Director – Harrell Rawlins [email protected] 407-595-9753 Asst. Director - Ken Fox [email protected] 386-679-9191 Head Road Captain – Tom E. Duane [email protected] 386-527-6720 Secretary- Donna Rawlins [email protected] 386-956-6011 Treasurer - (Sarge) Dave Ellingson ELNgSN [email protected] 386-871-0502 Chaplain – Tom Durham [email protected] 772-521-6844 Safety Officer - Bruce Crewe [email protected] Web Master - Morgan Hackett Editor – Becky Baker [email protected] 386-738-3352 Membership Chapter Sunshine- Sandy Abele [email protected] Quartermaster – Krista Wilk CELEBRATE February Birthdays Jay M – February 1 Michelle B – February 4 David B - February 13 Donna C - February 20 Joseph F - February 23 Feb Anniversaries Gaye S. - February 3 Tom S. - February 6 February 2016 From the Director’s desk The year has started off with some great weather and so not great. February is going to be a busy month with three primaries’ and some great rides including a sweetheart ride for Valentine’s. Grab your sweetie or friend and let’s go for a ride and dinner. After the Gainesville primary we are going for lunch at Conestoga Restaurant. We need to support our fellow chapters for their primaries and they will support us for ours. Let’s show them how big this chapter can be. January we have added 14 new members. Please remember to renew for 2015 if you haven’t yet. If you have any questions about membership, please contact me or any board member. Also we need person to help volunteer for the following Committee’s: Picnic, Primary & Christmas Party. Without volunteer to help we will not be able to put these for the members. We need everyone to help support our HOG group. Bike week is around the corner so please remember to be safe and always watch out for vehicles. Also always remember to lock your bike when you park. Ride Safe New Smyrna Hog Chatter Some of the folks who went on the last ride for the month of January. Great ride to Gator Joe’s, sitting on the banks of Lake Weir. Nineteen bikes, 27 people… WOOT WOOT

New Smyrna Hog Chatter

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Page 1: New Smyrna Hog Chatter

Director – Harrell Rawlins [email protected] 407-595-9753 Asst. Director - Ken Fox [email protected] 386-679-9191 Head Road Captain – Tom E. Duane [email protected] 386-527-6720 Secretary- Donna Rawlins [email protected] 386-956-6011 Treasurer - (Sarge) Dave Ellingson ELNgSN [email protected] 386-871-0502 Chaplain – Tom Durham [email protected] 772-521-6844 Safety Officer - Bruce Crewe [email protected] Web Master - Morgan Hackett Editor – Becky Baker [email protected] 386-738-3352 Membership Chapter Sunshine- Sandy Abele [email protected] Quartermaster – Krista Wilk


February Birthdays Jay M – February 1

Michelle B – February 4 David B - February 13 Donna C - February 20 Joseph F - February 23

Feb Anniversaries

Gaye S. - February 3 Tom S. - February 6

February 2016

From the Director’s desk

The year has started off with some great weather and so not great.

February is going to be a busy month with three primaries’ and some great rides

including a sweetheart ride for Valentine’s. Grab your sweetie or friend and let’s

go for a ride and dinner. After the Gainesville primary we are going for lunch at

Conestoga Restaurant. We need to support our fellow chapters for their primaries

and they will support us for ours. Let’s show them how big this chapter can be.

January we have added 14 new members. Please remember to renew for

2015 if you haven’t yet. If you have any questions about membership, please

contact me or any board member. Also we need person to help volunteer for the

following Committee’s: Picnic, Primary & Christmas Party. Without volunteer to

help we will not be able to put these for the members. We need everyone to help

support our HOG group.

Bike week is around the corner so please remember to be safe and

always watch out for vehicles. Also always remember to lock your bike when you


Ride Safe Harrell

New Smyrna Hog Chatter

Some of the folks who went on the last ride for the month

of January. Great ride to Gator Joe’s, sitting on the banks

of Lake Weir. Nineteen bikes, 27 people… WOOT WOOT

Page 2: New Smyrna Hog Chatter


Not all of us enjoy riding our machines in less than sweltering

heat as much as I do. Riding in cool weather is refreshing and at

times gives me that excitement of riding through the mountains

in the fall. While I understand that cool /cold weather riding is

not for everyone (define cold), your bike is air cooled and it runs

better in the cool dense air. Unfortunately, your bike’s oil is

thicker and your battery loses cranking power and will make the

bike more difficult to start. I have ridden in less than freezing

temps and snow, though not always by choice. Admittedly I

know that sounds a bit crazy, I have been accused of that too

but, when you go north often on bike trips in the fall .... you

never know. Chilly weather, even cool temps for extended

periods, can slow your reaction times and make anyone’s hands

stiff and slow. Glasses and face shields will fog at the most

inopportune times. Balaclava (not the desert but the face

stocking), might prevent frost bite.

Do I seek out 30 degree temps, NO. When the situation arises

however, I like to think that I’m a good scout and am prepared to

handle these occurrences. Keep heavier gloves on board. A rain

jacket can add significant shielding when it’s cold. Start out

overdressed, it’s much easier to shed layers than it is to shiver.

Leather works wonders as a wind block, however, gives little true

insulation. The only thing worse than having no chaps is wearing

wet chaps. Leather, when wet, doubles in weight while rapidly

conducting heat right out of your body. All clothing loses it’s

insulating properties when soaked, adding a 40-70 mi/hr. wind

chill (your speed), make for a miserable and less than safe


Helmets, like them or not, add significant insulation to your

head and conserves heat from leaving the body’s hottest spot.

Any blocking of the wind from your body, by a shield, lowers or

fairing will greatly add to your toasty comfort.

Electrics are my wife’s favorite fashion accessory in cold

weather. All sorts of clothing come with electrical cords; gloves,

vests, jackets and pants. Electric grips are great for the cooler

evening rides, as are heated seats. Some electric wear has

rechargeable battery packs for off bike use, camping, hunting,

etc. So, suit up, plug in, layer up, and smile, cooler riding weather

is finally here!

Bruce Crewe, Safety Officer

Ride Safe, Ride Hard, Ride Long!

Back Yard Boys BBQ

Captain’s BBQ – AKA Donna’s Polar Ride

News from our Secretary

So here we are at the beginning of February, and my

mom always told me the older you get the faster the

years go by. Think she was right. Thanks to all of you

that joined me on what is now being called my Polar

Ride, there were 10 of us (7 on bikes), who braved the

cold and snow flurries ( not exaggerating much) to get

some awesome barbeque. I think everyone enjoyed the

food I was too busy shivering to socialize with everyone.

If any of you are interested in helping out at the

dealership for Bike Week, please get ahold of any board

member so we can get you on the list. Drug testing will

be at the dealership Feb 4th from 5-6pm I’ve been told

the paperwork is minimal, especially if you are a rehire.

See you out on a ride…………Donna

Page 3: New Smyrna Hog Chatter

From our Head Road Captain

We have had a good turnout for the January rides. My sincere thanks to everyone who has stepped up to lead and help during the month. It just goes to show when the going gets tough, the tough go riding. Know in saying that, that my “helmet” goes off to the courage of the 7 riders on Donna’s Polar Run. You will always have my gratitude for that ride. I felt so bad riding in my truck following to Captains BBQ in Hammock Dunes. I will never doubt your desire to ride again. As we head into February, please give me some ride ideas for our club to enjoy. Right now I need some help since I am still grounded. Just as a note, if you see my eagle on the road, check for a pink helmet on the rider, that would be Donna riding so please don’t call my doctor and get me in trouble. I get in enough trouble when I am out and about. See you on the road soon I hope. Tommy

New Smyrna Beach

Home & Business Expo

Words from our Treasurer

Well another month has come and gone and the

weather has been crazy. I want to thank those that have

paid their dues and I am sorry that some of your checks

took so long to get in the bank.

For those that have not paid your dues yet, please pay

by March 1st. Dee Sandy Abele at the meeting or drop

them off at the dealership in our HOG box.

I am finally back in the saddle and must say I have

missed it. Looking forward to the year ahead and more

great rides.

David "Sarge" Ellingson Blue Star Father Treasurer NSB HOG

Page 4: New Smyrna Hog Chatter

Are you new to our Chapter?

New Smyrna Beach HOG has their own

website. It can be found at


There you can find our calendar of

upcoming events, pictures etc.

We also can be found on Facebook.

Find us at Nsb Hog.

From the desk of the Asst. Director

The turn-out for the Gator Joe’s ride on Jan 31 was

great. Twenty-five members, 17 bikes; that’s what it’s all

about!! Of course the perfect weather helped too.

Spring will be here before you know it. The riding season

begins! (Well our version of it anyway.)

With Spring also comes all the special events in our

area. Speed weeks, Spring Break, Bike Week. I know,

that brings all the traffic too. Just be careful out there.

I could still use some help working for the dealer during

bike week. Great way to earn that extra play money and

be where the action is too. If you want to work contact

James at the dealer or myself.

As we move forward this year I would like to include in

our ride planning a few overnight rides. A long weekend

if you will. Any ideas where? Let me know your

thoughts to this idea. You tell me where, and I’ll try and

plan it.

Be Safe


From our Chaplain

Well, by the time you are reading this the Christmas

Season is over and it's a New Year! I hope everyone

had a great time with friends and family! I'm

looking forward to a GREAT year in 2016, and a safe

riding year as well. There are some momentous

events this year, the 75th Bike Week probably the

biggest. So, until I see you, Ride Safe!

In His Service,

Chaplain Tom NSB HOG