NEBOSH Assignment

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  • 8/12/2019 NEBOSH Assignment



    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................2

    1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................31.1 Aims and Objective..............................................................................................3

    1.2 Methodology........................................................................................................4

    1.3 Company Description..........................................................................................4

    1.4 Legal nvironment...............................................................................................!

    2. REVIEW OF HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM...................................8

    2.1 Description.........................................................................................................."

    2.2 #ap Analysis o$ Company %ealth & 'a$ety Management 'ystem.....................1(

    3. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION...............................................................................................153.1 )hysical %a*ards...............................................................................................1+

    3.2 %ealth %a*ards..................................................................................................1"

    3.4 'election o$ 'igni$icant %a*ard..........................................................................21

    4. RISK ASSESSMENT....................................................................................................21

    4.1 ,he process and methodology o$ ris- assessment............................................21

    4.2 Legal e$erences..............................................................................................23

    4.3 is- Assessment / 0or- at height 'ca$$olding................................................24

    4.4 is- Assessment / oise de to Constrction Machineries & ipments.......25

    5. CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................2

    !. RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................................................2

    ". ACTION #LAN..............................................................................................................33

    5.1 Management 'ystem.........................................................................................33

    5.2 %a*ards and is-..............................................................................................3!

    8. REFERENCES$ BIBILIOGRA#HY...............................................................................44


  • 8/12/2019 NEBOSH Assignment



    Occpational sa$ety and health is bene$icial $or bsiness as 6ell as being a legal and socialobligation. Companies appreciate that preventing people $rom being harmed or made ill throgh6or-7 is also an essential part o$ a sccess$l bsiness. very company can enjoy signi$icantbene$its by investing in health and 'a$ety. 'imple improvements can increase competitiveness7pro$itability and the motivation o$ employees. ,he implementation o$ a health and managementsystem provides an e$$ective $rame6or- to prevent or minimi*e accidents and ill health.

    ,his stdy 6as intended to assist in the decisionma-ing7 planning and implementation o$ theconstrction projects7 by minimi*ing the ris-s to employees and everyone associated 6ith theactivities. ,hereby7 improving the cost e$$ectiveness7 redcing the indirect costs de to bsinessinterrptions and improve employee relationship and pblic $aith8 trst. ,he stdy 6as carriedot in accordance 6ith the %ealth & 'a$ety at 0or- eglations 1954 and the derived stattesand ACo)s.

    ,he health & sa$ety Management system o$ the company is modeled on %'# !+ 6ith $e6elements not considered 6hich cold have direct implications on the health and sa$etyprogrammes. Detailed gap analyses are condcted to identi$y the dra6bac-s and are prioriti*ed

    according to the criticality o$ the gap. :mportant gaps are smmari*ed as;

    1. Lac- o$ visible leadership $rom the top management 6hich cold lead to collapse o$ the6hole management system and lac- o$ -ey person responsible to develop7 implement andmonitor the management system.

    2. Lac- o$ competent persons to handle %ealth& 'a$ety a$$airs and :nadeate training andresorces to manage ris-s at site.

    All relevant ha*ards arising $rom the company activities have been identi$ied. ,6o mostsigni$icant ha*ards has been selected and a detailed ris- assessment 6as carried ot toidenti$y residal ris-s and recommend mitigation measres to con$orm to the principles o$ AsLo6 As easonably )racticable posre o$ persons by proper job rotation and schedling.3. ,raining7 instrction and spervision to all a$$ected personnel.

    All recommendations are $ollo6ed 6ith an action plan 6ith assigned responsible persons andtarget dates to complete. Appro>imate costing has been projected in the action plan. ,hisaction plan 6ill be pdated to re$lect that all actions are closed and the ris-s have been redcedto and As Lo6 as easonably )racticable

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    Most people 6old agree that poor 6or-ing conditions o$ any type have the potential to a$$ect6or-er?s health and sa$ety. :t 6old also be agreed that or aim shold be to eliminate or atleast minimi*e the ris- o$ accident or injry@ and to protect 6or-ers $rom the illhealth cased bytheir 6or-ing conditions.

    ,here is no dobt that constrction is one o$ the most dangeros indstries in rope (1) . veryyear do*ens o$ people die on site@ several thosands get injred or develop 6or-related healthproblems. Constrction projects are comple> and al6ays nie7 6here ris-s can arise $rom anmber o$ di$$erent sorces / some controllable7 some not. Assessing sorces o$ ris- at theearliest opportnity enables controllable ris- $actors to be allocated to the areas o$ responsibilityso that those responsible can ta-e appropriate measres to eliminate or minimi*e them. ,heris- $actors and sorces can be broadly de to $ailre in managing the ris-s and a system notdirected and committed to control by inadeate design7 planning7 coordination7 commnicationand measrement7 nrealistic e>pectations7 poorly de$ined method o$ 6or-7 delay in decisionma-ing7 not having a common goal7 reiring the project to be constrcted too ic-ly andde$ect $ree7 yet at minimal cost7 incompetence o$ sta$$ and the e>ternal $actors that in$lence thesite activities and those 6hich 6ere not identi$ied and not in control o$. ,here$ore7 improvinghealth and sa$ety on constrction sites plays a -ey role in company?s daily 6or- and is anongoing process. ,he employers need to comply 6ith the e>isting health and sa$etyreglations7 and the 6or-ers need to -no6 their rights. very 6or-er also needs to have a goodgrasp o$ major 6or-place dangers so they can contribte to a better protection.

    ,his case stdy provides an assessment o$ the company?s health & sa$ety managementsystem inclding ris- management and e>isting control. ,his stdy is a demonstration o$ ho6company can achieve health & sa$ety objectives and ho6 the stattes and standards can bemet in a methodical and aditable manner. ,he completed case stdy provides a primaryre$erence docment $or improvement on all in$ormation relevant to the sa$ety and health o$personnel7 and resorces $or the company.

    1.1 A%&' ()* O+,-/%0-

    :t is important to develop sa$er 6or-ing methods that also allo6 6or- to be done ic-er and6ith $e6er people7 redced rates o$ accidents7 incidents and ill health 6ith e>amples o$sic-ness absence being halved7 and ma>imising levels o$ recritment7 motivation and retentiono$ s-illed sta$$ and also achieving signi$icant $inancial savings $or good per$ormers and penalties$or poor per$ormers.

    ,here$ore7 the primary objective o$ this %ealth & 'a$ety case stdy is to demonstrate tocompany top management that essential signi$icant measring o$ their management system isnderta-en and gaps are identi$ied along 6ith the associated ris-s and ensre that additionalcontrols are identi$ied7 in place7 or planned to be pt in place sch that the ris-s arising $rom the

    constrction activities are both tolerable and As Lo6 As easonably )racticable

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    1.3 C&() D-'%/%)

    ,he company is a medim si*ed limited liability contracting company registered in 2((! inmirates o$ Ab Dhabi7 nited Arab mirates pertise in all aspects o$ contracting inclding civilengineering7 6ater pipeline constrction7 mechanical and electrical installations7 and services to

    the electromechanical indstry inclding testing7 maintenance and operational 6or- 6hich $llyspported by compter aided design $acilities compteri*ed project monitoring7 acconting7 andcost control systems. ,he clients $or the crrent jobs are leading eal state DevelopmentCompany o$ A. ,he main projects crrently nderta-en are as $ollo6s.

    1. Constrction o$ 1( residential and commercial bildings o$ p to three levels each in oneplot.

    2. 0ater pipeline net6or-s 6ithin the area and associated activities.3. Operation & maintenance o$ 6ater net6or-s and pmping stations

    ,he company has been certi$ied $or con$orming to :'O; 9((1; 2((( standards and has a %'Management system developed based on O'%A' 1"((( gidelines and %'# !+. ,hecompany is headed by a board o$ directors and the branch is being managed by #eneral

    Manager Middle ast Operations. ,he #M7 Middle ast is $nctionally responsible $or allaspects related to the company?s operations in A and reports to the Managing Directorbased in Dart$ord cavators7 bll do*ers7 land scrapers7 bac- hoes7 piling rigs etc7 li$ting eipments li-e mobile

    cranes o$ varios capacities and machineries li-e generators7 compressors etc. A typical projectis e>ected in the $ollo6ing phases;

    1. 'ite mobili*ation and establishment2. 'rveying7 testing and soil investigations3. 'bstrctre8 >cavations & rein$orcements4. )iling and $ondations+. 'trctral steel erection!. Concrete $rame constrction5. )recast $loors and panels". >ternal claddings and roo$ing9. Finishes / )lastering8 screeding & $loor $inishing

    1(. Carpentry and joinery11. 'ervices / plmping and mechanical

    ,he projects are administered $rom the site o$$ices 6hich are located at the site o$ constrctionand have administrative sta$$s inclding cleaners7 o$$ice boys etc. 'ite o$$ice also has o$$icespace $or the client and consltant representatives. All sta$$s and 6or-ers are o$ age above 21years and company does not employ $emale sta$$ on project sites. ,he normal 6or-ing hors$or the company is $rom (5(( hors to 19(( hors and 6or-ers are rotated not to e>ceed morethan " hors a day7 ! days a 6ee-. ight 6or- i$ reired does not e>ceed beyond 22(( hors.


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    ,he site o$$ices are mar-ed and $enced 6ith proper access controls8 secrity gates. lectricityand 6ater spply are provided by the tility distribtion company. Besides7 that the companyhas a nmber o$ generators installed as standby. A 6or-shop is established 6ithin the sitepremises to carry ot carpentry7 6elding7 steel $i>ing8 ctting jobs. A vehicle maintenance areais earmar-ed a6ay $rom the constrction area 6ithin the site premises $or cleaning7 generalservicing etc. ,here is a canteen managed by a sb contractor 6hich caters $or the 6or-ers8sta$$ $ood. Adeate nmber o$ toilets and drin-ing 6ater $acility is established by the company.

    First aiders and $irst aid bo> is available to cater $or minor injries. ,he nearest hospital and civilde$ense $acilities are 2 -ms a6ay $rom the site location.

    1.4 L-(6 E)0%)&-)/

    nited Arab mirates has primarily t6o -ey reglation issed as a $ederal decree7 TheMinisterial Order 32

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    1. The &onstruction 'Head protection* regulations "#,# -is designed to provide protection7so $ar as is reasonably practicable7 against $oreseeable ris-s o$ injry to the head to6hich the 6or-ers are e>posed in a constrction atmosphere.

    2. The &onstruction 'Health. Safety and elfare* Regulations "##/- ,hese eglationsimpose reirements 6ith respect to the health7 sa$ety and 6el$are o$ persons at 6or-carrying ot Gconstrction 6or-G. ,he arrangements in the reglation cover all activitieson a constrction site.

    3. The Lifting Operations and Lifting E0uip)ent Regulations "##,

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    2.1 D-'%/%)

    ,he Company operates a %' Management 'ystem in accordance 6ith the nited ingdom%ealth and 'a$ety >ective gidance docment %'#!+ H'ccess$l %ealth and 'a$etyManagementI and also embraces the principle o$ O%'A' 1"((1HOccpational %ealth and'a$ety Management 'ystemsI.

    ,he %ealth & 'a$ety Management 'ystem o$ the company remains strctred in 3 parts.

    )art 1 the )olicy Docment8 statement o$ intent7 states ho6 the company top managementimplement their %'& )olicy and are 6idely displayed on company notice boards. :t givesothers an overvie6 o$ their management system.

    )art 2 contains Company )rocedres7 gidance notes and -ey standard $orms the Jho6 to? o$

    the system. 'pporting docments sch as chec-lists and generic $orms are re$erenced $romhere. :t broadly covers the $ollo6ing;

    1. Organi*ing2. )lanning and :mplementation3. )er$ormance measrement4. Adit and revie6

    )art 3 comprises spporting docmentation and gidance and incldes some genericdocmentation7 toolbo> tal-s7 %a*ard chec-lists and sa$ety 'tandards $or common operationsand tas-s.

    T7- HSE M()(-&-)/ S'/-&9 :#(/ 2;9 )/(%)' /7-

    'ection 1; Manal 'trctre & :n$ormation / ,his introdction also incldes se$l contacts7abbreviations7 and in$ormation sorces.

    'ection 2; %ealth& 'a$ety esponsibilities gives details o$ speci$ic %ealth & 'a$ety responsibilities $or -ey appointments7 varios departments & company employees.

    'ection 3; CDM7 Contract start7 commissioning & handover gives gidance on the CDM dtieso$ clients7 designers7 planning spervisors7 principal contractors and sb contractors. #idanceis provided $or prodcing the health & sa$ety $ile and post contract 6or-s.

    'ection 4; is- Assessment / ,here is gidance o$ a general ris- assessment and $or nsalactivities at design phases. :t also covers the prodction and the isse o$ 6or- permits.

    'ection +; )rocedres $or inspection & adit gives gidance on those inspections that mst becarried ot as reired by the la6 and by the company. ,his incldes the sa$ety programmesand monthly chec-s. #idance on disciplinary procedres is also in this section $or se dringthe projects.


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    'ection !; :ncident reporting & investigation describes ho6 accidents and incidents aremanaged and reported. :t also gives gidance in accident investigation7 compiling in$ormationand dealing 6ith insrance claims.

    'ection 5; )er$ormance indicators / ,his section provides gidance on active and reactiveper$ormance measrements and completing monthly %ealth & sa$ety reports.

    'ection "; 0el$are & site establishment details the minimm standards $or all 6el$are $acilities6hether in a $i>ed location or site location.

    'ection 9; Fire & mergency plans provide gidance on planning $or $ire and emergency inpermanent establishments7 temporary accommodations or on site.

    'ection 1(; Occpational health gives gidance on controlling ris-s to health $rom manysorces in the 6or- place inclding vibration7 CO'%% materials.

    'ection 11; )lant & tools gives gidance on controlling ris-s throgh procrement7 operatorcompetence7 se and maintenance7 inclding stattory inspections.

    'ection 12; Filing7 revie6 and provide gidance in general on continal improvement7 learning$rom e>perience.


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  • 8/12/2019 NEBOSH Assignment


    2.2 Gap Analysis of Company Health & Safety Management System

    M()(-&-)/ S'/-& S-/%) C&6%()-

    :Y-'$N; G($ C&&-)/'


    0ritten policy8 statement o$ intent 6hich is signed

    dated and commnicated to all employees

    )art Kes 'tatement o$ intent pertise

  • 8/12/2019 NEBOSH Assignment


    M()(-&-)/ S'/-& S-/%) C&6%()-

    :Y-'$N; G($ C&&-)/'


    appropriate spervisors

    'ystem $or ensring adeate instrction and training$or all employees inclding managers7 spervisorsand temporary sta$$.

    o o clear training bdget8 $acility allocated )2

    :denti$ication o$ speci$ic training7 s-ills and e>perience

    assessment system $or people doing ha*ardos 6or- o

    o competency based training is

    identi$ied developed= )1Arrangements $or gaining access to specialist adviceand help 6hen needed


    'ystem $or ensring competence needs and are met6hile recriting7 promote or trans$er people or 6henpeople are assigned health & 'a$ety responsibilities

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    M()(-&-)/ S'/-& S-/%) C&6%()-

    :Y-'$N; G($ C&&-)/'


    6hich can be easily accessed in the relevant 6or-area.

    All levels o$ managements are approachable onhealth and sa$ety isses and encorage sta$$ todiscss health and sa$ety matters.


    ,op management7 managers and team leaderscommnicate their commitment to health and sa$etythrogh sel$ e>ample.

    Kes)art Kes

    'ystem $or %a*ard :denti$ication7 is- Assessmentand ho6 to control them and sa$e system o$ 6or-.

    )art KesOnly generic ha*ard assessment hasbeen carried ot. ach applicable job hasnot been evalated sing a ris-assessment system. o ha*ard registry


    )lanning and schedling health and sa$etyimprovement measres and prioriti*ing theirimplementation based on the natre and ris- rating.


    Arrangements $or measrable7 realistic and timebond health and sa$ety targets agreed 6ithmanagers and spervisors.

    oObjectives and targets are not revie6edand pdated annally and no action planis maintained to achieve the targets



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    M()(-&-)/ S'/-& S-/%) C&6%()-

    :Y-'$N; G($ C&&-)/'


    6ashing8 changing $acilities7 rest etc= incldingmedical $acilities and health management8 monitoringprogramme

    :ntrodcing ):s

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    M()(-&-)/ S'/-& S-/%) C&6%()-

    :Y-'$N; G($ C&&-)/'


    se adit reports and inspection reports in$ormationto revie6 the operation o$ sa$ety management systemand sa$ety per$ormance.


    evie6 o$ objectives set to chec- i$ they are met in

    the agreed timescales.


    Objectives not revie6ed


    Analy*e adit reports and in$ormation sed to identi$y$tre improvement targets and to identi$y particlarcases o$ accident7 ill health or poor control o$ ris- totarget $or $tre ris- redction e$$ort.

    o Objectives are not revie6ed and ne6targets are not set


    Benchmar-ing the per$ormance o$ the sa$etymanagement system against other similar bsinessgrop or sel$ monitor improvement over time.


    ? #%%/%-' @'/%ternal aditors and en$orcement athorities. Action needs to be closed 6ithin 3 months.


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    S.N H((*' A/%0%/$ R-6-0()- L%-6 I&6%(/%)' ? #%%/ ??

    3.1 #7'%(6 H((*'

    1ehicle movement 'trc-8 crshed bymoving vehicles

    Manevering vehicles7 plant and eipments 6or-ingin close vicinity to people7 visitors8 pblic. 0or-ingnear tra$$ic areas and poor grond conditions.

    Fatalities7 serios personnel injries7property damages7 prodctivity loses.


    2>cavation collapsebried8 crshed8trapped8 s$$ocation

    0hile carrying ot sb strctre and $ondation6or-s.

    Fatalities7 asphy>iation and seriosinjries to personnel


    3'tri-ing e>istingndergrondservices

    De to e>cavations that are done to lay $ondations7sbstrctres and services li-e electrical cables76ater connections and drainage connections.

    Fire and e>plosions7 electroction7mltiple $atalities and serios injries7disrption o$ services7 pblicdiscom$ort7 property damage etc


    4 nstable strctresDe to e>cavations in near vicinity 6ith ins$$icientlyspported sides

    Collapse o$ nearby bildings andstrctres7 serios mltiple injriesand $atalities


    +:ntrsive occrrences s$$ocating 8


    Li-e grond6ater7 $looding7 se6age7 smo-e7 gas

    lea-age etc 6hile doing e>cavations

    Asphy>iation7 serios health e$$ects7death de to s$$ocation and inhalation

    o$ to>ic gases7 collapse o$ trenches.


    ! 'lips trips and $alls

    neven7 slippery sr$aces7 trailing cables $romelectrical eipment8 temporary electricalconnections7 open $loors and e>cavations7 se o$stairs or contaminated ladders.

    'erios injries leading li-e cts7 bone$ractres and death i$ a$$ected $rom aheight or onto sharp sr$aces.



    0or-ing at height e>posed tonprotected edges8sca$$olds

    0or-ing on $ragile roo$7 ladder7 6or-ing8 erectingsca$$old8 6or-ing near nprotected e>cavationedges. )resence o$ $loor openings. nprotectedhoists7 loading8 nloading $rom trc-s7 emergencyresces at height etc.

    )ossible $all o$ personnel and materialleading to $atalities and seriosinjries.



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    S.N H((*' A/%0%/$ R-6-0()- L%-6 I&6%(/%)' ? #%%/ ??

    " Falling objects

    Collapse o$ sides o$ deep e>cavations7 brea-ing o$edges7 inadeate 6or-ing plat$orms7 li$tingeipment $ailres7 nsecred load on sca$$oldplat$orms and passenger hoists etc.

    Fatalities and serios injries topersonnel especially on head.ipment damages by $alling on8 tothe grond


    9 lectroction

    'tri-ing e>isting electrical services dringe>cavation. ,emporary electrical connections. se o$electrical eipments li-e grinders7 lightings etc.0or-ing in damp conditions. )ortable electricaleipments li-e heaters7 -ettles and ovens might besed in o$$ice -itchen.

    Mltiple $atalities7 brns7 ventriclar$ibrillation. 'econdary $alls leading todeath.


    1( Fire and e>plosion

    Fire8 e>plosion cold arise $rom stri-ing e>istingservices7 $alty electrics or overloading o$ joints7 bl-storage o$ easily brnt 6aste materials and$lammable materials li-e diesel7 solvents8thinnersetc7 smo-ing o$ personnel and arson.

    Death mltiple $atalities and injries7serios property damage andenvironmental damages.


    11 :mpact7 crshing

    Li$ting7 lo6ering and moving o$ loads by cranes ormachineries

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    S.N H((*' A/%0%/$ R-6-0()- L%-6 I&6%(/%)' ? #%%/ ??

    15Manal handling M'D cavations.

    'trains7 bac- pains leading to chronicmsclo s-eletal disorders7 loaddropping over the $eet leading to$ractres and personnel injries.


    1" 'tepping on nailsand sharp objects

    )resence o$ loose sed shttering materials $or

    casting7 bro-en glass pieces and sharp objects onsite de to improper hose-eeping. 0or-ers not6earing sa$ety shoes.

    :njection 6onds7 pnctres7 cts and

    possible contact 6ith contaminatedblood leading to serios health e$$ectsli-e hepatitis and A:D'


    19%a*ardos sr$aces Brn7 )nctre7stabbing

    )resence o$ hot sr$aces7 projecting parts o$eipment7 sharp edges and ends o$ machineries8materials. ngarded protrding bars

    Brns7 cts7 pnctres and 6onds )2


    )ossibility o$ $ailre o$ motors and short circits inmechanical eipments li-e circlar sa6s7 grinders7ctters7 generators7 compressors etc.

    lectroction7 $ire and injries de tooverrn and brea-ing p o$ theeipment8 part o$ the eipment7 eyeinjries de to compressors.


    21se o$ damaged andimproper hand toolsand po6er tools

    Brea-ing8 mal$nctioning o$ hammers7 chisels etcand po6er tools li-e drillers7 jac- hammers

    ye injry7 injry to hand8 limbs andbody



    ntering con$ined


    )resence o$ pipe chambers7 service holes7

    manholes7 deep e>cavations etc.

    Death de to asphy>iation8s$$ocation7 M'Ds7 $ire and e>plosion7

    serios mltiple injries and propertydamage. Di$$iclty in resceoperations.



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    S.N H((* A/%0%/$ R-6-0()- L%-6 I&6%(/%)'? #%%/ ??

    3.2 H-(6/7 H((*'


    Chemical ha*ardshastion

    Con$ined space 6or-ing especially hot 6or-s.eirements to 6or- in open7 hmid and hot anddsty conditions

    %eat cramps7 sn brns7 di**iness7nconsciosness and possible death.



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    S.N H((* A/%0%/$ R-6-0()- L%-6 I&6%(/%)'? #%%/ ??


    %ygiene and health Biological ha*ardsistingris-s on site.


    4,ress passers8children8 )blic

    )resence o$ inhabited area7 pblic and road.)ossibility o$ trespassing inclding children

    'erios injries p to $atality bycontacting ris-s leading to legallitigations. Arson by nisance ma-erscasing $ire and serios propertydamages.



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    S.N H((* A/%0%/$ R-6-0()- L%-6 I&6%(/%)'? #%%/ ??

    + )oor commnicationMlti lingal 6or-$orce not having a commonlangage. 'ignals not tied p 6ith the riggers7 ban-smen and the eipment operators li-e cranes.

    :nstrctions not conveyed correctly7leading to negative impact o$operations casing serios personneland property damages.


    ! First Aid & 0el$are

    :mmediate $acility $or treatment7 cleaning o$ 6ond7allergies and dermatitis might be reired 6hile6or-ing 6ith harm$l sbstances and conditions.eirement o$ rest areas reired especially dringsmmer.

    ot administering acte injryconditions leading to chronic8aggravating the injry or conditions.%eat e>hastion7 dehydration7 stressetc de to lac- o$ rest.


    5iolence andthreatening behavior

    )resence o$ other contractors and pblic 6ithdi$$ering opinions and reirements and also de to6or-ers nder into>ication. )oor management byimmediate spervisors.

    'erios physical injries and legallitigations and a$$ects morale.


    ? #%%/ ()* @'/%

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    3.4 S-6-/%) < S%)%+/ . 8

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    2. 'erios injry 8 illness3. Moderate injry 8 :llness4. Minor injry 8 :llness+. 'light injry

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    'tep 4

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    4.3 R%' A''-''&-)/ W (/ 7-%7/ S(

    or 6henlocation ischangedand ne6eipmentandpersonsarrive76hicheveris earlier.

    0or-ers 6or-ingnder the area







    Cleaners %igh

    )blic de tomaterial $alling8strctrecollapsing



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    H((*' E

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    H((*' E

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    4.4 R%' A''-''&-)/ N%'- *- / C)'//%) M(7%)-%-' E%&-)/'

    H((*' E12(92(("

    6hen locatiis changedand ne6eipmentand personarrive76hichever iearlier

    0or-ers innear vicinity.


    'ite o$$icesta$$s incldinge>pectantmothers.







    isitors Lo6


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    H((*' E

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    ,his %ealth & 'a$ety case stdy provides assrance that dra6bac-s and gaps in the %ealth &'a$ety management system and ha*ards to personnel and assets have been identi$ied andassessed and controls have been recommended 6here considered necessary. Also

    docmented is the process o$ identi$ication o$ potential ris- redction measres and 6hethertheir adoption met ALA)

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    evident only i$ the policy statement is e$$ective and covers in brie$ the intention o$ the topmanagement and the approach to6ards health & sa$ety isses. )olicy statement is the$irst docment that any person 6old see and ths bene$it by improving the pblicimage.

    2. :t may not be practically possible at times $or the top management to address criticalisses that needs ic- decisions. %ence7 appointing a competent %ealth & 'a$etymanagement representative is reired7 6ho shold be the $ocal point to address any

    isses on behal$ o$ the top management besides his normal dties.3. 'ome critical activities reire specialist 6ho are adeately trained and e>perienced in

    that $ield. ,here$ore7 appointing adeate health & sa$ety advisors or specialist isreired 6ho can per$orm e>clsive health & sa$ety jobs.

    4. A plat$orm is essential $or coordinating or presenting -ey isses that needs consenssand conveyed to all departments the ic-est and easiest 6ay. ,here$ore7 timely andschedled meetings need to be condcted to discss sa$ety related isses.

    +. Companies that as- employees $or their vie6s on health and sa$ety isses can ct do6non accidents. By inclding 6or-ers? ideas and involving them in en$orcing health andsa$ety rles7 companies can create a positive attitde to6ards maintaining good practiceand ma-e signi$icant improvements collective participation o$ all in sggestions canyield more improvement options.

    !. ,he best 6ay to identi$y all ha*ards and ris-s is to brea-ing do6n all critical jobs anddescribe the method se to condct those activities and critically assess the ris-sinvolved. ,his reires a system o$ method statements and ris- assessments $or allcritical jobs.

    5. %ealth & 'a$ety programmes inclde provision o$ adeate training7 personal protectiveeipments7 re6ard programmes etc. %ence7 allocating a bdget $or health & sa$ety onall projects are essential and same mst be incorporated 6hile assessing the projectvales and ptting $or6ard bid proposals $or ne6 contracts.

    ". All health & sa$ety programmes needs to be measred and only by assigning a 'MA,

  • 8/12/2019 NEBOSH Assignment


    0or-ing at height on sca$$olding has been identi$ied as the most signi$icant )hysical ha*ard inthe company?s activity de to its ris- rating being very high and previos incident recordssho6ing high nmbers o$ injries de to injries related to sca$$old 6or-ings. All e>istingcontrols 6ere assessed and additional controls are recommended according to the hierarchieso$ control and level o$ protection that control gives in avoiding ris-;

    1. :t is critical to design all load bearing sca$$olds properly according to the British

    constrction standards and $ollo6 the seence o$ erections.2. Be$ore erecting sca$$olds on path6ays8 roads or ne>t to property o6ners7 it is essential

    to see- permission or no objection certi$icates. ,his 6ill avoid nnecessary bsinessinterrptions de to stoppage o$ 6or- by local athorities or pblic.

    3. rection o$ temporary sca$$olds8 ladders costs more time and e>poses the 6or-ers toha*ard dring erection7 ascending 8descending and inspection o$ the same. ,here$ore7M0)s or mobile access plat$orms shold be considered $or temporary 6or-s note>ceeding $e6 hors. 0or- can be done ic-er 6ith $e6er people.

    4. Most o$ the injries $rom sca$$olds occr de to $all o$ persons and materials. A partialrestraint is reired to arrest $alling $rom height and redce the impact o$ the injries.

    +. 0here 6or-ing at height is not avoidable above pedestrian8vehicle rote7 it is reiredto 6arn and protect by providing adeate 6arning signs and appointing $lagmen.

    !. Most o$ the $alls $rom ladders occr de to improper positioning o$ ladder at the landinglevel7 6here the top o$ the ladder is shorter than the landing level. ,here$ore7 it isreired to ensre that ladders are e>tended at least 1 m or + rngs above the landinglevel.

    5. :t is necessary to 6arn 6or-ers8 people the 6orthiness o$ the access eipment theyse. A sca$$tag system 6hich is signed and inspected reglarly shold be pt on allaccess eipments8 sca$$oldings. #reen tag $or serviceable and red $or nserviceable.,his 6old redce the incidents o$ strctre collapse7 redcing injries7 cost redction7avoid bsiness interrption etc.

    ". A dedicated trained and competent team is reired to manage the erection7dismantling7 modi$ying7 testing and inspection o$ all access plat$orms incldingsca$$oldings and ladders7 so that a common best indstry standard is $ollo6ed throgh

    ot the site. ,here$ore7 appointment o$ a sca$$olding spervisor and trained sca$$oldersare reired. :nspections to be carried ot not less than once in 5 days and be$ore its$irst se.

    9. ,here is a reirement o$ continosly monitoring the sca$$old strctres $or anynathori*ed modi$ications7 removal o$ critical components etc so as to maintain theintegrity o$ the strctre. Adeate nmber o$ inspectors mst be appointed to carry otthis tas-.

    1(. eirement o$ people and 6or-ers be a6are o$ the ha*ards present at height and theproper se o$ the personal protection eipment li-e sa$ety harnesses mst be incldedin the training and tools bo> tal-s.

    11. :t is essential to have a hoo-ing or a secring point 6hile sing sa$ety harnesses $or6hich lanyards 6ith adeate strength and provision $or secring them need to be

    considered to ensre that at all point o$ time the person 6or-ing at height is secrelyhoo-ed to a static point. Most importantly 6hile moving on a top 6or-ing plat$orm.

    %ealth %a*ards / oise de to constrction eipments & machineries

    oise has been considered as the most signi$icant health ha*ard in a constrction atmosphereas there are a lot o$ close interactions bet6een heavy machineries7 eipments7 plants7vehicles and persons and it is a continos process. :t is practically not possible to isolate oreliminate $lly sch noisy activities. ,a-ing into consideration o$ this $act7 the $ollo6ing


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    improvement actions are recommended based on the hierarchies o$ controls to redce theimpact o$ noise emissions;

    1. stablish the ma>imm e>posre limit o$ "+ dB posre to noise mst be limited topersons by proper job rotation7 giving brea-s and providing sondproo$ havens.

    4. ,here is a reirement o$ reroting the pedestrian 6al-6ays to ensre that they areavoiding the noisy activities and eipments so that their e>posre to noise can be -eptto minimm. Li-e6ise7 there is a need to redesign the vehicle rotes to ensre that theyavoid the pblic inter$aces and bildings so that the noise de to transport and vehiclecase $e6er nisances to pblic and redce complaints and en$orcement actions.

    +. ibration o$ air particles and eipments is a prime case o$ noise. %ence7 there is aneed to mont all static machineries on vibration proo$ monts and -ept covered orenclosed.

    !. All operatives and sta$$s needs to be a6are o$ symptoms o$ hearing loss7 the ha*ards o$noises and the right se and maintenance o$ personal protective eipments li-e earm$$s. ,raining and tools bo> tal-s mst inclde these topics. ar m$$s are better earde$enders than ear plgs. veryone shold be provided 6ith ear m$$s 6hile enteringJ%earing protection *ones?.

    By ensring that the above mentioned controls are pt in place7 the company can redce theinjries and accidents signi$icantly and ths save on both direct and indirect costs. :mproveprodctivity by avoiding bsiness interrptions7 en$orcement actions@ improve the pblic image

    and trst. :mprove employee relations and 6ill also help optimi*ation o$ resorces.


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    ". ACTION #LAN

    ".1 M()(-&-)/ S'/-&

    R-&&-)*(/%)' A/%):';


    S(6- R-')'%+%6%/%-' C'/ S-'' C%/-%(??



    1 pdate the policystatement8statement o$intent

    evise the policy statement 6ith avalid signatre o$ #eneralManager8 Director 6ith date.

    1 0ee- #eneralManager

    1(( Q 'igned and datedstatement o$ intent


    2 Appointingmanagementsystemrepresentative

    Appoint a person in seniormanagement by name to ta-eoverall responsibility $or health andsa$ety a$$airs o$ the company.

    2 0ee-s #eneralManager

    1((( Q Appointment letter andinternal memoannoncing the ne6position &responsibilities


    3 Clearly de$inehealth and sa$etyresponsibilities o$all.

    De$ine the top managementresponsibilities in health andsa$ety a$$airs.

    2 0ee-s #eneralManager

    1(( Q evised %'management system6ith responsibilities o$top managementinclded.


    4 )rovide s$$icientresorces tomanage sa$ety

    De$ine8 ear mar- a bdget $orhealth and sa$ety programmes.

    1 Month #eneralManager

    2(( Q :nclsion o$ %ealth &'a$ety 6hile bdgeting8costing $or ne6contracts. Benchmar-a R to be spent onhealth & 'a$ety on allprojects.


    + :denti$y people6ith speci$ichealth and sa$etyrole

    ecrit + %&' O$$icers and + %&'assistants $or the nits nderconstrction.

    3 months % Manager 2((( Q Appointment letter andCs



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    R-&&-)*(/%)' A/%):'; T%&-

    S(6- R-')'%+%6%/%-' C'/ S-'' C%/-%(??



    Assess thee>perience7-no6ledge and

    s-ills and provideadeate traininga$ter identi$yingspeci$ic trainings-ills reired.

    Develop a competency basedtraining matri>.

    1 month Manager 1(( Q ,raining matri>.,raining attendanceregister. mployee

    training schedles andcerti$icates o$completion.


    Commnicate trainingreirements to the employeesand the spervisors.

    1 Month Manager 3(( Q 12(4("

    Allocate separate training bdgetsand establish training rooms.

    3 Months Manager 3((( Q )hysical observation o$the training room.


    :nclde health & 'a$etycompetency assessments dringthe recritment8 trans$ers8promotions o$ employees.

    3 Months Manager 3(( Q evised $ormat o$per$ormance appraisals6ith inclsion o$ %&'per$ormance criterion.



    Consltemployees andemployee sa$etyrepresentativeson all isses o$health & 'a$ety

    stablish a health and sa$etycommittee.

    1 month


    1(( Q

    %' sggestion bo>eson all locationsinclding rest areas8labor camps. :nvitationletters $or committeemeetings. Mintes o$meetings and agendaitems.


    Meetings to be held at least hal$yearly.

    mployee sggestion bo> to beplaced arond all the company$acilities.

    3 months Manager 3((( Q 12(!("

    " Controlsbcontractors8all personsentering8 6or-ingin companypremises

    Company health & sa$ety plan tobe given to all contractors.

    1 6ee- Manager 3(( Q :ntervie6ingsbcontractors.evie6ing their %'plans.Ac-no6ledgementletter $rom contractoron receipt.



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    R-&&-)*(/%)' A/%):'; T%&-

    S(6- R-')'%+%6%/%-' C'/ S-'' C%/-%(??


    :ndction training to be condctedto all visitors inclding temporarycontractors and record to be

    maintained along 6ith a 6rittenac-no6ledgement to comply 6ithcompany reirements.

    1 0ee-8Ongoing

    Manager8'pervisor8 %&'


    1(( Q :nspection o$ indctionregisters and indctionmar-ings on the

    helmets 6ith date.:ntervie6ing visitors.

    9 Commnicatehealth and sa$etyisses at allpossible $orms

    %ealth and sa$ety to be discssedas the $irst agenda on all meetingsheld.

    1 0ee-8Ongoing

    All +(( Q Mintes o$ meetings7agenda items.



    :ntrodce asystem $or tas-ris- assessmentsand methodstatements be$orecommencing anycritical activities

    Method statements and tas- ris-assessments to be prepared bythe constrction team andrevie6ed by the health & sa$etyspecialist and same to beconveyed to all operatives.

    1 month Managers8'pervisors8


    +(( Q andom chec-s on themethod statements andtas- ris- assessmentsrecords. %a*ardregistry $or all projectsseparately.


    Maintain a ha*ard registry.

    11 evie6 objectivesand targets atleast annally

    pdate8 revie6 the objectives andtargets and prepare action plans toachieve them.

    1 Month Manager 3(( Q evision o$ %' )lanand memo annoncingthe health & 'a$etytarget $or the crrentyear.


    12 valation o$emergencyresponseprocedre

    Condct emergency responsedrills on all $acilities8 sites andrepeat the drill at least arterly.

    2 0ee-s Manager8'pervisor8 Line


    1((( Q mergency drill report.)hotographs andpdate o$ eipmentinspection records.



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    R-&&-)*(/%)' A/%):'; T%&-

    S(6- R-')'%+%6%/%-' C'/ S-'' C%/-%(??



    eglar internaladits to becondcted.

    More sta$$s to be sent o$ internaladit trainings and be certi$ied asinternal aditors. An adit team to

    be $ormed.

    3 months #eneralManager8Managers

    2((( Q ,raining report oninternal aditor corse.


    An annal adit plan to beprepared.

    1 Month Manager 3(( Q Adit plan $or the year6ith the names o$ aditteam and aditprotocols


    ".2 H((*' ()* R%'

    ".2.1 W%) ) S(

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    R-&&-)*(/%)' A/%):'; T%&- S(6- R-')'%+%6%/%-' C'/ S-'' C%/-%(?? R-0%-=


    2 Obtain consent$rom pblicathorities.

    Consent to be obtained $romlocal athorities be$ore erectingsca$$olding on $ootpath or pblic

    areas or adjacent to propertyo6ners.

    1 Month Manager 1((( Q o objection letters@letter to pblicathorities.


    3 Avoid singsca$$olds8 ladders$or temporaryheight access

    se M0)s

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    R-&&-)*(/%)' A/%):'; T%&- S(6- R-')'%+%6%/%-' C'/ S-'' C%/-%(?? R-0%-=


    5 'ecre thesca$$old strctreto e>isting


    Otriggers8 gy ropes to be tiedto the sca$$old and secre itagainst e>isting strctre. ,ies

    removed $or any prpose to be$i>ed bac- or alternate ties to besed.


  • 8/12/2019 NEBOSH Assignment


    R-&&-)*(/%)' A/%):'; T%&- S(6- R-')'%+%6%/%-' C'/ S-'' C%/-%(?? R-0%-=


    6or-s coordinator.

    11 )rovide evidenceo$ 6orthiness o$accesseipment8sca$$olds

    se sca$$ tag system signedand mar-ed green andinspected by the competentperson not less than 5 days.

    2 6ee-s 'pervisor8 LineManagement

    1((( Q :nspection on site.nsed sca$$oldingsmar-ed as red.#reen tags aresigned o$$ on a dailybasis be$ore 6or-commences.


    12 Arrest debris8materials $rom$alling

    Debris gards8 debris nettingand $ans to be provided $or highrise sca$$olds and those close topblic areas

    1 Month Manager 1((( Q :nspection o$ site.Chec- methodstatements. Chec-local prchaseorders. Dstemission records.


    13 Monitor misseo$ sca$$olds andaccesseipments

    Appoint inspectors to randomlychec- i$ edge protection isremoved and no nathori*edalterations are made.


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    1+ nsre goodhose-eeping

    ,as- a hose-eeping team toloo- $or removed nts7 6ashersand to clean p grease7 oil7

    paint etc and to dispose all le$tover materials on a daily basis.

    :mmediateposre limit valenot e>ceeding "+ dB

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    2 )rchase lessnoisy eipment

    evise the prchasing policy andintrodce a lo6 noiseprchasing strategies $or allconstrction related eipment

    3 Months #eneralManager8ManagingDirector

    1((( Q evised procedre $orprchasing and list o$sppliers andcerti$icates $romman$actrers on lo6noise alities.



    :solate the noisyeipment8machineries

    eep the compressor8 generatorand all static machineriescovered 6ith sond proo$material.

    1 month


    +((( Q

    )hysical observationand maintenancerecords. )rchaseorders o$ sond proo$covers.


    'creen the noise sorce 6ith abarrier7 soil heap or locate behindpartly completed bildings.

    9 edce noisede to vibrationo$ machineries

    All static machineries to bemonted on antivibrationmonts.

    1 month Manager 3((( Q )hysical observation.Maintenance recordsand local prchaseorders.


    3 %ealthsrveillance

    Condct adiometry test on allvlnerable 6or-ers8 operatorsand reslts to be conveyed and-ept as records.

    1 month Manager 3((( Q Adiometry records $or all sta$$s clearlycategori*ed separately$or people 6ith de$ectsand healthy. %ealthrecords8 medicalreports


    4 ncorageparticipation $romemployees

    ncorage employees to see-medical advice i$ hearingdamage is sspected.

    1 month 'pervisor8Line


    +(( Q Chec- record o$re$erels to clinic8hospitals $or hearingcomplaints.



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    + edce drationo$ e>posre to6or-ers

    :denti$y noisy areas and limit the6or-ers in and arond the areaby adjsting the 6or- schedles

    :mmediate7 employee

    training records7training registers andpersonal intervie6.


    12 )rovision o$personnelhearingprotectiondevices.

    )rovide ear de$enders8 m$$s toall personnel 6ho are enteringthe hearing protection *ones.

    1 Month Manager 3((( Q :nspect stores. Chec-the prchase ordersand personalintervie6s 6ith6or-ers.


    ? C'/'> C(66(/-* +('-* ) /7- (''&-* &()7' '-)* + /7- -')'%+6- -')' ()* /7- -%&-)/9 &(/-%(6 ()* /(%)%)'/'. M()7' (- (66(/-* +('-* ) /7-

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    ,op Management

  • 8/12/2019 NEBOSH Assignment



    1= BO'% 2((!7:uide to the ective7 199"7 =ie Steps to Ris! Assess)ent@ &ase Studies6.%'#1"37 %' Boo-s7 'dbry

    += %ealth and 'a$ety >ective7 2((!7 Successful health and safety )anage)ent6 %'#!+7%' Boo-s7 'dbry

    != M' 2((!7or!place and or! E0uip)ent. A stdy boo- $or the BO'% ationalDiploma7 'trbridge.

    5= %ealth and 'a$ety >ective7 199!7 Slips and Trips@ :uidance for E)ployers on8dentifying Ha4ards and &ontrolling Ris!s6 %'#1++7 %' Boo-s7 'dbry.

    "= %ealth and 'a$ety >ective7 199+7 Sound Solutions6 %'#13"7 %' Boo-s7 'dbry

    9= %ealth and 'a$ety >ective7 19997 Health Sureillance at or!6 %' %'#!17 %'Boo-s7 'dbry.

    1(= %ealth and 'a$ety >ective7 2((!7 Health and Safety in &onstruction6 %'#1+(7 %'Boo-s7 'dbry.

    11= %ealth and 'a$ety >ective7 199!7 The &osts Of Accidents at or!6 %'#9!7 %'

    Boo-s7 'dbry

    12= %ealth and 'a$ety >ective7 199"7 Reducing ective7 n-7 :D#25+; Managing Health and Safety. =ie Steps tosuccess. %' )blications7 'dbry.

    15= Constrction

  • 8/12/2019 NEBOSH Assignment


    19= Management o$ %ealth and 'a$ety at 0or- eglations 1999