New Change By: Alexa Brandon

New Change By: Alexa Brandon

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New Change By: Alexa Brandon. New Change By: Alexa Brandon. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: New Change By: Alexa Brandon

New ChangeBy: Alexa Brandon

Page 2: New Change By: Alexa Brandon

New ChangeBy: Alexa Brandon

Page 3: New Change By: Alexa Brandon
Page 4: New Change By: Alexa Brandon

One day at Wilson High School, Alexa and Cassie were walking down the hall to their first period class. As they were doing their work, a boy walks into the class.The teacher introduced the boy to the students. The teacher said to the class, “Class, we have a new student.” The teacher asked the boy, “ What’s your name, dear?” The boy replied, “My name is Alex.”

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As Alex was about to sit down at his seat, he tripped and fell. Some students were laughing at him.

Sam (a bully) said to the class, “Ha-ha his face is as red as a cherry!”

Molly and Morgan were laughing at Alex too.

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Alexa walked up to Molly, Morgan, and Sam, “Quit being mean to him! What did he ever do

to you?” Molly, Morgan and Sam looked at Alexa and

Molly yelled, “Be quiet! No one cares what you have to say!”

The bell rang, and they all walked off laughing. Alexa went up to Alex and said to him,

“Everything is okay, don’t let them get to you.” Alex gave Alexa a hug and said, “Thank

you, Alexa.”

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Wilson High School

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“It’s eighth period,” says Mark. Mark and Cassie walk around together in gym.

Cassie asks Mark, “Where’s Alexa?” “I don’t know, the last time I saw her was five

minutes ago and she was with Alex.” “Why was she with Alex?”

“She was helping him find his classes, and they have know each other for seven years.”

“Okay. Wow!! That’s a long time.”

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Alexa walks into gym class, and the friends play basketball together. All of a sudden, Molly and Morgan walk up to Cassie and shout,

“You’re so ugly! You need to move somewhere else!” Cassie just looks at them and walks away. She runs to Alexa and cries

to her, “Alexa, I can’t take this anymore.” Alexa looks at Cassie and asks her, “What’s wrong and why are you

crying?” Cassie tearfully explains, “Molly and Morgan were being mean to me

again. “Alexa tells Cassie to tell the principal.

Cassie sobs, “She won’t do anything to help me.” Alexa advises Cassie to at least tell the principal what happened and see what she will do about it. Cassie smiled at Alexa and decides to

take her advice. Alexa and Cassie both go to the principal’s office.

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Cassie and Alexa went into the principal’s office and told her what had happened in the gym.

The principal told Cassie and Alexa that she’ll get to the bottom of this bullying, “Now, girls, go have a nice

weekend and Cassie, don’t worry about this.” Cassie thanked the principal.

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It was the last period of the day, Alexa went to her English class and sat down by Mark. Mark said, “Thank goodness it’s Friday.”

Alexa agreed. Mark and Alexa talked about their English project, and then the bell

rang. It was time to leave, and everyone went to their bus.

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“Molly is so mean.”

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Alexa and Cassie walked to their bus. Suddenly, Alexa and Cassie felt something hit their head. Cassie

and Alexa looked behind them and saw Molly. Molly was laughing at them, “Ha, Ha, you guys are

weird, and nobody likes you!”Alexa and Cassie got on their bus.

Cassie said to Alexa, “Molly is so mean.” “Don’t let her get to you, Cassie. We will go to the

office first thing on Monday.”

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The next day Alexa got up early, did her chores and homework. She went to her job at the movie theater, and she was done by

11 p. m. Alexa walked down her street, and all of a sudden she saw a

group of people driving by in a car. They started driving faster and called out Alexa’s name.

Alexa recognized the people in the car! It was Molly, Sam and Morgan.

Alexa was scared. So, she ran and hid behind some trees. Molly, Sam and Morgan drove by and did not see Alexa hiding.

Alexa made it home safely.

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On Monday, everyone was in their first period class. Cassie, Alexa, Alex and Mark were doing their work.

Suddenly, Molly and Morgan walked up to Cassie and yelled, “You are so fat and ugly.”

Then Molly started pushing Cassie. Some students started laughing. Alexa went over to help Cassie. Alexa asked, “Are you ok?”

Cassie cried, “Not really my side hurts.” The teacher ran up to Cassie and asked, “What happened?”

Cassie said to the teacher that Molly was pushing her and calling her names.

Alexa explained, “This has happened many times before. Molly is not just being mean to Cassie, but to other students as well.”The teacher said, “Molly, go to the office RIGHT NOW!

The next day, the teacher told Cassie and Alexa that Molly will not be attending this school anymore.

Everybody got along now.

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I’m Alexa Brandon, and I’m a junior at the Lawrence County Career and Technical

Center. My home school is Union, and I am enrolled in the computer office technology program.

I would like to dedicate this book to my friend, Cassie.