New Covenant Teaching

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  • 7/28/2019 New Covenant Teaching


    New Covenant TeachingOpen up your eyes

    February 13th, 2011 travisyoung

  • 7/28/2019 New Covenant Teaching


    The deceiver, the destroyer, the thief, the accuser of the brethren, the father of lies, the master of

    disguise. He goes by many names the most commonly known as the devil and his greatest power is
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    getting you to believe something that isnt true, getting you to believe a lie. BLINDSIDING you to the


    Have you ever believed that you were not worthy, that you did not qualify?

    Have you ever believed that you could never change, never get free of an addiction?

    Have you ever felt like no one in the whole world loved you, no one wanted to see you?

    Have you ever believed that you were so dirty, so sinful that you would never be accepted?

    Have you given in to guilt, to shame, thinking your trapped forever in a hopeless prison of regret and


    Did you ever buy into the lie that God took your father, that he gave you sister cancer, or that he killed

    your little brother?

    Have you ever believed that those dirty sinful thoughts in your head are yours and you have no powerover them?

    Have you been believing this whole time that you are powerless to change you circumstances, that no

    matter how hard you try you will always fail, or that you have no control over the devil?

    Have you been believing that God isnt going to help you because youhaventbeen good enough, havnt

    kept the slate clean, or havent done the right things, said the right prayer, or lived the right way?

    If so then you have been BLINDSIDED

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  • 7/28/2019 New Covenant Teaching


    All i would like to do today is ask you to open your eyes, ask you to reconsider what you may have been

    told. Ask you to run away from the status quo what everyone has told you is true and for once find out

    the truth for yourself. Right now i ask you to open you eyes and even your ears and ultimately your

    heart as i share a few truths with you today. My greatest hope for you today is that the blindness would

    be removed, the lie would be broken and you would be equipped with the truth that will keep you from

    getting BLINDSIDED again.

    1. You are worthy, and you do qualify (Colossians 1:12). The main reason being Jesus qualified

    youRomans 5:17-19, his death on the cross was more then enough to atone for Gods wrath against sin.

    You not only qualify but you are accepted and lovedJohn 17:23

    2. You are already free in Christ2 Corinthians 5:17Not only do you have the power to

    changePhilippians 4:13, but you also have a real and powerful God living inside of you.Galatians

    2:20,Romans 8:31

    3. Believing no one in the world could lover you is the furthest thing from the TruthJohn 3:16if you

    were the only one on the earth that had fallen in sin know that Jesus would have still died and been sent

    JUST FOR YOUEphesians 2:10you were hand crafted by the father, you are his creation, his work of art

    and he loves you

    4. Not only does Jesus accept you but you are loved by him (Romans 8:38-39) and nothing

    can separate you from it. You are chosen and adopted as a son or a daughter into his family. Ephesians


    5. Not only are you clean but you are seen as holy and righteous in the eyes of the Father!2 Corinthians

    5:21,Colossians 1:20-21

    6. Not only do you have power over sin it is no longer part of you.Ephesians 4:22-24,Romans 6:2-8to

    top it all off God doesnt even remember your sinsIsaiah 43:25

    7. And most importantly you do have power over the devil.Matthew 10:1,Luke 9:1,Mark 6:7-10,12-

    13James 4:7His power has been stripped and know you hold the keys to the Kingdom of

    HeavenMatthew 16:19and God has given you plenty of promises showing you how much you have.1

    Peter 1:3-4Ephesians 1:3Colossians 2:9-10

    I hope this help shed some light on why you may be struggling we all believe lies and up to this point we

    all fall. But the real test comes when you find out that you have been believing a lie and then you are

    faced with a choice. Do you continue to believe in the lie because everyone else is still trusting it,and heaven forbid you will have to get out of you comfort zone. OR do you embrace truth even if no one

    else is doing it and start to live a victorious live where we are called to rule and reign.

    Remember We all have victory through Christ and With him and in Him so be blessed.2 Corinthians 2:14

    Stay victorious and conquer you fear because greater is he that is in you then he who is in the world1

    John 4:4,John 16:33,Luke 10:19
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    Be BLessed with love strength compassion and a willingness to learn and grow and a drvie to conquer

    your fear, the devil, and a determination to live a life that shows the grace and mercy of a loving father

    and our lord Jesus Christ


    Grace what is it Really?

    December 10th, 2010 travisyoung

    Is it the ability to fail and be forgiven or the ability to succeed?

    You could look at Grace like this. You have two newlywed couples. In one marriage the husband is

    always reminding the wife that he loves her and no matter what she does she will be loved under

    anything circumstance. In the other marriage the husband is constantly telling the wife what to do and

    the way she should act in order for her to maintain (earn) his love. My question for you is in which

    relationship do you think the wife feels more loved? Who do you think will respond better

    to their husband? Which wife will love more? The one who is loved unconditionally or the one who is

    kept in check with rules and regulations.

    Law vs Grace

    Control vs Unconditional love

    Which one maintains you?

    I just recently played volleyball with a few friends. Only three people showed up to play so we inventeda way to play with only those three people. The way we play was 1 man against the other 2. The one

    man always served. We started playing first to 5 wins rally point (meaning a point is scored every serve)

    At first every game the server would lose either from messing up his serve or just not being able to

    handle 2 skilled players on the other team. So we decided to throw something in we called a grace

    serve. The grace serve gave the player who was serving another chance to serve again if he missed his

    first one. The funny thing was once we did this the person who was serving was winning practically

    every single game. I found this to be pretty interesting. While serving i discovered i could try as hard as i

    wanted to doing my best knowing that if i messed up i would still have another chance to serve again.

    With the grace serve in play i was hitting the ball harder, faster, and more accurately. With the Grace

    serve in play i was not afraid to go all out vs playing it safe knowing full well if you messed up it would be

    over. Grace empowers you to try harder verses no grace leaves you playing it safe because you know

    there is a high possibility of failure.

    well where are you going with this Travis?

    If we truly understood the grace of God we would live a life of empowerment and knowing when we

    take risks if we fail or mess up then grace is there to catch us, to save us. However is we choose to

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    refuse grace and live under the law and play it safe because we are under the mindset that we will be

    punished for failing then we will never attempt to do anything extraordinary. We might not take risks,

    and we wont change the world.

    For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth come by Jesus Christ. John 1:17

    for sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under the law but under grace.Romans 6:17

    Failure seems so much smaller when compared to unmeasurable grace we receive through Christ Jesus

    Grace is not a doctrine or a theology, it is a person and his name is Jesus. When you really get to know

    Jesus understanding grace is a lot more simple

    So back to the original question; Is grace the ability to fail and be forgiven or is it the ability to succeed?

    Well i guess i would say to that you have to ask the right question. Really i think grace is the

    empowerment to succeed despite failure. I dont see it as one or the other i see it as a gift that God gave

    us that allows us shoot high and if we miss then we keep getting shot after shot until we hit the bullseye.

    Grace isntearned, and it isnt achieved. It is given and it allows us to keep trying till we get to where we

    want to be. It allows us to break habits, and it helps us achieve wholeness and victorious living!

    If you would like more resources about the Grace of God look at these

    Joseph Prince teaches thatwhen you sin you dont fall from grace but into it

    And this Book by Andrew Farley has a lot about Grace called theNaked Gospel

    Enjoy my Friends this life of Grace that we have been given The lord bless you with peace and mercy,

    love and compassion, honor, strength and victory! Your Brother in Christ

    Travis Young

    Because HE is Love

    September 9th, 2010 travisyoung

    Today i had an interesting day we went out on the streets for about 6 hours and about half way through

    i stopped to think about what we were really doing and why we were doing what we were doing. There

    is a famous quote out there that im sure many of you are familiar with and that is.

    Do not do things for love but out ofLove.

    This applies to almost anything. If you are doing the things that you are doing to earn love please listen

    to what i am saying. I have also struggled in the past in doing things for love and not out of love but now

    i am finally beginning to understand what love is all about.
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    Today as we walked through the malls and prayed for people something began to grow heavy in my

    heart and i will honestly say this was probably one of the hardest days i have had up to this point while i

    have been down here in San Jose. But it was not a valley it is still something that is pushing me closer

    and closer to God and since it is that i welcome it.

    Right now i would like to bring 3 pieces of scripture to your attention.

    Ephesians 3:17-19, 1John 4:16-20, and1 Corinthians 13there is so much to be learned in these

    scripture what i am showing you now is only the begging of what i am understanding.

    Lets look at1Jo 4:16it says We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in him. God is

    love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.

    ~so whoever has love lives in God simple right, lets keep reading

    1Jo 4:17And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of

    judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we are like Christ here in this world.

    1Jo 4:18Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of

    judgment, and this shows that his love has not been perfected in us.

    This is the part that got me the most. If we are afraid it is because we have not experienced the perfect

    love of God. Fear leads to all types of things worry, hate, jealousy etc. But i figured out today that this is

    what loving people is all about. God is love so if we are in God and he in us then we must also be love.

    When we are love to other people. Just by loving on them we are letting them experience the fathers

    love, and through that experience and that encounter they will lose fear. Thats why when people see

    that you love in genuinely they begin to talk to you more and let you know more about them because

    the worry, the fear is slipping away because it is encountering the love of God in us.

    1Jo 4:18say perfect love cast out all fear. Well to me that concludes that perfect fear cast out all love. If

    we walk in fear we havnt known the perfect love of God. Is this making sense to anyone??? or am i just

    writing here. When we encounter God we encounter his love, and as we interact with Him, and live in

    His presence we begin to abide in his love stronger then we did before. This makes it so fear can no

    longer control or even have any part in our lives. I love God isnt he just the best.

    1Jo 4:19We love each other[fn]as a result of his loving us first.

    ~Because we have experienced his love we step out and love others. Because he loves us fear begins to

    disappear and through that love we can boldly love others more and more each day.

    Now lets look atEph 3:17-19

    Eph 3:17And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him. May

    your roots go down deep into the soil of Gods marvelous love.
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    Eph 3:18And may you have the power to understand, as all Gods people should, how wide, how long,

    how high, and how deep his love really is.

    Eph 3:19May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it.

    Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

    When we truly begin to understand how great Gods love is for us nothing else is going to

    matter because if we ever truly understood how much he loved us no circumstance would seem to great

    for his love to conquer. This is something that is a continuous process but it is a process that sets us free.

    Now look at this. This sums up how important Love truly is!1Cr 13

    1Cr 13:1If I could speak in any language in heaven or on earth[fn]but didnt love others, I would only be

    making meaningless noise like a loud gong or a clanging cymbal.

    ~Now i dont know about you guys but if i could understand every language on the earth that would be

    pretty incredible. But Paul says here that if we had not love then all this understanding would be


    1Cr 13:2If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I knew all the mysteries of the future and knew everything

    about everything, but didnt love others, what good would I be? And if I had the gift of faith so that I

    could speak to a mountain and make it move, without love I would be no good to anybody.

    ~Again knowing all the mysteries of Heaven, and having the faith to move mountains would be

    pretty incredible but if i didnt have love i would have nothing. Something here tell me that love is

    pretty important.

    Lets skip down to verses 4-7

    1Cr 13:4Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud

    1Cr 13:5or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of

    when it has been wronged.

    1Cr 13:6It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.

    1Cr 13:7Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every


    This is what Christ perfect love in us should look like. Through love we are patient and kind. With Godperfect love will will never be jealous, proud, rude, or boastful. Love Forgives. And the one that gets me

    the most is love never gives up. With love we will love those who keep turning us down, with love we

    will listen to those who need a ear.With love we will heal the sick and raise the dead. With love we will

    change the world. Love endures through ever circumstance

    I saw a man upon a tree
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    This was my friend who died for me

    His love is forever it knows no bounds

    it reaches forever and is planted like a tree in the ground

    He love was born through sweat blood and tears

    it conquered all including my fear

    So let us go out and to this world be love

    and bring a reformation with some help from the Dove (holy Spirit)

    Jhn 15:13Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

    Just as we are Gods friends his son Jesus laid his life down for us. Let us all walk in the same love that

    Jesus did and bring this world in to a love encounter with him!

    There are no Problems only Opportunities

    August 31st, 2010 travisyoung

    The level of intimacy you have with the Father is the level of struggle you can walk through in the world

    Treasure can be all kind of things. I only live to please him (Christ) so what other people think it doesnt


    Where are you going? ~ How are you going to get there?

    Genesis 37Joseph knew he was called to greatness. When your super excited about what God has told

    you share it with other people who agree with you. After Joseph was sold into slavery this seemed like

    the farthest he could be from his destiny. Joseph could have been a downer for the rest of his life. But

    then the lord blessed him. Then Potiphars wife tried to sleep with him he refused. Was thrown into

    Prison and again pushed form his destiny again. He operated through integrity and then he was put in

    charge of the Jail.

    Joseph interpreted the Baker and wine taster dreams (A man of destiny often has insight into others

    when you realize you are a man of destiny you have insight into other peoples destinies as well) He

    asked them when they got out to tell pharaoh about him.

    How did Joseph handle disappointment and promotion?

    How Joseph handled both of these determined how his destiny came about he walked in integrity and

    character while serving the lord.

    We have to know our dreams and where we are going our dreams have to be so big no matter where

    we go everything that come before us has to serve our dream
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    There are no problems only opportunities ~Dennis~

    Dont let disappointment to rule your life dont react to life Respond to it. You are in control of your

    destiny not your circumstances

    When you take situation personally you operate out of flesh instead of out your spirit out of your

    identity out of who you are and situation have to bow to you.

    My friendship isnt based out of what he has done hes a jerk whatever my friendship is based out of

    him being made in the image of God just like me.

    If you have a core value of no situation is ever to big or I already have already victory over every

    situation then youll be fine

    I will never face anything in my life that will not push me closer to my destiny

    We abort our dreams sometimes over the fact that we feel uncomfortable in certain situations when in

    fact the situation we are in is something that is put in front of us to put us closer to our destinies.

    Mar 6Jesus was a leader. Jesus intended to pass them by when they were straining at the oars Why?

    They had been focusing on the storm instead of focusing on the fact that Jesus had commanded them to

    go to the other side.

    Jesus is like lets go change the world! He just figures that we are going to do it. He plans on us winning

    all the time.

    Measure of a man is not what he can do but the storms he can overcome through integrity and stay


    What ever you place your value on is what you will spend your time looking at thinking about and

    turning your affections towards

    Mat 10:41He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophets reward; and

    he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous mans


    What value you place on any situation increases the ability for however much value you have on

    something is the ability is has to change your life

    Value equals influence. What ever you believe has the greatest ability to affect you. You will place a

    value on that thing. Most Christians believe situation around them can affect them more then God.

    What you spend your most time thinking about will have the most ability to affect you. The instant you

    place value on a situation it has the power to influence. Dont be ignorant of the situation in your life but

    know that God has the power to help you overcome it.
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    Gen 30:39And the flocks conceived before the rods, and brought forth cattle ringstraked, speckled, and


    You reproduce what you are looking at.

    You do not become what you want to become if you are focusing on something else. You become what

    you are constantly aware of.

    We know we are the sons and daughter of God

    Start to spend time dreaming with God listening to his voice for you

    What am I doing and running for in my life?

    Get that so engrained in who you are!

    Look at the aspects you need to achieve your goals and focus on that and start to train yourself to fill

    yourself with light so you become explosive with light its the only thing inside of you

    You can only expel what lies inside of you if its not in there you can give it out. If you focus all the time

    on negativity you wont be able to give out positive stuff you only put out what come in. If sewage

    comes in then you cant expel water.

    What does this look like in your life? how do you approach difficulties to see every situation as an

    opportunity. How can you in the next couple weeks and Months allow only light and life into your life

    What Gods Been Teaching Me

    August 30th, 2010 travisyoung

    1st Day of School

    Its so cool how just getting a bunch of people together who all believe in the same thing bring forth so

    much revelation ill be posting stuff later that Ive learned but its really cool what we got today here are

    some of my notes from today. Here is some New Covenant teaching enjoy

    If your sin conscious you cannot be Christ conscious

    ~2Cr 5:10,

    ~2Cr 5:19God doesnt hold the worlds sins against them world

    ~God isnt going to judge the world for our sins

    ~Our sin isnt keeping us from being healed

    ~1Jo 2:2God has not only paid the price for our sins us who are in Christ but the whole worlds sin! The

    whole worlds sin is already been paid for
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    When we take on Christ in a us we are no longer our own. If you think your a sinner you will act like a


    ~Pro 23:7Proverbs as a man thinks within his heart so is he

    Lots of ministers are going after decisions trying to get them into the kingdom instead of teaching trying

    to make disciple

    ~Gal 2:20Because we have become one with him we no longer have our old nature but his nature

    When you become born again it doesnt remove your ability to sin but it does remove your ability to

    enjoy it ~Bill Johnson~

    ~Rom 6:6We you become so focused on God everything else fades away we dont focus on the sin but

    on the glorious state that we can achieve through God.

    Dont focus on how evil you are and what you have done dont talk to God about that instead talk about

    how great he is and how awesome of a God he is.

    ~Rom 6:6Sin is not part of our nature to sin. Constantly remind your self that you are dead to sin. We

    are alive to God through Christ Jesus

    What ever you give yourself to you become

    ~Rom 3:10-Rom 3:23Starts of like we all cant do it But then came Jesus and we didnt earn it or have

    anything to do with us its just grace and we cant take any credit for us. We have his grace already and

    through his Grace we can achieve holiness and righteousness

    ~Hbr 5:14Muscles are built through exercise and use. We have been given the muscle from thebeginning and we just need to use them to make them bigger

    When you preach a Gospel of power it forces people to make a decision you either agree with it or you

    harden your heart against it. If you were healed you have no other way to explain it God did it for you

    and they have to either choose to believe or not

    If you have enough faith to be saved then you have enough faith to raise the dead

    ~Rom 12:3For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of

    himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure

    of faith.

    Its not a matter of more faith but what you have faith in. You cant get more. You have all faith but what

    are you putting it in.

    Faith often manifests from expectancy. Light switch light turn you expect light to come. Turn on stove

    you expect stove to be hot with out touching it.
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    Faith without works is dead

    It is possible to be a son and not be a friend of the father .We are sons he unconditionally loves us it

    what he does. He calls us friends those who do his will so us who obey his will are his friends

    ~Jam 1:22

    ~Mat 9:13

    Going from glory to glory is one level of identity and righteousness you either walk in it or you dont not

    a ladder but a horizontal level of righteousness

    I am unconditionally loved and I cant earn it

    ~Mat 28:20

    Did you know Fasting is a sign of Mourning?

    You would mourn cause jesus had left but then he is with us now he sent his spirit why are we still

    fasting and mourning he is with us now its time to celebrate!

    The spirit of the lord is upon we and because of that I am anointed, Not I am anointed because the spirit

    is upon me

    Check this outIsa 58it talks about fasting check yourselves, check your motive let me tell you this if you

    are fasting trying to get God to move then it is in vain. God has already moved and made all healing and

    forgiveness available through his death on the cross. You are not going to make God move if he has

    already Fasting is for you building yourself up. Dont get me wrong fasting isnt bad its a very powerful

    discipline but if your doing it to move God think again. Go read your bible do what it says dont twist theWord cause thats what Satan does. I come to you in love if you have realized that you have done it

    wrong its OK God has Already Forgiven you you dont need to Cry out for his forgiveness or repent cause

    you think he is mad at you he isnt know your are forgiven know that you are holy and righteous and He

    lives in you Now go and do what the bible has told you to do!