NB LIGHTING Outdoor Lighting Solutions

NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

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Page 1: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

NB LIGHTINGO u t d o o r L i g h t i n g S o l u t i o n s

Page 2: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

NNBB LLIIGGHHTTIINNGG -- NNIIKKOOLLOOPPOOUULLOOSS BBRROOSS was founded in 1958.Counting a presence of more than half a century in the GreekLighting Market is one of the oldest manufacturers of lightingproducts in Greece.

Widely known in the lighting market, we count several loyalwholesale clients within the entire territory of Greece, Cyprusand Balkans, constantly gaining their preference andsatisfaction.

With consistency and responsibility toward our customers weoffer solutions to the lighting needs of private andprofessional places by offering immediate services withquality and long-lasting products.

The products of our plant unit are marked "CE" according tothe European Standard EN. 60598.1 accredited by ELOT(Hellenic Standardisation Organisation).


Page 3: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

∏ ∂∆∞πƒ∂π∞

H NNBB LLIIGGHHTTIINNGG –– ∞∞ºº√√ππ ¡¡ππ∫∫√√§§√√¶¶√√ÀÀ§§√√ππ ȉڇıËΠÙÔ 1958 Î·È ·ÔÙÂÏ› Ì›· ·fi ÙȘ ÚÒÙ˜ Î·È ·Ï·ÈfiÙÂÚ˜ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›˜·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹˜ ʈÙÈÛÙÈÎÒÓ ÛÙËÓ ∂ÏÏ¿‰·.



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Page 4: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :



Length x Width



Class I : Single insulation – Earthing is needed

Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required

Suitable to inflammable surface


IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm

IP 41 : Protection against solid > 1mm and dripping water

IP 43 : Protection against solid > 1mm and rain

IP 44 : Protection against solid > 1mm and water splashing

IP 54 : Protection against powder and water splashing

IP 65 : Dust tight and protected against water jets

CERTIFICATION Our company has sent samples and received "CE" quality certification for its productsafter tests and trials that were carried out in the laboratories of ELOT (HellenicOrganisation for Standarisation SA) in Athens. Materials and parts used in productshave all the appropriate specifications. (ISO, ELOT, CE). The company carries out qualitycontrols and tests during all stages of production to identify any faults and reassureproduct quality. For this reason, the company hires qualified personnel that constantlyattend training seminars organized by certified institutions of the field. Finally, ourtechnical department has created an archive of files referring to our products includingtests and trials results carried out in ELOT, as well as all technical details, which are alsoembossed written on the products as required by EN6059.1 specification.

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Class I : ∞Ï‹ ÌfiÓˆÛË – ∏ Á›ˆÛË Â›Ó·È ··Ú·›ÙËÙË

Class II : ¢ÈÏ‹ ÌfiÓˆÛË – ∏ ÚÔÛÙ·Û›· Á›ˆÛ˘ ‰ÂÓ Â›Ó·È ··Ú·›ÙËÙË



IP 20 : ¶ÚÔÛÙ·Û›· ·fi ÛÙÂÚ¿ ۈ̷ٛ‰È· ÌÂÁ·Ï‡ÙÂÚ· ·fi 12mm

IP 41 : ¶ÚÔÛÙ·Û›· ·fi ÛÙÂÚ¿ ۈ̷ٛ‰È· ÌÂÁ·Ï‡ÙÂÚ· ·fi 1mm Î·È ÛÙ¿˙ÔÓÙ· ‡‰·Ù·

IP 43 : ¶ÚÔÛÙ·Û›· ·fi ÛÙÂÚ¿ ۈ̷ٛ‰È· ÌÂÁ·Ï‡ÙÂÚ· ·fi 1mm Î·È ·fi ‚ÚÔ¯‹

IP 44 : ¶ÚÔÛÙ·Û›· ·fi ÛÙÂÚ¿ ۈ̷ٛ‰È· ÌÂÁ·Ï‡ÙÂÚ· ·fi 1mm Î·È ·fi ÂÎÙÈÓ·ÛÛfiÌÂÓ· ‡‰·Ù·

IP 54 : ¶ÚÔÛÙ·Û›· ·fi ÙË ÛÎfiÓË Î·È ·fi ÂÎÙÈÓ·ÛÛfiÌÂÓ· ‡‰·Ù·

IP 65 : √ÏÈ΋ ÚÔÛÙ·Û›· ·fi ÙË ÛÎfiÓË Î·È ·fi ‡‰·Ù· ÂÎÙÔÍ¢fiÌÂÓ· Ì ›ÂÛË

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Page 6: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


SPECIAL PRODUCTIONAs a producer, NB LIGHTING offers various specialconstructions upon the models of the factory to serve allthe constructing and architectural features.There is a big variety of colourings available for aluminiumand brass models, where polyester powder coating UVresistant is applied. In plastic models there is also a widevariety of colourings for minimum 500 pieces, while white,black and grey are stock colours. Stock colours for globesare white, fume and transparent.Brass products can be polished with appropriate varnishesoffering a different texture to the matterial. Also, twodifferent finishes are available: chromium and chromiummat.Products can be differentiated in terms of length of poles,extra stuffing or decorative screws in bulkheads and wallsconces, hole opening in both sides of the lighting in orderto have entry and exit of the cable or in the base of thelighting in order to place it in ceiling. Also, the lamp holdercan be replaced in order to create space for a bigger lampor a second lamp holder can be adjusted for safetylighting. In certain models different lamp holders can beselected (G9, GY 6.35-12V, GX53), according to the lampand the volt that need to be applied by the customer. LEDlighting can be installed in the majority of our models.For any further information or any question regardingspecial constructions do not hesitate to contact ourtechnical department and we will direct you to create yourown special model.


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Finish / Xڈ̷ÙÔÏfiÁÈÔ

Grey / °ÎÚ›

Ecru / EÎÚÔ‡

Textured silver / AÛËÌ› Û·ÁÚ¤ 3

Silver antique / AÓÙÈΤ ·ÛËÌ›

Blue / MϤ

Black / M·‡ÚÔ

Hammered silver/black™Ê˘Ú›Ï·ÙÔ ·ÛËÌ›/Ì·‡ÚÔ

Hammered black/silver™Ê˘Ú›Ï·ÙÔ Ì·‡ÚÔ/·ÛËÌ›

* All colours are by electrostatic paint using polyester pÔwder coating.

* T· ¯ÚÒÌ·Ù· Â›Ó·È ËÏÂÎÙÚÔÛÙ·ÙÈ΋ ‚·Ê‹ Û ÊÔ‡ÚÓÔ ÔÏ˘ÌÂÚÈÛÌÔ‡ Ô‡‰Ú·˜. H Ô‡‰Ú· ‚·Ê‹˜ Â›Ó·È Ù‡Ô˘ polyester.

Textured ecru / EÎÚÔ‡ Û·ÁÚ¤Green / K˘·ÚÈÛÛ›

White / §Â˘ÎfiGolden / XÚ˘Ûfi

Bronze / MÚÔÓ˙¤

Anthracite / AÓıڷΛ

Golden antique / AÓÙÈΤ ¯Ú˘Ûfi

Ecru antique / AÓÙÈΤ ÂÎÚÔ‡ Red / KfiÎÎÈÓÔ

Rust 3 / ™ÎÔ˘ÚÈ¿ 3SK3










Hammered copper™Ê˘Ú›Ï·ÙÔ X·ÏÎÔ‡

Textured blackM·‡ÚÔ Û·ÁÚ¤

Hammered gold™Ê˘Ú›Ï·ÙÔ ¯Ú˘Ûfi

Copper antique / AÓÙÈΤ ¯·ÏÎÔ‡

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Index / PlasticsA


& A


























page / 48page / 46page / 44page / 42page / 40page / 38page / 32page / 26page / 24page / 16

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Index / AluminiumG




















page / 86page / 82page / 78page / 76page / 72page / 68page / 66page / 62page / 58page / 52

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Index / AluminiumC










RA /































page / 130page / 126page / 124page / 116page / 106page / 96page / 94page / 92page / 88

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Index / BrassG




















page / 168page / 164page / 162page / 158page / 154page / 152page / 144page / 140page / 134 page / 148



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Index / Nickel



















page / 218page / 214page / 212page / 208page / 204page / 202page / 198page / 194page / 190


page / 184



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Index / Posts & HeadsIndex / Globes
























page / 258page / 254page / 248page / 244page / 238page / 234

Index / fluorescentIndex / Floodlights











page / 278page / 272page / 268



page / 282



page / 284





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ARIA and ARIA mini series are ideal for lighting exteriorgarden areas, paths, and stairs. Plastic is always an easy-going and modern material, especially the new trendversion in grey colour. ARIA bulkheads are available withframe, guard or cover and can also be differentiated bythe three-option diffuser available: clear glass, opal glassor opal polycarbonate. The vandalproof polycarbonatediffuser is the preferable choice for open access areas.

ARIA & ARIA mini


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PRODUCT FEATURES> Polypropylene (PP) housing and guard> UV resistant material> Clear or opal glass diffuser> With aluminium reflector and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry> IP 41> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

Art. 12 > > > Plastic bulkhead with clear glass diffuser¶Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ¯ÂÏÒÓ· Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔARIA mini

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-947 12 F BK 178¯123mm 115mm 60W 15W E2700-00-948 12 F WH 178¯123mm 115mm 60W 15W E2700-00-949 12 F GR 178¯123mm 115mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-047 12 BK 178¯123mm 115mm 60W 15W E2700-00-012 12 WH 178¯123mm 115mm 60W 15W E2700-00-244 12 GR 178¯123mm 115mm 60W 15W E27

Art. 12 F > > > Plastic bulkhead with opal glass diffuser¶Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ¯ÂÏÒÓ· Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï›ARIA mini


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CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-081 12X/100 BK 210¯108mm 99mm 100W 20W E2700-00-125 12X/100 WH 210¯108mm 99mm 100W 20W E2700-00-251 12X/100 GR 210¯108mm 99mm 100W 20W E27

Art. 12X/100 > > > Plastic bulkhead with clear glass diffuser¶Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ¯ÂÏÒÓ· Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï› ARIA

Art. 12XF/100 > > > Plastic bulkhead with opal glass diffuser¶Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ¯ÂÏÒÓ· ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï› ARIA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Polypropylene (PP) housing and frame> UV resistant material> Clear or opal glass diffuser> With aluminium reflector and porcelain lampholder> ∞lso available for G23 7W lamp upon request> Rear cable entry> IP 41> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-950 12XF/100 BK 210¯108mm 99mm 100W 20W E2700-00-951 12XF/100 WH 210¯108mm 99mm 100W 20W E2700-00-952 12XF/100 GR 210¯108mm 99mm 100W 20W E27

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Art. 12PX > > > Plastic bulkhead with opal polycarbonate diffuser¶Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ¯ÂÏÒÓ· Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿ÙARIA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-156 12PX BK 210¯108mm 95mm 60W 20W E2700-00-119 12PX WH 210¯108mm 95mm 60W 20W E2700-00-250 12PX GR 210¯108mm 95mm 60W 20W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Polypropylene (PP) housing and frame> Opal polycarbonate diffuser> UV resistant material> With aluminium reflector and porcelain lampholder> ∞lso available for G23 7W lamp upon request> Rear cable entry> IP 41> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards


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Art. 12/100 > > > Plastic bulkhead with clear glass diffuser¶Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ¯ÂÏÒÓ· Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï› ARIA

Art. 12F/100 > > > Plastic bulkhead with opal glass diffuser¶Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ¯ÂÏÒÓ· ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï› ARIA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Polypropylene (PP) housing and guard> UV resistant material> Clear or opal glass diffuser> With aluminium reflector and porcelain lampholder> ∞lso available for G23 7W lamp upon request> Rear cable entry> IP 41> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-168 12/100 BK 210¯108mm 104mm 100W 20W E2700-00-123 12/100 WH 210¯108mm 104mm 100W 20W E2700-00-270 12/100 GR 210¯108mm 104mm 100W 20W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-953 12F/100 BK 210¯108mm 104mm 100W 20W E2700-00-954 12F/100 WH 210¯108mm 104mm 100W 20W E2700-00-955 12F/100 GR 210¯108mm 104mm 100W 20W E27


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Art. 12P > > > Plastic bulkhead with opal polycarbonate diffuser¶Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ¯ÂÏÒÓ· Ì Á˘·Ï› opal ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿ÙARIA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Polypropylene (PP) housing and guard> Opal polycarbonate diffuser> UV resistant materials> With aluminium reflector and porcelain lampholder> ∞lso available for G23 7W lamp upon request> Rear cable entry> IP 41> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-051 12 P BK 210¯108mm 104mm 60W 20W E2700-00-128 12 P WH 210¯108mm 104mm 60W 20W E2700-00-026 12 P GR 210¯108mm 104mm 60W 20W E27


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Art. 50/100 > > > Plastic bulkhead with clear glass diffuser¶Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ¯ÂÏÒÓ· Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï› ARIA

Art. 50F/100 > > > Plastic bulkhead with opal glass diffuser¶Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ¯ÂÏÒÓ· Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï› ARIA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Polypropylene (PP) housing and cover> UV resistant material> Clear or opal glass diffuser> With aluminium reflector and porcelain lampholder> ∞lso available for G23 7W lamp upon request> Rear cable entry> IP 41> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-080 50/100 BK 210¯108mm 104mm 100W 20W E2700-00-512 50/100 WH 210¯108mm 104mm 100W 20W E2700-00-027 50/100 GR 210¯108mm 104mm 100W 20W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-956 50F/100 BK 210¯108mm 104mm 100W 20W E2700-00-957 50F/100 WH 210¯108mm 104mm 100W 20W E2700-00-958 50F/100 GR 210¯108mm 104mm 100W 20W E27


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Art. 50P > > > Plastic bulkhead with opal polycarbonate diffuser¶Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ¯ÂÏÒÓ· Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿ÙARIA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Polypropylene (PP) housing and cover> Opal polycarbonate diffuser> UV resistant materials> With aluminium reflector and porcelain lampholder> ∞lso available for G23 7W lamp upon request> Rear cable entry> IP 41> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-053 50P BK 210¯108mm 104mm 60W 20W E2700-00-511 50P WH 210¯108mm 104mm 60W 20W E2700-00-106 50P GR 210¯108mm 104mm 60W 20W E27


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As a classical wall sconce design, DELTA matchescontemporary, as well as traditional architecture. Finishoptions in black, white and grey will satisfy every colourdesign. DELTA is suitable for illuminating exterior areas ofbuildings: above doors and doorsteps, windows andagainst building walls, balconies and terraces. Shutteredcover design achieves a distinctive illuminating effect, yetoffering adequate lighting through the open diffuser part:the right choice to light and decorate.



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Art. 52 > > > Plastic wall sconce with opal polycarbonate glass¶Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ·Ï›Î· ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿ÙDELTA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Polypropylene (PP) housing and cover> Opal polycarbonate diffuser> UV resistant materials> With aluminium reflector and porcelain lampholder> ∞lso available for G23 7-9W lamp upon request> Rear cable entry> IP 43> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.2-1:89 &

EN 60598-1:97+A1:98 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-048 52 BK 255¯128mm 110mm 60W 20W E2700-00-052 52 WH 255¯128mm 110mm 60W 20W E2700-00-243 52 GR 255¯128mm 110mm 60W 20W E27


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Prisma reflects simplicity in a modern design, which issuitable for various types of architecture. This series comesout in wall sconce and garden version. Garden fixture isavailable in one and two head options, to best fit thelighting needs of the venue; ideal for pathwayillumination. Three standard colours are available: black,white and grey. G23 7-9W lamp is also applicable.



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Art. 34 > > > Plastic wall sconce with opal polycarbonate diffuser¶Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ·Ï›Î· ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ô¿Ï ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿ÙPRISMA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Polyamide (PA) housing> Opal polycarbonate diffuser> UV resistant materials> With aluminium reflector and porcelain lampholder> ∞lso available for G23 7-9W lamp upon request> Rear cable entry> IP 43> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-082 34 BK 242¯130mm 120mm 75W 20W E2700-00-034 34 WH 242¯130mm 120mm 75W 20W E2700-00-253 34 GR 242¯130mm 120mm 75W 20W E27


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Art. 36 P / 37 P / 38 P > > > Plastic post with plastic head in various heights¢·¤‰Ô˘ Ï·ÛÙÈÎfi Ì ÎÂÊ·Ï‹ Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ÌÔÓ‹PRISMA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Plastic base and pole

> Polyamide (PA) head with opal polycarbonate diffuser

> UV resistant materials and paintings

> With aluminium reflector and porcelain lampholder

> Also available for G23 7-9W lamp upon request

> Complete with wiring

> Also available in different height upon request

> IP 43

> Class II

> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-471 36 P BK 400mm 75W 20W E2700-00-472 36 P WH 400mm 75W 20W E2700-00-473 36 P GR 400mm 75W 20W E2700-00-474 37 P BK 650mm 75W 20W E2700-00-475 37 P WH 650mm 75W 20W E2700-00-476 37 P GR 650mm 75W 20W E2700-00-477 38 P BK 1150mm 75W 20W E2700-00-478 38 P WH 1150mm 75W 20W E2700-00-479 38 P GR 1150mm 75W 20W E27

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CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-480 39 P BK 400mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E2700-00-481 39 P WH 400mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E2700-00-482 39 P GR 400mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E2700-00-483 40 P BK 650mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E2700-00-484 40 P WH 650mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E2700-00-485 40 P GR 650mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E27

Art. 39 P /40 P / 41 P > > > Plastic post with plastic head in various heights¢·¤‰Ô˘ Ï·ÛÙÈÎfi Ì ÎÂÊ·Ï‹ Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ‰ÈÏ‹PRISMA

00-00-486 41 P BK 1150mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E2700-00-487 41 P WH 1150mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E2700-00-488 41 P GR 1150mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Plastic base and pole

> Polyamide (PA) head with opal polycarbonate diffuser

> UV resistant materials and paintings

> With aluminium reflector and porcelain lampholder

> Also available for G23 7-9W lamp upon request

> Complete with wiring

> Also available in different height upon request

> IP 43

> Class II

> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

Page 30: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Art. 36/37/38 > > > Aluminium post with plastic head in various heights¢·¤‰Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì ÎÂÊ·Ï‹ Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ÌÔÓ‹PRISMA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Aluminium base and pole> Polyamide (PA) head with opal polycarbonate diffuser > UV resistant materials and paintings> With aluminium reflector and porcelain lampholder> ∞lso available for G23 7-9W lamp upon request> Complete with wiring> Also available in different height upon request> IP 43> Class I> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-139 36 BK 400mm 75W 20W E2700-00-036 36 WH 400mm 75W 20W E2700-00-271 36 GR 400mm 75W 20W E2700-00-140 37 BK 650mm 75W 20W E2700-00-037 37 WH 650mm 75W 20W E2700-00-272 37 GR 650mm 75W 20W E2700-00-142 38 BK 1150mm 75W 20W E2700-00-038 38 WH 1150mm 75W 20W E2700-00-273 38 GR 1150mm 75W 20W E27


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CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-143 39 BK 400mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E2700-00-039 39 WH 400mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E2700-00-274 39 GR 400mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E2700-00-146 40 BK 650mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E2700-00-040 40 WH 650mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E2700-00-275 40 GR 650mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E27

Art. 39/40/41 > > > Aluminium post with double plastic head in various heights¢·¤‰Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì ÎÂÊ·Ï‹ Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ‰ÈÏ‹PRISMA

00-00-147 41 BK 1150mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E2700-00-041 41 WH 1150mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E2700-00-276 41 GR 1150mm 2¯75W 2¯20W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Aluminium base and pole> Polyamide (PA) head with opal polycarbonate diffuser > UV resistant materials and paintings> With aluminium reflector and porcelain lampholder> ∞lso available for G23 7-9W lamp upon request> Complete with wiring> Also available in different height upon request> IP 43> Class I> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards


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Umbra presents a complete lantern series for wall,pendant and garden application. Plastic materialcombined with a polycarbonate diffuser is a secure choicefor exterior illumination: maximum resistance againstweather conditions. Light through the prismatic diffusercreates an atmospheric illumination effect.



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CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-098 66 BK A: 198mm B: 227mm C: 330mm 75W 15W E2700-00-066 66 WH A: 198mm B: 227mm C: 330mm 75W 15W E27

Art. 66 > > > Plastic lantern with prismatic polycarbonate diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ Ï·ÛÙÈÎfi Ì Á˘·Ï› ÚÈÛÌ·ÙÈÎfi ·fi ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿ÙUMBRA




CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-099 66.1 BK A: 198mm B: 227mm C: 330mm 75W 15W E2700-00-661 66.1 WH A: 198mm B: 227mm C: 330mm 75W 15W E27

Art. 66.1 > > > Plastic lantern with prismatic polycarbonate diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ Ï·ÛÙÈÎfi Ì Á˘·Ï› ÚÈÛÌ·ÙÈÎfi ·fi ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿ÙUMBRA




PRODUCT FEATURES> Polypropylene (PP) base and body> Clear prismatic polycarbonate diffuser > UV resistant materials> Complete with wiring> With porcelain lampholder> IP 43> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards


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CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-096 66.7 BK A: 198mm B: 227mm C: 330mm 75W 15W E2700-00-667 66.7 WH A: 198mm B: 227mm C: 330mm 75W 15W E27

Art. 66.7 > > > Plastic lantern with prismatic polycarbonate diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ Ï·ÛÙÈÎfi Ì Á˘·Ï› ÚÈÛÌ·ÙÈÎfi ·fi ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿ÙUMBRA




CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-097 66.8 BK A: 198mm B: 227mm C: 330mm 75W 15W E2700-00-668 66.8 WH A: 198mm B: 227mm C: 330mm 75W 15W E27

Art. 66.8 > > > Plastic lantern with prismatic polycarbonate diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ Ï·ÛÙÈÎfi Ì Á˘·Ï› ÚÈÛÌ·ÙÈÎfi ·fi ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿ÙUMBRA




PRODUCT FEATURES> Polypropylene (PP) base and body> Clear prismatic polycarbonate diffuser > UV resistant materials> Complete with wiring> With porcelain lampholder> IP 43> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards


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CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-277 66 B BK A: 250mm B: max 700mm 75W 15W E2700-00-278 66 B WH A: 250mm B: max 700mm 75W 15W E27

Art. 66 B > > > Hanging plastic lantern with polycarbonate diffuser¶Ï·ÛÙÈÎfi ÎÚÂÌ·ÛÙfi Ê·Ó¿ÚÈ Ì Á˘·Ï› ÚÈÛÌ·ÙÈÎfi ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿ÙUMBRA



CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-279 66.7 B BK A: 250mm B: max 700mm 75W 15W E2700-00-280 66.7 B WH A: 250mm B: max 700mm 75W 15W E27

Art. 66.7 B > > > Hanging plastic lantern with polycarbonate diffuser¶Ï·ÛÙÈÎfi ÎÚÂÌ·ÛÙfi Ê·Ó¿ÚÈ Ì Á˘·Ï› ÚÈÛÌ·ÙÈÎfi ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿ÙUMBRA


PRODUCT FEATURES> Polypropylene (PP) base and body> Clear prismatic polycarbonate diffuser > Plastic suspension with adjustable length up to 70cm> UV resistant materials> Complete with wiring> With porcelain lampholder> IP 43> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards



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Art. 66 D > > > Plastic garden lantern with prismatic polycarbonate diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ Ï·ÛÙÈÎfi Ì Á˘·Ï› ÚÈÛÌ·ÙÈÎfi ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿ÙUMBRA

Art. 66.7 D > > > Plastic garden lantern with prismatic polycarbonate diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ Ï·ÛÙÈÎfi Ì Á˘·Ï› ÚÈÛÌ·ÙÈÎfi ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿ÙUMBRA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-153 66.7 D BK 390mm 75W 15W E2700-00-674 66.7 D WH 390mm 75W 15W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-154 66 D BK 390mm 75W 15W E2700-00-660 66 D WH 390mm 75W 15W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Polypropylene (PP) base and body with aluminium

cone base> Clear prismatic polycarbonate diffuser > UV resistant materials> Complete with wiring> With porcelain lampholder> IP 43> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards


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More traditional shapes are introduced with Crystal series.The clear prismatic design glass creates a classy result forthe venue. Pendant version can be combined for ceilingillumination or even applied for interior lighting.


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Art. 18 > > > Plastic lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ Ï·ÛÙÈÎfi Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔCRYSTAL

Art. 18 B > > > Hanging plastic lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ÎÚÂÌ·ÛÙfi Ï·ÛÙÈÎfi Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔCRYSTAL

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-155 18 BK A: 198mm B: 225mm C: 280mm 75W 15W E2700-00-018 18 WH A: 198mm B: 225mm C: 280mm 75W 15W E27




CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-127 18 B BK A: 193mm B: max 700mm 75W 15W E2700-00-185 18 B WH A: 193mm B: max 700mm 75W 15W E27


PRODUCT FEATURES> Polypropylene (PP) base and body> Clear glass diffuser > Plastic suspension with adjustable length up

to 70cm for Art. 18B> UV resistant materials> Complete through wiring> With porcelain lampholder and brass screws> IP 43> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards


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Planus is a simple-line ceiling lamp available in opal orclear prismatic polycarbonate diffuser. Ideal for corridors,basements or warehouse illumination. Being extremelylightweighted, Planus can be easily installed. Vandalproofpolycarbonate diffuser makes it sutable for open accessareas.



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CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-133 7 P BK º 197mm 92mm 60W 15W E2700-00-007 7 P WH º 197mm 92mm 60W 15W E2700-00-254 7 P GR º 197mm 92mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-130 7 AP BK º 197mm 92mm 60W 15W E2700-00-077 7 AP WH º 197mm 92mm 60W 15W E2700-00-255 7 AP GR º 197mm 92mm 60W 15W E27

Art. 7 P > > > Plastic ceiling lamp with opal prismatic polycarbonate diffuser¶Ï·ÊÔÓȤڷ ÔÚÔÊ‹˜ Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ Ì Á˘·Ï› ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿ÙPLANUS

Art. 7 AP > > > Plastic ceiling lamp with clear prismatic polycarbonate diffuser¶Ï·ÊÔÓȤڷ ÔÚÔÊ‹˜ Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ Ì Á˘·Ï› ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿ÙPLANUS

PRODUCT FEATURES> Polyamide (PA) base

> Polycarbonate opal or clear prismatic diffuser

> UV resistant materials

> With aluminium reflector and porcelain lampholder

> Ceiling mounted> IP 41> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards


Page 42: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

This ceiling lamp is a classic design fitting easilyincorporated in various architectures. Used inresidences or public places Plateau, offers adequatelighting compared to its size, especially wheninstalled with circular T9 22W lamp. Three-optioncolours: black, white and grey.



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CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-129 31 BK º 330mm 95mm 75W 15W E2700-00-031 31 WH º 330mm 95mm 75W 15W E2700-00-245 31 GR º 330mm 95mm 75W 15W E27

Art. 31 > > > Plastic ceiling lamp with opal polycarbonate diffuser¶Ï·ÊÔÓȤڷ ÔÚÔÊ‹˜ Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ Ì Á˘·Ï› ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿ÙPLATEAU

PRODUCT FEATURES> Polypropylene (PP) base

> Opal polycarbonate diffuser

> UV resistant materials

> With aluminium reflector and porcelain lampholder

> Also available for circular T9 22W lamp upon request> IP 41> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards


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A model designed for bed illumination, best installedeither above or on the side. Tube provides an easy toreach switch on the bottom of the fixture. Ideal forhotels or student halls, as plastic material andpolycarbonate diffuser prevent damages.



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Art. 76 > > > Plastic wall lamp with opal polycarbonate diffuser and switchºˆÙÈÛÙÈÎfi ÎÚ‚·ÙÈÔ‡ Ì Á˘·Ï› ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿Ù Î·È ‰È·ÎfiÙËTUBE

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-164 76 BK 340¯70mm 69mm 40W 15W E-1400-00-760 76 WH 340¯70mm 69mm 40W 15W E-14

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-165 76 PL BK 340¯70mm 69mm 7W G 2300-00-076 76 PL WH 340¯70mm 69mm 7W G 23

Art. 76 PL > > > Plastic wall lamp with opal polycarbonate diffuser and switch (PL lamp)ºˆÙÈÛÙÈÎfi ÎÚ‚·ÙÈÔ‡ Ì Á˘·Ï› ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿Ù Î·È ‰È·ÎfiÙË (Ï¿Ì· PL)TUBE

PRODUCT FEATURES> Polypropylene (PP) base and housing

> Opal polycarbonate diffuser

> UV resistant materials

> Complete with wiring

> With aluminium reflector and porcelain lampholder

> With switch on the bottom> IP 20> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598-2-1:89 &

EN 60598-1:97+A1:98 European Standards


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The most effective way to create a lightingatmosphere in your garden by illuminating walls ortrees is Blog. It can be easily turned towards thedesirable direction. Spike version comes out in singeand double lamp fixture, while wall version is single.



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WALL11-11-080 PAR-003 BK º 73mm 230mm 80W 23W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE11-11-046 PAR-003-1 BK º 73mm 440mm 80W 23W E2711-11-047 PAR-003-2 BK º 73mm 440mm 80W 23W E27

Art. PAR-003-1/2 > > > PAR plastic projector¶ÚÔ‚ÔÏ¿ÎÈ Ï·ÛÙÈÎfiBLOG


Art. PAR-003 / WALL > > > PAR plastic projector¶ÚÔ‚ÔÏ¿ÎÈ Ï·ÛÙÈÎfiBLOG

PRODUCT FEATURES> Polypropylene (PP) material

> UV resistant materials

> With porcelain lampholder and thermoplastic gasket> IP 44> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards


Page 48: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Fluorescent illumination for wall or ceilingapplications. As a covered lamp, Fluo is ideal forbathrooms offering bright illumination with the T818W lamp.



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> > > Fluorescent wall lamp with prismatic acrylic diffuserºˆÙÈÛÙÈÎfi Ì¿ÓÈÔ˘ ÊıÔÚÈÛÌÔ‡FLUO LINE

PRODUCT FEATURES> Iron sheet with high quality powder coating

> With prismatic acrylic diffuser

> Thermoplastic lampholder

> Built-in electronic ballast

> Ceiling or wall mounted

> This series conforms to EN60598.1

European Standards

CODE COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE12-00-019 WH 620¯58mm 92mm 1X18W T8


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Gea series includes oval die-cast aluminium bulkheads indifferent sizes and styles, wattage and diffusers. Best fittedin garden areas and stairs, bulkheads offer adequate yetdiscrete illumination to the outdoor area. Two modelscome out with two point exterior support for extrastability.


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Art. 12 C > > > Aluminium bulkhead with clear glass diffuser and exterior supportXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Î·È Â͈ÙÂÚÈ΋ ÛÙ‹ÚÈÍËGEA

Art. 12 CF > > > Aluminium bulkhead with opal glass diffuser and exterior supportXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï› Î·È Â͈ÙÂÚÈ΋ ÛÙ‹ÚÈÍËGEA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and guard> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry, side cable input-output

available upon request> Two point exterior support> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-120 12 C SI 193¯95mm 104mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-959 12 CF SI 193¯95mm 104mm 60W 15W E27


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Art. 13 P > > > Aluminium bulkhead with clear glass diffuser and exterior supportXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï› Î·È Â͈ÙÂÚÈ΋ ÛÙ‹ÚÈÍËGEA

Art. 13 PF > > > Aluminium bulkhead with opal glass and exterior supportXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï› Î·È Â͈ÙÂÚÈ΋ ÛÙ‹ÚÈÍËGEA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and guard> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry, side cable input-output

available upon request> Two point exterior support> Also available for G23 7-9W lamp upon request> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-113 13 P SI 220¯108mm 120mm 100W 20W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-960 13 PF SI 220¯108mm 120mm 100W 20W E27

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PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and guard> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal polycarbonate glass diffuser for Art.13P/PC> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry, side cable input-output

available upon request> Two point exterior support> Also available for G23 7-9W lamp upon request> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards

Art. 13 P/PC > > > Aluminium bulkhead with opal polycarbonate diffuser and exterior supportXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï› ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿Ù Î·È Â͈ÙÂÚÈ΋ ÛÙ‹ÚÈÍËGEA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-961 13 P/PC SI 220¯108mm 120mm 60W 20W E27

Page 56: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Art. 13 > > > Aluminium bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ GEA

Art. 13 F > > > Aluminium bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï› GEA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-013 13 SI 220¯108mm 120mm 100W 20W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-962 13 F SI 220¯108mm 120mm 100W 20W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and guard> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry> Also available for G23 7-9W lamp upon request> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards


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Art. 133 A > > > Aluminium bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ GEA

Art. 133 AF > > > Aluminium bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï› GEA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-240 133 A SI 225¯105mm 100mm 75W 20W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-379 133 ∞F SI 225¯105mm 100mm 75W 20W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and guard> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry, side cable input-output available upon request> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards

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Clio is a three-type -frame, guard and cover- oval bulkheadsatisfying every decorative and lighting need. Guard typeis also available in bigger size covering bigger wattageneeds. Additionally to E-27 standard edition, art. 1202 alsocomes out with G-23 7-9W lamp upon request.



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PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and frame, guard and cover> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Available in all finishes upon request> Rear cable entry> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards


Art. 1401 > > > Alouminium bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù CLIO

Art. 1402 > > > Alouminium bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù CLIO

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE10-10-037 1401 BK 212¯108mm 93mm 60W 15W E2710-10-038 1401 WH 212¯108mm 93mm 60W 15W E2710-10-039 1401 SI 212¯108mm 93mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE10-10-014 1402 BK 212¯108mm 93mm 60W 15W E2710-10-000 1402 WH 212¯108mm 93mm 60W 15W E2710-10-015 1402 SI 212¯108mm 93mm 60W 15W E27


Page 60: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Art. 1405 > > > Alouminium bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù CLIO

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE10-10-032 1405 BK 212¯108mm 93mm 60W 15W E2710-10-031 1405 WH 212¯108mm 93mm 60W 15W E2710-10-033 1405 SI 212¯108mm 93mm 60W 15W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and frame, guard and cover> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Available in all finishes upon request> Rear cable entry> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards


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PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and frame, guard and cover> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Available for G23 7-9W lamp upon request> Available in all finishes upon request> Rear cable entry> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

Art. 1202 > > > Alouminium bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù CLIO

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE10-10-023 1202 BK 280¯160mm 145mm 100W 23W E2710-10-006 1202 WH 280¯160mm 145mm 100W 23W E2710-10-024 1202 SI 280¯160mm 145mm 100W 23W E27

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Another shape with three-type versions: frame, guard andcover. The variety of types gives the opportunity to selectthe Tondo type, according to the lighting and decorativeneeds of the site. Tondo is suitable for illuminatingexterior areas of buildings: above doors and doorsteps,windows and against building walls, balconies andterraces.



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> Die-cast aluminium housing and frame, guard and cover> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Available in all finishes upon request

> Rear cable entry> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards


Art. 2401 > > > Alouminium wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï› TONDO

Art. 2403 > > > Alouminium wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï› TONDO

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE10-10-074 2401 BK 214¯142mm 97mm 60W 15W E2710-10-073 2401 WH 214¯142mm 97mm 60W 15W E2710-10-075 2401 SI 214¯142mm 97mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE10-10-019 2403 BK 214¯142mm 107mm 60W 15W E2710-10-004 2403 WH 214¯142mm 107mm 60W 15W E2710-10-020 2403 SI 214¯142mm 107mm 60W 15W E27


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> Die-cast aluminium housing and frame, guard and cover> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Available in all finishes upon request

> Rear cable entry> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

Art. 2406 > > > Alouminium wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï› TONDO

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE10-10-110 2406 BK 214¯142mm 107mm 60W 15W E2710-10-111 2406 WH 214¯142mm 107mm 60W 15W E2710-10-112 2406 SI 214¯142mm 107mm 60W 15W E27


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An unlike design, combining downward directionalillumination with an upward beam of light. Create aunique atmosphere with the lighting effect of Galea.Applicable against walls, above doors or windows andquite impressive when installed in a line against gardenwalls or pathways.



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Art. BL 2053 > > > Alouminium wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù GALEA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE11-11-061 µL 2053 BK 220¯156mm 130mm 75W 15W E2711-11-060 µL 2053 WH 220¯156mm 130mm 75W 15W E2711-11-062 µL 2053 SI 220¯156mm 130mm 75W 15W E27


PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and cover> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Rear cable entry> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

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Simple lines in an easy to fit lighting. Pyramis is a classicdesign coming out in three type cover, suitable toilluminate step doors, balconies and windows. Select theappropriate type and colour among a big variety colourpallet.



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PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and cover> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Rear cable entry> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards


Art. 1801 > > > Alouminium wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù PYRAMIS

Art. 1802 > > > Alouminium wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù PYRAMIS

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE10-10-026 1801 BK 264¯127mm 102mm 75W 20W E2710-10-008 1801 WH 264¯127mm 102mm 75W 20W E2710-10-027 1801 SI 264¯127mm 102mm 75W 20W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE10-10-066 1802 BK 264¯127mm 110mm 75W 20W E2710-10-013 1802 WH 264¯127mm 110mm 75W 20W E2710-10-065 1802 SI 264¯127mm 110mm 75W 20W E27


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PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and cover> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Rear cable entry> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

Art. 1803 > > > Alouminium wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù PYRAMIS

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE10-10-067 1803 BK 264¯127mm 110mm 75W 20W E2710-10-053 1803 WH 264¯127mm 110mm 75W 20W E2710-10-068 1803 SI 264¯127mm 110mm 75W 20W E27


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Page 72: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Puck is a four type series of smaller fixtures suitable tooffer distinctive illumination in any outdoor site.Peripheral lighting is well achieved when placed in the lineagainst walls or parterres. This series is available in a bigrange of colours and three options of lampholders: G9, GY6.35-12V and economy GX53.



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Art. 111 > > > Alouminium bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù PUCK


Art. 112 > > > Alouminium bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù PUCK

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-056 111 SI º 140mm 55mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and frame, guard and cover> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Standard edition with G9 lampholder, GY 6.35-12V and economy

GX53 available upon request> Rear cable entry> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-057 112 SI º 140mm 55mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

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PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and frame, guard and cover> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Standard edition with G9 lampholder, GY 6.35-12V and economy

GX53 available upon request> Rear cable entry> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards

Art. 113 > > > Alouminium bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù PUCK

Art. 114 > > > Alouminium bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù PUCK

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-058 113 SI º 140mm 55mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-060 114 SI º 140mm 55mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

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Orbis is a special round fixture with flat figure that can beplaced in most difficult spots. Two possible lampholdersare available E14 or economy lamp GX53, while two typesof glass diffuser can be provided: clear and opal. This seriesis available in a big variety of colours.



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Art. 110 A > > > Alouminium bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔAlouminium bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔORBIS

Art. 110 AF > > > Alouminium bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù ORBIS

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and guard> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Standard edition with G9 lampholder, economy GX53

available upon request> Rear cable entry> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards


CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-107 110 A SI º 160mm 60mm 40W 11W E-14/GX53

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-213 110 AF SI º 160mm 60mm 40W 11W E-14/GX53

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The biggest round-type fixtures are included in Rondoseries; one for max 60W lamp and second for max 100W,both with guards. All models come out in either clear oropal glass diffuser. For the bigger model G-23 7-9W isavailable upon request. Rondo models offer richillumination result due to the big size and round figure.Rondo series, as all aluminium products, is available in abig range of colours.



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Art. 10 D > > > Alouminium bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔRONDO

Art. 10 AL > > > Alouminium bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù RONDO

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and guard> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry, side cable input-output available upon request> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-100 10 D SI º 195mm 93mm 60W 15W E-27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-102 10 AL SI º 195mm 93mm 60W 15W E-27


Page 80: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and guard> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry, side cable input-output available upon request> Available for G23 7-9W lamp upon request> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards

Art. 11 D > > > Alouminium bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔRONDO

Art. 11 AL > > > Alouminium bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù RONDO

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-011 11 D SI º 245mm 93mm 100W 20W E-27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-104 11 AL SI º 245mm 93mm 100W 20W E-27


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As an alternative to round shape series, Tetra presents thesquare version for small fixtures offering distinctiveillumination. Each one of the three cover types give out adifferent lighting effect; especially art. 122AL offersdownward directional lighting, ideal for pathwayillumination. Chosen for residential or architectural use,Tetra will offer a modern perspective at the site. Tetramodels are available with G9, GY 6,35-12V and economylamp GX53 lampholders. The wall-mounted versions for alltypes broaden the scope of applications. Extended colouroptions give also more alternatives to lighting decoration.


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PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and frame, guard

and cover> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Standard edition with G9 lampholder, GY 6.35-12V and economy

GX53 available upon request> Rear cable entry> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards


Art. 120 AL > > > Aluminium wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙTETRA

Art. 121 AL > > > Aluminium wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙTETRA


CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-200 120 AL SI 120¯120mm 50mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-201 121 AL SI 120¯120mm 50mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

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Art. 122 AL > > > Aluminium wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙTETRA

Art. 123 AL > > > Aluminium wall mounted lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ ¯ˆÓÂ˘Ù‹ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙTETRA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-202 122 AL SI 120¯120mm 50mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-203 123 AL SI 140¯140mm 50mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53


PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and frame, guard

and cover> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Standard edition with G9 lampholder, GY 6.35-12V and economy

GX53 available upon request> Rear cable entry> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards

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Art. 124 AL > > > Aluminium wall mounted lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ ¯ˆÓÂ˘Ù‹ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙTETRA

Art. 125 AL > > > Aluminium wall mounted lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ ¯ˆÓÂ˘Ù‹ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙTETRA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-204 124 AL SI 140¯140mm 50mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-205 125 AL SI 140¯140mm 50mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and frame, guard

and cover> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Standard edition with G9 lampholder, GY 6.35-12V and economy

GX53 available upon request> Rear cable entry> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards

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Wall-mounted fixtures with frame or guard for extraprotection. Plastic gear box for lamp housing is alsoincluded. Brick series are ideal for door step lighting ordiscreet peripheral illumination in the garden.


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Art. 1503 > > > Alouminium wall mounted lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ ¯ˆÓÂ˘Ù‹ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙBRICK

Art. 2600-C > > > Alouminium wall mounted lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ ¯ˆÓÂ˘Ù‹ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙBRICK

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing frame and guard > Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Available in all finishes upon request> Rear cable entry> Plastic gear box included> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE10-10-025 1503 BK 234¯100mm 85mm 40W 15W E2710-10-007 1503 WH 234¯100mm 85mm 40W 15W E2710-10-051 1503 SI 234¯100mm 85mm 40W 15W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE10-10-057 2600-C BK 234¯100mm 85mm 40W 15W E2710-10-054 2600-C WH 234¯100mm 85mm 40W 15W E2710-10-056 2600-C SI 234¯100mm 85mm 40W 15W E27


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Exterior wall lights coming out in up-down, downwardand rotating styles; the ideal solution when illuminatingwalls, columns, gates or shop windows. Choose theCannon model creating the lighting effect that best suitesthe site.


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PRODUCT FEATURES> Inox mat finish> Clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Full wiring in protective plastic box on the base of

the lighting fixture> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards


Art. SLT 500 > > > Up-down inox spot™Ô٠›ÙÔÈ¯Ô inoxCANNON

Art. SLT 501 > > > Down inox spot™Ô٠›ÙÔÈ¯Ô inoxCANNON

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE13-00-953 SLT 500 inox º 60mm 200mm 2x50W 2x11W GU10


CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE13-00-954 SLT 501 inox º 60mm 120mm 50W 11W GU10

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PRODUCT FEATURES> Inox mat finish> Clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Full wiring in protective plastic box on the base of

the lighting fixture> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

Art. SLT 502 > > > Rotating inox spot™Ô٠›ÙÔÈ¯Ô ÂÚÈÛÙÚÂÊfiÌÂÓÔ inoxCANNON

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE13-00-829 SLT 502 inox º 60mm 175mm 50W 11W GU10


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A classic model of ceiling lamp fitting all architectures.Comes out in two sizes for lower and bigger wattageneeds, while available in many colours upon request.


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Art. 2301 > > > Alouminium bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù CAP

Art. 2101 > > > Alouminium bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù CAP

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and frame> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Available in all finishes upon request> Rear cable entry> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE10-10-035 2301 BK º 190mm 92mm 60W 15W E2710-10-034 2301 WH º 190mm 92mm 60W 15W E2710-10-036 2301 SI º 190mm 92mm 60W 15W E27


CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE10-10-109 2101 BK º 255mm 92mm 100W 20W E2710-10-108 2101 WH º 255mm 92mm 100W 20W E2710-10-107 2101 SI º 255mm 92mm 100W 20W E27

Page 94: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Fanos is a small aluminium projector using GU10 lampideal to light walls, columns or small corners in the garden.The desired lighting angle can be adjusted duringinstallation. Using the extra spike accessory, Fanos canalso be installed on the ground.


Page 95: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 3004 > > > Alouminium projector¶ÚÔ‚ÔÏ¿ÎÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘FANOS

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium housing and frame> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Rear cable entry> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE10-10-009 3004 BK º 91mm 95mm 150mm 50W GU1010-10-029 3004 WH º 91mm 95mm 150mm 50W GU1010-10-049 3004 SI º 91mm 95mm 150mm 50W GU10


CODE COLOUR DIMENSIONS 13-00-1612 BK 165mm13-00-1613 SI 165mm13-00-1668 WH 165mm

Page 96: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Quadra is the small aluminium lantern series presentedwith a complete range of models for wall -upward anddownward-, ceiling (pendant) and garden application.Quandra for wall placement comes out in two differentdesigns by changing the arm holder. There is a big varietyof colours offered, as well as two glass diffusers available:clear and opal.



Page 97: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 67 > > > Alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔQUADRA

Art. 67 A > > > Alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔQUADRA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards


CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-086 67 BK A: º 115mm B: 210mm C: 290mm 60W 15W E2700-00-067 67 WH A: º 115mm B: 210mm C: 290mm 60W 15W E27







CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-087 67 ∞ BK A: º 115mm B: 210mm C: 290mm 60W 15W E2700-00-670 67 ∞ WH A: º 115mm B: 210mm C: 290mm 60W 15W E27

Page 98: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Art. 67 S > > > Alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔQUADRA

Art. 67 AS > > > Alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔQUADRA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon reques> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-383 67 S BK A: 190mm B: 250mm C: 320mm 60W 11W E27







CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-384 67 ∞S BK A: 190mm B: 250mm C: 320mm 60W 11W E27


Page 99: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Page 100: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 67 D > > > Garden alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔQUADRA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-148 67 D BK 380mm 60W 15W E2700-00-672 67 D WH 380mm 60W 15W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards


Art. 67 K > > > Garden alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔQUADRA

Page 101: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Art. 67 µ > > > Alouminium hanging lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ÎÚÂÌ·ÛÙfi ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔQUADRA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-221 67 µ BK A: 230mm B: max 700mm 60W 15W E2700-00-237 67 µ WH A: 230mm B: max 700mm 60W 15W E27



Opal glass diffuser sample

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> With aluminium chain> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards


Page 102: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Oxynte is the new production finish presented for alllantern series. Giving out a more classical style, oxyntecreated glorious reflections on the surface of the fixture;an amazing effect for stylish results.



Page 103: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 67 X > > > Oxynte alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ô͢ÓÙ¤ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔQUADRA

Art. 67 AX > > > Oxynte alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ô͢ÓÙ¤ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔQUADRA


CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-385 67 X Oxynte A: º 115mm B: 210mm C: 290mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-386 67 AX Oxynte A: º 115mm B: 210mm C: 290mm 60W 15W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards







Page 104: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Art. 67 DX > > > Oxynte alouminium garden lantern with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ô͢ÓÙ¤ Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï› QUADRA

Art. 67 ∫X > > > Oxynte alouminium garden lantern with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ô͢ÓÙ¤ Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï› QUADRA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-387 67 DX Oxynte 130mm 60W 15W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon reques> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-388 67 ∫X Oxynte 890mm 60W 15W E27


Page 105: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 67 µX > > > Oxynte alouminium hanging lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ÎÚÂÌ·ÛÙfi ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ô͢ÓÙ¤ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔQUADRA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-389 67 µX Oxynte A: 230mm B: max 700mm 60W 15W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon reques> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

Opal glass diffuser sample



Page 106: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Lucerna lantern series is a medium sized fixture with sixangle glass diffuser available in clear and opal. The newwall arm presented in 72S and 72AS models, differentiatesthe style giving a traditional essence in the original design.Lucerna series covers all possible applications, presentingwall -upward and downward-, ceiling (pendant) andgarden application. This series is available in variouscolours and two glass diffuser types: clear and opal.


Page 107: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :



Art. 72 > > > Alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLUCERNA

Art. 72 A > > > Alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLUCERNA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-084 72 BK A: º 115mm B: 230mm C: 340mm 75W 20W E2700-00-072 72 WH A: º 115mm B: 230mm C: 340mm 75W 20W E27







CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-085 72 ∞ BK A: º 115mm B: 230mm C: 340mm 75W 20W E2700-00-722 72 ∞ WH A: º 115mm B: 230mm C: 340mm 75W 20W E27

Page 108: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Art. 72 S > > > Alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLUCERNA

Art. 72 AS > > > Alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLUCERNA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-390 72 S BK A: 190mm B: 270mm C: 370mm 75W 20W E27







CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-391 72 ∞S BK A: 190mm B: 270mm C: 370mm 75W 20W E27


Page 109: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 72 D > > > Alouminium garden lantern with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLUCERNA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-151 72 D BK 430mm 75W 20W E2700-00-720 72 D WH 430mm 75W 20W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

Art. 72 K > > > Alouminium garden lantern with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLUCERNA


Page 110: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Art. 72 B > > > Alouminium hanging lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ÎÚÂÌ·ÛÙfi ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLUCERNA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-222 72 µ BK A: 280mm B: max 700mm 75W 20W E2700-00-238 72 µ WH A: 280mm B: max 700mm 75W 20W E27



PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> With aluminium chain> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

Opal glass diffuser sample


Page 111: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Page 112: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Oxynte is the new production finish presented for alllantern series. Giving out a more classical style, oxyntecreated glorious reflections on the surface of the fixture;an amazing effect for stylish results.


Page 113: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :



Art. 72 X > > > Oxynte alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ô͢ÓÙ¤ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLUCERNA

Art. 72 Aà > > > Oxynte alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ô͢ÓÙ¤ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLUCERNA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-392 72 X Oxynte A: º 115mm B: 230mm C: 340mm 75W 20W E27





CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-393 72 ∞à √xynte A: º 115mm B: 230mm C: 340mm 75W 20W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards



Page 114: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Art. 72 DX > > > Oxynte alouminium garden lantern with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ô͢ÓÙ¤ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLUCERNA

Art. 72 Kà > > > Oxynte alouminium garden lantern with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ô͢ÓÙ¤ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLUCERNA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-394 72 DX Oxynte 430mm 75W 20W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-395 72 KX Oxynte 940mm 75W 20W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards


Page 115: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 72 BX > > > Oxynte alouminium hanging lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ô͢ÓÙ¤ ÎÚÂÌ·ÛÙfi Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLUCERNA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-396 72 µÃ √xynte A: 280mm B: max 700mm 75W 20W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

Opal glass diffuser sample



Page 116: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Magnus is the big four angle glass diffuser lantern series,always combining wall, ceiling and garden installation.Magnus and Quadra share similar design, their soledifference lies more in the size. Combine both models atthe same site according to the lighting and size needs ofeach application. This series is available in various coloursand two glass diffuser types: clear and opal.


Page 117: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :



Art. 68 > > > Alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔMAGNUS

Art. 68 ∞ > > > Alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔMAGNUS

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-109 68 BK A: º 205mm B: 260mm C: 360mm 100W 20W E2700-00-068 68 WH A: º 205mm B: 260mm C: 360mm 100W 20W E27






CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-116 68 ∞ BK A: º 205mm B: 260mm C: 360mm 100W 20W E2700-00-680 68 ∞ WH A: º 205mm B: 260mm C: 360mm 100W 20W E27

Page 118: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Art. 68 D > > > Alouminium garden lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ‰·¤‰Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔMAGNUS

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-149 68 D BK 440mm 100W 20W E2700-00-682 68 D WH 440mm 100W 20W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

Art. 68 K > > > Alouminium garden lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ‰·¤‰Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔMAGNUS



Page 119: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 68 B > > > Hanging alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ ÎÚÂÌ·ÛÙfi Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï› MAGNUS

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-964 68 µ BK A: 290mm B: max 700mm 100W 20W E2700-00-965 68 µ WH A: 290mm B: max 700mm 100W 20W E27



PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> With aluminium chain> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

Opal glass diffuser sample

Page 120: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Oxynte is the new production finish presented for alllantern series. Giving out a more classical style, oxyntecreated glorious reflections on the surface of the fixture;an amazing effect for stylish results.


Page 121: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :



Art. 68 X > > > Oxynte alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ô͢ÓÙ¤ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔMAGNUS

Art. 68 Aà > > > Oxynte alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ô͢ÓÙ¤ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔMAGNUS

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-397 68 X Oxynte A: º 205mm B: 260mm C: 360mm 100W 20W E27



CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-398 68 ∞à √xynte A: º 205mm B: 260mm C: 360mm 100W 20W E27




PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

Page 122: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Art. 68 DX > > > Oxynte alouminium garden lantern with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ô͢ÓÙ¤ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔMAGNUS

Art. 68 Kà > > > Oxynte alouminium garden lantern with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ô͢ÓÙ¤ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔMAGNUS

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-399 68 DX Oxynte 440mm 100W 20W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-400 68 KX Oxynte 950mm 100W 20W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards


Page 123: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 68 BX > > > Oxynte alouminium hanging lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ô͢ÓÙ¤ ÎÚÂÌ·ÛÙfi Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔMAGNUS

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-401 68 µÃ √xynte A: 290mm B: max 700mm 100W 20W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser, opal glass diffuser available upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

Opal glass diffuser sample



Page 124: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Crystal design is also available in aluminium, offering a bigrange of possible colours. Wall and pendant version canbe successfully combined at the site.


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Art. A18 > > > Alouminium base lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ Ì ‚¿ÛË ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Î·È Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔCRYSTAL

Art. ∞18 µ > > > Hanging alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ Ì ·Ó¿ÚÙËÛË ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Î·È Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔCRYSTAL

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-094 ∞18 BK A: º 115mm B: 225mm C: 280mm 75W 15W E2700-00-182 ∞18 WH A: º 115mm B: 225mm C: 280mm 75W 15W E27






CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-966 ∞18 µ BK A: max700mm B: 225mm 75W 15W E2700-00-967 ∞18 µ WH A: max700mm B: 225mm 75W 15W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Aluminium wall base and plastic top.> Clear glass diffuser> With aluminium chain with adjustable length > UV resistant materials> Complete through wiring> With porcelain lampholder and brass screws> IP 43> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

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A complete range of an impressive six angled glassdiffuser lantern design. Big sized to fit spacious sites,requiring strong illumination. Suitable for balconies andterraces, gardens and gates. Lamda is available in variouscolours and two glass diffuser types: clear and opal.


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Art. 74 > > > Alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMDA

Art. 74 A > > > Alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMDA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-402 74 BK A: 205mm B: 300mm C: 420mm 100W 23W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-403 74 A BK A: 205mm B: 300mm C: 420mm 100W 23W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser, available in opal glass diffuser upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes and oxynte upon request> IP 43> Class I > This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards







Page 128: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Art. 74 D > > > Alouminium garden lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Û ÎÒÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMDA

Art. 74 K > > > Alouminium garden lantern with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ Ê·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMDA



PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser, available in opal glass diffuser upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes and oxynte upon request> IP 43> Class I > This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards


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Art. 74 B > > > Hanging alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ÌÂ ·Ó¿ÚÙËÛËLAMDA

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-406 74 µ µ∫ A: 350mm B: max 700mm 100W 23W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> With aluminium chain> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser, available in opal glass diffuser upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes and oxynte upon request> IP 43> Class I > This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards



Opal glass diffuser sample

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A wall fitted lantern matching classical architecture. As asizeable and impressive design, Kronos is ideal forilluminating public buildings. Kronos is available in variouscolours and two glass diffuser types: clear and opal.


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Art. 80 > > > Alouminium lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-354 80 BK A: º 190mm B: 480mm C: 580mm 150W 40W E27





PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Clear glass diffuser, available in opal glass diffuser upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Available in all finishes and oxynte upon request> IP 43> Class I > This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

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Gea series includes oval die-cast brass bulkheads indifferent sizes and styles, wattage and diffusers. Best fittedin garden areas and stairs, bulkheads offer adequate yetdiscrete illumination to the outdoor area. Gea series inbrass are highly recommended for areas with difficultenvironmental conditions, especially near the sea.


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Art. 12 A > > > Solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔGEA

Art. 12 ∞F > > > Solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï›GEA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and guard > Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry> Brass screws and cable gland> Available in all finishes upon request > IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-

1:97+A1:98 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-124 12 ∞ 200¯98mm 108mm 60W 15W E27


CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-122 12 ∞F 200¯98mm 108mm 60W 15W E27

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Art. 134 > > > Solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔGEA

134 F > > > Solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù GEA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and guard> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry, side cable input-output

available upon request> Brass screws and cable gland> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-

1:97+A1:98 European Standards


CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-220 134 225¯105mm 105mm 75W 20W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-260 134 F 225¯105mm 105mm 75W 20W E27

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Art. 13 A > > > Solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔGEA

Art. 13 ∞F > > > Solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù GEA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and guard > Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry> Available for G23 7-9W lamp upon request> Brass screws and cable gland> Available in all finishes upon request > IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-

1:97+A1:98 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-115 13 ∞ 220¯110mm 120mm 100W 20W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-117 13 AF 220¯110mm 120mm 100W 20W E27

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Art. 12 S > > > Solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔGEA

12 SF > > > Solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï› GEA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and cover> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry> Brass screws and cable gland> Available in all finishes upon request > IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-

1:97+A1:98 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-033 12 S 200¯98mm 110mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-263 12 SF 200¯98mm 110mm 60W 15W E27

Page 139: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Art. 133 > > > Solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔGEA

Art. 133 F > > > Solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› Ô¿Ï GEA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and guard> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry, side cable input-output

available upon request> Brass screws and cable gland> Available in all finishes upon request > IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-

1:97+A1:98 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-207 133 225¯105mm 100mm 75W 20W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-262 133 F 225¯105mm 100mm 75W 20W E27


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Bulkhead series with decorative accessories coming out intwo sizes: smaller max 60W and the bigger max150W, andtwo type glass diffuser: opal and clear. Models 129/129Fare also available with G23 7-9W lamp. Hermes series isideal for garden wall illumination, but also for interiordecoration featuring industrial or nautical style.



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Art. 130 > > > Solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔHERMES

Art. 130 F > > > Solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù HERMES


CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-189 130 190¯125mm 110mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-190 130 F 190¯125mm 110mm 60W 15W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and guard> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry> Brass screws and cable gland> Available in all finishes upon request > IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-

1:97+A1:98 European Standards

Page 142: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Art. 129 > > > Solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔHERMES

Art. 129 F > > > Solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙHERMES

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and guard> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry> Available for G23 7-9W lamp upon request > Brass screws and cable gland> Available in all finishes upon request > IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-

1:97+A1:98 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-178 129 245¯160mm 112mm 150W 23W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-261 129 F 245¯160mm 112mm 150W 23W E27


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A decorative design bulkhead, highlighting the mostexclusive sites. Blob is presented in two styles: with frameor with guard and is available with clear or opal glassdiffuser.


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Art. 131 > > > Solid brass wall lamp with clear glass diffuser∞ϛη ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔBLOB

Art. 131 F > > > Solid brass wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙBLOB

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and cover> Clear or opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Brass plated screws> Available in all finishes upon request > Rear cable entry> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-

1:97+A1:98 European Standards


CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-188 131 200¯95mm 120mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-259 131 F 200¯95mm 120mm 60W 15W E27

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Art. 132 > > > Solid brass wall lamp with clear glass diffuser∞ϛη ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔBLOB

Art. 132 F > > > Solid brass wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙBLOB

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and cover> Clear or opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Brass plated screws> Available in all finishes upon request > Rear cable entry> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-

1:97+A1:98 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-180 132 200¯95mm 120mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-440 132 F 200¯95mm 120mm 60W 15W E27

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Puck series in brass are ideal for peripheral and pathwayplacement, achieving distinctive illumination. As adecorative fixture, Puck series presents four differentdesigns giving more options at every site. This series isavailable in three options of lampholders: G9, G4-12V andeconomy GX53.


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Art. 115 > > > Solid brass wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙPUCK

Art. 116 > > > Solid brass wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙPUCK

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and frame, guard and cover> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Standard edition with G9 lampholder, GY 6.35-12V and economy

GX53 available upon request> Brass plated screws> Available in all finishes upon request > Rear cable entry> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 &

EN60598-1:97+A1:98 European Standards


CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-062 116 º 140mm 55mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-061 115 º 140mm 55mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

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Art. 117 > > > Solid brass wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙPUCK

Art. 118 > > > Solid brass wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙPUCK


CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-065 118 º 140mm 55mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-064 117 º 140mm 55mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and frame, guard and cover> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Standard edition with G9 lampholder, GY 6.35-12V and economy

GX53 available upon request> Brass plated screws> Available in all finishes upon request > Rear cable entry> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 &

EN60598-1:97+A1:98 European Standards

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Solid brass wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù

Solid brass wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù

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Orbis is a special round fixture with flat figure that can beplaced in most difficult spots. Two possible lampholdersare available E14 or economy lamp GX53, while two typesof glass diffuser can be provided: clear and opal.


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Art. 110 > > > Solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserÃÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔORBIS

Art. 110 F > > > Solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserÃÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙORBIS

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and guard> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Standard edition with E-14 lampholder, economy GX53

lampholder available upon request> Rear cable entry> Brass screws and cable gland> Available in all finishes upon request > IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-

1:97+A1:98 European Standards


CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-110 110 º 160mm 60mm 40W 11W ∂-14 / GX53

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-199 110 F º 160mm 60mm 40W 11W ∂-14 / GX53

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The biggest round-type fixtures are included in Rondoseries; one for max 60W lamp and second for max 100W.The small model is available in two designs: one withguard and second with cover; covered version is a modelof exquisite design providing a beautiful lighting effect.For the bigger model G-23 7-9W is available upon request.Rondo models offer rich illumination result due to the bigsize and round figure.


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Art. 10 A > > > Solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserÃÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙRONDO

Art. 10 µ > > > Solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserÃÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔRONDO

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and guard> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry, side cable input-output available

upon request> Brass screws and cable gland> Available in all finishes upon request > IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-

1:97+A1:98 European Standards


CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-101 10 ∞ º 195mm 93mm 60W 15W ∂-27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-103 10 µ º 195mm 93mm 60W 15W ∂-27

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Art. 11 A > > > Solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserÃÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙRONDO

Art. 11 µ > > > Solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserÃÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔRONDO

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and guard> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry, side cable input-output available

upon request> Available for G23 7-9W lamp upon request > Brass screws and cable gland> Available in all finishes upon request > IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-

1:97+A1:98 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-111 11 ∞ º 245mm 93mm 100W 20W ∂-27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-112 11 µ º 245mm 93mm 100W 20W ∂-27

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Art. 10 S > > > Solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserÃÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔRONDO

Art. 10 SF > > > Solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserÃÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙRONDO

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and cover> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry, side cable input-output available

upon request> Brass screws and cable gland > Available in all finishes upon request > IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-

1:97+A1:98 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-239 10 S º 195mm 100mm 60W 15W ∂-27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-264 10 SF º 195mm 100mm 60W 15W ∂-27

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As an alternative to round shape series, Tetra presents thesquare version for small fixtures offering distinctiveillumination. Each one of the three cover types give out adifferent lighting effect; especially art. 122 offersdownward directional lighting, ideal for pathwayillumination. Chosen for residential or architectural use,Tetra will offer a modern perspective at the site. Tetramodels are available with G9, G4-12V and economy lampGX53 lampholders. The wall-mounted versions for alltypes broaden the scope of applications.


Page 159: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and frame, guard and cover> Opal tempered glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Standard edition with G9 lampholder, GY 6.35-12V and economy

GX53 available upon request> Rear cable entry> Brass plated screws > Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 &

EN60598-1:97+A1:98 European Standards


Art. 120 > > > Solid brass wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·fi ÔÚ›¯·ÏÎÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù∆ETRA

Art. 121 > > > Solid brass wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·fi ÔÚ›¯·ÏÎÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù∆ETRA


CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-941 121 120¯120mm 50mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-942 120 120¯120mm 50mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

Page 160: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 122 > > > Solid brass wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·fi ÔÚ›¯·ÏÎÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù∆ETRA

Art. 123 > > > Solid brass wall mounted lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ¯ˆÓÂ˘Ù‹ ·fi ÔÚ›¯·ÏÎÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù∆ETRA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-943 122 120¯120mm 50mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-181 123 140¯140mm 50mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and frame, guard and cover> Opal tempered glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Standard edition with G9 lampholder, GY 6.35-12V and economy

GX53 available upon request> Rear cable entry> Brass plated screws > Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 &

EN60598-1:97+A1:98 European Standards

Page 161: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 124 > > > Solid brass wall mounted lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ¯ˆÓÂ˘Ù‹ ·fi ÔÚ›¯·ÏÎÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù∆ETRA

Art. 125 > > > Solid brass wall mounted lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ¯ˆÓÂ˘Ù‹ ·fi ÔÚ›¯·ÏÎÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·Ù∆ETRA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-184 124 140¯140mm 50mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-187 125 140¯140mm 50mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass housing and frame, guard and cover> Opal tempered glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Standard edition with G9 lampholder, GY 6.35-12V and economy

GX53 available upon request> Rear cable entry> Brass plated screws > Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 &

EN60598-1:97+A1:98 European Standards

Page 162: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


This wall mounted brass model is ideal for discreetperipheral, pathway or stair illumination. Polycarbonatediffuser is a secure option for open access areas, while thecombination of brass and plastic materials, makes itresistant to difficult weather conditions. It comes out withplastic gear box for lamp housing.


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Art. 73 > > > Solid brass wall mounted lamp with polycarbonate diffuser and plastic boxÈÓ¢Ùfi ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿Ù Î·È Ï·ÛÙÈÎfi ÎÔ˘Ù›STRIPE

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass guard> Prismatic polycarbonate diffuser> With porcelain lampholder > Rear cable entry> Plastic gear box included> Brass screws> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class II> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-

1:97+A1:98 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-073 73 190¯86mm 63mm 25W 15W E14

Page 164: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


The brass version of Cannon extends the possibilities ofuse also in the most difficult conditions. Up-down,downward and rotating spot illumination for walls,mantels, columns and gates. Rotating version allowschanging of light direction if needed. The size of the tubeis ideal for big wattage economy GU10 lamp.


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PRODUCT FEATURES> Brass tube and cover> Clear tempered glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Full wiring in protective plastic box on the base of

the lighting fixture> Brass screws and components> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1

European Standards

Art. 500 > > > Up-down brass spot¢ÈÏfi ÛÔÙ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔCANNON

Art. 501 > > > Downward brass spotªÔÓfi ÛÔÙ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔCANNON

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE11-11-119 500 º 60mm 155mm 2¯50W 2¯11W GU 10

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE11-11-120 501 º 60mm 110mm 50W 11W GU 10

Page 166: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


PRODUCT FEATURES> Brass tube and cover> Clear tempered glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Full wiring in protective plastic box on the base of

the lighting fixture> Brass screws and components> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1

European Standards

Art. 502 > > > Rotating brass spot∫ÈÓËÙfi ÛÔÙ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔCANNON

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE11-11-121 502 º 60mm 150mm 50W 11W GU 10

Page 167: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Page 168: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Lampada series comprise of wall, garden and pendantbrass fixtures, covering all lighting needs. Discover thetraditional design in lantern type models 127 and 128,while a minimal aspect reflected on models 71, 71A And78. Lampada models vary in size as well as glass diffusertype: clear or opal.


Page 169: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :



Art. 128 > > > Solid brass lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·fi ÔÚ›¯·ÏÎÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

Art. 128 F > > > Solid brass lantern with opal glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·fi ÔÚ›¯·ÏÎÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass base, top and seal> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Brass screws and components> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-179 128 ∞: 230mm B: 193mm º 1: 120mm º 2: 110mm 60W 15W ∂-27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-192 128 F ∞: 230mm B: 193mm º 1: 120mm º 2: 110mm 60W 15W ∂-27



ºº 11


ºº 22

ºº 22


ºº 11

Page 170: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 127 > > > Solid brass lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·fi ÔÚ›¯·ÏÎÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

Art. 127 F > > > Solid brass lantern with opal glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·fi ÔÚ›¯·ÏÎÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass base, top and seal> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Brass screws and components> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-193 127 ∞: 260mm B: 193mm º 1: 120mm º 2: 110mm 75W 20W ∂-27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-194 127 F ∞: 260mm B: 193mm º 1: 120mm º 2: 110mm 60W 20W ∂-27


ºº 22


ºº 11


ºº 11


ºº 22

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Art. 71 > > > Solid brass wall lamp with clear glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·fi ÔÚ›¯·ÏÎÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

Art. 71 F > > > Solid brass wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·fi ÔÚ›¯·ÏÎÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass base, top and seal> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Brass screws and components> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-071 71 ∞: 160mm B: 150mm º 120mm 60W 15W ∂-27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-195 71 F ∞: 160mm B: 150mm º 120mm 60W 15W ∂-27







Page 172: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 71 A > > > Solid brass wall lamp with clear glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·fi ÔÚ›¯·ÏÎÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

Art. 71 ∞F > > > Solid brass wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·fi ÔÚ›¯·ÏÎÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass base, top and seal> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Brass screws> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-712 71 ∞ ∞: 180mm B: 150mm º 120mm 75W 15W ∂-27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-197 71 ∞F ∞: 180mm B: 150mm º 120mm 75W 15W ∂-27







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Art. 78 > > > Solid brass wall lamp with clear glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·fi ÔÚ›¯·ÏÎÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

Art. 78 F > > > Solid brass wall lamp with opal glass diffuser∞ϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ·fi ÔÚ›¯·ÏÎÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass base, top and seal> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Complete with wiring> Brass screws> Available in all finishes upon request> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-780 78 ∞: 225mm B: 180mm º 150mm 150W 23W ∂-27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-196 78 F ∞: 225mm B: 180mm º 150mm 150W 23W ∂-27







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Art. 71 D/O > > > Solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

Art. 71 D/0.25 > > > Solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass base, top and seal> Brass tube and screws > Clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Available in all finishes upon request

> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1

European Standards

Art. 71 D/0.50 > > > Solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-719 71 D/O 230mm 60W 11W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-711 71 D/O.50 730mm 60W 11W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-723 71 D/O.25 480mm 60W 11W E27

Page 175: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 71 F D/O > > > Solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

Art. 71 F D/0.25 > > > Solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass base, top and seal> Brass tube and screws > Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Available in all finishes upon request

> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1

European Standards

Art. 71 F D/0.50 > > > Solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-281 71 F D/O 230mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-283 71 F D/O.50 730mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-282 71 F D/O.25 480mm 60W 15W E27

Page 176: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 71 AD/O > > > Solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

Art. 71 AD/0.25 > > > Solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass base, top and seal> Brass tube and screws > Clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Available in all finishes upon request

> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1

European Standards

Art. 71 AD/0.50 > > > Solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-726 71 AD/O 250mm 75W 20W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-713 71 AD/O.50 750mm 75W 20W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-724 71 AD/O.25 500mm 75W 20W E27

Page 177: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass base, top and seal> Brass tube and screws > Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Available in all finishes upon request

> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1

European Standards

Art. 71 AFD/O > > > Solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

Art. 71 AFD/0.25 > > > Solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

Art. 71 AFD/0.50 > > > Solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-284 71 AFD/O 250mm 75W 20W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-286 71 AFD/O.50 750mm 75W 20W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-285 71 AFD/O.25 500mm 75W 20W E27

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Art. 78 D/O > > > Solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

Art. 78 D/0.25 > > > Solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass base, top and seal> Brass tube and screws > Clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Available in all finishes upon request

> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1

European Standards

Art. 78 D/0.50 > > > Solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-784 78 D/O 300mm 150W 23W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-784 78 D/O.25 550mm 150W 23W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-078 78 D/O.50 800mm 150W 23W E27

Page 179: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass base, top and seal> Brass tube and screws > Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Available in all finishes upon request

> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1

European Standards

Art. 78 F D/O > > > Solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

Art. 78 F D/0.25 > > > Solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

Art. 78 F D/0.50 > > > Solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-287 78 F D/O 300mm 150W 23W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-288 78 F D/O.25 550mm 150W 23W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-289 78 F D/O.50 800mm 150W 23W E27

Page 180: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 71A B > > > Solid brass pendant lighting with clear glass diffuserKÚÂÌ·ÛÙfi ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

Art. 71AF B > > > Solid brass pendant lighting with opal glass diffuserKÚÂÌ·ÛÙfi ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-455 71A B A: max 700mm B:180mm 75W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-456 71AF B A: max 700mm B:180mm 75W 15W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass base, top and seal> Brass chain and screws > Clear or opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Available in all finishes upon request

> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards





Page 181: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 78 B > > > Solid brass pendant lighting with clear glass diffuserKÚÂÌ·ÛÙfi ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

Art. 78A B > > > Solid brass pendant lighting with opal glass diffuserKÚÂÌ·ÛÙfi ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-457 78 B A: max 700mm B: 225mm 150W 23W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-458 78A B A: max 700mm B: 225mm 150W 23W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast brass base, top and seal> Brass chain and screws > Clear or opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Available in all finishes upon request

> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards





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Page 183: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :





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Gea series includes oval nickel mat plated die-cast brassbulkheads in different sizes and styles, wattage anddiffusers. Best fitted in garden areas and stairs, bulkheadsoffer adequate yet discrete illumination to the outdoorarea. Gea series in nickel mat plated brass are highlyrecommended for areas with difficult environmentalconditions, especially near the sea.



Page 185: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and guard

> Opal or clear glass diffuser

> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder

> Side or rear cable entry

> Nickel mat plated screws and cable gland

> Also available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards

Art. 12 A > > > Nickel mat solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï›GEA

Art. 12 AF > > > Nickel mat solid brass bulkhead with opal diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï›GEA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-290 12 A 200¯98mm 108mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-291 12 AF 200¯98mm 108mm 60W 15W E27


Page 186: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and guard

> Opal or clear glass diffuser

> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder

> Side or rear cable entry, side cable input-output available upon request

> Nickel mat plated screws and cable gland

> Also available in chrome finish> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards

Art. 134 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï›GEA

Art. 134 F > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï›GEA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-292 134 225¯105mm 105mm 75W 20W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-293 134 F 225¯105mm 105mm 75W 20W E27


Page 187: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and guard

> Opal or clear glass diffuser

> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder

> Side or rear cable entry

> Nickel mat plated screws and cable gland

> Also available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+

A1:98 European Standards

Art. 13 A > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï›GEA

Art. 13 AF > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï›GEA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-294 13 A 220¯110mm 120mm 100W 20W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-295 13 AF 220¯110mm 120mm 100W 20W E27


Page 188: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and cover

> Opal or clear glass diffuser

> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder

> Side or rear cable entry

> Nickel mat plated screws and cable gland

> Also available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+

A1:98 European Standards

Art. 12 S > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï›GEA

Art. 12 SF > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï›GEA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-296 12 S 200¯98mm 110mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-297 12 SF 200¯98mm 110mm 60W 15W E27


Page 189: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and guard

> Opal or clear glass diffuser

> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder

> Side or rear cable entry, side cable input-output available upon request

> Nickel mat plated screws and cable gland

> Also available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+

A1:98 European Standards

Art. 133 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï›GEA

Art. 133 F > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï›GEA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-298 133 225¯105mm 100mm 75W 20W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-299 133 F 225¯105mm 100mm 75W 20W E27


Page 190: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Bulkhead series with decorative accessories coming out intwo sizes: smaller max 60W and the bigger max150W, andtwo type glass diffuser: opal and clear. Models 129/129Fare also available with G23 7-9W lamp. Hermes series isideal for garden wall illumination, but also for interiordecoration featuring industrial or nautical style.



Page 191: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and guard

> Opal or clear glass diffuser

> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder

> Side or rear cable entry

> Nickel mat plated screws and cable gland

> Also available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+

A1:98 European Standards

Art. 130 > > > Nickel mat solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï›HERMES

Art. 130 F > > > Nickel mat solid brass bulkhead with opal diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï›HERMES

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-300 130 190¯125mm 110mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-301 130 F 190¯125mm 110mm 60W 15W E27


Page 192: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and guard

> Opal or clear glass diffuser

> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder

> Side or rear cable entry

> Nickel mat plated screws and cable gland

> Also available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+

A1:98 European Standards

Art. 129 > > > Nickel mat solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï›HERMES

Art. 129 F > > > Nickel mat solid brass bulkhead with opal diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï›HERMES

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-302 129 245x160mm 112mm 150W 23W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-303 129 F 245x160mm 112mm 150W 23W E27

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Page 194: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


A decorative design bulkhead, highlighting the mostexclusive sites. Blob is presented in two styles: withframe or with guard and is available with clear or opalglass diffuser.


Page 195: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and guard

> Opal or clear glass diffuser

> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder

> Side or rear cable entry

> Nickel mat plated screws and cable gland

> Also available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+

A1:98 European Standards

Art. 131 > > > Nickel mat solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï›BLOB

Art. 131 F > > > Nickel mat solid brass bulkhead with opal diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï›BLOB

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-442 131 200¯95mm 120mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-443 131 F 200¯95mm 120mm 60W 15W E27

Page 196: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and guard

> Opal or clear glass diffuser

> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder

> Side or rear cable entry

> Nickel mat plated screws and cable gland

> Also available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+

A1:98 European Standards

Art. 132 > > > Nickel mat solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï›BLOB

Art. 132 F > > > Nickel mat solid brass bulkhead with opal diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ̷٠Á˘·Ï›BLOB

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-451 132 200¯95mm 120mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-453 132 F 200¯95mm 120mm 60W 15W E27

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Page 198: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Puck series in nickel mat plated brass are ideal forperipheral and pathway placement, achieving distinctiveillumination. As a decorative fixture, Puck series presentsfour different designs giving more options at every site.This series is available in three options of lampholders: G9,GY 6.35-12V and economy GX53.


Page 199: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 115 > > > Nickel mat plated wall lamp with opal glass diffuserAϛη ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙPUCK

Art. 116 > > > Nickel mat plated wall lamp with opal glass diffuserAϛη ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙPUCK

PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and frame, guard and cover> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Nickel mat plated screws > Standard edition with G9 lampholder, GY 6.35-12V and economy

GX53 available upon request> Rear cable entry> Also available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards


CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-305 116 º 140mm 55mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-304 115 º 140mm 55mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

Page 200: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 117 > > > Nickel mat plated wall lamp with opal glass diffuserAϛη ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙPUCK

Art. 118 > > > Nickel mat plated wall lamp with opal glass diffuserAϛη ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙPUCK

PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and frame, guard and cover> Opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Nickel mat plated screws > Standard edition with G9 lampholder, GY 6.35-12V and economy

GX53 available upon request> Rear cable entry> Also available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-307 118 º 140mm 55mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-306 117 º 140mm 55mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

Page 201: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Page 202: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Orbis is a special round fixture with flat figure that can beplaced in most difficult spots. Two possible lampholdersare available E14 or economy lamp GX53, while two typesof glass diffuser can be provided: clear and opal.


Page 203: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 110 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔORBIS

Art. 110 F > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙORBIS


> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and guard> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Nickel mat plated screws and cable gland> Standard edition with G9 lampholder, economy GX53 available upon request> Rear cable entry> Also available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+

A1:98 European Standards


CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-308 110 º 160mm 60mm 40W 11W ∂-14 / GX53

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-309 110 F º 160mm 60mm 40W 11W ∂-14 / GX53

Page 204: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


The biggest round-type fixtures are included in Rondoseries; one for max 60W lamp and second for max 100W.The small model is available in two designs: one withguard and second with cover; covered version is a modelof exquisite design providing a beautiful lighting effect.For the bigger model G-23 7-9W is available upon request.Rondo models offer rich illumination result due to the bigsize and round figure.


Page 205: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 10 B > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔRONDO

Art. 10 A > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙRONDO


> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and guard> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Nickel mat plated brass screws and cable gland> Side or rear cable entry, side cable input-output available upon request> Also available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+

A1:98 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-310 10 B O/ 195 93mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-311 10 A O/ 195 93mm 60W 15W E27


Page 206: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 11 B > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔRONDO

Art. 11 A > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙRONDO


> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and guard> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Side or rear cable entry, side cable input-output available upon request> Available for G23 7-9W lamp upon request > Also available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+A1:98

European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-312 11 B O/ 245 93mm 100W 20W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-313 11 A O/ 245 93mm 100W 20W E27

Page 207: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 10 S > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with clear glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔRONDO

Art. 10 SF > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙRONDO


> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and cover> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Nickel mat plated brass screws and cable gland> Side or rear cable entry, side cable input-output available upon request> Also available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+

A1:98 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-314 10 S O/ 195 100mm 60W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-315 10 SF O/ 195 93mm 60W 15W E27

Page 208: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


As an alternative to round shape series, Tetra presents thesquare version for small fixtures offering distinctiveillumination. Each one of the three cover types give out adifferent lighting effect; especially art. 122 offersdownward directional lighting, ideal for pathwayillumination. Chosen for residential or architectural use,Tetra will offer a modern perspective at the site. Tetramodels are available with G9, GY 6.35-12V and economylamp GX53 lampholders.


Page 209: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 120 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙTETRA

Art. 121 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙRONDO



> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and frame, guard and cover> Opal tempered glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Nickel mat plated brass screws > Standard edition with G9 lampholder, GY 6.35-12V and economy

GX53 available upon request> Rear cable entry> Also available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 &

EN60598-1:97+A1:98 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-316 120 120¯120mm 50mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-317 121 120¯120mm 50mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

Page 210: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 122 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass bulkhead with opal glass diffuserXÂÏÒÓ· ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙRONDO


> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and frame, guard and cover> Opal tempered glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Nickel mat plated brass screws > Standard edition with G9 lampholder, GY 6.35-12V and economy

GX53 available upon request> Rear cable entry> Also available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 &

EN60598-1:97+A1:98 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-318 122 120¯120mm 50mm 40W 9W G9/GY 6.35-12V/GX53

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Page 212: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


This wall mounted nickel mat plated brass model isideal for discreet peripheral, pathway or stairillumination. Polycarbonate diffuser is a secureoption for open access areas, while the combinationof nickel mat plated brass and plastic materials,makes it resistant to difficult weather conditions. Itcomes out with plastic gear box for lamp housing.


Page 213: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 73 > > >Nickel mat plated solid brass wall mounted lamp with prismaticpolycarbonate diffuser and plastic boxXˆÓ¢Ùfi ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Û ӛÎÂÏ Ì Á˘·Ï› ÚÈÛÌ·ÙÈÎfi ÔÏ˘Î·ÚÌÔÓ¿Ù & Ï·ÛÙÈÎfi ÎÔ˘Ù›


CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-347 73 190¯86mm 63mm 25W 15W E14

PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass guard> Prismatic polycarbonate diffuser> With porcelain lampholder > Rear cable entry> Plastic gear box included> Guard available also in chrome finish upon request> IP 43> Class II> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 &

EN60598-1:97+A1:98 European Standards


Page 214: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


The nickel mat plated brass version of Cannonextends the possibilities of use also in the mostdifficult conditions. Up-down, downward androtating spot illumination for walls, mantels,columns and gates. Rotating version allowschanging of light direction if needed. The size of thetube is ideal for big wattage economy GU10 lamp.


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Art. 500 > > > Nickel mat plated up down spot¢ÈÏfi ÛÔÙ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Û ӛÎÂÏ Ì·ÙCANNON

Art. 501 > > > Nickel mat plated downward spot¢ÈÏfi ÛÔÙ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Û ӛÎÂÏ Ì·ÙCANNON



> Nickel mat plated brass tube and cover

> Clear tempered glass diffuser

> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder

> Full wiring in protective plastic box on the base of the lighting fixture

> Available also in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1

European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-319 500 º 60mm 155mm 2¯50W 2¯11W GU 10

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-320 501 º 60mm 110mm 50W 11W GU 10

Page 216: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 502 > > > Nickel mat plated up swinging spot¢ÈÏfi ÛÔÙ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Û ӛÎÂÏ Ì·ÙCANNON


> Nickel mat plated brass tube and cover

> Clear tempered glass diffuser

> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder

> Full wiring in protective plastic box on the base of the lighting fixture

> Available also in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1

European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-321 502 º 60mm 150mm 50W 11W GU 10

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Page 218: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Lampada series comprise of wall, garden andpendant fixtures, covering all lighting needs. Discoverthe traditional design in lantern type models 127 and128, while a minimal aspect reflected on models 71,71A and 78. Lampada models vary in size as well asglass diffuser type: clear or opal.


Page 219: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 128 > > > Nickel mat solid brass lantern bulkhead with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

Art. 128 F > > > Nickel mat solid brass lantern bulkhead with opal glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï› LAMPADA


> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and cover> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Nickel mat plated brass screws > Complete with wining> Available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+

A1:98 European Standards


00-00-322 12 B AA:: 230mm OO// 11:: 120mm 60W 15W E27BB:: 193mm OO// 22:: 110mm


00-00-323 128 F AA:: 230mm OO// 11:: 120mm 60W 15W E27BB:: 193mm OO// 22:: 110mm


OO// 11



OO// 22


OO// 11

OO// 22


Page 220: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 127 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass lantern with clear glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

Art. 127 F > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass lantern with opal glass diffuserº·Ó¿ÚÈ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï› LAMPADA


> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and cover> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Nickel mat plated brass screws and cable gland> Complete with wiring> Available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+

A1:98 European Standards


00-00-324 127 AA:: 260mm OO// 11:: 120mm 75W 15W E27BB:: 193mm OO// 22:: 110mm


00-00-325 127 F AA:: 260mm OO// 11:: 120mm 75W 15W E27BB:: 193mm OO// 22:: 110mm


OO// 11

OO// 22



OO// 11

OO// 22


Page 221: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 71 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass wall lamp with clear glass diffuserAϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï› LAMPADA

Art. 71 F > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass wall lamp with opal glass diffuserAϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA


> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and cover> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Nickel mat plated brass screws and cable gland> Complete with wiring> Available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+

A1:98 European Standards


CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-326 71 A: 160mm B: 150mm O/ : 120mm 60W 11W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-327 71 F A: 160mm B: 150mm O/ : 120mm 60W 11W E27






Page 222: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 71 A > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass wall lamp with clear glass diffuserAϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï› LAMPADA

Art. 71 AF > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass wall lamp with opal glass diffuserAϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA


> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and cover> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Nickel mat plated brass screws and cable gland> Complete with wiring> Available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+

A1:98 European Standards


CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-328 71 A A: 180mm B: 150mm O/ : 120mm 75W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-329 71 AF A: 180mm B: 150mm O/ : 120mm 60W 11W E27






Page 223: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 78 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass wall lamp with clear glass diffuserAϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï› LAMPADA

Art. 78 F > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass wall lamp with opal glass diffuserAϛη ÙÔ›¯Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓË Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA


> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass housing and cover> Opal or clear glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Nickel mat plated brass screws and cable gland> Complete with wiring> Available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 & EN60598-1:97+

A1:98 European Standards


CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-330 78 A: 225mm B: 180mm O/ : 150mm 150W 23W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-331 78 F A: 225mm B: 180mm O/ : 150mm 150W 23W E27






Page 224: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 71 D/O > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

Art. 71 D/0.25 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

Art. 71 D/0.50 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔ Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-332 71 D/O 230mm 60W 11W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-335 71 D/O.50 730mm 60W 11W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-333 71 D/O.25 480mm 60W 11W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass base, top and seal

> Nickel mat plated brass tube and screws

> Clear glass diffuser

> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Complete through wiring

> Available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1

European Standards

Page 225: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 71 FD/O > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

Art. 71 FD/0.25 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

Art. 71 FD/0.50 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-336 71 FD/O 230mm 60W 11W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-338 71 FD/O.50 730mm 60W 11W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-337 71 FD/O.25 480mm 60W 11W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass base, top and seal

> Nickel mat plated brass tube and screws

> Opal glass diffuser

> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Complete through wiring

> Available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1

European Standards

Page 226: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 71 AD/O > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

Art. 71 AD/0.25 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

Art. 71 AD/0.50 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-339 71 AD/O 250mm 75W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-341 71 AD/O.50 750mm 75W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-340 71 AD/O.25 500mm 75W 15W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass base, top and seal

> Nickel mat plated brass tube and screws

> Clear glass diffuser

> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Complete through wiring

> Available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1

European Standards

Page 227: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 71 AFD/O > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

Art. 71 AFD/0.25 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

Art. 71 AFD/0.50 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-344 71 AFD/O 250mm 75W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-346 71 AFD/O.50 750mm 75W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-345 71 AFD/O.25 500mm 75W 15W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass base, top and seal

> Nickel mat plated brass tube and screws

> Opal glass diffuser

> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Complete through wiring

> Available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1

European Standards

Page 228: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 78 D/O > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

Art. 78 FD/0.50 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-348 78 D/O 300mm 150W 23W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-350 78 D/O.50 800mm 150W 23W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass base, top and seal

> Nickel mat plated brass tube and screws

> Clear glass diffuser

> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Complete through wiring

> Available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1

European Standards

Art. 78 D/0.25 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with clear glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-349 78 D/O.25 550mm 150W 23W E27

Page 229: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 78 FD/O > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

Art. 78 FD/0.50 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-351 78 FD/O 300mm 150W 23W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-353 78 FD/O.50 800mm 150W 23W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass base, top and seal

> Nickel mat plated brass tube and screws

> Opal glass diffuser

> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Complete through wiring

> Available in chrome finish upon request> IP 54 > Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1

European Standards

Art. 78 FD/0.25 > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass garden lighting with opal glass diffuser¢·¤‰Ô˘ ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù ÌÂ Ô¿Ï Á˘·Ï›LAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-352 78 FD/O.25 550mm 150W 23W E27

Page 230: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 71A B > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass pendant lighting with clear glass diffuserKÚÂÌ·ÛÙfi ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

Art. 71AF B > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass pendant lighting with opal glass diffuserKÚÂÌ·ÛÙfi ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-460 71A B A: max 700mm B:180mm 75W 15W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-461 71AF B A: max 700mm B:180mm 75W 15W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass base, top and seal> Nickel mat plated brass chain and screws > Clear or opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Available in chrome finish upon request

> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards





Page 231: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 78 B > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass pendant lighting with clear glass diffuserKÚÂÌ·ÛÙfi ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› ‰È¿Ê·ÓÔLAMPADA

Art. 78F B > > > Nickel mat plated solid brass pendant lighting with opal glass diffuserKÚÂÌ·ÛÙfi ÔÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ Ó›ÎÂÏ Ì·Ù Ì Á˘·Ï› Ì·ÙLAMPADA

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-465 78 B A: max 700mm B: 225mm 150W 23W E27

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-468 78A B A: max 700mm B: 225mm 150W 23W E27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Nickel mat plated die-cast brass base, top and seal> Nickel mat plated brass chain and screws > Clear or opal glass diffuser> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Available in chrome finish upon request

> IP 54> Class I> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards





Page 232: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Page 233: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :






Page 234: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Acrylic globes come out in five standard dimensions: º200mm, º250mm, º300mm, º400mm, º500mm andthree colours: opal, fume and clear. Globe represents aneasy-going fixture that has various applications: on posts,at entrance gates and against walls. Globes are the mostcommon fixture used in urban illumination. Bases comeout in plastic and aluminium materials both with porcelainlampholder. Plastic bases are used for post placement ofglobes, while the aluminium bases are applied in wall andpendant fixtures.


Page 235: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 62/63/64/65 > > > Opal acrylic globesAÎÚ˘ÏÈΤ˜ ̿Ϙ Ô¿ÏGLOBE


CODE * ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-615 62 º 200mm 40W /15W E2700-00-609 63 º 250mm 60W /20W E2700-00-614 64 º 300mm 75W /30W E2700-00-617 65 º 400mm 100W /40W E2700-00-628 º 500mm 150W /40W E27

CODE * ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-613 62 º 200mm 40W /15W E2700-00-625 63 º 250mm 60W /20W E2700-00-626 64 º 300mm 75W /30W E2700-00-627 65 º 400mm 100W /40W E2700-00-629 º 500mm 150W /40W E27

* Codes referring to globes without base. / √È Îˆ‰ÈÎÔ› ·ÊÔÚÔ‡Ó Ì¿Ï˜ ¯ˆÚ›˜ ‚¿ÛË

Art. 62/63/64/65 > > > Fume acrylic globesAÎÚ˘ÏÈΤ˜ ̿Ϙ ÊÈ̤GLOBE

Page 236: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :



> Acrylic (PMMA) globe

> UV resistant material

> Opal, fume and clear diffuser

> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 &

EN60598-1:97+A1:98 European Standards

PRODUCT FEATURES Acrylic globes with plastic base

> Acrylic (PMMA) globe with polyamide (PA) base

> UV resistant materials

> Opal, fume and clear diffuser

> E 27 porcelain lampholder included

> IP65

> Class II

> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 &

EN60598-1:97+A1:98 European Standards

CODE * ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-215 62 º 20mm 40W /15W E2700-00-635 63 º 25mm 60W /20W E2700-00-636 64 º 30mm 75W /30W E2700-00-206 65 º 40mm 100W /40W E27

* Codes referring to globes without base. / √È Îˆ‰ÈÎÔ› ·ÊÔÚÔ‡Ó Ì¿Ï˜ ¯ˆÚ›˜ ‚¿ÛË

Art. 62/63/64/65 > > > Clear acrylic globesAÎÚ˘ÏÈΤ˜ ̿Ϙ ‰È¿Ê·Ó˜GLOBE

Page 237: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


> > > Plastic base for globes°Ú›Ê· Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ÁÈ· ̿ϘBASE

> > > Aluminium base for globes°Ú›Ê· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ ÁÈ· ̿ϘBASE

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-605 Base for globe º 200 BK/GR º 100mm 40W 15W E-2700-00-606 Base for globe º 250 BK/GR º 125mm 60W 20W E-2700-00-607 Base for globe º 300 BK/GR º 140mm 75W 30W E-2700-00-608 Base for globe º 400 BK/GR º 185mm 100W 40W E-2700-00-801 Base for globe º 500 BK/GR º 235mm 150W 40W E-27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE13-00-1090 Base for globe º 200 BK º 105mm 40W 15W E-2713-00-1151 Base for globe º 250 BK º 129mm 60W 20W E-2713-00-1173 Base for globe º 300 BK º 145mm 75W 30W E-2713-00-1225 Base for globe º 400 BK º 185mm 100W 40W E-27

PRODUCT FEATURES> Polyamide (PA) base> UV resistant material> E27 porcelain lampholder included> º 63mm open on the bottom adjustable to º 60mm posts> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 &

EN60598-1:97+A1:98 European Standards

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium > Polyester powder coating UV resistant> Available in all finishes upon request> E27 porcelain lampholder included> This series conforms to EN60598-2-1 &

EN60598-1:97+A1:98 European Standards

Page 238: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Models for wall application of globes vary in design, globesize and wattage. Plastic or aluminium wall arms, bigger orsmaller sizes, also broaden the range of models and thescope of applications. From residential to architectural oreven industrial use, wall globes series answer to everylighting need.


Page 239: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :



Art. 69 P > > > Wall globe ºº 200ª¿Ï· ›ÙÔÈ¯Ë ºº 200WALL GLOBE

Art. 70 P > > > Wall globe ºº 250ª¿Ï· ›ÙÔÈ¯Ë ºº 250WALL GLOBE

PRODUCT FEATURES> Opal, fume or clear acrylic globe with aluminium base

and plastic arm> UV resistant materials> With porcelain lampholder> Complete through wiring

> IP65

> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-218 69 P BK º 200mm 330mm 40W 15W E-2700-00-699 69 P WH º 200mm 330mm 40W 15W E-27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-219 70 P BK º 250mm 390mm 60W 20W E-2700-00-703 70 P WH º 250mm 390mm 60W 20W E-27

Page 240: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 81 > > > Wall globe ºº 200ª¿Ï· ›ÙÔÈ¯Ë ºº 200WALL GLOBE

Art. 82 > > > Wall globe ºº 250ª¿Ï· ›ÙÔÈ¯Ë ºº 250WALL GLOBE

PRODUCT FEATURES> Opal, fume or clear acrylic globe with aluminium base and arm> UV resistant materials> Aluminium parts available in all finishes upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete through wiring

> IP65

> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-347 81 BK º 200mm 40W 15W E-2700-00-362 81 WH º 200mm 40W 15W E-27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-363 82 BK º 250mm 60W 20W E-2700-00-364 82 WH º 250mm 60W 20W E-27

Page 241: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 83 > > > Wall globe ºº 200ª¿Ï· ›ÙÔÈ¯Ë ºº 200WALL GLOBE

Art. 84 > > > Wall globe ºº 250ª¿Ï· ›ÙÔÈ¯Ë ºº 250WALL GLOBE

PRODUCT FEATURES> Opal, fume or clear acrylic globe with aluminium base and arm> UV resistant materials> Aluminium parts available in all finishes upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete through wiring

> IP65

> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-365 83 BK º 200mm 40W 15W E-2700-00-366 83 WH º 200mm 40W 15W E-27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-367 84 BK º 250mm 60W 20W E-2700-00-368 84 WH º 250mm 60W 20W E-27

Page 242: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


Art. 85 > > > Wall globe ºº 300ª¿Ï· ›ÙÔÈ¯Ë ºº 300WALL GLOBE

Art. 86 > > > Wall globe ºº 400ª¿Ï· ›ÙÔÈ¯Ë ºº 400WALL GLOBE

PRODUCT FEATURES> Opal, fume or clear acrylic globe with aluminium base and arm> UV resistant materials> Aluminium parts available in all finishes upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete through wiring

> IP65

> Class II> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-369 85 BK º 300mm 60W 20W E-27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-371 86 BK º 400mm 75W 30W E-27

Page 243: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :


CODE ART COLOUR WATTAGE00-00-373 88 BK 40W 15W E-27

Art. 87 > > > Wall globe ºº 200ª¿Ï· ›ÙÔÈ¯Ë ºº 200WALL GLOBE

Art. 88 > > > Wall lamp with opal prismatic head∂›ÙÔÈ¯Ë ·Ï›Î· Ô¿Ï ÚÈÛÌ·ÙÈ΋WALL GLOBE

PRODUCT FEATURES> Opal acrylic prismatic head with plastic arm> UV resistant materials> With porcelain lampholder> Complete through wiring

> IP 43

> Class I> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

PRODUCT FEATURES> Opal, fume or clear acrylic globe with plastic arm> UV resistant materials> With porcelain lampholder> Complete through wiring

> IP 43

> Class I

> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-372 87 BK º 200mm 40W 15W E-27

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Garden globes, represent the most common gardenlighting. This series includes globes on aluminium coneand on plastic or aluminium posts. This series includes alsosquare plastic head and prismatic plastic head,broadening design models. Garden globes are also idealfor public places like parks, squares and building yards.


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Art. 62 D > > > Cone with globe opal / fume / clear ºº 200∫ÒÓÔ˜ Ì ̿Ϸ Ô¿Ï / ÊÈ̤ / ‰È¿Ê·ÓË ºº 200GARDEN GLOBE

Art. 63 D > > > Cone with globe opal / fume / clear ºº 250∫ÒÓÔ˜ Ì ̿Ϸ Ô¿Ï / ÊÈ̤ / ‰È¿Ê·ÓË ºº 250GARDEN GLOBE

Art. 64 D > > > Cone with globe opal / fume / clear ºº 300∫ÒÓÔ˜ Ì ̿Ϸ Ô¿Ï / ÊÈ̤ / ‰È¿Ê·ÓË ºº 300GARDEN GLOBE


CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-054 62 D / º 20 BK º 200mm 350mm 40W 15W E-27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-063 63 D / º 25 BK º 250mm 415mm 60W 20W E-27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-069 64 D / º 30 BK º 300mm 415mm 75W 30W E-27

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PRODUCT FEATURES> Opal, fume or clear acrylic globe / square head, opal

acrylic prismatic head with aluminium base on aluminium cone

> UV resistant materials> Aluminium parts available in all finishes upon request> With porcelain lampholder

> IP65

> Class I> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards


Art. 89 D > > > Cone with square head∫ÒÓÔ˜ ÌÂ ˙¿ÚÈGARDEN SQUARE HEAD

Art. 88 D > > > Cone with prismatic head∫ÒÓÔ˜ Ì ÚÈÛÌ·ÙÈ΋ ÎÂÊ·Ï‹GARDEN PRISMATIC HEAD

CODE ART COLOUR WATTAGE00-00-408 89 D BK 60W 20W E-27

CODE ART COLOUR WATTAGE00-00-409 88 D BK 40W 15W E-27

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PRODUCT FEATURES On plastic pole

> Opal, fume or clear acrylic globe / opal square head / opal prismatic head with plastic base on plastic pole with plastic ground base

> UV resistant materials

> With porcelain lampholder

> Height of the pole adjustable as presented in posts section

> IP65

> Class II

> This series conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards


> > >Globes (opal / fume / clear), square and prismatic head on plastic or aluminium postM¿Ï˜ (Ô¿Ï / ÊÈ̤ / ‰È¿Ê·Ó˜), ÙÂÙÚ¿ÁˆÓË Î·È ÚÈÛÌ·ÙÈ΋ ÎÂÊ·Ï‹ Û ϷÛÙÈ΋ Î·È ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ ÎÔÏÒÓ·


PRODUCT FEATURES On aluminium pole

> Opal, fume or clear acrylic globe / opal square head / opal prismatic head with plastic base on aluminium pole with aluminium ground base

> UV resistant materials> Aluminium parts available in all finishes upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Height of the pole adjustable as presented in posts section

> IP65

> Class I> This series conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

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Pendant globes come out in two types: first with plasticand second with metal suspension. Black, white and greyare available colours for plastic suspension, while varietyof colours is available for the metal one.


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Art. 69 B / 70 B / 64 B > > > Pendant globe ºº 200, ºº 250, ºº 300, ºº 400∫ÚÂÌ·ÛÙ‹ Ì¿Ï· ºº 200, ºº 250, ºº 300, ºº 400PENDANT GLOBE


> Opal, fume or clear acrylic globe with aluminium

base and plastic cord and ceiling base

> UV resistant materials

> With porcelain lampholder

> Complete through wiring

> IP 43

> Class I

> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards


CODE ART COLOUR GLOBE DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-690 69 B BK/GR º 200mm 40W 15W E-2700-00-701 70 B BK/GR º 250mm 60W 20W E-2700-00-696 64 B BK/GR º 300mm 75W 30W E-2700-00-241 65 B BK/GR º 400mm 100W 40W E-27

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PRODUCT FEATURES> Opal, fume or clear acrylic globe with aluminium

base, chain and ceiling base> UV resistant materials> Alluminium parts available in all finishes upon request> With porcelain lampholder> Complete through wiring

> IP 43

> Class I> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-376 A 69 B º 200mm max 700mm 40W 15W E2700-00-377 A 70 B º 250mm max 700mm 60W 20W E2700-00-378 A 64 B º 300mm max 700mm 75W 30W E2700-00-694 A 65 B º 400mm max 700mm 100W 40W E27


Art. 65 B > > > Pendant globe ºº 400∫ÚÂÌ·ÛÙ‹ Ì¿Ï· ºº 400PENDANT GLOBE

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Posts & Heads







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Posts range according to material, diameter size andheight. Plastic and aluminum posts are presented invarious heights and º600mm diameter, while inaluminium striped poles and model K46 diameter isº750mm. Standard colours for plastic poles are black andgrey, while aluminium poles are available in all finishesupon request. Ground base is included in all models.


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CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS00-00-439 K 43 P/0.25m BK/GR º 60mm 250mm00-00-437 K 43 P/0.50m BK/GR º 60mm 500mm00-00-438 K 43 P/1.00m BK/GR º 60mm 1000mm00-00-467 K 43 P/1.50m BK/GR º 60mm 1500mm00-00-466 K 43 P/2.00m BK/GR º 60mm 2000mm

Art. K 43 P > > > Plastic post 0.25m - 2.00m∫ÔÏÒÓ· Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ 0.25m - 2.00mPOST

PRODUCT FEATURES> Plastic post with plastic base> UV resistant materials> Post adjustable to ºº60mm opening> Special height available upon request

Art. K 43 > > > Aluminium post 0.25m - 2.00m∫ÔÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ 0.25m - 2.00mPOST

PRODUCT FEATURES> Aluminium post with aluminium base> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant> Available in all finishes upon resquest> Post adjustable to º 60mm opening> Special height available upon request

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS00-01-011 K 43/0.25m BK º 60mm 250mm00-01-012 K 43/0.50m BK º 60mm 500mm00-01-013 K 43/0.70m BK º 60mm 700mm00-01-014 K 43/1.00m BK º 60mm 1000mm00-01-015 K 43/1.50m BK º 60mm 1500mm00-01-016 K 43/2.00m BK º 60mm 2000mm00-01-010 K 43/2.50m BK º 60mm 2500mm

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PRODUCT FEATURES> Aluminium post with aluminium base> UV resistant materials> Available in all finishes upon resquest> Post adjustable to º 75mm opening> Special height available upon request


Art. K 45 > > > Striped aluminium post 2.00m - 3.00m∫ÔÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ ·˘Ï·ÎˆÙ‹ 2.00m - 3.00mPOST

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS00-00-045 K 45/2.00m BK º 75mm 2000mm00-00-464 K 45/2.50m BK º 75mm 2500mm00-00-462 K 45/3.00m BK º 75mm 3000mm

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PRODUCT FEATURES> Aluminium post with aluminium base> UV resistant materials> Available in all finishes upon resquest> Post adjustable to ºº 75mm opening> Special height available upon request

Art. K 46 > > > Striped aluminium post 3.00m∫ÔÏÒÓ· ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ ·˘Ï·ÎˆÙ‹ 3.00mPOST

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS00-00-489 K 44/3.00m BK º 75mm / Base º 330mm 3000mm


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Heads included in this series are designed to fit all postspresented previously and therefore various combinationsare possible. Single, double and triple heads, with globesor lanterns, – Magnus, Lamda and Kronos models- areavailable.


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Art. 35 > > > Single plastic head∫ÂÊ·Ï‹ Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ÌÔÓ‹HEAD

Art. 42 > > > Double plastic head∫ÂÊ·Ï‹ Ï·ÛÙÈ΋ ‰ÈÏ‹HEAD


> Polyamide (PA) housing

> Opal polycarbonate diffuser

> UV resistant materials

> With aluminium reflector and porcelain lampholder

> IP 43

> Class II

> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-137 35 BK 240¯180mm 110mm 75W 15W E2700-00-035 35 WH 240¯180mm 110mm 75W 15W E2700-00-355 35 GR 240¯180mm 110mm 75W 15W E27

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-138 42 BK 240¯310mm 110mm 2¯75W 2¯15W E2700-00-042 42 WH 240¯310mm 110mm 2¯75W 2¯15W E2700-00-356 42 GR 240¯310mm 110mm 2¯75W 2¯15W E27


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Art. 64 / 65 > > > Opal / fume / clear acrylic globes ºº 300 - ºº 400√¿Ï / ÊÈ̤ / ‰È¿Ê·ÓË Ì¿Ï· ·ÎÚ˘ÏÈ΋ ºº 300 - ºº 400GLOBES

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base> Acrylic (PMMA) globe with die-cast aluminium base> UV resistant material> With porcelain lampholder and complete with wiring> Available in all finishes upon request

> IP65

> Class II

> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-614 64 OPAL º 300mm 75W 30W E-2700-00-626 64 FUME º 300mm 75W 30W E-2700-00-636 64 CLEAR º 300mm 75W 30W E-2700-00-617 65 OPAL º 400mm 100W 40W E-2700-00-627 65 FUME º 400mm 100W 40W E-2700-00-206 65 CLEAR º 400mm 100W 40W E-2700-00-607 PLASTIC BASE BK/GR Globe º 300mm 75W 30W E-2700-00-608 PLASTIC BASE BK/GR Globe º 400mm 100W 40W E-2700-00-1173 ALUMINIUM BASE BK Globe º 300mm 75W 30W E-2700-00-1225 ALUMINIUM BASE BK Globe º 400mm 100W 40W E-27

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Art. 44 / 2 F > > > Double alouminium head with ºº 250 / ºº 300 globes∫ÂÊ·Ï‹ ‰ÈÏ‹ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì ̿Ϙ ºº 250 / ºº 300HEAD

Art. 44 / 3 F > > > Triple alouminium head with ºº 250 / ºº 300 globes∫ÂÊ·Ï‹ ÙÚÈÏ‹ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì ̿Ϙ ºº 250 / ºº 300HEAD


> Die-cast aluminium base

> Acrylic (PMMA) globe with die-cast aluminium base

> UV resistant material

> With porcelain lampholder and complete with wiring

> Available in all finishes upon request

> IP65

> Class II

> Conforms to EN 60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART WATTAGE00-00-444 44 / 2 F - 25 2x60W 2x20W E-2700-00-454 44 / 2 F - 30 2x75W 2x30W E-27

CODE ART WATTAGE00-00-445 44 / 3 F - 25 3x60W 3x20W E-2700-00-450 44 / 3 F - 30 3x75W 3x30W E-27

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Art. 80 H > > > Aluminium lantern headº·Ó¿ÚÈ ÎÂÊ·Ï‹ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘LANTERN

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal

> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant

> Clear glass diffuser

> With porcelain lampholder

> Complete with wiring

> Available in all finishes upon request

> IP 43

> Class I

> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART DIMENSIONS WATTAGE00-00-411 80 H 350mm 150W 40W E27

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Art. 44/68 - 2 > > > Double alouminium head with lanterns∫ÂÊ·Ï‹ ‰ÈÏ‹ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì ʷӿÚÈ·HEAD

Art. 44/68 - 3 > > > Triple alouminium head with lanterns∫ÂÊ·Ï‹ ÙÚÈÏ‹ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì ʷӿÚÈ·HEAD


> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal

> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant

> Clear glass diffuser

> With porcelain lampholder

> Complete with wiring

> Available in all finishes upon request

> IP 43

> Class II> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR WATTAGE00-00-446 44/68 - 2 BK 2x100W 2x20W E-27

CODE ART COLOUR WATTAGE00-00-447 44/68 - 3 BK 3x100W 3x20W E-27

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Art. 44/74 - 2 > > > Double alouminium head with lanterns∫ÂÊ·Ï‹ ‰ÈÏ‹ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì ʷӿÚÈ·HEAD

Art. 44/74 - 3 > > > Triple alouminium head with lanterns∫ÂÊ·Ï‹ ÙÚÈÏ‹ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì ʷӿÚÈ·HEAD


> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal

> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant

> Clear glass diffuser

> With porcelain lampholder

> Complete with wiring

> Available in all finishes upon request

> IP 43

> Class I

> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR WATTAGE00-00-359 44/74 - 2 BK 2x100W 2x20W E-27

CODE ART COLOUR WATTAGE00-00-360 44/74 - 3 BK 3x100W 3x20W E-27

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Art. 44/80 - 2 > > > Double alouminium head with lanterns∫ÂÊ·Ï‹ ‰ÈÏ‹ ·ÏÔ˘ÌÈÓ›Ô˘ Ì ʷӿÚÈ·HEAD


> Die-cast aluminium base, top and seal

> Polyester powder coating, UV resistant

> Clear glass diffuser

> With porcelain lampholder

> Complete with wiring

> Available in all finishes upon request

> IP 43

> Class I

> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR WATTAGE00-00-361 44/80 - 2 BK 2x150W 2x30W E-27

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Leon series presents halogen floodlights at 150, 500 and1000 power wattage. 150W and 500W floodlights are alsoavailable with movement sensor, most useful at frontdoors, gates and garages. Lower wattage floodlights areusually placed in residences, while bigger wattage isneeded at professional sites like shop window'sillumination.


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PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium body and frame> Clear glass diffuser> High purity aluminium reflector> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> IP54> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards


CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE11-11-055 FL 150 WH 140¯95mm 185mm 150W R7s11-11-054 FL 150 BK 140¯95mm 185mm 150W R7s

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE11-11-058 FL 500 WH 280¯135mm 185mm 500W R7s11-11-057 FL 500 BK 280¯135mm 185mm 500W R7s

Art. FL 150 > > > Halogen floodlight 150W¶ÚÔ‚ÔϤ·˜ Ȉ‰›Ó˘ 150WLEON

Art. FL 500 > > > Halogen floodlight 500W¶ÚÔ‚ÔϤ·˜ Ȉ‰›Ó˘ 500WLEON

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Art. FL 1000 > > > Halogen floodlight 1000W¶ÚÔ‚ÔϤ·˜ Ȉ‰›Ó˘ 1000WLEON

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium body and frame> Clear glass diffuser> High purity aluminium reflector> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> IP54

> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE11-11-053 FL 1000 BK 275¯150mm 305mm 1000W R7s

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Art. FL 150 S > > > Halogen floodlight 150W with sensor¶ÚÔ‚ÔϤ·˜ Ȉ‰›Ó˘ 150W Ì ·ÓȯÓÂ˘Ù‹LEON

Art. FL 500 S > > > Halogen floodlight 500W with sensor¶ÚÔ‚ÔϤ·˜ Ȉ‰›Ó˘ 500W Ì ·ÓȯÓÂ˘Ù‹LEON

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium body and frame> Clear glass diffuser> High purity aluminium reflector> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder> Infrared sensor: detection range: 10m (at 25o C), detection

angle: 120o / 180o , time set: 6s-15min> IP54> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE11-11-070 FL 150 S WH 140¯95mm 220mm 150W R7s11-11-056 FL 150 S BK 140¯95mm 220mm 150W R7s

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE11-11-096 FL 500 S WH 185¯135mm 280mm 500W R7s11-11-059 FL 500 S BK 185¯135mm 280mm 500W R7s

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Apollo 1 is a Metal Halide floodlight model for 70 and 150power wattage. Metal Halide floodlights are ideal forprofessional or industrial application due to their highlumen output. Apollo 1 model is used for warehouse orbuilding illumination. Standard colours are black, whiteand silver.


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Art. HQI 70 > > > Metal Halide floodlight 70W ¶ÚÔ‚ÔϤ·˜ Metal Halide 70WAPOLLO 1

Art. HQI 150 > > > Metal Halide floodlight 150W ¶ÚÔ‚ÔϤ·˜ Metal Halide 150WAPOLLO 1

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium body and frame> Clear glass diffuser> High purity aluminium reflector> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder

> IP65

> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE01-00-016 HQI 70 BK 270¯125mm 350mm 70W Rx7s01-00-023 HQI 70 WH 270¯125mm 350mm 70W Rx7s01-00-024 HQI 70 SI 270¯125mm 350mm 70W Rx7s

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE01-00-012 HQI 150 BK 270¯125mm 350mm 150W Rx7s01-00-025 HQI 150 WH 270¯125mm 350mm 150W Rx7s01-00-026 HQI 150 SI 270¯125mm 350mm 150W Rx7s

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Completing the Metal Halide floodlight range Apollo 2design model features 250 and 400 power wattage. Idealfor higher lumen output needs, this series of Metal Halidefloodlights is used in lighting buildings, parks, stadiumsand parking areas. Standard colours are black, white andsilver.


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Art. HQI 250 > > > Metal Halide floodlight 250W ¶ÚÔ‚ÔϤ·˜ Metal Halide 250WAPOLLO 2

Art. HQI 400 > > > Metal Halide floodlight 400W ¶ÚÔ‚ÔϤ·˜ Metal Halide 400WAPOLLO 2

PRODUCT FEATURES> Die-cast aluminium body and frame> Clear glass diffuser> High purity aluminium reflector> With thermoplastic gasket and porcelain lampholder

> IP65

> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE01-00-036 HQI 250 BK 410¯145mm 510mm 250W E4001-00-035 HQI 250 WH 410¯145mm 510mm 250W E4001-00-047 HQI 250 SI 410¯145mm 510mm 250W E40

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE01-00-007 HQI 400 BK 410¯145mm 510mm 400W E 4001-00-037 HQI 400 WH 410¯145mm 510mm 400W E 4001-00-041 HQI 400 SI 410¯145mm 510mm 400W E 40

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These two models of fluorescent fixtures are only forindoor use. Slim line models are available in five types:6,8,13,21 and 28 power wattage, while flat line models in8W and 13W. T5 lamp, switch and interconnection cableare included in both types. This series models are used forconcealed lighting: under shop shelves or kitchencupboards.


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PRODUCT FEATURES> Plastic housing with prismatic mat protection diffuser > Built-in electronic ballast> T5 compact fluorescent tube 6400K included > Quick start and flicker free> On-off switch on the fixture> Interconnection between fittings available > 1.5m power cord and 2P plug included> Ceiling or wall mounted> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards


CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE11-11-048 TL 2001 / 6W WH 267¯23mm 43mm 6W T511-11-049 TL 2001 / 8W WH 342¯23mm 43mm 8W T511-11-008 TL 2001 / 13W WH 571¯23mm 43mm 13W T511-11-007 TL 2001 / 21W WH 950¯23mm 43mm 21W T511-11-006 TL 2001 / 28W WH 1200¯23mm 43mm 28W T5

Art. TL 2001 > > > 6W / 8W / 13W / 21W / 28W- Fluorescent Lamp- ºˆÙÈÛÙÈÎfi ÊıÔÚÈÛÌÔ‡SLIM LINE

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Art. TL 2005 > > > 8W / 13W - Fluorescent Lamp- ºˆÙÈÛÙÈÎfi ÊıÔÚÈÛÌÔ‡FLAT LINE

PRODUCT FEATURES> Light weight aluminium housing with plastic cover> Built-in electronic ballast> T5 compact fluorescent tube 6400K included > Quick start and flicker free> On-off switch on the fixture> Interconnection between fittings available > 1.5m power cord and plug included > This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE ART COLOUR DIMENSIONS WATTAGE11-11-005 TL 2005 / 8W WH 340¯72mm 22mm 8W T511-11-002 TL 2005 / 8W SI 340¯72mm 22mm 8W T511-11-004 TL 2005 / 13W WH 550¯72mm 22mm 13W T511-11-003 TL 2005 / 13W SI 550¯72mm 22mm 13W T5

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Page 282: NB 2012 Plastic - Elko Tim...Class II : Double insulation – Earthing is not required Suitable to inflammable surface IP PROTECTION IP 20 : Protection against solid > 12mm IP 41 :

Fluo series includes single and double T8 lamp fluorescentluminaries in three-option lamp wattage: 18W, 36W and58W. Electronic ballast is incorporated. Due to the highlumen output of fluorescent lamps, Fluo models areeffectively used to illuminate supermarkets and shops,warehouses and production lines.



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> > > Single fluorescent luminaire IP20™Î·Ê¿ÎÈ ·Ïfi IP20 ÌÔÓfiFLUO

> > > Double fluorescent luminaire IP20™Î·Ê¿ÎÈ ·Ïfi IP20 ‰ÈÏfiFLUO

PRODUCT FEATURES> Iron sheet with high quality powder coating> Thermoplastic lampholder> Built-in electronic ballast> Ceiling or wall mounted> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE DIMENSIONS WATTAGE12-00-013 620¯55mm 85mm 1¯18W ∆812-00-015 1230¯55mm 85mm 1¯36W ∆812-00-017 1530¯55mm 85mm 1¯58W ∆8

CODE DIMENSIONS WATTAGE12-00-014 620¯96mm 88mm 2¯18W ∆812-00-016 1230¯96mm 88mm 2¯36W ∆812-00-018 1530¯96mm 88mm 2¯58W ∆8

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Polaris series includes single and double T8 lampdustproof fluorescent luminaries ideal for outdoor use.Build in electronic ballast is used, while available lampwattage are: 18W, 36W and 58W. Most commonapplications of such fluorescent fixtures are in parkingareas and garages, for warehouse and industrial sites'illumination.


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> > > Single fluorescent luminaire IP65™Î·Ê¿ÎÈ ÛÙÂÁ·Ófi ÌÔÓfi IP65POLARIS

> > > Double fluorescent luminaire IP65™Î·Ê¿ÎÈ ÛÙÂÁ·Ófi ‰ÈÏfi IP65POLARIS

PRODUCT FEATURES> PS plastic housing and PS plastic clear prismatic cover> Plastic closing clips and plastic cable gland> With silicon gasket> Build-in electronic ballast > Ceiling or wall mounted

> IP65

> This series conforms to EN60598.1 European Standards

CODE DIMENSIONS WATTAGE12-00-007 660¯105mm 106mm 1¯18W ∆812-00-023 1275¯105mm 106mm 1¯36W ∆812-00-011 1566¯105mm 106mm 1¯58W ∆8

CODE DIMENSIONS WATTAGE12-00-024 660¯105mm 106mm 2¯18W ∆812-00-010 1275¯105mm 106mm 2¯36W ∆812-00-012 1566¯105mm 106mm 2¯58W ∆8

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ACCESSORIESLampholders / NÙÔ˘›

Decorative brass screw / OÚÂȯ¿ÏÎÈÓÔ ‰È·ÎÔÛÌËÙÈÎfi ‚›‰·˜

Thermoplastic gaskets£ÂÚÌÔÏ·ÛÙÈÎÔ› ۈϋÓ˜ (ÊÏ¿Ù˙˜)

Glasses / °˘·ÏÈ¿

Ballasts / MÂÙ·Û¯ËÌ·ÙÈÛÙ¤˜

Igniters / EÎÎÈÓËÙ¤˜







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NNOOTTEESS:: - Products are delivered without lamps.

- The company reserves the right to change or abolish product models without any prior notice.

™™HHMMEEIIøø™™EEII™™:: - T· ʈÙÈÛÙÈο ·Ú·‰›‰ÔÓÙ·È ¯ˆÚ›˜ Ï·ÌÙ‹Ú˜.



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10 Lekanidi Str., (276 Vouliagmenis Av.) Ag. Dimitrios, 173 43, Athens, GreeceN.§Âηӛ‰Ë 10 (§. BÔ˘ÏÈ·Á̤Ó˘ 276), ¶Ï. ¶·Ó·ÁÔ‡ÏË, 173 43 AÁ. ¢ËÌ‹ÙÚÈÔ˜, Aı‹Ó·

Factory: 88 Kolokotroni Str., Argyroupolis, 164 51, Athens, GreeceEÚÁÔÛÙ¿ÛÈÔ: KÔÏÔÎÔÙÚÒÓË 88, 16 451, AÚÁ˘ÚÔ‡ÔÏË, Aı‹Ó·

Tel.: +30 210 9756291 / Fax.: +30 210 9751360 www.nikolopoulos-lights.gr / [email protected]