Issue No 272 August-September 2015 waterway recovery group waterway recovery group navvies navvies volunteers restoring waterways volunteers restoring waterways Issue No 272 August-September 2015 Camps: Cotswold Swansea Cromford Camps: Cotswold Swansea Cromford MKP MBE: Congratulations to our Chairman MKP MBE: Congratulations to our Chairman

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Navvies 272. Waterway Recovery Group's magazine for volunteers restoring the waterways.

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Issue No 272August-September




navviesnavviesvolunteers restoring waterwaysvolunteers restoring waterways

Issue No 272August-September




MKP MBE:Congratulationsto our Chairman

MKP MBE:Congratulationsto our Chairman

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IntroThe Appeal so far...

IntroThe Appeal so far...

The good news is that our VanAppeal is now over half way toreaching its target of £120,000to replace our four vehicles. So

here are a selection of pics ofhow we’ve been raising the

money so far, and on pages 6-7you can read about what we’ve

got planned for the future

The good news is that our VanAppeal is now over half way toreaching its target of £120,000to replace our four vehicles. So

here are a selection of pics ofhow we’ve been raising the

money so far, and on pages 6-7you can read about what we’ve

got planned for the future

The Welsh 3000 challengeThe Welsh 3000 challenge

The Lapworth WalkThe Lapworth Walk

Does the fudge ever stop?Does the fudge ever stop?

Festival digger drivingFestival digger driving

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Editorial It’s MKP MBE! 4-7Appeal update Half way there! 8-9Coming soon Autumn camp on the Chelmer& Blackwater, Reunion on the Uttoxeter 10-11Directory WRG and canal societies 12-15Camp reports two weeks on theCotswold Canals 16-20East Midlands Cromford Bridge 21Diary WRG, IWA, CRT, canal societies22-27Camp report Mon & Brec 28-30Progress our regular roundup 31-35Camp report Cromford 36-37Safety review How can we be safer?38-39Frank Wallder an appreciation 40Navvies News the restoration raffle 41Backfill What does MBE really stand for? 42Outro WRG Training Weekend in pictures 43


...are always welcome, whether handwritten,typed, on CD, DVD or by email.

Photos welcome: digital, slides,prints. Please say if you want prints back.Digital pics are welcome as email attach-ments, preferably JPG, but if you have a lotof large files it’s best to send them on CD orDVD or to contact the editor first.

Contributions by post to the editorMartin Ludgate, 35, Silvester Road,London SE22 9PB, or by email [email protected].

Press date for issue 273: 1 September.


A year's subscription (6 issues) is availablefor a minimum of £3.00 to Sue Watts, 15Eleanor Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy,Manchester M21 9FZ. Cheques payable to"Waterway Recovery Group" please.

This is a minimum subscription, thateveryone can afford. Please add a donation.

ContentsIn this issue...


Editor: Martin Ludgate, 35 Silvester Road,East Dulwich London SE22 9PB020-8693 3266 [email protected]

Subscriptions: Sue Watts, 15 Eleanor Rd.,Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester M21 9FZ

Printing and assembly: John Hawkins, 4Links Way, Croxley Green, Rickmansworth,Herts WD3 3RQ01923 448559 [email protected]

Navvies is published by Waterway RecoveryGroup, Island House, Moor Rd., CheshamHP5 1WA and is available to all interested inpromoting the restoration and conservationof inland waterways by voluntary effort inGreat Britain. Articles may be reproduced inallied magazines provided that the source isacknowledged. WRG may not agree withopinions expressed in this magazine, butencourages publication as a matter of inter-est. Nothing printed may be construed aspolicy or an official announcement unless sostated - otherwise WRG and IWA accept noliability for any matter in this magazine.

Waterway Recovery Group is part of TheInland Waterways Association, (registeredoffice: Island House, Moor Road, CheshamHP5 1WA), a non-profit distributing companylimited by guarantee, registered in Englandno 612245, and registered as a charity no212342. VAT registration no 342 0715 89.

Directors of WRG: Rick Barnes, JohnBaylis, George Eycott, Helen Gardner, JohnHawkins, Dave Hearnden, Jude Palmer, MikePalmer, Jonathan Smith, Harry Watts.

ISSN: 0953-6655 © 2015 WRG

Visit our web site

www.wrg.org.uk or find

Waterway Recovery Group

on Facebook for all the latest

news of WRG's activities

Cover Picture: Bowbridge Lock on the Cotswold nearing completion with final silt clear-ance: see camp reports, p16-20 (photo: David Miller). Back cover top: WRG Chairman MikePalmer marks his recent elevation to the peerage (OK, an MBE actually) by teaching scaffold-ing at the WRG Training weekend. Bottom: Chesterfield Camp at Staveley: report next time

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EditorialIt’s MKP MBE!

We take a 20-year wander through

the Chairman’s writings, covering

everything from whether BW were

covering their arses to why WRG

weren’t covering theirs...

Congratulations Mike Palmer MBE!

“Alan Jervis insisted on only one condition when I took over the chairmanship of WRG: thatI wouldn’t write a glowing obituary that would have you all choking on your Eccles cakes...”

Those were the opening words of Mike Palmer’s first Chairman’s Comment page inNavvies 150, published in 1995. In turn I feel that two decades on, we shouldn’t mark theawarding of the MBE to Mike in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List by publishing a “glowingobituary” of him. Firstly because he’s very much still around and not showing any signs ofleaving; but more importantly because as Mike made it very clear when the news broke(conveniently at the WRG Training Weekend), he saw it as very much an award for the wholeof WRG. “I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without these fantastic volunteers”, as he put it.

While avoiding obituarising (is there such a word?) I have, however, gone throughthose 20 years of Navvies and pulled out a selection of quotes from Mike’s words of wisdom,wit and wackiness, one or two of which might just help to make that exact point...

And we start in 1995, where Mike followed on from the above opening by saying that“Almost everything, from government interference to the ‘wrong kind of weed’, has beenblamed for the various problems that face canal restoration”, but that with restoration be-coming ‘trendy’ again, “the only thing that can continuously take the credit for successfulcanal restoration is volunteer effort: the determination and vision of you all that - time aftertime - has faced up to the opposition and won”.

In 1996 we read (among some remarkably familiar stuff about an Appeal to replace allour vans) of British Waterways (remember them?) “acknowledging that work on the Mont-gomery was poor and full of errors that they really must learn from”, that it was IWA and WRGwho had “stood up and said ‘That’s not good enough’ “ - and moreover, that it was volunteers“the only group with no other allegiance or obligation” whose role (quoting Alan Jervis) was “ todemand the impossible, and to keep on demanding it until it becomes the possible.”

Come 1997, and Mike commented that “It says a lot about the dedication, skill andprofessionalism of WRG volunteers that, for a group that has to plan a year ahead, we cancope so well with sudden absences of leaders, completed changes of jobs and relocation to adifferent canal with only a few days’ notice” - but cautioned that a recent fatal accident on a(non-canal related) volunteer camp showed that “the most important lessons are that thisoccurred because of planned work being changed without approval, and novice volunteersattempting to do more than they were asked without checking first”. Finally the year endedwith some rather prescient stuff about who will run the waterways in the future: “The con-cept of a BW Trust might seem like crazy in the pub, but pub discussions don’t make it to theMinister, whilst published letters do...”

1998 saw Mike’s column “highlighting the major problem behind restoration schemes...simply not enough cash”, before going on to explain that “the simple fact is that not enoughpeople care about canals”, followed by the suggestion that the ‘BW Trust’ idea with a bigmembership scheme might mean that “They could go to Parliament saying not ‘we represent40,000 boaters, many of whom don’t like us very much’ but ‘we represent 200,000 peoplewho believe the canals are worth saving.” That the Friends of the Canal & River Trust hasyet to hit one-tenth of this figure suggests that there’s a little way to go yet...

He was soon back to giving BW a hard time, though asking “Why is it essential to turnall our canals into maintenance-free ‘aquatic motorways’, spending very large sums of capitalto eliminate relatively small sums in the future? The canal system is upheld by everyone forits engineering - the innovative (and not always entirely successful) ideas that evolvedthrough the most important years of this country’s development. Let’s not destroy this genius

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with bland motorway-style engineering for the sake of a few quid shifted from the revenuebudget to the capital budget.”

1999 began with a defence of Navvies’ editorial stance regarding canal camp reports“Generally the ‘If it’s sent in then I’ll print it’ policy is good; it keeps us on our toes and givesus useful feedback” coupled with a caution “How do you think the local organiser feels whenhe’s trying to convince the local MPs how much progress your camp made, when one ofthem says “That’s funny, all you did according to this was got drunk...’ “ And just to provethat the Chairman’s Comment wasn’t just gloomy forebodings about waterways politics, weread of a remarkably successful summer of camps where “The variety of tasks was greaterthan ever - and still we managed to complete all that was asked of us. And we managed totrain people up, especially leaders.” Mind you, we also read that “several photos of me that Icannot imagine anyone wanting are still missing (mind you, at least I got my pants back).”

A call to arms kicked off 2000: the Hereford & Gloucester’s Over Basin, with a lot to do,and a tight deadline: “This is going to take a massive amount of work from all of us. Howeveranyone who has been to the site can see it is a worthwhile project. More than any other site I canthink of it has work for everyone, no matter what levels of skill. Those with long memories willremember the Stratford Blitzes we laid on to keep that canal open. This is at least as important,both for the H&G and for all of us, as it is a showpiece scheme for everyone involved in negotia-tions with local authorities and developers on projects all over the country.”

Meanwhile on the political front, it all seemed to be going too well. BW was promotingrestoration, Government legislation was protecting derelict routes, canals featured on TV, anddevelopers were “Keen to get housing around an old basin rather than on top of one”. So whatwas the problem? “There is just no one to fight anymore! So please stop fighting each other!”

On to 2001, and it was restoration ‘partnerships’ that were in the line of fire: Mikeremarked that “Ihave yet to be in-volved in a partner-ship where at leasthalf of the intellec-tual effort isn’tdevoted to internalpolitics”, beforecalling for genuinepartherships witheveryone included atall stages. Thenthere was the sum-mer Chairman’sComment whichtook the form of apostcard (right).

Come 2002, and Mike was apologising “for looking such a sulky bugger on the frontcover of Navvies 193. It did give the impression that both John and myself were not at allimpressed with being able to go through the locks. Nothing could be further from the truth.Again my thanks to all those who worked at Hanbury - it was a wonderful project”.

He’d cheered up by 2003, and was struggling to write a column because “I am so veryhappy that I’m having a problem with words to sum it up”. Why? Aston Locks on the Mont werefinally open! Mind you, he added a worry that “The trouble with conceding a few little points forthe ‘overall good’ is that they may be the very details that make our waterways special”.

In 2004 were (surprise surprise!) once again trying to raise lots of dosh to buy newvans and a whole lot more in the ‘Right Tool or the Right Job’ appeal - including some prettyodd fundraising efforts. As Mike put it, “One of the few treats for people as old and jaded asmyself is managing to surprise other people. So to hear legendary waterways photographerDerek Pratt saying ‘That must be the weirdest weekend I have ever spent on the waterways’was particularly pleasing. Slightly more worrying was that I was naked at the time, save forthe ingenuity of a helpful police officer.” Thus the 2005 WRG calendar was born. On a moreserious note, Mike railed against BW and the wqy “their ridiculous assumption that volun-

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teers equals risk is killing off so many of the real partnerships that had flourished”.In 2005 Roger Burchett retired as WRG Transport Manager, and Mike paid tribute:

“Roger’s resemblance to Father Christmas is legendary and as far as I am concerned everyhour I have spent with him has felt like a ride over the rooftops...” Mike also introducedthree rules for writing his column. “Rule 1: Avoid making any hasty response to a particularissue: wait until the facts are known and you have talked to all the people concerned. Rule2: Always give a clear message: never contradict yourself further down the page. Rule 3:Never insult more than a small number of your readers.” - before admitting he was about tobreak all three in his latest diatribe on BW and Health & Safety...

In 2006 Mike took a look back at old issues of Navvies, noting the differences “Appealsin early issues for £24 to fix a van as no-one in the working party had a car contrast starklywith some current groups who don’t need a van as they can fit a 3-inch pump in their com-pany 4x4s” but also disturbing similarities “ A report from a WRG Committee meeting thatis almost word-for-word the same as the ones today” as well as his main point that just likein the old days, “in amongst all the cynicism, sarcasm, frivolity and countless other distrac-tions the work we do really does help to make a difference” - and that “WRG has alwaystried to provide good value, indeed ‘a little bit extra’.”

It was back to H&S in 2007, and a forthright view that “a lot of people we are having towork with are primarily concerned not with the real welfare of workers but (a) covering theirbacksides and (b) making sure nothing buggers up their safety record”.

Come 2008, and Mike reported on a very successful summer on the Droitwich: “Giventhat many restoration schemes appear to be in a quiet ‘planning’ phase it looks like we areall relying on Droitwich (once described by a senior waterways commentator as ‘a festeringboil on the backside of waterway restoration’) to provide the national proof that waterways,despite a loss of interest from government, can still deliver all the good things we know thencan.”

By 2009 the talk was of BW’s proposed move to the charitable sector - and Mike hadsome concerns about the reasoning: “What worries me is that whenever BW have tried todistil it all down to a single pithy message they just go back to ‘It will gain us access to loadsmore funding options’. Now I do understand that right now cash is important but if that isthe reason you are changing your whole organisation then you are missing the point. Youbecome a charity because you have something to believe in, you change the whole way thatyour organisation works to make it better. Becoming a third sector organisation is the rewardin itself – you then get the money because you are worth it!”

A rather different kind of H&S issue featured in Mike’s first Comment of 2010: “Wehave replaced all the kitchen knives in both the Canal Camp kits. So this summer they reallywill be very sharp. By the time you read this we will also have refurbished all the First Aidkits as well. Which is probably not a bad thing...”

Those newfangled ‘social media’ made their appearance in Mike’s column in 2011 -albeit in terms of him not going anywhere near them: “I don’t do the Facebook thing - likemany middle-aged blokes I’m convinced I’m far too busy for it. However, last week I verynearly signed up – no, not for the unrestricted access to the Tim Lewis photo album but forthe extreme pleasure of setting my status to: ‘MKP is having a pint in the Railway publichouse and is about to go boating on the Droitwich’’.” Yes, it was finally open after all thoseyears.

2012 began with a landmark: “You may or may not have noticed it but last issue wasthe staggering number 250. Many organisations would have made it a celebration issue withmuch reflection and navel gazing. We were too busy doing stuff. I'm rather proud of that.”before announcing his disappearance into an “Olympic sized hole” for the next six months.

Mike emerged from his hole in early 2013 to find that British Waterways had beenmoved out of Government control and transmogrified into the new Canal & River Trustcharity. “Trustees are in place; policies have been worked out; staff and departments havebeen re-arranged; business plans have been approved. So now should be the time for CRTto provide a clear vision on what volunteers mean to them. So I have asked them, andCaroline Killeavy has agreed to write an article for the next Navvies giving just that.” Threeyears on, the invitation’s still open: we’d be happy for anyone from CRT to submit an articlefor Navvies. Later the same year, we started sending Navvies to all the CRT volunteer coordi-

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nators (and listing their details in the mag). As Mike said “The whole point of Navvies is tobring ideas and people together, not only to see how others do it but also to see how othersfeel about it. Because the most important thing with volunteers is to understand their moti-vation. So welcome to all the CRT volunteer co-ordinators reading this edition – feel free topass it on to your colleagues!”

In 2014 we upped the number of summer Canal Camps: “Now a 50 percent increasewould be pretty astounding in any circumstances. But the important thing to realise is that itis just due to volunteers deciding to do more. Despite all of the very welcome renewedinterest in restoration from IWA/CRT, it wasn’t down to press releases, conferences andmedia events. The extra effort came from people like you reading this now who just gave alittle more: volunteers who realised they could find a few extra days to help lead a camp, orlay bricks, or drive vans, or bake cakes or any one of the myriad of jobs that make the dif-ference between an OK camp and a brilliant camp. Whether that effort came from WRG orthe local society hosting the camp it was ‘the people wot dun it’.”

And as for 2015: well, we’re four issues in, and I’m afraid Mike hasn’t managed toproduce a single Chairman’s Comment page yet! So is this 4-page, 20-year wander throughthe Chairman’s Comments of the past, simply a very very long-winded way of eventuallycoming to the point of nagging Mike for a Chairman’s Page for the next issue?

Well, no. I would in fact like to conclude by offering our warmest congratulations toMike on his MBE from everyone involved in Navvies, and on behalf of everyone in WRG andthe wider restoration movement. You deeply deserve it.

But by the way, Mike, the next press date’s 1 September...Martin Ludgate

“Palmer’s fourth rule of canal restoration: There is no way a failed bid, a supermarket or a road can stop acanal being restored properly. Only a bad restoration can stop it being restored properly.”

“Whilst we do understand the pressures local volunteers suffer, please remember that our volunteers are justthat: volunteers. They will be there through thick and thin, so long as you don’t hack them off.”

“I don’t know of any restoration that has failed due to excessive honesty.”

“Whatever your talents there is a place for you in WRG.”

“Quite simply we are worth the investment - we can deliver the results.”

“Well, perhaps it is better to have an impossible dream than to wake up in the middle of a nightmare restoration.”

“I still dream of a headline that says ‘Hooray - officials decide new legislation does not apply to volunteers’.”

“It did feel good to get back to basics: no agendas, no meetings, just a mattock, a lot of laughs, and a trench to dig.”

“No endless email exchanges about what if a nuclear tanker runs into the site. Until yesterday I didn’t haveenough drivers, I still don’t have a cook, and not a single one of the volunteers has been on a camp before.And it feels good. This is a nice, straightforward camp on a site that just needs a good push - exactly what wewere brought into being for..”

“There are some cynics that reckon that if the planning for a camp is a complete cockup then the actual campwill be fine. If the converse of that is the case, then we are set for serious chaos next year...”

“We realise that it is often a rather scary thing to ask ‘I’d like to help a bit more – is there any little job I coulddo?’ as you feel you will get lumbered with chairmanship or editing Navvies or some other horrendous task.”

“I think I may have officially become a grumpy old navvy. I’d always hoped to avoid this but I think thissummer might have pushed me over the edge. Put simply there was just too much bricks and mortar and, aseveryone knows, if you want to become a real moaner then go and lay some bricks. Just moving bricks doesn’tdo it, neither does just mixing mortar - there is some complicated alchemy that occurs when you put a brick in onehand and mortar in the other. If you doubt it, then just try putting your most happy-go-lucky navvy on the brickiegang. Within ten minutes I guarantee you will hear ‘How do you expect me to work with this?’ ”

“We are an organisation of ‘part timers’ who would famously rather dig shit (or go down the pub) than attendmeetings.”

“This is the best job I have ever known and I thank you all for the support you have given me.”


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Van AppealWe’re half way there!

The appeal for 120 grand to replace

our fleet of vans has already raised

enough for the first two vans! But

we still need over £55,000 more:

here are even more ways to help...

Van Appeal Round-up:Over half way!

The van appeal has passed the half-way point of the £120,000 total and iscurrently at £65,545, enough to buytwo vans!

What’s been happening…

Donations First and foremost we’d like tothank everyone that has donated to theappeal. Donations have been the biggestcontribution to the current total by far and ithas been incredible to see so much support.

Welsh 3000 On Saturday 20th June threemembers of IWA Head Office staff (Jenny

Black, Amber Jenkins and myself), one WRGvolunteer (Pete Flemming) and one NewburyWorking Party Group volunteer (Rob Nichol-son) completed the Welsh 3000 challenge.

The Welsh 3000 involved walkingacross 15 peaks over 3000 ft. The sensibleones usually attempt the challenge over twoor three days but we decided to go for the24 hour time limit… We somehow managedto stagger over the finish in 18 hours, 16hours peak to peak, and raised over £1,500in sponsorship. We’re in no hurry to do itagain as we were barely able to walk thenext day! I prefer sitting down anyway…

Drive a Digger and BricklayingWRG held a bricklaying activity at StratfordRiver Festival, IWA National Trailboat Festival

Training the next generation of brickies and collecting donations for the Appeal at festivals

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on the Lancaster, and Rickmansworth Festivalfor children to learn how to bricklay. Theyalso held ‘Drive a Digger’ at the TrailboatFestival giving people the opportunity toexperience operating a digger. Any donationsreceived were given to the van appeal.

Rhubarb! Terry Cavender has very kindlysold his home-grown rhubarb and donatedthe proceeds to the van appeal. It just goesto show that you can do anything and every-thing to support the appeal so we’d love tohear your ideas. Can you beat this?

WRG Car Stickers If you can’t have aWRG van of your own, branding your carwith a WRG car sticker is the next best thing!There are still plenty available for £1.50 eachfrom the IWA shop and roughly 66% ofevery purchase goes to the appeal.

Van Appeal Fudge Becky Parr, KirstyWallace, Mike and Jude Palmer have con-tinued to sell fudge and their respectiveNorthern and Midlands fudge distributioncentres are still going well! Buy some whilestocks last.

What’s to come…

Droitwich Walk Book your places nowfor WRG’s Droitwich Sponsored Walk onSaturday 19th September. Choose between a5 mile or 22 mile route and take part as anindividual or as part of a Van-tastic team!Each team will represent a WRG van on thewalk. Fancy dress is encouraged!

Mrs Palmer, MKP MBE and the rest oftheir team will do the entire walk in fancydress to the theme of Snow White and theSeven “Wharfs” if they raise £1,000! Seehttp://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/rfb

It costs £5 per person or £10 to

“drive” a van. See www.wrg.org.uk/droitwich_sponsored_walk for full detailsor contact Jen & Amber at WRG HeadOffice on 01494 783453 ext. 604.

Barrels of Beer - If you’re going to theCotswolds David Smith has kindly organ-ised to donate and sell beer from Bath Alesand Stroud Brewery to raise funds for theappeal.

Barn Dance – The Barn Dance is back!On Saturday 5th March 2016 at RowingtonVillage Hall there will be food, live music andlots of beer so keep this date free in yourdiaries! Accommodation will be available atRowington Village Hall and places will opensoon. More details to follow…

Bungle is going Veggie George‘Bungle’ Eycott, WRG’s vans guru, reallyreally likes to eat meat. But in November,for one month only, you have the chance toput him on a vegetarian diet. The more heraises in sponsorship, the longer he’ll have togo vegetarian, with a limit of £1,000 for thewhole month. If you want to prolong hissuffering then get over to his Virgin MoneyGiving Page and sponsor him! Seehttp://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/bungle

Appealing Updates

Keep up to date with new events and activi-ties that will take place later in the appeal bygoing to www.wrg.org.uk/wrgvanappeal orwait for the next update in the October issueof Navvies. If you’d like more information onthe appeal or any of the activities listedcontact Toby Gomm at 01494 783453 ext.611 or [email protected] orvisit the website.

Toby Gomm

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Coming soonAutumn digging

Do you fancy spending a week

on the Chelmer & Blackwater

Navigation in October?

Have you booked for the

Reunion in November?

Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation Canal Camp 24-31 October 2015

Our summer canal camps programme ends in early September, but we don’t go into hiber-nation yet. We’ve got a week’s October camp on the Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation inEssex. This is ‘our own’ waterway: WRG’s parent body the Inland Waterways Associationruns it via a subsidiarly called Essex Waterways Ltd (EWL), with a lot of volunteer support.Here’s Roy Chandler of EWL to give us some background information, starting with thehistory of WRG’s involvement...

The restoration and re-opening of the derelict Springfield Basin at the top end of theChelmer & Blackwater Navigation, close to Chelmsford City centre, was spearheaded byChelmsford Branch IWA in 1992-3 assisted by WRG.

Redevelopment was subsequently undertaken at the head of the basin and this hasbeen followed over the last two years by further waterside residential building. More is beingplanned with the recent sale of adjoining land. EWL has been rebuilding wharf walls in con-junction with the developers. It is now time to move further down the basin, and the Octo-ber Canal Camp will carry out preparation work to set the scene for further redevelopment.

The Camp will scrub-bash an overgrown section of towpath and bank and re-gradethis. It will also tackle overhanging trees and expose overgrown wharf frontages so thecondition of these can be established. EWL’s Avant excavator and chipper will be used (highpressure gas mains prevent the use of bonfires). Work boats will also be available.

London WRG resurfacing the moorings at Haybridge on the Chelmer, and the gleaming completed concrete


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Accommoda-tion will be on theever-popularHaybay barge atHeybridge Basinwith its attractivesetting and bunkbeds.

This is aregular WRG CanalCamp so you’llneed to book it viathe WRG websitewww.wrg.org.uk,contact head officeby email to [email protected] or phone 01494 783453.

Incidentally, the October Camp isn’t all that’s happening on the Chelmer & Blackwater.EWL, supported by Chelmsford IWA and Essex WRG, works all winter. Back to Roy for more...

Several weekend work parties through the winter period will carry out scrub-bashingand tow path improvements along the Navigation. Elsewhere on the Navigation preparatorywork is underway to replace lock gates at Ricketts Lock and the caisson gate at theHeybridge sea lock. Bank piling is taking place at Hoe Mill Lock.

Follow the links to Essex Waterways from www.waterways.org.uk to find out more.

WRG Reunion dig, Uttoxeter Canal, 7-8 November

The Uttoxeter (a former 13-mile extension of the Caldon running through the beautifulChurnet Valley in Staffordshire) is thescene for this year’s big annual get-together and major working party,clearing trees and vegetation in theCrumpwood area. The Reunion oftenattracts 100 or more volunteers: butyou might not think so from the list ofpeople who’ve booked in as a resultof our jolly full-colour leaflet in themiddle pages of the last Navvies...

I’m sure it’s just that youhaven’t got around to booking yet.But please do: the more people thatbook on in good time, the easier itmakes things for the team that willbe planning and leading the weekend,and the better chance they have ofsorting out lots of interesting work forus. Use the form in Navvies 271, seewww.wrg.org.uk or contact HeadOffice.

Oh no, the C-word!

Yes, Christmas working parties areapproaching. London WRG andKESCRG party dig (5-6 Dec), WRGNew Year Camp (26 Dec-1 Jan),both provisionally on the CotswoldCanals. More details next time.Reunion task: clear this length of canal at Crumpwood

Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation







in L


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DirectoryCanal Society and WRG contactsASHBY CANAL ASSOC

Cyril Blackford

48 The Ridgeway, Burbage

Hinckley LE10 2NR

Tel: 01455 614816

[email protected]



June Backhouse, 39 Hill St,

Elsecar, Barnsley S74 8EN

01226 743383




Duncan Paine, 52 Kings Rd

Fleet GU51 3AQ


[email protected]




Jeff Barley, 17 Sunnyside

Walsall Wood, W Midlands

01543 373284



Athina Beckett2 Staters Pound, Pennyland

Milton Keynes MK1 5AX

01908 661217email: [email protected]




Top Lock House, Lime Kiln

Lane, Marple SK6 6BX.

0161 427 7402

[email protected]/iwps/




Alison Smedley

Hazelhurst Cottage

Denford, Leek ST13 7JT


[email protected]




Mick Hodgetts

31 Pottery Lane

Chesterfield S41 9BH

01246 620695




Linda Wilkinson

1 Chidham Lane

Chichester PO18 8TL

01243 771363



Bell House, Wallbridge Lock

Stroud GL5 3JS

01453 752568

[email protected]




George Rogers

28 Drury Avenue

SpondonDE21 7FZ

[email protected]



Doug Flack

23 Thoresby Cres, Draycott

Derby DE72 3PH01332 576037



Alan Cavender

53 Derwent Drive,

Maidenhead SL6 6LE

01628 629033

[email protected]




Derrick Hunt

43 Greenland Mills

Bradford on Avon BA15 1BL

01225 863066

[email protected]




David Revill

43 Kings Road

Coltishall, Norfolk

NR12 7DX

01603 738648

[email protected]


John Baylis

215 Clipstone Rd. West

Forest Town, Mansfield

Notts NG19 0HJ

01623 633895

[email protected]


Graham Brown

Paper Mill Lock

North Hill

Little Baddow

Essex CM3 4BT

07966 375351

[email protected]



c/o Mike BeechFoxton Canal Museum

Middle Lock

Gumley RoadFoxton

Market Harborough

LE16 7RA

0116 279 2657

[email protected]

Page 13: Navvies 272

page 13


Martin Bird

29 Melton Grange Rd


Woodbridge IP12 1SA

01394 380765




Denis Dodd, Wharf Cottage

Nynehead, Wellington

Somerset TA21 0BJ

01823 661653


Ian Wakefield

0115 989 2128





c/o The Wharf House

Over, Gloucester GL2 8DB

01452 332900



Derrick Hunt

(as per Dorset & Somerset)



Eddie Jones

‘Little Orchard’Berryfields, Fillongley

Coventry CV7 8EX0845 226 8589

[email protected]


Keith Tassart

24 Kings CrescentMorecambe LA3 1HX

01524 424761


LAPAL CANAL TRUST26 Loynells Road, Rednal

Birmingham B45 9NP

01785 713862or Hugh Humphreys

07970 765554




Sue Williams, Norfolk House

29 Hall Lane, Hammerwich

Burntwood WS7 0JP

01543 671427

[email protected]

Hatherton: Dennis Cooper

01543 374370



Ian Milne

16 Gower Road, Sketty,

Swansea SA2 9BY

01792 547902



Steve Dent 07802-973228





Phil Hughes

14 Locks Canal Centre

Cwm Lane, Newport

NP10 9GN

01633 892167

[email protected]



Bill Nicholson, 17 Clifford Rd

Princes Risborough HP27 0DU

01844 343369 / 0779


[email protected]


POCKLINGTON C.A.SPaul Waddington

Church House, Main St.

Hemingborough YO8 7QE01757 638027



Adrian & Hilary WillsVale Cottage, 7 Annery Kiln

Weare Giffard, Bideford

EX39 5JETel: 01237 477705

[email protected]



Budbrooke Road


CV34 5RJ

01926 490 006

[email protected]




John Hughes

01744 600656




Bernie Jones

01743 709601

07971 016322

[email protected]



David Carter

01244 661440

[email protected]



Steve Hayes

10 Chelmer Close

N Hykeham




email: steve.hayes-

[email protected]



Derrick Hunt

43 Greenland MillsBradford on Avon

BA15 1BL


[email protected]



John Morris2 Stockton Close


Ipswich IP7 5SH

[email protected]


Page 14: Navvies 272

page 14


George Whitehead

26 Northumberland Place,

Teignmouth TQ14 8BU. Tel:

01626 775498

[email protected]




Clive Henderson

The Bridge House

Church Lane, Lapworth

Solihull B94 5NU

01564 783672

[email protected]




Ted Lintott

4 Farm Cottages

Parkfield Way

Haywards Heath RH16 4TB

01444 414413

[email protected]



Clive Reed

17 Smithfield Road,


Swansea SA8 4LA

01792 830782


David Rouse

60 Sun Lane

Gravesend DA12 5HL

01474 362861

[email protected]



Mrs C Mansell,1 Tramways

Outwell PE14 8PZ

[email protected]


7 Hall Park

Berkhamsted HP4 2NU01442 874536

[email protected]



The Granary, Flitchfold Farm

Loxwood, Billingshurst

West Sussex RH14 ORH

01403 752403

[email protected]



George Eycott

Knowle House

1 Ham Road, Wanborough

Wiltshire SN4 0DF

07771 775745

[email protected]




173 Stamford St Central

Ashton under Lyne OL6 7PS


[email protected]




Bill Lambert

[email protected]





Jenny Morris, IWA

Island House, Moor Road

Chesham HP5 1WA

01494 783453

[email protected]


WRG NORTH WESTMalcolm Bridge

89 Rishworth Mill, Rishworth

Sowerby Bridge HX6 4RZ01422-820693

[email protected]





0161 681 7237




David Wedd

7 Ringwood Road



Surrey GU17 0EY

01252 874437

[email protected]



Tim Lewis

5 Herongate Road,


London E12 5EJ

07802 518094

[email protected]



John Baylis

215 Clipstone Rd. West

Forest Town


Notts NG19 0HJ

01623 633895

[email protected]


John Gale

12 Wakefield Avenue



CM12 9DN01376-334896

[email protected]


Clive Alderman

30 Primley LaneSheering

Bishops Stortford

CM22 7NJ07973 877380

[email protected]


Steve & Mandy Morley33 Hambleton Grove

Emerson valley

Milton Keynes


01908 [email protected]

Page 15: Navvies 272

page 15


(A) 07850 422156

(B) 07850 422157


Martin Ludgate

35 Silvester Rd.

London SE22 9PB

020 8693 3266

0777 947 8629 (mobile)

[email protected]


Helen Gardner

27 Broadacre

Comberbach CW9 6QD

07989 425346

[email protected]


Sadie Heritage

236 Station Rd. Whittlesey

Peterborough PE7 2HA

01733 204505

07748 186867 (mobile)

[email protected]


Mike Palmer

3 Finwood Road RowingtonWarwickshire CV35 7DH

01564 785293

[email protected]

WRG PLANTGeorge Eycott

Knowle House

1 Ham Road, WanboroughWiltshire SN4 0DF

07771 775745

[email protected]


Judith Palmer

3 Finwood Rd, Rowington

Warwickshire CV35 7DH

01564 785293

[email protected]


John Hawkins

4 Links Way, Croxley Grn



01923 448559

[email protected]


Les Etheridge c/o IWA,

Island House Moor Road,

Chesham HP5 1WA




23 Hardings ChalgroveOxford OX44 7TJ

01865 891 370

[email protected]

Canal & River Trust volunteer coordinators

Central Shires Tom Freeland [email protected]

East Midlands Wayne Ball [email protected]

Kennet & Avon Steve Manzi [email protected]

Manchester & Pennine Steve O’Sullivan [email protected]

North East Lucy Dockray [email protected]

N Wales & Borders Paul Corner [email protected]

North West Matt Taylor [email protected]

London Debbie Vidler [email protected]

South East John Highmore [email protected]

S Wales & Severn Alan Sumnall [email protected]

West Midlands Murray Woodward [email protected]

Please help us to keep this

directory up to dateIf you spot any errors or omissions or know of any changesplease pass them on to the editor. The next full directorywill appear in issue 275, but any corrections receivedbefore then will also be included in the first available‘Navvies Noticeboard’. Thank you for your assistance.


Rick Barnes

11 Lawns Park

North Woodchester



07976 748345

[email protected]

John Baylis (see above)

Harry Watts

18 Furneaux Avenue


SE27 0EG

07889 237834

[email protected]

Helen Gardner (see above)

Dave Hearnden




PR14 8TL

07961 [email protected]

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page 16

Camp reportCotswold Canals

NWPG’s 2014 summer camp

was spent completing Griffin

Mill Lock on the Cotswold

Canals. A year on, they’re

completing Bowbridge Lock

NWPG at Bowbridge LockCotswold Canals 4 – 11 July

My slightly half-hearted attempts at persuad-ing someone else to write this year’s NWPGcamp report have predictably come to noth-ing. So it’s me again I’m afraid. It’s difficultto try and produce something different/interesting each year – its NWPG’s 25th con-secutive year of running a week’s summercamp - and so in the age of Facebook andTwitter where images and soundbites are therule of modern communication, I’ll try andkeep this short.

To start with the site: BowbridgeLock was a ‘known’ – WRG and other visitinggroups have been working flat-out since lastsummer to complete the restoration of thislock to meet the Heritage Lottery Fund dead-line set for November this year.

What was not known was exactly whatwe would be doing on our camp. Progressduring the May to June period was so rapidthat planning work in advance was alwaysgoing to overtaken by events within a matterof weeks, if not days. So just two e-mails toJon Pontefract and bitof co-ordination overpicking up the WRGvans and kit, and theteam of regular andnew volunteers arrivedat Brimscombe readyto take on whateverwas asked.

First the team.We were fortunate yetagain to be supportedby a good mix of newvolunteers and regularNWPG members. Newvolunteers fromaround the country -but this time nonefrom across the seas orindeed from outsideEngland. We welcomedShaun, Caroline,

Kieron, Ali, Harry, Spencer and Christine.Our regulars need not be mentioned byname but having been on many camps theyall soon slotted into their roles ‘doing whatthey do best’. Graham Hawkes who as as-sistant leader does all the safety, finance andadmin work every year without fuss or com-plaint. Last but not least, Sue our ever re-sourceful and loyal chef - ably assisted asrequired by George Whitehead as sous chef.Without all, my job as camp leader would befar more taxing.

To work. There was no need to domuch on the first Saturday. This was not acamp with big expenditure on expensive hireplant that needed to be worked flat-out, aswas the case at Griffin Mill Lock last year. Thelist of jobs was set out on the white board inthe dining area at Brimscombe – any initialworries that there wouldn’t be enough to dowere soon set aside. Have we ever not hadenough to do on the Cotswold Canals?

Last year we had been in at the end ofwork at Griffin Mill, and one year on itlooked like the same at Bowbridge – possiblythe first time that I can remember volunteers

Manoeuvring coping stones into place

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starting and completing the restoration of abrick lock in 12 months.

Sunday – and the camp was dividedup into small teams – that is with the excep-tion of those specialists who work better bythemselves – you know who you are! Eachteam was a mix of experience, skill, youth,strength and enthusiasm. Two teams led byMike Fellows and ‘JJ’ were to start and finishthe week placing coping stones onto thetowpath side lock chamber wall. This wasour main task. Their team members, Shaun,Harry and Ali stuck with the work throughoutwithout complaint and I think felt well-de-served pride at having achieved such a goodlooking result at the end of their labours.Supporting the teams was the shifting andfetching gang, Pete Bunker and Spencer, whospent much of the week finding suitablestones to lay on the wall - all the best oneshaving been used already.

Then there was the specialist work.Pete Turville battled with fixing the upperground paddle frames and later the towpathside lock ladder – both com-pleted. Steve and his assistantCaroline skilfully repaired thedamaged stone quoins for thelower lock gates. Graham andKieron installed the remaininglock bollards along with generallandscaping. Rob Brotherstondid Rob Brotherston jobs! – thelatter being removal of thecopings from the sloping walldown to the bridge. Dave Evansand Graham Hawkes tackledthe tricky job of casting theconcrete cill for the upper stopplanks – not easy in flowingwater, but as usual Dave had anidea and it worked.

Rob Nicholson tookcharge of moving the scaffold-ing and the water pipe thattakes the water from above thelock to the other side – as wellas issuing (mostly) useful engi-neering advice and cuttingcoping stones. The Campleader, Christine and others asrequired picked up all the otherjobs on camps that don’t makethe headlines but without whichthe camp wouldn’t function.These will be familiar to anyonewho has been on a WRG camp.

Away from the work we took a trip onthe canal – this time from Ebley Mill up-stream to Dudbridge Locks where we weregiven a very interesting guided tour of thehydro-electric scheme there which generatesboth power for the national grid and incomefor the canal. We ate good food, playedcards, completed jigsaws, took a trip to theStirrup Cup to play skittles and spent manyan hour putting the world to rights in the sunwith a glass of beer in hand. Camp membersold and new without exception were greatcompany and a pleasure to be with for theweek. I hope that we will see everyone againsometime during the coming year.

We left on the Saturday with the list ofjobs much depleted. The restoration of thelock chamber above the lower quoins was toall intents complete and the chamber clearedof scaffolding. Thanks to everyone for theirsterling efforts. Onwards to Lower WallbridgeLock.

Bill Nicholson

Lockside all finished - complete with bollards

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Cotswold Canals 18 - 25 July

The intro: This was the second canal campof six during the summer of 2015 on theBrimsombe camp site and proved to be anenjoyable week with an awesome bunch ofvolunteers. The main site worked onthroughout the week was the BowbridgeLock, with a small party working one dayscrub bashing at the Inglesham site.

The weather proved good throughoutthe week with sun, cloud and mostly dry-ness, up until the last day when the rain justdidn’t let up. This allowed a good amount ofwork to be done including digging the wharfwall, clearing out the lock chamber andextending the tow path, as well as othersmall jobs around the site.

The Crew: We had a great crew at thisWRG Camp, with many enthusiastic peoplefrom all over, who gelled brilliantly through-out the whole of the week.

We’ll start with our friends fromabroad: Juan and Javier from North Spainand Damiano from Milano who quite quicklyearned the nickname of the ‘Latino BarrowBoys’. They were hard working and neverfaltered with their skills of ferrying the largeamounts of dirt, muck and rocks to thetrailer and tipping piles.

Next there were the David’s: D-1, D-2and D-3 were their assigned names from thebeginning of the camp; however there werea number of times throughout the weekwhere someone would shout for David andend up getting two or three replies ratherthan the one they sought.

Viv was our hoist man for the week,diligently taking up the task despite his slightlyarthritic thumbs, mainly because he was one ofonly two people on site with a hoist ticket. Inthe evenings we were regaled with his manydifferent alcohol brewing ventures, with hisfirst ever being broad bean wine.

Bob and Gary, aka the ‘Dirty Old Men’were a laugh to be around, often makingsome good and bad jokes as well as helpingViv out with his online dating profile towards

the end of the camp to the amusement ofeveryone involved.

Laurence was our man of mystery,having arrived at the camp a little late andkeeping to himself a little. He was alwaysmore than happy to get involved and gotdown and dirty with the people in the lockchamber a number of times.

Barry was our tea break avoidanceculprit, there was many a time when teabreak would be called and he would still behappily working, especially when we wasrepointing down in the lock chamber, wherehis reply would always be “I just need tofinish this little bit”.

This camp saw five people attending inorder to carry out their residential for variousawards. Imogen, Ben, James and Luke wereall completing their residential for their GoldDuke of Edinburgh Award and I was attend-ing to complete the final section of myQueen Scout Award. All five got through theweek and had our relevant books signed off.The way the camp was run made it feel likean experience rather than just somethingelse that needs ticking off for the awards.

This brings me on nicely to the “Re-sponsible Adults” that we had running thecamp. Derek was in the kitchen with hisgreat cooking and his limitless ability to beable to reuse as much leftover food as possi-ble, which led to some interesting concoc-tions. Our Leader team consisted of Maggieas assistant and Jenny as camp leader, thepair made an excellent leading team, evenwith the obvious language barrier that comeswith them both being Scottish (there mayhave been some ‘translating’ for the LatinoBarrow Boys every now and then). Theyorganised some great evening entertainmentas well as co-ordinated each day very effi-ciently and made the camp an immenselyenjoyable week.

The Work Done: The work of theweek started with the wharf wall as well as afew odd jobs around the site such as gettingthe pumps going, setting up the hoist anddigging out the hole for the lock gate con-

Camp reportCotswold Canals

Cotswold Canals week two:

lots of clearing mud out of

the bottom of Bowbridge

Lock, plus repointing and

some work at Inglesham

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crete anchor. One of the pumps decided itjust didn’t want to play and wouldn’t start,thus we were thrown to the mercy of oneworking petrol pump and the small electricalpump to clear the lock with.

However before they could have anyeffect, the run off pipes from the damneeded to be fixed. This involved a lot of“higher” and “lower” orders getting the pipesin the right place. With one failed attemptwhen the pipes separated in the middle anda lot of raising and lowering of the ropes, aswell as some slightly fed up WRGies, wefinally got it done at the end of the day, tothe relief of everyone involved.

Repointing was carried out on the lowersections of the Bowbridge lock chamber witha large amount being completed on eitherside, as well as on the end wall stones. Our‘Queen of the Mixer’ Imogen was always onhand when any sort of mortar, cement andconcrete was needed and as such, much ofthe repointing of the lower sections of thelock wall was carried out.

There was also a day trip for a smallwork party to the Inglesham site where scrubbashing was carried out throughout the dayin order to keep the overgrowing plants incheck. With the help of two strimmer’sas well as the hand tools, the vegeta-tion didn’t know what hit it and a largeamount was cleared.

Digging was to be the main taskof the week, with the completion ofclearing out the mud on the wharf walland a large amount of clearing out inthe bottom of the lock. We were at themercy of the pumps each day for thelatter task and fortunately they per-formed admirably on all but the lastday. Also the digging included extend-ing the tow path which was lengthenedand subsequently filled with hardcoreready to be compressed.

Once the hoist was set up itmeant that all manner of materialscould be removed from the lock bot-tom, which included the normal mud,bricks, old coping stones etc. Howeverthere were a couple of items of notethat were taken out, the first of whichwas the crafty duckling that managedto find its way in, this took about fourof us far too long to retrieve and re-lease it in a safer part of the canal. Thesecond item was somewhat less agilein the form of a large stone roller, Jen,

Ben and myself managed to roll it up to-wards the hoist and then being the engineerswe are, Ben and I went about deliberatingthe weight of the roller to see if it would besafe enough to put in the hoist barrow. Therough measurements and on the spot calcu-lations came up with around 120kg, and assuch we wrestled it into the barrow with thehelp of David and then all stood back veryfar (just in case) to see it successfullyhoisted.

David finally got to finish his stepsleading up to the bridge from the tow pathafter revisiting them from a previous camp.In between many restarts and refuelling’s ofthe pump of course, which demanded far toomuch of his attention, he managed to clearout the rest of the damaged parts and re-setthe top stones of the steps.

The Social Shenanigans: A numberof social activities were organised by theCamp Leaders. The first two nights were thesocial ice-breakers of the pub. This was agreat start to the camp on the Saturdayevening, especially when Jen volunteered tobuy the first round. The laid back environ-ment allowed everyone to start to get toknow each other ready for the week ahead.

Monday saw the group visiting another

Clearing the chamber at Bowbridge Lock



s by D




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pub in Stroud, but this time there was a quizinvolved. It did seem that we’d descendedupon this pub quiz in force as we made upover half of the teams competing, and evenwith these odds in our favour, none of usmanaged to win the coveted £100 for getting40/40 correct, or sadly even the £10 forwinning.

To start Tuesday’s socialness, we alltook a trip out to experience a canal boat tripon some of the navigable sections of thecanal. A very relaxing outing, with some ofus enjoying the walk instead, which turnedout to be a much quicker pace than thebarge.

The follow up to Tuesday’s and subse-quently the focus of Wednesday’s activitieswere a couple of film sessions. Tuesday nightsaw us introducing the Latino Barrow Boys tothe British Humour that is Hot Fuzz withEnglish subtitles to help them, unfortunatelySpanish subtitles weren’t on offer, so wethought the alternative might help them.Wednesday’s film was the “great quality”Snakes On A Plane. Despite the blatantterribleness of the film it was enjoyed by all,mainly because of how it was actually tryingto be a serious film.

Thursday was yet another trip to a pub(I think we managed to cope) for a round ofskittles. Many different techniques weredisplayed, however as James found out, butwouldn’t admit, power was not the wayforward, which led him to the second lowestscore of the group.

Friday was the anticipated end of weekparty. As part of the last evening meal, theparty started with a large selection of cheeseand a few bottles of port, a great start to theevening in my opinion. After a few drinks,the subject of online dating came up, this ledto Viv announcing he had a profile and assuch everyone went to giving advice andstarted to try and improve his profile. Mes-sages were sent and pictures were taken fora slightly flustered Viv, let’s just hope themass interfering has helped.

The Amusing Odds and Sods: Duringthe week, quite a few amusing events tran-spired. The first was the chorus of snoring thatwas experienced. I’m pretty sure that if it wasall recorded, every note of Beethoven’s Sym-phonies would have been covered.

Half way through the week, a large cali-bre bullet was found in the lock chamber, thiswas followed up by a call to the police courtesyof James, the army officer in training, which

then prompted the arrival of not one but fourpolice officers to deal with the situation. No-body was harmed and after being evacuatedfrom the lock chamber, we were happy oncewe could get back in and carry on digging. Wewere also informed by the bomb disposalteam that if we should find anymore, juststick them into a bucket of water and reportthem at the end of the day, looks like thefour police was a bit overkill.

There seemed to be a never-endingsupply of biscuits throughout the camp,however, they were always eaten by the endof each working day and Maggie was con-vinced that if she kept increasing the amountwe took the next day, she would eventuallyfind our limit. I don’t think that limit wasfound by the end of the week

The End of a Great Camp: Overallthe week at Brimscombe was an immenselyentertaining camp and one that was enjoyedby all that attended. There were a number ofthe group that were considering attending acamp again and I myself would love to doanother if I had the chance.

Thank you to Jen, Maggie and Derek,the leadership team who organised the fun,efficiently planned the work and cooked ussome great food. Also thank you to all whoattended and made the canal camp an amaz-ing experience.

Matthew Mather

Re-pointing (in waders)

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Cromford CanalBrown’s Swing Bridge repair

The Friends of the Cromford Canal (FCC)had been in discussion with DerbyshireCounty Council for some months on investi-gating problems with Brown’s Swing Bridgeat High Peak Junction; but the critical pointwas ensuring CDM (Construction, Design andMaintenance regulations) obligations weremet for the safety of people and the bridgestructure, whilst lifting the bridge by volun-teers. Then towards the end of May thebridge became very difficult to swing, anduse of the bridge had to be restricted as thebridge was being damaged and it was be-coming unsafe to use; this created problemswith the FCC trip boat Birdswood not beingable to reach the winding hole to turn round.

Urgent action was required and JohnBaylis, Chairman of the FCC, who is also aDirector of WRG, put together a packagewith the bridge being lifted by a contractcrane hire with Walkers of Tuxford and thework carried out by volunteers from WRGEast Midlands (based at Langley Mill) and theErewash Canal Preservation & DevelopmentAssociation. This was approved by Derby-shire County Council engineers and the workwas carried out on June 5th.

Brown’s Bridge is part of a ScheduledAncient Monument and was replaced in2011; however, concern had been expressedthat the original balls in the bearing thatwere replaced in 2011 were not of uniformsize. Heritage advice at the time of the bridgereplacement was that this set of bearingsshould be retained. The first part of the liftwas to remove these cast iron balls’ ensurethe bearing surfaces were clean, and replacewith a similar uniform set from an old Not-tingham Canal bridge now in the possessionof the ECP&DA. The first lift went well, butthere were still problems with swinging thebridge and possible damage to the stone-work; this was improved by the addition ofabout 200 Kg of cast iron to the counter-weight of the bridge.

The work also revealed damp andpossible wood rot in the counterweightboxes and the ECP&DA have been asked toclean out and improve the ventilation of theboxes work by DCC.

John Baylis said “The ECP&DA hadcarried out maintenance on the NottinghamCanal swing bridge at Langley Mill for over40 years and are experienced in some of theproblems of bridges of the original design. Ihope that this work will allow the FCC andother volunteers to do more technical workon the DCC-owned section of the CromfordCanal.” The work is being funded by theFriends of the Cromford Canal as part of itsagreement with DCC on the licence forBirdswood.

East MidlandsRepairing Brown’s Bridge

WRG’s East Midlands Group and

the ECPDA come to the rescue

when a bridge problem looks

like stopping the Friends of the

Cromford’s tripboat operation

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page 22

Navvies diary WRG and mobile groupsYour guide to all forthcoming work partiesAug 22-29 Camp 201522 Shrewsbury & Newport Canals

Aug 22-29 Camp 201523 Grantham Canal

Aug 22-29 Camp 201524 Stover Canal

Aug 29-Sep 5Camp 201525 Grantham Canal

Aug 29-Sep 5Camp 201526 Stover Canal

Sep 1 Navvies Press date for issue 273

Sep 4-10 WAT Wendover Arm: Seven day weekend Fri-Thu

Sep 5/6 Essex WRG Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation

Sep 5 Sat wrgNW ‘Paper Chase’ waste paper collection

Sep 5-12 Camp 201527 Grantham Canal

Sep 12/13 KESCRG Wendover Arm: Brickwork at Whitehouses

Sep 12/13 London WRG Cotswold Canals: Bowbridge Lock, Stroud

Sep 12/13 NWPG Wey & Arun Canal: Dunsfold

Sep 12/13 WBDCS Worcester Birmingham Canal: Tardebigge Lime Kilns

Sep 19/20 wrgBITM Cotswold Canals: Wallbridge Lower Lock, Stroud

Sep 19 Sat NWPG Wey & Arun Canal: Dunsfold

Sep 20 Sun WRG Committee & Board Meetings: Rowington Village Hall

Sep 26/27 wrgNW Hollinwood Canal: No accommodation (TBC)

Oct 2-8 WAT Wendover Arm: Seven day weekend Fri-Thu

Oct 3/4 KESCRG Wey & Arun Canal

Oct 3/4 London WRG Somersetshire Coal Canal (to be confirmed)

Oct 10/11 NWPG Cotswold Canals: Bowbridge Lock, Stroud

Oct 10/11 WBDCS Worcester Birmingham Canal: Tardebigge Lime Kilns

Oct 10 Sat wrgNW ‘Paper Chase’ waste paper collection

Oct 17/18 London WRG Wey & Arun Canal

Oct 17/18 wrgBITM Wey & Arun Canal: Whipley Manor Railway Bridge

Oct 17/18 wrgNW Chesterfield Canal: (To be confirmed)

Oct 24-31 Camp 201528 Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation

Oct 24-31 WRGFT2015 Lancaster Canal: WRG Forestry Team (TBC)

Nov 1 Navvies Press date for issue 274

Nov 6-12 WAT Wendover Arm: Seven day weekend Fri-Thu

Nov 7/8 BB2015 Uttoxeter Canal: WRG Reunion (‘Bonfire Bash’) Weekend - book via hea

Nov 7/8 London WRG Uttoxeter Canal: WRG Reunion

Nov 1/8 wrgNW Uttoxeter Canal: WRG Reunion

Nov 14/15 NWPG Wey & Arun Canal: Dunsfold

Nov 14 Sat wrgNW ‘Paper Chase’ waste paper collection

Nov 21/22 London WRG To be arranged: possible extra dig?

Nov 21/22 wrgBITM To be arranged: Thames & Medway, or Chelmer & Blackwater?

For details of diary dates beyond the end of this list ple

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Canal Camps cost £56 per week unless otherwise stated. Bookings

for WRG Camps identified by a camp number e.g. 'Camp 2015-22'

should go to WRG Canal Camps, Island House, Moor Road, Chesham

HP5 1WA. Tel: 01494 783453, [email protected]. Diary compiled

by Dave Wedd. Tel: 01252 874437, [email protected]

01494-783453 [email protected]

01494-783453 [email protected]

01494-783453 [email protected]

01494-783453 [email protected]

01494-783453 [email protected]

Martin Ludgate 07779-478629 [email protected]

Roger Leishman 01442-874536 [email protected]

John Gale 01376-334896 [email protected]

Barry McGuinness 0161-681-7237 [email protected]

01494-783453 [email protected]

Bobby Silverwood 07971-814986 [email protected]

Tim Lewis 07802-518094 [email protected]

Bill Nicholson 01844-343369 [email protected]

Bill Lambert 02476-726924 [email protected]

Dave Wedd 07816-175454 [email protected]

Bill Nicholson 01844-343369 [email protected]

Mike Palmer 01564-785293 [email protected]

Mike Chase 0161-683-4470 [email protected]

Roger Leishman 01442-874536 [email protected]

Bobby Silverwood 07971-814986 [email protected]

Tim Lewis 07802-518094 [email protected]

Bill Nicholson 01844-343369 [email protected]

Bill Lambert 02476-726924 [email protected]

Barry McGuinness 0161-681-7237 [email protected]

Tim Lewis 07802-518094 [email protected]

Dave Wedd 07816-175454 [email protected]

Mike Chase 0161-683-4470 [email protected]

01494-783453 [email protected]

01494-783453 [email protected]

Martin Ludgate 07779-478629 [email protected]

Roger Leishman 01442-874536 [email protected]

ad office or WRG website 01494-783453 [email protected]

Tim Lewis 07802-518094 [email protected]

Mike Chase 0161-683-4470 [email protected]

Bill Nicholson 01844-343369 [email protected]

Barry McGuinness 0161-681-7237 [email protected]

Tim Lewis 07802-518094 [email protected]

Dave Wedd 07816-175454 [email protected]

ease contact diary compiler Dave Wedd: see top of page

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Every Sunday if required BBHT Bugsworth Basin Ian Edgar 0161-427 7402

Every Tuesday BCA Basingstoke Canal Chris Healy 01252-370073

Once per month: pls checkBCNS BCN waterways Mike Rolfe 07763-171735

2nd & 4th w/e of month BCS Basingstoke Canal Duncan Paine 01252-614125

Thursdays Sep-Apr BCT Aqueduct section Tim Dingle 01288-361356

2nd Sun & alternate Thu BuCS Buckingham area Athina Beckett 01908-661217

Every Mon and Wed CCT Cotswold (W depot) Ron Kerby 01453-836018

Every mon am Thu pm CCT Cotswold (E end) John Maxted 01285-861011

Various dates CCT Cotswold Phase 1a Jon Pontefract 07986-351412

Every Sunday ChCT Chesterfield Canal Mick Hodgetts 01246-620695

Every Tue and Thu CSCT Chichester Canal Malcolm Maddison 01243-775201

Every Tue & Wed C&BN Chelmer & Blackwater John Gale 01376-334896

Every Friday ECPDA Langley Mill John Baylis 01623-633895

Second Sun of month FIPT Foxton Inclined Plane Mike Beech 0116-279-2657

Thu and last Sat of month GCS Grantham Canal Ian Wakefield 0115-989-2128

2nd Sat of month GWCT Nynehead Lift Denis Dodd 01823-661653

Tuesdays H&GCT Oxenhall Brian Fox 01432 358628

Weekends H&GCT Over Wharf House Maggie Jones 01452 618010

Wednesdays H&GCT Over / Vineyard Hill Ted Beagles 01452 522648

Thursdays H&GCT Herefordshire Wilf Jones 01452 413888

Every weekday KACT/CRT Bradford on Avon Derrick Hunt 01225-863066

2nd Sunday of month LCT Lancaster N. Reaches Keith Tassart 01524-424761

Every Wed/Sat/Sun LHCRT Lichfield Terry Brown 01889-576574

3rd Sunday of month LHCRT Hatherton Denis Cooper 01543-374370

Last weekend of month MBBCS Creams Paper Mill Steve Dent 07802-973228

Two Sundays per month NWDCT N Walsham Canal David Revill 01603-738648

2nd & last Sundays PCAS Pocklington Canal Paul Waddington 01757-638027

Every Wed and 1st Sat RGT Stowmarket Navigtn. Martin Bird 01394-380765

2nd Sunday of month SCARS Sankey Canal John Hughes 01744-600656

1st Sunday of month SCCS Combe Hay Locks Derrick Hunt 01225-863066

Last weekend of month SCS Stover Canal George Whitehead 01626-775498

2nd Sunday of month SNT Sleaford Navigation Mel Sowerby 01522-856810

Every Thu and Sat SORT Sussex Ouse Ted Lintott 01444-414413

1st weekend of month SUCS Montgomery Canal David Carter 01244-661440

Every Tuesday morning TMCA Thames & Medway CBrian Macnish 01732-823725

Most days, please contact WACT Wey & Arun Canal David Daniels 01483-505566

1st w/e of month (Fri-Thu)WAT Drayton Beauchamp Roger Leishman 01442-874536

If you have any additions / corrections / deletions to this list, please sendthem to Navvies diary compiler Dave Wedd (see previous page)

Navvies diary canal society regularsCanal societies’ regular working parties

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CRT towpath taskforce Navvies diary

Abbreviations used in Diary:

BCA Basingstoke Canal AuthorityBCNS Birmingham Canal Navigations Soc.BuCS Buckingham Canal SocietyBCS Basingstoke Canal SocietyBCT Bude Canal TrustChCT Chesterfield Canal TrustCBN Chelmer & Blackwater NavigationCSCT Chichester Ship Canal TrustCCT Cotswolds Canals TrustECPDA Erewash Canal Pres. & Devt. Assoc.FIPT Foxton Inclined Plane TrustGCS Grantham Canal SocietyGWCT Grand Western Canal TrustH&GCT Hereford & Gloucester Canal TrustIWPS Inland Waterways Protection SocietyKACT Kennet & Avon Canal Trust

KESCRG Kent & E Sussex Canal Rest. GroupLCT Lancaster Canal TrustLHCRT Lichfield & Hatherton Canals Rest'n TrustMBBCS Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal SocietyNWPG Newbury Working Party GroupNWDCT North Walsham & Dilham Canal TrustPCAS Pocklington Canal Amenity SocietyRGT River Gipping TrustSCARS Sankey Canal Restoration SocietySCCS Somersetshire Coal Canal SocietySCS Stover Canal SocietySNT Sleaford Navigation TrustSORT Sussex Ouse Restoration TrustSUCS Shropshire Union Canal SocietyTMCA Thames & Medway Canal AssociationWACT Wey & Arun Canal TrustWAT Wendover Arm TrustWBCT Wilts & Berks Canal Trust

2nd Saturday of month Audlem Shropshire Union Glenn Young see below2nd Saturday of month Aylesbury Grand Union Miriam Tedder 07775-5439904th Thursday of month Bath Kennet & Avon Steve Manzi 07710-175278Alternate Thursdays Blackburn Leeds & Liverpool Matt Taylor 07780-2229771st Sunday of month Burnley Leeds & Liverpool Matt Taylor 07780-2229773rd Thursday of month Cheshire T&M/Macclesfield Steve O’Sullivan 07887-6847071st Saturday of month Chester Shropshire Union Glenn Young see belowAlternate Saturdays Chorley Leeds & Liverpool Matt Taylor 07780-2229772nd Tuesday of month Churnet Valley Caldon Canal Barry Keight 07919 5605823rd Thursday of month Devizes Kennet & Avon Steve Manzi 07710-175278Weds and Thurs Droitwich Droitwich Canal Suzanne Byrne 07900-2765443rd Saturday of month Ellesmere Llangollen Canal Glenn Young see below1st Saturday of month Fradley Trent & Mersey Tom Freeland 01827-2520104th Thursday of month Gailey Staffs & Worcs Murray Woodward 07808-7867721st Mon & Wed of month Hatton Grand Union Canal Murray Woodward 07808-786772Last Sunday of month Hawkesbury Coventry/Oxford Miriam Tedder 07775-5439902nd Friday of month Huddersfield Huddersfield Broad Claire McDonald 07920-2959431st Thursday of month Knottingley Aire & Calder Nav Lucy Dockray 07767-383736Alternate Thursdays Lancaster Lancaster Canal Matt Taylor 07780-2229773rd Saturday of month Lapworth Stratford Canal Murray Woodward 07808-786772Alternate Tuesdays Leicester Grand Union/Soar Tom Freeland 01827-2520103rd Saturday of month London Grand Union/Lee Becky Williams 07799-4368163rd Thursday of month East London Lee & Stort Navs Becky Williams 07799-4368163rd Tuesday of month West London Grand Union Canal Becky Williams 07799-4368164th Saturday of month Manchester Ashton / Peak Forest Steve O’Sullivan 07887-6847071st Thu and 3rd Sat Maunsel Bridgwater & TauntonSteve Manzi 07710-1752782nd Thursday of month Newbury Kennet & Avon Steve Manzi 07710-175278Alternate Wednesdays Preston Lancaster Canal Matt Taylor 07780-222977Alternate Fridays Sefton Leeds & Liverpool Alice Kay 07825 1963653rd Saturday of month near Selby Selby Canal Lucy Dockray 07767-383736Alternate Wednesdays Skipton Leeds & Liverpool Matt Taylor 07780-222977Alternate Fridays Stoke Caldon / T&M Tom Freeland 01827-252010Every other WednesdayTamworth Coventry Canal Tom Freeland 01827-2520104th Saturday of month Tipton BCN Murray Woodward 07808-786772Alternate Thursdays North Warks Tom Freeland 01827-252010Every Tuesday Wigan Leeds & Liverpool Matt Taylor 07780-2229773rd Thursday of month Welshpool Montgomery Canal Glenn Young see below

Contact details: All CRT co-ordinators can be emailed at [email protected], eg

[email protected] for K & A. If no phone number given, use CRT Tel: 03030 404040

Canal & River Trust ‘Towpath Taskforce’ maintenance working parties

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Navvies diary IWA branches...Inland Waterways Association and other one-day working parties

IWA branch abbreviations BBCW = Birmingham, Black Country & Worcestershire; Mcr= Manchester;Other abbreviations: CUCT = Caldon & Uttoxeter Canal Society; IWPS = Inland Waterways Protection

Mobile groups' socials: The following groups hold regular social gatherings

London WRG: 7:30pm on Tues 11 days before dig at the 'Star Tavern' Belgrave Mews West,

NWPG: 7:30pm on 3rd Tue of month at the 'Hope Tap', West end of Friar St. Reading.

Aug 1 Sat IWA NSSC/BPT Burslem Arm: Luke St, Middleport, Stoke on Trent. 10am-3pm

Aug 1 Sat RGT/IWA Ipswich River Gipping: Pipps Ford, or Baylham Mill Lock 9am-4pm

Aug 5 Wed RGT/IWA Ipswich River Gipping: Pipps Ford, or Baylham Mill Lock 9am-4pm

Aug 9 Sun IWA Lincs/SNT Sleaford Navigation: Various work on navigable section

Aug 11 Tue IWA Northants Northampton Arm

Aug 12 Wed IWA BBCW Staffs & Worcs Canal: Himalayan Balsam clearance

Aug 12 Wed RGT/IWA Ipswich River Gipping: Pipps Ford, or Baylham Mill Lock 9am-4pm

Aug 13 Thu IWA NSSC/CUCT Uttoxeter Canal: Veg clearance at Bridge 70, Crumpwood.

Aug 15 Sat IWA Manchester Venue T.B.C.: Greater Manchester area. Veg clearance, etc.

Aug 19 Wed RGT/IWA Ipswich River Gipping: Pipps Ford, or Baylham Mill Lock 9am-4pm

Aug 20 Thu IWA NSSC/TMCS Trent & Mersey Canal: Cheshire Locks. Painting & veg clearance.

Aug 23 Sun IWA Northants Northampton Arm

Aug 25 Tue IWA NSSC/BPT Burslem Arm: Luke St, Middleport, Stoke on Trent. 10am-3pm

Aug 26 Wed RGT/IWA Ipswich River Gipping: Pipps Ford, or Baylham Mill Lock 9am-4pm

Aug 28 Fri IWA NSSC Macclesfield Canal: Congleton Station project. Veg clearance.

Aug 29 Sat IWA NSSC/CUCT Uttoxeter Canal: Veg clearance at Bridge 70, Crumpwood.

Sep 4 Wed RGT/IWA Ipswich River Gipping: Pipps Ford, or Baylham Mill Lock 9am-4pm

Sep 5 Sat IWA NSSC/BPT Burslem Arm: Luke St, Middleport, Stoke on Trent. 10am-3pm

Sep 5 Sat RGT/IWA Ipswich River Gipping: Pipps Ford, or Baylham Mill Lock 9am-4pm

Sep 8 Tue IWA Northants Northampton Arm

Sep 9 Wed IWA BBCW Staffs & Worcs Canal: Himalayan Balsam clearance

Sep 9 Wed RGT/IWA Ipswich River Gipping: Pipps Ford, or Baylham Mill Lock 9am-4pm

Sep 10 Thu IWA NSSC/CUCT Uttoxeter Canal: Veg clearance at Bridge 70, Crumpwood.

Sep 13 Sun IWA Lincs/SNT Sleaford Navigation: Various work on navigable section

Sep 16 Wed RGT/IWA Ipswich River Gipping: Pipps Ford, or Baylham Mill Lock 9am-4pm

Sep 17 Thu IWA NSSC/TMCS Trent & Mersey Canal: Cheshire Locks. Painting & veg clearance.

Sep 19 Sat IWA Manchester Venue T.B.C.: Greater Manchester area. Veg clearance, etc.

Sep 22 Tue IWA NSSC/BPT Burslem Arm: Luke St, Middleport, Stoke on Trent. 10am-3pm

Sep 23 Wed RGT/IWA Ipswich River Gipping: Pipps Ford, or Baylham Mill Lock 9am-4pm

Sep 25 Fri IWA NSSC Macclesfield Canal: Congleton Station project. Veg clearance.

Sep 26 Sat IWA Chester Shropshire Union Canal: Chester area, painting & veg clearance.

Sep 26 Sat IWA NSSC/CUCT Uttoxeter Canal: Veg clearance at Bridge 70, Crumpwood.

Sep 27 Sun IWA Northants Northampton Arm

Sep 30 Wed RGT/IWA Ipswich River Gipping: Pipps Ford, or Baylham Mill Lock 9am-4pm

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NSSC = North Staffs & South CheshireSociety; TMCS = Trent & Mersey Canal Society; RGT= River Gipping Trust; CRT = Canal & River Trust

...and other one-day work Navvies diaryFor WRG canal camps and working parties see pages 20-21

in pubs. Please phone to confirm dates and times

London. Contact Tim Lewis 07802-518094

Contact Phil Dray 07956-185305

Steve Wood 07976-805858 [email protected]

Martin Bird 01394-380765 [email protected]

Martin Bird 01394-380765 [email protected]

Chris or Steve Hayes 01522-689460 [email protected]

Geoff Wood [email protected]

David Struckett 07976-746225 [email protected]

Martin Bird 01394-380765 [email protected]

10am-3pm Robert Frost 07743-628091 [email protected]

10am-4pm 07710-554602 [email protected]

Martin Bird 01394-380765 [email protected]

10am-4pm Andy Hellyar-Brook 07926-204206 [email protected]

Geoff Wood [email protected]

Steve Wood 07976-805858 [email protected]

Martin Bird 01394-380765 [email protected]

10am-12:30 Bob Luscombe 07710-054848 [email protected]

10am-3pm Robert Frost 07743-628091 [email protected]

Martin Bird 01394-380765 [email protected]

Steve Wood 07976-805858 [email protected]

Martin Bird 01394-380765 [email protected]

Geoff Wood [email protected]

David Struckett 07976-746225 [email protected]

Martin Bird 01394-380765 [email protected]

10am-3pm Robert Frost 07743-628091 [email protected]

Chris or Steve Hayes 01522-689460 [email protected]

Martin Bird 01394-380765 [email protected]

10am-4pm Andy Hellyar-Brook 07926-204206 [email protected]

10am-4pm 07710-554602 [email protected]

Steve Wood 07976-805858 [email protected]

Martin Bird 01394-380765 [email protected]

10am-12:30 Bob Luscombe 07710-054848 [email protected]

10am-4pm Mike Carter 07795-617803 [email protected]

10am-3pm Robert Frost 07743-628091 [email protected]

Geoff Wood [email protected]

Martin Bird 01394-380765 [email protected]

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Camp reportSwansea Canal

“A fun and rewarding week... I

also got to survey in detail

what the people of Trebanos

had thrown into the canal

over the last century or so...”

Swansea Canal 18 - 25 July

[Alert: this report may contain spellingerrors... apologies to Welsh readers!]

This year’s Swansea Canal Camp wassomething of a last-minute affair, withLeader, Assistant Leader and two cooksanswering a HQ appeal for help and volun-teering in the couple of weeks before theproject was due to begin. Although myexperience of the Swansea Canal was limitedto just about knowing where it was, and thememory of three very wet days in 2012spent clearing vegetation from the two-and-ahalf locks northeast of Pontardawe, I’m veryglad that I somewhat rashly suggested that Imight take on the leadership immediatelybefore my already-scheduled camp on theMonmouthshire and Brecon Canal. For as aresult I spent a fun and rewarding week witha great gang of WRG volunteers and somehugely friendly locals, and got to know theupper and lower locks at Trebanos inti-mately! I also got to survey in detail what thepeople of Trebanos had thrown into thecanal over the last century or so...

Every canal camp week begins quietlyat the temporary accommodation, in thiscase the very commodious scout hut of the1st Ynyscedwyn Scout Group, tucked in aleafy corner of Ystradgynlais, near Swansea.Having picked up a hire mini-bus from Cwm-bran and driven for an hour or so west-wards, I greeted my Assistant Leader, DaveWorthington (we decided that we’d met oncebefore, but couldn’t remember where andwhen) and the first of the camp’s two cooks,Eli, and not long afterwards the WRG vanand trailer arrived, driven by JonathanSmith, to whom we owe many thanks. Icollected half a dozen unsuspecting volun-teers from Neath railway station, and thecamp was under way...

The first day is one when everyone ischafing to get started, so we began by en-thusiastically attacking the vegetation thathad overwhelmed the two locks at Trebanos,south of Pontardawe. Just five miles of the

16-mile-long Swansea Canal are now identi-fiable as a waterway, and indeed just up-stream from Trebanos the canal disappearsinto a half-mile-long culvert, before appear-ing again to wind for a while pastPontardawe church. This is an area oncecrowded with factories and peppered withmines, all of which have vanished, with onlyan occasional ruin standing as a memorial tothe industries the canal encouraged andserviced. Below Trebanos the canal continuesfor a mile or so before disappearing againbeneath the outskirts of Swansea. So what

“The serious business of re-pointing the offside”



s by R


h M


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remains of the canal, disused since 1931, hassymbolic and historic importance to thevalley, its comunities and the supporters ofthe Swansea Canal Society.

We split into two teams, one to eachlock. While Dave supervised volunteers onthe lower lock, I was in charge of the upperlock, which was reached by squeezingthrough a gap in a fence and then steppingonto the end of an iron pipe (I didn’t knowthis when I wrote my risk assessment!). Thislanded you rather insecurely on a slopingtangle of brambles and shrubs, and thosedread invasive plants Japanese Knotweedand Himalayan Balsam, but after an hour ofslashing and hacking, we began to makesense of what was the steep edge of thebywash. Gradually the lock emerged. Thelower lock, too, soon appeared from beneatha cloak of vegetation. The day was sunnyand warm, there was laughter and chatteramongst the volunteers - things began well.

The following day dawned miserably,gloomy with drizzle. We were going to getdamp. However the trees above the locksprotected us from the worst of the rain, andwe descended into the depths of the lowerlock, and began to work on the mass ofdebris that covered the bottom. The Chair ofthe Swansea Canal Society, Gordon Walker,was with us all week, and that day he riggedup a ladder-slide-cum-hod that, using acouple of pulleys, made lifting rubble fromthe lock much easier. We hacked and wres-tled at the jumbled mess wedged in thebottom of the lock chamber, which, apartfrom stones of all sizes,from coping stones topebbles, that had beenpushed or fallen into it,contained a vast andentertaining assortmentof densely-woven-together garbage;rusty iron, brokenglass, plastic and alu-minium. There werebicycle frames andwheels, supermarkettrolleys, a wheelbarrow,children’s scooters,hundreds of beer andpop cans, crisp packets,and much besides.

On the SwanseaCanal, Tuesday is localvolunteers work-party

day. The Swansea Canal Society works onthe canal every Tuesday, and about a dozenmembers joined us in both Trebanos Locks.They were a cheerful lot, and were thrilled tobe sharing their enthusiasm with WRG volun-teers. They weeded the walls of the lockchambers, while we continued to fossickaround them in the depths. At lunch time themajority of the local volunteers disappeared,and we continued on into the afternoon. Weadopted a technique, aided by the swift flowof water down the canal, of loosening the siltusing mattocks. The water took away thefine particles, leaving large stones and rub-bish more accessible. Smaller stones werehauled up the the ladder hoist, rubbish wasplaced in large buckets and lifted to the topof the chamber, while the largest stones,which included some monolithic copingstones, were rolled and pushed out of thechamber using the slightly prehistoricmethod of planks and WRG rollers madefrom lengths of scaffold tube (so that’s whatthey’re for!). It was hard, wet, muddy work,and we all got boots’ full of canal water, butby the end of the day we’d removed about0.5m of rubble and garbage from the cham-ber, providing a level surface from which tocarry out the next stage of the project.

Wednesday was enlivened by a superpicnic lunch provided by the Swansea CanalSociety, and later, in the evening, they gener-ously opened their canoe shop to give someof us the chance to paddle up the canal for amile or so, and end the day with a BBQ.Work-wise, however, it was a frustrating

Just some of what Trebanos had thrown into its canal over the years

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morning, when we couldn’t get on with whatwas planned for various non-WRG, CRT-related reasons (I am maintaining a diplo-matic silence at this point). So I had theteam engaged in some marking-time jobs,and of course they realised what I was do-ing. In the afternoon, though, we managedto learn and practice pointing on a dry stonelength of canal bank in the pound above thelower lock. Everyone took to pointingquickly, enthusiastically and skilfully, al-though Spanish Jamie declared at the end ofthe day that he preferred more energeticactivities.

The next day we were given the go-ahead to return to the bottom of the lock andwe were able to get down to the seriousbusiness of repointing the off-side, a lengthof fine masonry that when pointed anddisplayed is very visibleto passers-by and whichit is hoped will dem-onstrate not only thequality of the canalremains but also act asa visual statement ofthe Swansea CanalSociety’s commitmentto the restoration ofthis stretch of water-way. Although most ofthe volunteers werenovice pointers we all

progressed very well, nay, extremely well,and by the final day the chamber wall waslooking pretty darn good, good enough toearn the praise of the CRT Regional Manager,Nick

There were one or two moments worthnoting. My dramatic head-first dive into theYnyscedwyn Arms; Matt winning a bottle ofwine in the Penybont Inn raffle, and thendropping it on the way home; extricating themini-bus from the Rugby Club car park everyevening, with millimetres, or less, to spare;my discovery, at 01:30 on the Thursdaynight, that the Gents loo was overflowing,with a mini-tsunami heading down the corri-dor towards Dave’s bed; eating elbow toelbow at the scouts’ tables; the wallet stuffedwith bank and other cards that had been inthe canal since 2000; the seemingly non-stoplaughter of the camp’s three youngest mem-bers...

I shall also remember Eli and Amber’ssuperb cooking, both having stepped in atshort notice to help a leader they’d nevermet. And having, in order to expedite break-fast one morning when we didn’t have acook, not only to cut a string of sausages buthandle eggs, both activities that, as a vegan,I’d not experienced for 24 years! And thanksnot only to them, but also to DaveWorthington, who retained dignified goodhumour throughout, was patient with myhesitancies and who watched over everyonewhen I was distracted at the bottom of thelock. Thanks too to Gordon, Martin and allthe Swansea Canal Society folk we met andwho were so helpful and hospitable.

And finally, many thanks to a greatgroup of volunteers, novices and old handsalike, who achieved much of permanentvalue on the canal, who lived together ami-cably and who gelled as an effective and safeteam.

Modern day archaeology: “I think you’ll find thatthis is what was known as a VHS videotape...”

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ProgressLichfield & Hatherton

Our regular roundup of what’s

happening on restoration

projects around the country

begins with some continuing

good progress on the Lichfield

Lichfield & Hatherton Canals

The concentrated activity by Lichfield &Hatherton Canals Restoration Trust reportedlast time has continued as we have workedto spend our grant within the amazinglyrestricted timeframe. The stream culvertunder the canal close to the M6 Toll crossing,which was removed during the road’s con-struction, has now been replaced and workhas started to extend the Towpath Trail up toand over the motorway aqueduct. The nextstage will be to install a framework to pre-vent any objects being thrown from it. Anelectrical supply will be built into the towpathand this will be extended to the projectednew double lock to power the back pumping.

On the negative side, we now haveover a kilometre of canal track to maintain.

At Tamworth Road, on the edge ofLichfield, work continues to waterproofPound 27 and put it in water. The new slip-way requiredfor us to hostthe IWA Trail-boat Festival(planned fortowards the endof the decade)is now in place.Discussion withthe Environ-ment Agencycontinues at aglacial pace aswe seek permis-sion to removethe next sectionof the ‘Big Pipe’(the storm drainlaid in the canalbed).

Severalmajor housingdevelopmentsare now comingto the fore andwe are pleased

to have the support of the Lichfield DistrictCouncil in ensuring that canal interests aresafeguarded. Of particular interest are thedrainage issues, as we try to achieve better-ment from offering to dispose of surfacewater in return for the provision of channel.The removal of greenbelt status from areasaround Tamworth Road is of considerableinterest.

Meanwhile, we continue to monitorrailway matters. We expect to have to get thecanal under the Lichfield to Birminghamrailway in about two years’ time, and thepossible cost of this is daunting. The rerout-ing of the canal required by construction ofthe HS2 high speed railway now seems to beat no cost to the Trust. Meanwhile, on theHatherton we are in discussion with theNetwork Rail electrification team to ensurethey do not install any show-stopping equip-ment when they electrify the Chase Linewhere it crosses the canal at Churchbridge.

The new stream culvert under the canal is installed




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ProgressWey & Arun Canal

Wey & Arun Canal

The Wey & Arun Canal Trust is makingprogress on several fronts - including its firstnavigation restoration project in Surrey - asit works on three different sites for the firsttime.

Contractors have started work on build-ing a bridge in the middle of the canal’sSummit Level, between Tickner’s Heath inDunsfold and Fast Bridge on the A281 atAlfold. The new crossing will enable morethan a mile of the waterway in Surrey to beopened to small boats, enabling navigationthere for the first time in more than 150years. The bridge is replacing a wartimeconcrete causeway in Compasses Lane,Alfold, at one of the entrances to DunsfoldAerodrome.

The project, costing £700,000, is beingplanned and supervised by WACT directorTony Ford, a chartered civil engineer whohas extensive experience of designing roadsand bridges. As Navvies goes to press, thecontractors are scheduled to be forming thepiles which will support the new bridge.Building work is expected to take about sixmonths.

Over next winter, Trust volunteers will prepare the site for the road to be realignedacross the bridge, which will be done in spring 2016. The bridge is expected to be officiallyopened in the autumn, coinciding with the 200th anniversary of the canal’s northern section

being opened at the Com-passes site.

So far, £423,442 of themoney needed to completethe Compasses Bridge projecthas been raised, with effortsbeing stepped up to find therest of the money throughdonations and grants.

Also in Surrey, a year-long Environmental ImpactAssessment has started onPhase 1 of the Bramley Linkstretch of the canal, from theRiver Wey at Shalford down tothe Gosden Aqueduct. Here, anew canal route will be estab-Preliminary earthworks for Compasses Bridge at Dunsfold



s by W


Meanwhile the Wey & Arun

Canal Trust is pressing ahead

with multiple projects covering

lengths of canal on both sides

of the Surrey-Sussex border

R. Wey toWeybridge

River Arun to Arundeland the South Coast

Wey & Arun


Summit LevelincludingCompassesBridge site

BramleyLink section

Gennets BridgeLock site

This sectionrestored







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lished due to the original route beingunavailable.

A Civil Engineering Design Studyand a full Flood Study for this phase ofthe link are also under way and allthree of these studies will support aplanning application to be made insummer 2016. Approaches are beingmade to the Heritage Lottery Fund forfunding to help meet the £2.9m cost ofthe project. In charge of the scheme isTrustee Philip Oliver, a mechanicalengineer.

Over the border into West Sus-sex, 30,000 bricks were delivered tothe Gennets Bridge Lock site, as thegreat crested newts that have beenholding up the project were gentlytrapped and ‘re-homed’ to nearbyspecially created ponds.

Natural England has licensedTrust volunteers to move the protectednewts from the pool formed at the oldlock site. Everything is in place to makea quick start on a new bridge neededto carry the Sussex Border Path andthe lock walls when the licence require-ments are complied with.

Volunteers are currently carryingout preparation work under the directionof the project engineer, Eric Walker. Checking newt traps at Gennets Bridge Lock site

At Bramley there’s also been an archaeological dig to find the buried site of Tanyard Lock,

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Meanwhile on the Buckingham

Arm, volunteers are restoring the

towpath at Hyde Lane Lock nature

reserve - and looking forward to

rewatering the canal

Buckingham Canal

Following a grant from Buckinghamshire County Council’s Buckingham Local Area Forum(LAF), volunteers from Buckingham Canal Society have completed work along the towpathat the Hyde Lane Nature Re-serve.

The work nearThornborough has seen severalsigns erected as well as benchseating and replacement handrails installed. It was completedby Buckingham Canal Societywith the help of volunteers fromthe transport logistics recruit-ment agency, Driver Hire. Agroup of ten employees at-tended a community day toprovide welcome extra handsand transform the area forwalkers as summer approaches.

The £2000 grant wasawarded for remedial work tothe footpath by the BuckinghamLocal Area forum at the end oflast year. The efforts of BCShave ensured local walkers andtourists to the area can enjoythe Hyde Lane Nature Reserve.

Terry Cavender, BCS Ex-ecutive Officer said: “The OuseValley Way long distance foot-path uses the canal towpath forthe section between Bucking-ham and the County boundary.A lot of walkers use thisthroughout the year and theroute also enable us to show-case our restoration work.”

Meanwhile, canal restora-tion by Buckingham CanalSociety continues at four keysites including Hyde Lane.Future plans here include usingsmall dams to bund each end of the Nature Reserve section of the original canal channel.This will enable the canal to be rewatered using a solar powered pump to lift the water thatflows across the canal from the nearby lakes. In addition, further work to improve the sur-face the towpath here with stone is currently pending a grant decision from WREN whofunded the restoration work at the Buckingham section in 2013.

Above: volunteers assembling the benches at Hyde Laneand Below: team photo with their completed benches

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Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal

There’s more giant Meccano at NobEnd! That’s where the new bridge was builtout of giant replica Meccano a couple ofyears ago, and this time the ManchesterBolton & Bury Canal Society has added aMeccano bench in the newly created viewingarea for the locks.

The money came from donationsmade at two funerals last year; the twowho died were John Lynn and PhilipWakerley. John was a member of the Soci-ety’s Council, and Philip was simply some-

one who loved the canal.The bench was made by Folsana in

Bolton, and then galvanised and paintedlocally.

The picture shows Paul Bowerman(from the Canal & River Trust), Steve Dent &Sam Kennion (of the Manchester Bolton &Bury Canal Society) at the back; sitting onthe bench are Liam Curtin (the artist whodesigned all the Meccano structures at NobEnd) and Paul Hindle (Chairman of the CanalSociety).

For more about the Manchester Bolton& Bury Canal Society, see www.mbbcs.org.uk




ProgressManchester Bolton & Bury

Finally on the MB&B, not

content with building a bridge

out of Meccano, they’ve built a

bench too! What next, a Lego

lock? A Brio inclined plane?

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Cromford Canal Camp 2015-06Week One: 11 to 18 July

Saturday: Camp started with a quickhandover of the keys for the Wharf Shed(our accommodation) before dispatchingJohn ‘The Hawk’ Hawkins to collect a van.On his return he became part of the HazelGrove carnival procession – at least that wasthe excuse for late appearance.

After the required house-keeping dutieswe set off for a site visit, observing IronvilleLocks in the sunset.

Last year’s work made it easy to see thehealthy flow of water over the lock cill. Atthe other end I pointed out the features ofthe lock bottom that had been exposed lastyear. Through the crystal-clear waters wewatched a crayfish wander happily along thelock floor. A local walking a dog asked whatwe were doing, and informed us of a mon-ster fish that dwelt within the lock - “it’ll ’aveyer ’and orf” was the warning!

Returning to Cromford we thought weshould check to see if The Boat was wherewe left it. Happily it was. Assistant Leaderput car keys in a safe place – lastwe saw of them...

Sunday: Made the site lookpretty. Planted orange fencinganywhere that looked in need ofbrightening up. Discovered thatsandbag bags come in more thanone size and began to carefullyclear some of the vegetation thatencroached on the channel. Untilthe first crayfish were discoveredand work halted. In the meantimemy very kind trainers (Paul andColin) worked hard trainingdumper and van drivers.

Returning to the accommoda-tion good use was made of the keyto the lengthman’s hut and a ‘suit-able’ cage was constructed toprevent the large pump that wouldkeep the site dry from makingindustrial quantities of crayfish

chowder. Testing the cage we discovered itwould hold Forestry Andy!

The evenings entertainment was a walkup the incline plane and down to Cromford.Although The Boat is not the only pub inCromford it does meet the Goldilocks test –not too scary, not too posh, but just right!Walking back up the towpath we discoveredthat one of our number had visited the darkside – a NT working week. As he put it -“National Trust. Like Man United. You eitherlove ’ ‘em or ******* hate ’em!”.

Monday: Not a leader in sight (onsite). I took a day off to attend Salford Uni-versity for their graduation ceremony as mywife was awarded her doctorate. Chef had abirthday and a Minion cake was duly deliv-ered.

On site it rained. Canal & River Trustenvironmental staff began to move rarewhite-clawed crayfish before my wonderfulassistant Martin could supervise the dambuilding. Pump delivered with a super quietgenerater. Sadly it was on skids and somedistance from where required. Changed it fora noisy one on wheels that we could get into

Camp reportCromford Canal

A week at Ironville Locks

involving sandbag-filling,

digging, hoisting,

dumping... and lots and

lots of crayfish!

The sandbag-filling team

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position. Dam damming and pump pumping.Water level dropping and the bank alive withcrayfish. CRT called for reinforcements. Littlework could begin until CRT gave the all clear.Civil Engineer calculated and ordered pipefor the pump. Extra pipe to be deliveredtomorrow.

The Boat was warm and dry inside sowe sat in the garden to feel more at home. Aplague of frogs visited the towpath whichcaused much excitement on the walk home.

Tuesday: Normal service resumed.CRT having sent one person to site for oneday to clear these really rare crayfish, wenow had two with the promise of a third.“White-clawed crayfish?”. “Ah yes. That’sname is something of a misnomer.”

Vast numbers of crayfish were movedto new homes. As the lock drained the mon-ster fish was found and interrogated. Re-fused to give its name. CRT said “it’s a youngmale but in poor condition – under weight”.Released downstream and expected to dowell.

Finally managed to start digging muckout of the lock.

Having considered the options – wewent to the cinema in Il’son. Only £4 a seat,in a real cinema with soul.

Wednesday: Minions wanted to sendan early team to site to start the pump todrain the site. CRT returned in force to con-tinue to move rare white clawed crayfish.One of the team had neverseen one before, let alonebeen required to move one.They estimated that a popula-tion roughly the size of Shef-field had been moved.

Team worked amazinglywell. Digging. Hoisting. Dump-ing. Not the most exciting jobbut just got on and did it. Allday. Possibly the hardest any-one has worked for an icecream!

The evenings entertain-ment was a boat trip from theaccommodation to Cromford,then on to the Barley Mow (thehome of chicken racing!)

Thursday: Like Wednes-day, but less CRT staff. Thenumber of rare crayfish relo-cated is now equalling thepopulation of Birmingham.Every member of CRT staff in

the midlands must have visited to see one.For the evening we split our resourses.

A team went to The Boat to take part in thequiz. Some stayed home. Some went toMatlock Bath for a walk. The walkers had acarefully planned route going mostly up hillto the unguarded top edge of High Tor andthen a lovely selection of dark beers in theStation and County.

Returned to the accommodation todiscover the early team had sorted them-selves (and their lunches) out – because theywanted to make up the time lost in the greatcrayfish hunt.

Friday: As before, but a diggerjumped in the head of the lock and did thepreparation required to add stone and con-crete. Then packed up and cleaned tools andthe accommodation before a walk along thecanal to Whatstandwell and the BBQ beforeheading home.

Rare crayfish population slightly higherthan that of Greater London.

The start of the week was very frustrat-ing and I want like to thank everyone on thecamp for remaining positive and ready towork. They took great care on the site –respecting the instruction of the CRT envi-ronmental team – to ensure the disruption tothe crayfish was kept to a minimum.

Now what does one of these commonSignal Crayfish look like? I’ve never seen one!

Gavin Darby

Excavator working at the head of the lock

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Safety reviewHow can we do better?

WRG’s Canal Camps and

weekend working parties have a

good safety record - but we’ve

taken an objective look at how

we can improve. Tom exlpains...

Health and Safety Review

I know, I know, Health and Safety (H&S) isn’tthe most glamourous subject but it is one Itake a keen interest in. You see I’m prettyfond of you all (all right, don’t make a bigdeal of it) and therefore I don’t want to seeanyone get hurt, so indulge me for a littlewhile and have a read, please.

I know a lot of people feel H&S, in itsbroadest sense, can be overzealous andsometimes patronising, but it’s worth re-membering that the rules and recommenda-tions have been developed over time as aresponse to actual accidents and incidents totry and prevent repeats.

Translating these to a volunteer-ledenvironment can be challenging; unfortu-nately as volunteers we are often undermuch closer scrutiny to demonstrate ourcompetence than our counterparts in indus-try. However I feel we are in the fortunateposition to tackle such challenging work as aresult of a proactive attitude toward H&S;keeping control of how we manage things.

One of the ways WRG is doing this isby regular monitoring reports of accidents,incidents and near misses both individuallyand then collectivelyas a bi-annual re-view to try andidentify any trendsemerging. We canthen respond tothese accurately andmost importantly,appropriately. Obvi-ously, the effective-ness of this relies onfeedback from canalcamps and workingparties in the formof completed inci-dent report forms,the scope and stand-ard of which hasgreatly improvedfollowing segments

we ran at Leaders Training Days, so thankyou all.

However we still need to encouragemore ‘near miss’ reporting. These reports arevaluable as they allow us to respond to try toprevent something from ever happening atall. This has been made even easier throughthe creation of the Safety Reporting Cards ina postcard format which you can completeand return to head office by post or via thecamp paperwork package.

Now it might be prudent here to ad-dress any concerns. I assure you all reportsare dealt with very objectively: this is not ablame game, just an exercise in improvinghow we work. So please complete any re-ports as accurately and with as much detailas possible, including photos if you thinkthey’ll assist a reviewer.

Review feedback

I’m pleased to report there was a notablereduction in the number and severity ofreported incidents compared to the previousreview. However, of course, we must allremain committed to achieving zero acci-dents and incidents and the latest review has

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identified some patterns that we can act on.Eye protection: Several reported

incidents reiterated not only the importanceof eye protection but also the correct typeand fitment to ensure no exposed areasremain. This is particularly true of workingwith mortar which can splash around andbehind safety eyewear. Please make sure thatyou select eyewear that is appropriate for thetask as identified in the risk assessment, isclean and in good order and fits you correctly.

Proximity to works: You don’t haveto be involved in a task to be at risk from it.Consider how close you are to ongoingwork, including when you’re just passing by.If you can’t avoid the area then make sureyou’re protected by appropriate PPE. This isparticularly true of eye protection and onsome sites where exclusion zones are im-practical, leaders may consider in their riskassessments making eye protection a manda-tory requirement for everyone on site.

Banking and Slinging: Securing andlifting loads should only be attempted bycompetent persons and with appropriateequipment. If you are unsure of anything donot attempt this work. Keep clear of sus-pended loads by observing suitable exclusionzones. When signalling or directing movingplant, make sure responsibilities are definedand signals agreed before attempting anymanoeuvres.

Planningwork: I knowWRGies are laudedfor their problemsolving skills, butremember thatimprovising andplanning on the flyneeds risk assessingtoo. Don’t worry,this doesn’t have tomean loads of pa-perwork: just takethe time to stop andconsider whatyou’re attempting asit’s easy to go be-yond the boundariesof what’s been putin place for yourcamp. If it needs aplan, then stop andmake one; this isalso a good oppor-tunity to drink tea.

Also be cautious of trying to help thirdparties, such as assisting deliveries to site, ifit’s beyond our scope of responsibility thendon’t attempt it, we need to retain control ofthe tasks we undertake.

How we can improve?

Ideally as a group of volunteers we need topromote a positive culture of health andsafety for the benefit of everyone. Excuse mefor quoting legislation here but the Healthand Safety At Work Act places a duty on usall to take care of not just our own healthand safety but that of others who may beaffected by our actions. Very noble stuff butalso very logical; our volunteers are both ourmost valuable and most vulnerable asset.

I encourage you to pause and take thatextra time (insert tea here if desired) toconsider the H&S aspects of the work youare about to attempt and how it may affectyou , other volunteers and yes, the generalpublic too, so we can continue to worksafely, effectively and efficiently.

I also encourage you, please, to con-tinue the good feedback we’re seeingthrough the reporting system and any othercomments or suggestions you might havethat could help us identify where we canimprove as a group.

Tom Rawlings

Only one volunteer is using the power tool, but both are wearing PPE

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Frank WallderAn appreciation

Frank Wallder R.I.P.

“Always encouraging, always recruiting andreally recognising the potential in people”

Several WRGies may recognise Frank Wallder in the description above. After Frank’srecent death, many volunteers referred to therole Frank played in recruiting them and en-couraging them to become long term member

of WRG. He was certainly the person who persuaded me to come on my first London weekendand did an excellent job of converting me into a regular digger. He was a passionate cheerleaderfor WRG and really understood what the organisation meant to many people and what it couldgive them in return.

He’ll also be fondly remembered for his cooking, which wasn’t always on time but wasalways excellent. Anyone who was ever given a lift by him will also remember the clutterand chaos of a car used mainly for storage. Other people have mentioned that he managedto fall in twice in one day on the Fourteen Locks Bonfire Bash. He was particularly active onthe Mon & Brec and Cotswold Canals, which were his favourites A few WRGies have beenwearing their pink ‘What Would Frank Do?’ t-shirts in memory of him.

Frank was extremely active on a number of waterways and dug with various local groupsincluding Essex and London. He led several camps and cooked on many others, and as hishealth began to fail he was frustrated at not to be able to continue the work.

But canals were a late life passion for Frank. Before he began volunteering on the wa-terways, he was for many years a very active hockey player. He travelled across Europeplaying matches and was extremely socially active with his hockey club. As a consequence ofall the activities he was involved, with Frank had a wide number of friends across both theUK and Europe. He was also particularly good at collecting female friends of all ages. Likemany WRGies, Frank was very good at talking to anybody from any background and manyof his friendships have spanned decades. Frank was a very true and loyal friend to manypeople both inside and outside WRG.

I had a read through Frank’s Facebook page following his death and I found a lot thatmade me chuckle - in particular his trademark grumpy humour. His family observed thathe’d been well-named - Frank certainly told it like it is.

Before his retirement, Frank had an eclecticcareer that included selling posh chocolates toFortnum and Mason. He also enjoyed telling peoplehe’d been in cavity walls for many years. He leavesbehind a sister Angela and a niece and nephewwho he was very close to.

I know Frank missed working on the water-ways and regretted not being able to participate ashis health didn’t allow it theselast couple of years. He particularly regretted thathe wouldn’t get the chance to boat through Eisey,as the Cotswold was a project he particularly en-joyed working on. I hope we all get a chance to dothat on his behalf.

Sophie Smith

At Frank’s funeral on 24 August the family haveasked for donations to the van appeal in lieu offlowers, as this will benefit many of the projectsFrank worked on. If you’d like to make a donationon his behalf, you can do this by post (chequemade payable to ‘The Inland Waterways Associa-tion’ to: WRG Van Appeal, Island House, MoorRoad, Chesham HP5 1WA) or via the WRG website.


ma B


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Navvies NewsNavvies subs: paying by cheque

Waterway Recovery Group is legally a tradingname and is not a legal entity in its ownright. Therefore it does not have a bankaccount. We currently have a dispensationfrom the bank to accept cheques made out to“ Waterway Recovery Group” but recentchanges to anti-money laundering legislationmeans that the bank is no longer going tocontinue to be able to accept cheques pay-able to Waterway Recovery Group.

All cheques should therefore bemade payable to “The Inland WaterwaysAssociation”.

And speaking of cheques...

The photo shows the WRG Van Appeal re-ceiving a generous £1000 from the Chester-field Canal Trust during a recent canal camp.

And speaking of the Appeal...

Just as we were going to print (and too lateto be included in Toby’s piece) we heard thatHargreaves, Yorkshire canal lock gate makers(and suppliers of many restoration projects)have donated for auction five of these lockgate plaques. Hargreaves don’t make manyof these, and almost all of them are destinedto spend their time attached securely to canallocks, so they’re real collectors’ items.

So we’re auctioning them: email youroffer (say which plaque you want - there arefive, dated 2010, 2011 and 2013) [email protected] (email subject ‘Lockgateplaqueauction’)and if yourbid’s thehighest onthe closingdate of 15September,it’s yours!

Oh, and on the subject of vans...

It wouldn’t be a Navvies without a moanabout looking after the current fleet of vanswhile we save up for their replacements, sohere it is. If you’re mixing concrete, mortar,or anything else that sets rock hard (cus-tard?), it’s really not a very clever idea to doit right next to a van - especially if the stuff isgetting splashed around a bit, like happenswith some mixers. And if you manage toforget this advice until you’ve already man-aged to splatter it all over a van, it’s an evenless clever idea to leave it and let it go hard.Wash it off straight away with lots of water.

And if you do let it go hard and end upwith a pebble-dashed Transit, don’t betempted to scrape all the rock-hard spots offwith a scourer and scratch the paintwork.There are better ways: I’ve got the brokenthumbnails to prove it (and no, it wasn’t methat splattered it). Alternatively flicking themoff with a credit card works quite well...

While you’ve got your wallet open...

Tickets are now available for IWA’s 2015Waterways Restoration Raffle. Following thehuge success of last year’s raffle when over£13,000 was raised to support 54 restorationsocieties across the UK, IWA is aiming for£15,000. You can choose for your money toeither go towards the £120,000 WRG vanappeal, or you can nominate a restorationproject of your choice for it to go to.

First prize, donated by The WyvernShipping Company, is a one week holiday ona six berth narrowboat worth £800 - £1,500.Second prize, donated by Andersen Boats, isa three or four nightboating holiday on afour berth boat worth up to £700. Thirdprize, donated by Canal Cruising Company,is a weekend boating holiday for four peopleworth £590. And there are lots of otherprizes including more boat trips, Crick BoatShow weekend tickets, chandlery vouchers, aCanal Boat Magazine subscription and a copyof each of their books, and lots more.

There will be a book of tickets in thenext issue, but in the meantime you canenter at waterways.org.uk/raffle or by phoneon 01494 783453 ext. 611.

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InfillWhat does MBE stand for?

As you’ll already have read on the editor’spiece on pages 4-7, our Chairman MikePalmer got the MBE in the Queen’s BirthdayHonours List. So what is an MBE, then?

Well, before all you cleverdicks at theback pipe up, I’m well aware that it meanshe’s now a Member of the Order of the Brit-ish Empire. Now I know that it’s long beensaid in Civil Service circles that ‘MBE’ standsfor ‘My Bloody Efforts’; whereas ‘OBE’ is‘Other Buggers’ Efforts’. But I’m sure we cando much better.

I kicked it off by suggesting on theWRG Facebook page (which Mike famouslydoesn’t read!) that perhaps it stands for“More Beer, Everyone?” And then I sat backand watched the rest of the crowd do it somuch better...

Move Beyond expectations

Make BIG Excavations

Muddy But Exciting

Mike Better Emigrate

Master of Brilliant Excuses

Might Bounce Enthusiastically

Many Bleeping Expletives

Models Binbags Eccentrically

Meat banned entirely

Mighty brilliant engineer

May Bullshit Effortlessly

Monorail Building Expert

Moving Backwards Excitedly

My Boots are Egregious

Malty Beer Experiment

Manipulating bricks expertly

Mighty Beards Encouraged

Many Broken Excavators

Mont’s Biggest Enthusiast

Marvellous bloke, Evidently

Mend Brimscombe, Eventually?

Metabolises Beer Efficiently.

My ‘Bonfire’’s Enormous

Mighty Bearded Extrovert

Thank you to everyone who contributed.

Start them young...

...or can anyone suggest a caption for thispicture of Tim Lewis and young friend on arecent London WRG dig on the Basingstoke?

And speaking of London WRG...

...our Metropolitan branch seem to have gotthemselves a bit of a reputation as trouble-makers in recent times.

First there was the well-known northerncanal restoration where the local communitycancelled London WRG’s booking for thevillage hall when they found out the that thevolunteers who were due to come up andspend a weekened restoring their canal forthem came from London (horrors!)

And now we hear that there have beencomplaints from the local neighbours afterthe London WRG tool-painting weekend.Apparently they were heard... wait for it...laughing and joking as they painted.

Bunch of hell-raisers, clearly.


...to Tom andKath Rawlingson their recentwedding, whichseems from thisphotograph tohave been asomewhatunorthodoxaffair. I don’tsuppose wed-ding outfittersoften get re-quests for adress with acarabiner...

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The WRG Training weekend took place on a wetmuddy weekend on the Chesterfield Canal. Here’ssome of what we learned...

The WRG Training weekend took place on a wetmuddy weekend on the Chesterfield Canal. Here’ssome of what we learned... Outro



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