Neuroimaging in Neurodegenerative Dementias Scott M. McGinnis, MD 1,2 1 Division of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, Department of Neurology, Brigham & Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 2 Frontotemporal Dementia Unit, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts Semin Neurol 2012;32:347360. Address for correspondence and reprint requests Scott McGinnis, MD, Division of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, Brigham and Womens Hospital, 221 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 (e-mail: [email protected]). Keywords neurodegeneration neuroimaging dementia magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging (fcMRI) diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) [ 18 F] uorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG- PET) amyloid positron emission tomography dopamine transporter (DAT) imaging Alzheimers disease dementia with Lewy bodies frontotemporal dementia Abstract Neurodegenerative dementias are characterized by insidious onset and gradual pro- gression of cognitive dysfunction, initially relatively focal with respect to cognitive domains and brain regions involved. Neuroimaging techniques have contributed enormously to both our understanding of large-scale network specicity in neurode- generative syndromes and our ability to make clinical diagnoses of syndromes such as Alzheimers disease (AD), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), logopenic primary progressive aphasia (PPA), agrammatic PPA, semantic de- mentia (SD), behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), corticobasal syn- drome (CBS), and progressive supranuclear palsy syndrome (PSPS). More importantly, rapid advances in imaging and computational techniques promise to improve our ability to make pathologic diagnoses of AD, DLB, and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) pathologies in vivo at an early stage of illness. Neuroimaging is thus integral to the development and application of disease modifying therapies for neurodegenerative illnesses. Issue Theme Diagnostic Neuroimaging; Guest Editor, Joshua P. Klein, MD, PhD Copyright © 2012 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662. DOI http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1055/s-0032-1331808. ISSN 0271-8235. 347 This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.

Neuroimaging in Neurodegenerative Dementias...Neuroimaging in Neurodegenerative Dementias Scott M. McGinnis, MD1,2 1Division of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, Department of Neurology,

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Page 1: Neuroimaging in Neurodegenerative Dementias...Neuroimaging in Neurodegenerative Dementias Scott M. McGinnis, MD1,2 1Division of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, Department of Neurology,

Neuroimaging in Neurodegenerative DementiasScott M. McGinnis, MD1,2

1Division of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, Department ofNeurology, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School,Boston, Massachusetts

2 Frontotemporal Dementia Unit, Department of Neurology,Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston,Massachusetts

Semin Neurol 2012;32:347–360.

Address for correspondence and reprint requests Scott McGinnis,MD, Division of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, Brigham andWomen’s Hospital, 221 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115(e-mail: [email protected]).


► neurodegeneration► neuroimaging► dementia► magnetic resonance

imaging (MRI)► functional magnetic

resonance imaging(fMRI)

► functionalconnectivitymagnetic resonanceimaging (fcMRI)

► diffusion tensorimaging (DTI)

► [18F]fluorodeoxyglucosepositron emissiontomography (FDG-PET)

► amyloid positronemission tomography

► dopamine transporter(DAT) imaging

► Alzheimer’s disease► dementia with Lewy

bodies► frontotemporal


Abstract Neurodegenerative dementias are characterized by insidious onset and gradual pro-gression of cognitive dysfunction, initially relatively focal with respect to cognitivedomains and brain regions involved. Neuroimaging techniques have contributedenormously to both our understanding of large-scale network specificity in neurode-generative syndromes and our ability to make clinical diagnoses of syndromes such asAlzheimer’s disease (AD), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), posterior cortical atrophy(PCA), logopenic primary progressive aphasia (PPA), agrammatic PPA, semantic de-mentia (SD), behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), corticobasal syn-drome (CBS), and progressive supranuclear palsy syndrome (PSPS). More importantly,rapid advances in imaging and computational techniques promise to improve our abilityto make pathologic diagnoses of AD, DLB, and frontotemporal lobar degeneration(FTLD) pathologies in vivo at an early stage of illness. Neuroimaging is thus integral tothe development and application of disease modifying therapies for neurodegenerativeillnesses.

Issue Theme Diagnostic Neuroimaging;Guest Editor, Joshua P. Klein, MD, PhD

Copyright © 2012 by Thieme MedicalPublishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue,New York, NY 10001, USA.Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0032-1331808.ISSN 0271-8235.



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Page 2: Neuroimaging in Neurodegenerative Dementias...Neuroimaging in Neurodegenerative Dementias Scott M. McGinnis, MD1,2 1Division of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, Department of Neurology,

Rapid advances in our understanding of neurodegenerativedementias in recent years have translated into a change in theclinical approach to a patient presenting with changes incognition. Whereas previous practice frequently entailed“excluding treatable causes” and lumping the remainingcases together as presenile dementia, senile dementia, orpossibly Alzheimer’s disease or multiinfarct dementia, de-mentia specialists in the present day actively endeavor topredict a patient’s underlying neuropathology utilizing his-tory, examination, and biomarker data. Advances in neuro-imaging techniques, particularlymagnetic resonance imaging(MRI), have contributed immensely not only to our under-standing of clinical/pathologic relationships in the researchsetting, but also to our ability to arrive at clinical diagnoses indaily practice.

Most neurodegenerative dementias are characterized bya clinical course of insidious onset and gradual progressionof symptoms over months to years. Thought previously toengender global cognitive dysfunction even in the earlystages of illness,1 neurodegenerative processes are nowrecognized to produce focal cognitive dysfunction initially,corresponding to a circumscribed initial distribution ofpathology. Localization of cognitive dysfunction via historyand examination and localization of neuronal dysfunction

and/or neurodegeneration with neuroimaging thus empow-er clinicians to distinguish between unique clinical syn-dromes with characteristic early anatomic signatures(►Table 1).

Converging evidence from cellular and systems-level neu-roscience suggests that the anatomic signatures of neurode-generative processes correspond to large-scale networks inthe brain. This concept has been articulated as the networkdegeneration hypothesis, summarized in ►Fig. 1 and byPievani and colleagues.2 Neuroimaging techniques haveplayed a central role in exploring this hypothesis. Functionalconnectivity MRI (fcMRI), examining interregional correla-tions in neuronal activity with blood-oxygen-level-depen-dent (BOLD) signal, has revolutionized our understanding oflarge-scale functional brain networks.3,4 Supporting a rela-tionship between large-scale networks and neurodegenera-tion, studies have demonstrated correspondence betweendistributions of pathology and network anatomy, for exam-ple, overlap between the distribution of fibrillar amyloid-βprotein (Aβ) as revealed by [11C] Pittsburgh Compound-B(PiB) positron emission tomography (PET) and the defaultnetwork, a set of brain regions including the medial frontalcortex, posterior cingulate, precuneus, lateral parietal cortex,and medial temporal cortex.5 Employing resting state fcMRI

Table 1 Neurodegenerative Dementia Clinical Syndromes

Syndrome Pathologies Key Clinical Features Anatomy

Amnestic AD AD � LB ↓ Episodic memory Medial temporal,temporoparietal

Posterior cortical atrophy AD >> tau, others Visuospatial, somatospatialdysfunction

Parietal, occipital

Logopenic PPA AD > TDP, tau ↓ Word retrieval, sentencerepetition

Left temporoparietal

Dysexecutive AD N/Aa ↓ Complex attention, EF Frontal, temporoparietal

DLB/PDD LB � AD ↓ EF, VF; park., VH, fluctuations Midbrain, hypothalamus, SI

bvFTD TDP � tau >> FUS Disinhibition, apathy, ↓ empathy,perseveration, Δ diet, ↓ EF

Frontal, temporal, insula,anterior cingulate

Agrammatic PPA tau > TDP, AD Agrammatism � AOSb Left posterior frontal, insula

Semantic dementia TDP > tau, AD ↓ Confrontation naming, singleword comprehension

Left anterior temporal

PSPS tau >> others Subcortical dementia, axial park.,falls, ↓ supranuclear gaze

Symmetrical posterior frontal,brainstem

Corticobasal syndrome tau > TDP, AD Asymmetrical parkinsonism, corticalsigns

Asymmetricalfrontal � parietalc

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease PrPsc RPD, myoclonus, ↓ pyramidal, ex-trapyramidal, cerebellar, VF

Cortex, striatum, thalamus

Abbreviations: AD, Alzheimer’s disease; PPA, primary progressive aphasia; DLB, dementia with Lewy bodies; PDD, Parkinson’s disease dementia;bvFTD, behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia; PSPS, progressive supranuclear palsy syndrome; LB, Lewy body; tau, frontotemporal lobardegeneration (FTLD-) tau; TDP, FTLD-TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP); FUS, FTLD-RNA-binding protein FUS; PrPsc, prion; EF, executive function; VF,visual function; park., parkinsonism; VH, visual hallucinations; AOS, apraxia of speech; RPD, rapidly progressive dementia; SI, substantia innominata.aThe syndrome has not been explicitly defined; no clinical/pathologic correlations available.bApraxia of speech is predictive of FTLD-tau pathology.cFocal frontal atrophy is predictive of FTLD-tau pathology.

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Page 3: Neuroimaging in Neurodegenerative Dementias...Neuroimaging in Neurodegenerative Dementias Scott M. McGinnis, MD1,2 1Division of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, Department of Neurology,

and voxel-basedmorphometry (VBM), Seeley and colleagues6

demonstrated concordance between patterns of volume lossin AD, bvFTD, SD, nonfluent aphasia, and CBS and dissociablenetworks comprising regions that covary both functionallyand structurally in healthy control subjects. These studieshave laid the foundation for investigating potential mecha-nisms underlying network degeneration, which eventuallycould help to explain different patterns of neurodegenerationwith different types of neuropathology.7–9

Neuroimaging has thus furthered progress toward theultimate goal of predicting neuropathology in vivo in singlesubjects. At present, imaging techniques have value inpredicting progression to dementia in individuals withmild cognitive impairment (MCI), a condition representingan intermediate stage between cognitive changes presentwith aging and those fulfilling criteria for dementia.10

Given evidence that neuropathologic processes start yearsin advance of clinical symptoms11 and the widely acceptedprinciple that early intervention will confer a greaterlikelihood of success with disease-modifying treatments,12

presymptomatic detection of disease using a combinationof neuroimaging and other biomarkers will likelyrepresent a cornerstone of clinical management in thefuture.13,14

This review summarizes characteristic neuroimaging fea-tures for more common neurodegenerative dementia clinicalsyndromes (►Table 1). Imaging modalities already approvedfor and established in clinical use are presented, along withsalient information about selected research imaging techni-ques that may have an increasing role in clinical practice inthe future (►Table 2).

Alzheimer’s Disease

AD represents the most common cause of both late-onsetdementia (LOD) and early-onset dementia (EOD),a accountingfor �50–70% of LOD and 20–40% of EOD diagnosed clinical-ly.15,16 The pathologic defining features of AD include extra-cellular Aβ senile plaques (in particular, a subset calledneuritic plaques) and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles(NFTs) containing the microtubule-associated protein tau.17

The average lifetime risk of developing AD is �10–12%;although the presence of a first-degree relative with ADapproximately doubles this risk,18 familial autosomal domi-nantdisease due tomutations in the genespresenilin-1 (PSEN1,chromosome 14), presenilin-2 (PSEN2, chromosome 1),or amyloid precursor protein (APP, chromosome 21) accountfor less than 2% of all cases of AD.19ADusually presentswith aninsidious onset of difficulties remembering autobiographicevents (progressing from recent to remote) and frequentlyaccompanied to a lesser extent by problems with language(usually word-finding), executive functions, and visuospatialfunctions. Approximately one-third of early-onset cases pres-ent atypically with dysfunction in a cognitive domain otherthan episodic memory,20,21 consistent with neuropathologicresearch reporting a younger mean age of onset for individualswith an atypical distribution of tau pathology affecting theneocortex and sparing the medial temporal lobes (“hippocam-pal sparing AD”).22 The most common extreme nonamnestic

Fig. 1 Network degeneration hypothesis. �Discussed in Zhou et al.9

a The distinction between late-onset and early-onset dementia inthe literature has frequently been made arbitrarily on the basis ofwhether symptoms are first noted prior to age 65 versus at age 65or greater.

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Page 4: Neuroimaging in Neurodegenerative Dementias...Neuroimaging in Neurodegenerative Dementias Scott M. McGinnis, MD1,2 1Division of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, Department of Neurology,

phenotypes of AD are a visual variant (PCA), a language variant(logopenic PPA), and a frontal/dysexecutive variant.

Structural Imaging in Alzheimer’s DiseaseStructural imaging with computed tomography (CT) and MRIrepresents the most widely used imaging techniques to assistin the diagnosis of AD. High-resolution T1-weighted sequen-ces such as magnetization prepared rapid gradient echo (MP-RAGE) and spoiled gradient echo (SPGR)MRI sequences allowfor more exquisite detection of brain atrophy and also lendthemselves to quantitative morphometric techniques formeasuring volume and cortical thickness. The medial tempo-ral lobes (primarily hippocampus and entorhinal cortex) aretypically the first location to demonstrate atrophy, andremain the most severely affected region as illness pro-gresses.23 Atrophy spreads to paralimbic and associationneocortices, in particular temporal and parietal associationcortex, with relative sparing of primary sensory and motorcortices until late in the course of illness (►Fig. 2).

Newer research criteria for the clinical diagnosis of AD haveincorporatedatrophyas a feature topotentiallyassist inmakinganearlierdiagnosis and in increasingdiagnostic confidence. Forexample, Dubois and colleagues24 proposed criteria allowingfor a diagnosis of probable AD in individuals with cognitivedysfunction limited to episodic memory provided one obtainscertain specified biomarkers of AD, one of which is medialtemporal atrophy (MTA) utilizing qualitative ratings.b TheMTAscale represents one well-validated method toward this end,delineating five levels of atrophy (MTA 0 through 4) based on

manual inspection of coronal T1-weighted images.25 The Na-tional Institute on Aging-Alzheimer’s Association (NIA-AA)workgroups introduced diagnostic constructs including “prob-able AD dementia with evidence of the AD pathophysiologicalprocess,” “possible AD dementia with evidence of the ADpathophysiological process,” and “MCI due to AD,” incorporat-ing atrophy in medial, basal, and lateral temporal lobe andmedial parietal cortex on MRI as evidence of downstreamneuronal degeneration or injury characteristic of AD.c

Quantitative structural imaging techniques provide agreater degree of sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibilityin both cross-sectional and longitudinal formats than quali-tative techniques, and are thus preferred for use in clinicaltreatment trials.23,26,27 Methods applied to single subjectdata have included manual, semiautomated, and automatedtracings of the hippocampus or entorhinal cortex,28,29 longi-tudinal quantification of global brain volume over time,30 andthe use of support vector machine algorithms to extractinformation on the pattern and severity of atrophy from asubject’s three-dimensional (3-D) MRI dataset and to com-pare it with information from large databases of scannedcontrols and subjects with AD.31–34 Quantitative measure-ments of hippocampal volumes in subjectswith amnesticMCIhave not only revealed associations between smaller hippo-campal volumes and/or more rapid hippocampal atrophy andprogression to a clinical diagnosis of dementia due to AD,35–37

but also an association between subregional hippocampalatrophy and progression from cognitively normal status toamnestic MCI.38

Table 2 Imaging Biomarkers of Neurodegenerative Syndromes and Pathology

Presymptomatic Mild Cognitive Impairment Dementia

Neuropathology U U U

Clinically significant cognitive impairment X U U

Loss of function in usual activities X X U

Structural MRI - visual inspectiona X � U


Quantitative loss of volume or cortical thicknessb Gd U U

Amyloid PETc Gd � U

Task fMRI G G G

Resting state fcMRI G G G

Diffusion tensor imaging G G G

Abbreviations:U, Reliable changes detected in individuals; � , changes inconsistently detected in individuals; G, effects detected in groups; effects inindividuals not yet established reliably; X, changes not detected in individuals or groups; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; FDG-PET, [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography; fMRI, functional MRI; fcMRI, functional connectivity MRI.aModalities in clinical use.bSome automated medial temporal lobe volumetric protocols in clinical use.cRecently approved by the Food and Drug Administration for clinical use.dCombined use of multiple modalities may increase predictive value for individual subjects.

bAdditional specified biomarkers include quantitative volumetry ofregions of interest, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), PET, and presence ofan autosomal dominant gene mutation causing AD within theimmediate family.

c The NIA-AA criteria distinguish between biomarkers of β-amyloiddeposition (PET or CSF) and biomarkers of downstream neuronalinjury or degradation (CSF tau, structural MRI, FDG-PET), requiringboth for “high likelihood” biomarker evidence and one for“intermediate likelihood” biomarker evidence.

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Additional insights into the neuroanatomy of AD havebeen obtained via quantitative structural imaging methodssuch as VBM, cortical thickness mapping, and tensor-basedmorphometry applied to groups of subjects with AD com-pared with healthy controls or other conditions.39 VBMrepresents a widely used technique for investigating topo-graphic differences in gray matter and/or white mattervolumes across the entire brain between groups of subjects.40

Studies in AD have consistently demonstrated volumetricreductions in the medial and inferior temporal lobes, poste-rior cingulate, precuneus, anterior cingulate, and temporo-parietal association cortex relative to control subjects andsubjectswith nonprogressivemildmemory impairment.41–43

Measurement of cortical thickness using automated orsemiautomated algorithms44 provides an advantage of cap-turing a physical property of the brain that can be measuredin an individual person in vivo or postmortem, with thinningof the cortex corresponding to pathologic observations in-cluding cellular shrinkage, neuropil loss, and reduction ofintracortical myelin.39,45 A consistent pattern of corticalthinning in AD comprises the medial temporal lobes; inferiorand anterior temporal association cortices; superior, inferior,and medial parietal association cortices; along with superiorand inferior frontal association regions.46–48 Dickerson andcolleagues have demonstrated high reliability of the “corticalsignature of AD,” a set of regions with thinning across patientsamples and scanner platforms that also predicts progressionto AD dementia in subjects with MCI49 and older individualswithout cognitive impairment.50

Importantly, structural neuroimagingmeasures of atrophyappear to correlate well with the magnitude and distributionof NFT pathology. Consistent with the aforementioned rela-tionships between hippocampal atrophy and clinical progres-sion to amnestic MCI and AD, hippocampal volumesmeasured antemortem in demented and nondemented sub-jects have been shown to correlate well with postmortemBraak NFT scores.51 Similarly, the magnitude and pattern ofgray matter volume loss across the cerebrum as determinedby VBM corresponds with the severity and pattern of NFTpathology as determined byNFT counts at Braak stages III andIV and Braak stage itself at stages V and VI.52 Employing asupport vector machine algorithm, Vemuri and colleagueslikewise obtained excellent correlation between structuralMRI changes in single subjects antemortem (as reflected inthe Structural Abnormality Index (STAND) score) and port-mortem Braak NFT scores.53

Functional and Molecular Imaging in Alzheimer’sDiseaseMRI, PET, and single-photon emission computed tomography(SPECT) offer tools for investigating changes in the function-ing and/or molecular composition of brain tissues, particu-larly valuable because such changes may precede atrophydetectable by structural imaging methods. [18F] Fluorodeox-yglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) and brainperfusion SPECT are currently in widespread clinical use fordiagnosis of and discrimination between different types ofneurodegenerative dementia. AD typically produces a

Fig. 2 Atrophy in clinical variants of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). (A) Typical (amnestic) AD: Medial temporal atrophy out of proportion to othercortical areas. (B) Posterior cortical atrophy due to AD: Severe bilateral parietooccipital atrophy. (C) Logopenic primary progressive aphasia due toAD: Left > right temporoparietal atrophy.

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characteristic pattern of hypometabolism or hypoperfusionin bilateral temporoparietal and posterior cingulate/precu-neus cortex with later involvement of the frontal lobes andsparing of primary sensorimotor cortices. FDG-PET offershigher sensitivity and spatial resolution than does SPECT.54

Images may be analyzed qualitatively, with volume-of-inter-est techniques, or with voxel-based analyses in stereotacticspace.55 Studies investigating the use of qualitative criteria toclassify PET scans as reflective or not reflective of AD ingroups of subjects evaluated for possible memory im-pairment with eventual pathologically confirmed diagnosessuggest a diagnostic sensitivity of 84–94% and specificity of74–78%.56,57 Ongoing efforts to optimize and standardizemethodologies for acquiring, analyzing, and interpretingFDG-PET data will further increase its value as a biomarkerin the clinical setting and in treatment trials for AD.58

Amyloid PET imaging with agents such as PiB and [18F]florbetapir (AV-45) has revolutionized the practice of pre-dicting AD pathology in vivo. Amyloid PET agents detect β-sheet rich fibrillar deposits of Aβ as typically present incompact/cored plaques, to varying degrees in diffuse plaques,and in cerebrovascular amyloid.59 Preliminary studies corre-lating in vivo PiB or florbetapir PET results with postmortempathologic diagnosis suggest a high sensitivity of amyloid PETfor detecting probable or definite pathologic AD by CERAD(Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease60)criteria and/or intermediate or high likelihood of pathologicAD by NIA/Reagan Institute (National Institute on Aging andReagan InstituteWorking Group onDiagnostic Criteria for theNeuropathological Assessment of Alzheimer’s Disease61) cri-teria, and a high specificity for amyloid deposition.62,63 d TheUnited States Food andDrugAdministration’s recent approvalof florbetapir PET for clinical use stands to increase clinicians’diagnostic accuracy for AD (as confirmed pathologically),particularly in less-specialized settings, if used appropriate-ly.64 Although amyloid imaging appears promising as a toolfor predicting progression of MCI to AD dementia62 and evenfor detecting AD in its early presymptomatic stages,65 contin-ued research is required to identify and actualize its fullclinical utility.

Research studies utilizing BOLD functional MRI (fMRI)have contributed a great deal to our understanding of ADand other neurodegenerative dementias, and offer additionalpotential biomarkers for clinical use in treatment trials andbeyond. Task fMRI studies employing block or event-relatedmemory paradigms in subjects with AD and healthy oldercontrols have consistently revealed disease-related decreasesin activity in MTL structures (hippocampus, parahippocam-pus), prefrontal regions, superior parietal lobule, precuneus,cingulate, and lingual gyrus (see Schwindt and Black66 formeta-analysis). In contrast, numerous investigators havereported increases in MTL activity during encoding in sub-jects with MCI or asymptomatic individuals with genetic or

family risk factors who remain able to perform the tasks well(reviewed in Sperling et al67). Although this may reflectcompensatory mechanisms, longitudinal studies have sug-gested that increased MTL activity at baseline predicts rapidcognitive decline and decreased MTL function.68

Functional connectivity MRI offers advantages of notrequiring or having to account for task performance, notrequiring additional hardware, and of potentially generatingreproducible data across scanner platforms with relativelyshort acquisition sequences.69 Studies employing fcMRI witheither “seed-based” or independent component analysis(ICA) methods have suggested that, relative to controls,groups of subjects with AD have exhibited reduced intrinsicfunctional connectivity between default network re-gions,70,71 a finding that also appears to discriminate be-tween subjects withMCIwho progress to dementia and thosewho do not.72 Additional research is needed to validatefunctional MRI techniques for potential use as a biomarkerof AD in single subjects.68,73

Atypical Presentations of Alzheimer’s DiseaseAs described above, AD occasionally presents atypically, withprominent primary dysfunction in language, attention/execu-tive processing, or higher-order visual processing. In suchcases, neuroimaging frequently helps to confirm the presenceof a neurodegenerative syndromewith a characteristic patternof atrophy involving specific neocortical regions and sparingthe medial temporal lobes (►Fig. 2). PCA frequently causesparietal and occipital symptoms such as visual dysfunction inthe absence of ocular disease, elements of the syndromes ofBálint and/or Gerstmann,e constructional apraxia, visual fielddefects, and environmental disorientation74 (see Crutch et al75

for review). Structural imaging characteristically reveals prom-inent, relatively symmetric atrophy in the parietal and occipitallobes.76 Logopenic PPA is characterized by significant word-retrieval difficulties, poor repetition of phrases and sentences,phonologic errors in speech, but preserved grammar, motoroutput, and repetition and comprehension of single words.77

Imaging evidence consists of atrophy and/or hypoperfusion orhypometabolism in left posterior perisylvian temporal andparietal cortices.78 Dysexecutive or “frontal” AD has been lessexplicitly characterized as a clinical syndrome distinct fromfrontotemporal dementia (FTD), but appears likely to involveearly frontal and temporoparietal atrophy.79,80

Imaging studies have suggested that, though clinicallydistinct, these nonamnestic phenotypes share a commoncore temporoparietofrontal network.81 Not only have voxel-based techniques revealed substantial overlap in patterns ofatrophy across groups of patients with PCA, logopenic PPA,and early-onset AD,82 they have been used to discriminatebetween groups of patientswith pathologically confirmed AD(both amnestic and nonamnestic) and frontotemporal lobardegeneration regardless of clinical diagnosis.80,83 Similarly,PETstudies comparing atypical or early-onset ADwith typical

dIt is worth noting that a high specificity for amyloid depositiondoes not translate directly into a high specificity for AD pathologygiven the presence of cerebral amyloid in conditions other thanAD.

eBálint’s syndrome comprises simultagnosia, optic ataxia, andoculomotor apraxia; Gerstmann’s syndrome comprises agraphia,acalculia, left-right confusion, and finger agnosia.

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AD have revealed similar patterns of fibrillar amyloid depo-sition between atypical and typical groups as well as hypo-metabolism in a core distribution of regions includingtemporoparietal, posterior cingulate, and precuneus.84,85

Dementia with Lewy Bodies

Dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease demen-tia (PDD) are the second most common type of neurodegen-erative dementia behind AD, with estimated prevalences of0.7% and 0.3%, respectively, in the population of individualsaged 65 and older. 86 f In addition to dementia, centralfeatures of DLB (and frequently PDD) include fluctuationsin attention, alertness or cognition, visual hallucinations, andparkinsonism (see McKeith et al87 for consensus clinicalcriteria). Early changes in cognition frequently involve atten-tion, executive functions, and higher-order visual func-tions.88,89 Additional commonly encountered featuresinclude neuropsychiatric symptoms (depression, anxiety,apathy, and delusions), rapid eye movement (REM) sleepbehavior disorder, severe sensitivity to neuroleptic medica-tions, and autonomic dysfunction.

Lewy bodies, the pathologic hallmark of DLB, consist offilamentous intraneuronal protein inclusions containing theprotein α-synuclein distributed throughout the central, pe-ripheral, and autonomic nervous systems.87 To what degreethe quantity and distribution of Lewy body pathology corre-lates with symptom type, severity, and progression in Lewybody disorders remains a matter of debate.90 Synaptic dys-function and/or cell loss may provide better correlates ofclinical dysfunction. Although most patients with DLB havehigh levels of senile plaques containing Aβ, the level ofneocortical NFT pathology is more variable andmore directlyinfluences the presence of AD-like versus DLB-like phenotyp-ic manifestations.87,91

Structural Neuroimaging in Dementia with LewyBodiesGiven the pathologic heterogeneity of DLB, it is perhaps notsurprising that studies investigating cortical and subcorticalatrophy inDLBhaveyielded inconsistent results (seeTaylor andO’Brien92 for review). Structural neuroimaging demonstratingrelative sparing of the medial temporal lobes from atrophysupportsa clinicaldiagnosisofDLBrather thanADinthecorrectcontext.93,94 Notably, this principle was supported by a recentMRI volumetric study with neuropathologic classification ofsubject groups revealing increasing antemortem hippocampaland amygdalar volumes with increasing likelihood of DLBpathology and lower volume of the dorsal mesopontine graymatter in the group with high likelihood DLB compared withhealthy control subjects and with subjects with AD.95

Functional and Molecular Imaging in Dementia withLewy BodiesSeveral types of PETor SPECT studies can be used to support adiagnosis of DLB. Low dopamine transporter (DAT) uptake asmeasured by [18F] fluorodopa PETor [123I] ioflupane SPECT isuseful to distinguish degenerative from nondegenerativecauses of parkinsonism.96 A large multicenter study compar-ing ioflupane SPECT against a gold standard of clinical diag-nosis of DLB or non-DLB dementia established longitudinally,suggested diagnostic sensitivity of �80% and specificity of�90% for SPECT,97 findings corroborated by a smaller studyyielding sensitivity of 88% and specificity of 100% against apathologic gold standard of DLB versus non-DLB dementia.98

Perhaps of greater clinical utility, ioflupane SPECT is alsoreliable in confirming cases of clinically possible DLB,99

supporting the inclusion of reduced DATuptake as a “sugges-tive feature” of DLB in formal criteria.87

Hypometabolism or hypoperfusion in the occipital andposterior temporoparietal regions on PET or SPECT alsooccurs frequently, although sensitivities and specificitiesare debated.92 Kantarci and colleagues100 demonstrated thevalue of utilizing multiple imaging biomarkers to distinguishbetween clinical DLB and AD, achieving an area under thereceiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.98 bycombining measures of hippocampal volume, global PiBretention, and occipital metabolism. Additional studieswith multiple modes of imaging and pathologic correlationwill likely shed additional light on the relationship betweenamyloid pathology, network function, neurodegeneration,and clinical symptoms in DLB.

Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration

Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FLTD) comprises severaldistinct subtypes of pathology that have a predilection toinvolve the frontal and/or temporal lobes early in the courseof illness. Themore commonlyoccurring subtypes of FTLD arethose distinguished by tau inclusions (FLTD-tau) and those byinclusions containing TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (FTLD-TDP). FTLD-tau pathologies are further classified into 3R, 4R,or combined 3R/4R subtypes on the basis of the number ofmicrotubule-binding repeats in the tau protein, a conse-quence of differential mRNA splicing.101 FTLD-TDP can beclassified into types A, B, C, and D based upon neuropatho-logic features.102 The remaining minority of FTLD cases arecharacterized by inclusions containing RNA-binding proteinFUS (FTLD-FUS) or other rare pathologies.

Frontotemporal dementias, the variety of clinical syn-dromes arising in the setting of FTLD pathology, includebvFTD, agrammatic PPA, SD, FTD with motor neuron disease(FTD-MND), PSPS, and CBS. FTD represents a common causeof early-onset dementia, with an incidence and prevalencesimilar to that of AD.103 An estimated 25–50% of cases have afamily history of dementia; an estimated 10–25% of casesdemonstrate a pattern of inheritance suggestive of an auto-somal dominant gene mutation.104,105 The most commongenes associated with familial autosomal dominant FTD arethe tau gene (MAPT; associated with FTLD-tau), the

f These prevalences estimated from population-based clinicalstudies are consistent with the 10–15% prevalence reported indementia autopsy series.

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progranulin gene (GRN; associated with FTLD-TDP), and thechromosome 9 open reading frame 72 gene (C9ORF72; asso-ciated with FTLD-TDP), a relatively common cause of bothfamilial FTD and familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS).106,107Clinical/pathologic associations vary for differentFTD syndromes; for example, PSPS is almost always associat-ed with 4R FTLD-tau pathology,g whereas CBS and bvFTD arepathologically more heterogeneous.

Neuroimaging in Behavioral Variant FrontotemporalDementiaUnlike most other neurodegenerative clinical syndromes,bvFTD produces early dramatic changes in personality andbehavior often out of proportion to cognitive deficits detect-able by standard neuropsychologic measures (see Piguet etal108 for review). Symptomatic hallmarks, reflected in themost recent consensus clinical diagnostic criteria, includedisinhibition, apathy/inertia, loss of sympathy/empathy, per-severative/compulsive behaviors, hyperorality/change infood preference, and executive dysfunction.109 Approximate-ly 50% of bvFTD cases demonstrate FTLD-TDP pathology (allsubtypes, most commonly type A),�40% FTLD-tau pathology,and the majority of the remaining cases FTLD-FUSpathology.110

In its earliest stages, bvFTD can be difficult to discriminatefrom developmental or psychiatric conditions that may pres-ent in similar fashion, a phenomenon described in the litera-ture on nonprogressive bvFTD “phenocopies.”111 Atrophy innodes of the salience network, a paralimbic circuit comprisinganterior insular (right > left), medial frontal, orbitofrontal,and temporopolar regions (among others) is reliably associ-ated with progressive, degenerative bvFTD.112 Kipps andcolleagues113 developed a qualitative visual rating scale forFTD with high inter-rater reliability on the basis of atrophy inthe frontal lobes, anterior temporal lobes, and posteriortemporal lobes. VBM has been used to demonstrate thepattern and progression of atrophy from very mild bvFTDthroughmoderate to severe disease,114 as well as to delineatemultiple distinct patterns of atrophy via hierarchical agglom-erative cluster analysis.115 Algorithms for pattern-based clas-sification of individualMR images as FTD, AD, or healthy olderindividuals have yielded promising results.116

Visual interpretation of perfusion SPECTor FDG-PET scanshas been shown to improve diagnostic accuracy in distin-guishing between FTD and AD based on clinical information.Differentiating between a pattern of hypometabolism infrontal association cortex, anterior temporal cortex, andanterior cingulate cortex from a pattern of hypometabolismin posterior cingulate and posterior association cortex im-proved clinical diagnostic accuracy from 79% to 90% in anFDG-PET study with pathologic confirmation.117 Visual inter-

pretation of perfusion SPECT improved specificity for a clini-cal diagnosis of FTD (vs AD) and sensitivity for a diagnosis ofAD (vs FTD) from 77% to 84% in a separate study withpathologic confirmation.118

Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and fcMRI have offeredexciting tools for probing the integrity of white matter tractsand functional networks in vivo in bvFTD.119 Reduced frac-tional anisotropy (FA), reflecting reduced integrity of whitematter, has been detected with DTI in bvFTD versus healthycontrols in frontal and temporal tracts including the anteriorcorpus callosum, anterior and descending cingulum tracts,and the uncinate fasciculus.120 Reduced FA in the anteriorcingulum tracts has been shown to predict executive dys-function (left tract) and deficits in visuospatial attention andworking memory (right tract) in bvFTD.121 Consistent withthese DTI results and with the pattern of regional atrophy inbvFTD, fcMRI studies to date have reported decreases insalience network connectivity.122

Neuroimaging in Semantic Dementia and AgrammaticPPASD and agrammatic PPA usually present with changes inlanguage out of proportion to other cognitive domains. Theleft temporal variant of SD causes a fluent aphasiawith impair-ments in single-word comprehension and confrontation nam-ing, reduced vocabulary, and frequently associated featuresincluding impaired object knowledge, and inability to read orspell orthographically irregular words78,123,124(see Hodgesand Patterson124 for review). With time, behavioral featuressuch as irritability, emotional withdrawal, disinhibition, andbehavioral rigidity usually develop.123,125 The less frequentlyencountered right temporal variant frequently presents withchanges in emotional and social functioning such as apathy,emotional blunting, loss of extroversion, in addition to diffi-culty recognizing people and objects and later on the anomicaphasia similar to that seen in the left temporal variant.125–128

A strongmajority of SD cases showFTLD-TDP type C pathology,with much fewer cases exhibiting FTLD-tau pathology or ADpathology (reviewed in Grossman129). SD very reliably produ-ces asymmetrical atrophy, hypoperfusion, or hypometabolismof the anterior temporal lobes (►Fig. 3).77,78,130–133

In contrast to SD, agrammatic PPA causes a nonfluentaphasia with agrammatism, effortful, halting speech, andfrequently, impaired comprehension of syntactically complexsentences.78 Cases can be classified based onwhether there issuperimposed apraxia of speech, an oral motor speech disor-der characterized bydifficulty initiating utterances, abnormalrhythm, stress, and intonation, inconsistent articulation er-rors, effortful trial and error with groping, and self-correctionof errors.134,135 Although agrammatic PPA can be associatedwith FTLD-tau, AD, DLB, and FTLD-TDP type A pathology,129

Josephs and colleagues have demonstrated that the presenceof apraxia of speech predicts FTLD-tau pathology.134 Neuro-imaging characteristics of agrammatic PPA include atrophy orhypometabolism in the posterior left frontal/insula region,including inferior frontal gyrus, frontal operculum, insula,premotor and supplementary motor areas(►Fig. 3).77,133,134,136

g4R tau pathologies include corticobasal degeneration, progressivesupranuclear palsy, argyrophilic grain disease, and sporadicmultisystem tauopathy. Pick’s disease pathology involves 3R tauinclusions. MAPT gene mutations may produce 3R, 4R, orcombined 3 þ 4R tau inclusions. Tau inclusions in Alzheimer’sdisease (not considered a subtype of FTLD) are both 3R and 4R.

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Neuroimaging in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy andCorticobasal SyndromesCBS and PSPS are syndromes characterized by atypical par-kinsonism with varying levels of cognitive impairment anddementia, originally recognized in the setting of distinctive4R tau pathologies, corticobasal degeneration (CBD), andPSP.137,138 Clinical features of CBS include asymmetricalapraxia and extrapyramidal symptoms (bradykinesia andrigidity � tremor, dystonia) accompanied by signs of corticalinvolvement such as alien limb syndrome, cortical sensoryloss, hemisensory neglect, myoclonus, and/or impairments inspeech and language, visuospatial function, or executivefunction.139–141 PSPS comprises core features of severe earlypostural instability and falls, supranuclear gaze impairmentthat manifests with decreased saccade velocity or ophthal-moplegia, and an extrapyramidal syndrome with prominentaxial rigidity.142Amajority of patientswith PSPS also developa dementia syndrome with frontal and subcortical featuressuch as disinhibition or impulsivity, apathy, social withdraw-al, stimulus bound/imitative/utilization behavior, psychomo-tor slowing, executive dysfunction, and pseudobulbar affect.As might be predicted by the multiple phenotypes cause byboth PSP and CBD pathologies, it is possible to see patientswith overlapping features of CBS, PSP, agrammatic PPA,bvFTD, and other syndromes.143–146

MRI in CBS characteristically reveals asymmetric atrophyof the perirolandic cortex and basal ganglia, whereas PSPS hasbeen associated consistently with atrophy of the brainstem

(particularly midbrain and superior cerebellar peduncle) andfrontal white matter with lesser involvement of the frontalcortex.147–149 Specific measurement of the areas of themidbrain tegmentum and the pons on midsagittal MRI andcomputation of the midbrain/pons ratio has been shown todiscriminate between patients with a clinical diagnosis of PSPand those with diagnoses of Parkinson’s disease or multiplesystem atrophy of the Parkinson type.149,150 In subjects withCBS focal atrophy of the posterior frontal cortex has beenfound to predict CBD (FTLD-tau) pathology, morewidespreadfrontotemporal atrophy to predict FTLD-TDP pathology, andmore widespread temporoparietal atrophy to predict ADpathology.151 Similarly, an AD-like pattern of hypoperfusionor hypometabolism with SPECT or PET imaging may predictCBS due to AD versus CBS due to other pathologies.152,153

Imaging and Prediction of Molecular Pathology in FTLDQuantitative morphometric MRI studies have generated themost robust body of data thus far with respect to delineatingthe spatial patterns of FTLD subtypes (see Whitwell andJosephs154 for review). In a large retrospective study employ-ing cluster analysis of pathologic groups, Rohrer and col-leagues155 proposed a neuroanatomic framework forunderstanding profiles of atrophy, differentiating betweenpathology associated with relatively symmetric, localizedtemporal or extratemporal atrophy (FTLD-tau caused byMAPT mutations, CBD, FTLD-FUS), pathology associatedwith relatively asymmetric, localized temporal atrophy

Fig. 3 Atrophy in frontotemporal dementia. (A) Semantic dementia: Severe asymmetric anterior temporal atrophy. (B) Behavioral variantfrontotemporal dementia: Frontal, temporal, paralimbic (insula, anterior cingulate) cortex. (C) Agrammatic primary progressive aphasia: Leftposterior frontal/insular atrophy.

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(FTLD-TDP type C), and pathology associated with relativelyasymmetric, distributed atrophy (Pick’s disease, FTLD-TDPtype A caused by GRNmutations). Somewhat consistent withthis framework,Whitwell, Josephs, and colleagues154 identifyrelatively focal posterior frontal and subcortical atrophy in 4RFTLD-tau (more consistently symmetric in PSP than CBD),relatively focal and symmetrical temporal atrophy in FTLD-tau caused by MAPT mutations, and a broader pattern offrontal, temporal, and paralimbic atrophy in Pick’s disease,with more bilaterality in their sample.156 They further high-light asymmetrical widely distributed frontotemporoparietalatrophy in FTLD-TDP type A, mild frontal and medial tempo-ral atrophy in FTLD-TDP type B (a subtype strongly associatedwith FTD-MND), and focal, asymmetrical temporal atrophy inFLTD-TDP type C).157 FTLD-FUS, associated with a syndromeof very early-onset bvFTD in patients 20–45 years old,158

characteristically produces severe atrophy of the caudatenucleus.154,155,158

DTI correlates of patterns of white matter involvement inFTLD subtypes have not been as well delineated, but shouldhave value given the distinctive white matter features ofdifferent subtypes.119 A combination of regional differencesin both gray matter volume and white matter integritydiscriminated between groups of patients with FTLD andAD pathology with 87% sensitivity and 83% specificity, withreduced FA in the corpus callosum characteristic of FTLDversus AD.159 Similar methods were used to accurately dis-criminate a groupwith FTLD-TDP from a groupwith FTLD-tauwith greater reductions in FA in the superior longitudinalfasciculus in the FTLD-tau group corroborated by postmor-tem pathologic examination.160 Reduced FA in the left unci-nate fasciculus and left inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus hasbeen reported in asymptomatic GRN mutation carriers in afour-generation FTLD pedigree, illustrating the potential val-ue of this technique in early stages of illness.161

FcMRI has been similarly applied to study preclinicalfamilial FTLD due to mutations in both GRN and MAPT. Incontrast to reductions in salience network connectivity de-tected in symptomatic patients, presymptomatic mutationcarriers demonstrated increased connectivity, possibly indic-ative of compensatory mechanisms.162 Preclinical MAPT mu-tation carriers have demonstrated altered default networkconnectivity (including reduced connectivity in lateral tem-poral and medial prefrontal cortex and increased connectivi-ty in the medial parietal lobe), changes similar to those seenin a group clinically diagnosed with bvFTD.163

Summary and Conclusions

Diagnosis of neurodegenerative dementia is currently predi-cated on identifying insidious onset and gradual progressioncharacteristic patterns of cognitive dysfunction, involvingmemory (amnestic AD), language (agrammatic and logopenicPPA, SD), visual processing (PCA, DLB), executive dysfunction(bvFTD, DLB), or social/emotional cognition (bvFTD, SD), withor without parkinsonism or motor neuron disease. Structuraland functional neuroimaging techniques have advanced ourunderstanding of how patterns of cognitive dysfunction

localize to large-scale networks, which appear to serve assubstrates for the pathologic neurodegenerative processesthemselves. At present, high-resolution structural MRI, FDG-PET, perfusion SPECT, and DAT imaging are widely usedmodalities that contribute to clinical diagnosis. Ongoingresearch developing and refining these techniques and newertechniques such as amyloid PET, fcMRI, and DTI promises toimprove our ability to establish pathologic diagnoses in vivoin early stages of illness. Imaging biomarkers are likely to bemost powerful when used together, with nonimaging bio-markers, and with sophisticated computer algorithms forpattern recognition.83 Large,multicenter longitudinal studiesincluding the Alzheimer Disease Neuroimaging Initiative,164

the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network,165 and bio-marker studies in FTLD continue to propel these efforts.

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