Medicaid Managed Care Final Rule: Network Adequacy Proposal California Department of Health Care Services February 16, 2017 1

Network Adequacy SAC · Presentation Outline . 2 1. Final Rule Network Adequacy Overview/Requirements . 2. Current Network Adequacy Standards and Approach to Setting Proposed

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Medicaid Managed Care Final Rule: Network Adequacy Proposal

California Department of Health Care Services

February 16, 2017


Presentation Outline


1. Final Rule Network Adequacy Overview/Requirements

2. Current Network Adequacy Standards and Approach to Setting Proposed Standards

3. Proposed Network Adequacy Standards

4. Questions/Open Discussion/Next Steps

Final Rule Network Adequacy Overview/Requirements


Final Rule Network Adequacy Overview Federal rules1

• Network adequacy standards established in the Final Rule

State flexibility • State flexibility to implement network

adequacy standards under the broad requirements of the Final Rule

1 Managed Care Final Rule, Federal Register, Vol. 81, No. 88, §438.68 Network adequacy standards; §438.206 Availability of services; §438.207 Assurances of adequate capacity and services: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2016-05-06/pdf/2016-09581.pdf


Final Rule Network Adequacy Overview



•Time and distance standards for specific provid •Network adequacy standards for Long-Term Se

the beneficiary travels to the provider •Transparency and reporting requirements

•Annual network certification

er types rvices and Supports (LTSS) when


•Medi-Cal managed care health plans •County mental health plans

•Substance Use Disorder – Drug Medi-Cal (DMC-ODS) Organized Delivery System health plans

•Dental managed care plans


• July 1, 2018 contract year

Final Rule Network Adequacy Requirements

Time and Distance Standards

• Primary care (adult and pediatric)

• Specialty care (adult and pediatric)

• Behavioral healt h (adult and pediatric)

• OB/GYN • Hospitals • Pharmacy • Pediatric dental

Timely Access Standards

• Primary care (adult and pediatric)

• Specialty care (adult and pediatric)

• Behavioral health (adult and pediatric)

• OB/GYN • Hospitals • Pharmacy • Pediatric dental • Long-Term Servic es

and Supports (LTSS ) providers that travel to the beneficiary

Transparency/ Reporting

Requirements • Monitoring • Annual Managed

Care Program Report

• Network adequacy standards publishe d on the website

• Standards made available in alternative formats

Annual Network Certification

• Certification of t he adequacy of networks at leas t annually


Current Network Adequacy Standards and Approach to Setting

Proposed Standards


Current Network Adequacy Standards


California has network adequacy standards in place today for managed care and dental managed care that meet and/or exceed many of the Final Rule requirements.

Knox-Keene Act (KKA) DHCS Contracts

• Sets forth time anddistance standards for

primary care, hospital, and dental health

• Sets forth timely access standards for primary

care, specialist care, anddental health

• Adopt Knox Keenestandards

• Bind MCPs contractually to the KKA timely access

and time and distancestandards

Mandated Elements

Anticipated Medicaid enrollment

Expected utilization of services

Characteristics/health care needs of specific


Number and types of network providers

Number of network providers not accepting new


Geographic location of network providers

Network provider communication in

non-English languages

Culturally competent care to people with disabilities

Use of telemedicine or similar


Approach to Developing Proposed Standards


Approach to Developing Proposed Standards


Additional Factors Considered

Local, state, and national level discussions

Other states’ standards

Other lines of usiness standards b

Current standards and structures

Service utilization data

Provider availability data

Beneficiary demographics

Geographic variations

between counties

Alternative modalities Exceptions process

Proposed Network Adequacy Standards


Primary and Specialty Care

Provider Type Time and Distance Timely Access (Non-Urgent)

Primary care (adult and pediatric)

10 miles or 30 minutes from beneficiary’s residence3

Within 10 business days to appointment from request3

Specialty care (adult and pediatric)

Based on county population size2 as follows:

Rural to Small Counties: 60 miles or 90 minutes

Within 15 business days to appointment from request3

from the beneficiary’s residence

Medium Counties: 30 miles or 60 minutes from the beneficiary’s residence

Large Counties: 15 miles or 30 minutes from the beneficiary’s residence

2 County size categories adopted and modified from the Department of Finance. Rural to Small: <55,000 to 199,999; Medium: 200,000 to 3,999,999; Large: ≥ 4,000,000

3 Requirement today 12

OB/GYN Provider Type Time and Distance Timely Access (Non-Urgent)

Obstetrics/ Gynecology (OB/GYN)

Primary Care or Specialty Care standards as determined by beneficiary access to OB/GYN provider as primary care provider or specialist

Primary Care or Specialty Care standards as determined by beneficiary access to OB/GYN provider as primary care provider or specialist

Primary Care: 10 miles or 30 minutes from beneficiary’s residence3

Specialty Care is based on county population size2 as follows:

Primary Care: Within 10 business days to appointment from request3

Specialty Care: Within 15 business days to appointment from request3

Rural to Small Counties: 60 miles or 90 minutes from the beneficiary’s residence

Medium Counties: 30 miles or 60 minutes from the beneficiary’s residence

Large Counties: 15 miles or 30 minutes from the beneficiary’s residence


Hospitals and Pharmacy

Provider Type Time and Distance Timely Access (Non-Urgent)

Hospitals 15 miles or 30 minutes from beneficiary’s residence3

Pharmacy Based on county population size2 as follows:

Request for prior authorization made via telecommunication: the greater of 24 hours or one business day response3

Rural to Small Counties: 60 miles or 90 minutes from the beneficiary’s residence

Dispensing of at least a 72-hour supply of a covered outpatient drug in an emergency situation3

Medium Counties: 30 miles or 60 minutes from the beneficiary’s residence

Large Counties: 15 miles or 30 minutes from the beneficiary’s residence


Mental Health (Non-Physician) Provider Type Time and Distance Timely Access (Non-Urgent)

Mental Health (adult and pediatric)

Based on county population size2 as follows:

Within 10 business days to appointment from request3

Rural to Small Counties: 60 miles or 90 minutes from the beneficiary’s residence

Medium Counties: 30 miles or 60 minutes from the beneficiary’s residence

Large Counties: 15 miles or 30 minutes from the beneficiary’s residence


Substance Use Disorder Services

Provider Type Time and Distance Timely Access (Non-Urgent)

Outpatient Services Based on county population size2 as follows: Within 10 business days to appointment from request

Rural to Small Counties: 60 miles or 90 minutes from the beneficiary’s residence

Medium Counties: 30 miles or 60 minutes from the beneficiary’s residence

Large Counties: 15 miles or 30 minutes from the beneficiary’s residence

Opioid Treatment Programs

Based on county population size2 as follows:

Rural to Small Counties: 30 miles or 45 minutes

Within 3 business days to appointment from request

from the beneficiary’s residence

Medium Counties: 15 miles or 30 minutes from the beneficiary’s residence

Large Counties: 15 miles or 30 minutes from the beneficiary’s residence


Pediatric Dental Provider Type Time and Distance Timely Access (Non-Urgent)

Pediatric Dental 10 miles or 30 minutes from beneficiary’s residence3

Routine appointment: Within 4 weeks to appointment from the request3

Specialist appointment: Within 30 business days to appointment from the authorized request3


LTSS Provider Type

Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)

None Based on county population size2 as follows:

Rural to Small Counties: Within 14 business days of request

Medium Counties: Within 7 business days of request

Large Counties: Within 5 business days of request

Intermediate Care None Based on county population size2 as follows:

Facility (ICF) Rural to Small Counties: Within 14 business days of request

Medium Counties: Within 7 business days of request

Large Counties: Within 5 business days of request

Time and Distance Timely Access (Non-Urgent)

Community Based Adult Services (CBAS)

None Capacity cannot decrease in aggregate statewide below April 2012 level3


Next Steps

Final Rule Network Adequacy Legislative Proposal • DHCS is seeking public comment on the proposed

standards. • Please submit comments and questions to

[email protected] by February 28, 2017.