NEW AGE GROWTH REPORT - ADULT © 2016 astrology.com.au 1 ***************************************************************** NEW AGE NEW AGE NEW AGE NEW AGE MAN REPORT MAN REPORT MAN REPORT MAN REPORT Astrological Guide for Personal Growth CHRISTIAN HRISTIAN HRISTIAN HRISTIAN BALE ALE ALE ALE January 30, 1974 6:00 AM (Unknown Birth time) Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire,Wales ****************************************************************** Dadhichi Toth Astrologer - Face Reader Phone: 61 2 95851500 www.astrology.com.au [email protected]

NEW AGE GROWTH REPORTADULTMANforCHRISTIANBALE - Astrology · For the benefit of students of Astrology, these positions as well as other technical ... and vital woman with an important

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Astrological Guide for Personal Growth


6:00 AM (Unknown Birth time)

Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire,Wales


Dadhichi Toth

Astrologer - Face Reader

Phone: 61 2 95851500


[email protected]


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This astrological report is designed as a guide for the New Age man and in it I have considered

how the astral influences affect a woman in particular. A great difference exists between the

interpretation of a horoscope of a man and a woman, and that is what I am trying to make clear here.

This report is divided into two sections: the first one analyzes your personality with its multiple

facets (Sun and Moon positions); and the second one analyzes the twelve astrological houses.

This report is not merely descriptive. In the majority of cases, ideas are suggested that can help

your personal evolution. The subjects are approached from different points of view such as

metaphysical, spiritual, nutritional and general.

In a few places there may be certain contradictions because an astrological influence may favor

one aspect of life and harm another. Because of that, it is necessary that you read the report with a

bit of logic and, especially, that you let your intuition guide you.

Woman has greatly changed her social position over time and the realization of the New Age

depends in great measure on her. Because of that it is necessary that you know yourself, that you

know your potential and your limitations, because by working on your personal evolution you help

everyone else as well, contributing to the evolution of all life.


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Birth Astrological Data


The natal chart is a map of the sky that shows the astrological positions at the moment and place

of birth. For the benefit of students of Astrology, these positions as well as other technical

information are listed below:

Sun 9 Aqu 58 Neptune 9 Sag 09

Moon 26 Ari 54 Pluto 6 Lib 42

Mercury 24 Aqu 03 Asc. 0 Cap 37

Venus 29 Cap 46 MC 9 Sco 58

Mars 15 Tau 13 2nd cusp 9 Pis 58

Jupiter 21 Aqu 07 3rd cusp 9 Ari 58

Saturn 28 Gem 32 5th cusp 9 Gem 58

Uranus 27 Lib 47 6th cusp 9 Can 58

Tropical Solar Standard Time observed GMT: 06:00:00 Time Zone: 0 hours West

Lat. and Long. of birthday: 51 N 49 4 W 58

ASPECTS and ORBS: Conjunction: 7 Deg 00 Min

Opposition : 6 Deg 00 Min

Square : 6 Deg 00 Min

Trine : 6 Deg 00 Min

Sextile : 5 Deg 00 Min


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Chapter 1: Your essence. Your self. The Sun.


Character is destiny.

By improving your personality you create good conditions for your future.

Sun in Aquarius:

Christian Bale, you were born under the sign of Aquarius and your ruling planet is Uranus, which

makes you rebellious, independent and unconventional.

You like to be free and cannot stand the routine or limitations of daily life, and because of that,

your style is personal, informal and at times a bit hasty. You are very curious and are attracted by

everything special, different or mysterious. You are enthusiastic about traveling, adventure and the

possibility of meeting new people and being in new places. You have a facility for communicating

and making friends any place you are. Your independent attitude allows you to relate to all but not

to commit to anyone. Your agile mind absorbs everything in which you are interested quickly, but

you are easily bored when a subject is slow or monotonous.

Your life is full of changes and surprises. You are a very creative person and you always impart a

personal touch to everything you do. You have the capacity to invent, and to transform things

around you. Your style, and the course of your life, will always be unpredictable.

Even though you love freedom, love will lead you to choose strong, possessive and dominant

people, to whom you will give yourself passionately and totally. In time you will feel the need to be

independent and have your own space which could generate a crisis. You need others to have

confidence in you and to encourage your personal progress. You look for a lifetime companion and

not necessarily a wife in the traditional sense. You like intelligent, special and atypical relationships.

Christian Bale, you were born to change the world around you and to offer new ideas. You will

probably be criticized for your way of thinking or acting, but if other people are open to it, you will

widen their horizons. You were born to break rules and to challenge norms, especially when they are

obsolete or old-fashioned. Your humanitarian, altruistic and futuristic vision will allow you to think

of the group interest first. Your other missions are to create, to invent, to innovate and to develop

your imagination.

To evolve, you need to learn to develop patience towards those things that you cannot change or

towards people who do not follow your rhythm. You must control your eccentricity, rebelliousness


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and bad temper so as to not waste your energy protesting over things you find unacceptable. You

can easily fall into whimsical and childlike attitudes, or change your feelings quickly, acting coolly

towards people who love you. You must learn to keep yourself flexible, tolerant and unselfish in

regards to others' opinions and interests.

Sun in 1st house:

You are very proud of yourself and have the necessary strength to accomplish successfully

anything that you set out to do. You will express totally the characteristics of your solar sign and

you will always be the center of attention.

You have self-confidence, optimism, and a strong will. You will be an outstanding person,

extroverted and with a great ability to lead others, although you will also have a bit of selfishness

and a tendency to exaggerate.

Your infancy may have been very happy and the relationship with your father very important.

Admiration for him leads you to undertake very energetic enterprises. You feel the desire to please

him and you will do everything possible to obtain his approval.

Sun Square Mars:

You are dynamic, combative, secure and aggressive. You tend to lose your patience easily,

especially with weak and indecisive people. You need to see immediate results for your efforts and

you cannot stand to wait, which could lead you into making hasty decisions. You must learn to think

before you speak or act, because many times you will act impulsively complicating things or

exposing yourself to dangerous situations.

For your evolution you must channel your natural aggressiveness in a constructive and positive

way. A daily work-out, sport practice or any task involving physical effort can help you. You must

be in movement to use the great amount of energy that you receive.

The relationship with your father can be tense. You will find that he opposes some of your plans

or is tactless. In your future, you will tend to choose an aggressive, explosive and negative woman,

with whom you will fight constantly. You will choose a dominant, jealous and tyrannical woman

who will want to control you but you will not be willing to surrender to her will, which can lead to a

tense relationship and many fights. You tend to compete against and challenge people around you.

You must learn to assume your place in life with less competition and combativeness.

Sun Sextile Neptune:

You have great imagination and your inspiration may lead you to excel in any artistic field,

especially music. Your great sensitivity and perception of the world need to be channeled and

expressed; because of this, you can become involved in poetry, singing, dancing, etc.

You have a very romantic and idealistic vision of life and you will be very satisfied with the


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realization of your fantasies. You are a visionary and you can conceive successful projects or

enterprises; it is necessary that you trust your own ideas, even though they can momentarily seem

illogical or impossible. Your spirituality will be another important source of inspiration.

There will always be a spiritual connection with your father, without words, and each will

perceive the other's state of mind. You will choose to marry an intuitive, spiritual and perceptive

woman, with whom you will share very important emotional and psychic experiences.

Sun Trine Pluto:

You have much willpower and a great capacity to assert yourself. You will be a leader in any

area in which you are involved and you will have a lot of physical energy. You are a constructive

man who uses all his strength in a positive way. You will be the center of your family and will offer

a lot of support to your friends.

It is probable that you will receive an inheritance or that goods bequeathed to you will help you

economically. Also, drastic and total changes will result in your feeling better. You have a great

capacity for healing yourself every time a disease or a general crisis arrives.

The relationship with your father can be intense, very strict and demanding, and at the same time,

positive and relevant to your personal goals. You will choose to marry an authoritative, energetic

and vital woman with an important position or profession.


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Chapter 2: The Moon. Your emotional world.


Moon in Aries:

Your emotions are intense, fiery and at the same time, rapidly changeable. You demonstrate

much enthusiasm towards all adventure, risk, novelty and any situation demanding your bravery,

vitality and fortitude. You are very frank with your affections and you do not know how to cover up

your dislikes. When you love someone, be it your partner or a friend, you have no limits. You are

protective and offer your whole heart, without asking anything in return, but deep inside you expect

your efforts to be recognized.

It is probable that your mother also has a lot of character and that you have inherited this from

her. The two of you could help and protect each other, but fights and disagreements are also

important. The principal conflict is based on the authority that both possess and the tendency to

compete against each other.

Throughout your previous lives you have been developing a strong instinct for survival and you

feel that any disagreement or opposition is a threat to your goals, which can lead you to act

aggressively. You have gone through many activities requiring a huge physical effort on your part;

thanks to that you have not fully developed diplomacy, tact, or patience, which are qualities that you

should be incorporating in this incarnation. You should also learn to work as part of a team, to

accept collective ideas and to leave selfishness aside.

Moon in 3rd house:

Christian Bale, you are very imaginative and intuitive. If you dedicate yourself to writing,

journalism or publicity, you could become very famous. You are very restless and that will lead you

to travel much and to make connections with people. You have the capacity to understand other

people's emotions and the ability to convey sensations and states of mind. You cannot stand routine

and your changing and curious mind will keep you in constant movement.

If you have brothers you will be close to them and they will have an important place in your life.

You will be well known in your town and you will play an important role among your neighbors and


This position also causes changes in studies, changes in school and lack of concentration. You

can be a romantic and imaginative dreamer, and your mind will quickly eschew any themes you find

boring or too abstract.


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Moon Square Venus:

You are a very sensitive and romantic dreamer. You like to enjoy life and you search for pleasure

and harmony with some anxiety. It is probably hard for you to find balance in life and,

consequently, you may be deceived in romance.

You want to be loved, but many times you carelessly choose the wrong person. Your emotions

are intense but disorderly. You must try to control your mood swings, your irritability and the

tendency to be indulgent.

You were probably overprotected by your family and you did not learn to know your limits and

how to act realistically. You feel the need to be the center of attention to compensate for your


In addition, you must be very careful about your nutrition and health. Your changes in mood or

emotional instability can affect your digestive system.

Moon Opposition Uranus:

You are independent, rebellious and eccentric. You do not identify with the traditional role of

worker and you rebel at the limitations that are imposed on you. You are restless and cannot stand

routine. You frequently demonstrate more ability to solve other people's problems than your own.

You want to express yourself freely and you try hard to do so. You are not easy to please and you

can be whimsical or hysterical. Try not to waste your energies or complicate your situation; your

health can be affected so that you have psychosomatic problems.

During your infancy you already proved to be rebellious and showed a strong individualistic

tendency. The relationship with your mother was unusual and from her you learned many of your

particular ideas. Throughout your life, you will demonstrate a special style at home and you will

fulfill your paternal role in a personal manner.

Your eccentricity will make you the center of criticism and gossip but you should not become

inhibited. Thanks to your defiant and innovative attitudes, you will be an example to other women

and help them change or renounce their unsatisfactory or unjust situations.

Moon Sextile Mercury:

You have an intelligent, quick, imaginative and retentive mind. If your job is related to

something intellectual, then you can be very successful. Otherwise, you must find a way to take

advantage of your mental abilities whether by studying, writing, etc.

This astrological influence suggests a lot of travel and easy communication with people. You

have a lot of common sense and emotions do not obstruct your reasoning. You express yourself in a

warm, loving and wise manner.


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The communication with your mother may be fluid and positive. From her you inherit a great

part of your intelligence and the ability to express yourself well.

Moon Sextile Saturn:

You are a good worker, responsible and persistent in every task you undertake. Others find you

serious and trustworthy, which will favor you and allow you to occupy important positions in life.

You will assume many responsibilities without them suffocating you. You are very good at

administrative or leadership positions.

You have great emotional control and you do not allow your emotions to overwhelm you or

cause you to make hasty decisions. You feel sure of being a man and you meditate over each step

before you take it. You are a traditionalist and respect your own principles.

It is probable that your mother was sober, prudent and conservative, and from her you learned to

take life seriously and with respect.

This astrological configuration offers you a long life and the possibility of obtaining great

success in the material area.


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Your destiny according to the 12 astrological houses.


FIRST HOUSE: Your personality. Your body. Your childhood.


Aquarius Rising Sign (1st house cusp)

People see you as a rebellious, original, spontaneous and unusual man. You prove to be active,

energetic and free, and you cannot stand ties or routine.

You are curious and very intelligent. Your mind and ideas are oriented towards the future and

because of that you rebel against traditions, customs or any type of limitation in your life. You are a

reborn man whose principal ideas are in accordance with the New Age. You are not worried about

criticism and, many times, you attract attention because of your unusual behavior. You are very

sociable, easy-going and unprejudiced, which allows you to have an intense social life, but you also

lose your patience easily, especially when you become bored. You are hard to please romantically

because you look for someone different and special. Also, you love your freedom and always act

very independently.

It is necessary that you maintain an active life to get rid of the tensions that you accumulate

during the day. Your nervous system can suffer and you can become stressed out. You must learn to

relax and to cultivate patience to avoid the anxiety that consumes you. You must also protect your

ankles because you tend to twist or sprain them due to your accelerated pace.

Your childhood was very unusual and different from other people. You have experienced many

changes and instability at home. It is possible that one of your parents is foreign, with a different

culture from the one where you lived; or that your parents have a great difference in age; or, maybe,

another person in your family raised you. Thanks to the atypical nature of your childhood, your

point of view towards life is different. You must remember the traumatic situations in your past to

free yourself from them and develop your creative capacity to the maximum.

Mercury in 1st house:

You are curious, adaptable, restless and very nervous. You have a great deal of mental energy

and are very acute. You can be very eloquent and you like to talk and exchange ideas and

information with different people. You feel a great need to express yourself and sometimes you

speak before you think. Your approach to problems will be very rational and logical. Although you

can become bored easily, your active mind is constantly seeking new things and is open to new

ideas. Christian Bale, you are not very patient and you feel very uncomfortable with people who


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move slowly or who are not mentally agile. You are attracted to traveling and learning all about

your environment. Your curiosity is infinite. You can excel in your studies if you learn to discipline

yourself and pay attention to what you do. You find it easy to write. You must participate in some

sport or exercise to alleviate the great mental work that you do daily.

Mercury in Aquarius:

Christian Bale, your mind is original, creative, and independent. You cling to your own ideas

stubbornly and do not respond to any pressure from others. You are very curious, observant and

intuitive. Your acute mind is objective and clear in its opinions; it will be difficult for you to be

dominated by your emotions when making judgments. You have a great intelligence which allows

you to learn any subject very quickly, as long as it awakens your interest and does not bore you.

Your manner of communication is open, spontaneous, and unprejudiced and you like to speak with

everyone, but especially with people who attract your attention. In spite of your apparent flexibility,

you do not change your opinions nor can you be easily influenced. Formalities do not worry you,

and neither do traditions or social acceptance. Your ideas are in tune with the Age of Aquarius: they

point towards the future and towards a life of great freedom. You can be misunderstood by your

family or friends, or you may seem eccentric in your tastes; but what is really happening is that you

are ahead of your time.

Mercury Conjunction Jupiter:

You possess an insatiable curiosity and you think about everything on a grand scale. You are

prone to exaggerating the facts when you are enthusiastic. You possess a superior intelligence that

will allow you to learn quickly and easily but you can be somewhat neglectful and inconsistent in

your studies and so you must learn to be more disciplined and orderly. Christian Bale, you are very

kind, gentle and optimistic. Also, you possess a great ability for expressing yourself verbally and

show an innate gift for public relations. It is probable that you will be interested in history, law and

education in general. You are highly cultured which makes you inclined to travel and get to know

other customs and languages.

Mercury Trine Saturn:

Your mind is practical, logical and realistic. You are very disciplined and you direct your mental

energies with precision. Also, you are very careful when giving your opinions. Your mind tends to

the concrete and so you may have difficulty concentrating on abstract or artistic subjects; you will

prefer to use your logic, coherence and intelligence.

Mercury Trine Uranus:

You always have original and brilliant ideas. Your creative and talented mind will be constantly

active demonstrating its genius and quickness in understanding ideas that others cannot. You are

very eloquent and a bit dramatic in expressing yourself. Also, you are very intuitive, which leads

you to comprehend things more deeply. You are interested in everything new, original, and



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Jupiter in 1st house:

You possess a happy, kind and optimistic disposition. You have a great sense of humor and

much vital strength which will lead to a great future social success. You enjoy life; you are very

generous and help others. You tend to do everything in a big, excessive and effusive manner;

similarly, your own body tends to be big. Hopefully, your parents taught you to eat moderately to

avoid weight problems. You are very attracted to traveling and you have a great desire to discover

every part of the world; this impulse could lead to frequent travels or many changes of residence.

The main problem you face is that you tend to be excessive; you can also be disorderly and lack

discipline. Your carefree and happy attitude could cause you problems with restrictions and

authority or you could be a bit lazy or perhaps overly fond of being assisted. But any defects that

this astral influence could bring are dissipated because you show a happy face to the world and a

very positive attitude towards life. These are the main factors that explain your great luck in almost

every aspect.

Jupiter in Aquarius:

You possess a great imagination and a lot of creativity. You are not selfish and you are always

interested in your friends and your group. Your style is personal and you are not likely to respect

traditions or authority in general; this can make you revolutionary and also a bit intolerant. You will

always be very idealistic and interested in everything that affects your society and the masses.

Racial or religious differences will not exist for you.


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SECOND HOUSE: Money. Assets. Resources.


Pisces on 2nd house cusp.

It is possible that your economic management is very disorganized and chaotic. This will lead to

contradictory situations of gains and losses, or of frauds or scams. You must learn to be alert, to not

trust your employers or partners too much, and to manage your finances in a more conscious and

organized manner. You must also control your generous attitude when it comes to money.

You can make money by offering a variety of services especially those related to medicine,

chemistry, the occult sciences, or by working in institutions such as hospitals, asylums, etc.

People around you will offer support and relief. Try to avoid excessive dependence and learn to

be on your own.


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THIRD HOUSE: Your mind. Your education. Short trips.

Your brothers and sisters.


The mind is a magnet: it attracts to you exactly what you think about.

Aries on 3rd house cusp.

Christian Bale, your mind is very restless, active and tireless. It is possible that you express your

opinions a bit roughly and hastily, without much meditation, causing mistakes because of

impulsiveness and impatience. You have a sense of humor but you can also become angry easily.

With respect to studies, you do not like to be still for a long time; you become bored easily and

will need to be active. You have an acute and quick mind when it comes to learning things but you

have a short attention span. Because of this, it is recommended that without neglecting your studies

you alternate them with some type of physical activity.

This influence can generate fights and tensions with siblings (if you have any), neighbors or

relatives. In addition, you are inclined to participate in numerous short trips and in several risky or

adventurous situations.


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FOURTH HOUSE: Your home. Middle Age and Later Years.


Taurus on 4th house cusp.

You grew up in a stable, traditional and secure home, where you enjoyed great material comfort.

The general climate was harmonious in spite of the different ideas around. It is possible that one of

your parents was very rigid and conservative in his/her appreciation.

During your maturity you will attain a secure economic position. You are interested in investing

in real estate and you will probably own more than one property. Besides, it will be a very pleasant

period (it is ruled by Venus, planet of love) and you will have every chance of enjoying your

marriage, family and social life.

You should never neglect your body because as time goes by you will tend towards laziness and

could gain weight easily.

Mars in 4th house:

It is probable that one of your parents is dominant or aggressive and that your home was not

peaceful. This could be one of the reasons why you preferred becoming independent at a young age.

If your home has been very tumultuous and unstable, you could choose either not to marry or to live

with no one. At times, this position indicates a military ancestry in the family or many changes in

residence. You have a great need for emotional security and it will be necessary for you to control

your impulsive or aggressive reactions, and learn self-discipline. This astrological position can bring

you problems with fire inside the house.

Mars in Taurus:

You are very obstinate, practical, determined and very secure. Once you decide what road to

take, you do not change your mind. You work carefully and slowly but the results are very good.

Christian Bale, you are very obstinate and resist if someone rushes you. You display a strong desire

to possess things and guard them jealously. You also tend to be possessive with the people you love.

You can be very able when it comes to crafts or any other manual activity. It is important that you

learn to express your anger as it occurs, because your natural tendency is to contain yourself until

you can no longer do so. Your apparent patience could lead you to exceed your limits of tolerance,

which is not beneficial. You will use your energy to earn your own money and you will accumulate

many possessions which will mean security and comfort to you.


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Mars Square Jupiter:

It is important that you learn to have discipline and direct your energies in an orderly manner;

otherwise, you will waste many of your talents by being impulsive or by having short-lived

enthusiasms. You are a hard worker but at the same time inconsistent and impatient; you want

immediate results. You can also tend to do many things at the same time and wear yourself down.

You could be rebellious or selfish. It is also important that you develop a more balanced sense of

justice, and that you learn to share your possessions with others.


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FIFTH HOUSE: Love. Romance. Children.


"Love is blind when it is born, nearsighted when it grows, and it sees all when it dies."

Gemini on 5th house cusp.

It is possible that you have will twins, especially if there is a history of it in your family;

otherwise, you can have two or more children very close in age so that they are brought up together.

The contrary is also possible: that you decide not to have any children at all in order to maintain

your personal freedom.

If you do have children, communication is an important factor in your relationship with them

allowing a beautiful exchange of ideas between you. Your children will be very restless, intelligent,

curious, good conversationalists and will become easily bored with everything.

You are a seductive man and can be hard to pin down. You associate love with intelligence and

dream of finding a dynamic, alert and different woman with whom you can share knowledge or

simply discuss any subject. At times you idealize someone you have just met and then become

disillusioned quickly. It is possible that you will have many romances, some of them

simultaneously. More than once you will find yourself divided between your feelings, wanting to

replace the negative attributes of one lover with the positive characteristics of another. Love will

start first in your mind and will then descend to your heart.

The following list will help you understand how you can relate yourself to the rest of the signs. If

you happen to know the other person's rising sign, you have to combine it with his/her sign in order

to get a more complete description of that person.


You will feel a great personal identification with people of this sign and together you can develop

projects common to both. A good sign for marriage.


A relationship tied in with business, finances or financial aid is favored over a romantic one. The

union offers stability and protection but could also be out of an interest in money.


You could maintain very good communication and an interchange of ideas. A mental or light

relationship is indicated.


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A personal and intimate relationship in which deep emotions will be shared. A very good sign for

marriage because it indicates the possibility of making a home together.


A relationship of mutual love and attraction. You can enjoy and share many happy moments but

difficulties exist in maintaining the relationship over time. Ideal sign for courtship or romance, not

for marriage.


An unequal relationship in which one offers more than the other. A difficulty exists in openly

expressing feelings. A work relationship is favored over a romantic one.


Ideal sign for marriage or associations. It is also possible that one of your best friends is of this

sign. This is a sign of complements; each can have opposing personal characteristics and that

generates attraction.


Magnetic and intense attraction is indicated. Sign of passionate and uncontrolled romance based

on a strong sexual attraction. A relationship that implies a dare or a strong emotional experience.


A sign that represents a second marriage; a happier and more spontaneous relationship based

upon the exchange of ideas common to both. One could assume a protective or teaching role with

the other. Probability of an encounter in a foreign land or of long voyages together.


A sign that stands out in your destiny. The people of this sign, both friends and lovers, will exert

an important influence in your life. It is an ideal sign for marriage because it points out objectives

and ambitions common to both, but it can also indicate too much worry over social status.


Sign of friendship that represents common desires and fantasies. Open, friendly, happy and warm

relationship, though probably it will not be lasting. If other common elements exist, it may lead to a

marriage based on friendship and respect for each other's individuality.


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Karmic relationship initiated in previous lives. It is possible that you have to confront strong

difficulties to be together and that it is a clandestine or secret relationship. Also, it can indicate an

impossible or intriguing love affair. This sign is the least favorable for obtaining a happy and open

relationship; if you are involved in one, it will be difficult for you to cut yourself off or escape

because of doubts about your destiny and the lessons you have to learn.

Remember the following: everything that she does to you is what you did to her in previous lives. It

is good for you to practice the exercise of forgiveness and forget any negative emotions.

Note: if two signs are repeated, it means that the relationship is more complex. If one of the signs is

missing, its interpretation is the same as the previous one. To make things easier, this is the list of

the signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,

Aquarius and Pisces.

All relationships are PERFECT. Each situation you experience with another person is the perfect

and necessary one for your evolution; because of this, it is important that you do not cling to

negative emotions such as anguish, depression, fury, frustration, etc., and that you try to see at every

moment what life wants to teach you. Each person you know has a message for you and until you

listen to it, it is highly probable that it will be repeated. Some relationships have karmic ties: they

have been initiated in other lives and there may be dues to pay. It is possible that what someone

makes you suffer is what you have done to him/her in another time. That is why you must forgive

and forget. In every situation repeat to yourself : "everything is perfect"; though at the beginning

you may not understand it, later it will be crystal clear.

Saturn in 5th house:

You tend to be somewhat unemotional, undemonstrative and inhibited. The expression of

father/son love is important to overcome these limitations. In spite of your shyness, you will be deep

and loyal with your feelings, though you may prefer the company of older people to those in your

age bracket. Your creativity can lean towards sciences and inventions. You will choose as a

companion a serious and responsible person but it is probable that you will have few children

because you consider them a great responsibility. You must learn to enjoy yourself more and to

express your emotions with the intensity with which they occur.

Saturn in Gemini:

You express yourself clearly but you can have some difficulty thinking about indefinite,

intangible or abstract ideas. You must learn to develop your intuition and also your emotional

responses because your ability to understand others could be limited. It is important that you learn to

be flexible in your way of thinking and more relaxed in your manner of communication. You will

demonstrate in the future a great ability to carry abstract ideas into real practice. This position is

very good for mental, scientific or mathematical tasks. It is important that you study because your


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future success depends in great measure on your knowledge.

Saturn Trine Uranus:

You have much willpower, initiative and an endless determination. You combine your

practicality with intuition and you possess a great common sense, much administrative ability, and

you are persistent in your objectives. Inside you maintain a balance between the old and the new,

authority and your own freedom. You will fulfill your duties responsibly but will seek to accentuate

your own independence; you need to work freely. You will direct your creative energy effectively

and will be a hard and tenacious worker.


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SIXTH HOUSE: Health. Nutrition. Work. Service.


Attention: in this section you will find recommendations to improve your health, but in cases with

specific problems you must consult your doctor.

Sun in Aquarius:

Aquarius rules the ankles, tibia, peritoneum and everything related to the body's nervous system.

You are very active, vibrant, with an accelerated rhythm. You become tired very easily and then

recover quickly but your main problem is that you go to extremes, taking your body to its maximum

limits making recovery more difficult. Nervous problems will be common: stress, depression,

hysteria, etc.; it is important that your diet be rich in the vitamin B complex. You have a preference

for macrobiotic or vegetarian foods and your diet will be very particular and irregular. It is also

important that you learn to relax and direct your energy in a more organized manner.

To preserve good health, you must consider the following: do not succumb to a nervous

breakdown; get the necessary sleep; perform relaxation, meditation and respiratory Yoga exercises;

maintain a vegetarian diet avoiding meat, especially, red meat; eat plenty of fresh foods such as

vegetables, fruit and white cheeses; practice a weekly fast; do not medicate yourself or experiment

with your body; live a more orderly life, especially at night and do not spend every night out;

practice sports; maintain good communication with your friends; perform mental exercises to

develop your intuition; and mainly, do not go to excess in any way.

Saturn in Gemini:

This astrological position can cause respiratory difficulties, such as colds and flu, chronic

bronchitis, pneumonia or pulmonary congestion. In time you could also be prone to rheumatism or

arthritis in the arms. Difficulties can arise in your nervous system because of the lack of calcium and


Cancer on 6th house cusp:

Your short term health problems may be caused by retention of liquids in the body, fluid

congestion in general, or lack of vitamin B-2 (riboflavin), fluorine or potassium. This could cause

occasional digestive problems, gastric upsets, hiccups, flatulence, sclerosis, etc.

It is recommended that you include in your diet the following foods: beets, broccoli, garbanzos,

lettuce, soy, spinach, watercress, endives, potatoes, dry peaches, blackberries, mangoes, peanuts,

mandarin oranges, bananas, wheat germ, fresh cheese, eggs, and basically drink plenty of pure

mineral water. It is also recommended that you chew your food well before swallowing; do not


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drink liquids during meals and avoid seasoning with stomach-irritating products.

Your long term health problems may be caused by the lack of proteins, carbon dioxide, vitamins

C and K, folic acid, or by the absence of calcium retention. This could cause a weakness in the bone

structure; you are prone to dislocations (especially of the ankles), scaly skin and hair loss.

To prevent these problems it is recommended that you add, besides the foods stated above, the

following: soy and alfalfa sprouts, celery, carrots, cauliflower, all seeds and grains, oranges,

lemons, grapefruit, strawberries, almonds, grapes, pineapples, apples, coconut, nonfat milk, and

white meats, especially fish.

Venus in 12th house:

You may have problems in the metabolism of sugars and starches, or in the basic sense organs

(vision and hearing), or other problems caused by inactivity. It is recommended that you avoid white

sugar and substitute natural sweeteners such as honey, unrefined sugar, rice syrup, etc.

To have in mind: many of your emotional unbalances are not produced by external situations or

experiences but by blood disorders. The lack of some nutrients or intoxication or other excesses, can

often cause changes in your system and lead to depression, anguish, fatigue or aggressiveness.

Because of that, if you want to be happy, do not neglect your body--give it the best nutrition



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SEVENTH HOUSE: Associations. Marriage.


Your companion is your reflection. Everything you find in her, in some way is in you.

Leo on 7th house cusp.

It is possible that you will not marry very young, but between the ages of 26 and 30. If you get

married before then, you will only grow up and begin to experience the best part of the marriage at

that age. You will choose as a wife a woman who is noble, loving, happy, authoritative, and who

excels and is different from the rest. You will feel proud of her and the two of you will share many

social activities.

In contrast with your desires for freedom and your rebelliousness in regards to orders, you will

choose an authoritative and demanding woman, who will require a great deal of your attention. She

will need to feel that she is the one who rules the house and you will not always give her that

pleasure. Your most common complaints about her will be her selfishness, narcissism, or infantile

attitudes. Neither of you will be flexible or easily influenced, so it is recommended that you avoid

fights and the desire to change the other. Nevertheless, you will discover that her biggest weakness

is her ego; through adulation and loving attitudes you can obtain everything you want from her.

If there are no planets that modify this tendency, you will have many romances or courtships in

your youth and one marriage in your life. The union will be very favorable for you and will offer

you an elevated and stable social position over time.

Do not evaluate the success of a relationship by the result because it does not depend solely upon

you. Always analyze what you have done: if you have offered yourself correctly, if you have loved

sincerely, if you have set aside your selfishness, etc. What the other person does is her own

responsibility and you cannot manipulate it. In a couple, the responsibilities are always divided in

half; take care of your share. At times, one gives everything and does not receive anything; it does

not matter. Destiny will take care of it, returning all the love you may have given. Do not make the

mistake of secluding or hardening yourself or becoming emotionally detached because of suffering

caused by others. Try always to be truthful with what you feel and give yourself fearlessly because

in the Universe nothing gets lost and everything you give, you will get back.


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EIGHTH HOUSE: Dangers. Inheritances. Legacies.


Virgo on 8th house cusp.

The dangers in your life are related to nervous crises or illnesses that have not been completely

cured. To maintain an internal balance, you must take care to dispel your excess nervous energy.

Additionally, you must be more constant and responsible when engaged in medical treatment. Pay

attention to your thoughts because you could develop fears or anxieties that will alter the functioning

of your body.

It is probable that you will receive some type of inheritance from uncles or aunts which will

provoke fights or family problems.

Things that benefit Aquarius:

YOUR FAVORABLE DAY: Friday and Saturday.


COLORS: violet, magenta, electric and cobalt blue, indigo, silver gray and deep green; in general,

all bright colors and any original combination favor you.

STONES: azurite, malachite, blue sapphire, zirconia, violet amethyst and aquamarine.

METAL: lead. In jewelry gold favors you greatly, especially if you combine it with one of the

stones of your sign.

Equal energies attract; because of this, people with the same tastes gather together. If you want to

attract positive people to your life and experience happy situations, you must take care to improve

your own energy. The only way to find a good companion, good friend, good job, etc., is by being

good yourself, radiating positive energy. Keep in mind that you will never conquer someone using

pity or threats, instead you will provoke the opposite response. If you desire someone or something,

you have to be splendid inside and out. If you feel good about yourself, you will attract the best.

Pluto in 8th house:

You will have a long life thanks to your ability to regenerate yourself. You will experience many

intense situations and deep changes. You are interested in understanding the different processes of

human existence, especially life and death, and you will dedicate many hours of study to those

subjects. Your interest goes beyond curiosity; there is a very deep psychological impulse to be

connected with mysteries in general. You could excel in research, medicine or in natural sciences.


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Your inquisitive mind will lead you to seek answers in the spiritual plane and you will seek the most

coherent religion.

Pluto in Libra:

Your generation cares about the development of human relations and communication. They are

not selfish but instead are willing to listen to others, seeking agreement and balance between

different points of view. They are interested in psychology and sociology and will propose new

styles of unions, both commercial and matrimonial, with the idea of achieving more understanding

and happiness. Politicians will strive to achieve peace treaties and harmony between different

countries, eliminating the armament race or the preponderance of one in power. Christian Bale, as a

part of this movement, you show a love for beauty and harmony; you possess a great sense of justice

and a very developed social instinct.


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NINTH HOUSE: Religion. Long trips.


Libra on 9th house cusp.

You seek a balance in your religious life and so you weigh the semi-truths that you find in each

religion. In a very particular and personal manner, you find satisfaction and harmony practicing

religion your way. In every crisis it is important that you first find internal calm, meditate, and then

make the necessary decisions.

In addition, it is probable that you meet your wife during a long voyage or that she is foreign.

Your marriage will broaden your philosophical view of life because of the cultural exchange with

your wife. It is also probable that you travel abroad with her frequently. If you travel alone, it is

always possible you will experience romance.

Uranus in 9th house:

You will travel a lot throughout your life and visit exotic and strange places, very far from your

native land. You will experience particular events on these trips that will enrich your internal life,

your philosophy and your attitude to religion. You are very creative, independent and adventurous.

Your religious beliefs are not orthodox and you find difficulty in following rituals. You are

interested in social reforms and will pursue them with some political militancy, though this may

vary over time. It is recommended that you not become involved in legal problems because they

could have unexpected and negative consequences for you.

Uranus in Libra:

You belong to a generation that will be preoccupied with establishing more equality in social

relations. Friendship will be esteemed above all other relationships including your marital

relationship which will be very different from your predecessors': no restrictions or demands will

exist to choke the freedom of the individuals. You pay attention to the motivations of people and

you have your own concepts about justice. You also enjoy any new artistic expressions. You possess

a great personal magnetism and could express your unconventional ideas without being rejected by



© 2016 astrology.com.au 27


TENTH HOUSE: Vocation. Professional success.


Note: in order to come to a more accurate conclusion, you must combine the information below with

the characteristics of your Sun (Chapter 1) and your Moon (Chapter 2).

First 15 degrees of Scorpio on MC

Your destiny will lead you to be interested in all that is unknown and dangerous. You will excel

in those fields where you have to dive, whether into the sea, the sciences, or the human soul.

Christian Bale, you have an intrepid and adventurous spirit that will lead you to investigate the

bottom of the ocean, space, caves, volcanoes, jungles, etc. And if you never get to those places

physically, your mind will be there. You are very competitive and are always willing to argue with

your boss or co-workers, making your opinions prevail. You feel great attraction towards beaches or

coasts, lakes and rivers, and will probably live somewhere close to water. You will be very

particular when choosing your profession and will not follow anyone's suggestions or your family's

wishes. Your most powerful professional weapon is your intuition. You will have very accurate

feelings about what you should do.

Your vocational choice points toward one of the following professions: doctor, surgeon,

endocrinologist, chemist, electronic or naval engineer, investigator, psychiatrist, aviator, detective,

explorer, diver, geologist, etc., or any other profession which puts you in contact with the unknown.

It is probable that your home was very solid, with one of your parents (or both) very rigid in

his/her principles. Discipline could have been very harsh and that led you to rebel. Christian Bale,

you are very independent, both in expressing your opinions and in choosing your future profession.

The people of Scorpio will be strongly influential in your destiny.

Neptune in 10th house:

You have high aspirations and spiritual goals in your life. You want to serve humanity and your

disposition is very idealistic. Everything that you achieve will be on your own without the help of

your family. You will also perceive the feelings of the people around you and you could fulfill the

diplomatic role well. Chemistry and liquids will be related to your work or profession. It is probable

that you feel confused when deciding your profession and that you experience several changes

throughout your life. You must learn to act decisively and coherently, leaving your fantasies and

doubts aside.

Neptune in Sagittarius:

Your generation will need new religious and philosophical values. They are very profound and

inquisitive about the meaning of life. It is also probable that during this period many educational


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laws and programs will be reformed. Christian Bale, as a part of this generation, you will be very

interested in being in those reform groups; you are inclined towards disseminating new ideas,

seeking a universal religion, and getting to know different cultures. At some time it is possible that

you will meet false prophets but your own intuition will allow you to distinguish them.

Neptune Sextile Pluto:

You possess a great creative and artistic ability. You will also fight against injustices and will

seek reforms in the legislative system. Your intuition is powerful and will lead you to study and

reveal the secrets of nature. It is probable that you are not totally understood in your ideas about

freedom or in the use of your mystical knowledge; nevertheless, your interest in the subject will not



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ELEVENTH HOUSE: Friendship. Group activities.


"A shared grief is divided, a joy is multiplied."

Sagittarius on 11th house cusp.

You will have a very active social life and will meet all types of people throughout your life. You

are very communicative and kind towards others, which will allow you to make friends easily. It is

probable that you have many acquaintances and few intimate friends. This influence leads you to

connect with wise, intelligent and important people who will protect you and offer you support

whenever you need it. You will have friends who live abroad and every time you travel you will

initiate new friendships. Also, you will participate in group sports or physical activities.

It is probable that you are a member of several clubs or organizations, and that you meet people

who share your philosophical view of life, or the same religion.


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TWELFTH HOUSE: Karma. Secret enemies. Bankruptcy.


"Impossible things only require a little more time."

Capricorn on 12th house cusp.

You tend to not assume all the responsibilities that you should and to not demonstrate all your

authoritative capacity. You feel insecure inside and prefer to avoid assuming positions of power. It

is probable that since you appear unprejudiced and independent, no one is aware of your fears.

Nevertheless, they are reflected in your childish attempts to escape from any obligation or tie. You

are very vivacious and that causes wear and tear on your nervous system which could lead to

depression or melancholy.

Strong obstacles could appear in your career. You must learn to develop the patience and

persistence necessary to solidify your goals, because you tend to abandon them half way. Very

mature people or those with an old spirit (whatever their age) can clash with you. You should avoid

being in enclosed places or in artificial light.

Venus in 12th house:

You can be very shy and reserved when demonstrating your affections. You fear feeling rejected

and that is why you wait first for the reaction of others before offering yourself. In addition, you feel

great compassion for others and devote yourself to disinterested service. You will engage in your

romances almost in secret and if you do not overcome your inhibitions you could have problems or

go through a divorce in the future.

Venus in Capricorn:

You are very reserved with your feelings, with an unemotional and controlled appearance,

though inside you are passionate. Basically, you tend to feel insecure and are slow to offer yourself

to people. You could compensate for your insecurities by developing a materialistic sense or by

seeking professional and social success. It is hard for you to show your kindness and gentleness. It is

probable that you will fall in love with someone older who will protect you, or someone younger

whom you will protect. Love, for you, is associated with responsibility and you are very faithful to

your feelings once you are in love. Thanks to your leadership potential you could be very successful

in business.

Venus Square Uranus:

It is possible that since childhood you have experienced tense and irregular situations that will

affect your future romantic choices. You can be selfish, unstable and hasty; love will appear


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suddenly but can also disappear with the same speed. You are very particular in your choices and

your family will never understand your special taste. You are independent and very rebellious about

commitments, which is why you will have problems staying in a relationship for a long time. You

must learn to have patience, to accept others the way they are and to control your impulses. You

could be eccentric and have very atypical tastes and you will surely not follow family tradition. You

could also be nervous and irritable, and uncomfortable with exaggerated displays of affection.


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BIBLIOGRAPHY: To keep growing.




Wayne Dyer, Ed. Grijalbo. HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SELF-ESTEEM, Nathaniel Branden, Ed.

Paidos. I'M OK-YOU'RE OK, Dr. Thomas A. Harris, Grijalbo. THE DANCE OF ANGER, Harriet

Goldhor Lerner, Urano.


4 IN 1, Conny Mendez. GOD SPOKE TO ME, Eileen Caddy, Errepar. THE SILVA MIND


Iniciados, Kier. MAN AND HIS SYMBOLS, Carl G. Jung, Caralt. THE HEALING OF

EMOTIONS, Chris Griscom, Light Institute.




Heindel, Kier. STAR SIGNS, Linda Goodman, Urano.
