JULY(Haziran) 2012 New and Alternative Tourism Enterprises

New and alternative Torisim Enterprises

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New and alternative Torisim Enterprises

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Page 1: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises

JULY(Haziran) 2012

New and Alternative

Tourism Enterprises

Page 2: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises




Project Summary (Proje Özeti) ...............................................................................................................1

Project Rationale (Projenin Mantığı) ......................................................................................................2

Concrete Objectıves (Projenin Amaçları) ................................................................................................3

Problems Addressed (Hitap Edilen Problemler) ......................................................................................4

Approach (Yaklaşım) ................................................................................................................................5

Results And Outcomes (Çıktılar) ............................................................................................................6

European added Value (Avrupaya Kattığı Değer)………………………………………………...........6


Dıstrıbutıon of Tasks(Görev dağılımı)………………………………………………………………….9

Cooperatıon and communıcatıon (Ortaklık Ve İletişim)……………………………………… ……..10

Dıssemınatıon and use of results(Sonuçların Yaygınlaşması)……………………….........................14

Coordınator adn Partners (Koordinatör ve Ortaklar)…………………………………………………15

Meetings (Toplantılar)………………………………………………………………………………...31

The Best Business Ideas (En İyi İş Fikirleri)………………………………………………………......36

Project Poster (Proje Posteri)………………………………………………………………………….40

Project Brochure (Proje Broşürü)…………………………………………………………………......42

Project Websıite (Proje Web Sayfası)………………………………………………………………….44

Local Press (Basın)…………………………………………………………………………………….46

Winner Poster (Kazanan Poster)………………………………………………………………………51

The Best Business Plan (En İyi İş Planı)……………………………………………………………...53

Page 3: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


The potential for tourism within Europe is

not yet fully developed: the tourism

industry may yet be regularized and job

and business opportunities further


This project aims to set indications and

propose ideas with a view to helping and

stimulating business creation in an

innovative sector, i.e.that which relates to

flight services within leisure and tourism.

The partners involved are: Turkey, Italy,

Bulgaria, Poland, Belgium, Romania and


Partner typology has been carefully

selected so as to cover all the aspects

involved in such a peculiar project: town

councils, schools, a private company

producing helium balloons, a non-profit

association dealing with Media.

Citizen participation as well as the

extensive use of IT technologies, and the

great part played by communication tools,

have all been forecast

The partnership will also use an e-learning

platform to enhance the learning process

and to store all the contributions of the

partners. At the end of the project a

promotional DVD with video reports of the

partner meetings, sites and activities will

be produced to disseminate the project



Avrupa içinde turizm potansiyeli henüz

tam olarak geliĢmiĢ değildir; turizm

endüstrisi daha yeni-yeni

düzenlenmektedir ĠĢ ve iĢ fırsatlarını da

daha da artırmaktadır.

Bu proje endikasyonları kurmak ve

yenilikçi bir sektör oluşturmak, uçuş

hizmetleri için eğlence ve turizm içinde

ilgili yenilikçi olarak yardımcı olmaya ve

iĢ yaratma konusunda uyarıcı bir bakıĢ

açısıyla fikirler önermeyi hedefliyor.

Ortaklar Ģunlardır: Türkiye, Ġtalya,

Bulgaristan, Polonya, Belçika,. Romanya

ve Yunanistan

Ortak tipolojisi dikkatli bir Ģekilde tüm

yönleriyle bu projede yer almaktadırlar:

Ģehir konseyleri, okul, özel bir

Ģirket,helyum balonlar, kâr amacı

gütmeyen bir dernek Medya ile ilgili

bağlantıyı kapsayacak Ģekilde seçilmiĢtir.

VatandaĢ katılımının yanı sıra intenet

teknolojilerinin yaygın kullanımı

mevcuttur. Ortaklık öğrenme sürecini

geliĢtirmek için ortakların tüm katkılarını

depolamak için bir e-öğrenme platformu

kullanacak. Projenin sonunda partner

toplantıları siteler,aktiviteler,projenin

sonuçlarını yaymak için üretilecek

Page 4: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises



Europe is

a leading tourist destination worldwide.

Yet European potential in this respect

remains underdeveloped. Even in

countries considered traditional tourist

favourites, such as Greece, the tourism

industry can be regularized and job and

business opportunities can be increased.

Indeed traditional tourism is even in crisis

in some countries, such as Italy, where the

percentage of tourism on the GPI is

reduced in comparison to that of the

seventies. What is required to sustain both

already developed tourist countries and

new tourist destinations such as Turkey,

for instance, are new ideas, innovation and

creativity within the industry. Just some

years ago we started talking about

tourisms, in plural, so underscoring the fact

that the tourist industry may acquire many

and varied aspects in adjusting to the

peculiar need of each

tourist population.

Hence the project‟s

starting point, which

is the desire to

sustain the tourist

industry in its need

to boost innovation

and creativity as

well as business

creation and

enterprise start ups.

In order to

increase the

efficacy of our

project activities, we have decided to put

into practice certain tools related to one

single niche within tourism rather than

give general support to business creation in

the industry as a whole. We have chosen a

new, innovative niche with great

potential: that of flight services. Some

scattered attempts at offering flights as

tourist opportunities have already

beenrealized. These include: helium

balloons, renting planes, helicopter

sightseeing tours, kite flying, kite-

surfing etc.

The time has come to make a serious

attempt at seeing whether this industry

can emerge, as we think, by way of a

great boost to tourism.

The project wants to promote tourism as an

adventure, but also as a safe happening for

the main stream tourist.

Therefore the partners will look out for

good practice of high quality standards for


touristical industry in their country.


Avrupa dünya çapında önde

gelen bir turizm hedefidir,

Ancak bu konuda Avrupa hala

geliĢmiĢliğin altındadır. Hatta

geleneksel turizm

aktivitelerinin düĢünüldüğü

ülkelerde bile ( Yunanistan

gibi) turizm endüstrisi

düzenlenebilir ve iĢ fırsatları


gerçektegeleneksel turizm

Ġtalya gibi bazı ülkelerde

kriz içindedir, ki bu tip

yerlerde GPĠ üzerindeki

turizm oranı yetmiĢlere

kıyasla azalmaktadır. Hem geliĢmiĢ turizm

Page 5: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


ülkelerinihem de Türkiye gibi geliĢmekteki

ülkeleri desteklemek için gereken Ģey bu

endüstride yenilikçilik, yeni fikirler ve


Sadece birkaç yıl önce turizm hakkında

çoğul olarak konuĢmaya baĢladık, Bu

yüzden turizm sanayisi her turist

nüfusunun ihtiyacına göre düzenlemelerle

bir çok ve çeĢitli görüĢ açıları kazanabilir.

Bu nedenle iĢ yaratma ve kurumsal yenilik

ve yaratıcılık artırmak amacıyla turizm

sektörünü sürdürmek projenin baĢlangıç

noktası oluĢturuyor. Proje aktivitelerinin

etkinliğini artırmak için biz turizm içinde

bir bütün olarak genel iĢ yaratılmasına

destek vermekten ziyade tek bir Ģeyle iĢe

koĢmaya ve araç-gereç kullanımına karar

verdik,böylece biz büyük potansiyeli olan

yenilikçi bir Ģey seçtik ( uçuĢ hizmetleri)

Bazı dağınık uçuĢ giriĢimleri zaten turizm

imkanları dahilinde zaten helyum balonlar,

uçak kiralama, helikopter turlar, uçurtma-

sörf vb.Zaman bu endüstrinin turizm

patlamasına yol açıp açmayacağını bize

gösterecek Proje bir macera olarak turizmi

teĢvik istiyor, ama ana akım turist için

güvenli bir olay olarak da kalmalı. Bu nedenle ortaklar turistik endüstride yüksek kalite standartlarının iyi uygulama şansını kendi ülkelerinde ortaya koyma şansına sahip olacaklar


- 5 case studies and a related business plan

- 5 meetings open to the general public and

local business representatives and


-3 meetings with tourism,related secondary


- A website which includes a section on

business ideas for the sector

- A web-based collection of International

best practices within the sector, divided

into themes: Flying craft using new clean

energies (like kites), different types of

helium balloons and similars, renting

planes, micro lights and similar crafts

- A public call to recruiting associations,

cultural circuits, sport centres and keen

citizens in giving free sample lessons and

presentations on flight activities using

various flying craft

- International webinar on business


within the sector

- a Facebook competition on the best

business idea, launched and voted upon via


- a DVD with video reports of all the

project meetings and tourism

activities/sites related to the project field


- a booklet on business opportunites in the

flight sector using clean energies

Page 6: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


- a DVD to diffuse project results


- 5 durum çalıĢması ve ilgili iĢ planı

- 5 toplantı açık genel kamu ve iĢ

dünyasından temsilciler ve yerel iĢletmeler

- Turizm ile ilgili orta dereceli okullar ile

3 toplantı

- Sektör için iĢ fikirleri ile ilgili bir bölüm

içeren bir web sitesi

- Sektör içinde -Uluslararası bir web

tabanlı veri uygulama-toplama, temalara

ayrılır: yeni,temiz enerjiler

kullanarak,Uçan aletler uçurtmalar gibi

helyum balonlar ve

benzerleri, uçak kiralama,

mikro ıĢıkları ve farklı türde

benzeri el sanatları .

- Bir kamu çağrsıı uçuĢ

faaliyetlerinin çeĢitli araçlar

kullanarak ücretsiz örnek

dersler ve sunumlar veren

dernekler, kültürel devreler,

spor merkezleri ve meraklı

vatandaĢlar alımı için

sektöründe iĢ fırsatları -

Uluslararası online seminer

- En iyi iĢ fikri üzerinde bir

Facebook yarıĢması ve Facebook

üzerinden oy

- Tüm proje toplantıları ve turizm

faaliyetleri / siteler proje alanı ile ilgili

video raporları ile ilgili bir DVD

- uçuĢ sektörde temiz enerjileri kullanma

olanakları üzerine bir kitapçık

- projenin yaygın sonuçları hakkında bir



- Lack of innovation in the tourist sector

- Lack of knowledge about the latest

developments in the sector

- Lack of in service training and life long

learning in tourist sector

- The necessity to foster business start ups,

especially at this time of economic crisis

- The necessity to teach students to seek

job solutions which are attentive to all

European contexts (broadening horizons)

- The necessity to give fresh input to

existing entrepreneurs

- The necessity to continue proposing self-

employment and business creation as a

valid alternative to salaried employment

There is a


need, to

pool at a






on alternative tourisms using flight

instruments, craft and planes

- information for future business people

within the sector


-turizm sectöründeki yenilik eksikliği

-sektördeki en son geliĢmeler konusunda

bilgi eksikliği

-turizm sektöründeki yaĢam boyu öğrenme

ve hizmet içi eğitim eksikliği

-iĢ fırsatlarını besleme gerekliliği,özellikle

ekonomik kriz zamanında.

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-öğrencilere iĢ arama eğitimi verme


-mevcut giriĢimcilere somut veri verme


-maaĢlı istihdam için geçerli bir alternatif

olarak serbest meslek ve iĢ önerilmesi


Biraz daha ihtiyaç, ve tek bir web


alternatif tourisms uçuĢ aletleri, el sanatları

ve uçak kullanarak -

sektöründe gelecek iĢ adamları için – bilgi



- The project components will work as a

single unit: each partner will perform

actions and carry out specific tasks with a

view to accomplishing all the necessary


- Transnational learning by exchanging

good practices and case studies from

partner countries

- Use of an e-

learning platform

to facilitate the


and to file the

exchange of


success stories

and other results

in multiple


YAKLAŞIM - Proje bileĢenleri tek bir birim olarak

çalıĢacak: Her ortak eylemler

gerçekleĢtirecek ve özel görevleri yerine

getirmek için gerekli tüm yönleri


- uygulama değiĢimi ile ulus ötesi öğrene

ve ortak ülkelerden gelenlerle vaka

çalıĢmaları ile öğrenme

- iletiĢimi kolaylaĢtırmak için e-öğrenme

platformunun kullanımı tanık değiĢimi,

baĢarı öyküleri ve birden çok dilde diğer

sonuçları bu platforma aktarma


October 2010 Transnational meeting in

Turkey and open conference to public and


November 2010 Website start up and

public call start up

January 2011 Transnational

meeting in Greece and open conference to

schools and similar stakeholders

February 2011 Facebook

competition: starting date

April 2011 Transnational meeting in

Italy and open conference to

public and


June 2011


meeting in Bulgaria

and open conference

to schools and similar

stakeholders &

presentation of case


September 2011


meeting in Belgium

and open conference

to public and enterprises, visit at the

European Parliament, meeting MEP‟s

partner countries & case-story/business

plans completion

Page 8: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


November 2011 Transnational

meeting in Poland and open conference to

schools and similar stakeholders &

Analysys of the sector

February 2012 Webinar &

booklet on flight services using clean


March 2012 Open conference to schools

and similar stakeholders

April 2012 Best Practice collection and

DVD finalisation

May 2012 Final Meeting in Romania

and open conference to public and



Ekim 2010 Kamu ve iĢletmelere

Türkiye'de Ulusötesi toplantı ve açık


Kasım 2010 Web sitesi kurmak ve kamu

çağrısı baĢlatma

Ocak 2011 Yunanistan‟da Uluslararası

toplantı ve okullar ve benzeri paydaĢlara

açık konferans

Şubat2011 Facebook yarıĢması baĢlama


Nisan2011 Kamu ve iĢletmelere

Ġtalya'da ulus ötesi toplantı ve açık


Haziran 2011Bulgaristan sınır ötesi

toplantı ve okullar ve benzeri paydaĢlar ve

vaka sunumu açık konferans

Eylül 2011Avrupa Parlamentosu'nda

ziyaret Belçika'da kamu ve iĢletmeleri

ziyaret, Uluslararası toplantı ve açık


Ekim 2011 Polonyada sınır ötesi

toplantı ve okullar ve benzeri paydaĢlara

açık konfereans ve sektörün Analizi.

Şubat 2012 Temiz enerji kullanarak

uçuĢ servisleri üzerine kitapçık ve web


Mart 2012 Okullar ve benzeri

paydaĢlara açık konferans

Nisan 2012 Uygulamanın toplanması ve

dvd finali

12 mayıs 2012 Romanyada

final toplantısı, kamu ve iĢletmelere açık



As stated above, the sector of which the

project treats is somewhat peculiar and

examples of related activities remain

scarce and scattered around the world. We

therefore need a European environment in

order to:

1. reach the widest possible spectrum of

Page 9: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


best practice collection possibilities

2. find enough interested people to be


3. pool all existing expertise in the matter

4. stimulate the market

5. favour a cross pollination of ideas and

enterprising stories

During the Meeting in Belgium will be

organised a visit at the European

Parliament and otherEu institutions to

enhance the European dimension of all the

organisation involved.

The exchange of the cultural heritage

between the different EU-partner countries

will be enriching all the participants of the


The exchange of best practices, case

studies and expertise about the tourism

policy in the different member states will

give the participants new ideas and

pathways for both an improvement of their

activities as well as for a stronger

participation in the new trends in tourism

on a European level.

Of course, the visit of the participants to

the European institutions and the meeting

with MEP‟s from the different partner

countries will promote the European

awareness but it is also a good opportunity

to promote the tourist sector to European



Yukarıda belirtildiği gibi,projenin hitap

ettiği sektör bir Ģekilde özel ve alakalı

etkinliklerin çoğu dünya çapında dağınık

düzensiz kalacak.Bu yüzden bizim bir

Avrupa çevresine ihtiyacımız var çünkü;

1-En iyi uygulamayı yapmak için en geniĢ

sınırlara ulaĢmak

2-Yeteri kadar ilgili insanı buna dahil


3-Tüm uzmanları bir havuza almak

4-Pazarı canlandırmak

5-Fikir ve giriĢimci hikayeleri desteklemek

Belçika Toplantısı sırasında Avrupa

Parlamentosu ve diğer AB kurumları tüm

organizasyona katılan Avrupa boyutunu


için bir ziyaret organize edilecektir Farklı

AB ortak ülkeleri arasındaki kültürel

mirasın değiĢimi projenin tüm katılımcıları

için zenginleĢtirici olacak. En iyi

uygulamanın değiĢimi ile vaka çalıĢmaları

ve farklı üye ülkelerdeki turizm politikası

hakkında uzmanlık alıĢveriĢi katılımcıların

faaliyetlerine hem bir iyileĢtirme ve yanı

sıra turizm de yeni eğilimleri daha güçlü

bir katılımla yeni fikirler ve yollar verecek

bir Avrupa seviyesine ulaĢtıracak. Tabii ki,

Avrupa kurumlarına katılımcıların ziyaret

ve MEP'leri farklı ülkelerden ortaklar ile

toplantıda Avrupalılık bilincini teĢvik

edeceğiz ama aynı zamanda iyi bir fırsat

Avrupa için turizm sektörünü teĢvik etmek


Nevşehir İl Emniyet Müdürü


Page 10: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises




aims to open the mind of the students and

schools involved, stimulating thinking in a

new sector and feeding the imagination as

regards the possibility for alternatives to

existing tourism services. Students will be

invited to collect case

stories by surfing the net

and simultaneously

improving their

skimming and reading

abilities, their

knowledge of English

and their ability to seek

and organize

information. They will

be invited to propose a

business idea, thereby

putting into practice all the different skills

and abilities they possess in addition to

their imagination: valuable input for

creativity! Participating in the Facebook

competition will also mean becoming

accustomed to social networks and IT

technologies in general.


will have a further 2 different learner

groups, the one represented

by all those attending the


planned, the other by those

surfing the net. For these

we anticipate an impact in

terms of broadening their

imagination, increasing

their PC skills, encouraging

the desire for self-

employment, having the

possibility to check, use and control data,

information, inspiring case-stories, best

practices, etc. Probably it will be also a

chance for some of them to re-enter the

educational system.


institutions involved which are not schools,

the impacts will be several:

- for town councils, the possibility to plan

tourism policy, also taking into

consideration innovative sectors and

stimulating a peculiar sector which may be

very competitive in its particular market-

segment and well-adapted to the tourism

framework and typology of the city in


- for the helium company, the possibility to

enter into contact with possible future

entrepreneurs, thereby broadening their

client portfolio while simultaneously

reaching students and youth and so being

afforded the opportunity to

become aware of

totally new business

ideas related to similar


The case stories,

exchange of good

practice and

collaboration in the

partnership between

public and private

bodies/enterprises will

certainly the partners to improve

public/private cooperation and activities in

their daily activities.



ETKĠSĠ:Proje,okul ve öğrencilere yeni

fikirler empoze etmeyi,yeni bir sektörde


düĢünmeyi,var olan

turizm hizmetlerine

yeni düĢünceler

katmayı sağlayacak

Öğrenciler öyküler

toplamaya davet

edilecek ve aynı

zamanda onların

tarama ve okuma


geliĢtirmeya yardımcı olacak, Ġngilizce

bilgi ve becerilerinide geliĢtirecek. Bir iĢ

fikri önermek vb,: tüm farklı yetenek ve

becerilere koyarak davet edilecek

yaratıcılık için değerli bir girdi olacak.

Facebook yarıĢmasına katılmak da sosyal

ağlar bakımından alıĢık olma anlamına

gelecektir .


projede daha çok 2 farklı öğrenci grubu

olacak, bu net sörften baĢka biri tüm bu

konferansa katılıyor temsil / toplantılar

Page 11: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


planlı olacak. Bu onların hayallerinin

geniĢlemesi açısından bir etki bekliyoruz,

onların PC becerilerini artırarak serbest

meslek için arzu teĢvik, olasılık, kullanımı

ve veri kontrolü,bilgi, ilham verici öyküler,

en iyi uygulamalar,vb Muhtemelen kontrol

etmek zorundalar ve aynı zamanda

bazıları için bir Ģans yeniden eğitim

sistemine girmek olacaktır.


olmayan kurumlar için etkisi birkaçtane


-ġehir konseyleri için, olasılığı da dikkate

alınarak yenilikçi sektörler ve çok kendine

özgü piyasa segmenti ve iyi turizm

çerçevesinde ve söz konusu Ģehrin

tipolojisi adapte etmek rekabet yaratabilir

-helyum Ģirketi için,gelecekte

giriĢimcilerle bağlantıya geçme

olasılığı,müĢteri profilini geniĢletme,aynı

zamanda öğrenci ve genç nesile

ulaĢma,benzer alanlarla alakalı yeni iĢ

fikirlerinin farkında olma gibi etkileri


-Olgu öyküleri, iyi uygulama ve kamu ve

özel kuruluĢlar / iĢletmeler elbet ortakları

arasında ortaklık iĢbirliği alıĢveriĢi

olacaktır.kamu / özel sektör iĢbirliği ve

faaliyetleri günlük faaliyetlerinde iyileĢme



Project tasks will be divided among the full

partnership under the coordinator of the

Turkish partner which will be responsible

for partnership communication and project


The partner coordinator will also be

responsible for website creation and


The non-school partner will:

- prepare a case study for a new business

idea in the sector with its related business


- host a transnational meeting for the

project partners including a day dedicated

to a conference open to the local public:

citizens, associations and enterprises

- contribute to website updating (including

the section on new business ideas)

- make a public call for recruiting

associations, cultural circuits, sport centres

and keen citizens by giving free sample

lessons and presentation on flying

activities carried out using flight craft to all

the local citizens in days close to the open


- realize an international webinar on

business opportunities of the sector,

making online events, invitations

- prepare the Facebook framework for the

business tourism flight competition

The schools will:

- realize brainstorming intra-class meetings

in order to collect business ideas

- insert the business ideas pooled into the

specific website section

- host a transnational meeting for the

project partners including a day dedicated

to a conference open to local

schools: students of different sectors,

classes and ages

- collect the best practices of the sector and

insert them into the website, divided by


- contribute to website updating

- participate in and publicize the Facebook


- make a public call to recruiting

associations, cultural circuits, sport centres

and keen citizens in giving free sample

lessons and presentations to school

students on flying activities carried out

using flight craft.

The Belgiam association related to media

will make a DVD with video reports of all

the project meetings and tourism

activities/sites related to the sector visited

and will take care of project monitoring

and evaluation via a web based platform.

The Romanian partner will prapare a study

on business opportunities related to flight

services using clean energies.


Proje görev dağılımı,ortaklık ve proje

uygulamasından sorumlu olan Türk ortağın

koordinatörlüğü altında bölünecektir

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Koordinatör olan kurum web sitesi

kurumundan ve güncellenmesinden

sorumlu olacaktır.okul olmayan

partnerlerin yapacakları;

-sektörde yeni bir iĢ fikri için örnek bir

çalıĢma hazırlamak

-ev sahibi partner partnerler için bir

toplantı düzenleyecek bu toplantı yerel

halkı vatandaĢları,derneklerı ve iĢletmeleri


-web sitesinin güncellemesine katkıda

bulunacak(yeni iĢ fikirlerine bölümler

dahil ederek)

-ücretsiz örnek dersler ve sunum vererek

uçuĢ faaliyetlerine dernekleri, kültürel

devreleri, spor merkezleri ve meraklı

vatandaĢlar dahil etmek için genel bir halk

çağrısı yapmak ve bunun

gerçekleĢtirildiği gün

tüm ülke vatandaĢları

için konferans


-Sektörünün iĢ

fırsatları, çevrimiçi


davetiyeler verme

,uluslararası web


- ĠĢ turizmi uçuĢ

rekabeti için

Facebookta bir

çerçeve hazırlamak

Okul olan



-yeni iĢ fikirleri

toplamak için sınıf

içi toplantıları, beyin

fırtınası gerçekleĢtirmek

- iĢ fikirlerini özel web sitesi bölümüne


- Ev sahibi bir gün bir konferans, yerel

okullara olmak( farklı yaĢta öğrenci ve

gruplara) üzere proje ortakları için bir sınır

ötesi toplantı yapacak

-sektörün en iyi uygulamalarını toplamak

ve onları sitede derlemek.

-sitenin güncellenmesine katkıda bulunmak

-facebook yarıĢmasına katılmak ve katkıda


-Belçika dernek ile ilgili tüm proje

toplantılarını ve turizm faaliyetlerini /

siteler sektörüyle ilgili video raporları ile

bir DVD yapmak ve ziyaret edilen web

tabanlı platform üzerinden proje izleme ve

değerlendirme kısmına katkıda bulunacak

- Romen ortak temiz enerji kullanarak uçuĢ

hizmetleri ile alakalı iĢ fırsatları üzerine bir

çalıĢma hazırlayacak



The project coordinator will be responsible

of all intra-partnership communication


Communication will mainly proceed via e-

mails. As the need arises, other means will

be used: phone calls,

faxes, surface mail,


All transnational

meetings will

organize the

following specific

sessions, tailored

to: project


discussion of



exploitation of



monitoring and


Meeting minutes

will be taken and

shared among all

those involved in

the project over the

days following.

As regards project cooperation: the

timeline established in the application form

and reset at the starting phase will form the

project milestones to be respected by all.

Project management and cooperation will

be organized and checked –via project

monitoring activities- in project

milestones. The coordinator will remind

everybody of the expected results and


Page 13: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


An e-learning platform will be used for a

safe and accessible filing of working

documents, reports of interviews and

exchanges of case studies and good

practice in tourism.

Moreover, this platform will offer an

additional communication tool between the

partners and between the learners of the

different organisations. The open character

of a forum gives the participants of the

project the opportunity to participate in the

discussions and the learning tasks.


Proje koordinatörü bütün ortaklık iletiĢim

faaliyetlerinden sorumlu olacaktır.

ĠletiĢim çoğunlukla e-posta ile hareket

edecektir. ihtiyaç duyulduğunda baĢka

yollarda kullanılacaktır: telefon, faks,

yüzey mail, Skype gibi.

Bütün ulus ötesi toplantıları,aĢağıdaki özel

oturumları düzenleyecek proje yönetimi,

karĢılaĢılan zorluklar, tartıĢma ortaya

çıkan olanaklar, izleme ve değerlendirme.

Toplantı tutanakları alınacak ve

paylaĢılan tüm bu projede gün içinde

aĢağıdaki içerecek. Proje iĢbirliği ile ilgili

olarak: zaman çizelgesi baĢvuru formu ve

araĢtırma olarak baĢlayan aĢamasında

proje kilometre taĢlarını

oluĢturacak herkes tarafından

saygı amacıyla kurulmuĢtur.

Proje yönetimi ve iĢbirliği kontrol-

üzerinden proje izleme faaliyetleri proje

aĢamalarını içinde organize edilecektir.

Koordinatör beklenen sonuçları ve

sonuçları herkese hatırlatacaktır.

Bir e-öğrenme platformu çalıĢma belgeleri

güvenli ve eriĢilebilir dosyalama için

kullanılacak, röportajlar ve turizm vaka

çalıĢmaları ve iyi uygulamaların

alıĢveriĢi raporlar halinde


Ayrıca bu platform ortakları ve farklı

kuruluĢların öğrenenler arasında ek bir

iletiĢim aracı sunacak. Bir forumun

proje tartıĢmalarına fırsatve öğrenme

görevlerine katılmak için katılımcılarına

olanaklar verir.


Our project treats of both partner

typologies. Consequently, both will be

involved in planning, implementing and

monitoring all foreseen activities.

The learners (different typologies from all

the partner organisations) will be involved

in developing new business ideas, pooling

already existing practices/experiences,

building a business plan and case–story,

organizing and intervening in conferences

and updating the websites.

Regarding those aspects more related to

management issues, it may be said that the

learners will be the town council involved:

those who will discover if a specific sector

is feasible or not, and if it can be turned

into the developing local policy as an asset

for consideration.


Projemiz her iki partner tipolojilerine ait davranmaktadır Sonuç olarak, hem

Page 14: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


planlama hemde uygulama ve tüm öngörülen faaliyetlerin izlenmesi dahil olacak.Öğrenenler (tüm ortak kuruluşların farklı tipolojileri), yeni iş fikirleri geliştirmeleri dahil olacak, / deneyimler mevcut uygulamalar havuzu oluşacak, bir iş planı ve bir vaka düzenleme ve konferanslar,web sitelerini güncelleme. Bu yönleriyle yönetim sorunları ile ilgili daha ilgili olarak, öğrencilerin belediye meclisinde yer alacağı söylenebilir belirli bir sektörde iş yapmamın mümkün olup olmayacağını keşfedecekler ve o gelişen yerel politika içinde bir varlık olarak değerlendirebilecekler



The project will be integrated into the

ongoing activities of all the organisations

involved. It foresees the participation:

- of students, citizens and schools in

developing ideas, sharing business

opportunities and discussing them,

- the town councils in applying them into

local policy



meetings for

local entrepreneurs and fostering business


- a private company, involved in the sector

in order to identify ideas feasibility and

facilitate contact with enterprises

- a reasearch institute in order to check

environment sustaniability of the emerging

business ideas

- a media association able to pout into

tangible immagines all the project input


All the above mentioned organizations will

integrate the project in its regular, ongoing

activities, viz. all the required project tasks

connected with daily activities and in full

compliance with institutional targets.



Proje tüm kuruluĢların ilgili devam eden

faaliyetlerine entegre edilecek.bir katılımı


- Öğrenci, vatandaĢlar ve okulları,

paylaĢım yapma, iĢ fırsatlarını ve onları

tartıĢarak fikirler geliĢtirme,

- Yerel politika ederken yerel giriĢimcilerin

ve iĢ yaratılması teĢviği için toplantı

çağrıları ve onların uygulanmasında Ģehir


- Özel bir Ģirket,sektöründe sipariĢ

fizibilite fikirleri belirlemek ve iĢletmeler

ile temas kolaylaĢtırma

- Bir 'ye enstitü sırada ortaya çıkan iĢ

fikirlerinin destelenebilirliğini kontrol etme

- Bir medya derneği somut imajlar içine

tüm proje girmesi yaratabilir.

Yukarıda açıklanan tüm kuruluĢların

düzenli devam eden faaliyetleri, yani

projeye entegre edilecektir. Gerekli tüm

proje görevleri günlük aktiviteler ile bağlı

ve kurumsal hedefleri ile tam bir uyum

içinde olacaktır.


Page 15: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


By using an e-learning platform, a

permanent monitoring and coaching of the

learning process will be possible.

This will facilitate the task of the

coordinator in monitoring the timing and

the quality of the results and the products

of the project as the platform can check at

all times who, when and why the platform

was used. Of course, all contributions to

the forum or the database are open to all

participants. This increases the social

pressure to develop the expected project

activities and to report to the partners.

The project will be evaluated at 3 levels.

LEVEL 1: the level of satisfaction of the

participants to the open

conference/meetings (these will be also the

day of the free lessons/trials on flights

objects/tools), controlled via a

questionnaire aimed at helping the project

partnership in improving the following

events and understanding the impact made.

LEVEL 2: dedicated to each project

partner. This evaluation will be composed


- a monthly meeting within the

organisation, dedicated to project

implementation, problems encountered,

timelines anticipated, impacts obtained,

expected outcomes etc – the minutes

meeting will be collected and diffused

among the organisation

- a questionnaire on project

implementation, dedicated to the

organisation activites carried out for the

project as well as to giving a result/value to

the indicators fixed at the beginning of the

project. This questionnaire will be filled in

every 6 months,

- a mid (after 1st year of project) and a

final evaluation paper dedicated to the

project with a local perspective (it will

consider monthly meeting minutes and the

semestral questionnaire)

LEVEL 3: dedicated to the full project. It

will be realized with:

- a special session dedicated to evaluation

and monitoring planned for each

transnational meeting. This section will be

address both at highlighting necessary

changes and underlying results achieved

and programmed tasks.

- during the first meeting will be set all the

project indicators related to partnership

outcomes, participation, target obtainment,

project milestone etc. analyzed in terms of

quality. During every transnational

meetings the project partners coordinators

will fill in a questionnaire related to these

indicators in order to assest project quality

and project implementation.

The self-evaluation questionnaires will be

based on the tools elaborated by the

Grundtvig project SEALL



Bir e-öğrenme platformu, sürekli bir izleme ve öğrenme sürecine koçluk kullanarak mümkün olacaktır. Bunun nedeni platform kullanarak her zaman kontrol edebilirsiniz zamanlaması ve sonuçları kalite ve platform olarak projenin ürünlerini izlenmede koordinatör görevini kolaylaştıracaktır. Tabii ki, forum ya da veritabanına katkılar tüm katılımcılara açıktır. Bu toplumsal baskı ve beklenen proje faaliyetleri geliştirmek için ortak raporu arttırır. Proje 3 düzeyde değerlendirilecektir. SEVİYE 1: / açık konferans ve toplantılara katılanların memnuniyet seviyeleri bir anketle kontrol edilecek bunu yararı

Page 16: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


projenin ortaklığa yaptığı anlayış ve etkiye yardımı amaçlanmaktadır. SEVİYE 2:/ Her proje partnerine adanıyor,bu değerlendirme şöyle oluşacak; -Organizasyon içinde aylık bir toplantı,proje uygulamayı hizmete sunma,karşılaşılan problemler,elde edilen etki,beklenen sonuçlar…..anlık toplantı yapılacak ve organizasyon arasında yayılacak. -proje uygulaması üzerine bir anket,projenin başlangıcında sabit sonuç veren değer göstergeleri kadar yerine getirilen organizasyon faaliyetleri.bu anket her 6 ayda bir doldurulacak. -(projenin ilk yılından sonra )yerel görüş açısıyla bir final değerlendirme,aylık toplantı tutanakları ve dönemsel anket. SEVİYE 3:/ projenin tümüne vurgulanıyor ve bu şu şekilde uygulanacak -her ulus ötesi toplantı için planlanan değerlendirme ve izleme için özel bir oturum. Bu bölüm hem gerekli değişiklikleri ve altta yatan sonuçlar ve programlanmış görevleri vurgulamaya hitap edecek - İlk toplantıda kalite bakımından analiz edilen tüm proje göstergeleri, ortaklık sonuçları, katılımcılık, hedef alma, proje aşaması vb kurulacak. Her ulus ötesi toplantılarda Proje ortakları, koordinatörleri bu göstergeler ile ilgili proje kalite ve proje uygulama amacına yardım için bir anket dolduracaktır. Öz-değerlendirme anketleri araçları Grundtvig projesi SEALL (http://www.sealll.eu/index.php tarafından ) temel alınacak



In the participating organizations:

As a result of this project, hot air

ballooning and alternative tourism

enterprises ideas will be disseminate and

developed among partner institutions. All

the staff personnell and all the pupils

involved, will gain a different and

extraordinary experience during the

Turkish mobility when each participant

will take a ride with the helium ballon.

All the participants will plan and apply

interesting and attractive methods in their


Project contents and

results will be

disseminated by all

the partner

organisations via:

- web sites (partner's

websites and project


- facebook

- local tv channels,

- newspapers

- dvd

- booklet

- local brochures and


In the local


Flying trips,

alternative, innovative

and creative methods for tourism as a

touristical opportunities will be realized

among all the local communities involved.

Flying services can become a real new

solutions to create new potential for local

tourisms. The resalts wiull be spread

locally via:

- Facebook

- open meetiungs and conference

- booklet

- dvd

- involvment of local actors, local players

and stakeholders.

In the wider lifelong learning community:

It will be disseminated via local and

national medıa companies. It will be

Page 17: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


inserted into all the databases referring to

the LLP programme and it will be widely

spread in international social networks and

in the web.

This project will be a good example for

other lifelong learning projects in

enhanching innovatives and creativeness.


katılımcı kuruluĢlar olarak:

Bu proje, Balon turu, sıcak ve alternatif

turizm iĢletmelerinin fikirleri sonucunda

ve ortak kurumlar arasında geliĢti. Tüm

personel ve tüm öğrenciler dahil, Türk

hareketlilikleri ile her katılımcının helyum

balon ile gezintiye götürülmesi sırasında

farklı ve olağanüstü deneyim kazanacaktır.

Tüm katılımcılar organisazyonda ilginç ve

çekici yöntemler planlayıp uygulayacak

Proje içeriği ve sonuçları tüm ortak

kuruluĢlar tarafından Ģu Ģekilde yayılacak;

-Web siteleri (ortağın web siteleri ve proje



-Yerel tv kanalları




- Yerel broĢür ve dergiler.

Yerel topluluklar olarak:

Bir turistik faaliyetler tüm yerel topluluklar

dahil arasında yapılacaktır.Turizm için

uçuĢ gezileri, alternatif, yenilikçi ve

yaratıcı yöntemler.UçuĢ hizmetleri gerçek

yerel tourism için yeni ve potansiyel

turizm yaratabilir .sonuçlar lokal olarak Ģu



-Açık toplantılar ve konferans



yerel aktörler, yerel oyuncu ve paydaĢların

– dahil edilmesi

yaĢam boyu öğrenme topluluğu olarak:

Yerel ve ulusal medya kuruluĢları

aracılığıyla aktarılacaktır. Tüm

veritabanları LLP programına atıfla içine

eklenecektir,yaygın uluslararası sosyal

ağlar yayılmıĢ olacak.

Bu proje yenilikçiliği ve yaratıcılığı teĢvik

etmede diğer yaĢam boyu öğrenme

projeleri için iyi bir örnek olacaktır.


TR – TURKEY Oct 2010 Transnational meeting in Turkey

project start

open conference to public and enterprises

Nov 2010 Website start up public call

start up Evaluation indicators fixed

Dec 2010 Business idea brainstorming

start of best practices collection

EL – GREECE Jan 2011all, NMS

Transnational meeting in Greece

open conference to schools and

simila stakeholders Training

session for partners in use of e-

learning platform (by NMS)

Feb 2011all, except the schoolsCase

stories and business plan: start drafting

Feb 2011 Facebook competition: start

IT – ITALY Apr 2011 Transnational

meeting in Italy open conference to public

and enterprises

May 2011 First Year Evaluation

BG – BULGARIA June 2011

Transnational meeting in Bulgaria

open conference to schools and similar

stakeholders presentation of case studies

BE – BELGIUM Sept 2011

Case stories and business plan: completion

Transnational meeting in Belgium visit at

the European Parliament visit to Eu

institutions meeting MEP‟s partner

Page 18: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


countries open conference to public and


PL – POLAND Nov 2011

Transnational meeting in Poland and open

conference to schools and similar

stakeholders Analysys of the sector

Feb 2012 Webinar booklet on flight

services using clean energies acebook

competition: end Business competition end

April 2012 Best practice collection

finished Final EvaluationDVD finalisation

RO – ROMANIA June 2012

Final transnational meeting in Romania

Open conference to public and enterprises


Türkiyede proje ulus ötesi toplantı ile

baĢlıyor halka ve kurumlara açık konferans

Ekim 2010

Web site kurulumu-halk çağrısı-

değerlendirme belirteçleri Kasım 2010

iĢ fikirleri beyin fırtınaları-en iyi

uygulamaların derlemesi Aralık 2010

Yunanistanda uluslar arası toplantı-okullar

ve benzeri paydaĢlara konferans-e öğrenme

platformu Ocak 2011

Durum çalıĢmaları-iĢ planı: baĢlangıç

tasarlaması Şubat 2011

Facebook yarıĢması baĢlangıcı Şubat 2011

Ġtalyada ulusötesi toplantı halka ve

kuruluĢlara açık toplantı Nisan 2011

ilk yıl değerlendirilmesi Mayıs 2011

Bulgaristanda ulus ötesi toplantı okullara

ve benzer paydaĢlara açık çağrı durum

çalıĢmalarının sunumu Haziran 2011

Durum çalıĢmaları ve iĢ planı Belçika‟da

Avrupa parlemontosu‟nu ziyaret,Avrupa

kurumlarını ziyaret,MEP‟lerin partner

ülkelerinde toplantı halk ve kuruluĢlara

açık konferans Eylül 2011 Belçika

Polonyada ulus ötesi toplantı,okullara ve

benzer teĢebbüslere açık konferans,sektör

analizi Kasım 2011 Polonya

Online üzerinden seminer,temiz enerji

kullanarak uçuĢ aktiviteleri üzerine

kitapçık,facebook yarıĢması sonaermesi,iĢ

rekabeti sonu Şubat 2012

Romanyada final toplantı,halk ve

kuruluĢlara açık toplantı.Haziran 2012

Bitirilen en iyi uygulamanın

derlemesi,final değerlendirme,DVD ile

sonlandırma Eylül 2012





heart of


s millllions

of domestic

and foreign


every year.


is the name

of a wide

region,in the

middle of


ered by

Page 19: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


NevĢehir,Aksaray,Niğde ,Kırıkkale and

Kayseri provinces.Twenty Five million

years ago,in second half of third

geologictime which is called Neojen

time;by lava coming from the crust of

earth Erciyes,Melediz and Hasan

Mountains are formated..By the lava spew

out from these mountains,this area was

shaped;in another saying these mountains

are the architects of Cappadocia

Cappadocia and Uçhisar were included

into the «naturel and culturelheritage of

extraordinary beauty«of the world 6 th

December 1985 by the United Nations

Education Science and Culture

Organisation (UNESCO).Göreme was

placed under protection as a «Naturel and

Historical National Park» on 24 th

November 1986

Uçhisar Kapadokya turizminin

kalbidir.Her yıl milyonlarca yerli

veyabancı misafire ev sahipliği


Cappadocıa; Anadolunun ortasında

NevĢehir,Aksaray,Niğde ,Kırıkkale ve

Kayseri illerinin kapladığı geniĢ bir

bölgenin adıdır.Günümüzden yirmibeĢ

milyon yıl önce üçüncü jeolojik zamanın

ikinci yarısında neojen adı verilen

dönemde yer kabuğunun çatlaklarından

çıkan lavlarla Erciyes,Melendiz ve Hasan

dağları oluĢmuĢtur.Bu dağlardan püsküren

lavlarla bölge ĢekillenmiĢ,bir baĢka

ifadeyle bölgenin mimarı bu dağlar


Kapadokaya ve Uçhisar olağünüstü

güzelliğinden dolayı “doğal ve Kültürel

Miras Alanları listesinde Dünyada


BirleĢmiĢ Milletler Eğitim Bilim ve Kültür

Örgütü (UNESCO) tarafından Aralık

1985de listeye dahil edilmiĢtir..” Göreme

Doğal ve Tarihi Milli Parkı» olarak da 24.

Kasım 1986 da Koruma altına alınmıĢtır.

Uçhisar is 5 km away from NevĢehir

province.According to population

statistics in 2010,3820 people are living in

the town now.

It is known that Christian population lived

in Uçhisar which is famous for castle.

In castle,unknown hidden ways were used

with the aim of concealing.At the top of

the castle,

There are 3 tombs and they wereoccured

by carvingAlso

It is said as a legend that Dwarfs had been

living at the Uchisar Castle because of the

very narrow passages in it!

The Uçhisar Castle is the peak point of

cappadocia.Ġt is the largest and loveliest

fair chimney which my be seen all over


While it was agriculture –based livelihoods

of the people in uçhisar which is adorned

history and nature,tourism has begun to

make itself as the most important tourism

sector and investment

With the meaning of word, „‟ land of

beautiful horses‟‟ in cappadocia,,horse

tours and related acticities has also

increased significantly.

Uçhisar ,NevĢehir Ġl merkezine 5 km

mesafededir.2010 yılı nüfus verilerine göre

kasabada 3820 kiĢi yaĢamaktadır.

Kalesiyle ünlü olan Uçhisar'da zamanında

Hristiyanların yaĢadığı bilinmektedir.

Kale içinde bilinmeyen gizli yollar

saklanma amaçlı kullanılmıĢtır.

Kalenin en üstünde 3 tane mezar

bulunmaktadır. Yine kayalar oyularak

oluĢturulmuĢ mezarlardır bunlar. Boyut

olarak küçük olduğu için ve kale içindeki

geçitlerin küçüklüğünden dolayı bir

efsaneye göre cücelerin yaĢadığı bir yer


Page 20: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


Uçhisar kalesi Kapadokayının doruk

noktasıdır.Her yerden görülebilen

,bölgenin en büyük peribacasıdır.

Tarih ve Doğa‟nın süslediği Uçhisarda

halkın geçim kaynağı tarıma dayalı iken

son 20 yılda Turizm en önemli sektör ve

yatırım olarak kendini hissettirmeye


Kelime anlamı ile «Güzel atlar Diyarı

«olan Cappadocia da At turları ve buna

bağlı etkinlikler de önemli ölçüde artıĢ



Improve the quality of life of our people

and urban development of our town

make all kind of activities and initiaitives

of citizens in order to meet local and

common requirements of them


Make desings reconstructional and urban

Organize transportation services with

water and sewerages

Make parks with urban

furniture,environment healt and hygiene

MİSYON Kasabamızın Kentsel geliĢimini ve

halkımızın yaĢam kalitesini sürekli


vatandaĢlarımızın yerel ve müĢterek

nitelikteki ihtiyaçlarını karĢılamak

amacıyla her türlü faaliyet ve giriĢimde



Ġmar ve Kentsel tasarımlar Yapmak

Su ve Kanalizasyon ile UlaĢım

Hizmetlerini Yürütmek

Çevre Sağlığı,Temizlik,Kent Mobilyaları

ile Parklar Yapmak


Ensure income sources of our town and the

delivery of the local services with a fair

and quick way

Provide the development of the town in a

correct way by explaining tourism values

and the protection policies to our citizens

Provide the recognition of all Europe by

producing European Union projects in the


Reveal new tourism enterprises in an

appropriate structure to cultural and natural

values of the region

Generate new business ideas and new

business branches for employment and

support entrepreneurs in this direction

Put emphasis on education,hae people met

with the social and cultural activities,create

a conscious community with seminars and



Kasabamızın Gelir kaynaklarını ve Yerel

Hizmetlerin adil ve Hızlı ulaĢtırılmasını


Turizm Değerlerini ve Koruma

Politikalarına Halkımıza doğru

anlatarakKasabanın Doğru Yönde

kalkınmasını Sağlamak.

Page 21: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


AB Birliği projeleri Üreterek Bölgenin

Tüm Avrupa‟da tanınmasını sağlamak

Bölgenin Kültürel ve Doğal yapısına

Uygun yeni Turizm Değerlerini ortaya


Ġstihdama Yönelik Yeni iĢ Kolları ve Yeni

iĢ Fikirleri Üretmek, Bu yöndeki

GiriĢimcileri Desteklemek

Eğitime Önem Vermek. Sosyal ve Kültürel

Faaliyetler ile Halkın KaynaĢmasını


Toplantı Seminer ve Konferanslar ile

Bilinçli Bir Toplum yapısı




The task and the responsibilities on

these Works have been legalized by

The Constitution of the State of

Turkey and The municipal law number




Bu ÇalıĢmalara ĠliĢkin Görev Ve

sorumluluklar T.C. Devletinin Anayasası

ve 5393 Sayılı Belediye Kanunu Ġle




Hot air ballooning in Cappadocia, which

has now identified with the region, started

in 1989. The common opinion reached at

International Balloon Festivals is

that Cappadocia is the most pleasant place

in the world to fly a balloon. During the

past 17 years the number of companies

doing commercial flights has reached six.

And due to competition for profit instead

of quality has resulted in the fact they have

overlooked important issues such as

service quality and passenger safety. Since


day it was founded, our company, seeing

this defect, has not made any concessions

concerning safety and new equipment and

has not refrained from any expense that

will lead to being the “best there is”.

None of the fifteen balloons in its



Page 22: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


promotional advertisement balloons and

they are all the companys own property.

The fabric used on all of our balloons

enjoys special quality and design and they

all bear the name of our company.

All the

baskets we use are

designed for VIP

use, and its only

in the baskets of

our company that

you will see the

same number of

safety belts as the

number of

passengers. All

our baskets are insured according to the

number of passengers. The insurance

covers total basket insurance, individual

accident insurance and insurance against

third parties. The amount of insurance for

our smallest 10

passenger basket is €

2,500,000 and

according to the size

and capacity of the

baskets, this figure

goes up to €

8,000,000. Another

source of pride is the

35 passenger balloons

and baskets produced

by Lindstrand, one of

the greatest balloon

manufacturers of the

world, who is

producing all our

equipment. Another

balloon that only we have is the one

person Cloudhopper. This balloon will be

used for promotional purposes during

festivals and it will also be rented out to

clients who have a pilots license. We have

a very professional team and equipment for

festivals abroad and for promotional

activities. This team will act as tourism

ambassadors and follow all aviation

festivals around the globe, naturally

including all balloon festivals.

In short, we have a capacity of 350

passengers in one flight (as of October 30),

which makes us THE BİGGEST


WORLD. To deserve this

title and to keep it, we have

employed pilots and ground

crew who are professionals

with long years of

experience behind them.

Our office staff also

consists of very

experienced professionals,

specializing in this area.

Our pilots and ground crew

as well as our office staff

have been awarded with an ISO 9001-

2000 quality certificate as a result of the

training they received by “Amerikan

Systems Registrar”, and this is the first

time this happens

in this sector.

Uluer Group


kurulmuĢ olan


Balloons, Uluer

Havacılık Turizm

ve Tic. Ltd. ġti

unvan adıyla

T.C. UlaĢtırma

Bakanlığı Sivil

Havacılık Genel


tarafından TR-B-

006 numaralı

ĠĢletme Ruhsatı

ile lisanslandırılmıĢ bir balon iĢletmesidir.

Filomuzda bulunan 17‟nin üzerinde balon,

firmamızın tasarımı ile yolcu taĢımacılığı

maksadıyla özel olarak üretilmiĢtir. 354

yolcu kapasitesine sahip olmamız, bizi

dünyanın en büyük balon firması

yapmaktadır. Anatolian Balloons, sektörde

ilk kez ISO 9001:2008 Kalite Belgesi‟ne

layık görülmüĢtür.


Page 23: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


Satınalma yolu ile temin ettiğimiz

balonlarda hiçbir masraftan kaçınmadık.

Biz dünyanın en prestijli balon üreticileri

ile çalıĢıyoruz. Bunlar Ġngiliz Lindstrand

ve Ġspanyol Ultramagic Ģirketleridir. VIP

tip adıyla anılan balonlarımız, son EASA

(Avrupa Havacılık Güvenliği Ajansı)

kriterlerine uygundur.


Balonlarımız, büyüklüğü ve

kapasitesine bağlı olarak Anadolu Sigorta

güvencesiyle ve ICAO (Uluslararası Sivil

Havacılık Organizasyonu) kriterlerine

uygun Ģekilde 2.5 ila 8 milyon Euro

tutarında sigorta kapsamındadır.


Pilot, yer ekibi ve ofis

çalıĢanlarımız, son derece tecrübeli

kiĢilerden oluĢmaktadır. Türkiye,

Portekiz, Almanya, Güney Afrika ve

ABD vatandaĢı olan pilotlarımız,

Türkiye, Avustralya, Kanada, Tanzanya,

Portekiz, Ġngiltere, Amerika, Almanya,

Ġspanya, Kenya ve Afrika gibi ülkelerde

uçuĢ yapmıĢtır.





The name of the school is 1o

Epaggelmatiko Lykeio Dramas (Drama is

the name of the city, located in the

northern part of Greece). We are a

secondary education level school and we

offer technical education. The age of the

students is 15-18 years old. Our graduates

have got access to Universities and labour

market. In our school there is a large

number of

migrants students mostly coming from

Page 24: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


countries of the former Soviet Union and

also economic immigrants from other

Balkan countries such as Albania and

Bulgaria. The percentage of immigrants

students in our school is almost 20% since

our prefecture has common borders with

Bulgaria. Also there are many students that

have been born in Germany by Greek

parents who emigrated to Germany for

work in „60s

and now have

been back. Also

there are some

gipsy people. All

these categories

have similar

problems on


language and


Moreover, lots

of our students

come from

single parent families and families with

intensive economical problems since our

region has strong unemployment problems.

Furthermore, our students have difficulties

in linguistic and general subjects since the

school is vocational and students have low

self confidence.

he prefecture of Drama is one of the 13

prefectures of Macedonia. It borders to the

North with Bulgaria, to the West with the

prefecture of Serres, to the South with the

prefecture of Kavala and to the East with

the prefecture of Xanthi. The prefecture

of Drama has a population of 100.000


The city of Drama is the capital city of

over 40.000 inhabitants is approximately

150 Kilometers far from Thessaloniki,

670 km from Athens and 35 Kilometers

from Kavala.

The prefecture of Drama is not very

touristically developed, despite its

countless spots of natural beauty, the

historical monuments and the significant

archaeological sites.

Nevertheless, the area is an ideal winter

vacation destination, also offering

opportunities for autumn and summer

vacations in the unspoiled nature.

The dense forests, the abundant springs,

the impressive caves, the majestic gorges,

the picturesque villages and the Byzantine

monuments, all compose a setting of

unequalled charm.

The city of Drama is

built on the foot of

mountain Falakro.

Drama today is a

modern city of

Macedonia, with

respect to the past and

with the look turned

to the future. In the

city you can

distinguish the humid

element, which is

present everywhere in

its each point. In the centre of the city there

exist the sources of Saint Barbara, round of

which has been developed a model space

of recreation, with very old-aged trees,

waters that run to all the directions. It is a

very graphic city that deserves to be


Built in place full of plants, where

abundant waters rise shaping real lakes and

cool streams. It is the city in which the

centre dominates, for hundreds of years,

the humid element, the vegetation and the

calm that offers its natural aged-long parks.

Page 25: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


The hill of Drama that is named

Korylovos, offers panoramic view of all

the plain


the homonym forest, that "touches upon"

Drama, constitutes the basic lung of

oxygen of the city.

Saint Barbara as the Municipal garden,

constitute ideal regions to visit, because

they are natural "oases" flooded from the

streams, that shape their hundreds sources.

In the graphic Saint Barbara dominate with

their expansion the old multi-floored

tobacco storehouses, which are harmonised

with the beautiful traditional houses. Inside

and outside of these parks exist enough

spaces of recreation like taverns,

restaurants and outdoor cafes, which will

satisfy your each expectation.

Drama has an Archaeological, a Folk art

and an Ecclesiastical Museum. The

Archaeological Museum of Drama,

through the big variety and right provision

of its exhibits, you will travel behind in the

time. The Folklore and Ecclesiastical

Museum, which are also characterized by a

variety of exhibits, can be visited

afterwards agreement.

Every September the city of Drama

organizes the Greek and International

Festival of Films of Small Length, unique

in Greece, that each year knows always

bigger success. At the duration of the

Festival the city lives a cultural orgasm as

there are realised a lot of parallel events, of

varied interest.

The nightly life that the city offers satisfies

all the preferences. There are bars and

cafes next to the streets and for the most

romantic cafes and taverns in the most

romantic corner of city, in the park of Saint


At a distance of 19 km from Drama, on the

provincial road connecting Kavala with

Drama, lies the historical city of Philippi,

now the most important archaeological site

in Eastern Macedonia with the city walls,

the acropolis, the theatre, the forum,

Basilica A, Basilica B, and the Octagon.

Iin the village called Kali Vrissi there is

the temple of Dionysus, preserved in good


In the natural points of interest of the

prefecture is included also the Maara cave

in the area of Kokkinogia, which is

naturally decorated with a plethora of

stalactites with amazing colours, the

beautiful dense forest of Elatia, the only

red-spruce forest in Greece and the

unspoiled forest of Frakto.

The ski centre of Falakro at an elevation

of 1700m offers the opportunities for

skiing. Falakro mountain is also ideal for

hiking, mountaineering, climbing, aerial

sports, bird watching and walking, and

enjoying the beauty of the scenery.

Every Christmas in the town of Drama, the

municipal garden and the central Square

took place a great celebration for all ages

Page 26: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


called Oneiroupoli.

The entire city is putting its best to

celebrate the revival of our childhood

dreams along with Santa Claus!

The magical village of Santa Claus is the

largest in Greece, started 6 years ago and

lasts from early December until early

January of each year.

The City of Drama in this effort has

enabled thousands of volunteers, many

organizations and clubs in the area. Every

year we have 30 full days of action, 30

days with daily events, 30 days with

fabulous Christmas atmosphere.



Gymnasium Ivan Panov it's an highschool

with 225 students from 14 to 19 years and

9 classes.

The students learn English and German



hotel and


They have


and stages

in firms.



have a good general knowledge and are

interested in learning more about other


and people.


creation can

be a real

option for

their future




Scrutinizing various historic map dating

VII-IXc., Berkovitsa is marked as an old

town, being part of the internal city of the

State. Berkovitsa is situated in the West

Old Mountain, in the southwest part, 405

metres above sea level. At the foot of Kom

summit(2016 metres), exposed at mild

sunshine and refreshed by dense beech,

oak and chest nut woods.

The park “Kaleto” is located 110 metres

above the central square of Berkovitsa

(405metres above sea level). From the very

top of the hill there are wonderful views of



n and



in its




Clock is the most significant architectural

monument that stands in the centre of

Berkovitsa. It is a symbol of the town.


Ethnography Museum offers the largest

ethnographic fund on the territory of

district Montana. The museum collections

consist costumes, carpets, bracelets, wood,

silky canvases and ceramics.

Page 27: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


The Gallery funds numbers more than


masterpieces, divided into: scenery,

graphics, portraits, icons.

The Malinarka Faucet was built in 1967

out of pink marble. The faucet had been

dedicated to the women picking up

raspberries, who were as well depicted by

Ivan Vazov.

The school is built in 1913 and from 1920

it hold the name of the donor D-r Ivan

Panov from



study in




profiles: English

language classes and Vocational education:

Hotel, Restaurant and Catering

Page 28: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises






General Wl.


Complex of


Schools in

Bialystok is

located in

the north-

east part of



called the


Lunges of

Poland but it is also in disadvantaged area

sometimes called Poland D because it is

one of the poorest regions in Poland, where

a lot of people doesn‟t have work. It

functions since 1929. For over 80 years our

school has trained 16 300 graduates for the

needs of the city and region. Among our

students there are

scholarships grantees of

Prime Minister, Minister

of Education, the Mayor of

Bialystok. We have many

winners of the

international competitions

and contests. Our boxers

are masters of Poland and

EU. Our school provides

wide range of after school

activities, such as: school

radio relay centre,

European and billiards

club, dance group, sports

sections: handball, basketball, table tennis,

football, volleyball, boxing and shooting


We prepare students for different

specializations (4 – year technical college -

wood technology technician; metal

technology - car service and repair work,

modern manufacturing techniques, metal

welding techniques; organization of

catering service technician, hotel industry

technician, qualified touristic technician; 3

– year profile secondary school: Classes in

the sports disciplines like: shooting sports,

boxing techniques; 3 – year Vocational

School - car mechanic, ironworker,

carpenter, roofer).

Most of our


comes from



almost 85 %

of them are

from the rural

areas of our region. Not many students get

a job after they degree. Many of them

would like to work in EU countries. The

problem is that employers would like to

engaged them but they don‟t speak

vocational English. We do what we can for

them but lack of material for teaching

vocational English is one of the biggest

problems. Our institution employ

counsellors who support our students help

them how to write CV and how to pass a

job interview. We help our students how to

access the labour market and we try to find

a new possibilities to train them in a new

ways and methods.

We would like to be an

equal partner in the


Białystok (Belarusian:

Беласток, Biełastok) is

the largest city in

northeastern Poland and

the capital of the

Podlaskie Voivodeship.

Located on the

Podlaskie Plain on the

banks of the Biała (White) River,

Białystok ranks second in terms of

population density, eleventh in population,

and thirteenth in area, of the cities of

Page 29: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


Poland. It has historically attracted

migrants from elsewhere in Poland and

beyond, particularly from Central and

Eastern Europe. This is facilitated by the

fact that the nearby border with Belarus is

also the eastern border of the European

Union, as well as the Schengen Area. The

city and its adjacent municipalities

constitute Metropolitan Białystok. The city

has a Warm Summer Continental climate,

characterized by warm summers and long

frosty winters. Forests are an important

part of Białystok's character, and occupy

around 1,756 ha (4,340 acres) (17.2% of

the administrative area of the city) which

places it as the fifth most "wooded" city in



Branicki Palace

Archaeological discoveries show that the

first settlements in the area of present day

Białystok occurred during the

Stone Age. Tombs of ancient

settlers can be found in the

district of Dojlidy. In the

early Iron Age a mix of

Prussians, Yotvingians and

Wielbark culture people

settled in the area producing

kurgans, the tombs of the chiefs in

the area located in the current village of

Rostołty. Since then, the Białystok area has

been at the crossroads of cultures. Trade

routes linking the Baltic to the Black Sea

favored the development of settlements

with Yotvingia-Ruthenian-Polish cultural


In 1661 it was given to Stefan Czarniecki

as a reward for his service in the victory

over the Swedes during the Deluge. Four

years later, it was given as a dowry of his

daughter Aleksandra, who married Jan

Klemens Branicki, thus passing into the

hands of the Branicki family.In 1692,

Stefan Mikołaj Branicki, the son of Jan

Klemens Branicki (Marshal of the Crown

Court), obtained city rights for Białystok

from King John III Sobieski. He

constructed the Branicki Palace on the

foundations of the castle of the

Wiesiołowski family. In the second half of

the eighteenth century the ownership of the

city was inherited by Field Crown

HetmanJan Klemens Branicki.It was he

who transformed the palace built by his

father into a magnificent residence of a

great noble.

The end of the eighteenth century saw the

division of the Polish–Lithuanian

Commonwealth, in three steps, among the

neighboring states. The Kingdom of

Prussia acquired Białystok and the

surrounding region during the third

partition. The city became the capital of

the New East Prussia province in 1795.

Prussia lost the territory following

Napoleon Bonaparte's victory in the War

of the Fourth Coalition as the resultant

1807 Treaties of Tilsit awarded the area to

the Russian Empire which then organized

the region into the Belostok Oblast, with

the city as the regional center.

At the end of the nineteenth century,

the majority of the city's

population was Jewish.

According to Russian

census of 1897, out of the

total population of

66,000, Jews constituted

41,900 (so around 63%

percent). This heritage can be

seen on the Jewish Heritage Trail in


During World War I the Bialystok-Grodno

District was the administrative division of

German-controlled territory of Ober-Ost. It

comprised the city, as the capital, and the

surrounding Podlaskie region, roughly

corresponding to the territory of the earlier

Belostok Oblast. At the end of World War

Page 30: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


I the city became part of the newly

independent Second Polish Republic, as

the capital of the Białystok Voivodeship


With the beginning of World

War II, Poland was invaded

by Nazi Germany and Soviet

Union and initially the city

came under Soviet control, as

a result of the Molotov-

Ribbentrop Pact. It was

incorporated into the

Byelorussian SSR from 1939

to 1941 as the capital of the

Belastok Voblast After the

Nazi attack on Soviet Union in 1941, the

area was taken over by Germans and the

city became the capital of Bezirk

Białystok, a separate region in German

occupied Poland, until 1944.

Białystok Ghetto, 1941–1943

From the very beginning, the Nazis

pursued a ruthless policy of pillage and

removal of the non-German population.

The 56,000 Jewish residents of the town

were confined in a ghetto. On August 15,

1943, the Białystok Ghetto Uprising began,

and several hundred Polish Jews and

members of the Anti-Fascist Military

Organisation (Polish:

Antyfaszystowska Organizacja Bojowa)

started an armed struggle against the

German troops who were carrying out the

planned liquidation of the ghetto with

deportations to the Treblinka extermination


The city was liberated by the Red Army

and on 20

September 1944

transferred to

Poland. After the

war, the city became

capital of the initial


Voivodeship (1945–

1975) of the

People's Republic of

Poland.After the

1975 administrative reorganization, the

city was the capital of the smaller

Białystok Voivodeship (1975–1998).Since

1999 it has been the capital of the

Podlaskie Voivodeship, Republic of


City hallFountain at the Market Square

Old houses on Kosciusko's Market in Białystok


Białystok is situated in the Białystok

Uplands (Polish: Wysoczyzna Białostocka)

of the Podlaskie Plain (Polish: Nizina

Północnopodlaska), part of what

is known collectively as the Green Lungs

of Poland. The Biała River, a left tributary

Page 31: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


of the Supraśl River, passes through the

city. The landscape of the Białystok

Upland is diverse, with high moraine hills

and kame in excess of 200 m (660 ft)

above sea level. Vast areas of outwash, a

glacialplain formed of sediments deposited

by meltwater at the terminus of a glacier,

are covered by forests.

Forests are an important part of the city

character, they currently occupy

approximately 1,756 ha (4,340 acres)

(17.2% of the administrative area of the

city) which places it as the fifth most

"wooded" city in Poland; behind Katowice

(38%), Bydgoszcz (30%), Toruń (22.9%)

and Gdańsk (17.6%).



Description of

organisation, role in the

project and general and

specific social context as

for example: being in a

disadvantaged area,

having participants with

specific needs (e.g.

participants at risk of

social exclusion, migrants,


The no-profit association “Nieuwe

Media School “wants to stimulate

and realise the educational use of

new media in schools, training

centers and adult education, also for

disadvantaged groups.


- The development of e-learning-platforms

- The sustainable development and

sustainable education

- The promotion of the European

awareness and partnerships


Therefore the Nieuwe Media School

organizes workshops, courses and in

service training‟s on these issues.

The NMS is provider of non formal adult










rs and


ers of more than 25 European countries on

very different issues.

The NMS is participating in the

development of e learning platforms on the

Internet as BridgED (Leonardo) and

Explorian. (IWT-Flemish government).

The NMS is participating in several

European programmes as Socrates,

Comenius, Leonardo, Grundtvig, Equal

and Info 2000 e.g.


The Nieuwe Media School directs

especially to teachers, schools and

Life long Learning centers.

An other target group are

organisations involved in sustainable

development. NMS developed this

aspect in


and Grundtvig projects as Bisel (biotic

index for water assessment), Comenius

Page 32: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


Freshwater Network, and Sustainable

Development and Information Technology

in adult education.

NMS coordinated a Grundtvig 1 project

T4ADDY and a Grundtvig partnership

DYS-LEARN for teachers/trainers of

dyslectic adults and participated at an

Equal project for adults with a learning

disability. NMS will coordinate a

Grundtvig Senior Volunteers project

SUSTAIN with an Italian partner to

support disadvantaged people e.g.

immigrants to active citizenship.


De gemeente telt bijna 35 000 inwoners.

Zij wonen verspreid over de 12 gehuchten,

waarvan het Centrum het dichtstbevolkt is.

De andere gehuchten zijn Achterbos,

Donk, Ezaart, Ginderbuiten, Gompel,

Heidehuizen, Millegem, Postel, Rauw,

Sluis en Wezel. Met een oppervlakte van

maar liefst 11 419 ha zijn we de grootste

gemeente van het land. Op een landkaart

vallen de contouren van de gemeente

onmiddellijk op: zo vormen de vervult Mol

een centrumfunctie voor

buurgemeenten Balen, Meerhout en Desse

Met meer dan 1 miljoen overnachtingen en

een sterk stijgend aantal dagjestoeristen is

de gemeente in de provincie dé toeristische

gemeente bij uitstek. De

prachtige kanalen met

antieke sluizen, de

vele water- en

zwemplassen, de

overweldigende natuur

met de wandel- en

fietspaden, de vele

zomerevenementen, cultu

urcentrum „t

Getouw, zwembadencom

plex Den Uyt, de drie

gemeentemusea, het gezellige winkel- en

uitgaanscentrum met de vele restaurants en

tenslotte de sterk uitgebouwde toeristische

accommodatie mettwee

infokantoren, hotels, recreatieparken en

campings vormen de belangrijkste

toeristische troeven. De meeste

gemeentelijke diensten hebben hun kantoor

in administratief centrum ‟t Getouw,

gelegen in het centrum.

De gemeente kan je gemakkelijk bereiken

via de autosnelwegen E34 (Antwerpen –

Eindhoven, afrit Oud-Turnhout) en E313

(Antwerpen- Luik, afrit Geel West). De

belangrijkste verkeersader door de

gemeente is de N71 Zuiderring. Van west

naar oost verbindt deze baan de gemeente

met Geel en Lommel. Met de trein kan je

de gemeente eenvoudig bereiken vanuit

Antwerpen en Hasselt. Op weekdagen rijdt

er elk uur een trein van en naar deze

steden. Het treinstation ligt in het centrum.

Vanuit de naastgelegen bushaltes

vertrekken er verschillende buslijnen naar

de buurgemeenten.

Met de aanwezigheid van de Vlaamse

Instelling voor Technologisch

Onderzoek (VITO) en

het Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie

(SCK), in de volksmond „den atoom‟, is

de gemeente ook een centrum van kennis

en onderzoek. Verder zijn de belangrijkste

industrieën toerisme, de zandwinning en

de daarmee samenhangende glasindustrie.


Wandelen et


Er zijn twee

rolstoelpaden van de Witte Mol. De Witte

Mol is een dienstencentrum voor personen

met een zware, vaak meervoudige

handicap. Het hoofddoel van deze

wandelpaden is dat personen met een

zware handicap en rolstoelgebruikers, al

Page 33: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


dan niet onder begeleiding een wandeling

kunnen maken in een veilige en rustige


Naar her strand

Prachtig witte stranden, helder water en

véél groen. Dat zijn onze belangrijkste Mol

in Action‟ beschikt over een kartingcircuit

en een Q-Zar laserruimte. Naast het racen

met een kart of een minibike kan je dus

ook een spannend spelletje „lasershooten‟

spelen. Allerlei feesten worden eveneens





Kortom, alles om een

spannende of Mol in

Action‟ beschikt over een

kartingcircuit en een Q-Zar

laserruimte. Naast het racen met een kart

of een minibike kan je dus ook een

spannend spelletje „lasershooten‟ spelen.

Allerlei feesten worden eveneens

georganiseerd; bedrijfsfeesten,

vrijgezellenfeesten, verjaardagsfeesten,…

Kortom, alles om een spannende of

ontspannende tijd door te brengen. Tijdens

de zomermaanden kan je na de activiteiten

genieten van uw drankje op het gezellige

terras.ontspannende tijd door te brengen.

Tijdens de zomermaanden kan je na de

activiteiten genieten van uw drankje op het

gezellige terras.toeristische troeven. Deze

witte stranden vind je rond de waterplassen

die zijn ontstaan dankzij de industriële

witzandontginning. Al in het midden van

de negentiende eeuw werd in onze

gemeente witzand uit de bodem

ontgonnen. De waterplassen die na de

ontginning achterbleven, hebben ofwel een

bestemming als natuurgebied gekregen

ofwel werden ze uitgebouwd tot prachtige

recreatiedomeinen. Onder de noemer

„Molse Meren‟ promoten we het deel in

onze gemeente waar deze waterplassen

geconcentreerd zijn.





Lekker sporten

Mol in Action‟

beschikt over

een kartingcircuit en een Q-Zar

laserruimte. Naast het racen met een kart

of een minibike kan je dus ook een

spannend spelletje „lasershooten‟ spelen.

Allerlei feesten worden eveneens

georganiseerd; bedrijfsfeesten,

vrijgezellenfeesten, verjaardagsfeesten,…

Kortom, alles om een spannende of

ontspannende tijd door te

brengen. Tijdens de

zomermaanden kan je na de

activiteiten genieten van uw

drankje op het gezellige terras.



The first meeting was held in

Uçhisar-Cappadocia in November

2010.From three countries six participants

took part in the first meeting.

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During four days,partner institutions lived

different experiences and had unforgottable


One of the partner institutions is

Anatolian Balloon gave balloon training to

all partners by using a miniature helium

balloon basket and burner.Also they had a

balloon tour with twenty people from all

over the world.

Local media,Greek,Bulgarian and Belgium

partners,members of project coordination

team of NationalEducational

Directorate,expert pilots of Anatolian

Balloons,took part in the First

meeting.Participants had meeting about

what they will do for the next

meetings.Also New And Alternative

Tourism Enterprises in Cappadocia.

Kasım 2010 yılında Kapadokya

Uçhisarda ilk Toplantı ile proje start

aldı.Üç ülkeden altı katılımcı ile ilk

toplantı yapıldı.Partnerler dört gün

boyunca farklı deneyimler ve

unutulmaz anılar yaĢamıĢlardır.

Projenin pilot ortağı olan Anatollia

Balloons kendi bünyesinde hazırladığı

prototip Banner,sepet ve diğer ürünleri

kullanarak proje otakları ve katılımcılara

ders verdi.20 kiĢilik sepetle bir Kapadokya

gezisi düzenledi.Unutulmaz anlar tüm

görkemi ile kayıt altına alındı. Milli eğitim

Müdürlüğü Ar-Ge uzmanlarının da

katıldığı geniĢ katılımlı bir basın toplantısı


Yeni ve Alternatif Turizm GiriĢimleri

üzerine kurulu basın toplantısı yerel

basında tüm hatları ile yer aldı.Ortaklar

kendi dillerinde bu basın toplantılarına yer


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As a coordinator institution,three

people took part in this

meeting.Also from Anatolian

Balloon company,two people took

part in too.

We introduced our institution and

discussed about what we have

done so far.

And about Turkey meeting.

Presentation of the expert pilot

Mr.Czerniawski was impressive for us and



09 Nisan 2011 tarihleri arasında

gerçekleĢtirilen toplantıya Uçhisar

belediyesi üç Anatollia Balloons iki kiĢi

ile katılım sağladı.Ġlk toplantı da yer

alamayan Polonyalı ortağımız için

kurumlar bir kere daha tanıtımlarını


toplantıda neler yapıldığı ve sonraki

toplantılarda neler yapılacağı üzerine

konuĢmalar gerçekleĢtirildi.Polonyalı

ortağın Misafirperverliği ve toplantılara

yaptığı hazırlıkları gerçekten güzeldi.

Polonya da faaliyet gösteren Uzman Pilot

Mr.Czerniawski Sunumu biz ve diğerleri

için etkileyiciydi.Toplantılardan sonra

Polonyanın Tarihi ve Kültürel değerlerine

yapılan geziler çok güzeldi.

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13-18 JUNE 2011

During Bulgaria


informed our


about what

we have

done so far.

Our brochures

and cds were

distributed to

them.Case study and

business plan were showed with

presentations.one of the aims of the project

is a competition was arranged among the

partner schools about new and alternative

business idea.

We chose winners from each partner


Bulgaristan toplantısı projenin verim

alınmaya baĢlandığının bir göstergesi

idi.Toplantıda bugüne kadar neler yapıldığı

ve neler hazırlanıldığı konusunda tüm

partnerler birbirlerine bilgi verdi.Business

Planları ve case stduy sunumları

yapıldı.Bulgar ortağımız okul içindeki

geleneksel Salata yarıĢması ile öğrenci ve

öğretmenlere moral motivasyonu

verdi.Tarihsel ve kültürel zenginliklerini

sunan bir dizi gezi programını en iyi

Ģekilde organize etti.

Toplantılar esnasında yeni iĢ

fikirleri üzerine sunumlar ve

değerlendirmeler yapıldı.Okul partnerlerin

öğrencileri Koordinatör kurum

gözetiminde en iyi iĢ fikirleri üzerine bir

yarıĢma yaptırırarak bu yarıĢmanın

birincilerini belirledi.

Bugüne kadar yapılan her çalıĢma

cd ortamında ortak ülkeler dağıtıldı.En iyi

iĢ fikirleri üzerine yapılan yarıĢmada

kazananlar Ģunlardır.

Winners Of The Compotition

Daniel Waskowski (POLAND)


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Efthimis SAV




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03-09 OCTOBER 2011

We Evaluated Outcomes Of The Project.

We Were Informed About Webınar That Is

One Of The Actvıtıes At The Project By

Willy And Hıs Team.

After Thıs Meetıng,We Bought A Webınar

System As A Coordınator Instıtutıon

All Of The Products About The Project

Were Dıstrıbuted Durıng Thıs Meetıng.

*We Vısıted European Parlıament In

Brussel.Thıs Vısıtıng Was The Most

Excıtıng And Unforgettable For Us

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yapılan toplantıda

Willy ve ekibi tarafından Webinar

üzerine bir brfing verildi.Nasıl

yapılacağı konusunda bizi tatmin edici

deneyimler ortaya koydu.Belçika

toplantısından sonra koordinatör kurum

olarak biz Webinar satın aldık.Webinar

üzerine ilk denememizi gerçekleştirdik.29

Haziranda 2.webinar oturumunu yaptık

ve davetiyeler hazırladık.Ancak

beklediğimiz katılım olmadı.

Isotopoliste Radyoaktif santraller ve

radyasyonun nasıl yayıldığı ve korunduğu

üzerine yapılan teknik gezi güzel ve

heyacan vericiydi.


We lived a peaceful week in Greece,it was

like a final, Our Greek partners has a

positive effect on atmosphere and progress

of the meeting with their successful and

self-sacrificing work.In a fine hospitality,it

was also held a press conference with

Drama Mayor,in addition,a press conferece

where all participants were in the Project

work was an important contribution

In Greece meetings;

It was determined

Exchange of


and date

on webinar

It was agreed how the

final reports would be prepared

It was determined how to prepare product

output booklet

It was accepted by all partners to determine

the best business plan and to include it in

booklet and the related evaluation was




adeta bir final havası içinde

geçti.Toplantıların en verimli

Page 40: New and alternative Torisim Enterprises


ve en çekici olanı diyebiliriz.Yunanlı

ortakların özverili ve ciddi

çalıĢmaları,güleryüzlü davranıĢları

takdir edilecek

boyuttaydı.Toplantılarda Projenin

genel değerlendirmesi

yapıldı.webinar için gün

belirlendi.En iyi iĢ planı için

skorbord hazırlandı.Okul Müdürü

ve Drama Belediye BaĢkanı ile

Basın Toplantıları düzenlendi.Nihai

Raporlar ve Kitapçık üzerine beyin

fırtınası geröçekleĢtirildi.Kent ve

civarının Tarihi ve Kültürel

değerlerine ait alanlarda gezi ve

incelemeler yapıldı.Final havasında

geçen Yunanistan toplantısında;

-Nihai raporların Nasıl Hazırlanacağı


-Kitapçıkğın nasıl ve Kim tarafından

hazırlanacağı karara bağlandı

-En iyi iĢ planının nasıl değerlendirileceği

konuĢuldu ve ona göre puan cetveli



Deneme Webinarının 18.Mayıs.2012 de

yapolması kararlaĢtırıldı.

-Kazanan en iyi iĢ planının Kitapçıkta yer

almasına karar verildi.

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1st EPAL of

Drama, Greece



“Aiolos” of DRAMA

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What a business plan is? A short introduction 3

Historical recursion of air sports in Drama prefecture


General Company Information 4

Business description 6

Promotion strategy 8

Business ’ enhancement 8

Posters promoting air sports 9

What a business plan is?

A short introduction.

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Business plan is a fundamental tool for every business activity in all

aspects of its evolution. It virtually constitutes a handbook guiding

businessmen in each level of designing and developing their business.

The primary objective of a business plan is to persuade that the involved

business idea and its final implementation can bear substantial profit.

Considering the structure of a business plan, it should be brief,

compendious, comprehensive and in the appropriate language formality

of each occasion (according to the distinctiveness of the final recipient).

To conclude, it should contain all the essential elements of success,

providing a virtually exact estimation of the business’ requirement,

avoiding counterfactual anticipation.

Historical recursion of air sports in Drama


In our area, all started just before the Second World War. An ambitious

Armenian (in origin) man built a light wing and tried to take off from the

area between Kalifytos and Taxiarhes. According to what is being said,

quite a large crowd gathered in the area and eye witnessed his historic

first attempt in which he was unfortunately fatally injured.

In the modern era, the first flight from Korylovos was attempted

successfully in 1985 from Tsitsimakas a man from Thessaloniki. Pieces of

the boards used to build the first ramp for that flight can even nowadays

be observed in Korylovos, somewhere inside the bushes. In the same

period-more or less- the first light wing took off from the area of Ptelea.

The founding of the first Drama Air club took place in Drama in 1986.

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Since then several events took place in Drama’s region elevating its vital

role in the area of air athletics.

General Company Information

1. Company‟s Name: AIOLOS, Drama

2. Activity sector: Flights

3. Founded: 2012

Our proposal refers to the establishment and the development of

medium-ranged business in the local financial area of Drama. The initial

objective is to cover the needs of the region and in the next two years it

will be extended to the neighboring prefectures. Concerning the

secondary goals, the business will aim to a European expansion in the

next five years. All the well-known essential criteria and procedures will

be adopted to maximize the quality of the provided services.

The main advantages of the proposal are:

1) There is no similar or affined business in the Northern Greece.

2) All the necessary specifications and standards (climate, special geologic

and topographic features) are ideally met in the city of Drama.

3) The city of Drama is already widely known for the host and organization

of European and international paragliding and other air athletics

competitions. The experience of the conduction of such world class events

is reflected in the large number many experienced specialists, ready to

offer in the planned business.

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The business proposal has a genuinely alternative and nature-oriented

character and its ambition is to:

1) bring visitors closer to nature with outdoor activities which may be


2) entertain and provide joy of browsing and knowledge of the mountains

and natural beauty of rural areas,

3) get acquainted with agricultural occupations, local products, traditional

cuisine and daily life, cultural figures and original features of the area,

4) activate productive, cultural and developmental forces of the place thus

contributing to sustainable environmental, economic and social

development of these upland areas,

5) stimulate the local market by production of agricultural and livestock


6) create jobs and eventually keep the population in rural areas by enhancing

the income of rural families.

Business description

Primary sector

The company's head offices are located in Drama with a central branch

office located in Korylovos. The basic aim of the business is the

promotion of the air athletics activities, as following:

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RC Models

Ultralights – Microlights

Motor paragliding

Motor glider



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Secondary sector

In a second level, the business provides to its customers the opportunity

of training by specialists (pilots, engineers, etc) or even the capability of

acquiring recognized pilot certifications.

In association with other companies dealing with mountain tourism, the

company offers the visitors the opportunity to experience water activities

(rafting, canoe-kayak, swimming, etc.), cycling. In addition to flying

activities as paragliding and hang gliding, exploitation and utilization of

the natural landscape (i.e. rushing waters and air updrafts) will be

ideally combined.

In the context of the general business activity, the customers can obtain

after the training their own equipment or vessel and shelter at the

company’s sheds. Additionally, the business can rent aircrafts and all the

necessary equipment at special affordable prices for the members.

The accommodation and the facilitation of the visitors are integrated in

appropriately configured premises. More specifically, during their

staying in the area they can trust their kids in a specially developed

playground and in a suitable protected area where they can spend their

time playing and having fun on their own way.

Finally, the facilitations also include:

Bungalows for an easy and comfortable host in the resort.

Well equipped camp site for the lovers of the adventure,

Traditional tavernas servicing local flavours of dishes and sweets,

Folk art shops offering local souvenirs.

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Promotion strategy

The company has adopted an aggressive promotion strategy targeting

air athletes from all over the Europe. The exploited marketing tools


Wide distribution of leaflets and posters

Advertising in newspapers, magazines and media

Advertising through various websites and all the social media

Business involvement in tourism exhibitions

Enhancement of public relations

Business’ enhancement

Taking into account the general financial crisis in our country, the

following recommendations will not only secure its economic survival

through the hard competition, but also vitally boost the business’ profit:

Continuous training of the employees

During adaptation to the needs of the market

Systematic monitoring, evaluation and feedback of the entire business.

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Posters promoting air sports