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    Edi tor ia l

    Dear all (Mingalabar),

    1. Edi t or ia l Now, it has been getting into a decadefrom the time we have sowed the seeds

    2. Act iv i t ies @Your L ibrary of KanBawZa Youth Library and ReadingClub. Our team is serving g in social deve-

    3. 55 Reasons t o Love Your L ibrary lopment activities and library work byassuming ourselves as a public library.

    4. Cartoon Thank to all and make appreciation recordsfor those, who have helped us standing till

    5. Know ledge Column now and continue our services through warmSuggestions and supporters volunteering and

    6. Youth Column scholarlistic provisions.7. Loca l Bus iness New s Apart from and as the following step of our

    team, now, we have begun to launch News-

    letter program. Yet, we, the ten-year-oldOrganization, are still waiting for all kindsof helps for various needs. And, therefore,we hereby respectfully ask for your positivecriticisms and suggestions for our activities.


    KanBawZa Youth Library and Reading Club

    64, East Circular Road, Kanshae Quarter , Taunggyi , Myanmar.

    k zyl ibrary@gm ail .c om ,

    yey ena y@gm ail .co m

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    Act iv i t ies @Your L ibraryCurrent Activities

    As we have committed community development activities based on library and voluntary system in and

    around Taunggyi, we would like to introduce our current activities in our very first newsletter.

    Library Services

    (a) Myanmar LibraryMyanmar library is open for locals and books are organized by Dewey Decimal Classification System.

    There are over variety of 5000 Myanmar books collection at Myanmar library. The books are on

    children, education, encyclopedias, comic, novels, agriculture, environment, biography of famous people

    and many kinds of book. We have imported current newspapers and up-to-date magazines and journals

    every month.

    (b) English Library

    English Library is open for both locals and the ones who want to improve their knowledge and Language

    skills. Over 20,000 English books are on the open shelves system at

    English Library. As the library has been ten years old, many valuable

    books are being used by nearly two thousand users and members. We

    have received thousands of donated books from locals and international

    organizations worldwide. We have a special collection of books forstudents who prepare for their overseas study and we provide them

    scholarship information as a part of library services.

    (c) Mobile Library Service

    We have started the mobile library service in 2006. The service is done by packing both hundred

    Myanmar books and hundred English books and sends them to 30 libraries by bus or boat. Some

    libraries are from Taunggyi and some are from Inlay region

    and some libraries in Kayah state. The books are put into

    boxes and covered with plastic bags and sent to the village

    libraries. In our mobile library system, every library has to

    keep the 200 books of Myanmar and English for two monthsAfter two months, we circulate the book boxes to the libraries

    included in mobile library system. Children books are

    especially demanded by the village libraries. We occasionally

    invite the librarians from villages to our KanBawZa Youth

    Libray and conduct a capacity building workshop on library

    management, library services and books cataloguing.

    Education Services

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    (a) Language ClassesAs we have a very good resource of books

    collection on education, we do some

    educational activities in the library

    building. We primarily have free-of-charge

    language classes and some language classes

    that charge money are for the purpose of

    raising library fund. We have four

    languages (English, Chinese, Japanese,Korean) teaching from basic to advance

    level in the library. English, Japanese and

    Korean language classes are offered free-of-charge. Free-of-charge language classes and grammar

    workshop are conducted by voluntary teachers. Touchstone discussion is one of the favorite activities and

    conducted every Saturday. Touchstone discussion is organized by the voluntary facilitators for the

    purpose of improving knowledge, language skills and presentation skill. Several interesting topics like

    Global Warming, Culture, Viking, etc, are discussed in groups and presented by the presenter. We also

    have audio session for listening skill.

    (b) Free-of-charge Tuition Classes for State EducationOur club is based on voluntary system and welcome new voluntary teachers to participate in our

    educational activities. We offer free-of-charge tuition classes for the state

    education from Grade-1 to Grade-11 every academic year.

    (c) Providing Scholarship InformationWe have found a scholarship consultancy committee and providing

    scholarship information and conducting education seminar at the library.

    We have a strong network with international organizations which support

    scholarship opportunities for Myanmar students. We give advices to the

    students and help them with their preparation.


    Farmer Field School, InlayFor our outreach program concerning agriculture, we have opened up Farmer Field School Training (8

    month duration) with the help of the voluntary agronomists and voluntary villagers at Wan-bae-inn

    village, western bank of Inlay Lake, in 2007. The training participants are selected from many villages in

    Inlay region and 30 trainees in each term.

    The aim of Farmer Field School is to

    learn how to;

    a)grow perennial plantb) get quality seeds.

    c) make organic fertilizerd) fulfill the kitchens needs

    e) set up the fish farm

    Entrenching Modern Education Program

    As the library has grown up, we extend our activities by entrenching modern

    education program which offers BIT (Basic Information Technology) training and

    introducing world wide knowledge to every youth through internet. The computers

    have now connected to the internet and give internet service. We also organize the

    IT (Information Technology) seminar at the library every Sunday.

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    1. Use the librarys computers (free of charge) 34. Find out what else happened on the day you were born

    2. Keep up with the news and trends through 35. Learn why all the fish died in your aquarium and how to

    Newspapers and magazines. train your puppy.

    3. Check out the latest bestsellers. 36. Get help on preparing your will, trust, etc.4. Prepare to tackle home improvement projects 37. Learn how to write a good letter of resignation and a

    With how-to books and DVDs. new resume.

    5. Borrow CDs and books before you buy them. 38. Check out a couple of great books on tape that the

    6. Enjoy comfortable, safe study areas. whole family can enjoy on the drive to Grandmas and

    7. Find biographies of the great and the average. other distant places.

    8. Research your health concerns. 39. Find out how to replace your lost birth certificate.

    9. Explore science, history and the world. 40. Check your e-mail with our free Internet access

    10. Use consumer research print and websites to 41. Get the lyrics or the CD of that old song you heard on

    find best buys on what you want and need. the radio 37 years ago.

    11. Investigate the best schools and colleges for 42. Obtain forms for federal financial aid.

    yourself and your children. 43. Find out where to obtain free government publications.12. Enjoy story time with your child. 44. Learn how to secure a copyright and get the forms, too.

    13. Participate in a book club. 45. Get solid medical information from sources such as

    14. Seek and find that rich uncle you never knew MEDLINE.

    about in our genealogy department. 46. Use our easy access website to find links to free

    15. Learn to care for your iguana or other pet. subscriptions to online resources and databases.

    16. Enjoy book talks for teens or adults. 47. Find the correct temperature to cook your meal and food

    17. Get help with your science fair projects 48. Research ideas for statewide history day, and term

    18. Find the movie of the book you enjoyed papers. Womens History Month, Black History Month,

    and vice versa! Childrens Library Week and more months, weeks

    19. Take a continuing education class. and days of note.

    20. Teach someone how to read. 49. Turn in a list of books and other materials that you

    21. Relish the helpful assistance of librarians and would like to see the library acquire.volunteers who enjoy assisting you and others. 50. Check out the best books to read to your children.

    22. Research your local history. Maybe youll find 51. Suggest improvements to your library and know your

    out where the skeletons are buried in your town. suggestions will be appreciated.

    23. Learn another language. 52. Help your library by volunteering, participating in the

    24. Ask your library to arrange a loan of a book or Friends group, assisting with special projects. Your

    other resource from another library. investment in time and ideas will pay off big time to

    25. Locate back issues of magazines and newspapers. your community and to yourself.

    26. Look for the print or electronic book or 53. Read the latest comic books before they become movies.

    magazine your spouse threw away in your library. 54. Use the convenient outside book drop when the library is

    27. Catch up on the classics. closed.

    28.Find selected foreign language books 55. See original works of art on display.29. Save money by borrowing your librarys

    collections of books, DVDs, audio books, etc.

    rather than buying them.

    30. Join in community-wide affairs.

    31. Enjoy good air conditioning when its hot and

    snuggly warmth when it is cold.

    32. Plan a vacation to anywhere

    33. Discover a love poem for your significant


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    .Knowledge Column

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    The profile of Taunggyi

    Geographical Location

    Landscape and Area

    Taunggyi is situated between Latitude 20 degree, 45 minutes-54 seconds and Longitude 97 degree, 5

    minutes-55seconds and 4712 feet above sea level. It is located in East Northern side and 416 miles away

    from Yangon.

    There is a range of mountain named Nwar Lae Bo in the east. It is 5755 feet tall and Taung Chun is 5612-forest string area of Department of forestry administration. The towns connected to Taunggyi are Ho-

    pone in the east, Kalaw in the west, Yard South in the north, Nyaung Shwe in the West Southern and Hsi

    Hseng in the East Southern.

    The area is 6.20 square miles long in the south and north and narrow in the east and west.

    The brief history of the town

    Before the existence of Taunggyi, there were

    altogether 5 villages named as Mon Chal

    village (currently Wa Pyar), Ham Bwar

    village (Myae Phyu), Oo Si village (Oo Kyi

    Khan), Ko Chal village ( Nyaung Pin Thar )and lastly Tom Tee village( Ye Aye Quin).

    The British colonized Burma in 1885. They

    further tried to occupy Western frontier area

    including Shan State. Afterward, they settled

    down the army in Mong Hsawk (Mine

    Thung) (Now South Eastern part of Ngwe

    Shwe). The area was named as Fort Stedman

    and became a small town. The British army

    officer and Kengtung Sawbwa went to

    Thailand for the case of border. They were

    camping in Mon Chal village (Now in Tele-communication office) on the way back to Mong Hsawk.During their stay, they were fascinated by the sight-seeing and natural landscape. Soon after that, the

    place was named Bender Baring and became a town.

    Local people, Shan called Pyon Tom Tee and Pa-Oh called Don Tom Tee. Based on this and the

    representing of Background Mountain, It eventually became Taunggyimeaning Great Mountain.

    Youth Column

    Youths Voice on KanBawZa Youth Library and Reading Clubs Services and Activities

    Ma Thida Moe (Grade-11)I see the library as a knowledge ocean which has a very good collection of books.The library has many good books that I cant get from outside book rentals or book shops.It also has free-of-charge English language classes and group activities.

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    Ma Htwe Kyi (B.Sc Phys)I have got much knowledge through reading the books from the library.I can also join the free-of-charge language classes.

    Ma Nan Pun (B.A Eng)I got many new friends by coming to the library.

    Ma Yee Mon Ko (B.E Biotechnology)I want to thank to the responsible persons of the KanBawZa Youth Library and Reading Club forhaving strong knowledge through reading and group discussion.

    Zayar Naing (B.A Eng)I come to the library to read and learn languages. There is no discrimination among users andmembers. They are very friendly and helpful to each other and I get valuable knowledge.Nang Wint War Thein (Grade-8)My hobby is reading. I want to read many books.

    Nang Shwe War War Thann (Grade-6)Coming to the library becomes my habit and that habit makes me knowledgeable person.I can also attend free-of-charge English language class.

    Local Business News

    Current price of crops in the market in Taunggyi area (August)

    Particular Unit (weight) Price (Kyats)

    Garlic (lat-char) one viss 1000

    sFermented Soya-bean


    Pigeon pea 1800



    Ginger 500