'If L. II. DOVER, MOURIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1872. NO. 12 Jfho Iron Era, Pi I ujm.n Evitr.v HATI'MMY ur ' i BJOKJ. 11. VOGT. I UITOIl ANU WlOltlETOIL or Mnriln u'ud lllritltivtll Street*, } •TICHMS (IF HUltSClUITIOJi I INVAIUAIILY is ADViKL'c. •it - - - - - - - $2.00 uilhn, - - - - - - - - 1.00 moiithn, - - - - - - - 00 EO. urcirAiius & Co., KlSTH FOll T1IH PHINCli'AL LINER Of HTKAJIKHH TOAKUritOJT *t Unlain, trolftinl, Oormnny and Franco 5 p pr •*'• PASSAGE TICKETS Liyorpoil anil Qucenstown, K %on tlio folluwlng RtcninBliIji IIQCB t , 'i .... /.v CUNAKD, NATIPNAL, ol uml Oil-rut Western. nKnvlnitd unfl ItoyalBanlt of Ireland SAMSON MINING Co., OIlESTEIt, MorriB Co.. N. J. Miners and Shippers of Iron Ore. AtMrcsl O. W. MII.I.EII, Sec, 8.W. 0EOH0E, Hu|.'l., SO llroad St. NTO York, Cliialor, HOT* Co:, SMl^ S.I. A. TAYLOE, UixuFicrunrJi AKO DEAIXB IS Liaar IXP . IIOVTJ HARNESS, SADDLES, &c, UOVEU,.K. J,, Announces to tlio rmbllc (lint bo hmreceived IJIL Wintur atw.U ntO.mda. and invitcn an exnmfiiA- lion of lib H[)leii(litlfioluutiotiof and Wolf Skin J3OVI3K, P*TJ^ uurccflaoo to Union Uuulc nt Dover. r rout CtoM Jhmfe irf tllo Houston and trnl lltuhrny Company-Hun. Wm. E. ^i lik-nt—fur wilo nt 00c. nml nci-rucd nt-rtnt. AJi|«,.-.B«vui(-tliii1y Nur.liL-ni I'aclflc iUUfOtft 1! lml'a'ni ii'arUml accrued Interest. * : Circulars Hon. £ r roblet, 11173. iriiui A. a. Hfuriiuhod on apullai* p, fli:ann, DnDkpr. JL. r-.—r/wiio A UUtTftig «"«'» Wiitittl'unl'i'K I3*t«i»llilnitn« Co?, 1*1u IHVCU Mill Hninwx HID., Dovr.lt, H. J. R, D—t irtiunlar nl t tuition (jivoti to cnttin mil da HJI]/ lmlich' anil children'A liitir. BMOI Ifi^cfl, B t mid j;ruii!i(l. 1-ljT W I. ir'lJBVOUK, \ 1HILESALB AllCXAILJKAfcCIl Foreign arid Domestic Tobacco, JNPFr -ind ntd.VIIH. Almii cmtHtntilkonlinnd, »BToat% ilijivuiKSEOMKU intdUiillVi'IKW " B lOll.toJI), l'Jni ilAurr All uiid^IUISIUt DOVER, IT. J. 3. JOLLEY, Proprietor. irflcu nml Carriages In Lot. VN. -T. Blvi W nttnnhod tn tlio IIi.U-1 HOT It pi byUio tlnj, wccli or mouth. licensed Auctioneer, i c mi N -,;{- mllntrv li Tnltontlcd to, und rp u actual cnlluetimm. I r U Counsellor at Law, $A BUSIER IN CHANCERY, H rdaA- CU'B btore, DOVKR/N. J. 1ST" JXI. O VC 11 I. , Uttorney & toifn eilors'atLaw, ^ C r n U(!i!csS'[«. 3OVKH.N. J. A. O.BOTTtt. O'FFI OE, Dover N. J. •N *% CJI I.L. V - a •' ^ n g Undertaker NSED A1ICTIOSEEK .VND C0MM1S- Sip Lit U EDS, , - . J> O" p n nttonilod ti>: P Dover, K. J. 2)r. S. II. JoluiHon, 0arriagesx.and Sleighs / O?Evrl>-Dcipi-Ip(liin. n 8t», . DDVEn, K. j. att?nt[o& paii] »orepairing nu '__ My i vFnuilt. V. Amsdcn, ~ "%{'/, 'Architect " Glflh ENGINEER, iz^.Q on BlaokwoH Street, near Sussex, inBt 8po"ifli;ntUniH and miperiiitonilonco of build UnrVcyc Lsvdls, pradrs, Tin.ns,ite. Tor pniilto ind pjlratc ituproromonU, . 2-ly Fancy Lap Robes, . Horse Blankets, 1 * Sleigh Bells, Whips,. "Brushes, Combs, OIJ.B for Lubricating HarncRS, OititmentH, XiinluieutA, An<I Infact Ml thoso articles niedfidbyn pood licrBunnui in tho pi-oper enro of that useful aal- tnnl. Having Ixiuglit an unusually Uryo Stock of Horse Blankets, I hm itlila tosoil nt much Boloiv the Usual Pricen. WII1TL0CK & LEWIS, New Store.1 NEW GOODS ! New Store Room, Cor. or Blachwolland Morris Streets, nml'till Jlih't-rs \Vhtn uny'favor"" H wit u"(i c'aTl, NEW'ANDTELECT STOCK OF - GOODS ! .....eh fop QUALITY, ijtfANTITY nnd PIIICE, wo fuel nsstirml cannot bu nm*rmwied byu«v slort In tl-j tinmiry. Our Kuw lloumfi bohiy uboul funr UiHCH Uu; Biwt.niiiKniw« ftirmuriv m-cupk-d, ('omitcUiit with our bualticen, ami wlUiJh cousluls iniiuitof . Dry Goods & Fancy Goods, Bach aa Indies' fashionable ibusa gooda, nil vnrie- tit-B ami |!l'a<kx; t-ulicii-u, mu&lme, BIKMUUSH, tick- Inutt HliirlniKN, tmvi-lititfii, hosiery, cotton tlinrnd, HilhninlliiiU'luvt'H, ilrciiH nnd du«li trimmings, libbuiiP, laui'd, eliawlH,o!o.iUii(,'H|llauuclu, thruad, " GEfilT'•' FURN°iS«ING GOODS, Rticli na clotlm, casfimerL'H, satliwltn, Jotnm, ik'ii- tniB, linen and CQUUII garnli, ciillnra, cravulit, neck lien, lmi;lt, link-, wiml, wtlon, MIIIJ nud hidKIUVI-K; wool nml udtun hulf kuu<i. HUH niidtini'ti hntdLer- 'liefH, io., tie. - • • BOOTS and SHOES. Intliua' nnaclilldrun's LJi.'li shorn, cnlter*. bnn!ilnn, Jlno b'jolu, HIIOCH "idtorBaiid tilii'iiurH. Groceries; imtl I'rovisions! 7otti, cuffcL'u, nngarfl, molfiKBCH nnd nyrnpa, nil ;railcn, variitiuB iindjinci'H. Citunul and (fried runs, wmi'lives nnd liavorfnif citrncla, pork, mo tied bom find nlioill tli'rn, drludbcrf r.mthii— nnlt uut.'lit>ri.'l, cuillltili, u-liilolluli and hnrrluy. A'so, always onhand, a Choice Article of Frosh Butter, Choose and Eggs. Crockery, Cutlery and Glass ilft'nc nofttly, uulisiantlnUy and promptly. Cull .-mil cxtiiniiiL' liiVHtmlL. 1 gUiiraut™ UDtlBfnclion, Dcccinliurlillh. IH70. Myr Free Passage Tickets i ' .FHOII Dover to Morristown On nnd nfti-r Aiit-. GUi, 1871, Iho suliBorllterwill nay tlm piiBHtiKO, OVLT tlio M . * li. II. It. from Uuv'trnnd vicinity vho' will iiu'rchaso or Id Aaiilondid and enllrt-ly nutv (lock of Itcndy- iiiudy Olnthing linB just lieon jmt in my nownlorc "u tho f>3il Iron Umik Dtttidiotf, fronting tho Pnrk ,t J[tiri]ntnwu. . .. BAMUEL RAM. llorrliloira, Ann. C, JS71. M-y C. H. DALUYMPLE. X3 it TJ C31- C3- 3C S "3", DIOIUUSTOWK, K. J. Dealor lu Drugs, Medicines, Oliemicals, Dye Stuffs, ETC., me. GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES. AllXEKAL WATE11S of all klmli, TOILET ARTICLES, Soaps, Brushes, Perfumery, ntiit OYMytlilng imiftHy fnnud in a First Class Drug Store. Tn Uio Tory rcnponnEblo duty of eompoumHL :-;• Phyaioiano' Proscriptions, OFFICINAL CHAlt.lCTEIt OF ALLMEDICINES USEDIX O. H. D,lLEYln>LE, Druggist NEW GOODS!! BOUGHT AT CASH PRICES I I ! And &B I BlmU BELL FORCASH, I «*n AIT0RI) to SELL CIUJAP JLFST lll'.CEIVED, A SPLBNpn) ETO0K OF . Dry Goods "and Notions Comprlfiing tho TOIT Intcat Btyloi *r Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, 'SHAWLS, T11I3IMIXGS k LAUIESi WEAK f-i Ever offered faDofor. Also, a fine AflHorlmcnt of JFKESH' GROCERIES In ouch varioty as to moot Uio wants of efcrj HouBohold. Crockery & Glass-ware TL6 lafest dnitljL-nH nud finest wnriiftinnnliin, AD well n'i tlio mora Btiiintontlftl . nrticlcniatUislluo. Ihavojuat opened, und inritn tho clttonn tit Dover (ocame aiiil^xaiuiuomy goods ond prices. Utitlar tlio IBO^ KnA OAice,'corner of Dlackirell id Morrid HUCOIH, Dover, N.£. JOHN F. WOOD. Ladles' afrt Children's Shoes CIIEArUtl Uuin.tii0'CIIEArE0T. i ie nnaorlmf nl-tiiiito nml \wAvi outlery, tnlilo hcry (ind ijli*K->rni'i.',' pnrlur, lialt, illnitif and HARDWARE ANDEDGE TOOLS. Jrcn, Sleel, Powder and Ftiso. a full ntBQrlir.ont of Skrclittut linn nnd ft ltd, in rods inul Urn, Kuitnblo f.ir liluclminitliR 1 nr inlnwH IIHC ; ttsr> uivjrtinij mill mining imwiler.nnd Diifi;ty UIHO, KMi>i|!t>ri ana IHliu^'i. hnru'i ulun-u und nniln, cnriiLuikTH 1 unDunml h|iikcu, blachuiuillia* ativiln, FURNITURC CAR>ETS ANDOIL CLOTH. In tills branch of liiiwiut'HH, mi Inicmi keeping r uf IKtrlur uuiti', Iwilroum ycty, ,. j, diuiiiif anil cxtcntiiou toblcn, tinfm, ldiuiijoa, tfto-n-tefes, o.tluiunnH, climru, —ukiirii, cniiy clmirfl, Ijuwjum, Hafi-B, wurdrolii-B, endi I'lnln ntid Amrri'-ati'jlirrr UBttrtt. Ilnir, I'tittun, wiml ni«1...... - mid ]iillmvs; )wil blanlictu andliiion, all Kiiuli lmvs; tod r lino uf L KI!1 nd liii »dl AD Our lino uf LnniolH aio »dl HtluiTtud, niiJ foiiuioli nr KI>L'I!H1I and Amorioau Hniuadn. In- (jr.vlii, Hemp nu.l ltarr, 1'ailor Mais, <U. Oil Clotlis, nlJ u-iatllc. Must of uur Mtoi-k uf KOOIIH Imvo bcun remit h iniri-littBCd nt tlie jinaeut rcdtcn-tl pricus, nn<] liavolmi ifi-lcutcd from tliobost houie« in Nou Yolk, witb (jrent c%vo, nnd wbkli iro iuLtid to ilia- poao of nt jiriccB as low BH fan bo afforded.— •'Quick Bales am] HIIIUII uri'iltH,'.' btiiijf our imitto. W.' Iinvt- fURtK-jcd tho sorvlcoc ol Home rnuni; i^'ii- tlumcn nnitalctiincii, wlmr.on>i>iiJ:ilio:»rorlioiiL'nty niidpollti::»c(;a mo irell-iiiiown, who will cliccr- uilly I'sblbit our hluck i»~ Buudp, ami Infcnn ui tlio priceu. wliuthtT yuuimrcbnBu or nut, PlMittiUU THOMAS BOLITHO, 23 E=L IS , RU3SH EVEKY DAY, S-AIOON, In Ei.icliwoll Ktreot, or (lellTcrid. JO-tf DOVER, N. J. Astonishing, yet TRUE PEEI.NE THE HAJTER ' IS SELLING CHILDREN'S. FURS AT $2 Per Set, -Cnll anil look nt them. The li«nt Assortmont of 5IINK8 em oflcrcd in this City, VAL.UA1I1-E Mineral Property FOR SATJ2. Tbo Snbierlhcr offu-ra fur BMI> aliont Twenty Acres of Land Withfttnlnnblo mim-ral doriosit, nit tut ted in the lhi.ni part uf Diiver,-near Clirytiti.1 atro.it.- talicn out. Tlio property fa nlso very dtitM- FOR BUILDIKG PURPOSES, ltn locntlnn lioallltv nnd rommAiidlug AfineprciB- -pct. Situnlo.l within Inn mlniiru* wnlk of 4ha iiiBiness coulru cf Unvor, it incoiifliibrod, ftir mildinf; Ritnn, ununl to any other property in the •IclnttyoMho tuwii. Tho prico In Five ThottnaftA PnlUn, o.nd the oriiis ofi liboral nn nan lm iicMrrd. Alnr>fur sale Buvornl buildiuf; lutn in tho nclgu- borhnod. lVnioiin wbhinc tovlusv (lie pit mhos may coll upon C. IX, Mutisiin. in Wnmsn ulnwt, nr MAH1.0N M1IXH0N, nn tho lirumiBCf Dover, K. J., Nov. 23,1871, *Wf. ADMINISTHATOlt'S Sale of REAL ESTATE m i n i Hut)B?riWr, ndminlntrator of tlif F.etnto of L John J. CrutiT, lain (if tlio cuiintv nf .M.,rri« N. ,T., dcuunsifil, liy virtuo ttt an ortkr »f Uu Oi-tjhnnti' Court •>! xmdComity, iiixlu on tltu 2m duvuf Muy, A. I). lH71.willtn.il mi Uiu lirfiulmpi uilthiit iinrtofthuIUal llnUtuof «hick said Join 3. Cmtcr diid Heizcii. in tho county a! Murrio, oi "icroinarior JoHorlbt-d, uu TUESDAY, March 19tli, 1872, Jotwri-ii the IIDILI-H of 12 uoou and 5 o'clocli In (hi- utturnoiiii uf suiri ihiv. tJuin KMJ Entitle Ijuhiir >f the I'ann (in vvhldi <aid ducuanud Uvtit! ti.il in tlm tdwiiukit.g of Chiattr am? "* ' n, iiinnid.-mmly, Ijoniulrd nn tlm H ( pf IUch.-!i-d litdiihoim and EUi it wcKt hv liinclH ( . f i ' a v i d ^ . ...,.., i l.y litiiita of Joel l'Dnnp, mi tliu c Urii</ii(.>d nu Aun-cv In Mary Craiur. Un ttio tuiid nmy lmfound n good TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE Ami all nfi'fimrv Out-ltuililiugs, agoott spring AI'PM; Dr.cn.iiui ASM AVASICIY OP rnrrrs. Tlm land is.in ftj{(Kiil slalo of cnltirntion, nnd Id well nOniitcil ffir yro/JiiK or farming. Tlicro nrupcml iudiuniioim or Iron Uvo tn, tlio vlacc. Tint i<'nriii(;tijitn!iui 12. r i Acrun. SOncreg uf ([IMJII timber hnd, Chtiitrmt nnd OaL Thulnnd inRitnitt-il alionl flmllpflfrmnClioBtcr Iihilroad Hlation, on tlio ruad kadiiiu frum Coop- er's Mill lo Utiiutiriliv. t madu l>nutni on tiny of Bnlc, by .T.CKATKIttAdmiuibl'r. Jnu. lSlh, 1872. GEOUOfi PIKRSON, Jlnnufucturcr uf ' Choice S-west CIDER AND Pure Cider VINEGAR MILL 11J100IC, N. J. AiModonltr (n nil kinds of MINKG TDII8E1!, l'LAKK, ftc, lc, nt very low prices. -S. B.-prdcrs lrft nt ricrean's lint .t Fur Hioro Duvcr, will rocoivc pr«ui|)t ntlunliim. 3I(»rristown STILL SELLING- AT HOLIDAY PllICISS ! ! ,K I'l mil HTUt-'ii cf S Elegant I'iiislay, lirodic, Nilsoii, Long Brunch, Bon- itn, Qiiconsland, Saratoga, BOYCltiiblO IJXtl'il, ItOllglll Stri]tcM anil other styles ol' FURS, FURS, FURS, Russian Sable, Alaska Mink, . River Mink, Siberian Squirrel, Furs for Children, &c. Dress Goods! IH'CSM Goods I! BCIIINQS, LYONS TOI-LINa, SAT- TEUNS, EMI'llliSS CLOTHS, lii'IKaiS LIKES, .to. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, CASSI- MEU13S, UOHDUnOl'S, ( ht-k Hn nn—lit' -.Toiilil l^-..t f llA of thft mlil in: " AtlK'tJCIM- alliluc tlmi nln, W. S, BABBITT & Co. The Reason KING, & JOHNSON Are busy irhilo notoiny «ro eryinx " ilnll " Ca ' lf iucnt]y'nll'their '" B , iinmoiiio STOCK OF ' GOODS IT LAST YEAR'S PRICES The increni* nf Siici in their Dress Goods, has com[Wl!cd them to tarry % Larger and greater variety of Styles than heretofore, Ami *rs now roady witli a New & Splendid Stock. Tlio onlyllomo ia which tli* SMALL PROFIT SYSTEM I . •tlatl)- mtUiarcd to. Morristown, N. J. THE ONLY HOUSE IS TO\TH THAT .?E£L9 " Falrehlld'3 Double & Twist Cai- simercs, FlaniNls & Yarns, KOG&J0HNS0FS; IT WILT4 PA.V All who desire to purrhiBO Domestics, Rannels, Shawls, Claalsings,- Cloth . Cassimorcs, Under Garments, Gent's Fur- nishing Goods, &c, To enll nml oxnmlno thefttnekof KING- & JOHNSON. A : Tiil drhi A Bare Chaiice. - lullcnt Ilnltl Tropurl.T huffurnil ftr finis, nimntu At Kianlinpe, Jimt ovir lltn .timnpx ; 200 yds. from tho Iron Worlin ivatl within iliatnncooftbo di-nnt of tho Del. luck. ,V in inftgood comlltlon—ptonty nf Fruit Trtco rfnet. Tcrmii mmmmlly Rood for nuch ll* I nor nbloiir iinn dfia lii . Tc opcrty. aitliig l rcrviinn dfiaitlii D by cnliinRupo vioir llio properly run do WILLIAM HllOWX, nt Ptsmlmmj. s. j.. or v,". T,_Li:ronT, Fur THE Iitoir En*. ACROSTIC. KT u. r. T. B urc prnnf of jirofjrcsiloii—for progrcsB It U nfcttnr-1, mure potent Hfl power tbnn m C orulmHitid with error und prejudice blind ; C ontondiiiij ultli iguorautcij tuliglit'iiiii(f tin mi nd ; E toltinj; inUIiicMKC, inomlB and hcnlth ; B upporliiiE religion ; dtvcJoi>iug wcaltb ; H urc ti'kt-u i.rdvilienliou midnrt, T lie gri'nt inml'-ic tutor ofiuiiitl and nfboart 0 ur ttrfingLold of freedom; nudnow, I con T bo power I ilcnerlbo la tho power of thoprcos H O,VL- or, I'll clauL-u at tlic o|ipoilto BJUO; H xjuulno iio cvjls coinp-irtj oud decide 1 11 nil Hint i-xintw (jooO nnd evil in mix'd : It cgrtt it who may 'tin a fact firm cud fU'J, O 'ur hJmcloiving dmpruaii, tli to, dark evil bo- N owQiili-blJnp, pcrvorliiig,oVnl!cingfoi-0old; E 'en utijopiui; tbc bnnost duglrcfi to dddrt-i It i^mdksa uf prlnciplo, tbese, I cuufvHa, A r<s Hcrinun i'viln, yut IXINO h\vt: inz rur-t; The Missionary of Carson's Clearing. Twenty ycttimnpo Florida wns—na faras coucerncil Iho outside world—n terra in- cngnttitt. Its vnst nrwi ol tixty tliouatmd ijimvo inilfft, omliracinj^ evei-y variety of nil iiiul climulp, contained 11 pop r ~* L '~~ itmlly fiiiOiciout tn cour,tittito oui „ IKLMI city. Situutcd us it VLIH, irjulutcd fnun nil civilizing fiiflnoiiccfl, and j; inp; bul ncaiity jutiiiun uf uuiuiuiiu nitli Ibu other Stntvit, itbvcuuicap fur pirates, refugees from iuatico aud wild turbulent si»irits of every description, lu D Jualanccfi these mon, like ffivguiioiiH uaN, bnmlcd ti)Rcthcr mid established I'nriugH" IIIOUK Uio rivers, in the pinny wourtis nnd tho buck conulry, ouj>|joi - tiii(f nsL-lvoa iii a. life of unrcli'ss and iudc- iiont oan<> \>y fis-hing and hunting, only iiiR tnongh porn to satisfy tbo waub of llii'ir luomrro household nconomy. Kec- ogniziiij^ 110 (tod, mid obedient to 110 lew but tlint of Hn-h' own evil pawium, ilu-y lied their live* in tlioh- own rcrl, right ids, nnd nifiny a. deed of linirdnr and terrible outrage has IJCUU. coniiniltetl hy tliom, with ouly the swaying piucitn liston, und only theBWHUIII (TIHSEI tu tliriu!; back from the gory dew, Tbnso " cicftringri" consisted of four oi* five log htitv, litiiltof liowu lugs, ut intor- vulft of oitu tir twu hiimlrad yaril», with B Binall gnrdcn patch atlacliod to encli, and a well, the common property of ail Homo of the linger boasted greater prootjt of civili/jition, iniuiimich as they contained a Btoro nnd tavern in unc. Of thinclnss was tho fnmrtiis Carson's Cleaving, sUnntcil a iiioit dietanco fiviin tlio Ancilla Uivur, a 1H lie, alupgUb stream thnt runs through Mail IFnn comity, anil boosting some suven or eight cnbiiiH, besiilca the long, rambling tavern, it hntl become a nopulur plnco »f roflorl for tlio outlaws of tbo neiehWhood for twenty miles around, and tlie fact ol its being an election precinct gftyo it ou- hanceil clnim-i topublic rcoognition. On 0110 quiet July dny in thoyenr o: our Lord 18;" 3, Cnnum's Cl(?ariii{f \WA it un xinusuiil titatc of excik'Uiont. , It couU not bo nn election, for,oloction was ovc-i nnd consigned to cvorliustiiip conlcntpt onlv one mnn having boon cut to pircos during tlio «lny. Tbo fact that tlicro WHS nn umisunl pxcitfincnt was plain to every* niii>; tu tlio Piiaiml obsDrvoi' its mmcccitnt ability wna eitunlly plain. The di;sijmtr-i looking poi'cli of tlio tuvcni wnt oCRiijiicc' by.Eouie diiKcn cursing nud swearing bi- yech, Arjii'Jtl to tho ta^th,- with unkempt hair nnd mitttcd beards, while an cqim number of c<wt hoiinda run snavJiitg un tlor and nrtniml. Ihu house' Carson, or "the Corporal," a«l'O was familiarly culled, occupied the plncu of huuor—behind tho bar, Atle.ieiler from the United States army during Uio Scminolo war, ho had drilled intu Ifndiaon crjunty, .nnd, ivitl his Indian wife, tcllicil down inti) his ircNCnt occupiiticm. Abutit sixty years of ige, inll and gr.nnt, oshuiitoodluHiindhi^ bar, lie wnsftmost villitinouslookingcroa* tuvo. The leering malignity of hiB face- wan heightened by the la.49 of an cycrfrom tho kick of n mule, while tho tno littl» rivulets nf tuliucco uiico Uiftt COIIIHULI diiwn fuel 1 corner of I111 toothless mouth until lost in the hibyrinlh of dirty whila rd ou bis chin and thront, added thing to his personal nppaaranco in ai.. tlifie point of vinw. Ilo, too, hud 1.-st hi* nfinal equanimity, and stood cursing to htmsrlf with a btrongo volubility that Lstonii;lied thn uutudly impas^ivo Jlrn. Cumon, and had nintlu tliobnr room haun- ted ground tn thr Ihruo young half-bicuil Cnrsons tlmt wero pofrinc wiatfullv thruugh Hie ivin,lr.it. TIID oxeitpim-nt had cteii reached ihp privilcgGtl charaoin of the ulcnring ; a huge hog, which, inatunil or tnhing hiMimm) afternoon siesta, wiv* siiucaling <Ii»tiin1Ir, only stopping oco.i- sionally to enjoy the luxury of a Eorntrii- 'np against tho utotit pillun of tho porch. Tlio cuuue of this umisunl nnd intense! cKcitemeut nmong.thc Jmhitues of tho olenr- inp, wns nn innocent looking letter, the aildre^s of which Iho lotfugcm on the porch had bocn for horn's trying to iloci- pher, but with ill snecesa. . It \\M nn iiimsiml cii-cnmsfnnce for ft letter to Ami UH way thither, where tho ncarobt post office wnn nixty mile-i distnut; but there it wns, dirtcttd iu a. round, clerkly liaml—"Willinm 0:irsont Egy.," —nnil tlie whole morning had be-on spent In Bwenrinp, inxzzlod oontcniplntion of tlio mynticnl characters, but no satinfnctory lohchnion Imd boon arrived nt. Thn last nnn who held it—1\ tall, awnrliiy yonnrj fellow—prow impnttcnt,- and Kirng out, llyflr, Corp., Item hnd tneklo tho d.ig- gonod thing again, TTC una can't niakojm- thin 1 outpnit" Cnmon obeyed the Biimmons, growling nnd blasiihetning nil tho way ; but just nn he ranched tlio door, oh] Tom, tho.negro, hostler, "camo limiting from the atublo, nnd TUUI that lack of discretion BO ohnv- neteristic of hifirncc, Bpoke up— . - 11 3Ias»Hft Billie, Icmine try nnf. I IUQ :eaclnlcctle bit." A ernnhinff blow in the fnco foiled liim to tho ground. 'Whnt right had a " nig- gnr" to iuti.imipt gentlemen when they were talking, nml above nil, what righ'l .hnd a "nigfjor" to know how. to reiul," when his aupcriora were unnblo.to do eo ? Hob Smith, fin Gr.-pirato fnmi Uio Spanhh main, supppsteil that it mif;ht bn. well to put nbnll through tbo "nifigcr'a" lioad, mt his motion not meeting with as hearty ipprovnl a3 lio cipurU'd, hu roliiptunl - int-o outenrptuom silence. There waa a ringing chiller of hoofs up- on Urn toad, ond th 1 gcnciiil cry ivus, " Jicj'o co) nL'B Hie Cnptuiu, ho Itiu read rcr." " ilov/d'ye, Cup.'/" "Iloiv'e ycr hcailh ?'* and miiiilor salutntiuus i>**) p u ^ivcn to the newcomer as he icincd in LU black uiiu-o ut t!io mclc, mid followed by :, two Cuban bloodhounds, joined tho louiigura «u the jjur^h. Tliia wua Uio noted sluvo hunter, C'aji- tuiu Oiei-fiuu, n(hirk Spunish looking fol- "ow, winranoyt'K of wild and iuto^so foiof- tv inatlL' one flmddcr to mcrt tlif ii- gluro. Cap. mudc but Might rei»ly to the gro^L- ings nh'iwiTcd ujnui him, but aftur diink- ing tho glass of hraudy brought him by the obHaquionH Coriioml, dt'tuaiidid : "What tlic devil 13 thoniulter v.ilh you nil ?" Tho letter wns hnnded to him as a snfli- cicnt fiuswcr in itit'lf. AH he rend- tho in- KGfiption aloud, "William Cumin, KH- fjuire," oucor two of the rai'ii elmleed Guspiciously at Hit' pucoiirioug Corporal, nut altogether certain but whr.t the "lis- cjmre" iiigniiiud his appointmont A3 un in- strument of the law, nnd for all mich, they entertained a liutrocl duoji and profuiind; ft hatred Unit manifoiitc'd itaoil in their sliooting the only tux collector that ever Tcnturod among them. Cup. ]>uli'jil the letter out ftud flnucoil hastily over it 1 ctmtcnt- 1 ;. Why, buys, we're goin 1 to hnve Borne fun ; hyar'n ouc of them prayiii' chups from BaMtntiy if goin 1 to hold miiyiouary ser- vice hero next SunduT ', whut ehill we do with him?" CJhuek him inter tho river," sjudono; inn don't wuut 110 eich fouliu 1 zoun' Cftlh hissclf (i mit-huu nry too," said Iho Crirpnrnl with infinite hcnn j "devn my hkiu «fl don't b'lii'Vft ho thinki wc'n hmithins ; it'« null'to tdukon a buzzard." " Hero, old Corporal, "flnid tho Captain, what Bhill we do about it if" A gleam of joy irradiated Ciirson'fl face, making it uioro hideously ugly thau ba- forc, I kin shoot him up tothe crossm' of ycr any HO." Moat of tho listeners growl- ed ft hearty approval of-thib gtinartmi pro- posal. *'Ko, leavohioi to mo, I'll Bottle tho •whole business. Let's ticker." Tlie dnrk, illculy hiuuhiomo cyan glittorcd I1L.0 11 WOU'B ny he led the way to tho bar. OncoiiiKiile, and rendered Hociable by tho powerful liquor thn Corporal dinpen- sed with a Inviali himd, nud (Jap, paid for with us li'.vbh, the conversnli'iu * A toualMo (ilioi'inolicr, who tuude m piinci-ly furtuuo JJTthn snlo of an ox ten- tivcly udv.ntiw.-d 'bUucslring of ]ii» own iiivi-dlioi), wioto tliia attAiZt, vluvh UoVT «dorua bin creot: •' ifymi «ru l.isi- ftuil vhii to tinO, 'Ihi'u i-iUli ri«l-i iii f-i.il mlvtrtit:.;; If vuu uro iml. Uuii i'it tluini ;^<t. &u\ 1ft yimr Ijiisinvrn co to pot." •Mm. Woniln, of MillfiHilHifff, Iloluiei county, Ohio, i.i driving 11 cu" ( l bn*intia* with the aid cf tho Ohio tiling kw. Slid lina rci:ijvored ^O,IK)(J fn>m di'alrra who huvi! Miltl liquor io hrvInulmml, nnd. tho ol J I!(JIIUI>IIIHII titillhtiekstii the bylonna. Tlio Kprinu htvlo for the SAinilwiuh Isliin- dor* auuoinu:i>il. Jl i^ 11 rnd Htrin»ab.jiit the h'ft I.-Kjuut above the Itiice. The pre- Ki'iil fushion is n red ntrinK l«'low thn Uuue. Uy the liny, nc underbtnnil thnt the idurj iicytnen tuiloifs in the Band with Isluudu do not Mril:e for Tvnfct.!] [us nua-h UHOUCO in nix months. * TIIMO nr^ li>2 mil'fi in the Stntn of N c viidii ;ii;'jd in the uMiKUiiijj nud reduction of various OIVM. Their capaeUy equals 0,5)21 horscH : they carry 2,Sifji)tumps, nud coat over yiO,8U(J,000. A f Keoki prlnti f SII nle thief v/tvt recently orrrsted in k, IowaP wlio inihwwoil to the tvjt- n "RatliingMarth, from the Stftta " A bill exempting journal! iti from jury duty IIIIH pariit:d cue House &f tho C'jlifor- uia Lug-ioluture. * The Portsmouth Jbnrnnf pays the effect of (bo flouriuu loilli; in that* place U to :ntikc the city flouriwh of b furiu loi; in :ntikc the city flour-iwh. liiinnlcnirnt to an not t<> riRiilato tho Inslneu of fliV, lir-.-, .cn.l^.l, umrinu itn<l live ot-.clt itmu- raiK'o liv cum 1mtic a or niimji'latioi^notlnciirpo- r*lod lij thin nLiio, Apjiruvi'd April uinlG, oao ttiouniiuil eight liuudrud uml tuxty-Hcvcn. 1. Uu U oancttd by the Buunte and Oencrbl Ai- ni'iuiily ijftlioKtiiiL-orNov.JtriH.-j, Tlmt it tluUl bt« tiiu diity of cvt-ty Hfoln.mrnuoo company (u- ii-(.tt>iIlijr lint lawn uflbfHHtntu to m«ko - - i [ o r d f t lh l •ir>riKi(. Uiriiiii Uir thI lin l ir.-or I iir.orcndiy tuIf, HUUITIII? nil an MI fu r>rn> on tlit'llrsf il h initii ulura or tlio viiliintlnii t h f r 1 fuml tlu'refurc, n riuni'tt t;il)ln uf mortality, of rmir nnd n half [KT C* •iiriiTtlin"- 1 ' ffxanal, coiitcliny iimmh upon tho u«it j Mii , rf , 0lllJr(iy ^ o ospO!1Hi tlf(iwof mnnncr 111 which tho Captain and hm luS ,mui nf .mo ront forrnorytlioiitan-I rlullm ftf L', 1 vrh»le auiouut iusnred l>y iti pullciua BO TKI- V.*An<11>olt cn&ctfld, Tliat wlion hy tlie Wvw« ' nntinu any tait-n, Dnei, pon- <trpii4its of inon'jy f>r or ID* ny3 ht hiHimln—not half no cruel and n.tlic—hud tmcliod twoim{<rti riuin' through tho nwamj). In whicli ho had lili ouc, and allowed kin hounds to muu^io thn othor until voluctaut doath omue to his relief. Thofifory ereatml anintonao intorust in HH hoarors, und a minglod ndmirction find rcivoroHco for tho Captain as ftmnethiufr moro than mortal, Accmud Iho iirovailiug fueliiiff. Even Miulnm Carson, or "that HipiaW," O-saliowaa culled by the mon aris- tocratic portion of tho community, riccniud tn jwrialco of tho general opinion, nud &at blinkiuR nt him in ailout adoration. Now that tho mystery of tho lettor •was nolveil, quiet reitfned once more iu tlio clonrinp:, nnd tlio loungora repaired to their I'e.sneetivo cabins, nccure in thoconHcious- nc.is that Cap. would malio thovisitof t!io inisi'ionnvy one lnny to bo rcmuinborcd iu tho history of the country. Biuidny morninjj broke upon tho plnco bright and beautiful as a dream. Tlio wood'i on tho eilfw of tho clearing .sooniod ali* with melody. Tho mocliiiifj birds nent rip]»!cs of rarest music liimtinf; thixitigh tho ambient nir. A Hoft, inflow breeze phiyi'dnmoiirr the chanting leawa, redolent, with, pcrfuuio of jca^aniiuonud of inyrllo, At tlio ivcsfrni rdgo of the clearing a motley cr.nv.l had ((.-.sorubled ; uiou, wo- men nnd cliildron worn them ; n nondes- cript assoniUliitfo such aa only a aoiitheru clcannft can muster ; tho men with their rifles und hounds, their iuicparnlilo com- panion!', dai-ji, wolf'iBh ftiid scowling'. Tho women, tiiUow-fiicxi, gaunt nnd rugged of outlinP, (It coin[)nnioi.a for their lorda, gazed with Hint hoh-histor look so char- fictarintic of icfiionmt curio-ity. It wa^ Uio flrftt timo a pronohnr of the {r.ispcl had evor v on hired among them. The biblo waq tnthem a nealcd voltimT. 'll-o name of the Almifrhly they were familiar with, but only iu tho form 01 nn oatli. Urfl f>>r them hud noterror, as tlioy wow duily in tho habit of consigning each othor to that locality with ngonernsity rarelysurpasaBd. No ivondw the imu»tirJ proceedingn crea- ted such oxciteraoni, Tiio iniisiDimry took his stniid. Pnlo p.ml cinii'Mntcil, with dark oyos, nmiknn, but full of flvo, his loujr white hair foil lil>o an aureola of glory upon hia shoul- Ilo opened his hymn book ond commen- ced tlint most betuitiful of all hymns, "Noarnr, my God,,to Thco." Hi^ v.iioa rose clrar and sweet, tremulous nud ten- der with pathpo ; rind lm rudo hcarcru, rough nnd crimr-stainod «•» they wcrp, felt their hcnrti thrill within them, Oloaror nud Hwoslcr soared thoso' woudrona toiiM. There wi« a smile Hko that of an augol upon his fuoc— " E'en tiiotijll it bo a cross Tlint rnisoth mo"— A nhnrp whip-liko crack renounded upou tho nir, nud from a thicket fjomu twdliun- dred ynrda dhtimt, a littlo puff of bluo moico curlod gracefully upward, whilo irone upon Ins face—shot through the loavt—fell thn MisEiionnry of Cnraou'a Clearing. ' - Samnol Harrimnn, of St. Oroix Wiiwou- sin, rolired from military Hfo with a bro- vet brigndierahip. " Oood-byo, general," th ti i f l* olil com- you, l wore the parting ATOids of ln*3 nulra iu tho anny. "How are v onpl ?" was thn salutation on reochiufj Wisconnin. As he nppronched homo tin;! began to como down to "Iloir d'yo do, enptuin ?" nud flimlly, when ho camo anmi)^ the boys nt homo, ho wan greeted with "llnllo, Sain, got back again ?" An XjjiRlinh pamokcoper hns reonntly brnkrii ablack now to limit parnft iu the woods, mid plio is snid to run in the hunt with wonderful success. Sho irill truck pamr.buek nnd 8t:md, nnd point parlrid- RIW; phoananta, snipe, nud rnbbits p.iakil- fully na a brnd lioiutor. She boiuiils in roaiionso to n whistle mid lTugn Iirr licad ind squenh with delight on being shown a. A New Orlcnus pnpnr sayr. thnt a young widow iu that, city, who writes well. " training hei-yi-lf fur i\n editor." Who is .he editor she is training for ? o a y i a nltkn, Ui'iiiiiioH, t iti oilier lir.. lt oIi^biiMiio^iiim^ iwn thi'Ir nctntH tli mitinuu In f H wn t itin nctnt fuii'ir l li Hit H !! , p jt om-y or uf ,tionn or pn.l.fl.itlimfl &r» i!L> cotnpaiiioa of tlili itUto ollKr ntAtu or natlmi, t,r -In, no long nn Bucn Uwi AIIII' Inner, tlat>e, ponftlllns, UifW J lllJ llcriif.™, Uet, .lop)!!,., ..UijnfWKi uuJ prolillJ ti'im, nu<l no otlicrof ulmtcvor hind slmlfbu Im- t>OHi!(l niK)ii all mich inni]i-.-incc toiiipunlL-i of micb uL1ii>rBtn|Qurnntl<iuaiUaT 1<n9lufaa witill 11 talo stntonyilulioii tlu-ir arcutdlioro; prnviddd th»t nothing Lrnim ehal! InLcl.l to rL-tunl tlio UROIIH fc-u of iifty tloll&re ru'jnirtnl of life IiiaurMiCBcon- panic! nhttlitr nlnk's iJciiinrljimliiLua la tliii ttate, or tho farther pijment ut twenty dollanfor ol i f h nic! htlitr n s iJn at, tho farther p.ijment ut twenty dollanfor o*cli d e w r r it];t>:it it]ipi)into<ll>3'n:i tltieting far t h a n . 3. Ami bo it onnclud, Tlint nllnt-taor rarlt of t lltMttb tl ii f til l int nllnttaor rarlt of prmiaiinti of tills ncl iv rcprnlert, oud tlwt snAy notn in»fiiitii«tni( bn nod thr>1 thin out tiball - _, Approvod Fobniarr C, 1^7^. Tun 1. A further snnplomfnt t.i an " n'ut(«, ftii-1 tifJXx iji»<tf ," npproved AprtnT 1BI3. 1. Bo it enacted hy tho inmbly oftlio HtalunrXoi itiit'tnl H^WrT of tlvtf t'i'iii'mii'l il^ll 2. Atullxtitciiniilfil, Tint thlo jffji't Jaiiinr.'lii, H73. A|'l»rgvctl .fnunnry 10, 1372. CrTAI'TEll VII. \.n n?t to &mcnil H1.1 .lit t liitl'vl* 1 An not fjiv\njf t!i: i"iin?:iV" F >i" tiio flt^tuojo+io'.v .loreoy tu tlm cro'tion of dtlmcua RtJ/m'i'3 Pjiut, Now J«r- 1. Ito itunacOlrtUytlm Honatj n-.ul Onacrnl A*. lamMvftfthuuUt'JurN-'t/.ToMjy, Tii-\t tU» net Oii'.iik'd "An net uivifiR tho oniisunt nf tlio otato of NBWJUMJ.V tn tb'irroctliinof lU'fmtncniit Finn's l'i.in:, Nun Jnra?v." A^IIMV^I Ajirilfi,1871, nil ill bafUca.Mtniutu'Tn'j t> «ivj tn ;i >:i.r>nt at t!io Iho of fortifl- il febrtnry 1, 1172. 'iirllisr stipploiiiojii S.i a;tvui ctitillo;! "An M ! chtiv.i to tli-! oonuwnfition s-iil iliiticiot tlia HUB or tlio n.tm-j pa 2 Ami U2 it o->n.- j-iiircr lo . ._ _ _ ' • J to bo do- .,JPD*O of tba - - .itliufi, in tho hv/, tind to innltra dlutrlbn* --UV.lt t ' l t l l ' BtBtlltt). i atBt the m.coaHB«etloa v-iiU-1* tliiiila n HtiinikiiK'nt, bu and honliy cuiitinu-il" tn f.iri-n fop flra mrmnr nltuntJ or ftmoalcili It te.l, lint all acli-.tUitlpMH 0* th tll t uunivl tbo MUJB t»k« arM.v.i .-t",l, tlil uniwte.l, li nt vrith tltld t. Au.l Iwit onwtwl, Tlmt tills nc Tict fmm the feiirtL ilav nf Aiiril U Ajii-wma February a, 1373. JMut Itnsoliiiion of thn Li-t:;aht p r.iiniuutidJn^ Ihe pah lin Lixiahturc at Kcw Jetuf, f:irclia»j of Iudiiponducce (Iiw•*«:>, Tiio rrrrracnlnltrca pf tlio people of th* WV..1.1! 6ttt.-- .1.1. in «•vrn'.ncn h n m W l .ml B.iKutv.sii, ilfclarc aiitl *lrAc* tobu " of riiiht tKf niiJ iuiicpEml. n l ; " n;»l fflirrem, tl»t .fice- mombpr tlwrouj*. bretjMH hit in iwrj^tnity to every uurjmomlicr of ihc v'claxf^»»tatMi mfl vieirnf Hie EpproFiclilnprcntfnTifainf AmnricuB IniK-i«!iiJ.- i rieo liiutaiulii nroriiiinn fur tclfhr*- tinf,'Hut ftu^int cTcr.t inihevitj of ill »dop- tinn, by lioMiiiRft nfliiwml i^hll>ill<ni of •M*. ninnufncturcH, nud tlie products of tlio toll and mi nun hereof, 1. G<! it n nolreil lij the Hm.ito nnd Ocncnd Ai- 'inl.Iy uf Hie Jitato i.f r,'..w .T«»nt. Tliat th* jn*U»ri! in Cmpr.-Bt from thin xtntn i>0 initrnct- c<l, mul the roprrnEii(:it:vcn n'([iir>HtPii to intro. 'iicc, mi'.|Mrtaii'1 vole fern lull prodding for tin imrthiwo of tJio I [nil "nf Iiuirpci'.dcau, (nil iic niiiir.u'on Tirhitli It iittitdit, mtiutfril In Iho ityof ri.tl.tdi-lr.hln, th~ rniim toburro tho fourth ^j nf.Tulr, ciff.ilor-n liumin^i AIH! HfivpniT*nlx lnnallyilvilii'atL'i! In Uiu Itqmiilu of the CiiHnd sn'Jitinn tlmt tho fiirnit-r paltl for aaiil hall and innro heepprnpriMcrt hy pai'l ntr to tho trnc nn nf sultnlilo Imildingn for tlin li'oMinp or tali ' " -' -!xbiljiltnn:atul!f any inoticy shall " m nf Mid linihiiniew, th» 1 no nppropnntt'd Ut tho iirc»rirTS.t[(ta ivumcnt of nalil hull, aud tho gronndt It ii h-entrrl. •a Folt-imry 1, 1973. %JOINT HFHOr.pTlAW NO. 2. fls-'mbt.r of th^ HMJji_ftM*«w"-rn"M"('y Thnt the win sftw tho liiiip wbicli mr» tt.•r rtl tbr l b br I«1nir,r!ii!.ii ut lhH,nw,Kitt bfi »i<irtfivctl by t l u Ji.iut <".imuiitt(.u nppotntM lo maku iirran^pmrnN for tbo inMicnr»tioti. Apprnvml Febrnnrr R, 1S73.

New Store - rtlibrary.orgNew Store.1 NEW GOODS ! New Store Room, Cor. or Blachwolland Morris Streets, nml'till Jlih't-rs \Vhtn uny'favor"" H wit u"(i c'aTl, NEW'ANDTELECT STOCK OF

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Page 1: New Store - rtlibrary.orgNew Store.1 NEW GOODS ! New Store Room, Cor. or Blachwolland Morris Streets, nml'till Jlih't-rs \Vhtn uny'favor"" H wit u"(i c'aTl, NEW'ANDTELECT STOCK OF



Jfho I ron Era,Pi I ujm.n Evitr.v HATI'MMY ur ' i


or Mnri ln u 'ud l l l r i t l t iv t l l Street*,



•i t - - - - - - - $ 2 . 0 0

uilhn, - - - - - - - - 1.00

moii thn, - - - - - - - 00

EO. urcirAiius & Co.,KlSTH FOll T1IH PHINCli'AL LINER


*t Unlain, trolftinl, Oormnny and Franco5 p p r • * ' •


Liyorpoil anil Qucenstown,K %on tlio folluwlng RtcninBliIji IIQCB t

, ' i . . . . / . v C U N A K D ,

NATIPNAL,ol u m l Oil-rut W e s t e r n .

nKnvlnitd unfl ItoyalBanlt of Ireland


Miners and Shippersof Iron Ore.

AtMrcslO. W. MII.I.EII, Sec, 8.W. 0EOH0E, Hu|.'l.,

SO llroad St. NTO York, Cliialor, H O T * Co:,SMl^ S.I.




U O V E U , . K . J , ,

Announces to tlio rmbllc (lint bo hm received IJILWintur atw.U ntO.mda. and invitcn an exnmfiiA-lion of lib H[)leii(litl fioluutioti of

and Wolf Skin

J3OVI3K, P * T J ^

uurccflaoo to

Union Uuulc nt Dover.r rout CtoM Jhmfe irf tllo Houston andtrnl lltuhrny Company-Hun. Wm. E.

^ i lik-nt—fur wilo nt 00c. nml nci-rucdnt-rtnt. AJi|«,.-.B«vui(-tliii1y Nur.liL-ni I'aclflciUUfOtft 1! lml'a'ni ii'arUml accrued Interest. * :

CircularsHon. £


rob let, 11173.


A. a.

H furiiuhod on apullai*

p, fli:ann, DnDkpr.

• JL. r-.—r/wiioA

UUtTftig «"«'» Wiitittl'unl'i'K I3*t«i»llilnitn«Co?, 1*1 u IHVCU Mill Hninwx HID., Dovr.lt, H. J.R, D—t irtiunlar nl t tuition (jivoti to cnttin

mil d a HJI]/ lmlich' anil children'A liitir. BMOIIfi^cfl, B t mid j;ruii!i(l. 1-ljT

WI . i r ' l J B V O U K ,\ 1HILESALB A llCXAILJKAfcCIl l »

Foreign arid Domestic Tobacco,JNPFr -ind ntd.VIIH. Almii cmtHtntilkonlinnd,

»BToat% ilijivuiKSEOMKU intdUiillVi'IKW" B lOl l . toJI) , l'Jni i l A u r r

All uiid^IUISIUt


3. JOLLEY, Proprietor.irflcu nml Carriages In Lot.

VN. -T.Blvi W nttnnhod tn tlio IIi.U-1 HOT

It pi by Uio tlnj, wccli or mouth.

l icensed Auctioneer,i c m i N-,;{-mllntrv

li T nltontlcd to, undrp u actual cnlluetimm.

I r U

Counsellor at Law,$A BUSIER IN CHANCERY,

• H rda A- CU'B btore, •• DOVKR/N. J.1 S T "

JXI. O V C 11 I. ,

Uttorney & toifn eilors'atLaw,^ C r n U(!i!csS'[«.


A. O. BOTTtt.

O ' F F I OE,

Dover N. J.•N *% CJI I.L.

V - a •'^ n g UndertakerNSED A1ICTIOSEEK .VND C0MM1S-

Sip Lit U EDS, , - .J> O " p n nttonilod ti>:

P Dover, K. J .

2)r. S. II. JoluiHon,

0arriagesx.and Sleighs/ O?Evrl>-Dcipi-Ip(liin.

n 8t», . DDVEn, K. j .

att?nt[o& paii] »o repairing nu'__ M y

i vFnuilt. V. Amsdcn, ~"%{'/, 'Architect "

Glflh ENGINEER,iz^.Q on BlaokwoH Street, near Sussex,

inBt8po"ifli;ntUniH and miperiiitonilonco of build

UnrVcyc Lsvdls, pradrs, Tin.ns,ite. Tor pniiltoind pjlratc ituproromonU, . 2-ly

Fancy Lap Robes, .Horse Blankets,1 *

Sleigh Bells, Whips,."Brushes, Combs,

OIJ.B for L u b r i c a t i n g HarncRS,OititmentH, XiinluieutA,

An<I In fact Ml thoso articles niedfidbyn poodlicrBunnui in tho pi-oper enro of that useful aal-tnnl. Having Ixiuglit an unusually

Uryo Stock of Horse Blankets,I hm itlila to soil nt much

Bo lo iv t h e U s u a l P r i c e n .


New Store.1NEW GOODS !

New Store Room,Cor. or Blachwolland Morris Streets,

nml'till Jlih't-rs \Vhtn uny'favor"" H wit u"(i c'aTl,


.....eh fop QUALITY, ijtfANTITY nnd PIIICE,wo fuel nsstirml cannot bu nm*rmwied by u«v slortIn tl-j tinmiry. Our Kuw lloumfi bohiy uboulfunr UiHCH Uu; Biw t.niiiKniw« ftirmuriv m-cupk-d,

('omitcUiit with our bualticen, ami wlUiJh cousluls

iniiuitof .

Dry Goods & Fancy Goods,Bach aa Indies' fashionable ibusa gooda, nil vnrie-tit-B ami |!l'a<kx; t-ulicii-u, mu&lme, BIKMUUSH, tick-Inutt HliirlniKN, tmvi-lititfii, hosiery, cotton tlinrnd,HilhninlliiiU'luvt'H, ilrciiH nnd du«li trimmings,libbuiiP, laui'd, eliawlH,o!o.iUii(,'H|llauuclu, thruad,

" GEfilT'•' FURN°iS«ING GOODS,Rticli na clotlm, casfimerL'H, satliwltn, Jotnm, ik'ii-tniB, linen and CQUUII garnli, ciillnra, cravulit, necklien, lmi;lt, link-, wiml, w t lon , MIIIJ nud hid KIUVI-K;wool nml u d t u n hulf kuu<i. HUH niidtini'ti hntdLer-

'liefH, i o . , tie. - • •

BOOTS and SHOES.Intliua' nnaclilldrun's LJi.'li shorn, cnlter*. bnn!ilnn,

Jlno b'jolu, HIIOCH "idtorBaiid tilii'iiurH.

Groceries; imtl I'rovisions!7otti, cuffcL'u, nngarfl, molfiKBCH nnd nyrnpa, nil;railcn, variitiuB iindjinci'H. Citunul and (friedruns, wmi'lives nnd liavorfnif citrncla, pork,mo tied bom find nlio ill tli'rn, drludbcrf r.mthii—

nnlt uut.'lit>ri.'l, cuillltili, u-liilolluli and hnrrluy.A'so, always on hand, a Choice Article of

Frosh Butter, Choose and Eggs.

Crockery, Cutlery and Glass

ilft'nc nofttly, uulisiantlnUy and promptly. Cull.-mil cxtiiniiiL' liiVHtmlL. 1 gUiiraut™ UDtlBfnclion,

Dcccinliurlillh. IH70. Myr

Free Passage Ticketsi ' .FHOII

Dover to MorristownOn nnd nfti-r Aiit-. GUi, 1871, Iho suliBorllterwill

nay tlm piiBHtiKO, OVLT tlio M . * li. II. It. from

Uuv'trnnd vicinity vho' will iiu'rchaso or Id

Aaiilondid and enllrt-ly nutv (lock of Itcndy-iiiudy Olnthing linB just lieon jmt in my nownlorc"u tho f>3il Iron Umik Dtttidiotf, fronting tho Pnrk,t J[tiri]ntnwu. . .. BAMUEL RAM.

llorrliloira, Ann. C, JS71. M-y

C. H. DALUYMPLE.X3 i t TJ C31- C3- 3C S "3",



Oliemicals,Dye Stuffs,



of all klmli,

TOILET ARTICLES,Soaps, Brushes, Perfumery,

ntiit OYMytlilng imiftHy fnnud in a

First Class Drug Store.Tn Uio Tory rcnponnEblo duty of eompoumHL

:-;• Phyaioiano' Proscriptions,



O. H. D,lLEYln>LE,



And &B I BlmU BELL FOR CASH, I «*n



Dry Goods "and NotionsComprlfiing tho TOIT Intcat Btyloi *r

Dress Goods, Fancy Goods,'SHAWLS,


f-i Ever offered faDofor.

Also, a fine AflHorlmcnt of

JFKESH' GROCERIESIn ouch varioty as to moot Uio wants of efcrj


Crockery & Glass-wareTL6 lafest dnitljL-nH nud finest wnriiftinnnliin,

AD well n'i tlio mora Btiiintontlftl. nrticlcniatUislluo.

Ihavojuat opened, und inritn tho clttonn titDover (o came aiiil^xaiuiuomy goods ond prices.

Utitlar tlio IBO^ KnA OAice,'corner of Dlackirellid Morrid HUCOIH, Dover, N . £ .

J O H N F. WOOD.Ladles' afrt Children's Shoes

CIIEArUtl Uuin.tii0'CIIEArE0T.


ie nnaorlmf nl-tiiiito nml \wAvi outlery, tnlilohcry (ind ijli*K->rni'i.',' pnrlur, lialt, illnitif and


Jrcn, Sleel, Powder and Ftiso.a full ntBQrlir.ont of Skrclittut linn nnd ft l t d , inrods inul Urn, Kuitnblo f.ir liluclminitliR1 nr inlnwHIIHC ; ttsr> uivjrtinij mill mining imwiler.nnd Diifi;tyUIHO, KM i>i|!t>ri ana IHliu^'i. hnru'i ulun-u und nniln,cnriiLuikTH1 unDunml h|iikcu, blachuiuillia* ativiln,


In tills branch of liiiwiut'HH, mi Inicmi keepingr uf IKtrlur uuiti', Iwilroum ycty,

,. j , diuiiiif anil cxtcntiiou toblcn,tinfm, ldiuiijoa, tfto-n-tefes, o.tluiunnH, climru,—ukiirii, cniiy clmirfl, Ijuwjum, Hafi-B, wurdrolii-B,

endi I'lnln ntid Amrri'-ati'jlirrrUBttrtt. Ilnir, I'tittun, wiml ni«1...... -mid ]iillmvs; )wil blanlictu and liiion, all Kiiulilmvs; tod

r lino uf LK I ! 1

nd liii»d l

AD Our lino uf LnniolH aio »d l HtluiTtud, niiJfoiiuioli nr KI>L'I!H1I and Amorioau Hniuadn. In-(jr.vlii, Hemp nu.l ltarr, 1'ailor Mais, <U.

Oil Clotlis, nlJ u-iatllc.Must of uur Mtoi-k uf KOOIIH Imvo bcun remit h

iniri-littBCd nt tlie jinaeut rcdtcn-tl pricus, nn<]liavolmi ifi-lcutcd from tliobost houie« in NouYolk, witb (jrent c%vo, nnd wbkli iro iuLtid to ilia-poao of nt jiriccB as low BH fan bo afforded.—•'Quick Bales am] HIIIUII uri'iltH,'.' btiiijf our imitto.W.' Iinvt- fURtK-jcd tho sorvlcoc ol Home rnuni; i^'ii-tlumcn nn italctiincii, wlmr.on>i>iiJ:ilio:»rorlioiiL'ntyniidpollti::»c(;a mo irell-iiiiown, who will cliccr-uilly I'sblbit our hluck i»~ Buudp, ami Infcnnui tlio priceu. wliuthtT yuu imrcbnBu or nut,

P l M i t t i U U



S-AIOON,In Ei.icliwoll Ktreot, or (lellTcrid.

JO-tf DOVER, N. J.

Astonishing, yet TRUE




$2 Per Set,-Cnll anil look nt them.

The li«nt Assortmont of 5IINK8 e moflcrcd in this City,


Mineral PropertyFOR SATJ2.

Tbo Snbierlhcr offu-ra fur BMI> aliont

Twenty Acres of LandWith ft tnlnnblo mim-ral doriosit, nit tut ted in the

lhi.ni part uf Diiver,-near Clirytiti.1 atro.it.-

talicn out. Tlio property fa nlso very dtitM-

FOR BUILDIKG PURPOSES,ltn locntlnn lioallltv nnd rommAiidlug A fine prciB--pct. Situnlo.l within Inn mlniiru* wnlk of 4haiiiBiness coulru cf Unvor, it in coiifliibrod, ftirmildinf; Ritnn, ununl to any other property in the•IclnttyoMho tuwii.

Tho prico In Five ThottnaftA PnlUn, o.nd theoriiis ofi liboral nn nan lm iicMrrd.

Alnr> fur sale Buvornl buildiuf; lutn in tho nclgu-borhnod.

lVnioiin wbhinc to vlusv (lie pit mhos may collupon C. IX, Mutisiin. in Wnmsn ulnwt, nrMAH1.0N M1IXH0N, nn tho lirumiBCfDover, K. J., Nov. 23,1871, *Wf.


Sale of REAL ESTATEm i n i Hut)B?riWr, ndminlntrator of tlif F.etnto ofL John J. CrutiT, lain (if tlio cuiintv nf .M.,rri«

N. ,T., dcuunsifil, liy virtuo ttt an ortkr »f UuOi-tjhnnti' Court •>! xmd Comity, iiixlu on tltu 2mduvuf Muy, A. I). lH71.willtn.il mi Uiu lirfiulmpiuilthiit iinrtofthuIUal llnUtuof « hick said Join3. Cmtcr diid Heizcii. in tho county a! Murrio, oi

"icroinarior JoHorlbt-d, uuTUESDAY, March 19tli, 1872,

Jotwri-ii the IIDILI-H of 12 uoou and 5 o'clocli In(hi- utturnoiiii uf suiri ihiv. tJuin KMJ Entitle Ijuhiir

>f the I'ann (in vvhldi <aid ducuanud Uvtit!ti.il in tlm tdwiiukit.g of Chiattr am? " * 'n, iiinnid.-mmly, Ijoniulrd nn tlm H

(pf IUch.-!i-d litdiihoim and EUiit wcKt hv liinclH ( . f i ' av id^ . . . . , . . ,i l.y litiiita of Joel l'Dnnp, mi tliu c

Urii</ii(.>d nu Aun-cv In Mary Craiur.Un ttio tuiid nmy lm found n good

TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSEAmi all nfi'fimrv Out-ltuililiugs, a goott spring

AI'PM; Dr.cn.iiui ASM A VASICIY OP rn r r r s .Tlm land is.in ftj{(Kiil slalo of cnltirntion, nnd

Id well nOniitcil ffir yro/JiiK or farming. Tlicronrupcml iudiuniioim or Iron Uvo tn, tlio vlacc.Tint i<'nriii(;tijitn!iui 12.ri Acrun. SO ncreg uf ([IMJIItimber hnd, Chtiitrmt nnd OaL

Thulnnd in Ritnitt-il alionl flmllpflfrmnClioBtcrIihilroad Hlation, on tlio ruad kadiiiu frum Coop-er's Mill lo Utiiutiriliv.

t madu l>nutni on tiny of Bnlc, by.T.CKATKIttAdmiuibl'r.

Jnu. lSlh, 1872.

GEOUOfi PIKRSON,Jlnnufucturcr uf '

Choice S-west CIDERAND

Pure Cider VINEGARMILL 11J100IC, N. J.

AiModonltr (n nil kinds of

MINKG TDII8E1!, l'LAKK,ftc, l c , nt very low prices.

-S. B.-prdcrs lrft nt ricrean's lint .t Fur HioroDuvcr, will rocoivc pr«ui|)t ntlunliim.



,K I'l mil HTUt-'ii cf


Elegant I'iiislay, lirodic,Nilsoii, Long Brunch, Bon-itn, Qiiconsland, Saratoga,BOYCltiiblO IJXtl'il, ItOllglllStri]tcM anil other styles ol'

FURS, FURS, FURS,Russian Sable,

Alaska Mink,. River Mink,

Siberian Squirrel,Furs for Children, &c.Dress Goods! IH'CSM Goods I!



ht-kHn nn—lit'-.Toiilil l -..t

f l l A

of thftmlil in:

" AtlK'tJCIM-

alliluc tlmi



The Reason

KING, & JOHNSONAre busy irhilo no toiny «ro eryinx " ilnll "

Ca ' lfiucnt]y'nll'their ' "B

, iinmoiiio



LAST YEAR'S PRICESThe increni* nf Siici in their Dress Goods,

has com[Wl!cd them to tarry %Larger and greater variety of

Styles than heretofore,Ami *rs now roady witli a

New & Splendid Stock.Tlio onlyllomo ia which tli*

SMALL PROFIT SYSTEMI . •tlatl)- mtUiarcd to.

Morristown, N. J.THE ONLY HOUSE

IS TO\TH THAT .?E£L9 "Falrehlld'3 Double & Twist Cai-

simercs, FlaniNls & Yarns,


All who desire to purrhiBO

Domestics, Rannels, Shawls,Claalsings,- Cloth . Cassimorcs,Under Garments, Gent's Fur-nishing Goods, &c,

To enll nml oxnmlno thefttnekof




A Bare Chaiice.- lullcnt Ilnltl Tropurl.T h uffurnil ftr finis,nimntu At Kianlinpe, Jimt ovir lltn .timnpx

; 200 yds. from tho Iron Worlin ivatl withiniliatnncooftbo di-nnt of tho Del. luck. ,V

in in ft good comlltlon—ptonty nf Fruit Trtco

rfnet. Tcrmii mmmmlly Rood for nuchll* Inor

nbloiiriinn dfia


. Tcopcrty.

aitliig lrcrviinn dfiaitliiD by cnliinR upo

vioir llio properly run doWILLIAM HllOWX, nt

Ptsmlmmj. s . j . . orv,". T,_Li:ronT,

Fur THE Iitoir En*.


• KT u. r. T.

B urc prnnf of jirofjrcsiloii—for progrcsB It

U nfcttnr-1, mure potent Hfl power tbnn m

C orulmHitid with error und prejudice blind ;C ontondiiiij ultli iguorautcij tuliglit'iiiii(f tin

mi nd ;E toltinj; inUIiicMKC, inomlB and hcnlth ;B upporliiiE religion ; dtvcJoi>iug wcaltb ;H urc ti'kt-u i.rdvilienliou midnrt,T lie gri'nt inml'-ic tutor ofiuiiitl and nfboart0 ur ttrfingLold of freedom; nud now, I con

T bo power I ilcnerlbo la tho power of thoprcosH O,VL- or, I'll clauL-u at tlic o|ipoilto BJUO ;H xjuulno iio cvjls coinp-irtj oud decide1 11 nil Hint i-xintw (jooO nnd evil in mix'd :It cgrtt it who may 'tin a fact firm cud fU'J,O 'ur hJmcloiving dm pruaii, tli to, dark evil bo-

N owQiili-blJnp, pcrvorliiig,oVnl!cingfoi-0old;E 'en utijopiui; tbc bnnost duglrcfi to dddrt-iIt i^mdksa uf prlnciplo, tbese, I cuufvHa,A r<s Hcrinun i'viln, yut IXINO h\vt: inz rur-t;

The Missionary of Carson's Clearing.

Twenty ycttim npo Florida wns—na farascoucerncil Iho outside world—n terra in-cngnttitt. I ts vnst nrwi ol tixty tliouatmdijimvo inilfft, omliracinj^ evei-y variety ofnil iiiul climulp, contained 11 popr~* L'~~itmlly fiiiOiciout tn cour,tittito oui „IKLMI city. Situutcd us it VLIH, irjulutcd

fnun nil civilizing fiiflnoiiccfl, and j ;inp; bul ncaiity jutiiiun uf uuiuiuiiunitli Ibu other Stntvit, itbvcuuicapfur pirates, refugees from iuatico aud wildturbulent si»irits of every description, lu

D Jualanccfi these mon, like ffivguiioiiHuaN, bnmlcd ti)Rcthcr mid establishedI'nriugH" IIIOUK Uio rivers, in the pinny

wourtis nnd tho buck conulry, ouj>|joi-tiii(fnsL-lvoa iii a. life of unrcli'ss and iudc-iiont oan<> \>y fis-hing and hunting, onlyiiiR tnongh porn to satisfy tbo waub

of llii'ir luomrro household nconomy. Kec-ogniziiij^ 110 (tod, mid obedient to 110 lewbut tlint of Hn-h' own evil pawium, ilu-y

lied their live* in tlioh- own rcrl, rightids, nnd nifiny a. deed of linirdnr and

terrible outrage has IJCUU. coniiniltetl hytliom, with ouly the swaying piucitn liston,und only the BWHUIII (TIHSEI tu tliriu!; backfrom the gory dew,

Tbnso " cicftringri" consisted of four oi*five log htitv, litiiltof liowu lugs, ut intor-vulft of oitu tir twu hiimlrad yaril», with BBinall gnrdcn patch atlacliod to encli, anda well, the common property of ail Homoof the linger boasted greater prootjt ofcivili/jition, iniuiimich as they contained aBtoro nnd tavern in unc. Of thinclnss wastho fnmrtiis Carson's Cleaving, sUnntcil aiiioit dietanco fiviin tlio Ancilla Uivur, a1H lie, alupgUb stream thnt runs throughMail IF nn comity, anil boosting some suvenor eight cnbiiiH, besiilca the long, ramblingtavern, it hntl become a nopulur plnco »froflorl for tlio outlaws of tbo neiehWhoodfor twenty miles around, and tlie fact olits being an election precinct gftyo it ou-hanceil clnim-i to public rcoognition.

On 0110 quiet July dny in tho yenr o:our Lord 18;" 3, Cnnum's Cl(?ariii{f \WA itun xinusuiil titatc of excik'Uiont. , I t couUnot bo nn election, for,oloction was ovc-innd consigned to cvorliustiiip conlcntptonlv one mnn having boon cut to pircosduring tlio «lny. Tbo fact that tlicro WHSnn umisunl pxcitfincnt was plain to every*niii>; tu tlio Piiaiml obsDrvoi' its mmcccitntability wna eitunlly plain. The di;sijmtr-ilooking poi'cli of tlio tuvcni wnt oCRiijiicc'by.Eouie diiKcn cursing nud swearing bi-yech, Arjii'Jtl to tho ta^th,- with unkempthair nnd mitttcd beards, while an cqimnumber of c<wt hoiinda run snavJiitg untlor and nrtniml. Ihu house' Carson, or"the Corporal," a«l'O was familiarly culled,occupied the plncu of huuor—behind thobar, A tle.ieiler from the United Statesarmy during Uio Scminolo war, ho haddrilled intu Ifndiaon crjunty, .nnd, ivitlhis Indian wife, tcllicil down inti) hisircNCnt occupiiticm. Abutit sixty years ofige, inll and gr.nnt, oshuiitoodluHiindhi^

bar, lie wns ft most villitinouslookingcroa*tuvo. The leering malignity of hiB face-wan heightened by the la.49 of an cycrfromtho kick of n mule, while tho tno littl»rivulets nf tuliucco uiico Uiftt COIIIHULIdiiwn fuel 1 corner of I111 toothless mouthuntil lost in the hibyrinlh of dirty whila

rd ou bis chin and thront, addedthing to his personal nppaaranco in ai..tlifie point of vinw. Ilo, too, hud 1.-sthi* nfinal equanimity, and stood cursingto htmsrlf with a btrongo volubility thatLstonii;lied thn uutudly impas^ivo Jlrn.

Cum on, and had nintlu tliobnr room haun-ted ground tn thr Ihruo young half-bicuilCnrsons tlmt wero pofrinc wiatfullvthruugh Hie ivin,lr.it. TIID oxeitpim-nt hadcteii reached ihp privilcgGtl charaoin ofthe ulcnring ; a huge hog, which, inatunilor tnhing hiMimm) afternoon siesta, wiv*siiucaling <Ii»tiin1Ir, only stopping oco.i-sionally to enjoy the luxury of a Eorntrii-'np against tho utotit pillun of tho porch.

Tlio cuuue of this umisunl nnd intense!cKcitemeut nmong.thc Jmhitues of tho olenr-inp, wns nn innocent looking letter, theaildre^s of which Iho lotfugcm on theporch had bocn for horn's trying to iloci-pher, but with ill snecesa. .

It \\M nn iiimsiml cii-cnmsfnnce for ftletter to Ami UH way thither, where thoncarobt post office wnn nixty mile-i distnut;but there i t wns, dirtcttd iu a. round,clerkly liaml—"Willinm 0:irsont Egy.,"—nnil tlie whole morning had be-on spentIn Bwenrinp, inxzzlod oontcniplntion of tliomynticnl characters, but no satinfnctorylohchnion Imd boon arrived nt. Thn lastnnn who held it—1\ tall, awnrliiy yonnrjfellow—prow impnttcnt,- and Kirng out,

llyflr, Corp., Item hnd tneklo tho d.ig-gonod thing again, TTC una can't niako jm-thin1 o u t p n i t "

Cnmon obeyed the Biimmons, growlingnnd blasiihetning nil tho way ; but just nnhe ranched tlio door, oh] Tom, tho.negro,hostler, "camo limiting from the atublo,nnd TUUI that lack of discretion BO ohnv-neteristic of hifirncc, Bpoke up— . -

113Ias»Hft Billie, Icmine try nnf . I IUQ:eaclnlcctle bit."

A ernnhinff blow in the fnco foiled liimto tho ground. 'Whnt right had a " nig-gnr" to iuti.imipt gentlemen when theywere talking, nml above nil, what righ'l.hnd a "nigfjor" to know how. to reiul,"when his aupcriora were unnblo.to do eo ?Hob Smith, fin Gr.-pirato fnmi Uio Spanhhmain, supppsteil that it mif;ht bn. well toput nbnll through tbo "nifigcr'a" lioad,mt his motion not meeting with as heartyipprovnl a3 lio cipurU'd, hu roliiptunl - int-ooutenrptuom silence.

There waa a ringing chiller of hoofs up-on Urn toad, ond th 1 gcnciiil cry ivus," Jicj'o co) nL'B Hie Cnptuiu, ho Itiu readrcr." " ilov/d'ye, Cup.'/" "Iloiv'e ycrhcailh ?'* and miiiilor salutntiuus i>**)pu^ivcn to the new comer as he icincd in LUblack uiiu-o ut t!io mclc, mid followed by

:, two Cuban bloodhounds, joinedtho louiigura «u the jjur^h.

Tliia wua Uio noted sluvo hunter, C'aji-tuiu Oiei-fiuu, n (hirk Spunish looking fol-"ow, win ran oyt'K of wild and iuto^so foiof-tv inatlL' one flmddcr to mcrt tlif ii- gluro.

Cap. mudc but Might rei»ly to the gro^L-ings nh'iwiTcd ujnui him, but aftur diink-ing tho glass of hraudy brought him bythe obHaquionH Coriioml, dt'tuaiidid :

"What tlic devil 13 tho niulter v.ilh younil ?"

Tho letter wns hnnded to him as a snfli-cicnt fiuswcr in itit'lf. AH he rend- tho in-KGfiption aloud, "William Cumin, KH-fjuire," oucor two of the rai'ii elmleedGuspiciously at Hit' pucoiirioug Corporal,nut altogether certain but whr.t the " l i s -cjmre" iiigniiiud his appointmont A3 un in-strument of the law, nnd for all mich, theyentertained a liutrocl duoji and profuiind;ft hatred Unit manifoiitc'd itaoil in theirsliooting the only tux collector that everTcnturod among them.

Cup. ]>uli'jil the letter out ftud flnucoilhastily over it 1 ctmtcnt-1;.

Why, buys, we're goin1 to hnve Bornefun ; hyar'n ouc of them prayiii' chups fromBaMtntiy if goin1 to hold miiyiouary ser-vice hero next SunduT ', whut ehill we dowith him?"

CJhuek him inter tho river," sjudono;inn don't wuut 110 eich fouliu1 zoun'

Cftlh hissclf (i mit-huu nry too," saidIho Crirpnrnl with infinite hcnn j "devnmy hkiu «fl don't b'lii'Vft ho thinki wc'nhmithins ; it'« null'to tdukon a buzzard."

" Hero, old Corporal, "flnid tho Captain,what Bhill we do about it if"A gleam of joy irradiated Ciirson'fl face,

making it uioro hideously ugly thau ba-forc,

I kin shoot him up to the crossm' ofycr any HO." Moat of tho listeners growl-ed ft hearty approval of-thib gtinartmi pro-posal.

*'Ko, leavohioi to mo, I'll Bottle tho•whole business. Let's ticker." Tlie dnrk,

illculy hiuuhiomo cyan glittorcd I1L.0 11WOU'B ny he led the way to tho bar.

OncoiiiKiile, and rendered Hociable bytho powerful liquor thn Corporal dinpen-sed with a Inviali himd, nud (Jap, paid forwith us li'.vbh, the conversnli'iu *

A toualMo (ilioi'inolicr, who tuude mpiinci-ly furtuuo JJT thn snlo of an ox ten-tivcly udv.ntiw.-d 'bUucslring of ]ii» owniiivi-dlioi), wioto tliia attAiZt, vluvh UoVT«dorua bin creot:

•' ifymi «ru l.isi- ftuil vhii to tinO,'Ihi'u i-iUli ri«l-i iii f-i.il mlvtrtit:.;;If vuu uro iml. Uuii i'it tluini ;^<t.&u\ 1ft yimr Ijiisinvrn co to pot."

•Mm. Woniln, of MillfiHilHifff, I lo lu ie icounty, Ohio, i.i driving 11 cu"(l bn*intia*with the aid cf tho Ohio tiling kw. Slidlina rci:ijvored ^O,IK)(J fn>m di'alrra whohuvi! Miltl liquor io hrv Inulmml, nnd. thool J I!(JIIUI>IIIHII titillhtiekstii the bylonna.

Tlio Kprinu htvlo for the SAinilwiuh Isliin-dor* i« auuoinu:i>il. Jl i 11 rnd Htrin»ab.jiitthe h'ft I.-K juut above the Itiice. The pre-Ki'iil fushion is n red ntrinK l«'low thn Uuue.Uy the liny, nc underbtnnil thnt the idurjiicytnen tuiloifs in the Band with Isluududo not Mril:e for Tvnfct.!] [us nua-h UH OUCOin nix months. *

TIIMO nr^ li>2 mil'fi in the Stntn of N cviidii ;ii;'jd in the uMiKUiiijj nud reductionof various OIVM. Their capaeUy equals0,5)21 horscH : they carry 2,Sifji)tumps, nudcoat over yiO,8U(J,000.

A fKeokiprlnti


nle thief v/tvt recently orrrsted ink, IowaP wlio inihwwoil to the tvjt-n "RatliingMarth, from the Stftta


A bill exempting journal! iti from juryduty IIIIH pariit:d cue House &f tho C'jlifor-uia Lug-ioluture. *

The Portsmouth Jbnrnnf pays the effectof (bo flouriuu loilli; in that* place U to:ntikc the city flouriwhof b f u r i u l o i ; in:ntikc the city flour-iwh.

liiinnlcnirnt to an not t<> riRiilato tho Inslneu offliV, lir-.-, .cn. l^ . l , umrinu itn<l live ot-.clt itmu-raiK'o liv cum 1 m tic a or niimji'latioi^notlnciirpo-r*lod lij thin nLiio, Apjiruvi'd April uinlG, oaottiouniiuil eight liuudrud uml tuxty-Hcvcn.1. Uu U oancttd by the Buunte and Oencrbl Ai-

ni'iuiily ijftlioKtiiiL-orNov.JtriH.-j, Tlmt it tluUlbt« tiiu diity of cvt-ty Hfo ln.mrnuoo company (u-

ii-(.tt>iIlijr lint lawn uflbfHHtntu to m«ko - -i [ o r d f t lh l


lin lir.-or

Ii i r . o r c n d i y

tuIf, HUUITIII? nil anMI fu r>rn> on tlit'llrsf ilh initii ulura or tlioviiliintlnii t h f r 1

fuml tlu'refurc, nriuni'tt t;il)ln uf mortality,of rmir nnd n half [KT C*•iiriiTtlin"-1 '

ffxanal, coiitcliny iimmh upon tho u«it j M i i , rf , 0 l l l J r ( i y ^ o ospO!1Hi tlf(iwof

mnnncr 111 which tho Captain and hm luS ,mui nf .mo ront for rnory tlioiitan-I rlullm ftfL',1 vrh»le auiouut iusnred l>y iti pullciua BO TKI-

V.*An<11>olt cn&ctfld, Tliat wlion hy tlie Wvw«' nntinu any tait-n, Dnei, pon-<trpii4its of inon'jy f>r or ID*

ny3h t

hiHimln—not half no cruel andn.tlic—hud tmcliod two im{<rti riuin'through tho nwamj). In whicli ho had liliouc, and allowed kin hounds to muu^iothn othor until voluctaut doath omue to hisrelief.

Thofifory ereatml an intonao intorust inHH hoarors, und a minglod ndmirction findrcivoroHco for tho Captain as ftmnethiufrmoro than mortal, Accmud Iho iirovailiugfueliiiff. Even Miulnm Carson, or " tha tHipiaW," O-saliowaa culled by the mon aris-tocratic portion of tho community, riccniudtn jwrialco of tho general opinion, nud &atblinkiuR nt him in ailout adoration.

Now that tho mystery of tho lettor •wasnolveil, quiet reitfned once more iu tlioclonrinp:, nnd tlio loungora repaired to theirI'e.sneetivo cabins, nccure in thoconHcious-nc.is that Cap. would malio thovisitof t!ioinisi'ionnvy one lnny to bo rcmuinborcd iutho history of the country.

Biuidny morninjj broke upon tho plncobright and beautiful as a dream. Tliowood'i on tho eilfw of tho clearing .soonioda l i * with melody. Tho mocliiiifj birdsnent rip]»!cs of rarest music liimtinf;thixitigh tho ambient nir. A Hoft, inflowbreeze phiyi'dnmoiirr the chanting leawa,redolent, with, pcrfuuio of jca^aniiuonud ofinyrllo,

At tlio ivcsfrni rdgo of the clearing amotley cr.nv.l had ((.-.sorubled ; uiou, wo-men nnd cliildron worn them ; n nondes-cript assoniUliitfo such aa only a aoiitheruclcannft can muster ; tho men with theirrifles und hounds, their iuicparnlilo com-panion!', dai-ji, wolf'iBh ftiid scowling'. Thowomen, tiiUow-fiicxi, gaunt nnd rugged ofoutlinP, (It coin[)nnioi.a for their lorda,gazed with Hint hoh-histor look so char-fictarintic of icfiionmt curio-ity. I t wa^Uio flrftt timo a pronohnr of the {r.ispcl hadevor v on hired among them. The biblowaq tn them a nealcd voltimT. 'll-o nameof the Almifrhly they were familiar with,but only iu tho form 01 nn oatli. Urfl f>>rthem hud no terror, as tlioy wow duily intho habit of consigning each othor to thatlocality with ngonernsity rarelysurpasaBd.No ivondw the imu»tirJ proceedingn crea-ted such oxciteraoni,

Tiio iniisiDimry took his stniid. Pnlop.ml cinii'Mntcil, with dark oyos, nmiknn,but full of flvo, his loujr white hair foillil>o an aureola of glory upon hia shoul-

Ilo opened his hymn book ond commen-ced tlint most betuitiful of all hymns,"Noarnr, my God,,to Thco." Hi^ v.iioarose clrar and sweet, tremulous nud ten-der with pathpo ; rind lm rudo hcarcru,rough nnd crimr-stainod «•» they wcrp, felttheir hcnrti thrill within them, Oloarornud Hwoslcr soared thoso' woudrona toiiM.There wi« a smile Hko that of an augolupon his fuoc—

" E'en tiiotijll it bo a crossTlint rnisoth mo"—

A nhnrp whip-liko crack renounded upoutho nir, nud from a thicket fjomu twdliun-dred ynrda dhtimt, a littlo puff of bluomoico curlod gracefully upward, whiloirone upon Ins face—shot through theloavt—fell thn MisEiionnry of Cnraou'a

Clearing. ' -

Samnol Harrimnn, of St. Oroix Wiiwou-sin, rolired from military Hfo with a bro-vet brigndierahip. " Oood-byo, general,"

th ti i f l* olil com-


wore the parting ATOids of ln*3nulra iu tho anny. "How are vonpl ?" was thn salutation on reochiufjWisconnin. As he nppronched homo tin;!began to como down to "I loi r d'yo do,enptuin ?" nud flimlly, when ho camoanmi)^ the boys nt homo, ho wan greetedwith "llnllo, Sain, got back again ?"

An XjjiRlinh pamokcoper hns reonntlybrnkrii a black now to limit parnft iu thewoods, mid plio is snid to run in the huntwith wonderful success. Sho irill truckpamr.buek nnd 8t:md, nnd point parlrid-RIW; phoananta, snipe, nud rnbbits p.iakil-fully na a brnd lioiutor. She boiuiils inroaiionso to n whistle mid lTugn Iirr licadind squenh with delight on being shown a.

A New Orlcnus pnpnr sayr. thnt a youngwidow iu that, city, who writes well. " i«training hei-yi-lf fur i\n editor." Who is.he editor she is training for ?

o a y i anltkn, Ui'iiiiiioH, t

iti oilierlir.. lt

oIi^biiMiio^iiim^iwn thi'Ir nctntH tlimitinuu In f Hwn titin



liHit H


, pj t om-y or uf

,tionn or pn.l.fl.itlimfl &r»ii!L> cotnpaiiioa of tlili itUtoollKr ntAtu or natlmi, t,r-In, no long nn Bucn Uwi

AIIII' Inner, tlat>e, ponftlllns,U i f W J l l l Jllcriif.™, Uet, .lop)!!,., ..UijnfWKi uuJ prolillJ

ti'im, nu<l no otlicrof ulmtcvor hind slmlfbu Im-t>OHi!(l niK)ii all mich inni]i-.-incc toiiipunlL-i of micbuL1ii>rBtn|Qurnntl<iuaiUaT 1<n9lufaa witill 11 talostntonyilulioii tlu-ir arcutdlioro; prnviddd th»tnothing Lrnim ehal! In Lcl.l to rL-tunl tlio UROIIHfc-u of iifty tloll&re ru'jnirtnl of life IiiaurMiCB con-panic! nhttlitr nlnk's iJciiinrljimliiLua la tliii t tate,or tho farther pijment ut twenty dollanfor o l

i f hnic! h t l i t r n s i J n a t ,tho farther p.ijment ut twenty dollanfor o*cli

d e wrr it];t>:it it]ipi)into<ll>3'n:i tltieting far than .3. Ami bo it onnclud, Tlint nllnt-taor rar l t oft l l t M t t b tl i i f t i l l

int nllnttaor rarlt ofprmiaiinti of tills ncliv rcprnlert, oud tlwt


notn in»fiiitii«tni(bn nod thr> 1thin out tiball - _ ,

Approvod Fobniarr C, 1^7 .

Tun 1.A further snnplomfnt t.i an

" n'ut(«, ftii-1 tifJXx iji»<tf," npproved AprtnT 1BI3.

1. Bo it enacted hy thoinmbly oftlio HtalunrXoi

itiit'tnl H^WrT of tlvtf t'i'iii'mii'l il^ll2. Atullxtitciiniilfil, Tint thlo

jffji't Jaiiinr.'lii, H73.A|'l»rgvctl .fnunnry 10, 1372.

CrTAI'TEll VII.\.n n?t to &mcnil H1.1 .lit t liitl'vl*1 An not fjiv\njf

t!i: i"iin?:iV"F>i" tiio flt^tuojo+io'.v .loreoy tu tlmcro'tion of dtlmcua RtJ/m'i'3 Pjiut, Now J«r-

1. Ito itunacOlrtUytlm Honatj n-.ul Onacrnl A*.lamMvftfthuuUt'JurN-'t/.ToMjy, Tii-\t tU» netOii'.iik'd "An net uivifiR tho oniisunt nf tlio otatoof NBWJUMJ.V tn tb'irroctliinof lU'fmtncniit Finn'sl'i.in:, Nun Jnra?v." A^IIMV^I Ajiril fi, 1871, nil illbafUca.Mtniutu'Tn'j t> «ivj t n ;i >:i.r>nt at t!io

Ihoof fortifl-

il febrtnry 1, 1172.

'iirllisr stipploiiiojii S.i a;tvui ctitillo;! "An M !chtiv.i to tli-! oonuwnfition s-iil iliiticiot tlia

HUB or tlio n.tm-j pa2 Ami U2 it o->n.-

j-iiircr lo . ._ _ _• ' • J to bo do-

.,JPD*O of tba- - .itliufi, in thohv/, tind to innltra dlutrlbn*--UV.lt t ' l t l l ' BtBtlltt).i atBt

the m.coaH B«etloav-iiU-1* tliiiila n HtiinikiiK'nt, bu andhonliy cuiitinu-il" tn f.iri-n fop flramrmnr nltuntJ or ftmoalciliIt te.l, l i n t all acli-.tUitlpMH 0*

th tll t uunivl tbo MUJB



t l i l

uniwte.l, l int vrith tltld

t. Au.l Iw it onwtwl, Tlmt tills ncTict fmm the feiirtL ilav nf Aiiril UAjii-wma February a, 1373.

JMut Itnsoliiiion of thn Li-t:;ahtp r.iiniuutidJn^ Ihe p a h

lin Lixiahturc at Kcw Jetuf,f:irclia»j of Iudiiponducce

(Iiw •*«:>, Tiio rrrrracnlnltrca pf tlio people of th*WV..1.1! 6ttt.-- .1.1. in « •vrn'.ncn hnmWl .mlB.iKutv.sii, ilfclarc aiitl *lrAc* to bu " of riiihttKf niiJ iuiicpEml. n l ; " n;»l fflirrem, t l»t .fice-

mombpr tlwrouj*. bretjMH hit in iwrj^tnity to

every uurjmomlicr of ihc v'claxf^»»tatMi mfl

vieirnf Hie EpproFiclilnprcntfnTifainf AmnricuBIniK-i«!iiJ.-irieo liiutaiulii nroriiiinn fur tclfhr*-tinf,'Hut ftu^int cTcr.t in ihevitj of ill »dop-tinn, by lioMiiiRft nfliiwml i^hll>ill<ni of •M*.ninnufncturcH, nud tlie products of tlio toll andmi nun hereof,1. G<! it n nolreil lij the Hm.ito nnd Ocncnd Ai-'inl.Iy uf Hie Jitato i.f r,'..w .T«»nt. Tliat th*jn*U»ri! in Cmpr.-Bt from thin xtntn i>0 initrnct-

c<l, mul the roprrnEii(:it:vcn n'([iir>HtPii to intro.'iicc, mi'.|Mrtaii'1 vole fern lull prodding fortin imrthiwo of tJio I [nil "nf Iiuirpci'.dcau, (niliic niiiir.u'on Tirhitli It iittitdit, mtiutfril In Ihoityof ri.tl.tdi-lr.hln, th~ rniim to burro tho fourth^j nf.Tulr, ciff.ilor-n liumin^i AIH! HfivpniT*nlxlnnallyilvilii'atL'i! In Uiu Itqmiilu of the CiiHnd

sn'Jitinn tlmt tho fiirnit-r paltl for aaiil hall andinnro he epprnpriMcrt hy pai'l n t r to tho t r n cnn nf sultnlilo Imildingn for tlin li'oMinp or tali' " — -' -!xbiljiltnn:atul!f any inoticy shall

" m nf Mid linihiiniew, th»1 no nppropnntt'd Ut tho iirc»rirTS.t[(taivumcnt of nalil hull, aud tho gronndtIt ii h-entrrl.•a Folt-imry 1, 1973.


fls-'mbt.r of th^ HMJji_ftM*«w"-rn"M"('y Thnt the

win sftw tho


mr»tt .•r rtl

tbrl bbr I«1n i r,r!ii!.ii ut l h H , n w , K i t t

bfi »i<irtfivctl by t lu Ji.iut <".imuiitt(.u nppotntM lomaku iirran^pmrnN for tbo inMicnr»tioti.

Apprnvml Febrnnrr R, 1S73.

Page 2: New Store - rtlibrary.orgNew Store.1 NEW GOODS ! New Store Room, Cor. or Blachwolland Morris Streets, nml'till Jlih't-rs \Vhtn uny'favor"" H wit u"(i c'aTl, NEW'ANDTELECT STOCK OF

JKOX EKA. ! r •;;• O.li' *l'j Ht. Ammifl Conini.iudeiyI Su. \'2, K. T. of Hon:if»n, N. J., lu-UthciI npniul Plwlimi .it tbL'ir JVBJ-IIIIU OU Jifoiijiluy crctmitf List, VIIL-II tho f.,llt>wiii£! numcil ofliwTS were dueled fur tlic t-imu

;> = , . ; • . , u i . u , . ' , t ^ . ^ . j K_ (.:<>» nmmdw, X. 1'. J.-nmnps, J r .. . . . . . . . . . ™ .-r="jn«i i 'm]i^ i i in i , E. K. AVilliu: d p t . fluu.'

;-:.. .!;.;;!••; A. (I.-.:,-!.:].! liu-: In?™;-*. I-. Hult ;K. \V., J»<.. M.VMH, Oil; J., t | t..v .!••:,•••,•.!• fr-m t!n ?!. r . I W,, V.*. ]I . Lumbcrt ; 1'rctate, Oca. II.!i HI (M-. .•!(,•(•.. l!i- ;-:,-'.-:-.:-:i (AMICCC-' Ji ' in^ ; Trcvjuivi', I t . 'A. J.uucs-J;HcuoriU'r

..L l '" I Li-wis ; Swoni'Hearoi-, IS.»1>L ltiuinmU

f Iliuvii]" is a pr'l ' i i l li; t of (In1 k 'a i i i . of nun.i.1, Vt', T. Lctiort ;2il. Gmirtll , ..i-:il l",v ..tli'.-r c!i.uvlu\i in HID [II- C OliU'n;H. Guiml. I I . 1>. Cmtmut ili.fi-ivi :.Ihain. .1M1.FI R«viio!.h ; P.v.• C\ A r;.n:-; 1IO.*MV. iiy, ,T, L.

(.-••! '.. .\ . ' j ' :-"wi.ri-i ,v;:m. iii.i-L-, iiii-!i-. ,-.i M •;.!..-:.-. i n,>u-.ior«, j . i i iu c i i i , , P ;;;•.•• il.::!:i, \V. H. iinwr, ?ic\v VLT;.I.11,.1. (I. •1..ii,.|:i!.l; 'i:::',l:iui/ri.U;", Ki.-luji's: < . . « - • ; p-!-ii:-.-.l.-.-illi-, 1'T.mri-i (KIivi- ;i.•.,-',• ' 1 .iv.i. Win. Ji.-.U ; V.':i,!iiii£l.iii,.1 .'• • ' ' . I'l '-'.

• '- . ill U ]'-.iv.-U i.: .li-U'iiilu torn tlu-C i - :. V-I'IIIRJ M. ] : . Churrfi, Newarki 'i • ' • • i - - t .

Th -,v will Li- i sn !:-y ilrliYnti'»in-F>cnt,•. '• v. ;it . ! v ! 1 v.-o .lt-V;.:..t.> ; t - nitr'r.'l Hici . : i - i l I'..!:!!1..-!-.-,!-.!-, »!ik-h IHPM i iii••..••' 'y:i in .Mi.v. TIi - lnj-ui.->i viH inei-t..!. ••-••'i.v. '. c.,r-li::l li.vlliill.iii In r.v.

". -: 1.--.1 If. r.Il ).r"i« ; ' ii '"l l-iy m.-Jil>i-i-a .ii

CO* V.'f l'.'nrn Unit till) IJoviT ConiL-tHand inlraiil t,i <jira «. Concert olaijouf tlin 2Sth iuit.

[ ,ii. • -!r':n. :• lo l j" »iv.'U in ihv L'on.Vvi-.ci;

v i . . . N'i>Wi;rI; ( ' .mf.-iviUV! H HOW CCHil-

).-'.• 1 if 175 JIU*I'!:=(KIS in full JHt-inljcr-:TtT. Mil will tjrr.lnl.lv h;-- im-mi-j^l loI..:-! i>vtJit- iifucv.iyiis Jaaflu nl tliia C J U -

j'ii'i IWav.aw, Tj?.c':n-.vunun niwl V\'OH-ii':".\ V.-'ViwrA C m r m . y annnimru flintl ' i-v vHi roi ' im in;s l'nuu tlm aiming(•.•iif.-i-jj..^ »1I memhrva nml Jfli'eatus*!:<• p:tv f.iiriii {f.«'i)7 l-.» it.

;;-••!•• Ouo uf tlm " o l t e l Jiihiiliilnuis". . ;M..- :^v :- ; - r imii , l lw in llic f..Hnn-liijr,IV •: : siifiuur.v, Ju lvlitlimi to lliu v.'witlicr :

••I lli!:iS ymir cniT.-.i>ulnt'->»t wMntu'ii(•••. • •v.-.u-j it:, lu thu husl wiulLT uf 'IT.

L. •• <:i,vu uf it in f:i'.t ill i»».sil>1o, nml n

A p<mi|.;iuy \vr;.L fn»m KucKnw.iy njjiTJ V m ' i l - tn nltcu.1 (I, titid they MITC<.\ : i 'yl (•> leave on .Sunday to imUo Mirew. r!: «.f l .$ng tii-iv ou 3r»ititn,v, tlio uven-i;ij; ;:!i]"fii»ti:rl iYir (he illiuuiimtiou, nuclwln'cli |i:i*j'.3tHl off very plcaftuiiU.v for thor-:;:i" uf tlio cily iu those ilrtyrf. That wiii-!,..• w.w utiu of extreme (*>M. Tlio winteruf *^!f-"^l >vm iiorhims tha coldest t!:nt welinvo <m hicwil, but iL was not of Ion-r:»,lfili'.:l11(;t'. Ill Uli) lUOlltll of OfU'.LVKvth:> M'.'i'ili^ltLvui1 WH-J rj.-t):;uu orci* so tlip.tj..-;f.pl"- cn;!i.-;(.>il| on thu ifo hvw JeneyCJiy t l i r .wontiro duy«. On ilio fourthtiny .'.'Mvoaili'-i'lios::n to yield anil tho

vli,> riv->j' !.y tlio Cf.nvf-yitiK'cJ v.-liicli iluiyh:ul in tliuji; timiyj. 1 ILIII uiutblu to ro-n,i.j:i!'Lir ivhulhcr I 'IIHOH'S cxxicriiuunb\,-.i-, in uitcniLion r.t that time, LiltI c:m v,c\[ vomomUm- i a tlm j v n rtsi L of cru'-iiug in n very am:ill boat,vl i i rh wunlil do iwll iu niikl T.cntlim Iut!iu y.-iti1'')!! we '.mil tho ilio colilfst ivinterilm-hi'.r ihh Koulwvy. Thfy winter ht\»IJJMI in f-]iH! jvsiiect-i :i uii 'a one, Iuit wolv\.\'d h:ui a ' y r e a l ilonl nf coKl wculLcr.'li'itl.v Mitiult liaa cwne in liko K lion.! Unv :-ho will loavc us %vo will bctttv tm-(I'l-stamVuL thn CUIM. J-.w tu be hniicdtlist it land Provulonoo •will acntl uafijirijt;; in duu timo ami rains t a 1111 outM..IH ami c'.storn^, no (hut HJO " gu&a.•! •L'J " will have mi reason t o complain of

;;.';:-"i;.i-juiu.sa IT."—Xbis ia tho tltlac>E Mr-i-k 1'wi.iu's uQw.fciKi];, which a justdiit. I t is u r ccn t l of Y.iriod csporteuccsi>f tlio :;nth(ii' in A'sirioii1* iio«.Itiou!i nf-life,uhlli; v.i r-juto iroiu tha t o l a pennilessAii.?vif:iii L'itix.L'n, to tlic.t of a mllllomtire,

i.!i-(w how is threo montli'n jilt-ftsuro irijjiv:!* r;:ic':.ilj,l t'» a. tuna of aevcu yours,iiiiil itifi t'uuson thiTcfor ; witli a rolntiou

(<»! jH'ii.y lioth lunaoi-ous ami ftia1 otivciiicML-iiiji c»nuoctud with thf eiliii^ition nC;ii! jiinucnit. I t isbviiiifal of elinrac^riNlicluiiacu*, ruuau i s over with smilu-porstiuil-iii;; m i l hiiisUtei-fordns ineiiloati umiiilt-i", ami for tlvice who Keok nnm&em(_>i,tfo:- idle in'iiucutfi, will flnd in this b;.okuu inexliuu.-iiblc-vera to wurh, full nt ihcjinrcst ore. I t is a chnVRuicriatic bou!:,l nil oi tliusiJpeciiliaritioK wliieli have iniuloi b iiutlior'a writ In jn, BO jiopiilin-, fin it con-laiii-i hmvl^ i l s of ciinractsrislio cngrav-iny-i i:xcc«tcil by nums m the best nrtislain tlio liiul. Thu rohnno will sonMut oCl)jt'.v?en 003 nud '700 outiivo imges. T h emiAofl firvor VIHL'II " T b o Bmocent'iA\WM\ " won received b y (ho public, onrl\h'i iiumisitajiftbia tlodlro llicre ia for nii-nlhou^xrk from-tbo IIDII »'f itasiittlior, oreiii.ifjult'ul. roisonN fur Uu ii]>iiuminco oftliiy vohtinp.;-;Wo lire plcnved to fitato tlintIlip nyi'iit, Ml'< J . W. Moore, of Uewairlt,alv.".v1y wciiWnipvrn to inmiyof our citi-i-.s'sifj is uuwuuiong us cunvrs-iiiig for thtgvtn% unil tjpcnyjnff it hn.it nt nniiit»;i. MreII- VL-! no u;iilbb thjifc evorj* 3n:iu, womanjiiul cliiM will waut ti> rii.iil it, and a.-* iLe.iu only he hail'tlimuRli M*-. Mooic, nd-vtiutaccMiotOilba tal:cn of tha duly op-

;:Z.f Iliu-pcv'a JLiyaziiiu for Slnrcli i3en D'ir table, mid it v.-mtld scum that tin*rh.*irv uf uiiiyazino pnitlialiars woulilcv.iitiif.lly " o u t their tbnmts . " Vary fewpriiitLis m'crgot rich* imil t t o rc.iioii ht

tht-.v furnish too inueh fur tlio pittanceivcrivcd. IlarpciV ia full of.illaitiationnin.l Ihe article;.1} of tho most intciehthi

po'Jio tho Jtlnusion House, lin.9 it, tinwith tho pi-out Tnricty. of other inngnzincsimi.1 t'n1 t'udlos3 iirrny of uowynniitM lii'jli Lo !iL'cpB_ eonfilwilly on bend,j t \-'i'\Uiu t'L'.ii iiLi iimdtt iilwavHtu iis'> v.ul-jii', iiiU-llcjtnrtl tn«t-

T!ic Local Oplion Law Declared Un-constilutionnl.

The opinion of tho Attorney Oenornl on| tho cof»tifntir«.iility uf Loc;il Option, wI voiitl ill ill? 'Senate uu 'X'liuradny. I t is an..•l..bi-mlc:ir(,-uiiicnclc»iihiiv.-thiitiitilawciiiil)o vt'liil which i:i iiindn tu dojicinl up

j the will iit miy indivMusl or bu.ly ullithmi tlutt of tho limly vorftotl with tho lnv,--

lion, h tlio Suimtii nud ClcuornlAiMCiubly.! I I " ri'l'oncd t<» tlio dct'ii-iuiia iu Pcnusyl-i vaiiia, Inr.ra, Indiriiiin, iMirhiyiiU and uibt'rJHtat.-:m»!ii»pott vt this virw. H e fcajafiu-tluT llwt wliofuvi-r nml ivhcnovrr tliuvitlidily el' ii (ilHlute wbii-h mnliffj nn net

ihni llto pcoplvirf the Icculiiyof thn Hlalui-hoi.ld b:ivi3 Viiteil Hint EUiihnn not h-lmiildor i:hoiilil uoi h.: pcnnittv.l by liccur;c, hn»

! IJOC'I c:-.llctl ::i rnvj-siiou, it ban been heldluueuBbiiiuti.mr.l.

U-J cuiiijliiili'!! tlmt tlio pl-njiosL'tl LocalOLJUOIILAW is buyoml nil doubt without

I w.uTnut, nml plfthily iulonliuttiil hy thn

I Xuo hit.ito Xcrapemuco Alliance C'om-mhtac f;iilcd to invut tbo Altumcy Goucr-ftl on WctlnusdHy, nanifrecG, but oukeil ameeting <>u Tlmmdtiy, -\vliich Jiu could notdive without uii'luIydcliiyiiighiH ojijin'on.

II ia cxpc'L-kd Hint nil tho Local Optionlaws, Hpet-'ial mid uoiicml, will now bo

jiicouu, itiwiiererjm i l l i Ra!u of l'mpfrty nrtverllfiMHn Ilioobor..1 Btati*ilraH-«iBlLUi'l9ml]iiuvn"') fnnn I-'ebni-

iirv lJlli, IST'J, tn Monrhy, tlin ilili dny nfMnrcli

Tho Congressional District Raap-porlionment.

Tho Rt'inibl'cnii cnuciH in thol thttiro r.'pfiviwl iimliicioilujioii tho ropurfc of

thy upoaia! t'ommittiK! of twelve to renp-poiti »i th(-- CnngrcsMnnnl Dist i ic t j . Thucomntittct] reported the foll^wiiiff plan :

Fii\,t District—Capo M:iy, Ciuubcrland,

Sni-dnd JJi&trict—Atlantic, iJomnoutl i ,Iiurlin^ton nnd Ocnni,

Third Dlutrict—Mcrucr, MiJtUcnox andUnion.

roju-lh District—Stuuersct, Huutenloi i ,'n.TCi* mill MtiSfCX.'l7ii'lh DirAviut,—ilorris, P.-iseaio nnJDer-

Sixth I>iiti'ict—Esaos.Bcvcnth Diatiicl—llmlion.All eflbi-fc wnn Hindi1 to plnoo J lp r r f r in

tho Socjnil nnd MouinouMt in tho ThirdDiHlricl, bu t it fnil.xl imd tho report us awhiiln was adopted. Ail cQ'ort to itividoKsaex county wna nlsn iutnlc, bu t was dc-'catetl by Keiictor Taylor.

Testimonial lo a Railway Superin-Icndcnt.

iiitoudont <if tho Monis iiml Essos b iv i -siou of thfl Doluwnro, Lttfluw.innn andWestern Ilailroitd, was on Wednesdayevening mnde tho recipient of n lminlsomcc-jiiniuniitl uf thu high esteem in ivhich ho

has hcen bi>!d by tho employees of thonwwl. About U o'clock, air. J . A. Urisbin,Cliic; ArniiflRTT mul Comiwlor of tliu Com-[nHiy, Mr. l{-?imoaer, tbo newly a{ipuiutodr.3i ipi.-ri ii tr t itiuiit iv lurgn iiiiinbci" of tho^ iiidiidoitj and HVIIIO ono hundrod nndHfly oHmr c:n|iloyiiL's, nwi'uibloil i n tboIf.rga ]mvlors <if (ho Continental Ilntol inKewurl:, and on tlm arrival of ?J!r. B-jbuuh,ut 10 o'clock, JXr. llri-'ilth), on lichulf ofthe oinploycM, pi'osciit^d him with a goldv.cfcli nml t'lmin worth SSOO, a diamond.iiiy wnvtli 5700, and n. ]vmi\mmiti\y rn -i-f>; O'l hct nf rusoliitioii'?, tbo ciigrussiug

mil frnmiusj of which eosl'ifSO,

Mr. Urisbiu accoinihmieil the prcscntn-ioa v.'ith n spateli, which vrn% replied to

ttt lcugth by J\fr, Sobocli, in tho cuui-so ofvLich he suid :

"\Yo havo watclietl Mio progress of thisroiid from tho time Hint it:i two nr throoIHtlo ten 1:PH1PH, ilignillod with the nnmoof louumol ivfiii pullod mid ntniined u p thetfiwlf u:,i jnanvfccL fruui whuro I knowr.hinii, up I 'Jthis fiiiio, when itq presentCfiitlpaitiitl. of ni'urly 100 powerful L-n|jinendraw lonpr nnd hfp.vy tt-aius «p that tamogriulo with perfect euso.

Tlio two tlmo-titblt'3 I hnvo bdrc—onebearing tho d;ito of April, 1855, ut whichtini ' i l entered tha s c m c u of tins Coinpnuy,nnd tho otlicr tho tablo now i;i force—willr.how inout oanchisively that v.-o havo notbeen ntiiiuliiiR still, Thu forma1 showslluitnt tha t lima we wero minuitg eight"itsiieii^ni1 Imiin mifl two freight tniins ;

in liilttn1 shows one him tired truing whichitlic.itiv.5wiU nwell tha mtinbrr to onen:iJreil liMins uf pusayngor, freight, njftliid »re. Wo h a w foUowtiil tho oiil Hlor-

m & ICLSSOX tlm«iffU all ita elisuiger,—goodnud bnd fovtunos—1131 to thin day, mid Iitm proud to ray tha t i t a trials and labors,"•••• tlavli dity.", havo at rasjf, rcsiilloil i u pln-

'.*g it BL-COUA lobnt f f iw other rnacls ofii* Slate, nud on tho broad Inghwsy toi

__iMn josEi'n AYE us. _

WAITED, .I2,0D0 Cords of

CHESTNUT TIJIBER,"H1K0H B to 6 inch™ thick, to ciitsqmro.ilLL1 iuulics lniii.', for which tbc ItlRlieut mirktl

prkQ will bn paid.

Fartirs bavin? wod'l land in the vicinity orft'ooJport or Lalio noi'alfonu, end Avlnliiiijf ti

rll ;bo timber, w.ll do well lo call 0:1

K. niSRU & Co.,lO-Siii IVondport, Harris Co., N*. J .

Two Imndrcd RUII nuveaty-two minersrctb Itillctl and G22 wnn.idcd in tho Porm-ylvooin niitlirnctcD ooul region laat year,Hiking 2'20 widows and 5 or 000 or]>liaui9.

The Semnton JtepuUiam tmya that aboutone-third of he wholo nnrabor of tho..tiled met their-tlcntho on account r>f tholcglcctof operators to mako sceoml opon-nqn to thsir mines.

Another Uiird woro killed by tho cxplo-rlon of Riwes. About one-sixth lent thoirIIVCH tliL'oiipIi thcii- Kiero negligence.The remaining outt-.<.kth of tho ivholcuiialicr were Itillc.l by mdlj unrorscen'"« uimvoKlaulu ncculeuts.


TOXIC lil.001) 1'UIJIFIEH,Wliicli DIFFIIKS rrnm all OIIILT proimratloi

ita IniKn;iii:itfl Af lion uriuii Ilio

Liver,Kidneys & BlooflIt is purely Vpgrtnl't.', ami c!i'»nscrt tliu s rut cm

of nil itnjmrili'sa, nutl imiMu it riybtaquaro up, nud nmlifS

pmv, rioli Wi»Jtl.For "nenornl Ability," "Ltwt Vitilily," and

I)r .-an-a<>irn Conatifiilionn, 1 "Caatlougo tlioletii Century tu Ilml Ha i^ii-il,

Every llottlu ia wm-tli Us wiglit in (ioldlI'rlL'e *l iier Uultli>, Kh BotMt'ii, (5.

B. D. I KIWI:,Hulc l'ioprietor, Nov Y01+.

\t tl>n re



J., *n

P. To

.ho l.rM..'V


.la, Km

«rlly, am

House to Rent,ON*


Api-Iy to ,T. V. D i l i .

FOR SALE,House, Hum *V Wttg

«i ui80 ACIiKH OF LAND,

J-J-lw . Uuvfr, K. J .

Ira Pccii A nlvn.

Jucoi.1!. Klu At W-Lmont.

Vulnnljlc PioiieFOll SALE.

iu'ruio of tlm best nautioiiH for limlu.T to ho roundin tho amntrv. Thrro niika rrmn Wtttvrloo ntn-tl.in ou tlio St. .V E. II. It. l'nr iennn nml A view

villft lS'iwSjs L'o" N\*J., 'or1* JJSI 'A! ' GOOD ALE*

NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION.nrUlE Firm of OAGE & CLAltK, I.itmlmr 5Tcr.X ehnii'.H. Dover, «ns rlinHiilvcd by tnulimfun^nt on Fnb. Ut. J. H. Jlcniv Olnvk Ufii»Snnthori»;d to nign iu lliiniantiiui ofttli. nccounto.

All linrtk'i or,iup thu nliovo llrni will IJIPBHUt-ttlft irilli mil at Ui" ofUt-o or W. T. Lmiurl,Ituriiuy, Dover, ho 1-chiK niitlioriurd liy mo to.•1::ipt 1>Illn in lUo uniiiu ut tlagu & Clark an tholr

' " IMm J. S- n . CLABIE.

TO LET,"TWO flrat-f lafln HTOttES, iii van of tlin lirst lo-

cntinnB in Dover. Ono Udiivuuicut for 1Roller^ Bturo, tlio oilier fur a. clvlliiug Etoro.

PojisiHKtou'Uio first of April. Kinintto of till'""criu"-,.,f Tims raimv.

EGHJS for Hatchiuff!rfllTK fluiiAfrihenrm (111 ordcre for EC108 at ilic

Dark Brahmas — 52 per doz.

Light Brahmas — $1 ,, „

Alao, a tow DARK DllAJIJIA COCKS fox Sale.


:-lm CUifivoctd, ntiir Motmt Hnpo, S. J.

Now Crop of



Bsd, White and :31ue


Sussex St., near Canal Bridge,From 2 5 cts. Tipward.


Best Molasses,^rain Mx«y-QTC to cislity-firc eta.

AT CHASE'SBed, White & Blue Store.


Chase's New Store.




House & Lot For Sale,$12 A I t CI1KSTKR.-

* MEW* JlOl'fct:, 10 IJV 30 ri'fijiiiitfinihiieiiJTV l»o HUiiii-ff hiuli tii'u riionii U-luw and Punubovo, wltlifjuod liullw. Tliu Lut c«ut:iiiiB OIIL

Tlilti projicrly la witlilu live mfuntca wailt til

ILu buhnco u:i tiuty w fitiit pui'oli'uBcr.Apply nt tliia OIDM, cr to

ALO.VZO UlflCEIlSli.V.Theutur, .Inn. 2f>l!i, 1BT2. fflf.


WITH OXIi ACRE OF LAS*D.rf~VNK mtlo from Dover, uu tliurnnrl toSIimn\J IIIIIW, A lino UHSiirinn'iitiif fruit irucs nniioiit flu. jcara' urmvili, nml u auoJ wall of wutwOlttltOlrflt.

Terms cnav. Kunnlru ufj . A. coon.vrj j .

Uovir, Feb. lOlli, 1G72, tJ-Il


X (.ioiiiinle on KUKCS .St. l'osntJHsitu givenApril lut, 3d7 .

KKinim nf J. I.. LAWllEXC'E iu Charles Me

REAL ESTATE.III!Ii fluliHi-riliord, IkceuliiiH tif lliobst nill nnd1 to»t,un-.-iit of tlio lAv Vlme. Itceum, .Lx-taid, irill wAl »t

Publio Vendue,At tliu latu rciiid-nco uf jmiil (It: con sod, at

BHII'l'IKCl'OUT,In ilw tun-nnltip of llntbtii-y, Morris Conntj-,THUUHUAV, 3IAK0U UtU, 1B72,

Tlm liocl llstato of wjiicli tho dcctneeil .Ii-

70 ACHES OF LAND,A portion of which is iill.tWo, tliq lulnnoo r-ood

ThalliilldltieHCiuioiHtnfnDW^rj.tNO-IIOC.S]-:P'J'uilE UOUaK mul kreu cyi.imodioua DAHN,>Ultig«ixl i-qittir.

Liicnlioii iilR.iBiint and Lk'Htniblc an a 3IEIIG\N-TlUi MTiSl), (Tlio mnro Itoimu linviii|f Itautneed for lint ]iiir|)t»ic \>y I by tli.'<-'caRi!<l for » inun

rnrlit'sclcairinxn anaj lmt-iness local ion wlldo null tufa'ivu thin their attontiun.

iSnlo tu t:il:o nlnr^ nn tliu prumiscB, and to coin-nicnco nt 2 uVfui-k p. m.

Terms uiadu loi'iivn uii day nf Snlo byjosiAir j[i:i:KiJn, i r t p p l r r n _ nCll.Ui. A. O1LLKS, f ^Jt^'Tono

DatoilFoli. lOlh, Ib72. 012

DOVER3Inr))le and Granite Works.

Ncxl iloor to Tni : mOS 13IIA UullJliig

UOVEIt, N. J.,

O. S. Davison,Having ntirfoj nn ratiblislniiDiil fur tho



i"X rrnpeittfully oollrlt tlio pitlillo [tntroimjio aIliii Boclion of tha Caimtv, cusrantednj; to fjiritlio utmost nithfautinn us rcgnrdn lliu Ilncu;or km a nil i.p i-oquitcd, and at iiricts moeeauaunblo.Givo ma a cnll Ijpfora going Hfleirliero.


Noxt flonr to tbs Iron Ern HiiiMfng.

Something new again!Groat attriiolionii at thu Store of


Hatter and Furrier,TYbn iH oxbibttln? tlio htunt Btylcu of

HATS, CAPS & FURSEver offered lu tiiifl cily.


Oliilriren's Hats, Turbans, RoundAMI

BAILOR. HATS,And otliorR too uumordiis to mention.



L'nequallot! fur quality or price.

Special attention Is callail to tha

FUR DEPARTMENTHaving just received n NEW STOCK of

LADIES' & CHILDREN'S FURS,01 tin blest •!*«,

At Prices 20 per contLOWER


t am ng.'.nt for tho lntont noTolty,

Gay's Patent Excelsior Rur Band

MUFF,TTliI«h enrpnEaoB anything in Morkot for wanntli

prcncrratlon of lining, and durablliiy.

A flno u Mart meat o r


FURNISHING GOODSConstantly on hand..



Blncluvoll Street,DOVER, N. J.

MORE LIGHTHaaboen uruiiijht to bear on tliu ull-lni|>"rl

nil our relntiuus, of

Mp. Cash and his Prices.Aud nt ft mwtliiir « l»a« I'""" T.uwlvcd, 'J

from Ihiu time furtli

DOWN GOESThe Long-credit Prices

CoiT'eiitiently wo now offer to (ho j;""J titlafno/tills Taatiwmiiltfddly of Btivcr, ntid tUo»o ofthorcmniiulirortljo Stntu ami U'riltory of NiJersey, nl Ilio aloro uf


Thai [I hn nlrundy m-'timUlied tlic imblir,du,l goutlB that you hnvo beun

LAMPSXlitit will t;\n< you iiiicli bt-.nntiful lifihl, making

liomu I'l-isht nud cliw.-iTul. Lamju furtho Hull. TMilor nml Kiklit-n.

Centre TnUlu ImniiB, Bmulictn, 4c , «»t

GLASS-WARE,'ancy Vanes anil niaaa of all alylrm, nui] a In

RHsurtnieut of LtiuliiaK-HbssoH,

I). A. DEItRV,Blaokwell Street.

Family MedicinesAT

D. A. DERRY'S,I'uto, and highly rouonimcudud to the publio ai

best for a hundred and ouo cma'ilatuti.

TEAS! TEAS!!Frjtih, sn<l tlio cholKCHt etlodio-Di that flu

Mnptotcati )itodttea nt

,. 1). A. BEKIIT'S.

Fresh "Fruits'!CANNED FRUITS !

Aud nit hiuda of


Pure Confectionery


Annual Winter Closing Sale,

And Knrly Spring Opening,



DRY 'GOODS,Comprising in part

Wool JjOiiff Sl iawls,>Vi n tc r Die as Gooils,

lllcjino Umlcnvear,V/ool liose Ul ma lie Is,

Clotlis & CnssimcrcH.At Cost and Iii BMDO iimbuccH at less tUaa Cost

Early Spring Trade.Wo O[MU to-dity largo iiuaulitlvs of

lioul JJriuiJH of

Bleached and Brown Muslins,V-'hidi irfiftlull noil nt \vUoW-i1e prloo.

White Drawer Muslins, TuckedMuslins and Skirtings, Gil-

bert's Flannels, Ham-burg Embroideries

nicIiuriNon's I.Inons ami Sliirl FrontnOf our own manufacture.

NOW in thn tlwo for innli-Uf; up ihtm fcorvlii. OuraEsortmciila will bo coniplclc, nnd jiritea

much lower than sixty days licnco.

COP. Broitd and West Park Sts.

K12WAKK, N. J.



Provisions,HE nuiMng this branch of

Trade a Specialty.

Strict attention paid to having


Constantly on Hand.


Jan, 201!., 1E72.

To Bent or For Sale,llano OT four nuMinfts, triliiatod

At Succns ' i inna .Thn Biill.lInRH nro tn «onil roniliHon nnd nloM-

inll? luratal. opponllo ilio Hold. Tim l,» Boodippm-Uinllr t"r a inlliiitry tain™ or n-rre.h-uanl Btaud. l.n(]u!rc nt tbo l'otteo-, or of

JmiX P. KEUNZMAN.Huccasnnan, r . J.,Jnn. G. '72. 8-llp.

Look Here!Tlic Grcali»l Vlrlorr of tUi: I>ny


Sewing Machines,


TUB 11KHT IN" TI1I3And frwn S1.5 to .'JI ilu;n]irr ijmn nuy otUcr

AHEAD OF ALL. 'For simplicity, iluroWlilyniia hmwiy tliu.v BUIKI

uiirivitllcil. I'ui- siitfiiini,', liniiinlnp. IHL-U-iBL-, fflliiif,', iiiiilliiii;, uonliiiK, liliuliiig,

brnnliup, (jntinTiiiB and avvrinn uugnthurs, ill-":' wru uiion-cllml.

All purlieu in want of n KOCJII ri'linWu Jlrrt-clmiRlodi-Hlitcli Madiino me rrnpLrUully invited t»unll and cxuEAkiK! llu bu I'Xi'tllent JMnf'JinKLi At H.1). ClinBO'u vidctv alow, JilaukitL-ll blrcot, Dover,N. J..Tnko tin i]cab>r'n word Hint they aro not a

Blandfinl (irsir.i wnrt|iiifc-?, but cnll ami eiamuio

lo hn,MfittliincB uold l>y monthly instflllmofitfl.

Every Miwliinc wnrmutnl nnd hojit in repairfor Jlvo ytBM, fnr t.rflinti;u. TliiiroiiRti*ud«iit-lafactorj- imttriicliuiiB civfii frco of duirgf.

JOSi2P.ll KAISBIl,At It D r«HASi:'ii new lt«il, Vi'liito A WHO Btpre,

Huusi-x fstruifi,Dovir. X«w Jcrsoy,Aguiit for Mtu-riK L'ounty.

Muisil fur CirvultiM nud I'rice*..Atltl.'LH* I*. U. Bov, 383.

NoPdli'B uiid n\-fni*( unnstaailv on hinJ.NcrrtlcH fur nil llrHi-ebsa Kuwing Msclilnca fur-niBlicdnt bliort nuiu'c.

• X JZ. T-Vi'CS


Babcmcut of old PreKb;tcriiiu Church,

lor. Blackwell & Prospect Sts.,

Dover,- N. J.

150 Packages of lard

Iu tubi, suit

•1 or 500 in small Packages

To suit CimtoniiTS.

Tliu Pork !• of my own pat ling, and the \

Lard of my awn mitDufutttro,

and la irurautcd lo bo

Pure and of the Best Quality.

Organs! Molodeons !!GREAT BARGAINS!!!



Book and Music Store,SUSSEX STt tEET,


Cull (Mil ennvinen yomsolTCfl tliat lloro innua uliuaprr or bailor

FUBS ACCOST!!Oroa t iufTucetnrtita nru now ofTorod at


S3C Jh.'S?

In order to O!OKO oiit tlin balnneo of my STOCKof FUI1H, I will otlut UK-IU at tliu onghial CoatI'rJi'n—1'or Cnsh—

G-entune Mink Sets,River Mink,

Fitch,Siberian Squirrel,

Ooney, &c.Do not fail to tako nitontego ot tliU extra

iuduccnittu. .. ' 'Ion enn SA1*E MONEY by inaUnji your «ur-

c) tan on UOIT for tlio next Sennon.

KvcrjthiUB lu tho lino of


Hat & Cap DepartmentTUo foUowliiff'iiTO tlio prenont loading stjloi:—

The Holiday Hat, 'Central Park,

Broiulwiiy,StU Avenue,

Grand Duke Alexis,Tourist,

Telescope,* &c.


SKATING' GAPS.Various Styles of

RAIL ROAD & EXPRESS CAPS.Boys' Hats and Caps

Of every tlescripHon.


&c.S3- WJITTE SHIIIT8 made to orfor lo any

stylo desired, and wnrraniatl to M, *



and retail doaler In


Smolccd Tongues, Hams and



tud to call and examine my Stock,


Sussex St., Dover, N.J.Hoarding l><r Ilio Day or Week. Sled, at »U

hour!. OjfHterH in OTery Htjl»Confectionery, &o.

LIVUBV STABLESIn coiiHjctlon with tlio noun*.



Is the Best of all.PAJITIES

CHLNEd t t

desiring to pureiiais HEWING MA.CHLKEtt will Ilml it to Itielr ndTai.t»Eo la

- •• -ad try tho UOilESTIO botoro buying «cy

Ii rtinarailerwd makes loss nolw tU»n KITithor having a iliultlo.

UaoH linen llmud or glaeo cotton.—Teniioinarc oaslljr managod.-boiiig wlf-adJaitlnK, netfound in auy otlivr. .

" — " - « . . . IBs... * . • . . 1-1-* I.I.T UHL #«!••• IA4VAU

noodloa becunoo it Las round sliutllo.>ot break thrcuflB, bootmo ut naperlor

.._J—1B liiBs lliiiilo to pet out or nrdor—htt.— hmiilrad losi number of pftrU tbjta.tnMt:,'oUicrs—lid* oo points- (rf .anporforily arer »U '

liioso oxcellnnt mnehlnod ara gtwn oni «ntrial and thoroiiHli luatruotinm fro«. f


h l w i a do&lor1! word 1hM I h e r t n . n o tboat until you Kara trlod ono.

y poraon bnying orio or tbeao raaohlnoi afcdniiiK ouatlaacd thcrOwltU, can exebensf •f aliargo, for any otbor mADDftotunr. i, :

o no d o a l 1 d t h t tfa o* th ;

FOIt SA.LE BY j • • -

0. W. GBEENE, !MORMSTO1VN, Jl. J..1-



S«>dle.B for S*K


rTlUK BnbBCribcr, UoMrons of retiring from Imt-X inca», will (IIBIWFIO of hiu

Store, Stock, Fixtures, &c,THE BEST

Business Stand in Dover.FeritonB dnsirnim nf Mitno; hold of affoodbiutl-

HCBH nill find tlili nn unmu.uyHood npportunity.

TorJUR OAny and iioBBOBiion given iramedUtely,

G. w. KENNEDY.Borer, S. J , Feu. CrJ, 1873.

Page 3: New Store - rtlibrary.orgNew Store.1 NEW GOODS ! New Store Room, Cor. or Blachwolland Morris Streets, nml'till Jlih't-rs \Vhtn uny'favor"" H wit u"(i c'aTl, NEW'ANDTELECT STOCK OF

.PILE IRON ERA.S A T U U D A Y , M m t l i 9 , 1872.

communication frum flin wiilmv| > tA Jolm Dolimey, Y>1M> wns lulled at "Wcl-

• don oil tlio 25th lilt., vuaroutivod toolnttitor publication thia week.

HQr- Micliucl Foley, *vlio'\vfw kfKIjl Jin tlio nffmy at WcMon Mine, n:i account

• ul whicli wo jmhliuliud lufit T/ot'k, linn BOfor renovcrod us to bo out -of nil duugertrom hin wounds.

It ia Biiid Hint llio'Chancellor'baa;• decided tlio German Yulluy ltuilrojul iu;• favor of tlio vnliility of tho law, -and Unit>.-tho reault wns cuiuinuiiicntccl to tlio ]>nr-[tieanomo timo ngo. Tfurun-w will jjrob-!: ably bo ciirriud itp.

HOSf Npgotiations'for1 tlio conveyance ofI the Wuodport Hotel, Sturo and dock I>ro-[' porty nt, Woodport ut tlio Lend at-TxikaI HopntcOiig, Ijclunging to the estuto of thef Jato Win. A. Wood two now inogrcaBiDyF between tho liuira mid IIoii, (J. Xtichards,I of this city.

JU6?- Froo MotlioiIistQimrtrrly MeetingI at Prospect Struct Hall, Mureii 8th, 9th &jlOHi. Bov. Win. Gould, District Chair-

mnn, will preachi b l

niul SaturdayL F|ovoninp. fiiiblmlh BervicL'H1: Lovo Foast

10 o'clock, preaching nt 101 o'clock, 2J aud

JEnny of our lenders villprolJikbly„ IJQ siirprisrfl to 'limm thnt tlio rliriiitiiiiift world will most youcrully ohaerro fit.

« slatnck'B Dny. In Urn country pnrtitmlm--™*-*Iy n)\ doiioniinntioiiaivillliuld fiorviccu in

their respective churches on thn 17lh, amiday will utlwnviso bo ubucrved by the

r Ctttho-

tj of nil ijlnccs'Of business,• Tiio foundation nf tlio

JJO Church near this city hn«^ finely, and wo lenrn tlmt m ion as tho

r punnita tbii Catholic Churcli at!omsto\vn will break gruuuri for n now

ccU odifloo to bo built & Httlo etinb ofmto of thepresent churoli. Thoniem-

rahip of St. Potor'a Episcopal Church$ Blorristown nleo contemplate) building,'

D coming oenaon.

P/T65- Win. II. Boll, Esq., tho projector>£ tho Bninciiville (HUBSUX CO.) Railroad,

i«lld n largo owuer of property nt Branch.ijllo, iH making tiri'ATigcincirls for the

|-erectiou of turning worlia, lor tlio mnmi-kj. iKituru of lemuor byu nowproccsH at thai

i {place Stock ia being rapidly Bold, andtlia advantages of Brniiolivilln hi tho uint-

j^ter of water power, &c, will 110 doubt boA-folly ilevelojwd through tlio enterpris, iflnd energy of l ie . Doll, fc

f| BSy Tho many friends in thia city,tr Anthony lk;.isoncr, who for tho paaliroo yenra has been. Aesitttaut Sw

lent of the HI. &.. E. It. 11., will beJ a d to learn thnt there is a strong proba-bility of lm receiving tho appointment ol

jriutoudeut iu tliuplneo of Mr. Samueljrfi, roaignwtl, Mr. Itensoner ia

ingSiipcriutenctcnt until tho uextmeet-j j of tbo Board of Dircctora when ho willfibtloaa receive tho permanent nppoint-

f Stanhope lias more siclmena at preii than (it any timo during tho past ten'jtrs. Five deaths occurred last week,

o scarlet fever hns somewhat nbftted,j | t tho meaalcfl ia .very provident, tlietoHing- not less than one hundred cases in»vn. Tho cases nro aggravated very mncli| inflammation of tho lungs, Roy, Mr.]ane has bpcu ill with menses and ima-ft to supply'Bs pulpit for tlio past tw

| o k s . Bsvt.,Mr. Morton, of Xov York,iched for'him on Sunday evening, am

• thc(morning performed tho fmiornl corc-' -mea over tlio body of Mr. Hiram Mil-

an oldoi iu tho church, agedrs.

1-Cffi- Soirio; time ago wo mentioned thntBtnnnufftctory of wood pavement was ii

jsful operation a t Woodport. Inpother column will bo found an silver-seinent of 12.00D curds of chostiiut tiru-

wantcd.- H'err & Co-,, tho niauufnc-i, are now wotking up twenty cord;

I wood per tiny into bloclta, and owtioraSwoodltincI nro realizing good prices forp i r timber throughout that section, butj|U the supiilyiu noC equal to fha domatd,Boso wlio riro-: holding nut for higher

will probably not bo glad to learngit if they drivb Una manufactory from

midst thfy will ruin the market forr timber.1"

• TI IB Neivlpn Herald is ovorfoyodA Into manifentnttona of its ontorpris-

ia$ citizens, aiid informs ibi readers tliat' '^ ta for- a. "sicunk park'1 lifts been HOICC-

4ihSaiidya£on-in thnt county,, and- annpany already, organized for the raisingj^imbfl. . m t l e a m t h a t one of these

l«(ljiodat" olre^tf;' '*"raisoilr" has beenfie-

". 8. B. Juhnotuu ban rcm»Vihis Deutul onico tu the ujilendid «uit ol•riiomB over Gooibijo &. Voiight'H driignforc,where Iio will bo pleased to sec nil hia old

X&p Gilbert It, Fox Esq., of Brooklyn,N. T., will mid his hmuuroua poem entitled "Cuurlihip," in ' the rrcubyteriiitCliureli nt ri[inds*rBj'*i)ii 'J?hiirsdoy oveniniMmcliith, cdiiiDiciiciiig nt7f p. )«. WiIIOIJO tlio church will be crowded on t\mhliovo neuastou, nnd a recaption givenworthy of~the tulcnU of tho gontlciuau.

1 Lodge No, dfl, I. 0, olG. 'i'., of HuecHsiiuinn, held their i•niDiit i>f ofilcers luut wcoltj foj* bho'Cnuuuicterm.

W. 0. T-, F. M. Buck ; W.'V. T.'JuhiTliomav; W. H., S. Biiddlo;-W. P. H...Tulm KcoBt; W. T., J. Harris; W. C.John Uaci-hig; \V. M., J. H. PeeringW. So UiHH M. Dnris; W. G., E. I.DiukctM>nr;Il. n . ' s . , \V. A. Bopart ; T .If. a.'Miss. Brown; A, E , W. Hhefford.

. JOB?* A bill before tho Legislature tolow Cfittlo to run at lorgc in Jefferson town-ship ia thiu county, bus been opposed bc-cniino it interfered with thu general Uw ollio Htate, wiiieh orflers tlmt ull cattlo hhcj)t within tioiliida, Thin should be imatter of " local option" with tlio iuhr.bi-tftuta o! Jofforaon, . If, tlivougk tho en-forcement of tlio general Inwposturagchaabecome' bettor on tho highway, why shouldtho citizenu of Jcfforeon bo forced to fencethiiir cattlo iu nt tlie iimninont rink\osiuy them ? 'Thulls wkit's'tlio inntler.

about foil

o'clock a bault of black cloud appeared intho north-west, and Eiuidenly bogunjlcrco galo aud blinding GHOW, covorin!tho ground to tho depth of itbrnil uu iudiTito calil inorcadcd rapidly, the thcrmom-dtor falling to 5 decrees below zero earlyTuesday mornitig, rising during the dayt j 8 ilegveec dlftivo zero; and agniubelow ioro during, tho ui'eht.- 1'ho uwift

,-atcf ot llotkn'wnVeoinpldlely frozen over its ftntire lengtli'through our town, ono of thoinhabitants*' 'informing us that tho likehad not occurred before suicaliig boyhood.

" this weatherAs Iiarbiiiger ofcertainly remarkable.

$£3r A "Uosii"'trial IB geiiRvally *nter.>sting more on aoooimt of its "(turrouud-iiga" tlian imythiug tending directly t<

the uae ot nbusu of tho umtfial, and poa»i-uly it wna.this idea that Crowded tlio court

fliinlinnnr .TiKtiesGftgc, on V.ri-iliuit, in this city. Berg would knvi

h t d

i vioiuity of the,.r-— time;, and as tlio

-BfefjaW Hiiggestfl that tlio company willplenty of employment in- "sltinning

Jni Bkunk4"We alao miggest thocap-fl.nnd skihrnng of tho dirty animal nl-

i to,.and,tlio-prcparaVio« of tbo duiibusitlDSS'fflgh. for tho local dopartmoiitiat Jluper.,'

Itissani'thatf-Biaco-tlio trial of1 3riuder for the killiugof James roa-

tPort Moms, important informationg on tlio caao and favornblo to Ute

tanco lifts hoert.HOcurcd,nnd after lengthyjamont byhia'tfounseltho Ooart has nt

aifiglU nllowed Qxiiulcr another chance,Pho Banner EnysrTlio report to tho ef-itj'that a now'trial has bcon gi-nntcdJndcr, tlio-Port Morris niurtlcrer, ia or-floua. Mr..J?itney, couiiacl for the de-&, Iin8 mado n motion lor a now-'trialtto ground that tho verdict rendered'rcontrnry to tho ovidence. The argn-

for tlio,'new trial,.and1 ft review ofmy was commenced on Monday

f, but has been ailjom-ned untilmorning, at 10 o'clock, when,

further argument pro and con, thnwill probably give hiu decision.

y y gbeen delighted to bo present, had Iia been

otiflcd, and tho remit wouldliavo induced him to reinovc hither andtake up his summer reaidouc6 on tho Mor-ris Canal where hia labors for llio poolbrutes would bo dulj appreciatotl by Jer-sey justice, ButQorg waa nob present,and although Jersey JUBUCB wfoi ftlonoyuho diil well. Port Oniui hha tlio lloilcf suiiportiug ft eaioon Icoopcr nanlcdJames Cnhill, Vrfio oa tho 10th of -Fobru,ry last applied at tho livery stable of Mi".B&IICB. Jolloy for ahorse and carriage to

attend tlio fummtl of his child, proposing'to return sometime during the nlternooitho whole distanco to Uo travelled iltft dx-eccding fivo miles. At ton o'clock nt nightMr. Jolloy beenine nimouaabout hia propcrty and sent two of his employees to himup Mr. Cfthill whom they futmd defidemVing tlio mountain on tho road from MeCainsvillo to this oitj. An attempt waahere made to take aliargo of tho teamwhoii itbuuaura npsot tuiu aomobody'spilled. CahilL, howovcrj eVcDtuully" soccding iu rotamiiig jtosac(«ioii ittict strik-i p oft" iu llio dirijotion ol Fort. Oraro, thetwo men returning nnd reporting "progross." Oouatablo Armlt.Tgo ^ms thenbrought into requisition and in companywith Mr. J. another aortic was made. Atthe upper oiitl ol Bladiwcll stroot, how-ovci*, Cahill was discovered hurrying intotown, nnd tho poor horse ho was drivingpufllng nnd blowing*"Hlttf nporpoiaOi Hewasstojiped in his " mad cureer" of conrso,nnd ti whip ajiplied ta Culiill's parson tobring bin* to "time," fflrobatyly. Cuusta-blo Armitngo rccoivod a slight" reminder"from Cttlnll, which rosultotl in tho incar-coratiott of UiatindividuaUatUoculftboosefor llio ro.it of tlitf night- Tho smashingof a eaali of glass, from tha iiraido of thatedifice, cllogetl to havo'becn i>roduoed bytho boots of Mr. CaltiuV ihe bringing oflus body before polico jUBtieo Tanhess intho morning, and tho nno of thn said bodyof $o nnd cost1? all followed in quick suc-ces'ston, and then all wiis quiet' along thoHue until Wednesday.last, when suit wasbrought by Mr. J against Mr. 0. fbr'dnm-ages allegad to have been sustained'iii tlioUGO nnd abuso of tho property hired of thoplaintiff.

"W* T. 1.; appctivcd lor Iboplaintiff, nnd M. L.-Keofo, Esq./of Doon-ton, for.lhe defendant.- It was n trial byjury,, which was had "a-Ia Stokes," eaehiii(JiviiTi(al bciugsworn'that he had formedno opinion^ in tlio' matter;- l%o trial tlierproceeded. Mr. Iieport " opened'1 in hisusual fluent style,-nnd it was proven thattho d*cfendaut bad driven't direct' to1 Dover

Port Oram, touching at McCai'nsvillo,SilcciiSuuna and Mine Hill, and* nUo thatho had driven very well under tlio "cir-oumstanccs" which ficeincil to oppress hiarceollootion. Mr. Kccfe roviowod the evi-dence in his usual- florid style, ami pro-fcascd that the plalutiQ'Jihd by his witness-es fihon-n that tha damages exceeded $100,and in that caso tlia matter would- nob bewithin tho jurisdiction of n justice's court,consequently tlio cf.se should bo disniisBoil.The motion was argitcd-ou Ijoth aides andmibmittad to tho court but was not grant-ed. Thocaso was tlieil giveh to llio jury,vho nficrboing "out" ouo hour returnedina rendero'd a V'irdict of £30.75 for thoplaintiff, and costs. _

And the liorso l) Well, hoirpnid to- IJ'Ooundcrccl, linfl n eUght npriug halt, umjis>nly worlli Bovcuiy-uvo dollara or tlieic-

y "depreciated—worthlot more tliau half us much OB lie was be-ore going on a npree-*wbioh flhould bs a

wnruiiig ta (til oiihex horses.

36 HORSES for SALEAt tlw


Livery & Kxc]rnugo: Stables.l"liu ftubacribor js cotibtnfJ^y cucr.VKH iti

BUYING & SELLING HpRSES.rrinRC, Draft mill Hn(1dlij'II»rBifi\;onB!ii!i(h

on lmml, nnil urdoru lalsuu Pjr thu i,m.-!iiieo ulh]><!i'i|]i^fliiiiiirJs. -

I'anncrs, liportmnoii nmi p-. iitinn-n of W\u\m.ill find it [.> lln'ir inkrc-Bt I-', cittl uj>uiutin i:itln.T

Uiat UiuysimFb^uniis^loril^ajt wTtlil'"" "

rtufl^ll'it'oVh^'i'iuht-1-1'-80--'' ":'rA"1/5-'" c a "T .

Chealor, N.,



DOVI21I, H. J .

AIJ . ;WIU1B of Eiprtes JoM»in« ia any imrt oftljo i-ity or Burriumiliiii,' villofjei.'. J'inli'ts,

I'lirnltttre, Sue., wvt'fnllv rctnovu!, tSii 1'rciijlit,Ibgtf«tfalAL>., iiroioiiHjf*-


roLoivo1 t ilio Esjk liux 19, Timor, N. J


Orders for Ttfnlng and RcfrJring of rjan'oFortDH, Organs, McUluona, or.(!" otlicr kJniia oflliulcal lust rumen ta, In New 'Jersey und Ncir.Yorlc City promptly aUc'aded. to. Pianos keptiaTuncbythojeurat Six "flollnii.


Piano lortcg, Organs i t MeltiileoD^

From U 7>ol lan«o ISM* Dollars*

Bead for a Circular and Pricca.*Addresa,

W. S. W H I 0 H T DOVEII, N, J.

Shooting. Gallery,\'t tho TcmiJ-ii-nneo Ilok-l, RUBBCX filreut,. Dorcr.

Old Newspapers tFor Saiu nt flits Offlcu tit 20 cts. pur liuudmi.



CROCKERY, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARSMining Materials of all kinds.


Li mo, lath, Plaster, Cement, Brick, &c.ALSO,

: ! ! _

Great Reduction In'Prices at the 'Wow Tin Store at Port OraitbTT pn'pnrt'd lo nil atFfavlns just rtuoivoa aJuVseEtoek cf Hlovea

nr citizens v,-iU regret to knrii ofthe death of Mr, Alox. P. Fruum in, of this%-, Vi-liiuh looU ]>lacu ntKuwUitruu lnnt

Sunday, Jlr, i1. wus a HttleSiuan forG. L.Kclfy A Co., in New York,

aud on MondAy proviuus to Itib death lmdgi.no lo Nov.- Htivcii to' (riinwiut buhiuoBH.tUtcrjjjiuuiliug Tuuyduyiu miiltiuy (fate aIiu %v*i invited by Mr. B. Noycs tti Bpuiiiltlio uiyht with Li.i futnil.v, which ho ilid.Li i lc inorniufr (Wcilncadny) he reported

"" us having slept v/uli, but on wok-ing was oppressed with a severe lieatliwho.Alter lirailifflat, of which hn Could notpurtflke, he returned to his bud, nmi diedof dypthdrm on Humlay njorniug- about8:30 o'filuuk. Tho doccnacd wna born iuNorth Ornngo, and removed to tliui pjnecwliaa about threo yours old. Ho vran 21yciira of »E;O Homo timo hat mouth. Mr.Freeman had been in the employ ofMessn. Kelty k Co. for tlio pttbt, mx ycura,diu-ing which timo lw lmd &\<curud theiroutiro conlldoiico nnd had become n fu1

ile of ull thu pnlvonu of tho firm. AB acompnniou ho was tjeuoro'iis, roliablo nndtrue to tlio instmctrt of a Reiitlcmtin. The

ol tho de'ceaseil" were brought tothis city and intoned on Wednesday last.

JE * Lost Snturduy aftamoon, ns tho" broad (juagc " cxprcoa truiu waa pasaiuga coal train on a high embankment nearMoiltvillo, a niun named Juntos Bray, whowas'walking on tho track, IVRB atrttck bytlio t'ligino anil Imriod down Iho^ bunk ndintniioo of thirty feet, lulling him instant-ly, Thcvo were no ouUiiTe nwiTliB oflciico U]ionhin person, jut ono of his';several ribs, and oilier bones of hia body

iro broken. Bray r nSubout fiixty yconof nyc, uud lived on n Bniall plnco utJilontville, miiir (ho niilrbutl. His wifedied itbout a mouth ngo,- leriving tbo pourold inim alone, ho having JIO cliitdroii.blanib <?nn bo ntfnuhed to tlio railroaduloyoes, as everything poaaiblo MRS douoto rivoid tho

CST" That portion of tho bridgo onSimsoi St., over tho Morris Cunal, havingbeconifl comiinratively unnafc, tho llottrdof Freeholders at its laat meeting deter*mined to ropludo it with a moro con'tent II ud'substantial iitntohiro. On Wed-nestlny tho bridge ooinmittpo mot ou thogrounds Witk plans 'aud upeuiilcntioinmGu by l?rnnk P. Amsilen, civil engineerif this city, for tho juirposo of receiving

bids for its construction. Although thodny was cold tlio bidding waa -waro^ nndresulted in tho coutrnct being awarded tocur townsman, Mr. Guurga Oltrysfnl, at8770, to bo flniahed bj tho 10thAnriK

Ao tho bridge is nt prfiQcnt,' tlio tow-Iitioaduring tho boating aenson aro a greatsourco of ninioyoiico to passoiigora nud

the increased business on thocannl causing an almost constant block-ade by tow-lines etrctaliod across theBtroet. 1'ho new Gosigii eontomplatea atow-^»ath undct< the bridgo and tho raisingof tho latter at least six iuctiCR. ItiWll bo

wooden etruoture and praVtsion in the..ay ot abutments will bo innilo for n foot-path, extending outmiio of tlio bridge andmm with tho lino of tho sidewalk of thoitrcct. This matter of a fuot-bridgo lias

boon (liscusspd by our Cnmmnlr Councilfor udnrly a year i)ust, and it haa beenproposed to extend it tho entire lengthover both cnnal and river; but on accountof a lack of funds no ntops hnvo beentftkcQ to malco thiu improvomout, and asthings Etnud at present so tb.oy ara likelyto Htflitd, bocatiso of nn extra dollar of tax

ii growlera ngiiJnst uocded iniprovo-

3b far no tho L'nilal Company ia c'on-Ccniod, it ID to bo bopod it will curry outtlio adopted design on thnt portion of thobridgo which is tho one-half nest to ttio

jclc.JJSjy" In a sequestered spnt near Golden

Corner, resides a bachelor who'answersinrnriably to tho nctmo of Undo Pctor.Ho is an lioncst; upright and indiistriousehai>; and in fo'nhcr days n gi-ent favoritewith tlio Indies. On tun 29tli <rf'Februarylast (it being pop-tlic-question dny,) a fewif tho unmarried Indies in Uncle Peter'a -

r»oK*™1t'iddritwwiISr°IlSlo Cor. Van Houteii & 146,148,150 &152 Main-stltwlicB (liiaUeaitiv being ycmarliably good'for ono'of- h*3 yeawi,) yet ho opened wide

doors and-gavo them a hearty recap-tion. Soon tho tables wati filled withgood thingo brought for tho occasion, ofwbiofcall partook- lioarHly, wliilo UncLPoter mado tho jmrty ojorry with hisjokes.- After teaj- nvhilo all vfcto enjoying,in a'fiociablo chat, tlia blcsKed- norisationsof sufficiency, a strango cry, oibinona ofdinostor, reached tho cars ol Uncle Peter,

expressiou of deisp oonoomand suspicion Iio disappeared into- nn nd-joining room, whero Iio ivns found soonjftftc'r, beuding over' a crndle, uistrautcdand despairing. But ho scoh rallied,^ anilwith' tlio courngo o£ bin sex took tlio for-lorn "littlo ono'1 "in" his arms,- and insoothing neConU caressed it, while bo pro-sentwl lli© " yeai-ling" tooiio bl tbo Mrdamsels present flaying, " take it, I thinkit wants Homcthiu/1 Thia ttuued- tho

ablca somowhat". Yet tho ladies thoughtif XJnclo Pelcr sb'onld marry, it wouldn'tbo necessary to sing nttho wedding,

" How you'ro innrriod you muat bo good,Ann cut yonr wlio iinniB DVI!H wootlfr port of tho kitclion -wno filled to tlio

soiling, nnd thero was a supply" for thoseason. But Unolo Peter is now in soarcli

1 a mireo, In fact Iio wanted ono'of thoidiea to wnsh his dislios for Iiim, hut for

feur' ol offending Iio mada no eelcctiori.Wo ooniniend Unclo Peter to tho fair setgenentUy, nnd hope that ere long wo mayclironicla tho fact of hia *• turning ovor a,

fiSy- Tho'Atlnntic-Monthly eells well inlorer ; anil wo aro' glnd to luiow it. Tlio'literature of tho day," however, Bella

better bora as it does overytfliere olao, yeea circulation of I h o " Atlantic" isstcfldi-incrensing, It way bo found ou tbo

umntcrs of Josaa S. Poty, between, theTftasfon HOUBO nnd tho E, II. depot.>SBO Itccpa all tbo. Maffiisinoi, Nowaiia-

and pnriodicalH of tho dny for ealc,

. Allklml.ofllreveryUlral».vikiot

Cookiiig Stoves, l'nrlor and Heating Stoves, IJangcs, &e.

•tinware, plaiii and j a p a M e d ; Tin Roofing;A very flno nBortment of

LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, LANTERNS,&c,Ami » variety of other arliclca nmially ltopt in k well supplied Tin Store.

PLUMBINdand all kinds of REPAIRINGKcally tlono and ptomptiy nttondod to. Wo gunrutitco to (,'lvo uitiHfa-Uon!

FALL Special At tent ion. WINTER,




onfltlte lntnBt IQUsio nn BOOH IU publisheda n]80 icfoivctl by h i iaT" ' I

Stock is tke largest and most varied inkind and quality w the STATE of


t l i l f n n PRfinP fl !"Bfl n TUB CM TC>'

: 0 n c S'S1 .b yull a- U trA- K! i t w i a,Mourning Goods,- Silks,- Sliawls,- GloaK's,

Trimmings,' &c:. A GOOD r A M ! 18 Ol? OUIV OWN IMSbBTATIOH.

Domestics,-Woliens,-Table Linens arid' Bla'nketsWILL BEMAIN AT LAST 3EASOSS PMOES:


The Dross and Cloak Making: DepartmentWill continue* under tho BUCCGUSIUI raanngomeut of

Miss XI.

sold-nt uniform picra, aniTinavfccJ iu pliua fig"™=, Ctova

• E o 3NTO

N B.—U. S Transfer Concl»will C011V03' jmsscngei-e. to onilfrbin tlio Depot tolewson'a, »»i '»».«B ' " i " " ""'I3-' L - 4 w - 1 !- H -

NEW JERSEY MIDLAND KAIUVAYSeven ror ccnl. Oolcl Bnntla lor stilly Interest nud Priniiiml imjuMu iu Oi.liL" " -id-uccrued'iiitcrcst.-




D R E S S G O O DBlack and 'Colored Alpacas

'From ^5 CeliU nji;

I'aramuttas, Very wide,'At 37J Ccnta per jurd ; chuics oolru's.

'JEmpress €lotlis and Merjuos,Very Uinip.

-Ladies' Tests and Drawers,-Men's Under Wear,

n to Ca*h ('iintwucra in our WLohsuto Uuu at OIncluding

A L L A T R E D U C E D P R I C E S ' . .Iu r«el, Woffur grjat luducLinu

. - .

Dry G-ootls,G-roceries,


Carpets, •. _ OilOlothS.

Iron arid Steel for Mining Purposes, and Jessup's r

Powder, Safety Fuse, &c.Mr. -KIMTSTON'S BOOKAWAY AXES,



ANI) WINTER OF 1871-72-, ..M. H..p!CKERSdN .

; Hns ilio Liu-gcst Vinci Most Extensive Stock of

Foreign and Domestic Dry Good*CbtOREB DRESS GOODS of ALL klNDS>


Glotlis, Gassimeresj- Woi-sted Plaids, Delaineiv

Siiawis, Flannels and Worsted S-o'ods".. A LAltGE AND EXTENSIVE' ASSOr.TMEKT OP



White and Grey BlaiiketsjOffi.GEOTHS AND



- fcJaimot b e E x c e l l e d in DOVER.', . . . . . -. ,,.• »>.

Lister's niul-Allcntown Oiwiurt Kono Snpcrpliosphiito ofLimiij Clprer and Timotliy Seed, Lime,

Cement mid Plaster, &c;Ttio Laillesasa Ucntlcuicn willplcaeo benr iu mlu'a Ihat It. J. Huberts*


' 'TheTcry bust (n tlia World," nilvory in piillsli unit graceful m elin^u j'niso,'


SCISSORS AND' RAZORS,'XUo niit of X'uinli oud Kcon of i!<1f(o,

OWo mi t. call, I am bounA to SELL Tor LV.S3 i'KOl'IT ilinn nny *.tbct lionso in tho oily."

Blackwellrstr'eet, Dover, NV J;

' B.-'Haifliotits'-e* & Bro'.;Watches^ CLOCKS, Jewelry

Ahviiysdn hand, a Tine AKsortmont oi'



And Jewelry of Every Description]Repairing Executed with Neatness-


Page 4: New Store - rtlibrary.orgNew Store.1 NEW GOODS ! New Store Room, Cor. or Blachwolland Morris Streets, nml'till Jlih't-rs \Vhtn uny'favor"" H wit u"(i c'aTl, NEW'ANDTELECT STOCK OF


Dr . W. I I . 3fc 1) OX A L B

Bi-.ital calJii v.-itli otifll, m•atncfis nml (li»i>«Uli.

l»r. MvliosiaM !ia* fl,v rs^i-itm-i! of iwthvyears'1-1,rscnjiiilii-ati'iu ill llii-iJr.U'li.iiofHwiliKt-ry. ntid IWl-i ro!i!i.|.-nt in tfiifinuthvluj; lo tlm|.'!ll)n(;rii:iri^:Uisfj.'li..il, ntjiilj; Jill till' latest Illl-|ir..v.'iuci!ifi fii tin- sirt «i..l ^iim-o uf J)nittHli-.v,is H!J!-J h< Fii »--j L (ivlli ft i wit tu mi i-nliro netnlivryl..-vjini-cs:titil!in i-tmi^ti i..adi> for IHIII-iK-vary w U All .Us,-;w. of lUi- lumith itnil tut tUtr-nt-'.l«'li:il!intitni.wl ram Twill rxiractutvliii-mi iMin I.y (lid as,o of iiitmus uiiJo (,'HH u:»-l

1'KU ™a iJ Ucili. miprr nml lo«>i>' on Hi" h imlm;in.iT.tfi':i. iirl.u.inl.-ifi.i 1-y th-msamU to l.tli'.MUMi-.st lu n.ituro mi.1 tin' iin'sl nntiiral TUK-human oyd-m ef nnyliiins ytrl diiwovuruf..r ll.irtr-ihv <l-ilirtr-\ |«ii-tiiil d'H ill pruixirtinu. j'IV. l!i Ull'il will* y,<u<\ fi-.:n .>nu doll.tr ami «i»;cud silvcr'ilfiy »-i "'<> tu ITO duller.

AH wnrk ivsrrauletl tu K!VO cutlro Bntbractiou

I Ur.v 'i:ikcii jp.ti •tmi-tiiit nt tlm Siirlik Htm no,wliriv1 hlmK ri.-m.iti> unlit I cm HWIIVD mi .illU-o.

IV. II. aJclKJXAUJ, Dfitlist.

."•ivcr, i>c ao, ISTI.


Sole Agent for Dover,01'

Rice's Celebrated

MINCE-MEAT!The Host In the Jlni-kct!

Is nwlo of tdo

Best Selected BEEFAmi the

Choicest New Fruits !Tills crlutirntuil Minc-i-tteat h is been

thuraiiKhly tritd by aomo ofth« b<-ut familiuH in

thlH City,iii.d .

Pronounced Excellent!


6E0 . RICHARDS & GO..Con, IJIACKWEU. A-41* JSui-scr tin,

D O V E R . , JNT ST.,






O and OT E

S S,Carpets,


Mining MaterialsOF ALL KINDS,



FITTINGSConstantly on Hand.



T. P. Skellenger, - - Prop'r

Tlio BiiliwrilKT rcsiwclfiiily mmonnccn to liiaIiki iJ: ami Il.v miiilii! RHIIWIIIV, that lie linn vwynrai.-lit'iil>T5«l nu.l swnii j improved wUt ww


ami [»nmr in-cnnvcil to ivrrt vu vlhitorn.I'lio sici-oiimiiMlaHoiiM lt»r fiinnmur lionnlr-is In

t'w ni'iul nuipleol any OHILT QKtftUinlmiPut in llicC'*Cli'«ii'i I" flltmtcd upon llio mm* i!<-vatcdp.mii.d in M.mla counl;, niul wniriHinanlty as nt)l»UL- iir Minimcr rcsiitt for liwiltli In umqur.ludin

'lisl'oilMit nlnlileiiftivnltni-tiivHn Ilio promisOHcul llM-tclium tiinvonls are l;c|>t for hiro.

. T. 1'. EltEIXBKOl'.n.Cl,o»1,.r, S. J., U . 0-y


Machine and Ivon Company,


litolm Eusliies, Boilora nml M Linda of Ma-tlluury. ,

Gas plpo cut and flttod to ordor.

Iron and Brass Castings

of nil dcHcrtpllona riirnlfliod promptly.

Particular &ttontton given to



Bolo MMJufaclnMrs of ITUTSOK'S

Patent Oar-Pushers

for the BUtcs of Sort'ork andNow Jsrur.



MOEBISTOWN-,II.u Jwst finijJjL-a Kl^Iiiiig hh Store wllli



Superiority oi' Material.


E. C. Bli'ET'Suidics, Misses and Children's

SHOES,Warranted I:IIRTB tu fit, ore In bo found in

tlitH Hnro in tin- l :iv:.i'ft jiniiiiiilouof alyki* titid iriuasiim'tnunti*,

Clicaiior ihnu at iwy otlicr Storeiu Munis County.

Rubber Boots & Shoes,AiuleVLTvMilnf.'in ttiuliiu! rrnni Ilio lnoet

]io|>ulnr llaiinriLcturcra.


George Feder,Merchant

Tailor,cKwmj. fiTiir.irr, next iloor to VfhiUoolt k

Lawta Store. '

DOVJ2R, K. J . , . -nns constantly an linuil n Cuo stock of

Cloths and Cassimeres,:,f tliu iii(Hi fufluonnMo Bt.vlcn. anil clothe of oil

grndcH of materials.

Cut nuil niitde to Ordir.ami a gtinil lit warranted,'

Heady-great qnantltlbK, of nil ntylca anil priccw, from

wliii'li can bo sL'lcctud

S U I T S F O R M E N ,Boys a n d Children,

Gentlemens' Furnishing Goods,of every doHorlptibn,

HATS AND CAPS,&c, &c, &c.

fB- 3ry prices ani tlm Inwrst, ami I defy oom-otitiou in ibo innbo nud usda atmj RandM.

v GEU. FI3DJ3R. •Dccuunlicr 2illt, 1S70.

J\. & \. Searing,CARPENTERS,


DOVE It, N. .T.'lana ami P jtooi fie at Ion n fur buildings, Contracts

t«l(fin and niatcrlnU famlilicd.

Jobbing in General.Di>caiulK-r21.1il8T0. " Mji- . '







Dover, N. J.

Orders for Sawing and Planing

a m MB A CATX hV.VonV-. rUr.CHASINOEi.sr.wiii:RE.


S t i l to Wellington Hull Buiiaiog,

Morristown, N. J.

SVlrs. A . Beemer,Fashionable


Fancy Goods,Next dour to Ilnlrliniinu'B Jewelry Store,

Blacltwell Street, Dover, N. J.,T pleasure In nolifvlng IHT friend mid theeflmt slitt]i:>.B thelirscut HIUBIE mid mosttit-ID uMBDi'liiitnt >ir Millinery uud I'nncya tu bu build ill Duvcr, tbo must boaulirnl

Fall and Winter Styles

H A T S !A full line nt

Feathers & Flowers,

Sash Ribbon and-Bows,of tin* Inti'iit Blylt'B, nud n lino niiflorlinont of

Ihignoiis, Switches,Braids and Rolls,

Alco, n grunt varioty of

Zephyr Goods,n:id Ilio usual variety of

Ladies' Fiit-nisliing Gonflw,i"llli tlio hunt mnicrinlaml nionl conipetcut «fl-Intnutii, niul « Inn;: cxpfiitinco in tlio biwiiirnitrollntK'r nttriuilvcH fullv iiri:j>!ii'<'il tu meet tliolomnmlsof our tiatfoiiQiituitiptly and laiiafuoto-

o o o•A A A• L L L

Scranton and Leliigha C3s ^. TT - r

At flic T^owcst ]M»rl£Ct Price.

•Wholesale and noinil.AH Sizes Cuitr.iiintl)' oiillnnd.

Real Estate Agent.nnVrsm-civcilftlinynfllcoon '

Ulackwell Street)DOVIili, N. J.



2O Building LotsI-'nt pr.rUcularn Inqulro at tho Hcnl Kstatt'C"aClor " A. B E E M E R .

W. 0. .DONOGHVE.Book, Stationery - and

KEWS DEALER,COP. ninclcwell nml Sussex street?, oppo-

it tlio Mansion Iluuse, Dover,.N. J.Ctinxtantiv on Land <bll? nnd weflilv pjinorf.

mid nil <>r Ilia ltoilins Monthly Slngm-Iucn neatIJV mnll 1Q nny part of t ic United Slatcu nit oidorgl>y moil pruinjitly Attcuticd to.

f!ub.icriiJt!oaa received by tbo week or month,nnvliiff a lnrt,'o nnil well Htlm-tcd ntocU of 8i-lionl

_cjt)lta, liluiik llmiliii, nml inlccolnncoiiH pnblira-ttlMlR, nl tO. TTTJUllr' pnper of QWVV llCH^rltltloil(•omprlhliii; Sotc U-Ka] Cnp, Hill Cap, I'ool t'oi>,Initial Kiih-Vtmali In Cilf'rn, would nwpcctfullyjaUyonrAttnntlontotlio fnct Hint I nm iif!"Ilioiu nt greatly roiluefd priui'S-

Lira* likiilis of tlio latest New Jerseyform in grcnt vnrioty.

Husic&MuslciilliistminciitsA Specialty.


B O O K - B I N D I N G.. > irltEi ncalntsB and dldpatclt and in any stvlu


nof)'(ln,'Frtiitn'iid r'niffctloiu'rj*.' ° ) M L ° ' a n C y

Qrilnn rDCflvnd fur tuning I'ianr>B, Or^nnB andMelodious, nttilranalriufj jln«BHl InitnunPiitn.—Work pcrfurnicd l i j n rrllnhlo sad rxparlcnccd

P. H. Hoffman,Merchant Tailor,

Morristown, N\ J.


BEST MANNER-*nd must

Fasliionablo Styles/nt very

ItcRsonnYilo I'rit'CM.A force alodi or

Cloths and Cassimeres,conBtnntly on l.nnd, K\, ,,-h will U< ivlnik'tl liy tlij-Hrd viii-'dn-nii, nudui.t fur thoso VIJU wiuli froor uhartjo. Alau,

Sttirti, Collars, Tics, Gloves, SUB-

P. H. Hoffman.

F R E S H F R U I T S ,

Oranges, Lemons," Figs,

Apples," Eaisins,


I>iiro Coiifci-Uimiirb*, Kulsof olllilnda, Illr.lHooil, Clioioo Brandti Sogam, Family MoOiuiues,l'lllniKiriftfitciB, at



Apothecary,Diulscrson Street,

Opposite B. IS. Depot,Offoro far sivlo a \xf\\ selected nlock of




And Fancy Articles

Physicians' PrescriptionsCarefully coitiponndcil at all lioun.

Sweedisb. LeechesCunslantly on lisnd.

E. LINDSLEY & SON",-Doaleraln

House Furnishingana

Builders' Hardware.Wo TTOUIJ rarticQhrly call nttcnllttn to our ex-

tcnuivo ntocl( ot

Mechanics' Tools,tvhicli arc fully warranted to 1)0 tLo bent.


lncl;iTPll Etro:t, DOTCF, K. J . ' 80tf



Housed Serened and Delivered

At the Shortcut Notice,In qttantiliL-q to unit pnrclmEcra. Alan,

Soft Coal for Blacksmiths,

BRI'G K..FIro Brick and Clay coaslanUy on linnd, at

M. SIGIiEIt'S YARD,Os Preecs ST.*, VEAB lUn.no.U):

Dirrmlirr 21,1PT0 1-irr

Hardware, Stoves, &v,.


S T O R E ,No\t Joor to tlio To-st. OfilM wlicto mn.v

1,0 funiul

It A X G E S,Hot Air Furnaces,


COOKING "STOVES,of all Minis anil d<Mfri;ifii>iifi; nlwo n largo afisort-

nifiil ut


T i n Itooiing, lOavrs, TiougliH.

put up, nml Jilililnjj of nil ItindH promptly aticrd-

Lamps Lanterns & LampFixtures)nfiii-ti!Ver.vt!iiii!,'found Inf


As Cheap as the Cheapest,wo ilrfv ciiiiiiiclitluu cither iu'work or prlcun.Ji]ii<;'inn(l!;

SLATING A SIMUJIALTV,Tnm nnwiirqwrrrt toHliik'ruiifii«rallItlii(liiliitlKhvi>t liluuiKT, ut tht ultortiTit iiotu-c.

Peter Many.Dover, Jan. 7,1671. 8-ly

E. USDSLE.Y & SON,Donfnrn in

Guns and Revolvers,Mutalllo Cnrlrtd^H, Sli.tl, Hint fiporllnR Pow.lw

Cnpn.aiili WorlH.Ac,All Kinds of Ilmilivnio,

Xoxt door to tho Jlmthlnii Hutu?. D r w , N . 3.

Stoves. Stoves,THE OLD STAXt>(

UNION HALL BUILDING,Opposlto tlio Foal Office, Dover, -

Hot Air Furnaces,uf ilia Ifilrsl nm! inont imiu-nvcd olylos, for warm •'"(,' pul>liu niul jiriv.ito tmililingi). A largo assort-

iiiLiil ut Htovcft, t:\n-a\t fur caeli.


STOVES, RANG-ES,i c . Also a variety or



A full nusortuicnt of



LEADERS, nn<l nil liimlH nf .lolililng In my lin<uno in tlio luflt mnuncr nml nt tlm Hliurttsl noitiri>. lli'chrht i>rl( i H i>nUl for old Iron.

Uojipor loud nud puivU-r Inlinii in D»'bnn|;u forgOOllB.



Hardware Store.Voorliees Brothers,

WHOLESALE ASD mrr.ui. nr-At-nns m

Hardware, Iron & Steel,



M o r r i s t o w n , N. J .A compluio nloek of

YTooflcn Ware andHousekeeping Goods.



toil Mttnnrarlnrcra 'Artklos gcnornlly,

Lime, Cement, Plaster,Huao Dust, Super riioni>W.fu of TJmo, and all

ollior Fertilizers.Gonrfjc E . Vunrlicra, .Tuiimi K. V*aorlac«(.

Morristown, Dec. 2111], 1870. 1-lyr

W. H. McDAVIT,House, Sign and Ornamental



done ivfth nrnlnriH anil d!»pntcli, and on lUo moat

rcoaonablo tcrmn.

Con. DLAcawrj-t AXD S U H » « Smcirrn,

DOVER, N. J.,CmlorOco. Hiclmrds A CO.'D Btorc.

^eemlicrgllli, 1370. \.\vr

Qyster Bay Restaurant

Eating House,,THUS. UOI-IT1IO - - Proprietor,

Oystei's and Clams

Haw, Stcwiil, 1'iiiil nnil Roastiil.OyHl 'B liy ivhnlcsalo or rflail, in tlioBlifl

roj]'iiiu(l1tnimuiililifrit;uiliililufnrKnlij.,iiB, I'oira

" l l "onlors in'tlni ciiy promptly nttuo-'inl tonrlilcllvjruil froc nfclinrijo ,

At the Dover Book StoreUNDER t l i u - I n m l W Oflkc, ymi enn


J . W. S AM M I S.


C i t y M a r k e t ,Comer Blacltwell nntl Morris Strcota,

- DOVElt, K. J.

Conotantly on liauil, and delivered tonny part of tbo city,

F It E S II MEATS,Corned mid Piclitail Ito.itH, 1'retli Finh and

3 »f Vi.gctablcn In their soanon.Also, till kluda or

POULTRY.Orden for poultry roccircd dnriug t]ia eninl

Seven Reasons Why


TliSDl'.It I'EM'L', I'llL'^Di:!!, KTU'F JUIKTH,HI'ltAlNH, (JAI.I-H, llKUltiUi, ASD LAJIli;

FIHST.—It in cniiiiKiKMl of tho ninul r o w n n mmid 1'r.MF.TiiATiNu liiiuitlti liiimvu In clieiniBtrj".

HUCiJSO.^CiiinMiicil with tho nhovo 1R a MR-Di.-isAr.Oii-, inudt! >-:|,r.-,iily fur tlila Liniment,mid mlxi'tl by an imtin-iy now nrnccfisi.

Tni l l l ) 'J'li.nioc nr tho iiowprftrt nnrVttiiff lliLTuilicntH \» tu drive or fore" lit tliln botill.tiriiiUliiili.innl Oil, whirlt lnWlcnttB tlic Joint*'niidimmdcinuiilimniniiatL'h- throUltn tho din-untie nml iHiinndd it tu ltiuucn i l . ileatLly ami pol-Bitnour. fnnpn.

rOUlll'H—.Thli ire.l!t:inn1 Oil is \uei\ for tlicSfliim ri'DMin (nnt n Rnud inuclmntc ohviij-Riiw* nil- tu liinkn hln iiiiitliiiicry wni'k with on so andiirti-

tiniim. Ha hi tlm tjuu- ;vnv the IIIMWIUH nud Jolntxor our milmalti HIKUIM lm fulirii'ntod ir ivo wish Vbavo tliow ti-nvt'l nith rapidity mid rn«o.

r i F l ' H . - U t h very aiolkinp in ita n.;tlon, willnot bunt or bliiili-r the nnlinnl like must uf ilio"rod lint" liuimcnln fir tlw Jay.

BIXTH—Not oiio ilroimr tlnrltiro or envoi..._or rud primer can ha round in its com lion it ion ;f»r wo hold that imlimmmil tun IIL- rllcctivo whichhm-wi mill lillftoi'.'i tho miinml until Ilia HHIHUICSarc lirtnl unit dricl jilmnHt Iu a (Tiup.

HKVESTir.—Kviny IHIIIIU la V A U I U R D tofjivo K'KIII riatiiiraclioii or your iiunu-y will lio rc-fiindtid. Thlu Hlsuivn oimi'lusivoiy f><»t tlio |>ro-iwii-tciru lmvo mil finiililtnuui fu thiu liruiwratiun,mid proved fur tlio wvontli linid tlint U. K. M. 8, Intint b.'Ht liiiiniL-nt hi IIIL- world for In

(Suld hy airi)nii«[i.'(ls1 nml l>v



BAW AKD 0HIST MIWj,Andoltto dcakr In Oiv, Ora Latuln,lion, Coal, Aa.

DOVER, N. .T.ncfcmlirr3Jtli,lft?0. 1-13


Oyster HouseRESTAURANT, •

FKED. D0XVM)SON, Prop'rVTorron Slroet, opponlto tlio Depot,

DOVISH. N. .T.Tba.fluliBuHbcr ttna ruccutly flttod up %


EATING HOUSE,vhicb Una been ncoduil in Dover for n long time,

and uowlnforma tlio travcllug publics ttiatlio in fully prepared to furnish %

Bill of Fare


Every ConvenienceTor t he propor prepara t ion of tl ibi-a, hc f ln t l e rnlilDHulf tlint nRrca t ly iiicronRhi- liudnohn Inn


KK, K. .1.

J . 3Li. Ctxrtis, |Ilamiraelnreror '


CT.,MorrlHtnwii,N.", 1





Win iv win \w found llic br|;ff>t r.hHorlinont o

Horse Blankets,Buliiilo.. Iloriisi, Wolf Ilobes


A Bplendld nfiiOi-tnipiil of

Trunks, Carpet i)«g,ssVnllse8

nif'icH, Curry-ComliK, Carilfl, and HorSi-rapt-rn, H|IOIIKCS, Ohniniiia Sbintf.

l l ' t l D l

Chas. R^lcFarlan,

Eeal Estate



D.QVER, K. J. s "•

Agent ror'lhefollcwfug ni'si-cEasaCon.ii.nlr..

Livcrimol & London & GlobeInsurance Co.

Roynl Insurance, Liycrpool.Franklin - Philaflclpliio.Hudson - - ' Jersey City,People's - - - Newark.Home - Colinnbiis, Obio.Mutual IScneilt life, Noirark

Choice Lots in Dover,fjr w,lo clionp, aliis HOTCrql

Houses aiifl Lots,.A1r,o, R vbi-y Him


75 Acres of Land,

The New Empire

Hot Air, Gas & Base-burn-'Ing Cooiiins Stoyo, !•;»


Also, nLnrgfl Ahairtmont of ulltar Btyloi of Cook-ing fitovcH, llniiqcfl, farlor Storca, A c ,

FOP SUMMER & WINTER USE.AIHO, a rfinlco Btook of

. HnrdAvaro, Cutleryaan, Wooden, Copper, -T%In find Japanned

OllClntlis. CnrpctH, Lnmps. rnlnia and Olll,Bird CnsoH. Fcathtrn, PralfH AalrAl OU (non-«x-plosive.) Also, .

IN COAL.Rooiing, Flmnliiiig and JobWork promptly ntlon.lod to.

" JA8. H. EIIUEN A BON, Hocl;awn.T, N. J .Fairbrtiiii'.H Scales at intuiufao •

' " liu'cr's prices;*nl.lJron-roTiri>r,I!mrfs, LOTII, Hng« »nd Orwfl*lini-ti* tuLcu in (•xcliiunjo for i;oods. 16y