche Layer 16 bottom 64. Wet Lens 2: 6/1 bottom 27. Blanche Layer 15 bottom 65. Wet Lens 2: 6/1 top 28. Wet Unit B top 66. Blanche Layer 3 top 29. Blanche Layer 17 bottom 67. Wet Lens 2: 5/2 bottom 30. Blanche Layer 18 bottom 68. Blanche Layer 2 bottom 31. Wet Unit C bottom 69. Wet Lens 2: 5/2 top 32. Blanche Layer 16 top 70. Wet Lens 2: 5/1 bottom 33. Blanche Layer 15 top 71. Blanche Layer 2 top 34. Blanche Layer 17 top 72. Blanche Layer 1 bottom 35. Blanche Layer 18 top 73. Blanche Layer 1 top 36. Wet Unit C top 74. Wet Unit E top 37. Blanche Layer 13 bottom 75. Wet Unit F bottom 38. Blanche Layer 10 bottom 76. Wet Unit F top


Table C.2 Pairs of Boundaries between Wet and Blanche Caves that are statistically similar at

68.2% and/or 95.4% probability.

Boundaries Difference range 68.2% 95.4%

Blanche_Cave_Layer_27_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_A_bottom -6044 3841 -10979 6900

Blanche_Cave_Layer_27_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_A_bottom 1664 7646 -886 11828

Blanche_Cave_Layer_23_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_A_top -3968 -773 -5412 1386 Blanche_Cave_Layer_22_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_A_top -5579 -2345 -6726 3314 Blanche_Cave_Layer_22_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_bottom -6897 -4658 -7890 1502 Blanche_Cave_Layer_21_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_A_top -5328 -1708 -6639 1752 Blanche_Cave_Layer_21_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_bottom -6872 -3964 -7493 316

Blanche_Cave_Layer_21_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_A_top -4569 -399 -5808 3270 Blanche_Cave_Layer_21_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_bottom -6115 -2479 -6947 1096 Blanche_Cave_Layers_21_to_23_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_A_top -3720 640 -5124 4002

Blanche_Cave_Layers_21_to_23_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_bottom -5146 -1351 -6680 1589

Blanche_Cave_Layer_20_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_A_top 178 3694 -2329 5209 Blanche_Cave_Layer_20_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_bottom -1322 1644 -3812 3143

Blanche_Cave_Layer_20_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_bottom 119 1984 -684 4110 Blanche_Cave_Layer_20_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_top -3445 -717 -5915 163 Blanche_Cave_Layer_19_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_bottom 497 2588 -116 4712

Blanche_Cave_Layer_19_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_top -3139 -248 -5404 972 Blanche_Cave_Layer_19_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_top -900 1980 -3295 2810 Blanche_Cave_Layer_19_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -4751 -2004 -5340 853 Blanche_Cave_Layers_15_to_18_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_top 84 2843 -2400 3582

Blanche_Cave_Layers_15_to_18_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -3860 -1165 -4439 1496

Blanche_Cave_Layer_18_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_top 1877 4814 -583 5529 Blanche_Cave_Layer_18_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -1971 942 -2986 3435

Blanche_Cave_Layer_18_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -790 1811 -1329 4347 Blanche_Cave_Layer_18_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -1245 -20 -2018 798 Blanche_Cave_Layer_17_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_top 1596 4500 -891 5168 Blanche_Cave_Layer_17_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -2294 606 -3249 3092

Blanche_Cave_Layer_17_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -1279 1226 -1607 3792 Blanche_Cave_Layer_17_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -1765 -640 -2301 364 Blanche_Cave_Layer_16_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_top 541 3185 -1900 3885 Blanche_Cave_Layer_16_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -3421 -899 -3830 1724

Blanche_Cave_Layer_16_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_top 1680 4540 -677 5513 Blanche_Cave_Layer_16_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -2228 502 -2653 3056 Blanche_Cave_Layer_15_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_top 831 3499 -1620 4154 Blanche_Cave_Layer_15_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -3130 -567 -3616 2014

Blanche_Cave_Layer_15_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_top 2249 4991 -93 5808 Blanche_Cave_Layer_15_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -1714 905 -2110 3430 Blanche_Cave_Layer_15_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -2250 -956 -2798 94 Blanche_Cave_Layers_15_to_18_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -549 1988 -1041 4546


Boundaries Difference range 68.2% 95.4%

Blanche_Cave_Layers_15_to_18_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -982 148 -1780 936

Blanche_Cave_Layer_14_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_A_bottom 11260 28460 -6930 3052

1 Blanche_Cave_Layer_14_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_A_top -10468 4935 -28887 5550 Blanche_Cave_Layer_14_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_bottom -12253 2825 -30626 3515

Blanche_Cave_Layer_14_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_B_top -1797 3217 -3788 5558 Blanche_Cave_Layer_14_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -5392 -319 -6578 2268 Blanche_Cave_Layers_10_to_13_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -231 2487 -760 6121

Blanche_Cave_Layers_10_to_13_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -659 406 -1785 3816

Blanche_Cave_Layers_10_to_13_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -918 -253 -2414 236

Blanche_Cave_Layer_13_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -135 2215 -401 4804

Blanche_Cave_Layer_13_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -539 359 -1135 1231 Blanche_Cave_Layer_13_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -810 -247 -1641 24

Blanche_Cave_Layer_13_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -61 2296 -314 4915 Blanche_Cave_Layer_13_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -465 423 -1050 1350 Blanche_Cave_Layer_13_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -740 -189 -1567 126 Blanche_Cave_Layer_12_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -132 2229 -409 4823

Blanche_Cave_Layer_12_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -536 372 -1160 1233 Blanche_Cave_Layer_12_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -814 -230 -1650 45

Blanche_Cave_Layer_12_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -58 2312 -320 4930 Blanche_Cave_Layer_12_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -465 438 -1069 1361 Blanche_Cave_Layer_12_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -747 -173 -1571 158 Blanche_Cave_Layer_11_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -102 2284 -374 4966

Blanche_Cave_Layer_11_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -506 399 -1197 1366 Blanche_Cave_Layer_11_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -777 -213 -1672 74

Blanche_Cave_Layer_11_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -31 2358 -297 5035 Blanche_Cave_Layer_11_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -440 470 -1096 1457 Blanche_Cave_Layer_11_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -720 -144 -1574 185 Blanche_Cave_Layer_10_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -148 2262 -445 4966

Blanche_Cave_Layer_10_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -554 377 -1307 1341 Blanche_Cave_Layer_10_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -826 -231 -1751 49

Blanche_Cave_Layer_10_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom -48 2323 -307 4956 Blanche_Cave_Layer_10_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -455 445 -1064 1387 Blanche_Cave_Layer_10_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -735 -166 -1571 160 Blanche_Cave_Layers_10_to_13_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom 4 2432 -275 5170

Blanche_Cave_Layers_10_to_13_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -413 529 -1150 1625

Blanche_Cave_Layers_10_to_13_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -709 -89 -1592 307

Blanche_Cave_Layers_10_to_13_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top -1084 -280 -1989 12

Blanche_Cave_Layers_04_to_09_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom 61 3051 -313 7969


Boundaries Difference range 68.2% 95.4%

Blanche_Cave_Layers_04_to_09_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -401 795 -1185 5940

Blanche_Cave_Layers_04_to_09_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -651 149 -2084 1925

Blanche_Cave_Layers_04_to_09_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top -1034 -68 -2285 350

Blanche_Cave_Layers_04_to_09_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom -1814 -529 -2727 131

Blanche_Cave_Layer_09_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -105 851 -664 1714 Blanche_Cave_Layer_09_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -410 259 -1171 604

Blanche_Cave_Layer_09_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top -767 75 -1631 311

Blanche_Cave_Layer_09_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom -1560 -360 -2226 12

Blanche_Cave_Layer_09_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top 110 1036 -458 1919 Blanche_Cave_Layer_09_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -191 427 -985 820 Blanche_Cave_Layer_09_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top -568 234 -1456 511

Blanche_Cave_Layer_09_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom -1340 -160 -2028 184

Blanche_Cave_Layer_08_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom 159 2581 -129 5152

Blanche_Cave_Layer_08_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -285 710 -840 1633 Blanche_Cave_Layer_08_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -581 153 -1324 542

Blanche_Cave_Layer_08_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top -963 -43 -1773 268

Blanche_Cave_Layer_08_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_bottom 275 2686 -24 5234 Blanche_Cave_Layer_08_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -170 816 -713 1725 Blanche_Cave_Layer_08_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -470 245 -1228 639 Blanche_Cave_Layer_08_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top -828 68 -1686 350

Blanche_Cave_Layer_08_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom -1618 -401 -2286 30

Blanche_Cave_Layer_07_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -105 853 -664 1717 Blanche_Cave_Layer_07_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -410 260 -1171 605

Blanche_Cave_Layer_07_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top -766 75 -1632 312

Blanche_Cave_Layer_07_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom -1559 -360 -2227 13

Blanche_Cave_Layer_07_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top 109 1037 -465 1925 Blanche_Cave_Layer_07_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -192 427 -989 821 Blanche_Cave_Layer_07_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top -568 234 -1458 511

Blanche_Cave_Layer_07_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom -1341 -160 -2030 184

Blanche_Cave_Layer_06_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -47 865 -615 1745 Blanche_Cave_Layer_06_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -333 264 -1128 576

Blanche_Cave_Layer_06_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top -702 79 -1576 285

Blanche_Cave_Layer_06_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom -1498 -325 -2164 1

Blanche_Cave_Layer_06_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top 148 1026 -389 1929 Blanche_Cave_Layer_06_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -127 409 -947 784


Boundaries Difference range 68.2% 95.4%

Blanche_Cave_Layer_06_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top -505 234 -1405 474

Blanche_Cave_Layer_06_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom -1289 -139 -1967 162

Blanche_Cave_Layer_05_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top -5 910 -584 1791 Blanche_Cave_Layer_05_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -294 305 -1095 623

Blanche_Cave_Layer_05_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top -663 117 -1544 325

Blanche_Cave_Layer_05_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom -1457 -284 -2127 42

Blanche_Cave_Layer_05_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top 181 1065 -363 1970 Blanche_Cave_Layer_05_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -95 445 -915 830 Blanche_Cave_Layer_05_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top -475 268 -1373 522

Blanche_Cave_Layer_05_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom -1255 -105 -1937 201

Blanche_Cave_Layer_04_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top 27 919 -540 1800 Blanche_Cave_Layer_04_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -249 311 -1061 616

Blanche_Cave_Layer_04_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top -623 126 -1507 319

Blanche_Cave_Layer_04_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom -1422 -261 -2089 44

Blanche_Cave_Layer_04_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top 193 1066 -350 1974 Blanche_Cave_Layer_04_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -79 448 -905 820 Blanche_Cave_Layer_04_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top -458 272 -1359 512

Blanche_Cave_Layer_04_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom -1244 -96 -1922 200

Blanche_Cave_Layers_04_to_09_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top 279 1210 -425 2257

Blanche_Cave_Layers_04_to_09_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom -15 591 -948 1066

Blanche_Cave_Layers_04_to_09_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top -1084 -280 -1989 12

Blanche_Cave_Layers_04_to_09_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom -1165 21 -1906 399

Blanche_Cave_Layer_03_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_C_top 525 1528 -15 2413 Blanche_Cave_Layer_03_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom 193 927 -517 1399

Blanche_Cave_Layer_03_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top -169 733 -1005 1100

Blanche_Cave_Layer_03_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom -925 300 -1613 734

Blanche_Cave_Layer_03_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_top -1610 -395 -2040 260

Blanche_Cave_Layer_03_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_bottom 501 1342 -209 1787 Blanche_Cave_Layer_03_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top 143 1127 -689 1505

Blanche_Cave_Layer_03_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom -603 675 -1305 1147

Blanche_Cave_Layer_03_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_top -1264 -3 -1759 674

Blanche_Cave_Layer_02_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top 628 1553 -271 1841

Blanche_Cave_Layer_02_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom -140 1115 -858 1526


Boundaries Difference range 68.2% 95.4%

Blanche_Cave_Layer_02_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_top -817 414 -1314 1097

Blanche_Cave_Layer_02_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_2_bottom -1215 -289 -1691 410

Blanche_Cave_Layer_02_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top 929 1920 -324 3148

Blanche_Cave_Layer_02_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom 191 1519 -770 2611

Blanche_Cave_Layer_02_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_top -479 840 -1110 2109

Blanche_Cave_Layer_02_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_2_bottom -889 96 -1397 1599

Blanche_Cave_Layer_02_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_2_top -1491 -364 -2884 796

Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_4_top 1050 2271 -198 6805

Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_bottom 301 1870 -622 6255

Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_top -305 1251 -954 5770

Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_2_bottom -707 503 -1256 5306

Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_2_top -1401 -4 -2820 4331

Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_1_bottom -2551 -527 -3680 3381

Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_1_top -3521 -1530 -4126 2504

Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_5_2_bottom -4036 -2763 -4447 1602

Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_5_2_top -4302 -3434 -4814 1044

Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_bottom to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_5_1_bottom -4574 -3758 -5058 813

Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_bottom to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_top -5006 -3995 -6345 712 Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_3_top -20 15108 -55 1519

9 Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_2_bottom -404 14557 -429 1460

8 Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_2_top -1119 14052 -1182 1409

4 Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_1_bottom -2314 13049 -2386 1318

4 Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_6_1_top -3184 12030 -3224 1215

9 Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_5_2_bottom -3694 11244 -3719 1129

0 Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_5_2_top -4075 10853 -4099 1088

5 Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_top to Wet_Cave_Lens_2_5_1_bottom -4336 10531 -4357 1055


Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_E_top -4781 10265 -4823 10287

Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_F_bottom -13459 3290 -13592 8028 Blanche_Cave_Layer_01_top to Wet_Cave_Unit_F_top -14537 431 -14563 477


Appendix D

Marsupial dental nomenclature follows Luckett (1993), except premolars, which are

referred to as P1/1, P2/2, dP3/3, P3/3 for simplicity, ignoring dental homology where

the 1st and 2nd premolars are considered deciduous. Upper dentition is indicated by

the superscript tooth number (e.g., M1); lower dentition by subscript tooth number

(e.g., M1). Terminology of dental morphology follows Cramb and Hocknull (2010).

Dentary terminology follows Rich (1991). Higher systematics for mammals follows

Aplin and Archer (1987).

Systematic Palaeontology Supercohort Marsupialia Illigeri, 1811 sensu Cuvier, 1817

Cohort Australidelphia Szalay, 1982

Order Dasyuromorphia Gill, 1872 sensu Aplin and Archer, 1987

Family Dasyuridae Goldfuss, 1820 sensu Waterhouse, 1838

Genus in det.

sp. 1

Fig. D.1–D.3

Referred Material. FU9002, 9025, 14365, 14368, 14374, 14375, 14378, 17381,

14384, 14386, 14390, 14392, 14394, 14397, 14400, 14639, 14646, 20886–20875,

20877, 20878, 20887–20894, 20896, 20897. SAM P47383, 47412, 47546, 47566,

47572, 47625, 47629, 47638, 47645.

Description. FU20889 Left dentary (alveoli for I1-3, C1, P2; P1,3, M1-4, present);

FU14374 Left dentary (no teeth present)

Molar tooth row length 6.75 mm; premolar row length 3.26 mm. Ventral border of

horizontal ramus moderately convex; tapers anteriorly from anterior end of P3.

Ascending ramus rises at a steep angle to the horizontal ramus. Coronoid process

tapers posteriorly to a broad point. Mandibular notch rounded-square in shape.

Mental foramen ventral to anterior end of M1. Canine alveolus oval in occlusal

outline. Posterior ends of P1 and P2 contacts anterior end of P2 and P3 respectively.


Posterior end of P3 contacts anterior end of M1. Premolars oval in occlusal outline;

well-developed posterior cusps present on each premolar. Smaller anterior cusps

present on P1 and P2 only. Buccal cingulids poorly developed. Antero-posterior

length of P2 longer than P1, which is slightly longer than P3. Medial cusps of P1-3

positioned over anterior portion of each tooth and approximate height of

protoconids of molar tooth row. M1-4 with narrow but well developed anterior

cingulids. Broader, well developed posterior cingulids present on M1-3. Entoconids

absent. Hypoconid antero-posteriorly compressed; interior angle acute so that it

appears narrow in occlusal view. Trigonids of M1-3 longer antero-posteriorly and

broader than talonids. No talonid basin on M4 which is reduced to single cusp

(hypoconid). Protoconid tallest cusp on M1-4 followed by metaconid except M4

where metaconid and paraconid approximate the same height. Weakly developed

notches present between anterior and posterior alveoli of M1-4.

Remarks. Specimens comparable with both Sminthopsis and Antechinus, but

generic diagnosis hampered by presence of notches between molars, a character

more typically observed in Antechinus. Lack of premolar crowding and overall

similar size of premolars is more typical of Sminthopsis. Acute inner angle of

hypoconid more typical of Sminthopsis than Antechinus. Specimens distinguished

from Phascogale calura by un-crowded and non-reduced P3; distinguished from

Antechinomys laniger by more steeply angled horizontal ramus and broader

expansion of rear of dentary from massateric fossa.

Larger over-all size and molar and premolar row lengths contrast with Sminthopsis

crassicaudata, S. murina and S. leucopus. Absence of entoconids on molars also

distinguishes these specimens from S. crassicaudata, Antechinus flavipes, A. agilis

and A. stuartii. Support for unique identity from A. agilis, A. stuartii and A. minimus

supported by single cusped talonid of M4 (Van Dyck, 2002). Lack of premolar

spacing also suggests Dasyuridae sp. 1 is unique from S. leucopus.

Comparative Specimens. Antechinomys laniger SAM M22202, M22633.

Antechinus agilis SAM M23166; AM M33343, AM M33930. A. flavipes SAM

M4747, M5800, M7512. A. minimus SAM M10176, M13377, M11941, M22405. A.

stuartii SAM M7500, M7501, M14143. Phascogale calura SAM M3151.


Sminthopsis crassicaudata SAM M7562, M7566. S. leucopus AM M13272, SAM

M8594. S. murina SAM M6469, M7941, M16606.

Figure D.1 Left dentary of Dasyuridae sp. 1 (FU20889), buccal view.

Figure D.2 Left dentary of Dasyuridae sp. 1 (FU20889), occlusal view.

Figure D.3 Left dentary of Dasyuridae sp. 1 (FU14374), buccal view.


Genus Antechinus Macleay, 1841

Antechinus sp. cf. A. agilis Dickman, Parnaby, Crowther and King, 1998

Figs. D.4–D.6

Referred Material. FU14393. 14398, 20916, 20930, 20886, 20895, 20927; SAM


Description. FU20886 Left dentary (alveoli for I3, C1, P1-3, M1; M2-4 present)

Posterior end of dentary broken off, preserving only the horizontal ramus and the

anterior portion of the ascending ramus and massateric fossa. Ventral border of

horizontal ramus moderately convex and tapers anteriorly from posterior end of M1.

Bone on buccal edge of alveoli for P3 is bulged as permanent premolar is un-

erupted. Notch present between alveoli of M1. No spaces between posterior and

anterior alveoli of adjacent premolars indicating crowded premolar row. Mental

foramen ventral to posterior alveolus of M1 is antero-posteriorly elongated so that it

appears oval in shape. Smaller, oval shaped mental foramen is present ventral to

alveoli for P2. M3 displaced buccally from M2 and M4 to reveal lingual edges of

molar roots and alveoli. Short, columnar entoconids present on M2 and M3.

Trigonid and talonid of similar width on M2 and M3. Talonid of M4 buccal-lingually

compressed; hypoconid and hypoconulid moderately developed. Protoconid tallest

cusp on M2-4, followed by metaconid and paraconid on M2 and M3. Paraconid

approximates the metaconid height on M4. Narrow anterior and posterior cingulid

present on M2 and M3.

FU20930 Right maxilla (P1-3, M1-4 present).

Canine and incisors unpreserved in specimen which is broken off at the anterior

alveolus for P1. Infraorbital foramen dorsal of posterior alveolus of M1. Premolars

oval in occlusal outline and crowded. P2 and P3 have well-developed buccal and

lingual cingula. These are weakly developed on P1. P1 shorter in height and width

than P2, which is shorter in height and width than P3. Medial cusp the most

prominent, positioned anterior of the centre of each premolar. P1 and P2 orientated

antero-lingual to P3 which is in-line with lateral line of molar stylar cusps. No

anterior crista on molars. Molars also have poorly developed posterior crista which

are worn in the specimen to a broad, posterior-facing surface. Well-developed,

narrow anterior cingula on M1-4; posterior cingula present on M1-3. M1 anterior


cingulum extends to trigon basin. Stylar cusp D broad in M1, reduced in size in M2

and smallest on M3. Metacone most prominent cusp on M1-3; paracone shorter than

stylar cusp D. Metaloph notch lingual of metaconule of M1 and M2. M4 is shaped

like a transverse bar in occlusal outline, posterior edge rounded with wear.

Remarks. Smaller overall molar size and molar row length of specimen is more

similar to A. agilis/A. stuartii than A. flavipes, A. swainsonii and A. minimus which

are generally larger overall. Presence of small, columnar entoconid on M3 contrasts

with A. flavipes which typically lacks an entoconid on M3 (Dickman et al., 1998).

Talonid of M4 in A. flavipes only made up of one cusp (reduced hypoconid),

compared with two in A. agilis, A. stuartii and A. minimus (Van Dyck, 2002).

Anterior cingulum of M1 in A. agilis/A. stuartii extends into trigon basin; terminates

at base of paraconid in A. flavipes.

Only minor maxillary, dentary and dental characters distinguish A. agilis from A.

stuartii (Dickman et al., 1998; Crowther, 2002). As a result of the poor preservation

and fragmentary nature of the fossil specimens, distinguishing the two species based

on these characters is very difficult. Differentiation is also confounded by the high

degree of morphological and size variability observed between populations of A.

agilis and A. stuartii (Crowther, 2002). However, based on the current distribution

of the two species, it is assumed that the specimens are more likely to be of A. agilis

than A. stuartii. This assumption is supported by the presence of cingulated upper

premolars of specimen FU20930, such that they appear shorter and wider than in A.

stuartii (Dickman et al., 1998; Crowther, 2002).

Comparative specimens. Antechinus agilis SAM M23166; AM M33343, AM

M33930. A. flavipes SAM M4747, M5800, M7512. A. minimus SAM M10176,

M13377, M11941, M22405. A. stuartii SAM M7500, M7501, M14143. A.

swainsonii SAM M7047, M15075.


Figure D.4 Left dentary of Antechinus sp. cf. A. agilis (FU20886), buccal view.

Figure D.5 Left dentary of Antechinus sp. cf. A. agilis (FU20886), occlusal view.

Figure D.6 Right maxilla of Antechinus sp. cf. A. agilis (FU20930), occlusal view.


Genus Dasycercus Peters, 1875

Dasycercus sp. indet.

Fig. D.7–D.9

Referred Material. FU20933, 20934.

Description. FU20933 Left dentary (alveoli for I3 and C1; P1-2, M1-4, present)

Ascending ramus rises at a steep angle to the horizontal ramus. Coronoid process

broad; tip broken off specimen. Ventral border of horizontal ramus moderately

convex, tapers anteriorly from posterior end of P2 along broad symphysis. Antero-

buccal end of dentary broken off to reveal anterior alveolus of P1, C1 and I3. Two

mental foramen in dentary, one ventral to posterior root of P1 and one ventral to

posterior root of M1. Two premolars only. P1 slightly quadrate and P2 oval in

occlusal outline; both with well-developed lingual and buccal cingulid. Posterior

edge of P2 ventral to anterior edge so that buccal and lingual cingulid dip dorsa-

posteriorly in lateral view. Single, anteriorly aligned medial cusp on P1-2. Anterior

and posterior cristid connects cusp to highly reduced anterior and posterior cingulid.

P2 medial cusp taller than P1 and more antero-posteriorly compressed to form

sharper point. Molars with well-developed anterior cingulid. Posterior and buccal

cingulid well-developed on M1-3. Entoconids absent on lower molars. Paraconid

absent in M1 such that the trigonid is laterally compressed and tapers anteriorly.

Protoconid of M1 in line with medial cusps of P1-2; lingually offset from protoconids

on M2-4. Hypoconulid approximately the same height as metaconid of M1.

Hypocristid angled transverse to molar tooth row, postero-buccal of hypoconid. It

angles sharply posteriorly half way between the hypoconid and hypoconulid, in line

with the protoconid, so that it appears sharply curved in occlusal view. Talonid

basins of M2 and M3 narrower antero-posteriorly than trigonid. Hypoconid shorter

than the metaconid of M2-3. Hypocristid forms a straight crest connecting the

hypoconid to the hypoconulid, en echelon to the molar tooth row. No talonid basin

on M4; reduced to single cusp (hypoconid). M4 metaconid broken on specimen.

FU20934 Left maxilla (alveoli for C1 and P1; P2, M1-3present,).

Alveolus for canine is large, moderately laterally compressed. Infraorbital foramen

dorsal of metacone of M1. Anterior alveolus for P1 peg like; posterior alveolus

antero-posteriorly compressed so that it appears laterally elongated in occlusal


outline. P2 oval to semi-quadrate in occlusal outline. Posterior edge of tooth ventral

to anterior edge so that buccal and lingual cingula dip dorsa-posteriorly in lateral

view. Single large, centrally aligned medial cusp. No anterior or posterior cusps.

Posterior crista joins medial cusp to rear of tooth where buccal and lingual cingula

contact. Lingual cingulum present anterior and posterior of base of medial cusp.

Buccal cingulum well defined along base of medial cusp, from anterior to posterior

edges of the tooth. M1-3 appear sub-triangular in occlusal outline with narrow,

reduced anterior cingula. Buccal cingula absent. Base of protocone of M1-2 broad to

form a roughly square antero-lingual corner with contact to small, notch-like

posterior cingulum in occlusal outline. Posterior cingulum absent on M3; base of

protocone antero-posteriorly compressed and deep buccal indent present. Paracone

and stylar cusp B of M1 fused. Metacone prominent, directly antero-lingual of stylar

cusp D. M2 metacone prominent, taller than stylar cusp D, which is taller than the

paracone, which is taller than the protocone. Stylar cusp B approximates height of

paracone in M2-3. In M3, the paracone is taller than stylar cusp D, which is

columnar. Paracone and stylar cusp B directly in line on M2 such that postparacrista

is straight and perpendicular to the molar tooth row in occlusal view. Paracone

postero-lingual of stylar cusp B on M3; postparacrista curved postero-buccal in

occlusal view. Small protoconule on preprotocrista of M2-3.

Remarks. Dasycercus sp. indet. is distinguished from the similarly sized

Phascogale tapoatafa by the absence of (d) P3/3, absence of posterior cingulum on

M3 and highly reduced anterior cingula on all upper molars. The absence of

entoconids on lower molars also excludes Phascogale. In Dasyuroides byrnei, the

stylar shelf of the upper molars is more posteriorly elongated between stylar cusps

D and E than Dasycercus. Metastylar corner of M3 more laterally compressed in

Dasyuroides byrnie. Skull of Dasyuroides byrnei has larger palatal foramen.

Woolley (2005) suggested that the two species of Dasycercus could be

distinguished by morphological characters, including the single dental character of

two upper premolars in D. blythi and three in D. cristicauda. However, a high

degree of intraspecific variability for this trait has been observed within fossil and

modern collections (Van Dyck and Strahan, 2008; McDowell and Medlin, 2010).

As a result, the specimens from Wet Cave can be identified to genus level only.


Comparative specimens. Dasycercus cristicauda SAM M2773, M2784, M2796,

M3113. Dasycercus blythi SAM M2773. Dasyuroides byrnie SAM M9489,

M13908, M13910. Phascogale tapoatafa SAM M1635, M7522, M21128.

Figure D.7 Left dentary of Dasycercus sp. indet. (FU20933), buccal view.

Figure D.8 Left dentary of Dasycercus sp. indet. (FU20933), occlusal view.


Figure D.9 Left maxilla of Dasycercus sp. indet. (FU20934), occlusal view.


Genus Dasyurus Geoffroy, 1796

Dasyurus maculatus Kerr, 1792

Fig. D.10–D.13

Referred Material. FU14362, 14140; SAM P47387, 47392, 47424, 47633, 47641.

Description. FU14140 Left dentary (alveoli for I1-3; C1 present; alveoli for P1-2, M1-

2, anterior alveolus for M3)

Partial juvenile dentary; posterior end broken off from anterior alveolus of M3.

Symphysis broad and extends from anterior alveolus of M1 to anterior end of

dentary. Mental foramen ventral to posterior alveolus of M1; smaller mental

foramen ventral to posterior alveoli of P1 and P2. C1 partially erupted. Alveoli for

premolars angled antero-lingual to tooth row; suggest relatively long, broad

premolar teeth, with P2 approximating the length of M1. P1 shorter than P2; anterior

alveolus of P1 connected to alveolus of C1. Notches present between anterior and

posterior alveoli of M1 and M2; alveoli as wide as dentary. Width of dentary

expands from M1 such that anterior alveolus of M3 is twice as broad as anterior

alveolus of M1.

FU14362 Right M3.

Anterior and posterior roots intact. Trigonid, talonid and anterior, posterior and

buccal cingulid as in left M2. Protoconid tallest, most prominent cusp, followed by

paraconid and metaconid which approximate the same height. Hypoconid only half

as tall as metaconid. Paracristid notch well defined and positioned buccally of

metacristid notch which is lingual of centre of metacristid. Internal angle at

hypoconid approaches 90 degrees; small notch in centre of hypocristid. Entoconid

extends conically from broad base, posterior to line drawn down centre of talonid.

Entocristid notch well defined.

FU14362 (batch) Left M2.

Approximates right-angled triangle in occlusal outline. Anterior cingulum complete

and extends from stylar cusp A to base of protoconule. Notch in centre of paraloph;

metaloph notch well defined buccal of metaconule. Buccal indent mid-way between

stylar cusps B and D; buccal indent at posterior edge of stylar cusp D. Crista

connects stylar cusp D and metacone; this divides the stylar shelf into anterior and


posterior halves. Metacone tallest cusp, followed by stylar cusp D, paracone, stylar

cusp B and protocone.

Remarks. Dasyurus cranio-dental characters are described by Archer (1976),

together with a key of specific dental characters to differentiate the Dasyurus

species. Character states for a range of cranio-dental features for D. maculatus are

listed by Wroe et al. (2000).

Many features identified in the key of Archer (1976) are unpreserved in fossil

specimens, or in this case, relate to the upper dentition which is under-represented

in the assemblage when compared with specimens of the lower dentition. However,

the larger size of D. maculatus teeth distinguishes them from the smaller D.

viverrinus and D. geoffroii. Differentiation of fossil specimens of D. maculatus is

also supported by observations of D. maculatus, D. viverrinus and D. geoffroii

specimens made during the course of this project. M1-4 posterior cingulids are

weakly developed and a buccal cingulid is absent on D. viverrinus. The

hypoconulid of M2 and M3 is more posteriorly elongated in D. viverrinus than D.

maculatus. The ascending ramus of D. geoffroii tapers dorsally such that the

anterior edge is more re-curved and the coronoid process narrower, with a rounder

posterior-facing point than observed in D. viverrinus which has a broader ascending

ramus and coronoid process. Coronoid process constricted to a posterior-facing fine

point in D. viverrinus. Maxilla and dentaries of D. geoffroii are typically smaller

than D. viverrinus; however, tooth size is comparable with D. viverrinus. D.

geoffroii is also unique in possessing a small diastema between I1 and I2; however,

premaxilla are rarely preserved in fossil assemblages.

Character states identified in Archer (1976) that differentiate D. maculatus from D.

viverrinus are: moderately spatulate crowns on the upper incisors, broader

premolars; lack of shear-occlusion of upper and lower premolars; upper molars

approximately as wide as they are long; M3 paracone and metacone almost

approximated in size; anterior cingulum of M1-4 complete and moderately

developed posterior cingulum on upper molars. The only lower dentition character

identified by Archer (1976) to distinguish the two species is the sub-equal height of


the metaconid on M4 compared with the paraconid; however, expression of this trait

in D. viverrinus is variable within the species.

Comparative specimens. Dasyurus geoffroii SAM M79, M3066, M3067, M10123.

D. maculatus SAM M2085, M7211, M10989. D. viverrinus SAM M6213, M7213,

M7220, M15012.

Figure D.10 Left dentary of Dasyurus maculatus (FU14140), buccal view.


Figure D.11 Right M3 of Dasyurus maculatus (FU14362), buccal view.

Figure D.12 Right M3 of Dasyurus maculatus (FU14362), lingual view.

Figure D.13 Left M2 of Dasyurus maculatus (batch 5U6 A3:L22), occlusal view.


Genus Phascogale Temminck, 1824

Phascogale calura Gould, 1844

Fig. D.14–D.16

Referred Material. FU20641, 20645, 20657; SAM P47432.

Description. SAM P47432 Left maxilla (alveolus for C1; P1-3, M1-4present). Gen. et

sp. cf. Phascogale calura.

Anterior portion of maxilla complete with suture to premaxilla visible as a narrow

groove. Infraorbital foramen dorsal of anterior half of M1. Alveolus for C1 large,

broader than premolars and length approximates combined length of P1-2. P1-3 with

well-developed buccal and lingual cingula. Posterior end of P1 rounded in occlusal

outline, tapers to antero-buccally inclined tip. P2 oval in occlusal outline with slight

lateral compression at the middle of the buccal and lingual sides. Anterior end of P3

broader than posterior end in occlusal outline. Medial cusps of P1-3 tall, weighted

over anterior portion of each respective tooth. Posterior crista connects tip of medial

cusp with small posterior cusp of P1-3.

M1 stylar cusp A contacts buccal side of posterior cusp of P3. Well-developed

anterior cingula on M1-4. Posterior cingula present on M1-4; extends postero-

buccally on M1-3 to form a very thin ledge of enamel ventral of metacone and which

extends to half-way along the length of the metacrista. Stylar cusp B and paracone

of M1 are separated by a short paracrista. M1-2 metacone approximates the height

and size of stylar cusp D. Metacone of M3 is slightly taller and broader than stylar

cusp D. Stylar cusp B and the paracone approximate the same height on M1-2.

Anterior border of M2-4 approximately 90 degrees to buccal border of molar tooth

row. Inside angle of M2-3 protocone antero-posteriorly compressed so that molars

are triangular in occlusal view but not equilateral; trigon basin circular in occlusal

outline. M2-3 postparacrista v-shaped as lingual angle between paracone and

metacone is acute. M4 paracone largest cusp; transverse bar in occlusal outline with

short posterior projection of the highly reduced metacone.

FU20645 Left Dentary (alveoli for M2-4)

Anterior end of dentary broken off from M2. Ascending ramus broken off at just

above the level of the tooth row. Ventral border of horizontal ramus convex. Mental


foramen ventral of anterior alveolus of M2. Contact between anterior and posterior

alveoli of M2-3 with notches.

Remarks. As noted by Lundelius and Turnbull (1978), differentiation of maxillary

fragments of Phascogale calura and Antechinus flavipes can be problematic. P.

calura maxillae are generally larger overall than A. flavipes with broader premolars

and a larger canine. Narrower antero-posterior width of M2 trigon observed in P.

calura than A. flavipes; however, further taxonomic investigation is required to

confirm reliable upper dental characters to differentiate these species.

Dentary of P. calura is more easily distinguished from A. flavipes by broader

premolars, antero-posteriorly longer molars and broad, rounded tip of coronoid

process. Entoconids on lower dentition better developed than in A. flavipes,

presence of which differentiates this species from A. laniger which has no


Comparative Specimens. Antechinomys laniger SAM M22202, M22633.

Antechinus flavipes SAM M4747, M5800, M7512. Phascogale calura SAM

M3151. Phascogale tapoatafa SAM M1635; M7522; M21128.


Figure D.14 Left maxilla of Gen. et sp. cf. Phascogale calura (SAM P47432), occlusal view.

Figure D.15 Left dentary of Phascogale calura (FU20645), buccal view.

Figure D.16 Left dentary of Phascogale calura (FU20645), occlusal view.


Genus Sminthopsis Thomas, 1886

sp. 1

Fig. D.17

Referred Material. FU14364, 14367, 14369, 14371–14373, 14376, 14379, 14383,

14387, 14389, 14391, 14395, 14396, 14399, 14404, 20655, 20658, 20665, 20786,

20879, 20898–20901, 20903–20915, 20917, 20919, 20928, 20932. SAM P47382,

47407, 47418, 47425, 47547, 47559, 47573, 47648.

Description. FU14395 Left maxilla (alveoli for C1, P1,2; P3, M1-4 present).

Infraorbital foramen dorsal of anterior half of M1, extending antero-posteriorly to

posterior end of P3. Premaxillary vacuity extends to, and rarely extends beyond,

posterior edge of C1. Canine alveolus oval in occlusal outline; twice as broad as P1,

and twice as long antero-posteriorly. P1 and P3 oval in occlusal outline. P3 > P2 > P1

in antero-posterior length and in height (P2 height observed in other specimens).

Small anterior cusp present on P1; posterior cusp only moderately developed.

Medial cusp most prominent, positioned anterior of centre of premolar mass.

Moderately developed lingual cingula on P1 extend from posterior to anterior cusp.

Buccal cingula extend anteriorly from posterior cusp to base of medial cusp. P3

medial cusp most prominent, positioned over anterior end of premolar. Height of

medial cusp approximates M1-3 metacone height. No anterior cusp, but well

developed posterior cusp present. As a result, posterior end of P3 appears v-shaped

in lateral view. Posterior cristid connecting medial to posterior cusp has been worn

to a broad, flat occlusal surface. Posterior cusp contacts metastylar indent of M1. P3

has poorly developed buccal and lingual cingula. Interdental fenestrae moderately

to well developed between M1-4. No posterior cingula on M1-4; anterior cingula

present, extend only to midpoint between stylar cusp A and paracone on M3,4. M1

stylar cusp B and paracone connected by short paracrista. Antero-posterior length of

paracone narrow so that inner angle is acute in occlusal view, contrasts with broader

angle of metacone in M1-3. Metacone and stylar cusp D approximate the same

height in M1,2; stylar cusp D not as high as metacone on M3.

Remarks. Specimens identified as Sminthopsis by absence of posterior cingula on

M1-3, contrasting with Phascogale and Antechinus. Although A. minimus does not


have posterior cingula on the upper molars, specimens are distinguished from this

species by overall molar shape which is antero-posteriorly compressed.

Distinguished from Antechinomys laniger by shorter and narrower premaxillary

vacuity, and lack of spacing between canine and premolars.

Specimens compared with all available Sminthopsis species represented in the SAM

mammal collection, but character state observed to be unique from known species.

Sminthopsis sp. 1 differentiated from the southern Australian species S.

crassicaudata, S. murina and S. leucopus by longer molar and premolar row length

and large canine alveolus. Size and shape of P3 also distinguishes specimens from S.

murina and S. crassicaudata. Lack of premolar spacing also contrasts with S.

leucopus and short premaxillary vacuity supports differentiation from S.

crassicaudata and S. murina.

Comparative specimens. Antechinomys laniger SAM M22202, M22633. Antechinus

agilis SAM M23166; AM M33343, AM M33930. A. flavipes SAM M4747, M5800,

M7512. A. minimus SAM M10176, M13377, M11941, M22405. A. stuartii SAM

M7500, M7501, M14143. A. swainsonii SAM M7047, M15075. Phascogale calura

SAM M3151. Sminthopsis crassicaudata SAM M7562, M7566. S. leucopus AM

M13272, SAM M8594. S. murina SAM M6469, M7941, M16606.

Figure D.17 Left maxilla of Sminthopsis sp. 1 (FU14395), occlusal view.


Table D.1 Reference literature used to aid in the taxonomic identification of cranio-

dental fossil specimens from the study assemblages. Species identifications were

also based on observations made from museum specimens, as described in the main


Family Reference Literature

PERAMELIDAE Freedman, L. 1965. Skull and tooth variation in the genus Perameles. Part I: Anatomical features. Records of the Australian Museum 27, 147–165.

POTOROIDAE Finlayson, H.H. 1938. On a new species of Potorus (Marsupialia) from a cave deposit on kangaroo island, South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 62, 132–140.

Merrilees, D. and Porter, J.K. 1979. Guide to the identification of teeth and some bones of native land mammals occurring in the extreme south west of Western Australia. Western Australian Museum, Perth.

Smith, M.J. 1971. Small fossil vertebrates from Victoria Cave, Naracoorte, South Australia. I. Potoroinae (Macropodidae), Petauridae and Burramyidae (Marsupialia). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 95, 185–198.



Archer, M. 1984. The Australian marsupial radiation. In: Vertebrate Zoogeography and Evolution in Australasia. M. Archer and G. Clayton (eds.), pp. 633–808. Hesperian Press, Merrickville, New South Wales.

MURIDAE Baynes, A. and McDowell, M.C. 2009. Dichotomous key for the identification of the native rodents of south eastern South Australia. Unpublished Report. Flinders University of South Australia.

Watts, C.H.S. and Aslin, H.J. 1981. The rodents of Australia. Angus and Robinson Publishers, Australia.


Appendix E Table E.1 Division of sedimentary layers from Wet and Blanche Cave into units (macroscale) and phases (mesoscale). The fossil assemblages within sedimentary layers were

pooled to create samples representing each unit and phase. The number of identified specimens (NISP) is shown for each sample and is the final, sub-sample corrected value. Wet

and Blanche Cave layers are described in Macken et al. (2013b).

Unit Wet Cave Blanche Cave

Phase Wet Cave Blanche Cave

Layers NISP Layers NISP Layers NISP Layers NISP

E 2:5/1 – 2:6/4 3208 1 and 3

(Unit E*) 955

E6 2:5/1 1031

E5 2:5/2 592

E4 2:6/1 367

E3 2:6/2 344

E2 2:6/3 571

E1 2:6/4 303

C 1:6/1 – 1:6/6 1412 10 – 18# 941 C2 10 – 13 629

C1 15 – 18 312

B 1:6/7 – 1:6/11 2379 19 – 20 539 B1 19 – 20^ 539

A 1:6/12 – 1:7/9 4076 21 – 27 15781

A4 21 – 23 977

A3 24 2937

A2 25 3817

A1 26 – 27^ 8050 ^Due to the low NISP values, specimen data from layer 20 (NISP = 7) were pooled with those from layer 19 to create phase B1, and layer 27

data (NISP = 145) was pooled with layer 26 to form phase A1. Blanche Cave layers nine to four represented a single depositional block from

which individual phases of accumulation could not be differentiated (Macken et al., 2013b). #Layer 14 was excluded from the analysis as it

contains reworked material.


Table E.2 Mean ± 95% confidence intervals of site-effect size (difference between means) of Blanche Cave species proportions compared with those of Wet Cave for units A, B, C

and E(*). Confidence intervals were calculated using the “plus four” method as outlined in Agresti and Caffo (2000) and Moore and McCabe (2007). Species name codes listed for

reference to Fig. 6.4 of main text.

Unit E(*) Unit C Unit B Unit A

Species code Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95%

Dasyuridae sp. 1 Dsp1 0.008 0.016 0.001 0.007 0.014 0.000 0.002 0.008 -0.005 -0.001 0.001 -0.004 Antechinus sp. cf. A. agilis Aa 0.001 0.003 -0.001 0.000 0.003 -0.002 0.001 0.005 -0.002 0.001 0.001 0.000

Antechinus flavipes Af 0.001 0.003 -0.002 0.001 0.004 -0.002 0.001 0.005 -0.002 0.000 0.000 -0.001 Dasycercus sp. indet. Dcer -0.001 0.001 -0.003 0.000 0.003 -0.003 0.001 0.005 -0.002 0.000 0.001 0.000 Dasyurus maculatus Dm -0.001 0.001 -0.003 0.000 0.003 -0.002 0.001 0.005 -0.002 0.000 0.000 -0.001 Dasyurus viverrinus Dv 0.005 0.012 -0.001 0.010 0.019 0.001 0.020 0.035 0.006 0.007 0.011 0.003 Ningaui yvonneae Ny 0.002 0.005 -0.001 0.002 0.008 -0.003 0.007 0.015 -0.002 -0.001 0.000 -0.002

Gen et sp. cf. Phascogale calura Phc 0.000 0.002 -0.003 0.000 0.003 -0.002 0.001 0.005 -0.002 0.000 0.001 0.000 Phascogale tapoatafa Pht 0.001 0.005 -0.003 0.000 0.003 -0.002 0.001 0.005 -0.002 0.000 0.001 -0.001

Sminthopsis crassicaudata Sc 0.015 0.030 0.001 0.023 0.042 0.004 0.001 0.021 -0.020 0.011 0.019 0.004 Sminthopsis murina Sm 0.007 0.018 -0.003 0.002 0.009 -0.004 0.003 0.011 -0.006 0.011 0.014 0.007 Sminthopsis sp. 1 Ssp1 0.004 0.008 0.000 0.003 0.011 -0.004 0.008 0.018 -0.002 -0.002 0.001 -0.005 Isodon obesulus Io 0.003 0.007 -0.001 0.005 0.010 0.001 0.000 0.007 -0.007 0.001 0.003 -0.001

Perameles bougainville Pb 0.020 0.032 0.008 0.032 0.052 0.011 0.004 0.024 -0.017 -0.033 -0.027 -0.038 Perameles gunnii Pg 0.004 0.011 -0.003 0.004 0.010 -0.002 0.003 0.012 -0.006 0.005 0.010 0.001

Trichosurus vulpecula Tv 0.001 0.004 -0.002 0.000 0.002 -0.003 0.003 0.008 -0.002 0.000 0.001 0.000 Bettongia lesueur Bl 0.001 0.003 -0.001 0.000 0.002 -0.003 0.001 0.005 -0.002 0.000 0.001 0.000

Bettongia penicillata Bp 0.002 0.005 -0.001 0.001 0.006 -0.003 0.001 0.005 -0.002 -0.001 0.000 -0.002 Potorous platyops Pop 0.002 0.005 -0.001 0.004 0.008 -0.001 0.005 0.011 -0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000

Potorous tridactylus Pot 0.001 0.003 -0.001 0.005 0.011 -0.002 0.006 0.014 -0.003 -0.001 0.000 -0.002 Cercartetus lepidus Cl 0.001 0.003 -0.001 0.001 0.005 -0.002 0.001 0.005 -0.002 0.000 0.001 0.000 Cercartetus nanus Cn 0.004 0.008 -0.001 0.008 0.019 -0.003 0.040 0.057 0.024 -0.003 -0.002 -0.004


Unit E(*) Unit C Unit B Unit A

Species code Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95%

Pseudocheirus peregrinus Psp 0.098 0.110 0.086 0.002 0.005 -0.002 0.003 0.008 -0.002 -0.003 -0.002 -0.005 Petaurus breviceps Peb 0.005 0.010 0.000 0.002 0.006 -0.002 0.001 0.005 -0.003 -0.002 -0.001 -0.003

Petaurus norfolcensis Pen 0.000 0.003 -0.002 0.000 0.003 -0.002 0.001 0.005 -0.002 0.000 0.001 -0.001 Acrobates pygmaeus Ap 0.000 0.003 -0.002 0.000 0.003 -0.002 0.001 0.005 -0.002 0.000 0.001 0.000

Conilurus albipes Ca 0.015 0.020 0.010 0.000 0.003 -0.002 0.001 0.005 -0.002 0.000 0.000 -0.001 Hydromys chrysogaster Hc 0.002 0.007 -0.003 0.001 0.005 -0.002 0.001 0.005 -0.002 0.000 0.000 -0.001

Mastacomys fuscus Mf -0.001 0.001 -0.003 0.000 0.003 -0.002 0.001 0.005 -0.002 0.000 0.001 0.000 Notomys mitchellii Nm 0.011 0.021 0.002 0.019 0.034 0.004 0.010 0.020 -0.001 -0.012 -0.009 -0.014

Pseudomys apodemoides Papo 0.015 0.032 -0.002 0.002 0.023 -0.019 0.007 0.032 -0.018 0.012 0.017 0.007 Pseudomys auritus Paur 0.114 0.141 0.086 0.054 0.075 0.033 0.132 0.164 0.101 -0.082 -0.075 -0.090

Pseudomys australis Paus 0.001 0.030 -0.028 0.014 0.047 -0.020 0.077 0.114 0.041 0.059 0.076 0.042 Pseudomys fumeus Pfum 0.133 0.163 0.103 0.087 0.125 0.048 0.037 0.081 -0.007 0.091 0.106 0.076 Pseudomys gouldii Pgou 0.005 0.008 0.002 0.000 0.004 -0.004 -0.001 0.002 -0.005 -0.005 -0.002 -0.007

Pseudomys shortridgei Psho 0.022 0.031 0.012 0.004 0.010 -0.001 -0.001 0.002 -0.005 0.000 0.001 0.000 Rattus fuscipes Rf 0.077 0.101 0.053 0.031 0.056 0.006 0.074 0.095 0.054 -0.044 -0.033 -0.054 Rattus lutreolus Rl 0.012 0.016 0.008 0.000 0.003 -0.003 -0.001 0.002 -0.005 0.001 0.002 0.000 Rattus tunneyi Rt 0.001 0.004 -0.001 0.000 0.004 -0.004 0.001 0.004 -0.003 -0.003 -0.002 -0.004


Table E.3 Mean ± 95% confidence intervals of macroscale-effect size (difference between means) of species proportions in Wet Cave. Confidence intervals were calculated using

the “plus four” method as outlined in Agresti and Caffo (2000) and Moore and McCabe (2007).

Wet E-C Wet C-B Wet B-A

Mean Upper 95%

Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95%

Dasyuridae sp. 1 0.001 0.005 -0.002 -0.001 0.003 -0.005 -0.001 0.002 -0.005 Antechinus sp. cf. A. agilis 0.000 0.001 -0.002 0.000 0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001

Antechinus flavipes -0.001 0.002 -0.003 0.002 0.004 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001 Dasycercus sp. indet. -0.001 0.001 -0.003 0.001 0.003 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001 Dasyurus maculatus 0.000 0.001 -0.002 0.000 0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001 Dasyurus viverrinus -0.013 -0.006 -0.021 0.009 0.017 0.001 -0.007 -0.001 -0.012 Ningaui yvonneae -0.003 0.000 -0.005 0.000 0.004 -0.003 0.002 0.004 0.000

Gen et sp. cf. Phascogale calura 0.001 0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001

Phascogale tapoatafa 0.002 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001 Sminthopsis crassicaudata -0.042 -0.027 -0.057 0.022 0.038 0.005 -0.004 0.007 -0.015

Sminthopsis murina 0.021 0.028 0.013 -0.002 0.004 -0.008 -0.005 0.001 -0.010 Sminthopsis sp. 1 0.000 0.005 -0.005 0.001 0.006 -0.004 -0.001 0.003 -0.005 Isodon obesulus -0.005 -0.001 -0.009 0.001 0.006 -0.004 0.003 0.006 0.000

Perameles bougainville -0.033 -0.022 -0.045 -0.007 0.007 -0.021 0.032 0.042 0.022 Perameles gunnii -0.002 0.003 -0.007 -0.005 0.001 -0.011 -0.006 0.000 -0.012

Trichosurus vulpecula 0.000 0.002 -0.002 0.000 0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001 Bettongia lesueur -0.003 0.000 -0.006 0.003 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.001 -0.001

Bettongia penicillata 0.000 0.001 -0.002 0.000 0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001 Potorous platyops -0.003 0.000 -0.005 -0.001 0.003 -0.004 0.003 0.005 0.000

Potorous tridactylus 0.000 0.001 -0.002 0.000 0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001 Cercartetus lepidus -0.012 -0.006 -0.018 0.013 0.019 0.007 0.000 0.001 -0.001 Cercartetus nanus 0.102 0.113 0.091 0.002 0.005 0.000 -0.001 0.000 -0.003


Wet E-C Wet C-B Wet B-A

Mean Upper 95%

Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95%

Pseudocheirus peregrinus 0.000 0.002 -0.002 0.001 0.003 -0.002 0.001 0.002 -0.001 Petaurus breviceps 0.000 0.002 -0.002 0.000 0.002 -0.001 -0.001 0.001 -0.002

Petaurus norfolcensis 0.000 0.002 -0.002 0.000 0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001 Acrobates pygmaeus 0.015 0.020 0.011 0.000 0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001

Conilurus albipes 0.005 0.008 0.002 0.000 0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001 Hydromys chrysogaster 0.000 0.001 -0.002 0.000 0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001

Mastacomys fuscus -0.036 -0.025 -0.047 0.024 0.036 0.011 0.017 0.023 0.011 Notomys mitchellii -0.023 -0.008 -0.038 -0.003 0.014 -0.020 0.047 0.058 0.035

Pseudomys apodemoides 0.230 0.248 0.211 0.011 0.023 -0.002 -0.008 0.001 -0.017 Pseudomys auritus 0.006 0.031 -0.019 -0.056 -0.029 -0.083 -0.151 -0.128 -0.175

Pseudomys australis -0.257 -0.229 -0.285 0.019 0.051 -0.013 0.071 0.095 0.048 Pseudomys fumeus 0.004 0.007 0.000 0.002 0.004 -0.001 -0.003 -0.001 -0.005 Pseudomys gouldii 0.032 0.039 0.025 0.002 0.004 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001

Pseudomys shortridgei -0.014 0.003 -0.031 -0.031 -0.012 -0.051 0.019 0.034 0.003 Rattus fuscipes 0.012 0.016 0.007 0.001 0.003 -0.001 -0.001 0.001 -0.002 Rattus lutreolus 0.000 0.003 -0.003 0.001 0.004 -0.002 0.001 0.002 -0.001 Rattus tunneyi 0.005 0.008 0.002 0.000 0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001


Table E.4 Mean ± 95% confidence intervals of macroscale-effect size (difference between means) of species proportions in Blanche Cave. Confidence intervals were calculated

using the “plus four” method as outlined in Agresti and Caffo (2000) and Moore and McCabe (2007).

Blanche E*-C Blanche C-B Blanche B-A

Mean Upper 95%

Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95%

Dasyuridae sp. 1 0.003 0.012 -0.006 0.004 0.013 -0.005 -0.001 0.005 -0.007 Antechinus sp. cf. A. agilis 0.000 0.003 -0.003 -0.001 0.003 -0.005 0.002 0.005 -0.002

Antechinus flavipes 0.000 0.003 -0.003 -0.001 0.003 -0.005 0.001 0.005 -0.003 Dasycercus sp. indet. 0.000 0.003 -0.003 -0.001 0.003 -0.005 0.002 0.005 -0.002 Dasyurus maculatus 0.000 0.003 -0.003 -0.001 0.003 -0.005 0.001 0.005 -0.002 Dasyurus viverrinus 0.002 0.011 -0.007 -0.021 -0.006 -0.037 0.021 0.035 0.006 Ningaui yvonneae -0.003 0.002 -0.009 -0.004 0.005 -0.013 0.008 0.016 0.000

Gen et sp. cf. Phascogale calura 0.000 0.003 -0.003 -0.001 0.003 -0.005 0.002 0.005 -0.002

Phascogale tapoatafa 0.002 0.006 -0.002 -0.001 0.003 -0.005 0.001 0.005 -0.002 Sminthopsis crassicaudata -0.004 0.015 -0.023 -0.002 0.021 -0.025 0.008 0.027 -0.011

Sminthopsis murina 0.016 0.026 0.005 -0.002 0.006 -0.011 0.003 0.011 -0.004 Sminthopsis sp. 1 -0.007 -0.001 -0.014 -0.003 0.008 -0.015 0.005 0.015 -0.005 Isodon obesulus 0.003 0.008 -0.001 -0.004 0.002 -0.011 0.004 0.010 -0.002

Perameles bougainville -0.045 -0.024 -0.066 0.029 0.054 0.003 -0.004 0.014 -0.023 Perameles gunnii 0.006 0.013 -0.001 -0.006 0.003 -0.015 -0.004 0.004 -0.012

Trichosurus vulpecula 0.001 0.005 -0.003 -0.003 0.003 -0.008 0.003 0.009 -0.002 Bettongia lesueur 0.000 0.004 -0.004 0.000 0.005 -0.004 0.000 0.004 -0.003

Bettongia penicillata -0.002 0.003 -0.007 -0.001 0.006 -0.009 0.005 0.012 -0.001 Potorous platyops -0.006 -0.001 -0.012 -0.002 0.008 -0.012 0.008 0.016 0.000

Potorous tridactylus -0.001 0.003 -0.005 0.000 0.005 -0.004 0.002 0.005 -0.002 Cercartetus lepidus -0.016 -0.006 -0.026 -0.019 0.000 -0.038 0.038 0.054 0.021 Cercartetus nanus 0.006 0.012 0.000 -0.003 0.003 -0.008 -0.001 0.004 -0.006


Blanche E*-C Blanche C-B Blanche B-A

Mean Upper 95%

Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95%

Pseudocheirus peregrinus 0.003 0.009 -0.003 0.001 0.006 -0.004 0.000 0.004 -0.004 Petaurus breviceps 0.000 0.003 -0.003 -0.001 0.003 -0.005 0.001 0.004 -0.003

Petaurus norfolcensis 0.000 0.003 -0.003 -0.001 0.003 -0.005 0.002 0.005 -0.002 Acrobates pygmaeus 0.000 0.003 -0.003 -0.001 0.003 -0.005 0.002 0.005 -0.002

Conilurus albipes 0.002 0.007 -0.003 0.000 0.005 -0.004 0.002 0.005 -0.002 Hydromys chrysogaster 0.000 0.003 -0.003 -0.001 0.003 -0.005 0.002 0.005 -0.002

Mastacomys fuscus -0.006 0.008 -0.019 0.014 0.028 0.001 -0.004 0.005 -0.013 Notomys mitchellii -0.006 0.016 -0.028 -0.012 0.016 -0.040 0.066 0.089 0.043

Pseudomys apodemoides 0.062 0.092 0.033 -0.068 -0.032 -0.104 0.042 0.073 0.010 Pseudomys auritus -0.009 0.028 -0.045 0.034 0.076 -0.007 -0.169 -0.136 -0.202

Pseudomys australis -0.037 0.003 -0.077 -0.031 0.018 -0.080 0.126 0.166 0.086 Pseudomys fumeus -0.001 0.003 -0.005 0.000 0.005 -0.004 -0.006 -0.002 -0.010 Pseudomys gouldii 0.006 0.014 -0.003 0.005 0.011 -0.002 0.002 0.005 -0.002

Pseudomys shortridgei 0.032 0.063 0.002 0.074 0.100 0.048 -0.100 -0.082 -0.117 Rattus fuscipes 0.000 0.003 -0.003 -0.001 0.003 -0.005 0.002 0.005 -0.002 Rattus lutreolus -0.001 0.003 -0.005 0.000 0.005 -0.004 -0.002 0.002 -0.006 Rattus tunneyi 0.000 0.003 -0.003 -0.001 0.003 -0.005 0.000 0.004 -0.003


Table E.5 Mean ± 95% confidence intervals of mesoscale-effect size (difference between means) of species proportions. Confidence intervals were calculated using the “plus four”

method as outlined in Agresti and Caffo (2000) and Moore and McCabe (2007).

E6-E5 E5-E4 E4-E3 E3-E2

Mean Upper 95%

Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95%

Dasyuridae sp. 1 -0.001 0.003 -0.005 -0.006 0.003 -0.016 -0.006 0.009 -0.022 0.004 0.019 -0.011 Antechinus sp. cf. A.

agilis -0.001 0.003 -0.005 -0.001 0.005 -0.007 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005 Antechinus flavipes 0.003 0.009 -0.002 -0.001 0.005 -0.007 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005

Dasycercus sp. indet. -0.001 0.003 -0.005 -0.001 0.005 -0.007 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005 Dasyurus maculatus -0.001 0.003 -0.005 -0.001 0.005 -0.007 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005 Dasyurus viverrinus -0.009 0.000 -0.018 0.001 0.015 -0.013 0.005 0.018 -0.008 0.002 0.012 -0.007 Ningaui yvonneae -0.001 0.003 -0.005 -0.001 0.005 -0.007 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005

Gen et sp. cf. Phascogale calura 0.002 0.007 -0.003 -0.001 0.005 -0.007 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005

Phascogale tapoatafa 0.000 0.007 -0.007 0.000 0.009 -0.010 0.003 0.012 -0.007 0.001 0.008 -0.005 Sminthopsis

crassicaudata -0.028 -0.012 -0.045 -0.031 -0.001 -0.061 0.030 0.063 -0.002 -0.004 0.022 -0.030 Sminthopsis murina -0.009 0.009 -0.027 0.010 0.032 -0.013 -0.013 0.013 -0.040 0.023 0.046 0.000

Sminthopsis sp. 1 -0.003 0.005 -0.010 -0.010 0.005 -0.024 0.010 0.026 -0.005 -0.003 0.008 -0.014 Isodon obesulus 0.001 0.006 -0.003 -0.001 0.005 -0.007 -0.003 0.007 -0.013 0.004 0.013 -0.005

Perameles bougainville -0.012 -0.002 -0.021 -0.006 0.011 -0.022 0.002 0.021 -0.018 -0.016 0.004 -0.036

Perameles gunnii -0.002 0.004 -0.009 0.002 0.010 -0.005 -0.009 0.004 -0.021 0.001 0.015 -0.013 Trichosurus vulpecula 0.000 0.005 -0.004 -0.001 0.005 -0.007 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005

Bettongia lesueur -0.001 0.003 -0.005 -0.001 0.005 -0.007 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005 Bettongia penicillata -0.001 0.003 -0.005 -0.001 0.005 -0.007 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005

Potorous platyops -0.001 0.003 -0.005 -0.001 0.005 -0.007 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005 Potorous tridactylus -0.001 0.003 -0.005 -0.001 0.005 -0.007 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005 Cercartetus lepidus 0.000 0.005 -0.004 -0.006 0.003 -0.016 0.005 0.016 -0.006 -0.001 0.007 -0.008 Cercartetus nanus 0.261 0.293 0.229 0.037 0.054 0.019 0.003 0.012 -0.007 0.001 0.008 -0.005


Pseudocheirus peregrinus 0.001 0.006 -0.003 -0.004 0.004 -0.012 0.003 0.012 -0.007 0.001 0.008 -0.005

Petaurus breviceps 0.000 0.005 -0.004 -0.001 0.005 -0.007 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005 Petaurus norfolcensis -0.002 0.003 -0.007 0.001 0.008 -0.006 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005 Acrobates pygmaeus 0.042 0.057 0.028 0.002 0.010 -0.005 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005

Conilurus albipes 0.010 0.017 0.003 -0.017 -0.003 -0.032 0.016 0.031 0.001 0.001 0.008 -0.005 Hydromys

chrysogaster -0.001 0.003 -0.005 -0.001 0.005 -0.007 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005 Mastacomys fuscus -0.013 -0.003 -0.023 0.012 0.024 0.001 -0.023 -0.006 -0.041 0.009 0.028 -0.011 Notomys mitchellii -0.011 0.011 -0.033 -0.033 0.001 -0.067 0.046 0.082 0.011 0.007 0.033 -0.018

Pseudomys apodemoides 0.027 0.074 -0.020 0.098 0.153 0.043 -0.089 -0.026 -0.152 0.077 0.136 0.019

Pseudomys auritus -0.198 -0.164 -0.232 -0.104 -0.046 -0.162 0.083 0.148 0.017 -0.107 -0.047 -0.166 Pseudomys australis -0.111 -0.080 -0.141 -0.022 0.026 -0.069 0.009 0.063 -0.045 -0.014 0.036 -0.063 Pseudomys fumeus 0.017 0.026 0.008 -0.001 0.005 -0.007 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005 Pseudomys gouldii 0.029 0.050 0.007 0.018 0.039 -0.003 -0.007 0.015 -0.029 0.014 0.033 -0.005

Pseudomys shortridgei -0.064 -0.041 -0.088 0.031 0.063 -0.001 -0.067 -0.026 -0.108 0.019 0.061 -0.023 Rattus fuscipes 0.035 0.048 0.023 0.001 0.008 -0.006 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005 Rattus lutreolus 0.005 0.011 -0.001 -0.001 0.005 -0.007 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005 Rattus tunneyi 0.009 0.019 -0.001 0.004 0.012 -0.004 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.008 -0.005

E2-E1 E1-C2 C2-C1 C1-B1

Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95%

Dasyuridae sp. 1 0.004 0.016 -0.008 -0.005 0.008 -0.017 0.002 0.015 -0.012 0.004 0.016 -0.008 Antechinus sp. cf. A.

agilis -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.002 0.009 -0.005 -0.002 0.005 -0.009 0.001 0.009 -0.006 Antechinus flavipes -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.002 0.009 -0.005 -0.002 0.005 -0.009 0.001 0.009 -0.006

Dasycercus sp. indet. -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.002 0.009 -0.005 -0.002 0.005 -0.009 0.001 0.009 -0.006 Dasyurus maculatus -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.002 0.009 -0.005 -0.002 0.005 -0.009 0.001 0.009 -0.006 Dasyurus viverrinus -0.006 0.006 -0.018 0.000 0.014 -0.013 0.000 0.013 -0.013 -0.020 -0.002 -0.038


Ningaui yvonneae -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.000 0.008 -0.008 -0.010 0.004 -0.023 0.003 0.018 -0.011 Gen et sp. cf.

Phascogale calura -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.002 0.009 -0.005 -0.002 0.005 -0.009 0.001 0.009 -0.006 Phascogale tapoatafa -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.002 0.009 -0.005 -0.002 0.005 -0.009 0.001 0.009 -0.006

Sminthopsis crassicaudata 0.006 0.032 -0.021 -0.008 0.018 -0.035 -0.019 0.012 -0.051 0.012 0.045 -0.021

Sminthopsis murina -0.019 0.005 -0.042 0.030 0.052 0.008 0.000 0.011 -0.011 -0.001 0.010 -0.012 Sminthopsis sp. 1 -0.008 0.008 -0.024 0.007 0.023 -0.009 -0.003 0.011 -0.018 0.000 0.015 -0.016 Isodon obesulus -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.002 0.009 -0.005 -0.002 0.005 -0.009 -0.002 0.006 -0.011

Perameles bougainville 0.013 0.035 -0.008 -0.060 -0.033 -0.086 0.000 0.036 -0.037 0.030 0.065 -0.005

Perameles gunnii -0.006 0.011 -0.022 0.015 0.029 0.000 -0.008 0.003 -0.019 0.000 0.014 -0.013 Trichosurus vulpecula -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.002 0.009 -0.005 -0.002 0.005 -0.009 -0.001 0.008 -0.009

Bettongia lesueur -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.009 -0.006 Bettongia penicillata -0.002 0.006 -0.009 -0.001 0.007 -0.010 -0.002 0.009 -0.012 0.001 0.012 -0.010

Potorous platyops -0.002 0.006 -0.009 -0.005 0.005 -0.014 -0.002 0.011 -0.014 0.000 0.014 -0.013 Potorous tridactylus -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.009 -0.006 Cercartetus lepidus 0.000 0.008 -0.008 -0.016 -0.003 -0.028 -0.010 0.012 -0.031 -0.012 0.013 -0.037 Cercartetus nanus -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.002 0.009 -0.005 -0.002 0.005 -0.009 -0.001 0.008 -0.009

Pseudocheirus peregrinus -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.000 0.008 -0.008 -0.003 0.007 -0.013 0.005 0.014 -0.005

Petaurus breviceps -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.002 0.009 -0.005 -0.002 0.005 -0.009 0.001 0.009 -0.006 Petaurus norfolcensis -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.002 0.009 -0.005 -0.002 0.005 -0.009 0.001 0.009 -0.006 Acrobates pygmaeus -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.002 0.009 -0.005 -0.002 0.005 -0.009 0.001 0.009 -0.006

Conilurus albipes -0.005 0.005 -0.014 0.005 0.015 -0.005 -0.005 0.005 -0.014 0.005 0.014 -0.005 Hydromys

chrysogaster -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.002 0.009 -0.005 -0.002 0.005 -0.009 0.001 0.009 -0.006 Mastacomys fuscus 0.014 0.027 0.002 -0.009 0.001 -0.020 -0.041 -0.015 -0.068 0.043 0.069 0.016 Notomys mitchellii -0.013 0.015 -0.040 -0.017 0.013 -0.048 -0.016 0.019 -0.052 0.000 0.038 -0.038

Pseudomys apodemoides 0.038 0.092 -0.017 0.072 0.121 0.023 0.031 0.069 -0.006 -0.088 -0.046 -0.130

Pseudomys auritus -0.040 0.027 -0.107 0.136 0.200 0.072 0.107 0.158 0.056 -0.036 0.014 -0.086


Pseudomys australis 0.019 0.070 -0.032 -0.128 -0.074 -0.182 -0.024 0.038 -0.086 -0.015 0.049 -0.079 Pseudomys fumeus -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.009 -0.006 Pseudomys gouldii 0.009 0.020 -0.002 0.000 0.008 -0.008 -0.013 0.002 -0.027 0.014 0.028 0.000

Pseudomys shortridgei -0.028 0.016 -0.073 0.020 0.065 -0.025 -0.020 0.024 -0.064 0.088 0.128 0.047 Rattus fuscipes -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.002 0.009 -0.005 -0.002 0.005 -0.009 0.001 0.009 -0.006 Rattus lutreolus -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.000 0.008 -0.008 0.001 0.009 -0.006 Rattus tunneyi -0.002 0.006 -0.009 0.002 0.009 -0.005 -0.002 0.005 -0.009 0.001 0.009 -0.006

B1-A4 A4-A3 A3-A2 A2-A1

Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95% Mean Upper

95% Lower 95%

Dasyuridae sp. 1 0.000 0.008 -0.007 -0.005 0.001 -0.011 0.001 0.006 -0.003 0.004 0.008 0.001 Antechinus sp. cf. A.

agilis 0.001 0.005 -0.003 0.000 0.003 -0.002 0.000 0.001 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001 Antechinus flavipes 0.001 0.005 -0.003 0.000 0.002 -0.002 0.000 0.001 -0.002 0.000 0.002 -0.001

Dasycercus sp. indet. 0.001 0.005 -0.003 0.001 0.003 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 Dasyurus maculatus -0.002 0.003 -0.008 0.003 0.007 -0.001 0.001 0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 Dasyurus viverrinus 0.014 0.030 -0.002 0.002 0.010 -0.007 0.004 0.009 -0.002 0.004 0.007 0.000 Ningaui yvonneae 0.008 0.017 0.000 0.000 0.002 -0.002 -0.001 0.001 -0.002 0.000 0.002 -0.001

Gen et sp. cf. Phascogale calura 0.001 0.005 -0.003 0.001 0.003 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000

Phascogale tapoatafa 0.001 0.005 -0.003 0.000 0.003 -0.002 0.000 0.001 -0.001 -0.001 0.000 -0.002 Sminthopsis

crassicaudata -0.026 -0.001 -0.051 0.019 0.038 0.000 0.002 0.013 -0.010 0.029 0.037 0.020 Sminthopsis murina 0.003 0.012 -0.005 0.000 0.005 -0.004 0.000 0.003 -0.003 -0.001 0.002 -0.003

Sminthopsis sp. 1 0.005 0.016 -0.006 -0.003 0.004 -0.009 -0.001 0.004 -0.006 0.006 0.010 0.002 Isodon obesulus 0.001 0.009 -0.006 0.001 0.006 -0.003 0.001 0.004 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001

Perameles bougainville -0.001 0.022 -0.024 0.000 0.016 -0.016 0.013 0.023 0.003 -0.026 -0.018 -0.034

Perameles gunnii -0.013 -0.001 -0.026 -0.002 0.008 -0.013 0.010 0.017 0.003 0.008 0.012 0.003 Trichosurus vulpecula 0.002 0.007 -0.004 0.002 0.005 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001


Bettongia lesueur -0.006 0.000 -0.013 0.006 0.012 0.001 0.000 0.002 -0.002 0.001 0.003 -0.001 Bettongia penicillata 0.005 0.011 -0.002 0.001 0.003 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000

Potorous platyops 0.006 0.015 -0.003 0.001 0.005 -0.002 0.000 0.002 -0.002 0.001 0.002 -0.001 Potorous tridactylus 0.001 0.005 -0.003 0.000 0.002 -0.002 0.001 0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 Cercartetus lepidus 0.032 0.050 0.015 0.003 0.009 -0.003 0.002 0.005 -0.001 0.001 0.003 -0.001 Cercartetus nanus 0.001 0.007 -0.006 -0.003 0.001 -0.008 0.000 0.004 -0.004 0.001 0.004 -0.001

Pseudocheirus peregrinus -0.001 0.004 -0.006 0.001 0.005 -0.002 -0.001 0.001 -0.003 0.001 0.002 -0.001

Petaurus breviceps 0.001 0.005 -0.003 0.000 0.002 -0.002 0.000 0.001 -0.002 0.000 0.001 -0.001 Petaurus norfolcensis 0.001 0.005 -0.003 0.000 0.003 -0.002 0.000 0.001 -0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 Acrobates pygmaeus 0.001 0.005 -0.003 0.001 0.003 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.002 0.000 0.001 -0.001

Conilurus albipes 0.001 0.005 -0.003 -0.001 0.002 -0.003 0.001 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 Hydromys

chrysogaster -0.001 0.004 -0.006 0.003 0.006 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 Mastacomys fuscus 0.001 0.012 -0.010 0.006 0.013 -0.001 -0.011 -0.006 -0.015 -0.006 -0.001 -0.011 Notomys mitchellii 0.033 0.059 0.007 0.010 0.025 -0.005 0.029 0.037 0.022 0.004 0.007 0.000

Pseudomys apodemoides 0.039 0.077 0.002 -0.003 0.021 -0.027 -0.003 0.013 -0.018 0.014 0.026 0.001

Pseudomys auritus -0.066 -0.024 -0.108 -0.004 0.027 -0.035 -0.147 -0.125 -0.169 0.020 0.039 0.001 Pseudomys australis 0.079 0.127 0.032 -0.030 0.002 -0.061 0.101 0.121 0.081 -0.004 0.011 -0.018 Pseudomys fumeus 0.000 0.004 -0.005 -0.005 -0.001 -0.009 -0.001 0.003 -0.005 -0.002 0.001 -0.006 Pseudomys gouldii 0.001 0.005 -0.003 0.001 0.003 -0.001 0.000 0.001 -0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000

Pseudomys shortridgei -0.078 -0.052 -0.105 0.003 0.027 -0.020 0.003 0.018 -0.012 -0.053 -0.040 -0.066 Rattus fuscipes -0.003 0.003 -0.009 0.005 0.009 0.000 0.000 0.001 -0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 Rattus lutreolus -0.011 -0.003 -0.019 0.009 0.016 0.001 -0.001 0.002 -0.004 0.003 0.005 0.000 Rattus tunneyi 0.001 0.005 -0.003 0.001 0.003 -0.001 -0.001 0.000 -0.003 -0.001 0.001 -0.002


Table E.6 Chi-square statistics for Cochran’s test of linear trend for species proportions at the macroscale (units A, B, C and E) of Wet and Blanche Caves. Cochran’s test was

only performed on those species in Wet and Blanche which occurred within three or more units. 𝛘𝟐 is the normal chi-square test statistic which is divided into two components: 𝛘𝒕𝟐

is chi-square for linear trend; 𝛘𝒅𝟐 is chi-square for departure from linear trend (e.g., may be curvilinear). Significance assessed at α=0.01.

Cochran’s Test

Wet Cave Blanche Cave

Species 𝛘𝟐

(df = 3) p


(df = 1) p


(df = 2) p 𝛘𝟐

(df = 3) p


(df = 1) p


(df = 2) p

Dasyuridae sp. 1 2.417 0.490 0.870 0.351 0.275 0.872 4.598 0.204 3.070 0.080 1.528 0.466

Antechinus flavipes 5.763 0.124 4.078 0.043 1.685 0.431 Dasyurus viverrinus 26.791 0.000 14.485 0.000 12.306 0.002 20.780 0.000 0.422 0.516 20.359 0.000

Ningaui yvonneae 19.085 0.000 3.050 0.081 16.035 0.000

Sminthopsis crassicaudata 43.105 0.000 15.713 0.000 27.392 0.000 0.905 0.824 0.329 0.566 0.577 0.750

Sminthopsis murina 42.120 0.000 17.434 0.000 24.687 0.000 45.201 0.000 30.609 0.000 14.592 0.001

Sminthopsis sp. 1 0.640 0.887 0.167 0.682 0.473 0.789 6.558 0.087 2.820 0.093 3.738 0.154

Isoodon obesulus 12.524 0.006 0.696 0.404 11.829 0.003 4.772 0.189 0.473 0.492 4.299 0.117

Perameles bougainville 101.337 0.000 4.814 0.028 96.523 0.000 19.236 0.000 0.792 0.374 18.444 0.000

Perameles gunnii 31.227 0.000 29.919 0.000 1.308 0.520 11.264 0.010 7.585 0.006 3.679 0.159

Trichosurus vulpecula 7.652 0.054 2.083 0.149 5.570 0.062

Bettongia lesueur 1.145 0.766 0.478 0.489 0.667 0.716

Bettongia penicillata 40.105 0.000 18.420 0.000 21.685 0.000

Potorous platyops 16.421 0.001 0.177 0.674 16.244 0.000 23.050 0.000 2.006 0.157 21.044 0.000

Cercartetus lepidus 184.689 0.000 36.038 0.000 148.650 0.000

Cercartetus nanus 812.791 0.000 594.182 0.000 218.609 0.000 6.078 0.108 0.555 0.456 5.523 0.063


Cochran’s Test

Wet Cave Blanche Cave

Species 𝛘𝟐

(df = 3) p


(df = 1) p


(df = 2) p 𝛘𝟐

(df = 3) p


(df = 1) p


(df = 2) p

Pseudocheirus peregrinus 3.714 0.294 3.658 0.056 0.056 0.972 5.786 0.123 2.685 0.101 3.101 0.212

Conilurus albipes 19.158 0.000 15.995 0.000 3.163 0.206

Mastacomys fuscus 141.229 0.000 9.769 0.002 131.460 0.000 6.497 0.090 2.420 0.120 4.077 0.130

Notomys mitchellii 91.432 0.000 17.161 0.000 74.270 0.000 306.883 0.000 239.272 0.000 67.610 0.000

Pseudomys apodemoides 1360.069 0.000 988.100 0.000 371.969 0.000 25.613 0.000 3.378 0.066 22.235 0.000

Pseudomys auritus 455.529 0.000 376.273 0.000 79.256 0.000 208.741 0.000 172.856 0.000 35.885 0.000

Pseudomys australis 554.467 0.000 224.925 0.000 329.542 0.000 106.470 0.000 64.456 0.000 42.014 0.000

Pseudomys fumeus 15.802 0.001 3.768 0.052 12.034 0.002 Pseudomys shortridgei 37.746 0.000 21.278 0.000 16.468 0.000 50.749 0.000 3.398 0.065 47.351 0.000

Rattus fuscipes 81.586 0.000 57.013 0.000 24.573 0.000 Rattus lutreolus 3.431 0.330 3.410 0.065 0.021 0.990


Table E.7 Chi-square statistics for Cochran’s test of linear trend, measured at the mesoscale through the Wet and Blanche Cave sequences. Cochran’s test was only performed on

those species that occur in four of more phases. 𝛘𝟐 is the normal chi-square test statistic which is divided into two components: 𝛘𝒕𝟐 is chi-square for linear trend; 𝛘𝒅𝟐 is chi-square

for departure from linear trend (e.g., may be curvilinear). Significance assessed at α=0.01.

Species 𝛘𝟐

(df = 3) p


(df = 1) p


(df = 2) p

Dasyuridae sp. 1 29.846 0.003 2.079 0.149 27.767 0.004 Antechinus flavipes 15.756 0.203 0.706 0.401 15.050 0.180 Dasyurus viverrinus 51.549 0.000 0.810 0.368 50.739 0.000 Ningaui yvonneae 39.413 0.000 1.262 0.261 38.151 0.000

Phascogale tapoatafa 26.650 0.009 8.132 0.004 18.518 0.070 Sminthopsis crassicaudata 146.664 0.000 1.749 0.186 144.916 0.000

Sminthopsis murina 218.348 0.000 161.766 0.000 56.582 0.000 Sminthopsis sp. 1 23.119 0.027 0.288 0.592 22.831 0.019 Isoodon obesulus 11.777 0.464 0.038 0.845 11.739 0.384

Perameles bougainville 161.698 0.000 94.068 0.000 67.630 0.000 Perameles gunnii 96.851 0.000 8.359 0.004 88.492 0.000

Trichosurus vulpecula 12.356 0.417 0.800 0.371 11.557 0.398 Bettongia lesueur 34.069 0.001 1.799 0.180 32.270 0.001

Bettongia penicillata 52.826 0.000 1.456 0.228 51.369 0.000 Potorous platyops 30.759 0.002 0.429 0.513 30.331 0.001

Potorous tridactylus 17.142 0.144 0.138 0.710 17.004 0.108 Cercartetus lepidus 229.817 0.000 3.052 0.081 226.765 0.000 Cercartetus nanus 4410.114 0.000 1734.401 0.000 2675.713 0.000

Pseudocheirus peregrinus 6.063 0.913 1.259 0.262 4.804 0.940 Petaurus breviceps 5.813 0.925 2.521 0.112 3.292 0.986

Acrobates pygmaeus 800.397 0.000 305.796 0.000 494.601 0.000


Species 𝛘𝟐

(df = 3) p


(df = 1) p


(df = 2) p

Conilurus albipes 182.061 0.000 80.035 0.000 102.026 0.000 Mastacomys fuscus 104.401 0.000 19.599 0.000 84.802 0.000 Notomys mitchellii 491.593 0.000 255.473 0.000 236.121 0.000

Pseudomys apodemoides 606.184 0.000 477.065 0.000 129.119 0.000 Pseudomys auritus 902.392 0.000 503.134 0.000 399.258 0.000

Pseudomys australis 461.570 0.000 37.524 0.000 424.046 0.000 Pseudomys fumeus 53.986 0.000 3.646 0.056 50.340 0.000 Pseudomys gouldii 889.826 0.000 622.570 0.000 267.256 0.000

Pseudomys shortridgei 306.866 0.000 199.469 0.000 107.397 0.000 Rattus lutreolus 43.658 0.000 0.192 0.661 43.466 0.000 Rattus tunneyi 101.184 0.000 25.074 0.000 76.110 0.000


Figure E.1 Rarefaction curves of number of identified specimens (NISP) and species richness for all units of Wet and Blanche caves. ^Indicates those units that contain samples

in which Murids were sub-sampled.


Figure E.2 Rarefaction curves of number of identified specimens (NISP) and species richness for all

phases of Wet and Blanche caves. ^Indicates those units that contain samples in which Murids were



Figure E.3 Body mass distribution of small mammal taxa (body mass ≤2.5 kg) in the Wet and

Blanche Cave units and phases. Data presented are the mean ± 95% confidence interval, calculated

using the “plus four” method as outlined in Agresti and Caffo (2000) and Moore and McCabe



Appendix F

Spatio-temporal distribution of Cercartetus concinnus

Contemporary (post-European arrival to present) The contemporary distribution of C. concinnus was compiled from records of

specimens held in Australian and international museums and research institutions

(Table F.1). Collection data were compiled from the Atlas of Living Australia

(ALA) database and were vetted against data supplied from the institutions directly.

The ALA also provided observational data, providing spatial occurrence points not

covered by the specimen records.

Spatial distribution maps were generated in ArcMap v10.1 (Fig. 7.1, main text).

Only specimens or observations in both the museum and ALA databases that had

latitude and longitudinal data were plotted in the distribution maps. Of the 2218

records of C. concinnus available across the combined museum and ALA database,

2115 had latitude and longitude reference points. Of these, 42 were marked as

‘spatially suspect,’ leaving 2073 data points for the distribution map.

C. concinnus is the most widespread of the pygmy possums in Australia, with a

distribution spanning southern Australia from south-west Western Australia to the

Murray mallee region of Victoria and New South Wales. The Nullarbor was

thought to form a barrier between eastern and western Australian populations,

providing support for Wakefield’s (1963) split of C. concinnus into two subspecies.

However, despite the lack of detection of C. concinnus in surveys of the Nullarbor

region in 1984 (McKenzie and Robinson, 1987), specimens were available from

this region for the phylogenetic analyses performed by Pestell et al. (2008). Harris

(2009) also noted specimens of C. concinnus collected from the Nullarbor Plain and

Great Victoria Desert, challenging the previous assumption of a disjunct

distribution of C. concinnus across southern Australia. Within the data compiled

from the ALA and museum collections, 219 records are associated with the

Nullarbor, Hampton and Great Victoria Desert Interim Biogeographic

Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) regions. These records clearly verify the


presence of the species across this once considered distributional ‘gap.’ The records

associated with these regions were collected between 1974 and 2012.

Another interesting feature of the contemporary distribution of C. concinnus is the

history of its detection in the Murray Mallee region of south-western New South

Wales (NSW). The first record for C. concinnus in NSW was associated with a

specimen collected from near Gol Gol on the River Murray in 1958 (NMV C 2848).

A second specimen was collected from the Mallee Cliffs Conservation Park in 1996

(AM M32456), prompting the listing of C. concinnus as an endangered species in

NSW under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.

Following its listing, a recovery plan was developed for C. concinnus in NSW and

surveys were conducted to determine the distribution and size of populations within

the state (NPWS, 2001). A total of 306 records of C. concinnus are available in the

combined museum and ALA database in the Murray Mallee region of NSW, dating

from 1996 to 2008.

Fossil (Pleistocene to Holocene) Quaternary-aged fossil occurrence data for C. concinnus were compiled from the

published literature. Latitude and longitudinal data for fossil localities were sourced

from the Geoscience Australia Place Name Search and published sources. Only a

limited number of fossil collections have been dated and in many cases, the

resolution of the dating prohibits fine-scale analysis of fossil occurrences with time.

As a result, the fossil distribution map was divided into the following time-periods:

1. Quaternary (2.6 myr to immediate pre-European arrival)

2. Pleistocene (2.6 myr to 11 kyr BP)

3. Late Pleistocene–Holocene (126 kyr to immediately pre-European arrival and/or

present day), and

4. Holocene (11 kyr to immediately pre-European arrival and/or present day).

Where minimum and/or maximum radiocarbon or other radiometric data were

available, these were used to constrain the specimens into one of these four time-

periods. For some sites, no dating was available but the age of the specimens was

inferred by the original authors through fossil association (e.g., presence of


megafauna to infer Pleistocene age), taphonomic features (e.g., condition and

discolouration of bone material) and association with geological formations. Where

no age data were available, sites were marked as ‘unknown,’ but likely span any

part of the Quaternary.

Fossil sites located within or near to the contemporary range of the species from

which small animal remains have been recovered (e.g., rodents, lizards, bats and

frogs), but which have not yielded identified specimens of C. concinnus were also

plotted. This approach allowed for a comparison of the fossil distribution of C.

concinnus against all documented fossil sites within the modern range of the

species. It is recognised that the absence of the species from a fossil site may not

represent the true absence of the species from the palaeocommunity sampled in the

deposit. The lack of detection of C. concinnus may be due to a common bias in the

early study of Pleistocene fossil sites towards larger mammals, particularly the

megafauna given the significance of their Pleistocene extinction. For many sites,

this bias resulted in poor detection, preservation or records of smaller mammals that

co-occurred with the larger megafauna. Therefore, the fossil distribution data serve

as a comparison against the species’ contemporary distribution to generate

biogeographic hypotheses that can be tested using phylogeographic data, as well as

to identify fossil sites for future re-examination.

Table F.1 Australian and international museums and institutions (and associated

acronyms) that provided specimen data for Cercartetus concinnus with latitude

and longitude and collection year data.


American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA

Australian Museum, Sydney, Aust.

Australian National Wildlife Collection (CSIRO), Aust.

Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Washington, USA

The Field Museum, Chicago, USA

Museum Victoria, Melbourne, Aust.

Natural History Museum, London, UK

Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Aust.

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington, USA

South Australia Museum, Adelaide, Aust.

Western Australian Museum, Perth, Aust.


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