Honor Score Honor is an ability score that represents the character’s adherence to a societal idea of how a person is to act and react, and what kind of priorities they have in their lives. For characters that are knights, nobles, and even peasants striving to be good members of society, Honor is a very important score. However, it can fluctuate much more than other ability scores, depending on a character’s actions. It is not generated like any other score, but rather it is based on your class, background, and alignment. Your class provides the base for your honor score, and background and alignment can adjust it. Honor has the same range as any other Ability Score, from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 20. Honor can be raised above 20, but only through extraordinary circumstances or means, and represents a superhuman level of Honor, almost unthinkably unattainable in most mortals. It should be noted that and Honor score of 10-11 puts the character in the range of Neither Honorable Nor Dishonorable. Anything below 10 is the range of Dishonorable, and above 11 is considered Honorable. Starting Honor by Class Barbarian, Bard, Rogue, and Warlock – 9 Fighter, Druid, and Sorcerer – 10 Cleric, Ranger, and Wizard – 11 Monk and Paladin – 12 Starting Honor is not adjusted for race as other Ability Scores are, but is instead based on Background and Alignment. Certain Backgrounds and Alignments are considered naturally more Honorable because they are already leading the character down a path of behavior that is considered Honorable by default. The adjustments for Background and Alignment are as follows: Background Adjustment to Honor Criminal, Outlaw: -3 Charlatan, Outlander, Pirate: -2 Heretic, Sole Survivor, Urchin: -1 Entertainer, Fate-called, Hermit, Mercenary, Sage, Sailor: +/-0 Acolyte, Folk Hero, Guild Artisan, Inquisitor: +1 Maester, Solider: +2 Knight, Noble: +3 Alignment Adjustment to Honor Lawful Good: +3 Lawful Neutral: +2 Lawful Evil, Neutral Good: +1 True Neutral, Unaligned: +0 Neutral Evil, Chaotic Good: -1 Chaotic Neutral: -2 Chaotic Evil: -3 Yes, a Neutral Good character is, on average, considered just as Honorable as a Lawful Evil character. Honor is more about adherence to a codified set of rules and mores than about adherence to a system of morality. That said, Honor can often be brought into question, and the actions of a character can messily affect their Honor score. A character who flaunts loopholes in the laws, who regularly does not engage in activities seen befitting his or her situation and station, and willful disregard for the social ladder and those above the character in position on said ladder can slowly erode Honor, or if handled very improperly by the character, blow it up. Honor cannot be raised as other Ability Scores, and only fluctuates when actual circumstances in game play warrant it. Honor checks come into play in situations where Honor, and the knowledge of the Code of Honor, is necessary. Some of these situations can be: Being unsure how to act with Honor Surrendering to a foe while saving face (Honor) Trying to determine another person’s Honor score Trying to use the proper etiquette in a delicate social situation, such as a knighting, or dispute Using his or her Honorable, or Dishonorable, reputation to influence someone else In these cases, you can opt to even use Honor in place of another Ability Score for Skill Checks. For instance, in the case of a character who is Proficient with Charisma (Initimidation), you may allow, or even require the character to use their Honor score along with their Proficiency bonus to use their higher standing to influence another. It should be noted that, depending on the circumstances, a Dishonorable character may actually be able to use their negative Ability Score Modifier as a positive in some situations.

New Rules for Fifth Edition

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A set of homebrewed rules specifically designed to add more options to Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons.

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  • Honor Score Honor is an ability score that represents the characters adherence to a societal idea of how a person is to act and react, and what kind of priorities they have in their lives. For characters that are knights, nobles, and even peasants striving to be good members of society, Honor is a very important score. However, it can fluctuate much more than other ability scores, depending on a characters actions. It is not generated like any other score, but rather it is based on your class, background, and alignment. Your class provides the base for your honor score, and background and alignment can adjust it. Honor has the same range as any other Ability Score, from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 20. Honor can be raised above 20, but only through extraordinary circumstances or means, and represents a superhuman level of Honor, almost unthinkably unattainable in most mortals. It should be noted that and Honor score of 10-11 puts the character in the range of Neither Honorable Nor Dishonorable. Anything below 10 is the range of Dishonorable, and above 11 is considered Honorable. Starting Honor by Class Barbarian, Bard, Rogue, and Warlock 9 Fighter, Druid, and Sorcerer 10 Cleric, Ranger, and Wizard 11 Monk and Paladin 12 Starting Honor is not adjusted for race as other Ability Scores are, but is instead based on Background and Alignment. Certain Backgrounds and Alignments are considered naturally more Honorable because they are already leading the character down a path of behavior that is considered Honorable by default. The adjustments for Background and Alignment are as follows: Background Adjustment to Honor Criminal, Outlaw: -3 Charlatan, Outlander, Pirate: -2 Heretic, Sole Survivor, Urchin: -1 Entertainer, Fate-called, Hermit, Mercenary, Sage, Sailor: +/-0 Acolyte, Folk Hero, Guild Artisan, Inquisitor: +1 Maester, Solider: +2 Knight, Noble: +3

    Alignment Adjustment to Honor Lawful Good: +3 Lawful Neutral: +2 Lawful Evil, Neutral Good: +1 True Neutral, Unaligned: +0 Neutral Evil, Chaotic Good: -1 Chaotic Neutral: -2 Chaotic Evil: -3 Yes, a Neutral Good character is, on average, considered just as Honorable as a Lawful Evil character. Honor is more about adherence to a codified set of rules and mores than about adherence to a system of morality. That said, Honor can often be brought into question, and the actions of a character can messily affect their Honor score. A character who flaunts loopholes in the laws, who regularly does not engage in activities seen befitting his or her situation and station, and willful disregard for the social ladder and those above the character in position on said ladder can slowly erode Honor, or if handled very improperly by the character, blow it up. Honor cannot be raised as other Ability Scores, and only fluctuates when actual circumstances in game play warrant it. Honor checks come into play in situations where Honor, and the knowledge of the Code of Honor, is necessary. Some of these situations can be:

    Being unsure how to act with Honor Surrendering to a foe while saving face

    (Honor) Trying to determine another persons Honor

    score Trying to use the proper etiquette in a

    delicate social situation, such as a knighting, or dispute

    Using his or her Honorable, or Dishonorable, reputation to influence someone else

    In these cases, you can opt to even use Honor in

    place of another Ability Score for Skill Checks. For instance, in the case of a character who is Proficient with Charisma (Initimidation), you may allow, or even require the character to use their Honor score along with their Proficiency bonus to use their higher standing to influence another. It should be noted that, depending on the circumstances, a Dishonorable character may actually be able to use their negative Ability Score Modifier as a positive in some situations.

  • Honor can be used as a Saving Throw as well.

    In a situation where an Honorable character may accidentally do something Dishonorable, you can allow them an Honor Saving Throw in an effort to warn them of their impending faux pas. Situations such as:

    Avoiding an accidental breach of etiquette or

    Honor Resisting the urge to respond to goading or

    indults from an enemy that would cause the character to act Dishonorably

    Recognizing when an enemy attempts to trick a character into a breach of Honor

    Defending ones actions when called to answer for behavior that could be considered as Dishonorable

    Honor saving throws can also be used, in certain circumstances, in place of other Ability Score Saves. For instance, in the case of a mind-influencing effect that would cause the character to act Dishonorably against their conscious will, you may allow them to forego the usual Wisdom save, and instead use their Honor as the base, still gaining the Proficiency bonus if it would apply as a Wisdom save. As a DM, and as a Player, you should sit down and discuss what the Code of Honor is in your game setting. For instance, if you are playing in Kara-Tur, there is a distinctly Oriental flavor to the Code of Honor, compared to Dragonlance with the Knights of Solamnia, or even an Arthurian campaign setting, where the Code of Chivalry comes into play. Characters such as Paladins, Fighters of a noble bent, and even Wizards may hold themselves to certain standards of behavior. And even then, certain types of those characters, like a Paladin who has taken the Oath of Vengeance might balk at the loftier heights of Honor, preferring to stay to the medium levels, lest it interfere with their work. There is another option to be taken, and that is that only some characters, those that want to, have an Honor score. Characters in a setting who turn down an Honor score are then seen as outside of the ladder of Honor, and actually viewed as worse than even a Dishonorable character. That is not to say they are completely sectioned off as social pariahs, but rather that they do not fit in with certain situations. In this case, be careful that your plots do not completely ignore non-Honorable characters.


  • When a human and a dwarf are paired, on rare occasions a child will come of the union. And of those rare occasions, even rarer is the chance that such a child comes to full term. Dwarven women are not suited to bear a child of such length, and human women are not built to carry a child so hefty in their wombs. Despite it all, there can be brought into the world a dweorg child, a half-dwarf. Sometimes this is cause for joy, but many dweorgs are bred intentionally by slavemasters and depraved villains, seeking for the perfect workforce and slave warriors. Dweorgs are viewed by most dwarves as an oddity, but still give them a rather remarkable amount of respect for their dwarven ancestry. Humans, on the other hand, have a varied reaction to dweorgs, sometimes viewing them as little more than a freakshow curiosity. Nevertheless, most dweorgs show amazing endurance and perseverance in the face of such treatment. Stockier and sturdier than humans, but more graceful and agile than most of the dwarven kind, dweorgs are a race full of surprises. They are gifted with the muscle and durability of their dwarven ancestry, but a greater dose of personality than them. They are capable folk, but often given to great mood swings, and deep melancholies. Dweorgs tend to be more hirsute than humans, but with the range of hair and eye color of humankind, showing greater variety than their dwarven kin. They have stocky builds, with barrel chest and thick slabs of muscle portraying the power in their form. Dweorgs often take on attitudes and personalities that conform to their surroundings, whether it is dwarven, human, or otherwise. DWEORG TRAITS Your dweorg character has the following traits. Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution increases by 2, and your Wisdom and Strength each increase by 1. Age. Dweorgs mature about as fast as humans do, but reaching the age of adulthood around 20 years old. Their lifespan is a touch longer than most humans, with 175 years being the longest most ever live. Alignment. Dweorgs naturally gravitate to the lawful good tendencies of their dwarven half, but are given to more seemingly rash and spurious decisions as their human blood quickens to a fire that many dwarves only know rarely in their lives.

    Size. Dweorgs are medium-sized creatures, but come in between dwarves and humans in height. They usually more greatly favor their dwarven ancestry for weight, and are much stockier than humans. That said, most dwarven grandmothers still tell beloved dweorg children that they need to eat more.. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Your human ancestry gives you a greater pace than your dwarven kin. Darkvision. Thanks to your dwarven ancestry, you have Darkvision out to 60. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Skill Born of Necessity. Dweorgs, whether raised in human lands, or in the holds of dwarves, are taught that they must work for what they want in life. You receive proficiency in any one tool kit. Dweorg Tenacity. Those dweorgs that survive gestation and birth, as well as childhood, are amazingly full of life and vigor. They are loathe to let go of this lust for life. You may add your Constitution bonus to your Death saving throws. Blood of Dwarves. You are just as good at resisting the toxins of the world as their dwarven kin, as the power of their ancestry filters out the worst bits. You have advantage on saving throws versus poison, and you have resistance to poison. Height: 44 + (2d8 inches) Weight: 140 lbs. + (x2d6 lbs.)

  • HOBGOBLINS AND GOBLINS In ages past, a race of demons dominated a part of the landscape, and enslaved the humans that lived there. They were called the Shayatin, and their only purpose was to pervert forms of life for their own use and amusement. It is thanks to them that races like the Minotaurs, Orcs, Gnolls, and even the noble Ibixi came into being. But it was two races in particular that were made that they considered their crowning achievement: Hobgoblins and Goblins. For a long time they were kept as slaves, Hobgoblins serving as slave soldiers and goblins as slave spies, and both fighting and dying in the Shayatins arenas for the enjoyment of their masters. But in time, the Shayatin captured other humans, humans willing to fight to the death for freedom instead of being slaves. And in these humans the Hobgoblins and Goblins found willing allies. They overthrew the Shayatin, and hunted them to near extinction. On the ashes of the Shayatin empire they built their own lands, and founded their own kingdom. Hobgobins and Goblins have a culture built on vicious meritocracy. Your conquests and victories determine your social standing, and political maneuvering is almost completely unheard of. Dominance in society is not based on your gender or your birth, but on what you have done with your life. The concept of inheritance as a way to power is not accepted. Even the sons of great generals are accorded no leeway, and are often judged harsher. There is no concept of a gift in Hobgoblin and Goblin society; there is only reward or punishment. HOBGOBLIN Hobgoblins were created when the Shayatin combined traits of predatory animals like wolves, hunting cats, wolverines, and the like with humanity. Through painful and maddening processes, the humans were altered into new forms. They had increased physical capability, and a propensity for cunning that would eventually lead to the downfall of the Shayatin. These are not the brutish thugs of the orcs or gnolls, but calculation hunters and killers that are no strangers to strategy and tactics. Hobgoblins appear as well-built humanoids of about human stature, but with a soft, downy fur that sparsely covers their whole body, ranging in color from a deep burnt orange to shades of red and brown. Occasionally, a Hobgoblin will be born with dull yellow or even white fur. Their eyes have a wide variety of colors, but are always a deep and vibrant hue, like an amethyst purple, or a stormy grey color.

    Their noses appear almost like snouts, and some males occasionally have a blue or red nose, a sign of great virility amongst their race. Their teeth are sharp like any predators, though Hobgoblins are still omnivores. They have thick nails on their toes and fingers, reminiscent of claws. They tend to prefer armors in a very Oriental style, and their armor and weapons are always extremely well-kept. Hobgoblin society is a rigidly disciplined one, with great honor and respect given to anyone upon first meeting them. Everyone you meet could be the next person to kill you is an adage among the Hobgoblins. Friendship is not an uncommon quality, and loyalty to ones friends is considered one of the paramount virtues of their society. Again, the idea of political maneuvering to them is foreign. HOBGOBLIN TRAITS Your hobgoblin character has the following traits. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence scores all increase by 1. Hobgoblins are physical creatures of power, grace, and cunning. Age. Hobgoblins mature about as fast as humans do, reaching the age of adulthood around 14 years old. Their lifespan is a touch shorter than most humans, with 75 years being the longest most ever live. Alignment. Hobgoblin society greatly encourages a Lawful outlook, but this does not mean that all hobgoblins are as rigid and disciplined in nature. As for morality, oftentimes a balance between Good and Evil is seen as necessary for advancement in life. Size. Hobgoblins stand at the same height and approximately the same weight as humans, but are not built quite the same. Thicker chests and more primal limbs, with the muscles of predators playing below the skin are most common. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Darkvision. The animals that comprised the alterations made to Hobgoblins have graced you with Darkvision out to 60. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Discipline. The mastery of oneself is paramount to all hobgoblins. Their philosophies on life extensively measure the control that a hobgoblin has over him- or herself as a way of gauging the mastery the hobgoblin has over life. All hobgoblins receive advantage on any saving throws versus mind-affecting spells and powers such as charming and

  • dominating, and advantage on saving throws versus psychic damage. Fierce Regeneration. Hobgoblins are tenacious foes. A nights sleep does them so much more good than many other races, one of the reasons dwarves respect them so much as foes. When taking a Long rest, hobgoblins regenerate one additional Hit Die at the end of the rest. They still cannot go above the maximum Hit Dice they can have. Martial Upbringing. All of hobgoblin society is based around being able to defend your home, your village, your barony, your kingdom at a moments notice. Because of this, you have been trained to use the most basic of martial implements. All hobgoblin characters have proficiency in short swords, spears, and light armor. Vicious Tenacity. Hobgoblins are known to survive mortal wounds just to strike back at their foes in vengeance. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you may immediately spend a Hit Die. Roll the Hit Die and immediately gain back that amount of hit points plus your Constitution modifier. You must take a Long rest before using this ability again. GOBLIN Humans and halflings have existed side by side for the longest time, so when the Shayatin captured those lost humans, they also captured the halflings that lived alongside them. The Shayatin knew that the halflings would be useless to them as warriors or savages, and so they began to mold the halflings into greater spies and assassins, to be sent out at the whim of their Shayatin masters. The halflings were put through terrible torments, their forms twisted and mixed with that of stealthy and tricky animals like weasels, rats, the smaller cats of the natural world. Their forms twisted to what they are today, and they were very good at what they did. What the Shayatin did not realize was that halflings, even more than humans, cannot stand to be enslaved, and it bred in the new goblins a devious side. When the other humans were captured, and plans were laid to overthrow their demonic masters, the goblins were all too happy to help. They spied on the Shayatin, and most of the intelligence gathered that helped in the overthrow came from goblins. Like hobgoblin society, goblins society is based on conquest and victory, but is a less martial culture. Goblins instead pride themselves on learning what is meant to be kept secret, and secrets are a form of currency to them. They still do not have a concept of political maneuvering; goblin masters of thieves

    guilds need not worry about their second in command trying to push them out of their position. The second in command will just work to gain enough recognition to be elevated to that position by their peers. A goblin would never use the knowledge of a secret to blackmail another goblin. Loyalty, like amongst hobgoblins, is a great quality to goblins. Goblins are small in stature like their Halfling progenitors. They are covered in a downy, sparse fur like their hobgoblin cousins, but the color ranges from a deep blue-black to shades of deep purple and an almost blackened green. Goblins eyes tend towards a yellowish green, with a range going from golden to bright emerald. They too have thick nails on their hands and feet, and their teeth tend to be needle-sharp, though goblins are also omnivores. Like hobgoblins, goblins take great care of their armor, weapons, and gear, knowing that at some point, their dagger or their thieves tools may save their life. GOBLIN TRAITS Your goblin character has the following traits. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity, Intelligence, and Charisma scores all increase by 1. Goblins are agile, cunning, and very manipulative creatures. Age. Goblins mature about as fast as humans, reaching adulthood at 14 years. The longest lived of the goblins reaches an age of around 75 before perishing from natural causes. Alignment. Goblins are as disciplined as their hobgoblin cousins, and tend towards lawful alignments. There is as much moral ambiguity to their behavior as hobgoblins, with no predilection towards good over evil. Size. Goblins are approximately the same height and weight as the halflings they came from. They are Small creatures. Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Darkvision. The animals that comprised the alterations made to Goblins have graced you with Darkvision out to 60. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Cunning Sneak. Goblins are very intelligent about how they make their movements, both physically and socially. You may add your Intelligence modifier to any and all Dexterity (Stealth) checks you make. Cutting Tongue. Goblins are masters of invective and insult, and have elevated it to a supernatural level. You know the vicious mockery cantrip. Your

  • effective spellcasting ability for this cantrip is Charisma . Discipline. The mastery of oneself is paramount to all goblins. Their philosophies on life extensively measure the control that a goblin has over him- or herself as a way of gauging the mastery the goblin has over life. All goblins receive advantage on any saving throws versus mind-affecting spells and powers such as charming and dominating, and advantage on saving throws versus psychic damage. Inured to Venom. Thanks to some of the creatures used in the creation of goblins, they are very resistance to poisons and toxins of all sorts. Goblins receive advantage on saving throws versus poison, and have resistance to poison damage. Naturally Sneaky. Goblins were built to be stealthy, and make it into places that they should not be. All goblins are proficient in Stealth.

  • THE PLANE-TOUCHED There are some times when the beings of the planes fall in love with a mortal, and a child is born. These children are always special, blessed by the Heavens, or twisted by the Pit. But over time the blood of the planes thins in families, and only flares to life in some generations. And in these children are great power. Being an Aasimar or a Tiefling does not predestine you to a life of heroism or villainy. You are a mortal, given every bit of free will as any other. But inside of you calls the Voice of your heritage. You can choose as you will, but it will always be there, calling out to you. AASIMAR When one of the celestial denizens of the higher planes is drawn to a mortal, on down their line will be an Aasimar. The silvery power of the one of the Goodly planes runs through his or her veins, and burns brightly in their souls. When an Aasimar chooses a life of villainy, it is said that a choir of Celestials weeps for the worlds loss. There are three distinct bloodlines of Aasimar: the Celestial Bloodline, borne of the Angels of the Seven Mounting Heavens; The Elysian Bloodline, borne of the Guardinals of the Fields of Elysium; and the Arborean Bloodline, borne of the Eladrin of the Forests of Arborea. AASIMAR TRAITS Your aasimar character has the following traits, all part of being a scion of the Upper Goodly Planes. Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1. Age. Aasimar mature about as fast as humans do, reaching the age of adulthood around 16 years old. They live much longer than humans though, quite often seeing 200 years of life. Alignment. Most aasimar find themselves unconsciously gravitating towards Good alignments, oftentimes in line with their heritage. This does not mean that all aasimar are heroes. They are still free-willed creatures able to choose their own fate. Size, Aasimar stand at human heights, and at human weights, but are often more statuesque version, with a more perfect shape. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Darkvision. The light of the Heavens shines within your eyes, illuminating your path to your sight. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim

    light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Planar Heritage. Your bloodline is one of miracles and wonders. At times, you can call upon this part of you to create small effects. You know and may cast the thaumaturgy cantrip. Doing so does not require you to have any levels in a spellcasting class, and you may do so as many times per day as you wish. Markings of the Heavens. You have between one and three physical characteristics that betray the truth of your blood. For instance, if you have the Elysian Bloodline, you might have antlers like a stag, or even golden feline eyes and a mane of hair. It may even manifest as a scent of incense or a flash of silvery-golden light around your head, a corona like a halo in the darkness. Bloodline. Your blood comes from one of three sources, the essential Planes of the three shades of Goodness. Choose one of the following Bloodlines. As a note, the alignment of those Bloodlines is listed for your own reference. You are not required to take that alignment as your own. CELESTIAL BLOODLINE (LG) You are born of the angels and devas of the Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia. Sculpted physiques, as if drawn from statues, and metallic and alabaster skin tones are frequent. Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1. This stacks with the increase from being an aasimar for a grand total of +2 to your Wisdom score. Aegis of the Heavens. You have resistance to cold damage. Benevolence. The very power of Celestia will come to your call, bolstering your allies. At 1st level. you may cast the bless spell as a first level spell. You must take a Long Rest to regain the use of this ability. At 7th level, you cast this spell as a second level spell. At 14th level, you cast this spell as a third level spell. ELYSIAN BLOODLINE (NG) You are born from the guardinals and denizens of the Fields of Elysium. Features of animals are most common amongst the aasimar of Elysian Bloodlines. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1. Aegis of the Fields. You have resistance to radiant damage.

  • Succor. The raw life force of the plane of Elysium suffuses you. At 1st level, you may cast the cure wounds spell as a first level spell. You must take a Long Rest to regain the use of this ability. At 7th level, you cast this spell as a second level spell. At 14th level, you cast this spell as a third level spell. ARBOREAN BLOODLINE (CG) Your lines hails from the tenacious and fey eladrin of Arborea. Odd eye and hair colors, as well as nimbuses of light often mark aasimar of this bloodline. Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1. Aegis of the Tempest. You have resistance to lightning damage. Fortitude. The sheer, obdurate power of Arborea is a companion to you. At 1st level, you may cast the heroism spell as a first level spell. You must take a Long Rest to regain the use of this ability. At 7th level, you cast this spell as a second level spell. At 14th level, you cast this spell as a third level spell. TIEFLING It is not often that tieflings come from a bloodline that voluntarily bore a child sired by a fiend of the Lower Planes. Quite often those mothers were victims, or the child was forced onto a family as payment for a deal. But down through the generations, it can be forgotten until a child is born with blood red eyes, or the tongue of a serpent. Tieflings are not born to evil, as some claim, and sometimes become great heroes despite, or sometimes because of where they came from. There are three distinct bloodlines of Tiefling: the Abyssal Bloodline, borne of the Demons of the Ever-descending Abyss; the Hadean Bloodline, borne of the descended from the Daemons of the Glooms of Hades; and the Infernal Bloodline, borne of the Devils of the Nine Hells. TIEFLING TRAITS Your tiefling character has the following traits, all part of being a scion of the Lower Planes of Perdition. Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1. Age. Tieflings mature about as fast as humans do, reaching the age of adulthood around 16 years

    old. They live much longer than humans though, quite often seeing 200 years of life. Alignment. Most tieflings come perilously close to the dark Evil of their heritage. That said, a goodly few take up the mantle of hero if for no other reason than to spite their fiendish ancestor. They are still free-willed creatures able to choose their own fate. Size, Tieflings stand at human heights, and at human weights, but are often misshapen in some way, causing them to appear stunted or hulking. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Darkvision. The darkness is no obstacle to you. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Planar Heritage. Your bloodline is one of miracles and wonders. At times, you can call upon this part of you to create small effects. You know and may cast the thaumaturgy cantrip. Doing so does not require you to have any levels in a spellcasting class, and you may do so as many times per day as you wish. Markings of the Pit. You have between one and three physical characteristics that betray the truth of your blood. For instance, if you have the Hadean Bloodline, you might have a gray pallor to your skin, and eyes of pure black. It may even manifest as a reek of brimstone or blood, or you may find your head wreathed in an utter black halo in the depths of night. Bloodline. Your blood comes from one of three sources, the essential Planes of the three shades of Evil. Choose one of the following Bloodlines. As a note, the alignment of those Bloodlines is listed for your own reference. You are not required to take that alignment as your own. INFERNAL BLOODLINE (LE) You are born of the Devils of the Nine Hells of Baator. Rust-red scales, noxious green eyes, or even horns often mark tieflings of this bloodline. Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1. This stacks with the increase from being an tiefling for a grand total of +2 to your Intelligence score. Aegis of the Inferno. You have resistance to fire damage. Subjugation. The dominance of the Nine Hells comes at your call. At 1st level. you may cast the command spell as a first level spell. You must take a Long Rest to regain the use of this ability.

  • At 7th level, you cast this spell as a second level spell. At 14th level, you cast this spell as a third level spell. HADEAN BLOODLINE (NE) The blood of daemons flows through your veins, the denizens of the Three Glooms of Hades. Dull colors and almost alien disfigurements are common to tieflings of this bloodline. Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1. Aegis of the Gloom. You have resistance to necrotic damage. Torment. Cruelty and torture come second nature to the Daemons, and it comes at your call At 1st level, you may cast the inflict wounds spell as a first level spell. You must take a Long Rest to regain the use of this ability. At 7th level, you cast this spell as a second level spell. At 14th level, you cast this spell as a third level spell. ABYSSAL BLOODLINE (CE) The Demons of the Abyss spread their seed through your line, and now it comes to pass. There are such a variety of demons that this bloodline has no iconic features. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1. Aegis of the Pit. You have resistance to acid damage. Malevolence. The absolute malice of the Abyss to all forms of life comes at your call, weakening your foes. At 1st level, you may cast the bane spell as a first level spell. You must take a Long Rest to regain the use of this ability. At 7th level, you cast this spell as a second level spell. At 14th level, you cast this spell as a third level spell.

  • The Path of the Oncoming Storm A Barbarian Primal Path The fury of a storm on the horizon, the winds whipping the landscape into a frenzy as rain lashes everything in its path, and the crash of a sudden lightning strike and the roar of thunder: this is just what many barbarians feel inside of themselves when they rage. For them, the primal nature of the tempest whips them into just such a frenzy, making them a dynamo of destruction, striking and moving on to the next victim. Deilish Dervish Starting at 3rd level when you choose this path, you become more accomplished at fighting with two weapons. You may add your ability modifier to your offhand weapon damage when you attack with two weapons. If you rage while wielding two weapons, you gave a +1 bonus to your AC. Battlefield Dancer When you reach 6th level, you have become so accomplished at moving through combat like the tempest of your inspiration that foes have a hard time hitting you. If you are not in heavy armor, you may use your bonus action on your turn to Dash. If you do so, the first enemy to make an opportunity attack against you does so with disadvantage. Power of the Tempest Starting at 10th level, you may take on the Spirit of the Tempest, gaining the following effects: your speed is doubled, you gains a +2 bonus to AC, advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and you gain an additional action on each of your turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action. This lasts for 5 rounds, at the end of which you cannot move or take actions for 1 round. If you do so, you immediately suffer a level of exhaustion, and cannot make a saving throw to prevent it. You may use this feature twice before you must take a long rest to regain use of Power of the Tempest.

    Retaliation Starting at 14th level, when you take damage from a creature that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.

  • The College of the Fool A Bardic College There are those bards that go about life, collecting odd bits of lore and knowledge, working as a kind of wandering minstrel. There are those that accompany warriors into battle, singing battle songs at the tops of their lungs, and bringing ruination to their foes on the battlefield. And then there are the bards that delve into the world of the jester, the fool in motley, who counsels kings, oftentimes works as bodyguards for nobles, and embraces a sort of madness that gives them insights into the world around them. The College of the Fool rarely gathers in any way, mostly taught as a master/student relationship. When more than two jesters are in one place at the same time, it can either be amazingly entertaining for those in attendance, or it can be maddening as folks try to keep up. Bonus Proficiencies When you join the College of the Fool at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with Wisdom saves as your mind has become inured to power of unreality and madness. You also gain proficiency with a language of your choice, and any one skill you do not already have proficiency in. Most Jesters choose Insight, for those that meddle most in madness, or Acrobatics, for those that are more of a tumbler. Benefits of the Bent Mind When you become a member of the College of Fools at 3rd level, your mind is now so used to dealing with absurd and abstract that you are better insulated against mental attacks. You gain advantage on all saving throws against effects and spells that affect your mind, such as spells that would give you the Charmed condition. Roll With It At 6th level, your ability with acrobatics has elevated to a new level. When you are struck in combat, even as an opportunity attack, you may use your reaction to roll with the strike. Make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check at a DC equal to 8 + your opponents proficiency bonus + your opponents Dexterity modifier. If you are successful, reduce the damage by 1 point for each point by which you succeed on the check. If this would reduce the damage to 0 or less, you are not

    actually struck by the attack for the purpose of extra effects. You use this feature once before you must take a short or long rest to regain use of this feature. At 13th level, you may use this feature twice before you must take a short or long rest to regain use of Roll With It. Mockery and Slander At 14th level, you have become such a master of wit and cutting verbal combat that you can cause your foes to reel under your assault. Make a ranged spell attack as you would for any other spell against one foe with 60 of you that can hear you. If you are successful, you deal 3d10 + your Charisma modifier psychic damage to that foe and they are stunned for one round. You must take a short or long rest to regain use of this feature.

  • The Magic Domain A New Cleric Option Magic is a primal force in the world, And many worlds have deities that symbolize and protect the craft and power of magic. Mystra and Azuth in the Forgotten Realms, Boccob and Wee Jas of Greyhawk, Hecate of the Olympians, and many more. The Domain of Magic is not about just casting spells. Languages, communication, and even power over the summoned creatures not of this world are all part of their purvey. Though similar to Knowledge, Magic is more about arcane power and learning about the world and how mages bend it to their will. MAGIC DOMAIN SPELLS Cleric Level Spells 1st detect magic, find familiar 3rd Nystuls magic aura, web 5th dispel magic, slow 7th conjure minor elementals, locate creature 9th dream, Rarys telepathic bond Educated and Talented At 1st level, you learn to use two toolkits from the following list: Alchemist supplies, Calligraphers supplies, Tinkers tools, Herbalism kit, Bookbinder;s tools. In addition, you also have proficiency in the Arcana (Int) skill. Channel Divinity Gift of Tongues At 2nd level, your deity teaches you how to use your powers to comprehend languages other than the ones you have learned. By using your Channel Divinity power in this way, you can fully read, write, speak, and understand any one language perfectly. This lasts for one full hour, or until you dismiss it. At 8th level, using this power expands. You now can read, write, speak, and understand all languages perfectly for one full hour. This includes the secret languages of Druids, and even the sometimes encoded writings of wizards. The Power of the Arcane At 6th level, you are gifted with arcane knowledge of a spell. Choose any cantrip from the Warlock, Sorcerer, or Wizard spell lists. This is now considered a Cleric cantrip for you that you know and have prepared every day. Wisdom is your spellcasting attribute for this cantrip, just as if it were on the Cleric spell list.

    Power of Censure At 17th level, the power of the arcane is almost fully at your command. You may banish one creature to their home plane. They must make a Wisdom save at DC 8 + (your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus) or be returned immediately to their home plane. If you target a creature who is from the Prime Material Plane, you instead temporarily banish them through the planes for a short amount of time. They must take the same saving throw as above or disappear for 1d6 rounds as you cast it out. When it reappears, it immediately takes 1d6 force damage and 1d6 psychic damage for each round it was gone. You may use this power twice before you must take a Long rest to use the ability again.

  • The Nobility Domain A New Cleric Option For ages, leadership and nobility, even when taken at the end of a sword, is seen as a sign of divine primogeniture. Nobility is not, as some think, a sign of morality, but is only about the right to rule. NOBILITY DOMAIN SPELLS Cleric Level Spells 1st command, compelled duel 3rd hold person, zone of truth 5th beacon of hope, sending 7th compulsion, Mordenkainens faithful hound 9th geas, dominate person Bonus Proficiencies At 1st level, you gain proficiency in History and either Persuasion or Intimidate. You also gain proficiency in martial weapons. Channel Divinity Voice of the Great Leader At 2nd level, your deity empowers you to enable your allies around you. You may expend a single use of your Channel Divinity power to give all of your allies within 30 that can hear or see you advantage on their next ability check, saving throw, or attack roll. They cannot choose when they gain this; it automatically applies to the next valid roll. Channel Divnity Turn Foes At 6th level, the power of your very presence can send foes running. This works exactly as Turn Undead. As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer censuring your foes. Each undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. lt also can't take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action. You may add your Charisma modifier to the DC for your foes to avoid being turned. You never gain the ability to outright destroy foes as you can with Turn Undead.

    Divine Strike At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy empowered by your own will. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra Id8 psychic damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8. Inspiration of the True Leader At 17th level, you gain the ability to take on the mien of a great leader of mortals. You almost seem to shine with an appropriate radiance as you guide your allies on the field. For the next 6 rounds, you may give all allies within sight of you a bonus to all attacks, saving throws, and ability checks equal to your own Wisdom or Charisma modifier, whichever is greater. As well, they all gain 3d8 temporary hit points, and 5 extra feet of movement speed. The temporary hit points last until the next time the ally takes a short rest. You may use this ability twice before you must take a Long rest to regain use of it.

  • The Shaman Domain A New Cleric Option This Domain is a new option for Clerics who wish a more primitive, or at least less organized form of divine spellcaster. The shaman domain is not granted by any god or goddess, but is a domain about spirits and the powers over them that spiritual leaders can have. Shaman are often as charismatic as they are wise, as their force of personality comes into play when dealing with creatures of the spirit world, in order to enforce their commands on the creatures. SHAMAN DOMAIN SPELLS Cleric Level Spells 1st detect poison and disease, speak with animals 3rd beast sense, enhance ability 5th sending, speak with dead 7th banishment, conjure minor elementals 9th awaken, commune Bonus Proficiencies At 1st level, you gain proficiency in Nature and Survival, and with the herbalism kit. Channel Divinity Turn Spirit Beings At 2nd level, your power over the spiritual beings that come to this world comes into being. You may use your channel divinity power to turn elementals, celestials, fey, and fiends just as you can undead. As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer censuring the creature. Each elemental, celestial, fiend, or fey that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. When you calculate your saving throw DC for this power, use your Charisma modifier instead of your Wisdom modifier. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. lt also can't take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action. Starting at 5th leveI, when an celestial, elemental, fey, or fiend fails its saving throw against your Turn Spirit Beings feature, the creature is instantly banished if its challenge rating is at or below a certain

    threshold, as shown in the Banish Spiritual Being table. Banish Spiritual Being Cleric Level Banishes Being of CR 5th or lower 8th 1 or lower 11th 2 or lower 14th 3 or lower 17th 4 or lower Power of Life Shamans are not just powerful in concerns to spirits, but also in concern with life and the lives around them. At 6th level, any time you cast a healing spell, you may add your proficiency bonus to the hit points healed by the spell. Divine Strike At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy empowered by your own will. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 force damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8. Power of the True Shaman At 17th level, you have mastered your power over spiritual beings. Any time you use your Turn Undead, Turn Spiritual Beings, or use of the banishment spell, you may add your Wisdom or Charisma modifier to the DC the creature must roll to avoid this effect, whichever is higher. In addition, when you could Banish a being, per your Banish Spiritual Being feature, you may instead command the creature for a number of rounds equal to a roll of 1d4 plus your Charisma modifier. When that time is up, the creature will be unfriendly to you, and may attack.

  • The Circle of the Pack A Druid Circle Some druids find it closest to nature to run with the animals, not only in their form, but bonding with a companion. Much like their ranger cousins, they find a boon compatriot in a single beast, and the two work together in almost supernatural coordination. To these druids, the bond between themselves and their animal companion is a perfect reflection of the bond that demihumankind has with the world, if they would open their eyes. Animal Companion Starting at 2nd level when you choose this circle, you gain an animal companion who follows you around, and works with you as a close friend and ally. Choose a beast that is no larger than Medium and that has a challenge rating of 1/4 or lower. Add your proficiency bonus to the beast's AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls, as well as to any saving throws and skills it is proficient in. Its hit point maximum equals its normal maximum or four times your druid level, whichever is higher. The beast obeys your commands as best as it can. It takes its turn on your initiative, though it doesn't take an action unless you command it to. On your turn, you can verbally command the beast where to move (no action required by you). You can use your action to verbally command it to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action lf the beast dies, you can obtain another one by spending 8 hours magically bonding with another beast that isn't hostile to you, either the same type of beast as before or a different one. Powerful Wild Shape When you become a member of this Circle at 2nd level, you are a more formidable foe as an animal. Using your Wild Shape feature now uses a bonus action on your turn, and while in beast form, you may expend spell slots to heal yourself or your animal companion, so long as your companion is within 30 of you. For each level of the spell slot you expend, heal yourself or your animal companion for 1d8 hit points. Evolution of the Beast At 6th level, you and your animal companion have worked in tandem for long enough that it begins to anticipate your actions. You no longer need to use your own Action to command it to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help actions.

    It now has an action of its own, but still acts on your initiative. Its natural attacks now count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances. Empowered Wild Shape Starting at 10th level, you have improved your capabilities with your Wild Shape ability. You may now take the form of a beast that has a challenge rating of 3 or lower. In addition, your attacks in wild shape are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances. You can now target your animal companion with spells that you can normal only target yourself with. Full Might of the Pack At 14th level, when your animal companion uses the Attack action, it may use your bonus action to make a second Attack action. You may now take on the form of a beast with a challenge rating of 4 or lower. When you are in your wild shape form, and your animal companion is conscious and capable of taking actions, you both receive a +1 to AC, as your relationship has progressed to supernatural levels, and you both are very capable at looking out for one another.

  • The Strlborn Archer A Fighter Archetype There are those to take up the bow instead of the blade, and rain destruction and death down on the battlefield. With a hip quiver full of arrows and a sharp eye, many foes never get close enough to use their weapons. Over time, you become much more of a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Your abilities with the bow make you a threat to be reckoned with. It is often to see high and wood elves take this path, as well as humans that live in more sylvan settings. Some half-orcs and hobgoblins take this path as well, becoming devils on the fields with bows. Specialists Training At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Bowyer/Fletcher tool kit, enabling you to make bows and arrows, as well as crossbow bolts. At the same time, your ability to unerringly place shots just where they need to be in order to stop a foe changes the damage you do with your shots. A shortbow now deals 1d8 damage as a base, and a long bow deals 1d10 damage as a base. Perfected Aim Your continued practice with a bow has made you even more of an expert at placing arrows precisely where you want them. At 7th level, you now score a critical hit with a bow when you roll a 19 or 20. It is only a critical hit if the natural 19, after modifiers, would have scored a hit. You no longer suffer disadvantage when firing in close combat. Trick Shot At 10th level, you have become much more accomplished at doing seemingly insane things with arrows that normal archers balk at. This includes shooting out lanterns and candles, severing ropes with arrows, and even shooting objects like chalices out of a persons hand. You do not take disadvantage on any roll to accomplish these feats. You extend your range increments by 50%. This means that a shortbow now has a range of 120/480, and a longbow now has a range of 225/900. You still take disadvantage for firing at long range. Deadly Arrows You are truly a demon with a bow. Your arrows seem to find the worst mark, dealing even more trauma to your foes. In your hands, a shortbow now

    deals a base of 1d10 damage, and a longbow deals a base of 1d12 damage. Black Arrow Your shots are deadly now, more often than not rending your foes viciously. You score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20 with a bow. As well, you may designate one of your arrows as a Black Arrow. You must use it on your next attack. You double your proficiency bonus on the attack. If you hit, it is automatically a critical hit, dealing double damage. You must take a short or long rest before using this ability again.

  • The Way of the Perfected Self A Monk Monastic Tradition Monks of the Way of the Perfected Self seek to discover the ways in which ki alters the body, whether it is their own or others. Carefully training in techniques that utilize ki to harness the great potential of the body, monks of the Perfect Self learn how to augment themselves and eventually stopping anothers heart, or bringing a person back to life. The Lesson of the First Perfection Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you learn how to spend ki to augment your own person. You may spend 2 ki to give yourself the benefit of the enhance ability spell, without the need for material components. This effect lasts for an hour. You may also spend 2 ki to give yourself the ability to see invisible creatures. So long as you would normally be able to see the creature were it visible, i.e. it is not inside of magical darkness, you are not suffering from the blinded, condition, etc., you can perceive the creature perfectly. The Lesson of the Second Perfection At 6th level, you gain the ability to heal yourself. As you action, you can regain hit points equal to three times your monk level. You must finish a long rest before you use this ability again. The Lesson of the Third Perfection At 11th level, you have attained greater mastery over ki and what it can do. You may now spend 5 ki to cast the spell greater restoration on yourself or another creature. As well, you can spend 5 ki to give yourself the benefit of the passwall spell. The passage appears for only you, and lasts just long enough for yourself to pass through. You may spend 1 ki for each additional person other than yourself that you wish to take with you. You may also spend 5 ki to commune with nature as per the spell. Your mastery of ki lets you feel its ebb and flow in the world around you.

    The Lesson of the Fourth Perfection When you reach 14th level, you have gained such mastery over ki that it seems as if life and death are at your command. You may spend 9 ki to cause yourself or a creature you touch to mend yourself of all wounds. You or your target regains all of your hit points. If the creature is charmed, frightened, paralyzed, or stunned, the condition ends. This has no effect on undead or constructs. Alternately, you may spend 9 ki to cause one creature that you can see within range to die instantly. If the creature you chose has 100 hit points or fewer, it dies. If it has more than 100 hit points, it makes a Constitution saving throw at your Ki save difficulty or it takes 7d10 necrotic damage. Finally, even death can be overcome. You cannot return the dead to life as they were, but you can move them along the karmic wheel of rebirth. You may spend 9 ki to cast the reincarnate spell on a single body you touch. As long as the creature has not been dead longer than 10 days, this power creates a new body for them. If the targets soul is not free or willing to do so, this effect fails. Use the following table to determine what race the creature comes back as. As a note, if you roll the same race and gender as the creatures previous incarnation, they may appear exactly as they did before they died. The reincarnated creature recalls its former life and experiences. It retains the capabilities it had in its original form, except it exchanges its original race for the new one and changes its racial traits accordingly. They do not gain new attribute modifiers from their new race, but retain their old ability scores (Strength, Wisdom, etc.).

  • Adjusted Reincarnation Table for use with the reincarnation spell and the lesson of the fourth perfection. Race d100 01-03 Aasimar 07-09 Dragonborn 10-17 Dwarf, hill 18-24 Dwarf, mountain 25-27 Dweorg 28-30 Elf, dark 31-38 Elf, high 39-45 Elf, Wood 46-48 Gnome, forest 49-53 Gnome, rock 54-57 Goblin 58-60 Half-elf 61-63 Half-orc 64-70 Halfling, lightfoot 71-77 Halfling, stout 78-81 Hobgoblin 82-97 Human 98-00 Tiefling Gender d4 1 Different Gender 2-3 Same Gender 4 DMs Choice

  • The Oath of the Protector A New Paladin Oath There are those men and women who take their devotion to a higher calling very seriously, and they strive to defend those who cannot defend themselves. They know that there is a dark myriad of beings that would love to enslave and take advantage of everyone they can. Protector Paladins are the heroes that stand fast in the encroaching darkness. They are the beacon in the night that inspires others to take up arms against a sea of evil. And if they should perish in the course of their duty, so long as someone is safe, they feel the cost was worth it. Tenets of Protection Compassion. Aid others, protect the weak, and punish those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with wisdom. Duty. Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you. Fortitude. Stand fast in the face of wickedness and destruction as the bulwark against the tide. You are the last bastion for many, so do not crumble. Charity. Not all evils are fought with sword and shield; give freely of your own to save those whose only needed protection may be a hot meal and a good nights sleep. OATH OF PROTECTION SPELLS Paladin Level Spells 3rd sanctuary, protection from evil and good 5th warding bond, prayer of healing 9th spirit guardians, beacon of hope 13th guardian of faith, death ward 17th hallow, commune CHANNEL DIVINITY When you take this oath at 3rd levei,you gain the following two Channel Divinity options. Holy Armor. As an action, you can imbue the armor you wear with holy power, using your Channel Divinity. For minutes, you add your Charisma modifier to your Armor Class (minimum bonus of +1). As well, for that minute, you are

    considered proficient with all saving throws. If you are already proficient with a saving throw, for that minute you gain advantage when making those saving throws. Shelter the Helpless. As an action, you may designate one creature as the receiver of your Aegis. For 1 minute, that creature gains your Charisma bonus to their Armor Class and saving throws, and gains a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your Paladin level times 3. Any creature that damages the receiver of your Aegis is afflicted with Disadvantage on any attacks against the receiver of your Aegis from there forward, until the duration of this power is passed. Aura of Warding Beginning at 7th level, your dedication to protecting others is so strong that it shields you and your allies from baneful magics. You and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you have resistance to damage from spells. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feel. Purity of Spirit Beginning at 15th level, you are always under the effects of a protection from evil and good spell. Implacable Sentinel At 20th level, you take on the form of a heavenly protector, shining with golden-silvery light. Using your action, you undergo a transformation. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:

    You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, and spell-based damage.

    You gain the above effect of your Holy Armor feature without expending a use of Channel Divinity.

    Enemies attacking you at a range other than 5 do so with disadvantage.

    Once you use this feature, you cant use it again until you finish a long rest.

  • The Sentinel A New Ranger Archetype There are those rangers that do not live solitary lives, hunting down foes amidst the natural world. Some rangers feel a sense of duty and belonging to the communities around them, and stand watch, protecting their adopted homes from those that would run rampant, if only for a few months. Sentinel rangers need not constantly stay in one area for all their lives, but they dedicate themselves to being a swift, skilled, and dangerous skirmishers. Sentinels can be found amongst the Harpers of Faerun, but their most iconic example is amongst the elven settlements on Krynn. The Silvanesti, Qualinesti, and Kagonesti all have sentinels standing guard on their towns and villages. Quite often, these elven rangers choose humans as one of their chosen enemies, along with hobgoblins, keeping careful guard against the member of those races who would raid their villages. Sentinels Duty At 3rd level, a Sentinels dedication to being on guard for their foes, and take great pains to eliminate the bastards before they can do much damage. You have Advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks against your favored enemies. When you acquire new favored enemies, this ability applies to them as well. Also, you can add your Wisdom bonus to attack and damage rolls when facing one of your favored enemies. Your intuition and hatred of your foes serves you well in combat. Fleetness of Foot Sentinels are light on their feet and good at outpacing their foes. Starting at 7th level, you increase your speed by 10 feet, so long as they are not in heavy armor. Evasive Combatant At 11th level, you have learned how to use your environs to your advantage, temporarily becoming harder to hit. As a bonus action, you may apply your proficiency bonus to your Armor Class for one round. You must take a short rest or a long rest before you can use this ability again. At 15th level, you may use this ability twice before you must take a short rest or a long rest. Uncanny Dodge When you reach 15th level, you have learned how to do your best to avoid the brunt of a foes

    attack. When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attacks damage against you.

  • The Thanatoic Sorcerer A Sorcerer Origin Born of a bloodline that dallied with the undead, or even just immersed itself in the necromantic energies of magic, the Thanatoic sorcerer has a great command over the powers of Death and Undeath. Masters of the macabre and morbid, these sorcerers can rival even the necromantic masters of the Wizardly arts. At their most powerful, Thanatoic sorcerers shrug off the touch of the grave, command powerful Wight soldiers, and even gain life from the last shuddering breaths of their victims. Blood of the Grave At 1st level, your heritage of the utter darkness of Death insulates you. You have advantage on saving throws versus attacks that deal cold and/or necrotic damage. Vigor Mortis You can swallow down the final gasps of life from your foes. Whenever you reduce a living creature to 0 hit points, you gain 1d4 temporary hit points. As with any temporary hit points, these last until they are used up, or you take a Long rest. At 8th level, you instead gain 1d6 temporary hit points. At 15th level, you instead gain 1d8 temporary hit points. Investiture of Entropus At 8th level, you may add your Charisma modifier to the damage dealt by any spells you cast that deal cold or necrotic damage. As well, you may spend 1 Sorcery Point to gain resistance to either cold or necrotic damage for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus. You may spend 2 Sorcery Points to gain resistance to both at the same time. Caress of Pure Thanatos You can kindle a spark of pure necrotic energy inside the body of one of your foes. At 14th level, you can target a single creature. That creature must make Constitution save versus your normal Spell Save DC. Failure causes 8d6 necrotic damage as a small bit of pure Death flares into existence inside of your target. A successful save deals half this damage. You must take a Long rest before using this ability again. You may also spend 4 Sorcery Points to regain a single use of this ability before you take a Long rest.

    Ashen Sacrifice Your foes can rise as your allies. At 18th level, when you reduce a living creature to 0 hit points, you may claim it, consuming its last breath and gaining 1 Sorcery point. Alternately, if it is a medium-sized humanoid, you may immediately raise it as a Wight under your command. (See page 300 in the Monster Manual for details on Wights). The Wight has its own initiative, and you can decide what actions it takes. It follows your orders as perfectly as it can. It crumbles to dust if it is ever reduced to 0 hit points, or when the sun rises next. At dawn, you may spend 6 sorcery points to protect it, extending its unlife until the next dawn. Wights created by Ashen Sacrifice can only have a maximum of six zombies under their control, instead of twelve. If you wish to use this power while you already have a wight under your command, as provided by this feature, you must spend 6 sorcery points in order to activate the wight option of Ashen Sacrifice again. Otherwise your current wight immediately crumbles to dust, and any zombies that were under its control are immediately destroyed. This ability works in conjunction with the effects of Vigor Mortis.

  • The Celestial Patron A New Warlock Patron You arent a true believer, one called to the priesthood. Oh no, you are something different, like a mercenary, a contractor that works for a specific archangel, or high guardinal, or even a celestial being that defies definition. Perhaps this is your chance at redemption, or perhaps you have been offered a chance to continuing to live when you should have been killed. Is this maybe some kind of penance, or parole? Whatever the case, you are in the employ of a being of the Heavens. EXPANDED SPELL LIST The Celestial Patron lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. CELESTIAL PATRON EXPANDED SPELLS Spell Level Spells

    1 guiding bolt, sanctuary 2 enhance ability, spiritual weapon 3 daylight, speak with the dead 4 banishment, deathward 5 legend lore, planar binding

    Celestial Splendor Starting at 1st level, your patron bestows upon you the ability to project the entrancing and sometimes awe-inspiring presence of a celestial being. As an action, you can cause each creature in a 10-foot cube originating from you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. The creatures that fail their saving throws are all charmed or frightened by you (your choice) until the end of your next turn. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest. Arms of Heaven Shield You At 6th level, you can call upon your patron to shield you from harm. When you are struck in combat, you may use your Reaction to enact this ability. Doing so subtracts 1d10 + your proficiency bonus from the damage you just suffered from one attack. If that makes the damage dealt to a 0 or less, you do not gain back any lost hit points, but the attack is considered a miss now for any other effects. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you take a short or a long rest.

    Font of Life Starting at 10th level, you have resistance to necrotic damage, and you have advantage on all saving throws versus necrotic effects. Celestial Castigation Starting at 14th level, your Celestial Patron bestows upon you the ability to castigate foes. You may make a Ranged Spell Attack roll, dealing 4d10 radiant damage, and Incapacitating the target for 1 round. Anyone who strikes the Incapacitated target takes damage identical to what they would have dealt to the target, while the target takes no damage him or herself. Once you use this feature twice, you cannot use it again until you take a Long rest. Pact of the Tome The book in question often appears as a book with gilt pages, with fine filigree and decoration on the cover. Cantrips taught are most often from the Cleric list. Pact of the Chain Instead of an Imp, Pseudodragon, or Quasit, what is most often sent is a small celestial creature called a Heavenly Emmissary. (See below for details.) Pact of the Blade These weapons appear perfectly made, with fine decoration, limned in gold radiance, or with shining jewels set in it.

  • HEAVENLY EMMISSARY Tiny celestial, any good Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 7 (3d4+3) Speed 15ft., fly 60ft. Str 8 (-1) Dex 15 (+2) Con 13 (+1) Int 10 (0) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 14 (+2) Skills Insight +3, Perception +3, Persuasion +4, Religion +3 Damage Resistances Radiant; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from nonmagical sources Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 13 Languages Celestial, Common Challenge 1 (200XP) Power of Heaven. The Lightbearer is able to cast the light and thaumaturgy cantrips at will as an action. It can cast thaumaturgy on others. Piercing Gaze of Heaven. The Celestial Emmissarys vision is not impeded by magical darkness in any way.

    Magic Resistance. Celestial Emmissaries receive advantage on any saving throws against spells and any other magical effects.. ACTIONS Sword of Light. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4+3) slashing damage, and the target must make a Wisdom saving throw at DC 11. If it fails, the target takes an additional 1d6 radiant damage, or half damage on a successful saving throw. Healing Touch. The Celestial Emmissary may touch another creature and heal it for 1d4+3 hit points as an action. The creature is also free from any one single curse, disease, poison effect, blindness, or deafness. It may use this ability twice before it must take a long rest to regain any uses of healing touch.

  • The Dark Patron A New Warlock Patron Your patron came to you, or its emissary appeared in a flourish of shadow and night. No faces, nothing to give you any ideas as to what and who it is other than an absolute lack of anything. You hear its voice at odd times, but always in the dark, whether it is night, or just in a patch of deep shadow. More than anything, the Dark Ones motivations are towards the claiming of old debts, and bringing death to seemingly random victims. The Dark One is, if possible, even more inscrutable than other patrons. Examples of the Dark One are inscrutably old undead creatures, echoes of long dead gods, and even Death itself as an incarnate force. EXPANDED SPELL LIST The Dark One lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. DARK ONE EXPANDED SPELLS Spell Level Spells

    1 false life, ray of sickness 2 blindness/deafness, ray of

    enfeeblement 3 fear, feign death 4 Evards black tentacles, phantasmal

    killer 5 mislead, modify memory

    Shrouded Minds Starting at 1st level, the Dark One teaches you the value of being occluded and forgotten. As an action, you can cause each creature in a 10 foot radius of you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Warlock save DC. The creatures that fail this saving throw cannot see you, just as if you had successfully used the Stealth skill. In addition, they forget that you are even in the area until you make an attack action or cast a spell, or until 1 minute has passed, whichever occurs first. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you make a short or long rest. Through Alleys of Shadow Starting at 6th leveI, you can vanish in a burst of darkness, reappearing in a nearby shadow. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to turn invisible and teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is shrouded in shadows. You

    remain invisible until the start of your next turn or until you attack or cast a spell.

    Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest. In The Arms of the Night Starting at 10th level, your patron teaches you how to shroud yourself in the deepest darkness, shielding yourself from some types of harm. You gain resistance to both necrotic and radiant damage. Prisoner of Night Starting at 14th level, you can consign one of your foes to a shadowy pocket realm of pure darkness. As an action, choose a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. It must make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. On a failed save, it is enveloped in a sphere of pure blackness. It disappears and is taken on a nightmare voyage through the utter darkness.

    At the end of your next turn, the sphere disappears, and the target reappears, harrowed by its experience. It takes 5d8 psychic damage and 5d8 necrotic damage, and is stunned until the start of its next turn.

    You must finish a short or long rest before you can use this feature again.

    THEMATIC NOTES Pact of the Chain The Dark Ones familiars do not appear as even the standard imps, quasits, or pseudodragons do, having a shadowy, black appearance. At the end of this section is a special creature, the shadowdrake, that is often sent as a familiar. Pact of the Blade The Dark Ones weapons are often shadowy, blurry, and carry with it the darkness of the space between the stars. Quite often it takes the form of a weapon that the warlock is already proficient in. Pact of the Tome Rarely does the Dark One grant spells of radiance and light, preferring those that deal necrotic or psychic damage, and spells of illusion. The tome itself often appears as an onyx-covered, small book that is graven with odd sigils and runes.

  • SHADOWDRAKE Tiny dragon, neutral evil Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 7 (2d4+2) Speed 15ft., fly 60ft. Str 6 (-2) Dex 15 (+2) Con 13 (+1) Int 10 (0) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 10 (0) Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4 Damage Resistances Necrotic, Psychic Damage Vulnerabilities Radiant, Fire Senses Blindsight 30 ft, darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 13 Languages understands Common and Draconic, but is physically incapable of speech Challenge (50XP) Shadowy Disappearance, The shadowdrake is able to use its action to disappear in a burst of inky darkness. It is invisible until it makes an attack action or casts a spell. Magic Resistance. The shadowdrake has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

    Limited Telepathy. He shadowdrake can magically communicate simple ideas, emotions and images telepathically with any creature within 100 feet of it that can understand a language. ACTIONS Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) piercing damage. Shadowy Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for one hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is blinded for the same duration, or until it receives the benefit of a lesser restoration spell, a paladins lay on hands (spending 5 hit points neutralizes the poison causing the blindness and the poisoned condition), or the like.

  • The Elementalist A Wizard Tradition School Elementalist wizards embrace a philosophy regarding the natural world and the fundamental building blocks of it. Learning to control the elements of creation with raw willpower and formulae, elementalists are formidable battle mages, and powerful conjurers. When they call, the elements answer. Elemental Savant Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, or lightning damage, or involves the elements, such as wall of stone into your spellbook is halved. Favored Element At 2nd level, you must choose one of the following elements: Air (lightning), Earth (cold), Fire (fire), or Water (acid). Whenever you cast a spell that involves one of these elements, or the attendant energy in parentheses, you either gain advantage on the spell attack roll (if it has one), or you add double your proficiency bonus to your saving throw difficulties for that spell (if it has one). Elemental Substitution At 6th level, you gain the ability to swap out your favorite energy type for the one dealt by the spell. When you cast the spell, you may choose to change the type of damage dealt to the one specified by your Favored Element feature. Call the Elemental Ally At 10th level, you gain the ability to summon an elemental to your service. You must spend 1 action calling to the elemental, after which a medium elemental of the type you specify appears. The elemental is friendly to you, and willingly complies with your requests. It acts on your initiative in combat. The Elemental stays for 1 hour, or until it is banished or destroyed. You must take a long rest in order to use this feature again. Command the Elements Starting at 14th levei, you can use magic to bring elementals under your control, even those summoned by other wizards. As an action, you can choose one elemental that you can see within 60 feet of you. That creature must make a Charisma saving throw against your wizard spell save DC. If it

    succeeds, you can't use this feature on it again. If it fails, it becomes friendly to you and obeys your commands until you use this feature again. Intelligent elementals are harder to control in this way. If the target has an Intelligence of 8 or higher, it has advantage on the saving throw. If it fails the saving throw and has an Intelligence of 12 or higher, it can repeat the saving throw at the end of every hour until it succeeds and breaks free.

  • Fate-Called Sometimes, a person is thrust into the river of time and fate, drawn into the actions and activities that will help shape a notable happening. Whether you are a shepherds son from a small town where two rivers meet, or the quiet, peace-loving scion of two Halfling families, fate didnt care. It reached out and drew you into life, and set you on your course. You do not know for sure what your path will bring you. You just know you cannot deny it. Skill Proficiencies: Insight, one skill of your choice Proficiency: Any artisan tool kit or language of your choice. Equipment: Set of artisans tools, set of common clothes, a journal, ink pen, bottle of ink, memento of home, belt pouch with 15 gp. FEATURE: Cloak of Destiny Your destiny calls to you, and changes fate at times, it seems, to keep you on your path. You must work out, with your DM, what your eventual destiny is, for weal or woe. Whenever your capability of fulfilling your destiny is in question, you may gain Inspiration, if your DM determines it is appropriate. You must immediately spend your Inspiration in a manner that works to help you towards fulfilling your destiny. If you attempt to spend it in a way that moves you away from fulfilling your destiny, you instead gain Disadvantage from spending the Inspiration this way. Fate is not a kind mistress. d6 Personality Trait 1 This is not the life I ever wanted, but it seems I cant do a thing about it. 2 I am resigned to my fate. I just go where I am

    moved to, like a piece on a gameboard. 3 For whatever reason, I have been called, and I wont deny that calling. 4 Some people go through life wondering what

    the point is. I am lucky enough to know there is a point to my life.

    5 My fate is still my own, but it seems that life has a direction for me to head.

    6 My fate will always be my own, and I dont care what some musty old prophecy said!.

    d6 Ideal 1 The gods have given me a gift, and I cannot

    let it go to waste. 2 The world, for whatever reason, needs what I

    do, so I do it the best that I can. .

    3 There is no greater feeling than the moment that you complete another masterpiece.

    4 Theres someone out there just like me that is waiting for someone to teach them.

    5 Just because I am good doesnt mean I stop learning. I am out to learn everything I can.

    6 My masterpiece is waiting. I just have to figure out what it is. d6 Bond 1 My tools are my life, and they are the most

    valuable thing I own. 2 The greatest reason to practice my craft is for

    the sake of the craft itself. 3 My teacher unlocked the door for me, and I

    will always remember and honor him/her for that.

    4 Each of my creations is just like one of my children. I like to see them used the way they were meant to..

    5 I do what I do for those around me, to make their lives just a little bit better.

    6 My apprentice(s) have decided to pursue the same path as me, and I wont fail them.

    d6 Flaw 1 Deep inside, I feel worthless at doing anything except what I do best. 2 I look down on people that dont do what I

    feel is something worthwhile with their lives. 3 When I fail at something, I cant help but

    wonder at my own worth. 4 I am afraid that I have reached the pinnacle,

    and theres nothing more for me to learn.. 5 Why is there always someone better than me? 6 Critics of my work send me into fits of near-

    violence. Why cant they just see the beauty in what I do, instead of trying to tear it


    HERETIC At one time, you embraced the faith of your

    fathers and entered the priesthood willingly. You learned alongside your fellow acolytes, or maybe just from the village priest, of the miracles of your god or goddess. You became one of the pillars of the faith in your community. You never lost your faith, but you realized that the dogma, the way things were done, didnt sit right with you. Your god or goddess, you knew, would never condone this kind of behavior. This was not the faith you felt in your heart. For a

  • while, you kept your mouth shut and your head down. And then, something happened.

    You spoke up, maybe at the wrong time, or in the wrong way. Fairly or unfairly, you were declared a heretic and anathema to the faith, and cast out. You are no longer permitted into the temples of the god or goddess you love, and the devout tend to shun you. Maybe you were marked with a brand or a tattoo, forever declaring you a heretic. Skill Proficiencies: Religion, Survival Tool Kit: One set, your choice, of Artisan Tools Equipment: One Artisan Tool Kit that you are proficient in, holy symbol, prayerbook, 5 sticks of incense, common clothes, old or cobbled together vestments, a belt pouch with 10gp. FEATURE: FOR THE LOVE OF THE GOD

    Even though you have been cast out from the major body of your faith, there are those in most every town that share some of your thoughts secretly. You may not be able to enjoy all the comforts, but you will have a hayloft or basement available should you need a place to stay. You and your companions can expect a hot meal and a, relatively clean space to stay, should you need it.

    It is worth noting, however, that because of your status with the church, you cannot receive succor or healing from the majority of your own faith. Should you ever wish to return to their good graces, you would have to undertake an almost impossible task to prove your faith and dedication. d6 Personality Trait 1 I know I am right in my beliefs, and in time, so will my brethren. 2 I idolize a certain hero of my faith, and

    endeavor to suffer through this test of my faith in a way that would make him or her

    proud. 3 Nothing can shake my faith in my

    god/goddess. I know I am still in his/her good graces.

    4 I will prove to my brethren, with my last breath if need be, that I am right in my

    beliefs. 5 There is nothing the world can do to me that

    will ever make me suffer as I did at the hands of my own brethren.

    6 I will not cease until my brethren accept me back into the fold.

    d6 Ideal 1 It is not the letter of the law that dictates what

    we should do, but the spirit in which it was written.

    2 There are always small-minded people, and they need to have their world expanded.

    3 We must help to make the faith, and the world around us, into the proper image of what is pleasing to the god/goddess. 4 Those who are in the way of the evolution of

    the faith are enemies of it, and must be treated as such.

    5 I will not give up on my beliefs, regardless of what I suffer in this life.

    6 Those who wrote the greatest scriptures of my faith were at one time considered heretics just as I am. d6 Bond 1 If I must suffer to prove my faith, I will. 2 I will someday get revenge on the corrupt

    temple hierarchy who branded me a heretic. 3 I owe my life to the people who took me in

    when the church cast me out. 4 Everything I do is an attempt to prove that I

    am right in my beliefs. 5 I will still do anything I can to protect the holy

    people and places of my faith. 6 Those who stand beside me through my trials

    will be remembered forever. d6 Flaw 1 I secretly doubt my own beliefs that have led

    me down this road. 2 I trust people a little too easily with my secret. 3 I am intractable on what I believe, unwilling to see any flaws others point out. 4 Every person I meet is most likely another

    person who will hate me. 5 I judge others harshly, and myself even more

    severely. 6 There is no true hope left in the world for me.

    Inquisitor Crimes happen every day, from simple robberies to murders and worse. In a world full of different peoples with different motives, you are the one called in to discover who did what, and why. You are an inquisitor in the truest sense, seeking the truth in all matters. You are not necessarily claimed by any one town guard or watch, nor does any temple call you

  • as their own, though you may work exclusively with some religions or law enforcement groups. When there is some sort of mystery to be solved, you are one of the first people called to the scene, and you are good at what you do. Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Insight Proficiency: Two languages of your choice. Equipment: Three pieces of chalk, roll of ten sheets of parchment, ink pen, one bottle of ink, steel mirror, set of common clothes, belt pouch with 15 gp.. FEATURE: Discernment You are accomplished at making leaps of logic and reason, piecing together seemingly unrelated tidbits of knowledge into a more cohesive whole. You see connections and correlations that other people gloss over regularly, and understand how they work together into the bigger picture. Because of this, you can make small leaps towards solving puzzles, riddles, and conundrums. When you take the time to truly think something through, inspiration should strike you as to what is really going on. The multiverse itself will not unfold for you, but it will most likely expose to you some small secret that others have missed. At any given time, you can ask your DM if something comes to your mind. He or she may require you to make an ability check to do so, usually Intelligence or Wisdom. Alternately, the DM could treat any instance such as this as a chance to give you Advantage on any ability check directly related. d6 Personality Trait 1 I tend to lose track of conversations going on

    around me, getting lost in my thoughts. 2 I tend to mutter to myself almost constantly,

    mulling over things. 3 I get impatient with people that cannot keep

    up with me. 4 I look down with pity on those that cannot

    fathom how it is I do what I do. 5 When people question the solidity of my

    theories, it pushes me closer and closer towards losing my temper.

    6 I have a bad habit of going on forever about things, never realizing when others lose interest, or never had it.

    d6 Ideal 1 I am responsible for solving these crimes, and

    I take that very seriously. 2 If these crimes are left unsolved, and no one

    will stand up to stop them, then all we have is lost.

    3 The guilty must be punished, and I must seek them out.

    4 Not every crime is perpetrated in the heart of malice.

    5 The devil truly is in the details. 6 I will make my name known as one of the

    greatest inquisitors of all time. d6 Bond 1 My work with the Temple of (God or

    Goddess) defines who I am. 2 I have a responsibility to the victims to solve

    these crimes. 3 People deserve a life without threat of these

    kinds of crimes happening within the safety of their towns.

    4 When I give my word, I mean it If I promise to get to the bottom of an issue, I will dig all day if I have to.

    5 I am out to see justice served, and not vengeance.

    6 Those that try to help me are good people. They deserve respect and all due honors.

    d6 Flaw 1 Im good at this because I was a criminal

    once, and use what I learned back then. 2 I did something terrible once, and no one

    really knows about it. And Id like to keep it that way.

    3 I throw myself so far into my work that I often times forget there is life outside of it.

    4 When something comes along that I cannot solve, it drives me into a sort of madness.

    5 Deep down, I think that there is no way to keep people from committing these crimes, and revel in the fact that it means I will always be needed.

    6 I am constantly haunted by the images of what I have seen, and can never stop wondering about the victims.

    Mster There are blacksmiths, and then there are those smiths that make masterpieces. Maybe you trained as a craftsman at the feet of the dwarven mastersmiths, or you learned how to play your yarting or lute from an elf who first plucked the strings in an age long ago. Or maybe you just have an amazing talent at a particular craft. Whatever it is,

  • you are often sought out for your abilities. But the road calls to you, always with more to learn and develop in your repertoire. Skill Pr