NEVADA RARE PLANT ATLAS compiled by the Nevada Natural Heritage Program Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Carson City, Nevada, U.S.A. and edited by James D. Morefield Botanist June, 2001 for the U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Portland, Oregon and Reno, Nevada with funds provided under Section 6 of the Endangered Species Act Grant EP-3-12

Nevada Rare Plant Atlas - Nevada Natural Heritage Program · Eric Peterson assisted in compiling and editing some of the map data layers, ... NEVADA RARE PLANT ATLAS June 2001 Nevada

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Page 1: Nevada Rare Plant Atlas - Nevada Natural Heritage Program · Eric Peterson assisted in compiling and editing some of the map data layers, ... NEVADA RARE PLANT ATLAS June 2001 Nevada


compiled by the

Nevada Natural Heritage ProgramNevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Carson City, Nevada, U.S.A.

and edited by

James D. MorefieldBotanist

June, 2001

for the

U.S. Department of the InteriorFish and Wildlife Service

Portland, Oregonand Reno, Nevada

with funds provided underSection 6 of the Endangered Species Act

Grant EP-3-12

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This work should be cited as:

Morefield, J. D. (editor). 2001. Nevada Rare Plant Atlas. Carson City: Nevada NaturalHeritage Program, compiled for the U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and WildlifeService, Portland, Oregon and Reno, Nevada.

The Nevada Natural Heritage Program:

Program Director: Glenn H. ClemmerBotanist: James D. MorefieldBiologist: Jennifer E. NewmarkBiological Data Manager: Eric MiskowPlant Ecologist: Eric PetersonOffice Manager: Deborah Mattie

1550 East College Parkway, suite 145Carson City, Nevada 89706-7921, U.S.A.tel: (775) 687-4245internet: http://www.state.nv.us/nvnhp

Cover Photograph:Lathyrus grimesii (Grimes vetchling) flowers and leaves, by James D. Morefield

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Dedication ................................................................................................................ i

Acknowledgments.................................................................................................... i

Introduction and Definitions .................................................................................. iii

List of 249 Mapped Vascular Plants, Mosses, and Lichens ....................................v

List of Mapped Taxa by Major Group and Family................................................. x

General References ............................................................................................. xvii

Nevada Rare Plant Atlas ................................................................................... xxi

Index to Synonyms of Mapped Taxa .................................................................. xxii

Index to Common Names of Mapped Taxa........................................................ xxv

Map of Nevada Counties, Cities, and Rare Plant Locations.................... back cover

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This work is dedicated to the pioneers of rare plant conservation and data compilation inNevada: Margaret J. Williams (1917-2000), Ann Pinzl, Arnold Tiehm, Hugh N. Mozingo, N.Duane Atwood, Ken Genz, Sherel Goodrich, James L. Reveal, Janice C. Beatley, Susan A.Cochrane, and the many other early members of and contributors to the Northern Nevada NativePlant Society and its Rare Plant Committee.


The process of compiling and editing this atlas would have been impossible without the efforts andcontributions of numerous individuals, organizations, and institutions over many decades. This atlas isan ongoing and unfinishable synthesis of the hard work of hundreds of dedicated botanists andbiological professionals from within and far beyond the borders of Nevada. The risk in trying toacknowledge all of them here is that some will inadvertently omitted. To any who are left out, pleaseknow that your contributions are a valued part of this document.

First and foremost is Teri A. Knight, first Botanist for the Nevada Natural Heritage Program and mypredecessor, who for five years jump-started and amassed the botanical databases on which it has beenmy privilege to build. She handed over to a neophyte the product of her labors, with grace and gentlesupport for which I was and remain grateful.

Primary funding for this project was provided by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish andWildlife Service, with Grant EP-3-12 awarded under section 6 of the Endangered Species Act, and bythe State of Nevada, who provided matching funds. Virtually all of the daily activities of the NevadaNatural Heritage Program for the past 15 years contributed to this atlas as well, and were fundedvariously by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the NevadaBiodiversity Initiative, the U.S. Forest Service, The Nature Conservancy, and the State of Nevada.

All the data represented in this atlas were entered and are maintained using the Biological andConservation Data System (BCD) software, 1996 version, created by The Nature Conservancy (TNC)and now supported by their offshoot organization, the Association for Biodiversity Information (ABI).ABI serves as the umbrella organization for the international network of national, state, and provincialNatural Heritage Programs and Conservation Data Centers, of which the Nevada Natural HeritageProgram (NNHP) is a member. Most of the plant data forming this atlas were researched, assembled,analyzed, and entered into BCD by present and past staff of NNHP, including Eric Miskow, JenniferNewmark, Eric Peterson, Carrie Carreño, Kim Goodwin, Tom Jenni, Michael Strathdee, Kevin Cooper,Teri Knight, Kris Kuyper, and Glenn Clemmer. Eric Miskow in particular was also most gracious inallowing me many hours of access to his BCD workstation for further data entry, often on very shortnotice. In many cases, these people also gathered, or assisted me in gathering, new data during fieldsurveys.

Beyond NNHP, a substantial amount of the general species information compiled herein wasresearched and entered by the staff of other state Natural Heritage Programs, Conservation Data Centers,and of the central Heritage databases of ABI and TNC. This information is generally consideredreliable, though in the context of Nevada some may be outdated, or otherwise may not yet have beenreviewed by NNHP for relevance or accuracy within Nevada. Especially helpful have been the Natural

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Heritage Program botanists in our neighboring states: California (Roxanne Bittman), Oregon (SueVrilakas, Jimmy Kagan), Idaho (Michael Mancuso, Robert Moseley), and Utah (Ben Franklin).

Nevertheless, most of the data assembled in Natural Heritage Program databases, in Nevada andelsewhere, originated outside those programs from the selfless contributions of numerous researchersand field workers interested in the timely conservation of species at risk. It is to these people and theirorganizations that I and NNHP are most especially grateful and indebted, and of whom it is mostdifficult to compile a comprehensive list. Many are acknowledged herein by the hundreds of literaturecitations of which they are authors. Many more, but probably not all, are included on theacknowledgments page of the Nevada Natural Heritage Program web site, (URL:http://www.state.nv.us/nvnhp/thanks.htm), or are listed as participants in recent Nevada Rare PlantWorkshops (URL: http://www.state.nv.us/nvnhp/workshop.htm). A comprehensive listing of thecollectors and authors of type specimens of Nevada plants can be found in Tiehm (1996). In addition tothose already mentioned above, the following have been especially generous in their recent contributionsand/or personal assistance (listed by organization if affiliated):

Thomas L. Ackerman, Glenn Clifton, Kristin F. Kuyper, Jackee Picciani, James L. Reveal, Frank J.(Buddy) Smith; The Nature Conservancy (Teri A. Knight, Janet L. Nachlinger, Daniel Pritchett);Northern Nevada Native Plant Society (Gary Monroe, Arnold Tiehm, Margaret J. Williams [deceased]);The New York Botanical Garden (Patricia K. Holmgren, Noel H. Holmgren, Rupert C. Barneby[deceased], Arthur Cronquist [deceased], Arnold Tiehm); Nevada State Museum (Ann Pinzl); Universityof Nevada system (Kathryn Birgy, David A. Charlet, Wesley E. Niles, Patrick J. Leary, Lloyd R. Stark);University of California system (Barbara Ertter); California State Lands Commission (Maurya Falkner);Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (Coleen Shade); Bureau of Land Management (Anne Halford, DeanKinerson, Gayle Marrs-Smith, Randy McNatt, Tim Rash, Gary Schoolcraft); National Park Service (JimHolland, Joe Sirotnak); U.S. Department of Energy and contractors (Kevin Blomquist, W. Kent Ostler);U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Janet Bair, Gina Glenne, Beth St. George); U.S. Forest Service (SteveAnderson, N. Duane Atwood, John W. Brack, Catherine Jean, Teresa Prendusi, Lisa Sims, KarenZamudio). The Curators of the following herbaria generously provided access to the data contained intheir collections: Nevada State Museum (NSMC), University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) and Reno(RENO, NESH), Brigham Young University (BRY), Intermountain Herbarium, Utah State University(UTC), Rocky Mountain Herbarium, University of Wyoming (RM), The New York Botanical Garden(NY), University and Jepson Herbaria, University of California, Berkeley (UC, JEPS), and RanchoSanta Ana Botanic Garden (RSA, POM).

Deborah Mattie and Glenn Clemmer provided invaluable help in duplicating and assembling thepaper copies. Eric Peterson assisted in compiling and editing some of the map data layers, and sharedprogramming ideas that helped automate the production of maps. All of the maps in this Atlas weredesigned and printed using ArcView® version 3.2a software by Environmental Systems ResearchInstitute, Inc. (ESRI). The various data layers included on the maps were created and/or edited usingthis same software, and were in most cases based on data supplied by ESRI, the U.S. Geological Survey,the Biological Resources Research Center of the University of Nevada, Reno, or the Bureau of LandManagement.

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This Nevada Rare Plant Atlas is extracted directly via automated means from the Biological andConservation Data System databases maintained at the Nevada Natural Heritage Program. It includes249 taxa of vascular plants, mosses, and lichens, out of 297 total taxa on the Nevada Natural HeritageProgram's Sensitive and Watch tracking lists, for which substantial location information has beenentered to date. Because data entry is in various stages of completion for different taxa, many of themaps and accompanying fact sheets do not reflect all that is known about particular taxa in Nevada.This will always remain true, as new data on Nevada's rarest plants are continually generated, gathered,and processed. For this reason, this atlas was produced in loose-leaf format to facilitate replacement andaddition of pages as new information becomes available.

The last, and to my knowledge the only other, attempt to produce a comprehensive atlas of Nevada'srarest and/or most imperiled plant species occurred 21 years ago with the publication of Threatened andEndangered Plants of Nevada: an illustrated manual (Mozingo and Williams, 1980). This wentsomewhat beyond the current work by providing excellent and detailed line drawings of most taxa, andconsistent, detailed descriptions and information on habitat and threats. This information has beenupdated for many, but not all, taxa included in the current atlas, and so it is inconsistent from one pageto the next. As information continues to be entered, these pages will be updated periodically. While theemphasis of Mozingo and Williams (1980) was to provide an identification manual, the focus of theNevada Rare Plant Atlas is to provide a synopsis of geographic distribution and current statusinformation for each taxon. The illustrations are therefore absent (but cited from the literature, alongwith sources for photographs, when known to exist), and the maps are greatly expanded. Mozingo andWilliams (1980) has become outdated with respect to the taxa currently of concern, and to ourknowledge of their distribution and status, but remains an excellent (and often virtually the only)reference for illustrations and descriptions of many taxa.

Many other useful references for identifying Nevada's rarest (and common) plants are listed in theGeneral References section below. Several rare plant field guides have been produced by the U.S.Forest Service and cooperating agencies for Nevada and the Intermountain Region (Anderson et al.1991; Atwood et al. 1990, 1991; Fertig et al. 1994; Weixelman and Atwood 1990). The ongoingIntermountain Flora series (Barneby 1989; Cronquist et al. 1972-1997), though technical in approach, isand will remain the foremost descriptive source for most of Nevada's common and rare vascular plants.The floras of neighboring states (Hickman 1993; Kearney and Peebles 1960; Welsh et al. 1987, 1993)are immensely useful for taxa not included in the Intermountain Flora series. There are many (mostlyrare) taxa endemic to Nevada, though, for which no modern floristic coverage exists. For these taxa,Mozingo and Williams (1980) and the present atlas may represent most of the recent informationavailable. The current list of all plant taxa tracked by the Nevada Natural Heritage Program ismaintained as the Detailed Rare Plant List on the Program's web site (URL:http://www.state.nv.us/nvnhp/plantdet.htm). The 297 taxa currently on this list represent about 10% ofthe vascular plant taxa known to grow without cultivation in Nevada.

The atlas maps, and many of the items on the accompanying rare plant fact sheets, are self-explanatory. In the Status section, the following abbreviations are used: USFWS/ESA = status underthe Endangered Species Act as administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and WildlifeService; BLM = U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management; USFS = U.S.Department of Agriculture, Forest Service; NNNPS = Northern Nevada Native Plant Society.

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Occasionally a Nevada plant species has status assigned under IUCN (International Union for theConservation of Nature) or CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species), inwhich cases these statuses are also shown. More information on all status designations, ranks, and codesis available on the Nevada Natural Heritage Program web site listed on the inside front cover.

In the Population Census section, numbers of entered occurrences are provided at two differentscales if the numbers differ: 0.1 mile (0.16 km) minimum separation between mapped locations, whichis the minimum mapping scale at which separate records are maintained by the Nevada Natural HeritageProgram internally, and 1 km (0.6 mile) minimum separation, which is an emerging nationwide standardfor estimating Heritage ranks. Other Natural Heritage Programs currently use standards somewherebetween these two extremes, so both are provided as indications of the minimum and maximum numberof "reportable" Nevada occurrences for each taxon. The total estimated individuals and area, whenprovided, are simply totals of the available numbers entered in BCD for Nevada occurrences. In manycases these numbers are not available for the majority of occurrences, and numbers followed by a +symbol reflect moderate to large underestimates of the true totals.

In the Phenology section, the survey months are given as a range that includes the 1-4 months inwhich the greatest number of surveys recorded for this taxon occurred. For example, at taxon withsurveys recorded only in May and July would be shown as May-July, surveys recorded in March, April,June, and July would be shown as March-July, and surveys recorded in May, June, July, August,September, and October, with the fewest in May and September, would be shown as June-October. Thisrange provides an indication only of when additional surveys are most likely to be successful; i.e.,when the taxon is most easily detected and identified, not necessarily when the taxon is in flower or anyother particular phenologic stage.

The references cited for each taxon are divided up into sections. References for knownphotographs and illustrations are cited first, and may refer either to the general references listedseparately at the end of this introductory section, or to specific references listed at the bottom of the factsheet. These listings are not necessarily complete, and sometimes additional references not cited underthese two headings may also contain photographs or illustrations. Any other general references notalready cited are then listed, followed by specific references for each taxon that are not included in thegeneral references. The general references are listed separately starting on page xvii of thisintroductory section. Therefore, to find the full citation for a reference, look first in the specificreferences on the fact sheet for the taxon in questions (if any), then in the general references.

As mentioned above, the information in some of the text sections of the fact sheets was in somecases entered by other state Natural Heritage Programs or Conservation Data Centers, and has not in allcases been reviewed for accuracy or currency relevant to Nevada. Any errors or discrepancies notedshould be brought to the attention of the Nevada Natural Heritage Program for further review.

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Heritage (S=Sensitive List; W=Watch List)Tracking List Scientific Name Common Name Family

S Angelica scabrida rough angelica ApiaceaeS Antennaria arcuata meadow pussytoes AsteraceaeS Antennaria soliceps Charleston pussytoes AsteraceaeS Arabis bodiensis Bodie Hills rockcress BrassicaceaeS Arabis falcatoria Grouse Creek rockcress BrassicaceaeS Arabis falcifructa Elko rockcress BrassicaceaeS Arabis ophira Ophir rockcress BrassicaceaeS Arabis pinzliae Pinzl rockcress BrassicaceaeS Arabis rectissima var. simulans Washoe tall rockcress BrassicaceaeS Arabis rigidissima var. demota Galena Creek rockcress BrassicaceaeW Arabis shockleyi Shockley rockcress BrassicaceaeS Arabis tiehmii Tiehm rockcress BrassicaceaeS Arctomecon californica Las Vegas bearpoppy PapaveraceaeS Arctomecon merriamii white bearpoppy PapaveraceaeS Arenaria kingii ssp. rosea rosy King sandwort CaryophyllaceaeS Arenaria stenomeres Meadow Valley sandwort CaryophyllaceaeW Artemisia packardiae Packard mugwort AsteraceaeW Artemisia papposa Owyhee sagebrush AsteraceaeS Asclepias eastwoodiana Eastwood milkweed AsclepiadaceaeS Aspicilia fruticulosa rim lichen HymeneliaceaeS Astragalus ackermanii Ackerman milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus aequalis Clokey milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus amphioxys var. musimonum Sheep Mountain milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus anserinus Goose Creek milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus beatleyae Beatley milkvetch FabaceaeW Astragalus callithrix Callaway milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus calycosus var. monophyllidius one-leaflet Torrey milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus cimae var. cimae Cima milkvetch FabaceaeW Astragalus convallarius var. finitimus Pine Valley milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus convallarius var. margaretiae Margaret rushy milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus diversifolius meadow milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus eurylobus Needle Mountains milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus funereus black woollypod FabaceaeS Astragalus geyeri var. triquetrus threecorner milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus gilmanii Gilman milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus johannis-howellii Long Valley milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus lentiginosus var. latus broad-pod freckled milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus lentiginosus var. sesquimetralis Sodaville milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus mohavensis var. hemigyrus halfring milkvetch FabaceaeW Astragalus mohavensis var. mohavensis Mojave milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus mokiacensis Mokiak milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus nyensis Nye milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus oophorus var. clokeyanus Clokey eggvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus oophorus var. lavinii Lavin eggvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus oophorus var. lonchocalyx long-calyx eggvetch Fabaceae

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S Astragalus phoenix Ash Meadows milkvetch FabaceaeW Astragalus porrectus Lahontan milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus pseudiodanthus Tonopah milkvetch FabaceaeW Astragalus pterocarpus winged milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus pulsiferae var. pulsiferae Pulsifer milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus pulsiferae var. suksdorfii Suksdorf milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus remotus Spring Mountains milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus robbinsii var. occidentalis Lamoille Canyon milkvetch FabaceaeW Astragalus serenoi var. sordescens squalid milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus solitarius lonesome milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus tiehmii Tiehm milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus toquimanus Toquima milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus uncialis Currant milkvetch FabaceaeS Astragalus yoder-williamsii Osgood Mountains milkvetch FabaceaeS Botrychium ascendens upswept moonwort OphioglossaceaeS Botrychium crenulatum dainty moonwort OphioglossaceaeS Calochortus striatus alkali mariposa lily LiliaceaeS Camissonia megalantha Cane Spring suncup OnagraceaeW Camissonia nevadensis Nevada suncup OnagraceaeW Castilleja martinii var. clokeyi Clokey paintbrush ScrophulariaceaeS Castilleja salsuginosa Monte Neva paintbrush ScrophulariaceaeS Caulanthus barnebyi Barneby stemflower BrassicaceaeS Centaurium namophilum spring-loving centaury GentianaceaeS Chrysothamnus eremobius remote rabbitbrush AsteraceaeS Cirsium clokeyi Clokey thistle AsteraceaeS Cirsium virginense Virgin River thistle AsteraceaeS Collomia renacta Barren Valley collomia PolemoniaceaeS Cordylanthus tecopensis Tecopa birdsbeak ScrophulariaceaeS Crossidium seriatum seriate crossidium PottiaceaeS Cryptantha insolita unusual catseye BoraginaceaeS Cryptantha schoolcraftii Schoolcraft catseye BoraginaceaeW Cryptantha tumulosa New York Mountains catseye BoraginaceaeS Cryptantha welshii White River catseye BoraginaceaeS Cusickiella quadricostata Bodie Hills draba BrassicaceaeS Cymopterus basalticus intermountain wavewing ApiaceaeS Cymopterus cinerarius gray wavewing ApiaceaeS Cymopterus goodrichii Goodrich biscuitroot ApiaceaeW Cymopterus ripleyi var. ripleyi Ripley biscuitroot ApiaceaeS Cymopterus ripleyi var. saniculoides sanicle biscuitroot ApiaceaeS Didymodon nevadensis Gold Butte moss PottiaceaeS Draba arida desert whitlowgrass BrassicaceaeS Draba asterophora var. asterophora Tahoe draba BrassicaceaeS Draba brachystylis Wasatch draba BrassicaceaeS Draba californica California draba BrassicaceaeW Draba cusickii var. pedicellata stalked Cusick whitlowgrass BrassicaceaeS Draba jaegeri Jaeger whitlowgrass BrassicaceaeS Draba oreibata var. serpentina Snake Range whitlowgrass BrassicaceaeS Draba paucifructa Charleston draba BrassicaceaeS Draba pennellii Pennell draba BrassicaceaeS Draba subumbellata White Mountains cushion draba BrassicaceaeW Dudleya pulverulenta chalk liveforever Crassulaceae

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W Elodea nevadensis Nevada waterweed HydrocharitaceaeS Enceliopsis argophylla silverleaf sunray AsteraceaeS Enceliopsis nudicaulis var. corrugata Ash Meadows sunray AsteraceaeS Entosthodon planoconvexus planoconvex entosthodon FunariaceaeS Epilobium nevadense Nevada willowherb OnagraceaeS Ericameria cervina Antelope Canyon goldenbush AsteraceaeS Ericameria compacta Charleston goldenbush AsteraceaeW Ericameria watsonii Watson goldenbush AsteraceaeS Erigeron latus broad fleabane AsteraceaeS Erigeron ovinus sheep fleabane AsteraceaeW Erigeron uncialis var. conjugans inch high fleabane AsteraceaeW Erigeron uncialis var. uncialis limestone daisy AsteraceaeS Eriogonum ampullaceum Mono buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum anemophilum windloving buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum argophyllum Sulphur Springs buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum beatleyae Beatley buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum bifurcatum Pahrump Valley buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum concinnum Darin buckwheat PolygonaceaeW Eriogonum contiguum Amargosa buckwheat PolygonaceaeW Eriogonum corymbosum var. glutinosum golden buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum crosbyae Crosby buckwheat PolygonaceaeW Eriogonum darrovii Darrow buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum esmeraldense var. toiyabense Toiyabe buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum heermannii var. clokeyi Clokey buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum holmgrenii Holmgren buckwheat PolygonaceaeW Eriogonum lemmonii Lemmon buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum lewisii Lewis buckwheat PolygonaceaeW Eriogonum ovalifolium var. caelestinum heavenly buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum ovalifolium var. williamsiae Steamboat buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum phoeniceum scarlet buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum prociduum prostrate buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum robustum altered andesite buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum sp. Churchill Narrows buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum tiehmii Tiehm buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum viscidulum sticky buckwheat PolygonaceaeS Frasera gypsicola Sunnyside green gentian GentianaceaeS Frasera pahutensis Pahute green gentian GentianaceaeS Galium hilendiae ssp. kingstonense Kingston Mountains bedstraw RubiaceaeW Gilia heterostyla Cochrane gilia PolemoniaceaeW Gilia nyensis Nye gilia PolemoniaceaeW Gilia ripleyi Ripley gilia PolemoniaceaeS Glossopetalon clokeyi Clokey greasebush CrossosomataceaeS Glossopetalon pungens var. glabrum smooth dwarf greasebush CrossosomataceaeS Glossopetalon pungens var. pungens rough dwarf greasebush CrossosomataceaeS Grimmia americana American grimmia GrimmiaceaeS Grindelia fraxinopratensis Ash Meadows gumplant AsteraceaeW Hackelia cusickii Cusick stickseed BoraginaceaeW Hackelia ophiobia rattlesnake stickseed BoraginaceaeS Helianthus deserticola desert sunflower AsteraceaeS Hulsea vestita ssp. inyoensis Inyo hulsea AsteraceaeS Ionactis caelestis Red Rock Canyon aster Asteraceae

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S Ipomopsis congesta var. nevadensis Toiyabe gilia PolemoniaceaeS Ivesia aperta var. aperta Sierra Valley ivesia RosaceaeS Ivesia arizonica var. saxosa rock purpusia RosaceaeS Ivesia cryptocaulis hidden ivesia RosaceaeS Ivesia jaegeri Jaeger ivesia RosaceaeS Ivesia kingii var. eremica Ash Meadows ivesia RosaceaeS Ivesia pityocharis Pine Nut Mountains ivesia RosaceaeS Ivesia rhypara var. rhypara grimy ivesia RosaceaeS Ivesia webberi Webber ivesia RosaceaeS Jamesia tetrapetala waxflower HydrangeaceaeS Lathyrus grimesii Grimes vetchling FabaceaeS Lathyrus hitchcockianus Bullfrog Hills sweetpea FabaceaeS Lepidium davisii Davis peppergrass BrassicaceaeS Lepidium montanum var. nevadense Pueblo Valley peppergrass BrassicaceaeS Leptodactylon glabrum Bruneau River prickly phlox PolemoniaceaeW Lesquerella goodrichii Goodrich bladderpod BrassicaceaeW Lesquerella hitchcockii Hitchcock bladderpod BrassicaceaeS Lewisia maguirei Maguire bitterroot PortulacaceaeW Lomatium graveolens var. alpinum Clark parsley ApiaceaeS Lomatium packardiae Succor Creek parsley ApiaceaeS Lomatium roseanum adobe parsley ApiaceaeW Machaeranthera grindelioides var. depressa rayless tansy aster AsteraceaeW Mentzelia candelariae Candelaria blazing-star LoasaceaeS Mentzelia leucophylla Ash Meadows blazingstar LoasaceaeS Mentzelia mollis smooth stickleaf LoasaceaeS Mentzelia packardiae Packard stickleaf LoasaceaeS Mimulus ovatus Steamboat monkeyflower ScrophulariaceaeS Nitrophila mohavensis Amargosa niterwort ChenopodiaceaeS Opuntia pulchella sand cholla CactaceaeS Opuntia whipplei var. multigeniculata Blue Diamond cholla CactaceaeS Oryctes nevadensis oryctes SolanaceaeW Oxytheca watsonii Watson spinecup PolygonaceaeW Pedicularis semibarbata var. charlestonensis Charleston pinewood lousewort ScrophulariaceaeS Pediomelum castoreum Beaver Dam breadroot FabaceaeS Penstemon albomarginatus white-margined beardtongue ScrophulariaceaeS Penstemon arenarius Nevada dune beardtongue ScrophulariaceaeS Penstemon bicolor ssp. bicolor yellow twotone beardtongue ScrophulariaceaeS Penstemon bicolor ssp. roseus rosy twotone beardtongue ScrophulariaceaeS Penstemon concinnus Tunnel Springs beardtongue ScrophulariaceaeS Penstemon floribundus Cordelia beardtongue ScrophulariaceaeS Penstemon fruticiformis ssp. amargosae Death Valley beardtongue ScrophulariaceaeS Penstemon leiophyllus var. francisci-pennellii Pennell beardtongue ScrophulariaceaeS Penstemon leiophyllus var. keckii Charleston beardtongue ScrophulariaceaeS Penstemon moriahensis Mount Moriah beardtongue ScrophulariaceaeS Penstemon pahutensis Pahute Mesa beardtongue ScrophulariaceaeS Penstemon palmeri var. macranthus Lahontan beardtongue ScrophulariaceaeS Penstemon patricus dad's penstemon ScrophulariaceaeS Penstemon pudicus bashful beardtongue ScrophulariaceaeS Penstemon rhizomatosus rhizome beardtongue ScrophulariaceaeS Penstemon rubicundus Wassuk beardtongue ScrophulariaceaeS Penstemon thompsoniae ssp. jaegeri Jaeger beardtongue Scrophulariaceae

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NEVADA RARE PLANT ATLAS June 2001 List of Mapped Taxa


S Penstemon tiehmii Tiehm beardtongue ScrophulariaceaeW Perityle intricata delicate rockdaisy AsteraceaeW Phacelia anelsonii Aven Nelson phacelia HydrophyllaceaeS Phacelia beatleyae Beatley scorpion plant HydrophyllaceaeW Phacelia glaberrima Reese River phacelia HydrophyllaceaeS Phacelia inconspicua obscure scorpion plant HydrophyllaceaeS Phacelia inundata playa phacelia HydrophyllaceaeS Phacelia minutissima least phacelia HydrophyllaceaeS Phacelia monoensis Mono County phacelia HydrophyllaceaeS Phacelia mustelina weasel phacelia HydrophyllaceaeS Phacelia parishii Parish phacelia HydrophyllaceaeS Phacelia sp. overlooked phacelia HydrophyllaceaeS Pinus washoensis Washoe pine PinaceaeS Plagiobothrys glomeratus altered andesite popcornflower BoraginaceaeS Poa abbreviata ssp. marshii Marsh bluegrass PoaceaeS Polemonium chartaceum White Mountain skypilot PolemoniaceaeS Polyctenium williamsiae Williams combleaf BrassicaceaeS Porophyllum pygmaeum pygmy poreleaf AsteraceaeS Potentilla basaltica Soldier Meadow cinquefoil RosaceaeS Potentilla cottamii Cottam cinquefoil RosaceaeS Primula capillaris Ruby Mountains primrose PrimulaceaeS Primula cusickiana var. nevadensis Nevada primrose PrimulaceaeS Psorothamnus kingii Lahontan indigobush FabaceaeS Rorippa subumbellata Tahoe yellowcress BrassicaceaeS Salvia dorrii var. clokeyi Clokey mountain sage LamiaceaeS Salvia funerea Death Valley sage LamiaceaeS Sclerocactus blainei Blaine pincushion CactaceaeS Sclerocactus nyensis Tonopah fishhook cactus CactaceaeS Sclerocactus polyancistrus hermit cactus CactaceaeS Sclerocactus schlesseri Schlesser pincushion CactaceaeW Scutellaria holmgreniorum Ravendale skullcap LamiaceaeS Selaginella utahensis Utah spikemoss SelaginellaceaeS Silene clokeyi Clokey catchfly CaryophyllaceaeS Silene nachlingerae Nachlinger catchfly CaryophyllaceaeS Smelowskia holmgrenii Holmgren smelowskia BrassicaceaeS Sphaeralcea caespitosa Jones globemallow MalvaceaeS Sphaeromeria compacta Charleston tansy AsteraceaeS Spiranthes diluvialis Ute lady's tresses OrchidaceaeS Spiranthes infernalis Ash Meadows lady's tresses OrchidaceaeS Streptanthus oliganthus Masonic Mountain jewelflower BrassicaceaeS Stroganowia tiehmii Tiehm stroganowia BrassicaceaeS Synthyris ranunculina Charleston kittentails ScrophulariaceaeS Tonestus alpinus alpine tonestus AsteraceaeS Tonestus graniticus Lone Mountain tonestus AsteraceaeS Townsendia jonesii var. tumulosa Charleston grounddaisy AsteraceaeS Trichostomum sweetii Sweet trichostomum PottiaceaeS Trifolium andinum var. podocephalum Currant Summit clover FabaceaeS Trifolium leibergii Leiberg clover FabaceaeS Trifolium rollinsii Rollins clover FabaceaeS Viola lithion rock violet ViolaceaeS Viola purpurea var. charlestonensis Charleston violet Violaceae

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Heritage (S=Sensitive List; W=Watch List)Tracking

List Scientific Name Common Name

Bryophytes (mosses and allies)

family: FunariaceaeS Entosthodon planoconvexus planoconvex entosthodon

family: GrimmiaceaeS Grimmia americana American grimmia

family: PottiaceaeS Crossidium seriatum seriate crossidiumS Didymodon nevadensis Gold Butte mossS Trichostomum sweetii Sweet trichostomum

Pteridophytes (ferns and allies)

family: OphioglossaceaeS Botrychium ascendens upswept moonwortS Botrychium crenulatum dainty moonwort

family: SelaginellaceaeS Selaginella utahensis Utah spikemoss

Gymnosperms (conifers and allies)

family: PinaceaeS Pinus washoensis Washoe pine

Flowering Dicots

family: ApiaceaeS Angelica scabrida rough angelicaS Cymopterus basalticus intermountain wavewingS Cymopterus cinerarius gray wavewingS Cymopterus goodrichii Goodrich biscuitrootW Cymopterus ripleyi var. ripleyi Ripley biscuitrootS Cymopterus ripleyi var. saniculoides sanicle biscuitrootW Lomatium graveolens var. alpinum Clark parsleyS Lomatium packardiae Succor Creek parsleyS Lomatium roseanum adobe parsley

family: AsclepiadaceaeS Asclepias eastwoodiana Eastwood milkweed

family: AsteraceaeS Antennaria arcuata meadow pussytoesS Antennaria soliceps Charleston pussytoesW Artemisia packardiae Packard mugwortW Artemisia papposa Owyhee sagebrushS Chrysothamnus eremobius remote rabbitbrushS Cirsium clokeyi Clokey thistleS Cirsium virginense Virgin River thistle

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NEVADA RARE PLANT ATLAS June 2001 List of Taxa by Major Groups and Families


S Enceliopsis argophylla silverleaf sunrayS Enceliopsis nudicaulis var. corrugata Ash Meadows sunrayS Ericameria cervina Antelope Canyon goldenbushS Ericameria compacta Charleston goldenbushW Ericameria watsonii Watson goldenbushS Erigeron latus broad fleabaneS Erigeron ovinus sheep fleabaneW Erigeron uncialis var. conjugans inch high fleabaneW Erigeron uncialis var. uncialis limestone daisyS Grindelia fraxinopratensis Ash Meadows gumplantS Helianthus deserticola desert sunflowerS Hulsea vestita ssp. inyoensis Inyo hulseaS Ionactis caelestis Red Rock Canyon asterW Machaeranthera grindelioides var. depressa rayless tansy asterW Perityle intricata delicate rockdaisyS Porophyllum pygmaeum pygmy poreleafS Sphaeromeria compacta Charleston tansyS Tonestus alpinus alpine tonestusS Tonestus graniticus Lone Mountain tonestusS Townsendia jonesii var. tumulosa Charleston grounddaisy

family: BoraginaceaeS Cryptantha insolita unusual catseyeS Cryptantha schoolcraftii Schoolcraft catseyeW Cryptantha tumulosa New York Mountains catseyeS Cryptantha welshii White River catseyeW Hackelia cusickii Cusick stickseedW Hackelia ophiobia rattlesnake stickseedS Plagiobothrys glomeratus altered andesite popcornflower

family: BrassicaceaeS Arabis bodiensis Bodie Hills rockcressS Arabis falcatoria Grouse Creek rockcressS Arabis falcifructa Elko rockcressS Arabis ophira Ophir rockcressS Arabis pinzliae Pinzl rockcressS Arabis rectissima var. simulans Washoe tall rockcressS Arabis rigidissima var. demota Galena Creek rockcressW Arabis shockleyi Shockley rockcressS Arabis tiehmii Tiehm rockcressS Caulanthus barnebyi Barneby stemflowerS Cusickiella quadricostata Bodie Hills drabaS Draba arida desert whitlowgrassS Draba asterophora var. asterophora Tahoe drabaS Draba brachystylis Wasatch drabaS Draba californica California drabaW Draba cusickii var. pedicellata stalked Cusick whitlowgrassS Draba jaegeri Jaeger whitlowgrassS Draba oreibata var. serpentina Snake Range whitlowgrassS Draba paucifructa Charleston drabaS Draba pennellii Pennell drabaS Draba subumbellata White Mountains cushion draba

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NEVADA RARE PLANT ATLAS June 2001 List of Taxa by Major Groups and Families


S Lepidium davisii Davis peppergrassS Lepidium montanum var. nevadense Pueblo Valley peppergrassW Lesquerella goodrichii Goodrich bladderpodW Lesquerella hitchcockii Hitchcock bladderpodS Polyctenium williamsiae Williams combleafS Rorippa subumbellata Tahoe yellowcressS Smelowskia holmgrenii Holmgren smelowskiaS Streptanthus oliganthus Masonic Mountain jewelflowerS Stroganowia tiehmii Tiehm stroganowia

family: CactaceaeS Opuntia pulchella sand chollaS Opuntia whipplei var. multigeniculata Blue Diamond chollaS Sclerocactus blainei Blaine pincushionS Sclerocactus nyensis Tonopah fishhook cactusS Sclerocactus polyancistrus hermit cactusS Sclerocactus schlesseri Schlesser pincushion

family: CaryophyllaceaeS Arenaria kingii ssp. rosea rosy King sandwortS Arenaria stenomeres Meadow Valley sandwortS Silene clokeyi Clokey catchflyS Silene nachlingerae Nachlinger catchfly

family: ChenopodiaceaeS Nitrophila mohavensis Amargosa niterwort

family: CrassulaceaeW Dudleya pulverulenta chalk liveforever

family: CrossosomataceaeS Glossopetalon clokeyi Clokey greasebushS Glossopetalon pungens var. glabrum smooth dwarf greasebushS Glossopetalon pungens var. pungens rough dwarf greasebush

family: FabaceaeS Astragalus ackermanii Ackerman milkvetchS Astragalus aequalis Clokey milkvetchS Astragalus amphioxys var. musimonum Sheep Mountain milkvetchS Astragalus anserinus Goose Creek milkvetchS Astragalus beatleyae Beatley milkvetchW Astragalus callithrix Callaway milkvetchS Astragalus calycosus var. monophyllidius one-leaflet Torrey milkvetchS Astragalus cimae var. cimae Cima milkvetchW Astragalus convallarius var. finitimus Pine Valley milkvetchS Astragalus convallarius var. margaretiae Margaret rushy milkvetchS Astragalus diversifolius meadow milkvetchS Astragalus eurylobus Needle Mountains milkvetchS Astragalus funereus black woollypodS Astragalus geyeri var. triquetrus threecorner milkvetchS Astragalus gilmanii Gilman milkvetchS Astragalus johannis-howellii Long Valley milkvetchS Astragalus lentiginosus var. latus broad-pod freckled milkvetchS Astragalus lentiginosus var. sesquimetralis Sodaville milkvetch

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NEVADA RARE PLANT ATLAS June 2001 List of Taxa by Major Groups and Families


S Astragalus mohavensis var. hemigyrus halfring milkvetchW Astragalus mohavensis var. mohavensis Mojave milkvetchS Astragalus mokiacensis Mokiak milkvetchS Astragalus nyensis Nye milkvetchS Astragalus oophorus var. clokeyanus Clokey eggvetchS Astragalus oophorus var. lavinii Lavin eggvetchS Astragalus oophorus var. lonchocalyx long-calyx eggvetchS Astragalus phoenix Ash Meadows milkvetchW Astragalus porrectus Lahontan milkvetchS Astragalus pseudiodanthus Tonopah milkvetchW Astragalus pterocarpus winged milkvetchS Astragalus pulsiferae var. pulsiferae Pulsifer milkvetchS Astragalus pulsiferae var. suksdorfii Suksdorf milkvetchS Astragalus remotus Spring Mountains milkvetchS Astragalus robbinsii var. occidentalis Lamoille Canyon milkvetchW Astragalus serenoi var. sordescens squalid milkvetchS Astragalus solitarius lonesome milkvetchS Astragalus tiehmii Tiehm milkvetchS Astragalus toquimanus Toquima milkvetchS Astragalus uncialis Currant milkvetchS Astragalus yoder-williamsii Osgood Mountains milkvetchS Lathyrus grimesii Grimes vetchlingS Lathyrus hitchcockianus Bullfrog Hills sweetpeaS Pediomelum castoreum Beaver Dam breadrootS Psorothamnus kingii Lahontan indigobushS Trifolium andinum var. podocephalum Currant Summit cloverS Trifolium leibergii Leiberg cloverS Trifolium rollinsii Rollins clover

family: GentianaceaeS Centaurium namophilum spring-loving centauryS Frasera gypsicola Sunnyside green gentianS Frasera pahutensis Pahute green gentian

family: HydrangeaceaeS Jamesia tetrapetala waxflower

family: HydrophyllaceaeW Phacelia anelsonii Aven Nelson phaceliaS Phacelia beatleyae Beatley scorpion plantW Phacelia glaberrima Reese River phaceliaS Phacelia inconspicua obscure scorpion plantS Phacelia inundata playa phaceliaS Phacelia minutissima least phaceliaS Phacelia monoensis Mono County phaceliaS Phacelia mustelina weasel phaceliaS Phacelia parishii Parish phaceliaS Phacelia sp. overlooked phacelia

family: LamiaceaeS Salvia dorrii var. clokeyi Clokey mountain sageS Salvia funerea Death Valley sageW Scutellaria holmgreniorum Ravendale skullcap

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NEVADA RARE PLANT ATLAS June 2001 List of Taxa by Major Groups and Families


family: LoasaceaeW Mentzelia candelariae Candelaria blazing-starS Mentzelia leucophylla Ash Meadows blazingstarS Mentzelia mollis smooth stickleafS Mentzelia packardiae Packard stickleaf

family: MalvaceaeS Sphaeralcea caespitosa Jones globemallow

family: OnagraceaeS Camissonia megalantha Cane Spring suncupW Camissonia nevadensis Nevada suncupS Epilobium nevadense Nevada willowherb

family: PapaveraceaeS Arctomecon californica Las Vegas bearpoppyS Arctomecon merriamii white bearpoppy

family: PolemoniaceaeS Collomia renacta Barren Valley collomiaW Gilia heterostyla Cochrane giliaW Gilia nyensis Nye giliaW Gilia ripleyi Ripley giliaS Ipomopsis congesta var. nevadensis Toiyabe giliaS Leptodactylon glabrum Bruneau River prickly phloxS Polemonium chartaceum White Mountain skypilot

family: PolygonaceaeS Eriogonum ampullaceum Mono buckwheatS Eriogonum anemophilum windloving buckwheatS Eriogonum argophyllum Sulphur Springs buckwheatS Eriogonum beatleyae Beatley buckwheatS Eriogonum bifurcatum Pahrump Valley buckwheatS Eriogonum concinnum Darin buckwheatW Eriogonum contiguum Amargosa buckwheatW Eriogonum corymbosum var. glutinosum golden buckwheatS Eriogonum crosbyae Crosby buckwheatW Eriogonum darrovii Darrow buckwheatS Eriogonum esmeraldense var. toiyabense Toiyabe buckwheatS Eriogonum heermannii var. clokeyi Clokey buckwheatS Eriogonum holmgrenii Holmgren buckwheatW Eriogonum lemmonii Lemmon buckwheatS Eriogonum lewisii Lewis buckwheatW Eriogonum ovalifolium var. caelestinum heavenly buckwheatS Eriogonum ovalifolium var. williamsiae Steamboat buckwheatS Eriogonum phoeniceum scarlet buckwheatS Eriogonum prociduum prostrate buckwheatS Eriogonum robustum altered andesite buckwheatS Eriogonum sp. Churchill Narrows buckwheatS Eriogonum tiehmii Tiehm buckwheatS Eriogonum viscidulum sticky buckwheatW Oxytheca watsonii Watson spinecup

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NEVADA RARE PLANT ATLAS June 2001 List of Taxa by Major Groups and Families


family: PortulacaceaeS Lewisia maguirei Maguire bitterroot

family: PrimulaceaeS Primula capillaris Ruby Mountains primroseS Primula cusickiana var. nevadensis Nevada primrose

family: RosaceaeS Ivesia aperta var. aperta Sierra Valley ivesiaS Ivesia arizonica var. saxosa rock purpusiaS Ivesia cryptocaulis hidden ivesiaS Ivesia jaegeri Jaeger ivesiaS Ivesia kingii var. eremica Ash Meadows ivesiaS Ivesia pityocharis Pine Nut Mountains ivesiaS Ivesia rhypara var. rhypara grimy ivesiaS Ivesia webberi Webber ivesiaS Potentilla basaltica Soldier Meadow cinquefoilS Potentilla cottamii Cottam cinquefoil

family: RubiaceaeS Galium hilendiae ssp. kingstonense Kingston Mountains bedstraw

family: ScrophulariaceaeW Castilleja martinii var. clokeyi Clokey paintbrushS Castilleja salsuginosa Monte Neva paintbrushS Cordylanthus tecopensis Tecopa birdsbeakS Mimulus ovatus Steamboat monkeyflowerW Pedicularis semibarbata var. charlestonensis Charleston pinewood lousewortS Penstemon albomarginatus white-margined beardtongueS Penstemon arenarius Nevada dune beardtongueS Penstemon bicolor ssp. bicolor yellow twotone beardtongueS Penstemon bicolor ssp. roseus rosy twotone beardtongueS Penstemon concinnus Tunnel Springs beardtongueS Penstemon floribundus Cordelia beardtongueS Penstemon fruticiformis ssp. amargosae Death Valley beardtongueS Penstemon leiophyllus var. francisci-pennellii Pennell beardtongueS Penstemon leiophyllus var. keckii Charleston beardtongueS Penstemon moriahensis Mount Moriah beardtongueS Penstemon pahutensis Pahute Mesa beardtongueS Penstemon palmeri var. macranthus Lahontan beardtongueS Penstemon patricus dad's penstemonS Penstemon pudicus bashful beardtongueS Penstemon rhizomatosus rhizome beardtongueS Penstemon rubicundus Wassuk beardtongueS Penstemon thompsoniae ssp. jaegeri Jaeger beardtongueS Penstemon tiehmii Tiehm beardtongueS Synthyris ranunculina Charleston kittentails

family: SolanaceaeS Oryctes nevadensis oryctes

family: ViolaceaeS Viola lithion rock violetS Viola purpurea var. charlestonensis Charleston violet

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NEVADA RARE PLANT ATLAS June 2001 List of Taxa by Major Groups and Families


Flowering Monocots

family: HydrocharitaceaeW Elodea nevadensis Nevada waterweed

family: LiliaceaeS Calochortus striatus alkali mariposa lily

family: OrchidaceaeS Spiranthes diluvialis Ute lady's tressesS Spiranthes infernalis Ash Meadows lady's tresses

family: PoaceaeS Poa abbreviata ssp. marshii Marsh bluegrass


family: HymeneliaceaeS Aspicilia fruticulosa rim lichen

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NEVADA RARE PLANT ATLAS June 2001 Nevada Natural Heritage Program



The following are major references of relatively broad application to Nevada rare plants. They are fully cited only here,and are otherwise given brief citations in the applicable rare plant fact sheets accompanying the maps in this atlas. Morenarrowly applicable references are not included here, but are instead given full citations on the applicable fact sheets.

Ackerman, T. 1981. A survey of possible threatened and endangered plant species on the Desert National WildlifeRefuge. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 322 pages.

Albee, B. J., L. M. Shultz, and S. Goodrich. 1988. Atlas of the vascular plants of Utah. Salt Lake City: UtahMuseum Natural History.

Anderson, S., M. White, and D. Atwood. 1991. Humboldt National Forest sensitive plant field guide. Ogden,Utah: U. S. D. A., Forest Service, Intermountain Region.

Atwood, D., J. Holland, R. Bolander, B. Franklin, D. E. House, L. Armstrong, K. Thorne, and L. England. 1991.Utah endangered, threatened, and sensitive plant field guide. Ogden, Utah: U. S. Forest Service,Intermountain Region.

Atwood, D., J. Stoddard, and F. Smith (editors). 1990. Idaho and Wyoming endangered and sensitive plant fieldguide. Ogden, Utah: U. S. Forest Service, Intermountain Region. 192 pages.

Barneby, R. C. 1964. Atlas of North American Astragalus, parts I and II (separately bound). Memoirs of the NewYork Botanical Garden 13: 1-1188.

Barneby, R. C. 1977. Daleae imagines: an illustrated revision of Errazurizia Philippi, Psorothamnus Rydberg,Marina Liebmann, and Dalea Lucanus emend. Barneby, including all species of Leguminosae tribeAmorpheae Borissova ever referred to Dalea. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 27: 1-891.

Barneby, R. C. 1989. Fabales. Pages 1-279 in: A. Cronquist, A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren, J. L. Reveal, andP. K. Holmgren. Intermountain flora vol. 3, part B. Bronx: The New York Botanical Garden.

Beatley, J. C. 1976. Vascular plants of the Nevada Test Site and central-southern Nevada: ecologic andgeographic distributions. Nevada Test Site: Energy Research and Development Administration, andSpringfield, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, TID-26881. 308 pages.

Beatley, J. C. 1977. Addenda to endangered and threatened species of the Nevada Test Site, Ash Meadows andcentral-southern Nevada. Nevada Test Site: Energy Research and Development Administration.

Beatley, J. C. 1977. Endangered plant species of the Nevada Test Site, Ash Meadows, and central-southernNevada. Nevada Test Site: U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration, report COO-2307-11.

Beatley, J. C. 1977. Threatened plant species of the Nevada Test Site, Ash Meadows, and central-southernNevada. Nevada Test Site: U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration, report COO-2307-12.

Benson, L. 1982. The cacti of the United States and Canada. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. 1044pages.

Blomquist, K. W., T. A. Lindemann, G. E. Lyon, D. C. Steen, C. A. Wills, S. A. Flick, and W. K. Ostler. 1995.Current distribution, habitat, and status of Category 2 candidate plant species on and near the U. S.Department of Energy's Nevada Test Site. Santa Barbara, California: EG and G/EM Report 11265-1149.

Clokey, I. W. 1951. Flora of the Charleston Mountains, Clark County, Nevada. University of CaliforniaPublications in Botany 24: 1-274.

Cochrane, S. A. 1979. Status of endangered and threatened plant species on Nevada Test Site - a survey, parts 1and 2. Appendix C: Collection records for the taxa considered. Santa Barbara, California: EG and G/EMReport 183-2356.

Cronquist, A. 1994. Asterales. Pages 1-496 in: Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren, J. L. Reveal, andP. K. Holmgren. Intermountain flora vol. 5. Bronx: The New York Botanical Garden.

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NEVADA RARE PLANT ATLAS June 2001 General References


Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren, and J. L. Reveal. 1972. Intermountain flora vol. 1. New York:Hafner Publishing Company. 270 pages.

Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren, J. L. Reveal, and P. K. Holmgren. 1977. Intermountain flora vol.6. The Monocotyledons. New York: Columbia University Press. 583 pages.

Cronquist, A., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren, J. L. Reveal, and P. K. Holmgren. 1984. Intermountain flora vol.4. Subclass Asteridae (except Asteraceae). Bronx: The New York Botanical Garden. 573 pages.

Cronquist, A., N. H. Holmgren, and P. K. Holmgren. 1997. Intermountain flora vol. 3, part A. Subclass Rosidae(except Fabales). Bronx: The New York Botanical Garden. 446 pages.

Eastman, D. 1990. Rare and endangered plants of Oregon. Wilsonville, Oregon: Beautiful America PublishingCompany. vi + 194 pages.

Fertig, W., C. Refsdal, and J. Whipple. 1994. Wyoming rare plant field guide. Cheyenne: Wyoming Rare PlantTechnical Committee.

Flora of North America editorial Committee. 1993. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Vol. 2.Pteridophytes and gymnosperms. New York: Oxford University Press. xvi + 475 pages.

Flora of North America editorial Committee. 1997. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Vol. 3.Magnoliophyta: Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae. New York: Oxford University Press. xxiii + 590 pages.

Flora of North America editorial Committee. 2000. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Vol. 22.Magnoliophyta: Alismatidae, Arecidae, Commelinidae (in part), and Zingiberidae. New York: OxfordUniversity Press. xxiii + 352 pages.

Goodrich, S. 1981. A floristic study of central Nevada. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, M. S. thesis. 400pages.

Graf, M. 1999. Plants of the Tahoe Basin: flowering plants, trees, and ferns: a photographic guide. Sacramento:California Native Plant Society Press, and Berkeley: University of California Press. viii + 308 pages.

Hall, C. A., Jr. (editor). 1991. Natural history of the White-Inyo Range, eastern California. Berkeley: Universityof California Press. 536 pages.

Hickman, J. C. (editor). 1993. The Jepson manual: Higher plants of California. Berkeley: University of CaliforniaPress. 1400 pages.

Hitchcock, C. L., and A. Cronquist. 1973. Flora of the Pacific Northwest: An illustrated manual. Seattle:University of Washington Press. 730 pages.

Hitchcock, C. L., A. Cronquist, and M. Ownbey. 1959. Ericaceae through Campanulaceae. Pages 1-510 in:Hitchcock, C. L., A. Cronquist, M. Ownbey, and J. W. Thompson. Vascular plants of the Pacific Northwestpart 4. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Holland, J., W. E. Niles and P. J. Leary. 1979. Vascular plants of the Lake Mead National Recreation Area,Project report #3. Las Vegas: University of Nevada.

Holland, J. S., W. E. Niles and D. R. Schramm. 1980. A guide to the threatened and endangered vascular plants ofthe Lake Mead National Recreation Area. Las Vegas: University of Nevada and National Park Service,Technical Report No. 4.

Isely, D. 1998. Native and naturalized Leguminosae (Fabaceae) of the United States (exclusive of Alaska andHawaii). Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum Press. 1007 pages.

Kartesz, J. T. 1987. A flora of Nevada. Reno: University of Nevada, doctoral dissertation. 1729 pages.

Kearney, T. H. and R. H. Peebles. 1960. Arizona flora, second edition with supplement by J. T. Howell, E.McClintock, and collaborators. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1085 pages.

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NEVADA RARE PLANT ATLAS June 2001 General References


Knight, T. A. 1992. Status report on nine rare plant species endemic to the Spring Mountains, Clark County,Nevada. Carson City: Nevada Natural Heritage Program, prepared for the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service,Reno. 58 pages.

Knight, T. A. and F. J. Smith. 1994. An inventory for rare, threatened, endangered and endemic plants and uniquecommunities on Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Range, Clark, Lincoln, and Nye counties, Nevada.United States Department of Defense, Legacy Resource Management Program. Vol I. Las Vegas: The NatureConservancy, 68 pages w/appendices.

Knight, T. A. and F. J. Smith. 1995. An inventory for rare, threatened, endangered and endemic plants and uniquecommunities on Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Range, Clark, Lincoln, and Nye counties, Nevada.United States Department of Defense, Legacy Resource Management Program. Vol II. Las Vegas: TheNature Conservancy of Nevada, 59 pages w/appendices.

Knight, T. A. and F. J. Smith. 1996. An inventory for rare, threatened, endangered, and endemic plants andunique communities on Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Range, Clark, Lincoln, and Nye counties,Nevada. United States Department of Defense, Legacy Resource Management Program. Vol. III. Las Vegas:The Nature Conservancy of Nevada. 59 pages w/appendices.

Knight, T. A., F. J. Smith, and D. Pritchett. 1997. An inventory for rare, threatened, endangered, and endemicplants and unique communities on Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Range, Clark, Lincoln, and Nyecounties, Nevada. United States Department of Defense, Legacy Resource Management Program. Finalvolume IV, part A: the inventory. Las Vegas: The Nature Conservancy of Nevada. 180 pages w/appendices.

Lellinger, D. B. 1985. A field manual of the ferns and fern-allies of the U. S. and Canada. Washington, DC:Smithsonian Institution Press. 389 pages.

Meinke, R. J. 1982. Threatened and endangered vascular plants of Oregon: an illustrated guide. Portland, Oregon:U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1. 326 pages.

Mozingo, H. N. and M. Williams. 1980. The threatened and endangered plants of Nevada. Portland, Oregon: U. S.Fish and Wildlife Service, and Reno, Nevada: Bureau of Land Management. 268 pages.

Munz, P. A. 1973. A California flora and supplement. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1681 + 224 pages.

Nachlinger, J. 1994. Spring Mountains ecosystem: An ecological investigation of sensitive plant taxa withemphasis on the status of eight candidate plants for listing under the Endangered Species Act. Reno: TheNature Conservancy, final Report to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Reno. 60 p. + two appendices.

Nevada Natural Heritage Program. 1986-present. Slide collection files. Carson City.

Nevada Natural Heritage Program. 1998-present. Index to available images (web page). Carson City: NevadaNatural Heritage Program public web site, http://www.state.nv.us/nvnhp/images.htm.

Niles, W. E., J. S. Holland, P. J. Leary, F. H. Landau. 1995. Survey of special status plants in the eastern MojaveDesert. Las Vegas: University of Nevada, assistance agreement with the Bureau of Land Management.

Niles, W. E., J. S. Holland, P. J. Leary, and F. H. Landau. 1997. Survey of special status plants in the easternMojave Desert. Las Vegas: University of Nevada, assistance agreement with the Bureau of LandManagement.

Niles, W. E., P. J. Leary, and J. S. Holland. 1998. Survey of special status plants in the eastern Mojave Desert.Las Vegas: University of Nevada, assistance agreement with the Bureau of Land Management.

Niles, W. E., P. J. Leary, J. S. Holland, and F. H. Landau. 1996. Survey of special status plants in the easternMojave Desert. Las Vegas: University of Nevada, assistance agreement with the Bureau of LandManagement.

Niles, W. E., P. J. Leary, J. S. Holland, and F. H. Landau. 1999. Survey of Special Status Plants in the EasternMojave Desert. Las Vegas: University of Nevada, assistance agreement with the Bureau of LandManagement.

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NEVADA RARE PLANT ATLAS June 2001 General References


Peck, M. E. 1961. A manual of the higher plants of Oregon. Portland, Oregon: Binsford and Mort. 936 pages.

Reveal, J. L. 1976. Eriogonum (Polygonaceae) of Arizona and New Mexico. Phytologia 34: 409-484.

Reveal, J. L. 1985. Annotated key to Eriogonum (Polygonaceae) of Nevada. Great Basin Naturalist 45: 493-519.

Reveal, J. L. 1989. Eriogonoid flora of California (Polygonaceae: Eriogonoideae). Phytologia 66: 295-414.

Rhoads, W. A. and M. P. Williams. 1977. Status of endangered and threatened plant species on Nevada Test Site -a survey. Part 1: endangered species. Santa Barbara, California: EG and G/EM Report 1183-2356.

Rhoads, W. A., S. A. Cochrane and M. Williams. 1979. Addendum to status of endangered and threatened plantspecies on Nevada Test Site - a survey, parts 1 and 2. Santa Barbara, California: EG and G/EM Report 1183-2356.

Rhoads, W. A., S. A. Cochrane, and M. P. Williams. 1979. Status of endangered and threatened plant species onthe Tonopah Test Range - a survey. Santa Barbara, California: EG and G/EM Report 1183-2387.

Rollins, R. C. 1941. A monographic study of Arabis in western North America. Rhodora 43: 289-325, 348-411,425-481.

Rollins, R. C. 1993. The Cruciferae of Continental North America: systematics of the mustard family from theArctic to Panama. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. 976 pages.

Sada, D. W. and J. L. Nachlinger. 1996. Spring Mountains Ecosystem: Vulnerability of spring-fed aquatic andriparian systems to biodiversity loss. Reno, Nevada: The Nature Conservancy, prepared for the U. S. Fishand Wildlife Service.

Skinner, M. W., and B. M. Pavlik (editors). 1994. Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants ofCalifornia. 5th edition. Sacramento: California Native Plant Society. 338 pages.

Smith, F. J. and M. Curto. 1995. Humboldt National Forest Mountain City and Jarbidge districts sensitive plantsurvey 1995. Elko, Nevada: U. S. D. A., Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest.

Spahr, R., L. Armstrong, D. Atwood, and M. Rath. 1991. Threatened, endangered, and sensitive species of theIntermountain Region. U. S. Forest Service, Intermountain Region, Ogden, UT.

Stone, R. D. 1998. Endemic and rare plants of Utah: an overview of their distribution and status. Prepared for:Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission, U. S. Department of the Interior, by UtahDivision of Wildlife Resources. 566 pages + appendices.

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1983. Proposed endangered status for seven plant and one insect species in AshMeadows, Nevada and California. Federal Register 48(199): 46590-46598.

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1985. Determination of threatened status with critical habitat for six plants andone insect in Ash Meadows, Nevada and California, and endangered status with critical habitat for one plantin Ash Meadows, Nevada and California. Federal Register 50(97): 20777-20794.

Weixelman, D., and D. Atwood. 1990. Toiyabe National Forest sensitive plants field guide. Ogden, Utah: U. S.Forest Service, Intermountain Region. 123 pages.

Welsh, S. L. 1979. Illustrated manual of proposed endangered and threatened plants of Utah. Provo, Utah:Brigham Young University. 318 pages.

Welsh, S. L., N. D. Atwood, S. Goodrich, and L. C. Higgins (editors). 1993. A Utah flora. Provo, Utah: BrighamYoung University Press.

Welsh, S. L., N. D. Atwood, L. C. Higgins and S. Goodrich. 1987. A Utah flora. Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs9: 1-894. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press.

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Arabis cobrensis (misapplied) Arabis falcifructaArabis fernaldiana var. stylosa (misapplied) Arabis bodiensisArabis platysperma (?) Arabis rigidissima var. demotaAsclepias uncialis ssp. ruthiae (?) Asclepias eastwoodianaAstragalus arrectus var. remotus Astragalus remotusAstragalus artipes (misapplied) Astragalus oophorus var. clokeyanusAstragalus hemigyrus Astragalus mohavensis var. hemigyrusAstragalus ibapensis Astragalus diversifoliusAstragalus iodanthus var. pseudiodanthus Astragalus pseudiodanthusAstragalus musimonum Astragalus amphioxys var. musimonumAstragalus newberryi var. funereus Astragalus funereusAstragalus purshii var. funereus Astragalus funereusAstragalus tephrodes var. eurylobus Astragalus eurylobusAstragalus triquetrus Astragalus geyeri var. triquetrusBotrychium lunaria (misapplied) Botrychium crenulatumBotrychium lunaria var. onondagense (misapplied) Botrychium ascendensCastilleja applegatei ssp. martinii (in part) Castilleja martinii var. clokeyiCastilleja clokeyi Castilleja martinii var. clokeyiCentaurium namophilum var. namophilum Centaurium namophilumCollomia linearis (?) Collomia renactaCorynopuntia pulchella Opuntia pulchellaCryptantha sobolifera (?) Cryptantha schoolcraftiiCryptantha virginensis (?) Cryptantha insolitaCylindropuntia multigeniculata Opuntia whipplei var. multigeniculataCymopterus ripleyi Cymopterus ripleyi var. ripleyiCymopterus ripleyi Cymopterus ripleyi var. saniculoidesCystium sesquimetrale Astragalus lentiginosus var. sesquimetralisDalea kingii Psorothamnus kingiiDraba quadricostata Cusickiella quadricostataDraba sphaeroides var. cusickii (in part) Draba cusickii var. pedicellataDudleya arizonica Dudleya pulverulentaDudleya pulverulenta var. arizonica Dudleya pulverulentaEcheveria pulverulenta Dudleya pulverulentaElodea bifoliata (?) Elodea nevadensisEricameria eremobia Chrysothamnus eremobiusErigeron caespitosus var. anactis Erigeron ovinusErigeron cavernensis Erigeron uncialis var. uncialisEriogonum corymbosum var. aureum (misapplied) Eriogonum corymbosum var. glutinosumEriogonum inflatum var. contiguum Eriogonum contiguumEriogonum lobbii var. robustum Eriogonum robustumForsellesia clokeyi Glossopetalon clokeyiForsellesia pungens var. glabra Glossopetalon pungens var. glabrumForsellesia pungens var. pungens Glossopetalon pungens var. pungensFrasera albicaulis var. modocensis (misapplied) Frasera pahutensisFrasera albicaulis var. nitida (misapplied) Frasera pahutensisGalium multiflorum var. multiflorum (in part) Galium hilendiae ssp. kingstonenseGilia nevadensis Ipomopsis congesta var. nevadensis

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Gilia nyensis (misapplied) Gilia heterostylaGrusonia pulchella Opuntia pulchellaHaplopappus alpinus Tonestus alpinusHaplopappus bloomeri ssp. compactus Ericameria compactaHaplopappus cervinus Ericameria cervinaHaplopappus compactus Ericameria compactaHaplopappus graniticus Tonestus graniticusHaplopappus nuttallii var. depressus Machaeranthera grindelioides var. depressaHaplopappus watsonii Ericameria watsoniiHelianthus anomalus (?) Helianthus deserticolaHorkelia webberi Ivesia webberiHulsea vestita var. callicarpha (?) Hulsea vestita ssp. inyoensisIvesia eremica Ivesia kingii var. eremicaLaphamia megacephala ssp. intricata Perityle intricataLecanora fruticulosa Aspicilia fruticulosaLepidium montanum ssp. davisii Lepidium davisiiLeptotaenia leibergii Lomatium roseanumLomatium graveolens var. clarkii Lomatium graveolens var. alpinumMentzelia oreophila (?) Mentzelia candelariaeMentzelia oreophila var. (?) Mentzelia leucophyllaMicropuntia gracilicylindrica Opuntia pulchellaMiltitzia glaberrima Phacelia glaberrimaMiltitzia parviflora Phacelia inundataMiltitzia scopulina (in part) Phacelia monoensisMimulus bigelovii var. ovatus Mimulus ovatusMimulus cusickii (misapplied) Mimulus ovatusOenothera heterochroma var. megalantha Camissonia megalanthaOenothera megalantha Camissonia megalanthaOenothera nevadensis Camissonia nevadensisOpuntia abyssi (?) Opuntia whipplei var. multigeniculataOpuntia multigeniculata Opuntia whipplei var. multigeniculataOpuntia X multigeniculata Opuntia whipplei var. multigeniculataParosela kingii Psorothamnus kingiiPedicularis semibarbata (?) Pedicularis semibarbata var. charlestonensisPenstemon bicolor (?) Penstemon bicolor ssp. bicolorPenstemon bicolor (?) Penstemon bicolor ssp. roseusPenstemon francisci-pennellii Penstemon leiophyllus var. francisci-pennelliiPenstemon keckii Penstemon leiophyllus var. keckiiPenstemon leonardii var. patricus Penstemon patricusPenstemon macranthus Penstemon palmeri var. macranthusPenstemon maguirei Penstemon arenariusPenstemon palmeri var. bicolor Penstemon bicolor ssp. bicolorPenstemon pseudospectabilis ssp. bicolor Penstemon bicolor ssp. bicolorPerityle megalocephala var. intricata Perityle intricataPerityle megalocephala var. oligophylla (?) Perityle intricataPhacelia foliosepala Phacelia minutissimaPhacelia lutea var. scopulina (in part) Phacelia monoensisPhacelia parishii (misapplied) Phacelia sp.Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa (?) Pinus washoensisPolemonium viscosum ssp. chartaceum Polemonium chartaceumPolyctenium fremontii var. confertum Polyctenium williamsiae

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Potentilla aperta Ivesia aperta var. apertaPotentilla cryptocaulis Ivesia cryptocaulisPotentilla jaegeri Ivesia jaegeriPotentilla osterhoutii var. saxosa Ivesia arizonica var. saxosaPotentilla webberi Ivesia webberiPrimula nevadensis Primula cusickiana var. nevadensisPsoralea castorea Pediomelum castoreumPsorodendron kingii Psorothamnus kingiiPurpusia saxosa Ivesia arizonica var. saxosaSalvia carnosa ssp. argentea (in part) Salvia dorrii var. clokeyiSclerocactus blainei (?) Sclerocactus schlesseriSclerocactus spinosior ssp. blainei Sclerocactus blaineiSclerocactus spinosior ssp. blainei (?) Sclerocactus schlesseriSclerocactus spinosior var. schlesseri Sclerocactus schlesseriScutellaria nana (?) Scutellaria holmgreniorumSphaerostigma tortuosa Camissonia nevadensisSpiranthes romanzoffiana (misapplied) Spiranthes diluvialisSpiranthes romanzoffiana var. porrifolia (misapplied) Spiranthes infernalisSwertia gypsicola Frasera gypsicolaSwertia pahutensis Frasera pahutensisTanacetum compactum Sphaeromeria compactaTrifolium kingii ssp. rollinsii Trifolium rollinsiiTrifolium macilentum var. rollinsii Trifolium rollinsiiViola charlestonensis Viola purpurea var. charlestonensisWeissia sweetii Trichostomum sweetii

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Ackerman milkvetch Astragalus ackermaniiadobe parsley Lomatium roseanumalkali mariposa lily Calochortus striatusalpine tonestus Tonestus alpinusaltered andesite buckwheat Eriogonum robustumaltered andesite popcornflower Plagiobothrys glomeratusAmargosa buckwheat Eriogonum contiguumAmargosa niterwort Nitrophila mohavensisAmerican grimmia Grimmia americanaAntelope Canyon goldenbush Ericameria cervinaAsh Meadows blazingstar Mentzelia leucophyllaAsh Meadows gumplant Grindelia fraxinopratensisAsh Meadows ivesia Ivesia kingii var. eremicaAsh Meadows lady's tresses Spiranthes infernalisAsh Meadows milkvetch Astragalus phoenixAsh Meadows sunray Enceliopsis nudicaulis var. corrugataAven Nelson phacelia Phacelia anelsoniiBarneby stemflower Caulanthus barnebyiBarren Valley collomia Collomia renactabashful beardtongue Penstemon pudicusBeatley buckwheat Eriogonum beatleyaeBeatley milkvetch Astragalus beatleyaeBeatley scorpion plant Phacelia beatleyaeBeaver Dam breadroot Pediomelum castoreumblack woollypod Astragalus funereusBlaine pincushion Sclerocactus blaineiBlue Diamond cholla Opuntia whipplei var. multigeniculataBodie Hills draba Cusickiella quadricostataBodie Hills rockcress Arabis bodiensisbroad fleabane Erigeron latusbroad-pod freckled milkvetch Astragalus lentiginosus var. latusBruneau River prickly phlox Leptodactylon glabrumBullfrog Hills sweetpea Lathyrus hitchcockianusCalifornia draba Draba californicaCallaway milkvetch Astragalus callithrixCandelaria blazing-star Mentzelia candelariaeCane Spring suncup Camissonia megalanthachalk liveforever Dudleya pulverulentaCharleston beardtongue Penstemon leiophyllus var. keckiiCharleston draba Draba paucifructaCharleston goldenbush Ericameria compactaCharleston grounddaisy Townsendia jonesii var. tumulosaCharleston kittentails Synthyris ranunculinaCharleston pinewood lousewort Pedicularis semibarbata var. charlestonensisCharleston pussytoes Antennaria solicepsCharleston tansy Sphaeromeria compactaCharleston violet Viola purpurea var. charlestonensis

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Churchill Narrows buckwheat Eriogonum sp.Cima milkvetch Astragalus cimae var. cimaeClark parsley Lomatium graveolens var. alpinumClokey buckwheat Eriogonum heermannii var. clokeyiClokey catchfly Silene clokeyiClokey eggvetch Astragalus oophorus var. clokeyanusClokey greasebush Glossopetalon clokeyiClokey milkvetch Astragalus aequalisClokey mountain sage Salvia dorrii var. clokeyiClokey paintbrush Castilleja martinii var. clokeyiClokey thistle Cirsium clokeyiCochrane gilia Gilia heterostylaCordelia beardtongue Penstemon floribundusCottam cinquefoil Potentilla cottamiiCrosby buckwheat Eriogonum crosbyaeCurrant milkvetch Astragalus uncialisCurrant Summit clover Trifolium andinum var. podocephalumCusick stickseed Hackelia cusickiidad's penstemon Penstemon patricusdainty moonwort Botrychium crenulatumDarin buckwheat Eriogonum concinnumDarrow buckwheat Eriogonum darroviiDavis peppergrass Lepidium davisiiDeath Valley beardtongue Penstemon fruticiformis ssp. amargosaeDeath Valley sage Salvia funereadelicate rockdaisy Perityle intricatadesert sunflower Helianthus deserticoladesert whitlowgrass Draba aridaEastwood milkweed Asclepias eastwoodianaElko rockcress Arabis falcifructaGalena Creek rockcress Arabis rigidissima var. demotaGilman milkvetch Astragalus gilmaniiGold Butte moss Didymodon nevadensisgolden buckwheat Eriogonum corymbosum var. glutinosumGoodrich biscuitroot Cymopterus goodrichiiGoodrich bladderpod Lesquerella goodrichiiGoose Creek milkvetch Astragalus anserinusgray wavewing Cymopterus cinerariusGrimes vetchling Lathyrus grimesiigrimy ivesia Ivesia rhypara var. rhyparaGrouse Creek rockcress Arabis falcatoriahalfring milkvetch Astragalus mohavensis var. hemigyrusheavenly buckwheat Eriogonum ovalifolium var. caelestinumhermit cactus Sclerocactus polyancistrushidden ivesia Ivesia cryptocaulisHitchcock bladderpod Lesquerella hitchcockiiHolmgren buckwheat Eriogonum holmgreniiHolmgren smelowskia Smelowskia holmgreniiinch high fleabane Erigeron uncialis var. conjugansintermountain wavewing Cymopterus basalticusInyo hulsea Hulsea vestita ssp. inyoensis

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Jaeger beardtongue Penstemon thompsoniae ssp. jaegeriJaeger ivesia Ivesia jaegeriJaeger whitlowgrass Draba jaegeriJones globemallow Sphaeralcea caespitosaKingston Mountains bedstraw Galium hilendiae ssp. kingstonenseLahontan beardtongue Penstemon palmeri var. macranthusLahontan indigobush Psorothamnus kingiiLahontan milkvetch Astragalus porrectusLamoille Canyon milkvetch Astragalus robbinsii var. occidentalisLas Vegas bearpoppy Arctomecon californicaLavin eggvetch Astragalus oophorus var. laviniileast phacelia Phacelia minutissimaLeiberg clover Trifolium leibergiiLemmon buckwheat Eriogonum lemmoniiLewis buckwheat Eriogonum lewisiilimestone daisy Erigeron uncialis var. uncialisLone Mountain tonestus Tonestus graniticuslonesome milkvetch Astragalus solitariusLong Valley milkvetch Astragalus johannis-howelliilong-calyx eggvetch Astragalus oophorus var. lonchocalyxMaguire bitterroot Lewisia maguireiMargaret rushy milkvetch Astragalus convallarius var. margaretiaeMarsh bluegrass Poa abbreviata ssp. marshiiMasonic Mountain jewelflower Streptanthus oliganthusmeadow milkvetch Astragalus diversifoliusmeadow pussytoes Antennaria arcuataMeadow Valley sandwort Arenaria stenomeresMojave milkvetch Astragalus mohavensis var. mohavensisMokiak milkvetch Astragalus mokiacensisMono buckwheat Eriogonum ampullaceumMono County phacelia Phacelia monoensisMonte Neva paintbrush Castilleja salsuginosaMount Moriah beardtongue Penstemon moriahensisNachlinger catchfly Silene nachlingeraeNeedle Mountains milkvetch Astragalus eurylobusNevada dune beardtongue Penstemon arenariusNevada primrose Primula cusickiana var. nevadensisNevada suncup Camissonia nevadensisNevada waterweed Elodea nevadensisNevada willowherb Epilobium nevadenseNew York Mountains catseye Cryptantha tumulosaNye gilia Gilia nyensisNye milkvetch Astragalus nyensisobscure scorpion plant Phacelia inconspicuaone-leaflet Torrey milkvetch Astragalus calycosus var. monophyllidiusOphir rockcress Arabis ophiraoryctes Oryctes nevadensisOsgood Mountains milkvetch Astragalus yoder-williamsiioverlooked phacelia Phacelia sp.Owyhee sagebrush Artemisia papposaPackard mugwort Artemisia packardiae

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Packard stickleaf Mentzelia packardiaePahrump Valley buckwheat Eriogonum bifurcatumPahute green gentian Frasera pahutensisPahute Mesa beardtongue Penstemon pahutensisParish phacelia Phacelia parishiiPennell beardtongue Penstemon leiophyllus var. francisci-pennelliiPennell draba Draba pennelliiPine Nut Mountains ivesia Ivesia pityocharisPine Valley milkvetch Astragalus convallarius var. finitimusPinzl rockcress Arabis pinzliaeplanoconvex entosthodon Entosthodon planoconvexusplaya phacelia Phacelia inundataprostrate buckwheat Eriogonum prociduumPueblo Valley peppergrass Lepidium montanum var. nevadensePulsifer milkvetch Astragalus pulsiferae var. pulsiferaepygmy poreleaf Porophyllum pygmaeumrattlesnake stickseed Hackelia ophiobiaRavendale skullcap Scutellaria holmgreniorumrayless tansy aster Machaeranthera grindelioides var. depressaRed Rock Canyon aster Ionactis caelestisReese River phacelia Phacelia glaberrimaremote rabbitbrush Chrysothamnus eremobiusrhizome beardtongue Penstemon rhizomatosusrim lichen Aspicilia fruticulosaRipley biscuitroot Cymopterus ripleyi var. ripleyiRipley gilia Gilia ripleyirock purpusia Ivesia arizonica var. saxosarock violet Viola lithionRollins clover Trifolium rollinsiirosy King sandwort Arenaria kingii ssp. rosearosy twotone beardtongue Penstemon bicolor ssp. roseusrough angelica Angelica scabridarough dwarf greasebush Glossopetalon pungens var. pungensRuby Mountains primrose Primula capillarissand cholla Opuntia pulchellasanicle biscuitroot Cymopterus ripleyi var. saniculoidesscarlet buckwheat Eriogonum phoeniceumSchlesser pincushion Sclerocactus schlesseriSchoolcraft catseye Cryptantha schoolcraftiiseriate crossidium Crossidium seriatumsheep fleabane Erigeron ovinusSheep Mountain milkvetch Astragalus amphioxys var. musimonumShockley rockcress Arabis shockleyiSierra Valley ivesia Ivesia aperta var. apertasilverleaf sunray Enceliopsis argophyllasmooth dwarf greasebush Glossopetalon pungens var. glabrumsmooth stickleaf Mentzelia mollisSnake Range whitlowgrass Draba oreibata var. serpentinaSodaville milkvetch Astragalus lentiginosus var. sesquimetralisSoldier Meadow cinquefoil Potentilla basalticaSpring Mountains milkvetch Astragalus remotus

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spring-loving centaury Centaurium namophilumsqualid milkvetch Astragalus serenoi var. sordescensstalked Cusick whitlowgrass Draba cusickii var. pedicellataSteamboat buckwheat Eriogonum ovalifolium var. williamsiaeSteamboat monkeyflower Mimulus ovatussticky buckwheat Eriogonum viscidulumSuccor Creek parsley Lomatium packardiaeSuksdorf milkvetch Astragalus pulsiferae var. suksdorfiiSulphur Springs buckwheat Eriogonum argophyllumSunnyside green gentian Frasera gypsicolaSweet trichostomum Trichostomum sweetiiTahoe draba Draba asterophora var. asterophoraTahoe yellowcress Rorippa subumbellataTecopa birdsbeak Cordylanthus tecopensisthreecorner milkvetch Astragalus geyeri var. triquetrusTiehm beardtongue Penstemon tiehmiiTiehm buckwheat Eriogonum tiehmiiTiehm milkvetch Astragalus tiehmiiTiehm rockcress Arabis tiehmiiTiehm stroganowia Stroganowia tiehmiiToiyabe buckwheat Eriogonum esmeraldense var. toiyabenseToiyabe gilia Ipomopsis congesta var. nevadensisTonopah fishhook cactus Sclerocactus nyensisTonopah milkvetch Astragalus pseudiodanthusToquima milkvetch Astragalus toquimanusTunnel Springs beardtongue Penstemon concinnusunusual catseye Cryptantha insolitaupswept moonwort Botrychium ascendensUtah spikemoss Selaginella utahensisUte lady's tresses Spiranthes diluvialisVirgin River thistle Cirsium virginenseWasatch draba Draba brachystylisWashoe pine Pinus washoensisWashoe tall rockcress Arabis rectissima var. simulansWassuk beardtongue Penstemon rubicundusWatson goldenbush Ericameria watsoniiWatson spinecup Oxytheca watsoniiwaxflower Jamesia tetrapetalaweasel phacelia Phacelia mustelinaWebber ivesia Ivesia webberiwhite bearpoppy Arctomecon merriamiiWhite Mountain skypilot Polemonium chartaceumWhite Mountains cushion draba Draba subumbellataWhite River catseye Cryptantha welshiiwhite-margined beardtongue Penstemon albomarginatusWilliams combleaf Polyctenium williamsiaewindloving buckwheat Eriogonum anemophilumwinged milkvetch Astragalus pterocarpusyellow twotone beardtongue Penstemon bicolor ssp. bicolor