FOIl NALE-HII- AL ESTATE. "OV'SES, FAIIMS, RANCHES nnd LOTH, rul v.ii,i4' KU AK )3 ana rAluio, DO YOt; WANT TO SELL? ,t."" ca" upon or teiepnonc OnO P, BEMIS HEAL ESTATE CO., Telephone 556, Paxton Mock. This weather Is extremely warm, which causes n great many people to put off till tomorrow whn' rhmlld be nttended to to-p- Hut we always have the wide nwake business mnn with us. who Ik always ready JP tako hold of a good thing when they see H. To those we will say that this week we have one or two houses and lots, also a very limited number of farms, hoth fruit mm Brain .some or wiiicn are Irrigated, w uiintt are great oargains. HOUSES AND LOTS. Hero Is a bargain on two lots 91x111, a cood house, fine well and cistern, good mu, ifrnju mni trees, uniy l,8W, Hern Is a chance for some one to L a ...." """. on a pieit. or ground 110x21. 14, near 4nth and Haven port, lino location. This price Is remark RESIDENCE LOTS. I Only I, a to J200 each and only J5 down and only 5 per month: near motor lines and as level an a parlor lloor. There's .. .. .. . . . no .. rea- - .. . Ann Tl ' H 1 n tl 1 n n n .t 1. I I " "in- - nun t:eiyuiie rnuuillll l nave a home of their own and have no cm iij imy nut. Also choice lots In every part of city from WW to $3,000. FARMS. 10 acres Just outsldn the city limits, good .uuiin, miriy lumieu Willi iruil, tJ.UQU. Wo have others ranging from 5 to SO nrres m iriinuiiuuiu ll ll'l'II, UU.li lin(I SOB US IRRIGATED LANDS AND FARMS. The extreme dry wvather of the pastt fow to IRRIGATION, and to those who are iiHtiomi we snouui ne pleased to show somo of our exceptionally tlno ir.'l,U9P."..ln.i,i,,ltAHKA. COLORADO INVESTMENTS. TVo liave a customer for a new 6 or modern house on a full lot In the Hans-coi- n park or West Fiirnnm districts. Will runt and ntlV Dim venr'n rout Ik ...I. vancc, or buy with a reasonable payment down. WHO WILL IIUILD? 4U PEIl CENT MONEV TO LOAN OILT-EOOE- D REAL ESTATE seal rlVyi ALSO WHITE FIRE INSURANCE. OEO. I'. IIUMI8 HEAL ESTATE CO (Established 1K08.) Telephone SS3. Paxton Block. RE-I- 3I 21 tPv V WHOLES COMPANY. Tcl- - 310 N. Y. LI'c. THIS Is hut to REMIND that bargains, but If wo wire to chain Til this weather you would probably ob.cct. Bl'T, If you want a lino residenco for 33W tier rent buy tho Barton place. 21t and California. Nothing llko It ever offered. Ifi.1?n "0fJ-Jsr- 1127 8- - 3,st Hansen u rooms, modern, lino street, trees, etc. Owners ready to give possasrlon nny day and tiro anxious to sell, nc tiny are to leava the city. 1010 N. 24th st., 7 rooms, close In, east front, all specials pa d and wo arc going to to I Investigate this. 0XAU$nUKl?llffi- - "iRhtly. cool and only $iM for block. To see this Is to buy It. If you don't want i buy don't go and see it, for tho view will carry you away nnd you will spend your money. D. V. SIIOLE8 COMPANY. , fus-- m :i F?,R BAL'R'r I !0,H. fr0m 12 "'"Ck 57 each; r. lots, from 4 to 8, block 4, J150 each, Dominion st., VnnCamn's addition; 2 blocks thu street car. 2 blocks from Hlycrvlew park; easy terms. John Bluett. 2821 Seward St. HE 127 "1 8 SRT"?.?, ""J1 Mfl for nle cheap; So. Inqulro in brick house In rer- - ItE-M- 3:6 27 VACANT LOT. J1.G50. east front, on r6th st., one lilock north of Karnam. HES P ,N TUK WKBT PAKNAM DISTIUCT DESinAPLE DWELLING of (3 rooms, per-cela- ln bath, closet, sewer, gas, paving tax all paid, near Shorman ave. and Corby, a bargain, prico $1,6:0. 1216 Charles, modern house of 12 r o:ns. lot S2xl30 feet, price K.800. FARM OK 25 ACRES north of Florenc. 25 acres In crops, balance good timber; owner will sell at a tacrlllce. Call for particulars. For anvthtng In REAL ESTATE. T.OAVS. RENTALS or EIRE INSURANCE SEE GARVIN BROS., 1013 EARNAM ST. re-i- io n R. C. PETERS & CO., 170J Farnaiu St. DWELLING HOUSES. In BOiitheaHt part of town, near Union depot, 2 houses, lot tICx13A city water, paved street, to bo had cheap. In North Omnlin, house nnd full lot, clear of Inctimbrnnc.i. only $150; snap for some- one. Come early. Five nice lots In Bedford Place. 3 of which are on pa veil street; pavement paid for. Price only $Su0. Burt county land to trado for city prop- erty. Good hardware business In eastern Ne- braska, for shIo. R. C. PETERS ft CO., 1702 Farnani at., RE-:- aa 21 DWNER old, mint sell mortgaged York farm; no trudu uox 2SS, Yoik, Neb. RE 111 h best offer received lieforo AiUHt 1 wiriil,l..f,i!Jl0(;.k l'ttt;i-- H udd. to Omaha. Yiill . '.! A,n-- n resident of New York ri.fi ?t".v lt.lr,',1. I"1'.1'1? iuxea. Address Ilroadway, New York. RU L?TS,V.2,S,tl1 .a"a W,P, Fairmont PcZ"Tn" terms. Alarrsis Il.Kiinne-- ! 133 West Water St., Alilwauke ' HE ni,HOU8ES FOR SALE, H.3,5 i huuse, good east fiont lot, city water, sewer, paved street and permanent sidewalk; on car line, throu nn Htei in lllll SCnOOl, U,ii5 for house, same location, with '' P"j?l 'nprovemeiits In and paid for. GLOHQE & CO., 1SJ1 Farnam St. HE-- MS 21 BEE HENRY H. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. KE 37.' what 1 1 ayii yo ito tradeTfoh"" moo" sU,l0,lcr-- '' K0' stand. Chicago, Vacant comer. 100x123, Chicago, 16,0t0. 120 acres 8 miles west Kearney, jiu. m acres close Lodgo Pole, Cheycnnj county, 16. 120 acres closo Ogalliila, Kilth count v. 55 Together or separate. STRINGER, Paxton Hiock. HE-M- 23I 21 EIGHT-ROO- two-stor- y well built hnim at 3217 Nnrtii 25tii St., on Maple Ave, water, sewer, good well and cistern. All In good order: Largo shade treei, A nice home for ony Jl.soo. On eftsy terms. Five-roo- cottoge, city water and sewer, at 2604 Seward. Rent. $10. Price, ,1,000. V. H. GATES, 618 NEW YORK 1.1 FK. RE-3- 04 -2- 1 1. P. TUKEY AND SON are having a special run on homes, .Some very le places In nil parts of the city, lthr for cash or on payments. Wo nnvo also two places for sale In Clifton Hill. e also offer for Immediate Improve- ment, or as an investment, SS feet, or nny part of.lt. on 16th street, north of Leavenworth street. Wo shall make a special price on tills 16th street property for one week. k. P. TUKEY AND SON, Hoard of Trade. RE-328- -21 TOUR choice lots in Shull's addition, one-ha- lf block from Ppppleton Ave., on grade, with nice shade trees, J500 each. CUE BYRON REED CO., .212 8. HTH ST. UE-4- 02 21 Toil .H.VI.U-HE- AI, ESTATE. THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY DOUGLAS ST., UPSTAIRS W.U,?FK,t THE FOLLOWING BUILD rftti''i AT VERY LOW PRICKS IN SRi??1.1 .T. OUT THE PROP-- E 57 i.KCENTLY PURCHASED FROM THE OMAHA SAVINGS HANK. THESE PRICES A ERAGE FROM 30 TO & PER CKNT OF WHAT THEY COST THE ,!.,A,N.KUY OF MORT UA"ES AND HELD HY THE HANK TI"VHE HlOKs WERE MADE HY TWO 'JISjNJEJlESTED REAL ESTATE EX MADE REGARDLESS OF COOT' ,1.2(.O.t-.F- an attractive lot on Sherman Ave., near Hurdcttc St., with handsome ..?J"li,"..,re,.8i n" on Krone Mx32. J3(rioo-North- west corner of 36th nnd Cass Hts.. Wxl28. 3,lW.oo-FJ- ne lot on north side of Douaias, -- .i,?nt,rft,lpt cornt'.r of 27th St., WxH3. ghaded lot. with east front, on 3fltn St.. between Leavenworth and Jack- son, 67x115, J325.oo-No- rth front on Vnn Camp Ave., near' Hjicncer St., 0x120. jcj.w for any one of the very at- tractive lots, on grade, north front, on St , between 21th nnd 25th, rhese lots are surrounded by attractive ...te"Vnntl,,rc " liargaln. 't?,wT:,t,-ro"- 1 on 45t ner Cuming m., lot JS.2J0.f--On- o of tho most attractive build- ing sites on St., corner of 33d nnd I'arnnm, wltli roof for house on 33d, fac- - t'nKrnntK..T,l1i''J,rOI1,'r,' ls 110 ,tCl 0n .r,.!i ?' feet on 33d. i.?7rV,cl1' f..r .four I'onutlfully shaded i" L,Ptwe1,;n ,uh Mml 1R"' Sis., near aJ' .n Krade. 55x130. ,'2?.,?T,i,nen,' ror fo.ur 'of "'nr "ove, f. tfHl'P. slzt;.;,ml "" have shade trees. or 82U feet on Houlcvnrd, running throuRh to 21th St.. not th of Fort St. lcl "llu voulu mUKO . ii ll,i I ..II II !A r ""i'iiiiik nue. 125.00--Lot 42x103. west front, on 23th St.. ..lie!l M'-Pl- e nnd Hlnney Sts. wo ,otl'' t',",, front, on 2Mh St., between Shlrjoy and Oak Sts. Those fril ,i .Y:.V."" i.?1 nunscom no? fi?Jront' 011 35,11 st" nenr Daven ,'nWiVc2iVUf"lly ?nnt,cl '"'. "'est front, iliveilllliri, wxuy. 'iAl.Wj. St.. betw ront " J"ckson S- - nr ithWxiM W.KKt.OO Four lots on corner of Hurt nnd j"".n anu east rront. 200x13.1. ,Cm(2t-Uc"1- , (Sili. : ''n...,,t,'..?.'i' hetwecn iiii.tin otn., :hj icei. fiio-- ' front' IM 131,1 st- - ncur Oorcua "t!?-"- .', fr2nt:n0,1 13th st.. near Ccn t rornor of Friinklln St j.W-so- uth front, on Hurt St.. opposite ln Mt mJiut "" "vuru. line OUIIU 'Tn''ti.V." "PB Jly''"B lots, north Mffi ni " ol- - ,lri,r Wth. each "aV,1"1. cnier of Caas and Lowe nnvV.nr.,T'i."l .V.l..Vi fCOt Oil .11 ,i iAt f.,k"l :"ui snuue trees, splen rar,,fCh' i.f.r.four rnc'iK "uth on oV,,To vw,cn uou ,lnu aItni eacj, $7A7 Mill's fr""'' " Cus" St" ncar ""h nlinvT. lnt '.'"i' .n.?-- s .at- - "CXt to St.. 41x180 : feel. OI 3m nn" Klm th?,027rorn5"n',t. ro.rner "l 3"h nn' '''rnn. hn z,. rv"r. .aP8-- . o smaii i.nt oivi m K,vcn o..PirchaHer jus 330 21 We offer SOMM, nf . n. ucai lAllU.irS In REAL ESTATE .. .i.i .. . . ivick inni nav! been put upon tho MARKET In RECENT . Mnvrirc ....... tt... ...... . . - WI., llK0 I.L,BA8UilK jn HIllllMVn .1 . (iivhc properties at any time lfolrISnl.V.nt5?I,'?cV;."?ar''Q"L'3yARD. n I i frit i in fl ffr'-- i rUi.L i .! ' "'"W An mii V,A''.V..V K, anxious to 10 ,flK '3'6W REASON AHlAi TJMS. 1223 On Hurt flf ta i.. ii i.,.!!;' ol" .,"m",'cnt ijrick kZr SLi""u unI! uwuli ne qhbor 1516- -In uth part of the city, good CORNER lot. nnvmeAt. UUU1J "pnir, .,tiOj; monthly t .... viiiif ?'r.X?ii 1 bouse. VP ITt v a on i liXMri " ;KiK nnil i.m 18 P "nr.fe.ct, G :M ot 11 home-3,2- 0); 74L.n n.'i5,.,nr;!r. iPth st- - " rooms. STEAM nm, imui, ttv'. eoui 1 rront. HIOHTLY iPkHH l" 11,llHhf,I OAK iiuii ?yFt?I8r&y "rrsnged." ThK p&w chaso can bo given. PAYNE-KNO- X COMPANY. MAIN FLOOR N. Y. LIFE HLPO. HE-- 3II 21 W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1320 FARNAM STREET. Hargaln In three cottarres near Crclghton iinlinralt... ...... Inc.. In. I..... . v.... v, , .J iui, iiuu.-c- n in goon re pnlr; only $3,700. Enst front lot 47xR3 feet on lBth lietween Dorcm and Mnrthn. cottage, paved wtrent. n nnun nt ti Jfn Beautiful suburban home, northwest, new house, large barn, city wnter, one i.un- in riiuwrr, inui irees, inree acres pasture. This desirable property is near nullum niiu yar... I rice, 91,110. If you wish to buy or sell rail on W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. RE 112 21 t CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. J. A. Painter. Salesman. A.I.?APKn6'r' cttage, Hlondp, near 27th JS.jO if taken at once. After Tuesday will paint and sell for $1,250, Rents for J1R0. Others In News and W -- It. RE-4- 03 21 A NEW MODERN RESIDENCE . FOR 12 500 At 2S21 Davenport street we nro offering' a new house, containing bath, sewer, closet nnd gas. oil first-clas- s fix- tures, largo porch, cellar bricked and ce- mented, lot 60x135 feet, permanent side- walk. THE BYRON HEED CO., 212 S. HTH ST. HE 101 21 wnr1 nice new home nt a rea- sonable price nnd on easy terms, shady, cool, mxdern. convenient to cars. J.n. pP!,:lal t'orcaln In n small cottage metits C cnr llnc- - 5,omh,' P"'-OE- E, GIBSON, 1CC9 FARNAM. RE 407 21 T,nl '"'. fJ?apv :o ncr!'- - 2 rniles sou f n' Kn(1 house, sma' "arni '!Sr,n-t...''r'- "'I under c : tlyatlon; nnp.Vin'f $41 per nnA. acre. 70 . otds small house, price. $35.CO. Thso lands nre iu tiiy uuuicvnru running from Omaha to Fort Crook: also hivo rem property In Henson. Will built housed to suit purchasers nt low figures J Lovgrcn, 424 Paxton nik, HE 393 fl CHAS. E WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. RE-1- 63 HOSTUN tn i ivtuun-l- l i. nnrcuTm,,.. Commonwealth, Twin Screw, 12.000 Tom Ju 31 New England. u.eoo Aua I t Vancoimr ... Aug, 3 Dominion .. Aug, 10 Canttiromin. . Aug. 17 I Vancouter Septs Per further loformtloi. tiimt Comsny'a 01llct. rkirtwrg St.. Cikuo. lilt. Summir Tours on Lakt Michigan. 8TEAMBHIP MANITOU UAIM iNMk, IU IW, ronnrctlng wltu ill rrlor. EAAtftrn And 0Dt.An PDlnl. BpeoUl Katuto l'n.Atnrlen. LEAVES CHICAGO AS FOLLOWS! Tnr.. HI a. m. Thur. It . m. Hat. 5 p. m, Manltou Steamship Company. OFFICE ft DOCKS, Ruih and N. Water Sta., Chlcigo. THE OMAHA I Experimenting on your teeth is expensive, take a reliable dentist's advice and follow it He knows best what your teeth nceil. Bailey the Dentist Third Floor l'niton Block. 'PHONJJ 10S5. PATENTS GUARANTEED MASON, FENWICK AND LAWRENCE, I WnsliliiRinn, I), c. Es. 1801, H. J. C0WGILL REPRESENATIVE, OMAHA .tin Itninge niilK. Fntcnt book FIIEE. Mr- - chnnlcnl drntTlnRti, dr'4gntng', Iiiiu- - prints. Basket Phaetons How pretty they are: Hoy stylish! So many used back cast! Comfortable, cool seats. Will wear fnreverl We carry several new design'. Drummond Carriage Co., 1Mb niul Ilnrnry 5ts. HAII.WAV TIMU CJUIUT UNION PACIFIC-"TH- E OVEn. land Route" General Ofllces. N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket OiHce, 1324 Farnam 8trcet. Telephone. 316. wwn .mill unu imrcy sis. A VIVIHIUIIU, U6tf, Jeave. Arrive. The Overland Limited. .a 8:20 am a 7:30 pm The Chlcago-l'ortlan- d Special a 8:20 im a 7:30 pm The Fast, Mall.... u 8:50 am a 3:26 pm The Mull uiul rlxprcss ,all:35 pm a 4:ifi pm The Colorado Special ,..uU:35 pm a 6:50 an Lincoln, Ueatrlco and Stromsburg Express. ,b 4:05 pm bl2:30 nm Aim . nviui. i,.)'.vsiii... .a i.M. fj.ii Tho Atiamlu Espresa... a :eo am rirnnil Tkl'.nif Iimil h RLlfl nm p am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL. road-Gcn- crul Oinces and Ticket Ofllces, Southeast Corner nth and Douglas hi. j vicjuiunc, juupot, LeUVO. Arrive St. Louis and ttansaa .City Express aJOiOOam a 6:23 pm iv. is,, til. u. Express xv. uv iim a u:ij am Lcavn from 15lh and Webster streets: Nebrasga Local, Via Weeptne vater b 4:10 pm 'nl0:43 am- uu. uuiiy nccpi aunaay. BURLINGTON Sl Mis souri River Railroad -- inu uuriiugion Route' General . unices. . North west Corner Tenth and I'urnam Streets. Ticket Otllco: 1502 Farnam Streut. Telepni'iiu u, Hurilngton, Station, Tenth' anu Muaun blieeis. 'leiepnoiiv ju. icavk. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and McCvoa a 8140 am a 7:39 pm f I... . ..I. r.. uv rado. Utah, Callforula.u 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm Alliance Express a :L pm u J:v0 pm at uiacK u w Din u b lb am Montana, 1'uget Sound. .a u:uo pin u 6i4a am uiucuin rust .uuii o ;w pm a v. u um wymorc. ueairico anu Lincoln a 8:40 am bll:55 am ueiivxr. I'oiorudo, utaii and California a fi:4& am tori urooK, ao. licnu, Louisville, r'lattsm'tii.b 3:20 Dm bll.05 am uenevue, I'.attsmoutn it Faclllu Junctlun a 7:40 Dm a 8:20 am uellovue. p:attsmoutli & l'ucliic Junction a 3:10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday.. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO. Kanli X, r,iti,..ll Til.ir. Hiillroad 'JThu Uurllngton ltniil.." 'Plnb.ll .Mllrtf. Farnam Street. Telephone Muboh Streets. Telv-pliun- o 12S. AIIIVC Kansas uity uay r.x....u .m um u o.uo pm Kansas City Night hx..oiumo pm a 6:15 am Rt I ... I., irivrt. for Si. Joseph ana si. Luu,ii ouv pm au;ia,ara a Daily. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON u wuincy ltaiiroau '.'The Uurllngton Route" Ticket Oillce, 1502 FarnamiStruet. iviepnuno i'v. Depot, Tcntn and Mason Streets. Telt'phonu 128. Leavo. Arrive. Duvliuht cu: ago tpe. cfal a 7:00 am ai0:20 pm Chicago Vcetlbuicd Kx.a 4:OJ pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Express. a U:3J um a 4:05 nm' Chlcut.0 Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:45 am f um man '. a ilia pm a uauy. CHICAQO, ROCK 1SL- - ""fif utc Jianroad ihe Great Hork Island Itoute"-ci- ty Ticket Ofllce, 1323 42b. li'Y"1.' .lephoiie, Depot, Marcy Streets. "tJ phone. 629. ArrlV(?.' Chicago Dayllght4Spo...a 6:00 km a 2:00'atn Des Moines and Daven- - t port Locai a 7:25 am bll:35 am Chicago Express ,...011:15 am a SM nm uts Aiuiues uonii a 4:20 pm a 4:45 pm Chicago Fast Express. ,u S:00 pm a Dc-- s Moines. Rock Isl- - und and Chlcagu ivi'.K-- r a 7:10 um n 9:35 pm llnpkl Miiim .... tn ...... In. f Am n a.An .. M -- ,,.v ..w ..lit 6:00 am lltlL'Ulll. Colurililn imru uenver, t'uecin and Wust a 1 .in a 4:13 pm Colorudu. Oklahoma & Texas Flyer a !20 pm a 9:50 am u Dally, b Dally excent Sunday ILLINOIS CENTRAL flee, 1402 Farnam Street, Telephone. 245. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Slreets Leavo. Arrive. ChlCUL.'ii KxnrcsS 14 am a a;io pn, Cliicago Limited :oj uni Mlnile.uiolls .v H .. fUXU Exurn. ,.b 7:00 am b 9140 Minneapolis it St. Paul pm i.imiieu , .a 7:43pm a 8:05 Fort am Dodce Local from Council oiiiiY. u i..-- . Fort Dodgo Local, from pm a 8:15 am .ouiilii uiuiis... a 6;W am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. St. Louis Cannon nii uve- - Arrive. Exiirt-M- s ... ...... Kansas City and Quincy " P a 8:am a Daily. i- -a 7:00 am, a .0.00 Pm . Jt OAt A 'LV & ST. LOUIS RArt" & Eastern' e,,'1,1:-tt1Oh- ,! tJiiuim. iiij. und Marcy StUtepThJh St. I.n,ll. T.,.11 LeaV- - ' AttlVi. Kansas City knd Qu nev ,,m a am aDSlly: aT:Wam Pr fatreet. Telephone. 322. Dc' pot, IVnth and Marcy Sts, Telephone, cs Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Exprcs ,..,a 6:15 pm a 8:20 am DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, RAILWAY T1MU CAUUS. FREMOrtT. ELKHORN & Missouri Vallev Railroad "ihe Northwc.ttrn JSP i,ine ueneral unices Lnlted States National uaiix iiuuuiiiK, s. W corner i we rt h and Far nam Sts. TirVt oillce. liul h'tmim hi. Telephor.e, 661. Depot, Hth and Wabstr sis. i .icubune, liu. Leave. Arrive. Uiack Hills. Deadwood. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douulas d 3:10 nm x S'fil nm iiuswiigsi lorK, uaviu City, upeiior, Geneva, . Sxeter and Seward, ...b 2:00 pm b 5:00 pm VLrniirrii nni. Fremont b 7!3n am Kifi9 am Lincoln, wa:.OD & lrre- - nioni b i :20 am blfliJS am f rcmoni Local & ..J1 am s Dally, b Dally excopt Sunday, c Sun aay oni) a Daily xcepi uaturuay. Dally except Monday. CHICAQO & NOHT11 western llallwav "The Northwestern Line" v;uy iicnel omce, 1401 arnam at. Telephone, ltL Depot, Tenth una Aiarcy HireeU. Tele pnone, ua. I.bjt. A ..I ... Daylight Chlcuira Sue. r.c.' ui.wam aiiuu pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a 8:40 nm Moines, Marshaiituwn, Cedar HaMds and Chlcaira , nlO.-iL- ; am . l.nc nm "ui.t.n 01IUUIUI) llll- - cago and j.aat a 4: to pm a 4:03 pm Fast Mall. Cliicago to umt.nu a 2:45 pm pmahu-Chlcag- o L't'd...a 7:45 pm u :00 am Jnst Mall..... a :ao urn v.:uui luyiuj u a'.sQ pin CHICAQO, ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & umuhii Hallway - "Tho North, western Line" General Olllces, Nebraska Divi sion, ism and Wcbsur Hts. City Ticket Otllce. Farnam TelcDlionc. Etil. lienot. riani aim iveDsier bis. leiepnonu, llis. Leavu. Arrlvn. Twin City Passenger.. ..a C;iw uni a :J0 pm Sioux City l'ussenser...a 2;4S pm till:lo am cmerson uocai s o:j pra b s:m am a iJaiiy, BIOUX CITY&rACIFIC itunroaa "The North-wester- n Line" General Oltlccs, United States National Hank Uulldlng, S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Hts. Ticket unite, nui rurnam oi. xeiepnonu, Mil. Do-po- t, Tcntn and Marcy Sts. Telephone, U2. Leave. Arrive. Twin City express a 6:i am alo:25 pm Twin City j. untied a 7:5j pm a 8:15 am Sioux City Local u 8:w am u 3:50 oiu i j.,uiir. express ...a 5:U pm a 8:20 am CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE fCBIcl & St. Paul Railway-Ci- ty mwAUh Street. Telciilione. vm Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Birueis. leiepnone, 629 Leave. Arrive ruinnnr. x. rimnhn. Ex..b 7:15 am b 3:40 nm Chicago Llmitcd. Ex,.,..o 0:00 pm a 8:05 an. a uuuy. o uauy wi" "" Direct Haute to oiasBorr nxtilbltlan ANCHOR LINE tenruslilpa from Man York Weekly for GLASGOW VIA LONDONDERRY. 6aloon, i50 and up. Second Cabin. 32.50 and nr. 'rhlr.l rltiv. ull.l llntUAritl For Illustrated folder and further Informs. tlon apply to JIUNDEKSUX UlloriiKllS, Chlcauo. or J. S. McNALLY. 1323 Farnam St.. GEO. E. ABBOTT. 1324 Farnum tit-- . Omaha. CO.VMJHIAI.ITIES. Miss Elizabeth Aldcn Curtis. who was married tho other day to Rev, Cranston 1 ... tt...l.AP.l rAn I. or UILIHUII U. iiuuiuiu. sunlit, in a nieco Attorney General Grlxcs and has attracted considerable uttcntlou by her literary work, wnicn includes a rendering oi me "uuuui-yet- " of Omar Khayyam. Note from the Muscotah (Kan.) Record: For tho first time we wero married on Wednesday. Wo have contemplated this step far n long time, but lack of funds has always prevented, until wo finally decided to get married unu trust to iToviocnco tor tho rest. The subscription rates of the Record! will remain at the same price." At Ploucastnl. In Brlttnny. France, there Is but one day a year on which,, from time immemorial, weddings are allowed to tako place namely, on tho feust of St. Frances, a model Christian wlfo and mother for whom the citizens of Plougastel have the greatest veneration, which they . chletty manifest by setting all the weddings for thnt day. This year not less than forty- - rour couples Knelt Deroro her altar to pro nounce the nuptial vows. Peter West of Des Moines, who is now living with his tenth wife, with eight of those who hnve gono beforo still alive, holds tho record as a marrying man for Iowa nnd also' for Oregon, where he for merly lived and where he has many times mated. West Is a lawyer and because of his profession has saved himself much money in divorce court expenses. Nearly all of hts matrlmonl.il ventures have been disappointments: nevertheless ho has nre- - served a sercno disposition and views the worm goou ntitureniy. Paul Jonathan Brown of Monron nlace. nioomfleld, N. J., who Is nearly HO years old. a widower nnd rentited'. to bo wealthy. Is about to marry again and on agreement to tnat eneet was signed ay mm and his brldo-to-b- e, Margaret Andrn, 40 years old, tho other evening. Thero wero two wit- nesses, Lynden Fitch and Arthur Russell. Mr. Brown's wlfo died nbout a year ago In Brooklyn. About a month ntto he lo cated In nioomfleld and advertised for a housekeeper. Miss Andra was accented. A few. days ago Brown proposed and was accepted. Miss Andra is a Swedish woman nna is very attractive. Mr. Brown pre- pared tho marriage 'agreement himself. An Enoch Arden enso camo to llcht In "Wllkcsbarrc, Pa., recently. Thirty-tw- o years ngo Charles Ferguson, a small farmer In Wyoming county, loft wife and 'chllde Raying he was going west ,to better his condition and as soon as he was settled would send for the two. That was the last seen or heard of tho man until July 2, when he appeared at tho homo of his wife In IVIIlnnhnrrn Wnott lin lnft ltl Hrtmn In 'Pennsylvania he was a young man of 31. Now ho carries tho weight of C2 years on his shoulders and has tho appearance of a Rip Vnn Winkle, with his lontr gray locks. Ills wlfo nt first refused him admission to her home, c aim ns that he' was an Im postor, but 'the stranger soon convinced her that he- - was her husband of long ngo, Then thero was a mutual recognition. TUB REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Hatur- - aay, juiy u: wnrrnnty iieens. M. F. Hourkn to Henry Schrocdcr, lot 9. block 4. E. V. flm lh'H add t 2.350 Charles Green to M J. Grren, lot 19. block 4: lot 20, block 7, and lots 10 and 11. lilock R. DuPont Place " nOrt Same to same, s 49i4 feet lot 17, Okla- homa 700 William Wcseman ot al to County of unugias. 3.1 feet ptnp adjoining e lino no i?s Omnha Realty company to A. K. Johnson, lot 10, block 2, E. V. Smith's ndd 400 D. R. Turney and wife to John Stout, lot 40. Luke & T.'s'ndd , 400 Erlck Nelson and wife to same, lot 41, same J,512 iBaac Dpuglass and wife tn E. M. Bowies, lot s, mock r , rrospect Place a.noft E. M. Shahan to A. L. Reed. lots 8 and 9. block 16. Mvers. H. & T.'s ndd 4.m Annn Corrlgan tn 'Dora Koll, lot 11, block 10. 1st add tn forrlunn Plne im Joseph Ooldsmlth and wlfo to Vaclav ana noa Taucnen. n z.i feet of s 100 feet lot 3. block 7. Kountze's 3d' fLitd 1 osi J. V. Cotton to E, R. Pankratz. n 712-- 3 feet lot C. Isaac's add nm W. C, Kimball to M. A. Austin, lots 8 and. 9, block. 4, Ames Place coo Omnha Loan nnd Building association m j . jj, Aivison, wvs lot , diock 10, Shinn's ndd ., , 2,goo Unit Claim needs. W. F. Sweesy and wife to Mrs. A. E. Sweesy, n 50 feet lots 20 nnd 30, block 1. Campbell's ndd 1 51, E. WIlKnn and husband to W. T. Graham, lot 7 (excent s 46 feet of n 40 foeO. block 5. E. V. Smith's ndd.. 1 Albert Foil and wlfo to O. E. buns- - combo, lot 7, block 1, South Place i Maria Brecknnr to William Breckner. lot 4. block 127. Smith Omaha 1 "William Medland and wife to tho Omaha Auditorium company, lot 1, block IBS, Omaha i Deeds. C. F. Tuttle el al, referees, to the Omaha Auditorium company, lot 1, block ,:r,S, Qmalvl 15.O0O Total amount of transfers I31.S92 JULY 21, 1901. Money-Makin- g Formula Not long ago a man carae to mo and asked for a formula for making money. Ho said he had n son he wanted to start in tho world, He had heard I was making several millions n year In stocks and he wanted to know, he declnred rather ualvely, "how the trick is done." I was amused, but interested, and asked him to present ft list of questions on money making. His list was as follows: What is a collcgo education worth to a business man? What condition, socially, makes tho most substantial foundation for n start in busi- ness? What are the elements of success In speculation? What general rules of business conduct would you lay down for a young man to fol. low? I thought on theso questions nnd answered them substantially es follows: Taking the second question ftrt, I can say unhesitatingly that the condition prom ising the largest measure of success to a young man making his start In tho world is poverty, it is the greatest herltago n roan can have, I do not mean ignorant, hopeless poverty that enrcs for nothing for the future, but poverty.- - Tako my own case: I am only doing to- - day what I set out to do years ago; thero Is pothlng new to mo about It. The men- - tat picture of success and its fruits I then drew I hav0 slept and lived with and ato nnd drank with all my life. I happened to do oorn into tne world poor, onii know that fully to enjoy anything, when we get it. wo must nnvo lived with It In nnltclpn- - ,H 7L t COm r,n'1,ar w It In picture. ou must bo born without tho picture, , nalnt II. nml llvo nnd -- , - . -- dream for it, because if you arc born with it and have everything you want presented In reality, you can go up nnd put your stubby child's finger on it and get used to It; It becomes common. I say a young man's greatest heritage is poverty, becauso poverty begets ambition and ambition is tho thing in this world that spurs a man to do his best. We must flrst havo our picture. To children born to wealth tbo picture will never havo tho sacrcdness It has for tho poor boy. Tho man who has hts plcturo before htm, but who has never had it in reality, Is the man who goes out nnd mows down tho world. That is ono of the foundations of success. Take the man with a "barrel of money;" if ho Is spending It In tho right way, what Is ho doing? When you nsk him, if ho Is frank, ho will answer: "I am filling my plcturo In." Take my own case as nn example. I nm laying out n stock farm In Massachusetts. I havo 260 acres of rocky and unproductive land. Hundreds of men and carts uro em- ployed taking' out rock to make a place for green grass. I am spending J100.000 on this jSart of the work, and for what? Just to fill In my picture, to clean off the stone nnd glvo mo two hundrod-nnd-od- d acres of green lawn, with a white fence around it. Then I nm putting Inside that fence nbout $500,000 worth of wooden build- ings a doll farm. Tho houso Is 228 feet long, but of only two stories, low studded, with a bit of white muslin at tho windows. At that farm will be found 240 horses, eighty brood mares with their babies run- ning around, and my kennels, my hens, my pigeons, my polo fields stepleohase course, and half-mil- e, trotting track, a friend, n very rich man, said to me: "How did you find out how to do it? I never saw such a pretty picture." I have had that plcturo in my mind ever since I was 12 or 13 years old, out i aian i ten mm so. It is the picture palntod In poverty. With- out it I could' not have done tho work necessary to' get it. . , The art critic of the New York Sun, who Is doing the exposition, draws tho. following graphic sketch of' the' night llhimlpatlon, and gives proper credit to tho Bkllt and tasto of the electrical genius ot Omaha, Henry Rustln, In design-ln- g and successfully constructing tho display: Tbo daylight beauty of the Pan-Ame- ri can exposition-wil- l long be remembered by the visitor; Its loveliness at night can scarcely 6c forgotten. Vory fitly, the Illu minations are tho crowning glory of tho celebration, meet reminder of electricity's modern triumphs and of the special achieve ment of -- harnessing Niagara. Niagara it- self supplies, the. power.. One does not forget It in tho presence of the scenes fascinating, and the thought lends a of, mystery and romanco. Even If one kndw how.lt was done tho mystery would bo no less. Tho electrical engineer, whoso mind Is of tho caliber that achieves HUch a result as this, admits that the mystery Is nil nround him still. Ho knows what ho himself and others have done, but beyond It Is the unplumbetl force that makes his work possible. And ro- - mance-sur- cly, It Is more than a vision ot brilliant light that fills our mind, the maglnation embracing also that other sccno or natural granaeur, traveling io nnd fro from tho tromondouB maJeBty ot tho nnn tn the exoulslto magic of tho other: that, so overwhelmingly vaster than man, this, a contrivance of man so perfectly con- trolled, and both related as cause ond ffect, a cnblo linking the ageless wonder f the savngo man with tho wonder of our own age. A romance, inacea: uniess we nro merely overgrown children spoiled took our dally meals In . the scono Itself we tako our stand non tho slope tho Triumphal bridge a Httlo beforo S:30, a vantago point of sight that tho visitor should not miss. The sun as set on the left, leaving only a rosy glow, fast fading out; tho sky has grown to that amplltudo of height and breadth very noticcnblo at twilight nnd its gathering gray Is Absorbing tho sharp outlines PRATTLE OF THE YOl'NOSTEItS. Teacher If four boys havo twenty peaches and thirty apples what will each have? Bright Boy Chol'rer morbus! "You see, was this way," sold tho boy. 'Pop "was warm, and I thought I dropped a chunk of Ico down his back it would cool him off," "And did It 7' "Gee; nol it mado him hotter!" Little Margie was out walking with her mother recently and finding It illtllctik to keep up she Bald: "Mamma, aro a stepmother?" "No, dear," was the reply. "But what inndo think I was7' "Becauso you tako such awful long steps," roplled Margie. Small Qlrl What do you think about men nnd boys wearing girls' phlrtwntsts, anywny? Small Boy (In his sister's bloomers nnd shlrtwnlst, sjivagely) I don't llko Itl It was bad enough when we boys hud to wenr our big brothers' old clothes, but I kick nt having to out my sister's old things, too! A mother was recently reading tn her young Bon trie f'.ory of o Uttle fclbw This brings us to the value a college education to a business man, which way bo answered under this head. A man who has Inherited ability to fialnt his picture and has compelled the world to allow him to fill It in. must feel many "! funj i" um not nave a college education, what Is a collego education? It is that which can be only by those weeks and months nnd years a man spends to satisfy a taste, a desire, nn ambition for something ho didn't have; so thero Is no uso In saying a man who has ability to pnlnt his picture In his mind and Inter to paint it in reality. !8 "ot 80r,ry' for tho u'e- - Perhaps, that he has missed that world that Is covered by n college education. When you usk such a man: "Would you glvo up tho picture you have spent your life with for tho college boy's picture?" for you can necessarily havo only otic thero Is no question about his nnswer. Till! . pnll.ni. I . . - . . . . uu) b iiiciurc musi do an "e""-- ' auair oi a worm he doesn't know nml rarely in after years brings Into actual existence. The poor boy knows tho world t nicn, nnd whon ho has onco plunged Into business nnd has filled In his plcturo, ho really doesn't need a collcgo education only as ono needs a sunset, a raoonrise or a dream. Ho Is In tho position of a man who, having eaten heartily of hinb.-rri-n nnd milk, strolls Into tho club and Is In- - vitcd by a friend to sit down to a hot bird and a cold bottle, llu imnw. . i,. bird and a cold bottlo. but Is not hungry for lhem. nor. If his berries nnd milk set . as berries nnd milk should, Is ho envious ... .i- - . j . .1111 LJ MJ Now, what rules guldo a man to success In business I will tnko up general principles first. Be thorough In your work, whatever It may do. lieiievo there Is nothing too small do well. Llfo is only a matter of picking up bricks on ono sido tho street and carrying them to tho other side. We nro all carrying bricks. Try to make your work the best Job carrying bricks ever e.rri-.- h. iTE ns Wl If Ty: , U1,'v.,..h0 J, ?wn to tT'i,0' WT1 principle. ,Wbe?. V the work you nro doing the greatest th ng in the world while you nro doing It. Glvo It your whole thought nnd your whole Leave It only when you feel that nobody could improvo on It. Theso may bo old maxims dressed over, but they are no true todny as they ever wero and no ono who doparts from them can mnko a com-plct- o success of anything, if a young man makes a success of small things hu will of great things when they como hh way nnd they'll como his way, for great things aro only combinations of little things well done. If ho does not mako a success of small things the great things never will come his way. Hero it may bo well to say that in busi- ness success lies as often In knowing what not to undcrtako ns in what to go Into. Tho greatest care should bo taken In select- ing our work when we get to the point where wo can select It. Many men havo been defeated in their life work becauso odds wero against them from tho start and they did not know It. They selected work which It was Impossible for them to do and whllo- selecting overlooked 'that which it was possible) for them to do successfully. Another rule that applies is this: Uo sincere, don't try to fool tho world, for it will not bo fooled. It can toll tho differ- - enco every tlmo between an honest man and a fakir. No proposition will stand examination that docs not havo a kernel tho electric tower. The latter also Is yield- - Ing to tho larger influences around 1); its Ivory nnd green and gold melting into dovc'-llk- o tints; definition lost In an effoct of tone; Its soaring character checked to a looming muss, the upper parts of which aro nircady shrouded In tho upper dark ness; the Statue ot Light extinguished. Mcanwhllo tho arches, turrets and cupolas of the plnza beyond aro rocedlng from tho view; tho spray of tho fountains, shredded by tho evening breeze, presonts a further illusion of atmosphere; tho scene, framed In by tho dark masses of tho nearer build- ings, takes on a suggestion of infinity, merging back and back luto tho vault of sky. Tho suspenso of tho waiting thou- sands is becoming tense. Thoy sproad over the esplanade, cluster nround tho bandstand, lino tho balustrades nnd ter- races, showing as black patchcH In tho fnlnt illumination of a few clusters ot light. Suddenly theso expire. Wo peer Into a concave of gray gloom in which all forms aro blurred. Only for a moment. Tho darkness Is Ecarcoly comprehended before wo are aware a bunch of dull roso glow; "Biucr ""oiuer, on anu on ,m opuu ........... "". v, v..w basin of tho court, nnd knows them for bunches of light on tho tops of tho bronzed standards. Yet they are so faint at first that thoy scarcely count for light, rather bb patches of rosy rust that slowly grow to luminosity. And oven then a larger won- der grows, Tho shaft of tho tower, an In- stant ago opaque and dull, quivers with n faint flush ns of roturnlug nnlmntion, nnd at first, tho faint suffusion gathers volumo, pnssing rrom roso to primrose. Tho shaft of the tower blosspms Into patterns of light, its crown begins to shine with pale clusters of gems; gems and patterns quicken Into vibration and a moment later tno sum structuro emerges into shapo, shakes Itself freo In a new lease ot nnl- - matlon soars Into the sky with a burst of light that Is echoed on turret domo and cupola and along tho lines of roofs and An Enchanting Spectacle by tho favors of civilization and accepting nn nrounu tno court mo attendant g, as n matter of course, as wo logs respond to tbo Impulse. A mcro blush childhood. But of of It If you you wear of to of of strength. of and wns which ho set himself diligently to work to assist In supporting hlmsclf and his mother. When she had finished the Htory she said: "Now, Tommy, If pa wero to die, wouldn't you work to keep mamma7" "Why, no,'" said the little chap, not relishing tho Idea work. "What for? Ain't we got a good house to live In?" "Oh, yes, dear," said tho mother, "but we can't cat tho house, you know." "Well, ain't we got plenty of tilings In the pantry?" continued the young hopeful. "Certainly, dear," replied tho mother, "but thoy would not last long, and what "Well, me," said the young incorrigible nfter thinking a moment, "ain't thero enough to last till you got anothor hus- band?' Caller Now, my Httlo man, what Is your parents' genealogical chart for7 llrlght Boy To hldo a tear In tho parlor papor, sir, Knthcrlno Is !i years old. Her father came homo the other afternoon after work- ing three days and nights under high pressure with no Hecp to spenk of Mid lay down with tho feeling that he night not wako up for u week. Within llvo minutes tho battle of Manila bay would not hava aroused him. Three-quarter- s of hour later from tho Thos. W.LaWSonof Boston In Saturday Evening Post of truth In it. I rnn take my little kernol of truth and polish It nnd rub It and lay It out on my palm, and with it I can con- - vlnco any man allvo that I am right. Without it I ctituiot. The test of n man In business Is whether he Is honest or not conscientiously, broadly honest, not mono icgauy nonest, jvci fakir rnn pass through tho world undetected while thero nro so many students of human nature In It, nor can the honest man long be mis-tak- for a fakir. A fakir con do nny. thing nn honest man docs until you test him. I apply tho test In nit my business nnd it Is ono of my secrets of success, It Is this: Look your mnn straight In thu eye. To handlo a uinu I must see his eye. Look straight at him when von mkn vnnr proposition, nnd be suro you have your kernel of truth. Tho rest Is easy you have simply to uso ordinary intelllgenco In showing It to him; then you nro on your own ground, you nro nt your best, nnd ho well, ho buys your goods nnd at your own H.I.. I . . . nm-- . ,k,wii, iinen n mnn comes to you wn n proposition comes to sell you his goods look nwny from htm; lot him tnlk at your shoulder, or thn idi. nf vnnr. i,n.,i ,f ho is honest ho will mako headway, If he Isn't ho will not. If a man cornea to sc" nio n railroad, or a mine, or an In. volition for shearing sheep, I say to my- - ": "Oct your nrmor on;' ho will try to sell you something ho i ,u..n.n.. .i.. nd I look out of tho window whllo h talks. If he makes an impression on mo I know t. J'rom this I lay down a general rule- - When you havo goods to sell, sell them by . or own standard: when you arc buying buy on your own standard, too. Who Is tho best stock operator" Tbo mnn who has a definite object to attain, who has been painting pictures to bo filled In later, who hits studied the future nnd that which makes tho f lltliro t tin tiltmnn nhtm..l becauso tho market 1 always In tho future. Tho man who looks ahead nnd Is nmbltlous-th- nt is tho mnn who makes tho success, the ono who. having hie picture, says, "I will realize it." and who has kept hlmsclf "Mch P'1 " "" condl- - Hon that if anyone should shout "Flre" when 1,0 ,fl nt 11,0 t"ct,r overyhody Is panic-stricke- n nnd rushing for tho windows - ,i i. .... . ,Tgh ng cigar emnJyith. sfeZ sldo of 11,1,1,,, ,Z . "1 'u?" " trampling over trying to get out on tho other side. In stock operations, nn In general bus), ncss, one great secret nf success Is to keep yourself always ready Instantly to do every-thin- g well not to reliearso beforehand what you nro to do. To act on tho spur of tho moment a man must bo mentally nnd P'slcnI1)r nulck and ablo to stand any test, not a special test, such as men train them selves to, but any test. Run a revolver under a cowboy's noon nnd ho doesn't dodgo, for ho Is used to It, but put htm in front of tho tape, If ho lins a lnrgo family de- pending on him, nnd drop tho prico of tho stock ho holds which represents his all-d- rop It with n bang and seo whether he swcatH or not, and whether ho gots whlto. On tho other hand, let a cowboy try to stampede Jim Keono by sticking a gun under hl nose, and although Kceno Is not in training for ho will bite tho gun In two nnd never turn a hair. . There Is one thing to bo said to men who look to tho stock market to mako money: Thero Is no money to bo mado from follow ing the tapo. To mako money in tho ranr- - ket a mnn must be, or know what Is, be- - hind tho tape. Until ho finds himself thero, ho will do better to keep on carrying bricks. The Rainbow City at loggias, whllo tho whole court has becomn alive with lumtnousncss. ' Atar'ln tho, nighty the watcher by Niagara is conscious only of tho forco of sound na tho mighty waters fling themselves sheer Into thO dnrkness. Somowhcro n morsel of tho waste of energy la being caught nnd tamed nnd conducted to tho making of this marvelous sight of beauty. And hero nature freely lends herself, canopying tho City of Light with tho sublimity of tho sky. It ha3 sloughod off its gray nnd de- scends and mounts up In n fathomless pen- etrability of bluo, greening upon tho hori- zon nnd deepening into vnrled tones of vio- let toward the zenith, whllo bnck of us is a mass of purple, dark and awesomo by comparison, against which tho horecs nnd rldorn upon tho pinnacles of the Triumphal Brldgo fling their whlto shapes with a weird flainboynncy. Wonderful this union of torso brllllanco with tbo colorful immensity of. tho sky. Whether It be that tho yellow of tho light neutralized tho red which caused tho gray-nen- s in tho sky or that tbo definition light around us hao enforced tho Impreci- sion of depth and dlstanco above, certain it is that tho bluo is revealed, a bluo so Iucont and mysteriously deep and fathom- less that tho magic of man's contriving Is wrapt around with a suggestion of the In- finite. It may bo that tho Greeks, so allvo to every reyelatlon of beauty, planned the form und color of tho Parthenon that It might form ono composition with tho sky. Here, at uny rate, tho unity of tho plcturo is complete, lllumlnatod buildings and sky uniting in ono superb presentment. This wonderful effect was produced undor tho direction of Henry RuBtln, chief of the Mechanical and Electrical bureau. Apnrt from the exquisite tasto Involvod, aud tho elaborate complotcnoRs of tho scheme, the reault Is sold to bo duo to two things. Tho unit of light has been roduced to olght cnifdlo power, a method which gives nn nlmost perfect diffusion of light, nnd tho entire quautlty ot current used Is paHucd through a rheostat, which can bn manipulated to produce tho slow rlso of light from zero up to full cnndlo power. small voice; "Father father father father!" Tho (sleeper stirred and sank deeper. "Father-fathe- r!" Ho again nnd moaned. "Father father-fath- er!' Ho struggled nnd resisted and lloundered, und finally raised his eyelids llko a man lifting giant weights. When sight camo to him ho raw Katherlne, smiling divinely behind his couch. "Father father!" "Wha-n- t is it, daughterT" "Father, aro you having a nlco nap?" "Just think, my boy, thnt wo nro send-ln- g thousands of American Bhinglcs to tho Filipinos!" said tho proud American par- ent. "Hully gee, pop!" said tho young ono; "do the Flllplnums have to bo llcltod somo raoro?" I '"Mamma," said Freddie, looking up from his Btory book, "whni docs this story mean about a great gram' mother? Ain't all grandmothers gront?' "Whero did you get your protty r Edna?" asked a visitor of a bright yi old miss, "Brother Will gave it to mo," nnBwered, "Is It a diamond?" queried tho visitor. "Wcl, I Bhould think It ought to be," was tho indlgnnnt retort. "It coat 39 cents," whoso father taken 111 and died, afterrdepths of his dreams ho heard a clear, of my then?" an of stirred

Nebraska Newspapers - An Enchanting Spectacle · 2019. 2. 4. · FOIl NALE-HII- AL ESTATE. "OV'SES, FAIIMS, RANCHES nnd LOTH, rul v.ii,i4'KU AK )3 ana rAluio,,t."" DO YOt; WANT TO

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Page 1: Nebraska Newspapers - An Enchanting Spectacle · 2019. 2. 4. · FOIl NALE-HII- AL ESTATE. "OV'SES, FAIIMS, RANCHES nnd LOTH, rul v.ii,i4'KU AK )3 ana rAluio,,t."" DO YOt; WANT TO


"OV'SES, FAIIMS, RANCHES nnd LOTH,rul v.ii,i4' KU AK )3 ana rAluio,

DO YOt; WANT TO SELL?,t."" ca" upon or teiepnoncOnO P, BEMIS HEAL ESTATE CO.,Telephone 556, Paxton Mock.

This weather Is extremely warm, whichcauses n great many people to put off tilltomorrow whn' rhmlld be nttended to to-p-

Hut we always have the wide nwakebusiness mnn with us. who Ik always readyJP tako hold of a good thing when they seeH. To those we will say that this week wehave one or two houses and lots, also avery limited number of farms, hoth fruitmm Brain .some or wiiicn are Irrigated,

w uiintt are great oargains.HOUSES AND LOTS.

Hero Is a bargain on two lots 91x111, a coodhouse, fine well and cistern, goodmu, ifrnju mni trees, uniy l,8W,

Hern Is a chance for some one to L a...." """. on a pieit. orground 110x21. 14, near 4nth and Havenport, lino location. This price Is remark

RESIDENCE LOTS.I Only I, a to J200 each and only J5 down and

only 5 per month: near motor lines andas level an a parlor lloor. There's.. .. . . . . .no

. .rea- -

. . .Ann Tl ' H 1 n tl 1 n n n .t 1. I I" "in- - nun t:eiyuiie rnuuillll lnave a home of their own and have nocm iij imy nut.

Also choice lots In every part of city fromWW to $3,000.

FARMS.10 acres Just outsldn the city limits, good

.uuiin, miriy lumieu Willi iruil, tJ.UQU.

Wo have others ranging from 5 to SO nrresm iriinuiiuuiu ll ll'l'II, UU.li lin(I SOB US

IRRIGATED LANDS AND FARMS.The extreme dry wvather of the pastt fow

to IRRIGATION, and to those who areiiHtiomi we snouui ne pleasedto show somo of our exceptionally tlno

ir.'l,U9P."..ln.i,i,,ltAHKA. COLORADO

INVESTMENTS.TVo liave a customer for a new 6 or

modern house on a full lot In the Hans-coi- npark or West Fiirnnm districts.Will runt and ntlV Dim venr'n rout Ik ...I.vancc, or buy with a reasonable paymentdown. WHO WILL IIUILD?4U PEIl CENT MONEV TO LOAN



Telephone SS3. Paxton Block.RE-I-3I 21

tPv V WHOLES COMPANY.Tcl- - 310 N. Y. LI'c.THIS Is hut to REMIND thatbargains, but If wo wire to chain Tilthis weather you would probably ob.cct.Bl'T, If you want a lino residenco for 33W

tier rent buy tho Barton place. 21t andCalifornia. Nothing llko It ever offered.

Ifi.1?n "0fJ-Jsr- 1127 8- - 3,st Hansen urooms, modern, lino street,trees, etc. Owners ready to give possasrlonnny day and tiro anxious to sell, nc tinyare to leava the city.1010 N. 24th st., 7 rooms, close In, east front,all specials pa d and wo arc going to to IInvestigate this.

0XAU$nUKl?llffi- - "iRhtly. cool andonly $iM for block. Tosee this Is to buy It. If you don't want ibuy don't go and see it, for tho view willcarry you away nnd you will spend yourmoney.


fus-- m :iF?,R BAL'R'r I !0,H. fr0m 12 "'"Ck 57

each; r. lots, from 4 to 8, block 4, J150each, Dominion st., VnnCamn's addition;2 blocks thu street car. 2 blocks fromHlycrvlew park; easy terms. John Bluett.2821 Seward St. HE 127 "1

8 SRT"?.?, ""J1 Mfl for nle cheap; So.Inqulro in brick house Inrer- - ItE-M- 3:6 27

VACANT LOT. J1.G50. east front, on r6thst., one lilock north of Karnam. HES P,N TUK WKBT PAKNAMDISTIUCT

DESinAPLE DWELLING of (3 rooms, per-cela- ln

bath, closet, sewer, gas, pavingtax all paid, near Shorman ave. andCorby, a bargain, prico $1,6:0.

1216 Charles, modern house of 12 r o:ns.lot S2xl30 feet, price K.800.

FARM OK 25 ACRES north of Florenc.25 acres In crops, balance good timber;owner will sell at a tacrlllce. Call forparticulars.


re-i- io n

R. C. PETERS & CO.,170J Farnaiu St.

DWELLING HOUSES.In BOiitheaHt part of town, near Uniondepot, 2 houses, lot tICx13A city water,paved street, to bo had cheap.

In North Omnlin, house nnd full lot, clearof Inctimbrnnc.i. only $150; snap for some-one. Come early.

Five nice lots In Bedford Place. 3 of whichare on pa veil street; pavement paid for.Price only $Su0.

Burt county land to trado for city prop-erty.

Good hardware business In eastern Ne-braska, for shIo.

R. C. PETERS ft CO.,1702 Farnani at.,

RE-:- aa 21

DWNER old, mint sell mortgaged Yorkfarm; no trudu uox 2SS, Yoik, Neb.RE

111 h best offer received lieforo AiUHt 1wiriil,l..f,i!Jl0(;.k l'ttt;i-- H udd. to Omaha.Yiill . '.! A,n--

n resident of New Yorkri.fi ?t".v lt.lr,',1. I"1'.1'1? iuxea. AddressIlroadway, New York. RU

L?TS,V.2,S,tl1 .a"a W,P, Fairmont PcZ"Tn"terms. Alarrsis Il.Kiinne-- !

133 West Water St., Alilwauke '


ni,HOU8ES FOR SALE,H.3,5 i huuse, good east fiontlot, city water, sewer, paved street andpermanent sidewalk; on car line, throu

nn Htei in lllll SCnOOl,U,ii5 for house, same location, with'' P"j?l 'nprovemeiits In and paid for.GLOHQE & CO., 1SJ1 Farnam St.

HE-- MS 21


what 1 1 ayii yoito tradeTfoh""moo" sU,l0,lcr-- '' K0' stand. Chicago,

Vacant comer. 100x123, Chicago, 16,0t0.120 acres 8 miles west Kearney, jiu.m acres close Lodgo Pole, Cheycnnjcounty, 16.120 acres closo Ogalliila, Kilth count v. 55Together or separate.

STRINGER, Paxton Hiock.HE-M- 23I 21

EIGHT-ROO- two-stor- y well built hnimat 3217 Nnrtii 25tii St., on Maple Ave,water, sewer, good well and cistern.

All In good order: Largo shade treei, Anice home for ony Jl.soo. On eftsy terms.

Five-roo- cottoge, city water and sewer,at 2604 Seward. Rent. $10. Price, ,1,000.

V. H. GATES, 618 NEW YORK 1.1 FK.RE-3- 04 -2-1

1. P. TUKEY AND SON are having aspecial run on homes, .Some very le

places In nil parts of the city,lthr for cash or on payments. Wo nnvo

also two places for sale In Clifton Hill.e also offer for Immediate Improve-

ment, or as an investment, SS feet, ornny part of.lt. on 16th street, north ofLeavenworth street. Wo shall make aspecial price on tills 16th street propertyfor one week.

k. P. TUKEY AND SON, Hoard of Trade.RE-328- -21

TOUR choice lots in Shull's addition, one-ha- lf

block from Ppppleton Ave., on grade,with nice shade trees, J500 each.

CUE BYRON REED CO., .212 8. HTH ST.UE-4- 02 21






,1.2(.O.t-.F- an attractive lot on ShermanAve., near Hurdcttc St., with handsome..?J"li,"..,re,.8i n" on Krone Mx32.J3(rioo-North- west corner of 36th nnd Cass

Hts.. Wxl28.3,lW.oo-FJ- ne lot on north side of Douaias,-- .i,?nt,rft,lpt cornt'.r of 27th St., WxH3.

ghaded lot. with east front, on3fltn St.. between Leavenworth and Jack-son, 67x115,

J325.oo-No- rth front on Vnn Camp Ave.,near' Hjicncer St., 0x120.jcj.w for any one of the very at-tractive lots, on grade, north front, on

St , between 21th nnd 25th,rhese lots are surrounded by attractive...te"Vnntl,,rc " liargaln.


on 45t ner Cumingm., lotJS.2J0.f--On- o of tho most attractive build-ing sites on St., corner of 33d nndI'arnnm, wltli roof for house on 33d, fac--

t'nKrnntK..T,l1i''J,rOI1,'r,' ls 110 ,tCl 0n.r,.!i ?' feet on 33d.i.?7rV,cl1' f..r .four I'onutlfully shadedi" L,Ptwe1,;n ,uh Mml 1R"' Sis., near

aJ' .n Krade. 55x130.,'2?.,?T,i,nen,' ror fo.ur 'of "'nr "ove,f. tfHl'P. slzt;.;,ml "" have shade trees.or 82U feet on Houlcvnrd, runningthrouRh to 21th St.. not th of Fort St.

lcl "llu voulu mUKO.ii ll,i I ..II II!Ar ""i'iiiiik nue.

125.00--Lot 42x103. west front, on 23th St....lie!l M'-Pl- e nnd Hlnney Sts.wo ,otl'' t',",, front, on 2MhSt., between Shlrjoy and Oak Sts. Those

fril ,i .Y:.V."" i.?1 nunscomno? fi?Jront' 011 35,11 st" nenr Daven

,'nWiVc2iVUf"lly ?nnt,cl '"'. "'est front,iliveilllliri, wxuy.'iAl.Wj. St.. betw

ront " J"ckson S- - nrithWxiMW.KKt.OO Four lots on corner of Hurt nnd

j"".n anu east rront. 200x13.1.,Cm(2t-Uc"1-

,(Sili. : ''n...,,t,'..?.'i' hetwecn

iiii.tin otn., :hj icei.fiio-- ' front' IM 131,1 st-- ncur Oorcua

"t!?-"-.', fr2nt:n0,1 13th st.. near Ccn

t rornor of Friinklln Stj.W-so- uth front, on Hurt St.. opposite

ln Mt mJiut "" "vuru. line OUIIU

'Tn''ti.V." "PB Jly''"B lots, northMffi ni " ol- - ,lri,r Wth. each

"aV,1"1. cnier of Caas and Lowe

nnvV.nr.,T'i."l .V.l..Vi fCOt Oil.11 ,i iAt f.,k"l:"ui snuue trees, splen

rar,,fCh' i.f.r.four rnc'iK "uth onoV,,To vw,cn uou ,lnu aItni eacj,

$7A7 Mill's fr""'' " Cus" St" ncar ""hnlinvT. lnt '.'"i' .n.?-- s .at- - "CXt to

St.. 41x180 : feel. OI 3m nn" Klmth?,027rorn5"n',t. ro.rner "l 3"h nn' '''rnn.hn z,. rv"r. .aP8-- . o smaiii.nt oivi m K,vcn o..PirchaHerjus 330 21

We offer SOMM, nf. n. ucai lAllU.irSIn REAL ESTATE .. .i.i .. . .ivick inni nav!been put upon tho MARKET In RECENT.Mnvrirc....... tt... ...... . . -

WI., llK0 I.L,BA8UilK jnHIllllMVn .1 .(iivhc properties at any time


n Ii frit i in fl

ffr'--i rUi.L i .! ' "'"W An

mii V,A''.V..V K, anxious to10 ,flK '3'6WREASON AHlAi TJMS.

1223 On Hurt flf ta i..

ii i.,.!!;' ol" .,"m",'cnt ijrickkZr SLi""u unI! uwuli ne qhbor

1516- -In uth part of the city, goodCORNER lot.

nnvmeAt. UUU1J "pnir, .,tiOj; monthly

t .... viiiif?'r.X?ii 1 bouse.

VP ITt v a on i liXMri " ;KiK nnil

i.m18 P "nr.fe.ct, G :M ot 11 home-3,2- 0);

74L.n n.'i5,.,nr;!r. iPth st- - " rooms. STEAMnm, imui, ttv'. eoui 1 rront. HIOHTLYiPkHH l" 11,llHhf,I OAK iiuii

?yFt?I8r&y "rrsnged." ThK p&w

chaso can bo given.


HE-- 3II 21


Hargaln In three cottarres near Crclghtoniinlinralt......... Inc.. In. I..... .v.... v, , .J iui, iiuu.-c-n in goon repnlr; only $3,700.

Enst front lot 47xR3 feet on lBth lietweenDorcm and Mnrthn. cottage, pavedwtrent. n nnun n t ti Jfn

Beautiful suburban home, northwest, newhouse, large barn, city wnter, one

i.un- in riiuwrr, inui irees, inree acrespasture. This desirable property is nearnullum niiu yar... I rice, 91,110.

If you wish to buy or sell rail onW. FARNAM SMITH & CO.

RE 112 21 t

CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON.J. A. Painter. Salesman.

A.I.?APKn6'r' cttage, Hlondp, near 27thJS.jO if taken at once. After Tuesday

will paint and sell for $1,250, Rentsfor J1R0.

Others In News and W -- It. RE-4- 03 21

A NEW MODERN RESIDENCE. FOR 12 500At 2S21 Davenport street we nro offering' anew house, containing bath,sewer, closet nnd gas. oil first-clas- s fix-tures, largo porch, cellar bricked and ce-

mented, lot 60x135 feet, permanent side-walk.THE BYRON HEED CO., 212 S. HTH ST.

HE 101 21

wnr1 nice new home nt a rea-sonable price nnd on easy terms, shady,cool, mxdern. convenient to cars.J.n. pP!,:lal t'orcaln In n small cottage

metitsC cnr llnc- - 5,omh,' P"'-OE-


T,nl '"'. fJ?apv :o ncr!'- - 2 rniles souf n'

Kn(1 house, sma' "arni'!Sr,n-t...''r'- "'I under c :

tlyatlon; nnp.Vin'f$41 per

nnA.acre. 70

. otdssmall house, price. $35.CO. Thso lands nre

iu tiiy uuuicvnru running fromOmaha to Fort Crook: also hivo remproperty In Henson. Will built housed tosuit purchasers nt low figures JLovgrcn, 424 Paxton nik, HE 393 flCHAS. E WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St.

RE-1- 63

HOSTUN tn i ivtuun-l- l i. nnrcuTm,,..Commonwealth, Twin Screw, 12.000 Tom Ju 31New England. u.eoo Aua I tVancoimr ... Aug, 3 Dominion .. Aug, 10Canttiromin. . Aug. 17 I Vancouter Septs

Per further loformtloi. tiimtComsny'a 01llct. rkirtwrg St.. Cikuo. lilt.

Summir Tours on Lakt Michigan.


iNMk, IU IW,ronnrctlng wltu illrrlor. EAAtftrn And

0Dt.An PDlnl. BpeoUl Katuto l'n.Atnrlen.LEAVES CHICAGO AS FOLLOWS!

Tnr.. HI a. m. Thur. It . m. Hat. 5 p. m,Manltou Steamship Company.

OFFICE ft DOCKS, Ruih and N. Water Sta., Chlcigo.



Experimentingon your teeth is expensive, takea reliable dentist's advice andfollow it He knows best whatyour teeth nceil.

Bailey the DentistThird Floor l'niton Block.



LAWRENCE,I WnsliliiRinn, I), c. Es. 1801,


.tin Itninge niilK.

Fntcnt book FIIEE. Mr- -chnnlcnl drntTlnRti, dr'4gntng',Iiiiu- - prints.


How pretty they are:Hoy stylish!So many used back cast!Comfortable, cool seats.Will wear fnreverlWe carry several new design'.

Drummond Carriage Co.,1Mb niul Ilnrnry 5ts.


UNION PACIFIC-"TH- E OVEn.land Route" General Ofllces.N. E. Cor. Ninth and FarnamStreets. City Ticket OiHce, 1324Farnam 8trcet. Telephone. 316.wwn .mill unu imrcy sis.A VIVIHIUIIU, U6tf,

Jeave. Arrive.The Overland Limited. .a 8:20 am a 7:30 pmThe Chlcago-l'ortlan- d

Special a 8:20 im a 7:30 pmThe Fast, Mall.... u 8:50 am a 3:26 pmThe Mull uiul rlxprcss ,all:35 pm a 4:ifi pmThe Colorado Special ,..uU:35 pm a 6:50 anLincoln, Ueatrlco and

Stromsburg Express. ,b 4:05 pm bl2:30 nmAim . nviui. i,.)'.vsiii... .a i.M. fj.iiTho Atiamlu Espresa... a :eo amrirnnil Tkl'.nif Iimil h RLlfl nm p ama Daily, b Dally except Sunday.

MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL.road-Gcn- crul Oinces andTicket Ofllces, SoutheastCorner nth and Douglashi. j vicjuiunc, juupot,

LeUVO. ArriveSt. Louis and ttansaa.City Express aJOiOOam a 6:23 pm

iv. is,, til. u. Express xv. uv iim a u:ij amLcavn from 15lh and

Webster streets:Nebrasga Local, ViaWeeptne vater b 4:10 pm 'nl0:43 am-uu. uuiiy nccpi aunaay.

BURLINGTON Sl Missouri River Railroad-- inu uuriiugion Route'General . unices. . Northwest Corner Tenth andI'urnam Streets. TicketOtllco: 1502 Farnam Streut.

Telepni'iiu u, Hurilngton, Station, Tenth'anu Muaun blieeis. 'leiepnoiiv ju.

icavk. Arrive.Lincoln. Hastings and

McCvoa a 8140 am a 7:39 pmf I... . ..I. r.. uv

rado. Utah, Callforula.u 4:25 pm a 3:00 pmAlliance Express a :L pm u J:v0 pm

at uiacK u w Din u b lb amMontana, 1'uget Sound. .a u:uo pin u 6i4a amuiucuin rust .uuii o ;w pm a v. u umwymorc. ueairico anu

Lincoln a 8:40 am bll:55 amueiivxr. I'oiorudo, utaii

and California a fi:4& amtori urooK, ao. licnu,

Louisville, r'lattsm'tii.b 3:20 Dm bll.05 amuenevue, I'.attsmoutn it

Faclllu Junctlun a 7:40 Dm a 8:20 amuellovue. p:attsmoutli &

l'ucliic Junction a 3:10 ama Dally, b Dally except Sunday..

KANSAS CITY. ST. JO.Kanli X, r,iti,..ll Til.ir.Hiillroad 'JThu Uurllngtonltniil.." 'Plnb.ll .Mllrtf.Farnam Street. Telephone

Muboh Streets. Telv-pliun- o


AIIIVCKansas uity uay r.x....u .m um u o.uo pmKansas City Night hx..oiumo pm a 6:15 amRt I ... I., irivrt. for Si.

Joseph ana si. Luu,ii ouv pm au;ia,araa Daily.

CHICAGO, BURLINGTONu wuincy ltaiiroau '.'TheUurllngton Route" TicketOillce, 1502 FarnamiStruet.iviepnuno i'v. Depot,Tcntn and Mason Streets.Telt'phonu 128.

Leavo. Arrive.Duvliuht cu: ago tpe.

cfal a 7:00 am ai0:20 pmChicago Vcetlbuicd Kx.a 4:OJ pm a 7:45 amChicago Local Express. a U:3J um a 4:05 nm'Chlcut.0 Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:45 amf um man '. a ilia pm

a uauy.

CHICAQO, ROCK 1SL- -""fif utc Jianroadihe Great HorkIsland Itoute"-ci- ty

Ticket Ofllce, 1323

42b. li'Y"1.' .lephoiie,Depot,Marcy Streets. "tJphone. 629.


Chicago Dayllght4Spo...a 6:00 km a 2:00'atnDes Moines and Daven- - tport Locai a 7:25 am bll:35 amChicago Express ,...011:15 am a SM nmuts Aiuiues uonii a 4:20 pm a 4:45 pmChicago Fast Express. ,u S:00 pm a

Dc-- s Moines. Rock Isl- -und and Chlcagu

ivi'.K-- ra 7:10 um n 9:35 pm

llnpkl Miiim.... tn......In. f Am n a.An .. M- - ,,.v ..w ..lit 6:00 amlltlL'Ulll. Colurililn imruuenver, t'uecin andWust a 1 .in a 4:13 pmColorudu. Oklahoma &Texas Flyer a !20 pm a 9:50 amu Dally, b Dally excent Sunday

ILLINOIS CENTRALflee, 1402 Farnam Street,Telephone. 245. Depot.Tenth and Marcy Slreets

Leavo. Arrive.ChlCUL.'ii KxnrcsS 14 am a a;io pn,Cliicago Limited :oj uniMlnile.uiolls .v H .. fUXUExurn. ,.b 7:00 am b 9140Minneapolis it St. Paul pm

i.imiieu , .a 7:43pm a 8:05Fort amDodce Local fromCouncil oiiiiY. u i..--.

Fort Dodgo Local, frompm a 8:15 am

.ouiilii uiuiis... a 6;W ama Dally, b Dally except Sunday.St. Louis Cannon nii

uve- - Arrive.Exiirt-M- s ... ......

Kansas City and Quincy " P a 8:ama Daily. i- -a 7:00 am, a .0.00 Pm

. Jt

OAt A 'LV & ST. LOUIS RArt"& Eastern'

e,,'1,1:-tt1Oh- ,!tJiiuim. iiij.und Marcy StUtepThJh

St. I.n,ll. T.,.11LeaV- -


Kansas City knd Qu nev ,,m a am

aDSlly: aT:Wam Pr

fatreet. Telephone. 322. Dc'pot, IVnth and Marcy Sts,Telephone, cs

Leave. Arrive.St. Louis "Cannon Ball"

Exprcs ,..,a 6:15 pm a 8:20 am


FREMOrtT. ELKHORN &Missouri Vallev Railroad

"ihe Northwc.ttrnJSP i,ine ueneral unicesLnlted States Nationaluaiix iiuuuiiiK, s. Wcorner i we rt h and Farnam Sts. TirVt oillce. liul h'tmim hi.

Telephor.e, 661. Depot, Hth and Wabstrsis. i .icubune, liu.

Leave. Arrive.Uiack Hills. Deadwood.

Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pmWyoming, Casper and

Douulas d 3:10 nm x S'fil nmiiuswiigsi lorK, uaviu

City, upeiior, Geneva,. Sxeter and Seward, ...b 2:00 pm b 5:00 pm

VLrniirrii nni.Fremont b 7!3n am Kifi9 am

Lincoln, wa:.OD & lrre- -nioni b i :20 am blfliJS am

f rcmoni Local & ..J1 ams Dally, b Dally excopt Sunday, c Sunaay oni) a Daily xcepi uaturuay.

Dally except Monday.

CHICAQO & NOHT11western llallwav "TheNorthwestern Line"v;uy iicnel omce, 1401

arnam at. Telephone,ltL Depot, Tenth unaAiarcy HireeU. Telepnone, ua.I.bjt. A ..I ...

Daylight Chlcuira Sue.r.c.' ui.wam aiiuu pmChicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a 8:40 nm

Moines, Marshaiituwn,Cedar HaMds andChlcaira , nlO.-iL- ; am . l.nc nm

"ui.t.n 01IUUIUI) llll- -cago and j.aat a 4: to pm a 4:03 pm

Fast Mall. Cliicago toumt.nu a 2:45 pm

pmahu-Chlcag- o L't'd...a 7:45 pm u :00 amJnst Mall..... a :ao urnv.:uui luyiuj u a'.sQ pin

CHICAQO, ST. PAUL.Minneapolis & umuhiiHallway - "Tho North,western Line" GeneralOlllces, Nebraska Division, ism and WcbsurHts. City Ticket Otllce.Farnam TelcDlionc. Etil. lienot.

riani aim iveDsier bis. leiepnonu, llis.Leavu. Arrlvn.Twin City Passenger.. ..a C;iw uni a :J0 pmSioux City l'ussenser...a 2;4S pm till:lo amcmerson uocai s o:j pra b s:m am

a iJaiiy,

BIOUX CITY&rACIFICitunroaa "The North-wester- n

Line" GeneralOltlccs, United StatesNational Hank Uulldlng,S. W. Corner Twelfthand Farnam Hts. Ticket

unite, nui rurnam oi. xeiepnonu, Mil. Do-po- t,

Tcntn and Marcy Sts. Telephone, U2.Leave. Arrive.

Twin City express a 6:i am alo:25 pmTwin City j. untied a 7:5j pm a 8:15 amSioux City Local u 8:w am u 3:50 oiu

i j.,uiir.express ...a 5:U pm a 8:20 am

CHICAGO, MILWAUKEEfCBIcl & St. Paul Railway-Ci- ty

mwAUh Street. Telciilione. vmDepot, Tenth nnd MasonBirueis. leiepnone, 629

Leave. Arriveruinnnr. x. rimnhn. Ex..b 7:15 am b 3:40 nmChicago Llmitcd. Ex,.,..o 0:00 pm a 8:05 an.

a uuuy. o uauy wi" ""

Direct Haute to oiasBorr nxtilbltlan

ANCHOR LINEtenruslilpa from Man York Weekly for

GLASGOW VIA LONDONDERRY.6aloon, i50 and up. Second Cabin. 32.50 andnr. 'rhlr.l rltiv. ull.l llntUAritlFor Illustrated folder and further Informs.

tlon apply to JIUNDEKSUX UlloriiKllS,Chlcauo. or

J. S. McNALLY. 1323 Farnam St..GEO. E. ABBOTT. 1324 Farnum tit-- . Omaha.


Miss Elizabeth Aldcn Curtis. who wasmarried tho other day to Rev, Cranston1 ... tt...l.AP.l rAn I. orUILIHUII U. iiuuiuiu. sunlit, in a niecoAttorney General Grlxcs and has attractedconsiderable uttcntlou by her literary work,wnicn includes a rendering oi me "uuuui-yet- "

of Omar Khayyam.Note from the Muscotah (Kan.) Record:For tho first time we wero married on

Wednesday. Wo have contemplated thisstep far n long time, but lack of funds hasalways prevented, until wo finally decidedto get married unu trust to iToviocnco tortho rest. The subscription rates of theRecord! will remain at the same price."

At Ploucastnl. In Brlttnny. France, thereIs but one day a year on which,, from timeimmemorial, weddings are allowed to takoplace namely, on tho feust of St. Frances,a model Christian wlfo and mother forwhom the citizens of Plougastel have thegreatest veneration, which they . chlettymanifest by setting all the weddings forthnt day. This year not less than forty- -rour couples Knelt Deroro her altar to pronounce the nuptial vows.

Peter West of Des Moines, who is nowliving with his tenth wife, with eight ofthose who hnve gono beforo still alive,holds tho record as a marrying man forIowa nnd also' for Oregon, where he formerly lived and where he has many timesmated. West Is a lawyer and because ofhis profession has saved himself muchmoney in divorce court expenses. Nearlyall of hts matrlmonl.il ventures have beendisappointments: nevertheless ho has nre- -served a sercno disposition and views theworm goou ntitureniy.

Paul Jonathan Brown of Monron nlace.nioomfleld, N. J., who Is nearly HO yearsold. a widower nnd rentited'. to bo wealthy.Is about to marry again and on agreementto tnat eneet was signed ay mm and hisbrldo-to-b- e, Margaret Andrn, 40 years old,tho other evening. Thero wero two wit-nesses, Lynden Fitch and Arthur Russell.Mr. Brown's wlfo died nbout a year agoIn Brooklyn. About a month ntto he located In nioomfleld and advertised for ahousekeeper. Miss Andra was accented.A few. days ago Brown proposed and wasaccepted. Miss Andra is a Swedish womannna is very attractive. Mr. Brown pre-pared tho marriage 'agreement himself.

An Enoch Arden enso camo to llcht In"Wllkcsbarrc, Pa., recently. Thirty-tw- o

years ngo Charles Ferguson, a smallfarmer In Wyoming county, loft wife and'chllde Raying he was going west ,to betterhis condition and as soon as he was settledwould send for the two. That was the lastseen or heard of tho man until July 2, whenhe appeared at tho homo of his wife InIVIIlnnhnrrn Wnott lin lnft ltl Hrtmn In'Pennsylvania he was a young man of 31.Now ho carries tho weight of C2 years onhis shoulders and has tho appearance of aRip Vnn Winkle, with his lontr gray locks.Ills wlfo nt first refused him admission toher home, c aim ns that he' was an Impostor, but 'the stranger soon convinced herthat he-- was her husband of long ngo, Thenthero was a mutual recognition.


INSTRUMENTS placed on record Hatur- -aay, juiy u:

wnrrnnty iieens.M. F. Hourkn to Henry Schrocdcr, lot

9. block 4. E. V. flm lh'H add t 2.350Charles Green to M J. Grren, lot 19.

block 4: lot 20, block 7, and lots 10and 11. lilock R. DuPont Place " nOrt

Same to same, s 49i4 feet lot 17, Okla-homa 700

William Wcseman ot al to County ofunugias. 3.1 feet ptnp adjoining elino no i?s

Omnha Realty company to A. K.Johnson, lot 10, block 2, E. V.Smith's ndd 400

D. R. Turney and wife to John Stout,lot 40. Luke & T.'s'ndd , 400

Erlck Nelson and wife to same, lot 41,same J,512

iBaac Dpuglass and wife tn E. M.Bowies, lot s, mock r , rrospectPlace a.noft

E. M. Shahan to A. L. Reed. lots 8and 9. block 16. Mvers. H. & T.'s ndd 4.m

Annn Corrlgan tn 'Dora Koll, lot 11,block 10. 1st add tn forrlunn Plne im

Joseph Ooldsmlth and wlfo to Vaclavana noa Taucnen. n z.i feet of s 100feet lot 3. block 7. Kountze's 3d' fLitd 1 osi

J. V. Cotton to E, R. Pankratz. n712-- 3 feet lot C. Isaac's add nm

W. C, Kimball to M. A. Austin, lots 8and. 9, block. 4, Ames Place coo

Omnha Loan nnd Building associationm j . jj, Aivison, wvs lot , diock 10,Shinn's ndd ., , 2,goo

Unit Claim needs.W. F. Sweesy and wife to Mrs. A. E.

Sweesy, n 50 feet lots 20 nnd 30,block 1. Campbell's ndd 1

51, E. WIlKnn and husband to W. T.Graham, lot 7 (excent s 46 feet of n40 foeO. block 5. E. V. Smith's ndd.. 1

Albert Foil and wlfo to O. E. buns- -combo, lot 7, block 1, South

Place iMaria Brecknnr to William Breckner.

lot 4. block 127. Smith Omaha 1

"William Medland and wife to thoOmaha Auditorium company, lot 1,block IBS, Omaha i

Deeds.C. F. Tuttle el al, referees, to the

Omaha Auditorium company, lot 1,block ,:r,S, Qmalvl 15.O0O

Total amount of transfers I31.S92

JULY 21, 1901.

Money-Makin- g FormulaNot long ago a man carae to mo and

asked for a formula for making money.Ho said he had n son he wanted to startin tho world, He had heard I was makingseveral millions n year In stocks and hewanted to know, he declnred rather ualvely,"how the trick is done."

I was amused, but interested, and askedhim to present ft list of questions on moneymaking. His list was as follows:

What is a collcgo education worth to abusiness man?

What condition, socially, makes tho mostsubstantial foundation for n start in busi-ness?

What are the elements of success Inspeculation?

What general rules of business conductwould you lay down for a young man to fol.low?

I thought on theso questions nndanswered them substantially es follows:

Taking the second question ftrt, I cansay unhesitatingly that the condition promising the largest measure of success to ayoung man making his start In tho worldis poverty, it is the greatest herltago nroan can have, I do not mean ignorant,hopeless poverty that enrcs for nothingfor the future, but poverty.- -

Tako my own case: I am only doing to- -day what I set out to do years ago; theroIs pothlng new to mo about It. The men- -tat picture of success and its fruits I thendrew I hav0 slept and lived with and atonnd drank with all my life. I happened todo oorn into tne world poor, onii knowthat fully to enjoy anything, when we getit. wo must nnvo lived with It In nnltclpn- -

,H 7L t COm r,n'1,arw It In picture. ou must bo bornwithout tho picture, ,nalnt II. nml llvo nnd-- , - . - -

dream for it, because if you arc born withit and have everything you want presentedIn reality, you can go up nnd put yourstubby child's finger on it and get used toIt; It becomes common.

I say a young man's greatest heritage ispoverty, becauso poverty begets ambitionand ambition is tho thing in this worldthat spurs a man to do his best. We mustflrst havo our picture. To children bornto wealth tbo picture will never havo thosacrcdness It has for tho poor boy. Thoman who has hts plcturo before htm, butwho has never had it in reality, Is the manwho goes out nnd mows down tho world.That is ono of the foundations of success.Take the man with a "barrel of money;"if ho Is spending It In tho right way, whatIs ho doing? When you nsk him, if ho Isfrank, ho will answer: "I am filling myplcturo In."

Take my own case as nn example. I nmlaying out n stock farm In Massachusetts.I havo 260 acres of rocky and unproductiveland. Hundreds of men and carts uro em-

ployed taking' out rock to make a place forgreen grass. I am spending J100.000 onthis jSart of the work, and for what? Justto fill In my picture, to clean off the stonennd glvo mo two hundrod-nnd-od- d acresof green lawn, with a white fence aroundit. Then I nm putting Inside that fencenbout $500,000 worth of wooden build-ings a doll farm. Tho houso Is 228 feetlong, but of only two stories, low studded,with a bit of white muslin at tho windows.At that farm will be found 240 horses,eighty brood mares with their babies run-ning around, and my kennels, my hens,my pigeons, my polo fields stepleohasecourse, and half-mil- e, trotting track, afriend, n very rich man, said to me: "Howdid you find out how to do it? I never sawsuch a pretty picture." I have had thatplcturo in my mind ever since I was 12

or 13 years old, out i aian i ten mm so.It is the picture palntod In poverty. With-out it I could' not have done tho worknecessary to' get it. . ,

The art critic of the New York Sun, whoIs doing the exposition,draws tho. following graphic sketch of' the'night llhimlpatlon, and gives proper creditto tho Bkllt and tasto of the electricalgenius ot Omaha, Henry Rustln, In design-ln- g

and successfully constructing thodisplay:

Tbo daylight beauty of the Pan-Ame- ri

can exposition-wil- l long be remembered bythe visitor; Its loveliness at night canscarcely 6c forgotten. Vory fitly, the Illuminations are tho crowning glory of thocelebration, meet reminder of electricity'smodern triumphs and of the special achievement of -- harnessing Niagara. Niagara it-

self supplies, the. power.. One does notforget It in tho presence of the scenesfascinating, and the thought lends a

of, mystery and romanco.Even If one kndw how.lt was done tho

mystery would bo no less. Tho electricalengineer, whoso mind Is of tho caliber thatachieves HUch a result as this, admits thatthe mystery Is nil nround him still. Ho

knows what ho himself and others havedone, but beyond It Is the unplumbetl forcethat makes his work possible. And ro- -

mance-sur- cly, It Is more than a vision otbrilliant light that fills our mind, themaglnation embracing also that other

sccno or natural granaeur, traveling ionnd fro from tho tromondouB maJeBty ottho nnn tn the exoulslto magic of tho other:that, so overwhelmingly vaster than man,this, a contrivance of man so perfectly con-

trolled, and both related as cause ondffect, a cnblo linking the ageless wonderf the savngo man with tho wonder of

our own age. A romance, inacea: uniesswe nro merely overgrown children spoiled

took our dally meals In.

the scono Itself we tako our standnon tho slope tho Triumphal bridge a

Httlo beforo S:30, a vantago point of sightthat tho visitor should not miss. The sunas set on the left, leaving only a rosy

glow, fast fading out; tho sky has grown to

that amplltudo of height and breadth verynoticcnblo at twilight nnd its gatheringgray Is Absorbing tho sharp outlines


Teacher If four boys havo twentypeaches and thirty apples what will eachhave?

Bright Boy Chol'rer morbus!

"You see, was this way," sold tho boy.'Pop "was warm, and I thought I

dropped a chunk of Ico down his back itwould cool him off,"

"And did It 7'"Gee; nol it mado him hotter!"

Little Margie was out walkingwith her mother recently and finding Itilltllctik to keep up she Bald:

"Mamma, aro a stepmother?""No, dear," was the reply. "But what

inndo think I was7'"Becauso you tako such awful long

steps," roplled Margie.

Small Qlrl What do you think aboutmen nnd boys wearing girls' phlrtwntsts,anywny?

Small Boy (In his sister's bloomers nndshlrtwnlst, sjivagely) I don't llko Itl Itwas bad enough when we boys hud to wenrour big brothers' old clothes, but I kicknt having to out my sister's oldthings, too!

A mother was recently reading tn heryoung Bon trie f'.ory of o Uttle fclbw

This brings us to the value a collegeeducation to a business man, which waybo answered under this head.

A man who has Inherited ability to fialnthis picture and has compelled the worldto allow him to fill It in. must feel many

"! funj i" um not navea college education, what Is a collegoeducation? It is that which can be

only by those weeks and months nndyears a man spends to satisfy a taste, adesire, nn ambition for something ho didn'thave; so thero Is no uso In saying a manwho has ability to pnlnt his picture Inhis mind and Inter to paint it in reality.!8 "ot 80r,ry' for tho u'e- - Perhaps, thathe has missed that world that Is coveredby n college education. When you usksuch a man: "Would you glvo up thopicture you have spent your life with fortho college boy's picture?" for you cannecessarily havo only otic thero Is noquestion about his nnswer.

Till!. pnll.ni. I . . - . . . .uu) b iiiciurc musi do an

"e""-- ' auair oi a worm he doesn't knownml rarely in after years brings Into actualexistence. The poor boy knows tho worldt nicn, nnd whon ho has onco plunged Into

business nnd has filled In his plcturo, horeally doesn't need a collcgo educationonly as ono needs a sunset, a raoonrise ora dream. Ho Is In tho position of a manwho, having eaten heartily of hinb.-rri-n

nnd milk, strolls Into tho club and Is In- -vitcd by a friend to sit down to a hotbird and a cold bottle, llu imnw. . i,.bird and a cold bottlo. but Is not hungryfor lhem. nor. If his berries nnd milk set. as berries nnd milk should, Is ho envious... .i- - . j ..1111 LJ M J

Now, what rules guldo a man to successIn business I will tnko up general principlesfirst.

Be thorough In your work, whatever Itmay do. lieiievo there Is nothing too small

do well. Llfo is only a matter of pickingup bricks on ono sido tho street andcarrying them to tho other side. We nroall carrying bricks. Try to make yourwork the best Job carrying bricks ever

e.rri-.- h. iTE nsWl

IfTy: , U1,'v.,..h0

J, ?wn to tT'i,0' WT1principle.,Wbe?. V

the work you nro doing the greatest th ngin the world while you nro doing It. GlvoIt your whole thought nnd your whole

Leave It only when you feel thatnobody could improvo on It. Theso may boold maxims dressed over, but they are notrue todny as they ever wero and no onowho doparts from them can mnko a com-plct- o

success of anything, if a youngman makes a success of small things huwill of great things when they como hhway nnd they'll como his way, for greatthings aro only combinations of little thingswell done. If ho does not mako a successof small things the great things never willcome his way.

Hero it may bo well to say that in busi-ness success lies as often In knowing whatnot to undcrtako ns in what to go Into.Tho greatest care should bo taken In select-ing our work when we get to the pointwhere wo can select It. Many men havobeen defeated in their life work becausoodds wero against them from tho start andthey did not know It. They selected workwhich It was Impossible for them to doand whllo- selecting overlooked 'that whichit was possible) for them to do successfully.

Another rule that applies is this: Uosincere, don't try to fool tho world, for itwill not bo fooled. It can toll tho differ- -enco every tlmo between an honest manand a fakir. No proposition will standexamination that docs not havo a kernel

tho electric tower. The latter also Is yield- -Ing to tho larger influences around 1); itsIvory nnd green and gold melting intodovc'-llk- o tints; definition lost In an effoctof tone; Its soaring character checked to alooming muss, the upper parts of whicharo nircady shrouded In tho upper darkness; the Statue ot Light extinguished.Mcanwhllo tho arches, turrets and cupolasof the plnza beyond aro rocedlng from thoview; tho spray of tho fountains, shreddedby tho evening breeze, presonts a furtherillusion of atmosphere; tho scene, framedIn by tho dark masses of tho nearer build-ings, takes on a suggestion of infinity,merging back and back luto tho vault ofsky. Tho suspenso of tho waiting thou-sands is becoming tense. Thoy sproadover the esplanade, cluster nround thobandstand, lino tho balustrades nnd ter-races, showing as black patchcH In thofnlnt illumination of a few clusters otlight.

Suddenly theso expire. Wo peer Into aconcave of gray gloom in which all formsaro blurred. Only for a moment. Thodarkness Is Ecarcoly comprehended beforewo are aware a bunch of dull roso glow;"Biucr ""oiuer, on anu on ,m opuu

..........."". v, v..wbasin of tho court, nnd knows them forbunches of light on tho tops of tho bronzedstandards. Yet they are so faint at firstthat thoy scarcely count for light, ratherbb patches of rosy rust that slowly grow toluminosity. And oven then a larger won-der grows, Tho shaft of tho tower, an In-

stant ago opaque and dull, quivers with nfaint flush ns of roturnlug nnlmntion, nnd

at first, tho faint suffusion gathers volumo,pnssing rrom roso to primrose. Tho shaftof the tower blosspms Into patterns oflight, its crown begins to shine with paleclusters of gems; gems and patternsquicken Into vibration and a moment latertno sum structuro emerges into shapo,shakes Itself freo In a new lease ot nnl- -matlon soars Into the sky with a burstof light that Is echoed on turret domo andcupola and along tho lines of roofs and

An Enchanting Spectacle

by tho favors of civilization and accepting nn nrounu tno court mo attendant g,

as n matter of course, as wo logs respond to tbo Impulse. A mcro blushchildhood.













wnswhich ho set himself diligently to work toassist In supporting hlmsclf and hismother. When she had finished the Htoryshe said:

"Now, Tommy, If pa wero to die,wouldn't you work to keep mamma7"

"Why, no,'" said the little chap, notrelishing tho Idea work. "What for?Ain't we got a good house to live In?"

"Oh, yes, dear," said tho mother,"but we can't cat tho house, you know."

"Well, ain't we got plenty of tilings Inthe pantry?" continued the young hopeful.

"Certainly, dear," replied tho mother,"but thoy would not last long, and what

"Well, me," said the young incorrigiblenfter thinking a moment, "ain't theroenough to last till you got anothor hus-band?'

Caller Now, my Httlo man, what Isyour parents' genealogical chart for7

llrlght Boy To hldo a tear In tho parlorpapor, sir,

Knthcrlno Is !i years old. Her fathercame homo the other afternoon after work-ing three days and nights under highpressure with no Hecp to spenk of Midlay down with tho feeling that he nightnot wako up for u week. Within llvominutes tho battle of Manila bay wouldnot hava aroused him.

Three-quarter- s of hour later from tho

Thos. W.LaWSonof BostonIn Saturday Evening Post

of truth In it. I rnn take my little kernolof truth and polish It nnd rub It and layIt out on my palm, and with it I can con- -vlnco any man allvo that I am right.Without it I ctituiot. The test of n manIn business Is whether he Is honest ornot conscientiously, broadly honest, notmono icgauy nonest, jvci fakir rnn passthrough tho world undetected while theronro so many students of human nature InIt, nor can the honest man long be mis-tak-

for a fakir. A fakir con do nny.thing nn honest man docs until you testhim. I apply tho test In nit my businessnnd it Is ono of my secrets of success,It Is this: Look your mnn straight In thueye. To handlo a uinu I must see his eye.Look straight at him when von mkn vnnrproposition, nnd be suro you have yourkernel of truth. Tho rest Is easy youhave simply to uso ordinary intelllgencoIn showing It to him; then you nro on yourown ground, you nro nt your best, nnd ho

well, ho buys your goods nnd at your ownH.I.. I . . .nm-- . ,k,wii, iinen n mnn comes to youwn n proposition comes to sell you hisgoods look nwny from htm; lot him tnlkat your shoulder, or thn idi. nf vnnr. i,n.,i,f ho is honest ho will mako headway, Ifhe Isn't ho will not. If a man cornea tosc" nio n railroad, or a mine, or an In.volition for shearing sheep, I say to my- -

": "Oct your nrmor on;' ho will try tosell you something ho i ,u..n.n.. .i..

nd I look out of tho window whllo htalks. If he makes an impression on moI knowt. J'rom this I lay down a general rule- -

When you havo goods to sell, sell them by. or own standard: when you arc buying

buy on your own standard, too.

Who Is tho best stock operator" Tbomnn who has a definite object to attain, whohas been painting pictures to bo filled Inlater, who hits studied the future nnd thatwhich makes tho f lltliro t tin tiltmnn nhtm..l

becauso tho market 1 always In thofuture. Tho man who looks ahead nnd Isnmbltlous-th- nt is tho mnn who makes thosuccess, the ono who. having hie picture,says, "I will realize it." and who has kepthlmsclf "Mch P'1 " "" condl- -Hon that if anyone should shout "Flre"when 1,0 ,fl nt 11,0 t"ct,r overyhody Ispanic-stricke- n nnd rushing for tho windows- ,i i. .... .,Tgh ng cigar emnJyith. sfeZsldo of 11,1,1,,, ,Z ."1 'u?" "trampling over trying to getout on tho other side.

In stock operations, nn In general bus),ncss, one great secret nf success Is to keepyourself always ready Instantly to do every-thin- g

well not to reliearso beforehand whatyou nro to do. To act on tho spur of thomoment a man must bo mentally nndP'slcnI1)r nulck and ablo to stand any test,not a special test, such as men train themselves to, but any test. Run a revolverunder a cowboy's noon nnd ho doesn't dodgo,for ho Is used to It, but put htm in frontof tho tape, If ho lins a lnrgo family de-pending on him, nnd drop tho prico of thostock ho holds which represents his all-d- rop

It with n bang and seo whether heswcatH or not, and whether ho gots whlto.On tho other hand, let a cowboy try tostampede Jim Keono by sticking a gununder hl nose, and although Kceno Is notin training for ho will bitetho gun In two nnd never turn a hair. .

There Is one thing to bo said to men wholook to tho stock market to mako money:Thero Is no money to bo mado from following the tapo. To mako money in tho ranr- -ket a mnn must be, or know what Is, be- -hind tho tape. Until ho finds himself thero,ho will do better to keep on carryingbricks.

The Rainbow City at

loggias, whllo tho whole court has becomnalive with lumtnousncss. '

Atar'ln tho, nighty the watcher by Niagarais conscious only of tho forco of sound natho mighty waters fling themselves sheerInto thO dnrkness. Somowhcro n morsel oftho waste of energy la being caught nndtamed nnd conducted to tho making of thismarvelous sight of beauty. And heronature freely lends herself, canopying thoCity of Light with tho sublimity of thosky. It ha3 sloughod off its gray nnd de-scends and mounts up In n fathomless pen-etrability of bluo, greening upon tho hori-zon nnd deepening into vnrled tones of vio-let toward the zenith, whllo bnck of us isa mass of purple, dark and awesomo bycomparison, against which tho horecs nndrldorn upon tho pinnacles of the TriumphalBrldgo fling their whlto shapes with aweird flainboynncy.

Wonderful this union of torso brllllancowith tbo colorful immensity of. tho sky.Whether It be that tho yellow of tho lightneutralized tho red which caused tho gray-nen- s

in tho sky or that tbo definitionlight around us hao enforced tho Impreci-sion of depth and dlstanco above, certainit is that tho bluo is revealed, a bluo soIucont and mysteriously deep and fathom-less that tho magic of man's contriving Iswrapt around with a suggestion of the In-

finite. It may bo that tho Greeks, so allvoto every reyelatlon of beauty, planned theform und color of tho Parthenon that Itmight form ono composition with tho sky.Here, at uny rate, tho unity of tho plcturois complete, lllumlnatod buildings and skyuniting in ono superb presentment.

This wonderful effect was produced undortho direction of Henry RuBtln, chief ofthe Mechanical and Electrical bureau.Apnrt from the exquisite tasto Involvod,aud tho elaborate complotcnoRs of thoscheme, the reault Is sold to bo duo to twothings. Tho unit of light has been roducedto olght cnifdlo power, a method whichgives nn nlmost perfect diffusion of light,nnd tho entire quautlty ot current used IspaHucd through a rheostat, which can bnmanipulated to produce tho slow rlso oflight from zero up to full cnndlo power.

small voice; "Father father fatherfather!" Tho (sleeper stirred and sankdeeper. "Father-fathe- r!" Hoagain nnd moaned.

"Father father-fath- er!' Ho strugglednnd resisted and lloundered, und finallyraised his eyelids llko a man lifting giantweights. When sight camo to him ho rawKatherlne, smiling divinely behind hiscouch. "Father father!"

"Wha-n- t is it, daughterT""Father, aro you having a nlco nap?"

"Just think, my boy, thnt wo nro send-ln- g

thousands of American Bhinglcs to thoFilipinos!" said tho proud American par-ent.

"Hully gee, pop!" said tho young ono;"do the Flllplnums have to bo llcltod somoraoro?" I

'"Mamma," said Freddie,looking up from his Btory book, "whnidocs this story mean about a great gram'mother? Ain't all grandmothers gront?'

"Whero did you get your protty rEdna?" asked a visitor of a bright yi

old miss,"Brother Will gave it to mo,"

nnBwered,"Is It a diamond?" queried tho visitor."Wcl, I Bhould think It ought to be,"

was tho indlgnnnt retort. "It coat 39cents,"

whoso father taken 111 and died, afterrdepths of his dreams ho heard a clear,





