The Second International Media Conference in Saint-Petersburg NevaCamp 2010 Future Web 28th-30th of May 2010 www.nevacamp.com Sponsorship package

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NevaCamp 2010 sponsorship package

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The Second International Media Conference in Saint-Petersburg

NevaCamp 2010Future Web

28th-30th of May 2010www.nevacamp.com

Sponsorship package

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Sponsors’ benefits

1 Nev



300+greate minds

Involvement with key influential people in

the area of IT and Web

Intensive sponsor seminars

Studying and networking

Inspiration for strategic decision making

in the sphere of IT and Web

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NevaCamp goals

Playing the role of idea catalyst and the source

of inspiration, NevaCamp unites intellectual

leaders and innovators in their aspiration for

opening the powerful potentials of the IT and

Web industry.

During these 3 days NevaCamp will unite

more than 500 of the best IT and Web

community representatives (entrepreneurs,

top-managers, developers, investors, social

media experts, bloggers, business consultants)

in the process of intensive communication

and exchanging ideas in IT and Web


The plan is to carry out brainstorming and

generate nearly 50 original ideas for

projects and form about 10 teams to

bring them to life.



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Media coverage

Media coverage will be held through the

participants themselves, thanks to unique

event methods.

The event will have wide coverage in blogs

and social media.

An international audience is expected.

Information about the event will be available

in European, American and Russian blogs.

TV and radio will also be invited to

participate and support the event.

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Keynote Speaker

Christian HeilmannYahoo Developer Evangelist

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Target audience

EntrepreneursIT and Web developers: CEOs, Marketing Directors,

Technical Directors

Designers and experts

Advertising and new media experts

InnovatorsBrand managers

Business consultants and evangelists

Production managers

Head of departments of innovative developments

VisionariesArt directors


Expert publication editors

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Первый день Второй день Третий день


Idea Space

Startup Workshops

BarCamp Sessions

Round Tables


Investor Day

Team building

Networking Dinner

Networking Party

Conference Speakers

Awards presentation

Conference Speakers

City tour

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StartformersA new format of technological

entrepreneurship: performing tasks with

outdoor training and a special system of

participants’ motivation.

Result: team building.

Idea SpaceAll the participants are divided into teams

to work on improving the business

projects that were announced at the

beginning of the conference. Thanks to

brainstorming, experts’ speeches and so

on, all the participants are involved in the


Result: support of the startup project with

evaluations by independent experts, users and

clients.Cultural program

Roof, bar, city tours

BarCamp SessionsEvery participant in the conference can

offer their own subject of presentation

and perform it in any of the 6 parallel


Result: an opportunity for startup projects and

experts to declare themselves, discuss their ideas

and projects with the public.

Round TablesBeforehand, organized round tables with

special experts discuss major trends in the

Internet. We have following subjects:

New Reality (AR, LBS, Internet

of things)

Real-time Web

Semantic Web

City Upgrade

New Marketing

Convergence media

Result: the audiences’ understanding of modern

trends, vision forming, and acquainting themselves

with experts’ views.


Investor Day

The main task of this kind of presentation

is to discuss, evaluate and find weak points

in the offered idea, business model, way

of promotion, sort of product etc.

Purpose – search for new ideas and the

understanding of the essence. A crash test

is an event where experts with the

audience act as critics, and the author of

the project acts as a defender.

Result: ideas of new services, offering different

ways to correct errors.

Investors and startupers solve different

cases, workshops.

Result: trainings, investments.

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Возможности спонсоров

General Sponsor

Логотип включается в рекламные ролики, размещение

информации в самых активных зонах мероприятия,

организация спец. мероприятий. Секции генерального

спонсора. *

$ 10 000


Представитель компании проводит секции, открыт

свободный вход на закрытые мероприятия. Секции

золотого спонсора. *

$ 5 000

Silver SponsorОбеспечивается ротация видеороликов спонсора на

мероприятии, упоминание в СМИ и на церемонии

закрытия. Секции серебряного спонсора. *

$ 3 000


Логотип спонсора размещается на сайте и рекламной

продукции на стойке регистрации, бронируются ячейки в

расписании. Секция любого спонсора, добавляется на

сайт заранее. *

$ 1 000

Спонсор, имеющий более высокий статус обладает всеми привилегиями младших спонсоров.

Более подробно условия спонсирования описаны в спонсорском пакете.

* Полный список преимуществ для спонсора и специальное спонсорское расписание описаны в отдельном приложении.

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ContactsVitaly Vlasov


e-mail: [email protected]

Organization for Innovations, Technologies and Entrepreneurship

Open and Future Web Foundation