1 NAVY LEAGUE in VICTORIA A Century of Volunteer Service 1915 2015 2015

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A Century of Volunteer Service

1915 2015


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Limited Edition of 100

© Copyright Navy League of Australia Victoria-Tasmania Division Oct 2015

Edited byPast President CMDR John M Wilkins OAM RFD* RANR Ret’d

andVice President Frank McCarthyProof Reader: Mrs Judy Wilkins

ISBN 978-0-9808593-3-1

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in VictoriaFormed in the UK in 1895 the Navy League was a strictly nonparty political

volunteer Organisation, to urge upon the Nation the paramount importance of anadequate Navy as the best guarantee of peace.

Navy League objectives reminded citizens of the Navy and its past deeds andthe need to act to maintain the peace through a strong Navy.

Vice Admiral Lord Nelson’s 1805 Battle of Trafalgar victory saw Australia, a 17year old Colonial settlement, now given the opportunity to develop over the next100 years into a Commonwealth Federation under the protection of the BritishEmpire’s Royal Navy.

Branches of the Navy League were first formed by Tasmanian citizensvolunteering in Launceston, Tasmania in 1900 when the Boer War in South Africaand the Boxer Uprising in China caused the citizens to act. The next Branch wasin Victoria by volunteers on 9th October 1915, during World War 1.

The State of Victoria at Federation came with the strongest and best trainedColonial Navy. Eight weeks after Federation, 1st. March 1901, Victoriaconstitutionally transferred 50% of the operational naval ships, and nearly 70%of the trained career Navy personnel, received from the colonies by Australia’snew Department of Defence, to become the Foundation Australian Navy) fleet.

In these early Federation years W.O. Kearns CNF (Australian Navy’sCommonwealth Naval Force) established community based volunteer, young age,Sea Cadet Corps units in Churches and Halls in the metropolitan and countryareas. This was possibly the British Empire’s first Sea Cadet Corps. His workwas eventually supplemented from 1st July 1907 when CAPT Fred Tickell CNFlaunched, at Williamstown, the Australian Navy Cadet training programme on 1stJuly 1907, authorised by 1903 Defence Act. Australian Naval Commands ineach State quickly followed suit.

The biggest general public support for sea cadets occurred in 1908 when theUS Great White Fleet visited Melbourne, Australia’s Capital City (1901-1927).Community based Sea Cadets at Ballarat marched 3 days to Melbourne to join inthe welcome celebrations, the Government not willing to transport them.Community response saw overwhelming public support for these junior volunteerCadets, demonstrating that Navy spirit was strong in the Victorian community.The cadets marched into Melbourne to be greeted by citizens lining the roads,watching and cheering them as they were received by the Lord Mayor andGovernment members and now treated as honoured guests. A special train wasprovided to return them to Ballarat after being hosted as VIPs on many USbattleships. Kearns actions were to be reflected in future Navy League actions.

One hundred and fifteen years since the first Navy League Branch wasestablished in Tasmania and one hundred years in Victoria, citizenscontinue to volunteer to support the Australian Navy and Australian

Navy’s Cadets through the Navy League.President LCDR Roger Blythman RFD RANR Ret’d.

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A Century of Volunteer Service in VictoriaThe Navy League of Australia’s objective is to provide loyal support for

Australia’s maritime well being by recognising that the strategic backgroundto Australia’s security has changed in recent decades and in some respectsbecome more uncertain. The League believes it is essential that Australiadevelops the capability to defend itself, paying particular attention to maritimedefence, to preserve the peace in our region Australia is, of geographicalnecessity, a maritime nation whose prosperity, strength and safety dependto a great extent on the security of the surrounding ocean and island areas,and on its seaborne trade.

A strong Navy and a sound maritime industry is needed to protect our presentand future commercial and industrial well being to preserve the democraticfreedoms we enjoy in Australia.

The following resumé briefly covers some of the volunteers who impacted on thehistory of the Navy League in Victoria. It gives an overview of what VictorianVolunteers had achieved, although most of their efforts are not recorded as to thecountless hours spent by volunteers from 1915-2015 in addition to the ExecutiveCommittee who guided and managed the Division. Many individual volunteersmade contributions to this useful volunteer-based Navy League focusing on helpingAustralia and its citizens, improve Australia’s Maritime well-being, now and for thefuture. These volunteers continued supporting our Navy, and some signs of theirsupport are still evident today.

Throughout the last one hundred years many Naval ships, Empire, National andforeign, have visited Port Phillip and Melbourne.

In 2013 HMAS Daring, a new type 45 Royal Navy Destroyer broke the 25 yeardrought of RN visits to Melbourne for HMS Ark Royal was the last RN ship tocruise our waters in 1988. The Commanding Officer of HMS Daring, lead ship of


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her class, was CMDR Angus Essenhigh, son of the former Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval staffSir Nigel Essenhigh GCB DL. The Navy League marked the occasion of this visit with aluncheon - presentation hosting of CMDR Essenhigh together with HMS Daring’s XO LCDRSteve Wall, plus the CO and XO of the visiting HMAS Perth, CAPT Lee Goddard CSC and CMDRChris Leece, British Consul General Gareth Hoar and Vice-CDRE David Seaman, The RoyalYacht Club of Victoria. It was not unusual for the Navy league to play host to Senior Officersfrom visiting Naval ships and Establishments (Stone Frigates) and on occasion the entire crew ofminor warships.

Over the years the Navy League has played host to numerous Naval personnel of many Navalvessels. In fact, as we scan the records, we note that the League’s Victoria Division in the past18 years has hosted 87 Luncheon - Presentations for 104 visiting ships and Shore Establishments.

Our hosting of Naval personnel at such functions has by no means been restricted to RANrepresentatives but also included representatives from the Navies and Diplomatic representativesfrom the U.K. plus New Zealand, Canada, U.S.A., France, Italy , Mexico and Japan.

The Navy League’s Victoria Division over the years has always been included in any of the Navy’ssignificant events, and in fact has been, in some cases, instrumental in initiating these significantevents. A few of these occasions are listed for general interest -

ANFD Creswell Orations, Great White Fleet Centenary, HMAS Parramatta (1) and HMAS Yarra (1)arrival centenary, the largest U.S. Fleet visit to Melbourne Anniversary ( 44 ships) a record by anyfleet visit to Melbourne the 75th. Anniversary of which the League celebrated in 2000 with USNvisitors from USS John Paul Jones. Melbourne-built, naval vessel launchings and commissionings,over many years; VADM Creswell bronze bust restoration at St Kilda foreshore and presentationof a bust to HMAS Creswell, the Naval College; the first convoy of Naval Escort Troop ships to thebattle fields 1914-2014 Commemoration.

These events are to just name a few of the more recent occasions but spread over the 100 yearperiod of the Navy league in Victoria also includes the Cadet Anniversary, the Victory over “Emden”and the many “Trafalgar” Day Anniversaries, the first Naval College “Osborne House” Centenary,and attendance by Vice Regal representatives, Governor-General and State Governors and Lieut-Governors to Navy League events.

This, and much more, has been achieved by a myriad of citizens who volunteered their support forNavy and Cadets by joining the Navy League in Victoria and around Australia.

The following list highlights the Presidents of the Navy League in Victoria and some leading citizensand some evidence left behind to show that support for Navy remains strong.

Vice President Frank McCarthy Navy League’s “Welcome Ship Ambassador”

October 2015

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NEWSLETTER EDITORVisiting Ship’s ‘Welcome Ambassador’ VP Frank McCarthy




EVENTS – OFFICIAL calls CO-ORD& Navy League Navy Week RYCV

“Geoffrey Evans” Race /HMAS Cerberus CMDR Graeme Furlonger RANR Australian Navy Foundation Day

“Lonsdale Cup” RVMYC




NAVAL HISTORY Frank McCarthy, John Wilkins


Navy League of


Victoria - Tasmania


PRESIDENT 2015-2016

& NLA Federal Vice President

LCDR Roger Blythman LLB RFD

Hon Vice President

CDRE Malcolm Baird AM RAN Ret’d

Vice Presidents

Frank McCarthyRay Gill JP


PP LCDR John Redman RANPP CMDR John M Wilkins OAM RFD* LM


PP CMDR Graham Harris LLB RFD

Some of the present Navy League volunteers serving in Victoria

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NAVY LEAGUE IN VICTORIA Presidential terms andevents 9 October 1915 - 2015 9

Naval Ship Visits and Navy League WelcomeLuncheon and other events 1996 - 2015 26

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9 October 1915

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The NAVY LEAGUE IN VICTORIA from 9 October 1915A Hundred Years of continuous Volunteer service for Australia.

1915, October 9th.-1918 Inaugural President of Victoria’sNavy League Branch committee was Chief Justice of VictoriaSir John Madden GCMG. Many prominent citizens joined himin volunteering to serve on the committee.

1918-20 President Sir William IRVINE GCMG Lieut-Governor–21st. Premier of Victoria 1902-4, Chief Justiceof Victoria.. Lieut-Governor & 21st. Premier ofVictoria 1902-4

1920-23 President Sir Edward MITCHELL KCMG KC Barrister,Anglican Lay leader. Chancellor diocese of Melbourne 1910,Founding member (Royal) Melbourne Golf Club. Lawn TennisAssociation of Victoria patron 1906 life member 1908.

.1924-25 President Mr Justice William SCHUTT Supreme Court Judge, AScotch College student awarded first-class honour in public examinations. Wonscholarship to Ormond College University of Melbourne (B.A., LL.B., 1891;M.A., LL.M., 1901). Between 1889 and 1895 a prominent Australian Rulesfootballer for Essendon. During World War 1 was legal adviser to, and onIntelligence staff of, Navy Office, as Hon LCDR. President Savage Club from1918, member of Melbourne, Old Scotch Collegians’ (Pres 1916) andBohemians’ clubs. Sometime President of Victorian Amateur BilliardsAssociation. He radiated goodwill and geniality, the merry look rarely leavinghis face. A golfer and tennis player.

1925-28 President: Sir Francis (Frank) Grenville CLARKEKBE, Australia’s first baronet. In 1925-26 he was President

Victorian Legislative Council, PresidentMelbourne Club and Chairman FeltonBequest Committee. His Vice President(1925-28) was Sir William R. CreswellKCMG KBE RAN ”Father of the AustralianNavy”, who with Lady Creswell, workedtirelessly for the Navy League.From 26 July - 6 August 1925 there was a

fortnight-long official visit of US Fleet, which still representsthe largest single contingent of foreign naval vessels everreceived in Australia. The 57 United States Navy vesselscarried some 25,000 officers and crew and were commandedby USN Admiral Robert E. Coontz. The fleet had divided



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into two contingents, 44 sailing for Victoria and Melbourne, the official capital ofAustralia, the remaining 13 USN vessels for Sydney.During 1926 the Navy League Committee members seriously considered formingNavy League Sea Cadet Units, but deferred it. They had applied, and werehonoured to be permitted to gift a Navy League stainedglass memorial window to Flinders Naval Depot DrillHall Chapel for the WW1 war losses. Memorialswere current thinking for plans for the MelbourneShrine of Remembrance were well in hand.

1928-34 President Mr Arthur PECK Architect andYachtsman. During 1932 Victoria formed the first ofmany Sea cadet Units at Geelong, TS Barwon., theothers Port Melbourne, Geelong Grammar andFootscray Technical School.

1934-47 President CAPT S A PIDGEON RD RNRServed in the difficult years of the Depression andWW2 the Sea Cadet units reduced to four.

In 1938 his committee organised public fund-raising to instal a VADM Sir WilliamRooke Creswell KCMG KBE RAN “Father of the Australian Navy” Monumenton the St Kilda foreshore.

1948-50 President CMDR John D BATES VRD RANVR, alsoPresident of the Navy League of Australia’s new Federal Councilformed in 1950 when British Navy League Branches in Australiacombined to enure future support from Navy for the Sea CadetCorps. He had served many years at sea and ashore in theMerchant Service and throughout the recent war as part of theRoyal Australian Navy, both in Australia and overseas .

1950 New Cadet Units were established -TS. Melbourne Port MelbourneTS. Cerberus Black RockTS. Anzac Footscray Technical SchoolTS. Lightning GeelongTS. Henty PortlandTS. Avalon Geelong Grammar School.

Victorian Division Committee worked hard to accommodate and train youngpeople in the expanding cadet units, some introducing new names, othersceasing to exist.• Port Melbourne Company (met in Port Melbourne Naval Reserve Depot for

a time.)

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• Black Rock Company - paid off 16 October 1952.• TS Avalon - Geelong Grammar School - ceased due to lack of suitably

experienced staff.• Footscray Technical School Company - ceased due to lack of suitably

experienced staff.1950-55 President CMDR Ronald A NETTLEFOLD DSC VRD RANR for

courage, endurance and skill in HMAS Westralia and HMAS Echuca, Deloraine,Burdekin, Gascoyne employed in amphibious assaults for over two years underhazardous and trying conditions between Australia, New Guinea, Borneo andPhilippine islands. He volunteered to assist the League.

1955-56 President VADM Sir John COLLINS KBE, CB, RAN.Former Chief of Naval staff, Australian HighCommissioner to NZ 1956-1962.During his presidency the annual Navy League ballsaw many leading citizens volunteering time andenergy to raise funds for sea cadets.Up to £50,000 was raised and the Albert Park LakeNavy League Sailing Centre erected. Sea cadetsfrom TS Melbourne and TS Voyager used it for sailtraining.

1956-59 President LCDR John Protheroe WILLIAMS OBE RANVR MerchantService Captain. He was Chief salvage officer, Commonwealth Marine SalvageBoard in recovering over 600,000 tonnes of shipping damaged by enemy action.Post WW2 he reverted to RANVR, received OBE 1950, retired 1954 as LCDR.Invested with CMG 1960 and KCMG 1967. His Division Secretary wasH.E.Touzel.

1959-61 President LCDR (S) A N BOULTON RANRAn RANR officer qualified in vital visual signalling and wireless telegraphy duties.

This was his first term as President. The Executive committee includedCAPT Eric Nave OBE RAN. LIEUT F Geoffrey Evans RANVR had just joinedthe committee.

1961-62 President LIEUT Kenneth Burdett YORK SYMERANR

A Scotch College student - enlisted in RAN’s RANR 29 Aug1939. On 15 Apr 1942 promoted LIEUT RANR. He servedin HMAS Lonsdale, the new vastly expanded Stone Frigateon land in Rouse Street, Port Melbourne. This depot nowhad greatly expanded Communications, Intelligence,

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Nov. 3rd. 2004 Navy Week Navy League Geoffrey Evans Trophy Presentation Dinner at the RoyalYacht Club of Victoria

(L - R) Mrs Judy Wilkins, CMDR John Wilkins RFD* President Victoria Division Navy League ofAustralia, RYCV Member Mrs Hiatt, CMDR F Geoffrey Evans OBE VRD Chairman Federal AdvisoryCouncil Navy League of Australia, M Hiatt Skipper of winning yacht “ELEKTRA” and the Navy League



RYCV - NLA Victoria DivisionAnnual Navy League Navy Week

“Geoffrey Evans” Trophy Race1981 - 2015+

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Lieut Harris

Operations, Examination Service, Naval Control of Shipping, Sea Transport,DEMS and Naval Auxiliary Patrol (NAP) departments. HMAS Lonsdale from1942 became an important Naval operations centre, Navy Office being closeby in Melbourne. In civil life Ken Syme was a stockbroker and a Federal Vice-President Navy League of Australia 1959-61. CMDR R. Stan Veale VRD***RANR was a committee member at this time.

1962-63 President Rendell H COLLINS Esq1963-64 President (2nd Term) CAPT (S) A.N. BOULTON RANR1964-67 President (2nd term) Rendell H COLLINS ESQ1967-73 President CMDR F.G. (Geoffrey) EVANS OBE, VRD, RANVR

Company Director, ADC to State Governor,Federal and Victorian State President of NavyLeague, NLSCC (ASCC) Commandant inVictoria. He was heavily involved in managingthe transfer of ASCC personnel to new combinedNaval Reserve Cadets (NRC) organisation undersole RAN patronage. Geoff Evans managed the

changeover, but gradually the change saw former knowledgeof Navy League’s NLSCC and ASCC historic role no longerunderstood by new NRC instructors and cadets. 1969 he waselected Federal Vice President NLA and in 1971 FederalPresident NLA.

1973-76 President LCDR A H BURROWS VRD RANR NavyLeague ASCC Commandant Victoria. LIEUT Graham Harrisjoins the committee.

1976-92 President LCDR John BIRD RNR Architect. He organized manyWelcome Luncheons for visiting Naval shipsand visiting VIP speakers on Naval topics.During his Presidency the Royal Yacht Clubof Victoria joined with the League in 1981 toinaugurate the annual Navy League NavyWeek “Geoffrey Evans” Trophy Yacht Race eachOctober. John was elected a Life Member ofthe Navy League.1978 Ray Gill joined Executive. 1986 John Wilkins joined Executive temporarily.1990 John Wilkins elected Vice President. 1990 Federal Council released avideo film entitled “The Sea and Australia” which the Navy League gifted toevery school in Australia, the Victoria Division supported this National Education

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Project sponsored by CMDR R Otto Albert PresidentNSW Division. In the early 1990s TS Melbourneremoved to another site and the Navy League’s AlbertPark Lake Sea Cadet building was used by VolunteerCoast Guards. The ability to raise significant funds fellaway dramatically, and eventually the Navy Leaguelacked sufficient funds for the maintenance of the buildingand under pressure from the Albert Park Committeethe Navy League relinquished the lease. The buildingwas then demolished for theGovernment’s car racing circuit

development, and existing tenants received new buildingsas part of the Race Track works, the Navy League receivingno compensation for the residual capital investment fromthe Albert Park Committee or the Government.

1993-95 President CMDR Graham McD. HARRIS RFDRANR MHR, Barrister, Company Director, Director NI,Senior Officer NID RANR HMAS Lonsdale. 1994 electedFederal President NLA.

1995-97 President CMDR Neil MEADEN RFD RANRElectrical Engineer Officer RANR, CO RANR Port Division HMAS Lonsdale ,Manager SECV. 1996 A Wilkinson Ceremonial Naval Sword and Cutlass werepurchased from Wilkinson, London for presentation to PortMelbourne Naval Reserve Training Depot, HMAS Lonsdale,for presentation toRANR HMASLonsdale as a NavyLeague perpetualannual efficiency prize for best officer & sailor. Worn by themat all weekly parades. 1st March 1992 saw Navy close HMASLonsdale and all other Reserve Training Stone Frigates in eachState and sell the real estate. Navy League mounted the swordand cutlass in a glass and timber case and loaned it for displayin the ADML Sir John Collins Room Naval and Military ClubMelbourne. December 2008 they were reclaimed, prior to club’sinsolvency in February 2009. The Committee loaned themounted Naval sword and cutlass to the Box Hill RSL. whodisplayed it in a special illuminated recess.

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Feb 1997 Neil Meadon resigned as President for business reasons.1997-2011 President CMDR John WILKINS RFD*, RANR

Assumed role of President on CMDR Neil Meaden’sresignation.

John Wilkins was Chief Electrical Engineer, Senior OfficerNID RANR HMAS Lonsdale 1980-1985 and became a LifeMember of Navy League. He was a Life Member of theElectrical Development Association Victoria. With the lateCMDR Stan Veale, he worked to produce Stan’sautobiographical manuscript of his life in the Cadets andRANR WW1 and WW2. NLA Victoria Division revenuesales of the publication is used to benefit Sea Cadets inVictoria.

The Navy League President and Committee members met regularly with Mayorof City of Greater Geelong for several years 1996-2000, together with localresidents to save Osborne House, the historic Naval College building and firstSubmarine base (1913-1922), from possible sale to developers. As theDivision’s President John Wilkins then prepared a 40 page proposal to submitto the Federation Fund for Osborne House to become a Naval Museum -Victorian campus. It was unsuccessful but soon after Navy allocated $5M fora Garden Island, Sydney, Naval Heritage Centre.

1999 Victoria Division Navy League of Australia had a long term lease of yachtWinston Churchill at Royal Yacht Club of Victoria, for Sea Cadet training, LCDRRay Appleby as skipper. In this year it sank in a violent storm in the Sydney toHobart Yacht Race.

Vice Presidents were Ray Gill JP, LCDR Roger Blythman, Frank McCarthy,Ray Corboy.

29th. Apr 1999 Welcome luncheon in Admiral Collins Room, Naval & MilitaryClub for Support Commander Navy - Rear Admiral Bill Dovers RAN

Guests included CAPT John Carrol Federal Master Company of MasterMariners, CAPT Pat Blamey, Kevin Horder TENIX Systems, CDRE Alex MorrisonRYCV, Ray Gill State President NAA Vic.

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2000 - NAVY LEAGUE in Australia CENTENARYThe Centenary was celebrated inLaunceston, Tasmania, the first AustralianBranch to receive a UK Navy LeagueBranch Charter in 1900. Victoria Divisionsupported the event by preparing 100special commemorative postal covers and requesting Australia Post provide aspecial Centenary postal cancel. The Navy League in Victoria designed a labelstamp and Australia Post printed it for use on the Centenary covers. Centenarydinner table brochures were prepare by the Victoria Division and each had thelabel stamp and postmark applied as a souvenir. The RAN had a patrol boatjoin us for the event.2001 Centenary of Australian Navy Foundation Day 1st. March 1901. AnOration & Luncheon was planned by the President and Committee on 14thSeptember 2001 to celebrate the 100th.Anniversary of the foundation of theAustralian Navy. HMAS Brisbane, wasin port on a paying off cruise and joinedus in our Navy Centenary luncheoncelebration in the Streeton Room of theNaval & Military ClubMelbourne. Lieut-Governor Lady SoutheyAM and 100 others leadingcitizens attended to hearthe first “Oration” by CDREJim Dickson AM MBERAN. Subsequent ANFDluncheons were titled“Creswell Oration”, arecommendation by CDRE Dickson. A special Postmark and Label Stampwas produced and stamped 2 Oct 2001 to celebrate the Foundation Day andthe date of raising the first National flag.Over the next few years the Naval Historical Society, Naval Officers’ Club andNaval Association in Victoria were invited to join with the Navy League to formthe “Australian Navy Foundation Day Organising Committee”, a title officiallyapproved by the Defence Minister and now known as the “Creswell Oration”.2002 1st March 2002 - Australian Navy Foundation Day Creswell OrationLuncheon. Rear Admiral Peter Briggs AO RAN presented the second CreswellOration.

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2003 1st March 2003 - Australian Navy Foundation Day Creswell OrationLuncheon. Commodore Brian Gibbs AM RAN presented the third CreswellOration.2004 1st March 2004 - Australian Navy Foundation Day Creswell OrationLuncheon. Rear Admiral Raydon W Gates CSM RAN Maritime Commanderpresented the 4th. Creswell Oration.2005 1st March 2005 - Australian Navy Foundation Day Creswell OrationLuncheon, Vice Admiral Chris Ritchie AO RAN Chief of Navy presented the 5thCreswell Oration.2005 NLA Microfiche Copying Project – “The Navy Journal NSW”

Over 5 years John Wilkins coordinated and researched 1921-2004 “The Navy”issues, completing the Index. The project was sponsored by CMDR Otto AlbertAO RD RANR (President NLA NSW)who was an active supporter assistingand ensuring the project wassuccessfully launched. It comprised -a 472 A4 page 1920-2004 consolidatedIndex of all known Australian NavyLeague journalsb. Production of microfiche 1921-2004sets of all journals held by MitchellLibrary achieved by Otto Albert, formerCO HMAS Waterhen 1975-1977, thefirst postwar RANR officer to commandthe Sydney Port Division. His fatherAlexis Albert was a pre war officer.c. Project launched 2005 at State Library of Victoria. Microfiche sets whichincluded the 1921-2004 Index were gifted to libraries and selected institutionsthroughout Australia and overseas.

Victorian State Librarian receiving the first gift of a set of TheNavy Microfiche and bound copy of the Index from Federal NLA

President CMDR Graham Harris RFDVictorian President CMDR John Wilkins RFD* speaking

Official guests L-R CMDR Geoffrey Evans OBE, KevinAndrews MHR, Prof Richard Divall AO , Ray Corboy Hon

Sec.-Treas. NLA and Mrs Corboy

“The Navy League Journal NSW”1921 - 1950

“The Navy” 1950 - 2015+

L-R CMDR John M Wilkins RFD* Pres NLA VIC ,CMDR R Otto Albert AO Pres NLA NSW, -

These two worked together to ensure the Microfiche project succeeded.,Otto was involved in a great deal of research and liaison with the Mitchell Library andproviding the finance whilst John embarked on a four year project of comprehensively

indexing all journal articles 1921-2004.

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2005 - Battle of Trafalgar Bi-Centenary celebrated.Division President designed and printedlimited edition commemorative postal FirstDay Covers (FDC) and label stamps andAustralia Post issued a special postmark on21 October at Australia Post’s Office inTrafalgar. The international historical results of this battle allowed Australia’searly colonial settlements at Sydney and Hobart, 17 and 3 years old respectively,to develop into six colonies and Federate into the Commonwealth of Australiain 1901, under the protection of the Royal Navy - Nelson’s heritage.Cook Cannon Fund-raising Project - launched by Division using patternsheld by the President. A miniature replica, approx 1/10th scale, cast in siliconbronze and 22ct gold platedwas mounted on a replicatimber gun cradle and baseand accompanied by a smallbooklet covering loss,recovery and restoration ofthe Cook Cannons off theEast coast of Australia in1969. The Cannons wereplanned as a limited unique100 Edition but only 50 wereable to be produced. Thisminiature Cook Cannonreplica is, currently, unique and rare as no other scale model can be found ofCook’s HMB Endeavour’s 1770 cannon recovered from Endeavour reef,Queensland 1969.2005 Nov. 21 - CAPT Robert Richards RAN Senior Naval Officer VictoriaFarewell luncheon.2006 1st March 2006 - Australian Navy Foundation Day Creswell OrationLuncheon, Vice Admiral Russell Shalders AO CSC RAN Chief of Navy presentedthe 6th Creswell Oration.2006 Her Majesty’s Colonial Steam Sloop (HMCSS) Victoria: - Australia’sFirst WarshipWith the Sesqui-Centenary of HMCSSVictoria’s arrival in Port Phillip Bay in May1856, the Victoria Division Navy Leagueof Australia issued a commemorativepostal FDC utilising Australia Post’s

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issue of a special postmark at the Williamstown Post Office. For both postalcovers (Trafalgar and Victoria) the Division designed special label postagestamps and printed postal stationery. As time had dimmed the memory aboutthe significance of this vessel in Australia’s naval history this project wasconsidered important as HMCSS Victoria was Australia’s first real Warship andwas obtained by the Colony of Victoria. ‘Her Majesty’s Colonial Steam Sloop’(HMCSS) Victoria arrived in Hobson’s Bay, Port Phillip, on 31 May 1856, andwas to become the first for the Naval future that followed.2007 1st March 2007 - Australian Navy Foundation Day Creswell OrationLuncheon, Commodore Ray Griggs CSC RAN, Deputy Fleet Commanderpresented the 7th Creswell Oration.2007 Monday 1 July The Victoria Division celebrated the centenary of theAustralian Navy Cadets who

started theirtraining on 1st July1907 atW i l l i a m s t o w n ,Victoria and atother locationsaround Australia. This took the form of a special Australia Postpostmark and the issue of First Day Covers and the holding of aformal luncheon in the ANC’s honour.

2007 Nov - CAPT David Garnock CSC RAN Senior Naval officer VictoriaFarewell luncheon.2008 1st March 2008 - Australian Navy Foundation Day Creswell OrationLuncheon, VADM M Tripovich AM CSC RAN, Chief - Capability DevelopmentGroup presented the 8th Creswell Oration.2008 May - CAPT Sheldon Williams RAN Senior Naval officer Victoria Welcomeluncheon.2008 29th August Centenary of the 1908 visit by the US Great White Fleetto Melbourne was celebrated when three ships tied up at Station Pier, HMASSirius, HMAS Darwin and USS John S McCain. On Friday 29th August 2008an evening a Centenary reception was held on board USS McCain and attendedby Victorian Presidents of the Navy League, NavalAssociation and NavalHistorical Society togetherwith many other VIPs.1 Sept - US Navy visit tocelebrate the Centenary ofGreat White Fleet Luncheon

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supported by the NavalOfficers’ Club, NavalAssociation, Naval HistoricalSociety and Naval & MilitaryClub to celebrate theCentenary of the USN GreatWhite Fleet visit toMelbourne - first FederalCapital City of Australia(1901-1927). TheLuncheon was attended by32 official guests includingHE State Governor ProfDavid de Kretser AC and hiswife, US Ambassador RobertMcCallum and his wife Mimi,CDRE Clint Thomas AMRAN representing Chief ofNavy, CAPT S. WilliamsRAN Senior Naval OfficerVictoria, Navy LeagueFederal President CMDRGraham Harris RFD andmany other distinguishedguests includingrepresentatives of theCreswell and Tickell families. The function was supported by Royal AustralianNavy Band who performed magnificently. CDRE Dacre Smyth AO Legion ofHonour (Fr), former Senior Naval Officer Victoria, presented copies of his bookson his paintings, one to each of the 32 official guests, among the 136 whoattended the luncheon. The Naval Association gifted a framed Admiral Creswellprint to each of the Commanding officers of the three visiting ships and theNavy League presented them with a NLA Crest, Honorary Membership of theNavy League and a copy of Australian and British Naval Buttons 1748-2006, alocal publication, and every person who attended the luncheon received one ofthe limited edition (25 each) Navy League designed 7 Post Cards, each with aspecial Navy League-designed label stamp and cancelled with Australia Post’sspecial cancel celebrating the event. The CO of USS John McCain receivedone of three complete sets of seven post cards available to be issued from theoriginal 25 sets produced.

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2009 - 1st March 2009 - Australian Navy Foundation Day Creswell OrationLuncheon, RADM Stephen Gilmore AM CSC RAN, Commander - AustralianNavy Systems Command presented the 9th Creswell Oration.2009 25th June - HMVS Childers I; HMVS Victoria II and HMVS Albert -125th Anniversary of arrival in Port Phillip Bay1884. 1884 was the beginning of a Navalbuild up to make Victoria’s Colonial Navypowerful enough to repel attacks and defendPort Phillip. It became the strongest of all theColonies. Federation in 1901 saw Victoria’saccumulated Naval expertise and training applied as from 1st March 1901,ensuring the Foundation Australian Navy’s Commonwealth Naval Force wassuccessfully launched.2009 15th August - Navy League sponsored anAnnual perpetual trophy for the Melbourne RugbyUnion Club vs HMAS Cerberus matches. Theluncheon on August 15th saw the two PresidentsLCDR Allan Jenkins RAN HMAS CERBERUS andJed Macartney Melbourne Rugby Union Clubreceive the Victoria Division’s annual Trophy andthe first award made for the match played on this day, won by Navy.2009 9th Nov - Luncheon at Toorak RSL Heroes Club to honour CMDR F.G.Evans OBE VRD’s outstanding service to the Navy Leagueand Australia. During the luncheon he was referred to bya former Chief of Navy, attending the luncheon, that hewas considered the unofficial Fifth member of the AustralianCommonwealth Naval Board (ACNB). During World War2the 5th Member of the ACNB was the Business member.Geoffrey left a large Trust Fund to benefit Australian NavyCadets.2010 1st March 2010 - Australian Navy Foundation DayCreswell Oration Luncheon, Chief of Navy VADM Russ Crane AO RAN,presented the 10th Creswell Oration.2011 1st March 2011 - Australian Navy Foundation Day Creswell OrationLuncheon, RADM (Prof) James Goldrick AM CSC RAN presented the 11thCreswell Oration.2011 5th Sept - Restoration of VADM Sir William R. Creswell Monument in theRAN’s “Royal” patronage Centenary year. The Navy League with the help ofMrs Rosemary Creswell (neé Dowling) discovered that HMAS Creswell

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Wardroom mess held a gilded clay model of Creswell and,comparing it with Photographs of the 1938 Navy LeagueMonument, it was surmised this may be the originalsculptor’s clay model from which the bronze bust wasobtained. The Naval Heritage Centre and the CommandingOfficer HMAS Creswell forwarded the gilded bust to HMASCerberus Museum from where the foundry confirmed, afterremoving the gilding, it was in fact the original 1938 claybust. The Navy League raised funds from public sourcesand had two bronze busts prepared, one to replace themissing bust on the marble plinth at St Kilda, the other as aRoyal Centenary year Navy League gift to HMAS Creswellwhich had never had a bronze bust of Creswell. The Navalheritage Centre provided the Naval College with a superbtimber stand for the College bust. The unveiling of therestored St Kilda monument was carried out by Chief of

VADM Ray Griggs AO unveils restored VADM Creswell monument .L-R : Rosemary Creswell ,VADM Griggs , Elizabeth Sevior, HMAS Cerberus sailors in background, honouringthe occasion.Right: Restored monument with added 2011 bronze plaque below original 1938 plaque.

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Navy VADM Ray Griggs AO RAN aided by Mrs Rosemary Creswell and MrsElizabeth Sevior (neé Creswell). The entire Creswell family attended fromaround Australia.

2011-2012 President LCDR John REDMAN RAN, Engineer Officer RAN 1st March 2012 - Australian Navy Foundation Day Creswell Oration Luncheon,Chief of Navy VADM Ray Griggs AM CSC RAN presented the 12th CreswellOration.

2012 - President LCDR Roger BLYTHMAN LLB RFD, RANR S o l i c i t o r ,former ADC to State Governor, MemberMelbourne Club, 24th. NLA Victoria Pres.,Senior Officer NID RANR HMAS Lonsdale.CMDR Furlonger joined the committee2013 Friday 1st March 2013 - AustralianNavy Foundation Day Creswell OrationLuncheon, VADM Peter Jones AM CSCRAN presented the 13th Creswell Oration.The next day, Saturday 2nd March, an RAN Ceremony was held to unveil abronze plaque for the Centenary of the Naval College at Osborne House, NorthGeelong. A large Naval Guard, Chief of Navy and many servingand retired Senior officers attended. The Osborne ParkAssociation organised a museum display to which the Navy

Left: Australia Post specialCancel arranged by NavyLeague.

Right:Label Stamp designed byNavy league of Australia VictoriaDivision

CMDR FurlongerLCDR Blythman

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League in Victoria’s members loaned some significantitems for display and the Creswell family theirmemorabilia. The Navy League also organised withAustralia Post for a special postal cancel for the eventand produced a First Day Covers and Post cards anddesigned a label stamp.2014 1st March - Australian Navy Foundation DayCreswell Oration Luncheon, Fleet Commander RADM TimBarrett AM CSC RAN presented the 14th CreswellOration. Jane Teasdale joined the Executive Committee.

2015 1st March - Australian Navy Foundation Day Creswell Oration Luncheon,Fleet Commander RADM Stuart Mayer AM CSC RAN presented the 15thCreswell Oration.

2015 9th Oct NLA Victoria-Tasmania Division celebration of Centenary ofNavy League in Victoria. A Centenary Dinner is planned for 14 Nov 2015 inthe Box Hill RSL “Upton Room”. The Navy League requested Australia Postprovide a suitable commemorative cancel and the League designed a FirstDay Cover and Post Cards and printed a Navy League designed Label stamp

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for the occasion.

2016 1st March - Australian Navy Foundation Day Creswell Oration Luncheon,VADM David Johnston AO to present the 16th Creswell Oration.

2016 13th March - Inaugural Navy League “Lonsdale Cup” event at RoyalVictorian Motor Yacht Club is planned to celebrate the Australian NavyFoundation Day 1st March 1901. The Cup was introduced by the Little Ships’Club (LSC), former Naval Auxiliary Patrol NAP members 1940-1945. In lateryears the LSC amalgamated with the RVMYC.

The Lonsdale Cup was named after HMAS Lonsdale, the NAP wartimeheadquarters. The Lonsdale name honoured Victoria’s Colonial Chief Agent ofGovernment for NSW’s Port Phillip District 1836-1839 who was also involvedin the acquisition of Australia’s, the British Empire’s first Colonial warship, HMVSVictoria in 1856.

In 1884 the Colony of Victoria honoured the work of Lonsdale by naming aVictorian warship after him. The warship was transferred to the FoundationAustralian Navy on 1st March 1901 and was referred to as HMAS Lonsdaleuntil decommissioned in 1914. The name Lonsdale was again used by Navywhen applied it to the Port Melbourne Naval Reserve Depot 1940-1992.

“Lonsdale Cup” celebrating Australian Navy’s Foundation Day 1st March 1901

Lonsdale Cup

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Naval Ship Visits and Navy League WelcomeLuncheon events

Vice President Frank McCarthy, the Navy League of Australia Victoria Division’s”Welcome Ship Ambassador” over the last 18 years has greeted and farewelled104 visiting Naval ships to Port Phillip and Melbourne,including Shore Establishments (Stone Frigates) andselected servicemen and women.

The late 1990s had seen the Division continue thewelcome luncheons for ships that LCDR John Bird RNR,during his Presidency, had established so successfully.These became a Navy League tradition that CMDR JohnWilkins continued through his Presidency. At theseluncheons VP Frank gave short topical addresses.

Many Naval ship visits have been of such short durationthat hosting by the Victoria Division of their CO & XO at a Welcome Luncheon isnot always possible. However the League’s Welcome Ambassador FrankMcCarthy personally contacts and welcomes them, rarely missing greeting andfarewelling them.

A feature of the Welcome luncheons is that visiting ship guests are expected topresent a short informal address regarding their ship and navy and be preparedfor a “Chatham House Rules” Q&A session. This proved a very successfulprocedure allowing guests and members attending to appreciate the Naval servicetrends and the personal side of naval service. Credit must be given to US ConsulGeneral Tex Harris during a USN ship visit when he suggested a frank friendlyexpression of opinion should be aired around the luncheon table, and weimmediately launched into it and this became a feature of all luncheons. Duringthe luncheon gifts were exchanged and included a known Naval artist, CDREDacre Smyth, who presented a range of his published art books to guests, andCMDR Wilkins presented a rangeof his Naval publications in additionto Navy League Crests, glassesand other gifts. At each luncheon,table brochures highlighting thevisitor’s ship or background havebeen prepared.

Frank McCarthy has participatedin 78 Welcome Luncheons, overthe past 18 years, which hosted104 ships. A “Creswell Oration” luncheon

Frank McCarthy

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List of Navy League volunteers’ Welcome Luncheons for those hosted fromvisiting Naval ships, Stone Frigates or for selected Naval personel.

1996 USS California 24 Oct. USS Arkansas 24 Oct.

1997USS Ranier CAPT K Cummings & CAPT Williams

20 Mar.USS Antietam LCDR Smith & LCDR Dyne

representing CO & XO 20 Mar.USS Curts 9 Apr.USS Fife 9 Apr.USS Mt. Hood 28 Apr.USS Cimarron 28 Apr.HMAS Warrnambool LCDR Glen Forrest RAN 11

Jul.FNS La Moqueuse 11 Jul.HMAS Betano (LCH) 10 Oct.HMAS Success 24 Oct.USS David Ray CMDR William Dewes & Mrs

Janice Dewes, LCDR Joseph Huey and Mrs Huey,Consul General Tex and Jeanie Harris, NavalAttaché CAPT Rivers Cleveland and MrsCleveland.

HMAS Torrens CMDR Victor Jones 3rd Nov.HMAS Melbourne 5th Dec.

1998USS Ford FFG54 - Friday 30 Jan. CMDR Steve

Keith & Prov. CO CMDR George McCaffrey USNUSS Sacramento - Thursday 5th Feb., CMDR

Richard O’Hanlon LCDR Tim Crawford USNHMAS Brisbane 6 Mar.HMAS Brisbane 3 Jul. CMDR Peter Leschen LCDR

Martin BrookerUSS Russell 7th. Aug. CMDR Edward Boorda and

CMDR Brenda Boorda (wife)HMAS Adelaide 2nd. Nov. CAPT Lee Cordner RAN

CMDR David Johnston

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USS Thach 2nd. Nov. CMDR Thomas GoodallUSN, LCDR John Carroll USN, LIEUT Jnr Gr TedMuhler USN (Ops Officer), LIEUT Jnr Gr NickRusso USN (Supply Officer).

HMAS Success 2nd. Nov. CAPT Anthony FlintCSC RAN, CMDR Chris Curtis RAN.

HMAS Melbourne, 2nd. Nov. CMDR Peter JonesRAN, LCDR David Hunter RAN.

HMAS Fremantle 2nd Nov. LIEUT Nick Roche RANand a P.O.

NZ NUSHIP Te Mana 2nd Nov. CMDR Tony ParrRNZN, LCDR Keith Robb RNZN.

(The above 5 ships were entertained at a NavyLeague Welcome Luncheon at the Naval & MilitaryClub with VIPs guests - H.E. Sir Zelman and LadyCowan (former Governor General), Sir JamesBalderstone, US Consul Paul Fitzgerald, RADMSimon Harrington RAN, US Consul General TexHarris, CDRE Alex Morrison RYCV, CDRE IanPurvis RAN and Mrs Purvis, Brigadier Rossi RSL.

HMCS Ottowa 16th Nov. CMDR Richard BergeronRCN, LCDR Ron Lloyd RCN.

USS Valley Forge CG50 16th Nov.USS Elliott DD96 Friday 16th Nov. CMDR Steven

Strausser USN.1999

USS Hopper 5th. Feb LCDR Peter Schlise USN,LIEUT Scott Shepherd USN.

USS Fletcher 5th. Feb.USS Paul Hamilton 5th. Feb CMDR James Hiser

USN, LCDR Bill Pinto USN.HMNZS Te Kaha 5th. Feb.HMAS Fremantle 27th Feb.USS Blue Ridge 1st Mar. CAPT John (Jay) Donnelly

USN, VADML Walter F.Doran USN US 7th Fleethosted Navy League guests - Pres. CMDR JohnWilkins, VPres Neil Baird & Gavan Burn (Sec).

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USS Carl Vinson (at sea) 1st. Mar.

FNS Nivose 3rd May Capitaine de CorvetteJounel FN , LIEUT de Vaisseau Tibles FN, MXavier Babonneau Consul de Frances

HMNZS Te Kaha 5th Jun. CMDR G.R.(Ross)Smith RNZN, LCDR Tony Miller RNZN.

USS David Ray 6th Sept. CMDR Clifton E.Perkins Jnr USN.

2000USS John Paul Jones DDG53 28th Feb. CMDR

Thomas F. Carey USN LCDR Kevin JohnsonUSN ( 75th Anniversary of the USN Fleet in1925. Special Luncheon brochure prepared).

HMAS Shoalwater 25th Jun. LCDR Mike MaleyRAN, LIEUT Mike Parker RAN.

HMAS Westralia, 0-195; Oiler, 13th Oct. CMDRBrian Cowden RAN LCDR Tom Meuller RAN

HMCS Calgary FFH335; Frigate, 31st Oct.HMAS Bunbury 217 “Fremantle Class Patrol

Boat”, 25th Nov. at Launceston for NLATasmania Centenary celebrations and NLA AGM- CO LCDR Michelle Miller. Navy LeagueVictoria designed, printed First Day covers andTable Brochures and prepared a label stampsfor the event.

2001USS Shiloh CG67 Cruiser, 17th Jan.USS Camden AOE-2 Fast Combat Support Ship,

25th Jan.USS Chosin CG65 Cruiser 9th Apr. CAPT Peter

Dapit USN, LCDR Al Demarais USN .USS Benfold DDG65 Destroyer, 9th Apr. CAPT

Adam Levitt USN, LCDR Daniel CunninghamUSN.

USS Rainier AOE-7 Fast Combat Support Ship9th Apr. CAPT Kendall Card USN, CMDR JamesJames Hale USN.

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USS Walter S. Diehl T-AO193 UnderwayReplenishment Oiler 9th Apr. Master CaptainDan La Porte, & Chief Officer.

HMAS Warramunga FFH152 Frigate 4th MayFederation & Australian Commonwealth NavyCentenary Luncheon.

HMAS Adelaide FFG01 Frigate 4th MayFederation & Australian Commonwealth NavyCentenary Luncheon

HMAS Darwin FFG04 Frigate 4th May Federation& Australian Commonwealth Navy CentenaryLuncheon

HMAS Success OR-304 Underway ReplenishmentOiler - 1st Jun.

HMAS Brisbane DDG41 – Destroyer paying offcruise 14th Sept. - Invited to inaugural FoundationDay Luncheon (Creswell Oration).

HMAS Waller SSG75 – Submarine CO. LCDRBrett Sampson RAN, 15th Oct.

HMAS Huon MHC 82 Coastal Mine Hunter CO.CMDR. John Griffith RAN, 2nd Nov.

HMAS Hawkesbury MHC83 Costal MinehunterC.O. LCDR George McGuire RAN, 2nd Nov.

2002 FNS Nivose F732 – Frigate C.O. CAPT. Phillipe

Dutrieux FN, 15th Feb.HMAS (NUSHIP) Stuart FFH153 – Frigate 1st Mar.

CO CMDR David Greaves RAN, XO LCDR LeeGoddard RAN, Guests at Creswell Oration.

HMAS Warramunga, 1st Mar. CO CMDR IanMiddleton

HMNZS Canterbury F421-Frigate 26th Apr. COCMDR Dean McDougall RAN

USS. Bridge AOE10 - Fast Combat Support Ship7th May CO. CAPT. Carol Pottenger USNR

FNS Floreal – Frigate C.O. CMDR Pascal PiatFN, 30 Oct.


Naval Ship Visits and Navy League Welcome

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HMAS Cerberus-Stone Frigate 1 Mar. for CreswellOration Senior Naval Officer Victoria CAPT ClintThomas RAN

INS Amerigo Vespucci - Sail Training ship, CO CAPTGuiseppe Culietta IN 7th Apr.

HMAS Waller SSG75 – Submarine CO. LCDRJason Cupples RAN, 14th Apr.

HMNZS Endeavour Frigate 5th May, CO CMDRChris Hoey RNZN.

HMAS Stuart - Frigate 16th Jun. XO LCDR LeeGoddard RAN

JDS Sawagiri - Frigate 30th Jun. CO CMDRMamoru Miyazaki IJN.

JDS Hamayuli - Frigate 30th Jun. CO CMDRMasato Muri IJN.

NUSHIP Parramatta 8th Sept. CO CMDR MichaelNoonan RAN.

HMAS Rankin Submarine 1st Oct. LCDR DougTheobald.

2004USS Port Royal 18th Feb. CO. CAPT. Patrick Allen

USN.HMAS Cerberus-Stone Frigate 1 Mar. for Creswell

Oration - Senior Naval Officer Victoria CAPT BobRichards RAN.

HMAS Parramatta 28 Mar. Supply Officer LIEUTChris Jones RAN.

HMAS Ballarat 1 Nov. CO CMDR David HunterRAN.

HMAS Melbourne 1 Nov. CO CMDR VerranDutschke RAN.

MSA Bandicoot 1 Nov. O-I-C CPO Alan HartRAN.

2005HMAS Cerberus-Stone Frigate 1 Mar. for “Creswell

Oration” - Senior Naval Officer Victoria CAPT BobRichards RA.

HMAS Ballarat 1 Mar. CO CMDR David HunterRAN

Naval Ship Visits and Navy League Welcome

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HMAS Toowoomba 1 Mar. CO CMDR GregSammut RAN.HMAS Melbourne 3 Jun. CO CMDR TonyRaeside RAN.

HMAS Success 12 Sept. CO CMDR StephenO’Brien RAN.

2006HMAS Yarra 13 Feb. CO CMDR Milton Treeby

RAN.HMAS Cerberus-Stone Frigate 1 Mar. for “Creswell

Oration” - Senior Naval Officer Victoria CAPT DavidGarnock RAN.

Welcome to Senior Naval Officer Victoria CAPTDavid Garnock RAN 29 May.

HMVS Victoria Sesqui-centenary Luncheon 31stMay. - Australia’s first warship.

Mexican ARM Cuauntemoc 30 Jun. CO CAPTRoberto Gonzales.

Dutch replica Vessel Duyfken 30 Jun. Master GaryWilson.

2007HMAS Cerberus-Stone Frigate 1 Mar. for “Creswell

Oration” - Senior Naval Officer Victoria CAPTDavid Garnock RAN.

HMAS Yarra 1 Mar. CO LCDR Sean AndrewsRAN.

HMAS Arunta - Monday 28th Aug.HMAS Sirius (ex “MV Delos”) 26 Apr. CO CMDR

Tim Crawford.

2008 HMAS Cerberus-Stone Frigate 1 Mar. for “Creswell

Oration” - Senior Naval Officer Victoria CAPTSheldon Williams RAN.

HMAS Parramatta 1 Mar. CO CMDR Lee GoddardRAN.

Welcome to Senior Naval Officer Victoria CAPTSheldon Williams RAN 7 May.

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Naval Ship Visits and Navy League Welcome

USS John S McCain 29 Aug. US Great White FleetCentenary Luncheon CO CMDR John Banigan USN.

HMAS Sirius 29 Au. US Great White Fleet CentenaryLuncheon CO CMDR Alex Hawes RAN.

HMAS Darwin 29 Aug. US Great White Fleet CentenaryLuncheon in the distinguished presence of StateGovernor Prof David de Kretser and Mrs De Kretser,US Ambassador McCallum and Mrs Mccallum and 100guests. CO CMDR Craig Powell RAN.

HMAS Tobruk 5 Nov. CO CMDR Peter Thompson RAN2009

HMAS Cerberus-Stone Frigate 1 Mar. for “CreswellOration” - Senior Naval Officer Victoria CAPT SheldonWilliams RAN

HMCS Winnipeg 25 Jun. CMDR Robert Ferguson RCNHMAS Childers 25 Jun. CO Matt Richardson and half

(35) of the ships company to celebrate the 125thAnniversary of HMVS Childers II, HMVS Victoria IIHMVS Albert arrival in Colonial Victoria.

The welcome luncheon was held in the distinguishedVice Regal presence of State Governor Prof David deKretser AC and Mrs de Kretser, Councillor David andMrs Sue Balfour from Baw Baw Shire that containsVictoria’s Childers region and SNOVictoria CAPTSheldon Williams RAN. The next day the Navy Leaguearranged for other half of Childers crew to beentertained at the State Library of Victoria for a tourconducted by the State Librarian, followed by anafternoon tea. The Navy League’s Victoria Divisionarranged for an Australia Post commemorative cancelto celebrate the event and produced First Day Covers,Post cards and a label stamp for the event. with copiesfor the crew.

HMAS Melbourne Welcome luncheon CO CMDRAllison Norris RAN 2 Nov.

Farewell to Senior Naval Officer Victoria CAPT SheldonWilliams RAN 25 Nov.

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Naval Ship Visits and Navy League Welcome

2010HMAS Cerberus-Stone Frigate 1 Mar 2010 for

“Creswell Oration” - Senior Naval Officer VictoriaCAPT Mark Hill RAN.

HMAS Sydney 27 Oct. CO CMDR Peter Leavy RANCelebration of Centenary of the arrival of HMAS

Parramatta (1) and HMAS Yarra (1) 10 Dec.1910.2011

HMAS Cerberus-Stone Frigate 1 Mar. for “CreswellOration” - Senior Naval Officer Victoria CAPT MarkHill RAN.

USS Shoup, 1 Mar. welcome at “Creswell Oration”CO CMDR Joe Nadeau USN.

FNS Vendemiaire – Frigate C.O. CMDR Stan deChargere FN, 20 Jun.

VADM Creswell Monument Restoration 5 Sept 2011 atst Kilda . Guests - VADM Ray Griggs AO RAN Chiefof Navy, CAPT. Brett Chandler RAN HMAS Creswell,CAPT Mark Hill RAN SNOV CO-HMAS Cerberus,Creswell family and over 100 guests at RoyalMelbourne Yacht Squadron (RMYS). After theunveiling in the RMYS an afternoon tea and apresentation of a Creswell Bronze bust to the NavalCollege. This was the RAN’s “ROYAL” patronagecentenary year.

2012HMAS Cerberus-Stone Frigate 1 Mar. for “Creswell

Oration” - Senior Naval Officer Victoria CAPT KathRichards RAN.

HMAS Warramunga 5 Nov. CO CMDR Michael TurnerRAN.

FNS Vendemiaire – Frigate C.O. CMDR Joffrey GuerryFN, 22 Nov.

2013HMAS Cerberus-Stone Frigate 1 Mar. for “Creswell

Oration” - Senior Naval Officer Victoria CAPT KathRichards RAN, CAPT Brett Chandler (HMASCreswell) RAN.

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Centenary of the Opening of Australia’s first navalCollege - Osborne House, North Geelong. CelebrationSat. 2 Mar. with an armed RAN guard. Navy Leagueassisted by loaning many items to the Osborne ParkAssociation’s temporary museum for the event andarranging with Australia Post for a special postalCancel, First Day Cover, Post cards and Label stampdesign from Navy League.

STS Young Endeavour RAN, sail training yacht11 Sept. CO LCDR Mike Gough. Navy League’sWelcome luncheon at Royal Yacht Club of Victoria

HMAS. Perth - 25 Sept. CO CAPT Lee Goddard RAN.& XO CMDR Chris Leece RAN- enroute to Sydneyfor 1 Oct 1913 first ‘Fleet Review’ centenary.

HMS Daring 25 Sept. CO CMDR Angus EssenhighRN & LCDR Steve Wall RN enroute to Sydney for 1Oct 1913 first ‘Fleet Review’ centenary. WelcomeNavy League Luncheon with Daring and Perth guestsand the British Consul General, Gareth Hoar.

2014HMAS Cerberus-Stone Frigate 1 Mar. for “Creswell

Oration” - Senior Naval Officer Victoria CAPT SteveBowater CSC RAN.

HMAS Yarra IV 1 Mar. CO Brendan O’HaraHMAS Yarra II 4 Mar. receiving Unit Citation for

Gallantry at Melbourne Docklands from HE theGovernor General as Constitutional Commander ofNaval and Military Forces of the Commonwealth.HMAS Yarra IV was present and Navy Leaguepresented every member of HMAS Yarra IV crew witha personal gift and a folder of the 1942 honourbestowed on their ship.

2015HMAS Cerberus-Stone Frigate 1 Mar. for “Creswell

Oration” - Senior Naval Officer Victoria CAPT SteveBowater CSC RAN

NUSHIP Adelaide 1 Mar. Ship’s representative CMDRStephen Zilco RAN attended Creswell Oration asguest of Navy League.

Naval Ship Visits and Navy League Welcome

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HMAS Melbourne visited Melbourne for a shortstay and Navy League representatives, VicePresident Frank McCarthy and CMDR GraemeFurlonger RANR, welcomed CMDR Bill WatersRAN and his crew. They were presented with arange of gifts - NLA Vic Glasses for theWardroom Mess and Honorary Membership ofthe Navy League for the CO and WardroomMess.

As CMDR Waters father had served on theExecutive committee of the Navy League inVictoria, up until his death, a special gift of aminiature Cook Cannon and Anchor waspresented to CMDR Waters as an indication ofthe high esteem in which his father had beenheld.

Mrs Mary Waters, CMDR Waters mother, is anHon Member of the Navy League of AustraliaVictoria -Tasmania Division.

Naval Ship Visits and Navy League Welcome