667 THE JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS Copyright 0 1973 by The Williams & Wilkins Co. INDEX Vol. 187, No. 3 Printed in U.S.A. Volume 187, October-December 1973 Abildskov, J. A., see Urthaler, F., 269 Acetaminophen -iiiduced hepatic necrosis, protective role of glut.at.hione, 211 -induced hepatic necrosis, role of covalent bind- ing in vivo, 195 -induced hepatic necrosis, role of cytochrome P-450-mediated covalent. binding in vitro, 203 -induced hepatic necrosis, role of metabolism, 185 2-Acetylaminofluorene, cytochrome P450-depend- eat binding to microsomes, 203 Acetylcholine turnover rate in rat salivary glands, effect of deafferentation and duet ligation on, measured by steady-state kinetics, 68 Acetylstrophanthidin effects on spinal cord neural mechanisms, 246 inotropic effect, antagonism by aldosterone, 112 Adenosine monophosphate , cyclic , in guinea-pig heart., increased by phenylephrine, 296 Adrenergic blockade, beta, effect on intramyo- cardial distribution of coronary blood flow, 451 Adrenergic neural tone, dependence of sirius node and atrioventricular junction for automat icity On, 269 Adrenergic receptor alpha, labeling by ‘4C-Dibenamine, specificity, 524 beta, in isolated rat utertis, relation to mecha- nism of action of histamine, 511 Adrenergic responses, in dog cutaneous vascula- tore, effects of indomethacin and eicosa-5,8, - 11,14-tetraynoic acid (prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors) on, 315 Aldosterone, antagonism of positive inotropic ef- feet of cardiotonic steroids, 112 Alter, W. A., III, Weiss, G. K., Priola, I). V., and Spurgeon, H. A. : The effects of 6-hydroxy- dopamine on vagal cardioaccelerator systems, 99 Amines biogenic, brain, related to effects of tricyclic antidepressants on attack elicited by hy- pothalamic stimulation, 550 Amines , sympathomimet ic (see Sympat homimetic amines) Amino acid, hexose and, assimilation by epithe- hum and muscle of guinea-pig seminal vesicle, 430 Arninoguanidine, effect on metabolism of hista- mine in brain, 34 a-Aminoisobutyric acid, assimilation by epithe- hum and muscle of guinea-pig seminal vesiele, 430 Ammon, H. P. T., Orci, L. and Steinke, J. : Effect of chlorpromazine (CPZ) on insulin release in V?t’O and in vitro in the rat, 423 Amodiaquine, effects on metabolism of histamine in brain, 34 Amphetamine effects in hypertensive dogs, 308 optical isomers, self-administration by rats, 27 d-Amphetamine chlorpromazine , imipramine, morphine and, self-administration in cocaine-dependent rhe- sus monkeys, 8 morphine and, effects upon locomotor activity of mice treated with drugs which alter brain catecholamine content, 1 -stimulated behavior in rat, effects of naloxone, 380 d- and i-Amphetamine, effects on fixed-interval and fixed-ratio behavior in tolerant and non- tolerant rats, 372 Anderson, E. (;., see Taber, C. A., 229 Angiotensin-induced responses in dog gracilis muscle, antagonism by exercise, 78 Antiarrhythmic properties, of UM-272 in canine heart, 260 Anticoagulant action, of dicumarol in rats, effect of phenylbutazone, 176 Antipyrine, metabolism in patients with chronic renal failure, 612 Antischistosomal drugs hycanthone effects on spermatogonial cells, de- oxyribonucleic acid synthesis in bone marrow and dominant lethality in rats, 437 mutagenic act-ion of hycanthone and IA-I on yeast, 444 Aorta ral)bit, specificity of alpha adrenergic receptor labeling by “C-Dibenamine in, 524 rabbit, vascular reaction to vasodilators in, 324 Appel, W. C. and Vincenzi, F. F. : Positive mo-

New INDEX [jpet.aspetjournals.org]jpet.aspetjournals.org/content/jpet/187/3/local/back... · 2005. 12. 3. · hycanthone effects onspermatogonial cells, de-oxyribonucleic acidsynthesis

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    Copyright 0 1973 by The Williams & Wilkins Co.


    Vol. 187, No. 3Printed in U.S.A.

    Volume 187, October-December 1973

    Abildskov, J. A., see Urthaler, F., 269

    Acetaminophen-iiiduced hepatic necrosis, protective role of

    glut.at.hione, 211-induced hepatic necrosis, role of covalent bind-

    ing in vivo, 195-induced hepatic necrosis, role of cytochrome

    P-450-mediated covalent. binding in vitro, 203-induced hepatic necrosis, role of metabolism,

    1852-Acetylaminofluorene, cytochrome P450-depend-

    eat binding to microsomes, 203Acetylcholine turnover rate in rat salivary glands,

    effect of deafferentation and duet ligation on,measured by steady-state kinetics, 68


    effects on spinal cord neural mechanisms, 246inotropic effect, antagonism by aldosterone, 112

    Adenosine monophosphate , cyclic , in guinea-pig

    heart., increased by phenylephrine, 296Adrenergic blockade, beta, effect on intramyo-

    cardial distribution of coronary blood flow,451

    Adrenergic neural tone, dependence of sirius node

    and atrioventricular junction for automat icityOn, 269

    Adrenergic receptoralpha, labeling by ‘4C-Dibenamine, specificity,


    beta, in isolated rat utertis, relation to mecha-

    nism of action of histamine, 511Adrenergic responses, in dog cutaneous vascula-

    tore, effects of indomethacin and eicosa-5,8, -11,14-tetraynoic acid (prostaglandin synthesis

    inhibitors) on, 315Aldosterone, antagonism of positive inotropic ef-

    feet of cardiotonic steroids, 112Alter, W. A., III, Weiss, G. K., Priola, I). V., and

    Spurgeon, H. A. : The effects of 6-hydroxy-dopamine on vagal cardioaccelerator systems,99


    biogenic, brain, related to effects of tricyclicantidepressants on attack elicited by hy-

    pothalamic stimulation, 550Amines , sympathomimet ic (see Sympat homimetic

    amines)Amino acid, hexose and, assimilation by epithe-

    hum and muscle of guinea-pig seminal vesicle,


    Arninoguanidine, effect on metabolism of hista-

    mine in brain, 34a-Aminoisobutyric acid, assimilation by epithe-

    hum and muscle of guinea-pig seminal vesiele,

    430Ammon, H. P. T., Orci, L. and Steinke, J. : Effect

    of chlorpromazine (CPZ) on insulin release in

    V?t’O and in vitro in the rat, 423

    Amodiaquine, effects on metabolism of histamine

    in brain, 34


    effects in hypertensive dogs, 308optical isomers, self-administration by rats, 27

    d-Amphetaminechlorpromazine , imipramine, morphine and,

    self-administration in cocaine-dependent rhe-sus monkeys, 8

    morphine and, effects upon locomotor activity ofmice treated with drugs which alter brain

    catecholamine content, 1-stimulated behavior in rat, effects of naloxone,


    d- and i-Amphetamine, effects on fixed-intervaland fixed-ratio behavior in tolerant and non-tolerant rats, 372

    Anderson, E. (;., see Taber, C. A., 229

    Angiotensin-induced responses in dog gracilismuscle, antagonism by exercise, 78

    Antiarrhythmic properties, of UM-272 in canineheart, 260

    Anticoagulant action, of dicumarol in rats, effectof phenylbutazone, 176

    Antipyrine, metabolism in patients with chronic

    renal failure, 612

    Antischistosomal drugs

    hycanthone effects on spermatogonial cells, de-oxyribonucleic acid synthesis in bone marrow

    and dominant lethality in rats, 437

    mutagenic act-ion of hycanthone and IA-I on

    yeast, 444


    ral)bit, specificity of alpha adrenergic receptorlabeling by “C-Dibenamine in, 524

    rabbit, vascular reaction to vasodilators in, 324

    Appel, W. C. and Vincenzi, F. F. : Positive mo-

  • dopamine , elevation during naloxone-precipi -

    668 INDEX Vol. 187

    tropic effect of cardiotonic steroids : Differen-tial antagonism by aldosterone, 112

    Arachidonic acid, prostaglandins E2 and F� and,

    effects on longitudinal stomach strip of rat,501

    Archer, R. A., see Lemberger, L., 169

    Arias, I. M., see Lichter, M., 612Arthritis, adj uvant-induced, in rat, interactions

    of aspirin, indomethacin and other drugs in,

    400Aspirin, interactions with indomethacin and other

    drugs in adjuvant-induced arthritis in rat., 400Atria, rabbit , aldosterone antagonism of positive

    inotropic effect of cardiotonic steroids in, 112

    Atrioventricular junction, sinus node and, dog,dependence for ant omaticit.y on adrenergic

    neural tone, 269Azathioprine, methylnitroimidazole moiety, met-

    abolic fate in rat, 588

    Beacham, L. M., III, see de Miranda, P., 588


    attack, elicited by hypothalamic stimulation,

    effects of tricyclic antidepressants related tobrain biogenic amines, 550

    cyclazocine-stimulat.ed, in rats, effects of nal-oxone, 380

    fixed-interval and fixed-ratio, in tolerant and

    nontolerant. rats, effects of d- and l-ampheta-mine, 372

    self administration (see Self-administration be-


    Benoist, J. M., see Besson, J. M., 239Benzphet-amine, effects in hypertensive dogs, 308

    Berndt, W. 0., see Cooke, W. J. , 158Besson, J. M., Wyon-Maillard, M. C., Benoist,

    J. I’sI., Conseiller, C. and Hamann, K. F.:Effects of phenoperidine on lamina V cells inthe cat dorsal horn, 239

    Bile, excretion of iopanoate and iophenoxate inrat, effects of phenobarbital and taurocholate,158

    Black, M., see Lichter, M., 612Blauw, A. S., II, see Priola, D. V., 121Blood, content in small vessels of canine myocar-

    dium, effect of pentrinitrol, nitroglycerin andpropranolol, 465

    Blood flowcoronary, beta adrenergic blockade on int.ramyo-

    cardial distribution of, 451hepat-ic, d-propranolol clearance and, in mon-

    key, increased by glucagon, 581

    Boucher, H. , see Langelier, P. , 15Brain

    cat, biogenic amines, relation to effects oftricyclic antidepressaiits on attack elicited byhypothalamic stimulation, 550

    t ated withdrawal in morphine-dependent mice

    and rats, 558mouse, altered catecholamine content, loco-

    motor activity and, 1mouse, metabolism of ‘4C-histamine in, 34

    type B monoamine oxidase in, �3-pheny1ethyl-amine as specific substrate for, 365

    Branch, II. A., Shand, D. 0. and Nies, A. S.:

    Hemodynamic drug interactions: The reduc-tion of oxyphenbutazone clearance by dl-propranolol in the dog, 133

    Branch, B. A., Shand, I). 0. and Nies, A. S. : In-crease in hepatic blood flow and d-propranololclearance by glucagon in the monkey, 581

    Brendel, K. and Meezan, E. : Properties of a puremet abolically act ive glomerular preparation

    from rat kidneys. II. Metabolism, 342Brendel, K., see Meezan, E., 332, 352Bretylium tosylate, inotropic action on heart, 121

    Briner, W. H., see Somjen, G. C., 602

    Bristow, � see (.reen, ii. D., 524

    Brodie, B. B.

    see J1)llOW, 1.). J. , 195see Mitchell, J. IL, 185, 211

    see Potter, W. Z., 203

    Brody, M. J., see Powell, J. R., 495

    Bromobenzene-induced liver necrosis , role ofdetoxifying enzymes, 218

    Brubaker, P. E., see Somjen, C. (1., 602

    Bunolol, beta adrenergic blocker, effect. on int.ra-myocardial distribution of coron ary blood

    flow, 451

    Burcher, E. and Garlick, D. : Antagonism of vaso-constrictor responses by exercise in the gracilis

    muscle of the dog, 78Burgess, M. J., see Urthaler, F., 269

    Buxbaum, S., set Katchen, B., 152

    Cadmium, effects on spermatogenesis studied by

    veloci ty sedimentation cell separati on andserial mating, 641

    Cafruny, E. J., see Nigrovic, V., 620

    Calcium-induced responses of atrial and vascularmuscle, influence of magnesium, 86

    Cannabinoid, synthetic (�6a. 10* dimethyl heptyltet rahydrocannabinol) ‘ metabolism , 169

    Cannon, W. B., III, see Priola, 1). V., 121

    Carbon monoxide, effect on covalent binding in

    vitro of acetaminophen in hepatic microsomes,203

    Cardiac glycosidesabsorption from rat respiratory tract, 105aglycones and, positive inotropic effect antag-

    onized by aldosterone, 112

    Cardioaccelerator systems, vagal, effects of 6-hy-droxydopamine, 99

    Cardiotonic steroids (cardiac glycosides and

  • 1973 INDEX 669

    imiprami tie, morphi ne, d-amphet amine and, self-

    aglycones), positive inotropic effect antago-

    nized by aldosterone, 112

    Cardiovascular effectsof glucagon in cat with chronic heart failure, 475of glyceryl trinitrate and pentrinitrol by dif-

    ferent routes of administration in dog, catand rat. , 300

    Carlson, E. C., see Meezan, E., 332

    Carr, J. V., see Green, S., 437Carrier, 0., Jr., see Turlapat.y, P. D. M. V., 86

    Cat(s)blockade by p-chlorophenylalanine of 5-hy-

    droxytryptophan facilitatory actions on spinal

    reflexes in, 229brain biogenic amines, relation to effects of

    tricyclic antidepressant.s on attack elicited byhypothalamic stimulation, 550

    Changes in spinal cord neural mechanisms as-

    sociat-ed with digitalis in, 246dog, rat and, comparative cardiovascular effects

    of glyceryl t.rinitrat.e and pentrinitrol by dif-ferent routes of administration in, 300

    dorsal horn, effects of phenoperidine on lamina

    V cells in, 239

    normal and lesioned, effects of chronically ad-ministered L-dopa, 15

    spleen , inhibition by sympathomimet.ic amitiesof nerve stimulat ion -evoked norepinephrinerelease in, 529

    ��ith chronic heart failure, enhancement of car-

    dine performance by glucagon in, 475Cat.echolamine content, altered, in mouse brain,

    locomotor activity and, 1

    Cellslamina \T, in cat dorsal horn, effects of pheno-

    peridine, 239spermat ogonial, deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis

    in bone marrow, dominant lethality and, inrats, effects of hycanthone, 437

    Chang, IL, see Liii, C-C., 415Cheney, D. L., see Hanin, I., 68

    Cheng, M. C. , see Waud, B. E. , 40

    Chlorgyline, effects on types A and B monoamineoxidase of brain, 365

    Chiorimipramine, effects on attack elicited byhypothalamic stimulation, relation to brain

    biogenic amines, 550

    p-Chlorophenylalanine, blockade of 5-hydroxy-trypt ophan facilitat ory act ions on spinal re-

    flexes by, 2292-(3-Chloro-o-t.oluidino) nicot-inic acid (see Clo-


    Chlorphentermine, effects on hypertensive dogs,


    effect on insulin release in vivo and in vitro in rat,423

    administration in cocaine-dependent rhesusmonkeys, 8

    Clarke, D. E. and Sampath, S. S. : Studies on thefunctional role of intraneuronal monoamine

    oxidase, 539

    Clonixin [2- (3-chloro-o-toluidino) nicotinic acid],metabolism in man, 152

    Cobaltous chlorideeffect on acetaminophen-induced hepatic ne-

    crosis, 185, 195

    effect on covalent binding in vitro of acetami-nophen in hepatic microsomes, 203

    Cocaine-dependent rhesus monkeys , chlorpromazine,

    imipramine , morphine and d-amphetamineself-administration in, 8

    effect on uptake and accumulation of �1I-6,7-dihydroxytetrahydroisoquinoline by periph-

    eral sympathetic nerves, 56

    Cohen, G., see Locke, S., 56Commarato, M. A., Winbury, M. M. and Kaplan,

    H. IL : Glyceryl t.rinitrate and pentrinitrol

    (pentaerythritol trinitrate) : Comparativecardiovascular effect-s in dog, cat and rat by

    different routes of administration, 300Conseiller, C. , see Besson, J. M., 239Constantine, J. W. and Purcell, I. M. : Inhibition

    of platelet aggregation and of experimentalthrombosis by sudoxicam, 653

    Cooke, W. J., Berndt, W. 0. and Mudge, G. H.:Effects of phenobarbital and taurocholate on

    biliary excretion of iopanoate and iophenoxate

    in the rat, 158

    Coronary effects of dopamine in dog, 280

    Costa, E., see Hanin, I., 68Covalent binding

    in vitro, cytochrome P-450 mediated, role inacetaminophen -induced hepatic necrosis , 203

    in vivo, role in acetaminophen-induced hepaticnecrosis, 195

    Crayfish, giant axons, effect of spart.eine on nervemembrane potassium conductance in, 47

    Creagh, T. H., see de Miranda, P., 588

    Cucinell, S. A., see Israili, Z. H., 138Cyclazocine-stimulated behavior in rats , effects

    of naloxone, 380

    Cyst.eine, pretreatment in mice, effect on aceta-minophen -induced hepat.ic necrosis , 211

    Cytochrome P-450-mediated covalent binding invitro, role in acetaminophen-induced hepaticnecrosis, 203

    Dapsone, metabolism in man and experimental

    animals , formation of N -hydroxy metabolites,138

    1)avis, D. C.

    see Jollow, I). J. , 195

    see Mitchell, J. R.., 185

  • 670 INI)EX Vol. 187

    amine in rat, 380

    effect of phenylbutazone on distribution, elimi-

    see Potter, W. Z., 203Davis, E., see Israili, Z. H., 138

    Dayton, P. (;., see Israili, Z. H., 138Deafferentation, effect on acetylcholine turnover

    rate in rat salivary glands measured by

    steady-state kinetics, 68

    Dembiec, 1)., see Locke, S., 56de Miranda, P., Beacham, L. M., III, Creagh, T.

    H. and Elion, G. B. : The metabolic fate of themethylnitroimidazole moiety of azathioprine

    in the rat, 5882-1)eoxyglucose, assimilation by epithelium and

    muscle of guinea-pig seminal vesicle, 430Deoxyribonucleic acid, synthesis in bone marrow,

    spermatogonial cells, dominant lethality and,in rats, effects of hycanthone, 437

    Deprenyl, effects on types A and B monoamine

    oxidase of brain, 365Desipramine, effects on attack elicited by hy-

    pothalamic stimulation, relation to brain

    biogenic amines, 5506-Desmethylgriseofulvin, as major metabolite of

    ‘4C-griseofulvin in man, 415Desmethylimipramine, effect on uptake and ac-

    cumulation of �H-6, 7-dihydroxytetrahydro-isoquinoline by peripheral sympathetic

    nerves, 56

    ‘4C-Dibenamine, specificity of alpha adrenergicreceptor labeling by, 524

    Dicumarol, distribution, elimination and antico-agulant action in rats, effects of phenylbuta-

    zone, 176Diethyl maleate, pretreatment in mice, effect on

    acetaminophen-induced hepatic necrosis , 211

    Diformyl dapsone, metabolism in man and experi-mental animals, 138

    Digitalis materials, changes in spinal cord neuralmechanisms associated with, 246

    Digitoxigenin, effects on spinal cord neuralmechanisms, 246

    Digitoxin, absorption from rat respiratory tract,105

    Digoxin, absorption from rat respiratory tract, 105

    Dihydroouabain, absorption from rat respiratorytract, 105

    ‘H-6, 7-Dihydroxytetrahydroisoquinoline, uptake

    and accumulation by peripheral sympatheticnerves in vivo, 56

    �6a, IOa Dimethyl heptyl tetrahydrocannabinol, in

    vitro and in vivo metabolism, 169Dissociation constants, drug-receptor, at mam-

    malian neuromuscular junction, effect of

    halothane, 40Diuretic response to mercury in dogs, effects of

    maleic acid and uranyl on, 620

    Dixon, H. L., see Lee, I. P. , 641Dog(s)

    antihypertensive effects of sympathomimet.icamines in, 308

    beta adrenergic blockade on intramyocardial dis-tribution of coronary blood flow in, 451

    cat , rat. and, comparative cardiovascular effects

    of glyceryl trinitrat.e and pent.rinitrol by dif-ferent routes of administration in, 300

    comparative dependence on adrenergic neural

    tone by automaticity in sinus node and atrio-ventricular junction of, 269

    coronary and myocardial effects of dopamine in,

    280cutaneous vasculature, effect of indomethacin

    and eicosa-5,8,11,14-tetraynoic acid (pros-taglandin synthesis inhibitors) on adrenergic

    responses in, 315

    effects of 6-hydroxydopamine on vagal cardioac-celerator systems in, 99

    effects of maleic acid and uranyl on mercurial

    diuresis in, 620gracilis muscle, antagonism of vasoconstrictor

    response by exercise in, 78heart, antiarrhythmic and electrophysiologic

    properties of UM-272 in, 260heart., mechanism of inot.ropic action of bretyl-

    ium t.osylat.e on, 121

    inhibition of platelet aggregation and experi-

    mental thrombosis by sudoxicam in, 653metabolism of � IOa dimethyl heptyl tetrahy-

    drocannabinol in, 169myocardium, effect of pentrinitrol, nitroglycerin

    and propranolol on small vessel blood content

    of, 465reduction of oxyphenbutazone clearance by dl-

    propranolol in, 133saliva, ouabain-induced i ncrease in potassium

    concentration of, 518skeletal muscle and hindpaw, facilitation of re-

    flex vasoconst.riction by prostaglandin F2,, in,495

    Dombrosky, J. T., see Mawhinney, M. G., 4301)ominant lethality, spermatogonial cells, de-

    oxyribonucieic acid synthesis in bone marrowand, in rats, effects of hycanthone, 437

    Dong, E., Jr., see Priola, D. V., 121

    L-Dopa, chronically administered, effects in nor-

    mal and lesioned cats, 15


    brain, elevation during naloxone-precipitated

    withdrawal in morphine-dependent. mice and

    rats, 558

    coronary and myocardial effects in dog, 280

    formation in cat brain after L-dopa, 15

    in rat brain, effects of cyclazocine, 380

    Drug interactions

    between aspirin, indomethacin and other drugs

    in adjuvant-induced arthritis in rat, 400

    between naloxone and cyclazocine or (/-amphet-

  • 1973 INDEX 671

    nation and anticoagulant action of dicumarol

    in rats, 176

    reduction of oxyphenhut azone clearance bydi-propranolol in dog, 133

    l)ubinsky, B., Karpowicz, K. and Goldberg, M.E. : Effects of tricyclic antidepressants on at-tack elicited by hypothalamic stimulation:

    Relation to brain biogenic amities, 550Duct ligation, effect on acetylcholine turnover

    rate in rat salivary glands measured by

    steady-state kinetics, 68

    Electrophysiologic properties, of UM-272 in canine

    heart, 260

    Elion, 1;. B., see de Miranda, P., 5885,8,l1,14-Eicosatetraynoic acid

    influence OH effects of arachidonic acid and

    prostaglandins F�2 and F2a on rat stomachstrip, 501

    (prosta.glandin synthesis inhibi t or) , effect onadrenergic responses in dog cutaneous vascit-

    lature, 315

    lnzymes, detoxifying, role in broniobenzene-in -duced liver necrosis, 218

    Ephedrine, effects in hypertensive dogs, 308

    Epinephrine, effect on protein synthesis in rat

    heart, 482lthacrynic acid, effects on oxidative metabolism

    in isolated glomeruli, 352lthanol tolerance in goldfish, 391Exercise, antagonism of vasoconst net or responses

    in gracilis muscle of dog by , 78

    Fenfluraniine, effects in hypertensive (logs, 308Fishman, J. , Hoffwarg, II . and Ilellnian, L. : 1 )is-

    posit ion of naloxone-7 , 8-’lI i n normal andnarcotic-dependent men, 575

    Furchgott, H. F., see Kirpekar, S. M., 529

    Garlick, 1)., see Burcher, l�., 78(liant axons, crayfish and squid, effect of sparteine

    on nerve membrane pot assiuni conduct aitce in,47

    (;illette, J. 1�l.see Jollow, I). J. , 195

    see Mitchell, J. IL, 185, 211see Potter, W. Z., 203

    see Zampaglione, N., 218

    (lillilan, H. M., see Lanman, H. (1., 105Gland, salivary, rat, effect of deatlerentation and

    duct ligation oii acetylcholine turnover rate

    in, measured by steady-state kinetics, 68( ilomerular preparation

    isolated, effects of ethacrynic aCid on oxidative

    metabolism in, 352pure isolated, from rat- kidneys, effects of eth-

    acrynic acid on oxidative metal)olism in, 352

    Iure metabolically active, from rat kidneys,isolation, 332

    pure metal)olically active, from rat kidneys,

    metabolism, 342

    ( ;hicagonenhancement of cardiac performance in eat with

    chronic heart failure, 475

    -induced increase in hepatic blood flow and

    (/-propranolol clearance in monkey , 581Glucose levels in rats, effect of chlorpromazine,


    ( ;hitat hione, protect ive role in acet aminophen-

    induced hepatic necrosis, 211(.;ltttethiniide, effect Ofl metabolism of antipyrine

    in man, 612

    ( lyceryl t rinit rate (see also Nitroglycerin)

    pent ri nit ml and , cuniparat ive cardiovasculareffects in dog, cat and rat by different routesof administration, 300

    ( lycosides, cardiac (see Cardiac glycosides)(.lonier, S., see Zimmerman, B. (1., 315( ;oldherg, i�I. F:. , -see l)ubinsky, B. , 550Goldberg, S. IL, see lloffmeister, F., 8Goldfish, tolerance to ethanol in, 391

    Goodrich, J. K., see Somjen, (;. (;., 602

    Gracilis muscle (see l\luscle, gracilis)Greizerstein, 11. B. and Smith, C. �I. : l)evelop-

    ment and loss of tolerance to ethanol in gold-

    fish, 391Green, 1!. 1)., Lefever, (. S., i�heys, E. M. and

    Bristow, M. : On the specificity of alpha

    adrenergic recel)tor labeling by 14C-Dihen-anline, 524

    ( ree�i, S. , (‘arr, .1. V. , Sauro, F. lvi. aDd Legator,i\I. S. : l;ffects of hycanthone on spermato-

    gonial cells, deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis inhone niarro�v 1111(1 dominant lethality in rats,


    14(�_( ;ris(�Oft1lvitI , al)sorpt ion , Inetal)olisni and cx-(retion in nian, 415

    Gross, (. J. and Wininiry, M. M. : Bela adrenergic

    blockade on lot ranivocardial (list ribution of

    corotiary blood f1oi�� , 451Guinea pig(s)

    brain, metabolisni of ‘4(��lijstttiiii�te in, 34

    effec t of halot hane on drug-recept or dissociat ion

    constants at neuromuscular junction (If, 40

    epithelium tind muscle of seminal vesicle, hexose

    1111(1 fl�U�() aCid nssiniilat mit l�’ , 430

    heart. , phenylephrine-induced increases of car-

    dine (�)ntract ilit y , (ycliC adenosine flU)flO-

    phosphate and 1)h�sphorylase a in, 296

    influence of tuagnesiuni on calciunt-induced re-

    spouses of atrial and vascular muscle of, 86

    inhibition of platelet aggregat ion by stidoxicani

    in, 653

    nietal)olisni of dapsotie in, 138

    metabolism of �“ . ‘a” dimethvl heptyl tetrahy-

    drocannahinol in, 169

    (uzman, � see Villarreal, J. I�., 1

  • 672 INDEX Vol. 187

    Haavik, C. 0. and Hardman, H. F. : Evaluation ofthe hypothermic action of tetrahydrocanna-

    binols in mice and squirrel monkeys, 568Halot-hane , effect on drug-recept or dissociat ion

    constants at mammalian neuromuscular junc-tion, 40

    Hamann, K. F., see Besson, J. M., 239

    Hamrick, M. , see Zampaglione, N., 218Hanin, I., Cheney, 1.). L., Trabucchi, M., Massa-

    relli, H., Wang, C. T. and Costa, E. : Applica-

    tion of principles of steady-state kinetics tomeasure acet.ylcholine turnover rate in ratsalivary glands : Effect of deafferentation andduct ligation, 68

    Hardman, H. F., see Ilaavik, C. 0. , 568Haseman, J. K., see Somjen, U. (.l. 602heart

    blood flow, beta adrenergic blockade on intra-

    myocardial distribution of, 451canine, effect of pentrinitrol, nitroglycerin and

    propranolol on distribution of blood in, 465dog, antiarrhyt.hmic and electrophysiologic

    properties of UM-272 in, 260guinea pig, contractility, increased by phenyl-

    ephrine, 296inot.ropic action of bret.ylium tosylate on, 121rat, protein synthesis, effect of sympathomi-

    metic drugs, 482heart failure, chronic, in cat, enhancement of car-

    diac performance by glucagon, 475Hellman, L., see Fishman, J., 575

    Hemodialysis, effect on metabolism of antipyrinein man with chronic renal failure, 612

    Herman, S. P., see Somjen, (1. (L, 602hlexose, amino acid and, assiniilation by epit.he-

    hum and muscle of guinea-pig seminal vesicle,430

    Higgins, C. B., see Vatner, S. F., 280

    histamine, mechanism of action on isolated ratuterus, 511

    “C-Histamine, metabolism in brain, 34

    Ho, I. K., see Iwamoto, E. T., 558Hoffmeister, F. and (oldberg, S. B. : A comparison

    of chlorpromaz inc , imipramine , morphineand d-amphetamine self-adm mist ration in

    cocaine-dependent- rhesus monkeys, 81Ioltzinan, S. G. and Jewett, H. E. : Stimulation of

    behavior in the rat by cyclazocine: Effects ofnaloxone, 380

    Homovanillic acid, formation in cat brain after

    L-dopa, 15Howe, B. B. and Winbury, M. M.: Fffeet of

    pentrinit rol , nitroglycerin and propranolol on

    small vessel blood content of the canine myo-cardium, 465


    effects on spermatogonial cells, deoxyribonucleicacid synthesis in bone marrow and dominantlethality in rats, 437

    IA-4 and, mutagenic action on yeast, 444Hydroxyamphetami tie , effects in hypertensive

    dogs, 3086-Hydroxydopamine

    effect on uptake and accumulation of ‘H-6,7-dihydroxytetrahydroisoquinoline by periph-

    eral sympathetic nerves, 56effects on vagal cardioaccelerator systems, 99

    5-Hydroxyt.ryptamine (see also Serotonin)

    possible mediation of 5-hydroxytryptophanfacilitatory actions on spinal reflexes, 229

    5-Hydroxytryptophan , facilitat.ory actions on

    spinal reflexes, blockade by p-chlorophenyl-alanine, 229

    Hypertension , in dogs, effects of sympathomimet.ic

    amines, 308Ilypothermic action , of tetrahydrocannabinols in

    mice and squirrel monkeys, 568

    IA-4, hycanthone and, mutagenic action on yeast,


    chlorpromazine, morphine, d-amphet amine and,

    self-administration in cocaine-dependent rue-sus monkeys, 8

    effects on attack elicited by hypothalamicstimulation, relation to brain biogenic arnines,



    influence on effects of arachidonic acid andprostaglandins E2 and F2� on rat stomachstrip, 501

    interactions with aspirin and other drugs in ad-

    juvant-induced arthritis in rat, 400(prostaglandin synthesis inhibit or) , effect on

    adrenergic responses in dog cutaneous vas-culature, 315

    Inotropic actionof bretylium tosylate on heart., 121of cardiotonic steroids, antagonism by aldos-

    terone, 112

    pressor and, of dopamine in dog, parasympatho-1%-tic augmentation, 280

    Insulin, release in vito and ii, vitro iii rat, effect ofchlorpromazine, 423

    lopanoate, iophenoxate and, hiliary excretion in

    rat, effects of phenobarbital and taurocholate,

    158lophenoxate, iopanoate and, biliary excretion in

    rat., effects of phenoharbital and taurocholate,

    158Isomers , of amphet aini ne and met hylamphet a-

    mine, self-administration by rats, 27Isometheptane, effects in hypertensive dogs, 308

    Isoproterenoleffect on protein synthesis in rat heart, 482inhibition of nerve stimulation-evoked nor-

    epinephrine release in cat spleen, 529inotropic effect, antagonism by aldosterone, 112

  • 1973 INDEX 673

    Langelier, P., Roberge, A. G., Boucher, R. and

    Isoxsuprine, effects in hypertensive dogs, 308

    Israili, Z. H., Cucinell, S. A., �‘aught, J., I)avis,E., Lesser, J. M. and Dayton, P. G. : Studies

    of the metabolism of dapsone in man and cx-perimental animals : Formation of N-hydroxy

    metabolites, 138Iwamoto, E. T., Ho, I. K. and Way, E. L. : Eleva-

    tion of brain dopamine during naloxone-precipitated withdrawal in morphine-dc-

    pendent mice and rats, 558

    J#{228}hnchen, E., Wingard, L. B., Jr. and Levy, G.:Effect of phenylbutazone on the distribution,

    elimination and anticoagulant action of di-

    cumarol in rats, 176Jakschik, B., see Needleman, P., 324

    James, T. N., see Urthaler, F., 269

    Jewett, II. E., see Holtzman, S. G., 380Johnson, F�. M., Jr., see Needleman, P., 324Jollow, D. J., Mitchell, J. R., Potter, W. Z., Davis,

    D. C., Gillette, J. R. and Brodie, B. B.:Acetaminophen-induced hepat.ic necrosis. II.

    Role of covalent binding in vivo, 195

    Jollow, D. J.

    see Mitchell, J. R., 185, 211

    see Potter, W. Z., 203see Zampaglione, N., 218

    Kaplan, H. B., see Commarato, M. A., 300

    Karpowicz, K., see Dubinsky, B., 550Katchen, B., Buxbaum, S. and Ning, J. : Disposi-

    tion of clonixin [2-(3-chloro-o-toluidino)nicotinic acid] in humans, 152

    Kauker, 1�I. L. : Micropuncture study of renal ac-tion of prostaglandin A2 (PGA2) in rats, 632

    Kidneysrat, isolation of pure metabolically active

    glomerular preparation from, 332

    rat, metabolism of pure metabolically activeglomerular preparation from, 342

    rat, pure isolated glomerular preparation, ef-

    fects of ethacrynic acid on oxidative metaho-lism in, 352

    Kirpekar, S. M., Furchgott, R. F., Wakade, A. R..

    and Prat, J. C. : Inhibition by sympat-homi-metic amines of the release of norepinephrine

    evoked by nerve stimulation in the cat spleen,529

    Kirsch, M., see Nobel-Allen, N., 475Klein, H., see Somjen, G. G., 602Kniffen, F. J., Schuster, D. P. and Lucchesi, B. II.:

    Antiarrhythmic and electrophysiologic prop-

    erties of UM-272, dimethyl quaternary pro-pranolol, in the canine heart, 260

    Koechel, I). A., see Nigrovic, V., 620Kraft, E., see Zimmerman, B. U., 315Krigman, M. R., see Somjen, G. G., 602

    Poirier, l.A. J. : Effects of chronically admin-

    istered L-dopa in normal and lesioned cats, 15Lanman, B. C., Gillilati, H. Is-i. and Schanker, L.

    S. : Absorption of cardiac glycosides from therat respiratory tract., 105

    Lee, I. P. and 1)ixoti, H. L. : Fffects of cadmium Ofl

    spermatogenesis st tidied by velocity sedi -mentation cell separation and serial mating,


    Lefever, (!. S., see Green, B. 1.)., 524

    Legator, 1�I. S., see Green, S., 437

    Lemberger, L., McMahon, IL 1., Archer, H. A.,

    Matsumoto, K. and Rowe, II. : The in vitro

    and in vivo metabolism of �6a, 1O�t dimet.hylheptyl t.etrahydrocannabinol (I)MPII), 169

    Lesser, J. 1�I., see Israili, Z. H., 138

    Levy, Cl., see J#{228}hnchen, E., 176

    Lichter, M. , Black, M. and Arias, 1. M. : The

    metabolism of ant.ipyrine in patients with

    chronic renal failure, 612

    Lidocaine, effects on ouabain-induced increase in

    dog saliva potassium concentration, 518

    Liii, C-C., Magat, J., Chang, H., McGlot.ten, J.

    and Symchowit.z , S. : Absorption , metabolismand excretion of ‘4C-griseofulviti in man, 415

    Liverblood flow , d-propranolol clearance and , i ii inon-

    key, increased by glucagon, 581necrosis , acet arninophen -i nduced , l)rOt.ec Live

    role of glutathione, 211necrosis, acetaminophen-induced, role of co-

    valent binding in i.ivo, 195necrosis, acetaminophen-induced, role of cyto-

    chrome P-450-mediat.ed covalent binding in

    vitro, 203necrosis , acetaminophen-induced, role of me-

    tabolism, 185

    necrosis , bromobenzene-induced , role of de-toxifying enzymes, 218

    rat. , biot ransforination of methylnit roimidazole

    moiety of azathioprine in, 588

    Lloyd, J. W., see Mawhinney, M. (�., 430

    Locke, S., Cohen, C;. and Dembiec, D. : Uptake and

    accumulat ion (-)f �il -6 , 7-dihydrox\’t et rahydro-isoquinoline by peripheral sympathetic nervesin vivo, 56

    Locomotor activity of mice treated with drugs

    which alter brain catecholaniine (-ontent, ef-

    fects of (i-amphetamine and morphine, 1

    Lucchesi, B. R.see Kniffen, F. J. , 260see Nobel-Allen, N., 475

    Lupanine, effect on nerve membrane potassiumconductance, 47

    Magat-, J., see Liii, C.-C., 415

    1’Iagnesium, influence on calcium-induced re-

    sponses of atrial and vascular muscle, 86

  • 674 INDEX Vol. 187

    Maleic acid, uranyl and, effects on mercurial di-

    uresis in dogs, 620Mallov, S. : Effect. of sympathomimetic drugs on

    protein synthesis in rat heart, 482


    absorption, metabolism and excretion of 14C

    griseofulvin in, 415

    inhibition of platelet aggregation by sudoxicam

    in, 653metabolism of clonixin in, 152

    metabolism of dapsone in, 138

    normal and narcotic-dependent , disposition of

    naloxone-7,8-3H in, 575vith chronic renal failure, metabolism of anti-

    pyrine in, 612Massarelli, IL, see Hanin, I., 68

    Matsumoto, K., see Lemberger, L., 169Mawhinney, I�I. G., I)ombrosky, J. T., Smith, C.

    (.1., Thomas, J. A. and Lloyd, J. W. : Hexose

    and amino acid assimilation by the epitheliumand muscle of the guinea-pig seminal vesicle,


    Mc(.Uot.ten, J., see Liii, C-C. , 415

    McMahon, fl. E., see Lemberger, L., 169McNeil!, J. and Verma, S. C. : Phenylephrine-in-

    duced increases in cardiac contractility, cyclic

    adenosine monophosphate and phosphorylasea, 296

    Meadows, 1k-I. (;. , Quah, 5.-K. and von Borstel,

    II. C. : Mut.agenic action of hycanthone andIA-4 on yeast, 444

    l�Ieezan, E. and Brendel, K. : Effects of ethacrynic

    acid on oxidative metabolism in isolated

    glomeruli, 352

    Meezan, E. , Brendel, K. , Ulreich, J. and Carlson,

    E. C. : Properties of a pure metabolically ac-tive glomerular preparation from rat kidneys.

    I. Isolation, 332Meezan, E., see Brendel, K., 342Mephentermine, effects in hypertensive dogs, 308

    Mercury, diuretic response in dogs, effects ofmaleic acid and uranyl, 620


    absorption, excretion and, of 14C-griseofulvin inman, 415

    in- vitro and in vivo, of � lOa dimethyl heptyltetrahydrocannabinol , 169

    of antipyrine in patients with chronic renal fail-

    tire, 612

    of clonixin in man, 152of dapsone in man and experiment-al animals,

    formation of N-hydroxy metabolites, 138

    of ‘4C-histamine in brain, 34of methylnitroimidazole moiety of azathiopri ne

    in rat, 588

    of naloxone-7,8-�H in normal and narcotic-dependent men, 575

    of pure metabolically active glomerular prepara-

    tion from rat kidneys, 352

    oxidative, in isolated glomeruli, effects of etha-crynic acid, 352

    role i n acetaminophen -induced hepat ic necrosis,

    185role in bromobenzene-induced liver necrosis, 218

    Methamphetamine, effects in hypertensive dogs,

    308Metaraminol, effects in hypertensive dogs, 308


    effects in hypertensive dogs, 308inhibition of nerve stimulation-evoked nor-

    epinephrine release in cat spleen, 529i\-Iet.hylamphetamine, optical isomers, self-ad-

    ministration by rats, 273-i\Iethylcholanthrene

    effect on acetaminophen-induced hepat ic necro-sis, 185

    effect. Ofl bromobenzene-induced liver necrosis,218

    3-O-Methylglticose, assimilation by epithelium

    and muscle of guinea-pig seminal vesicle, 430Methylhistamine, effect. on metabolism of hista-

    mine in brain, 34Methyl mercury (2o3Hg), uptake in tissues related

    to neurotoxic effects, 602

    Methylphenidate, effects in hypertensive dogs, 308

    Micebrain, metabolism of ‘4C-histamine in, 34

    effects of cadmium on spermatogenesis in,studied by velocity sedimentation cell separa-

    tion and serial mating, 641heart, uptake and accumulation of �H-6,7-di-

    hydroxytetrahydroisoquinoline by, 56

    hepatic microsomes, binding of acetaminophen

    mediated by cytochrome P-450 in, 203

    metabolism of M� lOa dimethyl heptyl tetrahy-drocannabinol in, 169

    protective role of glutathione in acetaminophen-induced hepatic necrosis in, 211

    role of covalent binding in vivo in acetamino-

    phen-induced hepatic necrosis in, 195role of drug metabolism in acetaminophen-in-

    duced hepatic necrosis in, 185rats and, morphine-dependent, elevation of

    brain dopamine during naloxone-precipitatedwithdrawal in, 558

    squirrel monkeys and, hypothermic action oftetrahydrocannabinols in, 568

    treated with drugs which alter brain cat.echola-

    mine content. , effects of d-amphetamine andmorphine on locomotor activity in, 1

    Micropunct.ure study of renal action of prost.a-

    glandin A2 in rats, 632Microsomes , hepat ic , binding of acetaminophen

    to, mediated by cyt.ochrome P-450, 203Millar, K., see Urthaler, F., 269Millard, R. W., see Vatner, S. F., 280Mitchell, J. II. , Jollow, I). J., Potter, W. Z., l)avis,

    11). C., Gillette, J. H. and Brodie, B. B.:

  • chlorpromazine,

    (/-amphet amine

    1973 INl)EX 675

    Acetaminophen-induced hepat ic necrosis. I.

    Role of drug metabolism, 185

    Mitchell, J. It, Jollow, 1). J., Potter, W. Z., Gil-lette, J. R. and Brodie, B. B. : Acetaminophen-

    induced hepatic necrosis. IV. Protective role

    of glutathione, 211Mitchell, J. R.

    see Jollow, D. J., 195

    see Potter, W. Z., 203see Zampaglione, N., 218

    Monkey(s)rhesus, cocaine-dependent.,

    imipramine, morphine and

    self-administration in, 8rhesus, increase in hepatic blood flow and d-

    propranolol clearance by glitcagon in, 581rhesus, metabolism of clonixin in, comparison

    with man, 152squirrel, mice and, hypothermic action of tetra-

    hydrocannabinols in, 568Monoamine oxidase

    intraneuronal , funet ional role , 539type B, in brain, $-phenylet.hylamine as specific

    substrate for, 365


    d-amphetamine and, effects upon locomotor ac-tivity of mice treated with drugs which alterbrain catecholamine content, 1

    chlorpromazine , imipramine , d-aniphet amine

    and, self-administration in cocaine-dependent

    rhesus monkeys, 8-dependent mice and rats, elevation of brain

    dopamine during naloxone-precipitated with-drawal in, 558

    Mudge, C. H., see Cooke, W. J., 158

    Muscleatrial and vascular, influence of magnesium on

    calcium-induced responses of, 86

    gracilis, dog, antagonism of vasoconstrictor re-

    sponses by exercise in, 78skeletal, dog, facilitation of reflex vasoconstric-

    tion by prostaglandin Fia hi, 495smooth , vascular, sulfhydryl requi rement for

    relaxation of, 324

    Mutagenic action of hycanthone and IA-4 on

    yeast, 444

    Myocardial effects of dopamine in dog, 280

    Nalorphine, reversal of phenoperidine effects onlamina V cells in cat dorsal horn, 239

    Naloxoneeffects on cyclazocine-stimulated behavior in

    rats, 380-precipit ated withdrawal in morphine-depend-

    ent mice and rats, elevation of brain dopamine

    during, 558Naloxone-7,8-H, disposition in normal and riar-

    cotic-dependent men, 575Narahashi, T., see Ohta, M., 47

    Narcotic-dependent men , disposit ion of naloxone-

    7,8-�H in, 575

    Needleman, P., Jakschik, B. and Johnson, E. M.,

    Jr. : Sulfhydryl requirement for relaxation of

    vascular smooth muscle, 324

    Neff, N. H., see Yang, Il.-Y. T., 365Nerve, sympathetic, peripheral, uptake and tic-

    cumulation of �H -6 , 7-dihydroxyt.etrahydroiso-

    quinoline by, 56

    Nerve stimulat ion -evoked norepinephrine release

    in cat spleen inhibited by sympathomimetic

    amines, 529

    Nervous system, rat, uptake of methyl mercury

    (203Hg) by, relation to neurotoxic effects, 602

    Neuromuscular junction, mammalian, effect ofhalothane OH drug-recept or dissociat ion eon -

    stants at, 40

    Neurotoxic effects, of methyl mercury (203Hg) re-

    lated to uptake in various tissues, 602

    Nialamide, used in studies on role of monoamine

    oxidase in rat., 539

    Nicotine-induced vasoconst riction in dog muscle,

    facilitation by prostaglandin Fe,,, 495

    Nies, A. S.

    see Branch, H. A., 133, 581see Splawinski, J. A. , 501

    Nigrovic, V., Koechel, 1). A. and Cafruny, E. J.:The effects of maleic acid and uranyl on mer-

    curial diuresis in dogs, 620

    Ning, J., see Katchen, B., 152

    Nitroglycerin (see also ( ;l�’cer)’l trinitrate)

    pentrinitrol, propranolol and, effect on small

    vessel blood COII ten t of can i tie myocardium,465

    Nobel-Allen, N. , Kirsch, M. and Lucchesi, B. H.:

    (Uucagon : Its enhancement of cardiac per-

    formance in the cat with chronic heart failure,475


    brain , levels during naloxone-precipit ated with-drawal in morphine-dependent mice and rats,558

    effect on protein synthesis in rat heart, 482

    -induced responses in dog gracilis muscle, an-tagonism by exercise, 78

    in rat brain, effects of cyclazocine, 380release evoked by nerve stimulation in cat

    spleen , inhibi t ion l�’ sympat homimet ic

    amines, 529responses of dog paw to, effects of indomethacin

    and eicosa-5,8,ll,14-tetraynoic acid (prosta-glandin synthesis inhibitors) , 315

    synthesis and levels in rats, role of monoamine

    oxidase in, 539

    NUSS, (... W., see Van Arman, C. G., 400

    Oates, J. A., see Splawinski, J. A., 501

    Ohta, M. amid Narahashi, T. : Sparteine interaction

  • 676 INI)EX Vol. 187

    Wi th nerve membrane potassium conductance,

    47Orci, L., see Ammon, H. P. T., 423

    Osterberg, R. E. and Raines, A. : Changes in spinalcord neural mechanisms associated with

    digitalis administration, 246


    absorption from rat respiratory tract, 105

    effects on spinal cord neural mechanisms, 246-induced increase in potassiumn concentration in

    dog saliva, 518inotropic effect, antagonism by aldosterone, 112

    N-Oxidation metabolites, of dapsone in man and

    experimental animals, 138Oxyphenbutazone, clearance in dog, reduction by

    (/l-propranolol, 133

    Pancreatic islets, rat, effects of chlorpromnazine


    Pancuroniuni , dissociation (oust ant at niani-malian neuron�uscular j ittict ion , effect ofhalothane, 40

    Pardo, E. (., see Vidrio, II., 308

    Pentaerythritol trinitrate (see Pentrinitrol)Pent,rinit.rol

    glyceryl trinitrate and, comparative eardiovas-cular effects in dog, cat and rat by different

    routes of administ rati on , 30()nitroglyceri Ii , propranolol and , effect. on small

    vessel blood content of canine myocardium,465

    Phenmetrazine, effects in hypertensive (logs, 308Phenobarbital

    effect on acetaminol)hen-induced hepatic ne-crosis, 185, 195

    effect on bromobenzene-induced liver necrosis,218

    taurocholate afl(l, effects on biliary excretion ofiopanoate and iophenoxate in rat, 158

    Phenoperidine, effects on lamina V cells in catdorsal horn, 239

    Phentermine, effects in hypertensive dogs, 308

    Phentolamine, inhibition of nerve stimulation-

    evoked norepinephrine release in cat spleen,529

    Phenylbutazone, effect on distribution, elimina-

    tion and anticoagulant action of dictimarol inrats, 176

    $-Phenylethylamine, as specific substrate for typeB monoamine oxidase of brain, 365


    effect in hypertensive dogs, 308

    effect on protein synthesis in rat heart, 482-induced increases imi cardiac contractility, cy-

    die adenosine monophosphate and phospho-

    rylase a, 296inhibition of nerve stimulation-evoked nor-

    epinephrine release in cat spleen, 529

    Phosphorylase a, in guinea-pig heart, increased by

    phenylephrine, 296Pickens, B., see Yokel, II. A., 27

    Piperonyl but-oxide, effect on acetaminophen -i n -duced hepatic necrosis, 185, 195

    Plasma decay of iopanoate amid iophenoxate in rat,effects of phenobarbital and taurocholate, 158

    Platelet aggregat i on , experimental thrombosisand, inhibition by sudoxicam, 653

    Poirier, L. J. , see Langelier, P., 15

    Potassiumconcentration in dog saliva, increased by oua-

    ham, 518conductance, in nerve membrane, effect of

    sparteine, 47Potter, W. Z., 1)avis, D. C., Mitchell, J. II., Jol-

    low, D. J., (lillette, J. H. and Brodie, B. B.:Acetaminophen-induced hepatic necrosis. III.

    Cytochrome P-450-mediated covalent binding

    in vitro, 203Potter, W. Z.

    see Jollow, 1). J., 195see Mitchell, J. II., 185, 211

    Powell, J. H. and Brody, M. J. : Peripheral facilita-

    tion of reflex vas(.)constriction � prostaglan-

    din F2�,, 495

    Practolol, beta adrenergic blocker, effect on in-

    tramvocardial dist ribut ion (.)f coronary blood

    flow, 451Prat, J. C. , see Kirpekar, S. M. , 529Priola, 1). V., Spurgeon, H. A., Blauw, A. S., II,

    Cannon, W. B. , III and l)ong, E. , Jr. : Mecha-nism of the inotropic action of bretyliumtosvlate on the heart, 121

    Priola, 1). V., see Alter, W. A., III, 99Procainamide, effects on ouabain-induced increase

    in dog saliva potassium concentration, 518

    Propylhexedrine , effects in hypertensive dogs,


    be/a adrenergic blocker, effect on intramyocar-dial distribution of coronary blood flow, 451

    effects (iii ouabain-induced increase in dogsaliva potassium concentration, 518

    pentrinitrol, nitroglycerin and, effect on small

    vessel blood content of canine myocardium,465

    quaternary derivative (UM-272), antiarrhyth-

    mic and electrophysiologic properties incanine heart-, 260

    d-Propranolol, clearance, hepatic blood flow and,

    in monkey, increased by glucagon, 581dl-Propranolol , reduction of oxyphenbutazone

    clearance in dog by, 133


    A2, renal action in rats, micropuneture study, 632E2 and F�, arachidonic acid and, effects on

    longitudinal stomach strip of rat, 501

  • 1973 INl)EX 677

    F2a, facilitation of reflex vasoconstriction by,


    synthesis inhibitors (indomethacin and eicosa-

    5,8,11,14-tetraynoic acid), effect on adrener-

    gic responses in dog cutaneous vasculature,315

    Protein synthesis in rat heart, effect of sympat.h-ornimetic drugs, 482

    Pseudoephedrine, effects in hypertensive dogs, 308Purcell, I. 1�I., see Constantine, J. W., 653

    Quah, 5.-K., see Meadows, M. (L, 444Q uinidine, effects on ouabain-induced increase in

    dog saliva potassium concentration, 518

    Rabbit(s)aortic strips, vascular reaction to vasodilators

    in, 324

    atria, aldosterone antagonism of positiveinotropic effect of cardiotonic steroids in, 112

    influence of magnesium on calcium-induced re-

    sponses of atrial and vascular muscle of, 86

    inhibition of platelet aggregation by sudoxicam

    in, 653

    metabolism of �6a,iOa dimethyl heptyl tetra-

    hydrocannabinol in, 169

    specificity of alpha adrenergic receptor labelingby ‘4C-l)ibenamine in , 524

    Raines, A., see Osterberg, R. E., 246


    brain, type B monoamine oxidase in, �3-phenyl-

    ethylamine as specific stLbstrate for, 365

    dog, cat and, comparative cardiovascular effects

    of glyceryl trinitrate amid pentrinitrol by dif-ferent routes of administration in, 300

    effect of chlorpromazine on insulin release in

    vivo and in vitro in, 423effect of naloxone on cyclazocine-stimulated be-

    havior in, 380

    effect of phenobarbital and taurocholate on bili-ary excretion of iopanoate and iophenoxat-e

    in, 158

    effect of hycant.hone on spermatogonial cells,deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in bone mar-row and dominant lethality in, 437

    effect of phenylbut.azone on distribution, elimi-nation and anticoagulant action of dicumarol

    in, 176functional role of intraneuronal monoamine

    oxidase in, 539heart, protein synthesis, effect of sympatho-

    mimetic drugs, 482hepatic microsomes , binding of acet aminophen

    mediated by cytochrome P-450 in, 203influence of magnesium on calcium-induced

    responses of atrial amid vascular muscle of, 86interactions of aspirin, indomethacin amid other

    drugs in adjuvant-induced arthritis in, 400

    kidneys, isolation of pure metabolically active

    glomerular preparation from, 332kidneys, metabolism of pure metabolically ac-

    tive glomerular preparation from, 342kidneys, pure isolated glomerular preparation,

    effects of ethacrynic acid on oxidative met aim-

    lism in, 352

    longitudinal stomach strip, effects of arachi-

    donic acid amid prostaglandins E2 and F2,, on,

    501metabolic fate of methylnitroimidazole moiety

    of azathioprine in, 588metabolism of dapsone in, 138

    metabolism of �“ ‘#{176}‘ dimet.hyl heptyl tetra-

    hydrocannabinol in, 169

    mice and , morphine-dependent , elevat ion ofbrain dopamine during naloxone-precipitated

    withdrawal in, 558

    renal action of prostaglandin A2 in, micropune-ture study, 632

    respiratory tract., absorption of cardiac glyco-

    sides from, 105

    role of detoxifying emizymes in bromohenzene-induced liver necrosis in, 218

    role of drug metabolism in acetaminophen-in-duced hepatic necrosis in, 185

    salivary glands, effect of deafferentation andduct ligation on acetyleholine turnover ratein, measured by steady-state kinetics, 69

    self-administration of optical isomers of am-phetamine amid methylamphetamine by, 27

    tolerant and nontolerant, effects of d- and 1-

    amphet amine on fixed-interval and fixed -ratiobehavior in, 372

    uptake amid accumulation of �H-6 , 7-dihydroxy-tetrahydroisoquinolimie in, 56

    uptake of methyl mercury (203Hg) imi tissues re-

    lated to neurotoxic effects in, 602uterus, mechanism of action of histamine on, 511

    Reilly, M. A., see Schayer, II. W., 34Renal effects, of prostaglandimm A2 in rats, micro-

    puncture study, 632Bemial failure, chronic, in man, metabolism of

    antipyrine, 612Reserpine pret reat ment , effect on 5-hydr xyt ryp-

    tophan facilit at ory act iomts on spinal reflexes,229

    Respiratory tract, rat., absorption of cardiac

    glycosides from, 105Risley, E. A., see Vami Armami, C. (.�., 400Boberge, A. (1., see Langelier, P., 15

    Boffwarg, H., see Fishman, J., 575Rowe, H. , see Lemberger, L., 169Ryan, M. J., see Zimmerman, B. Ce., 315

    Saliva, dog, ouabain-imiduced increase imi potas-siumu comicentratiomi of, 518

    Salivary glamid (see Glamid, salivary)

  • 678 INI)EX TToi. 187

    Sampath, S. S. , see Clarke, I). E. , 539

    Sauro, F. M. , see Greemi, S. , 437Schanker, L. S., -see Lanmami, H. C., 105Schayer, II. W. amid Reilly, M. A. : Metabolismn of

    ‘IC-histamine in braimi, 34

    Schuster, 1). P., see Kniffen, F. J. . 260Self-administratiomi behavior

    in cocaine-depemident rhesus monkeys, 8

    of optical isomers of amphetamine and methyl-amphetamnimte by rats, 27

    Semimial vesicle, epithelium and muscle, guineapig, hexose and amino acid assimilation by,430

    Serial mat ing, velocity sedimentation cell separa-tion and, used to study effects of cadmium on

    spermat.ogenesis, 641

    Serot oni n (see also 5-Hydroxyt rypt amimie)as specific substrate for type A monoamimie oxi-

    dase of brain, 365brain, levels dun ng naloxone-precipi t ated with-

    drawal in morphine-dependemit mice amid rats,558

    in rat brain, effects of cyclazocine, 380

    Shamid, I). (.L, see Bramich, H. A., 133, 581Sheys, E. M., see Green, H. 1)., 524

    Siegel, I. A. : Increases in potassium concemitratiomiof dog submaxillary saliva during intravenousinfusions of ouabaimi, 518

    Sinus nodeatrioventricular j unction amid, dog, depemidence

    for automaticity on adremiergic neural tomie,


    Skeletal muscle (see Muscle, skeletal)SKF 525A, effect on bromobenzene-induced liver

    necrosis, 218Smith, C. B. , see Villarreal, J. E., 1

    Smith, C. G., see Mawhinney, M. G., 430

    Smith, C. M., see Greizerstein, H. B., 391Smooth muscle (see Muscle, smooth)Sodium conductance, in nerve membrane, effect of

    sparteine, 47

    Somjen, G. G., Herman, S. P., Klein, B., Bru-baker, P. E., Brimier, W. 11., Goodrich, J. K.,

    Krigman, M. H. amid Haseman, J. K. : The up-

    take of methyl mercury (203Hg) in differenttissues related to its neurotoxic effects, 602

    Sparber, S. B. , see Tilson, II. A., 372

    Sparteine, effect. on nerve membramie potassiumconductance, 47

    Spermatogenesis, effects of cadmium omi, studied

    by velocity sedimemitatiomi cell separatiomi amidserial mating, 641

    Spinal cordcat, dorsal horn lamimia V cells, effect of pheno-

    peridine, 239neural mechanisms, chamiges associated with

    digitalis, 246Spine, reflexes, facilitatory actions of 5-by-

    droxytryptophan omi, blockade by p-chloro-

    phenylalanine, 229Splawinski, J. A. , Nies, A. S. , Sweetman, B. and

    Oates, J. A. : The effects of arachidonic acid,

    prostaglandin L2 and prostaglandin F2a on

    the longitudinal stomach strip of the rat, 501Spleemi , cat , inhibition by sympathomimetic

    amines of nerve st imulat iou-evoked miorepi-

    nephrine release in, 529

    Spurgeomi, H. A.see Alter, W. A., III, 99see Priola, I). V. , 121

    Squid, giant axons, effect of sparteine on nerve

    membrane potassium conductance imi, 47

    steady-state kinetics, use to measure effect. of

    deafferemitation and duct ligation on acet.yl-choline turnover rate in rat salivary glamids, 68

    Steinke, J. , see Ammomi, H. P. T. , 423

    Stomachstrips, rabbit, specificity of alpha adrenergic re-

    ceptor labelimig by ‘4C-1)ibenamine in, 524strips, rat, effects of arachidonic acid amid pros-

    taglandins E2 and Fia (iti, 501Stripp, B., see Zampagliomie, N. , 218Strophanthidin , inotropic effect , ant agomiism by

    aldosterone, 112

    Strophanthin, imiotropic effect, antagonism by

    aldosterone, 112Sudoxicam, inhibition of platelet aggregation and

    experimnental thrombosis by, 653Sulfhydryl requirement. for relaxation of vascular

    smooth muscle, 324

    Sweetman, B., see Splawimiski, J. A., 501

    Symchowitz, S., see Liii, C-C., 415

    Sympathetic nerve (see Nerve, sympathetic)

    Synipathomimetic amines

    antihypertensive effects, 3(i8

    effect. on protein symithesis in rat heart, 482

    inhibition of norepimiephrimie release evoked by

    mierve stimulation imi cat spleen, 529

    Taber, C. A. amid Amiderson, E. (�. : Paradoxical

    blockade by p-chlorophenylalanimie of 5-

    liydroxyt rypt ophan facili t atory actions on

    spinal reflexes, 229Taurocholate, phenoharbital amid, effects on bili-

    ary excretion of iopanoate amid iophenoxate in

    rat, 158Tet raliydrocannabinols , hypot hermic act iomi in

    mice and squirrel monkeys, 568Tetrahydrozoline, effects in hypertensive dogs, 308Thomas, J. A. , see Mawhinney, M. G., 430Thrombosis , experiment al , platelet aggregat ion

    and, imihibition by sudoxicam, 653Tilsomi, H. A. and Sparber, S. B. : The effects of d-

    amid l-amphetamimie on fixed-interval amidfixed-ratio behavior in tolerant and nomi-tolerant rats, 372

  • 1973 INI)EX 679

    Tolerance to ethanol imi goldfish, 391Tozzi, S. : The mechanism of actiomi of histamine

    on the isolated rat uterus, 511

    Trabucchi, M., see Hanin, I., 68

    Tricyclic antidepressants, effects on attack

    elicited by hypothalamic stimulation relatedto brain biogenic amines, 550

    Tubocurarine, dissociation constant at mam-

    malian neuromuscular j unct ion , effect ofhalothamme, 40

    Turlapaty, P. 1). M. \‘. amid Carrier, 0. , Jr. : Itt-

    fluence of magmiesi uni omi calcium-induced

    respomises of atrial and vascular muscle, 86

    Tyramimie, effects on rat uterus, comparisomi with

    histamine, 511

    Ulreich, J., see Meezami, E., 332UM-272 (dimethyl quaternary propranolol), anti-

    arrhyt hmic amid elect rophysiologic propertiesin camiine heart, 260

    Uramiyl, maleic acid amid, effects on mercurial

    diuresis imi dogs, 620

    Urthaler, F., Millar, K., Burgess, M. J., Abilds-kov, J. A. amid James, T. N. : Comparative de-

    pendence on adrenergic neural tone by auto-mnaticitv in the sinus miode and in the atrio-

    ventricular junctiomi, 269

    Uterus, rat, mechanism of actiomi of histamine omi,511

    Vami Arman, C. (l., Nuss, (. W. ami(l Hisley, E. A.:Interactiomis of aspirin , i ndoniethacin andother drugs imi adjuvamit-imiduced arthritis imi

    the rat, 400Vasoconstrictor responses

    amitagonism by exercise in gracilis muscle of dog,

    78reflex, facilitatiomi by prostaglamidimi F.�, 495

    Vasodilators, possible reaction with sulfhydryl

    groups in vascular smnooth muscle, 324

    \rasopressin �i nduced respomises i mi dog gracilis

    muscle, amitagonisni by exercise, 78Vatmier, S. F., Millard, H. W. and Higgins, C. B.:

    Coronary amid myocardial effects of dopamimie

    imi the conscious dog: Parasympatholyticaugniemi t at ion of pressor avid imiot ropic actions,280

    Vaught, J., see Israili, Z. II., 138

    Velocit y sedinient at ion cell separat ion , serial

    matimig and, used to study effects of cadmium

    on spermatogenesis, 641

    Verma, S. C. , see MeNeill, J. , 296Vidrio, H. and Pardo, E. (. : Antihypertemisive

    effects of sympathomimetic amines, 308Villarreal, J. E., Guzman, I%L. and Smith, C. B.:

    A comparison of the effects of d-amphetamine

    amid morphine upon the locomotor activity ofmuice treated with drugs which alter brain

    catecliolanune comitemit , 1Vincenzi, F. F., see Appel, W. C., 112von Borstel, H. C., see Meadows, M. (.!., 444

    Wakade, A. IL, see Kirpekar, S. M., 529

    Wang, C. T., -see Hamiimi, I., 68Wand, B. l. , Cheng, �I. C. and Wand, D. B.:

    Comparison of drug-receptor dissociationconstants at the mammalian neuromuscularjunctiomi in the presence and absemice of halo-thane, 40

    Wand, 1). IL, see Wand, B. H., 40

    Way, E. L., see Iwamoto, E. T., 558

    Weiss, (;. K., see Alter, W. A., III, 99Winhury, M. M.

    see Commarato, M. A., 300

    see Gross, (.l. J., 451see Howe, B. B., 465

    Wingard, 14. B., Jr., see J#{228}hnchen, E., 176

    Wyon-Maillard, M. C., -see Bessomi, J. M., 239

    Yamig, H.-Y. T. and Neff, N. H. : $-Phemiylet.hyl-amine: A specific substrate for type B mono-amine oxidase of braimi, 365

    Yeast, mutagenic act-ion of hycamithomie amid IA-4

    on, 444\okel, H. A. and Pickemis, B. : Self-administration

    of optical isomers of amphetamimie amid

    met hylamphetamimie by rats, 27

    Zampagliomie, N., Jollow, 1). J., Mitchell, J. B.,Mtripp, B., Hamrick, M. and Gillette, J. B.:

    Hole of detoxifying enzymes in bromobenzene-

    imiduced liver necrosis, 218Zimniermami, B. (i., Ryan, M. J., Gomer, S. and

    Kraft, E. : Effect of the prostaglandin synthe-

    sis imihihitors imidoniethacin amid eicosa-5, 8,1 1 , 14-tet rayiioie iteid on adreiiergic responsesin dog eutamieous vasculature, 315

    Zinc , imiteract 0)1) with (adtniumii in spermnatogenic


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