Sit gitbrarta gcrald. LOCAL NEWS The Chronicle learns that the Midland Pacific Company are about to sell out. Th Chronicle sats lion. E II. Rogers is talked of as next U. S. Senator. ' The T. M. McUilVof the '0" line, , :.t t ' ....mrtA A F rtUB. parsed aown wim uumw - sogers VVe hear occasionallj of a few grass- hoppers; but they are not likely to do serious damage Prof. Miller has "come out" with a regular ''railroad rig," a pair of spank jug bays and a fine carriage. ' Hon. S. Maxwell left for Sarpy county yes erday, to attend the session of the District Court The first through train from the pa- cific arrived in Omaha last Saturday taernipg. Hyatt has rented the Sheridan Douse . . -- It A -- kn irom uieuwuuu, " " to a gentleman will open it to the public shortly, Hon. David McCaig has seen and ex- amined the coal found oa Weeping Wa- ter, nJ says it is an excellent article. O. F. Johnson has his superb Sada Fountain in "running order" ready to accommodate the thirsty. Simnson. Mickeiwa'.i to. uc l'i 9 lMmVi IV t r Aanlf&n U . I . a large quanmj u '"" i where they have opend a brancn yara. Alex. Street, Esq., returns the neavies income of any man in Nebraska City. I He returns $0,046.49. ti cinrr thfl it with chep (leaser jo ouupj.-- h j - I -l- .-v nfl aenerallv has a f ew iresu cj;c.i., r choice flowers for sale. , f Born has on nt,?n Omaha during the last aic i A - - . nl . nO AAnfa fit I W neat isquotea at yu tu vcvo Nebraska City, and corn at 45 cents, shelled. Mr. John Lewis had a colt bitten by rattlesnaxe last week, Wednesday, fcilling it in 'a short time. Bennett's new grist mill, on Camp .v : nin county, was burned one sight 'last week. The building was val ued at $3,000. w j. Hyatt, of" this" city, is opening a v. . ,.W at Lincoln. He started out everal very fine carriages last Monday Hyatt keeps good etoclu Surveyor General Livingston took pos .essionof the office, under spe.ific in atructions to that effect from the depart mint, last Friday. Thi B. !l M. R. K crosses the C. B. line directly east or c Road on a and about one Plattsmoutb, Main street, end a half miles south of Pacific City. of 1 latUmoum the enemies Some Ot I .v;nV thtt new three cent postage Biamf were got out in the interests of this city railroad on them. beoau.e theyhave a of corn in St. -- W, learn that the price W,a has fallen some-lwelv- e or fifteen cents lately, and many tnin still lower. . c . t ..nantlf we saw a nniie in c. uo j hammering away at our no m b r ef men nw ferry boat. She will be the best on the river when completed. The Steamer Nick Wall, which ean. weeks is to be w-m- ;n ft few ago, is raised. Bell boat 5uDmariu w. engaged in the . .t Kn.i;nor to be I necessamy lor too o .oonn tm.it iteen io i CreCteu ui I c Pfnnt who has commonoBu i " ' " w m I Capt. W. A. Pollock, Sargeant-at- - . during the last ses- - f th Senate . gww v. . ! i f tha Lesrislature, has receive appointment of Postmaster at Brown-vill- a. A worthy appointment. Real estate is looking up in this region. . . are seekinz prop- - . rnini, of them are men who thv were looa - j about. Several parties from Ashland were in ir, itT this W60K. inej rcFu.. si,; i1t in Saunders county Emi grants coming in rapidly and room for few more 'Another change has been made in tha r,nflrement of the Council f isvisM r 'Bluffs Nonpareil. Mr. John M. itrainara i 'retfres anl Mr. John li. Keatiy asBume ditortal control of the paper. " " .. . a. .i The pradintr of tbe capital gruuuu. Xincoln ia progressing finely, there being about sixty men emvloyed on the work. I W. S. Hobbs, Esq., of this county nas i tha contract for I urnishiag the ever- - . f .firnino' the prounia nobbs deal extensively in evergreens, shrub I bert and fruit trees, and can furnish them at yery low rates. Messrs. W. S. & J. A. Latta have now wnt their new mill on Rock Creek in run- - ninr order, and turninz out some of the best flour in tbe State. They have a now mill house, new machinery and every- - thin is order for makine the best flour Hatha State and they make it. We hava tried it and know. Get "Rook Creek Mills, XXX Family Flour0 and ,yo are sure of a good article. They grind for toll, or give thirty-tw- o pounds Hf flenr and the bran for a bushel of The News says Don. Wm. McLennan has received a contract fer eeetioniiing tho country in the vicinity of the Repub- lican River, and will commence opera- tions soon. Abbott, the at Lincoln, has beea found guilty of robbing the mail and of embezzlement. We have not learned what the sentence is, but it can- not be less than ten years. Ills attor- neys have filed a motion for a new trial, whieh is not yet decided. We learn from the Journal (of Falls City) that the election in Richardson county, for the voting of railroad bonds, has been postponed until Monday, the 7th day of June. We understand Cbauncey Wiltse, Esq , late chief oler'k of the Surveyor Gen- - ?:rrr " Z:-Z-. ,OUvrc. .r .mrjs, - - I will give his personal attention during tne summer. Hon. W. T. Chapin was in the city last week, getting his bonds filled and ap. proved preparatory to taking possession of tbe Receiver's offioe at Lincoln, Chapin will make an efficient officer. Col. Majors has assumed the duties of his office as Assessor for Nebraska. The Col. will mat an efficient officer in the civil service, as he did in the military service. Wm. W. Irish, Esq-- , is again in charge of the culinary department of the Platte Vai:ev. and meats can rest assured that . . , . t 1 1 t " M .S too tauie wui oo mppneu wiiu iuuu gotten up in the very best style. The dig00T0rj of af our foot Tein of coal on Weeping Water sends Prof. I r Hayden's theory to the dogs. He said there was no coal in this region the a: irr i tt t i uo .,PiDg .aj- - mere Simpson, Mickelwait & Co paid a sin .w Ihav bfa nrtinrp rm a r. 11 a i n oo a n rl . I pect to do a great deal more as soon as 1 - - ' J it. " t 3 1 wurK 19 commeoceu oa iae raiiroau. Hon. S. M. Kirknatrick, of Mt. Pleas-- ant rrecinct. has bmlt him a verv nice residenco during the past yearcosting L abont $ljQ00 exclusive of labor furnish- - ed by himself. We want every man in Cass county to bo prepared to take the Herald as soon as we enlarge it. We shall endeavor to make it well woith the subscription money to any and every citizen of the 80UDtJ We learn from Mr. John Hess, of this I city, that the parties who have been prospecting for coal on Mr. Osborn's farm, on Weeping Water, have struck a three feot vein ef excellent coal. We will give particulars as soon as we ascer- - tain them. -- Siaoo writing tho above, we learn I from Commissioner Carmiohael that the Teio is fOUr Jeet in thickness, seventy fet below the surface, and that the ""-- "j ff'" v the rein. In point dnwn rTpntv fent I . , IT f . iatj uurou lurougn invta umerent Teins i of coal, but none except this JIast one was more than eight or ten inches in thickness. We woald again call the attention of advertisers to the fact that all advertise- - ments in the Herald will be re-s- et in new type shortly, and those desiring changes made can have it done at that time with out extra cost, if they attend to it in season. Nebraska City papers are in suoh a habit of boasting that they even boast of itonnmUivrit v. w u m u-- w & va uwwkudj ucmvim ajv ootch I toon HnFJntli- - nrh Thm- - Kw three or four others have been buried in ont of tha wav rtlacea. and not nnnntnd. 1 ' r i r.,nv Mnrriunn TMirrliaaDil last aV l r i or M. jj. White, fourteen stall led steers. whiih tin is nnm hiitnhiirintF anrf VAttil. ing in his market. Lovers of fat, ten . I uoi igri iii uv w ucm iuii iu i mind when they seek a fine steak or a I superb roast. Morrison always bas as good as the country will afford. . . - rrm am I TnefremoBt iweune says me raeino mails are to be carried via the Sioux City and Pacific road. Fronv the same paper 1 we learn that the residence of Mr. Stul. bert, on Maple Creek, was struck by 1;btnln recently. Several persons were! in the house, but none of them injured I beyond a severe fright. f lake's ualyeston iSulletin makes a uggestion worthy of consideration Having discovered that tha New York rousrhs 20 to Connecticut to rote, and tbus leave tho city in a quiet state, it 1 Dr0p0ie8 that New York buy Connecticut and keen it in a chronic state of eleo- - tion There are nine Lodges of Odd Fellows in Nebraska, 1,478 members. They hare paid out . tor the rener destitute brothers the sum of $370.50 ; for the ra lief of widowed families, S74.5U. lue members of this beneficent organisation have great reason to feel proud oi its rapid ana Buostanwai grwiu m iu.. State. See Statement. Certificate of author ity of the Miseouri Valley Life Insurance Company, ia this issue. This Co. is ono of the best in tbe west., and is doing a lively business in this State, Kansas ana Missouri. Mr. Covalt Gen. Agent, is a thorough gentleman and a fine business man, and has mado many friends for the Co. in this region.' 'J. W. Marshall, Esq. is agent in this city, and will be pleased 10 explain ui insurance to an heaL seeking informatim. lion. Geo. S. SejbSlt and E. A. Kirk-patric- k. Esq , have reoeived appoint. ments as assistant Clerks in the Survey or General's office, and have entered upon the discharge of their duties. They are both straight out, unequivocal Republicans,' and men of worth as citi zens. Gen. Livingston has made excel lent selections for clerks. The teacher- - and pupils of St. Luke's Sunday School held a pio nio yesterday on the hill in the north part of the city, near the Surveyor General's office. We have heard no particulars, except that they had a general good time and all enjoyed themselves finely. This is the first pio nio of the season. The children marched to the groands singing appro priate pieces: Mi e Lillie Simpson was Our W.epir Water Correspondent will furDI8b, next week, a full and com 8tatement in regd to the coal dis aoverlea on Weeoin Water. Present appearances indisate rich caal fields in this region, but a personal investigation by our- - correspondent will serve to, in some measure,settle the question.of what has been found. J. M. Woolwonh, Esq , has given an opinion, which is published in the Oma ba Republican, to the effect that the par- ty owning a lot oo higher ground than his neighbor is liable for damage if he allows filth to accumulate on l is premis-e- r and be washed down by the rains onto the possessions of his neighbor. The steam ferry "Uncle Nod" makes regular trips, and comes to the Nebraska ho Inn. dm! nearlv everv time. The latioQ of Nebf aska Ifla8t be increas r ing at the rato of about 500 souls per day. Come on, we have room for all of you, and to spare. The Herald is now turning out as fine job work as any office in the west, and at as low rutes. We are furn suing lei- - ter-hea- as on jroou jwuua . 1 . 1 T r n . thann a jona wegt 0f Chicago Call and see specimens. vVe learn that A. L. Urown, Esq , will ;n tn Survevor General's office eh;0f clerk Mr. Brown has been con- - . . . i ... - fi1d wnrlc of nectea wnn ma vuuo m the Land Department of the Govern- ment for nearly thirty years, and has the reputation at headquarters of doing the best work of any man in the United States. He has occupied the position of draftsman in tbe oace auring mt. uueu- - oocVg administrutien, In which branch h. h no sunerior in the employ of the Government. Gen. Livingsten is par- - .... . . Ttiti mam ticularly fortunate m Bur.u6 viea as chief clerk. The Statesman says the Gove-no- r has reserved for Dr. Evans and P. S. Allen w0 80ctions of saline land, for the pur- - L. f A AwW.ac salt. These gentle- - v. A nnrKaPil & steam eneine and fnr artesian borioe. and as soon as ti,ey arriy0 will commence sinking a well, They contract with the Governor to go down i,'juu ieet, a iueir uwu "- - ls.. ,T.! arrancrement B,ier wmcu . w;u be made, if it is necessary io euro farther. Messrs. Allen and Evans fcnow what they are about, and having to onerato with, we shall u j fc' - - i - won Know wdsi l a thire is unaer iiiir fees witmn a qun r wer ui " J also states that the The same paper Tiohenor Salt Works are at last in sue- - cessful operation. The block, or nace, has been rebuilt entire, and was fired up on last Wednesday. Every one r th 20 kettles boiled, and toe com- - Banv are now turning out from 50 to 60 barrels of fine salt daily. Nothing is Inoffdod now but a maraet to muo " WOrKS an enwro ouv.. MARRIED. n n fha dth of Mav. bv A. L. Child, . Tn.ld.r. in h.nn.. at me uvuoo n .... . . lunimn LiOuiarnie i recmc, " .:.. rUn... Sixteen hundred men and boys quit ,nru ,v Piittnn ccal mines on the " " morning of the l3.h Quite an ex- - tensive ;'6trike." TIMBER I.4ND FOR SAL.E . .. 'r;mK&a T.and fur ula in BeetloD h HMD KI "I - i4. id Cms count, : i Two Bun(lrfd and fort, DoiUr. mTi3w9 MAXWELL CHAPMAN. Vallerys' Jb Ruffoer are just in receip. of the largest-sioc- k of Dry Goods, Gro cerics, Hardware, Queensware, isooib, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Doors, Sash, Iron and Nails ever brought to tho west. Buy None but the Best ARnffner are azenti for J. - j - " 1. Case Jb Co.'b Threshing Macmne, . n. Manny, and Kirby'a uomDinea reap- - er and Mower, Self and Hand Kake, John Deere's MOlino lireafcMDg ana om-rin- g Plows. If you want to Loy the host Corn Planter in use, go to Vallerys & Raff-ner- 's and buy Brown's Illinois Corn I p'anter. If yoa want to save time.and labor,go r vUtx A Raffner's aad cut one of sv v isisvj w John Deerc's Walking Cultivators. If you want tho best wagon in use, go to Vallerys Jb Ruffner's and buy the Schuttler Wagon. WASTED 5000 lbs Bacon. 1000 lbs Lard. Vailirts Rcff.vk. m , DOOM, DRO. &. CJ. Agents for Birdsall's Threshing Ma- chines, Buffalo Pitt Threshing Machines, New Yorker Self Raker Reaper, Buck eye" Mower and Reaper, J. P. Manny's Reaper and Mower, Wier's Walking Cultivator, Broad Cast Seed Sower, Rod and Mould Board Breakers, Subble plows of al! kinds. Euery implement warranted. Middlb Crsce, Lancaster Co., Nib. August 13 1863. Messrs. Doom, Bro. & Co.,Plattsmouth. Gents . The Brdsall Threshing Ma- chine purchased of you, works beyond our expectation. We have tried it to our satisfaction. We believe it cannot be beat for saving grain, and running easy. We do not know how much we can thresh as we have never got grain as fast as the machino will thresh. Respectfully your J. J. Forkst. Mt. Plrasakt, Cass Cocntt, Neb., September .5 1868. Messrs. Doom Bro. & Co.,Plattsmouth. Cents. In reply to your inquiry as to how we liKe the Birdsall Thresher.would say: that we like it well, we have thresh ed with several kinds of maehmes, but find the one bought of you givee satisfac tion. It threshes and cleans as well or better than any other we have tried. It requires less attention, especially in the cleaning part. Ours does its work well in all respects, it is very light draught on horses. We would reoomend the Birdsall to any one wishing to purchase Threshing Machine. T E. Hughes. II. J. Hughes. Wrbfixq Water, Cass County, Neb. December 8 1868 Messrs. Doom, Bro. & Co.Plattemouth. Gents. Iu regard to the New Yorker. Slf Rakine Rearer and Mower purchas ed of you, I can say that it performed entirely to my satisfaction, both as a Reaper and Mower. I have no hesitation in recomending the New Yorker to any person wishing a Self Raking Reaper and Mower. ' Truly Yours, II. Hubbaro. Want of ppnee prevents us publishing more certificates, but we refer to tne following well known gentlemen for the merits of the New Yorker: John R. Shaffer, Salt Creek. Frank W. Fowler, Elmwood. J. L. Davison, Millford. Abram Courtright, Millford C. Mason, Millford. FOR SALE BY Doom, Bro. & Co. Plattsmouth, Neb. Reed & Bro., Weeping Water, Neb. Walker 4 Bond Ashland, Neb. Cassell & Hyatt Lincoln, Neb. Doom & Etherly Millford, Neb. PAY UP All persons knowing themseves indebt ed to me will please call and pay up im- mediately. A word to tho wise, etc. Sept.10 tf. , C. E. Forgy. Take Notice. All persons indebted to me by note or account will please call and settle imme. diately. All accounts not settled bj December 25tb, will be left for collec- tion. Take notice and govern jouroelf accordingly, and save your cost. no?26tf Jacob Yallebt, Jr. For Sals. A light spring wagon. Enquire of Sam. M. Chapman. .March,18tf. MUSIC. Mrs, Kate Simpson would respectfully ay to her friends and the public that she has made arrangsnents to enlarge r .class in music, and would be pleased to ..instruct anr who may wish to take lessons on Piano Forte. Enquire at residence, corner Tine and Second streets Plattsmouth. Febl8tf NOTICE. All persons indebted to us. either by note or account, will please call and set tie immediately, as we wish to close our accounts by Dec. 25th. nov26tf. Vallkrt & Ruffskb. $1200 and all Expenses Paid ! See advertisement of American Shuttlk Skwimo Machine, in our advertising colj umns. lJ FOR SALE Two valuable residence lots for sale. Enquire of M. McElwain. April3tf. FAR. 91 FOR. SALE. Situated twelve miles west of Platte mouth, on the Platte river. Enquire of Maxwell & Chapman-Plattsmout- ipri!15w4. ST. LUKE'S PARISH. Mnnthlv meetings ef the Vestry 1st Tuesdsy eve ning ef each month, at the Rectory J Q larterly meetings of Vestry 1st Mondays of May, August, November ana reornary. 11. PT. OEO. TOPS'?, Rector. Wm. L. Wells, Clerk. Tbil tac U paid fur by who kcrp tho largest fouad is the eoantry. NOTICE Is hertby glTtn that an election will be'held at the usual plate of hoidiDg- - electi ns In Weeping Watrr precinct, Cass.connty, Nebratka, on SATURDAY, the SSttJrfay of May, 18G9, for the DOrDose of submitting to tbe legal Toters cf said reel act, tbe proppos itiou to im.ua the boods of said precinct to the amount of Fourteen ($14 OoO.OO) Xhousana VOUn 10 me nri naiiroai vonipanr that will build a Railroad from a point on the Mis- - souririTer westward through said county byway of Weeping Water precinct, upon condiUon that a Deput'ot said Railroad shsll ba built and maintain, ed by said Company within, not to exceed, one hal mile of the town of Weeping Water Falls. Said bonds to be issued as follows : 60 per cent. nt mA bonda to be issued to said Company on the completion of said Railroad to Weeping Water Falls Depot , and 60 per cent, of said bonds to be is- sued to said Railroad Company on completing said Eai I road to the west line or ca county. Said Bonds to run not less thsn 20 nor more than 30 years from the date of U'ue, with interest, payable annually, at the rata of ten percent, per an num. baid Bonds and interest to be payable at tha office of the County Treasurer of Cae county. One-ten- th ol said bonds to be psjable in twenty-on- years from the data of issne, and one-tent- h of said boods to be payable each year thereafter until tbe whole amount of said bonds is paid in full The proposition will alfo be submitted to the vo- ters or said precinct at said election to authorise and require tbe County Commiasioneis ot said county to levy an annual tax on the real and personal prop erty of said precinct to pay the lnteret on said bouds, and after the expiration of twenty years from the time of Hsuing sai ' bonds to levy annual- ly , until said bonds are paid, an additional tax on h .nH iwrinnal estate ot siiJ precinct suffi cient to pay of said bonds, and to ap ply the same to tn- - payment inerew. The question submitted t said voters at said eleo-ti- on will be" Kor Bonds and Tax, Tes;" For Bonds and Tax, No." Whieh EH c' Ion will be opened at S a. m. of said day and continue open until 6 o'clock in the af ternoon of said day By order of the County unmmusioners m v Neb.aska, 21, 1&6 ' county, April , ,. ltnetts uiy nana snaouiciu ow(. moath, this 86th day of Apr!!. A n. lol9. 1 B. SPURLOCK, apri!2Sw4 Clerk Cass county. Neb. NOTICE- - t. v...i. ih.i in lM!tioD will be jeld at the usual place of holding elections in Rock Bluff precinct Cas county Nebraska, on SA 7 VRDA Y the&Oth day of Hay, A u lsov fjr ihe rurpose of ml milting ti the legal vo'ers ef aid ..redact tbe proposition to issut tho bonds of said precinct to the amount of tweutj - wo thousand six hundred and Blty-nin- e dollars ($22,659) to the B. fc. M. K. K- - t.onii.any. rroviaeo. saia lopdii.hj mike K"Ck Blutfi Ihe slatting point went of the ex teni-in- of the said B. AM. R. R- - within eighteea mouths from this date faid Bonds to be Issued as follows: 50 percent, of said bonds to be as soon ai said Company sball commence grading said road, and the remaining HO per cent to be isssed hen said company shall have compietea teu miies of road fn m Rock Bluffs west. Said bonds to run not less tnau ao nor more man 80 years from the date of Issuing, with lnterest,pay-abl- e annuallyt at the rate of ten per ceut. per an- num. . , Said bonds interest to be payaoie ii n the Count Tr asurer of Cass county. One-tent- h ol said bonds to be payable in twenty-o- ne yes-- s from the date of icsuing, and one-ieni- oi iu w be payable each year therealter until the whole amount of said bonds are paid in full. And provided further that th said precinct snay have ihe privilege of paying said bonds any time prior to the time above specified ; and provided further, that before said bonds shall be issue the said B. it M. R. K. Company, through their prop erly authorised agents, shall enter into nonas wiin ik. lov.liv authorized aients of said precipe, in the sum of one hundred fifty thousand ( 150,00(1) dollars The proposition will also be suomniea io in to of ssid precinct at said election to authorise and require the County Commissioners of said county to levy an annual tax on the real SWid personal prop- erty of said precinct to psy the interest on said bonds, and after the expiration of twenty years from the time of issuing said bonds to levy annually un- til said bond are paid an additional iax oa tbe real and personal estate of said precinct sufficient to pay one-teni- n part or ssia Donos i "" to the payment thereof. The question submitte i to said voters at said e ac- tion will be 4 For Bonds and Tax, Xes;' "Fer Bonds and Tax, No." Which election will opened at 8 o'clock a. m. er said day and continue open until 6 'clock in the af- - ernoon of said day. By order of the Board Of Joui'ty uommrssionera. In witness whereof I hereunto set ray haae seal and official seal at Plattsmouth on tnis n day of May, a. d. taov. B. SPTJRLOCK. maSw4 Clerk Cass county, Nebraska,. LEGAL INOTICE la DistrLt Court ind Judicial District, with la and for Cass county, NeDraxna. Fhalrarh Co'tM T.J- - Jones. J Q. A. Owen and To T.J. Junes and J. Q. A.Owen dereae- - ants; t - . . , You sro horeoy notinea inai on us isi u J U 1RR9 Rh.rir.ch Cole filed bis Deiiliot in the rfficeofthe Clerk ol the District Court, within and for Cas coonty. Neb . alntT. J. Jones, jodd vi A. Owen and C. E..Forjty, Defei dants, setting forth ,h. .,1,1 iiiniir hu tha Ifliral title to tbe sonth east quarter of the sonlh east quarter ) of d,(i,.n thinv. i,,nr km ana lue wuiu wo. u..... i ..r th. ...nth nuarter k'l of Section thirty- - fle (35). In Township o. twelve (12), north of rne No ihlrtnen (131. east of the 6lh f. Al. in Nehraska. and Is in the qniet and nuhlA nnailAtllltan or me aanie. auu lua. IW1 said Defendants claim au Interest and estate in said tracts of land adverse to tbe estate ana id ..t r h pinintirr in said tracts of land and pray that he sid Defendants may be compelled ing yoa . . . . ... .. .nil irt .nn mnr uin ill E io Baiu iiwii v. " " that it mv he determined to be null and void, and ttat the title to aid tracts of land free from all liens and Ineumbrancea whatsoever may be quieted and eon Armed tn said f hadr h Cole. Yoa re reqired to answer said petition en or before the 14th day or Jane im. BHtUKlv.ll by Miih-il- l CniFMti Att'ys for Plaintiff. ma'6w4. PROBATE NOTICE- - PLATTSMOTtTH, N.... "Or, J xr mmoa T.t-n-h Vallerv. Ir. Administrator the estate of P. A Sarpy, late ol said county, de ceased, and makes application to nave n is time ex . aa f- - mi months to mak.3 his final settlement t.. r.nrt i u aoDoinied the 27th day (tf May, to hfirind deiermioi the same t all Interested will appear on that day at 10 o'clock a. m., at my office, In the city of Ptattsmout h , Cass county, Nebraska May 13tb 1869 w3. Frobate Judge, Saint Louis & Omaha Tri- - Jrlm, Weekly Th. ahove 'ine of Steam-r- a will leave Platta mouth very other day throughout the entire season connecting at Plaitsmoutn wnn oBrius uimtl Kimr Railroad for the e.st. north aa south, and at thefollowins; points with railroad con, neetiuns. Council BiUffs. Omaha, St. Joseph, lav enworth and Kansas City. For .freight or passags at onr effice. "marll fclMPiOV MICKKLWAIT, Atenls. Clabk S FLUhmKR, stock of Oooda to be CHANCERY SALE Sarah Everett, Frances vs. J In Chancery In pursuance ana by virtue of a decretal order to me directed fron the office of tbe Clerk of the District Co rt of th '2d Judicial District of Nebraska, w thin and f Cass county, bearing data on the 5th day of June 661, being tbe June Term of said Court. I, th. ubscriber, Hauler In Chancery fur said Court, wil offer tor sale at public auction, to the highest an. uest bidder, for cash, in front ot the Co irt Houne ii the city of Plattsmotith. Cass county, Nehrsska, on Monday, the 24th day of May, 1S69, at 1 o'clock p. m., of said day, the following describ- ed real estate, to-w- it : The noitlieast quarter ( V) of section No twenty-sev- en (27). in township No twelv (12) north of range No twelve (12), east of tbe 6tl If. M. in Nebraska, coutaining one hundred and six ty acres, more or less, together with all and slngi, ltr, the improvements, herditaments, and ap(.nrte nances thereunto belonging, to be sold at tbe prop- erty of the defendent above named, to satisfy saki decree, the amonnt cf which is Three Hundred and Forty-nin- e and 3a 100 dollars, and interest on tbe same from date of said decn-e- , at the rate of ten p'i cent, per annum, together with coat of suit nd sale. SAM. M. CHAPMAN. April22wS . Master in Chancery. CHAN C ERY SALE. Rose Ann Decker ) va Vln Chancery Daniel M. Ramsy k Mary E Rmey, In pursuance and by vi-t- ue of a decretal order to me directed from the office of the Clerk of the District Court ol the 2d Judicial Distiict or Nebraska, within and or Cass county, bearing date on tbe 23th day ol June, 1867. being tbe special June Tom of said Court. I, the subscriber, Master in Chancery for said Cour'.wlll for offer sale at public auction, to the higbost and best bidder. for ctvb.in fiont of Ihe Court toue in tbe city of Platbmouth, Casa county, Ne- braska, on Monday the ZUA day of May, 1869, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, the the following de- scribed real estate, to-w- Lot No twelve (12) in block No. thirty-thre- e (33), as the same is designa- ted open the publiwhe J and recorded plat of th e cit of Piattdiiiouch Nebraska. Together with all anu singular sne improvements, hereditaments aad an unensnce thereuo'o belonging, to be sold as th loperty of the defendant above named, to iatial said deciee, the amount of whieh is rive Huudrru and Sixty six and 20-10-0 Dollars, with interest from tbe date or said decree, at ihe rate of ten per ceut per annum, legether with costs of suit and sale. BAJL Al. GrlAt'MAN, April22w5 Master in Chancery Henry Bjcxeok, BTALEB fX i ; . FURNITURE, iOunges, Tables. Safes. bedsteads Of all descriptions ant? at all prices. Metalic Burial Cases, Of all 6iies,;aIso rV WOODENCCOFFINS, . i. Ready made, ind sold cheap for cash With many thanks for pasl pst-ena- r. I invite all to cu and e xammc mj large stocs oi 'nrnnurt and Coffins, I : ' ; Mii J GET THE: BEST. Webster Unabridged jivicxicnary. 3000 Engravinf s 1840 Pages ftuar 10. .trice sisS 10,000 Words ank Meanings not in other Uiciio-nartes- . ' Viewed as a whole. We a een9den t that no ether living language has a d cuenary which se fully and faithfully re's forth it prent condition as this last edition of Webster does that of our writ Lib and a. oken English tontje. Harptr'i Magazine. These three books are Otsj awns total of great U vrurw . ut ni(tt. f ana ttevss. Royal Quarto Chittnpo timing Journal. Tarn KbwWkbstsu 14 glorious ir. is perfect it distaccea aad defies estop 'tu ion it kaves nothing to be deti red J. Jl.tka vmond, L L. l) Pretident Vattar ColUae. I f . The most useful aad scanrkable atwnpendium of ssmoa Knomieuir in ow laaroaKe. a. w. Kltarit. fresiaent Mas. Agrmttnral VvUeg. . WEBSTER'S flfiLTIOHAL PICI0 RIAL 1IC TION A31Y. 1040 . Pages Oc.' rt j 600 Engravings, JflMijlt). The work is really a ! rtn of a DictUmirv. jnst the thing for the million America doativnal Monthly. ! ' ? Io many respects; this Dictionary lis the most eon venientever published. J&tc'ierter Democmt. As a manual jf ref. ri ee. It is err Ineotiy fitted for usein families and acloc:a.'. Y 1 rVmae. It Is altogether the of worta ef it sssewuica ine e.ugiiMi , aa rwage pan ever poauesseo, Hartford Proas. 1 4 Published by G: MCRRIsV. fprinrfleld MaMaebuaetts. t . . ;4 r. April SP, lrU5. :'i ,.5 t. 'wpr-- " 1 1U.fi Improved Farm and Tim- ber For gale. The farm is about SO miles vest from tnattaBotttk. 3 mile w of HooWs, on tho 6tao Bead-acre- s has been in eoltiTtko--- e log boas aad plenty of stock water; His S. It. R 11160 sere"; and connected with it ts Lot T ana 8 R qr of 8 B qr See JO, same T and ft. (timber) SO and 80-1- acres, making 290 aad aeies. Also the N w qr of N w qr of See ti. T 18, B 44. hj Mills eounty. Iowa, Dm east from Plattsasaath, anal 1 mtle from the rirer. (heavy Umber.) For lerssa address, D. B. BOLOatOV, majSStf. Otenwood, Iewa. AND BRIDEGROOM. BRIDK for Young Men on Ihe Interesting rela- tion of Bridegroom to Bride In the Institution of Marriage, a Guide to matrimonial felicity aad true happlnesa. Sent by mall in sealed letter envelope, free of charge. Address, Eovus AaaocisTio, Bos P, Philadelphia, Pa. Ag'ts Wanted-$- 10 a day TWO tlO MA1PS FOIl 9-- 1 LLOYD'S Patent Revolving Double MA V 5. Two Continent, America and Europe, ixt with the United Btatee portion on as tmmenee eoate. Colored in 4000 cuuntlee, HUSK great Msp, nowjuat completed, 6izSS T Inches large, show every place of Imports ace all Railroads to date, and the lareet aleratioaa ia the various Ko.-opea- States. These Mape are needed In every School and family In tbe land they eeca py the space or one tlnm, aud by aaesns of the Re- verter, either side can be thrown front, and an part brought level to the eye. Oouat ikU and large discount given to goo4 Age ita. App'y "orCirculais. Tercis, and feend money for and see Sample Maps first, If not rold taken back oa aesatTMl. J. T. LLOTD, apr9w4 38 Oertiaadt street, H. T FOR SALE OR ValVT. The undivided half or the wiuAt If desired of ,b!ocir BLurrs obist sso ba wmill ; ! power Engine and Bolter, i pair of S foot Burs. 64 inch C rcular has-- , two atory Mill-Hous- e, 305 feet ; everything ia good running order. Also a GOOD DWELLilW UUUaB, of four rooma and cellar, for particulars enquire of C. BCHLCNTZ, apr22tr. Rock Bluff, Cass county. eorassm- - .G.HEROLD.AG'T roa in ROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. constantlv on Land some of the Dastlo Keeps and Shuttle or Lock Stitch Family 8ew in. .nH Mannfcturins- - Sewinar Machines, which he offera to the public with un asaortmenl of MACHINE TWIST SPOOL COTTON, NEEDLES, &c, c, t the lowest prices. Please give him nail before buying, and examine the GROVER A BAKER SEWING MACBlNlt, nd you will find them enperior to all other Bewlnt Machines. U. "Z.Jr' Plattsmouth, Neb., at no mw snca own, vpyw-i- te the Platte Valley Hotel Orders for M acbi d w 1 be taken, and proapt- - iv attended to. GLOVES AND FUR'S made to order. Cash paid Tor FlIKS AND IIIEESs- - Plattrraouth, Nebraska, April 18, 1869. RES AD The following from the CINCINNATI TIMES, one of the most reliable news papers in the United States. JYhat can be more convincing? HOME TESTIMONY. ' a s The CTxcnra ati Daily Times V OF March 21, 1861, says: The Scandinavian remedies appear to be growing in favor with the public, if we majr judge by the testimonials con stantly received by the proprietor. A letter from Wiscon- - in, to be found, in our advertising col- umns, announce that .n . Tt among tne pnysi-cian- s of the locality it is becoming very popular;, and what is very unusual, is Do- ing adopted bjr them in their practice, as a cure for many dis eases which they can not treat effectually in any other way. We understand that the immense trade carried on for sev- eral years in these medicines has dur- ing the present year nearly doubled. Their process of operation is by a thorough purifica- tion of the blood, and a ; consequent eradication of dis-ase- e . -- 1 I I - I 3 i 1 i 1 Si it f. I MM a

Nebraska Herald. (Plattsmouth) 1869-05-20 [p ].€¦ · Nebraska City, and corn at 45 cents, shelled. Mr. John Lewis had a colt bitten by rattlesnaxe last week, Wednesday, fcilling

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Page 1: Nebraska Herald. (Plattsmouth) 1869-05-20 [p ].€¦ · Nebraska City, and corn at 45 cents, shelled. Mr. John Lewis had a colt bitten by rattlesnaxe last week, Wednesday, fcilling

Sit gitbrarta gcrald.

LOCAL NEWSThe Chronicle learns that the Midland

Pacific Company are about to sell out.

Th Chronicle sats lion. E II. Rogers

is talked of as next U. S. Senator.

' The T. M. McUilVof the '0" line,, :.t t ' ....mrtA A F rtUB.parsed aown wim uumw -

sogersVVe hear occasionallj of a few grass-

hoppers; but they are not likely to do

serious damage

Prof. Miller has "come out" with a

regular ''railroad rig," a pair of spank

jug bays and a fine carriage.

' Hon. S. Maxwell left for Sarpy county

yes erday, to attend the session of the

District Court

The first through train from the pa-

cific arrived in Omaha last Saturdaytaernipg.

Hyatt has rented the Sheridan Douse. . --It A --knirom uieuwuuu, " "to a gentleman

will open it to the public shortly,

Hon. David McCaig has seen and ex-

amined the coal found oa Weeping Wa-

ter, nJ says it is an excellent article.

O. F. Johnson has his superb Sada

Fountain in "running order" ready to

accommodate the thirsty.

Simnson. Mickeiwa'.i to. ucl'i 9 lMmVi IV t r Aanlf&n U . I .a large quanmj u '"" i

where they have opend a brancn yara.

Alex. Street, Esq., returns the neavies

income of any man in Nebraska City. I

He returns $0,046.49.

ti cinrr thfl it with chep(leaser jo ouupj.-- h j - I

-l-.-v nfl aenerallv has a few

iresu cj;c.i., rchoice flowers for sale.

, f Born hason nt,?n Omaha during the lastaic i

A - - . nl . nO AAnfa fit I

W neat isquotea at yu tu vcvoNebraska City, and corn at 45 cents,


Mr. John Lewis had a colt bitten by

rattlesnaxe last week, Wednesday,

fcilling it in 'a short time.

Bennett's new grist mill, on Camp

.v : nin county, was burned one

sight 'last week. The building was val

ued at $3,000.

w j. Hyatt, of" this" city, is opening av. . ,.W at Lincoln. He started out

everal very fine carriages last Monday

Hyatt keeps good etoclu

Surveyor General Livingston took pos

.essionof the office, under spe.ific in

atructions to that effect from the depart

mint, last Friday.

Thi B. !l M. R. K crosses the C. B.

line directly east orc Road on aand about onePlattsmoutb,Main street,

end a half miles south of Pacific City.

of 1 latUmoumthe enemiesSome Ot I

.v;nV thtt new three cent postage Biamfwere got out in the interests of this city

railroad on them.beoau.e theyhave a

of corn in St.--W, learn that the priceW,a has fallen some-lwelv-

e or fifteen

cents lately, and many tninstill lower.. c . t ..nantlf we saw a

nniie in c. uo jhammering away at our

nomb r ef mennw ferry boat. She will be the best

on the river when completed.

The Steamer Nick Wall, which ean.weeks is to bew-m- ;n ft few ago,

israised. Bell boat 5uDmariu w.engaged in the

. .t Kn.i;nor to be I

necessamy lor too o.oonn tm.it iteen io i

CreCteu ui I

c Pfnnt who has commonoBu i

" '" w m I

Capt. W. A. Pollock, Sargeant-at- -

. during the last ses- -f th Senate .gww v. . ! i

f tha Lesrislature, has receive

appointment of Postmaster at Brown-vill- a.

A worthy appointment.

Real estate is looking up in this region.. . are seekinz prop- -

. rnini, of them are men whothv were

looa - jabout.

Several parties from Ashland were in

ir, itT this W60K. inej rcFu..si,; i1t in Saunders county Emi

grants coming in rapidly and room for

few more

'Another change has been made in thar,nflrement of the Council

f isvisM r'Bluffs Nonpareil. Mr. John M. itrainara i

'retfres anl Mr. John li. Keatiy asBume

ditortal control of the paper." " .. . a. .iThe pradintr of tbe capital gruuuu.

Xincoln ia progressing finely, there being

about sixty men emvloyed on the work. I

W. S. Hobbs, Esq., of this county nas i

tha contract for Iurnishiag the ever- -

. f .firnino' the prounia nobbsdeal extensively in evergreens, shrub I

bert and fruit trees, and can furnishthem at yery low rates.

Messrs. W. S. & J. A. Latta have nowwnt their new mill on Rock Creek in run- -

ninr order, and turninz out some of thebest flour in tbe State. They have a now

mill house, new machinery and every- -

thin is order for makine the best flourHatha State and they make it. We

hava tried it and know. Get "RookCreek Mills, XXX Family Flour0 and,yo are sure of a good article. They

grind for toll, or give thirty-tw- o poundsHf flenr and the bran for a bushel of

The News says Don. Wm. McLennanhas received a contract fer eeetioniiingtho country in the vicinity of the Repub-lican River, and will commence opera-tions soon.

Abbott, the at Lincoln,has beea found guilty of robbing themail and of embezzlement. We have notlearned what the sentence is, but it can-not be less than ten years. Ills attor-neys have filed a motion for a new trial,whieh is not yet decided.

We learn from the Journal (of FallsCity) that the election in Richardsoncounty, for the voting of railroad bonds,has been postponed until Monday, the7th day of June.

We understand Cbauncey Wiltse, Esq ,late chief oler'k of the Surveyor Gen- -

?:rrr " Z:-Z-.,OUvrc. .r .mrjs, - - I

will give his personal attention duringtne summer.

Hon. W. T. Chapin was in the city lastweek, getting his bonds filled and ap.proved preparatory to taking possessionof tbe Receiver's offioe at Lincoln,Chapin will make an efficient officer.

Col. Majors has assumed the duties ofhis office as Assessor for Nebraska. TheCol. will mat an efficient officer in thecivil service, as he did in the militaryservice.

Wm. W. Irish, Esq-- , is again in chargeof the culinary department of the PlatteVai:ev. and meats can rest assured that

. . , .t 1 1 t " M .Stoo tauie wui oo mppneu wiiu iuuugotten up in the very best style.

The dig00T0rj of a four foot Tein ofcoal on Weeping Water sends Prof. I r

Hayden's theory to the dogs. He saidthere was no coal in this region thea: irr i tt t iuo .,PiDg .aj-- mere

Simpson, Mickelwait & Co paid a sin.w

Ihav bfa nrtinrp r m a r. 11 a i n oo a n rl . I

pect to do a great deal more as soon as1 - - ' J it. " t 3 1

wurK 19 commeoceu oa iae raiiroau.Hon. S. M. Kirknatrick, of Mt. Pleas--

ant rrecinct. has bmlt him a verv niceresidenco during the past yearcosting Labont $ljQ00 exclusive of labor furnish- -

ed by himself.

We want every man in Cass county tobo prepared to take the Herald as soonas we enlarge it. We shall endeavor tomake it well woith the subscriptionmoney to any and every citizen of the80UDtJ

We learn from Mr. John Hess, of this I

city, that the parties who have beenprospecting for coal on Mr. Osborn'sfarm, on Weeping Water, have struck athree feot vein ef excellent coal. Wewill give particulars as soon as we ascer- -

tain them.-- Siaoo writing tho above, we learn I

from Commissioner Carmiohael that theTeio is fOUr Jeet in thickness, seventyfet below the surface, and that the

""-- "j ff'" vthe rein. In point dnwn rTpntv fent I .

, IT f .iatj uurou lurougn invta umerent Teins i

of coal, but none except this JIast onewas more than eight or ten inches inthickness.

We woald again call the attention ofadvertisers to the fact that all advertise- -

ments in the Herald will be re-s- et in newtype shortly, and those desiring changesmade can have it done at that time without extra cost, if they attend to it inseason.

Nebraska City papers are in suoh ahabit of boasting that they even boast ofitonnmUivrit v.w u m u-- w & va uwwkudj ucmvim ajv ootch I

toon HnFJntli- - nrh Thm- - Kwthree or four others have been buried inont of tha wav rtlacea. and not nnnntnd. 1

' r i

r.,nv Mnrriunn TMirrliaaDil last aV lr ior M. jj. White, fourteen stall led steers.whiih tin is nnm hiitnhiirintF anrf VAttil.

ing in his market. Lovers of fat, ten. I

uoi igri iii uv w ucm iuii iu i

mind when they seek a fine steak or a I

superb roast. Morrison always bas asgood as the country will afford.

. .- rrm a m I

TnefremoBt iweune says me raeinomails are to be carried via the Sioux Cityand Pacific road. Fronv the same paper 1

we learn that the residence of Mr. Stul.bert, on Maple Creek, was struck by1;btnln recently. Several persons were!in the house, but none of them injured I

beyond a severe fright.

f lake's ualyeston iSulletin makes auggestion worthy of consideration

Having discovered that tha New Yorkrousrhs 20 to Connecticut to rote, andtbus leave tho city in a quiet state, it 1

Dr0p0ie8 that New York buy Connecticutand keen it in a chronic state of eleo- -


There are nine Lodges of Odd Fellowsin Nebraska, 1,478 members. They harepaid out . tor the rener destitutebrothers the sum of $370.50 ; for the ralief of widowed families, S74.5U. luemembers of this beneficent organisationhave great reason to feel proud oi itsrapid ana Buostanwai grwiu m iu..State.

See Statement. Certificate of authority of the Miseouri Valley Life InsuranceCompany, ia this issue. This Co. is onoof the best in tbe west., and is doing alively business in this State, Kansas anaMissouri. Mr. Covalt Gen. Agent, is athorough gentleman and a fine businessman, and has mado many friends forthe Co. in this region.' 'J. W. Marshall,Esq. is agent in this city, and will be

pleased 10 explain ui insurance to anheaL seeking informatim.

lion. Geo. S. SejbSlt and E. A. Kirk-patric- k.

Esq , have reoeived appoint.ments as assistant Clerks in the Surveyor General's office, and have enteredupon the discharge of their duties.They are both straight out, unequivocalRepublicans,' and men of worth as citizens. Gen. Livingston has made excellent selections for clerks.

The teacher- - and pupils of St. Luke'sSunday School held a pio nio yesterdayon the hill in the north part of the city,near the Surveyor General's office. Wehave heard no particulars, except thatthey had a general good time and allenjoyed themselves finely. This is thefirst pio nio of the season. The childrenmarched to the groands singing appropriate pieces: Mi e Lillie Simpson was

Our W.epir Water Correspondentwill furDI8b, next week, a full and com

8tatement in regd to the coal disaoverlea on Weeoin Water. Presentappearances indisate rich caal fields inthis region, but a personal investigationby our- - correspondent will serve to, in

some measure,settle the question.of whathas been found.

J. M. Woolwonh, Esq , has given an

opinion, which is published in the Omaba Republican, to the effect that the par-

ty owning a lot oo higher ground thanhis neighbor is liable for damage if heallows filth to accumulate on l is premis-e-r

and be washed down by the rains ontothe possessions of his neighbor.

The steam ferry "Uncle Nod" makesregular trips, and comes to the Nebraskaho Inn. dm! nearlv everv time. The

latioQ of Nebfaska Ifla8t be increasr

ing at the rato of about 500 souls perday. Come on, we have room for allof you, and to spare.

The Herald is now turning out as fine

job work as any office in the west, andat as low rutes. We are furn suing lei- -

ter-hea- as on jroou jwuua. 1 . 1 T r n . thann

a jona wegt 0f Chicago Call

and see specimens.vVe learn that A. L. Urown, Esq , will

;n tn Survevor General's office

eh;0f clerk Mr. Brown has been con- -

. . . i ... - fi1d wnrlc ofnectea wnn ma vuuo m

the Land Department of the Govern-

ment for nearly thirty years, and has thereputation at headquarters of doing the

best work of any man in the UnitedStates. He has occupied the position of

draftsman in tbe oace auring mt. uueu- -

oocVg administrutien, In which branch

h. h no sunerior in the employ of the

Government. Gen. Livingsten is par- -.... . . Ttiti mamticularly fortunate m Bur.u6viea as chief clerk.

The Statesman says the Gove-no- r has

reserved for Dr. Evans and P. S. Allen

w0 80ctions of saline land, for the pur- -

L. f A AwW.ac salt. These gentle--

v. A nnrKaPil & steam eneine andfnr artesian borioe. and as soon as

ti,ey arriy0 will commence sinking a well,

They contract with the Governor to go

down i,'juu ieet, a iueir uwu "- -

ls.. ,T.! arrancrementB,ier wmcu .w;u be made, if it is necessary io euro

farther. Messrs. Allen and Evansfcnow what they are about, and having

to onerato with, we shallu j fc' - - i -

won Know wdsil a thire is unaer iiiir

fees witmn a qun r wer ui " Jalso states that theThe same paper

Tiohenor Salt Works are at last in sue- -

cessful operation. The block, ornace, has been rebuilt entire, and was

fired up on last Wednesday. Every oner th 20 kettles boiled, and toe com- -

Banv are now turning out from 50 to 60

barrels of fine salt daily. Nothing isInoffdod now but a maraet to muo "

WOrKS an enwro ouv..MARRIED.

n n fha dth of Mav. bv A. L. Child,. Tn.ld.r. inh.nn.. at me uvuoo n.... . . lunimnLiOuiarnie i recmc, "

.:.. rUn...Sixteen hundred men and boys quit

,nru ,v Piittnn ccal mines on the" "

morning of the l3.h Quite an ex--tensive ;'6trike."

TIMBER I.4ND FOR SAL.E. .. 'r;mK&a T.and fur ula in BeetloD

h HMD KI "I-i4. id Cms count, : i Two

Bun(lrfd and fort, DoiUr.mTi3w9 MAXWELL CHAPMAN.

Vallerys' Jb Ruffoer are just in receip.

of the largest-sioc-k of Dry Goods, Gro

cerics, Hardware, Queensware, isooib,

Shoes, Hats, Caps, Doors, Sash, Ironand Nails ever brought to tho west.

Buy None but the Best

ARnffner are azenti for J.- j - "

1. Case Jb Co.'b Threshing Macmne, .

n. Manny, and Kirby'a uomDinea reap--

er and Mower, Self and Hand Kake,John Deere's MOlino lireafcMDg ana om-rin- g


If you want to Loy the host Corn

Planter in use, go to Vallerys & Raff-ner- 's

and buy Brown's Illinois CornI p'anter.

If yoa want to save time.and labor,gor vUtx A Raffner's aad cut one ofsv v isisvj w

John Deerc's Walking Cultivators.

If you want tho best wagon in use, go

to Vallerys Jb Ruffner's and buy theSchuttler Wagon.

WASTED5000 lbs Bacon.1000 lbs Lard.

Vailirts Rcff.vk.


DOOM, DRO. &. CJ.Agents for Birdsall's Threshing Ma-

chines, Buffalo Pitt Threshing Machines,New Yorker Self Raker Reaper, Buckeye" Mower and Reaper, J. P. Manny'sReaper and Mower, Wier's WalkingCultivator, Broad Cast Seed Sower,Rod and Mould Board Breakers, Subbleplows of al! kinds.

Euery implement warranted.

Middlb Crsce, Lancaster Co., Nib.August 13 1863.

Messrs. Doom, Bro. & Co.,Plattsmouth.Gents . The Brdsall Threshing Ma-

chine purchased of you, works beyond

our expectation. We have tried it toour satisfaction. We believe it cannotbe beat for saving grain, and runningeasy. We do not know how much we

can thresh as we have never got grain asfast as the machino will thresh.

Respectfully your J. J. Forkst.

Mt. Plrasakt, Cass Cocntt, Neb.,September .5 1868.

Messrs. Doom Bro. & Co.,Plattsmouth.Cents. In reply to your inquiry as to

how we liKe the Birdsall Thresher.wouldsay: that we like it well, we have threshed with several kinds of maehmes, butfind the one bought of you givee satisfaction. It threshes and cleans as well or

better than any other we have tried. Itrequires less attention, especially in thecleaning part. Ours does its work well

in all respects, it is very light draught

on horses. We would reoomend theBirdsall to any one wishing to purchase

Threshing Machine.T E. Hughes.II. J. Hughes.

Wrbfixq Water, Cass County, Neb.December 8 1868

Messrs. Doom, Bro. & Co.Plattemouth.Gents. Iu regard to the New Yorker.

Slf Rakine Rearer and Mower purchas

ed of you, I can say that it performed

entirely to my satisfaction, both as a

Reaper and Mower. I have no hesitationin recomending the New Yorker to any

person wishing a Self Raking Reaper

and Mower. ' Truly Yours,II. Hubbaro.

Want of ppnee prevents us publishingmore certificates, but we refer to tnefollowing well known gentlemen for themerits of the New Yorker:

John R. Shaffer, Salt Creek.Frank W. Fowler, Elmwood.J. L. Davison, Millford.Abram Courtright, MillfordC. Mason, Millford.


Doom, Bro. & Co. Plattsmouth, Neb.Reed & Bro., Weeping Water, Neb.Walker 4 Bond Ashland, Neb.Cassell & Hyatt Lincoln, Neb.Doom & Etherly Millford, Neb.

PAY UPAll persons knowing themseves indebt

ed to me will please call and pay up im-

mediately. A word to tho wise, etc.Sept.10 tf. ,

C. E. Forgy.

Take Notice.All persons indebted to me by note or

account will please call and settle imme.diately. All accounts not settled bjDecember 25tb, will be left for collec-

tion. Take notice and govern jouroelfaccordingly, and save your cost.

no?26tf Jacob Yallebt, Jr.

For Sals. A light spring wagon.Enquire of Sam. M. Chapman.


MUSIC.Mrs, Kate Simpson would respectfully

ay to her friends and the public thatshe has made arrangsnents to enlarge

r .class in music, and would be

pleased to ..instruct anr who may wishto take lessons on Piano Forte. Enquireat residence, corner Tine and Secondstreets Plattsmouth. Febl8tf

NOTICE.All persons indebted to us. either by

note or account, will please call and settie immediately, as we wish to close ouraccounts by Dec. 25th.

nov26tf. Vallkrt & Ruffskb.

$1200 and all Expenses Paid !

See advertisement of American ShuttlkSkwimo Machine, in our advertising coljumns. lJ

FOR SALETwo valuable residence lots for sale.

Enquire of M. McElwain.April3tf.

FAR. 91 FOR. SALE.Situated twelve miles west of Platte

mouth, on the Platte river. Enquire ofMaxwell & Chapman-Plattsmout-


ST. LUKE'S PARISH.Mnnthlv meetings ef the Vestry 1st Tuesdsy eve

ning ef each month, at the Rectory J Q larterlymeetings of Vestry 1st Mondays of May, August,November ana reornary.

11. PT. OEO. TOPS'?, Rector.Wm. L. Wells, Clerk.

Tbil tac U paid fur bywho kcrp tho largestfouad is the eoantry.

NOTICEIs hertby glTtn that an election will be'held at

the usual plate of hoidiDg- - electi ns In WeepingWatrr precinct, Cass.connty, Nebratka, on

SATURDAY, the SSttJrfay of May, 18G9,

for the DOrDose of submitting to tbe legal Toters cfsaid reel act, tbe proppos itiou to im.ua the boods ofsaid precinct to the amount of Fourteen ($14 OoO.OO)

Xhousana VOUn 10 me nri naiiroai vonipanrthat will build a Railroad from a point on the Mis- -souririTer westward through said county bywayof Weeping Water precinct, upon condiUon that aDeput'ot said Railroad shsll ba built and maintain,ed by said Company within, not to exceed, one halmile of the town of Weeping Water Falls.

Said bonds to be issued as follows : 60 per cent.nt mA bonda to be issued to said Company on thecompletion of said Railroad to Weeping Water FallsDepot , and 60 per cent, of said bonds to be is-

sued to said Railroad Company on completing saidEai I road to the west line or ca county.

Said Bonds to run not less thsn 20 nor morethan 30 years from the date of U'ue, with interest,payable annually, at the rata of ten percent, perannum.

baid Bonds and interest to be payable at tha office

of the County Treasurer of Cae county. One-ten- th

ol said bonds to be psjable in twenty-on-

years from the data of issne, and one-tent- h of saidboods to be payable each year thereafter until tbewhole amount of said bonds is paid in full

The proposition will alfo be submitted to the vo-

ters or said precinct at said election to authorise andrequire tbe County Commiasioneis ot said countyto levy an annual tax on the real and personal property of said precinct to pay the lnteret on saidbouds, and after the expiration of twenty yearsfrom the time of Hsuing sai ' bonds to levy annual-ly , until said bonds are paid, an additional tax on

h .nH iwrinnal estate ot siiJ precinct suffi

cient to pay of said bonds, and to apply the same to tn- - payment inerew.

The question submitted t said voters at said eleo-ti- on

will be" Kor Bonds and Tax, Tes;" For Bondsand Tax, No."

Whieh EH c' Ion will be opened at S a. m. ofsaid day and continue open until 6 o'clock in the afternoon of said day

By order of the County unmmusioners m vNeb.aska, 21, 1&6 'county, April , ,.

ltnetts uiy nana snaouiciu ow(.moath, this 86th day of Apr!!. A n. lol9.

1 B. SPURLOCK,apri!2Sw4 Clerk Cass county. Neb.


t. v...i. ih.i in lM!tioD will be jeld atthe usual place of holding elections in Rock Bluffprecinct Cas county Nebraska, on

SA 7 VRDA Y the&Oth day of Hay, A u lsovfjr ihe rurpose of ml milting ti the legal vo'ers efaid ..redact tbe proposition to issut tho bonds of

said precinct to the amount of tweutj - wo thousandsix hundred and Blty-nin- e dollars ($22,659) to theB. fc. M. K. K- - t.onii.any. rroviaeo. saia lopdii.hjmike K"Ck Blutfi Ihe slatting point went of the exteni-in- of the said B. AM. R. R- - within eighteeamouths from this date faid Bonds to be Issued asfollows: 50 percent, of said bonds to be assoon ai said Company sball commence grading saidroad, and the remaining HO per cent to be isssed

hen said company shall have compietea teu miiesof road fn m Rock Bluffs west.

Said bonds to run not less tnau ao nor more man80 years from the date of Issuing, with lnterest,pay-abl- e

annuallyt at the rate of ten per ceut. per an-num. . ,

Said bonds interest to be payaoie ii nthe Count Tr asurer of Cass county. One-tent- h olsaid bonds to be payable in twenty-o- ne yes-- s fromthe date of icsuing, and one-ieni- oi iu wbe payable each year therealter until the wholeamount of said bonds are paid in full.

And provided further that th said precinct snayhave ihe privilege of paying said bonds any timeprior to the time above specified ; and providedfurther, that before said bonds shall be issue thesaid B. it M. R. K. Company, through their properly authorised agents, shall enter into nonas wiinik. lov.liv authorized aients of said precipe, in thesum of one hundred fifty thousand ( 150,00(1) dollars

The proposition will also be suomniea io in toof ssid precinct at said election to authorise and

require the County Commissioners of said county tolevy an annual tax on the real SWid personal prop-erty of said precinct to psy the interest on saidbonds, and after the expiration of twenty years fromthe time of issuing said bonds to levy annually un-

til said bond are paid an additional iax oa tbe realand personal estate of said precinct sufficient to payone-teni- n part or ssia Donos i ""to the payment thereof.

The question submitte i to said voters at said e ac-

tion will be 4 For Bonds and Tax, Xes;' "FerBonds and Tax, No."

Which election will opened at 8 o'clock a. m. ersaid day and continue open until 6 'clock in the af--ernoon of said day.

By order of the Board Of Joui'ty uommrssionera.In witness whereof I hereunto set ray haae

seal and official seal at Plattsmouth on tnis nday of May, a. d. taov.

B. SPTJRLOCK.maSw4 Clerk Cass county, Nebraska,.

LEGAL INOTICEla DistrLt Court ind Judicial District, with la and

for Cass county, NeDraxna.Fhalrarh Co'tM T.J- - Jones. J Q. A. Owen and

To T.J. Junes and J. Q. A.Owen dereae- -

ants; t - . . ,You sro horeoy notinea inai on us isi u JU 1RR9 Rh.rir.ch Cole filed bis Deiiliot in the

rfficeofthe Clerk ol the District Court, within andfor Cas coonty. Neb . alntT. J. Jones, jodd viA. Owen and C. E..Forjty, Defei dants, setting forth,h. .,1,1 iiiniir hu tha Ifliral title to tbe sontheast quarter of the sonlh east quarter ) ofd,(i,.n thinv. i,,nr km ana lue wuiu wo. u.....

i ..r th. ...nth nuarter k'l of Section thirty--fle (35). In Township o. twelve (12), north ofrne No ihlrtnen (131. east of the 6lh f. Al. in

Nehraska. and Is in the qniet andnuhlA nnailAtllltan or me aanie. auu lua. IW1said Defendants claim au Interest and estate in saidtracts of land adverse to tbe estate ana id

..t r h pinintirr in said tracts of land and praythat he sid Defendants may be compelleding yoa. . . . ... .. .nilirt .nn mnr uin ill E io Baiu iiwii v. " "

that it mv he determined to be null and void, andttat the title to aid tracts of land free from all liensand Ineumbrancea whatsoever may be quieted andeon Armed tn said f hadr h Cole.

Yoa re reqired to answer said petition en orbefore the 14th day or Jane im.

BHtUKlv.llby Miih-il- l CniFMti Att'ys for Plaintiff.ma'6w4.


PLATTSMOTtTH, N.... "Or, Jxr mmoa T.t-n-h Vallerv. Ir. Administrator

the estate of P. A Sarpy, late ol said county, deceased, and makes application to nave n is time ex. aa f- - mi months to mak.3 his final settlementt.. r.nrt i u aoDoinied the 27th day (tf May, tohfirind deiermioi the same t all Interested willappear on that day at 10 o'clock a. m., at my office,In the city of Ptattsmout h , Cass county, Nebraska

May 13tb 1869 w3. Frobate Judge,

Saint Louis & Omaha

Tri-- Jrlm,Weekly

Th. ahove 'ine of Steam-r- a will leave Plattamouth very other day throughout the entire seasonconnecting at Plaitsmoutn wnn oBriusuimtl Kimr Railroad for the e.st. north aasouth, and at thefollowins; points with railroad con,

neetiuns. Council BiUffs. Omaha, St. Joseph, lavenworth and Kansas City. For .freight or passags

at onr effice."marll fclMPiOV MICKKLWAIT, Atenls.

Clabk S FLUhmKR,stock of Oooda to be


Francesvs. J In Chancery

In pursuance anaby virtue of a decretal order to me directed fronthe office of tbe Clerk of the District Co rt of th'2d Judicial District of Nebraska, w thin and fCass county, bearing data on the 5th day of June661, being tbe June Term of said Court. I, th.ubscriber, Hauler In Chancery fur said Court, wil

offer tor sale at public auction, to the highest an.uest bidder, for cash, in front ot the Co irt Houne iithe city of Plattsmotith. Cass county, Nehrsska, on

Monday, the 24th day of May, 1S69,

at 1 o'clock p. m., of said day, the following describ-ed real estate, to-w- it : The noitlieast quarter ( V) ofsection No twenty-sev- en (27). in township No twelv(12) north of range No twelve (12), east of tbe 6tlIf. M. in Nebraska, coutaining one hundred and sixty acres, more or less, together with all and slngi,ltr, the improvements, herditaments, and ap(.nrtenances thereunto belonging, to be sold at tbe prop-erty of the defendent above named, to satisfy sakidecree, the amonnt cf which is Three Hundred andForty-nin- e and 3a 100 dollars, and interest on tbesame from date of said decn-e- , at the rate of ten p'icent, per annum, together with coat of suit nd sale.

SAM. M. CHAPMAN.April22wS . Master in Chancery.

CHAN CERY SALE.Rose Ann Decker )

va Vln ChanceryDaniel M. Ramsy k Mary E Rmey,

In pursuanceand by vi-t- ue of a decretal order to me directedfrom the office of the Clerk of the District Court olthe 2d Judicial Distiict or Nebraska, within andor Cass county, bearing date on tbe 23th day olJune, 1867. being tbe special June Tom of saidCourt. I, the subscriber, Master in Chancery forsaid Cour'.wlll for offer sale at public auction, to thehigbost and best bidder. for ctvb.in fiont of Ihe Courttoue in tbe city of Platbmouth, Casa county, Ne-

braska, onMonday the ZUA day of May, 1869,

at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, the the following de-scribed real estate, to-w- Lot No twelve (12) inblock No. thirty-thre- e (33), as the same is designa-ted open the publiwhe J and recorded plat of th e citof Piattdiiiouch Nebraska. Together with all anusingular sne improvements, hereditaments aad an

unensnce thereuo'o belonging, to be sold as thloperty of the defendant above named, to iatial

said deciee, the amount of whieh is rive Huudrruand Sixty six and 20-10-0 Dollars, with interest fromtbe date or said decree, at ihe rate of ten per ceutper annum, legether with costs of suit and sale.

BAJL Al. GrlAt'MAN,April22w5 Master in Chancery

Henry Bjcxeok,BTALEB fX i ; .


iOunges, Tables. Safes.

bedsteadsOf all descriptions ant? at all prices.

Metalic Burial Cases,

Of all 6iies,;aIso


. i.

Ready made, ind sold cheap for cash

With many thanks for pasl pst-ena- r. I inviteall to cu and e xammc mj large stocs oi 'nrnnurtand Coffins, I : ' ;



GET THE: BEST.Webster Unabridged

jivicxicnary.3000 Engravinf s 1840 Pages ftuar

10. .trice sisS10,000 Words ank Meanings not in other

Uiciio-nartes-. '

Viewed as a whole. We a een9den t that no etherliving language has a d cuenary which se fully andfaithfully re's forth it prent condition as this lastedition of Webster does that of our writ Lib anda. oken English tontje. Harptr'i Magazine.

These three books are Otsj awns total of great Uvrurw . ut ni(tt. f ana ttevss.Royal Quarto Chittnpo timing Journal.

Tarn KbwWkbstsu 14 glorious ir. is perfect itdistaccea aad defies estop 'tu ion it kaves nothingto be deti red J. Jl.tka vmond, L L. l) PretidentVattar ColUae. I f .

The most useful aad scanrkable atwnpendium ofssmoa Knomieuir in ow laaroaKe. a. w. Kltarit.fresiaent Mas. Agrmttnral VvUeg. .


1040 . Pages Oc.' rt j 600 Engravings,JflMijlt).

The work is really a ! rtn of a DictUmirv. jnstthe thing for the million America doativnalMonthly. ! ' ?

Io many respects; this Dictionary lis the most eonvenientever published. J&tc'ierter Democmt.

As a manual jf ref. ri ee. It is err Ineotiy fitted forusein families and acloc:a.'. Y 1 rVmae.

It Is altogether the of worta ef itsssewuica ine e.ugiiMi , aa rwage pan ever poauesseo,

Hartford Proas. 1 4Published by G: MCRRIsV. fprinrfleld

MaMaebuaetts. t . . ;4 r.

April SP, lrU5.



'wpr-- " 1 1U.fi

Improved Farm and Tim-ber For gale.

The farm is about SO miles vest from tnattaBotttk.3 mile w of HooWs, on tho 6tao Bead-acre- s

has been in eoltiTtko--- e log boasaad plenty of stock water; His S. It.R 11160 sere"; and connected with it ts Lot T ana8 R qr of 8 B qr See JO, same T and ft. (timber)SO and 80-1- acres, making 290 aad aeies.

Also the N w qr of N w qr of See ti. T 18, B 44. hjMills eounty. Iowa, Dm east from Plattsasaath, anal1 mtle from the rirer. (heavy Umber.) For lerssaaddress, D. B. BOLOatOV,

majSStf. Otenwood, Iewa.

AND BRIDEGROOM.BRIDK for Young Men on Ihe Interesting rela-

tion of Bridegroom to Bride In the Institution ofMarriage, a Guide to matrimonial felicity aad truehapplnesa. Sent by mall in sealed letter envelope,free of charge. Address, Eovus AaaocisTio, BosP, Philadelphia, Pa.

Ag'ts Wanted-$-10 a dayTWO tlO MA1PS FOIl 9--1

LLOYD'SPatent Revolving Double

MA V 5.Two Continent, America and Europe,

ixt with the United Btatee portion on astmmenee eoate.

Colored in 4000 cuuntlee,HUSK great Msp, nowjuat completed, 6izSST Inches large, show every place of Imports ace

all Railroads to date, and the lareet aleratioaa ia thevarious Ko.-opea- States. These Mape are neededIn every School and family In tbe land they eecapy the space or one tlnm, aud by aaesns of the Re-

verter, either side can be thrown front, and anpart brought level to the eye. Oouat ikU andlarge discount given to goo4 Age ita.

App'y "orCirculais. Tercis, and feend money forand see Sample Maps first, If not rold taken back oaaesatTMl. J. T. LLOTD,

apr9w4 38 Oertiaadt street, H. T

FOR SALE OR ValVT.The undivided half or the wiuAt If desired of

,b!ocir BLurrs obist sso ba wmill ;! power Engine and Bolter, i pair of S footBurs. 64 inch C rcular has--, two atory Mill-Hous- e,

305 feet ; everything ia good running order.Also a

GOOD DWELLilW UUUaB,of four rooma and cellar, for particulars enquireof C. BCHLCNTZ,

apr22tr. Rock Bluff, Cass county. eorassm- -

.G.HEROLD.AG'Troa in


constantlv on Land some of the DastloKeeps and Shuttle or Lock Stitch Family 8ewin. .nH Mannfcturins- - Sewinar Machines, which heoffera to the public with un asaortmenl ofMACHINE TWIST SPOOL COTTON,

NEEDLES, &c, c,t the lowest prices. Please give him nail before

buying, and examine theGROVER A BAKER SEWING MACBlNlt,

nd you will find them enperior to all other BewlntMachines. U. "Z.Jr'Plattsmouth, Neb., at no mw snca own, vpyw-i- te

the Platte Valley HotelOrders for M acbi d w 1 be taken, and proapt--

iv attended to.

GLOVES AND FUR'Smade to order. Cash paid Tor


Plattrraouth, Nebraska, April 18, 1869.

RESADThe following fromthe CINCINNATITIMES, one of themost reliable newspapers in the UnitedStates. JYhat canbe more convincing?


' a s

The CTxcnra ati Daily Times V

OF March 21, 1861, says:

The Scandinavianremedies appear tobe growing in favorwith the public, ifwe majr judge bythe testimonials constantly received bythe proprietor. Aletter from Wiscon--

in, to be found, inour advertising col-umns, announce that

.n . Ttamong tne pnysi-cian-s

of the localityit is becoming verypopular;, and what isvery unusual, is Do-

ing adopted bjr themin their practice, asa cure for many diseases which they cannot treat effectuallyin any other way.We understand thatthe immense tradecarried on for sev-eral years in thesemedicines has dur-ing the present yearnearly doubled.

Their process ofoperation is by athorough purifica-tion of the blood,and a ; consequenteradication of dis-ase-e





I 3





itf. I

