The Network Creating and Building Relationships

Networking Seminar

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The presentation material for a seminar on professional networking.

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The Network

Creating and Building Relationships

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Take Aways

Understand why networking is vital

Understand what networking is (and is not)

Know how to write a personal story

Know fundamentals of working a room

Have greater confidence and success with building a strong network

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How many jobs do you expect to have after college?

How many will be in the same field you concentrated on in college?

How much of the information you are learning now will be relevant in 10 years?

How many people do you know? Recognize to say “Hi!” and have a polite conversation Look forward to spending time with

How often do you look for ways to help people you know?

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Relationships Count

Building relationships is like building equity in a professional "account", where you make deposits every time you give value to a client or prospect, and you make withdrawals every time you ask them for something.  The trick is to keep a healthy balance sheet, ensuring that you are never taking more than you are giving.

The Philadelphia Business Journal Tip Sheet 10/5/2010

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Your Network

A supportive system

of individuals

with common interests

which creates increasing value

for each participant through the sharing of

information and services.

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Simple Rules for Complex Situations

Complexity science tells us that simple interactions between neighbors can lead to complex group behaviors like swarm intelligence, the whole becoming greater than the sum of its parts.

Len Fischer, The Perfect Swarm

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Networking Myths

It is all about self promotion – it’s essentially selfish

It is transactional

You only do it to get something

It’s about contacts or hits

It’s what you do when you need a job

It’s all electronic thesedays

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A Short (and partial) List of Networking Principles

Network for life

Tell your story, listen to their story then create a common story

Seek opportunities to help – build Karma points

Find venues of people with common interests

Meeting people ≠ knowing people

Build on your areas of expertise and interest

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Our Brains-Hardwired for Stories

FACTS without stories are not relevant

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To understand people,

you must understand

their stories

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Build Karma Points

Develop fields of expertise

Help people without expecting direct compensation

Be a hub and get to know other hubs

Create value

Do good.

Commit random acts of helpfulness.

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Join and Participate

Professional (AMA, PMI, PDMA, SAE, TMC etc.)

School (Alumni, Frat/Sorority)

Church (Council, community outreach, choir)

Community (Chamber, Rotary, Economic Development)

Company (Special projects, leagues, band, United Way etc.)

Be around people you like.

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Build Relationships – Follow Up

Meeting people ≠ knowing people

Set up conversations

Share material Event

announcements Articles & Books

Common events Make introductions


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Be an Expert

Choose specialties of interest

Read deeply in specialty areas

Be the go-to for information in those areas

Look for opportunities to help people with your knowledge – pro bono

Converse: Hang out with experts.

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Establish contacts

Follow up

Find opportunities to help

Build relationships

Maintain and grow

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Tell your stories

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Story Components


Key personal characteristic(s)

Key professional characteristic(s)

Supporting story

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Working the Room

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Be Aware

Listen for opportunities to join a conversation

Look for body language

Observe clothing

Excuse yourself politely

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Be Present

Don’t cross arms or legs

Do use open gestures


Make eye contact


Look for points of connection

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Be Proactive

Introduce yourself

Start conversations

Adjust topics to find common interests

Excuse yourself politely to move on