1 Networking Embedded Systems with XBee Romeo Sinjari, Julian Ryan, Sergio Pais Draft No. 4 October 25, 2014 CNT 4104 Software Project in Computer Networks Instructor: Dr. Janusz Zalewski Software Engineering Program Florida Gulf Coast University Ft. Myers, FL 33965

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Networking Embedded Systems with


Romeo Sinjari, Julian Ryan, Sergio Pais

Draft No. 4

October 25, 2014

CNT 4104 Software Project in Computer Networks

Instructor: Dr. Janusz Zalewski

Software Engineering Program

Florida Gulf Coast University

Ft. Myers, FL 33965


1. Introduction

Remote monitoring and sensor networks serve an important role in commercial enterprise

but have been exclusive to niche business applications. Fortunately, low-cost wireless

communication modules and embedded systems have recently become available to everyone

from enthusiasts to academics. For example, credit card sized computers such as the Raspberry

Pi (Figure 1.1) [1] and the BeagleBone Black [2] offer a portable platform to develop almost

anything a regular sized computer can run. It is common for these small computers to

incorporate General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) [3] pins right on the board so that users may

attach sensors.

Figure 1.1: Raspberry Pi Rev. B+

With wireless communication modules such as XBee and micro-computers running as

embedded systems, anyone can build their own remote monitoring network. ZigBee and XBee

are sometimes used interchangeably but they are two different entities. ZigBee is an alliance that

develops specifications for wireless mesh networks [4]. XBee are “embedded solutions providing

wireless end-point connectivity to devices.” [5]

The XBee radio wireless modules use IEEE 802.15.4 communication protocol [5]. The

IEEE 802.15.4 protocol is used to create Personal Area Network (PAN) built from small, low

power digital radios. The devices that use the XBee modules use very little power but the

distance they can transmit is up to a one hundred meters in some cases. In theory, transportation

to greater distances can be achieved by using intermediate devices. This protocol is usually used


in low data rate applications that require long battery life and a secure network.

The project aims at building a remote monitoring software, which allows transfer of

pictures and sensor data from one monitoring station node to a master node using XBee Series 1

hardware (Figure 1.2). Out of three nodes, one will be the central device acting as the server for

a control panel website and as the server connection for displaying pictures recorded by the

camera nodes.

Figure 1.2: XBee Module (Series 1)

The importance of this project to the community comes from proving a concept that, by

using networked devices, it is possible to take pictures of a remote area and store them to a

repository. Having access to pictures and data when needed can be extremely beneficial. For

example, an application related to this project could be wildlife monitoring cameras. A Remote

Raspberry Pi device with a camera and a battery pack could be stationed deep in the woods for a

period of time to take pictures and send them to the central node. Since the Raspberry Pi does not

consume a lot of power, and the XBee connection are made for low power devices, this would

give a long battery life to the remote device making it an ideal solution to be used in this

perspective (Figure 1.3).

Since this project is being started from scratch, there are no previous reports to reference

to in formulating a solution. The fact that there is no previous project has its advantages and

disadvantages. Having no examples to steer the group in a specific direction on how to approach

the project can be viewed as an advantage. This gives the group freedom to explore the


technology in their own way and decide how to setup the projects software architectural design

and components. However, this can also be a disadvantage. Not having any help from the

previous project puts the team in a position where time management is very important. It is very

good to know more about the technology and learn everything as a group and as the project

progresses but on the other hand learning this new technology and the different steps requires

time but there is a deadline for the project that needs to be respected.

Figure 1.3: Raspberry Pi with XBee Module

The opportunity to incorporate a software aspect and a physical aspect in one projects its

very intriguing. Among the different projects the group members have had the opportunity to

work on, none of them have consisted of incorporating physical devices with software and this

showed a great incentive for the group to create a cyber-physical system.


2. Software Requirements Specification

The primary goal for the project is to have the Remote Raspberry Pi devices take pictures

using the attached camera and send it using the XBee wireless connectors to the Central

Raspberry Pi device. An additional objective is to host a web page, to be available on the local

area network. Pictures sent to the central Raspberry Pi are displayed on that web page.

Figure 2.1: Physical Diagram

The Physical Diagram in Figure 2.1 shows the hardware comprising this project. The

three main devices are the Raspberry Pi units. They use the XBee nodes to communicate with

each other. The Master Raspberry Pi also uses a WiFi adapter in order to connect to the Internet

since it needs to upload the web site, which displays the pictures sent to the operator. The two

Camera Nodes each have a camera attached so that they can take pictures and send them to the

Master Node.


Figure 2.2: Context Diagram

The context diagram for the software to be developed is shown in Figure 2.2. It is split into the

following components:

1) Server Software, which handles both the Internet requests and XBee communication with the

Camera Nodes.

2) PiCam Software, running on both Camera Nodes, handles the interface with the camera and

XBee communication with the Server Software in the Master Node.

Based on the functional description of the software and a corresponding Context Diagram


(Figure 2.2) the following requirements have been developed separately for the Server Software

and PiCam Software.

Server Software Requirements:

S1) Upon the user entering the authentication information and pressing “Log In” the Server

Software shall compare the information entered with the information in the database, and if

valid, allows user access to Server Software commands.

S2) Upon the user entering the command “Take Picture”, the Server Software shall send the

command, via the XBee device, to both of the Camera Nodes PiCam Software to take a picture.

S3) Upon receiving the picture taken from the each of the Camera Nodes PiCam Software, the

Server Software shall save a reference to the picture in the database.

S4) Upon receiving the picture taken from the any of the Camera Nodes PiCam Software, the

Server Software shall host a respective image on the website.

PiCam Software Requirements:

C1) Upon receiving the “Take Picture” command from the Server Software the PiCam Software

shall make the Camera Node take a picture.

C2) Upon taking the picture the PiCam Software shall send the picture to the server via the

XBee device.


3. Design Description

3.1 Server Software Architecture

Figure 3.1: Server Software Architecture

The Master Node Raspberry Pi in Figure 2.1 runs the Server Software which is made up of the

following modules shown in Figure 3.1:

● Graphical User Interface (GUI): Handles interaction with user.

● Server Software HTTP Process: Manages information exchange between GUI, Database

and Camera Node communication.

● Database: Stores log in information and image file location.

● Communication to PiCam Software: Manages data received from camera nodes and

commands sent to camera nodes.

With the Server Software running on the Master Node Raspberry Pi, the operator can log into the

GUI after credentials are checked in the Database. The log in page has a user name and

password field with simple authentication. The goal is to only let select user access picture data

and information. Once logged in the operator may interact with the Graphical User Interface to

see latest pictures and to request pictures from a specific PiCam Software Node. The Server

Software uses a Communication module to reach contact with PiCam Software nodes. The

Communication module helps transfer pictures and data through the IEEE 802.15.4 using the

XBee hardware modules.


Figure 3.2: PiCam Software Architecture

The Camera Node shown in Figure 2.2 that runs the PiCam Software is comprised of the

modules shown in Figure 3.2:

● PiCam Software Process: Provides communication with the camera module.

● Communication from Server Software: Manages images to be sent to Master Node and

commands received from Master Node as well.

● Camera: Takes a picture.

The PiCam Software running on the Camera Node Raspberry Pi has a communication module

that is the counterpart to the Server Software’s communication module. The PiCam Software’s

communication module searches for a Raspberry Pi running the Server Software in range of the

XBee hardware’s range. The Camera module takes a picture and converts it to a lower

resolution that is suitable for sending through IEEE 802.15.4’s limited bandwidth. Finally, the

PiCam Software Process manages both the input/output modules.


3.3 Server Software Detailed Design

The diagram in Figure 3.3 describes how the log in section of the Server Software

authenticates user information with data in the SQL database. The user is prompted to enter his

log in information and the software will compare the information with the data in the database.

After positive authentication is achieved connection with the server software is established.

Figure 3.3: Log In Flow Chart


The diagram in Figure 3.4 describes how the Server Software is getting connected to the

PiCam Software. After the server receives the “Take Picture” command from the user through

the website it will try to connect to the camera nodes through the XBee device. If the Server

Software cannot establish connection it will keep trying to connect until it does. Upon

establishing connection, the Server Software shall sent the Camera Node the command to take

the picture and the picture will be uploaded to the server by the PiCam software. In case there is

no picture uploaded the software will timeout after 2 minutes and send another request to the

PiCam Software for a picture.

Figure 3.4: Server Software to PiCam Software Communication Flow Chart


3.4 PiCam Software Detailed Design

The diagram in Figure 3.5 describes how the PiCam software runs on each Camera Node

Raspberry Pi. The PiCam Software initiates by pinging the Server Software to see if it is online.

If there is no known Server Software, the process will sleep for one minute until checking again.

Next, the PiCam Software will check for any existing commands received from the Server

Software. If there are no orders from the Server Software, the PiCam Software will wait until

there is one. Once there is a command to take a picture, the PiCam Software will take a picture

and attempt to send it to the Server Software.

Figure 3.5: PiCam Software Flow Chart


3.5 Graphical User Interface

Figure 3.5: Login Interface

The Login Interface (Fig 3.5) asks the user to enter the appropriate information username

and password. The data entered by the user are sent to the server when the user presses “Login”

and are compared to the data stored in the database. If the information is not the same as in the

database the user is prompted to enter the correct login information.


Figure 3.6: PiCam Control Command Interface

The PiCam Control Command Interface (Fig 3.6) allows the user to send commands to

the Server Software. Based on the camera selection, individual commands can be sent to either

Camera 1, Camera 2 or both cameras simultaneously. The interface is designed to allow for

additional actions other than “Take Snapshot” to be implemented. On the left side of the web

page (in Fig 3.6), the displays for the two cameras can be seen. The image to be displayed is the

most recent picture received.


4. Implementation and Testing

The Server Software and the PiCam Software are implemented using Python but run

using different libraries and frameworks. The PiCam Software uses more low level libraries

included with a typical Python distribution. The Server Software uses a high level framework

called Django [6] that runs a HTTP server to display web pages. Figure 4.1 shows the PiCam

Software’s take picture function. The resolution of pictures that can be realistically sent through

the XBee module are limited to about 200 by 150 pixels. Images that are bigger in resolution

result in the XBee module’s timing out during transfer. Since the XBee transfer is timed out, the

image is partially sent and the resulted image is corrupted.

def takepicture(): with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (200, 150) camera.start_preview() time.sleep(0.01) camera.capture("im.png")

Figure 4.1: PiCam Software Take Picture Function

Figure 4.2 shows PiCam Software’s send picture function that is used to send pictures

through the XBee module hardware. In addition to a XBee helper library [7], the function uses

Python’s serial and time libraries to communicate through a serial interface provided by the

XBee module. The PiCam Software waits in a loop for the Server Software to send it a

“<<GO>>” text command through the XBee interface. Once the PiCam Software receive a

“<<GO>>” it takes the picture and sends it to the Server Software to store in its local file system.

The XBee module allows for 100 bytes to be sent through the XBee hardware at a time. When

the picture is done sending picture data, the function appends a “<<EOF>>” to let the Server

software know it is done. Through testing different baud rates it was found that the XBee

hardware is unreliable sending pictures above a 57600 baud rate.


def apiwriteimage(destination): print "Sending Picture" with open("im.png", "rb") as imageFile: str = base64.b64encode(imageFile.read()) ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 57600) xbee = XBee(ser) imgDat = '' for x in range(0,len(str)): time.sleep(0.001) imgDat = imgDat + str[x] if(len(imgDat)== 100): print imgDat xbee.tx(dest_addr=destination, data=imgDat) imgDat = '' xbee.tx(dest_addr=destination, data=imgDat) xbee.tx(dest_addr=destination, data="<<EOF>>") print "Image Sent" ser.close()

Figure 4.2: PiCam Software Send Image Function

The Server Software is implemented using the Django web framework to generate dynamic web

pages to display the pictures that the PiCam Software takes. Django takes on a software

architectural pattern much like the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern for

implementing user interfaces. [8] Figure 4.3 shows the Picture class in the Server Software that

gets instantiated for every picture. The Picture class stores the file name, publication date, and

which PiCam node the picture originated from. The Picture class represents the Model layer

used by Django and maps how the information will be stored in the SQLite database [X].

SQLite is installed with every Python distribution by default and makes working with databases

in Django effortless.

class Picture(models.Model): file_name = models.CharField(max_length=200) pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published') pi_cam_node = models.IntegerField(default=0)

Figure 4.3: Server Software Picture Class


Figure 4.4 shows the receive function of the Server Software which runs after the

operator sends the “<<GO>>” command. The function uses a loop to read the latest frame of

data and then append the data to a string. When the data is equal to “<<EOF>>” the image has

finished transmitting and the loop ends. The data string is written into the binary format with the

date and timestamp as part of the file name. After the file is stored on the Server’s file system, a

reference is made in the database and stores the file name, publication date, and which PiCam

node it came from. The website can then do a simple database look up for all the picture stored

and list them in order which they were taken.

def recieve(): ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 57600) xbee = XBee(ser) a = '' while(True): temp = xbee.wait_read_frame() if(temp['rf_data'] == "<<EOF>>"): break else: a = a+temp['rf_data'] fh = open("PiCam

"+datetime.now().strftime( "%y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")+".png", "wb")

fh.write(a.decode('base64')) fh.close() print "Done" a = ''

Figure 4.4: Server Software Receive Function

During testing the group encountered a scenario in which the software could break. In

most cases if the Web page is refreshed or closed in order to stop the transfer the picture being

transferred will be lost but there are certain cases when the web page will display an error and in

this case the Server Software on the Main Raspberry Pi might need to be restarted.


5. Conclusion

The project was completed to the fullest of the specified requirements. The Master

Raspberry Pi is used to host the website where the images can be viewed as well as host the

server software. The user sends commands to the server through the website, and the server will

send commands through the XBee protocol to the Camera Node Raspberry Pi devices.

Again, the project is completed, but there is still room for improvements. The website

allows the user to view the images but it does not offer any opportunity to download the images

to the specific computer. This problem could be fixed by implementing a download function to

the website. Another improvement to the project would be adding a frame checking function to

the server software. The purpose of this function would be to check if the Master Raspberry Pi

received the whole frame sent by the Camera Node, and if yes, it will notify the Camera Node to

send the next frame. This issue occurs due to performance issues the Raspberry Pi has.

The biggest limitation to the project comes from using XBee protocol to send the images

from the Camera Node Raspberry Pi devices to the Master Raspberry Pi. The XBee limits the

amount of data that can be sent to 100 bytes per package, so the data has to be divided into

multiple frames in order to be sent to the Server Software Node.


6. References

[1] The Raspberry Pi Foundation. Raspberry Pi, About, 2014. URL:


[2] The BeagleBoard.org Foundation. BeagleBone Black, 2014. URL:


[3] The Linux Kernel Organization. GPIO Interfaces, 2014. URL:


[4] ZigBee Alliance. Understanding ZigBee, 2014. URL:


[5] Digi International Inc. XBee 802.15.4, 2014. URL:



[6] Django Software Foundation. Django Documentation, 2014. URL:


[7] Python Software Foundation. XBee 2.1.0, 2014. URL:


[8] A. Leff, J. Rayfield. IBM Research Report Web-Application Development Using the

Model/View/Controller Design Pattern, 2001. URL:

