1 1 IEBRASKA ADVERTISER ' GEO. W. HILL U CO,, drertHe: B;ock,lIain S't Between let k 2d, L4ii iiilioai iiiacrtka - - - 1 CI Jj.a3ir.fii car2?tsix, 11;; n ie. vlp .l) T-- V '.d.v-t- : : V -:- - " 1 i'-'i- Z"-.: rsf Ci u c i r : n t r y c a r - - - ,'3 CI to ci III f Oae eijo ' j coiuiTD ere jear 21 C! '' :ArA ' ' i h :z 3! ;rr '"' Ora coloran lii rnc ctbj - iO C3 I sZ M ' : i - I V' - ?r" - s r V. 'I TN ,. .. ......,.J Ji, il i I A... -H -- J i -- f r- - Oca ilf eoluan ?ix racatlj 23 f i One fourth ccluicn tii i Ci CI One eighth co!vrr n n ci One column tt:. . One half cci'jso iCi.-- j :i cj OaefoarU cotr:::ailree ncs'ii 5 CJ TERM s Oscelth cu -- .3 U.-'- . e ccnfss 13 C I CI ........ . OPT. rr, advat.ee, - - 80 Antra; ;3tiiertuen:t3ti ens' re jmj la Od Subscription, mait lirjillj,fce f inldvBcs rsnee. Jntn bt y'k. atyla. ttl nda PUto brt notlca. aaey J-- ' , Work, LIBERTY AND UNION," ON E- - AN D INSEPARABLE NQV ' AND ' TORHVER." YearljaJreTtisercent Allkindi of Job. Look t and qnarterltin Car J rrioliTf. Jvirc it e. e V thebe;!8tjlcon8bprtnrt!c.3rA'f'"jfr'' 'rc YOL, X. BROWNVILLE, NEBEASEA, THUKSDAYr TAEGHy 15, 1866 ' "V IZ: ' 5 f UU SI NESS CARDS. piHenry J. Chiircliinan, UfEKlILIlIL Xiradaatcof tbe Medical Depart-mcn- ts of.tlic University of , , Tif'a., and JeCTcrson ricil f , " College, riiila Vst.-- - ' CrownTllIe and Yiclnlty. OFFICE ATTIJE DROWSVILLE HOUSE. FRANZ HELMER, OPPOSITE DEUSER'S TIN-SHO- BROir.WILLC, XEORASIiA. WAOONS.BUGOfES, PLOWS, CTJITI-YITOK- S, S.c, Repaireitin f.hort uutice, at low rate, tod warranted to give aaiinfacllon. x-- 13 -- to do C.F.Si F.WAUT, MD. A. S. HOLLADAY, ilD. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. oFPicrs South Es?t eorner of Main and Tint Street 'BROWXYILLJC, NCXIUASILA. N Orrici IIorRS 1 to 9 a. M.and 1 to 2 and C to Brownvilie, Nuhra.-fc- n. Mnj 5th, 18(55 No S4, 1 jr. EDWARD W. THOMAS, ATTORNEYbdAT LAW, SOLICITOR irToiIANCERY, Office corner of Main and FirM Streeta. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. AHERICAII HOUSE L. D. RORIXSOX, PROPRIETOR, Front S:reet, between Main and Water, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. 9 -- ly Millinery & Fancy Goods OTOIlEi Kain 8treet one door west of the Post Office nROWTlLC, XE11RASKA. A auprtor ntcck tif tall ann W'iater Ool roceived. . Everjthirg in the Millinery line k'ptonstantlT on haod. Dress-Makin- g, Bonnet .Bleaching and Trimming done to order. Ojtcber,25 IS55. : - T9-n-2- CM IICM1ERSOX, CIXEIAL DEALER IS STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS BOOTS & SHOES Main Street between First and Second, J. B. JOHISTSON, OFFICE WITH L. BOADLEY, Corner Main .and First Streets, RROITXTILLE, IVEBRASRA. MARSH & C0., SCCCESSOKS TO MARSH & ZOOK, General News Agents acd Stationers, Post onicc Building, , HROWN VI 1.1,15. NEBRASKA-B- e hare on band and are constantlj receiving fregh tnrtiet of BocVaj TeriodicalH, Stationary, ILotograjh Albnrcs, School Books; also Confec- tionary, Cigars, Tobacco, and a choice selection of . Fancj Groceries generally, to which they irrite the ' tention of the citisens of Nemaha county, and they hope b strict attention to business, and fair dcaJing.io merit a 6hare of the public patronnge. A.l). MARSH. nI5-l- y J.W. BLISS. C. AvTwHEBLKRi Cabinet-make- r AND EauDg opened op permanently on ZSJI&.1XX Gtroot, tedooraWe the Baltimore Clothing Store, is f reparei to doall kinds uf work in his lipe 5n the ery best and style. Particular attentione gisen U r-- n m p'd J. A. HE WES. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solicitor in Chancery. LAND AND COLLECING AGENTS. : J3TXOWSTIX.LT3 N. T.'iL March th,ly. .BEOWIIVILLE HOUSE, toR. MAUf AXD 2ND STS nrcmnvIUe, Nebraska. H. V7. PEDICORD, Propxietor. This Ho US hat been reS urri;Vm,4 anil n.vlff IStted P and refurnished under its present enterprising Proprietor, who gnarranteea satisfaction to all who toy patronise h ia llonue. -ly . "sincH nr tihe sates kikef u;Vi . V P0?1!?' to perform aij work, ,par- - Inl 1" "d !iKnPtot'SEl"tDg,and p?erhacj-.tf- i i1 "ort noticet n the mojt approred WJ. Terms cash. Gi-eh- im acelh of Atkinspn's Cloth-- " ne is prf pared to do all WAL L COLOniNO ? tba tt,tet and cbtpet style for ts trwnr.i:e,lIr:7, ij. 11 mm. iloase-SIg- a &. Ornamental Glazier, Gilder, : Grata, , n All work done in a workman- like manner, and on atrickly TERMS- - os 1 Dooa west or browkyilli MX RICHARD F. BARRET, GEDBML tffll IfflT, A5D DEALrH IIT : t LAND WARRANTS & LAND SCRIPT, Perianal attention given to mating Locatiuni. Ofire in J. I. Carson's Banking House. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. x 14 ly fr-n- n C. G. DORSET. 8. X. KICII. DORSET &RICH, Ettorufijs at Caw, . And ' COMMERCIAL COEEECTORS. Ojjlvt S. E. cornor Main and Firtt Street, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Will give prompt attention to all business en- trusted to them in the various Courts of Nebraska and North Missouri also, to tho Collection of Bounty Money, Back Pay, and Pensions ; and to the Payment of Tales. . RESTAURANT AND OYSTER SALOON. WILLIAM RPSSELL takes thi method of informing the public that he has just opened ,on Main street, between 1st and 2nd, UROirXTILLE, IV E B R. AS It A. ' a Restaurant and Oyster Saloon. Al?o, Cunfectionaries, Canned Fruit, Dried Fruit. Spices of all kindf. Tea. Coffee, So ear Tobacco, Potatoes, sweet Potatoes and everything uxnally kept in a retain giocery store. GTAIEALS SERVED AT ALL nQPRS.J PRESH OYSTERS-x-15-l- y BACK TO THE OLD STAND! , CLOCK,- - TOCHiS, A5D S II U T Z Would respectfull Inform bis old customers that be bs again opened bis Je- - elrj Shop in bis old sUnd on Main (treet, soutb side, two doors east of tbe Brown ville House He keeps on band a spleDdid asortment of everytbini in bis Una of business, which be will sell on the owest Jennifer Cash . Of Clocks; Watches and Jewelry dona on the short est Notice. WORK WARRANTED. ; , i Brovnvllle, Keb.. Kay ltth. ISfia. n3T-T8-- ly CHOICE LIQUOES. i Wholesale and Retail ' Evan Worthing:, OF THE 7! BROWNVILLE, Has Just BeceUed tbe larfrest and best tock ot Liquors and Cigars ever offered in tbta market, and w ill sell item as low as any Horn in tbe Territory. ITIIITXCY'S BEOCK, Mairi Street, Brown?ille j Feb.4,'4yly. Have just opened a' - splendi.d Stock of COSSISTIKO OF i ' Sugars, Teas, Coffep, Rice, Tobacco Cigars, Soap, Dried Prqit of all kinds. Nuts, Candies, Molasses, Salt, Wooden Wa pf all kinds, Canne.d Fruit, Oys ters, Pickles, and every Article usually kept in a first class Grocery' Store in ' Whitney's Block, Main Street Brownvilie Nebraska, Invites the public to call and eunn:-in- o their Stock, before purchasing elsewhere as tpey arc compident. TIPTON & HEWBTT, Silorue20 at ' m BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. March 1st, '66. ly. - . C meeting: of Scbool Examiners. otice is hereby eiren that tbe tfoard f ochoo Examiners of Nemaha County, Nebraska, will hold meetings for the Examination cf Teach era for sa- - County, at the 5co- - of ; E. W. Thomas, in Iirownrille, on the 1st Saturday ia every maotb, between the heart of one and 3 P. M, Appiieanta for certiSeates are required to be present at one o'clock, precisely, or they will not be examined. No person need apply at any other time. - JJy oraer or tne isoam , 1 : ' W. THOMAS, Clerk. April 1st, -- yly GRANT'S CAEAP CASB STORE. , "Main Strut bttwitn First and Second. BROWNVILLE, N. T. WK have in sUre alarms and well selected stock of Boots and Shoes, Finest Quality of Winter Stock, WHICH HS OFFERS FOR SALS CHEAP FOR CASH Groceries of Every Kind; Sugar, - . CorTee, Tea, Soda, Allspice, Pepper, Candles, Tobacco,- - Matches, Starch, &C..&C, &c. AH of which he offers at the lowert prices, deter mined not to be undersold. GRANT. Brewnrllle, Neb., gum Him anil! We have juit receired our first, lot of fresh Seed and can furnish it by the pound or bushel, at the lowest market price. Wou Id advise those in want to correspond with hs before purchasing of other parties PLANT & 1SK0TIIEIS. 2 ms. aj. LP ma. Mo. JACOB MAIiOHN, , iIIRCIMT TMtBIl. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA ' Callsthe attention cf Gentlemen desiring new, next ervicable and fashionable WEiiBING: APPAKEL TO BIS HEW STOCK OF GOODS. JUST RECEIVED, BROAP CJfQTHS, CAS3IMEKS, VKSTIX6S, &c.. OF THE VERY LATEST STYLE WTiich ha will stll nr mik, nn tn nril.r at nn trr. dented low prices. Having on band one of SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES, be Is able to do Custom work at ratj that defy compe I warrant my work, 1 v Hand as well as Dlaclilne Work. Those wishing any thine in his line will do well to eall an l examine his stock before iavesting, as he pledges himself u hold out peculiarly favorable in- ducement ; i January 1st 1865 p'd to Oct. 16th 1865. The undersigned keep on hand a lara arsotaeBt SATTIIIET&C SSIMERESUIT? For Men and Boy's wear. Also, a larje stock ef HATS .AND CAPS m BOOTS AND SHOES Robber Cots, Legglns & Blankets, UMBRELLAS AND CARPET BAGS Gent's Fnrnisbing Goods, Of aH kinds which we wi!l sell ; CUBA P O II CASH We purchased oar goods since the di cline in tbe Markets and. will sel) at low figures. . ATKINSON '& CO.- - April 13 tb, 1855, Iyon's Periodical Drops. THE GREAT FEMALE REME- DY FOR IR REGULARITIES. - .; , . " ' w ,' i ' ' - These Drops arc a scientifically compounded fluid preparation, and better that any Pills, Powders, or Nostrums. Being liquid, their action is direct an positive, rendering thero a reliable, speedy and cer- tain spectOc for the cure of all obstructions and sup- pressions of nature Their popularity (s indicated by tbe fact that over 100 COO b tiles are annually bold and consumed by the ladies at tbe United Slates, eve ry pne of whom apeak in the strongest terms of praise f their great merits. They are rapidly taking tbe place of .every other Female Kemedy, and are consid- ered by ail who know aught of them, aa tbe surest aa-fe- st. and most inraliiable preparation in the world, for tbe cure of all female complaints " the removal ,il alt pbstructlona of nature, and the promotion of hak regularity and ktrengih. KzpUcl diipctiona stating when they may be ueod, and explaining when and why they should net, nor could not te used without produ- cing effects contrary to nature's chosen laws, will be found carefully folded around each bottle, with the written signature ot Jobs L. Lvov, without which pone are genuine. ' Prepared by Dr. JOHX L. LTOS. 195 Cbspel Street, Kew Haven, Conn, who can be consulted eitfcer per- sonally, or by mail, (enclosing stamp ) concerning all private diseases and female weakness. Price l,6o per bottle. gold ty Drugtists everywhere p. p. CLARE &CO., " GenM jtjrents for C. S. and Cnada "OttiM Baos. St. Lonis. I Wholesale adlXEa,Fi(CR tt Fulleb, Chictgo. Agents December Uh 1S5S. ly. lo-- U 11-1- 2 Id.nn, jsw JXjqtz Gaeny Pectoral Acta passed bf 'j tlife Lesislatnre 5 ; of I860; ; The following: is a complete list of tae acts, hiemorials and joint" resolutions passed by the recent Legislature: ; i' CSAL, " Joint, resolution'' to 'provide for a joint cdramittee 'on the part of the Legislative Assembly to con-fiHj- et' the reVlsidn of the Lawaf '' - An act to authorize1 the record of cer- tain insiruraects' affecing;V the' title of real estate and for other purposes. Ui"' ' An act W ' incorporate the Missouri f Colonisation Society:. Meaiorial and joint resolption jo the Secretary of War, asking thtmuster out of the 1st Nebraska Vet. Cavalry. : " Memorial and joinf resolution praying the removal of the Indians cn the reser- ved ' n ' ! - lands from Nebraska. 'Joint resolution submitting a Consti tution for State Government to the peo- - Die for their approval or rejection Joint resolut on and memorial, an act to repeal an act to a herd law in - Rich- land and Fontanelle' precincts, approved( Feb. 15,' 1S64, as relates ' to Richland precinct. , Joint resolution 'endorsing 'President Johnson s policy. .y An act to provide the reudition of ac; counts by persons disbureing appropria- tions. ' ; , .. An act requiring "district courts to re- duce' instrqetions given' toiuries to' wri-tin- g when requested. An act to incorporate the Credit For cier of America." ' Memorial asking for further aid a the B & M. R. R. , J i An act relative to claims for' military services. . s An act to incorporate the Union Trans- fer Company. . ; Memorial asking Congress for tend bopnty to Nebraska Troops. An act to incorporate the Nebraska Annual Conference of. the M. E. Choree. An act to incorporate the Pittsburg and Platte Valley Mining Co. . . - LOCAL. ', ' , . ' An act changing the time of holding district courts in Washington county, ' " ' N. T. ( ." An act to repeal an act eptied "an act to prpyide for the proiection of crops, and the destruction of blackbirds, crows and gophers, in the counties of Cedar, Dixon, and Dakota," approved Februa- ry,'?, " ' " 1S65.' ; . 7 An act to legalizo the act of commis-sioDer- s appointed to locate a territorial road from Simpson's Landing, in Burt county, to Logan Cresk in Waskingtqn county. An acC 10 repeal an. act entitled "an act to restrain cattle :(rom running at large in St, Johns precinct.Dakota coun- ty ' N. T. ... ' - ' " i .. An act to legalize acts of the Probate Judge of D'Eau-qui-Cou- rt county and for ' other purposes. . An act to locate a Territorial road from St. Deroin to intersect a road from xFalIs City to Nemaha Chy. . - . An aci to legalize certain acts, of' the Ciiy Council of the city of Fori Calhoun, N. T., and give them, jurisdiction over cemetry grounds. ' An act to vacate-- a portion-th- e Cal-- 1 houn Ciiy Company's addition to Fort Palhoun. ! . . . T ' ' . An act to ponfirm the" title of certain real estate in Nebraska City, to Otoe county; for conn house purposes.""" 'f An act 10 incorporate? tae. uoara ox Tradet orpmaba.. " .jj,, An act to vacate a part f North Paw nee City, - j x An act to legalize the location of a Territorial road from Plattsmouth, Cass county, to intersect the Territorial road in section 3, Tp, N. R. 6. East. , . s " An act, to enable' Dodge , county to raise funds to build a counhouse. An act to vacate ' the town site of Winnebago in Richardson county. An act to authorize John S. Goss and others to keep a Ferry across the Mis souri at Fort Calhoun. . ' v An act to incorporate the Arago Scheutzenverien rifle company. . An act to authorize Z, J. Parsons to establish a Ferry at Rulo, Richardson county. ;7 7'... r Ai? act to injBorpcrate the Qmaha Ger- man Beading Asiociatian. : :v An act to confirm . the title of certain real estate in Nebraska to Nebraska Ciiy for high school purposes! An act to allow the city council of Oaaba to provide a city prison. 7- - An ac: to repeal an act entitled "an fct to proyide for the erection and ipcor- - " . - -- '.:'- poration oF Johnson county Seminary. ; An act to authorize the ', County com- missioners "of Douglas county lola'ppren-lic- e minor paupers. cact to establish a ferry across" 'the Platte river in Sarpy " andj Saunders counties. ; - ' An fict for the location ;6f a Territo- rial road from Dakota : CuV via De Wilts' to West point, N. T. r , . , 7 Memorial and joint "resolution for a mail 'route from i Plattsniouth, Cass coun- ty, to Beatrice, Gage county. An act defining the time of 'session of tfce IJoari of Equalization for the coun- ties of Dixon, Dakota ;and " LEau-qui-Cour- t'. " ' '' L"i An actio legalize the acts of C II, Walker, John Y; Iades: and "Richard Willmgford, as road'corararssibnefsl ;: ' - 1 - An ; act1 to incorporate the Omaha : " ' ' ' ' Gass Company. - - 4 . Ar act to vacate certain blocks in the town of Peru.""7 r : - V- - . - - " Memorials and joint resolntions rela-liv- e to a mail' route.' ' i?- - v ' ' r : - ' " An act to authorize "the county com-missione- rs of Cuming county to provide a fund for certain purposes. " : 7 " " An act let incorporate Interior" Lodge No 9, of the I. O. O. F.; at Pawnee city, Pawnee county. - -- !5 ' ; Joint resolution praying for a land grant to a railroad from Nebraska " City west.'5-- : ' ' 'l 1 ' " A An act to fund the warrants of Omaha City. ' : - : 'An act to authorize the Board of Edu- cation of - Bellevue township "toT levy a tax for school purposes.5 ' . ' " 7 Ah act to amend an act to 'restrain stock in Hall couuty, and in Kelley pre- cinct, Douglas County. ' - An act to vacate the town site of Yanc-to- n, Richardson county. -- ' ) An act to authorize the county com- missioners of Sarpy county to 'leavy a special tax for school purposes in said ' 4il ' 4 : ' ' ' ' ' '. county. - An a,ct to locate a ,Territorirl road from the north line of the city of Omaha to intersect- - the road running to Fort !:z v ' ' ; Calhoun. ; - " An act to incorporate the Brownvilie, Tecumseh,' Beatrice and Big Sandy Wag- on . . . - Road Company. An act' vacating a part of Cuming City, Washington county. An act to repeal all act restraining stock in Monroe precinct,- - Piatt county. An act to amend section one of an act to restrain bulls in the counties of Cedar, Dixon, Dakota, &c.' - ' An act to restrain stock at night in; ' county. ' ' Ad act to change a location cf a Ter- ritorial road in St Stephens. - , ; An ' act to locate a Territorial road frorrr Fremont, by way of Dewiit, to John Oakes, place. ' . , , An act to authorizeSarpy county to levy a special tax for the relief of the road fund of said 'county. An act to fund the corporate indebted. ness of Nebraska City. - Memorial asking for additional mail service from Frankford to Niobrarah, : An act to authorize the board of edu cation of Bellevne to levy a tax for school : - purposes. An act to change the narqe of St. Deroin In Nemaha county to Maryville. An act : to locate a Territorial road from Decatur to Fremont.- - - v ... An act to redene s of Cuming cpunty.' ' " - An act to create silver creek precinct in Burt caunty. " An act to change the boundaries of Cas and Sayners county - - Mi . An act to authorize Douglass county to levy a tax for erecting bridges in said county. .i..- - " t The Havanna Volunteer, says thai 'a pan of that town, who bad been away from his farrjily for some tfm,e; and on his return, found that his wife had be-co- notorious, in extremeties of bis grief was heard to say, ihoughf hir cutting "up with the men was bad enough, but when I found some of 'em wearing my clothes that annoyed me like h 11 ?' The following are the - established weignts of various art icles of produce : A bushel of wheat, 60; of corn on the cob' 70 lbs.; of shelled corni '3 lbs.; cf rye, 56 lbs ; of oats,' 36 lbs V 'of ,Veary, 43 lbs.; of potatoes, 60 Ids!;' of timothy seed, 45 lbs., cf fltx seed, 56 pounds, of hemp seed;"44 lbs.; of buckwheat, 52 lbs; pf blue grass seed,14 lb?.; of castor beans 40 lbs.; of dried peaches,33 lbs.; of dried aples, 24 lbs.: of onions, 57 lbs ; of salt, 50 lbs; of coal 124 pounds, OUR HETESUE- - 5TSTE1I. i- - :o X rTh3'!ast congress authorized.1 Ccm-missJbn'- toi inFestigate and icruienize the whole subject of Taiation," with 'a -- f iew tft the simplification ou'r; Revenue system 0 tis to - render our taxes less multt farious- - and less burdensome.' That Comraission has made its 'firstTeport. The changes they propose are numerous; impdrtaht.and, we:believe,' in the main, judicious.- - Amocg them are the follow- ing: il- - : 1. An exemption of all incomes below $1,000 from. the Incoqse tax-- . : - rr.i 2. A reduction cf .tax. on Distilled Liquors from $2 to SI psr gallon. ; z : 3 A remission of all taxes now levied on .Wearing apparel. . . . I ' 4.1 A repeal of the taxes .wvt leyied on Pig Iron (S2,40 per tun,) Coal, (six rents per tun and crude Petroleum (SI per, gallon.); 3 . : : . ,J5. .A repeal of all .tajes fto jr levied on Books, Magazines and :P4rnpUletr; leaving .the present taxes on pajJor.Leath-er- , &c.rt untouched... 6, -- Adduction "one-hal- f the'du-tie- s now levied on Home Manufacturures generally: a j:s ui ' ; . 7, A-repe- of all taxes now. levied on repairs of engines, cars, carriages, sbipV&C.J ... j ":.'.::. :i k 18.: A. repeal of. all taxes embolded .in schedule A of the Internal Revenue Act of last session, except those onTBil' liard Tables.: j w.:.: .9., A reduction of the lat now levied on brokers' sales of Stocks from 5 per l.OOOjoSl per SI, 000. ' . v 10.? An increasa cfthe tar .cn raw Cottorrfrom. 2 to 5 cents. : .. These modifications are proposed to take effect on the first day .of July next, or at the commencement of the next fis- cal year ; and . their, general, effect will be a reduction of our present burden of Internal Taxes by about one-fort- ht Yet even wiih these meliorations, they: cal- culate that our Internal, Revenua will amount, for the year ensuing, to no Jesj than 8237,000,000, and our Duties cn- - Imports to S130.000.000, making an.ag-gregat- e revenue of 5367,000,000. ; If, then, the cost of supporting our Govern- ment shall be S100..000.000 (and it cer- tainly oyght not to be more) and the in- terest on our Public Debt . should reach 8167,000,000 (which it will not,) there would be left $100,000,000 to apply .to the reduction of the principal of our Na- tional Debt, at which rate . it would be utterly extinguished within twenty :to twenty-fiv- e years. -- Si. Jqt fitarld. , ; m a W - Df.,fackenzilie tells us viih good hu- mor, an anecdote in the New York tJn-jo- n, which we have before heard verbal- ly related. It( was all about ascertain Lady Middleton, who, contrary to her most anxious wish, was unblessed with any children. . After an absence of sev- eral years with her liege lord in Eng- land, the returned with, bim to reside for a time on one of their Irish estates.- - As the carriage drove up. to the man- sion, she not ice" d several fine looking children about, and having learned that their mother was the wife of a great por- ter, she determined to interrogate her, reJatiya to the cause of her fecundity; she therefore, next day made her way down to the porter's lodge, and commenced her inquiries r '': "' - ' Wipse phildren are these, :ray good ' '' wcrnen ?" "All my own,' my good lady." "'"Ah. indeed!" 1 :' Yes's." ' '"' "' "What I tn'ree infants, and all of the T . r , ?,, '. "Yes, ray lady, I had thre? the last time." ; " : ' ' " '"How long have 'you been married?" 'Three years, your Iaadship." ; "And how many children 'havs yaa?" ; ' 4 ' ' ' V' "Seven, my Lad y." ''7 At list came the question7 of questfons bow she came to' have the children ? The poor woman, cot well knowing S7h'at this catechism meant.and fcorwell know- ing how to Wrap up in delicate ' words her idea of cause and effect, blushed and orew confused, and at last, for want of someihing tpsay replied : "I think it must be the potatoes, m'y lady." This" unfolded a theory of population quite new to Lady Middleton, who ea- gerly demanded . "'The potatoes ! Do yea eat much af thara V "Oh, Yes, lady; very seldom we have tread, and so take potatoes all the year round." " .' Greatly agitated with her new- - infer nation, the lady asked: "Aad whsre do et tha potatoes V '. . t .,T : .MWe grow iheu. ia cur littli girian, my lady; rure. Pat tills it." ,:WeilJ "saidrLady - T.JiJ iletcu, "just ssnd me up a' cart U irJ of those pota-tos- s, and the Stewart will pay -- yea well forthera. r 5 ; - : j s.rShortly after,h'er ladyship ro'to leave ths house, and inieed had left 'it, haai t2ia:imatrc3 radr "ra:icr h?r, and blushing as she pat the queslbn, as'J: 44 Ah', 'her?, by hdy, 13" it to hive child. j ren:thaf ybu:waqt th loau o:"p y.z'.02$ ' '4iJt ' was uthe lady's turn ta'llush, as she cenf esse J thafit was. r "Because I'm thiniy?. my' hi,' in that case-Pd- f had ld!cr Ut tie fd;u to you himself. ,,vPaper. is certainly a. ''progressive" ar- ticle. Not content with furnin n;te. rial out of which collars and. -- cuff ara made, it aspires to still further encroach- ments pporOhe. domain of limn, cotua and wool. The newspapers now an- nounce the introduction cf paper socks, "regard to the la3t addition tho Scien- tific American says: "The .object of this invention consists - ia pr educing a new article of Manufacture, viz ; W'ij made of paper, or paper and muijjn' com- bined.- It is well'. known tlvn paper is one of the.best materials fur keeping ia or causing the body to retain its natural heat; in other words, .ii. pre vcais cold a,irfrcm reaching such parts of tha bjiy as may be enveloped in i:. ; The inventer designs his socks partic- ularly for csa.uader or 073r a pjir of or dinary socks.or utockings, to be w7rn ia cold weather y. but itis cbviou3 that they can be made of a kind of paper which will last asj locg ras an- - crdmary pair would keep clean, .and they can be maJ3 so cheaply that their cost will not equal the. price of washing." Surely, the'worll is advancing, for paper. sock indeed, will prove a novelty. ."If ihey can be man.t. factured as Cheaply as their inventor cjajms, they will rapidly grow into gen- eral use, and thus lesson tha pro.lt 3 cf. tb? washerwoman. If we cun Lz?f pa per socks, 'why can not we find a substi- tute far linen altogether. - 'It seems to us that paper shirt bosoni3 demand cur next atteatian. Cure for Small Pox. As this Joathsome and dreadful dis- ease is at present alarmingly prevalent in several parts of the country, it may not b amiss to mention what is said to be now the established mode cf treat ment in the English army ia China, by general orders,' and is' regarded a a perfect cure. It is a3 follows, ted to have been disiuvered by au Eng lish surgeon two cr thre-- years aga : ' When the preceding fever is at it 3 nei'ght', and just 'before the eruption' cn. pears, tne chest 13 rubbed with crotonoil and tartaric ointment. ' Thi3 causes th3 whole of the eruption to appear on that part of the body, to the relief cf the rest. It also secures a full and complete erup tion, and thus prevents the disease- frora attacking the internal organ. Arthur is a real Uuia:i bov, b it ml at all religiously inclined; s that.hii mother often ha3 great difaculty in get. ting him to pray understanJingly. On evening, after much prsiasion, he kcolt to repeat b,is usual prayer, but rendered it with a slight variation, &3 follows: Now I lay me down' to" sleep,' shouting the battle-tr- y cf ffeedem 1" s ' The following 'startling threat was made U3e of the' other day by .au excited ' p'lgijisf: v ' . V " "I'll twist you round your own, necV, and ram you dawn your own threat, un til tKere is nothing left of you but tha extreme ends'of your.shirt collar stick- ing ouf of your . eyes." H13 "opponent " ' '' ' ' " Iefu - ' ' . - n '," m J - - ' V I 1 I w ... t ' '' ' An editor get shaved in a barler! shop, recently, anloffered' the darkey a dime, which he refused ; because,'-- , sail he, "I understand dat you is aa editor "Well ! what of it?" "We neber char-- 1 editors nurfin !" "But such liberality will rum you." "Oh, neber mind rr3 tr.aka it up off da gtmmtn l,. ... , . .Parsnip, rhubarb, and ether thin, s:a'7 seeds, keep for cne year. Carrot," cresiora, gumbo, eniens, "peas,' pepper, and small herc3 ia gener- al, keep for twef years. Asparagus, egg-plan- t, !ettu;e, rr.Uj'.ir4 endive, parsely, for ihree years. Cabbage, cauliflower, corn, riiish, kslei turnips, for fe-:- r years...

Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville NE) 1866-03-15 [p ]. · 1 1 IEBRASKA ADVERTISER ' GEO. W. HILL U CO,, drertHe: B;ock,lIain S'tBetween let k 2d, L4ii iiilioai iiiacrtka - --1 CI Jj.a3ir.fii

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Page 1: Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville NE) 1866-03-15 [p ]. · 1 1 IEBRASKA ADVERTISER ' GEO. W. HILL U CO,, drertHe: B;ock,lIain S'tBetween let k 2d, L4ii iiilioai iiiacrtka - --1 CI Jj.a3ir.fii





drertHe: B;ock,lIain S't Between let k 2d,

L4ii iiilioai iiiacrtka - - - 1 CIJj.a3ir.fii car2?tsix, 11;; n ie. vlp .l)T--V '.d.v-t-: : V -:- - "

1 i'-'i-Z"-.: rsf Ciu c i r : n t r y c a r - - - ,'3 CI

to ciIII f

Oae eijo ' j coiuiTD ere jear 21 C!'' :ArA ' 'i h :z 3! ;rr '"' Ora coloran lii rnc ctbj - iO C3I sZM ' : i - I V' - ?r"- s rV. 'I TN ,. .. ......,.J Ji, ili

I A... -H -- J i -- fr-

- Oca ilf eoluan ?ix racatlj 23 f iOne fourth ccluicn tii i Ci CIOne eighth co!vrr n n ciOne column tt:. .

One half cci'jso iCi.-- j :i cjOaefoarU cotr:::ailree ncs'ii 5 CJ

TERM s Oscelth cu --.3 U.-'-. e ccnfss 13 C

I CI........ .

OPT. rr, advat.ee, - - 80 Antra; ;3tiiertuen:t3ti ens' re jmj laOdSubscription, mait lirjillj,fce f inldvBcs rsnee.

Jntn bty'k.atyla.


brt notlca.aaey J-- '


YearljaJreTtisercentAllkindi of Job. Look


Car J rrioliTf.Jvirc


e V

thebe;!8tjlcon8bprtnrt!c.3rA'f'"jfr'' 'rc


"V IZ:'5 f


piHenry J. Chiircliinan,

UfEKlILIlILXiradaatcof tbe Medical Depart-mcn- ts

of.tlic University of , ,

Tif'a., and JeCTcrson ricil f,

" College, riiila Vst.-- - '

CrownTllIe and Yiclnlty.






S.c, Repaireitin f.hort uutice, at low rate,tod warranted to give aaiinfacllon. x-- 13 --to do



oFPicrsSouth Es?t eorner of Main and Tint Street


Orrici IIorRS 1 to 9 a. M.and 1 to 2 and C to

Brownvilie, Nuhra.-fc- n. Mnj 5th, 18(55 No S4, 1 jr.



Office corner of Main and FirM Streeta.BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA.

AHERICAII HOUSEL. D. RORIXSOX, PROPRIETOR,Front S:reet, between Main and Water,


Millinery & Fancy Goods

OTOIlEiKain 8treet one door west of the Post Office

nROWTlLC, XE11RASKA.A auprtor ntcck tif tall ann W'iater Ool

roceived. . Everjthirg in the Millinery linek'ptonstantlT on haod. Dress-Makin- g, Bonnet.Bleaching and Trimming done to order.

Ojtcber,25 IS55. : - T9-n-2-



BOOTS & SHOESMain Street between First and Second,



Corner Main .and First Streets,



General News Agents acd Stationers,

Post onicc Building, ,


hare on band and are constantlj receivingfregh tnrtiet of BocVaj TeriodicalH, Stationary,ILotograjh Albnrcs, School Books; also Confec-tionary, Cigars, Tobacco, and a choice selection of

. Fancj Groceries generally, to which they irrite the' tention of the citisens of Nemaha county, and

they hope b strict attention to business, and fairdcaJing.io merit a 6hare of the public patronnge.

A.l). MARSH. nI5-l- y J.W. BLISS.

C. AvTwHEBLKRiCabinet-make- r


EauDg opened op permanently onZSJI&.1XX Gtroot,tedooraWe the Baltimore Clothing Store, is

freparei to doall kinds uf work in his lipe 5n theery best and style. Particular attentione gisen U

r-- n m p'd


Solicitor in Chancery.LAND AND COLLECING AGENTS. :

J3TXOWSTIX.LT3 N. T.'iLMarch th,ly.


nrcmnvIUe, Nebraska.H. V7. PEDICORD, Propxietor.

This Ho US hat been reS urri;Vm,4 anil n.vlff ISttedP and refurnished under its present enterprising

Proprietor, who gnarranteea satisfaction to all whotoy patronise h ia llonue. -ly

. "sincH nr tihe sates kikef

u;Vi . VP0?1!?' to perform aij work,,par- -

Inl 1" "d !iKnPtot'SEl"tDg,and p?erhacj-.tf- ii1 "ort noticet n the mojt approred

WJ. Terms cash. Gi-eh- im acelhof Atkinspn's Cloth-- "

ne is prf pared to do all

WAL L COLOniNO? tba tt,tet and cbtpet style for tstrwnr.i:e,lIr:7, ij.

11 mm.iloase-SIg- a &. Ornamental

Glazier, Gilder, : Grata, , n

All work done in a workman-like manner, and on atrickly

TERMS- -os 1 Dooa west or browkyilli MX


GEDBML tffll IfflT,A5D DEALrH IIT : t


Perianal attention given to mating Locatiuni.

Ofire in J. I. Carson's Banking House.

BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA.x 14 ly fr-n- n


DORSET &RICH,Ettorufijs at Caw,

. And '

COMMERCIAL COEEECTORS.Ojjlvt S. E. cornor Main and Firtt Street,

BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA.Will give prompt attention to all business en-

trusted to them in the various Courts of Nebraskaand North Missouri also, to tho Collection ofBounty Money, Back Pay, and Pensions ; and tothe Payment of Tales. .



takes thi method of informing the public that hehas just opened ,on Main street, between 1st and 2nd,


a Restaurant and Oyster Saloon.Al?o, Cunfectionaries, Canned Fruit, Dried

Fruit. Spices of all kindf. Tea. Coffee, So earTobacco, Potatoes, sweet Potatoes and everythinguxnally kept in a retain giocery store.GTAIEALS SERVED AT ALL nQPRS.J





S II U T ZWould respectfull Inform bis old customers that be

bs again opened bis Je- - elrj Shop in bis old sUnd onMain (treet, soutb side, two doors east of tbe Brownville House He keeps on band a spleDdid asortmentof everytbini in bis Una of business, which be willsell on the owest Jennifer Cash .

Of Clocks; Watches and Jewelry dona on the shortest Notice.



Brovnvllle, Keb.. Kay ltth. ISfia. n3T-T8-- ly


Wholesale and Retail

' Evan Worthing:,OF THE



Has Just BeceUed tbe larfrest and best tock otLiquors and Cigars ever offered in tbta market, andw ill sell item as low as any Horn in tbe Territory.


Mairi Street, Brown?illej


Have just opened a' - splendi.dStock of


Sugars, Teas, Coffep, Rice, TobaccoCigars, Soap, Dried Prqit of all kinds.Nuts, Candies, Molasses, Salt, WoodenWa pf all kinds, Canne.d Fruit, Oysters, Pickles, and every Article usuallykept in a first class

Grocery' Store in 'Whitney's Block, Main Street

Brownvilie Nebraska,Invites the public to call and eunn:-in-o

their Stock, before purchasingelsewhere as tpey arc compident.



March 1st, '66. ly. - .C

meeting: of Scbool Examiners.otice is hereby eiren that tbe tfoard f ochoo

Examiners of Nemaha County, Nebraska, will holdmeetings for the Examination cf Teach era forsa- - County, at the 5co-- of ; E. W. Thomas,in Iirownrille, on the 1st Saturday ia every maotb,between the heart of one and 3 P. M, Appiieantafor certiSeates are required to be present at oneo'clock, precisely, or they will not be examined.No person need apply at any other time. -

JJy oraer or tne isoam , 1: ' W. THOMAS, Clerk.

April 1st, --yly


"Main Strut bttwitn First and Second.


WK have in sUre alarms and well selected stock of

Boots and Shoes,Finest Quality of Winter Stock,


CHEAP FOR CASHGroceries of Every Kind;Sugar, - . CorTee,

Tea, Soda,Allspice, Pepper,

Candles, Tobacco,- -Matches, Starch,

&C..&C, &c.AH of which he offers at the lowert prices, deter

mined not to be undersold.GRANT.

Brewnrllle, Neb.,

gum Him anil!We have juit receired our first, lot of fresh Seed

and can furnish it by the pound or bushel, at thelowest market price. Wou Id advise those in wantto correspond with hs before purchasing of otherparties

PLANT & 1SK0TIIEIS.2 ms. aj. LP ma. Mo.


iIIRCIMT TMtBIl.BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA' Callsthe attention cf Gentlemen desiring new, nextervicable and fashionable




OF THE VERY LATEST STYLEWTiich ha will stll nr mik, nn tn nril.r at n n trr.

dented low prices. Having on band one of

SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES,be Is able to do Custom work at ratj that defy compe

I warrant my work, 1 v

Hand as well as Dlaclilne Work.Those wishing any thine in his line will do well to

eall an l examine his stock before iavesting, as hepledges himself u hold out peculiarly favorable in-ducement ; i

January 1st 1865 p'd to Oct. 16th 1865.

The undersigned keep on hand a lara arsotaeBt


For Men and Boy's wear. Also, a larje stock ef


mBOOTS AND SHOESRobber Cots, Legglns & Blankets,


Gent's Fnrnisbing Goods,Of aH kinds which we wi!l sell ;

CUBA P O II CASHWe purchased oar goods since the di

cline in tbe Markets and. will sel) at lowfigures. . ATKINSON '& CO.- -

April 13 tb, 1855,

Iyon's Periodical Drops.THE GREAT FEMALE REME-


. " 'w ,' i ' ' -

These Drops arc a scientifically compounded fluidpreparation, and better that any Pills, Powders, orNostrums. Being liquid, their action is direct an

positive, rendering thero a reliable, speedy and cer-tain spectOc for the cure of all obstructions and sup-pressions of nature Their popularity (s indicated bytbe fact that over 100 COO b tiles are annually boldand consumed by the ladies at tbe United Slates, every pne of whom apeak in the strongest terms of praise

f their great merits. They are rapidly taking tbeplace of .every other Female Kemedy, and are consid-ered by ail who know aught of them, aa tbe surest aa-fe- st.

and most inraliiable preparation in the world,for tbe cure of all female complaints " the removal ,ilalt pbstructlona of nature, and the promotion of hakregularity and ktrengih. KzpUcl diipctiona statingwhen they may be ueod, and explaining when and whythey should net, nor could not te used without produ-cing effects contrary to nature's chosen laws, will befound carefully folded around each bottle, with thewritten signature ot Jobs L. Lvov, without whichpone are genuine.' Prepared by Dr. JOHX L. LTOS. 195 Cbspel Street,Kew Haven, Conn, who can be consulted eitfcer per-sonally, or by mail, (enclosing stamp ) concerning allprivate diseases and female weakness. Price l,6oper bottle.

gold ty Drugtists everywherep. p. CLARE &CO.,

" GenM jtjrents for C. S. and Cnada"OttiM Baos. St. Lonis. I WholesaleadlXEa,Fi(CR tt Fulleb, Chictgo. Agents

December Uh 1S5S. ly. lo-- U 11-1- 2 Id.nn, jsw

JXjqtz Gaeny Pectoral

Acta passed bf 'j tlife Lesislatnre5 ; of I860; ;

The following: is a complete list of

tae acts, hiemorials and joint" resolutionspassed by the recent Legislature: ; i'

CSAL," Joint, resolution'' to 'provide for

a joint cdramittee 'on the

part of the Legislative Assembly to con-fiHj- et'

the reVlsidn of the Lawaf ''- An act to authorize1 the record of cer-

tain insiruraects' affecing;V the' title of

real estate and for other purposes. Ui"'

' An act W ' incorporate the Missouri

fColonisation Society:.

Meaiorial and joint resolption jo the

Secretary of War, asking thtmusterout of the 1st Nebraska Vet. Cavalry. :

" Memorial and joinf resolution praying

the removal of the Indians cn the reser-

ved' n ' ! -lands from Nebraska.

'Joint resolution submitting a Consti

tution for State Government to the peo- -

Die for their approval or rejection

Joint resolut on and memorial, an act

to repeal an act to a herd law in - Rich-

land and Fontanelle' precincts, approved(

Feb. 15,' 1S64, as relates ' to Richland

precinct. ,

Joint resolution 'endorsing 'President

Johnson s policy. .y

An act to provide the reudition of ac;

counts by persons disbureing appropria-

tions. '; , ..

An act requiring "district courts to re-

duce' instrqetions given' toiuries to' wri-tin- g

when requested.An act to incorporate the Credit For

cier of America." '

Memorial asking for further aid a

the B & M. R. R. , J i

An act relative to claims for' military

services. .s

An act to incorporate the Union Trans-

fer Company. . ;Memorial asking Congress for tend

bopnty to Nebraska Troops.An act to incorporate the Nebraska

Annual Conference of. the M. E. Choree.

An act to incorporate the Pittsburg

and Platte Valley Mining Co. .

. - LOCAL. ', ',


' An act changing the time of holding

district courts in Washington county,' " '

N. T.(


An act to repeal an act eptied "anact to prpyide for the proiection of crops,

and the destruction of blackbirds, crows

and gophers, in the counties of Cedar,Dixon, and Dakota," approved Februa-

ry,'?, " ' "

1S65.' ; . 7An act to legalizo the act of commis-sioDer- s

appointed to locate a territorialroad from Simpson's Landing, in Burt

county, to Logan Cresk in Waskingtqn

county.An acC 10 repeal an. act entitled "an

act to restrain cattle :(rom running atlarge in St, Johns precinct.Dakota coun-


N. T. ... ' -'

" i

.. An act to legalize acts of the ProbateJudge of D'Eau-qui-Cou- rt county and for '

other purposes.. An act to locate a Territorial roadfrom St. Deroin to intersect a road fromxFalIs City to Nemaha Chy. . -

. An aci to legalize certain acts, of' theCiiy Council of the city of Fori Calhoun,N. T., and give them, jurisdiction over

cemetry grounds. '

An act to vacate--a portion-th- e Cal-- 1

houn Ciiy Company's addition to FortPalhoun. ! . . .

T ' '

. An act to ponfirm the" title of certainreal estate in Nebraska City, to Otoecounty; for conn house purposes.""" 'f

An act 10 incorporate? tae. uoara ox

Tradet orpmaba.. " .jj,,An act to vacate a part f North Paw

nee City, - jx

An act to legalize the location of a

Territorial road from Plattsmouth, Casscounty, to intersect the Territorial roadin section 3, Tp, N. R. 6. East. , . s


An act, to enable' Dodge , county to

raise funds to build a counhouse.An act to vacate ' the town site of

Winnebago in Richardson county.An act to authorize John S. Goss and

others to keep a Ferry across the Missouri at Fort Calhoun. . ' v

An act to incorporate the AragoScheutzenverien rifle company. .

An act to authorize Z, J. Parsons toestablish a Ferry at Rulo, Richardsoncounty. ;7 7'... r

Ai? act to injBorpcrate the Qmaha Ger-man Beading Asiociatian. : :v

An act to confirm . the title of certainreal estate in Nebraska to NebraskaCiiy for high school purposes!

An act to allow the city council ofOaaba to provide a city prison. 7--

An ac: to repeal an act entitled "anfct to proyide for the erection and ipcor- -

" .- -- '.:'-

poration oF Johnson county Seminary. ;

An act to authorize the ', County com-

missioners "of Douglas county lola'ppren-lic- e

minor paupers.cact to establish a ferry across" 'the

Platte river in Sarpy"

andj Saunderscounties. ; -

' An fict for the location ;6f a Territo-rial road from Dakota : CuV via De Wilts'to West point, N. T.

r , . , 7Memorial and joint "resolution for a

mail 'route from i Plattsniouth, Cass coun-

ty, to Beatrice, Gage county.An act defining the time of 'session of

tfce IJoari of Equalization for the coun-

ties of Dixon, Dakota ;and " LEau-qui-Cour- t'.

"' '' L"i

An actio legalize the acts of C II,Walker, John Y; Iades: and "RichardWillmgford, as road'corararssibnefsl ;: '


1 - An ; act1 to incorporate the Omaha: " ' ' ' 'Gass Company. - - 4


Ar act to vacate certain blocks in thetown of Peru.""7 r : - V- - .

- - "

Memorials and joint resolntions rela-liv- e

to a mail' route.' ' i?- - v ' ' r : - '

" An act to authorize "the county com-missione- rs

of Cuming county to providea fund for certain purposes. " :

7 "


An act let incorporate Interior" LodgeNo 9, of the I. O. O. F.; at Pawneecity, Pawnee county. - --!5 ' ;

Joint resolution praying for a landgrant to a railroad from Nebraska " Citywest.'5-- : ' ' 'l 1 ' " A

An act to fund the warrants of OmahaCity. ' : - :

'An act to authorize the Board of Edu-cation of - Bellevue township "toT levy atax for school purposes.5 '

.' " 7

Ah act to amend an act to 'restrainstock in Hall couuty, and in Kelley pre-

cinct, Douglas County. '

- An act to vacate the town site of Yanc-to- n,

Richardson county. --'


An act to authorize the county com-

missioners of Sarpy county to 'leavy aspecial tax for school purposes in said

' 4il ' 4 : ' '' ' ' '.county.- An a,ct to locate a ,Territorirl road

from the north line of the city of Omahato intersect- - the road running to Fort

!:z v ' ' ;Calhoun. ; - "

An act to incorporate the Brownvilie,Tecumseh,' Beatrice and Big Sandy Wag-

on . . . -Road Company.An act' vacating a part of Cuming

City, Washington county.An act to repeal all act restraining

stock in Monroe precinct,- - Piatt county.An act to amend section one of an act

to restrain bulls in the counties of Cedar,Dixon, Dakota, &c.' - '

An act to restrain stock at night in;'

county. ' '

Ad act to change a location cf a Ter-ritorial road in St Stephens. -

,; An ' act to locate a Territorial road

frorrr Fremont, by way of Dewiit, toJohn Oakes, place. '

. , ,

An act to authorizeSarpy county tolevy a special tax for the relief of theroad fund of said 'county.

An act to fund the corporate indebted.ness of Nebraska City. -

Memorial asking for additional mailservice from Frankford to Niobrarah, :

An act to authorize the board of education of Bellevne to levy a tax for school

:-purposes.An act to change the narqe of St.

Deroin In Nemaha county to Maryville.An act : to locate a Territorial road

from Decatur to Fremont.- - -v ...

An act to redene s ofCuming cpunty.' ' " -

An act to create silver creek precinctin Burt caunty. "

An act to change the boundaries ofCas and Sayners county - - Mi .

An act to authorize Douglass countyto levy a tax for erecting bridges in saidcounty. .i..- - " t

The Havanna Volunteer, says thai 'apan of that town, who bad been awayfrom his farrjily for some tfm,e; and onhis return, found that his wife had be-co-

notorious, in extremeties of bisgrief was heard to say, ihoughf hircutting "up with the men was bad enough,but when I found some of 'em wearingmy clothes that annoyed me like h 11 ?'

The following are the - establishedweignts of various art icles of produce :

A bushel of wheat, 60; of corn on thecob' 70 lbs.; of shelled corni '3 lbs.; cfrye, 56 lbs ; of oats,' 36 lbs V 'of ,Veary,43 lbs.; of potatoes, 60 Ids!;' of timothyseed, 45 lbs., cf fltx seed, 56 pounds, ofhemp seed;"44 lbs.; of buckwheat, 52 lbs;pf blue grass seed,14 lb?.; of castor beans40 lbs.; of dried peaches,33 lbs.; of driedaples, 24 lbs.: of onions, 57 lbs ; of salt,50 lbs; of coal 124 pounds,


rTh3'!ast congress authorized.1 Ccm-missJbn'- toi

inFestigate and icruienize thewhole subject of Taiation," with 'a -- f iewtft the simplification ou'r; Revenue system

0 tis to - render our taxes less multtfarious- - and less burdensome.' ThatComraission has made its 'firstTeport.The changes they propose are numerous;impdrtaht.and, we:believe,' in the main,judicious.-- Amocg them are the follow-

ing: il- - :

1. An exemption of all incomes below$1,000 from. the Incoqse tax-- . : - rr.i

2. A reduction cf .tax. on DistilledLiquors from $2 to SI psr gallon. ; z

: 3 A remission of all taxes now leviedon .Wearing apparel. . . . I '

4.1 A repeal of the taxes .wvt leyiedon Pig Iron (S2,40 per tun,) Coal, (sixrents per tun and crude Petroleum (SIper, gallon.); 3 . : :

. ,J5. .A repeal of all .tajes fto jr levied

on Books, Magazines and :P4rnpUletr;leaving .the present taxes on pajJor.Leath-er- ,

&c.rt untouched...6, --Adduction "one-hal- f the'du-tie- s

now levied on Home Manufacturures

generally: a j:s ui ' ;

. 7, A-repe- of all taxes now. leviedon repairs of engines, cars, carriages,sbipV&C.J ... j ":.'.::. :i k

18.: A. repeal of. all taxes embolded .inschedule A of the Internal RevenueAct of last session, except those onTBil'liard Tables.: j w.:.:

.9., A reduction of the lat now leviedon brokers' sales of Stocks from 5 perl.OOOjoSl per SI,000. '

. v10.? An increasa cfthe tar .cn raw

Cottorrfrom. 2 to 5 cents. : ..

These modifications are proposed to

take effect on the first day .of July next,or at the commencement of the next fis-

cal year ; and . their, general, effect willbe a reduction of our present burden of

Internal Taxes by about one-fort- ht Yeteven wiih these meliorations, they: cal-

culate that our Internal, Revenua will

amount, for the year ensuing, to no Jesjthan 8237,000,000, and our Duties cn- -

Imports to S130.000.000, making an.ag-gregat- e

revenue of 5367,000,000. ; If,then, the cost of supporting our Govern-

ment shall be S100..000.000 (and it cer-

tainly oyght not to be more) and the in-

terest on our Public Debt . should reach8167,000,000 (which it will not,) therewould be left $100,000,000 to apply .tothe reduction of the principal of our Na-

tional Debt, at which rate . it would be

utterly extinguished within twenty :totwenty-fiv- e years. -- Si. Jqt fitarld. ,

; m a W -

Df.,fackenzilie tells us viih good hu-

mor, an anecdote in the New York tJn-jo- n,

which we have before heard verbal-

ly related. It( was all about ascertainLady Middleton, who, contrary to hermost anxious wish, was unblessed withany children. . After an absence of sev-

eral years with her liege lord in Eng-

land, the returned with, bim to reside fora time on one of their Irish estates.- -

As the carriage drove up. to the man-

sion, she not ice" d several fine lookingchildren about, and having learned thattheir mother was the wife of a great por-

ter, she determined to interrogate her,reJatiya to the cause of her fecundity; she

therefore, next day made her way down

to the porter's lodge, and commenced herinquiries r '': "'

- '

Wipse phildren are these, :ray good' ''wcrnen ?"

"All my own,' my good lady.""'"Ah. indeed!" 1 :'

Yes's." ' '"' "'

"What I tn'ree infants, and all of theT . r ,?,, '.

"Yes, ray lady, I had thre? the lasttime." ; " : ' ' "

'"How long have 'you been married?"'Three years, your Iaadship." ;

"And how many children 'havs yaa?"; ' 4 ' ' ' V'"Seven, my Lad y." ''7

At list came the question7 of questfonsbow she came to' have the children ?

The poor woman, cot well knowing S7h'at

this catechism meant.and fcorwell know-

ing how to Wrap up in delicate ' words

her idea of cause and effect, blushed andorew confused, and at last, for want of

someihing tpsay replied : "I think itmust be the potatoes, m'y lady."

This" unfolded a theory of populationquite new to Lady Middleton, who ea-

gerly demanded . "'The potatoes ! Doyea eat much af thara V

"Oh, Yes, lady; very seldom we havetread, and so take potatoes all the yearround." " .'

Greatly agitated with her new- - infernation, the lady asked: "Aad whsre do

et tha potatoes V '.. t .,T

: .MWe grow iheu. ia cur littli girian,my lady; rure. Pat tills it.",:WeilJ "saidrLady - T.JiJ iletcu, "just

ssnd me up a' cart U irJ of those pota-tos- s,

and the Stewart will pay -- yea well

forthera. r 5 ; -:


s.rShortly after,h'er ladyship ro'toleave ths house, and inieed had left 'it,

haai t2ia:imatrc3 radr "ra:icr h?r, andblushing as she pat the queslbn, as'J:44 Ah', 'her?, by hdy, 13" it to hive child.


ren:thaf ybu:waqt th loau o:"p y.z'.02$' '4iJt ' was uthe lady's turn ta'llush, asshe cenf esse J thafit was.r "Because I'm thiniy?. my' hi,' inthat case-Pd- f had ld!cr Ut tie fd;uto you himself.

,,vPaper. is certainly a. ''progressive" ar-

ticle. Not content with furnin n;te.rial out of which collars and. -- cuff aramade, it aspires to still further encroach-ments pporOhe. domain of limn, cotuaand wool. The newspapers now an-

nounce the introduction cf paper socks,"regard to the la3t addition tho Scien-

tific American says: "The .object ofthis invention consists - ia pr educing anew article of Manufacture, viz ; W'ijmade of paper, or paper and muijjn' com-

bined.- It is well'. known tlvn paper isone of the.best materials fur keeping iaor causing the body to retain its naturalheat; in other words, .ii. pre vcais colda,irfrcm reaching such parts of tha bjiyas may be enveloped in i:.; The inventer designs his socks partic-ularly for csa.uader or 073r a pjir of ordinary socks.or utockings, to be w7rn iacold weather y. but itis cbviou3 that theycan be made of a kind of paper whichwill last asj locg ras an- - crdmary pairwould keep clean, .and they can be maJ3so cheaply that their cost will not equalthe. price of washing." Surely, the'worllis advancing, for paper. sock indeed, willprove a novelty. ."If ihey can be man.t.factured as Cheaply as their inventorcjajms, they will rapidly grow into gen-eral use, and thus lesson tha pro.lt 3 cf.tb? washerwoman. If we cun Lz?f paper socks, 'why can not we find a substi-tute far linen altogether. - 'It seems to usthat paper shirt bosoni3 demand cur nextatteatian.

Cure for Small Pox.As this Joathsome and dreadful dis-

ease is at present alarmingly prevalentin several parts of the country, it maynot b amiss to mention what is said tobe now the established mode cf treatment in the English army ia China, bygeneral orders,' and is' regarded a aperfect cure. It is a3 follows,ted to have been disiuvered by au English surgeon two cr thre-- years aga :


When the preceding fever is at it 3

nei'ght', and just 'before the eruption' cn.pears, tne chest 13 rubbed with crotonoiland tartaric ointment. ' Thi3 causes th3whole of the eruption to appear on thatpart of the body, to the relief cf the rest.It also secures a full and complete eruption, and thus prevents the disease- froraattacking the internal organ.

Arthur is a real Uuia:i bov, b it mlat all religiously inclined; s that.hiimother often ha3 great difaculty in get.ting him to pray understanJingly. On

evening, after much prsiasion, he kcoltto repeat b,is usual prayer, but renderedit with a slight variation, &3 follows:

Now I lay me down' to" sleep,' shoutingthe battle-tr- y cf ffeedem 1" s

' The following 'startling threat wasmade U3e of the' other day by .au excited

'p'lgijisf: v '. V

" "I'll twist you round your own, necV,and ram you dawn your own threat, until tKere is nothing left of you but thaextreme ends'of your.shirt collar stick-ing ouf of your . eyes." H13 "opponent

" ' ' ' ' ' "Iefu -

' '.- n '," m J - -'V I 1 Iw ... t' '' '

An editor get shaved in a barler!shop, recently, anloffered' the darkey adime, which he refused ; because,'-- , sailhe, "I understand dat you is aa editor"Well ! what of it?" "We neber char--1editors nurfin !" "But such liberality willrum you." "Oh, neber mind rr3 tr.akait up off da gtmmtn l,. ... , .

.Parsnip, rhubarb, and ether thin, s:a'7seeds, keep for cne year.

Carrot," cresiora, gumbo, eniens,"peas,' pepper, and small herc3 ia gener-al, keep for twef years.

Asparagus, egg-plan- t, !ettu;e, rr.Uj'.ir4endive, parsely, for ihree years.

Cabbage, cauliflower, corn, riiish,kslei turnips, for fe-:- r years...