ABERDEEN 2040 Net Zero Carbon Strategy September 2020 Developed by the Net Zero Working Group

Net Zero Carbon Strategy

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Page 1: Net Zero Carbon Strategy


Net Zero Carbon Strategy

September 2020

Developed by the Net Zero Working Group

Page 2: Net Zero Carbon Strategy

Net Zero Carbon Strategy

01 Introduction

02 Boundary and Definition

03 Timeline

04 Approach

05 Progress


Page 3: Net Zero Carbon Strategy

01 Introduction

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“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”


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02 Boundary and Definition

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The University of Aberdeen has set and is pursuing an ambitious 1.5°C aligned science-based target for its direct and indirect* emissions for all campuses.

Any remaining hard-to-decarbonise emissions can be compensated, as a last resort, using certified greenhouse gas removal and offsetting.

Boundary and DefinitionWhat are we doing?

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SCOPE 1Direct emissions from owned or controlled sources

SCOPE 2Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy


SCOPE 3Indirect emissions that occur in the value chain, including upstream and downstream emissions


• University vehicles• University facilities

• Purchased electricity• Purchased steam• Purchased heating• Purchased cooling

• Business travel, staff and student commuting

• Working form home• Procurement activities,

purchased goods and services• Leased assets• Waste and water emissions

Examples include:



*Figures are still undergoing verification and will be updated/ normalised for 2020 baseline.

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• We will aim reduce our carbon emissions in line with the approach below,

• Scope 1 and 2 – actual net zero, should be achieved through a rapid reduction in emissions as far as possible.

• Scope 3 – net zero, can be achieved via prevention, reduction and a last resort compensation (offsetting).

• We will also endeavour to reduce GHG emissions from all of our operations via a ‘whole system approach’

Boundary and DefinitionWhat are we doing? Cont.

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• Three campuses in Aberdeen and one remote campus in Doha are included in the overall boundary

Boundary and DefinitionWhat are we doing? Cont.

Foresterhill Hillhead Old Aberdeen Doha and outlying facilities

17 No. facilitiesXX Emissions

Figures currently under development – will be updated as and when information received.

28 No. facilitiesXX Emissions

50 No. facilitiesXX Emissions

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03 Timeline

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We are aiming to be Net Zero Carbon before 2040, through a collaborative approach and well researched adaptable roadmap to ensure we realise our goal!!

Finish Line

50% reduction direct and indirect emissions. Do we require to seek

further offsetting measures? Are we ahead of our targets?

Halfway Point

25% reduction direct and indirect emissions. Reassess targets and goals. Are we on track? Do we need to change tack? What hasn’t worked out as planned? What has gone well?

5 Year Milestone

Re-baseline normalized data. Include full emissions story. Engage stakeholders and seek buy-in from SMT.

Baseline and Strategy




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04 Approach

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ApproachHow are we going to achieve this?

Automated online reporting tool, with dashboard to track investment vs. savings and real time strategy updates.

Option to undertake third party validation for increased transparency and to address any issues with data.

Facilitate purchase of high quality carbon and greenhouse gas offsets throughout the life time of the project, to ensure that they are in place well before the 2040 deadline.

Finalise deliverables and publish public statement.

Document strategy, finalise timeline and KPI’s.

SMT sign off.

Collate all activity data and standardise carbon

footprint calculation.

Identify all emissions sources for inclusion in the


Agree on project requirements.

Prevent & Reduce


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05 Progress

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Current Priorities• Working with procurement to develop and trial an initial process for tracking

Scope 3 emissions for largest areas of spending. - Once this is in place we will roll out to all procurement activities.

• Working with Projects to address life cycle carbon emissions for buildings from design and construction through to operation and decommissioning and demolition.

• Finalising Sustainable Design Guides and associated documentation

• Developing Campus Wide Energy Strategy with stakeholders

• Re-Baselining emissions for 3 Aberdeen Campuses and working with Doha campus to document emissions

• Developing associated communications messaging with communications and marketing team

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Current Priorities - AUSA• Baselining scope 2 and 3 emissions.

• Behavioural change – resource awareness training sessions for staff.

• Carbon Literacy Training for all new staff.

• Sustainable transport – AUSA bike scheme.

• Flexible working arrangements.

• Increasing proportion of local produce at Union Brew.

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• Working with the Sustainability Steering Group to develop first draft of Net Zero Carbon Strategy and KPI’s

• Community and stakeholder consultation process, internal and external

• Consultation with Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire Councils and NHS, to achieve coordinated regional approach

• Review and update draft Net Zero Carbon Strategy in line with consultation comments and feedback

• Develop and agree Net Zero Carbon Action Plan to deliver the strategy

• Seek approval through University committee structures

• Implement annual reporting process via automated system

Next Steps