NEW HOPE TRUMPET JUNE 2020 These Present Times The Apostle, Paul, writes in Romans 8:18-27 I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us. 19For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God; 20for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now; 23and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. 24For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? 25But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. 26Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. 27And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. What peculiar times we live in, and yet when we think back on history it must cause us to wonder. Have there been times that were not peculiar and unpredictable? God is good! All the time! All the time! God is good! Into each age, this side of heaven, comes a wave of unpredictable and sometimes tragic events. These surprise us, and we are caught off guard. Our hearts race as we try to maintain our ground and regain control. At times we wonder if we can. Years ago, during seminary at Luther, I did my Clinical Pastoral Education in California. As a farm boy from Wisconsin I was not very familiar with the ways of the ocean. Nonetheless, I journeyed to the beach in Santa Monica soon after I arrived and planned to enjoy the sun, sand, and surf. It was a beautiful day. I spent time on the beach just gazing at the beautiful endless blue. I eventually went into the ocean and dove into wave, after wave, after wave, as they came toward shore. Suddenly, as I turned to catch the next one, I was confronted with a much larger wave coming full force right down on me. There was no time, and no escape. I took the hit, and instantly felt my face meet the rough sand below. Just as quickly, however, it wasn’t my bloodied face that worried me. The wave would not be content, it seemed, with sanding my face raw and drawing blood. It was now stripping me of my swimsuit, and any dignity I had left. I managed, as my swimsuit was just about to be taken back out to sea, to catch it with my toe. It was truly a great and wondrous miracle, in my mind. I still relive it. I was a second away from finding myself on the beach in Santa Monica with no friendly or familiar faces to summon for help, naked and alone except, of course, for the thousand or so other people around ready to greet me as I walked back onto the beach. They don’t teach us in Wisconsin, with our gentle rivers and lakes, that a tightly secured swimsuit is of vital importance. Life events collide with the picture of how things are, or will be. Our plans crumble, and we are left feeling as though a mighty wave has pummeled us into the sand, and left us scraped and bruised, seconds from being totally exposed and helpless on a bustling beach. It’s difficult to regain focus when the calm comes. We can’t quite get our bearings as we begin to make a plan to move forward. In the stillness of the moment we’re not sure which way to go. But move we must. This is where we are today too. The pandemic has left us with questions and doubts. We worry about our next step. We wonder what is in store for us, and for the world around us. Still, as faithful people, we rest assured even in troubled times. We trust, when we don’t have words, that the Spirit helps us in our weakness. When we don’t perceive a way forward the Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. We trust again that, though everything seems chaotic and upended - including ourselves - God will lead us as we faithfully step into the future God has planned for us, and trust. Pastor Michael Sparby

NEW HOPE TRUMPET · help, naked and alone except, of course, for the thousand or so other people around ready to greet me as I walked back onto the beach. They don’t teach us in

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Page 1: NEW HOPE TRUMPET · help, naked and alone except, of course, for the thousand or so other people around ready to greet me as I walked back onto the beach. They don’t teach us in


These Present Times The Apostle, Paul, writes in Romans 8:18-27 I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us. 19For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God; 20for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now; 23and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. 24For in hope we

were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? 25But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. 26Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. 27And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. What peculiar times we live in, and yet when we think back on history it must cause us to wonder. Have there been times that were not peculiar and unpredictable? God is good! All the time! All the time! God is good! Into each age, this side of heaven, comes a wave of unpredictable and sometimes tragic events. These surprise us, and we are caught off guard. Our hearts race as we try to maintain our ground and regain control. At times we wonder if we can. Years ago, during seminary at Luther, I did my Clinical Pastoral Education in California. As a farm boy from Wisconsin I was not very familiar with the ways of the ocean. Nonetheless, I journeyed to the beach in Santa Monica soon after I arrived and planned to enjoy the sun, sand, and surf. It was a beautiful day. I spent time on the beach just gazing at the beautiful endless blue. I eventually went into the ocean and dove into wave, after wave, after wave, as they came toward shore. Suddenly, as I turned to catch the next one, I was confronted with a much larger wave coming full force right down on me. There was no time, and no escape. I took the hit, and instantly felt my face meet the rough sand below. Just as quickly, however, it wasn’t my bloodied face that worried me. The wave would not be content, it seemed, with sanding my face raw and drawing blood. It was now stripping me of my swimsuit, and any dignity I had left. I managed, as my swimsuit was just about to be taken back out to sea, to catch it with my toe. It was truly a great and wondrous miracle, in my mind. I still relive it. I was a second away from finding myself on the beach in Santa Monica with no friendly or familiar faces to summon for help, naked and alone except, of course, for the thousand or so other people around ready to greet me as I walked back onto the beach. They don’t teach us in Wisconsin, with our gentle rivers and lakes, that a tightly secured swimsuit is of vital importance. Life events collide with the picture of how things are, or will be. Our plans crumble, and we are left feeling as though a mighty wave has pummeled us into the sand, and left us scraped and bruised, seconds from being totally exposed and helpless on a bustling beach. It’s difficult to regain focus when the calm comes. We can’t quite get our bearings as we begin to make a plan to move forward. In the stillness of the moment we’re not sure which way to go. But move we must. This is where we are today too. The pandemic has left us with questions and doubts. We worry about our next step. We wonder what is in store for us, and for the world around us. Still, as faithful people, we rest assured even in troubled times. We trust, when we don’t have words, that the Spirit helps us in our weakness. When we don’t perceive a way forward the Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. We trust again that, though everything seems chaotic and upended - including ourselves - God will lead us as we faithfully step into the future God has planned for us, and trust. Pastor Michael Sparby

Page 2: NEW HOPE TRUMPET · help, naked and alone except, of course, for the thousand or so other people around ready to greet me as I walked back onto the beach. They don’t teach us in

Pine Creek Site WELCA 9:30 a, Sunday, June 14th

Hostesses: Shirley Christopherson & Joan Peterson

Sand Creek Site Circles Canceled Phoebe 9:30a Thursday, June 4th /Church Eve 7p Thursday, June 4th /______ Rhoda 12p Monday, June 8th /Church

Sand Creek WELCA Offering: Mon., June 8th (2nd Monday/monthly)

JUNE Stewardship Personal Care Kits: Clean start to feel good! 1 light/medium-weight, dark color bath-size towel 2 bath-size bars soap (4-5oz.) any brand in original wrap 1 adult-size toothbrush in original wrap (multi-packs may be used by sealing individual brushes in business-size envelope-NO plastic bags or wrap) 1 sturdy comb 1 metal nail clippers with file $2.65 Shipping (includes toothpaste added by LWR)

100 Personal Care Kits assembled for Lenten “Promise of Hope” Thrivent Action Team project. Thanks for all contributions during the pandemic!

Paper Products Local food pantries are always short of bathroom/facial tissue, napkins, roll towels, and other disposable items.

WELCA Triennial Gathering: 2020 POSTPONED CONVENTION: AUGUST 3-5, 2021 Phoenix, AZ GATHERING: AUGUST 5-8, 2021 Phoenix, AZ “We hope everyone currently registered will come next year. If unable to, they could give their registration to someone else.” “What is impossible with us is possible with God” -Luke 18: 27


DEVOTIONS: Praising God “Every Child of God can defeat the world, and our faith is what gives us this victory.” -1 John 5: 4 (CEV)

In these difficult times we’ve been going through as a nation and as a world I’m amazed at what I haven’t heard much of. I limit myself from news reports and commentaries, but I’ve heard little or no blaming God for being responsible for trouble. What I have heard are phrases like —“God is still in charge” and “God provides” and the list goes on and on. People are helping others. They check on neighbors, helping them in various ways. Charities have responded and provided whatever is needed. There is plenty of blame going to those in authority. It seems as though we have to blame someone. Yet, many people are saying, “thank you God for being with us.” I have seen commercials ending with a prayer. I hear God spoken of more often and reverently. Churches and ministers are providing services and courage in many ways. We’re so thankful for all who have and are doing that. I see and hear more about God being our help and refuge in this time of stress.

Dear Jesus, Let us ever be mindful you do have a plan for our good. Praise your holy name. Amen. -Sue Piotrowski

New Hope Comforters Needs Sheets, blankets, old tablecloths, etc.

New Hope Men’s Group Thursday, June 18th 2pm/Sand Creek Site

Page 3: NEW HOPE TRUMPET · help, naked and alone except, of course, for the thousand or so other people around ready to greet me as I walked back onto the beach. They don’t teach us in

Thank you! Offerings may be sent post mail, delivered during office hours, or given securely electronically at https://newhopescpc.org/give. Thank you for your continued prayers, encouragement, and support of New Hope. Your generosity to our Crisis Fund allowed New Hope to send $300 ea. to 5 local food shelves: Ridgeland/Prairie Farm, Bloomer/NewAuburn, Chetek, Colfax, and Menomonie Stepping Stones (also serves Sand Creek). We are blessed to be a blessing! Thank you!

2020 NOISY OFFERINGS JANUARY Luther Park Camp Scholarships $ 348.36 FEBRUARY Arc of Dunn County (provide social/learning opportunities for disabled individuals and their families) www.arcofdunncounty.org 331.13 MARCH Luther Park Camp Scholarships 137.87 APRIL Local Food Pantries Pandemic MAY Pandemic JUNE Luther Park Bible Camp General Fund - Let’s give this great ministry partner a lift!

Church Insurance Committee Meeting: 6 p.m. Monday, July 13, 20 at Sand Creek site Our insurance policy expires/renews in August 2020. A committee will meet to review our coverage needs with Beth Kroeger of Church Mutual and their revised offers. Committee volunteers are John Loy, Pastor Sparby, Dale Paulson, Joe Bilodeau, Vernon Ellefson, Gene Buffington.

2019 Financials Reviewed Thursday, May 14th by Joe Bilodeau, Jim Irwin, Dale Paulson. THANK YOU!

Financial Accounts Updated May 2020 at Security Bank with proper authorized signature cards addressed for all statements of our dedicated accounts to be received at the church office and disbursed accordingly. This directive is for liability protection and continuity of church accounting. Thank you for your help!

Moving Slowly Back into Worship begins May 24. We honor differing viewpoints and comfort levels of our people. Our sanctuaries are large enough to accommodate those who choose to attend worship onsite. Each is set up for physical distancing, so look for the memo pad designation for spacing on the pews. You may wear a mask, if you choose. Some masks have been made available near the door. Communion will be set up using every safety measure, with individual plates for each worshipper with wine and bread. Those listening at home are encouraged to ready wine/juice and bread/crackers, and join in - as the gathered and scattered community of faith - for the Lord’s Supper. Some may not feel comfortable joining worship onsite at this time, and your decision is respected. You are invited to continue to listen online or over the phone at 10a. We will still continue to record worship for a time as well, so you may view it later on our Facebook page, or at www.newhopescpc.org.

Face masks are available at the door made from a Thrivent Action Team. Thank you!

Treasurer’s Summary 2020 Actual Income Expense Difference January—April $56,603.90 $51,928.79 $4,675.00

Last Year’s Comparison 2019 Actual Income Expense Difference January—April $58,412.0 $63,499.00 - $5,087.00 -Kelly Hoff, Hoff Financial Services 715-455-1968 Prairie Farm 715-637-1968 Barron [email protected]

*Detailed Treasurer’s Reports are available from the office upon request

Page 4: NEW HOPE TRUMPET · help, naked and alone except, of course, for the thousand or so other people around ready to greet me as I walked back onto the beach. They don’t teach us in

GOD’S WORK. OUR HANDS. EVERYDAY! “Live generously” is the church’s call to live in fullness of life, replacing stress of individual burdens with compassionate care of an uplifting faith community. Anyone needing New Hope’s help, please contact a member of the Stewardship Committee or church office. This could be as simple as a visit, help with yard work, transportation, etc. Also contact us if willing to share your God-given talents and resources to help. Stewardship Committee members: John Loy (715-658-1000), Mary Ann Omtvedt (715-828-1896), Sue Paulson (715-658-1364), Aimee Mikl (715-308-0240)

Shirley Christopherson, Debbie Goodremote, Astrid Sannes, Brenda Espeseth, John Homa, Kristen Anderson Orwin Sparby, Marge Pingel, Carerra, Brad Aasen, Marilyn Peterson, Allen Waterhouse, Jennifer Waterhouse, Mary Allram, Peggy Gullickson, Danna Taylor, Dan Davis, Ben Irwin, Mason Berres and all suffering with Covid-19

Luther/Mayo Eau Claire: Annette Mason Bloomer Dove: Alice Omtvedt Colfax Health & Rehab: Inez Schrader, Dorrene Knutson, Pat Goodremote, Ilene Pingel Meadowbrook/Chetek: Arlene Hoveland Our Neighbors of Dunn County: Colleen Schwegman Our House Senior Living/Menomonie: Jerry Schwegman Prairie Farm Pioneer Home: Bev Miller Military: Hunter Clemetson returned home from Afghanistan, Garrett Dillon

Sympathy is extended to: • Carol (Mark) Hanson & Family at the death of Carol’s sister, Judith Pierce • Sue (Jerry) Favero & Family at the death of Sue’s son, Jason Lindquist • Family at the death of Thelma Waterhouse • Herb & Doris Tallman and family at the death of Herb’s sister, Alice Mae Morris

Dear friends, Across Southern Africa it was a different Easter in many ways. Because of COVID-19 lockdowns, people were unable to travel or gather over the Easter weekend for the traditional three-hour long Good Friday service, all-night Easter Vigil service and joyous Easter Sunday services, but it was the same message shared via various social media platforms: Christ has died! Christ is Risen! Christ will come again! While the Republic of South Africa currently has the greatest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Southern Africa at 3635 the numbers are expected to increase exponentially across the region in the coming winter months, especially in densely populated urban areas and informal settlements. In many communities keeping social distance is almost impossible, health care systems are weak and health is compromised by HIV&AIDS, TB, malaria and poor nutrition. Hunger is a very serious threat. Governments are looking at ways to stimulate struggling economies and to ramp up social support systems. Many churches, businesses and non-governmental organizations are struggling to survive due to loss of income as they also try to find ways to assist employees, families, as well as communities hardest hit by the pandemic. ELCA Global Mission will continue to support mission personnel, companion churches, mission outreach and Diakonia/World Hunger development and emergency response projects as much as possible during this difficult and uncertain time as everyone is affected in one way or another. Leaders of Lutheran churches in the region have expressed their appreciation for the companionship of the ELCA Global Mission and ELCA Companion Synods during this challenging time and offer their prayers in return. Thank you for your prayers and support and your participation in God’s mission locally and globally. Yours faithfully, Rev. Dr. Philip Knutson ELCA Global Mission Regional Representative - Southern Africa Johannesburg, April 23, 2020 My blog page address is: https://southernafricanconnections.wordpress.com/ Please note the link for online giving can be found at https://community.elca.org/MissionaryGiving

Page 5: NEW HOPE TRUMPET · help, naked and alone except, of course, for the thousand or so other people around ready to greet me as I walked back onto the beach. They don’t teach us in

Building & Rejoicing Campaign: The Ministry Center is on schedule; major construction completed in May! Shared pictures/videos are on social media and our website. We still work toward obtaining the 2020 & 2021 matching funds challenge. We are currently at 59% of pledges/donations to our $2.2M goal. Our $500k match is at 19% ($98,154) and the $100k match is at 9% ($9,113) putting us at 17% overall of the $600k matching funds available. Thanks to all who submitted a pledge or made a donation!

“May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you.” -Psalm 33: 22Luther Park Board of Directors/Staff decided to cancel all 2020 summer programs—Aug 8

This decision comes with great loss, many tears, and disbelief of the pandemic reality for so many. In this time of uncertainty, we turn to God and find hope!Options for payments/account balances: Contact Program Director, Ross with directive at 715-859-2215 or [email protected]. * Transfer your balance toward a future programming event* Make a donation of all or part of the balance* Request a partial or full refund* A combination of the above________________________________________________________________________________________

New Hope Lutheran Church Council Meeting Monday, May 11, 20/Pine Creek site These minutes subject to council approval

Called to order: 7:30 p.m. by President, John Loy Present: Joe Bilodeau, Linda Bilodeau, Desiree Buck, Gene Buffington, Cathy Davis, Kelly Nelson-Esterby, John Loy, Mary Ann Omtvedt, Dale Paulson, Sue Paulson, Pastor Sparby, Marie Swanson Devotions: Prayer by Pastor Michael Secretary’s Report: M/S/C (Marie Swanson/Dale Paulson) to approve March 16, 20 Council Meeting minutes Treasurer’s Report: Applied for and received funding of $23,407 from CARE ACT providing Federal funding to compensate employee payroll. Loan is forgiven after submitting final paperwork at the end of 8 weeks. Pastor’s Report: Schedule to resume on-site church services Sunday, May 24 at both sites, with Memorial Day observed at Pine Creek Cemetery. Services continue to be available online and recorded. Monday, May 25, will be Memorial Day Ceremonies for Sand Creek area cemeteries. Crisis Fund provided $300 each to the 5 local food shelves in May COMMITTEE REPORTS Property & Management

*New leased copier installed May 8th by EO Johnson *Water softener installed at SC site (provided by donations)

Family Education *VBS will begin with “at home’” activities for families. Challenges will be sent in June *Received 16 Scholarship applications for Luther Park Camp. Luther Park is not reopening until July 5th *1 committee vacancy remains open

Stewardship & Evangelism *Reminder of ongoing “God’s Work/Our Hands”, especially during this time of the pandemic

Worship & Music *Further assistants scheduling pending Old Business: *Constitution Revision for ELCA Synod Assembly 2019 is pending *Reviewers for 2019 Financials (Joe Bilodeau, Jim Irwin, Dale Paulson) meet Thursday, May 14th/SC *Reviewed all New Hope financial accounts and updating signature cards at Security Bank New Business: *Set up a committee to meet with Church Mutual Insurance regarding renewal (necessary by 8/21/2020). Members: Pastor Michael, John Loy, Property & Management Committee *M/S/C (Kelly Nelson-Esterby/Dale Paulson) postpone Confirmation Celebration-- later date to be determined NEXT COUNCIL MEETING: Monday, July 13, 2020 at SC site Adjournment: M/S/C (Linda Bilodeau/Kelly Nelson-Esterby) Closing: The Lord’s Prayer -Sue Paulson, Secretary

Page 6: NEW HOPE TRUMPET · help, naked and alone except, of course, for the thousand or so other people around ready to greet me as I walked back onto the beach. They don’t teach us in

THANK YOU! Thank you Darlene Madison & Gene/Judy Buffington for financial gifts that installed water softener at Sand Creek site.

“Your $300 gift helps support community members in the fight against hunger. So many thanks for your generous support. We try our best to follow God’s commandments in caring for our neighbors!” -Bloomer/New Auburn Food Pantry

“Thank you New Hope Lutheran for the generous $300 donation! We will use this for our “Support for Sunday” backpack program that will purchase food for 60 bags. What a blessing you are!” -Caring Ministries/Colfax

“On behalf of all those who will benefit from your generosity, thank you very much for your $300 donation. Your thoughtfulness especially during this trying time, is truly appreciated. Stay healthy!” -Chetek Food Shelf

“As you shelter in place, thank you for wanting to make a difference in the lives of people struggling with even more than fear of illness. We really appreciate your generous support of $300—especially now!” -Stepping Stones

“New Hope Pine Creek & Sand Creek Members of the Church: Thank you for your amazing partnership and generous donation of $1,039.95 to Luther Park’s Building & Rejoicing Campaign project of growth and ministry—keeping alive the vision of the founding Luther League. We’re so thankful for your support and much needed commitment that continues the vision for generations to come.” -Keith Newman, Exec. Ministry Director

2020 New Hope Graduates Jozie Buchanan Tara Glaser Ivy Jo Harmon Connor Neilsen Andrew Peltier Rose Rodey Danielle Westholm

Graduate Recognition: Sunday, June 14th at both sites

New Hope Travel Opportunity Coming April 12th-22nd, 2021 The Israel Experience: Walk Where Jesus Walked!

w/optional Istanbul extension (thru April 25, 2021) Hosted by: Pastor Michael Sparby

Brochures available at www.newhopescpc.org Highlights include: Nazareth, Caesarea, Sea of Galilee, Masada, Dead Sea, Qumran, Jerusalem, Dome of the Rock, Via Dolorosa, Golgotha, Holy Sepulcher, Bethlehem, Manger Square, Shepherd’s Field, and more.


Sunday, May 31 Regular worship/Pentecost Sunday June

Sunday, June 7 Holy Trinity Sunday Sunday, June 14 High School Graduate Recognition at 8:30a and 10a Sunday, June 21 Guest Pastor: Leila Haight Sunday, June 28 Guest Pastor: Leila Haight

JulySunday, July 5 Guest Pastor: Leila Haight Sunday, July 12 Regular worship Monday, July 13 6p Insurance Committee Meeting with Church Mutual at Sand Creek site

Sunday, July 19 1 Worship Service at Memorial Park in Sand Creek 10a (move to sanctuary if rain or wet) ground)

Page 7: NEW HOPE TRUMPET · help, naked and alone except, of course, for the thousand or so other people around ready to greet me as I walked back onto the beach. They don’t teach us in

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

20201 2

7p AA/SC3 4 5 6

7 Holy Trinity Sunday 8:30a Pine Creek site9:20 Coffee Fellowship10a Sand Creek site

8SC WELCA offering

9 7p AA/SC

10 11 12 13

14 High School Graduate Recognition/both sites8:30a Pine Creek site9:20 Coffee Fellowship9:30a PC WELCA?10a Sand Creek site

15 newsletter articles due

16 7p AA/SC

17 18 2p Men’s Group/SC?

19 20

21 8:30a Pine Creek site9:20 Coffee Fellowship10a Sand Creek site

22 23 7p AA/SC

24 25 26 27

28 8:30a Pine Creek site9:20 Coffee Fellowship10a Sand Creek site

29 30 7p AA/SC

USHERS Pine Creek Joe Bilodeau, Wayne Christopherson Sand Creek

Bob/Mary Hanson & Kenny/Sharon Nelson

LECTORS Pine Creek Sand Creek

7 Mary Peterson Jerry Timm 14 Dawn Kunkel Kelly Timm 21 Alan Peterson ? volunteer needed 28 Linda Bilodeau Carol Hanson

ALTAR GUILD Pine Creek Mary Schwegman / Annette Mason Sand Creek Bonnie Peterson / Sharon Nelson


SC COFFEE HOSTS 7 14 21 28

Opportunity to Serve: Sand Creek site worship assistants to serve as ushers, readers, communion, etc.If interested, please contact the church office or Worship & Music Committee. Thank you.

Page 8: NEW HOPE TRUMPET · help, naked and alone except, of course, for the thousand or so other people around ready to greet me as I walked back onto the beach. They don’t teach us in

$5 Geraniums for Pentecost Sunday, May 31st Order deadline: Wednesday, May 27

Payable to New Hope Memo: Geraniums Forms available in the narthex or on our website

Memorials/Honorariums will enhance our sanctuaries Pentecost. They will then be planted in the gardens surrounding the church buildings.

Interested in helping with church gardening? Contact Pastor Sparby, Mary Hanson or the church office

New Hope Lutheran Church E9085 County Road V PO BX 85 Sand Creek, WI 54765 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

FamilyEducationKellyNelson-Esterby 715-658-1861 [email protected] PattiAudorff 715-642-2602 [email protected] ____________ _____________ _____________________ DesireeBuck 715-658-1287 [email protected] Property&ManagementDalePaulson 715-658-1364 [email protected] GeneBufIington 715-237-2154 [email protected] 715-837-1029 Joe Bilodeau 715-458-2479 [email protected] Stewardship & Evangelism SuePaulson 715-658-1364 [email protected] John Loy 715-658-1000 [email protected] MaryAnnOmtvedt 715-658-1896 MOmtvedtnewaburn.k12.wi.us AimeeMikl 715-308-0240 [email protected] Worship&Music LindaBilodeau 715-458-2479 [email protected] CathyDavis 715-949-1817 [email protected] Mark Gilberts 847-650-9364 [email protected] Marie Swanson 715-658-1208 [email protected]

New Hope Council 2020 PresidentJohnLoyVicePresidentMarkGilbertsSecretarySusanPaulson&MaryAnnOmtvedt TreasurerKellyHoff/HoffFinancialServices715-455-1968kelly@teamhoff.comAsst.TreasurerGeneBufIingtonWORSHIP 8:30 am/Pine Creek 9:20a Coffee Fellowship Sunday school 10 am/Sand Creek 9:20 am Coffee Fellowship Sunday school during worship

Telephone Ministry: 1-534-444-4300 (Eau Claire #) FREE Live stream http://newhope.listentochurch.com