Networks Laboratory

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  • 8/10/2019 Networks Laboratory


    File: /home/pradyot/Desktop/CN FINAL/crc.c Page 1 of 2

    //7. Write a program for error detecting code using CRC-CCITT (16- bits).#include#include#includeint main(){

    char rem[50],a[50],s[50],c,msg[50],gen[]="111";int i,genlen,t,j,flag=0,k,n;printf("Generator polynomial is CRC-CCITT %s\n",gen);

    genlen=strlen(gen);k=genlen-1;printf("\nEnter the message\n");n=0;while ((c=getchar())!='\n'){


    }msg[n]='\0';for (i=0;i

  • 8/10/2019 Networks Laboratory


    File: /home/pradyot/Desktop/CN FINAL/crc.c Page 2 of 2

    for (i=0;i

  • 8/10/2019 Networks Laboratory


    File: /home/pradyot/Desktop/CN FINAL/dist1.c Page 1 of 1


    int min( int a, int b){

    return (a

  • 8/10/2019 Networks Laboratory


    File: /home/pradyot/Desktop/cn nal for pdf/9.c Page 1 of 2

    /*9. Using TCP/IP sockets, write a client server program to make the clientsend the file name and to make the server send back the contents of therequested file if present.


    #include#include#include#define MAX 100#define MAXBUFF 1000int main( int argc, char * argv[]){

    int n,c,sid;char buf[MAX],buf1[MAXBUFF];struct sockaddr_un client;sid=socket(AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,0);if (sid

  • 8/10/2019 Networks Laboratory


    File: /home/pradyot/Desktop/cn nal for pdf/9.c Page 2 of 2



    #define MAX 100#define MAXBUFF 1000int main(){

    int sid,fd,a,l,n,b,length;char buf[MAX],buf1[MAXBUFF];struct sockaddr_un server,client;sid=socket(AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,0);if (sid

  • 8/10/2019 Networks Laboratory


    File: /home/pradyot/Desktop/cn nal for pdf/10.c Page 1 of 2

    10. Implement the above program using as message queues or FIFOs as IPCchannels.


    #define FIFO1 "fifo1"#define FIFO2 "fifo2"#define PERMS 0666char fname[256];int main(){

    int readfd,writefd,fd;ssize_t n;char buff[512];printf("Trying To Connect To SERVER!!!\n");writefd=open(FIFO1,O_WRONLY,0);readfd=open(FIFO2,O_RDONLY,0);if (readfd0)

    write(1,buff,n);close(readfd);close(writefd);return (0);

    }/*pradyot@pradyot :~/cn/10$ cc -o client fifoclient.cpradyot@pradyot :~/cn/10$ ./clientTrying To Connect To SERVER!!!Connection EstablishedEnter the File Name to request from Server:hiWaiting for Server to Reply...hi ho w are youi am finepradyot@pradyot :~/cn/10$*/

    SERVER:#include#include#include#include#include#include#define FIFO1 "fifo1"#define FIFO2 "fifo2"#define PERMS 0666char fname[256];int main(){

    int readfd,writefd,fd;ssize_t n;char buff[512];if (mkfifo(FIFO1,PERMS)

  • 8/10/2019 Networks Laboratory


    File: /home/pradyot/Desktop/cn nal for pdf/10.c Page 2 of 2

    if (mkfifo(FIFO2,PERMS)

  • 8/10/2019 Networks Laboratory


    File: /home/pradyot/Desktop/cn nal for pdf/11.c Page 1 of 2

    11. Write a program for simple RSA algorithm to encrypt and decrypt thedata.#include#include#includelong int e,d,n;long int val[50];

    char decode( long int ch)

    { int i;long int temp=ch;for (i=1;i

  • 8/10/2019 Networks Laboratory


    File: /home/pradyot/Desktop/cn nal for pdf/11.c Page 2 of 2


    d=rand()%phi;} while ((d*e%phi)!=1);printf("\n**** encoding message*** \n");sleep(2);for (i=0;text[i]!='\0';i++)


    val[i]=-999;printf("\n**** encoded message *** \n");for (i=0;val[i]!=-999;i++)

    printf("%ld",val[i]);printf("\n decoded message");sleep(2);for (i=0;val[i]!=-999;i++)

    ctext[i]=decode(val[i]);ctext[i]='\0';printf("\n decoded message :%s\n\n\n",ctext);


    /* pradyot@pradyot :~/cn$ ./a.outEnter the text to be encoded

    hi how are uhi how are u

    p=13 q=23 n=299 phi=264

    **** encoding message***

    **** encoded message ***13248981322714198111114759839decoded messagedecoded message :hi how are u

    pradyot@pradyot :~/cn$*/

  • 8/10/2019 Networks Laboratory


    File: /home/pradyot/Desktop/cn nal for pdf/12.c Page 1 of 1

    //12. Write a program for congestion control using leaky bucket algorithm.#includeint main(){

    int max_buf_size=400, out_flow_rate=100, i, in_flow[10], out_flow=0, dis_arr[10], cur_buf_used=0;

    printf("Enter the inflow:\n");for (i=0;i