Year 11 Scheme of Work 2010 – 2011 Week Date Learning Outcome Assignment Task Assessment & Resources Homework 1 30 Aug 2010 1.9 KNOW Health & Safety procedures Course outline- student booklets given - Expenses of course - Expectations: workload & deadlines - Loan agreements How to present a workbook & portfolio Health & safety questionnaire for using computers & cameras 1 Complete Health & Safety questionnaire PowerPoint : Task 1 2 6 Sep 2010 1.1 Explore techniques, materials, & resources. 1.5 Follow H&S procedures 1.6 know how to explore resources and identify suitable materials and techniques 1.8 Know technical skills. 1.9 Know H&S procedures Digital Manipulation Workshop Refresher of : levels/hue & saturation/cropping/resizing/layers/ Opacity/burn/dodge/clone tools 1 One Colour page of print screens per technique PowerPoint : Task 1 3 13 Sep 2010 1.1 Explore techniques, materials, & resources. 1.5 Follow H&S procedures 1.6 know how to explore resources and identify suitable materials and techniques 1.8 Know technical skills. 1.9 Know H&S procedures Digital Manipulation Workshop Refresher of : levels/hue & saturation/cropping/resizing/layers/ Opacity/burn/dodge/clone tools 1 One Colour page of print screens per technique Maximum of 8 pages PowerPoint : Task 1 Complete all techniques Gather information and pictures for mind map on your possible themes 4 20 Sep 2010 1.1 Explore techniques, materials, & resources. 1.6 know how to explore resources and identify suitable materials and techniques 2.1 discuss a range of ideas Portfolio Theme Research Mind map ALL possibilities including images 2 Complete Mind map One B&W page PowerPoint : Task 2 Select theme and collect images and artist names that work within the same area of photography

NCFE level 2 year 11

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NCFE level 2 year 11

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Page 1: NCFE level 2 year 11

Year 11 Scheme of Work 2010 – 2011

Week Date Learning Outcome Assignment Task Assessment & Resources Homework

1 30 Aug 2010 1.9 KNOW Health & Safety procedures

Course outline- student booklets given - Expenses of course - Expectations:

workload & deadlines

- Loan agreements How to present a workbook & portfolio Health & safety questionnaire for using computers & cameras

1 Complete Health & Safety questionnaire PowerPoint : Task 1

2 6 Sep 2010 1.1 Explore techniques, materials, & resources. 1.5 Follow H&S procedures 1.6 know how to explore resources and identify suitable materials and techniques 1.8 Know technical skills. 1.9 Know H&S procedures

Digital Manipulation Workshop Refresher of : levels/hue & saturation/cropping/resizing/layers/ Opacity/burn/dodge/clone tools

1 One Colour page of print screens per technique PowerPoint : Task 1

3 13 Sep 2010 1.1 Explore techniques, materials, & resources. 1.5 Follow H&S procedures 1.6 know how to explore resources and identify suitable materials and techniques 1.8 Know technical skills. 1.9 Know H&S procedures

Digital Manipulation Workshop Refresher of : levels/hue & saturation/cropping/resizing/layers/ Opacity/burn/dodge/clone tools

1 One Colour page of print screens per technique Maximum of 8 pages PowerPoint : Task 1

Complete all techniques Gather information and pictures for mind map on your possible themes

4 20 Sep 2010 1.1 Explore techniques, materials, & resources. 1.6 know how to explore resources and identify suitable materials and techniques 2.1 discuss a range of ideas

Portfolio Theme Research Mind map ALL possibilities including images

2 Complete Mind map One B&W page PowerPoint : Task 2

Select theme and collect images and artist names that work within the same area of photography

Page 2: NCFE level 2 year 11

Year 11 Scheme of Work 2010 – 2011

Week Date Learning Outcome Assignment Task Assessment & Resources Homework

5 27 Sep 2010 1.1 Explore techniques, materials, & resources. 1.6 know how to explore resources and identify suitable materials and techniques 2.1 discuss a range of ideas

Portfolio Theme Research Discuss & select final theme from first mind map Select 3 artists and include their work on your mind map along with all ideas

2 Complete Mind map One B&W page 100 words on why student has chosen theme. One B&W page PowerPoint : Task 2

Find 3 photographers/ artists that work within your theme and that you like.

6 4 Oct 2010 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.2

Artist Research 1 B pg of artist’s images 2 C pages of your response to their work. (1 proof sheet & 1 page of edited images inspired by artist)

2 1 B&W page of artist’s images 1 proof sheet & 1 page of edited images inspired by artist (colour) PowerPoint : Task 2

Complete Photo shoot inspired by your photographer

7 11 Oct 2010 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.2

Artist Research 1 B pg of artist’s images 2 C pages of your response to their work. (1 proof sheet & 1 page of edited images inspired by artist)

2 1 B&W page of artist’s images 1 proof sheet & 1 page of edited images inspired by artist (colour) PowerPoint : Task 2

Complete Photo shoot inspired by your photographer

8 18 Oct 2010 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.2

Artist Research 1 B pg of artist’s images 2 C pages of your response to their work. (1 proof sheet & 1 page of edited images inspired by artist)

2 1 B&W page of artist’s images 1 proof sheet & 1 page of edited images inspired by artist (colour) PowerPoint : Task 2

Complete Photo shoot inspired by your photographer

Half Term Finish all incomplete work

Page 3: NCFE level 2 year 11

Year 11 Scheme of Work 2010 – 2011

Week Date Learning Outcome Assignment Task Assessment & Resources Homework

9 1 Nov 2010 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 Portfolio Plan Plan out ideas for theme – draw & write Select equipment – list all needed to create the portfolio (2 b pgs)

3 200 words & sketches on Portfolio plan (B&W) One page listing and explain equipment needed to create a portfolio (B&W) PowerPoint : Task 3

Refer to personal targets and work towards

10 8 Nov 2010 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 Image Plan Sketch out 10 images with information of how to take them – digital techniques you will apply

3 Two pages or 10 sketches of images planned to take. Include directions for photographer/model and details of techniques PowerPoint : Task 3

11 15 Nov 2010 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.7

Photo Shoot 1 30 photos In school & out

3 30 photos to be taken Props, lights, backgrounds, cameras specific for projects needs

Complete Photo shoot

12 22 Nov 2010 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.7

Proof & Evaluate Shoot 1 proof sheet (1 C pg) Evaluate shoot (1 B pg) Start editing (1 C pg per image)

3 Proof Sheet (colour) Selection of images marked on proof sheet Write 200 words – reflective on photo shoot (B&W) Each image altered to have one COLOUR page showing process PowerPoint : Task 3

13 29 Nov 2010 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.7

Photo Shoot 2 30 photos In school & out

3 30 photos to be taken Props, lights, backgrounds, cameras specific for projects needs

Complete Photo shoot

Page 4: NCFE level 2 year 11

Year 11 Scheme of Work 2010 – 2011

Week Date Learning Outcome Assignment Task Assessment & Resources Homework

14 6 Dec 2010 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.7

Proof & Evaluate Shoot 2 proof sheet (1 C pg) Evaluate shoot (1 B pg) Start editing (1 C pg per image)

3 Proof Sheet (colour) Selection of images marked on proof sheet Write 200 words – reflective on photo shoot (B&W) Each image altered to have one COLOUR page showing process PowerPoint : Task 3

15 13 Dec 2010 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.7

Photo Shoot 3 30 photos In school & out

3 30 photos to be taken Props, lights, backgrounds, cameras specific for projects needs

Complete Photo shoot

20 Dec 2010 Christmas Holidays

27 Dec 2010 Christmas Holidays

16 3 Jan 2011 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.7

Proof & Evaluate Shoot 3 proof sheet (1 C pg) Evaluate shoot (1 B pg) Start editing (1 C pg per image)

3 Proof Sheet (colour) Selection of images marked on proof sheet Write 200 words – reflective on photo shoot (B&W) Each image altered to have one COLOUR page showing process PowerPoint : Task 3

17 12 Jan 2011 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.7

Editing images (12 in total one colour page per images showing how the image is being edited)

3 Each image altered to have one COLOUR page showing process PowerPoint : Task 3

Make sure all writing tasks for previous weeks are complete.

Page 5: NCFE level 2 year 11

Year 11 Scheme of Work 2010 – 2011

Week Date Learning Outcome Assignment Task Assessment & Resources Homework

18 17 Jan 2011 2.1 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Peer Evaluation Written evaluation of process so far, choices made reasons for choices & feedback given from teachers & peers.

4 200 words on the feedback given by peers and teacher. Discuss implications of the feedback on development of work (B&W) PowerPoint : Task 4

19 24 Jan 2011 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.7

Final Plan Write up final plan for portfolio Final shoot

4 One page (200 words) on final plan for portfolio (B&W) PowerPoint : Task 4

Refer to personal targets and work towards

20 31 Jan 2011 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.1 Final Edits 4 Each image altered to have one COLOUR page showing process PowerPoint : Task 4

21 7 Feb 2011 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.1 Final Edits 4 Each image altered to have one COLOUR page showing process PowerPoint : Task 4

Refer to personal targets and work towards

14 Feb 2011 Half Term

22 21 Feb 2011 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.1 Final Edits 4 Each image altered to have one COLOUR page showing process PowerPoint : Task 4

23 28 Feb 2011 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.1 Final Edits 4 Each image altered to have one COLOUR page showing process PowerPoint : Task 4

Refer to personal targets and work towards

Page 6: NCFE level 2 year 11

Year 11 Scheme of Work 2010 – 2011

Week Date Learning Outcome Assignment Task Assessment & Resources Homework

24 7 Mar 2011 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.1 Mount Twelve Images 5 Final 12 images PowerPoint : Task 5 Craft knives, card, cutting mats, metal rulers, Printed images

Purchase images/mount board or card and an A4 folder for presentation

25 14 Mar 2011 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.1 Mount Twelve Images 5 Final 12 images PowerPoint : Task 5 Craft knives, card, cutting mats, metal rulers, Printed images

26 21 Mar 2011 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.1 Mount Twelve Images 5 Final 12 images PowerPoint : Task 5 Craft knives, card, cutting mats, metal rulers, Printed images

Make any final adjustments to work and portfolio

27 28 Mar 2011 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.1 Mount Twelve Images 5 Final 12 images PowerPoint : Task 5 Craft knives, card, cutting mats, metal rulers, Printed images

4 Apr 2011 Easter Holidays

11 Apr 2011 Easter Holidays

28 18 Apr 2011 3.1 3.3 3.4 Summary 6 Evaluation: one A4 page of reflective writing PowerPoint : Task 6 How to write an Evaluation handout

Make any final adjustments to work and portfolio

Page 7: NCFE level 2 year 11

Year 11 Scheme of Work 2010 – 2011

Week Date Learning Outcome Assignment Task Assessment & Resources Homework

29 25 Apr 2011 3.1 3.3 3.4 Summary 6 Evaluation: one A4 page of reflective writing PowerPoint : Task 6 How to write an Evaluation handout

30 2 May 2011 3.2 Summary 6 Evaluation: one A4 page of reflective writing PowerPoint : Task 6 How to write an Evaluation handout

Complete project evaluation

31 9 May 2011 3.2 Summary 6 PowerPoint : Task 6 How to write an Evaluation handout

Complete project evaluation

32 16 May 2011 3.2 Evaluation 6 PowerPoint : Task 6 How to write an Evaluation handout

Hand in All Work on or before Wednesday 18th May 2011

33 23 May 2011

30 May 2011 Half Term

6 June 2011

13 June 2011

20 June 2011

27 June 2011

4 July 2011

11 July 2011

Page 8: NCFE level 2 year 11

Year 11 Scheme of Work 2010 – 2011

Week Date Learning Outcome Assignment Task Assessment & Resources Homework

18 July 2011 Learning Outcomes What the candidate must do: 1.1 Explore techniques, materials, and resources to produce a series of images for the selected area of photography 1.2 Explain your reasons for the above choice 1.3 Select a range of suitable materials and techniques and give reasons for choices 1.4 Develop photographic skills to make effective use of materials, techniques and resources. 1.5 Follow Health and Safety procedures What the candidate must know: 1.6 How to explore resources and identify suitable materials and techniques 1.7 How to justify choice and resources, materials and techniques 1.8 Technical skills required to make affective use of materials, techniques and resources 1.9 Health and Safety procedures Element 2.1: Unit 02; Develop and adapt photographic ideas creatively (L/103/4999) Learning Outcomes What the candidate must do: 2.1 Discuss a range of ideas with Tutor/Assessor 2.2 Adapt ideas in a response to factors and ways of working and test shots 2.3 Present final plans and ideas 2.4 Use feedback and evaluation of own work to develop chosen ideas creatively 2.5 Plan and prepare for production of final photographic images. What the candidate must know: 2.6 The importance of feedback and self-evaluation in the development of ideas 2.7 Circumstances that can affect the development of ideas Element 3.1; Unit 03: Produce and evaluate a range of photographic images (A/103/5002) Learning Outcomes What the candidate must do: 3.1 Production and presentation of final image for inclusion in photographic portfolio 3.2 Evaluate final work and the development process What the candidate must know: 3.3 Select appropriate titles for images 3.4 Implications of choices about titling